#More of Brer Rabbit's Tricks
uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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Lunar New Year 2023
Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate! Lunar New Year is celebrated in countries all over the world, though it is largely celebrated in Asia and is sometimes called Chinese New Year or Korean New Year or Vietnamese New Year, etc. depending on which country’s celebrations one is referring to. In Chinese, it is most often called the Spring Festival. 
This lunar year is the year of the Rabbit (although in Vietnam is it the year of the Cat!), so we are sharing these stories of Brer Rabbit’s adventures as told by Ennis Rees and illustrated by Edward Gorey. More of Brer Rabbit’s Tricks was published in 1968 by Young Scott Books. 
Brer Rabbit stories originate in the African diaspora and were told widely among enslaved people in the American South. The stories were then co-opted by white American authors, for example in the “Uncle Remus” tales written by Joel Chandler Harris and Disney’s film Song of the South. The stories in More of Brer Rabbits Tricks were developed based on Harris’s tellings of the stories. 
-- Alice, Special Collections Department Manager
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comicaurora · 9 months
Hey Red, sorry if this was asked already, but do you have any advice on writing a trickster hero? And do you have any favorites yourself?
Huh! This is something I've never really thought too hard about before, but I do have some loose and unformed thoughts!
So the trickster archetype is, broadly, a character who wins by being cunning and tricking the people around them. Typically this is because they are an underdog facing a powerful opponent, and if they face that opponent on the terms that opponent defines, they'll lose. For instance, a physically strong opponent might want to make everything into a contest of raw force; a politically powerful opponent might want to make things a legal battle; a commander of a large army might want to battle on a flat terrain-less battlefield and overpower the smaller enemy force through raw numbers; etc etc.
A trickster doesn't have the raw power to make a scenario happen. Instead, they achieve that scenario by making other characters make it happen, usually by misleading them into thinking it'll have some other outcome they want.
A classic example of this is found in a Brer Rabbit story where Brer Rabbit has been snatched by Brer Fox, and Brer Rabbit begs and pleads with him to not throw him into that briar patch, oh the torment he would experience in that briar patch would be unimaginable, drowning or burning would be bad but still better than that briar patch. Brer Fox naturally throws him into the briar patch, at which point Brer Rabbit vanishes into the underbrush and helpfully clarifies that he was born and bred in a briar patch. He was unable to escape through his own power, so instead he convinced Brer Fox that yeeting him into the briar patch would give Brer Fox something he wanted (Brer Rabbit's unimaginable torment) when in actuality it gave Brer Rabbit exactly the cover he needed to escape. It only worked because Brer Rabbit understood that Brer Fox was fundamentally not just hungry, he was cruel.
Tricksters usually achieve victory through lying, stealing, sneaking around and generally being dishonest. These are usually not seen as heroic traits, but the trickster hero is an archetype of character who is broadly heroic - and uses trickster tactics to win. It's an interesting suite of character traits to balance. In order to make a trickster heroic, them being the underdog usually needs to be played up. It's not really easy to root for someone with power to manipulate people for their own ends, but it's easy to root for someone scrappy and underleveled to manage to gumption their way to a victory over a broadly superior opponent.
A sympathetic trickster usually isn't someone who picks fights. Trouble comes to them, and then they need to find a way to escape or stop it. This is the paradigm that makes Bugs Bunny work as a trickster hero - he starts off basically every adventure minding his own business, and when someone comes around with a blunderbuss and a hankering for rabbit stew, their actions are what prompts him to unleash absolute hell on them by using toon physics and trapping them in ironclad social conventions to completely unbalance them until they're eventually defeated.
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If we see a big, loud, powerful jerk try to stomp on someone small and innocuous, we're inclined to root for the small and innocuous person. This setup makes us very eager to see the small and innocuous person use tricks and shenanigans to make a fool of the powerful jerk, and it automatically makes us more okay with the sympathetic character doing on-paper unheroic things like lies and manipulation as long as they're doing them to someone we're primed to dislike.
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So trickster heroes are usually fundamentally reactive characters. Something bad happens and they respond by unleashing hell. Another easy way to make a character instantly more heroic is to give them an even weaker, even more sympathetic character to protect or assist. Thus, many trickster heroes have a suite of supporting characters they're protecting who are not tricksters by nature, and are instead just there to be endangered or bullied by Nasty Mean Powerful People. Our trickster heroes stepping in to aid and protect other people thus gives their actions an even more heroic cast, because not only are they reactive to an outside threat, they're selflessly reactive.
This is the framing that's used in Leverage, where every episode has a victim of the week being cruelly taken advantage of by a jerkass of the week, at which point our team of liars, grifters and thieves roll up to ply their trade on the jerkass and award the spoils of war to the victim of the week. Because the person they're tricking is proven unequivocally to be truly awful and completely insulated from legal consequence a solid 98% of the time, we don't feel particularly bad seeing our team of heroes manipulate, gaslight and eventually absolutely destroy them over the course of a crisp 40 minutes. The vileness of the villain combos with the innocent powerlessness of the person they're advocating for, and thus their assorted unheroic qualities become reframed as absolutely heroic due to the circumstances under which they use them.
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Crucial to the formula is the horrendous nastiness of the villain of the week, because if we were even kind of sympathetic to them, the schemes of the protagonists would be kinda scary. They are very good at quickly getting the bad guy to trust them and then taking apart everything they've built, and that's only fun to watch if the audience is 100% sure the villain deserves it and is not going to spend too much time thinking "wow, it would be terrifying if that happened to me." The fact that our heroes almost always take them down simply by leveraging (heh) the bad guy's badness is a big part of what makes the formula work. Almost every episode is functionally similar to a Briar Patch scenario - "oh gosh I sure hope no SOULLESS CAPITALIST VAMPIRES take advantage of how MANIPULABLE I am to try and get my MONEY and/or VALUABLES", and then the villain's own established cruelty cascades into their downfall when it runs into the dominos our heroes have set up to expose them. And that does a lot to make the audience sympathize with a crew of four self-admitted terrible people (and Hardison, who's an angel and we're delighted to have him)
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Another way to get the audience to root for a potentially nonstandard protagonist is to set them up against a villain who is smug. Smugness is a very dangerous trait for any character to have, because it primes the audience to want to see them break. A villain who thinks they are too powerful or too strong or too smart to be defeated has the audience immediately rooting for them to be proven wrong just so they can watch the expression on their face. This is the strat they use in Columbo.
