#Ml rebirth AU
yueasuka · 1 year
Day 2 of Adrien AUGreste : Truth for @adrienaugust
He didn't remember when he reached his room, he didn't even remember detransformed or when exactly he parted way with Ladybug. He just did, and now he's in his room, on his bed to be precise. For how long, he doesn't know.
"What now?" The voice that was so similar to Plagg's voice asked (or maybe his voice) but he couldn't answer it, he just didn't have enough energy to do so and even if he had, what should he answer anyway?
"Adrien, drink this."  
He lifted his head up from the pillow that he used to stuff his face with and saw Plagg with a glass of water in his hands. He looked worried, perhaps the most worried looks he ever saw from the years of time he had spent with the kwami and he shouldn't have worried him more than that. With whatever strength he had left, he pushed his body up from the bed and leaned his back against the wall before he accepted the glass. For a moment there he could see his own reflexion in it, a face that looked more tired than he had in his previous timeline despite looking much younger, green eyes that looked so dull that he wondered if there was any life in it anymore. If there's any means for his life-
"Adrien, please."  
Right, he should be focused on Plagg rather than whatever dark whisper he heard. After all, Plagg was the only one who truly cared for him. Apart from his mother, not even Ladybug ever came close. No, never her . He amended and drank the water after muttering a thank you to him.  Perhaps there was a time when he thought Ladybug did care, but upon knowing the truth thanks to another time travelling akuma, he doubted it was the case.  
If she cared, she would tell him about the reason why Rena Rouge (Furtive?) kept following them on patrol. If she cared, she would tell him the reason why she called him into the tower that night. But no, she didn't. She kept on silent even after he confronted her with the truth that he knew, because the akuma sent him back to those timeline, as if he knew what time to send him back. It's hurt, to be betrayed like this by someone who he once thought to be a partner despite them being chosen by a different person. (Perhaps, Adrien once thought, that was the reason why she always doubted him, never trusted him, because he came out of nowhere) but none of the pain from Ladybug's betrayal come as close as the betrayal from his own family.  
'How come they just replaced me with a sentimonster of all things?' After what he had done to cure his mother nonetheless.  
'Maybe a puppet is what they truly want.' He knew his father would, at least, after all those scolding and lecturing about how he must meet his father's standard for everything he did.  
Don't let Adrien remember me as a bad father. The last word from his father sparked something inside him. It was only a chuckle at first before it became a hysteric laugh.  
"Hey kid, you okay?"  
"Maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm insane after all." He answered in the middle of his laugh. He let out a loud sigh and patted his cheeks several times before he answered more for confused Plagg. 
"I always know he's never a good father. Perhaps there was a time when I thought he was just cold because he was busy and I kept disturbing him because, you know, I was a kid. But now I think again, I can't remember when exactly he ever became a good father and, as you already know, this is my third regression."
"The fact that I couldn't even remember when he was a good father, even with the combined life I had before this, just made his last wish become ironic." He scoffed. "Don't let Adrien remember me as a bad father, he said. As if he was ever a decent father before that."
"You know kid? You, trying to find good memories of your father doesn't mean you're insane. I've seen people trying to find the most mundane thing that they believe to exist. You're only insane if you said your father is a hero and went to worship him." Plagg floated, cheese in his hands before it went into the void that was his stomach, which made him smile at the sight and rub his cheek on Plagg's head lightly. "So what are you going to do after this?"  
"I don't know, sleep?"
"Are you sure you're not going to do with this?" He pointed to his phone next to his pillow. At first he was confused at what Plagg was referring to until he saw a headline from a notification on his phone.
Breaking news : Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated Monarch. Gabriel Agreste died in the crossfire when he tried to protect the young heroes from Monarch's attack.  
He couldn't help but blink twice when he saw the notification, not believing what he had just read. He quickly took his phone and swiped right into the article and read it. Apparently, in his moment of daze (he was out of it for days???) Ladybug had already made an announcement about the result of their fight except… It's not the whole truth. She twisted the truth by saying Gabriel had sacrificed himself when Monarch tried to take their miraculous and, thanks to that heroic sacrifice of him, a statue will be built from the Alliance ring that was hacked by Monarch to honor  it.
"What? What the heck is this?" He asked in disbelief and Plagg could only shrug. "It's insane! How could she twist the truth like that?" He muttered before he swiped into another article, and another and another one, only for the result to be the same. It was the same twisted truth that Ladybug told the world about Gabriel's heroic sacrifice for the peace of the world and it made him feel sick.  
He wondered if somehow his father had already got his hands on his and Ladybug's miraculous and this was the world that he created. Except no, his father never got his hands on his miraculous. He got Ladybug's earrings, which exposed her identity to both him and his father, but in the end he never get his ring and he could get the earrings back. So, no wish. Then what is this insanity that makes her do this?  
"Forget sleeping," he said as he tossed his pillow and plushies aside before he climbed down from the bed and got dressed.
 "Let's find out the truth from her."e
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flightlessribbons · 1 year
In this AU, I really wanted to go for the world and vibes that were built in season 1-2, the concept art, and the ladybug PV, as well as the setting being changed to the early 2000s. Having Marinette’s life seem like a happy fashion game of the 2000s with a superhero secret was just such a fun concept to explore!
And all references for the concept art is from the artbook wiki*, so big thank you to all that have contributed to that archive!
Miraculous are handed down from the holder to a trusted next instead of a guardian. Kwamis are called faeries, and were created as the embodiments of emotions and ideals that have worked alongside humans for ages. Fae in the past have never been bound to a certain accessory to transform. If the humans had bonded with a faerie, they would just utilize any jewelry on their holder as a miraculous.
