#foxfire kotlc
foxfire-official · 6 months
Working at Foxfire is just telling Sophie Foster and co to not set stuff on fire and then have them ignore you.
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thecouncil-official · 5 months
i heard someone ask a level 8 “on a scale of 1 to the forbidden cities how free are you tonight”
their response was “gethen in lumenaria’s dungeon”
it would have been a great answer, if they hadn’t forgotten that gethen broke out of the dungeon-
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toastingpencils37 · 5 months
The school system in KotLC is fucking ass.
For one, the majority of the kids' classes are one-on-one, so they don't interact with other kids. (Plus where the fuck do they get enough teachers for that?)
Two, they get a shit ton of homework constantly, sometimes even having to do dangerous fucking shit for said homework.
And three, study hall. And boy do I have a lot to say about it. I'm not irritated that study hall is there, because with the amount of homework they get, it is needed. And this is one of the few classes where multiple kids are together. Buuuut, if you dare talk to someone during study hall, you get automatic detention. And detention in KotLC is fucking hell. And also, what if someone, or a group of people, are done with their work and are bored. So they're not allowed to talk whatsoever? I'm sorry, what?
Four, the fact that if no Talent comes in, you get booted out of the school and have to go elsewhere (though luckily that is something addressed in the book as wrong, unlike the stuff above)
Five, the locker lock taste combos. Not so much everyday, but on the days where a teacher, playing a joke, chooses the worst taste possible.
There's probably more but that's all I can think off the top of my head.
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tam-shade-song · 4 months
Kotlc characters as conversation I've been apart of
Keefe: My mom called me a bitch once
Tam: All anyone ever calls me is short
Linh: Tam is being a bitch
Sophie: Why? Because he won't let you tap him on the head?
Linh: No, I'm not tapping Tam on the head because I don't love him right now.
Sophie: So they were asking what do humans love most, and then I shouted SEX-
Elwin: Are you a sick sick child?
Fitz to Alden: Just because you're horny doesn't mean you get to make kids.
Random Foxfire student: Okay, but isn't Fitz like, fit???
Biana: *Dies on the inside*
Fitz: Okay, I'm putting in my retainer.
Biana: Oh, yourw putting in yourw wetainor.
Dex: ha, you have a lisp.
Tam, laughing: I'm not laughing.
Sophie: No, you're lisp is cute.
Linh: He doesn't want to be cute-he wants to be the literwal weason teh lightz are fwickerwing.
Sophie: I want to make (Foxfire teacher's name) cry
Dex: Yeah, we should jump him after school or something.
Sophie: No, I want to emotionally devastate him.
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Do u happen to actually know how the great gullon incident happened if so i want a full detail explanation...ill trade u my exclusive linh vs tam fight recording...
-Velia Genic (level 5)
Oh yeah! You see what happen was [redacted] and then [redacted] decided to [redacted]. After that it sort of went down like this:
[Entire section has been redacted]
Then the craziest thing happened, [redacted] actually [entire section has been redacted]
The following might be hard to believe, but [entire section has been redacted]. And that’s what happened during the great gullon incident.
Hope this helps!
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magnatetheleto · 2 months
no, you guys, I am definetly not gay. my lover is not a man. my lover is a woman. get your facts right
-Magnate Leto, sick of being told he's gay
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mothsandbutterflies · 2 years
ai generated keeper locations
part one
part 2/2
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Pt 3 on Thing Elves Would Say On Social Media:
"My crush exchanged two words with Sophie Foster so I guess he's in love with her by now"
"I mean.. I'd love to be one of the swan kids and just get three weeks off school whenever... but that kind of implies getting injured so i guess i'll stick to my normal life"
"Just saw Sophie Foster storming out of the matchmakers office with tears in her eyes @keefes check up on your girl"
"Uhm.., Sophie is dating Fitz??"
"??? That makes no sense isn't Keefe the self proclaimed president of the Foster Fan Club?"
"I want to slap Gisela Minette Sencen so bad"
"Yeah i heard she's terrible to her son"
"Who cares about her son i'm talking about the fact that she decided the day i was going on the first date with a guy i really like she caused a major disruption in Atlantis."
"@sophief your boyfriend is passed out in Eternalia??"
(Sophie) "Omg is Fitz ok?"
"It's not Fitz"
(Sophie) "Omg is Keefe ok?"
(Sophie) "Also none of them are my boyfriends?? What's up with that"
(Biana) "group project week... i apologize on behalf of sophie, Keefe and Fitz. Possibly Dex and I too. Depends on how many people are feeling like murder"
(Keefe) "from the crap ton of stuff i went through you'd expect at least SOME wisdom. But no. I'm just hot and hilarious for now"
"Oooooh! Astronomy project! You get to pick partners! Dibs on Sophie"
(Dex) "It's my turn with Sophie again sorry"
"Aw, shoot. I'll take Keefe then,"
(Elwin) "sophie did not go to the healing center today... interesting"
(Foxfire kid) "I'm gonna need proof of that"
(Kid from other school) "but not going to the school nurse is normal? Does she have a reputation for getting hurt or something"
(Foxfire kid) "there's a picture of her framed over one of the cots"
(Another foxfire kid) "there's one for Keefe too"
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doodle-do-wop · 8 months
Y'all ever think about how absolutely unhinged Juline Dizznee is?
