#Mommy monster
bunnis-monsters · 4 months
Monster boy with a breeding and mommy kink that’s desperate to get you pregnant so he can be snuggled and taste your breast milk… he both wants to be pampered and spoiled and to do the same to you…
Maybe it’s a cat hybrid/werewolf that lost his mother when he was young and still has those kitten/puppy behaviors, wanting to knead and suckle on your breasts while you keep his knot warm.
Maybe it’s a vampire/elf that hasn’t seen his mother in centuries and just needs that affection and unconditional love, who wants to sleepily fuck into you while while you give him lots of affection and encouragement.
He just loves you, you’re his mate, his lover. You’re the only one that can make him feel so soft, so fuzzy and warm inside. He calls you mommy/mama when he cums, and just wants lots of snuggles for aftercare.
Tell him he did a good job, and how much you love him… he really needs to hear it.
Thinking… thinking about this a lot…
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silken-moonlight · 4 months
Alpha werewolf sub with a Mommy Kink
He quickly fell in love with you. After getting to know you through mutual friends, the two of you began dating. He was your type: tall and dominant. He was also the next Alpha in line to rule his pack. He was responsible, calm, and simply lovely.
You had always been the mom-friend, a nurturing and caring person. You checked up on your friends, brought home-cooked meals, and listened to their problems. Some of them even called you "Mom" and had you in their contacts as "Mom." You loved to care for your friends; you loved how they saw you as a safe person.
When you did that to him, he was incredibly receptive of it. He craved it, atleast when the two of you were in private. He wanted to be held by you, his head on you chest. He fell asleep like that often. One of your hands was always in his hair and one on his back rubbing it.
After the first few times you two had sex he told you about his kinks. You hadn't had a partner before who was kinky, were also very eager to learn about it and get into it.
Thats how it came to this. Your boyfriend sat on the couch, you were next to him and he gave you his best puppy eyes. You knew what he wanted. You chuckled and wanted to tease him, so you lifted up your shirt. Since you wore no bra you could easily tease your nipple. You moaned and laid your head back, immediatly he whined next to you. "Please...," he begged. You looked at him. "Please what?"
"Please let me lick your nipples." He begged. You nodded and his moutj immediatly wrapped around your nipple. You sighed and moaned as he sucked greedily on your nipples. He could spend hours like that, hard in his pants and just sucking your nipples. It even seemed to calm him. You slipped your leg between his legs and he began to grind on your leg. You angled you leg so he could grind better.
He took his time, edging himself on your leg. "Make yourself cum for me, Baby." You told him and he did, making a mess in his pants.
Such a sweetheart he is..
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leekeyrouz · 2 months
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gravitycoill · 4 months
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au thats based on sticker loading screen in fnf ( inspired by @/toonishtragedy on twt )
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xxautumnivyxx · 4 months
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When she’s cute but also might be a bull-e. Get it? Because cow girl jokes are funny?
I’m tired but I’m trying, let me be proud.
More than exclusives coming soon
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ishtea · 21 days
bug girl mommy that slips a little more of her eggs into you every night while you’re sleeping but refuses to admit it and comments on how “she love the weight your putting on” while touching your bloated tummy
when you’re so full of mommy’s brood you can’t even get up out of bed she just laughs and cradles you “guess i’m taking care of my fat lil baby in bed~~” she happily breastfeeds you and dotes on you
when you start feeling the eggs writhe inside you she smiles and preps your overstuffed holes to be spread open~ “you’ve been such a good hatchery for mommy”…
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Ummm i would like to commend the lactation kink anon. Thank you for your service o7
I’d like to add that even during the early stages of pregnancy wolfie is definitely like “I should suckle on you for at least an hour a day to help you prepare. It’s medicinal!” He definitely doesn’t have ulterior motives
He rubs your tits slowly easing some of the pressure and massaging away the discomfort. "it'll help you get used to the feeling- promise," he says licking his lips before dipping his head down and wrapping his lips around your nipple. He suckles gently, running his rough tongue over the sensitive peek of your breast.
