unteriors · 6 months
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Iowa Avenue, Mott, North Dakota.
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From the high desert to the forest
Just past the west switch of Mott siding, this Southern Pacific lumber drag is just about to start the descent into the Sacramento River Canyon. Only three miles as the crow flies from the depot in Dunsmuir, the westman is nine rail miles and nearly a half hour of travel time away from the crew change. June 13, 1985
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sunnyxdazed · 9 months
platinum deserved a sequel. mother of the year deserved a sequel. a very scandalous proposal deserved a sequel. in this essay i will…….
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Once again asking everyone to interact with the post or DM me once voted, thank you!
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jaronxlordashcombe · 6 months
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a-most-royal-peasant · 7 months
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Imogen and Amarinda didn't fit in this :(
(Well they did I just ran out of space for the "True evil never laughs" section)
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jarondont · 11 months
Mott: I'm not doing too well Kerwyn: What's wrong? Mott: I have this headache that comes and goes Jaron: *enters the room* Mott: There it is again Jaron:
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Cuando dice que es ✨DIRECTO✨ y no es capaz de decir lo que le ✨INCOMODA✨
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art in progress ^^ @sillawomp hope you like it and ITS MY B-DAY YAY <3 hope yall like it byeeeee
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ascendantloser · 1 year
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honestly i think its funny how stretched jaron and roden are
Alright guys, time to wake up and revive this fandom!! I LOVE THIS BOOK SERIES TO MUCH TO LET IT DIE.
Art credits: Jaron, Roden, Tobias, Imogen all by KatanaSonata I can't find Mott's artist like anywhere so if anyone knows who it is let me know!!
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my-st0ff · 1 year
Chapter One
Fandom: American Horror Story
Pairing: Dandy Mott x female reader
Chapter Song: Curse of the Balckened Eye - Orville Peck (lyrics in bold)
Story Summary: When you, a devoted to work detective, are put on the case of the Motts, you rise to the challenge. Though you do your best to focus your attentions on all aspects of the case, the son of Mrs. Mott seems to be doing all he can to take up your time.
"Why and how did you leave Aubrey, Miss Mott?"
You hold focused eye contact with the woman that sat on the velvet couch opposite the one you warmed. One leg crossed over the other, and a notepad rested upon your thigh.
Mrs. Mott: "Please, again Detective, it's Mrs. Mott. I'm still lawfully wed"
You: "My apologies... So, about Mr. Mott"
Mrs. Mott: "Yes, of course. Well, by 27, I was planning on how I would get away. I always said, "I should work on my escape" to Dandy but stalled so much"
You: "Dandy was, what? Seven?"
You knew how wrong it was to try and have a child process their parents' separation. But you were not here to express any sort of opinion. So you remain stone faced.
Mrs. Mott: "Two"
You couldn't have heard her right. You think.
You: "Hm? Sorry, I didn't catch that?"
Mrs. Mott: "Little Dandy was two"
Her gaze drifts from yours, images of her son as a toddler replaying in her mind. This was only when your pupils flickered up to the topic of discussion. Dandy stood behind the sofa with a hand resting on the back of it, one by each of his mother's shoulders - a few inches from them. His towering stature had to lean a little for his palms to reach the back of the sofa. He had not yet said anything, as you had made it clear you had to talk to Mrs. Mott first. But it still felt so much like he was in charge of this whole ordeal.
You: "Okay, so"
You clear your throat.
"I must bring us back to topic. How and why did you leave Aubrey?"
A glimpse of offence flashes over her eyes before they join yours again in a polite manor.
Mrs. Mott: "He was suspicious, and it made me nervous in my own home. Coming home late in a scruff, yelling and hitting"
Though hearing things like this disgusted you, it barely had an effect on you after all the cases you had dealt with.
You: "Was this around the time he had committed his first murder? Is that correct?"
Mrs. Mott's jaw clenches, and as it does, Dandy's sinister glare you had been doing your best to ignore finally drops from you and lands on his mother.
Mrs. Mott: "My Aubrey did not murder anybody"
She says, avoiding eye contact. Urges to argue were drowned out by professionalism as you mustered up your next question.
You: "Did you have any other children, Mrs. Mott?"
Mrs. Mott: "No, I've been hiding out, running from the curse. I wouldn't dare bare another child. I got so very lucky with Dandy"
She answers instantly.
You: "The curse?"
Mrs. Mott: "Oh, don't play coy, detective"
She smiles down her nose at you.
"You've heard what people say about this family"
You: "You believe in the Mott curse?"
You felt silly asking something like this.
Mrs. Mott: "How could I not. Every man related to Aubrey displayed concerning behaviour similar to his. I was so lucky to have him, and not one of them"
The repetition of 'lucky' was curious.
You: "What about the women? Have any of the women in the Mott family tree been known to become violent or even just very abrasive?"
Mrs. Mott: "No, dear"
She smiles sweetly.
Mrs. Mott: "More tea?"
You peer down at the tea you had forgotten about and not touched once. Now presumably cold and staining the china.
You: "Um- no, thank you, ma'am... and what can you tell me about the disappearance of Tomas Mott?"
Dandy: "Oh, please, don't upset my mother"
The mystery chips in. Though you needed him to remain quiet until it was his turn to be interviewed. You were somehow so intrigued by him that you did not become irritated by this. You only realised after the fact how out of character it was for you to agree to him being in the room for hers. Dandy Mott held a threatening authority in this household, and the moment you entered the grand doors you could feel it.
