#Mountain Rehearsal 6/16/22
darktripz · 2 years
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CTHYLLA - Madness Lie Beyond The Ancient Chamber
CTHYLLA - Stone Of Euclidean Chaos
CONIFEROUS MYST / DRAGON SPELL - Our Cathedral Within The Sky
DRAGON SPELL - Mountain Rehearsal 6/16/22
CONIFEROUS MYST - Knight of The Wyvern Covenant III
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craftylovegentlemen · 5 months
Chapter 5
1 Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day, saying, 2 Praise ye the LORD for the avenging of Israel, when the people willingly offered themselves. 3 Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes; I, even I, will sing unto the LORD; I will sing praise to the LORD God of Israel. 4 LORD, when thou wentest out of Seir, when thou marchedst out of the field of Edom, the earth trembled, and the heavens dropped, the clouds also dropped water. 5 The mountains melted from before the LORD, even that Sinai from before the LORD God of Israel. 6 In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were unoccupied, and the travellers walked through byways. 7 The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel. 8 They chose new gods; then was war in the gates: was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel? 9 My heart is toward the governors of Israel, that offered themselves willingly among the people. Bless ye the LORD. 10 Speak, ye that ride on white asses, ye that sit in judgment, and walk by the way.
11 They that are delivered from the noise of archers in the places of drawing water, there shall they rehearse the righteous acts of the LORD, even the righteous acts toward the inhabitants of his villages in Israel: then shall the people of the LORD go down to the gates. 12 Awake, awake, Deborah: awake, awake, utter a song: arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam. 13 Then he made him that remaineth have dominion over the nobles among the people: the LORD made me have dominion over the mighty. 14 Out of Ephraim was there a root of them against Amalek; after thee, Benjamin, among thy people; out of Machir came down governors, and out of Zebulun they that handle the pen of the writer. 15 And the princes of Issachar were with Deborah; even Issachar, and also Barak: he was sent on foot into the valley. For the divisions of Reuben there were great thoughts of heart. 16 Why abodest thou among the sheepfolds, to hear the bleatings of the flocks? For the divisions of Reuben there were great searchings of heart. 17 Gilead abode beyond Jordan: and why did Dan remain in ships? Asher continued on the sea shore, and abode in his breaches. 18 Zebulun and Naphtali were a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death in the high places of the field. 19 The kings came and fought, then fought the kings of Canaan in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo; they took no gain of money. 20 They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.
21 The river of Kishon swept them away, that ancient river, the river Kishon. O my soul, thou hast trodden down strength. 22 Then were the horsehoofs broken by the means of the pransings, the pransings of their mighty ones. 23 Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the LORD, curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because they came not to the help of the LORD, to the help of the LORD against the mighty. 24 Blessed above women shall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women in the tent. 25 He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish. 26 She put her hand to the nail, and her right hand to the workmen's hammer; and with the hammer she smote Sisera, she smote off his head, when she had pierced and stricken through his temples. 27 At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down: at her feet he bowed, he fell: where he bowed, there he fell down dead. 28 The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and cried through the lattice, Why is his chariot so long in coming? why tarry the wheels of his chariots? 29 Her wise ladies answered her, yea, she returned answer to herself, 30 Have they not sped? have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two; to Sisera a prey of divers colours, a prey of divers colours of needlework, of divers colours of needlework on both sides, meet for the necks of them that take the spoil? 31 So let all thine enemies perish, O LORD: but let them that love him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest forty years.
Judges 5
Diane Beauford
0 notes
miajolensdevotion · 2 years
April 8 2021
Verse: judges 5 Write/ Copy Gods words :
5 Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day, saying, 2 Praise ye the Lord for the avenging of Israel, when the people willingly offered themselves. 3 Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes; I, even I, will sing unto the Lord; I will sing praise to the Lord God of Israel. 4 Lord, when thou wentest out of Seir, when thou marchedst out of the field of Edom, the earth trembled, and the heavens dropped, the clouds also dropped water. 5 The mountains melted from before the Lord, even that Sinai from before the Lord God of Israel. 6 In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were unoccupied, and the travellers walked through byways. 7 The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel. 8 They chose new gods; then was war in the gates: was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel? 9 My heart is toward the governors of Israel, that offered themselves willingly among the people. Bless ye the Lord. 10 Speak, ye that ride on white asses, ye that sit in judgment, and walk by the way. 11 They that are delivered from the noise of archers in the places of drawing water, there shall they rehearse the righteous acts of the Lord, even the righteous acts toward the inhabitants of his villages in Israel: then shall the people of the Lord go down to the gates. 12 Awake, awake, Deborah: awake, awake, utter a song: arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam. 13 Then he made him that remaineth have dominion over the nobles among the people: the Lord made me have dominion over the mighty. 14 Out of Ephraim was there a root of them against Amalek; after thee, Benjamin, among thy people; out of Machir came down governors, and out of Zebulun they that handle the pen of the writer. 15 And the princes of Issachar were with Deborah; even Issachar, and also Barak: he was sent on foot into the valley. For the divisions of Reuben there were great thoughts of heart. 16 Why abodest thou among the sheepfolds, to hear the bleatings of the flocks? For the divisions of Reuben there were great searchings of heart. 17 Gilead abode beyond Jordan: and why did Dan remain in ships? Asher continued on the sea shore, and abode in his breaches. 18 Zebulun and Naphtali were a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death in the high places of the field. 19 The kings came and fought, then fought the kings of Canaan in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo; they took no gain of money. 20 They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera. 21 The river of Kishon swept them away, that ancient river, the river Kishon. O my soul, thou hast trodden down strength. 22 Then were the horsehoofs broken by the means of the pransings, the pransings of their mighty ones. 23 Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the Lord, curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because they came not to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty. 24 Blessed above women shall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women in the tent. 25 He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish. 26 She put her hand to the nail, and her right hand to the workmen's hammer; and with the hammer she smote Sisera, she smote off his head, when she had pierced and stricken through his temples. 27 At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down: at her feet he bowed, he fell: where he bowed, there he fell down dead. 28 The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and cried through the lattice, Why is his chariot so long in coming? why tarry the wheels of his chariots? 29 Her wise ladies answered her, yea, she returned answer to herself, 30 Have they not sped? have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two; to Sisera a prey of divers colours, a prey of divers colours of needlework, of divers colours of needlework on both sides, meet for the necks of them that take the spoil? 31 So let all thine enemies perish, O Lord: but let them that love him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest forty years.
What is your Favorite verse(s):
17 Gilead abode beyond Jordan: and why did Dan remain in ships? Asher continued on the sea shore, and abode in his breaches. 18 Zebulun and Naphtali were a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death in the high places of the field. 19 The kings came and fought, then fought the kings of Canaan in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo; they took no gain of money. 20 They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.
Explain in your own words what you just read:
This song is commonly attributed only to Deborah; Barak’s role in the composition and perhaps performance of the song is often overlooked.
Commitment / what will i do : I will willingly offer themselves to their leaders.
0 notes
neverheardnothing · 4 years
hello. over my tumblr break a few months ago i got bored enough to count the frequencies of every word in joe iconis songs and i don’t know what else to do with this info so here y’all go. every word in joe iconis songs with 10+ occurrences in descending order but i also factored out the 250 most common words in the english language badly (warning, this is a 484 item long list).
1 ('i', 2375) 2 ("i'm", 708) 3 ("it's", 366) 4 ('oh', 312) 5 ('gonna', 204) 6 ('yeah', 175) 7 ('got', 163) 8 ("you're", 160) 9 ('am', 160) 10 ('na', 149) 11 ('wanna', 130) 12 ('hey', 129) 13 ('love', 127) 14 ('feel', 122) 15 ("i'll", 117) 16 ('things', 111) 17 ('really', 97) 18 ("i'd", 97) 19 ('bang', 93) 20 ('girl', 87) 21 ('ever', 86) 22 ("can't", 84) 23 ('better', 78) 24 ("there's", 78) 25 ("she's", 78) 26 ("i've", 75) 27 ('whoa', 74) 28 ('baby', 73) 29 ("that's", 70) 30 ('gotta', 69) 31 ("we're", 68) 32 ("ain't", 63) 33 ("won't", 63) 34 ('cool', 61) 35 ('song', 58) 36 ('away', 57) 37 ('anymore', 56) 38 ('because', 55) 39 ('ya', 55) 40 ('always', 54) 41 ('remember', 54) 42 ('gone', 51) 43 ('guess', 51) 44 ('person', 51) 45 ('woman', 49) 46 ('sing', 49) 47 ('blood', 49) 48 ('stay', 48) 49 ('care', 48) 50 ('into', 47) 51 ('mind', 46) 52 ('whatever', 46) 53 ('jeremy', 45) 54 ("didn't", 45) 55 ('wish', 45) 56 ('feeling', 43) 57 ('ooh', 43) 58 ('cuz', 43) 59 ("you'll", 43) 60 ('ribbit', 43) 61 ('everything', 42) 62 ("you've", 42) 63 ('done', 41) 64 ('nothing', 41) 65 ('fine', 41) 66 ('girls', 41) 67 ('something', 40) 68 ('please', 40) 69 ('hate', 40) 70 ('walk', 40) 71 ('nanana', 40) 72 ('going', 39) 73 ('maybe', 39) 74 ('hear', 39) 75 ('used', 39) 76 ('fall', 39) 77 ('wrong', 38) 78 ('fire', 37) 79 ('rather', 37) 80 ('around', 36) 81 ('shit', 36) 82 ('ba', 36) 83 ('heart', 36) 84 ('leave', 36) 85 ('ah', 36) 86 ('being', 36) 87 ('oh-h', 36) 88 ("he's", 35) 89 ('till', 35) 90 ('fight', 35) 91 ('face', 35) 92 ('la-la-la', 35) 93 ('da', 35) 94 ("let's", 34) 95 ('sure', 34) 96 ('hope', 34) 97 ('nana', 34) 98 ('guy', 33) 99 ('knew', 33) 100 ('wanted', 33) 101 ('shoot', 33) 102 ('em', 32) 103 ('rich', 32) 104 ('together', 32) 105 ('looking', 32) 106 ('myself', 32) 107 ('knock', 32) 108 ('chop', 32) 109 ('makes', 31) 110 ('since', 31) 111 ('whiskey', 31) 112 ('uh', 30) 113 ("they're", 30) 114 ('gimme', 30) 115 ('rick', 30) 116 ('somebody', 29) 117 ('those', 29) 118 ("doesn't", 29) 119 ('red', 29) 120 ('totally', 29) 121 ('hell', 29) 122 ("what's", 29) 123 ('hall', 29) 124 ('die', 29) 125 ('annie', 29) 126 ('bad', 28) 127 ('stop', 28) 128 ("you'd", 28) 129 ('listen', 28) 130 ('mamma', 28) 131 ('la-la-la-la', 28) 132 ('do-do', 28) 133 ('tonight', 27) 134 ('okay', 27) 135 ('hair', 27) 136 ("c'mon", 27) 137 ('roll', 27) 138 ('without', 27) 139 ('michael', 27) 140 ('christine', 27) 141 ('bounty', 27) 142 ('almost', 26) 143 ('another', 26) 144 ('kinda', 26) 145 ('mine', 26) 146 ('rock', 26) 147 ('records', 26) 148 ('music', 26) 149 ('lonely', 25) 150 ('words', 25) 151 ('heard', 25) 152 ('yo', 25) 153 ('madeline', 25) 154 ('says', 25) 155 ('band', 25) 156 ('lots', 25) 157 ('alive', 25) 158 ('god', 24) 159 ('times', 24) 160 ('battle', 24) 161 ('skin', 24) 162 ('dada', 24) 163 ('revolution', 24) 164 ('institution', 24) 165 ('broke', 23) 166 ('talk', 23) 167 ('eyes', 23) 168 ("who's", 23) 169 ('hold', 23) 170 ('burned', 23) 171 ('morning', 23) 172 ('chill', 23) 173 ('pretty', 23) 174 ('car', 23) 175 ('young', 23) 176 ('la-la', 23) 177 ('tired', 23) 178 ('nation', 23) 179 ('friend', 22) 180 ('everybody', 22) 181 ('rehearsal', 22) 182 ('true', 22) 183 ('inside', 22) 184 ('squip', 22) 185 ('ready', 21) 186 ('best', 21) 187 ('understand', 21) 188 ('else', 21) 189 ('lot', 21) 190 ('party', 21) 191 ('ignore', 21) 192 ('bit', 21) 193 ('cut', 21) 194 ('gets', 20) 195 ('sometimes', 20) 196 ("isn't", 20) 197 ('whole', 20) 198 ("everybody's", 20) 199 ('starts', 20) 200 ('feels', 20) 201 ('everyone', 20) 202 ('room', 20) 203 ('dry', 20) 204 ('nice', 20) 205 ('juvie', 20) 206 ('sleep', 20) 207 ('wonder', 20) 208 ('size', 20) 209 ('ass', 20) 210 ('welcome', 20) 211 ('seen', 19) 212 ('weird', 19) 213 ('soon', 19) 214 ('yourself', 19) 215 ('alone', 19) 216 ('flame', 19) 217 ('taking', 19) 218 ('friends', 19) 219 ('enough', 19) 220 ('born', 19) 221 ('lordy', 19) 222 ('hunter', 19) 223 ('relate', 19) 224 ('yai', 19) 225 ('today', 18) 226 ('loser', 18) 227 ('bitch', 18) 228 ('until', 18) 229 ('arm', 18) 230 ('comes', 18) 231 ('dead', 18) 232 ('told', 18) 233 ('ow', 18) 234 ('honey', 18) 235 ('years', 18) 236 ('whack', 18) 237 ("we'll", 18) 238 ('n', 18) 239 ('nerd', 18) 240 ('fell', 18) 241 ('dad', 17) 242 ('pants', 17) 243 ('huh', 17) 244 ('nobody', 17) 245 ('mad', 17) 246 ('getting', 17) 247 ("wasn't", 17) 248 ('scared', 17) 249 ('wait', 17) 250 ('body', 17) 251 ('quite', 17) 252 ('hands', 17) 253 ('ohh', 17) 254 ('hurt', 17) 255 ('deserve', 17) 256 ('ride', 17) 257 ('game', 17) 258 ('survive', 17) 259 ('upgrade', 17) 260 ('free', 17) 261 ('certain', 17) 262 ('wha-oh', 17) 263 ('cigarettes', 17) 264 ('writer', 17) 265 ('bands', 17) 266 ('hunters', 17) 267 ('hang', 16) 268 ("wouldn't", 16) 269 ('age', 16) 270 ('cry', 16) 271 ('sky', 16) 272 ('past', 16) 273 ('behind', 16) 274 ('someone', 16) 275 ('saying', 16) 276 ('black', 16) 277 ('job', 16) 278 ('la', 16) 279 ('fix', 16) 280 ('alright', 16) 281 ('shot', 16) 282 ('bar', 16) 283 ('deal', 16) 284 ('respect', 16) 285 ('dog', 16) 286 ('flicks', 16) 287 ('strong', 15) 288 ("haven't", 15) 289 ('glad', 15) 290 ('next', 15) 291 ('escape', 15) 292 ('fun', 15) 293 ('though', 15) 294 ('promise', 15) 295 ('hide', 15) 296 ('ammonia', 15) 297 ('likes', 15) 298 ('thinks', 15) 299 ('yes', 15) 300 ('nurse', 15) 301 ('looks', 15) 302 ('halloween', 15) 303 ('twice', 15) 304 ('bout', 15) 305 ('sight', 15) 306 ('along', 15) 307 ('forget', 15) 308 ('voices', 15) 309 ('bathroom', 15) 310 ('master', 15) 311 ("shiro's", 15) 312 ('badass', 15) 313 ('rosalie', 15) 314 ('setting', 15) 315 ('road', 14) 316 ('dude', 14) 317 ('brain', 14) 318 ('kid', 14) 319 ('drink', 14) 320 ('means', 14) 321 ('guys', 14) 322 ('bed', 14) 323 ('doing', 14) 324 ('breathe', 14) 325 ('happy', 14) 326 ('scream', 14) 327 ('mistakes', 14) 328 ('anything', 14) 329 ('goes', 14) 330 ('blue', 14) 331 ('pretend', 14) 332 ('social', 14) 333 ('shout', 14) 334 ('geek', 14) 335 ('buddy', 14) 336 ("everything's", 14) 337 ("helen's", 14) 338 ('golden', 14) 339 ('movin', 14) 340 ('st', 14) 341 ("anne's", 14) 342 ('finally', 13) 343 ('choose', 13) 344 ('smoke', 13) 345 ('voice', 13) 346 ('terrible', 13) 347 ('happened', 13) 348 ('pass', 13) 349 ('street', 13) 350 ("couldn't", 13) 351 ('wall', 13) 352 ('instead', 13) 353 ('clear', 13) 354 ('tight', 13) 355 ('damn', 13) 356 ('susannah', 13) 357 ('smile', 13) 358 ('waiting', 13) 359 ('ground', 13) 360 ('remind', 13) 361 ('coolness', 13) 362 ('sad', 13) 363 ("things'll", 13) 364 ('brother', 13) 365 ("it'll", 13) 366 ('somewhere', 13) 367 ('veins', 13) 368 ('cat', 12) 369 ('weather', 12) 370 ('children', 12) 371 ("weren't", 12) 372 ('fucking', 12) 373 ('sorry', 12) 374 ('clean', 12) 375 ('pour', 12) 376 ('different', 12) 377 ('singing', 12) 378 ('coming', 12) 379 ('thinking', 12) 380 ('trying', 12) 381 ('sick', 12) 382 ('bone', 12) 383 ('least', 12) 384 ('lisa', 12) 385 ('nothin', 12) 386 ('dear', 12) 387 ('white', 12) 388 ('hot', 12) 389 ('charlie', 12) 390 ('family', 12) 391 ('door', 12) 392 ('korean', 12) 393 ('dodo', 12) 394 ('c-c-c', 12) 395 ('yours', 12) 396 ('c-c-c-come', 12) 397 ('wants', 11) 398 ('bloody', 11) 399 ('called', 11) 400 ('forever', 11) 401 ('sweet', 11) 402 ('soul', 11) 403 ('swear', 11) 404 ('touch', 11) 405 ('easy', 11) 406 ('days', 11) 407 ('stage', 11) 408 ('across', 11) 409 ('woah', 11) 410 ('crazy', 11) 411 ('town', 11) 412 ('dress', 11) 413 ('top', 11) 414 ('loves', 11) 415 ('rage', 11) 416 ('phone', 11) 417 ('super', 11) 418 ('feet', 11) 419 ('mess', 11) 420 ('penny', 11) 421 ('stars', 11) 422 ('supposed', 11) 423 ('miss', 11) 424 ('college', 11) 425 ('hates', 11) 426 ('quit', 11) 427 ('history', 11) 428 ('cage', 11) 429 ('falling', 11) 430 ('mcfly', 11) 431 ("i'mma", 11) 432 ('played', 11) 433 ('touching', 11) 434 ('band-aids', 11) 435 ('fox', 11) 436 ('thank', 11) 437 ('pitiful', 11) 438 ('covered', 11) 439 ('open', 10) 440 ("they'll", 10) 441 ("we've", 10) 442 ('feelings', 10) 443 ('gun', 10) 444 ('living', 10) 445 ('wow', 10) 446 ('book', 10) 447 ('wonderful', 10) 448 ('blame', 10) 449 ('brooke', 10) 450 ('space', 10) 451 ('slow', 10) 452 ('longer', 10) 453 ('naked', 10) 454 ("he'd", 10) 455 ('star', 10) 456 ('shirt', 10) 457 ('looked', 10) 458 ('i’m', 10) 459 ('standing', 10) 460 ('break', 10) 461 ('lame', 10) 462 ('ten', 10) 463 ('york', 10) 464 ('met', 10) 465 ('dreadfuls', 10) 466 ('mountain', 10) 467 ('push', 10) 468 ('two-player', 10) 469 ('war', 10) 470 ('talkin', 10) 471 ('throw', 10) 472 ('normal', 10) 473 ('hat', 10) 474 ('christmas', 10) 475 ('silver', 10) 476 ('freak', 10) 477 ('mom', 10) 478 ('garage', 10) 479 ('become', 10) 480 ('flesh', 10) 481 ('bastard', 10) 482 ('broadway', 10) 483 ('amphibian', 10) 484 ('outlaw', 10)
