#Moolinda wu
edwardsparkleblood · 1 year
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cough cough cough cough cough
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joshualegendforge · 11 months
The yassification of Moolinda Wu
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polaris101 · 2 months
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eggyfella · 6 months
❀ 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪 𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘣𝘰𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘮𝘺 𝘸101 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘦 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘻 ❀
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𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘢 𝘸𝘶 ❀
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givemethesleep · 2 years
Turns out working reception when it's quiet gives me time to do some ♡♡ Shitty Work Doodles♡♡
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Some Wizard City characters and two of my ocs. Trying out different profiles was fun, though Moolinda confused my co-worker.
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malistaires · 2 years
ambrose to me is like. one of those youtube family vloggers that exploits their children for views. “what’s up ravenwood fam! today im sending my kid off to witness their first ever total annihilation of an entire world and all its inhabitants! stay tuned for how they react!”
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oneriderratbug101 · 5 months
Can I just major in Kingsisle games? I cannot actually study for my real major, my brain is being consumed by these funny lil turn based mmos. Seriously though I am cooked. Absolutely going to get demolished on these next two finals. I cannot stop the w101/p101 brain train. A true testament to my will, obviously, as I cannot even be deterred by the thought of not getting a degree. Who needs to graduate from a real school when you can repeatedly graduate from Ravenwood anyways smh smh.
Please though Bartleby save me Merle save me I'd even accept the perpetually sad storm tree, Torrence at this point please something make me miraculously know everything I need to know
Cast spell of no-need-to-study
Infect me with super-smart-itus
Removing the spiral from my brain is not an option it's too late I'm in too deep we're just gonna ride with hopes and dreams on these finals
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basketoreblogs · 10 months
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idk how to draw cows srry....
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badwizzyideas · 6 months
Feel free to explain why
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deathblade · 5 months
Do you have hcs on all the wiz professors?
omg hi i forgot i had anon on LOL
I don't have a ton of headcanons when it comes to the elemental schools (drake family apologist here, whoops) but let me try to format this concisely. Not all of them btw sorry I’m lazy.
Halston Balestrom
Some flavor of neurodivergent, He would probably jump when really excited about something. Because, well, he's a frog but also as a form of stimming.
He does actually use his cane as a cane. I love self-projecting my disability onto NPCs.
Dalia Falmea
Lesbian??? Yeah she's a lesbian.
Generally struggled in school, not necessarily because of what happened in the BOXES event but because of other factors too.
She saw Ambrose as a mentor and/or father figure (apparently she was saved by him when she was younger according to the role call for her!)
Lydia Greyrose
Very grandmothery, especially towards my ice wizard Sasha.
Strict on attendance, but would be understanding if it were an emergency etc etc. Communication is key with her.
Moolinda Wu:
Very empathetic towards students if they're having a bad day.
Felt, and still feels a little out-of-place being the replacement professor after Sylvia died.
Cyrus Drake
Autistic, probably undiagnosed but his special interest was painting before it became myth magic. Also the black sheep of the clan.
Like his twin, I headcanon he's trans. They both DIY'd HRT before arriving in Wizard City and the reason why he's bald is because he shaved it off after seeing Malistaire's severely receding hairline.
Malistaire Drake (well. was a professor..)
Extremely hard on himself. Often refuses help from people he doesn’t know well.
The arm he lost and regrew suffered nerve damage. Sometimes it goes numb or even limp.
Sylvia and him were T4T.
Sylvia Drake
She was originally a pyromancer before switching to Life magic.
Short, kinda chubby and the polar opposite of her husband.
She also has severe PTSD.
She was already chronically ill pre-terminal illness and I think that just made it progress faster.
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deckofflora · 1 year
How do the Ravenwood professors get their nic-fix?
Nicorette 4mg fruit chill flavor gum (switched from cigarettes to help Sylvia quit smoking)
unfinished cigarettes butts found on the ground
Halston Balestrom:
uno-brand bull energy 5mg e-juice in a novo-X purple hexagon pattern battery
Dalia Falmea:
old mango pod refilled with edge-brand cherry mint ice 5mg e-juice
Sylvia Drake:
Nicoderm 21mg patches (can’t smoke because she takes her hormones sublingually)
Moolinda Wu:
smokey mountain brand herbal wintergreen chewing tobacco (healthier because it’s plant based)
Cyrus Drake:
strawberry yogurt uno mas disposable
Arthur Wethersfield:
he’s a dog :(
lost-mary brand cherry cola disposable (listened to Lana Del Ray ONCE)
Lydia Greyrose:
ravenwood’s #1 nic-fiend, never buys her own, but will hit off of anyone else’s vape if given the chance
Merle Ambrose:
grows his own tobacco and packs his own zig zag brand cones
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polaris101 · 1 year
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eggyfella · 30 days
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𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝟏𝟎𝟏 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬
(from left to right, top to bottom):
Halston Balestrom, Dalia Falmea, Merle Ambrose, Alhazred, Lydia Greyrose, Cyrus Drake, Moolinda Wu, Dworgyn, Belladonna Crisp
(Sylvia & Malistaire Drake boards can be found on this post)
I made all these a while ago for my wiz professor quiz, take it if you'd like!!