You: "I understand this is a very difficult topic, for the both of you. But this would be so much easier for all of us if you would provide me with anything you know so that I don't have to dig deeper"
You return your now empathetic gaze to his mother.
"Either way, I fully intend to find out what happened to your son, Mrs. Mott"
Mrs. Mott: "I don't want to- I won't discuss this. I think I have given you enough, detective"
Her voice pitches up a sylobal.
You: "Of course, but I will need to hear more about your son from you personally at some point or another, ma'am"
Dandy: "Goodie, my turn"
He rolls his eyes and moves impatiently around the sofa as his mother leaves the room.
Mrs. Mott: "I'll be reading in my bedroom if I am needed"
She calls back without giving a second glance.
Dandy finally enters the light upon stepping in front of the couch and then sitting. He had glass skin and stiff-with-jell hair. His thin lips lay permanently downturned, and his hands clasped together between his lap. His legs a bit apart. You smile at him modestly.
You: "Right, let's begin"
You clear your throat once again.
You: "As you already know, I am Detective y/n y/l/n. I am here today to ask you a few questions regarding the disappearances surrounding the Mott family"
The fail to continue when you notice Dandy's yawning habit.
Dandy: "Why are you telling me all this crap?"
You smile and huff in a laugh. Remaining polite and professional.
You: "I have to, Mr. Mott"
Dandy: "Yes, but I've just heard you give this whole schpiel to my mother. I was in the room, remember?"
He continues, his bratty tone grinding on you just a little.
You: "You really weren't supposed to have been but-"
Dandy: "My house, my rules, right?"
He smirks.
You: "Of course, I can make small exceptions to make sure I am respecting people's comfortability"
Dandy: "It is appreciated, detective"
He gives a small stirring smile. No clear signs were given as to if it were genuine or not. Before you could voice any questions, Mott leaned forward, his elbows on his knees.
Dandy: "May I ask you a question before we begin?"
You curled your lips inwards, as you did when thinking, for a moment.
You: "Go ahead"
Dandy: "Are you being paid for all aspects of what you're putting into this case?"
You: "I beg your pardon"
Your brows knit softly in confusion.
Dandy: "Are you just doing what you're assigned to be, or are you doing, how do I say vigilante work on this case also? Since police and detectives have been investigating this family for years, they don't seem very interested anymore. But you do"
He studied your whole form as he spoke like a fish in a tank.
You: "I just take my work very seriously, Mr. Mott"
You choose a short and non-fuffiling answer. You pushed on to keep this interview professional.
Dandy: "That I see... just wondered"
He retreats back from his lean.
Dandy: "Please continue"
You: "You and Tomas were twins, is that correct?"
Dandy: "Yes"
You: "Were you close growing up"
Dandy: "Very"
Though he answered you promptly, his attentions had already been stolen by the window behind you.
You: "How so? What sort of things did the two of you get up to together? How did you bond?"
Dandy: "We went fishing"
He smiles fondly.
You: "Sounds nice. And do you remember exactly how old the two of you were when he went missing?"
Dandy: "16."
You: "What year was it?"
Dandy: "42, 1942."
You: "And what month was it?"
Dandy: "March."
His eyes flick back into yours.
Dandy: "What the actual hell are these questions?"
He laughs. You push on.
You: "And where were you the night he disappeared?"
Dandy: "At home, asleep. It was in the middle of the night."
You: "Was it?"
Shit, you think. Shouldn't have asked that. That surely made him nervous. This isn't an interrogation, y/n.
Dandy: "Oh, please, we both know he ran off in the middle of the night"
He come backs strong.
You: "How are you sure?"
Dandy: "He was to be married in a month's time to a servent lady, realisation took him a while I'll admit but when it hit him that he was bringing that sort of dishonour to the Mott name he thought his only option was to run."
Your almost impressed.
You: "You've had a lot of time to think on it, and you have been using it, I see"
Dandy's face screws into a disappointed glare.
Dandy: "Of course I have. He was my twin brother, for heavens sake"
You: "The whole ordeal hurt you alot then, yes?"
Dandy: "To this day, detective. It hurts. I sat around wishing so many times that I would die... but I learnt that eventually, there really is no point dwelling on the past"
Dandy stands with dominance.
Dandy: "That's all you need, yes?"
You: "As a matter of fact, no. May I ask you to sit back down, sir?"
Dandy: "As a matter of fact"
He mocks.
"Look, it's true, if that is what you want to hear"
You stand as well, notepad in hand and pen in the other. In an attempt to catch up with his movements.
You: "What is, Dandy?"
You accidently use his fist name in a state of urgency.
Dandy: "True it follows me around. The Mott curse, I'm sick like the rest of the men that have come and gone"
He gives you a side glance from where he stands away from you.
Dandy: "I'd keep an eye on me if I were you, y/n"
He repeats the use of informal referral. Then casually leaves the room.
Dandy: "Dora will show you out"
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Mott from Animal Crossing: New Horizons
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thedevilsofcarthya · 2 years
Jaron: Every zoo is a petting zoo unless you’re a coward.
Mott: I’m worried about you.
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fazfrightsquotes · 1 year
Mott: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes?
Rory: For my sea bonnies.
Mott: Why are you making pancakes for the sea bonnies?
Rory: They don't know how.
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wandapinkay · 2 months
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Almost 4 am thoughts.. husbies 🩷🩷
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jaronxlordashcombe · 6 months
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