rose-from-ashes · 3 months
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A flustered morgy @morganaux, courtesy of Emet being a bastard :3
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Hadianna hummed as the wine was opened, grabbing the bottle before it could be poured for them. The princess took a sip and rolled it around in her. There was the taste of the wine and something that lay just under it. Ah, yes, she knew that flavor well. It was a poison that many liked to use to try and get rid of royals they didn't like.
She moved her white hair out of her face before she spits out the wine and puked. She was gonna have cold sweats for a few days as well. " It would appear that someone was trying to poison you, your grace. My Love is a very potent poison, and the only reason I am not on the floor is due to my high tolerance. It's very popular in garlemald."
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nossumusmanus · 1 year
No matter how often Quintus found himself within the vast halls of the imperial palace(beyond the soldiers' barracks), it never ceased to amaze him. It was breathtaking and intimidating in equal measure, and he found himself stopping more often than he cared to admit in order to gaze in awe at the architecture and decor. But the young man of sixteen summers had been given his first important mission as a soldier of the Ist Imperial Legion, and he would not disappoint his father or the Emperor by dragging his feet along the way to his appointed station. The palace gardens, or rather greenhouses given the harsh climes of the land, were not the place he had been expecting to find himself today, he would admit. But the moment he stepped through the threshold and into the large area full of all sorts of flora, his breath was taken away yet again at the magnificence of it all. The colors, the arrangements, the variety… Never had he seen so much greenery in all his years, least of all not in one place. His extensive combat training thus far had prepared him for many things… This was certainly not one of that number. Once he had finished gawping, or had pulled himself away as much as he was able to, the soldier shifted his focus to seeking out the one whom he had been instructed to watch over and assist: the Emperor's Prince-Consort. Pale blue eyes scanned around before he tentatively stepped forward, and began to wind his way through the seemingly endless rows of abundant foliage. "H…hello?" He called out, attempting to stifle the surprise and trepidation nudging its way into his voice. His father would surely have scolded him to hear it, and he mentally cursed himself in much the same manner.
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reapergarlebun · 1 year
@morganaux liked for a modern verse starter!
While Limsa Lominsa was refreshingly cool in comparison to Ul'dah and its eternally charring desert wind, Cassius could not deny he found it confusing to navigate, on the best of days. He had only been there once before, however, and never for more than a morning, so it stood to reason. Moogle Maps having decided not to work properly didn't help either.
"Excuse me." He asked, locating an Elezen man who didn't seem to be in too desperate a hurry. "Could you give me directions to the Admiral Mealvaan University campus?"
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avaritia-ffxiv · 2 years
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about their partner? Do they remember every little detail they mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not fast. Very slowly. Give him several years and he might. I did some semi-incoherent rambling about it here (nine months ago apparently? Gosh time flies), with the gist being that Sidurgu most likely said it first because Saahe just didn’t. He doesn’t take these things lightly, period, so like I said in those messages, he’d need to be fully certain of his own feelings and intentions before he confirmed them out loud.
So it’d probably just take the push of the other person saying it first to force him to decide in the moment if he’s going to reciprocate or try to slow things down. A partner that ever tried to move too fast just wouldn’t work for him because he won’t rush these things, but Sidurgu takes it slow too so they work for each other.
I’m still figuring out the timeline of all this, by taking notes while playing Runa through the MSQ and DRK quests to see how they correspond and what happens when, so I couldn’t give exact dates and times but yeah it was. Years.
He will also say it in a familial way, though; he doesn’t reserve it for just romantic feelings, but as he has no blood family and instead builds all of his familial relationships from the ground up as well, it takes him about as long to say it there.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about their partner? Do they remember every little detail they mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers, because to him, if he wouldn’t remember, that’d mean he didn’t care. He doesn’t remember every last thing, his memory isn’t good enough for perfection and sometimes he’s a little distracted and doesn’t pay full attention, but a very good deal anyway.
But yeah, most things he’ll make a note of, so over time he’ll know many random things about his partner, and can also address a lot of things seemingly out of the blue because he remembered it was mentioned once somewhere.