15 notes · View notes
bboyplankton · 5 years
2019 Playlist
1. A$AP Ferg & MadeinTYO – Wam
2. Action Bronson & The Alchemist – Arnold & Danny
3. Action Bronson & The Alchemist – Descendant of the Stars
4. Akon feat. Skales – Control
5. Akon feat. Olamide – Scammers
6. Alex Isley – Colors
7. Amaal – Coming & Going
8. Anderson .Paak feat. Andre 3000 – Come Home
9. Anderson .Paak feat. Smokey Robinson – Make It Better
10. Ari Lennox – I Been
11. Ari Lennox – Up Late
12. Ariana Grande – fake smile
13. Ariana Grande – in my head
14. Arin Ray feat. Kehlani – Change
15. Arin Ray - ZZZ
16. Asiahn – Like You
17. Asiahn – NOLA
18. August Alsina – Forever and a Day
19. August Alsina – For You
20. Baby Rose – Mortal
21. Beyoncé, Jay-Z & Childish Gambino feat. Oumou Sangaré – Mood 4 Eva
22. Big K.R.I.T – Blue Flame Ballet
23. Big K.R.I.T – Energy
24. Big K.R.I.T – M.I.S.S.I.S.S.I.P.P.I
25. BJ the Chicago Kid feat. JID, Buddy, & Kent Jamz – Get Away
26. Blackbear – Sick Of It All
27. The Black Keys – Sit Around And Miss You
28. The Black Keys – Tell Me Lies
29. Bobby Sparks ii feat. Robert “Sput” Searight & MonoNeon – The Comanche Are Coming
30. Boogie – Live 95
31. Boogie feat. Snoh Aalegra – Time
32. Burna Boy feat. Jeremih & Serani – Secret
33. Che Ecru – That’s My Baby
34. Ciara – Greatest Love
35. Ciara – Set
36. Ciara – Trust Myself
37. City and Colour – Mountain of Madness
38. Col3trane, DJDS, & Raye – The Fruits
39. Conway the Machine – Half of It
40. DaBaby – Bop
41. DaBaby – Goin Baby
42. DaBaby – Suge
43. Daniel Caesar & Brandy – Love Again
44. Danny Brown – Dirty Laundry
45. Danny Brown – Savage Nomad
46. Dave East – Mama I Made It
47. Dave East – The Marathon Continues (Nipsey Tribute)
48. Dave East – Me & Mines
49. Denzel Curry – Speedboat
50. Devin Morrison – Bussin’
51. Devin Morrison feat. Dahvi – It’s Time
52. DJ Shadow – If I Died Today
53. DJ Shadow feat. Run The Jewels – Kings & Queens
54. DJ Shadow feat. De La Soul – Rocket Fuel
55. Doja Cat – Say So
56. Doja Cat – Streets
57. Dreamville feat. Ty Dolla $ign & Dreezy – Got Me
58. Dreamville feat. JID & T.I. – Ladies, Ladies, Ladies
59. Dreezy feat. Jeremih – Ecstasy
60. E-40 feat. Quavo Roddy Ricch, A$AP Ferg, & ScHoolboy Q – Chase the Money
61. E-40 – Imma Find Out
62. E-40 feat. Redman, Method Man, & Bosko – Keep On Gassin
63. Earthgang feat. T-Pain – Tequila
64. Earthgang feat. Kehlani – Trippin
65. Elhae – fXXX
66. Elhae – I.D.B.I.L
67. Elhae feat. Big K.R.I.T – Sanctuary
68. Emotional Oranges – Someone Else
69. Emotional Oranges – West Coast Love
70. Emotional Oranges – Your Best Friend Is A Hater
71. Eric Bellinger – iPod on Shuffle
72. Eric Bellinger feat. K Camp – Moist
73. Eric Bellinger – Run It Up
74. Eric Bellinger – The Sexy Song
75. Eric Bellinger – Spice
76. Eric Bellinger feat. Chris Brown & OG Parker – Type a Way
77. Eric Bellinger – Undress
78. Esperanza Spalding – Touch in Mine (Fingers)
79. Fabolous feat. Jacquees – My Mind
80. Fabolous feat. Ty Dolla $ign – Ooh Yea
81. FKA twigs – Mirrored Heart
82. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib feat. Killer Mike & Pusha T – Palmolive
83. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib – Soul Right
84. Free Nationals – Lester Diamond
85. Free Nationals feat. Syd – Shibuya
86. Free Nationals feat. Mac Miller & Kali Uchis – Time
87. Future – Crushed Up
88. Gallant – Céline
89. Gallant – Sleep On It
90. The Game – Born 2 Rap
91. The Game feat. 21 Savage – The Code
92. The Game feat. Anderson .Paak – Stainless
93. Gang Starr feat. J. Cole – Family And Loyalty
94. Gang Starr feat. Ne-Yo & Nitty Scott – Get Together
95. Gary Clark Jr. – I Got My Eyes on You (Locked & Loaded)
96. GoldLink feat. WaveIQ – Spanish Song
97. GoldLink feat. Tyler, the Creator & Jay Prince – U Say
98. Griselda – Freddie HotSpot
99. Gucci Mane – Move Me
100. Isabella – Tag
101. Jacquees – Fact Or Fiction
102. Jacquees – Good Lovin
103. Jaden – Got It
104. Jeezy – White Keys
105. Jidenna feat. GoldLink – Babouche
106. Jidenna – Sou Sou
107. Jidenna – Vaporiza
108. Jim Jones feat. Maino & Drama – My Era
109. Jim Jones feat. Cam’ron, Guordan Banks, Benny the Butcher, & Conway the Machine – To Whom it May Concern
110. Joell Ortiz – Jamaican Food
111. Joell Ortiz – Sip Slow
112. Johnta Austin – Breakin Rules
113. Justine Skye – Secrets
114. Kalin White – 4 sexonds
115. Kaytranada feat. GoldLink, Eight9Fly, & Ari Pensmith – Vex Oh
116. Kehlani – Feels
117. Kehlani feat. 6lack – RPG
118. Khalid – Paradise
119. Khalid – Talk
120. Kiana Ledé feat. Jenifer Lewis – Heavy
121. Kiana Ledé – If You Hate Me
122. Kxng Crooked & Bronze Nazareth feat. Tristate & L.A.D – French Connection
123. Kirk Brown – Vibes Up
124. Koffee feat. Jane Macgizmo – Blazin
125. Konshens – Back It Up
126. Konshens – Last Wine
127. Kyle Dion – Hands to Yourself
128. Kyle Dion – Spend It
129. Larry June feat. Premo Rice – Booty Girl Club
130. Larry June – Early Bird
131. Larry June – Organic Smiles
132. Layton Greene – Never Knew
133. Lion Babe feat. Leikeli47 – The Wave
134. Lion Babe feat. Raekwon – Western World
135. Lophiile – Late Ass
136. Lophiile feat. Jesse Boykins III – You’re Gonna Need It
137. Lophiile – You’ve Changed
138. Lucky Daye – Love You Too Much
139. Lucky Daye – Real Games
140. Lyfe Jennings – Baby
141. Mac Ayers feat. Uhmeer – Fears
142. Mac Ayers – Get Away
143. Mahalia – Karma
144. Mahalia – What Am I?
145. Mahalia feat. Ella Mai – What You Did
146. Marc E. Bassy – Crash and Burn
147. Marc E. Bassy – Where We’re From
148. Matt Martians – Movin’ On
149. Maxo Kream feat. Megan Thee Stallion – She Live
150. Megan Thee Stallion feat. Da Baby – Cash S**t
151. Mereba – Stay Tru
152. Moonchild – Strength
153. Murs, 9th Wonder, & The Soul Council - Sin
154. Murs, 9th Wonder, & The Soul Council – Unicorn Glitter
155. Nikki Jean – Driver
156. Nikki Jean feat. Lupe Fiasco – Mr. Clean
157. Papoose feat. DJ Premier – Numerical Slaughter
158. Pardison Fontaine – Money Machine
159. Pardison Fontaine – Under8ed
160. PJ Morton – Kid Again
161. PJ Morton feat. JoJo – Say So
162. Post Malone – I’m Gonna Be
163. Problem Child – Whole Heart
164. Quinn XCII feat. Yoshi Flower – Werewolf
165. Rapsody feat. Queen Latifah – Hatshepsut
166. Rapsody feat. D’Angelo & GZA – Ibtihaj
167. Rapsody feat. Elle Varner – Michelle
168. Raveena – Nectar
169. Raveena – Salt Water
170. Rex Orange County – Always
171. Rex Orange County – It Gets Better
172. Rick Ross – Fascinated
173. Rick Ross feat. Drake – Gold Roses
174. Rick Ross feat. Summer Walker – Summer Reign
175. Rick Ross – Vegas Residency
176. R.LUM.R – Happy
177. R.LUM.R – Lies
178. Roses Gabor feat. Sampha – Illusions
179. Rotimi – Love Riddim
180. Rotimi – Way Gone
181. Sabrina Claudio – Truth Is
182. Sammie – Issues
183. Sara Bareilles – Armor
184. ScHoolboy Q feat. Kid Cudi – Dangerous
185. ScHoolboy Q – Numb Numb Juice
186. Shal Marshall – Mas Forever
187. Shal Marshall – Splinters
188. Shwayze – Rich City
189. Sinead Harnett – Be The One (Interlude)
190. SiR feat. Smino – LA Lisa
191. SiR feat. Kadhja Bonet – New Sky
192. Slum Village feat. Dwele – Call Me
193. Snoh Aalegra – Nothing to Me
194. Snoh Aalegra – Toronto
195. Snoop Dogg feat. Swizz Beatz – Countdown
196. Snoop Dogg feat. Marknoxx – I Wanna Thank Me
197. Snoop Dogg feat. Russ & Wiz Khalifa – Take Me Away
198. Solange – Almeda
199. Solange – Dreams
200. Steve Lacy – N Side
201. Steve Lacy – Playground
202. Summer Walker – Wasted
203. T-Pain feat. Tory Lanez – Getcha Roll On
204. Tayla Parx – Me vs. Us
205. Tayla Parx feat. Joey Bada$$ - Rebound
206. The Teskey Brothers – Rain
207. The Teskey Brothers – Sun Come Ease Me In
208. Tinashe – Feelings
209. Tobi lou feat. Erica Rene & Cam O’bi – That Old Nu-Nu
210. Tobi lou – Waterboy
211. Tori Kelly – Kid I Used To Know
212. Toro y Moi – Freelance
213. Toro y Moi – Ordinary Pleasure
214. Tory Lanez – Blowin’ Mine’s // Leah’s Introduction
215. Tory Lanez feat. Ludacris – The Fargo Splash
216. Trey Songz – Jill (Sumn Real)
217. Trina feat. Rico Love – Water
218. Tryezz – Walnut St. Dub
219. Tsu Surf – Killing Me
220. Tyler, the Creator - Earfquake
221. Tyler, the Creator – I Think
222. Umi – Sukidakara
223. Vedo – Do It Nasty
224. Wale feat. Jeremih – On Chill
225. Weezer – Happy Together
226. Willow – Time Machine
227. Wiz Khalifa feat. Young Deji – Gold Bottles
228. Xavier Omär & Sango – Cry & Lie
229. Xavier Omär & Sango feat. Billy Mercury – Keeping Me
230. YBN Cordae feat. Anderson .Paak – RNP
231. YBN Cordae feat. Meek Mill – We Gon Make It
232. Ye Ali feat. DCMBR – All About You
233. Ye Ali – Rehearsal
234. Ye Ali feat. DCMBR – Show Me
235. Ye Ali feat. DCMBR & Rainy Milo – Songs2Get2GetDrunk2
236. Yelawolf – Box Chevy 7
237. Yelawolf – Unnatural Born Killer
238. Young M.A. – Stubborn Ass
239. Zacari – Midas Touch
240. 2 Chainz – Threat 2 Society
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way-down-meme-town · 4 years
Tootsie (Act I)
Under the cut you will find 124 lyrics from the 2019 musical Tootsie for your enjoyment!
Opening Number 1. “The night is falling on Manhattan and soon the daylight will be gone.”
2. “Anticipation’s all around you as one by one the lights are coming on.”
3. “Your feet wanna fly and your pulse wants to raise ‘cause you’re free and you’re young and you’re in the right place.”
4. “You’re right here. You’re right now. You’re a part of New York.”
5. “Nothing in the world is like the feeling that anything is possible here, even the impossible is possibly possible here in New York.”
6. “Any dream can be a dream come true in New York.”
7. “Underneath the city that is all pavement is a city that’s all heart.”
8. “God, this is exciting. Don’t you feel giddy?”
9. “Alright everybody, let’s all stop the rehearsal again.”
10. “Would my character say the city is all heart?”
11. “Where in the history of the printed libretto does it say any of that?”
12. “My character deserves his truth.”
13. “I am just saying what every other actor on this stage is thinking.”
14. “You want out? You’re out.”
15. “This opening number is benign and dishonest, directed by an inept, derivative hack and this musical sucks.”
16. “Is he an actor? Yes, of course he is. Is he successful? Yes, of course he’s not.”
17. “You won’t see his name on the marquee.”
18. “Sounds to me like you don’t know what the hell you’re looking for.”
19. “He’s feeling victimized and bitter, like nothing good is gonna happen soon.”
20. “The odor of humiliation begins to permeate the room.”
21. “They need someone nicer, someone less reactive. Can you really blame them?”
22. “He’s gonna make it to the top.”
  Whaddya Do 23. “Whaddya do when suddenly you realize the calendar inside your head is running out of pages?”
24. “Whaddya do if you can see the odds are good you’ll never be the person you’ve been trying for?”
25. “Whaddya do when everything you wanted more than life itself is laughing at you?”
26. “Whaddya do? You make it work.”
27. “Whaddya do when everything is happening but everything is happening to everybody but you?”
28. “Are you haunted by the fact all you want to do is sacked and it’s all you want to do until you die?”
29. “I am stuck struggling in the muck, standing here all purpled and perplexed caught in the gap between what the hell just happened and what the hell is gonna happen next.”
30. “Ya got the list of all the hopese and dreams I missed.”
31. “Sometimes I look in the mirror and I am sad at what I see.”
32. “I came to the conclusion there really must be something wrong with all of those douchebags who won’t hire me.”
  What’s Gonna Happen 33. “I know what’s gonna happen.”
34. “I’ll try to go to bed with fear of failure flopping like a fruit bat in my head.”
35. “Which incidentally isn’t half as disconcerting or upsetting as going for a part you know there is no way that you are getting.”
36. “I’m heading downtown for the audition where everything I’m dreading will be coming to fruition.”
37. “Somewhere through the fog of insecurity and hate, I’ll try to convince them that I’m charming.”
38. “They’re gonna throw the book at me ‘cause I’m guilty.”
39. “We hereby sentence you to a lifetime of waiting table and debilitation self-loathing.”
40. “She’s a fake. She’s a phony. She could never win a Tony.”
41. “I now live in a place I know quite well. I’ve left the world and I’ve entered hell.”
42. “I’m this far away from a fainting spell.”
43. “I’m trying to take it slowly.”
44. “I’m trying to be my best.”
45. “I watch a vivid sequence of humiliating instances from my past go by and think what kind of masochist keeps coming back for me.”
46. “No! I know what’s gonna happen. Don’t tell me that I don’t.”
47. “Don’t say that I’ll rise to the occasion cause I won’t.”
48. “I’m smart enough to know that I’m too stupid to admit you can’t survive a diet that consists of eating shit.”
49. “The trick is knowing when it’s time to pack your bags and say that’s it.”
50. “You know what’s gonna happen. I know what’s gonna happen.”
  I Won’t Let You Down 51. “I’ve always imagined that you are the flower and I am the dirt.”
52. “My world spins around you. Whenever you fall I’m the one who gets hurt.”
53. “I give you all I have. Give me one thing in return.”
54. “Have me help you to help me to help you to help me to help you learn that I won’t let you down.”
55. “I’ll be here to play any role you need me to play.”
56. “You give me your trust. I give you my word.”
57. “Nobody sees me and nobody listens and nobody cares, but you know what’s in here. Love and devotion that needs to be shared.”
58. “I won’t let you down because you believe in me, because you’re the one who can see I’m here and alive.”
59. “I won’t let you down cause when I felt empty inside you filled up my cup, you lifted me up.”
60. “I’ll never let you down. I’ll do what you need me to do.”
61. “I promise I’ll always come through. Just call and I’m there.”
62. “Please make the right choice. Remember my voice.”
63. “Just give it some thought. I love you a lot.”
  I’m Alive 64. “I’m alive. I’m alive. Good God almighty, I’m alive.”
65. “Don’t hold your nose. I won’t decompose.”
66. “My world was a dud. Lots of death, lots of blood.”
67. “She was almost dead, but she’s alive.”
68. “What can I say, I got carried away, but now’s a new day.”
69. “Here’s the headline. She’s gonna be mine.”
  There Was John 70. “I was the girl in the bubble at school, behind my own personal wall for protection. I’d sit there alone like a fool. I never was able to make a comeback.”
71. “This life takes everything you give it, like a puppy or a kid.”
72. “He told me he wanted some kids and a wife, and that’s when I realized this is my life.”
73. “Yes, my heart was almost broken but I’d made my choice and I’d make it again.”
74. “Here is me, another dressing room number one thousand and three. Exactly where I should be.”
  I Like What She’s Doing 75. “I like what she’s doing. This might be a thing.”
76. “She’s fun but profound.”
77. “What she’s selling, I’m buying.”
78. “I love that she’s trying. Let’s follow her lead.”
79. “We were flat on our back, but now we’re on track.”
80. “She’ll polish this turd into treasure somehow.”
81. “Well, we got work to do. God knows how we got this far.”
82. “Alright kiddos, it’s your favorite stage manager. Breaks over!”
83. “Everyone else, there is a revised schedule on the board.”
84. “He saw your motionless hair and your avocado figure, and I lost the man I loved.”
85. “To be fair, dear, you did kill the last one.”
86. “Don’t I deserve a chance at a future that celebrates me?”
87. “I love what we’re saying. I’m smiling at last.”
88. “It’s great how we’re playing. I’m having a blast.”
89. “I trust you completely, so does the whole cast. We like what you’re doing.”
90. “She’s got something special that makes you engaged.”
91. “It’s almost electric when she hits the stage.”
92. “I can’t tell you how but, honey, I hope she keeps doing what she’s doing now.”
93. “She won’t take directions. She’s changing the play. She’s like an infection that won’t go away.”
94. “She just wants to fight me. She does it to spite me. I hate what she’s doing.”
95. “She’s bringing up memories I need to forget.”
96. “She’s stealing my girl, she’s stealing my show, and I’m ready to blow all because of that cow.”
97. “Goddamnit! She’s gotta stop doing what she’s doing now!”
98. “If you take her, you better take care of her!”
99. “I will devote my life to her happiness. I love her.”
100. “I like what she’s doing. She’s got so much heart. She’s so friggin’ sexy and so frickin’ smart.”
101. “She’s made me an actor.”
102. “Something was missing and she’s what it was.”
103. “How will I live without you here?”
104. “You have turned this show into a joyous anthem for all women.”
105. “I won’t let you down, because you believed in me.”
  Who Are You? 106. “I can’t escape the feeling I met you long ago in someplace filled with sunlight.”
107. “I’ve never been a needy or romantic guy, falling like a meteor in some poetic starry sky.”
108. “This is a different story, something completely strange. What the hell am I doing?”
109. “It’s nice connecting with someone, somebody I can talk to like someone I’ve always known. Where on Earth were you hiding?”
110. “I think it’s just amazing how fast this friendship has grown.”
111. “It’s felt so long since I was young and running free. I locked myself inside a box, but suddenly there’s the key.”