There’s different kinds of fae that have existed in the world, but the ones in the story are listed below.
The Ladybug fae represent luck and creation
The Black Cat fae represent destruction and rebirth
The Bee fae represent justice
The Fox fae represent truth
The Turtle fae represent wisdom
The Butterfly fae represent communication
There are multiple fae of a kind (so multiple ladybugs and black cats have existed in the past in different regions, and it is entirely possible for past ladybugs to have existed in the same time in different places for this reason) and used to be plentiful, but the number of fae have decreased dramatically because of the faerie Null.
There is only one faerie of Null, and he was an anomaly amongst the fae. He had no powers himself, but he had the ability to absorb other faeries and steal their energy and powers, becoming stronger himself this way. He seeks to destroy the rest of the fae; wishing to see humans lose sight of the ideals and emotions they stand for- ultimately losing themselves and becoming their own undoing and leading to their demise. Their destruction would lead to Null’s ideal empty world.
Over the centuries, Null had instigated problems to prompt out fae and their holders. After drawing them out and defeating them, he would steal their powers. Null also has the ability to share these powers he’s accumulated but has lacked control with this skill; causing him to scarcely use it in the past.
In a battle centuries ago, Tikki, Plagg, Trixx, Wayzz, Pollen, and Nooroo had faced Null. Null’s final attack had bound the six to the jewelry they were in, forcing them to stay close to the miraculous and limiting the amount of power their holders had access to.
Null was nowhere to be found after his final attack, and the now confined faeries entrusted their new miraculous to the holders while they slept inside of them to regain their strength.
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mimbotomy · 1 year
WIP Files Game
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by the amazing @aeide!
Buckle up people because I have way too fucking many WIPs. In order of last worked on, or at least last stared at in hope of getting inspiration 😂:
The crack fic officially known as Not a Malákes Ravenclaw
A Flap of an Eagle’s Wings
Rebirth Act II
In the Shadow of Zeus??? Come up with a less shit name
The Children of Kephallonia - not fucked up doc
CoK Alternate POVs
Zag and Kass piss off Hades
Rebirth Act III
Theoretically Patreon work
PJO x ACO - stop making crossovers Michaela ffs
The Call of the High One
Begin, Muse, When the Two First Broke and Clashed
To Live by Another Name
Give Phoibe an eagle Dæmon AU
A Miscalculation expanded universe
Rebirth Act I
Assassins, Atlantis, and Avengers
A Different Story about a Wolf and a Trout
Kratos and Kassandra bitch about the gods
Depression fic
Only Human but I’m a good writer now
ML fic
That’s twenty two WIPs and so I’m going to just tag two people @auroralykos and @aetosavros for convenience. But feel free to pretend I tagged you if you want to do this!
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imthepunchlord · 3 years
You mentioned that the bee would be creation in your own take on ml. Would their still be tiers and counterparts? Could you maybe talk about your own version, I know you’ve mentioned some aus before but what would be your ultimate and ideal take on the miraculous?
In a sense? Ish?
Honestly, I don't have tiers and counterparts down yet, or if I'll even do so. I am like, the worst at making decisions and just constantly go back and forth on stuff. My buddies can confirm as they've had to listen to be busting in to dump lore ideas on them which I will proceed to then change like a few weeks to a month later.
But ok, my ideal... putting this under cut as this is a big headcanon lore dump.
My ideal is that there are a lot of existing miraculous, but not the hundreds that canon is setting up. As of right now, I have 40 that exist (which does include the canon 19 in the show, which Dragon being changed to Lizard).
All miraculous have 5 powers, though those that are the most powerful have 7. The most powerful (as of current mindset) are those that have the most presence/significance worldwide. Of canon, this elevates: Cat, Butterfly, Fox, Bee, Turtle, Peafowl, Snake, Horse, and Dog. Lion, Deer, and Raptor are the elevated OC miraculi. In kwami society, the most powerful (known as Overseers) aren't treated all that differently though they're regarded with a little more respect, though it can vary depending on the kwami (Plagg doesn't act like a leader and isn't interested in being one, so is treated like any other kwami. Though there are some who are bothered that Plagg is an Overseer). At most, Overseers are expected to intervene with discourse between kwamis, as not all kwamis get along and step as leaders when needed (not that it happens with all Overseers).
In terms of origin, no one knows who actually made the miraculi or when. And kwamis themselves don't know either. From what's gathered from kwamis who barely remember anything of their early years, it is believed that kwamis started out as little toys or golems, and they were initially tools to fight against magic and other people; it is believed that the more kwamis spent time with humans, the more they started to grow mentally and emotionally, becoming their own beings with their own views and feelings. Kwamis were the ones to even pick their own names and gender pronouns, which has changed depending on where they are right now.
As for when, some Guardians thought it was around the time of Mesopotamia, and some think they were established in the lost Atlantis. Kwamis just can't confirm any of it. It's just too early in history for them to recall.
While kwamis have no recollection of their early years, they instinctively know the Laws of the Creators.
Kwamis are to assist humanity.
Kwamis do not hurt humans.
Kwamis have a right to not share anything with someone they believe has ill intentions.
Kwmais have a right to defend the worn miraculous if they choose, or allow it to be taken or influenced.
Kwamis are never allowed to use their power to clash with one another.
