#Monark Protagonist
derpu-doodles · 9 months
woe, Protag be upon ye
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jupiter-mokusei · 2 years
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Monark 1st Anniversary 10/14 2022
Always I Love This Game!!
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letsbeartists · 11 months
信仰のヴァイスロイ、フィデス!Happy Second Anniversary of Monark!
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Wait, why are you surprised??? This entire time you've been acting like you figured it out LOL I'VE BEEN STUPIDLY TALKING TO MYSELF LIKE WE WERE ON THE SAME PAGE
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yusuke-of-valla · 2 years
Do you think Joker being a silent protagonist/player surrogate hurts P5 story in any way cause for me, it's why Akechi is an awful rival, or why the romances don't work or why Shido isn't as engaging to beat as it should be.
Oh yeah definitely. I think so many things are hurt by Joker not being able to express like coherent and consistent opinions?
Like he and Akechi can’t really debate because Akechi mostly talks at the player and it’s not a compelling back and forth
Although I think in general Persona 5 has a problem where characters don’t have real agency and not in an intentional way I mean in a “none of the choices matter because deciding to choose a target is always supplemented with the threat of Joker being arrested thus making any moral or ethical qualms characters have pointless because even if they are concerned they’re going to be arrested”
And this sort of compounds because at the same time everything has to come down to Joker and the Player which is why I hate the bad ending of the Third Semester so much, because even though everyone just finished talking about how they want to make their own decisions and whatnot, the choice is still ultimately Jokers and Joker can’t have an opinion on that. Like, it’s bullshit
Of course I might not be the best person to ask because there are very few silent protagonists I actually like (Undertale, Deltarune, uh the guy from Monark) and for the most part even in games I like with silent protagonists I usually end up feeling like things would be improved if they weren’t silent (Byleth)
So you might want to ask someone else because I can’t really say if Persona 5 is a good or bad example of a silent protagonist because I tend to dislike them as a default
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pheonyxian · 2 years
Bloop, dealers choice
Ank has a large number of siblings, some older and some younger. Functionally he has an unlimited number of siblings, as I started a bit of a trend of giving Atlus protagonists his last name if I lacked a better idea. So three of his known siblings are modeled after the Persona 5 protag, the SMT 5 protag, and the Monark protag (even if it’s not technically an Atlus game.) They joined a rebellion group fighting against the evil organization Ank is a part of, so there’s some love lost.
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fluri-above-all · 2 years
Do you know by any chance if you can be gay in Monark xD
I still don't know
I am not 100% sure as I just started the game today. Would be nice! But NIS doesn't seem to allow joy in any of its games with homoerotic undertones so I am doubting it. But if I find out otherwise I will let you know! I just met Shinya and I can't help but notice the subtext and music when the protagonist speaks in scenes with Dr. Hasegawa, so I feel a bit baited atm. Lol!! Along with terrified every time a Death Call goes off. Enjoying myself so far, but like I said I will see!
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sylvich · 2 years
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Redraw of an old art
I didn't realize how much time had passed until I counted... Can call it a progress, I guess.
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zombie-dumplings · 3 years
Ma'am I dont think this an appropriate question to be asking your new highschool student!
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sunkern-plus · 3 years
on one hand: the demo doesn’t go up to shinya so i don’t know his story in monark and the protagonist of monark shows no signs of being nonbinary in game (mostly because he’s a blank slate with really no personality)
on the other hand: i really want shinya + protag aikawa/hikaru fuura/gym bro to be n4n
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ravenoftheskyes · 3 years
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The Monark Twitter Account posted this art, as well as an announcement that Monark and Caligula 2 will be collaborating. There will be costumes of Regret and the Protagonist in Monark as Pre-Order bonuses, shown here.