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The Taco Bell thing … go on….
Okay so context I used to work at Taco Bell for about a year and a third, and my friend and I would make jokes about what kind of customer the characters of our shared interests would be like!
This wouldn't usually be about a specific order, since sometimes it's hard to say what Taco Bell meal a character would have. Instead, I base them off the types of customers I've interacted with. I'll try the professors in ravenwood for example:
Cyrus Drake: 100% the type to have an extremely specific order and would know IMMEDIATELY if you do it wrong. He won't even take a look in the bag. Would go inside the building just so he can stare directly into the kitchen from the counter. One of the only people who gives feedback in the surveys on the receipts.
Moolinda Wu: Only orders a veggie power bowl and water with a side of cinnabon delights. Though she doesn't worry much if the order happens to be wrong- except if there's meat on the power bowl. She doesn't really come around at all unless she's there with someone else. Prefers the cinnabon delights still frozen.
Uhhh I don't know if I should Mallistaire, Dworgyn, or Malorn- but I might come back to add all three of them in a reblog if I want to oops
Lydia Greyrose: So sweet and understanding, though she will be very particular about how long the food takes to be done and avoids going in during rush hours. Lydia also likes frozen cinnabon delights, was the one to introduce Moolinda to them. Asks for a cup of vanilla creamer, the managers say it's fine. Usually goes drive thru.
Dalia Falmea: Asks for extra diablo sauce, is delighted if you put a comically large amount in a small bag for her. Orders a side of tomatoes no matter what she gets. She would walk inside the building but gets her food to-go. Really she's a typical costumer, but what are you supposed to do when a literally hot woman is towering over you as she ponders about how many supreme dorito tacos she would like??
Halston Balestrom: Mexican Pizza Fiend. He was jumping for joy when he found out they were coming back. The only person to order a coffee in Taco Bell for who knows why. Uses the drive thru in the most elaborately built car you've ever seen in your life. Makes sure you put a utensil in the bag because frankly he doesn't think Taco Bell's pizza is exactly "finger food".
Sorry for the Balance teacher enjoyers too but I kinda lost steam rn I'm kinda sleepy but honestly that's the kind of stuff I would ponder COSLEMMFMF I might come back to add the rest of the professors but yeah you get the gist!
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tomes-of-the-spiral · 9 months
In my thirst for more Wizard101 lore, I've been compiling a heck load of information about various things and it's frankly become a mess. One of my first endeavors was to find resources about the Schools of Magic. This first rabbit-hole was about the School of Life. As a disclaimer, my main school is not Life, it is actually Balance. However, I've recently made a Life wizard and wanted to scrape the barrel for lore that I could potentially use for their story.
This is a working "document", and is separated into 4 sections:
I. Information given from the game
II. Theories
III. My own ideas
IV. Sources
Things will be updated as I find more stuff or if I have more ideas (which I definitely will).
From the official Wizard101 website, the School of Life is described as follows:
“Life is spirit, the force of awareness and existence. It is about constant growth and movement. Practitioners of Life Magic, known as Theurgists, are positive, enthusiastic people who seek to appreciate the simple pleasures. At times, however, they can be too flighty or frivolous when circumstances demand otherwise. Theurgists use Songs to breathe life and spirit into a vessel. Unlike other magic, which relies on summoning, coercing, or beseeching, Life Magic harnesses the power of the Song of Creation to create something new. Scholars believe that Theurgy channels the tapestry of music from which the Spiral was created, and that in echoing portions of the great symphony, a Wizard can bring forth and create Life where none previously existed.
Life Magic rests between Fire and Storm, for the spark of Life comes from those two forces.”
And I believe this is from when you first pick Life as your school:
“The Life School will train its student wizards to heal themselves and other players. Life Wizards are given the ability to heal themselves the most effectively, as well as the unique ability to heal other players. Combined with this, they do low to moderate damage attack spells with extremely high accuracy rates. They also possess the sole group heal spells.
Life Wizards are often Social, Charming, Funny and Spiritual. Famous Theurgists include Queen Titania, Leonardo DaVinci, and Thomas Jefferson. Life Wizards are great at healing themselves and others.”
From the History of Life Magic:
“Life Magic was said to have been discovered by the earliest inhabitants of Ravenwood, guided by none other than Grandfather Tree himself. He instructed his early disciples to plant trees and tend to a grove to learn the complex interactions of all living things. As these early Theurges advanced in their studies, so too did their gardens improve, eventually sprouting the sentient Spell Trees. Not just of Life Magic, but all of the Schools. Each tree embodied a new form of magic, a new aspect of existence. It was through their growth, study, and teaching that Magical Law was tested, explored, and codified.”
From one of the Life School Quests:
Moolinda Wu: “Music is the language of Life. When we sing, our Songs can take form, and with each new Song, a spirit is born! Imps, Pixies, Sprites… the Fairy spirits are the essence of Music.”
Lady Oriel: “Greetings, little one. I am Lady Oriel, Princess of the Seraphs. We are the Guardians of Life. We protect the Song of the Universe and seek out those who will help us keep our World alive.”