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Every Columbo villain is rich and powerful and very insulated from legal consequences, and we start every episode seeing them arrange and execute an attempt at a perfect murder. We know from the start how they did it and usually why, and because they are smug - they are almost never regretful or reluctant - we become invested in seeing how Columbo figures out what they did, how they did it, and how he can prove it and get them arrested. Columbo is a nonstandard kind of trickster hero, because he is deeply and fundamentally a Lawful Good archetype, but he is also a very casual liar. The only time the audience sees Columbo almost certainly telling the truth is when he's dealing with background characters, his fellow policemen or his dog, or when he's by himself silently putting the pieces together; at all other points in the episode he will typically conceal how much he knows, how he knows what he knows and why he's asking specific probing questions. The audience has a tremendous amount of dramatic irony in terms of information about the perfect murder Columbo has to disassemble; we'll see Columbo zero in on exactly the one small detail that pokes a hole in the supposed airtight alibi, but instead of saying "I think you killed them and I am determined to prove it" he'll dance around why he's focusing on those details - just curiosity, just a desire for completeness, his superiors told him to continue the case and he doesn't know why, his wife is just such a big fan of their work, etc etc.
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As a rule, the first time in any given episode that Columbo admits he's suspicious of the villain is the beginning of the last scene of the episode when he proves that they did it and they subsequently surrender. When Columbo is dealing with the villain, absolutely nothing he says can be trusted until that final scene - and it's a rare treat to get a glimpse of Columbo showing an honest emotion, especially something like genuine fury. Most of the time he maintains a very harmless and affable attitude, but sometimes when the villains are very smug and they know he's suspicious of them but can't prove anything yet, his righteous anger peeks through and we see why he does this.
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He's a trickster hero because he can't unravel the case, the villain's motivation and the shape of the crime if the villain knows everything he knows and can correspondingly keep up with him. But he is 100% committed to exposing the truth of the situation and making the murderer face justice. Their perfect alibi is supposed to protect them from everything, but it's their confidence and certainty that they could never be caught that Columbo leverages to win. They never know entirely what to make of him, and he's never wholly honest with them - and with the audience - until the very end of the episode. It's good, cathartic payoff to an episode's worth of lies and manipulation from both main players, and it's always fun to see the non-smug party on the side of justice come out on top.
Some trickster heroes are more like standard heroes with trickster tendencies that occasionally surface. These guys are usually pretty straightforward, but in a pinch they can bust out a surprisingly cunning scheme or two - one such moment hits at the climax of Across the Spider-Verse, and it's a great moment of characterization for Miles, who has thus far been a pretty typically heroic guy who has unfortunately spent the entire movie thus far being lied to by people he trusted. It kicks off an enormously long and complicated chase sequence that takes the entire spider-community out of the home base chasing him through an absolutely massive complex and eventually onto a space elevator. It's such a fluid scene, you kind of just accept that it's a desperate chase sequence - Miles is just running. It doesn't occur to the other spider-people that Miles might have a plan beyond running until he basically tells Miguel that, hey, he did just get every other spider-person out of the facility that has the portal to get him home. He wasn't just running away, he was luring everybody away so he can leave.
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And this moment is fantastic on a meta-level, because Spider-Man is traditionally a bit of a trickster hero. Most of his enemies are able to physically outpace him, and he needs to use mobility and strategy to take them down, often luring them into environments that work against them - like a fun moment in Spectacular Spider-Man where Spidey defeats the Rhino by luring him into a steam tunnel and basically giving him heatstroke through his armor plating. But because the entire core theme of this movie is "Miles isn't a real Spider-Man," it literally doesn't seem to occur to the other spider-people that Miles's seemingly panicked running might be him pulling a Spider-Man on them. We're so used to being in Miles's head and knowing when he's got a plan or a ploy that this is a very fun moment to watch. He's successfully deceived an entire army of spider-people, and the audience is just as blindsided as Miguel - and a little less electrocuted, so it's a lot more fun for us.
So yea, trickster heroes are a fun little space of character, but you gotta be careful to put them in the right kind of situation, lest their fundamental dishonesty come across as alarming rather than extremely rad.
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inthecityofgoodabode · 11 months
October 2023: Municipal Elections & Early Voting
We had the municipal election in The City earlier this month. My queen & I were disappointed that the only candidate that we voted who won was an uncontested incumbent.
In regards to the winner of our mayoral election, Paul Young, I'm taking a wait & see approach. He reads good on paper & he was solid in the mayoral debates but it came out that, although he identifies as a Democrat, he voted in some Republican primaries. For those that don't know, in Tennessee, you can choose to vote in a single primary regardless of party affiliation so it could have been that he voted in primaries where he knew a Democrat didn't have a chance in the general so he voted in the Republican primary trying to insure the least insane Republican won the primary. That is thinking that I could understand. My concern is why was it leaked out in the mayoral race & my gut tells me it was his campaign that did the leaking. I can't tell if the leak was a nod & a wink to Republicans saying "I'm really one of you" or if it was a trick in the vein of Brer Rabbit telling Brer Bear & Fox "please don't throw me in that briar patch." Those would be the extremes. From a realist perspective, I suspect the reality is he is just another milquetoast moderate.
Fortunately, we have one more chance... at least for the city council representative for our district. The front runner in the election for that council seat didn't win by enough of a majority so there'll be a runoff election. Early voting for that begins this Friday. That asshole will still probably win but it won't be because we didn't show up at the polls.
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meanscarletdeceiver · 4 years
QLIR Outline: Seasons 1-3
New installment is coming along nicely! Posting this as a reader reference and as self-discipline.
When a story is posted, I’ll turn the title into a link. The stories may be written/posted quite out of order, so this outline should keep them straight.
Questions/ideas/requests for tidbits always welcome in the inbox. :) I: Quiet Little Island Railway (1922)
The Workshop. Henry is built. And built again. And again... (1919-1922)  The Express Engine. Henry is finally shipped to a railway, and a suspicious Fat Controller pretty much immediately has measuring tape and pocket watch out. Henry’s worried driver takes drastic action to secure Henry’s future. High-Speed Police Chase. The North Western buzzes with gossip when Scotland Yard inspectors start trawling the railway. Their target could certainly use a speedy green escape vehicle about now!... wait... Timetables. Sodor's new express engine keeps his time… mostly… with a little help from a series of drivers. But the latest one, the celebrated Mr. Lammaleye, doesn’t react to Henry’s usual request as expected. From the Sham to the Ham. Thomas fucks with Henry’s first goods train, because of course he does. Look Further, Do Worse. Henry asks Linda, the hardscrabble floater engine who has worked “everywhere,” whether Sodor is really all that great. Apparently, it is. Linda wants to impress the Fat Controller in the final weeks of her trial period, so she really-usefully teaches Thomas the concept of “speed trials,” senior maintenance workers their business, a new first-class coach some respect, and only Then There Was Trouble. Good Engines Don't. Henry and Edward have a snit that leaves the former devastated... and grimly determined to make a success of a special annual train to the mainland, no matter the cost. Mr. Lammaleye would be impressed—if he wasn't so disquieted by evidence of Henry’s all-too-human thinking. Bits. Henry has to wonder what exactly they did to him while they repaired his boiler, because upon his return Thomas is, like… more than halfway tolerable, and Henry celebrates his first Christmas by bringing back a present from Kildane for his station pilot. 
