st0neymal0neyx0 · 10 months
Let’s get on a bus/train together and let me suck your dick until you cum without getting caught 👀
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user63618462946 · 1 year
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Yohji Yamamoto POUR HOMME SPRING / SUMMER 2000
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qprconcepts · 6 months
qpp whos terrified of horror movies x qpp who watches horror movies for fun but barely gets any sleep after x qpp who isnt affected by horror movies whatsoever and ends up comforting the other two after they watch something particularly bad
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styledby · 2 years
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Paul Binam
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perfectday1972 · 1 year
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via shagey_
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gentil-minou · 2 years
"It's not like that, he's just a school buddy."
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Plural writer culture is having a perfectly planned out plot in your head, only to have it go completely off the rails because the characters just decided on their own to go and do something else.
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mr007pennyworth · 1 year
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thefirebull · 2 years
When I tell you that I was out of spoons BEFORE my partner went into the ER a week and a half ago, and then I found and spent an extra resource of spoons that I did not know that I had which means that I now have to replenish my spoons AND somehow hope that I can reload the extra secret resource spoons, you might start to understand what it's like to be a Taurus.
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paradoxrealm · 5 days
Well- mostly-
Now I'm only dead on the inside! :D)
A Return Worth Waiting For...~
She turned the stone over in her hands, putting it up to her eye every now and again as they traveled. Unfortunately she didn't really find anything else interesting when she did, settling for tucking it away in the pocket of her denim jacket.
"I'm going to be as honest as I can be without freaking her out, Moon. You may function off of endless lies, but I don't. Besides, I have a feeling that once we get to the well it's just going to be you and me again. 'Cause I think... things are about to get weird..."
Oh, you mean the Hag Stone? Yeah... Yeah, kinda? When I looked through it I saw the silhouette of another one like it in the exact same spot. Like it was in the Other World. I think... they're connected somehow. Like... the universe itself is trying to force me and Moon to work together to get back the missing memories. It's... connected us somehow when we weren't before. I'm not sure why or what for, but one thing I know for sure is that it's gonna get real weird real fast. Because I don't think this is your game anymore...
I think... it's mine...
Eugh I'm already getting a headache from all this...
The adult of the pair shook her head, rubbing at her temple as they approached the well. Though... Astel couldn't find Snatcher at first.
Hm...? Where is he...? Snatcher! Come out ya edgy noodle!
Don’t be rude. He didn’t sound particularly pleased- still, his tone eased. Weird how, exactly?
“I wouldn’t play games with him… He cheats, you know. And he doesn’t play unless he can win something.” Hat stuck her tongue out, kicking a rock across the ground. She giggled at the edgy noodle comment, nodding to herself. “Edgy noodle… I like that! He probably hates it,” she laughed, looking around for him. “You know about the Other World, right?… Have you ever… Talked to Snatcher?” She asked before turning her attention back to the surrounding area, making a series of clicking sounds and asking for the snake to show himself.
Ah- there he was. He slid out from a crevice between a pair of rocks, his scales shimmering as the dull light caught them. He seemed somewhat weary of the well, though his eyes mostly focused on the duo as his tongue flicked about.
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user63618462946 · 7 months
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strawberryseeded · 4 months
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spotsandsocks · 1 year
This kinda mood
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chaoticzoomies · 2 years
I have asks to answer and So Many Porn Bots to deal with but apparently my inability to do things is not just limited to irl *faceplant*
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virgohobbit · 2 years
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