Guardians and the Orders actually came later in the miraculous life. They were initially made by mirauclous users and those who knew of them and started out with good intentions of keeping track of miraculi and securing that they went into good hands as originally, miraculous came into people's hands at random or through inheritence. It started to fall from grace as humans become more controlling and started to see these miraculous as tools to serve them. Some made Orders to be clan exclusive, some wanted to use them as a means to control governments from the shadows, some to push their religion and crusades, and some wanted to keep them to themselves exclusively. There were even secret wars fought to decide on what miraculous belongs with who or where in the world. Guardians are also the ones who will group miraculi together into themes, from elements to zodiacs to ect. This desire to group them up led to some of these wars as they wanted specific animals there.
Guardians also wanted more obedience like the djinns and figured out how to tweak miraculous to get kwamsi to be more serviceable to the wearer. Thankfully, the magic of the Creators was strong enough that kwamis didn't have to be fully obedient to their wearers and can still pick what information or powers to share.
Kwami views on the Orders vary, though all agree that they don't care for where it went. Some still think its a good idea but needs changes that incorporates them more while others don't want them to exist anymore and go back to the old ways of getting around, through being carried and picked up by people. Even more so that thanks to the Order, kwamis can't entirely do other things as they used to.
Pollen can't drift around in the world and help plants grow with her mere presence and offer guidance to those who have passed.
Plagg can't go out during the witching hour to hang out with lingering spirits and have fun with the magic that grows under the moonlight.
Duusu hasn't been able to go out and perform healing miracles as she used to, or help bring peace to someone's spirit/subconscious when they have bad dreams.
Orders have eventually fallen, either through their wars or outside forces. The few surviving even whisper the Catastrophe where its believed a kwami intentionally used their power to destroy an Order that they were at, rumored to be Camelot where Elder Merlin oversaw it. But there is no confirmation of this to be found.
Through the Orders and their multiple interactions with a variety of humans, kwami views on humans have come to vary. The majority like to keep an open mind and want to be on good terms with humans they come across, some have become skeptical and mistrustful of humans they come across, and some are a mixture, giving humans a wary eye as they're secretly evaluated. Kwmai interactions with humans vary as well. Some will be very upfront with humans and engaging or detached, others will be misleading and manipulative. While they were made to be advisers, guides, and protectors of humanity, as its not a Law to obey to embrace all of humanity, kwami relations with a human will vary. Some will treat the bind as a business and formality, and some want to be engaging as a mentor, guide, or friend. And some want to string humans along and play them like puppets, especially if they don't like the human they're with or find that they're easily led and will guide the human along to grow. At the core, all kwamis stand for the greater good of all though some can have a grey morality and a wary/dark view on humans.
Certain humans though do have a certain "pull" that will draw kwamis towards them. Most humans draw in one or a very small few. There are cases where a human is able to match with many. Guardians typically find that this is only one human that comes to exist at a time. Depending on where, thus human is referred to as the avatar, the chosen one, or the prodigy. They unique draw in and work with a wide variety of kwamis, and many can't help but connect with these individuals. Some Guardians even believe that this is one of the Creators reborn, going though a cycle of rebirth to secure that they will always be there for their creations. Guardians are always on the look out for this individual as they'd prefer to raise/influence them.
In instances where more than one kwami, is drawn to a human, it varies on how the kwamis respond. Some don't mind sharing, some it depends on who the other kwami is, and some don't like sharing at all.
On matters of romance, all kwamis are aroace and they all have their own views on love. Some don't get it and aren't interested, some view it as a form of entertainment and like to watch the drama unfold, and some want to genuinely help humans find happiness and work off what they've observed with previous users to offer advise on matters.
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ouyangzizhensdad · 4 years
hello~ i love how you articulate your mdzs meta that's why i'm curious to know about your thoughts re: wangxian not making any sense ending up together narrative-wise like what does that even mean?? altho most who have that kind of argument are stans of certain characters so there might be a degree of bias there.
Hi anon,
I have to say that I must follow the right people and avoid the tags well enough that I have not seen these takes. I have seen some "Wangxian is boring" or "I hate wangxian" cries, not attempts to argue that the novel doesn't actually do a good job of making them getting together satisfying. I am as such in the dark wrt the arguments that such people leverage, which makes it more difficult to address their position since I cannot divine the justifications they (supposedly) found in the text.
But it's good to remember that since MDZS is at its core a romance novel, it does set up its entire narrative towards the emotional climax of the MC and ML getting together and getting their own version of an happily-ever-after. While it is possible that the novel could have done it unsatisfyingly, people can certainly not argue that the novel did not take time to set up the progression of their relationship, nor the journey it takes for them to get together (ie. it 'doesn't come out of nowhere'). This is especially true of MDZS since we get to see the distinction between WWX's first life and his rebirth, which further highlights this sense of journey.
Narratively, the novel sets up conflicts that it resolves wrt their relationship. While they are not always clearly told to us at first, we can trace by the end of the novel all the beats of these conflicts and how they lead to our characters getting together when they did. These conflicts also serve to demonstrate the growth of both characters as well as the growth of their relationship, which I think is neat! So, in other words, the novel does its best to make us feel like them getting together is "earned", and imo, it succeeds in doing that. That's why WWX's confession, while certainly unconventional, is really great because it totally speaks to this journey and these conflicts. It isn't just two characters finding a down moment in-between the action to shyly confess their feelings with i-have-always-loved-yous or two characters, full of adrenaline, suddenly exchanging their first kiss after the climax of the action. Instead, the confession is tied to who they are and what they went through and how their relationship evolved: you could hardly take it and put it into the mouths of different characters and have it actually work. This is actually an issue I've had with a lot of AUs/canon-divergent fics that choose to retain the wording of the confession but which have not set up similar conflicts and the journey that gave meaning to WWX's wording.
