#Mk sub-zero
satansamwriting · 1 year
The sleeping headcanons were so cute <3 Can I get hcs of Sub-Zero (and other characters of your choosing) with a gn s/o that can manipulate metal?
Mk Sub-zero with an s/o that can manipulate metal
Hello! I'm glad you enjoyed the sleeping headcanons, I might do other characters if people ask for it. ^^
I'm sorry it took me a while to finish this headcanon, had some stuff to deal with irl. Anyway, I did not know which sub-zero you wanted between Bi-Han or Kuai Liang so I went with my favorite icy boy.
Sadly, I did not write about another character because as you'll see, this headcanon is quite long. I wasn't sure at first how to write someone with the ability to manipulate metal but as I started to write, i got more and more ideas. Hopefully, you'll enjoy the way I decided to go.
I might even continue this in a part 2 or do other characters in another post if people are interested.
Anyway, as always I hope you beautiful people enjoy this headcanon and don't hesitate to send request :)
Disclaimer : English is not my native language, there might be mistakes in this. I apologizes for them.Oh and I'm still fairly knew to Mortal Kombat if you could believe it! I don't know everything there is to know about Mk so if I say thing that don't make sense, I do apologies.
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Sub-zero (Kuai Liang)
Ever since you were little, you had the ability to manipulate metal as if it was clay, shaping the element into anything that came into your mind. 
This ability came with a strange connection to the elements.
You could sense which metal was present, or if there were flaws or vulnerability upon touching an object. 
Your reputation as a blacksmith grew over the years, to no one's surprise.
One day, the SF approached you with a deal to work for them.
The idea of helping to protect Earthrealm made you accept the deal
You almost regretted it once you arrived at their camp. 
Too much bad quality metal could be found in the soldiers gears and weapons. 
You were astonished that some of those men and women wore what you would consider scrap. 
Sadly, even as you voiced your concern to the higher up you were supposed to report to, they seemed to ignore you. 
Create weapons and gears for them with the provided materials.
That’s all you were supposed to do.
You met Kuai Liang as you stomped off the tent. Bumping into him by accident, you kept on walking too pissed off to acknowledge the cryomaster.
You were determined to show those assholes how right you were.
Kuai Liang had heard of you before.
He was intrigued by your ability.
Sadly as busy as he was, he didn’t have the time to seek you out 
Until one day, the two of you met again
Closed off inside their own little forge the special force had the courtesy to give them, (y/n) spent days waiting for the perfect moment to show everyone the mockery of armour they were wearing as protection. A piece of borrowed chestplate laid on a table in front of them. Scattered around the object were sheets of papers each filled with analysis and ideas. It didn’t take long for them to find the perfect metal to use and with the help of one of their secret contacts, they soon found their table filled with titanium ingots.Days changed into nights as they poured their heart and soul into these new sets of gears, making sure they were exact replicas of what the special force was currently using. 
After days of work, news of the Grand Master of the Lin Kuei's visiting spread around the camp. It was said that he was there to train some of the soldiers.Thinking it would be the perfect opportunity, they dusted themselves and carefully put on each piece of the newly improved armour before leaving the forge. 
Droplets of rain fell upon the camp turning the dirt ground into mud. Splashing noise accompanied their footsteps as they marched toward the training ground. Soldiers stepped out of their ways as they went. 
Sounds of fighting grew louder as they approached and soon they could see the men and women duelling each other under the supervising gaze of the Lin Kuei Grand Master. To their pleasure, the soldiers were also wearing their equipment. (Y/n) eyes roamed around those fighting, searching. One man stood out amongst the others. He was cocky and full of himself. Perfect!
Standing on the sideline, they waited for him to finish his current fight. The man ended the other pretty quickly and even had the audacity to brag about how great he was. A glance toward the cryomancer confirmed that (y/n) was not the only one annoyed by him. 
Kuai Liang raised an eyebrow as he watched (y/n) approach the overconfident man. They weren’t part of the training and therefore Liang should’ve asked them to leave. However, the cryomancer was curious about them. Their brief meeting and (y/n) reputation had piqued his interest. He knew of their work outside of the special force but had never seen it first-hand. This was his chance.
