#Moon phase soulmate calculator
starksolid · 7 months
Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator: Fun with the Moon and Compatibility!
Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator: Fun with the Moon and Compatibility! Have you ever seen a trend on TikTok or other social media platforms where people are comparing their moon phases to find their “soulmates”? Well, that’s exactly what the moon phase soulmate calculator is all about! But before we dive into how it works, let’s explore the moon and its phases, shall we? The Moon: Earth’s Shining…
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vinishbuzz · 2 years
"Discovering Your Soulmate with a Moon Phase Calculator: A Fun Tool or Legitimate Insight?" #Soulmate #MoonPhaseCalculator #Astrology #Compatibility #Relationships #LoveLife #NewBeginnings #Communication #Trust #Respect #HealthyRelationships
“Discovering Your Soulmate with a Moon Phase Calculator: A Fun Tool or Legitimate Insight?” #Soulmate #MoonPhaseCalculator #Astrology #Compatibility #Relationships #LoveLife #NewBeginnings #Communication #Trust #Respect #HealthyRelationships The article provides guidance on finding a soulmate using a moon phase calculator. It explains that the moon’s position at the time of a person’s birth can…
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jjungkooksthighs · 4 years
Claws of Carnality | jjk (3)
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 Pairing: alpha jungkook x omega reader
Genre: smut, fluff and angst, abo/werewolf, fantasy 
Rating: 18+ / nsfw
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: alpha!jungkook, possessive!jungkook, omega!reader, mentions of breeding/ruts/heats, mentions of a mark, slick and pre-ejaculatory production, scenting 
Summary: Denial is a crude adversary in how it battles your want to accept the alpha that has no shadings of doubt that you are, in fact, his mate. He intends to clear things up for you using the one surefire thing that will, however, prove him to truly be yours and you are utterly helpless in denying him.
A/N: So, here we are with part three already. Goodness, I can’t even believe how much attention this has gotten so far. Please keep it up, you guys! It really feeds my creative juices and encourages me when you guys let me know what you think of the stories I put out! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this next part. Things are gradually going to begin to heat up from here on out and I can’t wait to see how you all react! 
Part 1  Part 2  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8 Part 9
You try to swim through the flurry of thoughts, the floundering disbelief heavy as you wade through it in spite of the amused alpha that watches you with interest as a myriad of expressions pull at your features. It’s difficult to keep yourself afloat amidst the frenzy of emotions that cascade over you and your alpha notices this in the way that you fidget where you stand in the intensity with which he regards you, your hand clutching at your skirt as you inhale through your mouth to attempt to replace the air that eludes you.
 One side of his lips curl upward in the effect he’s already had on you that only deepens in your silent refusal to acknowledge the final piece of the puzzle that would complete the missing segment of conviction still lost to you.
 Unlike you, Jungkook has not an inkling of doubt that you are, without question, his mate. He just hadn’t known up until a few moments ago that you are to become something so much deeper than that to him that will extend into his very being, for even he’d had no idea that you are destined to be his soulmate in which there hasn’t been a pair of wolves like that for many thousands of years.
 It all made sense to him in how his eyes had found themselves magnetized to the opposite pole that was you,  the constant holder of his attention whenever he’d had the privilege to watch you frolic gleefully with your omegean friends outside your den whenever he passed by through the cover of the trees after a successful hunt, his own scent masked by the carcasses of his prey.
 He’d never been able to explain the inexplicable pull toward you that had grasped him unrelentingly until he’d managed to catch sight or smell of you to, nor had it made sense to him why he’d wanted to express himself to you so much so that he’d danced in effort to satisfy the need to bask in the warmth of your intrigued gaze.
 Nothing has ever quite compared to the way that his blood races when you so much as glance at him now that he thinks on it and gods, he longs for you to welcome him now as eagerly as you had in the supposed safety of dreams. Even now the inebriating scent of you coils around him insistently as it begs for him to come closer to the source of his desires he’s yearned for years.
 It’s not as easy for you to accept this, though, no matter how much you want to. Gods, do you want to.
 In light of the bright, flashing signs that your wolf begs for you to heed, there’s a very critical and very crucial element that would immediately clear away the lingering shadow of denial that this creature before you who looks to have been crafted by the gods is meant to be yours. Despite your purebred omegean blood that distinguishes you as the most desirable of candidates for alphas and betas alike in the rarity of such a pedigree amongst your dynamic, Jeon Jungkook could have any bitch in the pack he wished. There were many others who you believed looked better and gave back to the clan more than the likes of you.
  And in the self-consciousness that shackles you, you had not breathed through your nose ever since he’d brought himself near to you.
 You know that the moment that you do, there will be no question that he is truly the alpha from your dreams who boldly claims to be your mate, for the intoxicating scent of him that had incensed itself within you was deliciously unforgettable in the way it had had the power to have you glistening with slick upon a single whiff. Because of that, there is a reason that you are actively choosing not to use your olfactory sense around him.
 Only within the old tales written in the aged tomes of the compound’s archives which are guarded by the elders has there been recollections of the legendary lupi antiquis, who were the progenitors of the werewolf race. These creatures were incarnations of nature manifested into the bodies of wolves that were guided by the moon’s phases in the celestial body’s wish to bring life to the earth in the decay of other mythical creatures who had grown sad and lifeless without a companion in the rarity of which they’d roamed.
 To ensure the strongest and most virile of the moon’s creations found a partner that would belong and be designed solely for them, it was said that the celestial body preselected the companion that would remain loyal to them through the entirety of their life by choosing for them a soulmate.
 The word has always been held close your heart in the romantic radiance of it, for it had been said that a bond unlike any other in the lupine world burgeoned inside two destined mates of the moon’s selection among the abilities that allow such a pair to share thoughts and feelings with one another telepathically across insurmountable distances in addition to each wolf becoming stronger where the alpha would gain physical strength while the omega would be granted bolstered mental fortitude.
 Beyond that, the wolf’s kiss could cure their mate of any ailment or injury in the profound love that the very essences of each kindred spirit were vested with as they longed ardently to remain together forever and always.
 As time had passed, the word had begun to become diluted in the diminished occurrences with which it happened as more and more werewolves began to populate and once pure bloodlines became soured by excessive mating between different partners in the uncontrollable ruts and heats that drove them to couple with any wolf in the vicinity under the influence purely of instinct to breed and be bred.
 Many lives had been lost during the violent, territorial battles over both alphas and omegas for a partner that often ended in death to one or both participants, the lessons of the past yielding guidance to the future generation in the written accounts left behind so that the fledgling pups that came after would not suffer as the earlier wolves had.
 It is why your pack has such defined rules now upon the presentation or period of peak maturity for omegas in particular because they have always been the desired mates of alphas.
 It is also how the entire compound knows when the last happening of two soulmates was, which had been a couple thousand years ago when the moon had aligned with the rest of the planetary bodies in the meticulously structured history courses that all maturing wolves are mandated to take and in the stories that are told by the elders over annual bonfires celebrating the bonding between two wolves.
 Perhaps it is all of these reasons that have every wolf in your pack still able to discern and recognize the defined series of circumstances that present themselves between two lupine creatures fated to be each other’s soulmate.
 The first is the gift of sight, which allows each lupine creature to see the eyes of their mate. The second is the gift of olfaction, which is the amalgamation of scents naturally produced from the scent gland of each wolf that have the ability to draw the undivided attention of their destined other so temptingly that it causes sudden production of either slick for omegas and pre-ejaculative fluid for alphas. In addition, this one is powerful enough that it acts an effluvious vice that impulses each lupine creature in how desirously their mate can waft into and draw out their counterpart’s instincts.     
 Each are granted only after the moon lights a path for them both to meet, but that hadn’t happened for you, had it? After all, it’s not like the stream of dreams every night after the last eclipse could have-
 Your eyes widen bigger than the largest star as your cheeks color themselves redder than a ruby in mortification as the links join together and that has the alpha relishing in the adorable sight of you as he croons, “There it is, pretty. I knew you would come around soon enough,” he fixes his sight on the edge of a reddened petal he’d caused to fall over your skin in your supposed fantasy that peeks out from under the edge of your silken choker that he wishes he could tear off of you and add more of his marks to as he continues, “Did you think I would allow my mate to suffer with how desperately you whined and how loudly you howled for me?”
 You fumble for words in the embarrassment that soaks you as you try to speak past a mouth that is dryer than the desert while you shake your head like you’re in a daze and you might as well be in how incapable you are of rationalizing at this point.
 “This can’t be… it can’t be possible.” You whisper quietly as if thinking aloud and Jungkook finds that he appreciates the sound of you, that he is pleased in how you’ve finally chosen to use that cute voice of yours and let him into your thoughts.  
