#Motion Sensor Light Rechargeable
informationessentials · 10 months
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Information Essentials
At Information Essentials, we believe in enhancing lives through essential products that promote well-being, balance, and a sense of vitality. Our journey began with a simple idea: to provide a curated selection of essential items that cater to your everyday needs.
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productinsights297 · 1 year
Welcome to our ProductInsights channel! In this video, we are thrilled to showcase the amazing 34-LED Motion Sensor Cabinet Light - a revolutionary lighting solution for your kitchen and home. With 3 colors and 4 modes, this night light will mesmerize you with its versatility and functionality.
🔦 Illuminate your cabinets and counters with ease using this magnetic motion-activated light. No more stumbling in the dark or fumbling for switches! This wireless, USB rechargeable light is a game-changer in under-counter closet lighting.
🏡 Upgrade your kitchen ambiance and make it truly inviting with these innovative night lights. With their magnetic design, they can be easily placed anywhere in your cupboard or closet. The motion sensor ensures they turn on when needed, conserving energy and adding convenience to your life.
💡 With 34 powerful LEDs, these lights emit a bright and warm glow, creating a cozy atmosphere in your kitchen space. The 3 colors and 4 modes offer a range of lighting options to suit your preferences and activities. Join us on this illuminating journey as we delve into the incredible features and benefits of these 34-LED motion sensor lights. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your kitchen into a well-lit and stylish haven!
🔔 Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon to stay updated with our latest videos. Share this video with your friends who would love to enhance their kitchen lighting. Thanks for watching!
Hashtags: #KitchenLighting#MotionSensorLight#NightLights#CabinetLighting#KitchenUpgrade#WirelessLight#UnderCounterLights#USBRechargeable#HomeImprovement#SmartHome
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generic-sonic-fan · 8 months
Team Dark Week: Night
Summary: One member of Team Dark gets tired more predictably than the others. For @teamdarkweek
2,366 words, no content warnings
Shadow wasn’t nocturnal. 
The ARK was on a set clock, synced with a time zone called “Central Time”, with red-lighted digital clock faces in every major room aboard. Constantly blinking and changing. The one in the research lab was used to time the experiments. He still remembered the day where he’d run faster than that clock, the day that Gerald had hoisted him up on his shoulders to parade him around and-
In Maria’s room there was a peculiar object. Small, white, and round. Twelve digits spread around a circular face. A small, wide arrow that moved slowly, and a thinner arrow that quivered with every pulse of his heart. 
“It’s not an electronic clock. I think the word is. . . hmm. . . analog,” Maria had explained. “I’ve always had it. It’s probably from Earth!”
She slept with the clock beside her bed. He and she could count along with it to keep their minds off of the day to come.
Only these days, staring up at the ceiling while bound by Earth’s gravity, all was silent. 
Shadow wasn’t nocturnal. 
Shadow wasn’t nocturnal.
Rouge wasn’t nocturnal. Frustratingly so. GUN was a human organization, and human organizations worked with the sun, so she worked with the sun. 
It’s not like she hated the sun. The big ball of burning space gas wasn’t the top of her priorities by any means. She had much better things to hate in a much nearer proximity. But that didn’t mean she liked it. She was always, always sleepy while the rest of the humans seemed as bright and as chipper as ever. And of course, humans tended to relate more and thus spill more to those familiar to them, so she had to become just as alert as they were to do her job most effectively during the times that night missions were few. 
She’d gotten good at it by now. This was her world by choice. There was no higher-paying client in the business. Humans loved things like information and secrets on each other almost as much as she loved gems, which was saying something. She knew where she was most valuable, and it was here. 
So Rouge wasn’t nocturnal. Simple as that.
Rouge wasn’t nocturnal. 
Omega’s sensors registered motion in the hallway outside of his designated recharge room. His base programming ran through a pre-prepared checklist of possible sources of this motion, and determined the most likely cause to be either one of his organic teammates attending to their bodily functions. 
Omega’s sensors registered more motion in the hallways outside of his designated recharge room. His base programming ran through a pre-prepared checklist of possible sources of this motion, and determined the most likely cause to be either one of his organic teammates returning to their rooms after attending to their bodily functions.
Omega’s sensors registered voices in an indeterminate location outside of his designated recharge room. His base programming could not match this stimuli to any of the conditions on the pre-prepared checklist. This instigated the reboot of his short-term adaptive processing.
Omega exited standby mode. As he unplugged himself from his power cord, a notification popped up- energy reserves were still at a mere 14%. He looked at his power cord, the measly, pathetic, “UL-Rated” cord approved for use in civilian housing infrastructure, and imagined ripping it apart and demanding to be supplied with a more suitable industrial cord. 
His attention shifted when he identified Shadow and Rouge’s voices in the living room. He was too distant for his language programs to make much out of the vocals. He opened his door and traveled to the living room. 
His teammates’ voices went silent as he arrived. 
Shadow looked at Rouge. Rouge shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep.” 
“No.” Shadow replied. “Go back to bed. This doesn't concern you.”
“Oh shut up, would you?” Rouge crossed her arms. “Shadow and I are going out for a little night out and there’s nothing you can do about it.” 
“No fighting in the apartment.” Shadow parroted Rouge’s oft-cited rule. “Come on, let’s just go.”
“Fine.” Shadow said.
“Only as long as you keep it quiet and don’t complain about ‘organic sleep schedules’, alright?” Rouge added. 
Rouge grabbed her keys, Shadow grabbed his jacket, and they left the apartment in short order. Their movement was normal as they descended down the stairs, but once they reached the pavement of the sidewalk, Shadow ignited his rocket footwear and Rouge took off from the ground. They grinned at each other before taking off down the empty streets. Omega wasted no time in activating his own rocket boosters to follow. 
As they raced through the suburbs and onto the 76 freeway, Shadow’s speeds crept further and further towards the sound barrier. His vitals were still within that of mild aerobic activity, whereas Rouge’s heart rate and rate of respiration increased rapidly. This strange, nonverbal race was pushing her limits. 
Building lights faded into the light of individual warehouses as they neared the edge of the city. Upon crossing the last city limit, Shadow gave a single audible laugh, before breaking the sound barrier, shooting off ahead of them into the patchwork of rural roads. 
Rouge shook her head and slowed, but Omega would not let himself be beaten. He increased power to his boosters and gave his own verbal “HA” as he caught the hedgehog, who’d stopped a mere twenty miles out. 
“I won.” Shadow smiled. 
Rouge arrived moments later, huffing and puffing as she landed beside them. 
“Good pace.” Shadow said to her. 
He sat down in the middle of the gravel road, looking up towards the stars. Rouge joined beside him, her wings draped over her shoulders. 
Omega stood behind them. He did not need to rest. His rocket boosters did not get worn out and would not get sore. Such was the superiority of the Ultimate Robo-
An error warning popped up in front of his vision. Energy reserves at 7%. 
This was only enough for another forty minutes of operation. Less, if he were to activate his rocket boosters again. 
“Nice night.” Shadow said.
“Yeah.” Rouge concurred.
Omega queried his auxiliary power cells, only to find them empty. His memory banks not-so-helpfully reminded him that he’d spent them to get an extra boost of speed to pursue a fleeing Badnik three days ago, and he had yet to recharge them.
“I’ve been learning the constellations.” Shadow whispered. 
“What do you mean ‘really’?”
“No, not that I think it’s weird, hun.” Rouge said. “Just that, don’t you come from space?”
Shadow laughed quietly. “We couldn’t see the stars very well from the windows.”
“Why not?”
“The light from the planet was too bright.” 
“What light?”
“I’m not sure. I remember hearing something about how even the planet reflects the sun’s light.” Shadow picked up a chunk of gravel from the road, admiring it in his hand. “Or perhaps it was just the brightness of the solar panels. Either way, it blocked out the light from the stars.” 