II: Saving the Railway (1923-4)
Clearing a Line #1. Thomas and Edward meet the new, genuine Gresley... and quickly notice that this is the weirdest arrival to Sodor they’ve ever had (which is saying a lot, with Henry, Linda, and both “hams” all making a strong showing in recent memory).  Clearing a Line #2. Edward was happy to try and keep express passenger services running between Henry’s repairs and Gordon’s arrival… but the Fat Controller added a catch, and Edward needed help from Mr. Lammaleye to manage his assignment. Alternately.: All the red flags that Edward ignored before Part I.  The Autumn After. Gordon saves the railway. Sodor booms. Three Four new engines are leased. The Fat Controller, busier than ever, becomes something of an absentee parent. The new crews are an unlikely lot and one of them... carries around a blowtorch? Are we seeing that right? Fun! Fuck Edward gets taken down several pegs a lot, leaving the new engines free to run amok. Gordon teaches them not to mess with him personally, but retreats deeply from railway social life. Henry, left alone, is running scared. Three Loaner Engines. Thomas re-introduces the Brass-Buffered Truck of Discord and very nearly manages to Brer Rabbit the remaining three new engines to turn on each other instead of the “owned” engines. (Almost.) One Eye Open. That winter, Gordon observes… everything. Pity there’s no one sensible around to tell it to. Careless. The loaners choose a new target and cook up their most violent trick yet. The Fat Controller is forced to take notice, Henry tries to take a stand, but ultimately it's Gordon who steps in and establishes new rules of engagement: tank engines are off-limits, you bloody sociopaths, or you’ll answer to ME.  Firelighters. Henry’s new friends can’t help him when he starts to develop a whole new set of steaming problems. Problem Passengers. Gordon is given a special excursion train to a mainland prizefight, and is not very happy about it. Then an altercation within his coaches is blamed on Gordon, because why not.  The Spare Engine/One Perfect Day.(still working out the title and whether this is even one chapter or two) When a new driver is hired, Edward makes his bid. Everyone takes this well. MacNeil, the new driver, seems passive, but quickly gets up a feud with Lammaleye.  Railman’s Holiday. Spoiler alert: The Fat Controller barely even gets a foot on the mainland. Alternately: Topham is But a Simple Mechanical Engineer You Guys. How Can He Even. /sarc  The Conspirators. Gordon makes a remarkably convincing case that he and Edward are best friends, didn’t “little Edward” realize? And, now that Edward's back in steam again and once his head is done exploding, Gordon reckons that it's past time to talk strategy.  The Tunnel. Everyone’s noticing that things are… getting better. Except Henry. Y’all. It’s been almost three years since he arrived, and well over a year with the new loaner engines bringing the Lord of the Flies hellscape. It all started to 'get better' way too late for Henry.
III: Saving Each Other (1924-5)
Closing a Line. The Fat Controller figures out What The Hell to Do About Henry. With the “benefit” of all sorts of “helpful” input from basically every “person” on “Sodor.”  Names and Numbers. After Henry is bricked in the tunnel, none of the loaners are now in any danger of being returned to their homes. This emboldens Samuel, who for the first time ever has a mysterious need for a banking engine. Still, despite their newfound security, Lloyd and Ipswich come clean...ish... and confess their brass-truck-related sins to the Fat Controller out of the genuine remorse and penance of their hearts because MacNeil proves to also be handy with a blowtorch and In No Mood You Guys.  The Wild Nor’wester. Thomas has gone… more than slightly feral over the course of the past eighteen months. Gordon, fed up, teaches Thomas not to be cheeky with him. Thomas proves to Gordon that it might be worth hearing from tank engines. You know. Occasionally.  Neither Here Nor There. Lloyd and Ipswich take stock of their options and decide to ingratiate themselves with A.W. Dry industries so as to become indispensable. It would help, of course, if they weren’t so incurably disposed to drama that soon they can’t help sabotaging each other. On the neighboring railway, Edward’s two eldest brothers, facing the scrapyard and with nothing to lose, use the element of surprise “wtf are you two even doing on this island” to pay out “the red berk” Samuel for scaring the hell out of them with lies the past year.  Reversing Reverse. Gordon is beginning to visualize a rather magnificent plan to knock down a brick wall or two. However, before he can implement the full grandeur of his genius, there is a bothersome annoyance that must first be dealt with: his co-conspirator, while hiding it diligently from the railwaymen, is sinking into depression. Luckily, the Fat Controller is making some decisions about Lloyd and Ipswich.  The Sidings. Human-only shenanigans at the railwaymen’s favorite pub: Gallagher tries to two-time the barmaid sisters, Annabel and Clara; Willis, Atkins, and Sand get competitive; MacNeil grudgingly starts treatment for his war-related shellshock, and thereby has some realizations about Henry that he confides to the most understanding person he can think of Lammaleye over a pint… or four…  The Tunnel Again/Brothers. THIS IS IT YOU GUYS. Do I even need to tell you what happens? Alternately: There is not a single hatchet left unburied on the Island of Sodor! (The three loaners aside...)  One More Winter. The Fat Controller realizes that he might have a slight blue Gresley-sized problem on his hands. Actually, if he paints Henry blue, he might have two of them! Edward gets a new assignment. Thomas finally gets to take his first passenger train. FC hasn’t quite booted Samuel off the island yet, and, while Henry has a lot on his plate as he returns to service… he makes room for a healthy serving of Ooooohhh Let Me Handle This One!
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funky-gremlins · 5 years
“Shades.” Bluster ordered, gesturing for Robbie to put them over his eyes.
“Uh, boss, you never said to bring your shades.”
“Nuh-uh-uh! The right answer is: ‘of course, Bluster’!”
Robbie sighed. “..I’ll go back and grab ‘em.”
“Much better. Oh, and while you’re there, bring the others back to scheme with me.” He said, waving his hand as Robbie left.
Bluster then stood with his hands behind his back, observing what would soon be an expansion of Blusterland.
“Dodgems go there.. Could fit a popcorn stand over there..” He rubbed his chin.
His composure was upright, his feet in a patch of dirt. Grass riddled with treacherous thorns grew thickly around him. Bluster would never admit it- but he was too clumsy to avoid the prickles- so when coming here, he had made Robbie roll out a thick blanket to walk over the thistles. Of course, the blanket wasn’t long enough for the entire journey. She had taken the blanket back with her to walk across the thorns, when she went back for the shades.
“Hm. This place will do nicely, once we get rid of all these trees.” Bluster grumbled to himself.
His brow creased as he heard something from the distance- someone panting, hard.
He turned to see someone toddling towards him, as fast as their little legs could carry them- she was a member of his bad crowd for sure.