He moans when the first drop of milk hits his tongue. He holds himself back from drinking greedily. He almost whimpers when you tell him that he's had enough.
He insists that even if you aren't sore from how swollen your breasts are- you should still let him suck on your breasts for at least a little bit. it's Medically healthy- and yes before you ask it is medically necessary that he jerks off while sucking your tits too.
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lassieposting · 7 months
Absolutely obsessed with the ecosystem and interpersonal political implications going on in Poppy Playtime right now, like.
What we have in the Playtime Co factory is a society made up of creatures who were all, at one point, human. And while it's stated that the experiments have varying levels of intelligence and ability to recall their former lives, we know that a lot of them, if not all of them, retained at least some of their humanity post-transformation. For example:
Most of the experiments are angry, resentful and vengeful towards Playtime Co - they understand they have been wronged, and they are capable of holding grudges.
Poppy and the Prototype seem to have the same end goals (putting a stop to the experiments and saving the innocents being used in them), but diametrically opposing views on how to go about achieving them (the Prototype is a gritty realist who knows no war was ever won without bloodshed and is willing to cause collateral damage in the name of his cause, where Poppy is far more idealistic, moderate and morally opposed to/upset by the deaths of the Playtime Co employees). This dispute has escalated far enough that the Prototype apparently shut Poppy away before the Hour of Joy could begin, and Poppy now wants the Prototype dead for what she sees as a crime equal in atrocity to Playtime Co's - they are able to understand ideologies, have ideological disagreements, and strategise against each other.
Huggy Wuggy, who seems to be only slightly more intelligent than a predatory animal, can still write, and uses the ability to try to guide fleeing prey in the wrong direction - that suggests he uses the vents to hunt on a regular basis, and he's clever enough to use basic deception.
On the subject of Huggy Wuggy, when he escapes the facility, his first instinct is to go home.
There are also numerous examples of the experiments being able to form and maintain social bonds, and work together:
Mommy Long-Legs is described as "nurturing" and "motherly" towards the other experiments, as well as the children. She's placed in the Game Station precisely because her desire to protect and care for the children outweighs her hatred for her captors: she won't act aggressively in front of them.
DogDay says that he's "the last of the Smiling Critters", implying that the Playcare originally had a full complement of Bigger Bodies Critters and that they were all able to coexist peacefully.
Kissy Missy and Poppy clearly have a friendship, with Poppy willing to charge into unknown danger to help her friend.
Miss Delight originally calls the other teachers her sisters, and she's horrified and grief-stricken by her own actions when she turns on them.
Miss Delight and CatNap form a non-aggression pact that seems to include some kind of respect for territorial boundaries, as Ollie claims that CatNap usually avoids the school. That's Miss Delight's turf, and he clearly respects her space, even though it technically falls inside his own territory.
The Prototype - who's usually kept in isolation and under surveillance precisely because he's known to be violent - was on multiple occasions set loose in a room with at least CatNap (and potentially other experiments) without bloodshed. He's even confirmed to have patiently tolerated CatNap lowkey imprinting on him and following him around like a duckling.
The Prototype also opts to save Theo Grambell's life, knowing damn well that to do so means sacrificing his shot at freedom. There is no reason for him to do this other than caring for Theo.
Again, DogDay is the last of the Smiling Critters. Despite the fact that there would have been six of them, and one of CatNap. Working together, they should have been able to overpower him easily, and the fact that they couldn't makes me think that either a) there was a big confrontation in which CatNap either arrived with or was able to call out for backup or b) CatNap became an infinitely more capable strategist and picked them off quietly one at a time, using skills he'd have to have learned from someone.
Anyway. My point here: these were originally people, with all the associated moral hangups and emotional messiness, and they retained a lot of their humanity post-transformation. And they were on the same side, to begin with. During the Hour of Joy, they all turn on the workers together.
But after that? The complete breakdown of that unity and those complex social relations into an essentially animal ecosystem, and the psychological impact on the surviving experiments, fascinates me.