“Just like city lights.” Rouge concurred. 
Omega engaged in a line of rationale that he never had to before- one that made his rage spike in his processor. He needed to preserve power for the flight back to the apartment. Every power-saving measure, no matter how humiliating, would help. 
He lowered himself to the ground and began offlining auxiliary systems. He reduced power to those that weren’t absolutely vital to his targeting and weapons operation, such as his optics, tactile, and audial sensors. Shadow and Rouge’s voices became muffled and the road ahead became shadowy. 
“That one’s. . . Cassiopea, I believe.” Shadow lifted his arm toward the sky, but Omega couldn’t make out much else in his motion.
“Looks like a ‘W’.” Rouge replied. “Seems a little fancy.”
“I didn’t name it.”
“Of course not. And I’m not one to scoff at sentimentality.”
“Yes, you are.”
“Okay, maybe a little.”
Omega’s rage flared up even further when he received another emergency popup. Energy reserves at 6%.
He tore through his own processor, searching for whatever errant function could’ve caused such a drastic power drain in a matter of minutes. He paused, however, when he found that the function consuming the most power was his own processing, followed closely by his cooling fans. 
He was going to think himself into shut down! How imbecilic! He needed to cease this processing immediately. 
“What are some other ones?” Rouge asked. 
“That one is a star cluster.” Shadow replied. “They’re called the Pleiades.”
“I don’t know. It’s what humans call them.”
“Know any more?”
A pause. “No.”
Rouge laughed. Shadow made some motion towards her that Omega’s limited vision could not determine. 
“Sounds like you need to get out more when you can’t sleep.” Rouge said.
“I don’t think someone would like that.” 
There was a pause in conversation. Good. The less Omega processed, the better to preserve power with. The fact that he’d let himself get this underpowered was a vital mistake. To use the appropriate vulgar terminology: fuck that power cable. It was imperative that he retrieve a new one!
“Guess he’s also enjoying the stars.” Rouge said. 
Energy reserves at 5%. 
Omega’s rage exploded within him. He simulated blowing apart the popup with his missiles, then tearing apart the cord with his claws. Of course, this simulation only consumed more power. 
“Omega?” Shadow asked. 
“SYSTEMS NOMINAL.” He snapped back, before diving back into the process of trying to reduce his rage.
A futile strategy, Omega admitted to himself.
“What’s on your mind?” Rouge asked. “Your cooling fans are going crazy.”
“SYSTEMS NOMINAL. LET US DEPART THIS LOCATION.” He instructed his legs to resume a standing position. 
However, his knee joints slowed, his motors whining from lack of power. 
“Something’s wrong.” Shadow hissed. 
“Don’t look at me.” Rouge replied. 
Omega turned and began walking down the road, only for his steps to sway. Locomotion protocols were among those he’d limited power to. 
“Omega! Answer me!” Shadow said. . 
It was time to retreat from this location, now. It was approximately fifty miles back to the apartment. He would have to fire his rocket boosters. . . slower, to have enough power to stay online at least. . . some of the way there. Even precise calculations were slipping form his awareness. 
“Hey, what’s wrong? Are you tired?” Rouge asked. 
“I DO NOT GET TIRED!” Omega replied. 
Something landed in front of him, a blob of pixels lighter than the darkness behind it. “You’re walking like you’ve had one too many at the club. We didn’t wake you up from your much-needed beauty sleep, did we?”
“What are your power levels at?” Shadow’s blob joined beside her. 
Omega lowered himself to the ground so he could shift enough power to his optics to make out their facial expressions. 
“You’re already weakened.” Shadow frowned. “Your attempts at hiding that have failed. Tell us what’s going on so we can help.”
A second of concern slipped onto Rouge’s expression, but she didn’t say anything.
“POWER RESERVES AT 5%.” Omega divulged. 
She regained her smile. “So you are sleepy.”
“Mhmm. We’ve all been there.” Rouge replied. “Could almost fall asleep standing up if you’re in a meeting with information ops. I don’t recommend trying it for yourself, though.”
“He needs to get back.” Shadow said. 
“Of course. I’ll carry him.” 
“You shouldn’t have come with us if you were this low on energy.” Shadow stared at him.
Omega couldn’t generate anything to reply with. 
“Alright, up you go, big boy.” 
Rouge grabbed his arms and took to the sky. With the landscape passing by beneath them without the need for his own locomotion, Omega entered standby mode to conserve power. 
He awakened from standby mode with his power reserves at 100%. His auxiliary power cells were even 33% restored. 
The first thing his optics registered was sunlight streaming through his window. He checked his chronometer. The time was 11:00 AM. Noise emanated from the kitchen of the apartment. 
Omega stormed out of his room to find Rouge gathering components for pancakes and Shadow crunching on beans from the Coffea Arabica plant. 
“Someone’s bright and chipper this morning.” Rouge pouted before rubbing her eyes. “Keep it down, would you?”
“I already offered to make you coffee.” Shadow said.
“Oh shut up, you.”
“Figured you needed the rest. Or, hmm, the power down?” Rouge replied.
Omega’s processor, now operating at full capacity, generated seventeen different insults to deny her charge with. However, none of them were persuasive enough to combat the strength of evidence she had to the contrary. 
“Next time, tell us when you’re low on power, alright?”
“You insist on telling us whenever we do something against the best interest of our health. Allow us to return the favor.” Shadow added.
“Fine!” Shadow tossed the bag down, spilling the beans across the counter. “Allow me to put it even more simply: tell us when you can’t operate to your fullest potential. You’d expect nothing less from us, correct?” 
A brief search of his memory banks did confirm that he’d made Shadow and Rouge promise to disclose any organic weaknesses. Omega crossed his arms. “CORRECT.”
“Good. That’s that.”
“Pick up your coffee.” Rouge flicked a bean into Shadow’s lap. 
Shadow scowled at her, but said nothing more. 
“We’ll make sure you’re able to get the time you need to recharge from now on, alright?” She turned to Omega. “Believe it or not, we want you feeling your best, too.” 
After four hours of researching Mobian sleep cycles, Omega finally interpreted her meaning.
He was not nocturnal. 
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giantimpex · 16 days
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Ask for GIANT IMPEX Attractive 'Smart Night Lamp'… Smart LED Plug in Lamp for Bedrooms, Offices or Living Rooms. #Smartnightlamp #giantimpex
It has Luminescence sensor which help us to turn on lamp in night when you turn off all lights. Once its on no need to turn on or off every day it auto off in morning and on in night once there are dark in room.
Power and Plug description-Plug in AC and play for direct socket, 2 pin operation.
Built-in- Sensitive light sensor
Illumination-Automatically On in Dark
Use-For Better Performance Use it in Night
Energy saving-97 percent energy saving over GLS night lamps
It can operate over 50000 hours continually
ENERGY EFFICIENT- Costs you less than 0.20 per year to operate (based on 11 cents/kWh), and no bulbs to replace with long life LEDs.
Available in #Amazon, #Meesho and #Flipkart Order Now:
Visit Our Store: Get 20% Off on Sale price. Use Promo Code 'GIANT20' https://giantimpex.in/smart-lighting
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stevebattle · 2 years
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The Denning Sentry (1985), by Denning Mobile Robotics, Woburn, MA. Sentry is a security robot designed to patrol the corridors of a warehouse, office, or other facility after hours. It’s encircled by 24 Polaroid ultrasonic rangefinders which allow the robot to measure its distance from walls and other obstacles. it uses infrared and microwave motion sensors to detect intruders, and a video camera transmits pictures back to the security station. Sentry can follow a pre-programmed path using a combination of wall-following and active navigation beacons, and will automatically return to its charging station to recharge its batteries. Sentry was placed at several customer sites, but after a few months the robots were returned to Denning; no-one wanted to buy or lease Sentry. “Engineers sitting around the lab might imagine that a security robot would frequently encounter intruders. Maybe the voice of the guard relayed through the robot would instruct the would-be burglar to surrender or flee. Maybe the robot would even give chase. Unfortunately, Denning discovered that’s not what security staff spend most of their time doing. Instead guards do things like check the doors to make sure that they are locked, turn off the lights and the coffee pot, maybe turn down the thermostats to save energy. Sentry couldn’t do any of those things.” – Joe Jones, The Practical Roboticist.
