#Motohisa Harashima
yasutomoe · 7 months
Full Metal Alchemist The Stage [dl]
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Cast: Isshiki Yohei : Edward Elric (double cast) Hirono Ryota : Edward Elric (double cast) Mashima Shuto : Alphonse Elric Okabe Rin : Winry Rockbell Aoki Jin : Roy Mustang (double cast) Wada Takuma : Roy Mustang (double cast) Tsukui Minami : Riza Hawkeye Metal Yoshida : Alex Louis Armstrong Okamoto Yuki : Maes Hughes Kimisawa Yuki : Jean Havoc Harashima Motohisa : Denny Brosh Mizuki Sakurako : Maria Ross Abe Yutaka : Tim Marco Oishi Keita : Shou Tucker Ono Hikari : Izumi Curtis Sao Kurama : Lust Hiramatsu Raima : Envy Kusano Taisei : Gluttony Hoshi Tomoya : Scar Suzuki Shogo : Solf J. Kimblee Kuge Megumi : Pinako Rockbell Saito Mizuki : Gracia Hughes Ogawa Himari : Nina Tucker (double cast) Shiribiki Yuika : Nina Tucker (double cast) Tatsumi Takuro : King Bradley Sakurada Kosei : Alphonse Elric (suit actor)
hello, 2.5D community! this would be my first time sharing my copy of a blu ray purchase so i hope i ripped the files properly. i haven't checked them due to my very packed schedule, so please message me if there are any problems.
here is the link to the files for both disc 1 (hirono ryo as edward elric, wada takuma as roy mustang) and disc 2 (isshiki yohei as edward elric, aoki jin as roy mustang). i might remove the link on this post after a while so please save it asap.
then as for the rules, just like the others, please do not upload on streaming sites.
enjoy the stage play!
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mandilo · 2 years
舞台『鋼の錬金術師』 Full Metal Alchemist The Stage
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The main visual and public conference has given is dates double cas and visuals for the fullmetal adaptation on stage
The stage will run in Osaka and Tokyo in march with a double cast
Osaka run : 2023年3月8日~3月12日 Tokyo run :2023年3月17日~3月26日
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Cast :
Edward Elric : Isshiki Yohei/Hirono Ryota Alphonse Elric : Mashima Shuto (suit actor Kosei sakurada) Winry Rockbell : Rin Okabe Roy Mustang : Aoki Jin/ Wada Takuma Riza hawkeye : Tsukui Minami Alex Louis Amstrong : Metal Yoshida Maes Hughes : Yuki Okamoto Jean Havoc : Kimisawa Yuki Denis Brosh : Harashima Motohisa Maria Rose : Mizuki Sakurako Tim marco : Abe Yukata Shou Tucker : Oishi Keita Izumi Curtis : Ono Hikari Lust : Sao Kurama Envy : Hiramatsu Raima Glutony : Kusano Taisei Scar : Hoshi Tomoya Suzuki Shogo : Zolf J Kimblee Pinaco Rockbell : Kuge Megumi Gracia Hughes : Saito Mizuki Nina Tucker : Ogawa Himari/Shiribiki Yuika King Bradley : Tatsumi Takuro
Official site
natalie : (X)
Released videos : (X)
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mihotose · 1 year
harashima motohisa what are you doing in gekikyuu
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ciaossn · 3 years
i forgot how blindingly pretty hayato's (motohisa harashima's) smile is
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meduise · 5 years
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Gokudera & Tsunayoshi
The Stage: Vs Varia Part I comparison: manga | stage
Have you thought about what you are fighting for?!