  What’s Gonna Happen (Reprise) 112. “You’re gonna stand me up and I’ll be staring at the phone, sitting there all dismal and pathetic and alone.”
113. “It never doesn’t happen.”
  Unstoppable 114. “She’s got me flying like a bird.”
115. “Stand aside, cause this girl’s on a roll. She’s unstoppable.”
116. “We got the role! We got the gig!”
117. “Told you before. Show me the door, I’ll kick it down.”
118. “Look out world, cause this girl’s on a roll!”
119. “Nothing and no one, not anything anyone ever can do or say can stop her.”
120. “I’ll be taking the world over soon.”
121. “There’s no mountain these heels can’t climb.”
122. “Nothing on Earth can stop me, cause I’m unstoppable.”
123. “Another sold out house tonight and it is because of you!”
124. “This has turned out better than I ever could have imagined. I love you.”
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virtuemoirdailynews · 5 years
Post Comeback Timeline #02
********************* 2016 ********************
************FEBRUARY 20th COMEBACK ANNOUNCEMENT – Training in Montreal with Marie France Dubreuil and David Wilson ********************
(February 22) – Tessa and Scott training (Komoka)
(February 23) – Tessa and Scott training (Komoka)
(February 24) – travel day to Skate Niagara/dinner
(February 25) – practice day for Skate Niagara
(February 26) – Skate Niagara Ice Show
(February 27 - March 5) Tessa Virtue – Gold Medal Plates – British Virgin Islands Trip
(March 6 ) - Scott (friends and cousin) curling (London)
(March 8) - TVxHB Spring Collection DEBUT
(March 10) - Tessa and Scott spotted (London)
(March 11) - Tessa photo shoot for Best Health Magazine (Toronto) (+) Ice Girls movie premiered on T.V.
(March 14) - Tessa and Scott skating seminar at Sherwood Park Skating Club with Jeremy Ten (Alberta)
(March 18) -  Tessa and Scott at Toi&Moi Cafe (Montreal) also spotted at airport
(March 19) - Scott attends Fire & Ice Charity Hockey Game (Lucan, ON)
(March 23) – Tessa and Scott practice (Komoka) -  Tessa and Scott costume fitting at VAWK (Toronto)
(March 24) – Tessa and Scott at rink (Komoka) -  attends Garth Brooks concert with friends (Hamilton)
(March 25) – Scott spotted at McCabes Pub & Grill (London)
********** Scott’s profile appears with Manifesto ***********
(March 28) – Tessa posts pic from family cottage
(March 29) – Tessa and Scott travel to Worlds (Boston)
(March 30-31) – Tessa and Scott with CBC at Worlds 2016 (Boston)
(April 4) – Tessa and Scott travel to Japan
(April 9-17) – Japan Stars on Ice – OSAKA 9/10 NAGOYA 12/13 TOKYO 15/16/17
(April 18) – Tessa and Scott travel to Geneva
(April 22) – Ice Legends (Geneva, Switzerland)
(April 26) – SOI Rehearsals begin
***********(April 29 - May 21) – Stars on Ice Tour
(April 30) – travel day to Ottawa
(May 1) – Interview with Greg Kolz (Faces Ottawa Magazine)
(May 2) – Scott interview over the phone with FM 1150 Hamilton ****based on PJ Podcast interview spent some time in Montreal****
MAY 6 TORONTO - Podcast Interview with PJ Kwong
(May 9) – Tessa and Scott Elite Skater Seminar (Komoka, Ontario)  - Tessa GCW Kitchens Girls Night Out (St. Thomas, Ontario)
(May 10) – Tessa spotted at a hotel (Kingston) Scott spotted at an airport (Toronto) BOTH spotted that evening in Winnipeg (restaurant likely)
(May 17) – Tessa and Scott golfing in Kelowna with a long time friend at Black Mountain Golf Club // Tessa received white rose arrangements for her bday
MAY 17 – *********** Tessa’s Birthday  ***********
MAY 19 VANCOUVER -  Scott spotted at Original Joe‘s Restaurant for lunch  —-  Announced Lindt #Shareyourexperience Winner
(May 23) – PJ releases podcast interview
(May 25) – Tessa posts about spending time with mom and sister (Bayfield, On)
(May 26 - June 1) – Tessa family time (Bayfield, On)
–around this time Scott traveled with family for Sheri’s wedding in Mexico
(June 1) – Tessa takes over FaulHaberComm’s Instagram (mentions last day of vacation)
(June 2) – Tessa posts moving to Montreal tweet
(June 6) OFFICIAL FIRST TRAINING DAY ***********************
(June 23) – Tessa and Scott spotted at Toronto Airport
(June 24-26) Scott attends Sheri’s wedding in Ilderton and Tessa spends time at her mom’s cottage in Bayfield
(June 27) – Tessa and Scott Skate Canada Testing in Montreal
(June 28) – Tessa announces she is partnering with Dove Canada
(June 30) – Grand Prix assignments are out  -  Tessa and Scott announce they are Canada in a Day ambassadors to be released Sept. 10
(July 1) – Tessa works out with Maria at RevCon (London, On)
(July 2) – Tessa out with friends / Scott at a wedding with family (London, On)
(July 7) – Scott has dinner with Manifesto Sport (Montreal)
(July 9-10) – Scott attends wedding with family (Moncton, NB) Tessa has girls’ weekend with Ana Golja (Montreal)
(July 14) – Day the pic that hangs on the wall was taken during training
(July 19) – Tessa takes dance class with Guillame (Montreal)
(July 21) – Tessa does interview with HuffPost
(July 24) – Scott spotted in Moncton ??
(July 25) – Tessa does FB live chat interview for Dove (Toronto)
(July 26) – Scott announces he is ambassador for the Canadian Tire Campaign #Stepupandstandtall
(July 27) – Tessa announces she is ambassador for the Canadian Tire Campaign #Stepupandstandtall
(July 29-30) – Tessa spends weekend in Montreal
(August 1) – Scott spotted at grocery store in Montreal
(August 4) – Scott visits the Ilderton Skating Club at the Quebec Summer Competition (Montreal)
(August 5) – Tessa and Scott tweet about the Rio opening ceremony
(August 7) – Tessa and Midori hang out for the weekend in Montreal - Scott does a presentation for P2 in Montreal
(August 13) – Tessa and Scott fan pic while training in Montreal
(August 14) – Tessa has a girls’ weekend with Nelly Furtado, Kelly, and friends in Montreal
(August 18) – Scott at The Tragically Hip concert in Ottawa
(August 19) – Scott tweets about being in Eganville - Tessa attends Midori’s wedding as a bridesmaid (Toronto)
(August 20) – Scott attends a Tragically Hip watch party at a hotel with his buddies (mention of him on a camping trip at Madawaska Valley) (Barry’s Bay, Ontario)  -  Tessa does some promotion for Adidas (Toronto)
(August 21) – Tessa on a plane back to Montreal
(August 23) – Tessa and Jordan sight seeing in Montreal
(August 24) – Tessa and Jordan hanging out in Montreal
(August 28) – Tessa strolling around in Montreal
(August 31 - Sept 2) – Skate Canada High Performance Camp
(Sept 1) – Breaking the Ice 2016 gala
(Sept 2) ***** SCOTT’S BIRTHDAY *******
(Sept 2 - 8) – Tessa spends Labor Day weekend at the cottage // proceeds to stay there on vacation (Bayfield)
(Sept 9) – Tessa attends Producers Ball at TIFF (Toronto)
(Sept 11) – Tessa posts at the cottage
(September 17) – Tessa and Scott get interviewed at B2Ten event iDare and attend Grand Rendez-vous de Patinage Quebec Gala (Montreal)
(September 28) – SD Practice for ACI16 (Pierrefonds)
****(Sept 29 - Oct 1) – Autumn Classic International (Montreal)****
(Oct. 3) – Tessa attends Art Series No. 5 at MBMTL (Montreal)
(Oct 7) – Tessa attends Drake Concert with Sister and Michael Tobin (Montreal)
(Oct 9) – Tessa watches Jays game at home
(Oct 10) – Tessa attends Tom Odell Concert (Montreal)
(Oct 16) – Tessa hanging out with Mom, Sister and Michael in Little Burgundy (Montreal)
(Oct 18) – Tessa attends Habs opening game (Montreal)
(Oct 21) – Tessa comments on working on their SD (Montreal)
****October 27-30 Skate Canada International (Mississauga, On)****
(Oct 31) – Scott at a Sports Marketing office (Waterloo, On)
(Nov 2) – Tessa and Scott TSL Skype Interview (Montreal)
(Nov 5) – Tessa attends Museum of Fine Arts Ball (Montreal)
(Nov 8) – Tessa and Scott have dinner with Damian Warner, Derek Drouin and B2Ten at Foxy Restaurant (Montreal)
(Nov 9) – Tessa and Scott pics come out making them officially part of Team Quebec
(Nov 13) – Greg Kolz takes photos of Tessa and Scott training (Montreal)
****November 24-27 NHK Trophy (Nagano, Japan)****
(Nov 30) — Tessa attends a Shoebox Project event (Montreal)
(Dec 4) – Tessa has breakfast in Montreal - Scott spotted at London Airport (attended friend’s memorial)
****December 8-11 Grand Prix Final (Marseille, France)****
(December 18) – Tessa photo shoot for Adidas (Toronto)
(December 24) – Tessa posts about being home for the holidays
(December 30) – Tessa posts being at home / Scott helps out at the Ilderton Skating Club
(December 31) – Tessa at a NYE party with Ana Golja (Toronto)
********************* 2017 ********************
(January 13) – Tessa and Scott filmed footage for Nationals with TSN, later went to dinner with Jamie Reidel (Montreal)
****January 16 -22 Nationals (Ottawa)****
(January 22) – Scott spotted curling (Ottawa)
(January 29) – Tessa out shopping (Montreal)
(February 4) – Moir’s Skate Shop Grand Opening (London)
(February 12) – arrive in PyeonChang
*****February 14 -19 4CC (PyeongChang, South Korea)*****
(February 24) – Tessa and Scott filmed with CBC at the MBAMTL
(February 26) – Tessa attends yoga in Montreal
(February 28) – Tessa and Scott training in Montreal
(March 2) – Tessa and Scott attend Worlds Camp (Kingston, On)
(March 4) – Tessa Adidas Shoot with mom (Toronto)
(March 5) – Getting coffee at a cafe (Montreal)
(March 6) – Worked on SD with Sam Chouin (Montreal)
(March 7) – Tessa posted in Pilates Studio (Montreal)
(March 11) – Tessa posted in apartment (Montreal)
(March 17) – Tessa posted in the gym (Montreal)
(March 20) – Tessa shopping at Attwater Market (Montreal)
(March 24) – Tessa and Scott spotted near Olympic Rink (Montreal)
(March 25) – Last training day in Montreal before Worlds
*****March 29 - April 2 World FS Championships (Helsinki, Finland)*****
(April 3 - 10) – Tessa and Mom in Paris // Vacation
(April 5) – Scott in Ilderton and spotted at bar in London (friendly guy)
(April 7) – Scott radio interview
(April 13) – Tessa at home (London) –Tessa announced an HB giveaway winner
(April 15) – Tessa at the cottage (Bayfield)
(April 18) – Tessa promotes their website is coming soon.
(April 20) – Tessa works out at Revkon (London)
(April 24) – /// Grandpa’s service/// (London)
(April 25) – Tessa and Scott traveling to Montreal
(April 28) – Tessa posts traveling to Chicago from Montreal
(April 29) – Hanging out with Liz Coyles in Chicago
(April 30) – Scott played Hockey for a cause at Centre Bell (Montreal)
(May 2) – Tessa and Scott training in Montreal
(May 3) – Tessa attends Lets Bond at Holt Renfrew (Montreal)
(May 4) – Special Guests: CSOI // Toronto
(May 6) – Special Guests: CSOI // Hamilton (+) Western Ontario Hall of Fame Induction
(May 7) – Special Guests: CSOI // London
(May 8) – Tessa and Scott Acura West commercial shoot (London)
(May 10) – Roundhouse Radio Interview // say they are in Montreal
(May 13) – Tessa and Scott off ice dance practice with Sam (Montreal)
(May 17) – TESSA’s BIRTHDAY - training in Montreal
(May 20) – Tessa posts at the Ritz Carlton Hotel (Montreal)
(May 21) – Tessa running errands (Montreal)
(May 23-24) – Tessa posts balcony remodeling stories
(May 25) – Tessa out and about in Montreal
(May 26) – Grand Prix Assignments announced for 2017-18 Season
(May 26) – Tessa and Angela Curtis attend Illumination Night C2Montreal
(May 27) – Tessa out to drinks with Angela Curtis (Montreal) - Scott is MC at a Family Wedding (Southwold, Ontario)
(May 28) – Tessa posts biking in Montreal (photoshoot with Michael Tobin)
(May 30) – Tessa and Scott at the Gym with Mike Kingsbury (Montreal) - Tessa attends The Weeknd Concert
(June 1-2) – Olympic Media Lab (Calgary)
(June 3) – Olympic Media Summit (Calgary)
(June 5) – Tessa posts video of training with Sam (Montreal)
(June 8) – Tessa posts during training pic with shirt (virtuetomoir) (Montreal)
(June 9) – Scott Livingston posts interview with them on facebook
(+) Tessa and Scott attend Ritz Carlton F1 GP Party (Montreal)
(June 10) – Tessa at Voss World event with Kat Bitove
(June 11) – Tessa and Scott attend F1 Grand Prix (Montreal)
(June 15) – Scott at dinner Jackson Ultima (Patrice, Mitch, Nikolaj) (Laval)
(June 16) – Training Montreal
(June 21) – Tessa at MAC Cosmetics
(June 27-July 1) – Tessa at cottage / Canada Day (Bayfield / Grand Bend)
(July 4) – Tessa and Scott visited by Marnie McBean (Montreal)
(July 7) – Tessa and Scott attend Volta by Cirque du Soleil (Montreal) (+) Scott’s first INSTA STORY *****
(July 8) – Tessa and Scott at Serena Ryder concert ft. Miss Miku for Jazz Fest (Montreal)
(July 9) – Tessa and Scott early biking gym session
(July 17) – Tessa and Scott play hockey with Scott Livingston (Montreal)
(July 18) – Tessa and Scott have dinner at Spanish restaurant with Paola Fraschini and a friend from cirque du soleil (Montreal)
(July 27) – Tessa and Scott have lunch at L’avenue (Montreal)
(July 28) – Scott spotted at an airport
(July 29) – Tessa photo shoot for Hillberg and Berk (Montreal)
(August 2) – Tessa and Scott partnership with VISA
(August 3) – Tessa has dinner with Erica Diamond (Montreal)
(August 5-6) – Tessa at Osheaga music festival (2nd day with Emily Selinger from H&B)
(August 7) – Tessa and Scott at P2 // Tessa at Rogers Cup
(August 11-13) – Tessa and Jordan at the cottage (Bayfield)
(August 15) – Tessa and Scott spotted at London Airport
(August 18) – Tessa and Kelly at Nelly Furtado Concert (Montreal)
(August 24) – Scott with Liam Firus at Moksha Yoga (Laval)
(August 25) – Tessa at Pilates with P2 (Montreal)
(August 27) – ****NEW WEBSITE IS RELEASED****
(August 30) – Skate Canada High Performance Camp
(Sept 2) ***** SCOTT’S BIRTHDAY ******* + spotted at Ottawa Airport
(Sept 3) – Tessa posts being in Montreal apartment
(Sept 16) – Scott sighted in London + Tessa spotted in Toronto
(Sept 20) – Video of Scott and Liam at Moksha Yoga dance class comes out.
****(Sept 21 - Sept 23) – Autumn Classic International (Montreal)****
Sept 25 – Tessa and Sam Chouinard film for a CBC special (Montreal)
Sept 27 – Acura commercial released
Sept 29 - 30 – Tessa and Scott attend the B2Ten retreat with several athletes and Scott Livingston (Mont Tremblant)
Oct 3 – Tessa and Scott speakers for the Marvin Meyers Memorial Fund for Pancreatic Cancer Research // P2Montreal
Oct 6 – Tessa attends Phantom of the Opera show with Sandra Rinaldi (Montreal)
Oct 7 – Scott pictured at MoirsSkateShop (London)
Oct 9 – Tessa and Scott training on Thanksgiving Day (Montreal)
Oct 11 – Tessa posts them training and thanking Adidas for Leafs gear
Oct 13 – Tessa attends Lets Bond (Montreal)
Oct 14 – Suzanne posts about Tessa and Scott surprise visit (Tavistock, On)
Oct 16 – Tessa takes over H&B Instagram account (TS seen training)
Oct 17 – Tessa announces partnership with Bon Look
Oct 21 – Tessa films for CBC Radio #NoLimits at the Art Museum (Montreal
Oct 22 – Scott films for CBC Radio #NoLimits playing hockey + dinner with crew after (Montreal) / Tessa goes to Spa Le Finlandais (Laval)
Oct 23 – Tessa films for CBC #NoLimits in the dance studio (Studio Bizz)
Oct 25 – Tessa and Scott board a plane together from Toronto to Regina
****October 27-29 Skate Canada International (Regina, Sask)****
Oct 30 – Tessa and Scott spotted at the airport
Nov 1 – Tessa and Scott training in the speed skaters’ arena
Nov 2 – Scott with Liam Firus at Moksha Yoga (Laval)
Nov 3 – Tessa filming for CBC at P2 Montreal
Nov 8-9 – NHK Practice
****November 10-12 NHK Trophy (Osaka, Japan)****
Nov 16 – Tessa and Scott + Sam Chouinard filming in a dance studio (Montreal)
Nov 17 – Tessa and Scott last media day before the Olympics. (Montreal)
Nov 18 – Tessa does an interview + Tessa and Scott attend Leafs vs Canadiens hockey game (Katerine Bitove and Mik Kingsbury)
Nov 19 – Tessa posts about new projects (costumes) with Mathieu Caron
Nov 29 – Scott at costume adjustments
Dec 2 – Tessa does photo shoot for Bon Look + Training that evening
****December 7-10 Grand Prix Final (Nagoya, Japan)****
Dec 18 – Tessa and Scott announce partnership with Air Canada at an event (Toronto)
Dec 19 – Tessa back in Montreal
Dec 21 – Tessa attends Cirque du Soleil Crystal premiere (Montreal)
Dec 22 – Sam Chouinard posts with Tessa, Scott and Marie France (Montreal)
Dec 24 – Tessa posts back at home with Jordan (London)
Dec 25 – Scott’s childhood friend posts pic with Scott (Ilderton)
Dec 27 – Tessa posts back in Montreal
Dec 29 – Tessa at pilates
Dec 30 – Tessa and Scott training (Montreal)
Dec 31 – Tessa posts at Atwater Market (Montreal)
********************* 2018 ********************
January 1 – Tessa and Scott spotted at the rink (Montreal)
Jan 3 – Tessa and Scott do a fly by (London)
January 6 – Tessa commercial shoot for Nivea (Montreal)
****January 11-14 CanNatTireFSChampionships (Vancouver,BC)****
January 14 – Figure Skating Olympic Team receives their jackets
January 15 – Tessa x Boonlook line released
January 16 – Tessa and Scott flag bearers announcement (Ottawa)
January 19 – training in Mtl
January 22 – Tessa and Scott working on choreo with Sam
January 24 – Tessa and Scott training in the gym
February 5 – Tessa and Scott leave for Pyeongchang
Feb 26 – Tessa and Scott arrive at London + Scott has family party in Ilderton
32 notes · View notes
Timeline - Post Comeback So Far
********************* 2016 ********************
************FEBRUARY 20th COMEBACK ANNOUNCEMENT – Training in Montreal with Marie France Dubreuil and David Wilson ********************
(February 22) – Tessa and Scott training (Komoka)
(February 23) – Tessa and Scott training (Komoka)
(February 24) – travel day to Skate Niagara/dinner
(February 25) – practice day for Skate Niagara
(February 26) – Skate Niagara Ice Show
(February 27 - March 5) Tessa Virtue – Gold Medal Plates – British Virgin Islands Trip
(March 6 ) - Scott (friends and cousin) curling (London)
(March 8) - TVxHB Spring Collection DEBUT
(March 10) - Tessa and Scott spotted (London)
(March 11) - Tessa photo shoot for Best Health Magazine (Toronto) (+) Ice Girls movie premiered on T.V.