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eyndr-stories · 1 year
Did It Hurt When You Fell? (FNAF SB fanfic)
Suggested by ShiraCheshire over on Ao3, (@shirajellyfish here on Tumblr, hi I hope its ok to tag you lol) a very detailed repair scene! We dive paws first into the noggin of our favorite blorbo :) And there's a few nifty little tidbits about repair rats as well!
This chapter is a standalone in-universe scenario for I Think I Smell A Rat, no previous reading required! All you need to know is you're a lil repair rat who lives in the walls of the plex and you're pals with Sun and Moon.
This chapter contains: - Major blorbo damage (no one dies tho) - Mortal peril with a sense of urgency (i promise no one dies lmao) - Gore question mark?? Robot gore? - General feelings of anxiety and urgency - Some good ol' hurt / comfort - Happy ending
Ao3 link here
Let me know if i should add anything else! I believe that's all, enjoy!
WAIT one more thing actually lmao if you happen to like this sort of deep dive into how Sun & Moon work, go read ShiraCheshire's fic 'I See You Sundrop!' Its really really good and has lots of nifty little tidbits like this about all the bots :D
Ok now I'm done lmao enjoy!
     You were already on your way to the daycare when a new repair task appeared on your list. You got a ping for it, since it was in your area and you were in work mode instead of rest mode, used for when you were on your way back to the nest for a recharge.
     This repair would have you leaving the walls, though you'd be up in the rafters above the daycare. You didn't mind the rafters, they were actually very similar to the walls to your pathfinding, long narrow paths with dim lighting. The empty air around the beams looked the same to you as the sturdy concrete walls did, just empty void your program didn’t need to worry about defining. Its just that the 'walls' here were a little more dangerous to touch.
     The exit port was a little slow to register you coming near. You reached up and cleared the dust from the sensor with a paw before stepping through. Wasting no time, you scurried along the beam towards the mechanism in need of repair, some sort of wire reel that could roll along the underside of the beams. You wanted to make this repair quickly so you could hang out with your pals Sun and Moon like you did every night when the tasks were done and you weren't busy.
     You glanced over the edge of the beam you were scampering along, wondering if you could spot your tall friend and maybe even get his attention, let him know you'd be down to hang out in a jiffy. The lights were off, you noted, which meant Moon would be out.
     Usually Moon would be slinking around, reorganizing toys or leaving little pranks for Sun. You couldn't see any motion.
     You reached the wire reel and stopped to carefully lower your tail over the edge of the beam. You flashed the light at the end of your tail a few times, not speaking with Morse code like usual, but just trying to grab Moon's attention, wherever he was. You peered over the edge, but you still couldn't spot him.
     You were about to give up and focus on your task when a light caught your eye. You set your paws carefully on the edge of the beam and angled your head straight down.
     Directly below the wire, two dull red lights glowed back up at you. You recognized the lights of Moon's eyes, but you almost didn't recognize what they were attached to.
     For a moment you could only stare as you processed the sight of Moon's horribly damaged frame. Both halves of it. Then you were moving, as fast as your four little legs would carry you, back across the beam and towards the wall port.
     Moon had looked… really bad. There were pieces of him scattered all around, and it looked like he'd been torn apart at the chest. He hadn't been moving at all… but his eye lights had turned on after you'd flashed your tail light; he must be awake and aware enough to have tried to get your attention. This provided enough comfort to last you the insufferably long path down through the walls to the floor of the daycare.
     Bursting through the wall port, you at last dashed across the familiar padded floor towards Moon. The sight of the damage up close nearly caused your footing to stutter, your processors working overtime as a thousand things ran through your head. Most of them something along the lines of 'OH NO' and 'HOW DID THIS HAPPEN' and 'AHHHHH'.
     You flashed your tail frantically as you neared. Slowly, Moon's face plate tilted towards you just enough for his optics to focus on you. Two sun rays poked out of his head. His eye lights were off now. You bumped into Moon's nightcap as you got up close to his chest, quickly looking over the damage and pulling up any files you could find in the database for Sun and Moon's blueprints to compare.
     There was a hiss of static, and then an uncomfortably loud crackle. Then you could hear a warbly voice to your left, coming from a box slightly bigger than you, hanging halfway out of Moon's chest.
     "Little rat."
     You lifted your tail high enough for Moon to see. "Condition stable?" The damage was absolutely horrible, but it didn't look like anything was about to explode or anything. Still, you had to be sure.
     "Yes. Not for long though."
     After moving your attention back to Moon's face plate, you saw why. Moon's one remaining hand was situated under his head, almost like he was trying to act chill, like he was just laying around lazily. However, as you spotted a few wires poking out between his fingers, you realized that he was actually holding himself together with his hand.
     "Things got knocked loose on impact. Back plating was previously damaged- toddler ripped off the panel earlier today. We had an appointment with the technician first thing in the morning, but I'll run out of power before then," Moon explained. "When I run out of power I'll automatically adjust to my default pose. To put it plainly, my brains will fall out."
     "I will fix it," you immediately offered, already moving around what was left of Moon's chest towards his head.
     "No." Moon's voice box hissed and popped as he tried to raise the volume.
     You paused and stared at him. "No??"
     Moon lowered his volume. His voice still warbled, but his voice box seemed to be more agreeable now. "Just get my charging cord. I don't need you poking around in my head."
     You stared at Moon for a long moment. "You want me to carry your cord all the way down here."
     Moon huffed. Usually he'd make an animated movement when he pretended to breathe, but now he was entirely still. "Get one of the glamrocks to do it."
     "Do you have enough power left to last until I can find someone and bring them here?"
     "…" Moon paused, running a calculation. He huffed again. "…Can't you summon your rat friends to help you lift it?"
     You flashed your tail light at Moon rapidly, trying to get your desperation across. "It might not fit through every path in the walls. Or even the wall ports. Moon, just let me help! It's just loose things, right? That shouldn't be a problem at all."
     Moon hesitated. He lay there and thought while you grew increasingly more anxious by the second.
     "I don't know…" Moon mumbled quietly. "You could drag a pillow over here to set my head against so nothing spills out."
     "Moon." You stomped a foot. You had half a mind to kick the severed hand sitting just behind you out of frustration. "If that even works, you'd rather loose power and trust a tech to repair you??"
     "The tech would get the machine in parts and service to repair me."
     "They'd still have to get you there! They might not realize they need to be careful with your head!" you argued.
     "Would you want me sticking my grubby little paws in your brain??" Moon questioned. "Everything I am, all of me and Sun, is in here!"
     You fought to be patient. You could understand where Moon was coming from, but you knew he was on a time limit. The stress of the situation was getting to you, and your processors had been working very hard for a few minutes now. "I trust you and Sun with all of me every time I climb into your hands. Also, my paws are not grubby." You held up your paws, then offered them out to Moon. "I know this is difficult… but I promise I'll be careful. I care about you and Sun, and I really want to help."
     Moon took a moment to process what you'd said. "…I didn't even realize…" He looked between you and the severed mechanical hand behind you. Finally, a sigh hissed out of his voice box. "You promise you'll be careful?"
     "Yes, of course," you assured.
     Moon deliberated for another agonizing moment.
     "…Okay. Alright. Get your totally not grubby paws over here."