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derpu-doodles · 1 year
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he boye <3 (aka my sister got a niche game and I became mildly invested)
update I am now Very invested (not enough to override the Dangan hyperfixation but Hot Damn These Guys Be Bouncin Round My Head Like An Idle DVD)
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jupiter-mokusei · 2 years
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Monark Web Only Event Countdown iIlustration [Protagonist and Vanitas]
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satoshi-mochida · 3 years
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Monark, the “new school RPG” from former Megami Tensei and Shin Megami Tensei staff, will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch on October 14 in Japan for 8,470 yen, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.
The game’s staff is as follows:
Planning, Production, and Direction: Fuyuki Hayashi, Mitsuhiro Hoshino
Scenario: Fuyuki Hayashi, Ryutaro Ito
Scenario Supervision and Cooperation: Kazunari Suzuki, Aya Nishitani
Character Design: so-bin
Background Music: Tsukasa Masuko
Developer: Lancarse
Publisher: FuRyu
The protagonist is voiced by Gakuto Kajiwara. The stuffed rabbit character is voiced by Shigeru Chiba.
The story follows the True Student Council, which was established to solve the abnormal situations in the school. The protagonist, who becomes the deputy head of the council, chooses a buddy from four characters to defy the unreasonable.
The main story has multiple endings. There are different routes for each of the four buddy characters. To make multiple playthroughs easier, you can also skip shared routes and advance through different buddy routes.
Battles are command-based with a free move turn system. Increasing your madness will allow you to use more powerful skills, but if you increase it too much, you will go insane and rampage against targets both friend and foe, making it impossible to fight.
There is also an “EGO” system, which represents the player’s desire levels of pride, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. These change depending on your diagnosis and the choices you make, and also affect the demons you can employ as your “underlings.”
Underlings’ appearances and voices can be customized.
The magazine also has an interview with the developers. Here are some key tidbits:
Hayashi and Hoshino: “We got excited talking about Shin Megami Tensei IF, and how nowadays there are no games like it, so we constructed the prototype for Monark with consideration for the world view and atmosphere we thought important to preserve in a school RPG project.”
Haysashi: “I can’t thank [the creators who joined the project sensing mine and Hoashino’s enthusiasm] enough. The chemistry with the other creators was there and we were able to develop the game with the idea team.”
Suzuki: “While I’m participating in the project as a supervisor, I hve been able to give detailed advice to Hayashi and Ito, who are writing the scenario.”
Ito: “I worked on the stories for 100 students.”
Masuko: “I worked on about 40 songs.”
Both the four-minute debut trailer and six-minute background music introduction video for Monark are scheduled to premiere on June 10 at 12:00 JST.
Visit the teaser website here.
Update 10:55 a.m.: Here are the first screenshots and box art, via @Renka_schedule:
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yusuke-of-valla · 3 years
I mostly hate Shadow Mariko not just because I'm tired of Atlus' Fatphobia but also because the Gluttony = Fat trope is so fucking tired and cliche. Not to mention that Gluttony just does. Not. Work. For Mariko. Lust for Alice is also kinda a stretch but you do get where its coming from, and if I recall correctly, Natsume was pride which actually does fit. But the justifications of Mariko = gluttony are so tacked on (she's "eating up" votes/"It's dog eat dog so I'll do the eating!")
Yeah I think I’m Strikers the seven deadly sims theme is more like, aesthetic than really saying anything about what they’re doing. This might be more because the Monarchs are specifically not as bad as the Palace rulers. Like Alice wants attention from guys but there’s never any indication that she used her powers to sleep with someone she was controlling which is like. An abstract form of lust
Which doesn’t help that once you start getting abstract all the sins sort of count as the same thing? Like there’s one theory that all of the sins are technically variations of lust ie wrath being a lust for violence
What I’m saying is maybe they didn’t need to bring back the seven deadly sins theme, as much as I love the parallels
(And yeah people should stop thinking Gluttony=fat abd fat = bad but that’s hardly specific to even Atlus.)
((Oh actually, the upcoming game Monark has a Seven Deadly Sins/Seven heavenly virtues theme and the guy associated with Gluttony is a protagonist and NOT fat so maybe that’s a win. Hard to tell))
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