#Rebirth AU
arc-misadventures · 21 days
You know what be fun a female Rusted knight Jaune.
The Rusted Paladin
Jeanne: Hey, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah?
Jeanne: Do you think if I was in your place, that I could have been the, Rusted Knight?
Jaune: Hmmm... Maybe... I'm not really sure.
Jeanne: Why not?
Jaune: I never understood how I became the, Rusted Knight, I sorta just became the, Rusted Knight. I understand, Alyx gave me the moniker of, The Rusted Knight, but I did not understand how my armour began to rust as it did. I personally think due to the nature of the, Ever After; My mental state effecting me as it did so, and probably caused my armour to rust as it did.
Jeanne: Mental state?
Jaune: The conscious mind of an individual often warps the reality of the, Ever After around them. This can often lead one to being trapped in a situation that feels like you are being toyed with an eldritch horror that is messing with your mind simply because it was bored. Or, you'll be stuck in a tea party with a sentient slug who is a massive pot junkie.
Jeanne: Did that often happen?
Jaune: Often enough that I was able to 'dull' my mind enough so it wouldn't effect me as much as it first did. And, that I was able to see the signs of what was coming to avoid them, or choose which scenario I would rather deal with.
Jeanne: So less dealing with eldritch horrors then?
Jaune: Actually the eldritch horrors were easier to deal with.
Jeanne: Really?
Jaune: Yeah, they usually had some sort of gimmick to them, speak in opposites, talks in rhymes, stuff like that. Once you figure it out they were easier to deal with. I even became friends with some of them!
Jeanne: And, that was better then dealing with a slug pot junkie...?
Jaune: You've read the book where it comes into the story. Those drugs play havoc on the mind, and body.
Jeanne: Okay. So do you think I could have become the, Rusted Knight?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: I honestly believe if we swapped worlds, the Fall would never have happened with you in it.
Jeanne: You do?
Jaune: If you as you are now, Jeanne went to my universe, and took my place. You would have probably have killed, Cinder, and became the, Fall Maiden.
Jeanne: Seriously?!
Jaune: Cinder may have been more experienced then you, but in combat she is no where near as strategically minded as you are. She relied on brute force, and the mastery of her semblance to defeat her foes. You would have probably adopted a defensive stance, and waited for your semblance to super charge before activating your, Arc-Angel persona. I can't think of a single individual who can withstand your semblance as it is now when you let loose, let alone when you become the, Arc-Angel. Hell, you could have easily soloed that, Grimm Wyvern with it. People may have mistaken you for a, Maiden considering it's visual appearance.
Jeanne: But, what if I was the, Fall Maiden, and I used my semblance?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: You probably could have cut a path straight through the, Grimm Lands, right into, Salem's Castle, and captured her.
Jeanne: Sweet~!
Jeanne: But, seriously, would I have become the, Rusted Knight: Yes, or no?
Jaune: Well... If you becoming the, Rusted Knight that meant you saw the members of, Team RWBY fall into the abyss. Had to do preform a mercy killing of your friend to prevent the, Winter Maidens powers from transferring to, Cinder. Failed to escaped through a portal before you to fell into the, Ever After. Accidently touched some clock fruit thingy that sent you back in time. Was betrayed by the first human you saw in ages. Had to deal with a psychotic cat antics where it was trying to weaken your mental stability so it could take over your body. And, you became the over protective parent to a village of sentient origami paper because you had developed a savior complex because of all the people you failed to save. And, that you were doing all of this for... a long time because you knew that one day, some day you would be reunited with your friends, and you would finally manage to get out of the psychedelic nut house that was the, Ever After.
Jaune: Then yeah, sure... you could have become the, Rusted Knight.
Jeanne: Uhhhhh...?!
Jaune: What?
Jeanne: That's what fucking happened to you in the, Ever After?!
Jaune: I didn't tell you what happened? Could have swore I did.
Jeanne: I knew you were the, Rusted Knight. I didn't fucking know how it happened?! I would have remember you telling me if that's how it fucking happened?!
Jaune: Oh...
Jaune: Still want to be the, Rusted Paladin?
Jeanne: Paladin?
Jaune: I would assume that because you would have your more... developed staged armour, by the time you became, the Rusted Knight.