     As you scurried toward Moon's face plate, he very slowly angled his head to the side centimeter by centimeter, keeping his hand firmly over the back of it. The rim of his face plate scraped quietly against the padded floor. One of the two protruding sun rays caught for half a second on the padding, and Moon paused to adjust before continuing. Once he'd turned his face plate over entirely, leaving the backside of it facing upright, he gently lifted his hand, going even slower than he had turning his head.
     You climbed up onto the back casing. The entirety of Sun and Moon was on display before you. Everything that mattered, anyways.
     You focused, taking yourself off the network for a moment so you wouldn't be interrupted or distracted. You scanned through pages of downloaded technical manuals and blueprints and notes from the most recent fixes and procedures Sun and Moon had undergone. Once you had a decent idea what Moon's head was supposed to look like, you started looking for anything that was wrong. You spied several loose things, as Moon had said. A few wires were a little frayed and would need to be replaced soon, but that wasn't essential.
     Closest to you at the back of the head was a long black box, a complex music box you had a single schematic of, each key able to be struck independently for complex and improvised songs. This had been knocked loose from its frame and was resting precariously on a few thin wires, pulling them taught. These wires you could see went from one of the main circuit boards at the heart of everything out to Moon's eyes. You carefully set your paws on the side of the box and slowly pushed, creating a comforting amount of slack in the wires. You didn't set it back into place just yet- it was in your way, and you needed to safely extract it to get at a few more loose things.
     Sitting above some very vital chips was the spool system that controlled Sun's triangle rays. The rays were each situated between two rollers on a track, the rollers connected via a thin line, and that line connecting with a line that fed into the spools. When a spool drew a line in, it would pinch the rollers together and cause the ray to slide into the head. The rays were layered slightly to allow overlap. The spool system was complex enough to allow any individual ray to be drawn in at a time, or several or all at once. The rays and their roller were all situated in a special panel between the front face plate and the back covering, and this panel was able to rotate a few degrees both directions, giving Sun's rays that swaying bouncing animation.
     Two of the lines had snapped and were tangled haphazardly around the chips below the spools, threatening to pull something loose if anything moved the wrong way and pulled the strings even a little. You reached your paws in and very gently began to untangle the lines. You didn't have any replacement line, and you didn't think your electrical tape you kept stored in your chest compartment would be of much use, so you removed all of the line entirely, figuring it would be best to just let a tech replace the line later. You severed the excess line with your teeth, then called up and stored the line away for later disposal, which happened to look like you were eating it. Any excess electrical bits you replaced always went to a little compartment conveniently where a regular rat's stomach would be, the compartment's opening being your mouth, for convenience. And so the line was gobbled up, and you moved on to the next issue.
     "How's it going back there, little rat?" You heard Moon's voice box call from back outside.
     You considered how to reply for a moment. Your tail wouldn't reach all the way around the back of Moon's head to his face, and his optics were currently busy with the floor anyways. You eyed the triangular sun ray you were currently leaning on. Each ray had a line of tiny sensors along their edges, so they could signal the spools to pull them in if something got too close to a ray. Since this particular ray was already inside the head, tripping a sensor wouldn't do much of anything besides tell Moon that something was near it.
     You pat a paw over the sensor in quick little taps, some longer than others. You tapped out a little Morse code message to Moon this way.
     "Going well. Making good progress. Nothing looks too bad, you were right, just loose things."
     "Good. Okay. Hurry it up, will you?"
     As if you weren't going as fast as you could already while still being careful. You paused as you considered that Moon was likely feeling very anxious right now. He was laying in shambles, trusting you completely to fix him and Sun. All he could do was lay there and hope you would not only finish before he shut down, but also not make anything worse.
     You tapped out another quick message. "Almost done. Everything will be okay."
     You heard no response from Moon as you quickly moved on. Processors lined the space around the outside edge, mostly hidden by orange triangles. These were hot to the touch, but you were being extremely careful. Closer to the center were neat little rows of computer chips and circuit boards. Two of these had come loose, but thankfully no wires had been pulled out. You righted these with little issue.
     Lastly were the loose wires dangling out of the back of Moon's head. You’d been worried that these were some of the wires that connected up in a tight bundle to the apparatus that connected Moon’s neck to his head. The wire reader box was complex, allowing the entire face plate to spin without tangling or pulling at any of the wires in his neck. Hooking wires back up to it would be an ordeal.
     Luckily, you quickly realized that the wires that were loose were not especially vital. These wires connected up to the smell receptor at the very front of Moon’s head. You couldn't reach that without taking out the spool system and adjusting a few circuit boards, but luckily you could see from here that everything was still connected properly on the smell receptor's end.
     You were decent at soldering. Not as good as some other rats, but you usually did a good enough job. Better than most humans, anyways. Once you'd gotten the wires into place, soldering them back into where they'd been tugged loose was easy. Your teeth extended as they heated up. They were your iron, and your solder was stored in short lengths in your arm, where you could pull some out from a finger. You had the wires back in place in no time.
     After pushing the music box in place at last with a satisfying snap and doing one last little check of everything, you were satisfied to see your work here was done. Everything righted, nothing loose, nothing in danger. You would prefer to put a cover over the back of Moon's head, but you knew he'd lost the panel earlier. You climbed out and hopped down, giving Moon's arm a pat so he knew you weren't still on or in his head.
     Carefully, Moon lifted his head, slowly turning his face back upwards.
     "Done? Everything went well?" Moon asked.
     "That's right," you blinked at him. You scurried over to his hat and pulled it over into grabbing range. "I know you don't have a panel to cover the back, so your cap will have to do for now."
     Moon took the cap, gripping it tightly in his fist. He brushed his thumb over it for a moment, studying the cap carefully. He looked back down at you.
     "…Thank you."
     You lifted your chin. "You're welcome."
     Moon pulled his night cap on, taking a moment to get it properly in place with one hand. You glanced around at the mess again, now with a little less urgency.
     "What happened here, anyways??" you questioned.
     Moon sighed. "…Was gonna prank Sun. I hooked myself up to the wire and had it bring me all the way up. Was gonna turn the lights on and give him a harmless spook to wake up to us dangling up high in the air. Wire reel broke right as I got all the way up. Hook came right off the reel, still attached to me so I couldn't retract the ring it was hooked to. Heavy hook turned me back down, and I landed on my back. Like a spike in a log, the hook and the ring shot through my chest, split me right in half."
     "Wow. That's… horrible." Now that you were looking for it, you could see the hook in question buried in the mess of scrap in Moon's chest. "The wire reel just broke??"
     Moon hummed. "Not many human techs around to do maintenance checks. The ones that come in during the day just fix what's broken and that’s it. Been a real long time since anyone’s taken a look at the wire, and Sun and I barely use it these days."
     "I see…" You made a mental note to discuss adding maintenance checkups where possible to general task lists, for any rats out of tasks and looking for things to do.
     "This is what I get for pulling pranks, I guess." Moon sighed. The fingers of his still connected hand tapped idly on the padded flooring. "It'll probably take the machine all day to fix me. They'll have to close the daycare for the day."
     "I'm sorry. If I could get you down there now, I would. I could try fixing up what I can in your torso so maybe the repairs won't take as long?"
     "No, that's alright. With that stuff, the machine might have to undo your work anyways connecting me back up." Moon paused. "You've done enough for me tonight anyways."
     "I wish I was big enough to carry you like you carry me."
     Moon huffed a laugh. "Giant repair rat. That sure would be something."
     You stayed with Moon until he lost power a few minutes later. He quietly thanked you one last time before shutting down, shifting into his default pose. You stuck around the rest of the night, just in case, sitting vigilant over him and the daycare until morning came.
     Your own battery was running pretty low by the time a human technician came to investigate the major damage alerts. You stayed near the security desk, watching the tech carefully maneuver Moon and all his parts onto a long rolling platform. They scowled at the tears in the padded flooring before grabbing hold of the platform's handles and pushing Moon off towards parts and service.