 The alpha coos, “Oh, my pretty omega, but it can,” he takes one calculated step closer, “Come on, little omega, smell me.  Do not think that I have not caught on to the fact that you haven’t used your nose in your efforts to deny this, to deny me.” His honeyed voice slathers itself over you, as you melt under its thickness, “You asked your alpha to come find you and I have, pretty. Now, it’s time for you to do the same. Scent me and see that I am the one the moon has promised you to, that I am the alpha you belong to.”
 He delivers his words to you in the form of a command as he takes another step toward you only to have your heart beat faster against your ribcage, your wolf lowering its head in submission as you try to make yourself smaller under his searing, prompting gaze and the longer that you dangerously surrender yourself to those golden irises that are still speckled with the silver that mirrors your own, your resistance cracks and folds gradually under his increasingly prominent pressure. It can only be compacted and compressed so much until nothing remains and, unable to disobey his directive, you swallow a thick lump of nervousness down your throat before clearing it as he looks on expectantly.
 His avid attention sears into you doggedly and, under its power, your omega blood boils in need to heed him and, purely driven by your body’s desideratum to yield to him without the input of any cognizant thought, your hand finds itself slowly and tentatively lifting toward the exposed neck that he has bared torturously against the obscenely opened shirt.  The fluttery wings of anticipation flap animatedly within you as the alpha watches with intrigue, allowing you to slowly near him.
 Your fingers do not stall as they ghost over the notch between his collarbones as you dare to allow yourself to touch the skin that tries to reach for you in the waves of heat that roll off of him and when you turn your hand so that the soft underside of your wrist just barely manages to rub against his sensitive scent gland that all but strains and pulses against you, your breath hitches as a deep rumble of a growl tumbles from his throat in response.
 It is not a sound born of aggression, but of satisfaction that has your omega preening under its euphoniously low trill and when his fingers close around your forearm to possessively drag your radiocarpal joint back and forth over the intimate area that secretes pheromones wantonly for you, your wolf sings at his hot touch, at the way that his fingers curl deliciously over your delicate skin.
 The whole time, his irises flash tellingly in gratification that has you helplessly falling for the way he looks at you like you’re the only thing that exists, the only thing that matters as he greedily drinks in the way your mouth has parted dazedly while he coats himself in your own essence that is produced richly from the glands in your wrist.
 The scent glands of the neck were far stronger, far more potent, but right now, he will take from you what you decide to give. There will be time for more later, he is sure.
 Your delicious scent is quick to consume him, the sound that drips from his lips deepening in pitch as your aroma drapes itself over him in its entirety before sinking into his very pores until he’s momentarily drunk off you, his pupils enlarging until there is only you.
 “Gods,” he utters, “you smell like sin, pretty. You’re like a fucking aphrodisiac in how you tempt me.” Somewhere in his pants, his cock twitches to life at the mere scent of you as your carnal essence awakens something far too primal within him.
 “J-Jungkook,” you whimper, your wolf baying in delight at his admission and wantful actions.
 In response to him, your own irises dilate as your heart pangs wildly against your chest, breath a hard companion to come by in his overbearingly alluring presence that seeks your own in the warmth of his skin that reaches longingly for you.
 You can’t begin to rationalize how long he slides your wrist sinfully against him as he makes a point of trailing your radiocarpal joint over the vast expanse of muscles that line his neck as they all but jump at your touch as the sound that tumbles from his lips darkens impossibly more only to draw out a whine from you. Minutes or hours could have passed since this started, but you have no care in the world because of how caught you are under his simmering stare.
 Once he’s secure in the knowledge that succulent scent of you has smeared him to the point of no return, that’s when he pulls your hand back until he holds it under your nostrils while his mouth waters at the delectable waft of you through his own that sets his very blood on fire.
 His fingers sink wonderfully into your skin and it is positively unholy in how his heat permeates you until you’re filled gloriously with it he orders, “Go on now, my pretty omega.  Breathe me in until every last doubt is torn from you and all you can think about is me,” his breath is hot against your cheek as he inches impossibly closer in the need to be impossibly closer to you as you shakily exhale while he finishes, “Drink me in until this little body of yours is sated in the sweet recognition of the alpha that owns it.”   
 His words settle viscously over you and in the command of the alpha that you are helpless to resist with your omegean blood, you do. You did not want to fight this, did not want to fight him. It went against your baser instincts and nature to do so. It was all just your self-consciousness that had bound you back and away from him, but under his attention that does not waver in the imposing neediness of it that glints with a savage saturation dripping from his very being, you can’t withstand it. So, you obey.
 The change is immediate.
 Upon the first whiff of him that drizzles up through your nostrils to trickle fluidly like that of a delicious philter through you, your every cell is flooded with stimulation that is guided by the heady essence that is decidedly and uniquely him. He tastes of newly dewed grasses that are accented by an earthly underlayer and somehow it is all bolstered by the overwhelmingly delicious amalgamation of blooming gardenia, black vanilla and freshly matured pear.
 A sudden deposit of slick finds itself between your folds that glisten to life and it earns a sharp growl from him as he brings one lip between his teeth.
 He reeks of pungently dangerous desire that beckons your very being and your eyes roll to the back of your head at in its insistent invitation as he fills you with his quintessence and soon your body can no longer bear your weight in the way that his strong incense curls around you to have your limbs grow weak under its inexorable consummation of you.
 Your weakly whisper, “Alpha…my alpha,” the concession quick to run through your veins as you yield to him.
 Your legs begin to tremble precariously with each breath you take in effort to collect as much of him as you can, the familiar smell exactly alike to that of the one belonging to the wolf from your dreams as understanding and recognition saturate your being.
 “Omega,” Jungkook breathes, satisfaction washing over him as he watches your body react so affectedly to him.
 And when your body is no longer able to bear your weight in how quickly the alpha has drawn away their strength through his own power, he is there.
 At the same time that your head falls back and your sense of equilibrium leaves you through numbed legs, one of his large hands finds its place along your nape while one muscled arm wraps around your back to pull you against the built planes of an aureate chest as he croons, “My beautiful omega. You’ve acknowledged me at long last. Such a good girl for me, you are,” he angles his head low so that his heated breath once more billows against you, “I’m going to take you with me to the forest now, pretty. Once we’re there, you’re going to watch me shift so that I can hunt just for you. When I return,” his pink tongue darts outward to wet his lips as his gaze surges with hunger, “I expect my mate to be waiting for me before I let every wolf in this fucking compound know that you’re mine when I claim you at the ceremony tonight.”
 Your breath stutters at that and when his arms dip to collect you like his bride as he tucks you against the muscled chest that you subconsciously lean into you in the safety that pours from him that your wolf relishes in. Through it all, you can only barely utter, “As you wish, alpha.”
 As he holds you close, you nuzzle your alpha and there’s a high-pitched, satisfied purr that easily cascades through your throat in the warmth and security that his able body offers. You care not how far your song of satisfaction is carried in the winds that swell against you only to roll tauntingly over all the alphas in the distance that Jungkook is in charge of as the pack alpha’s son who is meant to one day lead the compound.
All that matters is that you’ve found your alpha and that he, in turn, has found you.
 High in the sky, the moon hides behind the awakening sun as golden rays begin to filter searchingly through the thick underbrush of the forest lining the horizon as far as the eye can see.
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welcometomybrain818 · 3 years
Running into the same signs
Have you ever noticed how you gravitate towards certain astrological signs? For example, five of my close friends are Aquarius risings. I have many Cancer Sun and Moon friends, and I absolutely love and am drawn towards Aries Sun people.
I received an astrology reading at the beginning of the year and the astrologer told me my chart was heavy on the earth/air elements. I have two generational planets in fire signs and no water. I think having water house stelliums, a moon/venus conjunction, and a sun trine neptune more than makes up for that, but he said that my personal lack of water and fire meant I would draw these signs towards me.
I think when you lack elements in your chart you need others in your life to "push" you into those qualities or to help you see you have them within you already. We are all the whole wheel after all.
So, for me, why so much Aquarius, Cancer, and Aries?