Jeanne: By developed stage, you no doubt mean me having armour plating that can hold my, F-Cups?
Jaune: Yes.
Jeanne: I see. Please continue.
Jaune: Having your developed stage armour, your helmet, and your semblance you would have been mistaken for some holy figure with rusted armour. Hence, the name: the Rusted Paladin.
Jeanne: The Rusted Paladin... Not bad... My helmet would have given me a crown of rust... I bet it would look pretty cool.
Jaune: I would have liked to have seen that. Mostly.
Jeanne: Mostly? I thought you liked my helmet.
Jaune: I do, it is...? It will look awesome! But, that stupid hole in the back of the top your helmet to let your hair out, that makes your helmet look like it has plumage is so stupid!
Jeanne: Hey, I have...! Or, will have so much hair, I have to put it somewhere, or else I can't see in it! It works, and it looked awesome!
Jaune: I know! That's why it annoys me so much!
Jeanne: You're just jealous of my style.
Jaune: And, you're just jealous that I became a famous character from a children's book!
Jeanne: No, I'm jealous that you got to ride on a giant jackalope because you became the, Rusted Knight!
Jaune: Oh, Juniper... I almost forgot about her...
Jeanne: You did...?
Jaune: I miss my giant bunny...
Jeanne: Uhhh...?
Jaune: I am sad now.
Jeanne: ...
Jeanne: Oh shit...
It's nice to see I can still write stories for the, Rebirth AU.
I guess I need to scrap what I previously wrote for the separation bit to actually finish it.
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justcommander · 7 months
what would have happened if Garcia did shoot the child when he wanted to?
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... apparently it depends on the effectiveness of the bullet.
If he "died". He could be summoned again by the cultists with another ritual. John would try to track him down one more time but he'd not trust Garcia ever again. In case he survived it, he'd regenerate but John wouldn't want Garcia around anymore regardless.
He'd be devastated from it anyway. He won't recover easily. Luckily this did not happen. He has nightmares of it though. As you can imagine.
(au by @kittyissac)
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silvergolddraco28 · 1 month
Hazbin Hotel- RP Starter/prompt- Caged Dove- Radioapple
DM if interested or comment please!
*a dark void with a bright doorway stretched before a figure as they ran for the light a hand reaching out toward it. Pale human skin over five fingers flashing to charcoal black over wickedly long clawed four fingers with golden scar-like cracks and back to five pale ones.
“Give her back! You're not ta-ah!”
They tripped cracking to the ground of the void glancing down at their taunt leg to the ankle wrapped in a glowing acid-green chain that was slithering up while a green-tainted black shadow curled around their other leg.
“Mama being mean to Papa. Mama needs a time out.” a child’s voice spoke from the doorway as the blurry form of a golden-haired little girl in a red dress stood beside a tall male-like form holding her hand.
“Dont worry my fawn. Papa will make sure Mama learns his lesson this time on trying to fly away without permission.” a male voice drowned in radio static spoke while a glowing green grin and red eyes came from the blurry male figure in the doorway picking up the little girl and seeming walking away.
“No* STOP!”
“Ow…” a blond male groaned rubbing his head from where he had smacked it against the edge of a small table set beside the bed. “Not another nightmare…”
The door of the small bedroom opened as a little girl of five or six sleepily stood in the doorway rubbing her blue eyes while dragging a pair of cute goat plushies with little butler outfits. “Mama? Bad dream?” the child asked as the male chuckled.
“Yeah. Come on Charchar, little ducklings need to eat breakfast before we finish packing and head to our new house.” the male stated to the little girl as he got up tossing the covers back into the bed to the time being as he padded over to the girl and picked her up getting a happy squeal and giggling.
“Pancakes!” the little girl happily giggled.
“Pancakes it is.” the male chuckled as he passed a few boxes several marked with childish draws and a name.