     Once you were sure Moon was in good hands, you trudged off towards your charging nest. You got back on the network just long enough to mention your maintenance checkup idea before powering down to charge.
     When you woke, the other rats had already accepted the proposal and worked out a zone based schedule. You had a few tasks waiting for you, but you ignored them for now. You made your way down through the walls to parts and service.
     It had only been a few hours, but you wanted to check up on Sun and Moon, make sure the repairs were coming along okay. You were relieved when you arrived to see a tech typing dutifully away at the computer here while the enormous cylindrical repair machine hummed away, arms swinging this way and that as it put your friends back together again. It looked like everything was going well.
     It seemed you'd have your friends back in working order in no time. Satisfied and assured, you stepped back into the walls. You would see Sun and Moon again tonight, but for now, you had work to do.
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nailsupplyblog · 1 year
How should hard gel be applied on natural nails?
Are you interested in learning how to apply hard gel on natural nails? If so, you've come to the correct place. We'll discuss the tools you'll need and the procedures to follow when applying hard gel overlays and extensions.
You'll need a few additional items in addition to hard gel to complete the nail augmentation. Following the list comes a more thorough explanation:
A nail drill or file. A nail brush and a cleaning wipe to clear away dirt. Nail pusher. Dehydrating cleanser or a dehydrator. Primer and a protein link. If it doesn't come with a brush, use a nail art brush to apply the hard gel (see below). Forms (used to complete expansions). Hammer lamp.
You only require those basic equipment to apply firm gel on natural nails. We offer a few recommendations for goods that will do the job correctly:
Protein Bond & Primer by Lavis
We appreciate this soft and strong protein connection and primer. For better adherence and to reduce nail oil, brush on two layers. For a professional manicure, this priming is an essential step.
You might also want to try out the Valentino Super Bond Primer and Valentino Nail Prep Dehydrator. While the primer is acid-free and suitable for use with acrylics and gels, the dehydrator removes moisture and grease.
Another acid-free primer that works with gels, acrylics, and no polishes is Mia Secret Xtrabond.
In terms of the ideal hard gel to utilize, we suggest the following:
Bare Necessities Collection Lavis Builder Gel, Version 1.
With this building gel, you won't need a nail art brush because one is already included in the bottle. The easy-to-apply silky solution is extremely smooth. It is not only odorless, but it also won't harm natural nails. To achieve the ideal look, select from a choice of colors.
IBD HARD GEL is extremely popular with nail artists. Get the right kind of gel for the task you want to accomplish by making sure. IBD comes in a variety of variants, some of which are suitable for overlays and others for extensions. Additionally, transparent or neutral formulations are offered.
Finally, you'll require a method for curing the gel. The majority of brands are compatible with LED nail lamps, which use less energy and cure quickly.
UV/LED nail lamp from Lavis
This strong nail lamp with a rechargeable battery is fantastic. For various types of gel preparations, it includes four timed options. The light may also be turned on without smudging your manicure thanks to a motion sensor.
The interior of the hand-sized mirror finish cures from every aspect for consistent quality.
Now that you have everything you require, let's begin by going through how to apply hard gel to natural nails.
Before using hard gel, it is essential to perform thorough nail preparation. Push back the cuticles and shape the nails first. Using a nail drill will make this process go more quickly.
After that, clean the shine from the nail plate to prepare it. Clean the nails and remove any debris.
Next, either use a dehydrating wipe or apply a dehydrator.
Add a protein primer or bond after that. By the time you've finished both hands, it will have air dried, allowing you to go back and give each nail a second layer.
Step 3: Apply the base Coat the gel using a brush. Make sure you didn't apply it over your skin by checking twice. then use the nail lamp to cure it.
Just smoothly draw out the product rather than bunny-hopping and bunching the hard gel like you would with an acrylic bead. Gravity will assist the gel in flowing into the proper C-shape on top of the nail if you turn the hand upside down. In a few seconds, builder gel levels out and settles.
Only allow the hard gel to cure for 30 seconds if you're doing extensions before removing the mold. Recurringly cure. Because the gel requires UV light to dry, the mold may block the rays, leaving the gel partially uncured. Light can enter if the mold is removed.
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You might require a cleaning wipe with rubbing alcohol to get rid of stickiness, depending on the brand of hard gel. The standard top coat and colored gel polish can then be used.
How Long Does a Hard Gel Manicure Take?
Usually, it takes an hour or two, especially if you're doing strong gel extensions.
What Errors Happen Most Frequently When Hard Gel Is Applied?
Preparation is essential in life, just like everything else. If you want to stop the firm gel from lifting, be sure to press back your cuticles and use primer.
How Can Hard Gel Be Removed From Natural Nails?
Hard gel is resistant to acetone. It is advisable to have a professional remove hard gels using a nail drill. You might be able to do it yourself with a hand file if there isn't any other choice. It won't be simple, though, and it will take a while. The majority of the gel must be scraped off before soaking in acetone to remove the remaining portions.
Because it doesn't pass through your natural nails and into your body, the hard gel won't injure them. Because of this, it's typical to fill in the gel where it has grown out and leave the nails with a barrier. You can just dissolve the top layer of gel polish to remove the manicure without doing the whole thing.
Fragile nails can be strengthened and made to look lovely with hard gel. It is simple to switch up your manicure without removing it because it is acetone-resistant. This flexible tool is ideal for extensions and overlays. We hope that our advice was useful in teaching you how to apply hard gel on natural nails. For great prices on all your nail care requirements, visit our weekly deals page.
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ghosthunterstore · 1 year
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Communicate with spirits? Ask your questions and see the answers. The Flux2 responds clearly when you ask a question by lighting up as either Red or Green lights and also with a tone that indicates an answer to your question. A simple example is you can ask the spirit to light up green for yes and red for no. Put tobacco next to the green light side and put a cigar on the red light side. Now ask which the spirit prefers. You can get a definite answer and the possibilities are endless.
Detect Changes in the Environment: The Flux 2 paranormal communication device uses multiple environmental sensors to determine a response based on location of motion, distance and temperature changes. It includes two highly sensitive infrared laser motion and distance sensors. These sensors provide quick and precise measurements of movement and distance. Also, there is an ambient thermometer probe which reads the air temperature around the device.
Light and sound indicators to help determine distance.
Zone selection to adjust sensitivity area
Sound alerts with scaling tones for clear audible indicators
Multiple environmental sensors for easy interaction
Precise motion and distance detection on 2 sides
Zone adjustment to set area of influence
Temperature detection
Color-changing lights to for indication and responses
Rechargeable long-life battery with USB charger
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junayedstore · 2 years
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Motion Sensor Light Wireless LED Night Light USB Rechargeable Night Lamp For Kitchen Cabinet Wardrobe Lamp Staircase Backlight #wirelessled #motionsensor #backlight #kitchen #ccabinet #wardrobe #junatedstore @junayedstore_ https://www.instagram.com/p/ClS_RfbpId0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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informationessentials · 10 months
Which E-Commerce Platform Is More Popular For Baby Items Shopping Online?
I am writing this blog to share my shopping experience with a new platform called Information Essentials. But I would like to call it a marketplace. It is an e-commerce website but different from others. It gives lucrative discounts but many things take it out of the competition. I recently bought Christmas decorations items near me from this site.
Visit us - https://informationessentials1.blogspot.com/2023/11/which-e-commerce-platform-is-more.html
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royalewalls · 1 month
Without wiring lights installation within 30 seconds
If you’re looking for motion sensor lights that don’t require wiring, there are several options available:
Battery-Powered Motion Sensor Lights: These lights are self-contained and powered by batteries. They are easy to install and move around without the need for any wiring. Popular choices include LED stick-on lights and outdoor solar-powered lights.