The Aries is obvious to me. I take a pretty calculated, thoughtful approach to most decisions. I am VERY stuck in my ways/stubborn. Aries people always push me to step out of my comfort zone. To live in the moment. To dare to follow impulses. They're also SO fun. My Aries friends are the friends I run around town with. Who are down to check out whatever place I want to see. Who will encourage me to send the risky text. I went through a phase of dating Aries men as well, and I think it's because I was so drawn to their spontaneity and the way they embraced the fleeting moments. I do think, in my experience their fleeting nature can be a flaw because they do lose interest quickly, but I also dated an Aries man who was so deeply infatuated with me after we spent very little time together. He was artistic and romantic. That ultimately led to an intensity and urgency, encapsulated by love bombing, a poem, and claims that I had "opened up a part of him he thought he'd lost" (we went on two dates) . Still, I understand the charm. I am thankful to Aries for showing me I can take risks, I can harness my own spontaneity, their fierceness, how supportive they are, and how to have fun and live in the moment.
The Cancers in my life are my sweet, sensitive people. Even if they're not overtly sensitive, there is something about them that feels like home. They truly do have a nurturing presence. They are so supportive and understanding. I see so much of myself in them because we are both loyal and we give too much. I think Cancers encourage my emotional expression and passion in a way no other sign really does. My Cancer moon friends are like soulmates to me. We understand each other on such a deep, intimate level. I am so grateful to them for their openness, kindness, and the mutual respect I cultivate with them due to our tendencies to people please and get taken advantage of.
My Aquarius Risings, they are all so different and so unique. They all care deeply and embody so much independence. They are not judgmental and very creative. With my air rising, we always have really interesting conversations. We don't hold much back and it's nice to have friends with an upfront airy quality that is different from mine. They are generally more blunt than I am. I tend towards a gentler communicative approach, but sometimes blunt is what's needed. You can't always make headway when you keep things softer than they should be. Aquarius Risings support me in boundary creation and in prioritizing myself. They encourage my creativity and artistic pursuits regardless of how silly or rudimentary they might be. They also challenge my preconceived notions and push me to embrace individual expression/weirdness.
Have you noticed you're also drawn/end up close to certain signs and placements?
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chocafe · 6 years
the lives we share — park jihoon
summary: jihoon will always be the one to chase you across one, five, ten, and even twenty lifetimes. in every single lifetime you both share together, and even after everything, jihoon will always remain to think that you’re absolutely perfect. word count: 3k pairing: soulmate!jihoon x reader a/n: this was requested, but i had so much fun writing this! i based this off of one of my favorite art pieces, 25 lives, and off of one of my old uncompleted fanfic that revolved around the same concept.
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The first time you and Jihoon met, you didn’t know that the both of you were destined to be lovers. All you knew was that he was comfortable to be next to and that was all you needed to know to feel at ease. Bus line number 19 used to be hectic in the early morning haze. The bus was filled with adults in their business attires, students on their way to a seven hour hell hole, and don’t forget, you and Jihoon. Due to the crazy amount of people, the two of you would sit next to each other, because in Jihoon’s mind, it’s either sit next to the sleepy high schooler, stand up throughout the whole ride, or sit next to the most normal person in the entire bus. Without hesitation, he chose the third option. Your bus stop was before Jihoon’s, so you always arrived on the bus much more earlier than him, getting the benefit to be the first to pick the window seat. You enjoyed staring at the window and just daydream about whatever ran through that head of yours. Of course, you were perplexed as to why such a boy would choose to sit next to you, but it was understandable in this situation. The bus was overfilled with people and even you didn’t want to sit next to the high schooler who had drool strolling down their chin. By the summer time, when students were off of school and some adults have learned how to drive, Jihoon and you will still continued to sit next to each other, despite the bus being closed to empty. Half of the seats were available, but Jihoon still walked straight in and chose to sit next to you every time. You didn’t mind. Really, you didn’t mind at all. If anything, there was something about Jihoon that made you feel cozy and comfortable. Having him sit next to you made you feel that the commute was going to be much more easier and smoother than the one before. There was something about Jihoon that made you wonder why you felt this way when you both have never spoke a single word to one another.
That was the special connection you felt you had with Jihoon. Throughout all of the rides and the hours of commute you have calculated all together, you two have never said a word to one another. There was no “Hello” or “How are you doing”. Instead, when Jihoon is walking down the aisle, he would look to see where you’re sitting at while you raise your head, wondering if Jihoon will sit besides you on that following day. (He always sits next to you, so you can stop worrying about it) On some days, when he isn’t dreading about being awake at such an early hour, he would grin at you as he took his seat. Maybe that was his way of saying “Hello”. You’re not quite sure, but you’ll surely accept it by smiling back. You found yourself looking forward to every morning you shared with Jihoon. You were excited to wake up and go on with your day because you know Jihoon will be waiting for you on the bus. He was your motivation to continue on, and you don’t know why, but it just felt so right. While sitting besides the boy, you would steal glances from him here and there. You examined his long eyelashes, his plumped lips and— you can’t even proceed to finish looking at all of his delicate details before you start to internally scream to yourself. Was he always this handsome? Or were you blinded by a childish crush and curiosity? Speaking of curiosity, you always wondered what songs he would listen to whenever he places his earphones into the core of his ears. Did he perhaps like rock? Was pop more of his style? You want to know, but you’ll just continue to remain silent, just like all of the other rides. You began to remember what bus stop was the one Jihoon leaves on. It was a stop right before yours, but you especially memorized it because it was when you and the bus began to feel empty inside. When the bus comes to a stop and opens its front doors, Jihoon doesn’t leave this time around. You still feel his presence next to yours, but why is he missing his own bus stop? You slowly turn your head towards him, only to discover that he’s staring directly at you. The bus closes its doors and begins to drive off. Jihoon doesn’t scream out, “Excuse me, you forgot about me!”. Instead, he remains in his seat as you begin to wonder to why he’s doing such a thing. “For some reason, my body isn’t allowing me to move.” Jihoon brings his hand up to roughly brush his hair out of his face. “It’s like there’s a force telling me to get to know you because I really don’t know a lot, but I surely want to know. I’m not sure about you, but I feel a invisible gravitational pull between us. I don’t know if it’s real or if it’s all inside of my head, but I just need to figure it out.” A few set of chuckles leaves his mouth afterwards because he believes he sounds beyond crazy in this moment. “Do you happen to feel the same?” You’re baffled because you thought it was only you who felt this way. On every bus ride, where you wondered about Jihoon, he did the same as he wondered what kind of person you were. Each ride, he wondered what was making you laugh as you scrolled through your phone, wondered where you were going every single day, and he just kept on wondering, wondering, and wondering. “I’m not exactly sure.” Your voice stayed on the quiet side. You said that you were unsure, but your eyes were saying ‘Yes, I do”. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, but I just feel like this is the right thing to do.” He stops brushing his hair and prompts his hand in front of you, awaiting for a handshake. “I’m Jihoon and you are?” “Y/N.” And that was the first realization, you both have experienced, that you two must find each other in every lifetime you both share.
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The beginning phases tend to be the worst. You don’t remember much, but your heart remembers every little thing. In this lifetime, perhaps, it just wasn’t meant to be. You were sixteen years old in this lifetime and the thoughts of Jihoon has never came across your mind. Who was Jihoon? You didn’t know and didn’t care to know. All you knew was that you felt unfulfilled, but you thought it was simply puberty making you feel this way. “I’m so glad you’re here with me.” Seunghun spoke in excitement as he lead you through the dimly lit auditorium. “Well, I’m just happy that we can finally hang out like in the past!” You nudged Seunghun in the shoulder as you both walked in unison. “I’m also excited to meet that boyfriend of yours.” Seunghun and you go way back. You two used to be neighbors and this motivated you two to become best friends throughout elementary and middle school. Once Seunghun’s father received a job promotion in Seoul, the Kim household had to pack their bags and say goodbye to everyone around them. Despite that, you and Seunghun kept in touch, throughout the hardships, and you found your own way to personally visit him and attend his school’s talent show. “I really hope you like him, Y/N. You don’t know how devastated I’m going to be if you dislike him.” “Why would I dislike him? You like him, so I have no other choice, but to like him too.” You softly grinned at Seunghun, reassuring him that you’ll continue to be by his side and support the current and future decisions he’ll make in this world. Seunghun lead you down the dark path and into a seat that was located right in the middle of the room. According to Seunghun, it was the best view in the auditorium. “I’ll be right back! I need to use the bathroom.” You shook your head up at Seunghun, allowing him that it’s alright for him to leave you by yourself, even though you knew no one in this entire school, except for him. As Seunghun left, a mysterious boy entered the stage, causing the crowd of students to scream and roar into cheers. You didn’t pay much attention, as you played on your cell phone, until he began to sing. Your phone fell out of your hand as your head shot up, looking for who this voice belonged to. As you eyes darted everywhere, you soon found out that it belonged to the one and only boy on stage. Why was his voice so familiar to you? The lights shined at his snow white pale skin and his doe-like eyes shut closed once he reached the chorus of the song. Were you immersed in the song or were you immersed in the boy? You weren’t sure, but you sure knew that whatever it was, all of your attention was on it and you couldn’t look away, not even for a millisecond. “Jihoon’s a pretty good singer, right?” Seunghun returns from his short break. He takes the seat next to you and just like you, he stares directly at the boy in astonishment. “He’s been self-conscious about his voice lately, but I convinced him to sing for the talent show instead of dancing like what he was originally going to do.” “Jihoon?” You broke your train of thought and pointed your index finger towards the singer-in-the-making. “That’s Jihoon?” You ask once more. “Yeah, that’s my boyfriend, Jihoon!” You saw the way Seunghun’s eyes sparkled when he looked at Jihoon. Your best friend, Seunghun, was in love with him. But what was this sharp pain in your heart? You felt bittersweet as you crept a smile filled with angst. “I’m delighted to know that he makes you happy.” That following night, you locked yourself in your room and cried at the moon. “Who is he? Why am I crying over a boy I just met?” You aimed your question towards the moon as you leaned against your window panel. Even though you thought it was horrible that you were crying over your best friend’s boyfriend, you felt like you were in the right position to do so. During nights like these, you only have the moon to rely on because even if they say nothing in return, they must have an answer to all of your questions.