‘Charlie’s Toys’ ‘Charlie’s Clothes’ ‘Charlie’s Books’ and ‘Lucifer’s Stuff’ were a few of the things written on the few boxes in the hall. Said hallway was empty of most personal belongings. “Since this is gonna be our last breakfast in the apartment do you want to make applesauce pancakes?” the male, Lucifer, asked,
“Yeah! Special pancakes!” The little one, Charlie, agreed happily. Lucifer smiled nuzzling Charlie playfully before he stilled Ashe looked around the kitchen. It felt *off* to that sixth sense he had that was screaming at him there was danger and to get Charlie away from the danger. His eyes darted about the kitchen before he spotted it. The door to the balcony was cracked open. They were on the first floor of the apartment building. It wouldn't be hard for someone to lean a tall enough ladder to sneak inside and try to rob the apartment.
**”Time to die demon sum.”** a female voice snarled from his left in a language he had never heard before yet almost instantly knew as he moved out of the way of being slashed by a *golden sword* held by a one armed female in tight black and silver clothing, an angel wing pendant hanging from her neck while rage and furry were in her golden eyes.
**”This is for Adam and my sisters!”** the female hissed as she swung wide managing to getting small nick on Lucifer’s cheek as he moved. A nearly burning warmth spread through Lucifer’s body, pulsing from his back, hands, and lower abdomen as he was cornered against the hallway mirror that showed a reflection of the woman attacking him having large white wings with a black pattern on the edges.
The mirror rippled at the ‘burning touch’ with red and gold energy arching along the frame before swiftly sucking the male and child into the mirror that shattered seconds later under the blade of the woman.
High in a blood-red sky a bright golden ‘star’ burst into life with many eyes watching the ‘star’ shoot across the sky getting closer to the ground.
A young woman with an x over her eye narrowed the other seeing what other’s couldn't in that light. Without much choice the plucked her phone from her pocket and swiftly dialed a number she never thought she would have to call. The line rang twice before it connected. “I’m down town. Tell me you’ve noticed the meteor currently in the sky above Pentigram from your tower, Radio Demon.”
End Starter
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talonmom · 1 year
Random au idea i got, my friend and i have been tinkering with calling it a Rebirth Au
I dunno how i feel about it but i thought it was cute
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Basic idea is eda died when she got petrified but when they tried to heal her she came back as a kid,
And Raine has to handle losing their partner as they navigate how to handle this new situation cuz- they'd be such a damn good parent. (Just to clarify, this is completely a parent child relationship, no shipping whatsoever because eda is a literal child)
Idk if I'll do much with it but i just wanted to draw smol eda cuz shes adorable (also yes the white-ish streak is the same color as raine's, they dye it so they match)
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gabyoficial3 · 3 months
I made this the last night but i can't post because was the 2:30 am
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i remember the recarnation AU so i made this art of mephone4 and mepad recarnation form
Btw:those AREN'T my form humans of them,just are them in a new life:)
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yueasuka · 1 year
Day 2 of Adrien AUGreste : Truth for @adrienaugust
He didn't remember when he reached his room, he didn't even remember detransformed or when exactly he parted way with Ladybug. He just did, and now he's in his room, on his bed to be precise. For how long, he doesn't know.
"What now?" The voice that was so similar to Plagg's voice asked (or maybe his voice) but he couldn't answer it, he just didn't have enough energy to do so and even if he had, what should he answer anyway?
"Adrien, drink this."  
He lifted his head up from the pillow that he used to stuff his face with and saw Plagg with a glass of water in his hands. He looked worried, perhaps the most worried looks he ever saw from the years of time he had spent with the kwami and he shouldn't have worried him more than that. With whatever strength he had left, he pushed his body up from the bed and leaned his back against the wall before he accepted the glass. For a moment there he could see his own reflexion in it, a face that looked more tired than he had in his previous timeline despite looking much younger, green eyes that looked so dull that he wondered if there was any life in it anymore. If there's any means for his life-
"Adrien, please."  
Right, he should be focused on Plagg rather than whatever dark whisper he heard. After all, Plagg was the only one who truly cared for him. Apart from his mother, not even Ladybug ever came close. No, never her . He amended and drank the water after muttering a thank you to him.  Perhaps there was a time when he thought Ladybug did care, but upon knowing the truth thanks to another time travelling akuma, he doubted it was the case.  