By the time the game starts, the experiments have run out of food, and they've begun turning on each other out of desperation. The Bigger Bodies monsters, previously social and cooperative, have been forced into direct competition for food, and as a result they've largely become solitary apex predators with fiercely-defended territories, where they can pick off smaller, weaker experiments at will. There's some evidence of cooperation and coexistence between predators - Bunzo Bunny and the Mini-Huggies survive ten years in Mommy Long-Legs' territory, possibly filling the scavenger niche and surviving off her leftovers, and Miss Delight is tolerated in CatNap's - but the small toys we see scattered bloodily all across the factory (and the small Bunzo we see picked off by CatNap as it tries to cross a room) show that there's a whole category of experiments whose lives would've become all about hiding, and sneaking, and being where the Bigger Bodies critters aren't. The predators, driven to the edge of starvation, have had to surrender a lot of the human values and morals they had before. The prey have essentially become rodents - they're in danger every second they're not safely hidden away somewhere.
And yet!
The way they've reacted to their trauma is still so human.
Like. Take the difference between CatNap and Mommy Long-Legs.
Mommy and CatNap - Marie and Theo - have a very similar start in life. Both were children when they were experimented on and transferred into their mascot bodies. Both were orphans, and both are described as not fitting in or being particularly happy in the Playcare - Marie was bullied, and Theo is described as "odd" and "antisocial with other children".
But post-transformation, it seems Marie was largely left to, essentially, raise herself. We know that she was aggressively hostile towards staff, and gentle and nurturing towards orphans and other experiments, but we have no suggestion that anyone was caring or parental towards her. Like most of the experiments, she has a digestive tract and would have needed to eat, so she must have had a "keeper" of some kind, but she doesn't seem to have had any attachment to anyone who could serve as a parental substitute and guide her into adulthood.
When we meet her as Mommy Long-Legs, she would be a young adult - she's grown up in her mascot body. But even acknowledging that she's been driven mad by fear and isolation, her emotional development shows several damage markers you'd expect from a child so utterly deprived of love and care and guidance. She's emotionally unstable and prone to throwing extreme tantrums over small and arbitrary inciting factors, like "cheating" at a rigged game - there's very limited ability or desire to moderate or regulate her emotions. She's erratic, has poor impulse control, and when she's angry she lashes out violently at whoever is most convenient - like Bunzo - even though it's someone else - the player - that she's actually mad at. She does try to hide her disappointment at our continued existence behind her bubblegum Mommy persona, but she never quite learned to convincingly mask her emotions the way adults can. Nor has she mastered the art of making and executing a plan - when she attacks, it's all aggression - the single-minded grab-and-smash of an angry, thwarted child. Even Huggy, limited though his intelligence is, stalks the player and tries to chase them into a kill zone. But Mommy relies solely on her stretch ability - automatic, instinctive - and her sheer rage to make her the GameStation's apex predator. Left to raise herself, she never learned a lot of adult skills or survival strategies, and it's become a fatal flaw - she knows her territory, she knows where there would be machinery to look out for, but she's so single-mindedly focused on punishing the player that she completely overlooks her own safety.
Contrast: CatNap.
CatNap is also a young adult when we meet him, and if he'd also been left alone to raise himself, he'd probably have a lot of the same developmental stunting. But he doesn't, and that's interesting.
Now, let's take a very quick detour to look at the behaviour we've seen, not from CatNap, but from the Prototype. We know he's fiercely intelligent, calculating, and a tactical thinker with a talent for using his environment and anything in it (up to and including the player - he makes use of Mommy after we kill her, even though he's the facility's super predator and could easily have done it himself) to his advantage. We know he's stealthy - from how close to us he is at the close of each chapter, he's likely been tailing us from the moment we entered the factory, keeping his distance and watching us to see what we'll do and how he can make use of our actions. Some of his behaviours are strongly reminiscent of a soldier in action - I have a theory here that whoever became the Prototype had, at some point in his previous life, been a military man.
And now look at CatNap. Who has he become?