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rebornthestage · 3 years
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Reborn! The Stage July 14, 2021 Fleet:TYL!Guardians
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Update] 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN! tthe STAGE -episode of FUTURE- (katekyou hitman reborn! the stage -episode of future-)
cast & visuals update under the cut^^
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Neeko as Reborn (リボーン)
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Takenaka Ryouhei as Sawada Tsunayoshi (沢田綱吉)
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Harashima Motohisa as Gokudera Hayato (獄寺隼人)
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Yamamoto Ryousuke as Yamamoto Takeshi (山本武)
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Uesugi Teru as Sasagawa Ryouhei (笹川了平)
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KIMERU as Lambo (ランボ)
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Kitamura Kento as Hibari Kyouya (雲雀恭弥)
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Asakura Fuyuna as Chrome Dokuro (クローム髑髏)
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Wada Masanari as Rokudou Mukuro (六道骸) ※ video appearance only
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Itou Yui as Sasagawa Kyouko (笹川京子)
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Motonishi Sakiho as Miura Haru (三浦ハル)
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Saeki Ryou as Irie Shouichi (入江正一)
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Kishimoto Takuya as γ
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Miyazawa Yuu as Genkishi (幻騎士)
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Miyoshi Daiki as Gloxinia (グロ・キシニア)
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Higuchi Yuuta as Rasiel (ジル)
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Toman as Ginger Bread (ジンジャー・ブレッド)
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Tominaga Yuuya as Spanner (スパナ)
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Takahashi Saki as Uni (ユニ)
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Hayashida Kouhei as XANXUS
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Takasaki Shungo as S Squalo (S・スクアーロ)
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Oomi Shouichirou as Belphegor (ベルフェゴール)
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Kai Chihiro as Fran (フラン)
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Yamada James Takeshi as Dino (ディーノ)
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Shinbara Minami as Lal Mirch (ラル・ミルチ)
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Kosaka Ryoutarou as Kikyo (桔梗)
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Shioguchi Ryouhei as Zakuro (ザクロ)
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Toman as Deisy (デイジー)
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Fuji Aya? as Bluebell (ブルーベル)
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Nakada Hiroki as Byakuran (白蘭)
homepage twitter natalie
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arrakun · 5 years
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we all want a chonky cat akaya, don’t we
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china-empress · 5 years
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I JUST WATCHED THE STAGE PLAY WITH DMM  AND OMG I SCREAMED A LOT Katekyo hitman reborn means a lot to me i won’t put more photos because i want fans to enjoy it as much as i did  i am very proud to be part of this fandom this play is awesome, probably the most emotional one among the three we have introduction of the past battles was wonderful and even Iemitsu in Italy no Lal but a little surprise incoming FUYUNA ASAKURA IS A PERFECT CHROME  and she entered the battle and i was freaking out because she gave KHR fans a surprise... i won’t spoiler it but it’s a particular element i’m happy they kept. they kept also Mukuro kneeling after the battle, and Masanari is a perfect Mukuro as always Takenaka Ryohei as Tsuna... i have no words. I admired him since the first stage play and in this play he’s gorgeous. I love my Juudaime  HARASHIMA MOTOHISA <3 <3 <3  Gokudera is my favorite character, and i love his acting ( i loved Kuwano too).  I loved the way each character is put in a deeper light. this stage play makes you enter in the deeper core of the character, exploring his feeling in a complete way. i loved how Tsuna seemed full of rage after Kyuudaime’s words and passing out. and then... he seemed at the verge of crying.  i loved takasagi shungo as Squalo mist battle was mostly illusionist’s show as it should be, cloub battle... Kishimoto Yuta was perfect. sky battle was my favorite and the most heartbreaking. Tsuna is fighting with all his might, at the same time of his Guardians. Focusing more on Xanxus’s feeling of loss and betrayal.  the ending... both groups together. i think that Tsuna’s guardians were trying to protects him ( LAMBO DAMN YOU AND I’M SALTY BECAUSE I WANTED GOKUDERA KNOCKING DOWN BELPHEGOR DAMN IT )  ... while Varia surrounding Xanxus... i think it was both a way to be together, since they’re all alone, and both a way to support again their boss. THEIR “EINEN BOSS” as Squalo called him in the curtain call I WON’T SPOILER THE FINAL BUT THERE’S A THIRD ELEMENT SPOILERING THE FUTURE ARC  - first the official key with the little thread connecting the characters in the same colour of their flame attribute - then the bromides with their flames behind ( Colonnelo and Reborn with their right flames) AND THE LAST ONE AT THE END OF VARIA PART II AND A BIGGER THING THAN A PROMO i really wish it i can’t believe KHR is still giving me the same feelings when in 2018 i knew about the first ReboStage i was happy, even though i couldn’t buy the dvd ( i will buy the three of them on may) i have this series in my heart since 2010 i want to thank @rebornthestage to keep KHR flame alive and to make me discover, and love, this wonderful stage play and its wonderful actors. ... and yes, rambling random but still cring  REBOSTAGE DAISUKI <3
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chibimyumi · 5 years
Hi Chibimyumi Could you make a comparison between the two actors who play Snake in the musicals. Which one is your favorite and why? Thank you
Dear Anon,
Yeah sure, it’s a pleasure ^^
Though, the two Snakes are very hard to compare because they are basically completely different characters in the two arcs, and also fulfill entirely different roles in the musicals respectively. As such, this comparison will focus more on the technical aspects of the actors instead of characterisation.
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Before we start, I shall first list the points that would result in an unfair comparison if not accessed differently for this review.
1. Stage time
The stage time the two Snakes are given in their respective musicals is very different; the more stage time one has, the more opportunities to shine. Snake plays a significantly larger role in ‘Noah’s Arc Circus’ (NAC from here on) than he does in ‘Tango on the Campania’ (TotC).