If she cared, she would tell him about the reason why Rena Rouge (Furtive?) kept following them on patrol. If she cared, she would tell him the reason why she called him into the tower that night. But no, she didn't. She kept on silent even after he confronted her with the truth that he knew, because the akuma sent him back to those timeline, as if he knew what time to send him back. It's hurt, to be betrayed like this by someone who he once thought to be a partner despite them being chosen by a different person. (Perhaps, Adrien once thought, that was the reason why she always doubted him, never trusted him, because he came out of nowhere) but none of the pain from Ladybug's betrayal come as close as the betrayal from his own family.  
'How come they just replaced me with a sentimonster of all things?' After what he had done to cure his mother nonetheless.  
'Maybe a puppet is what they truly want.' He knew his father would, at least, after all those scolding and lecturing about how he must meet his father's standard for everything he did.  
Don't let Adrien remember me as a bad father. The last word from his father sparked something inside him. It was only a chuckle at first before it became a hysteric laugh.  
"Hey kid, you okay?"  
"Maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm insane after all." He answered in the middle of his laugh. He let out a loud sigh and patted his cheeks several times before he answered more for confused Plagg. 
"I always know he's never a good father. Perhaps there was a time when I thought he was just cold because he was busy and I kept disturbing him because, you know, I was a kid. But now I think again, I can't remember when exactly he ever became a good father and, as you already know, this is my third regression."
"The fact that I couldn't even remember when he was a good father, even with the combined life I had before this, just made his last wish become ironic." He scoffed. "Don't let Adrien remember me as a bad father, he said. As if he was ever a decent father before that."
"You know kid? You, trying to find good memories of your father doesn't mean you're insane. I've seen people trying to find the most mundane thing that they believe to exist. You're only insane if you said your father is a hero and went to worship him." Plagg floated, cheese in his hands before it went into the void that was his stomach, which made him smile at the sight and rub his cheek on Plagg's head lightly. "So what are you going to do after this?"  
"I don't know, sleep?"
"Are you sure you're not going to do with this?" He pointed to his phone next to his pillow. At first he was confused at what Plagg was referring to until he saw a headline from a notification on his phone.
Breaking news : Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated Monarch. Gabriel Agreste died in the crossfire when he tried to protect the young heroes from Monarch's attack.  
He couldn't help but blink twice when he saw the notification, not believing what he had just read. He quickly took his phone and swiped right into the article and read it. Apparently, in his moment of daze (he was out of it for days???) Ladybug had already made an announcement about the result of their fight except… It's not the whole truth. She twisted the truth by saying Gabriel had sacrificed himself when Monarch tried to take their miraculous and, thanks to that heroic sacrifice of him, a statue will be built from the Alliance ring that was hacked by Monarch to honor  it.
"What? What the heck is this?" He asked in disbelief and Plagg could only shrug. "It's insane! How could she twist the truth like that?" He muttered before he swiped into another article, and another and another one, only for the result to be the same. It was the same twisted truth that Ladybug told the world about Gabriel's heroic sacrifice for the peace of the world and it made him feel sick.  
He wondered if somehow his father had already got his hands on his and Ladybug's miraculous and this was the world that he created. Except no, his father never got his hands on his miraculous. He got Ladybug's earrings, which exposed her identity to both him and his father, but in the end he never get his ring and he could get the earrings back. So, no wish. Then what is this insanity that makes her do this?  
"Forget sleeping," he said as he tossed his pillow and plushies aside before he climbed down from the bed and got dressed.
 "Let's find out the truth from her."e
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evenfallwriter · 11 months
A list of all the moodboards that I've made till now.
dazai osamu moodboard (old template) nakahara chuuya moodboard (old template) akutagawa gin moodboard (old template) akutagawa siblings picrew
all my agony fades away - chapter one moodboard all my agony fades away - chapter two moodboard Fem SKK moodboard
prologue moodboard
to burn for your love - chapter one moodboard to burn for your love - chapter two moodboard to burn for your love - chapter three moodboard
dazai osamu moodboard (old template) sawako ariyoshi moodboard (old template) natsume souseki moodboard (old template)
part one - footprints on blood stained snow part two - painting white roses red
at least the war is over - chapter one moodboard at least the war is over - chapter two moodboard at least the war is over - chapter three moodboard at least the war is over - chapter four moodboard
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game-weaver · 1 year
Would you rather save Atemu or Yami?
"I.." He stared and felt his heart just ache. "Why do I have to choose...I..."
