#Moment of Eighteen
enby-peep · 9 months
im halfway thru ep 7 of Moment of Eighteen and (one of) the thing that really gets me so far is how there's like. one person that truly gets that jun-u is just a socially awkward weirdo. MAYBE two on a good day but thats pushing it (and like when does jun-u ever have a good day. get real.)
like the conflict w hwi-young stems from hwi-young thinking that jun-u cared even half as much abt school politics as he did and every conflict w soo-bin is bc she, bless her heart, keeps giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he has a Secret Normal side.
and then there's o-je who had one conversation with him and immediately clocked as only being capable of having one single thought at any given moment with zero ability to articulate.
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naturecalls111 · 1 year
Me, consuming any other media ever: how can I make this about zosan
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kingofanemptyworld · 4 months
I think we should talk more about the mind-fuck that was the fullbringer arc and what that would’ve done to Ichigo’s mental state, especially in regard to potential trust issues + anxiety stemming from the fear that he can’t trust his own mind (because being the only person to remember something, even knowing why that’s the case, has to do a number on your self-confidence) + trauma expressed in nightmares and panic attacks when his memories aren’t lining up with someone else’s. like how would you fucking cope after something like that?
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zhaozi · 4 months
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너 T야?😏 // are you T?😏
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nicollekidman · 5 months
where did you go to school and what did you study?
i went to nyu gallatin and concentrated in essentially literature and polysci/sociology but almost all of my classes were interdisciplinary seminars so i was out there taking shit like “philosophy of religion” and “domesticating the wild in children’s literature”…… literally greatest most stimulating four years of my life (academically) and i would pay a million dollars to have access to my course essays again. my concentration colloquium i ended up titling “loaded language: domination & dissent through the written word” and everytime i think about it im like woah i really tapped into something that i would only get more interested in and also goddamn i need to get an advanced degree and also yeah every stereotype about gallatin students is true lol
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sisterdivinium · 3 months
I'm waiting on my sort-of-beta friend to read my next contribution to the fest before I post it and it hit me just how wild it is to still be here when I thought I'd just write two or three stories and be done with it.
That was how things used to go in other fandoms (as anyone who goes diving into my AO3 account will see -- I just looked at one of those older pieces and laughed out loud at the comment "Use your powers for good, woman! Make it better!") but WN really seems to be the one that breaks the rule. I wonder what it is about it, exactly...
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phoenixfiiire · 4 months
He heard the commotion before he heard the tell-tale click of the electronic lock, informing him that the door to his room was now open and that he could leave.
Which was... strange.
A lot of things happening today were strange. For one, he wasn't supposed to be in his room. He was supposed to be in the labs, completing the tests for the day, but he had been rather quickly and hurriedly rushed back to his room before any of them could be completed. It was strange, and he had tried not to think much of it - but deviations in his daily schedule never happened.
Or, when they did happen, it was because something bad was happening. Like when Dion had...
Leaving was... not allowed. Even though the door was open and the lock was broken, Joshua knew the expectation would be that he continued to sit here and wait until someone came by to tell him what was going on. But...
The lights flickered for a moment as Joshua padded over to the doorway. Hesitation still gripped him tightly until they went out, leaving him in the dark for a moment until he conjured a small bobbing orb of flame to illuminate him.
"Hello?" The sound of the commotion, shouting and yelling and was the gunfire? could still be heard. It was going against what would be considered common sense to head toward the source of the noise, but after hesitating for a moment Joshua started off.
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screamingfrenchfries · 2 months
being an adult is finally realizing that random headache you keep getting is actually just caffeine withdrawals from switching to carbonated water instead of soda
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thefeastandthefast · 7 months
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Brb currently realizing just how much influence Sonic has had on my life/writing style
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yioh · 1 year
why am i cursed with always liking that one gay side character who never gets the arc or screen time they deserve and who will never be as loved as the main couple 😭
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downlikelighting · 1 year
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hold-him-down · 5 months
if anything with the drabble today makes you side eye any timelines ignore that instinct we are all good over here
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thepastneverforgets · 5 months
tommy is such a beautiful, precious understanding rare gem of a man though. because if i had just finished telling my date about how it took me decades to be comfortable with myself and come out, and then he panics in the face of his unexpected best friend and lies about us just hanging out and looking for "hot chicks" together--i wouldve immediately and "accidentally" knocked over a glass on the table and watched it spill all over buck
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tv-moments · 1 year
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Your Honor
Season 2, “Part Eighteen”
Director: Carrie Preston
DoP: Crescenzo Notarile
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