On the flip side, if his partner didn’t remember any random tidbits about him in return, he’d get offended because he would take that as a sign that they don’t actually care. He doesn’t keep track of what you do and don’t remember or intentionally sow things that you need to specifically remember, but he does notice if no signs are ever displayed about remembering any little things.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Head bumps are their version of showing affection in lieu of kissing because Saahe’s horns make a lot of things kinda hazardous, if not entirely impossible. They never have had a first kiss, but I’d fully argue that the first time they pressed their foreheads together was just as intimate and took just as much building up to (keeping in mind the guys function on an eternal slowburn. We talking about years again).
I don’t know if this means Sidurgu has never kissed anyone (in the romantic manner), but it sure does mean Saahe has never kissed anyone ‘cause his horns had already grown into place by the time he was old enough to start gaining interest in these things. He gave smooches as a child, though, before his horns got as big.
However, as Sidurgu’s horns don’t cause limitations like these, he has kissed the top of Saahe’s head and stuff like that, which absolute melts Saahe.
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atdutiesend · 1 year
" ah! you must be the new knight! do tell, what is your name? " (For Dove, from Morganaux!)
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{ @morganaux | Crown && Knight Prompts | Accepting }
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They really did question Orobo's lacking intelligence sometimes. Yes, Au Ra were well-known for their dedication and respected for their competence in Othard, but they were all but unknown in Eorzea, and Ishgard... it hadn't taken them long to spot the one other Au Ra in the so-called Holy See. But their mentor was absolutely insistent that the only way their skills would improve was through selfless dedication to another, and thus they'd wound up acting the part of a Knight. The tiny ninja regarded their charge with a weather eye, a polite smile gracing their features. That was far more polite than they'd expected, given the normal attitude thrown at them. And so Morganaux actually rated an eastern-style bow.
"Dove Iteiya, ser. A pleasure."
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fourteenth-seat · 2 years
What childhood obsession(s) did your muse have? Is the muse embarrassed of any of these phases?
Childhood Headcanon Meme
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i can't really think of any outstanding childhood fixations of paion's (especially ones that are limited to just his childhood), perhaps outside of being incredibly avoidant of others. he dons a hood/cowl that covers most of his face even when masked, and he generally just doesn't want to be percieved during this time (and to be fair, it continues into his early adulthood as well), although that's really more of a combination of him feeling shame on account of creatiny the giant monster venat defeats inadvertantly due to losing control of his sound-based creation magics, as well as his fickle and cyclical behaviour patterns of feeling very social at times and then being a literal nonpresence at others (the same way the sun disappears behind clouds, coming out only when it seems to feel like it.)
he does have a lasting and unexplained fixation with spheres and circles, which is something that all of his shards inherit. the first nodes made by allagan technologists were the round spheroid ones, because the shape was said to have pleased xande greatly (with the original xande the first having been the first manifestation of paion's shard on the source.)
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thekavseklabs · 10 months
Starter for @morganaux
Spades had lived on this planet for some time now. Come to understand it. In some ways, it was similar to what he'd known- an empire conquering and enslaving, shutting down other gods and seeming to almost worship their ruler. That was familiar. In particular, he emphasized with the duskwight elezen- a people that looked almost like him, but different. They, too, were discriminated against for the color of their skin and their underground ancestry. When he realized he needed to adopt the guise of one of these people, it was them he ultimately turned to. When his mannerisms were pointed out as odd, or the shine of his eyes were caught in the dark, he explained it away as miqo'te ancestry, and that was that.
Of course, it hadn't always been so easy. In fact it had been rather hellish. He'd crashed smack in the middle of Garlemald, and suffered greatly there, and it seemed every time he tried to claw out of one circle of hell, he'd unwittingly climb into the arms of the next. But now, he knew better. He had his bearings, and he was looking for somewhere to make an impact for the better. Somewhere he could sink his teeth into. Somewhere corrupt in just the right way to rip apart. And he found it. He found it in Ishgard.
A nasty place, all things considered. From the brume to the pillars, every corner had something disgusting happening in it, and yet they kept such a pristine look at a glance, great noblemen and strong guards. Noblemen that could be frightened and guards that could be bought. It had the bonus of the fact that they had never seen this man before, this "Seren Morana". Some lands knew already what sort of creature he truly was, but they kept quiet, and Ishgard was isolated.
But isolated as it was, it still wasn't hard to slip in and make himself welcome. There wasn't much of a blend between the nobility and the impoverished, but Seren managed to insert himself into what little middle class there was, get accepted into some small family with a few polite whispers and a few more privately exchanged coins. He made it seem like he belonged, made friends with the right people, no one too high up- he liked to cement himself thoroughly before going for the big shots.