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In this lifetime, it’s hard to say whether or not you and Jihoon have fully met. You both have met online, but not physically to call it faith. Nevertheless, Jihoon believes it’s still faith that he was even given an opportunity to meet you online. It’s better than nothing. The two of you are friends who solely met online because of the variety of games you both love. Sometimes you two will play duos on PUBG, or play a round of League Of Legend. Your favorite moments were when you both would stop playing games and stay up late texting each other on KakaoTalk. [txt] you: omg i can’t believe we won. that round was SO WILD AND I DIED ABOUT THREE TIMES [txt] jihoon: that’s why you need me by your side, right? lol. without me, you would’ve got killed in ten minutes [txt] you: why is that so true? what am i going to do without you ;____; Jihoon clenched onto his phone and rolled in his bed because you were beyond adorable. He loved playing games with you because it felt like you both were in another reality, walking around together and going on endless amount of adventures. Jihoon likes to forget that sometimes he’s sitting behind a computer screen because that ruins his imagination of you two being together. [txt] jihoon: y/n, this might sound a little weird and off topic but [txt] jihoon: i feel like i’ve met you in another life [txt] you: we were probably cops who were partners in crimes in our other life hehe On your side, you giggled once you clicked the send button. As the darkness suppressed the sky, you were debating on whether or not you should close your eyes and enter the darkness or continue to stare at your brightly lit screen. “You know, Jihoon is worth a few hours of sleep.” You spoke to yourself as you grabbed your phone and shined the screen at your face like before. You’re willing to lose sleep just to stay up all night long to text with Jihoon. [txt] jihoon: so you think the same? [txt] you: of course! [txt] jihoon: i’m glad i’m not the only one who feels this way [txt] jihoon: but about being cops… i think otherwise [txt] jihoon: y/n, can i call you?
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Regarding all of your shared lifetimes, Jihoon’s favorites are the ones where you two get to grow up with each other. It leaves his heart so full knowing that he has all of the time in the world to get to know you from the inside out. He gets to see you run around the playground, pass your first exam, achieve your dreams, and not only that, but he gets to marry you over and over again. He’s just so darn joyful to finally have a life where you two are together living in peace. When lifetimes like these occur, he believes not a single thing can go wrong since he has you from the very start and to the end.
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One time, you merely didn’t exist. After all of these journeys, Jihoon has always found you, and to know that he couldn’t find a single inch about you in this lifetime scared him to the core. As each day that pasts by, his heart becomes unsteady while his palms becomes saturated with sweat. “Where are you?” He yells in desperation. This doesn’t stop Jihoon. He will search for you through the summer haze, the fall leaves, the winter blizzard, and spring breeze. It will always be you in his eyes. Jihoon doesn’t stop searching for you until he’s old and running out of breath. That is when he accepts his obstacle and is more than eager to find you in the next life you both will share. “Even if you don’t exist, I’m always still in love with you.” He mumbles underneath his breath as he gasps for air.
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After not being able to find you, Jihoon decides that maybe, just maybe, this lifetime will be the one where he’ll achieve his own dreams. He has always dreamed of being a singer, so he’ll use this lifetime to satisfy himself. Jihoon wasn’t sure if he’ll be able to find you, but if he sings his heart out and displays himself on television, for the whole world to see him, then that will give him a bigger chance of him finding you (or you finding him). Regardless of his dream, he’s still searching for you. He’s nineteen years old, but his cheeks are still as chubby as before and his eyes remain to crease into mini crescent moons, which were your favorite. He’s still the same old Jihoon, but this time, he was a higher quality version of himself as he trained at YG Entertainment every single day. If you’re really out there, then he apologizes for spending time training instead of spending his time searching for you. “Let me go!” Jihoon pulls his arm away from Yedam as Yedam drags him throughout the busy streets packed with pedestrians and city lights. “Come on, it’s just one meeting! Do you want to be single for the rest of your life?” Yedam gropes back onto Jihoon’s arm and carries on to pull him into a nearby cafe. On this very night, Jihoon had thought that Yedam was treating him out to some coffee and sweets. In reality, Yedam lied and just so happened to set Jihoon up on a blind date. When Jihoon announced that he has been single throughout his youth, Yedam took this as an opportunity to set him up with a mutual friend of his. This whole entire time, Jihoon has been saving himself for you and he doesn’t even have the energy to look at others. “If any of the managers find out that I’m out on a date then I’m done for it! You know that we’re not allowed to go out on dates.” He yells into the calm cafe, resulting in Yedam covering Jihoon’s big mouth with his hand. “Be quiet! They might hear you, you idiot.” Jihoon begins to mutter and attempt to break free out of his escape, but Yedam was way too strong for him. “Jihoon?” Jihoon and Yedam suddenly stopped monkeying around when they laid eyes upon you. Jihoon’s mouth fell wide open. You were still as beautiful as Jihoon has always remembered you to be. There was no way Jihoon would have mistaken someone else as you, because as you already know, Jihoon will chase you across all of these lifetimes just to find the one where you two will be together. He wanted to embrace you in that very moment, but it was a shame that Yedam was there. “Y/N? Jihoon?” Yedam’s eyes grew wide as he looked at you and back at Jihoon, pointing his finger at both of you in a nonsense manner. “You guys know each other?” He confusingly asked. “I guess you can say that.” Jihoon lips crept into a smile and Yedam was terrified. This was the first time he had ever seen Jihoon interested in someone, after all the years he has known him. You couldn’t help, but to smile in unison with Jihoon. You were both overwhelmed with bliss, knowing that you two have once again found one another. This time, Jihoon will make sure he won’t lose you and will continue to keep his promise, which is loving you even when the moon stops shining.
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years
It didn’t take nearly as long to transcribe as you’d think.
@aconxtum In case you were wondering why I wanted to know.
March 10.
Sun: Pisces Decanate: Cancer/Moon Mode: Mutable Element: Water
Fixed Stars:
Although your Sun's degree is not linked to a fixed star, some of your other planets' degrees certainly will be. By having an astrological chart calculated, you can find the exact position of the planets on your date of birth. This will tell you which fixed stars listed in this book are relevant to you.
The mixture of ambition and idealism suggested by your birthday indicates that you are a perceptive Piscean with a pragmatic approach. You are a gifted and versatile individual, and when you become inspired you often take the leading role, showing others your originality and administrative skills.
The added influence of your Sun in the decanate of Cancer brings imagination to your natural intuitive abilities. Although independent, you have a strong desire for security, so your home and family are especially important parts of your life. Endowed with psychic or mediumistic talents, you need to trust your inner feelings. When you have premonitions, events usually come about just as you knew they would. Although your warmth and sympathetic nature imply that you can be tolerant and compassionate, your pride and sensitivity indicate that you can get easily hurt and are prone to moodiness.
Although you are capable of hard work and blessed with good business sense, you need to express yourself by doing something unconventional and creative, Receptive to new ideas and experiences, you desire room to maneuver freely; although you are materially aware, you dislike a mundane routine. You desire freedom, but your easy charm and warm and friendly manner can make you popular with others. Subtle and with the gift of diplomacy, you can be direct without being offensive. An attraction for beauty suggests you can be stylish and have a love of the creative arts.