(March 14) - Tessa and Scott skating seminar at Sherwood Park Skating Club with Jeremy Ten (Alberta)
(March 18) -  Tessa and Scott at Toi&Moi Cafe (Montreal) also spotted at airport
(March 19) - Scott attends Fire & Ice Charity Hockey Game (Lucan, ON)
(March 23) – Tessa and Scott practice (Komoka) -  Tessa and Scott costume fitting at VAWK (Toronto)
(March 24) – Tessa and Scott at rink (Komoka) -  attends Garth Brooks concert with friends (Hamilton)
(March 25) – Scott spotted at McCabes Pub & Grill (London)
********** Scott’s profile appears with Manifesto ***********
(March 28) – Tessa posts pic from family cottage
(March 29) – Tessa and Scott travel to Worlds (Boston)
(March 30-31) – Tessa and Scott with CBC at Worlds 2016 (Boston)
(April 4) – Tessa and Scott travel to Japan
(April 9-17) – Japan Stars on Ice – OSAKA 9/10 NAGOYA 12/13 TOKYO 15/16/17
(April 18) – Tessa and Scott travel to Geneva
(April 22) – Ice Legends (Geneva, Switzerland)
(April 26) – SOI Rehearsals begin
***********(April 29 - May 21) – Stars on Ice Tour
(April 30) – travel day to Ottawa
(May 1) – Interview with Greg Kolz (Faces Ottawa Magazine)
(May 2) – Scott interview over the phone with FM 1150 Hamilton ****based on PJ Podcast interview spent some time in Montreal****
MAY 6 TORONTO - Podcast Interview with PJ Kwong
(May 9) – Tessa and Scott Elite Skater Seminar (Komoka, Ontario)  - Tessa GCW Kitchens Girls Night Out (St. Thomas, Ontario)
(May 10) – Tessa spotted at a hotel (Kingston) Scott spotted at an airport (Toronto) BOTH spotted that evening in Winnipeg (restaurant likely)
(May 17) – Tessa and Scott golfing in Kelowna with a long time friend at Black Mountain Golf Club // Tessa received white rose arrangements for her bday
MAY 17 – *********** Tessa’s Birthday  ***********
MAY 19 VANCOUVER -  Scott spotted at Original Joe‘s Restaurant for lunch  ----  Announced Lindt #Shareyourexperience Winner
(May 23) – PJ releases podcast interview
(May 25) – Tessa posts about spending time with mom and sister (Bayfield, On)
(May 26 - June 1) – Tessa family time (Bayfield, On)
–around this time Scott traveled with family for Sheri’s wedding in Mexico
(June 1) – Tessa takes over FaulHaberComm’s Instagram (mentions last day of vacation)
(June 2) – Tessa posts moving to Montreal tweet
(June 6) OFFICIAL FIRST TRAINING DAY ***********************
(June 23) – Tessa and Scott spotted at Toronto Airport
(June 24-26) Scott attends Sheri’s wedding in Ilderton and Tessa spends time at her mom’s cottage in Bayfield
(June 27) – Tessa and Scott Skate Canada Testing in Montreal
(June 28) – Tessa announces she is partnering with Dove Canada
(June 30) – Grand Prix assignments are out  -  Tessa and Scott announce they are Canada in a Day ambassadors to be released Sept. 10
(July 1) – Tessa works out with Maria at RevCon (London, On)
(July 2) – Tessa out with friends / Scott at a wedding with family (London, On)
(July 7) – Scott has dinner with Manifesto Sport (Montreal)
(July 9-10) – Scott attends wedding with family (Moncton, NB) Tessa has girls’ weekend with Ana Golja (Montreal)
(July 14) – Day the pic that hangs on the wall was taken during training
(July 19) – Tessa takes dance class with Guillame (Montreal)
(July 21) – Tessa does interview with HuffPost
(July 24) – Scott spotted in Moncton ??
(July 25) – Tessa does FB live chat interview for Dove (Toronto)
(July 26) – Scott announces he is ambassador for the Canadian Tire Campaign #Stepupandstandtall
(July 27) – Tessa announces she is ambassador for the Canadian Tire Campaign #Stepupandstandtall
(July 29-30) – Tessa spends weekend in Montreal
(August 1) – Scott spotted at grocery store in Montreal
(August 4) – Scott visits the Ilderton Skating Club at the Quebec Summer Competition (Montreal)
(August 5) – Tessa and Scott tweet about the Rio opening ceremony
(August 7) – Tessa and Midori hang out for the weekend in Montreal - Scott does a presentation for P2 in Montreal
(August 13) – Tessa and Scott fan pic while training in Montreal
(August 14) – Tessa has a girls’ weekend with Nelly Furtado, Kelly, and friends in Montreal
(August 18) – Scott at The Tragically Hip concert in Ottawa
(August 19) – Scott tweets about being in Eganville - Tessa attends Midori’s wedding as a bridesmaid (Toronto)
(August 20) – Scott attends a Tragically Hip watch party at a hotel with his buddies (mention of him on a camping trip at Madawaska Valley) (Barry’s Bay, Ontario)  -  Tessa does some promotion for Adidas (Toronto)
(August 21) – Tessa on a plane back to Montreal
(August 23) – Tessa and Jordan sight seeing in Montreal
(August 24) – Tessa and Jordan hanging out in Montreal
(August 28) – Tessa strolling around in Montreal
(August 31 - Sept 2) – Skate Canada High Performance Camp
(Sept 1) – Breaking the Ice 2016 gala
(Sept 2) ***** SCOTT’S BIRTHDAY *******
(Sept 2 - 8) – Tessa spends Labor Day weekend at the cottage // proceeds to stay there on vacation (Bayfield)
(Sept 9) – Tessa attends Producers Ball at TIFF (Toronto)
(Sept 11) – Tessa posts at the cottage
(September 17) – Tessa and Scott get interviewed at B2Ten event iDare and attend Grand Rendez-vous de Patinage Quebec Gala (Montreal)
(September 28) – SD Practice for ACI16 (Pierrefonds)
****(Sept 29 - Oct 1) – Autumn Classic International (Montreal)****
(Oct. 3) – Tessa attends Art Series No. 5 at MBMTL (Montreal)
(Oct 7) – Tessa attends Drake Concert with Sister and Michael Tobin (Montreal)
(Oct 9) – Tessa watches Jays game at home
(Oct 10) – Tessa attends Tom Odell Concert (Montreal)
(Oct 16) – Tessa hanging out with Mom, Sister and Michael in Little Burgundy (Montreal)
(Oct 18) – Tessa attends Habs opening game (Montreal)
(Oct 21) – Tessa comments on working on their SD (Montreal)
****October 27-30 Skate Canada International (Mississauga, On)****
(Oct 31) – Scott at a Sports Marketing office (Waterloo, On)
(Nov 2) – Tessa and Scott TSL Skype Interview (Montreal)
(Nov 5) – Tessa attends Museum of Fine Arts Ball (Montreal)
(Nov 8) – Tessa and Scott have dinner with Damian Warner, Derek Drouin and B2Ten at Foxy Restaurant (Montreal)
(Nov 9) – Tessa and Scott pics come out making them officially part of Team Quebec
(Nov 13) – Greg Kolz takes photos of Tessa and Scott training (Montreal)
****November 24-27 NHK Trophy (Nagano, Japan)****
(Nov 30) — Tessa attends a Shoebox Project event (Montreal)
(Dec 4) – Tessa has breakfast in Montreal - Scott spotted at London Airport (attended friend’s memorial)
****December 8-11 Grand Prix Final (Marseille, France)****
(December 18) – Tessa photo shoot for Adidas (Toronto)
(December 24) – Tessa posts about being home for the holidays
(December 30) – Tessa posts being at home / Scott helps out at the Ilderton Skating Club
(December 31) – Tessa at a NYE party with Ana Golja (Toronto)
********************* 2017 ********************
(January 13) – Tessa and Scott filmed footage for Nationals with TSN, later went to dinner with Jamie Reidel (Montreal)
****January 16 -22 Nationals (Ottawa)****
(January 22) – Scott spotted curling (Ottawa)
(January 29) – Tessa out shopping (Montreal)
(February 4) – Moir’s Skate Shop Grand Opening (London)
(February 12) – arrive in PyeonChang
*****February 14 -19 4CC (PyeongChang, South Korea)*****
(February 24) – Tessa and Scott filmed with CBC at the MBAMTL
(February 26) – Tessa attends yoga in Montreal
(February 28) – Tessa and Scott training in Montreal
(March 2) – Tessa and Scott attend Worlds Camp (Kingston, On)
(March 4) – Tessa Adidas Shoot with mom (Toronto)
(March 5) – Getting coffee at a cafe (Montreal)
(March 6) – Worked on SD with Sam Chouin (Montreal)
(March 7) – Tessa posted in Pilates Studio (Montreal)
(March 11) – Tessa posted in apartment (Montreal)
(March 17) – Tessa posted in the gym (Montreal)
(March 20) – Tessa shopping at Attwater Market (Montreal)
(March 24) – Tessa and Scott spotted near Olympic Rink (Montreal)
(March 25) – Last training day in Montreal before Worlds
*****March 29 - April 2 World FS Championships (Helsinki, Finland)*****
(April 3 - 10) – Tessa and Mom in Paris // Vacation
(April 5) – Scott in Ilderton and spotted at bar in London (friendly guy)
(April 7) – Scott radio interview
(April 13) – Tessa at home (London) –Tessa announced an HB giveaway winner
(April 15) – Tessa at the cottage (Bayfield)
(April 18) – Tessa promotes their website is coming soon.
(April 20) – Tessa works out at Revkon (London)
(April 24) – /// Grandpa’s service/// (London)
(April 25) – Tessa and Scott traveling to Montreal
(April 28) – Tessa posts traveling to Chicago from Montreal
(April 29) – Hanging out with Liz Coyles in Chicago
(April 30) – Scott played Hockey for a cause at Centre Bell (Montreal)
(May 2) – Tessa and Scott training in Montreal
(May 3) – Tessa attends Lets Bond at Holt Renfrew (Montreal)
(May 4) – Special Guests: CSOI // Toronto
(May 6) – Special Guests: CSOI // Hamilton (+) Western Ontario Hall of Fame Induction
(May 7) – Special Guests: CSOI // London
(May 8) – Tessa and Scott Acura West commercial shoot (London)
(May 10) – Roundhouse Radio Interview // say they are in Montreal
(May 13) – Tessa and Scott off ice dance practice with Sam (Montreal)
(May 17) – TESSA’s BIRTHDAY - training in Montreal
(May 20) – Tessa posts at the Ritz Carlton Hotel (Montreal)
(May 21) – Tessa running errands (Montreal)
(May 23-24) – Tessa posts balcony remodeling stories
(May 25) – Tessa out and about in Montreal
(May 26) – Grand Prix Assignments announced for 2017-18 Season
(May 26) – Tessa and Angela Curtis attend Illumination Night C2Montreal
(May 27) – Tessa out to drinks with Angela Curtis (Montreal) - Scott is MC at a Family Wedding (Southwold, Ontario)
(May 28) – Tessa posts biking in Montreal (photoshoot with Michael Tobin)
(May 30) – Tessa and Scott at the Gym with Mike Kingsbury (Montreal) - Tessa attends The Weeknd Concert
(June 1-2) – Olympic Media Lab (Calgary)
(June 3) – Olympic Media Summit (Calgary)
(June 5) – Tessa posts video of training with Sam (Montreal)
(June 8) – Tessa posts during training pic with shirt (virtuetomoir) (Montreal)
(June 9) – Scott Livingston posts interview with them on facebook
(+) Tessa and Scott attend Ritz Carlton F1 GP Party (Montreal)
(June 10) – Tessa at Voss World event with Kat Bitove
(June 11) – Tessa and Scott attend F1 Grand Prix (Montreal)
(June 15) – Scott at dinner Jackson Ultima (Patrice, Mitch, Nikolaj) (Laval)
(June 16) – Training Montreal
(June 21) – Tessa at MAC Cosmetics
(June 27-July 1) – Tessa at cottage / Canada Day (Bayfield / Grand Bend)
(July 4) – Tessa and Scott visited by Marnie McBean (Montreal)
(July 7) – Tessa and Scott attend Volta by Cirque du Soleil (Montreal) (+) Scott’s first INSTA STORY *****
(July 8) – Tessa and Scott at Serena Ryder concert ft. Miss Miku for Jazz Fest (Montreal)
(July 9) – Tessa and Scott early biking gym session
(July 17) – Tessa and Scott play hockey with Scott Livingston (Montreal)
(July 18) – Tessa and Scott have dinner at Spanish restaurant with Paola Fraschini and a friend from cirque du soleil (Montreal)
(July 27) – Tessa and Scott have lunch at L’avenue (Montreal)
(July 28) – Scott spotted at an airport
(July 29) – Tessa photo shoot for Hillberg and Berk (Montreal)
(August 2) – Tessa and Scott partnership with VISA
(August 3) – Tessa has dinner with Erica Diamond (Montreal)
(August 5-6) – Tessa at Osheaga music festival (2nd day with Emily Selinger from H&B)
(August 7) – Tessa and Scott at P2 // Tessa at Rogers Cup
(August 11-13) – Tessa and Jordan at the cottage (Bayfield)
(August 15) – Tessa and Scott spotted at London Airport
(August 18) – Tessa and Kelly at Nelly Furtado Concert (Montreal)
(August 24) – Scott with Liam Firus at Moksha Yoga (Laval)
(August 25) – Tessa at Pilates with P2 (Montreal)
(August 27) – ****NEW WEBSITE IS RELEASED****
(August 30) – Skate Canada High Performance Camp
(Sept 2) ***** SCOTT’S BIRTHDAY ******* + spotted at Ottawa Airport
(Sept 3) – Tessa posts being in Montreal apartment
(Sept 16) – Scott sighted in London + Tessa spotted in Toronto
(Sept 20) – Video of Scott and Liam at Moksha Yoga dance class comes out.
****(Sept 21 - Sept 23) – Autumn Classic International (Montreal)****
Sept 25 – Tessa and Sam Chouinard film for a CBC special (Montreal)
Sept 27 – Acura commercial released
Sept 29 - 30 – Tessa and Scott attend the B2Ten retreat with several athletes and Scott Livingston (Mont Tremblant)
Oct 3 – Tessa and Scott speakers for the Marvin Meyers Memorial Fund for Pancreatic Cancer Research // P2Montreal
Oct 6 – Tessa attends Phantom of the Opera show with Sandra Rinaldi (Montreal)
Oct 7 – Scott pictured at MoirsSkateShop (London)
Oct 9 – Tessa and Scott training on Thanksgiving Day (Montreal)
Oct 11 – Tessa posts them training and thanking Adidas for Leafs gear
Oct 13 – Tessa attends Lets Bond (Montreal)
Oct 14 – Suzanne posts about Tessa and Scott surprise visit (Tavistock, On)
Oct 16 – Tessa takes over H&B Instagram account (TS seen training)
Oct 17 – Tessa announces partnership with Bon Look
Oct 21 – Tessa films for CBC Radio #NoLimits at the Art Museum (Montreal
Oct 22 – Scott films for CBC Radio #NoLimits playing hockey + dinner with crew after (Montreal) / Tessa goes to Spa Le Finlandais (Laval)
Oct 23 – Tessa films for CBC #NoLimits in the dance studio (Studio Bizz)
Oct 25 – Tessa and Scott board a plane together from Toronto to Regina
****October 27-29 Skate Canada International (Regina, Sask)****
Oct 30 – Tessa and Scott spotted at the airport
Nov 1 – Tessa and Scott training in the speed skaters’ arena
Nov 2 – Scott with Liam Firus at Moksha Yoga (Laval)
Nov 3 – Tessa filming for CBC at P2 Montreal
Nov 8-9 – NHK Practice
****November 10-12 NHK Trophy (Osaka, Japan)****
Nov 16 – Tessa and Scott + Sam Chouinard filming in a dance studio (Montreal)
Nov 17 – Tessa and Scott last media day before the Olympics. (Montreal)
Nov 18 – Tessa does an interview + Tessa and Scott attend Leafs vs Canadiens hockey game (Katerine Bitove and Mik Kingsbury)
Nov 19 – Tessa posts about new projects (costumes) with Mathieu Caron
Nov 29 – Scott at costume adjustments
Dec 2 – Tessa does photo shoot for Bon Look + Training that evening
****December 7-10 Grand Prix Final (Nagoya, Japan)****
Dec 18 – Tessa and Scott announce partnership with Air Canada at an event (Toronto)
Dec 19 – Tessa back in Montreal
Dec 21 – Tessa attends Cirque du Soleil Crystal premiere (Montreal)
Dec 22 – Sam Chouinard posts with Tessa, Scott and Marie France (Montreal)
Dec 24 – Tessa posts back at home with Jordan (London)
Dec 25 – Scott’s childhood friend posts pic with Scott (Ilderton)
Dec 27 – Tessa posts back in Montreal
Dec 29 – Tessa at pilates
Dec 30 – Tessa and Scott training (Montreal)
Dec 31 – Tessa posts at Atwater Market (Montreal)
********************* 2018 ********************
January 1 – Tessa and Scott spotted at the rink (Montreal)
Jan 3 – Tessa and Scott do a fly by (London)
January 6 – Tessa commercial shoot for Nivea (Montreal)
****January 11-14 CanNatTireFSChampionships (Vancouver,BC)****
January 14 – Figure Skating Olympic Team receives their jackets
January 15 – Tessa x Boonlook line released
January 16 – Tessa and Scott flag bearers announcement (Ottawa)
January 19 – training in Mtl
January 22 – Tessa and Scott working on choreo with Sam
January 24 – Tessa and Scott training in the gym
February 5 – Tessa and Scott leave for Pyeongchang
Feb 26 – Tessa and Scott arrive at London + Scott has family party in Ilderton
63 notes · View notes
lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
1. What do you like to do in your free time? So what do I do everyday? Tumblr, surveys, watch TV, watch YouTube, eat, sleep... sometimes read and color.  2. Are you more of an indoors or outdoors person? I am an indoors person all the way. The only exception is if I’m at the beach. 3. Who is the most fascinating person you’ve met? Hmm. 4. What was the last book you really got into? Burying the Honeysuckle Girls by Emily Carpenter.
5. What are some movies you really enjoyed? There’s several. 
6. What amazing adventures have you been on? I haven’t really been on any. 7. What pets have you had? Dogs, fishes, hamsters. 8. What’s your favorite alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink? I don’t drink alcohol anymore, so none, but my favorite non-alcoholic drink is coffee.  9. What are you kind of obsessed with these days? My food obsessions come to mind at the moment. My appetite is all over the place and I’m either an endless pit or hardly eating anything at all. Each week is different in terms of that and what I’m into. This past week it’s been breakfast burritos, deli sandwiches, deli pasta salads, and ramen. I also had a really good pizza last week that I’m craving again. 10. Where have you traveled? To beaches, mountainous areas, Disneyland, Arizona, Idaho, Georgia, Mexico. 11. What’s your favorite international food? Italian. 12. Are you a morning person or a night owl? I’m barely a person. 13. What’s your favorite restaurant? Applebees. 14. How many siblings do you have? 2. 15. What would be your dream job? I don’t have one. :/  16. What would you do if had enough money to not need a job? Travel.  17. Who is your favorite author? I have a few. 18. What was the last show you binge-watched? Orange is the New Black.  19. What TV series do you keep coming back to and re-watching? I’ve seen The Golden Girls, Roseanne, and I Love Lucy countless times in syndication.  20. What hobbies would you like to get into if you had the time and money? Hm. I don’t know. 21. If there was an Olympics for everyday activities, what activity would you have a good chance at winning a medal in? Taking surveys. 22. What would your perfect vacation look like? Somewhere involving a beach house and private beach area. 23. Among your friends, what are you best known for? I don’t know. 24. What music artist do you never get tired of? There’s a lot. Well, at least their music itself I never tire of. I may not necessarily keep up with the artist.  25. What are some accomplishments that you are really proud of? I honestly don’t feel proud of myself for much of anything in my current state. It used to be getting my BA, but now not even that because I’m doing anything with it and I really don’t have any plans to. I feel like it was a waste and I’m a total failure and disappointment. 26. What are some obscure things that you are or were really into? *shrug* 27. What are some things everyone should try at least once? I don’t knowww. 28. What fad did you never really understand? There’s been many where I was just like, wtf, why??