Rechargeable Motion Sensor Lights: These lights come with built-in rechargeable batteries that can be charged via a USB connection. They offer flexibility and are usually used indoors.
Each type has its own advantages, so consider where you want to place the lights and how much natural light is available for solar options.
#royalewalls #lights #trending #Home
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giantimpex · 1 month
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Are you looking motion sensorlights turn off automatically?
No more need of switching on and off your light every time you enter your home or room. you need not worry about electricity as the lights get automatically off when there is no person.
Ask For GIANT IMPEX - Portable Wireless #StickLight
On Anywhere Portable Wireless Stick Light 10 LED Cabinet Lights Motion Sensor Activated Night Light Rechargeable Battery Magnetic Tap Lights for Closet Cabinet Cool
MOTION AND DARKNESS SENSOR: With passive infrared technology, motion sensor cabinet light turn on only when motion is detected in the dark (Illuminance <10 lux), Auto turn off after 15-17 seconds if no motion, the motion sensor ranges up to 8-10 feet. The installation distance of the lights cannot be too close, which will affect the motion induction work. Closet Lights Only Working in the dark, not during the daytime.
Easy to Install An adhesive strip with magnetic fields is easily attached to and detachable from the lamp body. No tools, screws or nuts are required. It is ideal for the closet, kitchen cabinets, stairs, hallway, washroom, refrigerator, or garage space, drawer, storage room etc.
Available in all Marketplaces Order Now:
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dronesdeli · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Drones for Professional Photography
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In the realm of professional photography, drones have become indispensable tools for capturing stunning aerial imagery. As technology advances, the range of drones available on the market grows, offering a variety of features that cater to different needs and preferences. Whether you’re an experienced photographer looking to upgrade your equipment or a newcomer aiming to explore the possibilities of aerial photography, choosing the right drone can significantly impact the quality of your work. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the top drones for professional photography, evaluating their features, performance, and value to help you make an informed decision.
1. DJI Mavic 3 Pro
Overview: The DJI Mavic 3 Pro is widely regarded as one of the best drones for professional photographers. It combines cutting-edge technology with exceptional image quality, making it a top choice for capturing high-resolution photos and videos. The Mavic 3 Pro features a dual-camera system that includes a 4/3 CMOS Hasselblad camera and a telephoto lens, offering versatility and superior performance.
Key Features:
Camera: The Mavic 3 Pro boasts a 20MP 4/3 CMOS sensor developed in collaboration with Hasselblad. This setup ensures exceptional color accuracy and image detail. The telephoto lens offers 12MP resolution, providing the ability to zoom in without compromising image quality.
Video: The drone supports 5.1K video recording at 50 frames per second (fps) and 4K recording at 120fps. This high frame rate is particularly beneficial for capturing fast-moving subjects or creating slow-motion effects.
Battery Life: With up to 46 minutes of flight time on a single charge, the Mavic 3 Pro offers extended shooting sessions, allowing you to capture more footage and explore different angles without frequent recharging.
Advanced Features: The DJI Mavic 3 Pro is equipped with omnidirectional obstacle sensing, which helps avoid collisions from any direction. It also includes intelligent shooting modes and an advanced Return-to-Home (RTH) function that ensures a safe return in case of low battery or loss of signal.
Why It’s Great: The DJI Mavic 3 Pro’s dual-camera system and high-resolution capabilities make it ideal for professional photographers who demand the highest image quality and flexibility. Its long battery life and comprehensive obstacle avoidance system also contribute to a reliable and enjoyable shooting experience.
2. Autel EVO Lite+
Overview: The Autel EVO Lite+ is a powerful and versatile drone that offers an excellent balance between performance and portability. Its large 1-inch sensor and extended flight time make it a strong contender for professional photography.
Key Features:
Camera: The EVO Lite+ features a 50MP 1-inch CMOS sensor that captures stunningly detailed and vibrant images. This sensor size allows for better low-light performance and more accurate color reproduction.
Video: It supports 6K video recording at 30fps and 4K recording at 60fps, providing high-resolution video with smooth motion. The increased video resolution is particularly useful for creating professional-grade content.
Battery Life: The drone offers up to 40 minutes of flight time, which is ample for most shooting sessions. This extended battery life allows you to spend more time capturing the perfect shot without interruption.
Advanced Features: The EVO Lite+ comes equipped with Dynamic Track 2.1, which enables advanced tracking of subjects. It also features obstacle avoidance to help prevent collisions and various shooting modes to enhance your creative options.
Why It’s Great: The Autel EVO Lite+ stands out for its high-resolution camera and long flight time. Its compact design makes it easy to transport, while its intelligent tracking and obstacle avoidance features enhance both usability and safety during flights.
3. DJI Air 3
Overview: The DJI Air 3 is a versatile and feature-packed drone that offers great value for professional photographers. It combines a dual-camera setup with intelligent flight modes to deliver impressive performance and ease of use.
Key Features:
Camera: The Air 3 is equipped with a 48MP wide-angle camera and a 12MP telephoto camera. This dual-camera system provides flexibility for various shooting scenarios, from wide landscapes to detailed close-ups.
Video: The drone supports 4K video recording at 60fps, ensuring smooth and high-quality video capture. While it doesn’t reach the 5K resolution of some other models, it still delivers excellent video performance.
Battery Life: With up to 34 minutes of flight time, the Air 3 offers a good balance between flight duration and portability. This battery life is sufficient for capturing a wide range of shots in a single outing.
Advanced Features: The DJI Air 3 includes FocusTrack, Mastershots, and QuickShots, which are intelligent shooting modes that simplify complex maneuvers and enhance creative possibilities. These features make it easier to achieve professional-looking results with minimal effort.
Why It’s Great: The DJI Air 3 provides a high-quality imaging experience at a more accessible price point. Its intelligent shooting modes and dual-camera setup make it a versatile choice for photographers looking to capture both wide and detailed shots.
4. Skydio 2
Overview: The Skydio 2 is renowned for its advanced autonomous flying capabilities and exceptional obstacle avoidance. These features make it a standout option for photographers who need a reliable and easy-to-operate drone for capturing complex aerial shots.
Key Features:
Camera: The Skydio 2 features a 12MP camera capable of recording 4K video at 30fps. While its camera resolution may not match some of the higher-end models, its autonomous features make up for it.
Video: The drone’s 4K video recording ensures sharp and detailed footage. Its stability and intelligent flight features help maintain high video quality even in challenging conditions.
Battery Life: The Skydio 2 offers up to 23 minutes of flight time, which is shorter compared to other models but still adequate for capturing high-quality content in most scenarios.
Advanced Features: The Skydio 2’s advanced obstacle avoidance system is powered by robust AI algorithms that allow the drone to navigate around obstacles autonomously. This feature is particularly useful for capturing dynamic shots in complex environments.
Why It’s Great: The Skydio 2’s autonomous flying capabilities and obstacle avoidance system make it an excellent choice for photographers who need a drone that can handle challenging environments with minimal manual input. Its ease of use and reliability make it a valuable tool for professional applications.
5. Parrot Anafi USA
Overview: The Parrot Anafi USA is designed with both professional-grade features and rugged durability in mind. It is particularly well-suited for applications that require high-resolution imagery and additional functionalities like thermal imaging.
Key Features:
Camera: The Anafi USA features a 32MP camera with 4K HDR video recording. This high-resolution camera is complemented by advanced imaging capabilities that provide detailed and vibrant visuals.
Video: It supports 4K video recording at 60fps, offering smooth and high-quality footage. The HDR capability enhances the dynamic range of your video content.
Battery Life: The drone provides up to 32 minutes of flight time, which is sufficient for most professional shooting needs.
Advanced Features: The Anafi USA includes thermal imaging capabilities and high-precision GPS, making it suitable for a variety of professional applications beyond traditional photography.