The Rota of Reading:
“Summer is coming in. Loudly sing, Cuckoo! The seed grows and the meadow blooms, and the woods spring anew!”
Life Magic is, in my opinion, the School of Music. Their symphonies and their songs uplift organisms and give them the courage to grow. Theurgists breathe vigor into others and are strong in their convictions. Movement and change are the tunes they dance to, proving time and time again that it is difficult for them to remain stagnant.
The History of Life Magic states that Life Magic was discovered by some of the earliest inhabitants of Ravenwood. While I believe this to be true for the world of Wizard City itself, I believe that Life Magic, whether spoken of in a different font, existed in the Spiral. This is based off the running theory I have that every living thing is made of magic, that all one must do is channel what they have within in order to wield it. Older worlds such as Azteca would apply here.
Throughout the story of Azteca you’ll read that many Aztecasaurs say they heard the Song of Creation, which is directly tied to Life Magic. Perhaps they formed their own version of Life Magic? We truly don’t know. Maybe the “earliest inhabitants” of Ravenwood were from Azteca? Or at least knew a shred of the teachings and influences of that world? Again, we don’t know. There’s a reason why this section is called “theories”.
Another interesting part of the lore is that the School trees were first sprouted by none other than the newly formed disciples of Life Magic. This seems to supplement my theory mentioned above. Furthermore, at the epicenter of each School tree is Life Magic. Many things come back to Life Magic. However, did they also create Niles, the Balance tree? Who is not in Ravenwood, but in Krokotopia?
Moolinda Wu says that music is the language of Life. This has me thinking that perhaps the Theurgists best weapon is not a staff but a musical weapon. In the game we have flutes and guitars of many shapes and colors. Ocarinas would be viable for Theurgists as well. In one of the first Life quests, you make a flute from Blossom’s branches.
Life Magic also reminds me much of White Mages from the Final Fantasy Series. See here:
“Conjury is an art that takes life and the living for its domain. Its primary purpose is the salving of hurts and the granting of protection. Adventurers such as yourself oft stand upon the front lines of battle. Owing to this, you are like to find yourself in many situations wherein a capacity for healing would be advantageous. Mind you, there is more to conjury than that. By harnessing the power of earth, wind, and water, conjurers are also capable of weaving spells that wreak havoc. In terms of sheer destructive power, conjury may pale in comparison to thaumaturgy, but its capacity to defend one against aggression more than compensates for this relative shortcoming.” – E-Sumi-Yan
Theurgists should want themselves to be known and have the uniqueness to stand out from a crowd. Their songs should be used to not only heal but to draw attention and command. Generals, leaders, commanders, and the like can utilize Life Magic in this way.
Here’s another part of conjury that I find interesting:
“Conjury calls upon the elements of earth, wind, and water and concentrates them to a potency at which spells can be weaved. Through practiced meditation on the essences of creation, conjurers draw forth and absorb aether from their immediate surroundings. A wand or cane made from unworked wood is then utilized to focus the aether until it manifests as the desired spell. Versed also in magicks that restore and strengthen, conjurers are regarded as accomplished healers.”
Life Magic, through Songs, can be similar to Conjury in that it can bring together Fire and Storm magic and blend them to a point where Life is sparked, where certain spells can be achieved. Note that while Conjurers/White Mages in FFXIV draw their power from the surrounding aether, it is not the same as Theurgists in Wizard101. Theurgists use the power they have within them to put into their Songs. However, like Conjury, it can be theorized that the best Life weapon is not only a musical instrument, but one made of a certain wood. This wood could be different for the specific Theurgist.
This section will be the section that is most edited. I will make sure to provide changelogs at the beginning of this post.
IDEA ONE - To begin, I had this idea of a potential fairy world that existed in the Spiral. Recall that Moolinda Wu says that spirits are born from Songs. Specific spirits include Imps, Pixies, Sprites, Fairies, etc… There could be a world based off of this! A magical, whimsical world, perhaps one that’s sort of bug-like in nature. This “fairy world” would be the antithesis of Khrysalis. Furthermore, my idea was that this world would’ve been part of Khrysalis before being separated in some way.
The fairy world would feature a story based off of A Midsummer Nights’ Dream, maybe from a different point of view, or with another plot element added in.
IDEA TWO – Many Theurgists have some sort of Imp, Pixie, or Fairy ancestor in their lineage. Because of this, they are shorter individuals with more dainty features, and pointed ears. They are shorter than other Wizards, and depending on how closely tied they are to their spiritual family, could even have wings.
IDEA THREE – Theurgists have a natural green thumb, whether they choose to admit it or not. It is up to them if they wish to pursue an agricultural hobby, but the more they practice Life Magic the better. These individuals, with time and practice, are able to communicate with surrounding flora and fauna. I believe it is much like how some people in FFXIV’s setting can talk to the elemental sprites that are most prevalent in The Black Shroud and other settings. While some can distinctly make out words and sentences, most people who can communicate with the elemental sprites are only capable of feeling their emotions.
Thanks for reading!
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vdreamblood · 2 years
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