And after some time, his roots grew deep enough that he felt it was time to branch out. Starting with the lower class, the side he actually cared about- he learned their woes, their points of pride, their struggles big and small. For the small, he began to fix them. No debts, he insisted, every time- he only wanted to make a few friends. And friends he made. One by one, they flocked to him, drawn in with genuine charm and aid. When they chose to act for him, he did not force them. Only thanked them. He was not a leader yet, but he knew that when the time came, they would rally behind him, not for debt, but for genuine support, unlike the allies he'd bought before. That was what he wanted.
And now he would work his way up. Here, he did not make friends. No, he simply wandered the pillars. His face was unknown, but no longer so unfamiliar as to gain stares. He'd given little to whisper about- though he was sure there were words being exchanged regardless, that wasn't his concern. Besides, he'd heard from a good few little birdies that currently the main talking point in regards to him- when there was talking at all- was merely how someone from such "low" origins as he was rumored to have (true enough) had turned out to be such a philanthropist. Nothing nasty yet.
Which meant he had room to play. Room to be a little impolite if needed. So when he saw a stranger- Morganaux de Roulemet if he remembered correctly according to some random whispers- dealing with what appeared to be an annoyingly persistent suitor whilst simply trying to gather a few groceries for the day, he felt he could step in, and decided to do so. Smoothly, he planted his left heel between the two, and shifted his weight onto it in a fluid motion, firmly placing himself in the way, facing the irritating man, one arm tucked neatly behind his back, the other against his chest adjusting his coat as he smiled brightly, showing teeth.
"Hello there! You seem chatty today. Would you care to speak to someone else?"
The man was taken off guard, and stepped back, resulting in Seren taking a step forward to keep that uncomfortable proximity, his smile only growing as he continued to talk over any attempt at a response. "I have to say, it's a pleasure to meet you, have you the time to- oh, leaving already? But I have so much to talk about and you seem a delightful fellow-" He followed for a few steps for good measure before figuring his work was done. Immediately, he turned back around and made his way over to Morganaux, keeping his personal space instead of pressing in close like he'd done to the other man.
"Apologies for that, but he seemed to be making an unwelcome advance. If I was mistaken, I promise you I will keep a polite distance in the future."
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im-thinking-arson · 1 year
TW: The FC leader, abusive situation.
Thank you for coming with the truth about that fc leader. He hurt me terribly and ruined me including making others believe his lies about me and to this day I still see him popular in social media while I lost so much. Years later I am still dealing with consequences of his actions. His group made me loose social contacts and pushed me into deep depression. I will never be able to recover the relationships I had before I met him. He confused my mind making me feel guilty and apologize just to have peace. I know know who to blame, it wasn’t me even if I made several mistakes reacting to his provocations but unlike him I admit I reacted badly to his group attacks. Thank you for bringing me truth, it’s sad most still see him and his allies as good and harmless. Good luck recovering.
Thank you. I hope you are recovering from what he and his group did and I am sorry to hear you went through that. He hurt pretty much everyone he closely interacted with, and honestly there is a lot more that probably should be said on the matter.
In the end every single person in that FC came forward to express being either hurt by him or afraid of him lashing out at them or slandering them- though 3 of his closest friends decided to withdraw their complaints and excuse his actions. They are dangerous and each made conscious efforts to ignore his abuse of others and as a group they lied, contradicted their own statements, victim-blamed, and gaslit people. They made judgements about people and treated them poorly purely based on opinions (not facts) of the situation. The FC leader made most of his decisions based on what he -felt- people meant or how he perceived it to affect him and encouraged his friends to do the same.
For example, he promised to keep the discord open to his community until he figured out what to do with the FC, and then almost immediately began kicking people from both the server and FC with no provocation. When I asked him about it he said he kicked people he didn't (personally) feel 'safe' to be around... Basically, he suspected them of coming forward with confessions of abuse and he didn't know how to silence them.
There is sadly SO much more to the situation. Part of why I haven't laid everything out is I can't even fully wrap my mind around my own experience. I've been trying for two years(?) to unpack and sort all of the trauma but I keep breaking down every time I try. It took 4 of us, with testimony from other former members, 3 months (if I remember correctly) to sort out the majority of the mess and come to terms with the sheer magnitude of bullshit and abuse that we all collectively experienced.