An intelligent, calculating stealth predator who uses his environment and any weaponizable thing he can get his claws on to take out his prey with minimal risk to himself. He's capable of adult logic and reasoning skills - i.e. the teachers will get hungry and harm the surviving children, so locking them in the school to fight to the death removes all but one threat, who can then be negotiated with once the children have been moved to safety. He's able to form and maintain alliances and agreements. He's even able to identify that the player is either a) not a threat to him or b) proving useful to the Prototype, and overlook his own hunger to offer them mercy: leave Playcare, or I'm coming for you.
In other words, he's grown up a lot like the Prototype.
And there's a reason for that! We know from the interdepartmental report on CatNap that for some reason, after his transformation procedure, he was allowed to socialise with the Prototype - an experiment who's considered so dangerous usually kept on lockdown in isolation under constant surveillance. And the report notes that CatNap "follows [the Prototype] around like a lost puppy" and that the Prototype "doesn't seem to mind".
Which, on its own, could just mean that the Prototype recognised Theo for what he was - a traumatized, hurting, confused little boy - and, aware that CatNap was not a threat, opted for tolerance over violence. But when you consider CatNap's history with the Prototype, I don't think that's it. Theo befriended the Prototype, or vice versa, long before Theo ever became CatNap. He was mortally injured trying to help the Prototype escape, and the Prototype gave up that shot at freedom to get Theo medical attention. They are close, and the fact that CatNap, a decade later, has assumed so many of the Prototype's traits and skills implies that they remained close for a good long while after the Hour of Joy.
Theo, aged 7, is clinging to the one person he feels safe with and protected by after a major trauma. If he follows the Prototype everywhere, he won't be left alone with the scientists. If he's not left alone with the scientists, they can't hurt him anymore. And the Prototype lets him, reinforcing the idea that you're safe with me. It's not unlikely that he feels responsible for CatNap's fate - if he hadn't taken Theo to the Playtime counselors for medical attention, the boy would have peacefully died, and wouldn't be living a nightmare - and he's stepped up to parent CatNap.
And you can see echoes of that ongoing bond in how CatNap behaves a decade later. Who taught him to hunt? The Prototype. Who taught him strategy and tactical thinking? The Prototype. Who gave him the survival skills he needed to make his way to the top of the food chain and stay there? The Prototype.
Unlike Marie, Theo had someone to protect him. Someone to play with and care for him. Someone to hunt for and feed him once the bodies began to run out, at least until he was fully capable of catching, killing and pulling apart his own prey. Someone to socialise with. And he's better adjusted - for a given value of "better adjusted", because like, nobody in this factory is even remotely okay - as a result.
And that's still so human. Despite the absolute horror-show feral animal situation they're all living in.
Just? idk man i have a lot of feelings
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Hey guys! Sorry about this but some minor changes had to be made to the V-mix lineup! HERE'S the final version.
Hopefully this time around everything will be oky doky loky! (The old one will be deleted soon)
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silken-moonlight · 2 months
Sensitive omega boyfriend
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He had built a nest in your bed, feeling under the weather since you left to attend some pack business. Eagerly he waited for your return; also, he was so incredibly....aroused. His nights were plagued by dreams of you, naked and riding him in reverse cowgirl.
So he humbed his pillow, edging himself. Wanting to make his orgasm so hard that he would take a nap after to shorten the time until you arrived.
You came home earlier, hearing his moans and smelling his arousal. You walked to you bedroom, leaning against the doorframe;"What a naughty puppy." You told him. His head jerked around and he whined. "You're back!" He wanted to get up but you stopped him.
"Continue to grind." You command and walk up to him, watching him as he tried to hump the pillow harder. "Such a naughty puppy, fucking yourself when I'm not home..." You scolded him.
"I couldn't help it!" He protested, his breath rigid. "I want to touch you..." He whined, making you chuckle:"I do you one better..." You said and took of your top, stepping into his reach and he immediatly sucked on your nipples. He was obsessed with suckling them. You were sure he had a big Mommy kink, though he was stubborn about that he didn't have one.
His free hand snaked into your underwear and he began to rub your clit. He wanted to make you cum too, his goal to make you feel as good as he felt. You sighed, relaxing against him. He was skilled, rubbing tight and quick circles. You hips moved towards him and he stopped grinding, wanting to make you cum first. His fingers rubbed faster, making you moan and grab his hair roughly. He never took his mouth of your nipples, stimulating you furhter and further.