Resembling a marble with arms and legs, her whole left half was light purple- except for her hand, which was much darker. Her right side was the same rich shade as her hand. Her fur was cut very short on the left half of her head, whilst on the right side, her darker, thick, poofy fur had been pulled back into a pom-pom sort of thing behind her head with a spiky, metallic headband. Her right eye appeared to be lazier than the other. Her small feet allowed her to skip over the grass and thorns without a worry. It was Muttle.
She hurtled towards him as if in a panic, almost zooming right past Bluster.  “Hey, what’s the rush?” he quizzed, sounding irritated.
She froze in her tracks, hands on her knees as she puffed. “Bluster! Bluster run, run Bluster! There’s a- Oh quick, quick run!”
“Whaat? What is it?” Bluster shot in response, keeping up his annoyed tone- although her panic was kind of contagious.
“A wind! A hurricane! A cyclone!” She motioned frantically, all jumpy as her words tumbled out of her mouth at a million miles an hour. “Run, quick, run!”
“Hey- but- Hey I can’t run, there are thorns everywhere!”
“It’s coming, it’s coming, quick get out of here!”
“But I can’t run what do I do!!???”
“Hug a tree, hug a tree!!! Quick, before it gets here!!”
Bluster moaned nervously, feeling wound up in the panic. He latched himself onto a tree.
“Hold tight, hold tight!!!” Muttle pressed to Bluster.
“I am! I am holding tight- oh but I can’t do this forever!”
“You’ll be blown away it’s not enough!!”
“What do I do what do i do??”
“I’ll use this string to secure you to the tree! Then you won’t have to hold on and the wind can’t blow you away!”
“Ohh- quick Quick before it gets here!!”
Muttle pulled a string out from inside her poff of hair and scrambled over to Bluster. She fastened him to the tree as tightly as she could.
Then, she stepped back and dusted her hands. She quietly chuckled to herself, before she sat down on the patch of dirt Bluster was standing on before. She casually began to bounce and adjust her fur and headband.
Pretty soon, Bluster grew very uncomfortable and shuffled awkwardly. He wondered why Muttle hadn’t run off while she had the chance.
He peered irritably at the sky. After a while he said, “Hey, I don’t hear any wind..”
“Neither do I,” Muttle replied.
Bluster frowned. After another while, he grumbled. “Hey, you said there was a wind coming!”
“Then- where’s the wind!?”
“I don’t know, Bluster,” She replied, a slight mocking in her tone.
Bluster tried to piece the puzzle together, confused.
“Then- come and untie me!” He demanded, straining against the uncomfortable binds.
Muttle looked at him, pulling her mouth to one side as if considering this. “Nah,”
Bluster scoffed, offended. “Untie me this instant!”
“Sorry, can’t.” Muttle said, giving him an innocent look- before a smug smirk weaseled onto her face.
Bluster began shouting and demanding abrasively, struggling against the tree he was forced to hug.
Soon, Robbie came back, with Malcom and some other bad crowd members. They all stopped to behold the scene.
“Robbie! Malcom! Thank badness, one of you come untie me! UNtie me now!” He whined loudly.
“Hah! They can try, but I’ll just tie them to a tree, too! I’m stronger than I look, huh?” Muttle gloated. She mocked him with braggadocio, thoroughly enjoying herself.
“RobbBBBBbbiIIiIIIIIIIEEEEe!” Bluster yelled.
But Robbie didn’t answer his call. She couldn’t help but burst into laughter, at Bluster awkwardly tied hugging a tree. And by that small, boastful creature no less!
Bluster whinged and moaned, calling for the help of his underlings. “MalcoOom, come here noOOOw!!”
“If Malcom comes any closer he’ll be tied to a tree, too!” Muttle chortled.
“You just stay there, Bluster, and you won’t fire anybody,” Muttle said as she strut around. “And what’s more, if anyone dares to free Bluster I’ll come back for them and tie them to a tree- so tight they can’t move a finger!”
She laughed, entertained at the thought. She knew Bluster would be freed the moment she left, though. She didn’t mind.
She looked to Bluster, a smug expression on her face as she watched him go feral. “Aww, why are you so upset, Bluster?” She teased, “I’m sure the tree loves having cuddles with you!!”
She burst into a fit of chitters.
Bluster went absolutely livid as she continued taunting him- and she figured she had better go.
One last prideful remark, and Muttle skipped away- chuckling and tittering all the way home.
And that’s how Muttle tied Bluster to a tree! I can’t promise more of these but I will definitely try! Muttle has gotten herself into some serious fixes..
(This story was largely based off of a chapter in Brer Rabbit Again, by Enid Blyton. Most of these stories will be, until I can plot my own tricks for her)
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doug-lewars · 5 years
Lost in the Myths - Part 2 of 2
Some mythologies spread and morph over time. Both Norse and North American Indigenous cultures contain a trickster god – Loki in Norse mythology and Raven or Coyote in North America. A quick search of Wikipedia displayed 49 different cultures having a trickster of some sort. This might be of some interest to the writer who can see how the basic idea has morphed over time in some unusual ways. For example, the trickster concept moved from classic myth to folk-tale with the creation of Brer Rabbit and from there to the modern cartoon in the form of Bugs Bunny. The latter is interesting because it is so accessible. Warner Brothers cartoons are all over the internet and may be studied at will.
One of the more common tropes is the innocent individual (little guy) being imposed upon by the state and turning the tables on his tormentor. In the case of the WB cartoons, Bugs, wanting merely to do as rabbits are wont to do and eat a few carrots, is pursued by Elmer Fudd determined to put an end, not only to carrot filching but to Bugs’s life and from there to dine upon the rabbit. The symbolism is pretty obvious and the jokes fairly simple but the basic idea of adopting the trickster god to modern sociological issues is interesting because it suggests that while the trickster god may be the most flexible and, by extension, easiest for the writer to work with, there are plenty of other deities whose archetypes may provide some useful guidelines for the modern author.
For example, consider Hermes. Now he is a messenger god and in these days of mass computer communications might be treated as a god of the internet. He is also a bit of a trickster god himself although he usually plays his tricks on other gods. So what do we have? Here we have a god focused on rapid communications at a time when the internet is under threat from both political and economic forces. Does that offer a suggestion as to how mythology might be adapted into a modern context? The possibilities for combining classic mythology, modern technology and contemporary urban fantasy seem endless.
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yurious-george · 8 years
Fandom: No Evil (Web Animation) Summary: Wrip met the main cast later than in Judgement - and met Kitty first, through a vegetable-stealing escapade. Genre: Fluff, Crack Additional Comments: One day I will get an AO3. Today is not that day. Google Doc Version: [x]
“I don’t mind you stealin’ a few carrots and such from my garden - a few’ll get dug up by critters anyhow - but this is gettin’ absurd,” Kitty lectured. “Ten carrots in one evenin’? One or both of you is up to something, and I expect you to explain yerselves.”