Why It’s Great: The Parrot Anafi USA’s combination of high-resolution imaging, thermal capabilities, and rugged design make it a versatile tool for professionals who require advanced features and durability. Its ability to capture both standard and thermal imagery adds significant value for specialized applications.
Best Drone For Professional Photography
Selecting the best drone for professional photography involves considering various factors such as camera quality, flight time, and advanced features. Each of the drones highlighted in this guide offers unique advantages that cater to different needs and preferences. From the high-resolution capabilities of the DJI Mavic 3 Pro to the autonomous flying features of the Skydio 2, there is a drone available that can elevate your aerial photography to new heights.
When making your decision, think about what features are most important for your work and how the drone’s capabilities align with your shooting requirements. Investing in a high-quality drone can significantly enhance your photographic skills and open up new creative possibilities. Explore the options, consider your specific needs, and choose the drone that best fits your professional photography goals.
Happy flying and capturing those stunning aerial shots!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Professional Photography Drones
1. What should I consider when choosing a drone for professional photography?
When selecting a drone for professional photography, consider the following factors:
Camera Quality: Look for drones with high-resolution cameras and large sensors for detailed and vibrant images.
Battery Life: Longer flight times allow for extended shooting sessions without frequent recharging.
Advanced Features: Features like obstacle avoidance, intelligent shooting modes, and stability control can enhance your shooting experience and ensure safety.
Portability: Depending on your needs, consider whether a compact, foldable drone might be more convenient for travel.
Ease of Use: User-friendly controls and intelligent flight modes can help you achieve professional results even if you're not an expert pilot.
2. How important is camera resolution in a professional photography drone?
Camera resolution is crucial as it directly affects the quality of the images and videos you capture. Higher resolution sensors can provide more detail and allow for larger prints or more extensive cropping without losing quality. For professional work, a drone with at least a 20MP camera is recommended, although some models offer even higher resolutions for greater flexibility.
3. What is the difference between a 1-inch sensor and a micro four-thirds sensor in drones?
A 1-inch sensor and a micro four-thirds (MFT) sensor differ in size and image quality:
1-Inch Sensor: This larger sensor typically offers better low-light performance and improved image detail and dynamic range compared to smaller sensors. It’s often found in drones aimed at serious hobbyists and professionals.
Micro Four-Thirds Sensor: Larger than 1-inch sensors, MFT sensors provide superior image quality and versatility, making them ideal for high-end professional photography. They also support interchangeable lenses, offering greater creative flexibility.
4. How does flight time affect drone photography?
Longer flight times are beneficial as they allow you to capture more footage and explore different angles without needing to land frequently for battery changes. For professional work, a drone with at least 30 minutes of flight time per battery is generally preferred to ensure you have ample time to complete your shoot.
5. What are intelligent shooting modes, and why are they useful?
Intelligent shooting modes are automated features that simplify complex camera maneuvers and enhance creative possibilities. Examples include:
ActiveTrack: Automatically tracks and follows a moving subject.
Point of Interest (POI): Keeps the camera focused on a selected subject while the drone circles around it.
Mastershots: Executes a pre-set sequence of cinematic shots automatically. These modes are useful for capturing professional-quality footage with minimal manual control, making it easier to achieve specific creative effects.
6. Is obstacle avoidance important in a professional drone?
Yes, obstacle avoidance is crucial for safety and reliability. Advanced obstacle avoidance systems use sensors and algorithms to detect and avoid obstacles in the drone’s flight path, reducing the risk of collisions. This feature is particularly valuable when flying in complex or dynamic environments, ensuring that you can focus on capturing your shots without worrying about crashing.
7. Can I use a drone for both photography and video work?
Absolutely. Many drones are designed to handle both photography and video work, offering high-resolution cameras that excel in capturing both stills and motion. Look for drones with features like high frame rate video recording, high dynamic range (HDR), and various video resolution options to suit your needs.
8. Are there drones with thermal imaging capabilities?
Yes, some professional drones come with thermal imaging capabilities. These drones are equipped with specialized cameras that can capture thermal data in addition to standard visual imagery. This feature is useful for applications beyond traditional photography, such as search and rescue operations, building inspections, and environmental monitoring.
9. How do I choose between a foldable and a non-foldable drone?
Foldable drones are compact and portable, making them ideal for travel and easy storage. They are particularly useful if you need to transport your drone frequently or have limited space. Non-foldable drones may offer more robust builds and potentially larger sensors, but they are less convenient to carry. Consider your typical usage and storage needs when making your choice.
10. What are the legal considerations for flying drones professionally?
Legal requirements for flying drones professionally vary by country and region, but common considerations include:
Registration: Some countries require drone registration for commercial use.
Licensing: You may need a commercial pilot’s license or certification to operate a drone for professional purposes.
Flight Restrictions: Be aware of no-fly zones, altitude limits, and other local regulations that govern drone operations. Always check and comply with local laws and regulations to ensure safe and legal drone operations.
11. How can I maintain and care for my drone to ensure longevity?
To maintain your drone and ensure its longevity:
Regularly Inspect: Check for any physical damage, loose parts, or wear and tear before each flight.
Clean the Drone: Keep the drone and camera lens clean from dust and debris to avoid affecting performance and image quality.
Update Firmware: Keep your drone’s firmware updated to benefit from the latest features and improvements.
Store Properly: Store your drone in a cool, dry place, and ensure the battery is stored at an appropriate charge level to maintain its health.
12. What is the price range for professional photography drones?
The price of professional photography drones varies widely based on features and specifications. Entry-level models can start around $1,000, while mid-range drones might be priced between $1,500 and $2,500. High-end models with advanced features and superior image quality can exceed $3,000. Consider your budget and requirements to find the best drone that meets your needs.
This FAQ section aims to address common questions about professional photography drones, helping you make an informed decision when choosing the right model for your needs. If you have additional questions or need more detailed information, feel free to consult with experts or refer to manufacturer specifications and reviews.
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bunchofknowledge123 · 2 months
Wake Up Happy with the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
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A single gadget that can act as a digitalalarm clock, speaking in terms of functionality, and also a style icon whether it is placed in a bedroom, living room or even when traveling! This tiny and adorable battery run cute bunny digital alarm clock comprises a variety of features which are not only measured in utility but in playful aesthetics as well so as to always get the wakeup call right as well as make it amusing.
Start Your Day Right with the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock The Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock must not be limited to a mere identification as an alarm clock since it also makes for a great character and accessory in any room. Its bunny look will fit excellently in children’s bedrooms, but the modern functions and rather strict, minimalistic design make it suitable for adult bedrooms as well. This is a clock that is meant to make getting up in the morning a little less grudging, a little more cheerful.
Effortless Control with the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
As interestingly noted, this cute bunny digital alarm clock supports app control as one of the delightful features. A variety of main operations include setting the time, date, and brightness of the display. The user can change the alarm settings using his or her smartphone conveniently within minutes. The following feature is app-controlled, which makes it not only practical but also a ultimate comfort signed for technology lovers who appreciate contemporary and efficient solutions.
Multifunctional Marvel: Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
This cute bunny digital alarm clock can be used to tell the time as well as other time-related functions. You will find a date display on the screen together with the temperature gauge, together with the automatic night light operation from the touch of your fingers. This handy utility is perfect to keep all sorts of important information in one place and so, it is perfect for addition to any room.
Motion Sensor Magic with the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
Get the control every time with Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock that employs the motion sensor technology. Great for when it has to stay still until either you speak to it or give it a pat on the head This feature brings the fantasy into your life. No more getting out of your bed in the middle of the night to switch off your alarm only takes a command or touch.