I am a lot better now than I have been but it is still a day-to-day battle with anxiety and depression. My memory feels a bit like swiss cheese... I am missing at least a few months (collectively) of memories from how often I disassociate from the weight of stress between this and other unrelated real life issues.
Sorry for the late reply on this, I wanted to make sure I was in a good state of mind to answer this. I wish I could have helped his other victims more. I hope you are well.
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rose-from-ashes · 7 months
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A small doodle for @morganaux !
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@morganaux liked this for a starter
Hadianna spirited down the hall with Varis hot on her heels. She knew what today was and had decided to pay her respects to the brother she had not gotten the chance to meet. Some flowers and wishful words. That was all the seven-year-old could offer since she had not gotten to know Lucius. He had passed only a few days before her birth, after all.
That was also why Varis hated her, for being born so soon after his father's death. She had not expected him to come while she was there. The result was currently trying to get away from her fifteen-year-old nephew. Though, she would likely never refer to him as such out loud. She was eight years older than her, after all. That and he hated her, and she didn't care for him much either.
Turning a corner, she nearly sighed in relief when she saw Papa. Hadi glanced behind her before she picked up her speed. Once to Papa, she ducked behind him. Anything to put someone between her and Varis. She knew what was coming, the same hateful words that always came when she found a way to escape him.
" One day, there will be no one for you to hide behind, Witch." Varis snarled before he walked off.
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ascalonsmercy · 2 years
“Running off without an escort again, my lady?” (For the Dansereau of your choice!)
"Escort, no-" Euphemie turned with a feigned pout, which bled into a smile after a beat. "-but baggage carrier? Why didn't you ask sooner!" She laughed with glee as she passed her purchases into the arms of the new squire.
"How considerate of you to take note of my habits so soon, dear squire."
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avaritia-ffxiv · 2 years
05.  the hierophant  :  what are your muse’s morals / ethics ? do they follow their moral code strictly ? + 16.  the tower  :  what event drastically changed your muse’s life ? do they resent that event or are they glad of it ?
05. the hierophant: what are your muse’s morals / ethics? do they follow their moral code strictly?
Strictly is a massive understatement in his case. Saahe won't stray not one inch from his moral code even if it kills him. At its base the code itself isn't, for the most part, that unusual. Protect those weaker than yourself; don't harm innocents; honor your word, so on and so forth. Standard stuff. Where things start to stray from the norm is what he views as reasonable, justified, and equitable punishments for breaking that moral code in the areas he sees fit to enforce it upon others as well. Some parts of it he only applies to himself (and in some cases, to the people he chooses to associate with), but a portion he views to be so basic that everyone needs to follow it. And if they don't? He jumps straight to execution very quickly. Few are the acts he takes an issue with that he doesn't deem worthy of swift death. It's very black and white and all or nothing to him. Sometimes to a point where he feels that he's not doing the right thing, but as said, he's unyielding in following his code. It doesn't matter if some part of him feels wrong doing it. It's the internal law that has been established. It is just—if you ask him, anyway. He'll stand behind his actions without waver and his personal feelings don't play a part in that. And yes, the comparisons that can be drawn between him and the more ardent followers of Halone are entirely lost on him. He's so absolutely caught up in his own self-righteousness that he can't see how his own actions and stances would appear to someone on the outside. He's right, everyone who disagrees with him is wrong, that's where it all begins and ends.
06. the tower: what event drastically changed your muse’s life? do they resent that event or are they glad of it?
There's really only one. For the most part Saahe's life has been... Not uneventful, there's been smaller events for sure, but lacking in the way of any big, life altering things. The one that wasn't small was the end of the ARR patches and the equivalent in his rp 'verse. I reflected the same sense of betrayal and broken trust into both 'verses, and it was enough to prime him for becoming a Dark Knight upon his arrival to Ishgard. The law abiding, unflinchingly good and a bit too virtuous version his younger self was didn't survive that event. It didn't shake his whole world to its foundations or anything, but it was still enough to make him question and come to the conclusion that there is not, in fact, any inherent justice in the world—only that which you make, and by the gods if that's what it takes, he will see justice done because no one else can be trusted to do it right. How would he have ended up if he hadn't run into the opportunity to become a Dark Knight at that turn? Who knows. He might still be having something of an ongoing crisis instead of having found the kind of validation in Fray/Sidurgu that jaded him quite a bit. And how does he feel about it..? He thinks he was too naive before and thanks the whole thing for opening his eyes, but he's also angry at it and everyone who enabled it, because it wasn't just in his mind and anything that isn't that has a habit of getting on his nerves. But also, it played a part in him finding Sidurgu, and he'll be forever grateful for everything that saw them together.