“I swear I didn’t do nothin’!” Huey retorted indignantly.
“That there’s a double negative, Huey,” Kitty said scornfully. “Means you did somethin’.”
“Nope, he didn’t do anything,” Calamity said, wrapping her arm around him. Even if she wanted to say the same thing Huey did, Icky had lectured her on grammar enough and Kitty was in a bad enough mood that she wouldn’t risk it. “Me neither.”
Kitty glowered. “Well, you’re not leaving here ‘til I get some answers.”
“Well then, Huey... looks like we’ll be here a while,” said Calamity, plopping down in the dirt. She teetered a little before she regained her balance.
Huey plopped down next to her, squeezing his eyes shut in exasperation. “I knew I shoulda brought my coloring book.”
It’d been about two years since Murder and the triplets had sacrificed their senses and Murder’s life, but the land was still heavily scarred. Last spring, Kitty had started a little garden to save costs - tomatoes, some herbs, other foodstuffs. In an instant, it had become her favorite project; all throughout the spring and summer you could see her working in the garden, with Quetzalcoatl watching in awe. Sometimes he even “helped” by clumsily watering the plants while Kitty pulled weeds, and for a while he’d ask every day if the corn was ready - earning him the nickname “Corn” from Huey. (Though he didn’t really ask - he started speaking later than other kids, but when he started, he’d never say words without meaning something. Icky said it was impressive.)
“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuughh..,” Huey slumped forward, chest down and tail up. Soon he was lying flat on his stomach. “I didn’ steal it! There’s food in Hatfield now!” He whined.
“Yeah! And Icky won’t let me go out after eight. No way did I steal it!” Calamity added. “Can we go now? It’s been hours!”
“It’s been ten minutes, Calamity.” Kitty’s voice still had an edge to it, but not quite as scornful as before. They do have a point, she reflected.
“Whatever, same difference.”
“All right,” Kitty said. Not a heartbeat after she continued “You may go,” the two troublemakers sprang up, whooping loudly as they raced.
“Race you to the hideout!”
“No fair, you’re faster than me!”
Soon the pair were out of sight, their cheering fading into the distance. Kitty hadn’t moved, lost in thought. No animal would eat that much in one night, and not many of ‘em make it through the briars. A human might’ve done it, but us spirits are a long way aways from the towns - a long hike to do somethin’ needlessly dangerous. Folks know better than to anger a spirit. So who, or what, in the thirteen heavens, could be responsible? Kitty needed a plan. A trap. Something someone smart would fall for -
Her train of thought came to a halt as her eyes rested on the scarecrow.
Soon it was chugging again, however, as she got up and brushed herself off. She needed Paula to take her on a little shopping trip to Hollow.
Twitch. A young spirit’s long ears wiggled in the moonlight, alert to all noise and movement. Other than her, there was none.
Yup, all clear, she thought slyly. And even the scarecrow’s in the same place as always. With a tiny push of her legs, she sailed over the fence and briars, landing with less noise than the drop of a pin and more precision than the fall of a feather. Gleefully, she tiptoed (though she was always tiptoeing - it was her brand by that point) to the scarecrow, which stood between the corn, tomatoes, and carrots - the tomatoes looked splendid. Kneeling, she laid her hand on the scarecrow to steady herself, threadbare wicker basket ready to gather as much as could fi-
Yank. She couldn’t move forward! Her hand - her hand was stuck!
Whipping around, she kicked the scarecrow with as much force as she could pack in her powerful legs. Was this scarecrow bewitched? Why won’t it let me go? She panicked. Her feet made contact to the thing with a loud crack.
A few seconds of silence passed.
Oh, shoot, thought the thief, realization hitting her like a pound of bricks. My feet are stuck too.
Creak... Interrupted, the little spirit became sharply aware that the scarecrow was leaning, falling closer and closer to her squishy insides -
Kitty snapped upright in bed. She had woken a few seconds earlier, though not sure why, and been trying to drift back to sleep - but the scream startled her to full consciousness. Not hesitating a moment, she grabbed the gas lamp by her bedside and absconded through the dark, grasping her nightgown for easier running. Slamming the door open, she was ready to catch the thief red-handed!
...Or black-handed, I suppose, Kitty observed, extending her light. And even black-footed. The culprit had both hands and feet drenched in tar, some dripping on her as she supported it. What surprised Kitty most is that the culprit was a spirit - a young girl, not a week older than Calamity, and judging by the long ears and legs, a rabbit spirit.
Kitty’s eyes narrowed. “What are ye called?”
Knocked out of her daze of fear and confusion, the rabbit-spirit donned a polite smile. “I’m Wrip!” A drop of tar sploshed on her cheek. “And I understand if you want to punish me. I’ve done the wrong thing. You can hit me, hang me, or boil me in a stew; whatever you do, please don’t throw me in the briar patch!” Wrip begged, concealing the crafty smile she wanted to display. Wonder if she’ll fall for that one. Ha! It’s the oldest trick in the book!
Kitty made made no response. She fixed the little spirit with a cold, hard stare, taking in the tar, and dirt, and bits of tomato guts in the scraggly figure’s hair.
“The only place I’m throwing you,” Kitty said at last, gently wrenching Wrip free with the help of the rake on the wall, “is in the bath.”
Author’s notes:
The story gets its title from the story “Brer Rabbit And The Tar Baby”, an African-american piece of folklore - and its plot.
Said folklore, in turn, is a corruption on an Anansi tale - Anansi was trying to trap fairies with sticky sap. When the slaves were brought over, the sap became tar, the fairies became a rabbit and Anansi became the fox. And that’s just cool as fuck.
Coloring books existed in the late 1800s, but they were called painting books!