In fandom spaces, being a fan of another character or another ship might indeed have a lot to do with how people see whether or not two people "make sense together". And certainly, people have different tastes for ships, different views of relationships and what makes them work, or what they find attractive and pleasing in other people--these all work together to shape people's perceptions of fictional relationships. So it follows that there are people who look at Wangxian and, from their POV, think they make no sense as a compelling or desirable couple. But that doesn't mean that a piece of fiction did not do the work of showing the reader how these two characters make sense together. And the novel does do that, even taking the time to show us how they function as a couple after the confession, how they negotiate each other's lives and entanglements, how they deal with the normal everyday. The novel also goes to great lengths to set up the fact that while Wangxian are different (and appreciate each other's differences!), at heart they are the same and want the same. That might not suit some people's taste in terms of relationships, but I think it is unfair to act as if MXTX just took two dudes and said "and now they will kiss together because they are both hot". That's usually more the purview of fandom to do that with two male characters who almost never interact with each other............
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Deity Au) Mari and Adrien is the gods of creation and destruction respectfully, the class having their kwami’s theme is an option- but I can’t pass up Sun and Moon gfs Rose and Juleka. Other ideas I have is: Chloe is the goddess of community which she originally thinks (I order people around) but it means equal work between both leader and subject. Kim is the god of wagers, which extends to transactions, laws, gambles, and BETS. Alix is a god of history, I have more ideas but yknow.. au
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Okay, so I have seen some ML Deity AUs before, and I also immediately remembered @earthsong9405 MLP Goddess AU (which is super good btw), so I’m basing this a little on that!
The Kwami are basically the most important Gods. Their origins are similar to Canon, but they’re more all-powerful and can appear before Mortals at will.
Other characters are various Minor Gods, Demigods, and a handful or Mortals.
Demigods are those with a decent amount of Divine Blood. AKA: one of the Gods is an Ancestor through, you know. Mating with a Mortal. Not necessarily a Major God, so Minor Gods can create Demigods too. But Demigods must have at least 1% Divine Blood. Though that percentage doesn’t necessarily equal Power. Someone with 6% could be more powerful than someone with 20%.
Minor Gods are Demigods who have a large amount of Power and become apprentices to a God and basically ‘Ascend’. They become a God of a sub-category of the God they’re apprenticed to. Also, Minor Gods don’t have to be Apprenticed to the God they’re related to. You could be distantly related to God A but be Apprenticed to God B.
Btw, none of the characters who are Minor Gods were 50% Demigods Pre-Ascension. Out of the Minor Gods, Marinette is closest being 25%. (I debated about Adrien, but decided that since Gabriel became a Minor God after Adrien was born, it doesn’t work retroactively).  
All the Miraculous Users are Minor Gods. As are a few other characters.
While most of the Kwami will keep their respective Domains, some will change because, like. If we’re making them Major Gods then some aren’t quite right. Like Pollen isn’t ‘Goddess of Subjection’, or how only Nooroo or Duusuu could be ‘God/Goddess of Emotion’.
I don’t have all of the Kwamis or the Minor Gods planned out, but here’s some of the Major Gods, their Domains, and their Minor Gods.
Tikki, Goddess of Creation. Queen of the Gods. Apprentices:
Marinette, Goddess of Art
Mari’s Domain is in creating art. Paintings, stories, music, fashion, all of it are under her Domain.
Plagg, God of Destruction. King of the Gods.
Adrien, God of Rebirth and Renewal
An interesting take, but sometimes you need to destroy everything to start over. That’s Adrien’s job.
Felix, God of Death
Trixx, God of Illusions.
Alya, Goddess of Truth
Though ‘Truth’ seems counterproductive to Illusion, part of being an Illusionist is both seeing through other’s Illusions, and adding just enough truth to Illusion to make it believable.
Lila, Goddess of Lies
Another self-explanatory one. Though I will mention that despite her lies she’s not really a threat because most people know she’s Goddess of Lies (especially Alya) and take her word with a grain of salt. She does like playing the ‘I know I’m Goddess of Lies but it hurts that you refuse to trust me!’ card.
Wayzz, God of Protection
Fu, God of Defense
His specialty is defending others in battle and combat.
Nino, God of….
I’m not sure how to put this. But Nino’s form of Protection is less ‘protection from physical attacks’, but more ‘protection of the heart’. He keeps people safe from other threats. Like jerks and manipulators.
Pollen, Goddess of Love. Not the emotion, but the relationships between people.
Chloé, Goddess of Friendship
Friendship is Magic motherfucker!
Jokes aside, most of Pollen’s apprentices are based on the Forms of Love.
Nooroo, God of Emotion
Gabriel, God of Controlling Emotions.
Not in a manipulative way. But the ability to not act on impulsive emotions. Keeping your composure even when you want to punch someone in the face.
Fluff, God of Time
Alix, Goddess of Timelines
It’s Alix’s job to watch over the branching Timelines and keep any too-disasterous ones from happening. And also deal with unauthorized Time Travel
Jalil, God of History
It’s his job to archive the past events.
Kaalki, Goddess of Space(Like, physical places. Not outerspace)
Gina, Goddess of Travel
Watches over people on journeys and makes sure they reach their destination safely.
Max, God of Teleportation
More for instant travel.
Lonng, God of Weather
Kagami, Goddess of Storms.
Power over Lighting, Rain and Wind
Aurore, Goddess of Spring Showers
Power over lighter rains and cloudy days.
Daizzi, Goddess of the Earth
Rose, Goddess of Flowers
Power over plants. 
Ziggy, Goddess of the Night
Marc, God of Dreams
Has the power to enter Dreams and calm Nightmares.
