antirepurp · 1 year
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the older i get the less i bother with what canon has to say about character deaths and more with what my favorite freaks can become in their 40s
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popfizzles · 2 years
I know nothing about Jet Set Radio but please tell me about your oc
Their name is Torque and they cause trouble around 99th Street (which is a neon-lit nightlife street vendor sort of area). All the yellows and pinks on their clothes are blacklight, their street art focuses mostly on cute bubbly pink things, and one time @trapdoornumberthree threw an orange at their head
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They caught it though!!!
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raiiryuu · 4 months
“ how did you get this scar? ”
⚡︎ QUESTION PROMPTS ⚡︎ - @scarletbellatrix
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"Gonna have to be more specific."
He had his back to her, stretching as they both got ready to settle down for the night. Another long, shared job, another quiet inn on the edge of a village to get as far away from the noise of civilization as he could. (And of course, just like one of her weird novels, only one room, only one bed. His consolation had been in her expression as he'd agreed anyway, too tired to make the hike back to the village proper.) He felt her shift closer behind him, rolling one shoulder till it popped quietly but not moving otherwise.
"...may I....?"
"Yeah, doesn't bother me."
She reached out to trace one of the scars on his back, pausing as he stiffened slightly at the touch. He thought back, trying to remember any injuries he'd had in that spot. Nothing immediately came to mind.
"Hm. That look more like a cut, or a burn?" He looked over his shoulder, unable to see the scar itself but he saw her expression shift as he spoke. Why was it cute when she wrinkled her nose like that? He really was going soft.
"It looks to be from a blade. Do you not remember?"
"It's....fuzzy. I don't tend to pay special attention to the wound, just the lesson learned. Could be from the same fight I got this one on my chest here--"
She leaned over him to look at the scar he'd indicated immediately, a deeper cut close to his collarbone. She seemed to realize the position that put her in a second later, face reddening slightly, but he just soldiered on with his explanation as if it'd gone unseen.
Woman lets her imagination run too much.
"This was...way back, honestly. One of my first S-Class jobs I took solo. Guy pulled a blade and I figured I could get behind him with my magic. Little did I know the damned thing was enchanted."
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scxttershot · 11 months
Alright, so it wasn't that uncommon for the hitman to bum a place to sleep off other people in the midst of a job. As it was; really, Lawton? The fucking X-Men? Baby, you're out of your depth. You are so out of your depth it might damn near be laughable.
But Hellion had been oddly receptive to the idea, and so here Floyd was now, stumbling groggily around somewhere he really shouldn't have been (and wasn't that just his goddamn life story) and gnawing on the end of a cigarette while he admired the architecture. The smoke soothed him; helped him think.
It did not, however, prepare him for the pretty much naked man he'd found upon opening a door. "Jesus," Floyd hissed, and made a valiant effort not to look. Sure, he'd seen nude or nearly-nude bodies before, god only knew Thomas wasn't a fan of clothes, but there was something different about this interaction even if he couldn't put his finger on it. "...I can leave."
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viviskull · 2 years
((I go exercise for like an hour and I come back to see people cannot wait for Sunday to roll around lmao. Glad to see we never change 🤠👌))
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smokycinnamonroll · 3 months
Переиздание (I) is here!!!
I posted about it before if you remember, but then ghost jam arrived faster than i expected it to. Oops!
Oh well, everyone's favorite Just Some Guy (me) has returned with exciting new* music! Go listen or maybe even download 👀
*updated music, this is literally titled "re-release"
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catspittle · 11 months
"We goin' around killing people now? That's great. Do me next. I've always wanted to die."
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brutalage · 1 year
tag drop 02 .
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shukakumoodboard · 17 days
I feel like this is gonna hurt me but: tell me about "if it's the last night of your life"
~ @nightingaleflowlibrary
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have no fear, flow and also anon, you have selected from the repertoire of shenanigans:
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which is also colloquially known as: bapeyfic 😌
ok so if it’s the last night of your life, which i shorten to lnyl, is like if the plots of sailing stones and mop got smushed together but also i changed everything knskdhdk
consider the following: years into the fourth great shinobi war, it’s the night before what our heroes believe will be the decisive final battle… and it’s one that everyone thinks they will lose.
so naturally, everyone gotta fuck about it. y e e h a w
i have been plugging away at this one almost exclusively on my phone at random over the last two years, and it’s blown up to uhhhhh 37k words and technically two separate fics, because one is Entirely ✨peanits time✨ and the other is a sequel best summarised by that vine clip of the boy going when will you learn… that actions have CONSEQUENCES mostly bc some people don’t like bapeyfics and im embarrassed i keep writing them but i stay silly
wanna see the page count
(it’s called that which arrives with the sunrise 🙏)
behold! the summary (sorry if weird quote chunks im mobileposting)
“Gaara-kun, you do not have to keep me company. You should be spending this time with your precious person.”
“Precious person? I don’t have one.” His expression softened in the firelight as he looked over at Lee. “And you are my friend.”
The war has raged on for years now, but tonight is somehow different. Tomorrow brings the final battle. How it will go is anyone’s guess. For now, though, there is tonight.
thank u for asking i love u both xoxo gossip grill
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zeddertop-bugster · 1 year
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ocs from @beetrootbot (1, 3) @gamergirlshelby (2,4) @moonlithwritings (6,7,8) @speci-society (5) Moonismic AF / INSTA (9,10)
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ladygreige · 1 year
Being an exclusive mobileposter has its benefits....i wish I could see the clown...