2. Role and purpose
Snake is an altogether different character in the Circus arc than he is in the Campania arc. In the former, he is a timid character who hides his fears through distance. He feels at home at the Circus, but his ‘home’ was infiltrated by strangers, hence his behaviour was more aggressive.
In the Campania arc however, he has already spent a bit of time in his new home with a new master. He feels like a fish out of water, but is eager to get accustomed to his new environment. He has opened up entirely to his ‘new family…’, and has less to hide. In short, his edge has been smoothed out significantly.
Because of this stark contrast in character change, I shall only make comparison based on how well the actors managed to convey their respective purposes.
3. Stage role
NAC Snake was given much broader varieties to his performance than TotC’s did. In NAC, Snake was allowed to act, dance, sing, improvise, and even partake in comedic scenes with AberHanks (Gosh he’s funny!) TotC Snake however, only had acting parts. As such, I shall only compare the Snakes based on acting quality.
‘Noah’s Arc Circus’ - Tamaki Yuki
Good things first!
Tamaki is a charisma bomb. Of course his costume and make-up are superb, which does help, but his charisma alone makes him look like he walked right out of the manga. Tamaki conveys this other-worldly charm fantastically. He has this energy that piques our curiousity, and has the star power befitting a first tier star from a popular circus. I immediately understood why people would travel miles and pay to see Snake Man at the Noah’s Ark.
I mean, look at him⇊.
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He also carries this very cold aura which is very accurate to the emotionally distant Snake from the Circus arc.
The greatest feat about Tamaki is that he is a fantastic voice actor. He has an incredible vocal range, and is capable of impersonating old and young, masculine and feminine, wild and tame, you name it. The emotions he is capable of pouring into his voice acting are also superb; the quality is almost comparable to professionals who do voice acting for a living.
On the other hand…
While Tamaki’s voice acting is superb, his stage acting sure has some space for improvement. Most have probably seen NAC (or any Kuromyu) on a DVD recording, and thanks to the editing his role is adequately conveyed. As a stage actor however, he really under-performs.
Tamaki is mostly static on stage; he only uses his voice to play the role, but seems not to have considered the medium of body language much.
If we look at this scene ⇊ we, we only see Snake walk up to Sebas and we can tell the snake on his left arm is talking. If we switch off the sound and/or subtitles, we can’t tell what message he is trying to convey from his body language. Is it a positive, neutral, or negative message? We are clueless. I remember sitting there in the theatre looking at snake, but there was just nothing to see.
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In this scene ⇊ Wilde is threatening Sebas that if he so much as set one foot inside, he’ll sink his fangs into his neck. While Tamaki’s emoting expresses the aggression more or less (on recorded footage), we can’t tell that it’s a threat that he is making without the spoken message. In a theatre, all the audience could work with was his voice acting. This conversation with Sebas would really have benefited from Snake hunching down in preparation for a charge, for example.
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In this scene ⇊ Snake is impersonating three different snakes. But from his body language we also can’t tell whether multiple snakes were talking, or when he switched the voice from one snake for another.
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In short, Tamaki’s acting might be more suited for a film media, rather than theatre. At the beginning of the Furukawa Era Kuromyu, I’ve seen a lot of people say they can’t stand Yunbastian because he was moving so much. Yes, it is quite dramatic on footage, but that, people, is what is necessary to convey a message in a big theatre.
(It is quite a common quirk that theatre actors have when they get film roles. Most theatre actors who play for a movie have the experience of being yelled at by the director: “you speak too loud, don’t make such big movements, face your opponent, not the camera!”)
‘Tango on the Campania’ - Harashima Motohisa
Good things first!
Harashima’s performance mostly shines where Tamaki’s paled. His body language is very good; without having to hear or understand his lines, we can tell what emotion he is expressing.
In this scene ⇊ where Snake is being treated like a laughing stock, we can tell very clearly from his posture and movements what he feels. He walks and turns away from his master, communicating shame of himself. The hand he flings into the air as well as him shaking the head express Snake’s powerlessness and defeatism expertly.
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Harashima’s approach of how to represent his snakes is very different from Tamaki’s. Tamaki mostly focuses on the voice acting for his snakes, while Harashima uses his entire body to ‘impersonate’ (insnakernate?) his companions. In this scene where he says: “understood,” to Sebastian, he uses the arm and the slight tilt of the head to communicate consent, fully representing Oscar in voice and action (had he had arms). Only afterwards did he return to normal ‘Snake’, and points at Oscar, signifying who spoke.