“Well well well what do we have here? You came to get your ass kick, blacksmith?”
(Y/n) rolled their eyes as they took a defensive stance in front of the man. Their eyes stared at the chestplate of the man's tactical vest. That was their goal. If it was anything like the one they studied in their forge, that thing was on the verge of breaking.
Unsurprisingly, the man charged toward (y/n) without thinking first. His punches and kicks were easily avoided, offering so many opportunities for (y/n) to touch his chest. Wincing at the poor state of the metal within the protective gear, they backed away.
"You should consider changing that chestplate, it won't protect anymore."
The man scuffed and spat on the ground clearly disregarding their warning. 
Heavy rain settled as the two kombatant circled each other, the world surrounding them long forgotten. As they exchanged hit after hit, the man grew annoyed. Contrary to the others he had fought, they had yet to be defeated. Even more, they seemed to anticipate his every move. In one particular vicious attack, (y/n) placed both their hands on their chestplate and raised them to block the incoming punch. The man’s fist collided with a small shield that had somewhat materialised out of nowhere. Growling, he watched as the shield transformed back into (y/n) chestplate.
From his observing post, Kuai Liang crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes were glued to the blacksmith. They had complete mastery of the fight. In someone else’s eyes it wouldn’t appear so, but as he watched (y/n) avoid yet another punch from the soldier, Kuai Liang knew. The blacksmith could have won this fight early on but for some reason kept going. 
Ducking to avoid a high kick, (y/n) took a handful of mud. One swift sweep kick, they knocked the man down, throwing the mud in his face, blinding him for a short while. 
Swearing left the man’s mouth in plenty as he tried to regain his sight.Distracted, he left his whole chest area unguarded.Using the distraction to their advantage, they landed a powerful punch on the left side of the chestplate.
For a moment, the man stared at them while trying his best not to laugh.Some of the mud slipped down his cheeks.
“Was that the best you could do?”
Standing straight, (y/n) pointed toward his chest, where small cracks started to appear before a large piece of his chestplate fell to the ground. To the man's horror, and amusement of (y/n),  his gear broke down completely. Stunted in place, the man failed to notice them approaching, a knife created by the fallen parts in hand. Only with the pressure of the tip of the knife near his heart did he focus back on them.
"Let it be a lesson for you, your arrogance will get you killed. That and the garbage gears the special force is giving you."
Removing their own chestplate, they threw it toward the soldier.
“If you want to survive in the war, pass by my tent. I will make you real gears that will protect your life.Not like those pretty decorations you soldiers are currently wearing.”
They turned toward the Grand Master, bowed politely and left the training ground. 
Hours later, a line of soldiers was formed outside of the blacksmith tent. Talk about the poor quality of the soldiers' equipment had spread around the camp like wildfires. Soon, even the higher-ups, who had denied their request, had to break and allow the blacksmith the resources they needed. After days of tireless work, every armour and weapons had been updated, leaving them with no more work. 
One cloudless night as (y/n) busied themselves with new weapon design, a man entered their tent. Glancing up from their papers, the blacksmith straightened up and gave the Grand Master a courtesy bow. 
���Grand Master, to what do I own your visit?”
Bowing in return, Kuai Liang looked around, his eyes observing the various weapons, guns and gears scattered across the tent. His face as expressionless as ever focused back on them before speaking.
“ You are a great fighter and a talented blacksmith-'' He started while his fingers brushed over a long spear near the entrance of the tent. “The Lin Kuei could benefit from your talent.”
Silence fell between the two only for it to be broken by laughter. From where they stood, (y/n) tried their best to regain their serious posture as they were a bit worried their laughing would be misinterpreted. 
“My apologies Grand Master-”
“Kuai Liang.” The cryomancer interjected. 
“My apologies Grand Master Liang, my laughing was not to make fun of you. I’m just a bit surprised.”
Leaning against the table behind them, (y/n) crossed their arms over their chest. In the many years they had worked as a blacksmith, they had encountered the Lin Kuei once before. Back then, they didn’t have a specific place to stay and so they had travelled around the world, offering their talent to those who needed it. 