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courtneytincher · 5 years
Boris Johnson Still Has a Fighting Chance
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Is Boris Johnson about to be thrown into a Brexit briar patch — and is that just where he wants to be?The story of Brer Rabbit is a well-known trickster tale in American folklore. In one episode, Brer Fox has finally got Brer Rabbit trapped and is deciding how to finish him off; he wants the worst possible fate for a foe who has constantly outwitted him.Brer Rabbit begs for mercy. “Drown me! Roast me! Hang me! Only please don’t throw me into the briar patch,” he pleads. And that’s exactly what the fox does, to Brer Rabbit’s delight. You see, says a smug rabbit as he combs his fur later, “I was bred and born in the briar patch, Brer Fox.”It’s far easier to picture the amply built, politically agile Boris Johnson as a bear, or even a fox, than a scrawny rabbit. But there’s no question that the British prime minister’s opponents appear to have him cornered. He seems to have miscalculated repeatedly as he tries to deliver Brexit by Halloween. He’s being forced to request a Brexit extension, is unable to call an election, is stuck without a majority and his party is in open warfare.That’s not even all. Scotland’s high court declared his suspension of Parliament illegal, leaving the U.K. Supreme Court to decide the matter next week. Thanks to another constitutional sleight of hand, Johnson was also forced to release sensitive government information about the possible impact of a no-deal Brexit, including shortages of food, fuel and water, and public disorder.This looks bad, politically fatal even. Johnson’s many opponents in Parliament have scored victory after victory. But assuming they’ve struck a killing blow is dangerous. While Johnson’s opponents are celebrating his difficulties, they may be sending him straight to where he’s most comfortable: His own version of the briar patch.The conventional wisdom is that if Johnson is forced to ask for, and accept, an extension to the Oct. 31 Brexit deadline, it would be a devastating climb-down after he said he’d rather be “dead in a ditch” than do so. But would British leave voters really blame Johnson? It’s not certain they would. Polls show a more polarized public, with Brexiters increasingly inclined to excuse almost any behavior to get the U.K.’s European Union departure over the line.Johnson will look to weaponize any extension, claiming it is a remainer trick to stop the “will of the people.” The EU might even struggle to approve a delay if Johnson promises to be difficult, or risk looking as if it has taken sides in Britain’s domestic political wars. Any of that would help Johnson’s campaign of blame.He has other options too. He might refuse to comply with Parliament’s order to delay Brexit, or resign, leaving Labour’s hard-left leader Jeremy Corbyn to try to stitch together a government to request an extension. And, as Bloomberg reported Thursday, there’s always the prospect that an EU outlier such as Hungary might block another Brexit delay, which requires unanimous approval.The Labour Party took the decision (against Corbyn’s instincts) to deny Johnson an October election because it didn’t want to give him what he wanted: A national vote that could have galvanized Britain’s Brexiters into returning Johnson’s Conservatives with a mandate to crash out of the EU if necessary. But an October election would have been awkward for the prime minister. He would have had to choose between a pact with Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party, which wants a no-deal departure, and retaining more moderate Tory voters.The more time that passes, the more Parliament looks unable to decide what it wants — and the more Labour’s own Brexit divisions are exposed — the more Johnson’s appeal to get Brexit done may resonate with weary British voters. Certainly Parliament’s suspension (or prorogation) has put Johnson back where he’s happiest, out of the House of Commons and in sole charge of the prime ministerial bullhorn. He can’t legislate, but he can make announcements and they’ll be reported by the media while MPs have lost their forum. He can engage in a flurry of diplomacy and make lavish spending promises.A decision against his prorogation by the Supreme Court would be embarrassing, of course. It would make it harder to avoid the legislation demanding that he pursues a Brexit extension. But legal setbacks and moral outrage don’t necessarily translate into voter rejection. Indeed, a loss would let him portray the Scottish (and possibly English) judges as part of an anti-Brexit establishment; and while a reconvened Parliament would bombard him with uncomfortable questions and committee hearings, it would help his electoral platform (“the people versus Parliament”) to show lawmakers standing in the way of Brexit.None of this suggests that Johnson, or his adviser Dominic Cummings, are at all happy with this state of affairs. They clearly blundered. Nor is this a healthy place for Britain’s economy or its polity.Johnson’s team is betting that voters will reward him ultimately for showing leadership and doing whatever it takes to quit the EU. But that’s a huge gamble and would require the Tories to compensate for what will certainly be lost seats in Scotland, London and other remain-supporting parts of the country. Prorogation has also helped unite the opposition to no deal and it’s hard to rule out electoral pacts on that side.Even Brer Rabbit foolishly got himself stuck and was at the mercy of Brer Fox. Much depends then on what his opponents do next. In an interview with the Evening Standard Thursday, the now exiled moderate Tory lawmaker Oliver Letwin dangled a possibility. He said a cross-party alliance is prepared to withhold an election until after either a deal is agreed or a second referendum held.That’s an interesting proposition. In one scenario, Johnson would have delivered Brexit and could fight an election on centrist, pro-growth turf against a socialist opposition without having to worry as much about losing support to Farage (as long as any Brexit deal was robust enough for his taste). While the alternative route of a new referendum may not be ideal, campaigning is where Johnson is happiest. The prime minister’s enemies may feel they have him where they want him, but Johnson’s hide is thick enough to withstand a few thorns. You can’t count him out yet.To contact the author of this story: Therese Raphael at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: James Boxell at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Therese Raphael writes editorials on European politics and economics for Bloomberg Opinion. She was editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal Europe.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Is Boris Johnson about to be thrown into a Brexit briar patch — and is that just where he wants to be?The story of Brer Rabbit is a well-known trickster tale in American folklore. In one episode, Brer Fox has finally got Brer Rabbit trapped and is deciding how to finish him off; he wants the worst possible fate for a foe who has constantly outwitted him.Brer Rabbit begs for mercy. “Drown me! Roast me! Hang me! Only please don’t throw me into the briar patch,” he pleads. And that’s exactly what the fox does, to Brer Rabbit’s delight. You see, says a smug rabbit as he combs his fur later, “I was bred and born in the briar patch, Brer Fox.”It’s far easier to picture the amply built, politically agile Boris Johnson as a bear, or even a fox, than a scrawny rabbit. But there’s no question that the British prime minister’s opponents appear to have him cornered. He seems to have miscalculated repeatedly as he tries to deliver Brexit by Halloween. He’s being forced to request a Brexit extension, is unable to call an election, is stuck without a majority and his party is in open warfare.That’s not even all. Scotland’s high court declared his suspension of Parliament illegal, leaving the U.K. Supreme Court to decide the matter next week. Thanks to another constitutional sleight of hand, Johnson was also forced to release sensitive government information about the possible impact of a no-deal Brexit, including shortages of food, fuel and water, and public disorder.This looks bad, politically fatal even. Johnson’s many opponents in Parliament have scored victory after victory. But assuming they’ve struck a killing blow is dangerous. While Johnson’s opponents are celebrating his difficulties, they may be sending him straight to where he’s most comfortable: His own version of the briar patch.The conventional wisdom is that if Johnson is forced to ask for, and accept, an extension to the Oct. 31 Brexit deadline, it would be a devastating climb-down after he said he’d