In short, Tamaki!Snake is the interpreter of his snakes, whereas Harashima!Snake is the proxy agent of his snakes.
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Harashima’s emoting is also very vivid. In this scene ⇊ he expresses his scepticism towards Lizzie’s identity as daughter to the head of the Chivalric Order. Through his emoting which is further strengthened by his superb body language, he allows us to immediately understand that he doubts something, without hearing his spoken lines.
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Harashima is not just the proxy agent of his snakes, he is also a character on his own. During the finale of the musical, we see him interacting with the snakes, caressing Emily and snuggling up to her to give each other comfort. This is really where Tamaki pales in comparison, because Tamaki!Snake did not seem to love his snakes as much as Harashima does.
This moment ⇊ is one where we see the superiority of Harashima’s physical acting. Snake is still preoccupied with Emily, but Oscar already dashes forward on his own, seemingly yanking Snake’s left arm with his eagerness. “Wait! This smell!” Oscar says, and Snake reacts to Oscar’s pronouncement.
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Snake in the Campania arc has mellowed down and opened up drastically, and Harashima manages to capture that energy quite well. His bond with his snakes as well as with his new master is something this actor manages to convey very well.
On the other hand…
Just like Tamaki, Harashima pales where Tamaki shines. In the Campania arc Snake does not need to be a star like he used to be in the circus, so there is no need for gaudy expressions. But Harashima!Snake’s presence seems quite weak in comparison to his predecessor. While his acting is superb, he is not very good at keeping the audience’s attention on him. Snake is a timid and silent character, but such characters too can have stage presence. When he is in the background, his acting might have benefited from some ‘active’ passiveness… do you understand what I mean? He could coil his shoulders a bit more, or bite his lips, or hide behind his snakes, for example.
Though Harashima’s voice acting in terms of emotion is great, his range is not as great as Tamaki’s. Perhaps it is because he damaged his throat (like Furukawa said in the curtain call, and if that’s the case I’ll take my words back), but Harashima’s voice was sore at all times. He did manage to show the contrast between characters of the sweet Emily, the energetic Oscar or the dominant Wilde, but he conveyed the ages of the snakes less well than Tamaki did.
I think both Snakes characterised their respective roles fantastically; they were both the Snake they were supposed to be. Though both are fantastic, I would say I do have a preference.
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Overall, I would say Harashima is the superiour Snake because he fulfills the purpose of his media (stage theatre) better than Tamaki did. Tamaki’s performance mostly shines in his superb voice acting and stage presence, but these two alone are not enough to be a good ‘stage’ actor in my opinion.
While Harashima’s voice acting and presence pale a bit in comparison to Tamaki, his body language allows even the spectators in the back of the theatre to enjoy and understand Snake well. And that, ultimately, is in my opinion the prime objective of any stage performer. You perform for the entire theatre, not just the few lucky ones on the front rows.
I hope this was satisfactory (*´▽`*)ノ
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[Movie]『家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!』the STAGE -vs VARIA PartII- (katekyoushi hitman reborn! ~ the stage -vs varia part II-)
the DVD/Blu-ray will be released on May 20th, 2020☆ ☆ ☆
☆ DVD  ☆ Blu-ray         ♪ Amazon ☆ DVD  ☆ Blu-ray         ♪ CD Japan
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japaneseadventures · 5 years
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VS Varia Part 1 Merchandise Ads (2019.06.22)
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mandilo · 4 years
イケメン戦国THE STAGE ~明智光秀編~ Ikemen Sengoku the stage Akechi Mitsuhide-hen - GENEPRO -
Genepro Videos are out for the stage ad also an interview of the main cast.
Don’t forget the streams on UP!  this stream is purchasable without a vpn and for 4000Yen each on 09/08 at 19:00 and 09/09 14:00
And if you’re more curious here is a live stream with mitsuhide,nobunaga and sasuke’s actors.
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save-the-data · 6 years
This title will be released on October 9, 2019.
Oh 101% purchasing this, plus bonus its around B-day, so I won’t have to pay. 
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redladydeath · 7 years
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Musical Kuroshitsuji: Tango on the Campania
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meduise · 5 years
tonight on medu is blessed by kishimoto yuta channel:
yuta's curtain call (in character) speech in varia stage part 1 — featuring a laughing james (dino) and peeky harashima (gokudera)
im not sure about my translation as my understanding of japanese is mostly intuitive but he said something like "let's meet again when i can fight against rokudo mukuro" — in reference to reborn's words that made hibari calm down after the storm guardians fight. please do correct my translation if it's wrong tho!!
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i love how he slightly changed from a plain face to mild thrill a smirk, just like he did in the actual play (of which i already screamed about here w)
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