"Yes baby, make me cum." You told him. He obeyed, rubbing faster and faster. The arousal became greater and greater, your wetness running down your inner thighs. The scent of your heat made him crazy. He whined and whimpered against your tits. Pushing you on the bed, humping your leg while rubbing your clit and again sucking your other nipple.
"Faster." You moaned and he obeyed, making you come from his fingers. His hips quivered and he came inside his underwear, a wer Patch forming there.
He crawled into your arms, burying his face in the crook of your neck;"I missed you." You chuckled:"I missed you too Baby."
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thrasherella · 3 months
Cat!hybrid girl seduces mouse!hybrid boy at a house party
She'd been with a rat before, but never a mouse, and he was definitely a mouse, no mistake. Those large, velvety soft looking round ears, short stature; he was a good foot shorter than her, and just a little bit chubby. So small, but so goddamn cute.
She couldn't help herself.
They had momentarily locked gazes from across the room at the party, pupils dilating in her bright green irises as a small smirk tugged the corners of her lips, whiskers twitching slightly as she maintained that contact with his deep brown eyes and made her way over to him, slinking her way through the small crowd of their friends gathered in the living room.
She leaned in, supporting herself with her left forearm against the wall, looking down at him playfully. "Enjoying the party?" her fluffy, inky black tail gave a mischievous flick, wrapping around the side of her waist and brushing against his thigh lightly.
He was very clearly nervous, shrinking back against the wall, hands sweaty in his pockets as he looked up at her with a shy smile, a little electric thrum sparking at the spot her tail touched him. Holy shit she's hot, and she's a cat...keep it together man!
"Y-Yeah, just, hangin' out; how about you?" his own long, thin, sparsely haired tail thumped gently against the wall, and she gave a little chuckle, momentarily flashing those sharp canine teeth...
"Oh I'm having a great time," she leaned in closer, practically pressing her breasts into his face as his cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink, his gaze momentarily dropping to the cleavage popping out of her low cut top. "I can think of a few ways to make it even better though, if you wanna join me for some fun..."
A few minutes later she had him in the bathroom, stripping him of his dark hoodie and pulling down his pants, his cock already leaking precum as he sprung free of his fabric constraints. The blush never left his face as he stood somewhat awkwardly in his baggy white t-shirt, jeans around his ankles, his eager dick poking through his boxer shorts.
Fuck why was he so cute?!
"Well, what are you waiting for nerd? Put it in already..." she bullied him playfully, getting down onto all fours in front of him, tail now high in the air as she pulled her skirt up over the curve of her ass to expose her bare cunt to him; she never wore panties.
"Yeah, just like that...mmhmmm, aaall the way..." he followed her instructions, slowly pushing his surprisingly thick cock inside her tight, wet folds, his breath coming out in small pants and huffs.
"Mmmmm yeah, that feels sooo good...pump it in and out, just like that...do you think you can go harder? Oh fuck yeah, mmhmmm...right there, keep going..."
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
I think constantly about Pudding and Sanji being obviously parallels of each other and how fucked up it is that Pudding had to live the life Sanji managed to escape but she constantly gets hate online as if she hadn't been literally manipulated by her mother through the whole fucking arc. But okay. Yes. God forbid women have any sort of trauma response and if they do they're not allowed to have a redemption arc because of course they're extremely evil for making your silly baby boy cry and they don't have a heart even though it's explicitly shown in screen that they do and they regret their past actions.
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xxautumnivyxx · 5 months
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Let your resident monster girl curl up next to the fire.
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kitsuneheroes · 8 months
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saw this post and immediately knew what i had to do
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jdsgothwife · 14 days
i love that lestat wakes up in a completely unfamiliar place after having his blood sucked by a vampire and his first thoughts are "i want a cold drinky drink" and "i want a fucking bowl of soup" and only after that is he like "oh yeah that vampire who bit and kidnapped me last night" and remembers to be scared. deeply relatable
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fangirltothefullest · 2 months
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I've decided these are all the same species.
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