Orikko, God of the Day
Nathaniel, God of Light
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kyogre-blue · 5 years
C novel list, v2
I’m almost done reading through everything in my queue, so here is a (somewhat cleaned up) look at my reading list at NU. 
Good, wholesome: 
Ascending, Do Not Disturb - The sweetest, most chill cultivation novel I’ve read so far. I recommend it to basically everyone. 
Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields - When you transmigrate but end up in a rural village, so you gotta use your agricultural degree instead of backstabbing family intrigue. 
The Lady’s Sickly Husband - When you transmigrate, have no idea who you ended up as, and yet still get married off to some dude. Fortunately, he just hides in his room, so you’re free to start your own business instead. 
Cultivation Chat Group - Only male MC here. It’s somewhat less wholesome because people do get killed, but it’s quite lighthearted and there are no ridiculous abuse backstories (for the first 150 chapters). 
Mary Sue fem MC wish fulfillment: 
Let me just say that I feel no shame and greatly enjoy these OP ladies fake lolis doing as they please. 
Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss - The first poison genius assassin MC I read, and it still has a warm place in my heart. I enjoyed the MC having a loving family and then later supportive comrades. That made the difference for me. 
Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort
Major General Spoils his Soul-guiding Wife - It’s Sentinel AU sci-fi but also with cultivation. I’m just amused by the entire mishmash premise. 
Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard - Actually, I would say this one almost qualifies for “chill and wholesome” except that the MC is indeed a genius assassin in her past life. This is a less important skill set than being able to farm and cook tho. 
Queen of the Scalpel - This one actually doesn’t quite fit here, but I liked the set up, with her being reborn into her past after living in the modern world. 
Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor  
Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady - I like that the MC was a cultivator in her original modern life, but there’s no cultivation in the fantasy setting she ends up in. Also, the manhua is fun because you see what “playboy rogue” she acts like. 
Male MC power trips: 
Sage Monarch
The Human Emperor
Danmei novels (mostly cultivation setting): 
Encountering a Snake  
Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me - This is “brain off” reading, but the side characters are quite endearing, and I like the running jokes. It’s very enjoyable to skim on rereads, very light. 
Exile - Very low-key. The way they sidestep the mpreg aspect is hilarious. 
Fox Demon Cultivation Manual
Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World - Scifi but with animal transformations. 
Palace Full of Delicacies - Also low-key, and the ML is a cat at the moment. 
Pulling Together a Villain Reformation Strategy
Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being - This is exceptionally fanfic, but I really enjoyed it because of that. 
So What If You’ve Been Reborn?
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun
The Rebirth Waste Strikes Back
The Villain Has Something to Say
The Villain’s White Lotus Halo - Please give this a tryyyyy
The Wife is First - I can’t explain why, but I really like both the MC and ML. I also like that they both get pov sections. 
Who Dares Slander My Senior Brother
“This woman is out to commit murder. A lot of murder. But without magic powers.”
Pampered Poisonous Royal Wife - “but slowly, first we gotta earn money” 
Return of the Female Knight - “with a sword” 
The Cry of the Phoenix Which Reached the Ninth Heaven - “with sex”
The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort - “version 0.5 of below” 
The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage - Jokes aside, I found this one to be the best of these kinds of “betrayed and murdered fem MC ends up in the past and gets scheming revenge on all who made her suffer” type novels (a lot of the transmigrator instead of time travel versions too). If you don’t like this one, you probably won’t like any of them by nature. 
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lansizhuis · 5 years
From Angstymdzsthoughts! Gods AU where Wei Wuxian is the God of Rebirth, who is fated to die and be reborn over and over again no matter how hard his husband Lan Wangji, the God of Devoted Love and Harmony, tries to save him. Lan Wangji can do nothing but wait for his beloved to return to him.
LWJ in all his op-ness (bestowed upon by MXTX to all her MLs) will proceed to stare at fate with his heavy gaze and fate will finally stop rolling WWX’s life in its hands haha
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basileus · 7 years
Favorite book you read this year?
okay so on top of everything else I have been TERRIBLE about updating my goodreads account this year so I had to dig deep into my kindle to actually figure out which books I’ve finished, haha.
But Thick as Thieves? Long awaited and OBVIOUSLY up there. Rebirth of the Malicious Military Empress is my favorite translated WIP and the star of many of my work day mornings. I also read this nonfiction novel about landslides and bodies left on mountains early in the year that still haunts me.
But my ultimate favorite book of 2017? All three novels in the Hidden Legacy series by Ilona Andrews. I was so dubious going in the first novel on a rec thinking they wouldn’t be my kind of urban fantasy but THEY ARE SO GOOD GUYS. SO GREAT. I loved the MC and the AU worldbuilding and all of the side characters. I even loved the ML and damaged alpha military males are my least favorite type of romantic male lead in genre fiction. I can’t wait for the next trilogy in the series.
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vapormosa-blog · 5 years
Blitz Monstor Sub Ohm Tank Atomizer 28mm
THC Tauren Solo RDA Verdamapfer, eine aktualisierte Version von THC Tauren RDA Verdampfer, ist ein gut hergestellter, wiederaufbaubarer Selbstwickler Tröpfelverdampfer mit 24 mm Durchmesser und tiefem Saft für einen wirksamen Auslaufschutz. Es wird hauptsächlich mit einem einzigartigen Single Coil Build Deck geliefert, das dreifache Seiten mit 31-Mikroluftlöchern für einen sanftesten Luftstrom und intensiven Geschmack hat. Darüber hinaus verfügt es über ein einzigartiges 3D Waben Luftstromsystem. Die Luft strömt aus seitlichen Luftströmungslöchern und umgibt die Spule, um massive Wolken zu erzeugen. Dieser RDA Verdampfer unterstützt die Befüllung von oben und von unten. 8 Farben erhältlich.