29. What’s the best thing that has happened to you this month? Going to the beach last week was great and very much needed. 30. What would your perfect morning be like? I’d be in a house with a beautiful ocean view and I’d be out sipping my coffee on the balcony overlooking said view.   31. Is there any art or artist you are really into? No. 32. What are you always game for? Coffee. 33. What do you do to unwind? Listen to ASMR. 34. What’s your favorite app on your phone? I use YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Kindle app the most. 35. Cutest animal? Ugliest animal? Awwww I think majority of animals are cute.  36. Who is the kindest person you know? One of my nurses. 37. What’s your favorite piece of furniture you’ve ever owned? My bed. 38. Who are your kind of people? People with a good sense of humor. 39. Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever been? Uhhh. 40. What’s the silliest fear you have? I have a lot. Like for one, sometimes when I’m in the shower I get this scary thought about the pipes just bursting. That’s just one of many. 41. What would be the best city to live in? I don’t know. 42. What household chore is just the worst? I’m not a fan of any chore. 43. If you could give yourself a nickname, what nickname would you want people to call you? *shrug* Steph is fine. How original, I know. 44. What odd talent do you have? I don’t feel I have any. 45. If you could give everyone just one piece of advice, what would it be? Just try and be kind and understanding. 46. What would you like to know more about, but haven’t had the time to look into it? Hmm. 47. What country do you never want to visit? Any country where it would be dangerous for me to be in? <<< Yeah, I agree. 48. What wrong assumptions do people make about you? People think I’m “strong” and “brave” and give me way more credit than I deserve. I’m none of those things. 49. Do you prefer to work in a team or alone? Alone. 50. What has been the best period of your life so far? Childhood. 51. How have you changed from when you were in high school? That was over 10 years ago and a LOT has changed. Not for the better, either. 52. How techie are you? Uhh techie enough? I don’t know. I mean, I like the latest phones and laptops and stuff like that.  53. Where is the most fun place around where you live? Nowhere in my city, that’s for sure. You gotta travel out of town to do anything fun. 54. Have you ever joined any meetup groups? No. 55. Where would your friends or family be most surprised to find you? They’d be surprised to find me out at all at this point, ha. 56. What’s the most relaxing situation you could imagine? Lying out on the beach. 57. What is the most beautiful view you’ve seen? Ocean and mountainous views. 58. What’s expensive but totally worth it? For me, it’s my MacBook. 59. When do you feel most out of place? I often feel that way. 60. What’s the most recent thing you’ve done for the first time? I can’t think of something at the moment. My days are very routine and I do the same the things. 61. How did you come to love your one of your favorite musicians? Probably first seeing their music videos on MTV back when they actually played music videos. 62. How did you meet your best friend? She gave birth to me. 63. What small seemingly insignificant decision had a massive impact on your life? I don’t know. 64. Where would you move if you could move anywhere in the world and still find a job and maintain a reasonable standard of living? I’m not sure, but somewhere where it doesn’t get unbearably hot and has actual fall and winters.  65. Would you like to be famous? (If yes, what would you want to be famous for? If no, why not?) No. I don’t want that attention and focus on me. I couldn’t handle it. I hole up at home and have avoided people in my personal life, why would I want people all over all up in my business and judging my every move? No thank you. 66. What did you do last summer? Complain about how hot it was and was dying, mostly. What I do every summer. 67. If you lived to 100, would you rather keep the body or the mind of yourself at 30 until you were 100? What. 68. Before you make a call, do you rehearse what you are going to say? Oh god, yes. I HATE having to make calls.  69. What are you most grateful for? My family. 70. What’s the most essential part of a friendship? Being able to trust them and talk to them about things and enjoying common interests. 71. When was the last time you sang to yourself or to someone else? Yesterday. 72. If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you change about how you live? I don’t like questions like this. 73. When was the last time you walked for more than an hour? Yearssss ago.  74. What did you do for (last holiday)? Or What will you do for (next closest holiday)? We didn’t do anything for Memorial Day. Next holiday is Father’s Day, and we’ll probably go to lunch and/or see a movie.  75. Best and worst flavor ice cream? What would make for an excellent new ice cream flavor? Strawberry or mint chocolate chip.  76. Who’s your favorite actor or actress? Alexander Skarsgard. 77. All modesty aside, what are you better at than 90% of people? It doesn’t have to be useful or serious, it can be something ridiculous. I don’t feel I’m great at anything. 78. What’s the strangest phone conversation you’ve ever had? I don’t know. 79. How much personal space do you need to be comfortable? I don’t want someone all hugged up on me. 80. What’s the most interesting fact you know? I couldn’t choose just one. 81. What fad or trend have you never been able to understand? A lot of them, honestly. 82. Who’s your favorite character from a TV show, movie, or book? I’ll just pick one of the many shows I watch, Riverdale: The main crew, Betty, Veronica, Judghead, and Archie. 83. What TV shows did you watch when you were a kid? Stuff on Nickelodeon, Disney, PBS, and WB Kids. Oh, and the Saturday morning cartoons that came on ABC like Recess and Pepperann. 84. What do you like but are kind of embarrassed to admit? I don’t feel embarrassed about anything I like. 85. What’s your favorite smell? When an attractive guy smells good, oh my. <<< That really is nice. And the ocean/beachy air, rain, patchouli, sandalwood, fruity scents, minty scents, cinnamon, coffee, freshly baked goods and the smells of my favorite foods... 86. What skill or ability have you always wanted to learn? I wish I took piano more seriously back when I used to practice. 87. What’s the best meal you’ve ever had? Recently, it was the pizza I had last week.  88. Where was your favorite place to go when you were a kid? Anywhere with my cousins. 89. What’s the most amount of people you had to present something in front of? Like 30+. Presenting in front of anyone is a nightmare. 90. If you could go back in time as an observer, no one could see you, and you couldn’t interact with anything, when would you want to go back to? Ooh. I’d have to really think about that. 91. What’s something that most people haven’t done, but you have? Hmm. 92. What says the most about a person? How they present themselves. 93. What machine or appliance in your house aggravates you the most? None, really. Unless it’s not working for some reason. 94. What places have you visited that exceeded your expectations? Certain vacation spots and restaurants. 95. If you opened a business, what type of business would you start? I wouldn’t. 96. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a really bad movie. 97. What’s the best road trip you’ve been on? Trip to Idaho back in the summer of 2010. A lot of my family on my mom’s side went and it was really fun. We had no idea it would be the last time we’d see my grandpa before he died the end of that year. It happened really fast. He wasn’t even sick like that when we visited him that summer. At least, he didn’t appear to be. That trip ended up being even more special. 98. If you found a briefcase filled with 1 million in 100$ bills in front of your door, what would you do with it? Check for ID or if anyone has reported it missing. Otherwise, I’d keep it. 99. What’s the worst advice someone has given you? I don’t know. 100. Besides your home and your work, where do you spend most of your time? I’m always at home.  101. If you could have the answer to any one question, what question would you want the answer to? Hmm.  102. What are your top 3 favorite things to talk about? Common interests, celebrity/entertainment gossip, some current event type stuff. 103. What do you care least about? It would seem like myself. 104. Where would you like to retire? I’m not even thinking about that right now. I’m not even working. :X 105. Who is the most bizarre person you’ve met? Uhh. 106. What are people often surprised to learn about you? What happened to me that made me a paraplegic. 107. Would you rather live full time in an RV or full time on a sailboat? RV. 108. What would you do with the extra time if you never had to sleep? I really wouldn’t want that. I want my sleep. I need that escape. 109. When you were a kid, what seemed like the best thing about being a grown up? You think you can do whatever you want. 110. What’s the strangest way you’ve become friends with someone? I can’t think of any strange ways. 111. What’s your go-to series or movie when you want to watch something but can’t find anything to watch? If I can’t find something to watch on TV then I tend to just put it on the ID channel. 112. What were some of the turning points in your life? My accident, surgeries, graduating, health related things. 113. What companies made you so mad that you would rather suffer bodily harm than give them any more of your money? I’ve never been that upset with a company.  114. What small things brighten up your day when they happen? When what happens? 115. What sports would be funniest if the athletes had to be drunk while playing? I still wouldn’t care to watch sports. 116. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done because you were bored? Just sleep. 117. If you could send one letter to yourself in the past without the goal of making yourself rich (no lotto numbers, stock picks, etc.), what age would you choose and what would the letter say? I’d go back to like...high school days and warn myself of some things and tell myself to take better care of myself. 118. How many other countries have you visited? Just one. 119. What’s your favorite band NAME (not necessarily your favorite band)? Panic! At the Disco. I just like the “Panic!” part, ha. And why at the disco? What happened? 120. What do you miss about life 10 or 20 years ago? My life wasn’t ran by my health. 121. What’s your favorite holiday? Christmas.  122. What’s getting worse and worse as you get older? What’s getting better and better as you get older? Worse: health and life. Better: .... 123. Where’s the best place in (your town or city) to have a picnic? I guess a park. 124. What’s your favorite thing to do outdoors? Go to the beach.  125. How often do you dance? Silly/ironic dancing counts. I may bob my head while listening to music. 126. What do you never get tired of? Coffee. 127. What habit do you wish you could start? Better self-care things. 128. What’s the best way to get to know who someone really is? Just spending time getting to know them. Oh, and seeing how they act in public situations.  129. What’s the last new thing you tried? A new type of pizza last week. 130. Who besides your parents taught you the most about life? I’d say experiences have. 131. When are you the most “you” that you can be? In other words, when do you feel most like yourself? At home in my comfort zone. 132. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done? *shrug* I’m not very spontaneous. 133. What’s happening now, that in 20 years people will look back on and laugh about? A lot of things, I’m sure. Like how easily people get all up in an uproar about literally everything. 134. How much social interaction is too much? I can’t handle much. 135. How different do you act when you are with acquaintances vs. people you are comfortable with? I’m just more guarded and aware, I guess.  136. On a weekend or holiday, what’s the best time of day and the best time of night? All the days are the same to me.  137. What are you looking forward to that’s happening soon? Beach trip. 138. What really cheesy song do you love? There’s plenty of those. 139. What’s the worst or best job you’ve had? I’ve never had one. 140. What’s been the most significant plot twist in your own life? I never saw this downward spiral coming after I graduated in 2015. It really went downhill after that. 141. Where did you take family vacations to when you were younger? Disneyland and beachy, touristy places. 142. What’s your go-to funny story? I don’t know. 143. If the company you work for / the college you go to had an honest slogan, what would it be? I don’t work and I’m done with school. 144. If you could instantly receive a Ph.D. in any discipline including all the knowledge and experience that goes along with it, what would your Ph.D. be in? I don’t want one, though. I’m not even doing anything with my BA. 145. How well do you cope when you don’t have your phone with you for an extended period of time? I’m fine. 146. What were some of the happiest times of your life so far? Various times in my life with family, childhood, vacations. 147. Would you rather have an incredibly fast car or incredibly fast internet speed? Incredibly fast internet speed. 148. What are the top three social situations you try to avoid most? Any social situation? ha. 149. What friendship you’ve had has impacted you the most? The friendship Ty and I had. 150. What’s something you’re interested in that most people wouldn’t expect? I don’t know. 151. What’s your favourite quote or saying?
152. If you had the power to change one law, what law would you change? Uhhhh. 153. What’s the hardest you’ve worked for something? My BA degree. Ha. What a waste now. 154. What took you way too long to figure out? My stubbornness caused me a lot of problems. I didn’t think things could get the way they are, but they sure did.  155. What nicknames have you had throughout your life? Steph and Sis. 156. What do you do differently than most people? A lot of things, probably. 157. Where’s the last place you’d ever go? Space. 158. What fact floored you when you heard it? I can’t think, man. 159. If you unexpectedly won 10,000$, what would you spend it on? I’d want to travel for sure. Take me awayyyy. 160. Who is the best role model a person could have? That depends on you and what you’re aspiring to be.
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tanach-929 · 5 years
#216: Shoftim/Judges Chapter 5
929 chapter link: http://www.929.org.il/lang/en/page/216
Mechon Mamre link: https://www.mechon-mamre.org/e/et/et0705.htm
1 Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day, saying: 2 When men let grow their hair in Israel, when the people offer themselves willingly, bless ye the LORD. 3 Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes; I, unto the LORD will I sing; I will sing praise to the LORD, the God of Israel. 4 LORD, when Thou didst go forth out of Seir, when Thou didst march out of the field of Edom, the earth trembled, the heavens also dropped, yea, the clouds dropped water. 5 The mountains quaked at the presence of the LORD, even yon Sinai at the presence of the LORD, the God of Israel. 6 In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways ceased, and the travellers walked through byways. 7 The rulers ceased in Israel, they ceased, until that thou didst arise, Deborah, that thou didst arise a mother in Israel. 8 They chose new gods; then was war in the gates; was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel? 9 My heart is toward the governors of Israel, that offered themselves willingly among the people. Bless ye the LORD. 10 Ye that ride on white asses, ye that sit on rich cloths, and ye that walk by the way, tell of it; 11 Louder than the voice of archers, by the watering-troughs! there shall they rehearse the righteous acts of the LORD, even the righteous acts of His rulers in Israel. Then the people of the LORD went down to the gates. 12 Awake, awake, Deborah; awake, awake, utter a song; arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam. 13 Then made He a remnant to have dominion over the nobles and the people; the LORD made me have dominion over the mighty. 14 Out of Ephraim came they whose root is in Amalek; after thee, Benjamin, among thy peoples; out of Machir came down governors, and out of Zebulun they that handle the marshal's staff. 15 And the princes of Issachar were with Deborah; as was Issachar, so was Barak; into the valley they rushed forth at his feet. Among the divisions of Reuben there were great resolves of heart. 16 Why sattest thou among the sheepfolds, to hear the pipings for the flocks? At the divisions of Reuben there were great searchings of heart. 17 Gilead abode beyond the Jordan; and Dan, why doth he sojourn by the ships? Asher dwelt at the shore of the sea, and abideth by its bays. 18 Zebulun is a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death, and Naphtali, upon the high places of the field. 19 The kings came, they fought; then fought the kings of Canaan, in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo; they took no gain of money. 20 They fought from heaven, the stars in their courses fought against Sisera. 21 The brook Kishon swept them away, that ancient brook, the brook Kishon. O my soul, tread them down with strength. 22 Then did the horsehoofs stamp by reason of the prancings, the prancings of their mighty ones. 23 'Curse ye Meroz', said the angel of the LORD, 'Curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof, because they came not to the help of the LORD, to the help of the LORD against the mighty.' 24 Blessed above women shall Jael be, the wife of Heber the Kenite, above women in the tent shall she be blessed. 25 Water he asked, milk she gave him; in a lordly bowl she brought him curd. 26 Her hand she put to the tent-pin, and her right hand to the workmen's hammer; and with the hammer she smote Sisera, she smote through his head, yea, she pierced and struck through his temples. 27 At her feet he sunk, he fell, he lay; at her feet he sunk, he fell; where he sunk, there he fell down dead. 28 Through the window she looked forth, and peered, the mother of Sisera, through the lattice: 'Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why tarry the wheels of his chariots? 29 The wisest of her princesses answer her, yea, she returneth answer to herself: 30 'Are they not finding, are they not dividing the spoil? A damsel, two damsels to every man; to Sisera a spoil of dyed garments, a spoil of dyed garments of embroidery, two dyed garments of broidery for the neck of every spoiler?' 31 So perish all Thine enemies, O LORD; but they that love Him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest forty years. {P}
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saxafimedianetwork · 6 years
We unearth little-known tidbits of information about the King of Pop Michael Jackson’s life, on what would have been his 60th birthday
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1. He was born in Gary, Indiana. He remains the city’s most famous resident, with Gary never recovering from the loss of its factory industry in the 1960s. That said, it’s also home to Jesse Powell, Kym Mazelle and Sista Monica Parker.
2. His parents had musical ambitions of their own. Mother Katherine Jackson played the clarinet and piano, and aspired to be a country and western singer. Father Joe was a guitarist and made extra cash performing in local R’n’B bands.
3. His first public performance was in 1963. When he was 5 he sang Shirley Bassey’s Climb Ev’ry Mountain at a public event organized by Garnett Elementary School’s Kindergarten.
4. His father was the first to notice the talent in his children. He would invite music executives to the family home, where The Jacksons would audition in the living room.
5. James Brown was his major inspiration. The late Godfather of Soul inspired Jackson to hit the stage. Speaking at his public funeral in 2007, Jackson recalled how, “Ever since I was a small child, no more than like 6 years old, my mother would wake me no matter what time it was, if I was sleeping, no matter what I was doing, to watch the television to see the master at work.”
6. He made his recording debut at 9 years old. It was on Big Boy by The Jackson 5, which was released by a small label in January 1968. It didn’t sell in large numbers, but it was enough to notify the major labels that these kids had talent.
7. His love for books began as a young teen. His early favorites were Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving and The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. He reportedly amassed a library of more than 10,000 books.
8. His relationship with his sister La Toya was based on their love of practical jokes. His favorite was tormenting her with fake spiders and tarantulas. He would place a suspect creature on the phone in La Toya’s bedroom and would then call her and wait for her scream.
9. He began touring as an 8-year-old. As part of the first run of shows in America’s Midwest, The Jackson 5 supported soul legends Etta James, Gladys Knight and Sam & Dave.
10. He was never particularly fond of his voice during early recordings with The Jackson 5. Despite the acclaim, he would often lament the high pitch of his voice in later interviews, describing it as similar to that of Minnie Mouse.
11. It could have been The Jackson 6. Nearly 18 months before he was born, his mother gave birth to a set of twins, Marlon and Brandon. As a result of a severely premature pregnancy, Marlon survived but Brandon passed away 24 hours later.
12. Berry Gordy initially wasn’t a fan of Michael and his brothers. The star-maker and head of Motown Records dismissed the idea of signing them to his label, preferring to focus on Stevie Wonder. But he was eventually convinced to give them a shot and he signed them up in 1969.
13. You may not know her name, but Suzanne de Passe had a big role in his artistic development. She was assigned as a mentor and stylist to The Jackson 5 after they joined Motown. That relationship extended to Michael’s solo career, and she was the first one to see him rehearse the iconic dance The Moonwalk in 1983.
14. The Jackson 5’s global hit I Want You Back in 1969, was originally written for Gladys Knight and The Pips and Diana Ross. What’s unusual about the song is that the lovelorn lyrics are sung by Michael, who was barely in his teens at the time.
15. ABC is the first of Jackson’s songs that 50 Cent recalls hearing. Speaking to NME in 2015, the rapper said the track was responsible for him becoming a fan. “I’ve always loved MJ, so I guess it was probably a good place to start music: right here, with the ABCs.”
16. He broke barriers from a young age. When he was a 12-year-old with The Jackson 5, the group became the first black male group to release four back-to-back chart-toppers with 1969’s I Want You Back and 1970’s ABC, The Love You Save and I’ll Be There.
17. There was solo life before Off the Wall. For many, Michael arrived with 1979’s Off the Wall, but he released his debut solo album, Got to Be There, in 1972. It was a solid collection of soul and pop, with covers of Leon Ware’s I Wanna Be Where You Are and Bill Withers’s Ain’t no Sunshine.
18. He won his first and only Golden Globe in 1972. For Ben, a song he wrote for the 1972 horror film of the same name.
19. He always had his ear to the clubs. Jackson was a frequent visitor to the legendary New York City club Studio 54, where he was exposed to beat-boxing, which was an early harbinger to the upcoming hip-hop movement. He went on to incorporate the vocal technique into many of his future songs.