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atdutiesend · 1 year
☀️ - Someone who Can “Turn Lemons into Lemonade” (For any muse you'd like to answer for, or all of them!)
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{ People in my muses' lives! | Accepting }
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Funnily enough, Dove would actually point to Grim as the answer for this one! His tendency to craft away any negative feelings makes them consider him an expert in turning something bad into something worthwhile. He cooks when he's stressed, or spins or knits if he can't cook.
Grim tends not to see that, usually too caught up in whatever temper tantrum he's deliberately not having to see his coping working in real time... but self-reflection tells him he's definitely not lashing out like he did when he's younger, and that's good enough for him. He'd tell you his mom was the one who could turn lemons into lemonade, and that he learned from her.
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hottataru · 2 years
💬 - for my muse to directly say a secret or confession (For Hottataru and Varon!)
Torn from his teeth, Varon speaks with a distinct sneer on his lips-
"People disgust me. There are few who are capable of meeting my standards, and even fewer who have personalities pleasurable enough to keep near. And yet, despite this, I find my halls bereft- my mansion empty, and every step I take within it my footsteps echo and leave me with nothing but my own thoughts. I should find peace with this, peace in the silence- the lack of chatty, unnecessary voices to draw me from my work is a boon. And, still, it is a curse all the same.
"To most, I am nothing but a resource- and I should be happy with that. No, I am happy with that. Indispensable. Irreplaceable. My tomes, my knowledge, my wealth- all of it is something that people find they can't function without. And yet, the quiet hours, between projects, between studies- my mind drifts. Like grains of sand, people pass through my fingers- some stick, but at the slightest flick of moisture or wind they'll be carried away. They take with them what they need, and leave me on me in these hallowed halls. A temple of my own making, to be prayed at and abandoned once my sinners have confessed.
"The ticking of my clock in the silence of my study is a metronome, every note leading closer to the end of my life. Music to tell me that my time is short, and that in these empty halls I will rot, with not a single other soul to hear it as I draw my final breath-
"And it terrifies me."
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"I left without saying goodbye. And every day, every moment I breathe, I-... Gods, I regret it. I'll never have another chance to say it. I'll never be able to see their faces again. I knew they wanted to see me still- despite not getting to see me for years, even while I was in the Buduga... My sister would visit, bringing me gifts and telling me their thoughts and feelings.
"The last thing I received was a blanket from my mother, a little over a week before I left the Steppes. It was my lifeline. It was the last tether of my past I held onto, as I drifted about Garlemald's territories without much else. And I lost it. I'll... I'll never get it back.
"But with it being gone, I'm untethered from my past. All of it's just a memory. All of it is behind me. It's gone, and even though my sister still lives- I... I can't-
"I can't find it in myself to truly call her family any longer. Despite how we have blood between us. So much has happened, and I'm trying- I'm trying so bloody hard- but it's a hole in me. No matter how much I try to fill it just fucking can't. She deserves better, but life has ripped us apart and there is no way to truly mend the chasm between us.
"And it really just makes me realize-
"Should a single thing change right now, I will be untethered again. I feel no attachment to the land I live on, to the cultures that have welcomed me. To the history I've forged with my own two hands for the peoples here."
Hottataru grits his teeth, staring at the earth like it could hold him down if he willed it hard enough.
"It scares me so bad. The thought of being... homeless. Of not having a single love in my heart any more, and drifting around aimlessly. I-I can't do it again. I can't. I've found something to keep me held down but what if....
"What if."
He almost ran away once before. What would it take for him to leave this time?
[[A track for Varon's thoughts:]]
[[A track for Hots' thoughts:]]
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vasiliquemort · 11 months
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Mares of ours desire of water Eyes of ours desire of sleep All of them shall come to dream, and I'll come to love As without love I have no dreams
Such gracious, loveliest tones and shades of @Pastelezen's delightful pace, the one that have no end of thank-you's, love's, adore's!<зззз
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