Technische Daten: Maße: 24 x 30mm Kapazität: 2ml Material: 304SS / Messing / Kupfer Drip Tip: 810 PEI Deck: Single Coil (BF unterstützt) Thread: 510
Paket beinhaltet: 1 x THC Tauren Solo RDA (mit normalem 510-Pin) 1 x 510 BF pin 1 x Sechskantschlüssel 1 x Zubehörtasche
Vandy Vape Widowmaker RDA Verdampfer wurde von El Mono Vapeador und Vandy Vape entworfen. Das 24 mm große Deck ist aus hochwertigem 304 SS gefertigt und unterstützt Single- und Dual-Coil-Build. Sie können es nach Ihren Wünschen bauen und einen ausgezeichneten Geschmack genießen. Es verfügt über drei Arten von Luftstromkappen und zwei Arten von Mundstücken, um mehrere Betriebsmodi zu unterstützen. Jede Luftstromkappe sorgt für einen sanften Luftstrom und massive Wolken. Das Deck unterstützt Single- und Dual Coil-Build. Sie können es nach Ihren Wünschen zusammenstellen und einen ausgezeichneten Geschmack genießen. Diese RDA Verdampfer bietet auch ein auslaufsicheres Design. 5 Farben zur Auswahl.
Features: Drei einstellbare Luftstromkappen zur freien Kombination Zwei Arten von Mundstücke verfügbar Sechs verschiedene Betriebsmodi Genießen Sie einen sanften Luftstrom und massive Wolken Auslaufsicheres Design Unterstützt Single oder Dual Coil Build
Technische Daten: Durchmesser: 24 mm Höhe: 20,5 mm Material: 304 SS Kapazität: 1 ml Anschluss: 510 Anschluss Farbe: Mattschwarz, SS, Gold, Gunmetal, 7-Farben
Lieferumfang: 1 x Widowmaker RDA Verdampfer 1 x Zubehörtasche 1 x Benutzerhandbuch 2 x Airflow Ring 1 x Drip tip
Dovpo Topside Dual Squonker Box Mod ist eine aktualisierte Version von Topside. Dieser Squonk-Mod, der das Spiel verändert, bietet alle Neuerungen der ursprünglichen Einzelbatterie TOPSIDE, bietet jedoch jetzt mehr Leistung und eine längere Lebensdauer der Batterie. Mit zwei 18650-Batterien betrieben, kann der Topside Dual mit umschaltbaren Strom-, Bypass- und Temperatursteuerungsmodi bis zu 200 W auslösen. Auf dem Bedienfeld befindet sich ein 0,96 Zoll großes OLED-Display mit einem vertikalen Menü, das die blaue Schrift für eine einfache Anzeige verwendet. Mittlerweile bietet es eine große 10ml Squonk Flasche (abwärtskompatibel mit originaler Flasche und Schlitten), eine einfache Befüllung und eine einfach zu bedienende Benutzeroberfläche. Dies macht sie zur perfekten Ergänzung für alle, die mehr Strom benötigen und die Lebensdauer der Batterie verlängern möchten. Kraftvolles und einfaches Squonking wartet auf Sie! 8 Farben stehen zur Auswahl.
Technische Daten: Maße: 88,5 * 54,0 * 42,0mm Material: Edelstahl Saftkapazität: 10ml Batteriekapazität: Zwei 18650-Batterien Leistungsbereich: 5-200w Spannungsbereich: 1,0-12,0v Widerstandsbereich: 0,08-3,0 Ohm Ladestandard: 5V / 2A Bildschirmmaße: 0,96 Zoll Arbeitsmodus: VW, Bypass, TC Anschluss: Vergoldete Federbelastete 510 Farbe: Schwarz, Rot, Silber, Blau, Gun Metal, Gold, Grün, Lila
Lieferumfang: 1* Topside Dual Mod (keine Zellen) 2* 10ml Squonker Flasche Kit 1* Zubehörtasche 1* USB-Kabel 1* Benutzerhandbuch 1* Karte
Über 60€ - 3% code: VAPORMO3OFF Über 90€ - 5% code: VAPORMO5OFF Hellvape ReBirth RTA - 20% Wotofo Profile Unity RTA - 15%
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yueasuka · 1 year
The Two of (me) Us
Two times.
That was the amount of regress he had done before he came to this timeline, the timeline that he thought would be the perfect timeline. Not because, this time, the world is at peace or no one gets sick cliche of perfect, but in a simple way, where he got both his parents and they can be a complete family, which with his mother finally cured from her illness. After all, there's the saying 'three times's a charm', right?
Sadly, it's not work either.
( Written for event Adrien AUGreste 2023 @adrienaugust )
An AU where there's two Adrien.
Day 1. Feather
Two times.  
That was the amount of regress he had done before he came to this timeline, the timeline that he thought would be the perfect timeline. Not because, this time, the world is at peace or no one gets sick cliche of perfect, but in a simple way, where he got both his parents and they can be a complete family, which with his mother finally cured from her illness. After all, there's the saying 'three times's a charm', right?
But no, the world won't let him get his wish.
He wondered where he got it wrong this time?  
Is it because he used his knowledge from a previous timeline to cure his mother? Probably, because that was where everything went downhill, it was while in his previous timeline when he was unable to cure her, everything seemed to be normal until his death. No magical terrorists, no miraculous, just a normal world.  