Sustainable and Portable: Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
The Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock is battery operated with a rechargeable battery with a life span of one month. Therefore, it can be regarded as a long-lasting and mobile option for people who stay on the go frequently. It is a multi-functional clock that can be best used at home but also being portable you can carry it with you wherever you are going.
Decorate with Ease: Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
Although the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock comes with a built-in magnet and additional magnets, you can easily put it together with other items in your home. Put it on the side table by your bed, on your living room shelf, or better yet stick it on your refrigerator. Despite the zany appearance thus giving it the aesthetic value of a toy , it is a versatile décor item.
Smart Connectivity with the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
The MOB Cutie Clock Connect is a highly effective concept and an enhancement of smart connectivity. This feature covers a portable night light plus motion detector, which makes this gadget even more practical. Be it a dim light that would fear up those who are afraid of the dark or a way to check the time at night without having to turn on the room light, the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock is perfect for this.
Ideal for Bedrooms and Travel: Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
It is suitable for placing in a bedroom or using it as a travel clock; the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock offers the performance of the clock with a hint of whimsy. This means that it is small and can be easily carried around; a factor which makes it possible to take it along when traveling –thus guarantee it will always ring at the set time. Furthermore, in addition to the brand value, it has this bunny design which makes waking up in the morning a little more special.
Conclusion It is time to forget about the useless alarm clock and start to have pleasant mornings with the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock. Where design meets technology, this is a delightful way to start a new day every morning with the alarm clock. Thus, it can be stated that with its app-controlled features, as well as the ability to function as a speaker, alarm clock, and much more, this charming device is perfect for anyone looking to improve their morning experience. This digital alarm clock can be used at home, in school, in workplace or anywhere you may think of, because the cute bunny alarm clock will always wake you up effectively. Spring them with this fancy and cute alarm clock that holds with the spirit of the modern society.
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ledmyplace · 2 months
Why Solar Lights Are Perfect for Security Lighting?
Security lighting is crucial for protecting your home or business. Effective lighting can deter potential intruders, enhance visibility, and provide peace of mind. In recent years, LED solar lights have emerged as a top choice for security lighting due to their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and environmental benefits. Learn why LED solar lights are perfect for securing outdoor spaces.
Basics of Solar Lighting
How Solar Lighting Works = Solar lights convert sunlight into electricity. Solar panels absorb sunlight daily and store the energy in rechargeable batteries. This stored energy powers the LED bulbs at night, providing illumination without grid electricity.
Components of LED Solar Lights
Solar Panels:- Capture and convert sunlight into electrical energy.
Rechargeable Batteries:- Store the energy collected by the solar panels.
LED Bulbs:- Provide bright, efficient lighting.
Control Unit:- Manages the light’s operation, including sensors and timers.
Advantages of Solar Lights
Energy Efficiency = LED solar lights are highly energy-efficient. They use sunlight, a renewable energy source, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and lowering energy bills.
Cost Savings = While the initial investment in LED solar lights may be higher than traditional lighting, the long-term savings are substantial. You save on electricity and maintenance, as these lights require minimal upkeep.
Environmental Benefits = Using solar energy reduces carbon emissions and promotes a sustainable lifestyle. LED bulbs are also free of toxic elements, making them an environmentally friendly choice.
Solar Lights and Security
Enhanced Visibility = LED solar lights provide bright, consistent illumination, improving visibility around your property. This is essential for spotting potential threats and ensuring safety.
Deterrence of Criminal Activities = Well-lit areas are less likely to attract criminals. Security lighting can deter burglars and vandals, making your property safer.
Reliability During Power Outages = Since LED solar lights operate independently of the grid, they remain functional during power outages. This ensures continuous security lighting regardless of external power issues.
Types of Solar Security Lights
Motion Sensor Lights = These lights activate when detecting motion, conserving energy, and startling potential intruders. They are ideal for driveways, entrances, and other critical areas.
Floodlights = Solar floodlights provide broad, intense illumination, perfect for large areas such as backyards or parking lots.
Wall-Mounted Lights = These lights are installed on exterior walls, providing targeted lighting for doorways, patios, and walkways.
Pathway Lights = Solar pathway lights enhance safety and aesthetics by illuminating garden paths, driveways, and sidewalks.
Key Features to Look For
Brightness and Lumens = Choose lights with sufficient brightness (measured in lumens) to cover your desired area. Higher lumens indicate brighter lights.
Battery Capacity = A larger battery capacity ensures longer illumination periods. Look for lights with batteries that can store enough energy for multiple nights.
Weather Resistance = Ensure your lights are weather-resistant and withstand rain, snow, and extreme temperatures.
Installation Flexibility = Opt for lights that are easy to install and position. Adjustable solar panels and light heads provide greater flexibility in placement.
Installation Tips for Maximum Security
Ideal Placement of Lights = Place lights around your property at strategic locations such as entrances, pathways, and vulnerable spots.
Ensuring Optimal Solar Panel Exposure = Position solar panels where they receive maximum sunlight, typically facing south in the northern hemisphere.
Avoiding Obstructions = Ensure no trees, buildings, or other objects block the sunlight from reaching the solar panels.
Maintaining Your Solar Lights
Cleaning Solar Panels = Regularly clean the solar panels to remove dust and debris, ensuring optimal energy absorption.
Checking and Replacing Batteries = Periodically check the batteries' condition and replace them if their capacity diminishes.
Inspecting for Damage = Inspect your lights for any signs of damage and repair or replace components as needed to maintain performance.
Cost Analysis
Initial Investment vs. Long-Term Savings = While the upfront cost of LED solar lights may be higher, the long-term savings on electricity and maintenance make them a cost-effective choice.
Comparing LED Solar Lights with Traditional Lighting = LED solar lights offer greater efficiency and lower operational costs than traditional lighting solutions.
Environmental Impact
Reducing Carbon Footprint = Using solar energy significantly reduces your carbon footprint, contributing to a healthier planet.
Promoting Sustainable Living = LED solar lights support sustainable living practices by utilizing renewable energy and reducing waste.
Case Studies and Real-Life Examples
Residential Security Improvements = Homeowners report increased safety and lower electricity bills after switching to LED solar security lights.
Commercial and Industrial Applications = By installing LED solar lighting systems, businesses benefit from enhanced security and reduced operational costs.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long do LED solar lights last? 
Ans. Solar lights typically last 5-10 years, depending on usage and maintenance.
2. Can LED solar lights work in cloudy weather? 
Ans. Solar lights can still function in cloudy weather, though their efficiency may be reduced.
3. Are LED solar lights easy to install? 
Ans. Most are designed for easy installation without the need for wiring.
4. How do I choose the right brightness for my needs? 
Ans. Please look at the area to illuminate and select lights with an appropriate lumen rating for that space.
5. What maintenance do LED solar lights require? 
Ans. LED solar lights require minimal maintenance, primarily cleaning the solar panels and checking the batteries.
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1 note · View note
youweitrade · 2 months
The lamp has a 360-degree rotatable ring and can easily control a room’s lighting. The lamp can be used as a body-sensing lamp, which can sense the human body and light up according to it. This lamp can be used as a bedside lamp, a lamp for reading, or a feature light in any room.
Intelligent human body induction mode, when the light is dark, senses the human body moving and automatically lights up. Back cover design magnet and iron plate installation. 360-rotating lighting lamp holder can be adjusted freely in 360 rotating lighting direction. Three-way switches intelligent induction gear, always bright gear. The design of a strong magnet and iron on the back can be stuck anywhere you want. The lamp holder can rotate freely at 360, and the lighting orientation can be determined at will. In auto tap position induction mode, the human body activity within the induction range will trigger the control to turn on the light; the person does not leave the induction range and will continue to turn on the light. The person will turn off the light after 20 seconds.
Material: Plastic Plug-in
Voltage: 36V
Lighting Distance: 1-5m
Package Includes:
1 x Body Sensing Rechargeable Lamp
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