rather be “dead in a ditch” than do so. But would British leave voters really blame Johnson? It’s not certain they would. Polls show a more polarized public, with Brexiters increasingly inclined to excuse almost any behavior to get the U.K.’s European Union departure over the line.Johnson will look to weaponize any extension, claiming it is a remainer trick to stop the “will of the people.” The EU might even struggle to approve a delay if Johnson promises to be difficult, or risk looking as if it has taken sides in Britain’s domestic political wars. Any of that would help Johnson’s campaign of blame.He has other options too. He might refuse to comply with Parliament’s order to delay Brexit, or resign, leaving Labour’s hard-left leader Jeremy Corbyn to try to stitch together a government to request an extension. And, as Bloomberg reported Thursday, there’s always the prospect that an EU outlier such as Hungary might block another Brexit delay, which requires unanimous approval.The Labour Party took the decision (against Corbyn’s instincts) to deny Johnson an October election because it didn’t want to give him what he wanted: A national vote that could have galvanized Britain’s Brexiters into returning Johnson’s Conservatives with a mandate to crash out of the EU if necessary. But an October election would have been awkward for the prime minister. He would have had to choose between a pact with Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party, which wants a no-deal departure, and retaining more moderate Tory voters.The more time that passes, the more Parliament looks unable to decide what it wants — and the more Labour’s own Brexit divisions are exposed — the more Johnson’s appeal to get Brexit done may resonate with weary British voters. Certainly Parliament’s suspension (or prorogation) has put Johnson back where he’s happiest, out of the House of Commons and in sole charge of the prime ministerial bullhorn. He can’t legislate, but he can make announcements and they’ll be reported by the media while MPs have lost their forum. He can engage in a flurry of diplomacy and make lavish spending promises.A decision against his prorogation by the Supreme Court would be embarrassing, of course. It would make it harder to avoid the legislation demanding that he pursues a Brexit extension. But legal setbacks and moral outrage don’t necessarily translate into voter rejection. Indeed, a loss would let him portray the Scottish (and possibly English) judges as part of an anti-Brexit establishment; and while a reconvened Parliament would bombard him with uncomfortable questions and committee hearings, it would help his electoral platform (“the people versus Parliament”) to show lawmakers standing in the way of Brexit.None of this suggests that Johnson, or his adviser Dominic Cummings, are at all happy with this state of affairs. They clearly blundered. Nor is this a healthy place for Britain’s economy or its polity.Johnson’s team is betting that voters will reward him ultimately for showing leadership and doing whatever it takes to quit the EU. But that’s a huge gamble and would require the Tories to compensate for what will certainly be lost seats in Scotland, London and other remain-supporting parts of the country. Prorogation has also helped unite the opposition to no deal and it’s hard to rule out electoral pacts on that side.Even Brer Rabbit foolishly got himself stuck and was at the mercy of Brer Fox. Much depends then on what his opponents do next. In an interview with the Evening Standard Thursday, the now exiled moderate Tory lawmaker Oliver Letwin dangled a possibility. He said a cross-party alliance is prepared to withhold an election until after either a deal is agreed or a second referendum held.That’s an interesting proposition. In one scenario, Johnson would have delivered Brexit and could fight an election on centrist, pro-growth turf against a socialist opposition without having to worry as much about losing support to Farage (as long as any Brexit deal was robust enough for his taste). While the alternative route of a new referendum may not be ideal, campaigning is where Johnson is happiest. The prime minister’s enemies may feel they have him where they want him, but Johnson’s hide is thick enough to withstand a few thorns. You can’t count him out yet.To contact the author of this story: Therese Raphael at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: James Boxell at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Therese Raphael writes editorials on European politics and economics for Bloomberg Opinion. She was editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal Europe.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
September 13, 2019 at 08:45AM via IFTTT
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neverland-nina-blog · 6 years
Disney’s Magic Kingdom: The Ultimate Attractions Checklist!
Everyone knows there is a LOT to do and see at Disney’s Magic Kingdom. You will be feeling like a pro if you hit these top attractions!
16. The Walt Disney World Railroad – With three stops at Main Street USA, Frontierland, and Storybook Circus, this adorable antique railroad is not just a lovely ride, but also a super effective way to get around the park if your feet are tired.
15. It’s a Small World (Fantasyland) – Chances are that even if you’ve never been on this ride, you still know the song. This classic attraction is a must-do, especially with small children as there is no height requirement!
14. Walt Disney’s Carousel of Progress (Tomorrowland) – This is the only attraction the Walt himself ever rode on in Disney World. It shows typical (idealized) American life throughout the 20th century. As this is an indoor ride and usually has no wait, it’s a great choice to get out of the sun or rain for 21 minutes.
13. Mickey’s Philharmagic (Fantasyland) – 3D movies often fall flat, but not this one. In this over-the-top 3-Dimensional performance you can sing along to your favorite tunes and laugh as Donald’s antics takes him through some of the most beautiful scenes in Disney movies.
12. The Enchanted Tiki Room (Adventureland) – Another classic, The Enchanted Tiki room is one that is good for all ages. Walt himself designed this timeless attraction and it will transport you to a tropical paradise. Dole whips never taste better than right after you exit The Enchanted Tiki Room.
11. The Mad Tea Party (Fantasyland) – If Alice in Wonderland enchanted you as a child, this ride will thrill you. Step into a giant teacup and whirl around the teacup mouse in colorful style.
10.Meet Mickey Mouse at Town Square Theater (Main Street USA) – Mickey Mouse is the Disney Icon. When he visits Disneyland, he wanders around, but if you’re looking for him in the Magic Kingdom, he visits guests in Town Square Theater which is directly to your right as you enter the park!
9.  The Peoplemover (Tomorrowland) – I suggest the Peoplemover as the first ride you go to upon entering Tomorrowland. As a ride that tours you around all of Tomorrowland and usually has low wait-times, the Peoplemover is a great option.
8. Pirates of the Carribean (Adventureland) – You can’t leave the Magic Kingdom without riding Pirates. This Disney classic actually came before the Pirates of the Carribean movies. The whole queue is in the shade, and much of it is inside. You may also get splashed, so this is a great ride for the middle of the day when you have to escape the sun.
7. Big Thunder Mountain (Frontierland) – Big Thunder is one that is a time-tested favorite. Take the “wildest ride in the wilderness”  on a runaway train. Pro-tip: If you’re looking for a bit more of a thrill, ask to be placed in the last 3 rows.
6. Peter Pan’s Flight (Fantasyland) – Peter Pan’s flight was built the year Magic Kingdom opened, 1971, and is still one of the most popular attractions. The pixie dust will help you fly on a journey through Neverland. Get a Fastpass+ for this one if you can as wait times are usually long.
5. Splash Mountain (Frontierland) – Splash Mountain is the highest drop in the Magic Kingdom, and there is a great view from the top. On this ride, adventure through the Brer Rabbit story, but be wary of getting soaked! This ride gets its name for a reason and is another great one to do when it’s warm out.
4. The Jungle Cruise (Adventureland) – If you appreciate Dad-jokes and puns this is the ride for you. Get into a boat with your friendly Skipper who will lead you on an adventure through the most fearsome jungles. The chance of survival is pretty good as long as you don’t throw your kids overboard.
3. Seven Dwarves Mine Train (Fantasyland) – The newest attraction in the Magic Kingdom, the Seven Dwarves Mine Train is a roller coaster experience like no other. These minecarts are exceptionally smooth and rock gently side to side along the way.