Until you reach the age of ten your progressed Sun moves through Pisces, highlighting issues regarding your emotional sensitivity and dreams for the future. While you are between the ages of eleven and forty, your progressed Sun moves through Aries. This influence suggests that you gradually develop your confidence and assertiveness, with a desire to be more active and adventurous. This is a good time to take the initiative and learn to be more straightforward. After the age of forty-one, when your progressed sun moves into Taurus, you enter a new phase. This emphasises an increased need to be solidly established and financially secure as well as to be nourished by beauty and nature. At the age of seventy-one your progressed Sun moves into Gemini, emphasising communication and desire for new interests.
Your Secret Self
Naturally dramatic and sociable, you usually appear self-assured. If on an inner level you lack the self confidence to strike out on your own, however, you may end up in situations that do not utilise your full capabilities and talents. Although you usually have a wide range of interests, by focusing on one particular idea or project you are more able to fully express your strong creativity.
Bright and adaptable, you have a quick understanding of people. This insight helps you to achieve in life and ensures your success in social situations. Generous and understanding, you often attempt to keep the peace by using your diplomacy and natural charm. Although friendly, you do not reveal all of yourself to others and often need periods of being alone to reflect and find your center of stillness. Developing your strong intuition allows you to have faith in your own abilities and avoid worry and indecision.
Work & Vocation
People related occupations are likely to bring you the most satisfaction. Your natural psychological skills could also prove helpful in sales, advertising, or counseling work. Although you can collaborate and work well in a team situation, you usually do no tlike to take orders from others. This suggests that you are better in a leadership position or working for yourself. Your natural dramatic sense and strong imagination may find release through music, art, dance, or drama. Writing can prove to be an equally positive outlet for the creative side of your nature. Sympathetic and intuitive, you may also become involved in businesses that deal with foreign countries. Others will appreciate your ability to bring new and original ideas to your work.
Famous people who share your birthday include actress Sharon Stone, jazz composer Bix Beiderbecke, actor Chuck Norris, U.S. abolitionist Harriet Tubman, and British royal family member Prince Edward.
Like those with a number 1 birthday, you are ambitious and independent. Although you may have to overcome challenges before you achieve your goals, with determination you often accomplish your objectives. Your pironeering spirit frequently encourages you to travel far afield or strike out on your own. With a number 10 birthday, you may also need to learn that the world does not revolve around you and that you should guard against being domineering. The subinfluence of the number 3 month indicates that you need to find ways to express yourself. Amiable and friendly, you enjoy social activities and usually have many interests. Versatile with a restless streak, you run the risk of becoming bored too easily or spreading yourself too thin, unless you are self-disciplined. Although you can be enthusiastic, with a good sense of humour, you may have to develop self-esteem in order to guard against worry.
Avoid being bossy or too critical in personal relationships. A loving atmosphere is of prime importance to you, as it fills you with hope and inspiration.
Positive: Leadership, creative, progressive, forceful, optimistic, strong convictions, competitive, independent, gregarious.
Negative: Overbearing, jealous, egotistical, pride, selfish, impatient.
Love & Relationships
As you have a wonderfully friendly charm that can attract friends and admierers, you are sure have an active social life and enjoy entertaining. You usually enjoy the company of intelligent people who can introduct you to new ideas or you may like to join groups where you can gain information and learn practical skills. Your need for balance and harmony implies that you achieve more by using diplomatic methods and interpersonal skills with your partner or associates rather than being dogmatic.
Your Special Someone
For security, mental stimulation, and love, you might want to begin looking for those born among the following dates.
Love & Friendship: Jan. 4, 11, 12, 16, 26, 28, 30. Feb. 2, 9, 10, 24, 26, 38. Mar. 7, 8, 22, 24, 26. Apr. 5, 6, 20, 22, 28, 31. May 3, 4, 8, 18, 20, 22, 28, 31. June 1, 2, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29. July 4, 14, 16, 18, 24, 27. Aug. 12, 14, 16, 22, 25. Sept. 10, 12, 14, 20, 23. Oct. 8, 10, 12, 18, 21. Nov. 6, 8, 10, 16, 19. Dec. 4, 6, 8, 14, 17.
Beneficial: Jan. 3, 10, 29, 31. Feb. 1, 8, 27, 29. Mar. 5, 25, 27. Apr. 4, 23, 25. May 2, 21, 23. June 19, 21. July 17, 19, 30. Aug. 15, 17, 28. Sept. 13, 15, 26. Oct. 11, 13, 24. Nov. 9, 11, 22. Dec. 7, 9, 20
Fatal attractions: Jan 11. Feb. 9. Mar. 7. Apr. 5. May 3. June 1. Sept. 10, 11, 12, 13.
Challenging: Jan 9. Feb. 7. Mar. 5, 28. Apr. 3, 26. May 1, 24. June 22. July 20. Aug. 18. Sept. 16. Oct. 14, 30, 31. Nov. 12, 28, 29. Dec. 10, 26, 27.
Soulmates: Jan 7. Feb. 5. Mar. 3. Apr. 1. May 29. June 27. July 25. Aug. 23. Sept. 21. Oct. 19. Nov. 17.  Dec. 15.
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
July Forecast for Cancer
What a birthday season you’re having this year, Cancer! Not only is the Sun in your sign until July 22 and resetting your whole aura, this month will bring two powerful eclipses one of which will fall in Cancer. Get ready for a powerful and purposeful push onto your path! There’s a lot going on in the heavens all month, including a signal-scrambling Mercury retrograde toward the end of July (more on that in a bit). But the skies are looking mighty fine for the first three weeks, so let the fun begin!
The action kicks off on July 10, when expansive Jupiter ends a four-month retrograde and powers forward in Scorpio and your fifth house of love, creativity and joie de vivre. If you haven’t planned a birthday extravaganza yet, book it asap! A romance that’s slowed down since March could pick up speed again, or you might resume a back-burnered project. Don’t be surprised if fame comes knocking, as global Jupiter in this head-turning house shines the spotlight on your talents.
Your confidence and charisma get even more fuel on July 12, when the Cancer new moon—a partial solar eclipse—lands in your sign. This is the first of summer’s three scene-shifting eclipses (the next two are on July 27 and August 11) that are sparking radical change. And while eclipses are significant for all the signs, because the moon is your celestial ruler, they can be downright cataclysmic for Cancers. Eclipses sweep in four to six times a year and shake up the status quo, removing anything that’s past its expiration date and flinging open the doors for a fresh start.
In astrology, solar eclipses mark bold beginnings, often with an unexpected twist. If you’ve been on the fence about making a change, this new moon could catalyze a swift decision. Maybe your intuition told you to wait, and you weren’t sure why. Now following that divine-timing hunch could pay off, and an even better offer or opportunity arrives. With this eclipse in your first house of self and appearances, some Cancers will make a dramatic style shift or debut a project that has your personal stamp all over it.
This is the inaugural eclipse in a series that will fall on the Cancer/Capricorn axis between now and July 2020, initiating a wave of transformations around your individuality and your relationships. Prepare to renegotiate the balance between “me” and “we” over the next two years. This is the only eclipse from this group in 2018; the rest will fall in 2019. It will also coincide with the Sun’s annual opposition to Pluto in Capricorn and your partnership house. As you emerge from your shell to reveal Cancer 2.0, don’t be surprised if you get some pushback or resistance from your closest people—even ones you’d expect to support you. Be selective about whom you share your nascent plans with now.
In fact, it might be best to put your head down and just work, especially once the Sun enters Leo and your industrious second house for a month on July 22. As birthday season wraps up, it’s time to focus on practical matters and lock down some security. As el Sol heats up your zone of daily routines, work and money, you could start building some of those grand, eclipse-fueled ideas into something tangible.
But as quickly as you start, there could be speed bumps because Mercury—planet of communication, technology and transportation—turns retrograde in Leo on July 26 (until August 19). Watch for misunderstandings with clients and coworkers, budget snafus and computer crashes at the job. Early in the month, take precautions by backing up your data to the cloud and deleting any questionable emails, especially ones sent on the company server. A promising financial lead could ghost you, or a key meeting could be delayed. Use this window to tighten up your presentation and look for other options. During Mercury retrogrades, it’s more important than ever to not put all your eggs in one basket
Besides, speedy Mars is retrograde from June 26 to August 27, and for the majority of its backspin, it will be in Aquarius, disrupting your eighth house of joint ventures and shared finances. You may need to scale down overly ambitious plans or deal with an unanticipated expense, perhaps related to a legal bill, a real estate matter or debt.
While money and power struggles could be a source of stress, examine your own role in any conflicts. Where are you acting rashly and from a place of ego? Tunnel vision or an unhealthy rivalry could be consuming you. This retrograde is a crucial time to step back and change counterproductive behaviors. If you’ve pooled funds or gotten entangled with someone who’s not holding up their end of the bargain, you might have second thoughts about proceeding. Couples or business partners may decide to go separate ways—careful that combative Mars doesn’t provoke a contentious battle as you divide up your assets and responsibilities.