Perhaps he shouldn't try to change it. Maybe that's why the world decided to fix the thing that he changed. Because, in the end, his mother still died and his father? He's gone so much worse than the version of him that he encountered him in his previous timelines. It wasn't a depression anymore, it was madness.  
The worst part is that he didn't even know who to blame. Him for trying to change his mother's fate, his father for letting his grief and depression eat him whole, that stupid feather who stole his name or Miraculous for exist. But there's also part of him who doesn't want to blame anything, he just… Tired. Way too tired, it seems that whatever Ladybug said came as gibberish to him.  
"Do you even--" he heard her indignant voice, perhaps she finally realise that he hadn't paid attention to what she said. "Minou?" Weird how she sounded so worried when he called him that and the next thing he knew, she already stood in front of him. 
They had just finally figured out his father was the Monarch. They fight him together and while they manage to claim the stolen miraculous, they also manage to get to know that 'Adrien' is a sentimonster that his mother created, which end up killed her because the peacock was broken and his father in his way to get revenge on him and Ladybug… Died because of the cataclysm.  
He killed his own father.
The realisation finally dawned on him and he fell on his knees. He wasn't even aware whatever it was that Ladybug said to him, as her voice was drowning while the same sentences were repeated over and over again in his mind. He put his hands on his ears in the hope of drowning that voice to no avail. The more he tried to block it, the louder it became.  
You killed your own father.
You're a murderer!
As the voice became even more unbearable, he did the only thing that came to his mind.
He screamed. 
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yueasuka · 1 year
Written for Adrien August @adrienaugust for the prompt Rain
Him and Adrien chilling and playing games? He would never imagine it before. Not with him still have complicated feelings toward his 'replica'. But the world seems to have other plan.
Company, huh… He mused as he saw Adrien run back down and prepare the game while making himself comfortable on the sofa. Maybe we can be each other company for once.
So it wasn't a mistake. Ladybug did tell the world the twisted truth instead of the whole truth because she believed Adrien would be sad if he were to know about the truth and that was what was best for him.
'So please, Chat Noir, don't tell him.'
'What if I do then? What are you going to do if I tell him the truth?'
'I… I'll take your miraculous.'
'Take it if you can, I'd like to see you try.'
The look of horror on her face after he said that was priceless. He was sure that she didn't think she would call her bluff. The next thing she said though, wasn't a bluff.
'I'll protect Adrien no matter what. Not even you can stop me.'
And she really meant it, if by the way her blue eyes blazed with determination. He used to love that looks on her. The confidence, the determination and her willingness to protect others selflessly. But this was different, because no matter how she convinced herself to believe it, the lie that she said was nowhere near to a selfless category. It wasn't selfless sacrifice, it was an attempt to control. Something that reminds him a lot of his father how eerily similar their mindset was.
"I mean, the sign was already there." He muttered to no one in particular as he sat on the rooftop. "I'm guardian this, I'm guardian that." He scoffed. "As if I care about it."
Except he did care, once. He only stops caring about her 'guardian speech' after she uses it way too many times just for her convenience. It had lost meaning in his ears and he stops caring after that.
But he wondered if she would really take his miraculous if he were to tell Adrien the truth.
"She probably would." Again, he muttered to himself.
Because when Adrien was in her mind, she would do anything for him. The incident with Volpina was just one of the example. The whole snake thing with Desperada was next and didn't she lose the miraculous because she thought she gave it to Adrien? Yeah, when it came to Adrien, she priorities him way too much that it ate her whole braincells that he was pretty sure she'd take his miraculous if it meant to protect Adrien.
Protect him from who, exactly? From his own emotions and feelings? That was ridiculous, so ridiculous that he couldn't help but laugh drily. A being made from emotion needs protection from the very thing he is created from.
"That was ironic."
He wasn't sure how long he had stayed on this rooftop, probably long enough, because there, across the street was Adrien Agreste, waving his hand at him and… Pointed up?
(And that was when he realised that he had been sitting on this rooftop, mulling over the conversation he had with Marinette earlier, he wasn't even aware that he had been going to the direction of the mansion, the place that he had been avoiding ever since he knew he was being replaced)
He blinked spontaneously when a drop of water fell from the grey cloud, and soon it started to pour.
He was about to get off the rooftop if it weren't for Adrien's voice calling for him and he approached the open window with a single leap, surprised the only occupant in the room.
That makes both of us then.
Because he never ever thought he'd step on this window again, not unless there was an akuma. But here he was, perching on the windowsill while looking at the person that looked so much like him and different at the same time.
Looking at Adrien like this makes him wonder if he would look anything like him had he didn't get kidnapped. A golden hair that was combed neatly in contrast to his wild darker blond, green eyes that shone so brightly in contrast to his dull ones and neat designer clothes instead of… Whatever he could find in the sale.
He wasn't jealous of him though, because he had been through isolation before and if he were to regress again, he knew he wouldn't trade his freedom for those expensive things, or even fame. It didn't mean he wasn't jealous of him for having longer time with his mother though.
"What do you call me for?"
He saw Adrien's flinching and he realised how annoyed his tone was. Poor guy would probably thinking I was annoyed at him.
"Sorry,I had a bad day. Let's redo it." He said before he cleared his throat. "Is there something that I can help you with?" He asked, hoping his tone this time was civil enough. Because no matter how upset he was at Maribug, he shouldn't leashed out at him. Not when he was as much as a victim as everyone else.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm just wondering if you'd like to stay since the rain doesn't seem to be stopping soon."
And he was right, the rain had become heavier the moment he leaped to his window, much to his dismay. There goes his plan to stroll around to get off the steam.
"You know, we can… Play a game if you want to?"