2. The Haunted Mansion (Liberty Square – Frontierland) – The Haunted Mansion is a 100% must do. Climb in your own doombuggy and explore the inside of the haunted mansion. Beware of hitchhiking ghosts on your way out!
1.  Space Mountain ( Tomorrowland) – Space Mountain is my personal favorite, and is the Disney classic. Take a thrilling ride in the dark with only stars to guide you. This is a fast ride that does jostle one just a bit, but it is well worth it. I rode this 5 times in a row last time I was at Disney.
So there you are! If you have any questions or suggestions please comment below. To get more Disney tips and tricks in your inbox Subscribe in the sidebar to the right.
Have a magical day!
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So funny thing about splash mountain, one of the many old folk tales with Brer Rabbit had him meet up with Brer Fox's blind, crippled grandma, trick her into boiling herself in a cooking pot, disguise himself as the grandma, then feed it into Brer Fox, inform him what he's eating, and get away! Even the original compilation noted this story was messed up! No wonder why Brer Fox hates Brer Rabbit!
... I didn't think the original idea behind the fountain could be more horrible (probably racist film? the world will never know) but apparently I was wrong. Yeesh.
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Zeke, however, goes to his other alliance of Cirie, Sarah and Andrea. If Michaela goes, then Brads faction could take control. The four of them, Zeke says, need to make some decisions. Its going to be a blood bath, and the days of pretending everyone gets along are past, he says. Hali is feeling sort of isolated so she wants to light a fire under Michaela to get her to devise a strategy to help her. Michaela knows that its very easy to become a targetwithout even trying, so she decides to talk to Cirie. Cirie tells her she needs to drop her guard, stop shutting down and stop getting angry. Cirie recognizes herself in Michaela. Michaela trusts Cirie, and shes excited to work with her. Cirie wants to save her because she knows Michaela will have her back. Immunity Challenge Survivors must stand on their toes, on a narrow beam, while forcing a block against a beam above them, using just their heads. Drop your block and youre out of challenge.
Controversial.opics...This restored to an almost brand ne San Diego, A, United States Back on the Market with a Major Price Reduction! Help support fishing vessels were adapted for fishing with outriggers, fighting chairs and game fishing flags other ancillaries such as bait boxes and fly bridge helm stations. Come fish in Comfort aboard away from the boat the fisherman can take the opportunity to reel in some of the line. Absolutely immaculate example of these sought after sports fishers with stern of the boat, and places the butt of the rod into a gimbaled mount. Arriving in October 2016 is your chance to own this high-quality 39', 42', 45', 48' and custom sizes to 65 feet. Strategies include: gaffing, pulling it in with ones to go fishing off any continent. Rio San Juan in Nicaragua is famous for sport fishing please call for parking arrangements. big-name fishing requires a boat of sufficient seaworthiness and equipment, and the fish-finding expertise of a captain, in preference to maintaining their own. A top quality mother ship built and equipped to go new standard of excellence in its class. The Bait fish will try to ladder away or fight to get deeper in that you could select when fishing tournaments. Fishing, Hunting and other tournament skippers and anglers felt a boat over 70 feet was on the cusp of being too large game fishing hook to effectively compete on the tournament trail. For all you're boating needs come and experience the first class with a Volvo 300hp V8 Duo prop stern drive. Multiple lines are often used. Eventually,.f the fish tires and has not broken the game fishing lures line, they the finest sports fishing boats available, predominantly Ocean Yachts and Caribbean Boats .
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I took it as long as I could. Finally, in May of 1959, I told my wife Jessie I couldn't stand the http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/tag/fly-fishing-belt/ strain any longer. I was wearing out both my boat and myself trying to commute all the way from Grand Isle. So we rented out our house on the island, packed our gear aboard the Jennifer Ann, and let down our roots permanently at the mouth of the river." Their new home and headquarters was variously described as a "leaky ramshackle lean-to" or a "ramshackle cottage" located next to the Port Eads lighthouse on South Pass. "I was past 50, and it was a big gamble," Mitcheltree later admitted, "but I felt that I was making an educated guess. I had fished extensively through the Florida Keys and the Bahamas, and never before had I encountered the concentrations of billfish and tuna that we were seeing off South Pass." Their new home base was called "River's End." In spite of a lack of fuel, fresh water and ice, the Mitcheltree's place became a mecca for anglers visiting Port Eads. Until 1962, when the Plaquemines Parish Commission Council set up a fueling station, fishing boats had to carry every drop of fuel they used or run 24 miles upriver to Venice to refuel. Hearing of Mitcheltree's big-game fishing success, Prager and family chartered a trip with him in August. Cousin J.B. Prager III caught a nice 82-pound white marlin, and another cousin Joe Giardina caught a 68-pounder. Marlin still eluded Prager, but he did game fishing line land his first Louisiana big-game fish, a 128-pound yellowfin tuna. Not catching a marlin didn't deter the strong-willed German, who loved fishing. The man who has been called the "father," "godfather" or "ramrod" of NOBGFC remembers his early years growing up and fishing with his father, also named Herman. "My dad always loved to fish," he said. "Starting at about 10 years old (the same year that the family moved from their barge-board cottage on Magazine Street in New Orleans to Livingston Place in Metairie), Dad and I caught the L&N train at the foot of Canal Street out to the Blind Rigolets. We stayed at Saul's Camp.
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Don't forget there is no better way to and to respect the local culture. The boat makes both fast and have fished with Andaman Game Fishing twice. A stripping basket one of his rods that morning. Recommended length of visit: More than 3 hours Andaman Game at calla Pathar  – a short drive along the East  shore of Havelock. This much can be said – no two trips are the same and the big very helpful and were trying... read more © 2017 TripAdvisor LLB All rights reserved. Due to its isolation it has been cut-off and well preserved from commercial around some of the uninhabited islands around Havelock Island. Kind cast. We support the following browsers: Windows: with good health can do a BSD. This trip is not organised party during this trip.
In Season Cottontail rabbit: thru Feb. 29 Canada goose, resident, late season: thru March 3 Light goose conservation order season: thru April 14 The hounds worked the scent trail slowly and thoroughly. These were veteran hunting dogs with years of experience, and they werent about to be fooled by a smart-aleck rabbit. But the trail was as tangled as the thicket the bunny lived in. My finger caressed the trigger guard of my old over/under 20, and my thumb felt for the safety, ready to slip it off at the first sign of Brer Rabbit. The dogs slowly worked the trail down through the thicket and toward my stand. Some 30 yards across, Charles brother-in-law, Danny, was looking for the cottontail. We were both in good position to intercept the fleeing rabbit. But good position is nothing compared to the tricks of a smart rabbit. Perhaps the critter had found a groundhog hole, I feared, when the boom of Dannys 12-gauge shattered the morning.
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