It was during their short stay in China that they met the infamous clan. A blizzard had been raging outside that day, making it almost impossible for them to leave their temporary settlement. To their utmost surprise, a man had walked in unbothered by the bad weather.  He had offered a job, something that had to do with cyborgs or some short. But (y/n) had declined. The man left shortly after, not before threatening them that they were obliged to accept the offer or die. A day later, words of the blacksmith vanishing spread around the village they had stayed in.
However, that was a long time ago.The man standing here before them was different. He was cold but caring, strict yet open-minded and quite frankly handsome.
“You are not the first Lin Kuei to ask for my talent, if I remember correctly the first one was about cyborgs.”
If (y/n) was meant to see the small flinch traversing Kuai Liang's body, they did not mention it. Uncrossing their arms, they laid their hands on the table in order to appear nonchalant. 
“Besides, I thought you guys had trials or something like that before accepting anyone in the clan?” 
The cryomancer hummed, his shoulder relaxing a little as his dark brown eyes stared at them. 
“Would you consider courtship as trial then?” 
Speechless, (y/n) blinked a few times not knowing how to respond to that. Of all the things the Grand Master could have said, flirting was the least expected. Carefully observing Kuai Liang, they noticed the smile the other man was offering them. He seemed pleased by their reaction. Who knew the Lin Kuei Grand Master could be smooth.  
“Are you seriously asking me this?” A smile of their own, they went around their desk and stood before the cryomancer. “Consider me intrigued, Kuai Liang. Besides, I heard the Lin Kuei temple was a sight to behold.” 
(Y/n) had accepted to join the special force to help protect Earthrealm but left to go help reform a clan thought to be lost. Perhaps, along the way, they would find love.
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adoodle-mday · 1 year
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Oky you can’t forgive him because he let his father die b-bbut what if he was covered bloody and had little kitty ears
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chewbokachoi · 5 months
If You Can See Me
Bi-Han felt the cold, talon-like hands grab him by the ankles and pull.
He fell with dizzying speed as the world above snapped away and everything below swirled and flashed. This was death. Taken where he stood, his heart still bleeding from the gaping wound Kuai Liang left him with.
The ground met him with a sickening crunch, yet there he still stood, though on shaking legs.
His shadow twitched and shuddered. It then spilled out from under him like his blood had up above. As the shadow stretched, a pair of glowing white eyes looked at him.
He shivered, realizing what he was looking at.
“This is a joke,” he muttered through clenched and cracked teeth. Despite being dead and knowing he had nothing to gain, he summoned more ice anyway. “I did nothing wrong!” He roared as his shadow rose to meet his gaze. “I did nothing but try to elevate my clan! If this damns me to hell, then the whole world can rot and be dragged down with me!”
Written to "If You Can See Me" by David Bowie
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hisumin3 · 7 months
Happy Lunar New Year
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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💠Icy date ❄️
Kuai Liang and Selviya are having a date 💙
Such a cute couple! 😍😍🥰
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katiralovely · 1 year
I'm here to share two Subscorp fics that were written by an Ao3 user. And I must say that I think it's worth more people reading these fics because the truth is that they are very good. Good no, they are beautiful! 💛💙
Are here 🔥 ❄ :
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arinqiart · 11 months
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Mk art collection from my Twitter!
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payasobabas69 · 3 months
Mortal Kombat shirtless characters Google search
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tazahan · 1 year
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"If you dare to make our baby brother Smoku-Smoki cry again, I will burn you to ashes!"
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bi-hans · 10 months
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adoodle-mday · 1 year
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He’s a good man (a good man) He’s just in a (REALLY) bad place right now
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chewbokachoi · 11 days
Part 4
Hey look who brought something back from the jaws of death. Previous part which links to the other parts.
Bi-Han knew he hadn't prepared properly for the hunt. He didn't know if he should curse himself for being ill-prepared despite the person he was tracking, or if he should take it to mean something else about him had been lost. No mercy for enemies, but despite how much time had passed and how much time he had to think about it, he still hadn't given his feelings the time of day for his brothers' betrayal.
And now here he was, desperate to find and save Hanzo, the one member of the Shirai Ryu Bi-Han was certain would kill him. 