"Huh?" Now, the offer definitely caught him off guard. Because he never remembered to have any kind of relationship with him, if anything, he always tried to have little to no contact with Adrien, so the offer definitely felt out of the blue.
"Or not," he quickly added and he wasn't sure why he looked so defeated while he said it. The look that he's really familiar with because he'd make that look whenever his father would cancel his promise with him. "Just… Nevermind. But you need to get in though. It won't be good if you catch a cold."
Now that he finally let himself look much closer, Adrien himself didn't look good. It was nowhere near his usual poster boy looks. His hair maybe as neat as ever, but there was something else in his eyes that he hadn't seen before : sorrow and it dawned on him that no matter what the media said, no matter how biassed his feelings toward him, at this moment, he was just a teenager who was just lost his father and probably need company more than ever. Not only that his room was so dark and as neat as he remembered, there was no change being made from how he remembered it to be before he got kidnapped. The room is always too big for him and always makes him feel lonely.
Perhaps that was why he asked him to come in then, because he was hoping for company and why he decided to come instead of stay away like he always did.
Because he knew very well what loneliness feels like, how it could eat you whole.
"Right, having a cold is never nice." He said before he finally leaped to the ground.
"So… A game."
"Eh?" His head perked up at that and he could see a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
"You ask me if I want to play a game."
"Oh, right I did!" He said with a beamed smile before he ran toward his table and took of his console from it. "What game do you want to play? Ultimate Mecha Strike?"
"Hmm… I want to have a bit of chaos today." He said while tapping his chin.
"Yep. You have a lot of controllers, right?"
"I have. Why?" "Let's play Bishi Bashi then."
He said with a grin.
"Ooh!! Yeah, I'll take the CD. Please wait a moment." He said before he ran up to find the old CDs.
Company, huh… He mused as he saw Adrien run back down and prepare the game while making himself comfortable on the sofa. Maybe we can be each other company for once.
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vapormosa-blog · 5 years
Rabatt wotofo profile unity rta
Hellvape Rebirth RTA Verdampfer ist ein RTA mit 25 mm Durchmesser und 2 Post Build Decks, die einfach zu bauen sind. Es verfügt über ein verstellbares Waben-Luftstromdesign, und der Luftstrom trifft direkt auf die Spule, was für Sie einen guten Geschmack bringt. Der Rebirth RTA Verdampfer verwendet auch ein Dual-Post-Build-Deck für die einfache Installation der Spulen. Das Clip-On Top-Fill-Design macht das Nachfüllen einfacher und schneller. Die 810 Mundstück sorgt für glatte und dampfende Wolken. Haupteigenschaften: 25mm Durchmesser Zwei Post Deck mit vergoldetem Post Unteres Luftstromsystem, einfach einstellen Clip-On Top Füllung Design Unterstützt Dual Coil Build 5 ml E-Saft Kapazität 810 Drip Tip ist verfügbar Technische Daten: Größe: 25*50mm Material: SS + Pyrex Glas Anschluss: 510 Drip Tip: 810 Kapazität: 5ml/2ml Widerstand: 0,2 Ohm Deck: Dual Post Build Deck Nachfüllen: Top Füllung Im Lieferumfang: 1 x 25mm Rebirth RTA Verdampfer 1 x Ersatz 810 Drip Tip 1 x Ersatzglas 1 x 510 Adapter 1 x Zubehörtasche 1 x Rebirth Sticker 1 x Coil Schneidwerkzeug 1 x Benutzerhandbuch Nach dem wahnsinnigen Erfolg des Hellvape Dead Rabbit RTA kommt Hellvape nun mit dem entsprechenden Tank Verdampfer um die Ecke, dem Dead Rabbit RTA. Ebenfalls entworfen von Vapin Heathen. Wir gehen davon aus, dass der Hellvape Dead Rabbit RTA genau so ein Erfolg wird, wie der legendäre RDA. Das Design überzeugt auf den ersten Blick. Material und Gravuren sind hier absolut stimmig. Die oben liegende Airflow sorgt für eine perfekte Luftzirkulation und verhindert das Auslaufen des Liquids. Im Inneren findet man ein grossartiges Dual Coil Deck. Die oben angelegte Airflow ist nicht nur optimal positioniert, sondern sorgt für eine perfekte Luftzirkulation im Inneren des Verdampfers und ist zudem absolut Auslauf sicher. Im Dead Rabbit RTA findet man ein grandioses Dual Postelss Deck mit viel Platz, welches spielend leicht mit seinen lieblings Coils bestückt werden kann.Dieser RTA wird euch Vaper ein nie dagewesenes Dampf- und Geschmackserlebnis bescheren! Durch die klasse Bauweise des Decks wird ein hervorragender Liquidfluss ermöglicht und die Gefahr eines Dryburn ist nicht mehr der Rede wert. Das Deck ist leicht zu wickeln und verspricht ein Geschmacks- und Dampferlebnis, wie man es bisher nicht kannte. Unser Fazit: Geiles Teil! Ein perfekter RTA! Spezifikationen: 25mm Durchmesser Material: Edelstahl, Pyrexglas 510er Anschluss 4,5ml Tankvolumen Single- und Dual-Coil Deck Topfill-System Stufenlos einstellbare Airflow (oben liegend) Lieferumfang: 1x Hellvape Dead Rabbit RTA Tank Verdampfer 1x Ersatzglas 1x 810er Resin Drip Tip 1x 510er Adapter (Edelstahl) 1x Zubehörtasche 1x Dead Rabbit Sticker Bedienungsanleitung wotofo profile unity rta Code: VAPORMO15 Hellvape Rebirth RTA Code: VAPORMO20
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