Although the retrograde can cause bottlenecks, you won’t be stuck ALL month. On July 27, a total lunar (full moon) eclipse lands in Aquarius and your merger-minded eighth house. A simmering sexual attraction could consummate quickly, perhaps turning into a full-blown soulmate relationship. This eclipse could also bring a large financial windfall or unexpected momentum around a legal or property matter.
Lunar eclipses can feel more intense than solar ones because full moons bring endings, transitions and full-circle events. Powerful emotions that have been tucked away could erupt, taking you by surprise. This eclipse will conjunct fiery Mars, which is retrograde in Aquarius for the next couple weeks. If you have buried resentments or frustrations, that could all come pouring out. Since the eighth house rules merging, some Cancers could suddenly get engaged or pregnant, move in together, buy or sell a home or make some fast-but-permanent life change.
This is the final Aquarius eclipse in a series that’s been touching down on the Leo/Aquarius axis since February 2017, transforming the way you deal with money, work and your deepest bonds—everything from investments to emotional vulnerability to shared space. Look back to the prior two Aquarius eclipses on August 7, 2017, and February 15, 2018, for clues of what might fully come together now. There will be one last Leo eclipse on January 21, 2019, so get your financial and emotional ducks in a row for one last big breakthrough then.
Love & Romance
With impassioned Mars spinning backward in Aquarius and your intense eighth house all month (from June 26 to August 27), a mishmash of emotions gets stirred up—from lust to trust to things you weren’t even aware of. This phase can spark jealousy, resentment and a fierce competitiveness. It could also signal the return of an ex, so keep your eyes wide open! Couples may need to talk about or negotiate shared finances and other assets. Having second thoughts or feel like you rushed in a little fast? We can’t help thinking of the speedy engagement of Cancer Ariana Grande to Scorpio Pete Davidson. Mars retrograde can help you recalibrate if necessary.
On the other side of your chart, Venus is sailing through your second house of money and security until July 9, helping you clarify your values. But since Venus is in luxury-loving Leo AND opposing Mars retrograde, this probably won’t help you curb your spending. At the very least, you can think about your own financial goals and challenges: Where do you need to hold back, and how could you be more confident and let your savings work harder for you?
On July 9, the social planet will cruise into Virgo and your third house, lightening the vibe. If you’re single, you could meet someone with potential while casually hanging out—perhaps it’s a friend of a friend, or one of YOURS who suddenly seems worthy of a “benefits package.” Couples who’ve been arguing will calm down now and have the clarity to talk things through like two people who genuinely care about each other. Lay down your weapons and just listen to what the other has to say.
Throughout the month, Venus will form flowing trines to innovative Uranus (July 11), structured Saturn (July 14) and transformational Pluto (July 27), all in the most interpersonal houses of your chart. The Venus-Uranus trine could spark sudden chemistry with a friend, colleague or an online match. And the love planet’s divine dalliances with future-oriented Saturn and alchemical Pluto in your eighth house of mergers could find Crabs deciding to make things official—or establishing new terms of engagement.
Who knows? Mars retrograde be damned, we might just see some slipping off to City Hall, especially near the July 27 total lunar eclipse in this same sexy and intimate zone. Eclipses bring events to a sudden culmination, and at this one, smoldering chemistry could consummate…or combust!
Key Dates
July 12: Sun-Pluto Opposition This power pairing only happens once a year, and something’s bound to happen. Have you been stuffing down some strong feelings because you’re afraid you’ll hurt someone or rock the boat? How happy are you not speaking up? If you truly want resolution, stop tiptoeing around the other person’s ego and come out with it! You’ll be pleasantly surprised to discover that they’re not as fragile as you think.
Money & Career
Make some calculated power moves, Cancer. With the Sun in your sign until July 22 and a rare Cancer solar eclipse arriving at the July 12 new moon, one of your solo projects could move to the front burner. This is the start of a two-year cycle that can put your name on the map or redefine your whole path. Since this eclipse will oppose powerful Pluto in your partnership house, you might cut ties with someone who’s been holding you back or step into a more assertive role.
We’re still in retrograde high season because this month will see Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune AND Pluto all in reversal at some point. The emphasis of retrogrades is on the past, so go back and clear up any confusion or grey areas. Renegotiate, revise and tweak anything—this fall will bring back most of the momentum, so your careful inspection will pay off in a tight final product.
And watch your spending! Anxious Mars is retrograde in Aquarius all month, lending some intensity and uncertainty to your eighth house of shared ventures and long-term finances. Ease up on the big purchases and hold off on any large investments if you’re feeling stressed about bearing the expense. This is a good time to consolidate debt or make an aggressive repayment plan—but pace yourself. Cut up a credit card or three if you’ve been overusing the plastic and find a way you can live sustainably within your means while still enjoying your must-have Cancerian creature comforts.
The month’s second eclipse on July 27 lands in Aquarius, riding shotgun with Mars. This turbo-charged lunar (full moon) eclipse could bring a lucky windfall or an exciting opportunity to join forces with an influential person or partner. La luna also shines a megawatt spotlight on your emotions around money and power. Is it time to step into a role befitting of your creativity and capabilities, Crab? If you’re unconsciously sabotaging yourself by overspending or mismanaging money—or by letting your emotions eclipse your judgment—it’s time to cut that out. The world needs you to be your best and brightest self already, so quit holding back!
Key Dates
July 9: Mercury-Jupiter Square Before you’re off and running on a new project, crunch the numbers. If it’s not financially sound, be prepared to temper your enthusiasm and scale back the plan. With overeager Jupiter adding impulsivity, things could get out of hand quickly. Think twice (and a third time) before launching into any long-winded defense of your ideas—or before completely shooting down another person’s.
Love Days: 19, 25 Money Days: 6, 14 Luck Days: 12, 30 Off Days: 10, 23, 27
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Moon Enters Cancer
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By shirleytwofeathers
It is important to remember that the Moon cycles through the signs of the zodiac every couple of days, and it’s important to check the time of day that it enters and leaves the sign, because that will vary depending on your geographical location. If in doubt, you can use this moon sign calculator.
Cancer rules security, myths and archetypes, nurturer, looking into the past, traditions, the family in general, cooking and eating, planting, fishing, home and hearth, restaurants, good for listening to others, helping others with problems, sentiment, keeping secrets, doing things at home or for the home, roots, integrity, graves, underground places, inherited traits, weather and climate, gentle self-effacing humour, psychic, land and real estate, fresh water, water in general, especially in lakes, rivers and streams, mines and mining.
Cancer presides over anything to do with the home, family, food, nurturing, the mother, women in general. Things tend to last, as Cancer is a clingy sign. Good for love spells, weather spells, altar consecration, blessing the home, medium-ship, psychic endeavours, inciting over-emotionalism. Spells for the success in buying land, purchasing real estate, a decent place to live, and reconciling family members are best performed when the Moon is in this sign. With love relationships or marriages begun when the moon is in Cancer, if the parties break up, they often tend to reunite.
This is the sign the Moon rules, and here she is very strong. Magick corresponding to the Moon is successful when the Moon is in Cancer. This would include spellwork for the following:
Mother, family, children
Psychic abilities
Finding one’s roots
Past lives
Real estate
Altar consecration
Chalice consecration
Establishing a coven
Finding or buying a home
Weather workings
Planting and raising food crops
Contacting Goddess
Starting a Tradition
Cancer is a very sensitive sign of the zodiac, and this is evident in its effect on people. The time of the Moon in Cancer is favourable for establishing personal affairs, family relations, and the development of intuitive abilities. During this period, it is easier to learn to understand people, it is also favourable for the development of the restaurant business and the sale of flowers.
These days we are more receptive and suggestible. No need to rush things. If someone in your environment is naughty and scandalous – he wants attention and warmth. Show sympathy, and the person will thank you for your loyalty in the future.
Cancer is a fertile zodiac sign, so it is the best time to plant fruit crops, or any other plants that you want. In addition, astrologers claim that the moon in Cancer helps couples to conceive a girl.
Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the stomach at this time.
Moon Phase Info:
New Moon in Cancer–  the time to solve family matters and domestic issues.
Waxing Moon in Cancer–  the best period for frank conversations with your soulmate.
Full Moon in Cancer–  a day of charity, volunteering, help to the needy.
Waning Moon in Cancer–  a time of nostalgia, meetings with old friends.