20. His first venture into film was The Wiz. He starred as a scarecrow in the title role of The Wiz, an adaptation of The Wizard of Oz. The film was horrible, but it was here he struck up a life-changing partnership with Quincy Jones, who went on to produce his biggest albums.
21. Quincy Jones nicknamed him “Smelly”. This was during their time on The Wiz. “I used to call Michael ‘Smelly’, because he wouldn’t say ‘funky’. He’d say ‘smelly jelly’.”
22. He broke his nose in 1979 during dance practice. He then consulted Hollywood favorite Dr Steven Hoefflin who reportedly performed Jackson’s first rhinoplasty.
23. He only worked with the best. In addition to enlisting Jones to produce the 1979 blockbuster album Off the Wall, the songwriters who helped him on the record included none other than Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder.
24. Unlike many of his peers, Jackson hated singing from a sheet. While recording Off the Wall, he spent the evenings learning lyrics and harmonies, and would arrive at the studio the next day singing them off by heart.
25. Prince visited him during the Off the Wall sessions. Speaking to The National, Quincy Jones recalled how Prince arrived “into the studio like a deer in the headlight – clothes and shirt off – but he was always competing with Michael”.
26. He was the only musical mind behind one of his biggest hits. Off the Wall was full of songwriting collaborations, but Jackson was solely responsible for one of its biggest tracks, Don’t Stop ’Til You Get Enough. He decided to write the song after constantly humming the melody at home.
27. The change on 1979 single Rock with You. It was originally called I Want to Eat You Up, but that was deemed too risque for Jackson’s heartthrob image.
28. Off the Wall was almost a hit for Karen Carpenter. The hit title track from Off the Wall was originally written for the late Karen Carpenter’s debut solo album. She declined to use it and Jackson made it a top 10 hit instead.
29. The tears in She’s Out of My Life are real. Jackson would break down in tears at the end of each studio take. “We recorded about – I don’t know – 8 to 11 takes, and every one at the end, he just cried,” producer Quincy Jones said. “I said, ‘Hey – that’s supposed to be, leave it on there.’”
30. Jackson surrounded himself with talent in both the studio and the boardroom. With Off the Wall he secured the game-changing royalty rate of 37 cents wholesale per sale. It went on to sell more than 20 million copies.
31. Thriller was a blockbuster fueled by frustration. Despite big sales and critical acclaim, he was irked that Off The Wall didn’t win the Grammy Award for Record of the Year. “It was totally unfair that it didn’t get Record of the Year and it can never happen again,” he told manager John Branca. Thriller went on to win a record-breaking eight Grammys in 1984.
32. Billie Jean doesn’t exist. Despite being the subject of one of his biggest hits, the woman – who in the 1983 song admits she is carrying Jackson’s unborn son – is pure fiction. “The girl in the song is a composite of people my brothers have been plagued with over the years,” Jackson wrote in his memoir Moonwalker.
33. Billie Jean was the first video by an African-American artist to air on MTV. The video revealed Jackson’s new look of a leather suit, pink shirt, red bow tie and his signature single white glove. It was a style copied by kids throughout the United States. It caused one school, New Jersey’s Bound Brook High, to ban students from coming to class wearing white gloves.
34. Jackson introduced his famous Moonwalk in 1983. It was during a live performance of Billie Jean for the Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever concert special. He was taught the move by veteran dancer Jeffrey Daniel, who went on to be hired as Jackson’s co-choreographer.
35. Jackson was a music investor from 1983. He bought the rights to select music from funk pioneers Sly and the Family Stone, and the iconic Dion DiMucci songs The Wanderer and Run Around Sue, before landing the rights to the 4,000 song catalogue of ATV Music Publishing, which included the lion’s share of The Beatles’ songs.
36. Jackson’s Beat It was a fiery single … literally. When Eddie Van Halen recorded his blistering solo, the sound of his guitar caused one of the studio speakers to catch fire.
37. The gritty music video for Beat It was a landmark production. The lavish production cost US$100,000 (Dh367,250) at the time. It was set in Los Angeles’ Skid Row and featured up to 80 real-life gang members from the notorious street gangs the Crips and the Bloods.
38. Toto were heavily involved in the making of Thriller. Keyboardist Steve Porcaro co-wrote Human Nature, and Steve Lukather contributed rhythm guitar on Beat It.
39. Thriller was almost Star Light. The lyric “thriller” in the track of the same name was originally “star light”. The decision to change it was down to marketing appeal.
40. PYT (Pretty Young Thing) was never performed live by Jackson. Despite being a well-received single from the Thriller album, the star never featured the song in any of his live sets.
41. Thriller was included in the Library of Congress’ National Recording Registry. The music video for the title track was also placed in the National Film Preservation Board’s National Film Registry of “culturally, historically or aesthetically significant films”.
42. It was with his seventh album, 1987’s Bad that Jackson really came into his own as a songwriter. He wrote nine of the 11 tracks and co-produced the album with Quincy Jones.
43. The title track for the Bad album was supposed to be a duet with Prince. But the latter walked away from it due to the opening line “Your butt is mine”. “Now, who is going to sing that to whom? Cause [he] sure ain’t singing that to me, and I sure ain’t singing it to [him],” Prince said in a TV interview with American comedian Chris Rock.
44. The smooth 1987 ballad I Just Can’t Stop Loving You is a duet with singer Siedah Garrett. She was the third choice after Barbra Streisand and Whitney Houston rejected the offer.
45. The Way You Make Me Feel was his mother’s request. Jackson wrote this track after his mum asked him to write something with a “shuffling kind of rhythm”.
46. Man in the Mirror is one of the few music videos he is hardly in. Other than appearing at the end standing in a crowd, the video is a montage of major events and historical figures.
47. His Superbowl XXVII half-time show in 1993 was game-changing. His pyrotechnics-laced four-song set was watched more than the game itself. It has set the standard for half-time shows ever since.
48. Michael Jackson’s 1991 album Dangerous was hot property. Five days before its release, three armed men broke into a music warehouse in Los Angeles and stole 30,000 copies.
49. The explosive video for Black or White was directed by Hollywood stalwart John Landis. It starred an 11-year-old Macaulay Culkin fresh from his starring role in Home Alone.
50. The music video to Scream was, at the time, in 1995, the most expensive ever produced. It had a US$7m budget. The menacing and arty video starred Jackson and his sister Janet.
51. Even when he wasn’t trying, Michael Jackson broke records. His album Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix, released in 1997, remains the bestselling remix album of all time, with more than six million copies sold, after virtually no promotion.
52. Jackson consistently mixed music with charity work. He was behind a series of Michael and Friends concerts in Germany and Korea, which featured performers such as tenors Luciano Pavarotti and Andrea Bocelli, as well as rockers Slash and The Scorpions. The money raised went to the non-profit organization War Child.
53. Jackson’s final studio album Invincible was the bestselling album of 2001, despite moderate reviews. It features the song Unbreakable, which had, until then, the unreleased vocals by slain rapper The Notorious BIG.
54. After years of scandals and court cases, Jackson re-emerged on the music stage by announcing his final live tour This Is It. The first 10 shows alone, to be held at London’s O2 Arena in the summer of 2009, would have netted him £50m (Dh236.49m). The residency was extended to 50 shows, but the tour was cancelled following his death on June 25, 2009.
55. This Is It was his first posthumous release. With the This Is It tour abandoned after Jackson’s death, the tour’s title track became the first of many posthumous releases. The song was originally written in the 1980s by Paul Anka.
56. The secrecy of Xscape. Michael Jackson’s second posthumous album, released on May 13, 2014, was such a big deal that journalists were invited to secret listening sessions around the world days before its release. The session for this region was held at Dubai’s now-closed Qbara restaurant.
57. The life and times of Michael Jackson were discussed in detail at the inaugural Dubai Music Week in 2013. It featured a sold-out special panel session on Jackson’s career featuring producer Quincy Jones and other collaborators, the late Rod Temperton (via live video feed) and singer Siedah Garrett.
58. Abu Dhabi and China were discussed as possible sites for the world’s first Jackson family-themed hotel called Jermajesty. Speaking exclusively to The National in 2013, Jermaine Jackson said he was looking at Yas Island as a possible site for the hotel, which would be filled with Jackson family memorabilia. Nothing has been built as yet.
Read also: Jermaine says Michael Jackson was on the verge of converting to Islam
59. To celebrate Michael Jackson’s 60th birthday today (August 29), a large street party was held in New York City last Saturday to celebrate his life. It was organized by the director, and his collaborator, Spike Lee.
60. It is only fitting that the Apollo Theater in New York is hosting its legendary Amateur Night today. It was on the same stage that, in 1967, The Jackson 5 launched their career.
60 Things You May Not Have Known About Michael Jackson
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
UK could help fund jail in Albania for offenders transferred from British prisons
UK could help fund jail in Albania for offenders transferred from British prisons
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The UK could help finance the construction of a prison in Albania to house offenders sent back to the country from British jails.
Albanians make up the largest foreign national group in UK jails, with more than 1,500 behind bars in England and Wales making up around 10 per cent of total inmates from overseas.
British and Albanian justice ministers Chris Philp and Etilda Gjonaj last week approved a prisoner transfer agreement that will allow offenders from either side to be sent back to their home countries to serve out their full sentences.
But Ms Gjonaj revealed in an interview with the west Balkan country’s media that the discussions also touched on the possibility of financial assistance from London to house returned felons – many of them convicted of involvement with criminal gangs active in drug-smuggling and people trafficking.
With very few UK nationals in Albanian prisons, the transfer of offenders is likely to be largely one-way, and Tirana is understood to be concerned about the additional financial burden that the arrangement could create.
Ms Gjonaj told an interviewer that British ministers “welcomed my proposal for the UK to build a prison in Albania or renovate an existing prison”.
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Discussions are understood to be at an early stage, and the Ministry of Justice declined to confirm or deny whether the proposal was raised in last week’s talks.
But an offer of financial help would not be unprecedented.
In 2015, David Cameron offered Jamaica around £25m from the UK’s aid budget to part-fund a prison for offenders returned from Britain, though the deal was eventually rejected by the administration in Kingston. Since then, discussions have taken place with Nigeria about funding for a jail in Lagos, though again the proposal came to nothing.
Under the terms of last week’s agreement, Albanian authorities will have to foot the bill for housing returned offenders in its own jails, saving the UK taxpayer an average £44,600 per inmate.
Mr Philp, said: “We are committed to removing foreign criminals who have abused our hospitality and inflicted misery on our communities.
“Someone who commits a serious crime in the UK should be barred from returning so that the taxpayer no longer has to pay for them and victims can be confident justice has been done.”
No legislation is required to put the agreement into effect, and ministers expect transfers under the scheme to begin in the autumn.
Since January 2019, the UK has removed 7,985 foreign national offenders from prisons, immigration removal centres and the community.
The deal with Albania builds on an earlier agreement and means that offenders must spend at least the same amount of time in custody as they were sentenced to by a judge in the UK.
It also clarifies that prisoners can be transferred without their consent.
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#CountryPopulation (2020)Land Area (Km²)Density (P/Km²)1Afghanistan38,928,346652,860602Albania2,877,79727,4001053Algeria43,851,0442,381,740184Andorra77,2654701645Angola32,866,2721,246,700266Antigua and Barbuda97,9294402237Argentina45,195,7742,736,690178Armenia2,963,24328,4701049Australia25,499,8847,682,300310Austria9,006,39882,40910911Azerbaijan10,139,17782,65812312Bahamas393,24410,0103913Bahrain1,701,5757602,23914Bangladesh164,689,383130,1701,26515Barbados287,37543066816Belarus9,449,323202,9104717Belgium11,589,62330,28038318Belize397,62822,8101719Benin12,123,200112,76010820Bhutan771,60838,1172021Bolivia11,673,0211,083,3001122Bosnia and Herzegovina3,280,81951,0006423Botswana2,351,627566,730424Brazil212,559,4178,358,1402525Brunei 437,4795,2708326Bulgaria6,948,445108,5606427Burkina Faso20,903,273273,6007628Burundi11,890,78425,68046329Côte d'Ivoire26,378,274318,0008330Cabo Verde555,9874,03013831Cambodia16,718,965176,5209532Cameroon26,545,863472,7105633Canada37,742,1549,093,510434Central African Republic4,829,767622,980835Chad16,425,8641,259,2001336Chile19,116,201743,5322637China1,439,323,7769,388,21115338Colombia50,882,8911,109,5004639Comoros869,6011,86146740Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)5,518,087341,5001641Costa Rica5,094,11851,06010042Croatia4,105,26755,9607343Cuba11,326,616106,44010644Cyprus1,207,3599,24013145Czechia (Czech Republic)10,708,98177,24013946Democratic Republic of the Congo89,561,4032,267,0504047Denmark5,792,20242,43013748Djibouti988,00023,1804349Dominica71,9867509650Dominican Republic10,847,91048,32022551Ecuador17,643,054248,3607152Egypt102,334,404995,45010353El Salvador6,486,20520,72031354Equatorial Guinea1,402,98528,0505055Eritrea3,546,421101,0003556Estonia1,326,53542,3903157Eswatini (fmr. 'Swaziland')1,160,16417,2006758Ethiopia114,963,5881,000,00011559Fiji896,44518,2704960Finland5,540,720303,8901861France65,273,511547,55711962Gabon2,225,734257,670963Gambia2,416,66810,12023964Georgia3,989,16769,4905765Germany83,783,942348,56024066Ghana31,072,940227,54013767Greece10,423,054128,9008168Grenada112,52334033169Guatemala17,915,568107,16016770Guinea13,132,795245,7205371Guinea-Bissau1,968,00128,1207072Guyana786,552196,850473Haiti11,402,52827,56041474Holy See80102,00375Honduras9,904,607111,8908976Hungary9,660,35190,53010777Iceland341,243100,250378India1,380,004,3852,973,19046479Indonesia273,523,6151,811,57015180Iran83,992,9491,628,5505281Iraq40,222,493434,3209382Ireland4,937,78668,8907283Israel8,655,53521,64040084Italy60,461,826294,14020685Jamaica2,961,16710,83027386Japan126,476,461364,55534787Jordan10,203,13488,78011588Kazakhstan18,776,7072,699,700789Kenya53,771,296569,1409490Kiribati119,44981014791Kuwait4,270,57117,82024092Kyrgyzstan6,524,195191,8003493Laos7,275,560230,8003294Latvia1,886,19862,2003095Lebanon6,825,44510,23066796Lesotho2,142,24930,3607197Liberia5,057,68196,3205398Libya6,871,2921,759,540499Liechtenstein38,128160238100Lithuania2,722,28962,67443101Luxembourg625,9782,590242102Madagascar27,691,018581,79548103Malawi19,129,95294,280203104Malaysia32,365,999328,55099105Maldives540,5443001,802106Mali20,250,8331,220,19017107Malta441,5433201,380108Marshall Islands59,190180329109Mauritania4,649,6581,030,7005110Mauritius1,271,7682,030626111Mexico128,932,7531,943,95066112Micronesia115,023700164113Moldova4,033,96332,850123114Monaco39,242126,337115Mongolia3,278,2901,553,5602116Montenegro628,06613,45047117Morocco36,910,560446,30083118Mozambique31,255,435786,38040119Myanmar (formerly Burma)54,409,800653,29083120Namibia2,540,905823,2903121Nauru10,82420541122Nepal29,136,808143,350203123Netherlands17,134,87233,720508124New Zealand4,822,233263,31018125Nicaragua6,624,554120,34055126Niger24,206,6441,266,70019127Nigeria206,139,589910,770226128North Korea25,778,816120,410214129North Macedonia2,083,37425,22083130Norway5,421,241365,26815131Oman5,106,626309,50016132Pakistan220,892,340770,880287133Palau18,09446039134Palestine State5,101,4146,020847135Panama4,314,76774,34058136Papua New Guinea8,947,024452,86020137Paraguay7,132,538397,30018138Peru32,971,8541,280,00026139Philippines109,581,078298,170368140Poland37,846,611306,230124141Portugal10,196,70991,590111142Qatar2,881,05311,610248143Romania19,237,691230,17084144Russia145,934,46216,376,8709145Rwanda12,952,21824,670525146Saint Kitts and Nevis53,199260205147Saint Lucia183,627610301148Saint Vincent and the Grenadines110,940390284149Samoa198,4142,83070150San Marino33,93160566151Sao Tome and Principe219,159960228152Saudi Arabia34,813,8712,149,69016153Senegal16,743,927192,53087154Serbia8,737,37187,460100155Seychelles98,347460214156Sierra Leone7,976,98372,180111157Singapore5,850,3427008,358158Slovakia5,459,64248,088114159Slovenia2,078,93820,140103160Solomon Islands686,88427,99025161Somalia15,893,222627,34025162South Africa59,308,6901,213,09049163South Korea51,269,18597,230527164South Sudan11,193,725610,95218165Spain46,754,778498,80094166Sri Lanka21,413,24962,710341167Sudan43,849,2601,765,04825168Suriname586,632156,0004169Sweden10,099,265410,34025170Switzerland8,654,62239,516219171Syria17,500,658183,63095172Tajikistan9,537,645139,96068173Tanzania59,734,218885,80067174Thailand69,799,978510,890137175Timor-Leste1,318,44514,87089176Togo8,278,72454,390152177Tonga105,695720147178Trinidad and Tobago1,399,4885,130273179Tunisia11,818,619155,36076180Turkey84,339,067769,630110181Turkmenistan6,031,200469,93013182Tuvalu11,79230393183Uganda45,741,007199,810229184Ukraine43,733,762579,32075185United Arab Emirates9,890,40283,600118186United Kingdom67,886,011241,930281187United States of America331,002,6519,147,42036188Uruguay3,473,730175,02020189Uzbekistan33,469,203425,40079190Vanuatu307,14512,19025191Venezuela28,435,940882,05032192Vietnam97,338,579310,070314193Yemen29,825,964527,97056194Zambia18,383,955743,39025195Zimbabwe14,862,924386,85038
Many of these files contain several different versions of the same song.