She has human movies, joined a rebel group, said 'fuck society I like this funny potion man' and married him, has probably thrown hands, (once again) JOINED A REBEL GROUP, was willing to lose her memorizes when on a mission with her own son, has probably said 'this is my jam' in reference to a jar of jam, has seen her son throw multiple bombs at the government leaders of her home
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camelspit · 6 months
sorry but i think the funniest thing shannon could do is have keefe not actually be responsible for the great gulon incident. like what if the short story came out and it was like "fitz actually did it but everyone assumed it was keefe so he covered for him"
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foxfire-official · 6 months
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thecouncil-official · 10 days
when people ask “hey, what’s the life of a prestigious foxfire student” it’s like “HA! bitch we don’t have one 😃”
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i'll do my best @necromycologist
i also included a made-up school called amanita - basically between foxfire and exillium, it's a non noble school for those who are still fit for society. Turns out a lot more of the elvin population is talentless and/or bad match! but you never get to see any of them. and the nobility makes it sound like the worst thing in the world
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💙 blue-unicorns Follow
wdym "math isn't important for nobility"
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#foxfire #foxfire memes
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☹️ sad3lfposts Follow
did. did foxfire blow up
#IDK I'VE JUST HEARD THINGS #was it. sophie foster. again #foxfire #sophie foster
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🏙️ forbidden-cities-enthusiast Follow
Dame Alina: *fairly good prinipal, tries to treat students fairly* Alina: *becomes a councillor* Councillor Alina: Let's force a child to put an ability restrictor on his best friend :))
#dame alina #councillor alina #from what i've seen she used to favor sophie a little right #welp. #foxfire #memes #nobility memes #foxfire memes
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🍁 maple-leaf-laurier Follow
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although amanita has more students than both foxfire and exillium, we always get forgotten? remember that whole thing between those schools and the skill training stuff
#amanita #exilllium #foxfire #meme
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🕶️ personal-exile-deactivated2010630
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i'm actually going to cry. just my luck. fml
#guess that means 2 less years of foxfire. woo. #foxfire #meme #talentless
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🦢 moonlark-foster-2000 Follow
Okay, so. TIL that there is not one, but TWO elvin schools named after a fungus. First Foxfire, and I am just now learning about amanita- you guys do know that's a fungus, too, right??
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#my posts #foxfire #amanita #foxfire memes #<- can't believe that's a popular tag. I'll have to check it out lol #fitz don't come after me for saying fungus plsss
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ilikebookssomuch · 2 months
i don't understand the schooling system they have in Kotlc world. or the population of the elves. (this turned into a long rant but I need answers)
in the first book (and others) it says that Foxfire is their most prestigious academy, but then aside from Ellexium, where are the other schools? how come we never see them? and if Foxfire is their most prestigious academy, 1) how hard is it ACTUALLY to get in, 2) why did someone in book 1 say that if you don't get in you can kiss ur future goodbye? 3) elves only judge you by your abilities, not really ur money, education, or status, so why would it matter if u don't get to Foxfire? What jobs actually require full education, I'm assuming all of them, so if there are so many elves in the nobility, that shows that it can't be THAT difficult to get into Foxfire.
The population of elves doesn't really make sense to me. how does everyone at Foxfire have their own teacher? that seems like a lot of work to keep track of. and how many ppl attend Foxfire? In the graphic novel we can see Foxfire is pretty huge, so it also doesn't make sense that in the Splotching Championship, there are only 100 kids per level. That would only be what, 1000-ish kids in the whole school? the math isn't mathing to me.
what is the actual population of the elves? in one of the books, I can't remember which one, there's a gathering for everyone to attend and it is described as lots of elves and 1 from each family required, and it's not even to everyone in the Lost Cities, so . . . that leaves many kids that most likely don't all go to foxfire bc of how many there are. SO WHERE DO THEY GO TO SCHOOL, HUH?
one final thing: it's looked down upon to have more than 1 or 2 kids but the Vackers out here having 3 and they're still the perfect family!? is it just bc of their jobs, ppl don't care they have 3 kids?
Sorry this probably seemed like me rambling, but I've been stewing over these questions for a while.
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autistic-daydreamer · 5 months
I believe each of the og foxfire kiddos are allowed to go batshit crazy and in fact should.
Fitz and Sophie especially since they're like,, the closest to slipping and have every right but lowkey wanna see Biana and Dex just go "Yeah murder"
Keefe should be the only one that doesn't because he's tired
And Marella who's technically apart of the og group is also there going "wtf"
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thematchmakingoffice · 6 months
Fun fact: @foxfire-official actually has a preschool program! It’s just not very well known.
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