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Ritual Bath For Moon in Cancer
Creating a purifying salt bath (to purify your aura), filled with eucalyptus (to aid in healing emotional ailments), lavender (to help you relax), rose quartz (to mend your heart and confidence), amethyst (to revive and treat your emotional upsets), and moonstone (to evoke the Moon Goddess in balancing out your best emotions) will boost your auric field and attune your inner vibration, allowing you to release old sentiments by cleansing your body, mind, and spirit.
Moon Water Recipe
6 drops of Eucalyptus Oil or Eucalyptus Leaves
4 Lavender Oil or Fresh Lavender
Rose Quartz
Amethyst Crystal
Himalayan Sea Salt, Epson Salt, or Kosher Salt
Place rose quartz, amethyst, and moonstone in a cup of water. Charge a cup of water under the Moon’s glow during the day. You can leave the cup by the window sill to absorb the lunar energy.
The Bath
Run a warm bath. Put a cup of salt in the bath water. Place 6 drops of eucalyptus oil or leaves in bath (the number 2 is the numerological number of the Moon, therefore, we are using even numbers to honour the Moon Goddess). Place 4 drops of lavender oil or flowers in bath. Add the rose quartz, amethyst, and moonstone to water.
Enter bath and close your eyes, meditating on the stillness of your mind and the warmth of the water. Put on soothing music, lay in the bath. Let the water heal your mind, body, spirit, and heart by washing away the pain and frustrations you feel within.
Moon Organizer
Satanic Witchcraft
Estelle Daniels
The Hood Witch
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aquariusbitxh · 7 years
random shit about the signs during ~*.~CANCER~.*~ season
everyone knows a cancer. the soft-eyed sweetheart. a family (wo)man with pure intentions. a natural empath. see how the sun in cancer will influence you. (USE DOMINANT SIGN- calculate it at ASTRO.com - or use your SUN sign) aries: less talkative, more intuitive & kind. weak energy. mahogany & maroon colors. photography. poetry. taurus: moody. mainly grumpy & angry. feels everything. irritated. finds peace in soothing music and atmospheres such as the beach. gemini: expressive of emotions. psychology. feelings in general. butterflies, laughter & optimism. cancer: the BEACH, FLUID (i.e. water), clouds, cerulean blue, emotions crashing like waves, heavy headed, watery-eyed, crying at the planetarium. leo: telling people they are gorgeous, uplifting others constantly, smiling, taking a "down time", brushing hair, little giggles, loud singing, jumping, ciggerettes virgo: gardening. life. happiness. dirt. everything natural. roots. the moon. fertility. mothers. grey and plum colors. laying on grass. lady bugs. tender touches. libra: family. solving others problems'. bees. television. protesting. islands. sleeping outside. pets. aquariums. scorpio: sweet & tender nature. caring and forgiving. nurturing. motherhood. nurses. lunar phases. empath powers. crystals. sagittarius: planets. the unknown. religion/spirituality. soulmates. hammocks, forests, reading, crying over spiritually beautiful things capricorn: TRAVEL. RELIEF. classy clothes. work. spicy foods. water. gems. deep breathing. aquarius: nature. moderate isolation. anxiety. finds peace through others relaxation. absorbing moods. hypochondriac behavior. runs away from problems. pisces: the death tarot card. cardinal birds. the Internet. fear. worry. dreams. memory of dreams. escape. drugs. water.
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doomsteady · 8 years
Look Again - ch2
WIP! bi!John/ace!Sherlock, Friends to Lovers. Explicit. Will be posted on AO3 when it’s done.
<ch1> –> <ch2> --> <ch3>
Ch 2
It was thanks to Sherlock’s encyclopedic knowledge of London that their pursuers quickly lost sight of them through the labyrinth of back-alleys and side streets. With one last check to make sure they weren’t still being followed, they slowed to a brisk stroll as they headed back in the direction of Baker Street.
It was late now. The streets were dark, empty save for the occasional drunkard wobbling his way home from a pub crawl. Still struggling to catch their breaths, John and Sherlock shared one glance before they broke into exhausted laughter, high on the thrill of the chase.
“I can’t believe they didn’t notice us double back on them,” John said, shaking his head in disbelief. His earlier embarrassment had cooled to a low simmer in his gut, displaced as it was by the much more urgent matter of their escape.
“Idiots,” Sherlock agreed, a smug grin on his face as he shoved his hands into his trouser pockets. “They really thought they had us. You’d think the criminal classes would have learnt to stop underestimating us by now, no?”
John huffed a laugh at his feet. “I think that’s giving them a little too much credit. And it’s you they’re underestimating. I’d say their estimation of me is pretty on-point.”
Sherlock stared ahead as they walked, seemingly lost in his thoughts. He looked every bit as perfectly Sherlock Holmes as he ever did, the unflappable git. For all that he’d been shoved into a cramped car boot and then spent the past ten minutes fleeing a gang of armed thugs through the streets, Sherlock seemed to have some magical ability to remain almost entirely unruffled. His clothes had straightened themselves, and his hair looked tousled, but no moreso than it did that morning when he’d purposefully styled it that way. Nor did he seem at all phased by what had happened between them in the boot.
But John was having far greater difficulty letting it go. The night air was cooling his sweat-damp skin, raising goosebumps as he zipped up his denim jacket to ward off the chill. With his pulse calming back into something resembling its normal rhythm, he was just now noticing how badly he needed a shower. He felt like a mess, and not just in terms of the one he’d created in his pants.
He was already sensing the change in his mind, even as he tried desperately to deny it. Before today, he’d always been able to compartmentalise his feelings for Sherlock. The man was his best friend. Platonic or not, this was the most important relationship in his life. They had killed for each other, and both knew the other was willing to die for them, and none of it hinged on some vague hope or the promises of a deeper, more intimate connection waiting somewhere on the distant horizon. They didn’t need it; they were already soulmates.
There had been a time, right back in the beginning, when John had dared to have those hopes. Perhaps because at that time, he had no idea how important Sherlock would become to him. Sherlock was his closest and most treasured friend, too important to lose, and now it was unthinkable that he would risk what they had in the pursuit of something more.
Fantasies be damned: Real life wasn’t always perfect, but it was at least real. There was no point in pining after the unattainable.
John had never been a selfish man; he was grateful for whatever life deemed fit to gift his way. And anyway, Sherlock managed to be an endlessly fascinating friend. He was everything John could ever ask for in a companion that would, in all likelihood, be with him for life anyway. John found he could live with that quite easily, in the end— just being near to him, caught in the orbit of his celestial gravity. Always up close. Always from afar.
Even though he never really did stop finding Sherlock attractive in that way, he kept such thoughts under careful guard, ever considerate of his friend’s feelings. Never once did he let them dictate their interactions, no matter how enticing those ideas had occasionally been. That’s how it always was, and how it always was meant to be.
But now, he was struggling to remember how that had ever been possible. Glancing up at Sherlock’s moon-struck profile, his heart twisted beneath his ribs; the man was beautiful. A figure cut from marble, all sharp angles and long, smooth surfaces. John looked at him now and saw him in all the ways that screamed this is not how people look at their platonic friends, and he could no longer help it. One sultry glance from Sherlock right then would have brought John fully hard again in seconds.
That tamped down flame of desire burned brighter than ever now, and it troubled him. They walked together in silence, John’s mind turning over and over with increasingly dire conclusions about his rekindled attraction, and it wasn’t until Sherlock stopped short and caught John’s arm that his focus snapped back to the present.
“John. Stop.” John turned to look at him, and that was a mistake. Sherlock’s uncharacteristically open expression told John everything he didn’t want to know about the conversation they were about to have.
“Leave it. It’s fine,” John said, looking away. “Let’s just go home. Alright?”
Sherlock pressed his lips thin, a crease deepening between his brows. “You’re worrying about what happened. In the boot.” It wasn’t a question, but John shook his head anyway. “You think I’ll think differently of you. Judge you badly for it? I can assure you, John, that there is absolutely nothing to be—”
“That’s not.” John stepped away from him, turned his face away. He couldn’t do this right now. “That’s not what… I’m just. It was embarrassing. Okay? That’s all. I don’t want to talk about it. Please can we not talk about it?”
John could feel those piercing eyes boring into his back, and it only agitated him further. The last thing he wanted in that vulnerable moment was to be flayed open by Sherlock’s merciless observations. But after a moment, he heard Sherlock release a quiet breath.
“Alright,” he said, as if soothing a frightened colt, “Alright. I won’t mention it again.”
He resumed along their path, allowing John to fall into step beside him, grateful for the opportunity to regroup himself. The next time Sherlock spoke, he sounded almost genuinely spirited. “Shall we pick up some chips on the way home? That little place down Audley should still be open this time of night, I think.”