With nothing to keep his mind occupied, and doing all he could to not think about the cold corpses of his brother and a family friend, Bi-Han's mind settled on Hanzo. He was an orphan, like Tomas, so of course he was taken in. And despite Tomas's gentle nature, Bi-Han knew–he felt he knew better than anyone else–how ruthless and calculating he could be. There was the undeniable fact that Tomas took true pity on Hanzo and wanted what was best for the boy. And there was the fact that Bi-Han suspected Tomas thought it wiser to have somebody with such spirit on their side rather than on the streets. Who knew who else could have taken Hanzo in–the Black Dragon? Red Dragon?
Or perhaps the boy would have gotten killed and left to rot in a ditch.
Bi-Han had to admit, Tomas was smart to take him in. The Lin Kuei itself would not have given it a second thought. Bi-Han himself didn't think he'd have taken the thief in either.
So, now he had to find Hanzo, hope he wasn't beyond saving, and then find Tomas.
And then they could rebuild the Lin Kuei–properly.
Bi-Han felt a pang of something in him. He found he had wished he could have taken Tomas as his second in command rather than Kuai Liang. His brother-by-blood had only been chosen because tradition demanded it.
He squashed the thought of it being for anything sentimental.
Then there were tracks to follow. Bi-Han frowned. Hanzo was almost as good of an escape artist. If anything, he was the best of the best for someone so young and lacking in magic. Either he wanted to be found or he was on death's door.
Bi-Han could hear breathing. He held his own breath, straining his ears for what kind–was there a punctured lung? Did it sound feverish? Panicked? 
He cleared his throat. Better to announce his arrival than startle the boy. 
There was the panicked scraping of feet on dirt. Bi-Han heard something metal hit tree roots and a desperate whine.
"I'm not here to hurt you," he announced.
There was a gasp–followed by a hiss of pain.
Bi-Han stepped through the foliage to see Hanzo at the base of a tree, trying to push himself away but instead only into the tree. He was pale and the bandages he had were dirty and needed changing. There were maggots in a wound on his leg–if Bi-Han could convince him to go with him quietly, then there was a chance it could be saved. He looked back at Hanzo's face and held up his, keeping them at enough of an angle to show he wasn't going to summon any ice.
Hanzo swallowed. "Here to finish the job?" He asked, his voice hoarse.
"What job?" Bi-Han asked, taking a careful step forward.
Hanzo winced as he tried to pull back. "You can't fool me," he spat.
Bi-Han let out an annoyed huff. He advanced on Hanzo, looking as menacing as he could to only stop at the boy's side and kneel down. "I have no idea what you're talking about. But if I wanted you dead, you'd be dead." He pulled out the medkit he had grabbed. "You're going to die if you don't get treatment."
Hanzo tried to spit at him. Instead, what little saliva he had, stuck to his lip.
Bi-Han scowled. "And if you're going to die, try to have some dignity about it." He snapped and tugged at what remained of Hanzo's glove. Hanzo let out a dry howl as skin went with it. Bi-Han couldn't help but pull his teeth back in both disgust and an inkling of pity. "How in ten hells are you still alive?"
"Too stubborn to die," Hanzo gasped.
Bi-Han shook his head. "I'm dropping you at Liu Kang's doorstep."
"Don't you dare touch me!" Hanzo tried to bat at Bi-Han's hand, but Bi-Han knocked it aside like it was a dead leaf. "You'll just take me back to the Lin Kuei–"
"If you keep talking, you're going to die. Shut up if you ever want to get your revenge on me," Bi-Han snapped. He then picked Hanzo up and began what he hoped would be an uninterrupted rush for the Fire Temple. And, more importantly, one where he could toss Hanzo–literally if he had to–at its doorstep and be off before anybody tried to stop him.
Whatever he was accused of, surely trying to save Hanzo would be enough of a peace offering to delay the punishment?