Wrapping his arms around himself he frowned. Yami had been the one with him through all the trials and tribulations after completing the puzzle. They had shared his body and mind, his soul. But there was something about Atemu, a deep seated part of himself, that part from the past that must have lingered despite having no memories of it, that wanted to grasp onto Atemu and not let him go ever again.
"Can I give myself up instead for them both?" His voice was so quiet, he didn't want to choose. "I would give up my own life if it meant they both were okay..."
mention: @captivatedbyaibou @kurai-honoo
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klonoafan5 · 20 days
another au idea i had in mind today is a somewhat recent one. by recent, i mean i came with this two months ago XD
it's a lego monkie kid au called rebirth.
rebirth is set in a world where dbk defeated sun wukong prior to the events of canon.
to make sure that he doesn't come back and fight him again, he kills him and his staff is left behind.
(don't ask me why, i couldn't come up with a reason when i made it and honestly i still don't)
further explanation under the cut
fast forward to canon time and the world is ruled under dbk and his family with a iron fist, including megapolis.
despite the bleakness of the situation, however, some people believe that the monkey king will return in a new life to get his staff back and and save everyone.
they have no clue who is it going to be, where they would pop up, or how - but they refuse to give up hope.
our protagonist is mk, a little guy whose been living with pigsy for as long as he can remember and is trying his best to keep his head up and survive under dbk's watchful eye.
that is until one fateful day he starts hearing something. a voice. one that calls him and no one else can hear. he tries to ignore it, but it's just as persistent as he is and the call of adventure is very alluring.
ultimately he decides to say screw it and follows after it.
eventually mk finds a weird stick and attempts to pull it out, fully expecting it to stay rooted in the ground.
only for it to pop right off.
but he doesn't have time to think about that because he hears someone showing up. in a panic, mk runs off with the item in his hands, completely unaware of what he just started.
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adrianhalldraws · 1 year
Short interview (FFXIV Rebirth AU, future)
"How would you describe K'hasae as you first met him?"
Alisaie: "He was incredibly quiet and frankly a bit of an enigma to me. I can't say I was particularly fond of him after the incident with the Immortal Flames but something told me to tough it out. I'm quite glad I did, looking back."
Alphinaud: "K'hasae was a handful for me but the experience has made me grow as a person and I'm grateful for that. There is so much to know about Hydaelyn [the planet] and K'hasae has opened my eyes to much of it. I never wanted to be an adventurer before but it seems like something I might find myself doing later in life."
"Would you consider yourselves friends now?"
Alisaie: "Absolutely! The only other person I would trust to always watch my back is Sunny. K'hasae has proven time and time again that he would never turn his back on us even in the worst of situations. In turn, I plan to do the same."
Alphinaud: "Of course. I would consider him my partner in crime, haha. Anything I do or plan, he's willing to assist to his full capacity and beyond. We've been through many a situation together and he always seems to know what I need him to do before I even say it."
"Would you change anything up to this point?"
Alisaie: "...Ah. As much as I would want to, I cannot imagine it going any other way. The suffering is unfortunately part of the journey and it would... something would be lost if anything were different. So... no. I can't say I would."
Alphinaud: "We've lost so much yet gained much more. Every step we take honors the memories of those who are gone. It seems almost disrespectful to change anything even if we had the choice. I suppose I dislike thinking in hypotheticals anyway."
"Anything to add?"
Alisaie: "We can't thank our friends enough. All of them."
Alphinaud: "I doubt we would be alive if not for them, especially me. Thank you."
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princehowl · 1 month
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save a horse let a cowboy ride YOU
repost bc i wanted to fix the tassels and give him a ridiculously long weapon, + had some doodles that i didn wanna post alone
og twitter post
[aug 2024]
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justcommander · 7 months
Baby Gary actually loving John can be pried out of my cold dead hands
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So! It's a bit complicated. Gary can't exactly love John. He feels something, for brief instants, something that is almost love. He might learn ... if John manages to raise him well. He might learn to feel it, without getting hurt by it.
Simply because God is Love. And it hurts, for a demon to feel it. To truly feel it.
(Rebirth AU by @kittyissac)
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pink-nubes · 2 months
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Edgy teens
(Genesis is forcing them to take a picture together so he can upload it to the ff7 equivalent of Instagram)
A little time skip for my au, I imagine they are like 16 here :)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker.