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biskael · 2 months
cannibalism as love/desire symbolism , we meet again 👋✨
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raiiryuu · 4 months
“ we all have secrets, don’t we? ” / myst :DD
⚡︎ QUESTION PROMPTS ⚡︎ - @astraebled
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"Most secrets at least make sense."
He didn't seem particularly adamant on pressing the issue, but there was no mistaking the curiosity in the gaze fixed on him. The topic had only come up once before, but at the time there had been a call from the guild to distract the lightning mage. This time, Mystogan faced that sharp almost-glare (his eyes had changed so much since their first meeting, all of him had, almost seeming like something was wrong) alone.
How can you have an identical twin somewhere in this world, down to that mark on your face, when you're not even related??
It was not an explanation he'd take well, that much was certain from his recent demeanor. Something had been slowly but steadily shifting in him the past few years, since shortly before he'd gotten the S-Class title. Aloof leaning more towards aggressive, features sharpening, behavior changing. He seemed wholly different now from the teen Mystogan had befriended, when on the fringes with his team (the "Thunder God Tribe," if he recalled right). The one he knew showed on occasion when alone, though it was getting to be less and less frequent, as their meetings did.
Maybe something was wrong.
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scxttershot · 11 months
"Seein' a lot of people talking 'bout killing one another all of a sudden. Feel like now's a good time to plug my services. Just remember-"
"I don't do this for free. We'll have to negotiate a price."
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theworldgate · 1 year
Okay, so, this depends on... Like, is it even a leak if it's a marketing tagline and also possibly the literal premise of the story?
Also I'm mobileposting and cannot figure out how to add a 'read more'.
Anyway, WeeklyMTG just had Brady hint that there's a big splashy cycle of mythics that relates to the premise of March of the Machine: The Aftermath, which is also spoilers.
Except, uh, Wizards's Amazon storefront has something about desparked planeswalkers? So. Um. Yeah.
Anyway, my best guess for that cycle is wedge mythic creatures: on the packaging we have Nissa, Nahiri, Sarkhan, and Kiora and I think wedges are the only option that actually fit all 4.
So, obviously you have Temur Sarkhan (he's already been Temur) and Mardu Nahiri (Nahiri is not remotely Blue, and is Boros with an ambitious and murdery streak who everyone has half expected to turn up Mardu already). In a vacuum I would put Nissa as Sultai - she really showed her Blue character traits in her BRO story, and also it's make sense from a commander perspective (as it means you can run all the Nissas if you want) - but Kiora is more Simic than her (as far as planeswalkers go, she is simply the most Simic there is), and Kiora also makes sense as Sultai (like, if you had to put her in a three colour combo it's up there).
This puts Nissa in Abzan, which also isn't too out there, honestly. Just one example: in that same BRO story I mentioned above, she briefly commands the army of mechs in the same way Elspeth did.
In the packaging art, Nissa's magic is definitely glowing a lighter (well, paler) green than usual, too (whereas when Nissa does tap into blue... Like, the glowing magic swirls would be blue if that was what was occuring).
The one issue is Jeskai - I could see this being Narset (though knocking out two Planes of 'walkers seems weird - hitting all Zendikari ones makes sense, Sarkhan is displaced in time so could be more susceptible to whatever caused the desparking... Why Narset?), or possibly the Kenrith twins, who have had their absence noted, and who seemingly don't make it to their parents' funeral. Red and Blue are covered at base, and White makes sense as a combined secondary (albeit more so for Will, when Rowan is the protagonist one). And they have established spark weirdness. Or possibly we'd just get Will Kenrith, who is really annoyed at Rowan for running off with their shared spark which is why he's Red as well as Blue/White.
Well, okay, also as far as problems go: I'm pretty compleated!Nissa casts a counterspell at one point, and we just had a splashy cycle of Wedge mythics so it feels odd getting a second (outside of something focused on multicolour and wedges as a major theme).
But for the cycle... I don't think 4 colour works (Uh, Nissa un-red fine, Sarkhan un-white sure, Nahiri un-...green? I guess?, Kiora un-black?! And who's anything-but-blue? Okay I know I said Nahiri wasn't remotely Blue, but she's still even less Green...), enemy colour would make Sarkhan Izzet (which is akin in wrongness to an Izzet Narset, but for opposite reasons), and three of the four we see have known enemy colour identities, which rules out ally and shards (unless we have a Nissa and Nahiri team up???? That would cover Naya I guess? But... Bant Kiora? No, just no.).
There could be mono-colour too, I guess? But Kiora and Nahiri got the hybrid treatment for their colour pairs for a reason. Also it would be very weird for Nahiri to go back to being mono-W after getting glowing orange eyes and also tattoos. Just... Aesthetically speaking. Heck, there's a vertical cycle of red cards in MoM featuring Nahiri! (admittedly, one of these is featuring Nahiri getting pwned, but the other two are flavoured as her doing Red things)
There's also the chance that Kiora appears only to be triumphant as Zendikar's new chosen. Which honestly would be funny and she has a cool enough design to stick on the front of a collector booster and be recognized, but it wouldn't be both her and Sarkhan getting surprise reintroductions out of nowhere in this set without something weird going on, and Sarkhan's presence is sufficient to force Wedges (Nahiri being Red/White (she is a kor who is perpetually glowing orange) requires enemy or wedges (she is just... not Naya) and Izzet!Sarkhan is, as previously stated, just wrong).
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swooshywoo · 2 years
girl help im mobileposting and cannot copy urls and my tumblr didnt auto complete that last posts url tag
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