The automatic ‘no thanks’ was on the tip of his tongue, but John swallowed it, his throat suddenly tight. He knew Sherlock was just trying to cheer him up. An offer of chips should not be so endearing, but the idea of Sherlock willingly dropping a loose thread and attending to John’s needs spoke volumes about how much the man cared for him. His curiosity over the subject hadn’t abated, John knew, but he was making an effort to move them past it. That, at least, deserved some sort of a reward.
He forced a nod and a smile. “Yeah, okay. Let’s go get chips.”
Sherlock watched as John speared a chip with his plastic fork and blew a cooling stream of air onto the steaming morsel. Gripping it cautiously between his teeth before drawing it back onto his tongue, John’s stormcloud expression brightened minutely at the burst of flavour. It was a gratifying sign. Sherlock’s stomach did a little flip at the improvement.
For as long as he could remember, Sherlock had never concerned himself with trying to appease the people who attempted to call themselves his ‘friends’. Most, he observed, hung around him only for the simple convenience his deductive abilities provided. It certainly wasn’t for his charming personality.
In university, his classmates made sure to include him only up to a point where they could copy his notes and borrow his brain for their assignments. He was more human calculator than social equal, but he allowed it, because as shallow and self-serving as it was, some sad part of him had always thrived on the praise of others. Even now, the Yarders kept on tenuously amiable terms with him, only because they had too many murders to solve and not enough braincells between them to accomplish it.
John was different.
It was hard to pin down the reason John accepted him so readily, but it was nothing like the kind of selfishness others so frequently used him for. John hadn’t anything he would consider ‘valuable’ to gain by staying by Sherlock’s side— on the contrary, sometimes merely the fact of their acquaintance put John in considerable danger.
On the surface, John was an unremarkable man. In the months before meeting Sherlock, his life had been following the time-old script of the soldier returned home from war, injured and struggling to rediscover his place in common society. Had it not been for his limp, it would have been so easy to overlook him, to dismiss him off-hand as not worthy of a second glance.
But, that limp told a different story, a story spoken only in the subtext of his age-worn features. Psychosomatic. A traumatic injury, something laden with guilt. A friend had died, perhaps while John was still working to staunch the flow of blood, to keep him conscious just a few minutes more until help could arrive.
His friend had died. John had blamed himself for it, and Sherlock could tell, just by the look in his eyes, that he would have given anything to take his place on the sand.
When Sherlock looked again, he saw not just a lonely, suicidal Army medic with a shoulder injury and a deathwish, but a man brimming with untold secrets and endless, fascinating potential. John Watson was a man whose outward appearances belied a secret myriad of inner qualities.
What was it, then, that drew them together so inexorably?
From the first day they had met, Sherlock had dedicated a not-insubstantial corner of his Mind Palace to the collection and aggregation of every bit of data he could glean about his new friend John. From the exact fabric composition of his fluffy jumpers, to how often brand new crow’s feet would etch themselves into the lines of his eyes— it seemed the subject of John could never bore him, and more often than not, the man regularly found new ways to surprise him.
For the first time in his life, Sherlock found himself grasping for excuses to keep someone in his life, rather than push them away. Luckily for him, it had taken very little persuasion to have John pack up his meagre belongings, leave his dour little bedsit and move into Baker Street with him.
Nowadays, Sherlock couldn’t picture him living anywhere else.
That same man sat across from him now in the tiny chip shop, staring thoughtfully into his plate of chips as he chewed. Inside his brain, Sherlock knew, troublesome thoughts were swirling, grating, distracting him. He knew it was something about what happened in the boot of that car. But it couldn’t be such a simple thing as embarrassment, could it? That simply didn’t make any sense.
John was a soldier. He was also a doctor. He’d been to war, had men die in his arms. He was not a squeamish man. Natural bodily functions didn’t phase him, not usually. Not in the time Sherlock had known him, and he had shown John a great many mutilated corpses during their time together.
So then why was this bothering him? His body had responded as any normal human male would. Surely John knew that, so why was he suddenly behaving as if he’d crossed some uncrossable line, or revealed too much about himself?
Was there any truth in those observations? It was merely intuition, but Sherlock found himself at a loss, bereft of further data to expand upon any theory that presented itself. His friend, always such an open book to him, had suddenly closed himself off, as if Sherlock’s gaze could accidentally spark at some brittle part of him and set his entire, fragile inner world ablaze.
Sherlock wanted nothing more than to reach over and open his skull, peer inside and discover the cause of his uncharacteristic quiescence. But whatever it was, John didn’t want to discuss it. He’d said it, to Sherlock’s annoyance, in no uncertain terms.
It was tempting to ignore his wishes, to pick and pry at it, pull at the thread until the whole problem unravelled. Sherlock could get to the bottom of it, he knew. He could help, somehow. There would be something he could do, something he could say to make the whole thing go away. But John would probably appreciate that even less.
So he simply watched.
John lifted another chip to his mouth, his eyes flicking up to catch Sherlock’s across the table. Paused. Looked away, lowering his fork again. Shifted in his seat.
A moment later, Sherlock’s patience was rewarded.
“I’m about done with these. Sure you don’t want any?”
“I’m not hungry.”
“’Kay.” He cleared his throat. Stalling for time, or perhaps searching for the right words? “Sex always gives me an appetite.”
It was Sherlock’s turn to fidget, caught out by the unexpected admission. John seemed to hear the echo of his own words a moment later. His head flew up, eyes wide as he fumbled to correct himself. “Not that— That wasn’t— I just mean—”
“For God’s sakes, John. I knew what you meant.” Sherlock fought a losing battle against the smile tugging at the corners of his lips. John could be so adorable at times. “Anyway, I thought you didn’t want to talk about it.”
“I don’t,” John said, pushing his plate away.
It was nearing midnight when they exited the chip shop. The night chill had properly set in. Fortunately, home was just a few minutes walk from here. “I ‘spose it just seems… unfair,” John continued, apropos of nothing.
“What does?”
“That I ended up in that state, while you… I mean. You didn’t even.”
He waited. A minute later, it seemed John had given up his train of thought. Sherlock couldn’t bear to leave it. “Didn’t even what?”
“You didn’t even get hard!”
John’s voice rang out loud in the street. On the opposite pavement, a lone passer-by glanced their way, giving them an odd look. Sherlock glared at her until she had passed.
Frustrated and upset by his own outburst, John’s pace picked up considerably. Sherlock, with his long legs, easily kept pace with him. Now that John was opening up a little, he was not about to let this go easily. “That’s what’s bothering you?” he asked, not trying to hide the bewilderment in his voice. “That I didn’t get an erection?”
“No!” John cried. “No, just… Alright, yes. Yes. But not for the reason you’re probably thinking.”
���I can’t think of any reason.”
John huffed a tired, defeated laugh. They were at their front door. He fished the keys out of his jacket pocket, making quick work of the lock. Sherlock quietly followed him inside.
John shucked his jacket in the hallway as Sherlock hovered, enrapt by the unfolding drama, at his elbow. Could he really be blamed? He got excited at the sight of corpses, and this, whatever it was, was no more pleasant but equally as fascinating to him. It was something new about John, something unexpected, and Sherlock wanted nothing more than to understand it inside and out.
Upstairs, stepping into their flat, John was still quiet. Sherlock decided to try prompting him.
“You realise there’s a height difference between us,” he said, matter-of-factly. “There was little friction being applied on my end of the equation. And even if there were, you weren’t in the correct position to feel any evidence of it.”
John settled on the couch and scrubbed his hands over his eyes. “Yeah. Of course, that makes sense.”
Quiet again. Sherlock pursed his lips. In for a penny…
“Not that there would have been such evidence, either way.”
A flicker of confusion crossed John’s face. He looked up, meeting Sherlock’s eye. His Adam’s Apple bobbed as he swallowed once. Twice. Sherlock could see multiple conclusions being drawn and discarded behind his eyes from the simple statement. Eventually he said, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Sherlock lifted one laconic shoulder and dropped into his leather chair by the hearth. It seemed the only way he would be able to tease out John’s secrets would be by revealing some of his own. It was a fair trade, he supposed, for a topic so personal.
“It means that I don’t feel things that way,” he said. “It would take a lot more than a few minutes of frotting, if it ever happened. Mostly, I just find that sort of contact… uncomfortable.”
He wasn’t prepared for the creeping horror that spread across John’s face as the words sank in.
Oh, he thought, a cold panic rising up his spine like a wave of frost. Was that… Not Good?
<ch1> –> <ch2> --> <ch3>
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