[First] Prev <–-> Next
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wen ning#wei wuxian#wen qing#jiang cheng#Truly Massive disclaimer here: I am a Jiang Cheng enjoyer. I like his character. I enjoy that he is very flawed and volatile.#This episode of the audio drama has a lot of great breakdown scenes featuring JC - and they all deserve a feature.#But underlying this comic is a small meta comment of 'ah man I have too many comics of JC just wailing sadly'#My goal is to draw 6-8 comics per episode - I sometimes have to truncate and cut good scenes out.#Especially when a large majority is just different flavours of trauma and toxic relationships to your self-worth.#I would also like to make a note here that just because you lose the ability to do something that is very tied to your core identity-#-does not mean your life is over. It will feel like the end of the world. It will send you into a spiral of grief. It will hurt so badly.#Sometimes we do not realize how tied up our identities can be in certain things until we are cut loose.#You don't lose yourself. I promise the pain will fade in time. I promise you will find other things to tether you. I promise you will be ok#Life moves forwards. Time moves forwards. You move forwards.#Ego death just means an opportunity for ego rebirth. You are never committed to being the same person forever.#To wrap this around to JC: Yeah I love the twist with the core transfer but man I would have loved to see JC accept the loss.#Obviously it happens for a reason (story) but I can have my AUs. I can have these 'what-ifs'.#described in alt text#I'm trying it out! *please* give me feedback - I want to eventually Add image ID to all of these comics one day
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rocketbirdie · 1 month
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it's all subjective
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yueasuka · 1 year
The Two of (me) Us
Two times.
That was the amount of regress he had done before he came to this timeline, the timeline that he thought would be the perfect timeline. Not because, this time, the world is at peace or no one gets sick cliche of perfect, but in a simple way, where he got both his parents and they can be a complete family, which with his mother finally cured from her illness. After all, there's the saying 'three times's a charm', right?
Sadly, it's not work either.
( Written for event Adrien AUGreste 2023 @adrienaugust )
An AU where there's two Adrien.
Day 1. Feather
Two times.  
That was the amount of regress he had done before he came to this timeline, the timeline that he thought would be the perfect timeline. Not because, this time, the world is at peace or no one gets sick cliche of perfect, but in a simple way, where he got both his parents and they can be a complete family, which with his mother finally cured from her illness. After all, there's the saying 'three times's a charm', right?
But no, the world won't let him get his wish.
He wondered where he got it wrong this time?  
Is it because he used his knowledge from a previous timeline to cure his mother? Probably, because that was where everything went downhill, it was while in his previous timeline when he was unable to cure her, everything seemed to be normal until his death. No magical terrorists, no miraculous, just a normal world.  
Perhaps he shouldn't try to change it. Maybe that's why the world decided to fix the thing that he changed. Because, in the end, his mother still died and his father? He's gone so much worse than the version of him that he encountered him in his previous timelines. It wasn't a depression anymore, it was madness.  
The worst part is that he didn't even know who to blame. Him for trying to change his mother's fate, his father for letting his grief and depression eat him whole, that stupid feather who stole his name or Miraculous for exist. But there's also part of him who doesn't want to blame anything, he just… Tired. Way too tired, it seems that whatever Ladybug said came as gibberish to him.  
"Do you even--" he heard her indignant voice, perhaps she finally realise that he hadn't paid attention to what she said. "Minou?" Weird how she sounded so worried when he called him that and the next thing he knew, she already stood in front of him. 
They had just finally figured out his father was the Monarch. They fight him together and while they manage to claim the stolen miraculous, they also manage to get to know that 'Adrien' is a sentimonster that his mother created, which end up killed her because the peacock was broken and his father in his way to get revenge on him and Ladybug… Died because of the cataclysm.  
He killed his own father.
The realisation finally dawned on him and he fell on his knees. He wasn't even aware whatever it was that Ladybug said to him, as her voice was drowning while the same sentences were repeated over and over again in his mind. He put his hands on his ears in the hope of drowning that voice to no avail. The more he tried to block it, the louder it became.  
You killed your own father.
You're a murderer!
As the voice became even more unbearable, he did the only thing that came to his mind.
He screamed. 
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