1913 Massacre (Carnegie Chapter Hall, Oct 4, 1961)
20/20 Vision (Austin, 25 October 1991. One-off)
A Change Is Gonna Come (28 March 2004, Apollo Theatre)
A Couple More Years (from the film Hearts of Fire, 1987)
A Satisfied Mind (Philadelphia, Nov 9, 1999)
Abandoned Love ('Bitter end' version, 1975)
Abraham, Martin and John (1980-81)
Accidentally Like A Martyr (Warren Zevon. Fall 2002)
Acne (Riverside Church, Jul 29, 1961, w/Ramblin' Jack Elliott)
Across the Borderline (Mountain View, CA Aug 5 1986)
Ain't A-Gonna Grieve (Witmark Demo, Aug 1963)
Ain't Gonna Go To Hell For Anybody (1980 tours)
Ain't No More Cane (Gaslight II, lat Oct 1962)
All My Tomorrows (July 1, 1986, Clarkston, Michigan. One-off)
All Over You (From the Witmark Demos, 1963)
All you have to do is dream (Basement outtake, 1967)
Almost Done (Verona rehearsal tape, 1984)
Am I Your Stepchild? (Various, 1978 Fall Tour)
Answer Me (a few performances, Fall 1991)
Answerphone Message (Malibu, 1975)
Any Way You Want Me (Sony Studios, Sept 30, 1994)
Baby, Please Don't Go (Freewheelin' outtake, Apr 25, 1962)
Back Door Blues (the 'Banjo Tape' with Happy Traum, Feb 8 1963)
Ballad For A Friend (Leed Music demo, Jan 1962)
The Ballad Of Donald White (var. occasions 1962)
Ballad of the Gliding Swan (Madhouse on Castle Street, Dec. 1962)
Band Of The Hand (soundtrack, 1986)
Black Cross (Hezekiah Jones) (Gaslight III, late oct 1962)
Black Muddy River(Apr 6, 1992)
Blessed is the Name (var. 1979-80)
Blowin' in the Wind (several versions)
Blue Bonnet Girl (live, 2000)
Bob Dylan's New Orleans Rag (NY Town Hall, Apr 12 1963)
Bonnie Ship The Diamond (Basement song, 1967)
Boom Boom Mancini (by Warren Zevon. Fall 2002)
Bound To Lose, Bound To Win (Witmark Demo, early 1963)
I Can't Get You Off Of My Mind (from the Hank Williams tribute album Timeless (2001)
Carrying a Torch (by Van Morrison; Fall 2002)
Catskill Serenade (Bromberg sessions, early/mid June 1992)
A Change Is Gonna Come (28 March 2004, Apollo Theatre)
City of Gold (unreleased, played live 1980-1981)
Cocaine Blues (Gaslight II 1962/St Johns March 1 1997)
Coming From the Heart (The Road is Long) (Street Legal outtake, 1978)
Confidential To Me (Toad's Place, 1990; Dayton OH, 1991)
Cover Down, Break Through (Spring 1980)
Crazy Love (duet with Van Morrison, June 27, 1989, Athens)
Cross The Green Mountain (Gods And Generals, soundtrack, 2003)
Cuban Missile Crisis (Broadside sessions, March 1963)
Cuckoo Is A Pretty Bird (Gaslight II, late Oct 1962)
Dark As A Dungeon (Various, Rolling Thunder Revue I, 1975)
Dear Mrs. Roosevelt (Woody Guthrie Tribute concert, Jan 1968)
The Death Of Emmett Till (Freewheelin' outtake)
Deep Ellem Blues (live, Gerde's Folk City, NY, Apr 16, 1962)
Definitely/Positively Van Gogh (Denver Hotel Room, March 13, 1966)
Deportee (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos) (duet with Joan Baez, second Rolling Thunder tour (1976)
Diamond Joe (from Masked and Anonymous, 2003)
Dink's Song (Minnesota Hotel Tape, Dec 1961)
Dirty Lies (Verona rehearsal tape, May 1984)
Dixie (from Masked and Anonymous, 2003)
Does She Need Me? (from Eat the Document, 1966)
Don't Pity Me (Joliette, Quebec, July 31 1989 (one-off))
Duncan And Brady (Durham, NH, Nov 17 1999)
Dusty Old Fairgrounds (Town Hall, NY, 12 Apr 1963)
Eileen Aroon (St Louis, Missouri, June 17 1988)
The End Of The Innocence (by Henley/Hornsby; fall 2002)
Enough is Enough (live, 1984)
Farewell (Witmark demo/Times outtake, 1963)
Farewell To The Gold (Youngstown, OH, Nov 2, 1992. One-off)
Female Rambling Sailor (played live six times in 1992)
Fever (Seattle, Nov 30, 1980)
Freedom for the Stallion(1985 studio outtake)
Friend of the Devil (Hunter/Garcia/Dawson)
George Jackson (single, 1971)
The Girl I Left Behind (Oscar Brand Show, Radio, 29 oct 1961)
Girl on the Green Briar Shore (live, 1992)
Go 'way Little Boy (Empire Burlesque outtake)
Going Down To New Orleans (Freewheelin' outtake, Apr 24, 1962)
Golden Vanity (Waikiki, HI, Apr 24 1992)
The Grand Coulee Dam (Woody Guthrie Tribute concert, Jan 1968)
(Cross The) Green Mountain (Gods And Generals, soundtrack, 2003)
Guess I'm Doin' Fine (Witmark Demo, Jan 1964)
Gypsy Lou (Witmark Demo, Aug 1963)
Hallelujah (Montreal Jul 8, 1988)
Hallelujah, I'm Ready To Go (Various locations, 1999)
Handsome Molly (Gaslight II, late Oct 1962)
Hard Travelin' (Cynthia Gooding, Folksinger's Choice, Jan/March 1962)
The Harder They Come (Jimmy Cliff; Bonner Springs, 22 Aug, 1989)
Help Me Make It Through The Night(Toad's Place, Jan 1990)
Hero Blues (Freewheelin' outtake, 1962)
Hey La La (spring/summer 1989)
Hiding Too Long (NY Town Hall, Apr 12 1963)
Hiram Hubbard (Finjan Club, July 1962)
Humming Bird (Summer 2001; incl. John & Jack Anglin's version)
I Ain't Got No Home (Woody Guthrie Tribute concert, Jan 1968)
I am the Man, Thomas (Various locations, fall 1999)
I Can't Get You Off Of My Mind (from the Hank Williams tribute album Timeless (2001)
I Can't Leave Her Behind (from Eat the Document, 1966)
I Hear A Voice Calling (Bill Monroe/Bessie Lee Mauldin. Hamburg, NY, Aug 15, 2002; incl. versions by Monroe and the Stanley Brothers.)
I Rode Out One Morning (Fourth McKenzie tape, Apr 12, 1963)
I Was Young When I Left Home (Minnesota Hotel Tape, Dec 1961)
I Will Love Him (Toronto, Apr 19, 1980)
I Will Sing (Akron, Ohio May 18th, 1980; only performance)
Idiot Wind (Various versions)
I'd Hate To Be You On That Dreadful Day (Witmark Demo, early 1963)
If I Don't Be There By Morning (written for Eric Clapton's album Backless, 1978)
If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Halloween show, 1964)
If You See Her, Say Hello (New York versions)
I'll Be Around (Hollywood, CA, Aug 4, 1988)
I'll Not Be A Stranger (performed twice, late 1997)
I'm A Fool For You (Basement Tapes outtake, 1967)
I'm In The Mood For Love (live 1988/9)
I'm Movin' On (Hank Snow; Tokyo, March 10, 1986)
I'm Not Supposed To Care (Gordon Lightfoot; played in 1998)
Important Words (Down in the Groove outtake, 1987)
In The Evening (Minnesota Hotel Tape, Dec 1961)
In The Pines (Carnegie Chapter Hall, Nov 1961 and Toad's Place, Jan 1990)
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
It's Hard To Be Blind (Minnesota Party and Hotel Tapes, May/Dec 1961)
I've Been All Around This World (Toad's Place, Jan 1990)
James Alley Blues (Minnesota Party Tape, May 1961)
Jesus Met The Woman At The Well (Gleason Home Tape, Feb/March 1961)
John Brown (Gaslight II (1962) and Unplugged (1995) versions)
Julius and Ethel (Infidels outtake)
Just Like a Woman (Studio and live versions)
Kaatskill Serenade (Bromberg sessions, early/mid June 1992)
Key To The Highway (Toad's Place, Jan 1990)
Kindhearted Woman Blues (Gaslight II, late Oct 1962)
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (w/outtakes and lyric changes)
The Lady Came From Baltimore (live 1994)
Lady of Carlisle (Sydney, Apr 14, 1992)
Lakes of Pontchartrain (St Louis, Missouri, June 17 1988)
Lawyers, Guns and Money (by Warren Zevon; Fall 2002)
Let's Begin (by Jim Webb; 1981 tour)
Let's Keep It Between Us (1980 tours)
Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts (New York and Minnesota versions)
Little Moses (Milan, Italy, Jun 27 1993)
Liverpool Gal (manuscript from late 1962, no known version by Dylan)
Long Time Man (Cynthia Gooding's Folksinger's Choice, Jan/March 1962)
The Lonesome River (by the Stanley Brothers, sung with Ralph Stanley, 1998)
Lonesome River Edge (the 'Banjo Tape' with Happy Traum, Feb 8 1963)
Lonesome Town (summer 1986)
Lonesome Whistle Blues (From Freewheelin' sessions, 1962)
Long Ago, Far Away(Witmark Demo, Nov, 1962)
Long Black Veil (George, Washington, June 17, 2000)
Long Time Gone (Witmark Demo, March 1963)
Long Time Growing (Minnesota Party Tape, 1961/Basement Tapes outtake, 1967)
Lost Highway (Savoy Hotel, May 1965, from Don't Look Back)
Love Is Just A Four-Letter Word (Joan Baez' version)
Lucky Old Sun (var., 1986-2000)
Mary Ann (from the 'Karen Wallace tape', 1960)
Mary Ann (off Dylan, 1973)
Mary Of The Wild Moor (1980-81)
Milk Cow's Calf Blues (Freewheelin' outtake, Apr 1962)
Moon River (Merriville, In., Aug 27, 1990)
Motherless Children (Gaslight II, late Oct 1962)
Mr Tambourine Man (studio and live versions)
Mutineer (Warren Zevon. Fall 2002)
My (true) La La (spring/summer 1989)
Naomi Wise (Riverside Church, Jul 25, 1961)
Never Let Me Go (Various, Rolling Thunder Revue I, 1975)
New Minglewood Blues (Århus, Denmark, 15 June 1996)
Bob Dylan's New Orleans Rag (NY Town Hall, Apr 12 1963)
Newry Highwayman (Roving Blade) (Reno, NV, March 17, 2000)
Night After Night (outtake from Hearts of Fire,1986)
No More One More Time (Oct 13, 2004)
Not Fade Away (various locations, 1997-)
Nuggets of Rain (with Bette Midler, october 1975)
Oh Babe, It Ain't No Lie (Durham NH, 1997)
Old Five And Dimer (outtake from the film Hearts Of Fire, 1987)
Old Man (by Neil Young; fall 2002)
Old Rock 'n' Roller (Hamburg, 3 July 1990. Almost one-off)
On A Rainy Afternoon (from Eat the Document, 1966)
One For The Road (Basement Tapes outtake, 1967)
One Irish Rover (duet with Van Morrison, June 27, 1989, Athens)
Pancho and Lefty (June 21, 1989)
Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior (5 times, 1999-2000)
Peace in the Valley (Les Arènes, Frejus, France 13 June 1989, one-off)
People Get Ready (Basement and Renaldo & Clara versions)
People Putting People Down (Prine; Rome, June 6, 1991)
Percy's Song (Carnegie Hall, New York City 26 Oct 1963)
Polly Vaughn (Bromberg Sessions, early/mid June 1992)
Poor Lazarus (Minnesota Hotel Tape, Dec 1961)
Positively 4th Street (Single, 1966)
Positively Van Gogh (Denver Hotel Room, March 13, 1966)
Pretty Boy Floyd (Folkways: A Vision Shared, Spring 1987)
Railroad Bill (Minnesota Party Tape, May 1961)
Railroad Boy (Various, Rolling Thunder Revue II, 1976)
Ramblin' Down Through the World (W. Guthrie; NY Town Hall, Apr 12, 1963)
Red Cadillac and a Black Moustache (summer 1986)
Remember Me (When the Candle Lights are Gleaming) (Gleason Home Tape, Feb/March 1961)
Repossession Blues (1978 rehearsal)
Return To Me (Sopranos 2 soundtrack, 2001)
Rise Again (1980-81 tour)
Rita May (Desire outtake, 1975)
Rock Me Mama (Pat Garret & Billy The Kid outtake, 1973)
Rock of Ages (by Augustus Montague Toplady; since 1999)
Rocks and Gravel (Freewheelin' outtake, 1962)
Roll On John (Cynthia Gooding, Folksinger's Choice, Jan/March 1962)
Roving Blade (Reno, NV, March 17, 2000)
Roving Gambler (El Rey Theatre, LA, CA, Dec 17 1997)
Sally Girl(Freewheelin' Sessions, Apr 1962)
San Francisco Bay Blues (Gerde's Folk City, sept 1961)
Searching For A Soldier's Grave (Various locations, Summer/Fall 2000)
Shake Sugaree (E. Cotten; live 1996/7)
She's Love Crazy (Fall 1978)
Sign Language (written for Eric Clapton, relased on his album No Reason to Cry (1976)
Sloppy Drunk (Rogers; Bromberg Sessions, early/mid June 1992)
Smokestack Lightning (Cynthia Gooding show, March 11, 1962)
Somebody Touched Me (Various locations, fall 1999)
Soon (Gerschwin Gala, Mar 11, 1987)
Spanish Is The Loving Tongue (live, Rolling Thunder Revue II, 1976)
Stand By Me (Aug 28, 1990, Merrillville, Indiana. One-off)
Standing On The Highway (Leed Music demo, Jan 1962)
Stealin' (var, early 1960s)
Steel Bars (co-written with Michael Bolton, who sung it on his album Time Love & Tenderness, 1991)
Still in Town(Basement outtake, 1967)
Stone Walls and Steel Bars (Beverly Hills, May 21 1997)
Talkin' Devil (Broadside sessions, Jan 19, 1963)
Telephone Response Song (Malibu, 1975)
Telephone Wire (George Harrison session, May 1, 1970)
Thank God (Chabad contribrution, June/Sept 1986)
That Lucky Old Sun (var., 1986-2000)
The Ballad Of Donald White (var. occasions 1962)
The Death Of Emmett Till (Freewheelin' outtake)
The End Of The Innocence (by Henley/Hornsby; fall 2002)
The Girl I Left Behind (Oscar Brand Show, Radio, 29 oct 1961)
The Grand Coulee Dam (Woody Guthrie Tribute concert, Jan 1968)
The Lady Came From Baltimore (live 1994)
The Lonesome River (by the Stanley Brothers, sung with Ralph Stanley, 1998)
The Times They Are A-Changin'
The Times We've Known (Madison Square Garden, November 1 1998)
The Two Sisters (Karen Wallace Tape, May 1960)
The Usual (from the film Hearts of Fire, 1987)
The Water Is Wide (Various, Rolling Thunder Revue I, 1975)
Thief On The Cross (New Orleans, Nov 10 1981)
Things Have Changed (Wonder Boys soundtrack, 2000)
This Land is your land (Woody Guthrie)
This Was My Love (Infidels outtake, 1983)
This World Can't Stand Long (Anaheim, CA, March 10 2000)
Www.songs.pk A To Z List
The Times They Are A-Changin'
The Times We've Known (Madison Square Garden, November 1 1998)
To Fall In Love With You (Hearts of Fire outtake, aug 1986)
Tomorrow is a Long Time (Witmark demo 1962; Greatest Hits vol 2/In Concert; New Morning outtake 1970)
Trail of the Buffalo (live 1988/1991)
Train of Love (April 6, 1999 Johnny Cash Tribute)
Trouble In Mind (B-side, singles from Slow Train Coming, 1979)
Troubled and I don't Know Why (Forest Hills Tennis Stadium, NYC 17 Aug 1963)
The Two Sisters (Karen Wallace Tape, May 1960)
Two Trains Running (Morganfield; Finjan Club, Montreal, July 2, 1962)
The Usual (from the film Hearts of Fire, 1987)
Vincent Van Gogh (Various, Rolling Thunder Tour II, 1976)
Viola Lee Blues (Sapporo, Japan, Feb 24 1997)
Voice From On High (Bill Monroe/Bessie Lee Mauldin. Hamburg, NY, Aug 15, 2002; incl. versions by Monroe and the Stanley Brothers.)
Vomit Express (w/Allen Ginsberg, 17 Nov, 1971)
Wagoner's Lad (NY, Oct 19 1988)
Wait For The Light To Shine (by Hank Williams, live, fall 2001)
Waitin' For You (Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhoodsoundtrack, 2002)
Wanted Man (Dylan/Cash)
The Water Is Wide (Various, Rolling Thunder Revue I, 1975)
We Had It All (live, 1986)
We Just Disagree (Jim Krueger; Various locations, 1980-1981 tour)
We Three (My Echo, My Shadow and Me) (live, 1986)
Weeping Willow (Supper Club, Nov 17, 1993)
West Texas (Gaslight II, late Oct 1962)
What Can I Do For You? (With transcription of the harp solo at the end)
What Kind Of Friend Is This? (Eat the Document, 1966)
Whatcha Gonna Do? (Freewheelin' outtake, 1962)
When First Unto This Country (live, 1991)
White Dove (Various locations, 1997-2000)
Why do I have to choose? (Gothenburg, 1984)
Wichita Blues (Cynthia Gooding's Appartment, Feb/March 1962 and 2nd Freewheelin' session, Apr 25, 1962)
Wieviele Strassen (German version of Blowin' in the Wind)
Wild Mountain Thyme (duet with Joan Baez, Rolling Thunder Revues I+II, 1975-6)
Willin' (Lowell George, var. Never Ending Tour)
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Yonder Comes Sin (Shot of Love outtake, 1980)
You Belong To Me (from the Natural Born Killers soundtrack, 1994)
Www Songs Pk Info A To Z List Printable
You Don't Know Me (various locations, 1989-1991)
Www Songspk Info A To Z List Of Characters
You're a Big Girl Now (New York version)
Www Songspk Info A To Z List Spotify
You're Too Late (Frizzell/Willis; Daytona Beach, 1999)
You've Been Hiding Too Long (NY Town Hall, Apr 12 1963)
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0 notes
jieyu · 3 years
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Private Rehearsals
Lennies hands vulgarly pass into moisture. [1] A considerable amount of ointment emit a fragrant odor [2] which he gently rubs the fluid in with a scrupulous movement, with many fatty drops coming, especially from the cellular texture [3] of the ointment, for him to bathe his hands in. The ointment is made from kiki, a fruit that is sown in the fields [4]. Kiki, an unthinkable rarity, a wondrous combination of sweetness and power. [6] The ointment makes up a fundamental ingredient of a peculiar conjunction with the oval bronze basin embracing it from below. This conjunction nurtures Lennies eternal spirit, and that Eternal Spirit moulds forever, for his mortal child, images to remind him of the Infinite. [5] Lennies hands now repeatedly immerse themselves in the ointment with a distinctly bizarre scooping motion. First his left and then his right thumb spread the congruency concentrically away from the center of his palms until they reach his fingertips. An act, perceptible as obscure as a shamans sacrificial fetishes. An experience of spiritual transcendence. [13] A physical transcendence of Lennies hands into a compound of silky tissue. In so far, as the tongue communicates with others by speech, Lennies hands can now do so convincingly through the ointment, by its odor. [6] A ritualistic habitude, before he reaches out to assertively stroke the first notes on his rather uncharacteristically dim Bösendorfer.
F sharp dominant chord. A fugue. Exposition.  Lenny plays as his vintage mahogany chair with cream colored leather upholstery gently screeches when he shifts his bodyweight in order to glide over the notes. Lennies rehearsal room. Lennies room is carnal warmth, a coexistence where his Italian marble and weathered woods feel at ease in its presence. [37] A textile skin [22], with all the niches being plastered exuberance, decorated with painted stucco. [48] His room, is an eternal yearning for bronze relics, silver ceremonial objects and columns wrapped in cloth of gold. Kermes minerals can be found next to the ointment flasks on his Bösendorfer’s music stand. Lennies spiritual alterants. [47]  Lenny plays a lavishly ornamented low register D ostinato that gradually mushes into the first motive. Lushing in Ludwig, the music theatre, once strongly antipathic towards Lennies sound, now eagerly tempers itself to every minute detail of its sonical inhabitant. Infinitely reconstructing and reorganizing, Lennies proximate surroundings are in constant flux in absence of its former frequencies to comfort and accommodate Lennies play.  A shift, away from calculated execution towards visceral expression. Chanting motives embracing the full dynamic range. Ornamentations accentuating rhythmic complexities. Canonical disposition of voices in their full magnificence.  Now, a pyramidal cascade of rubatos. The pyramidal cascade of Lennys very notably imprecise, however vivid rubatos entirely dissolve to lead into the upward crescendo of four rocket like full scale accords. [7] And yet a syncretism of sensitivity keeps his accords from crystallizing into perfect solids. [8] A collection of deliberate dissonances; before the eternal silence, the dominant chord! [14]
Ludwigs turn. Ludwig brightens the suspended lighting fixtures to 87% power.  Ludwig. The proportions were what they should be, everything about it had been designed and calculated by a meticulous mind for purposes of maximum clarity in sound travel. [8] It is precisely the exact audible sound of voices and instruments in the reality of continuous sound-waves [9] Ludwig fetishizes about. So, as Madrid was once placed in the mathematically absolute centre of Spain, so was the Steinway in Ludwigs rehearsal room. And the room, a careful construction on the basis of simplex sigillum veri. [44] The interior, a reduction to white walls with soundproof wainscoting, brass strips acting as electrical conduits, suspended lighting fixtures and supercardioid microphones and two Thonet chairs. [5] Brisk chrome. Synthetic Leather. From a logical point of view, the space could not be more reasonable. [10] The sound-waves have to reflect perpendicular to the precise walls if wished to be brilliant [11] and clear in articulation. Ludwig now plays a dodecaphonical arpeggio generated by three oscillators, played at 120 BPM at 80dB. One tone row appears, then another, then another, and so on, almost like the steady ticking of a metronome. [12] They are merely provided here to shape a certain pattern of expectations. [15] Algorithmic Selection. Autopoietic systems. [16] A well calculated process through lines of code, sequences of zeros and ones, links and repetitions, scans and databases. [41] Sound creation is synced between all four adjacent walls, each with a perforated screen. [17] Unlike the soundproof wainscoting, these polymer screens refract sound, so that the sound waves connect in the central focal point, after being equalized to a 110Hz lowpass, in order to bypass frequency interference between the generated oscillation and resonating objects in the rehearsal room. Neither the polymer screens nor the wainscoting calibrate towards bodily flesh. Calculated isomorphic partitioning and hexachordal combinations. There is no climax. The Arpeggios stop.