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hwangbastard69 · 11 months
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Lin Kuei bros beach episode
Maybe this will calm down Bi Han
[Other ver + sketch under]
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holyaby11 · 11 months
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seraphmeraph · 11 months
Hur hur hurhur hur hurhurhurhurhur
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How they’d be with pregnant reader - Headcanons
MK1 semi NSFW headcanons with Lin Kuei brothers aka Kuai Liang, Tomas Vrbada, and Bi Han
TW: sex(+18), oral sex (f receiving), conventional sex, pregnancy, afab reader
A/N: this was actually a request of Pregnant reader and Kuai Liang that I lost LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY IM DYING. AHHHHH.
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Tomas Vrbada • Smoke
Tomas is so attentive and loving towards you, not saying the others aren't, but he will never leave your side if he has a choice. He’ll cook, and clean, everything, all you need to do is rest and relax. 
You’ll often find him being touchy with you, especially in public, wrapping his arms around your waist, and touching your pregnant belly.
He talks about how when the baby is born he won't let any harm come to you both. “I promise he won't end up like me.”
When it comes to pregnant sex with you two, he is so worried he might hurt you. He’s so gentle and slow despite you begging him to go harder or faster.
“Are you sure you’re okay, I don’t want to-” Tomas spoke before you cut him off. 
“I’ll be okay,” You reassured him. You were laid on your back, his dick positioned right at your entrance.
He took a deep breath, slowly slipping inside you. He began to give slow deliberate thrusts into you, watching your face intently to make sure you were okay. He lowered his face to yours, letting out small moans and peppering your face with kisses.
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Kuai Liang • Scorpion
Kuai Liang is the perfect baby daddy. He’ll spoil you with whatever you want and show you affection whenever. You will be SMOTHERED.
He’ll make it clear to everybody that he’s the father, whether it be rubbing your belly in public, keeping his hands all over you, or even just straight up telling people how proud he is of you for carrying his baby.
He often goes on missions so he always leaves you with Liu Kang or another Lin Kuei ninja, he wants to make sure you’re safe.
When you both are lying in bed, he’ll often massage or place his warm hands on you to help you feel better. He’s practically a heating pad.
Pregnant sex with you and Kuai Liang is amazing, you’ll hear praises, and he’d basically worship your body. He’s careful not to hurt you, but a little more confident in pleasuring you.
His head was buried in between your thighs, lapping away at your pussy. “Mm, doing good for me sweetheart,” He pulled away, just to insert a finger into you. His other hand rested on your pregnant belly, slowly caressing it as he ate you out.
His hair was out of his bun, your fingers tangling in between his hair.
He groaned into your pussy, sending shivers through you, enjoying the feeling of your fingers brushing his scalp. His calloused warm fingers ran over your belly. 
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Bi Han • Sub Zero
When Bi Han found out you were pregnant, he didn’t show much emotion. Only rested his hand on your head and kissed you. 
You assumed he didn’t care at first and he noticed you were a bit distant so he would do little things to try to cheer you up. Whether it be taking you out, buying you gifts, or even cuddling you as you two lay in bed. 
Out of all the brothers, Bi Han is actually the most concerned for you. When going out on missions, he would either leave one of his brothers with you or a Lin Kuei ninja. 
You’ll never be alone if Bi Han could help it. In public his hand will always be on your hip, pulling you close to him. Literally, everyone will know he’s the father. 
As much as Bi Han only trusts himself to protect you, he’s secretly mortified of being around you. He has so much self-control, he’ll watch his words, his actions, etc. 
He’s kind of like Kuai Liang, where he’ll be like a cold compress. Breats tend to get sore during pregnancy so he’ll cup your breasts for ours with his cold hands. Whenever you complain about any pain Bi Han has to be extra and call you a physician who’ll just tell you it’s pregnancy cramps or something.
Bi Han lives for pregnant sex with you. He’s gentler than usual, yes, but just the aspect that you were bred by him gets him going. Breeding Kink? Maybe.
He gave gentle thrusts, his cool hand resting on your stomach. “So beautiful, carrying my child,” He groaned. His hand retreated back to your clit, rubbing it with his thumb gaining louder moans for you. 
He would definitely make you scream that you want all his babies.
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monstergoat · 1 year
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Siblings doing weird noises while talking on the phone with harumi
- Got inspo from an audio on tiktok with their images, don't remember the user aaa
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