Dress Rehearsal
F sharp mixolydian chord. Variation of a fugue. Reflection, luster, refraction, luminosity, darkness, color, softness, absorption, liquidity [19] Audible clarity of meta sound. The touch is inspired. [20] Lennies sound moves fuzzily this time - in this particular space, it moves in confused color, and the music was suddenly brassy, evil, haunting, flourishing in high crescendo [12], wild in gesture and motion. [21] Did the lower D ostinato already merge into the first F sharp motive? A reasonable distinction in coloration. Variations in texture. [22] Texture as difficult and in some ways as secretive as the vision of potential history which it embodies. [20] Texture consonant with the onstage presence of Ludwig. [13] An alteration of Ludwig. Lennies play has morphed about half of the soundproof wainscoting into emerald marble panels. The heavy doors deliberately opened up for the textures to delicately infuse each other through mutual resonances. Ludwigs Steinway, now with some of Lennies Kermes minerals unmethodically placed on top of the piano’s cast iron frame, desires to move out of its perfect symmetrical positioning, so that accidental interference can start to enrich the sound. Ludwigs white walls, coated with velvety felt, fixated with a considerable amount of organic rubber. Rubber so soft and sticky. [43] The Thonet, however, grew on Lenny. The Thonet vibrates. Ludwig vibrates, the space quivers in every corner. [22]. Lenny notices the absence of the lowpass. As he reaches for the low A sharp diminished trill, it is as all the metallic doorhandles and railings start to respond. A change of timbre. A gentle resonance. Augmenting Interference. Spiritual reverberation. So much so, that the imperishability of Ludwig can be momentarily questioned.  A pyramidal cascade of crescending rubatos decrescent in eclipsing emotion yet intent. No dissonance; no eternal silence, no dominant chord… [14] …as Ludwig has already started. Lennies rubatos were mimicked beginning at 6 dB, so as the hearer was left only with the general impression that language is [24] unconsciously continuous. Alpha, beta, and gamma particles, inscribe themselves in the soft tissue of the soundscape. [42] Oscillations between the code of utility and the code of beauty. [38] Each three decibel increment represents a 100% change in sound pressure. [25] Each sequenced BPM increment represents a 100% change in movement. This time, each decibel increase feels significant, each sequence presents bodies in motion. [13] Sound in motion. The arpeggios have been awakened by their individual micro-collisions with Lennies emerald marble. Stereophonic atonality raises the apex of Lennies melody by a mere halftone, complemented by the velvety felt, it projects a mountainous sound of the breath of millions, shrivelling the grasslands [37] of rationality. A sonical error? Though, what can it be but motion? What can it be but metallic emotion? [22] The metallic luster that was clearly describable as moving within grayscale was now almost ivory in color. [12] Metallic interplay between shapeshifting fleshy arpeggios. Chunky pads. Dance of a serpent. [13] Intense oscillation. The metallic luster approaches some kind of a climax and stops. [12] The stage will not be prepared for [17] the vacuum of silence.
Ludwig. The music theatre. An island in the city. Embodiment of disentanglement. Distinct separation from his domain. The impenetrable walls of Ludwig, absorb the city’s cacophonous hustle. The impenetrable walls of Ludwig, surrounded by the gasping anticipation of the appetent gathered. The anticipation cannot be wrong because it is what has taken the curious bunch to the premiere [45]. Patiently, they stand, as an indivisible mass, gathered as concentric ripples to the droplet of enigma. The droplet however does not grant access for the ripples yet, as for the performers to be within each others uninterrupted profoundness. So outside, they wait, the gathered. Gathered ripples from all kind of liquids, all stretches of water. The space that has been opened by the tension and ‘expectation’ of endless speculation has to be filled with no less than ethereal matter. Air of short-lived serenity. The calm before the storm. [40] Just before the serenity turns unbearable…
F sharp dominant tone cluster accompanied by dodecaphonical staccatos. Elevation of a fugue.
Reflection, luster, refraction, luminosity, darkness, color, softness, absorption, liquidity, atmospheric density, instability of shape [26]; soul, spirit, breath, ancestors, fire, form, God. [27] Sound space creation in all directions, space creation in a continuum. [28] Rejuvenation of particularities. Ondulation of the sum. Evaporation of opaque bodies as objects disappear from sight. [29] The hall, a sophisticated form in sophisticated surroundings, a space subtracted from the whole, exposition of shifting thicknesses and firmnesses of walls and floors. [19] The walls, an organification of a synthetic body. Organic bodily tissue deliberately introduce layers of carbonization over fused sheets of metal. [12] The corners of the space, constantly in act of reconstruction between pliable skin and alveolar texture [51]. Absurd perforation and disintegration. The instruments, as well as a handful of sumptuous onyx and glass vases, appear to float above ground, perpetually dampened by an indeterminable, strangely fragrant solution reminding of both lubricating saliva and electric liquid. The ceiling is cut open; exposed, oculus: an opening 8.92 meters in diameter that is at the hall’s apex. The oculus illuminates. [49] Brass strips collected, fused into a colossal euphonium, attaching itself to the oculus, reaching into the troposphere. Exhaustive sound embracing all air particles. Composures being made up of the clearness of the skie, and moisture of the air, hath joyned together an indissoluble superficies. [30] Hall of Supreme Harmony. [31] Unity in fluids and solids alike, in compounds and in elements. [39] Fluid extravagance. [35] L/L. L is free movement, outside any zone of both rational and sensorily apprehension, as L becomes L, movement equals rest, freeing its expressive power once the links that oblige bodily positions to signify fixed emotions are undone. [13] In retrospect, the bodies of L/L not only tend to indicate a world beyond themselves, but this movement beyond their own boundaries, a movement of boundary itself, appeared to be quite central to what their bodies are now. [32] Boundlessness. Absurd perforation and disintegration. A precarious balance. [33] How L matured within L, how noble, majestic the proportion; their bright, vivid colours have finally acquired all their brilliance. [5] Their musical hyacinth has risen to intense variety with bright blue, pink, and distinctly yellow sound petals. [34] Kaleidoscopic fireworks of a thousand suns. Touching the luminous troposphere. Glance into the garden of unison. Creation and decay. Its flowers breathe parallaxing perfume, its grasses devise celestial white noise and its birds warbled amid the bloom. [50]  Everlasting growth of harmonious fruits, fertilized by the scintillating Chorus of six-hundred voices. [40] A pyramidal cascade of crescending yet decrescending rubatos formed by the interplay of L/L, opens an inconceivable temporal dimension; the duration of time in time. [35] L in L, total synchronicity, rings both sharp and explosive and as regular as an atomic metronome [12]. An intensely densified aural landscape. The rhythm is both stable and unstable. 3⁄4, 4⁄4, 6⁄4, 8⁄4, 4⁄8, 6⁄8, 8⁄8, 9⁄8, 5⁄4, 7⁄8, 12⁄16. Monophony, Micropolyphony, Macropolyphony. Adagio, Andante, Moderato, Vivace, Presto. 80, 112, 168, 324 BPM. 10 Hz to 20000 Hz. The embodiment of Metastability. [36] What a gleaming ethereal outflow of modular systems of coordination, of scientific methods of experimentation, laws of automation, and precision [37]. Of eternal source, matter; the form, the shape and the arrangement of the visible invisible. [1] Matters reached an ecstatic climax. A thing of indescribable awe. [12] Space in sound or sound in space. For us to dream there, to be in harmony with the irrationality of the depths… [8]
Consonance; eternal sound. [14] Awakening of the city. Galamb Barong.
[1] Seneca_Complete Works [2] Augustine_The City of God [3] Bichat_General Anatomy Applied to Physiology and Medicine [4] Strabo_The Geography [5] Mallgrave_Architectural Theory [6] Aquinas_Summa Theologica [7] Payne_Renaissance and Baroque Architecture [8] Bachelard_The Poetics of Space [9] Buehlmann Hovestadt_Symbolizing Existence [10] Eco_From the Tree to the Labyrinth [11] Hugo_Les Miserables [12] Asimov_Complete Robot Anthology [13] Ranciere_Aisthesis [14] Proust_In Search of Lost Time Vol III [15] Buehlmann_Mathematics and Information in the Philosophy of Michel Serres [16] Weinstone_Avatar Bodies [17] Hays_Architecture Theory since 1968 [18] Leatherbarrow Eisenschmidt_Twentieth Century Architecture [19] Evans_The Projective Cast Architecture and Its Three Geometries [20] Steiner_After Babel Aspects of Language and Translation [21] Kemp_Behind the Picture [22] Prince_Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage [23] Voltaire_Candide [24] Kittler_The Truth of the Technological World [25] Hovestadt Buehlmann_Quantum City [26] Evans, The Projective Cast Architecture and Its Three Geometries [27] Sloterdijk_Critique of Cynical Reason [28] Mallgrave_Modern Architectural Theory [29] Alhacen_Theory of Visual Perception Books 1 2 3 [30] Agrippa_Three Books of Occult Philosophy [31] Koolhaas_Elements of Architecture [32] Butler_Bodies That Matter [33] Foucault_The Birth of the Clinic [34] Darwin_The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication [35] Braidotti Hlavajova_Posthuman Glossary [36] Braidotti Dolphijn_Philosophy After Nature [37] Ockmann_Architecture Culture 1943 1968 [38] Schumacher_The Autopoiesis of Architecture Vol 2 [39] Rousseau_Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau [40] Joyce_Ulysses [41] Burrows_Fictioning [42] Morton_Hyperobjects [43] Zimring_Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste [44] wikipedia_Music and Architecture [45] Ayache_The Blank Swan [46] Gannon_Reyner Banham and the Paradoxes of High Tech [47] Laennec_A Treatise on the Diseases of the Chest and on Mediate Auscultation [48] Marzano_The Roman Villa in the Mediterranean Basin [49] Yerkes_Drawing after Architecture [50] The Book of the Thousand and One Nights [51] Laennec_A Treatise on the Diseases of the Chest and on Mediate Auscultation
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bibleteachingbyolga · 4 years
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Set aside, for a moment, the day’s pressing tasks. Hush, if you can, the hopes and desires that rushed upon you the moment you awoke. Step away from the morning’s burdens. Forget what the hours ahead may hold.
Now, Christian, remember: You are going to heaven. Very soon, even any moment, you will be hastened away from all you’ve known here to take an eternal holiday. You will wake up to find your lungs filled with the air of “a better country” (Hebrews 11:16). Your sorrows and sighs will be out of sight (Isaiah 51:11). You will see Jesus face-to-face (Philippians 1:23). And with him you will be home (2 Corinthians 5:8).
And now imagine what life might be like if, as we step back into the day’s tasks, desires, and burdens, we kept one eye upward. How might today be different if we brought the hope of heaven into the stuff of earth — if thoughts of things above adorned our waking hours?
We might then discover how much of our happiness rests on heavenly mindedness. And we might strive to have it said of us, as it was said of a saint of old,
Of that good man let this high praise be given, Heaven was in him before he was in heaven.
Set Your Mind on Things Above
The pursuit of heavenly mindedness can go wrong, of course. The popular criticism “Don’t be so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good” has teeth because some have, indeed, used heavenly mindedness as an excuse for earthly aloofness. They have hummed “I’ll Fly Away” while floating comfortably through this world, not remembering that the most heavenly minded man of all labored, sweated, healed, touched, and bled for this world of need.
We would do well, then, to listen again to the clearest charter of heavenly mindedness in Scripture:
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3:1–4)
What does it mean to be heavenly minded? Not merely to live then and there, but to live now in light of then, here in light of there.
Roots in Heavenly Soil
If you belong to Christ, then in the truest sense, you do not live here on earth, but there in heaven: “You have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3). Nor is your life in Christ on full display now, but only then: “When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory” (Colossians 3:4).
Your life is wonderfully, inextricably, eternally bound up with Jesus himself, who reigns there and will appear then. And heavenly mindedness aligns us with that fact, teaching us to define our identity not by the person we see in the mirror but by the Savior we see in Scripture.
Yet such a mindset does not nullify the life we have on earth, but rather transforms it according to the culture and norms of heaven. If we are hidden with Christ there and will be revealed then, we cannot help but look more like Christ here and now. Paul develops this point through the rest of the chapter, where he pens a portrait of the heavenly minded:
They put to death all that dishonors God and demeans others (Colossians 3:5–9).
They dress themselves in the heavenly clothing of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience (Colossians 3:12).
In a society of accusations and recriminations, they speak the otherworldly language of forgiveness (Colossians 3:13).
They walk under the reign of divine peace, which has established its throne on their hearts (Colossians 3:15).
They speak and sing with the harmony of gratitude and grace (Colossians 3:15–17; 4:6).
In every relationship, in every word, in every deed, they seek to show the glory of Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:17–4:1).
They are like oaks whose roots sink deep into heavenly soil. Though they grow up in the same field as the rest of the world, and though the same winds and storms beat against their trunks, they daily draw nourishment from another world, and so bear the fruit of that better country.
Heavenly Habits
How then can we grow in heavenly mindedness? How can people like us — everyday saints with jobs and families and friends and neighbors and a host of earthly responsibilities — come to have it said of us, “Heaven was in him before he was in heaven”?
The first answer is familiar: give ourselves to Bible reading and prayer, to corporate worship and fellowship, each of which is a means of heavenly mindedness as much as it is a means of grace. But alongside the daily habits of Scripture and prayer, and the weekly habits of corporate worship and fellowship, we can also position ourselves more intentionally to set our minds on things that are above.
Begin your day in heaven.
Robert Murray McCheyne, a heavenly minded man if there ever were one, once described his morning devotions as a means of “giving the eye the habit of looking upward all the day” (Memoir and Remains of Robert Murray McCheyne, 64). Knowing his thoughts would not drift toward heaven in the afternoon or evening unless he fixed his mind there first thing, he began his day in heaven.
We might learn the same lesson from the Lord’s Prayer. In teaching us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11), did not Jesus assume we would normally begin the day on our knees? And significantly, before that prayer leads us to ask for daily bread, it sets our minds on things above:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done,      on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:9–10)
If we take the Lord’s Prayer as our model, then heaven will fill some of our first thoughts every morning. Here and now will fade, at least for a few moments, before the brilliance of there and then. And when we walk into our day, we may take something of heaven with us.
Set your mind through meditation.
The command to “set your minds on things that are above” means more than “read about things that are above.” Something beyond mere reading is needed — a practice the biblical writers call meditation (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1–2; 119:97).
If typical Bible reading focuses on paragraphs and chapters, meditation focuses on sentences and words; if in Bible reading we walk down the hallway of a passage, in meditation we open doors and explore rooms. The meditative Bible reader may, for example, read all of Colossians 3 in four or five minutes, but then come back to spend as much time (or more) pondering the wonder of what it means to be “hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3). Meditation takes us above the foothills and puts us on the peaks of God’s revelation. And like Moses, we may come down still shining with the glory we’ve seen.
Maybe serious meditation feels like moving mountains to you. If so, start small, and don’t lose heart. Our minds, like a muscle, grow stronger through exercise. And by God’s grace, what feels impossible now may feel almost natural six months from now.
Retreat to things above throughout the day.
We saw above that Robert Murray McCheyne aimed to cultivate “the habit of looking upward all the day.” Many of us share a similar ambition — at least in theory. Reality might tell a different story.
If you’re at all like me, you leave your morning devotions with a sincere desire to go on thinking of things above in the spare moments of your day. But then you regularly fill every spare moment with something else. In the car, you turn on the news. In line at the store, you check your email. Waiting for a friend, you play a game on your phone. Lying in bed, you scroll through social media. None of these activities is necessarily bad. But how often are they the reflex of a mind addicted to distraction? And what if we resolved to spend at least some of the day’s silences recalling what we read that morning, rehearsing a memorized passage, or praying to our Father in heaven?
Moses told Israel to turn to God’s word “when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise” (Deuteronomy 6:7). If we too claimed more spare moments for the things that are above, we might be surprised at the unusual strength, peace, and joy that would be ours.
Treasure the heart of heaven.
Heaven is and always will be a world of glory (Colossians 3:4). When God makes all things new, the canyons and mountains, the galaxies and grasslands of this fallen world will groan no more (Romans 8:21). These broken bodies will be clothed with immortality (1 Corinthians 15:54). Human society will share in the very harmony of the Trinity (John 17:22–24).
Nevertheless, the hub of all that glory, whose name will rest upon our foreheads, and whose brightness will light up the world, will be God himself in Christ. “When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory” (Colossians 3:4). Heaven without Christ is like the ocean without water, the sky without air, fire without flame. He is heaven’s beating heart.
What does this mean for our heavenly mindedness? It means that our minds are most full of heaven when they are most full of Christ. As John Owen writes, “The whole glory of the state above is expressed by being ‘ever with the Lord, where he is, to behold his glory.’ . . . Our hope is that ere long we shall be ever with him; and if so, it is certainly our wisdom and duty to be here with him as much as we can” (Works of John Owen, 7:344).
Heavenly mindedness is an invitation to be with Jesus as much as we can, in preparation for the day when we will be with him always. So begin your day with Jesus, fix your meditations upon Jesus, and retreat throughout the day to Jesus. Because “set your minds on things that are above” means, at its core, “set your minds on him.”
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voguingtodanzig · 4 years
1. Deerhunter, Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared? (4AD)
2. Keith Fullerton Whitman, Private Performance Public Rehearsal (self-released)
3. Jessica Ekomane, Multivocal (Important)
4. Stelzer/Murray, Commuter (Human Hood)
5. Purple Mountains, Purple Mountains (Drag City)
6. Thurston Moore, Spirit Counsel (Daydream Library)
7. Jason Lescalleet, This Is What I Do Volume 21 (Glistening Examples)
8. Manja Ristic, The Black Isle (Flag Day)
9. Stephen Malkmus, Groove Denied (Matador)
10. Various Artists, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood OST (Columbia)
11. Kelly Ruth, Forms (Pseudo Laboratories)
12. The Chemical Brothers, No Geography (Astralwerks)
13. Soft Issues, Soft Issues (Opal Tapes)
14. Gabi Losoncy, I Can Be Convinced (self-released)
15. TAHNZZ, The Citizen Ship (self-released)
16. Kyle Eyre Clyd, Eggshell (Yew)
17. Marcia Bassett / Bob Bellerue, Endless Parabolas (Human Hood)
18. Jamael Dean, Black Space Tapes (Stones Throw)
19. The Dead C., We Don’t Know Anymore (Afterhours Eden Prostitute)
20. Nivhek, After Its Own Death/Walking in a Spiral Towards the House (W.25th/Yellow Electric)
21. Afriqua, Colored (R&S)
22. Stephen Vitiello and Taylor Deupree, Fridmann Variations (12k)
23. Michael Vincent Waller, Memories (Unseen Worlds)
24. Wilco, Ode to Joy (dBpm)
25. Autechre, Warp Tapes 89-93 (Warp)
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