#Stone Of Euclidean Chaos
darktripz · 2 years
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CTHYLLA - Madness Lie Beyond The Ancient Chamber
CTHYLLA - Stone Of Euclidean Chaos
CONIFEROUS MYST / DRAGON SPELL - Our Cathedral Within The Sky
DRAGON SPELL - Mountain Rehearsal 6/16/22
CONIFEROUS MYST - Knight of The Wyvern Covenant III
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random-ln-stuff · 1 year
New New Theory:
The Little Nightmares Universe looks like this:
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There’s our world on one side, The Eye’s Nightmare Domain on the other side, and the Nowhere is right there in the middle. “Two flows from one, and here (in Nowhere), is whole again”
The Nowhere is a place with many connected but individual places with unique functions. I imagine that as being a place where each individual location has its own unique THING that the people there are drawn to and a specific person who runs that place. The Maw has Gluttony as its vice and the Lady runs it, the Pale City is addicted to TV and Escapism and the Thin Man Runs it, ETC.
The Spiral though, is a specific part of Nowhere that’s slightly overlapping and closer to the Eye’s Domain, so things are different. More Non-Euclidian. It’s a “cluster of disturbing places” layered on top of each other, with travel between these areas being particularly difficult and travel outside of the Spiral as a whole being downright impossible (hence why Low and Alone are trapped there with them using Mirrors to travel throughout the Spiral).
Also found in the Spiral are many things that the regular Nowhere just doesn’t normally allow, like the Giant Baby that seems to be mechanical in nature. Sure the Nowhere can have things that are just off with reality, like the Nest having strange gravity and the Signal Tower’s warping of time, but in most places reality is somewhat similar in nature to our world. The Maw still follows Euclidean Geometry, The Pale City is perfectly stable reality-wise unless you enter the tower, which is alive and follows its own rules, etc.
Actually, I think each of Noone’s dreams have been placing her in various places in the Nowhere, both closer and farther from reality and the Eye. More specifically, just like this:
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Ep 1:
The Stone Giant is the closest Noone has gotten so far to the Eye and the furthest she’s gone from reality. The things described by Noone in episode one simply don’t make sense compared to the other dreams and the games as a whole. A Stone Giant with a endless snowy field on top, with the inside being run by clockwork, and also there’s thousands of other people chained inside rooms, a workshop and a entire courtyard, just inside the Giant.
The Lady In Chains also makes it obvious that this entire dream is symbolism for the Lady and The Maw, which doesn’t make sense if this happening in the regular Nowhere because the Lady is already living here. So Episode 1 is located just outside the Nowhere, in that zone where the Nowhere begins to break down into raw nightmarish chaos.
Even the child Noone encounters here may not be an actual child. Their hair is described similarly to the Lady’s own Shadow Magic, a feature that no other child seen so far has, and it’s possible that this child may also just be a product of the Eye’s Nightmarish, Random Chaos.
Ep 2:
Episode 2 seems to take place in the actual Nowhere. It’s similar, VERY similar, to the Maw and how Guests are brought there, like suspiciously similar, but I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt just this once.
Ep 3:
Episode 3’s Mall is literally just the Signal Tower pre-signal tower. A sentient mass of flesh desperately trying to keep Noone distracted from reality to prevent her from leaving. However, I’ll say that this dream seems to be closer to reality because not only does the Mall pull real things from reality to keep Noone happy, those things are objects that Noone personally knows about and likes. A doll that she’s always wanted, a movie she’s seen 100 times, clothes including the dress she first wore to the institution, etc.
The Mall Signal Tower Flesh Walls are also heavily implied to be near the Ferryman in terms of Power, being one of the only entities to react to his presence and possibly being the thing that pulled Noone into this specific dream just this one time. So the Flesh Walls can definitely come this close to reality, with the Ferryman and (unseen so far) North Wind probably being the only others that can.
Ep 4:
I’d we don’t see a circus in Little Nightmares 3, I’ll eat my own hat. A unique antagonist and location never seen before with no symbolism or any obvious connections to previous monsters. Even the Ferryman fails to appear in this dream. This is obviously a location in the Spiral.
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The Lost Ossuary by Dyson Logos
The Lost Ossuary is a small dimensional rift beneath the Lobachevsky Church. Cut out of the stone beneath the church as a set of crypts and ossuaries, the Lost Ossuary displays bizarre geometries to those who would try to map it out. Routings through the Ossuary make little sense, with paths connecting with far less than 360 degrees of angle between them, and some secret passages connecting areas that should be hundreds of feet apart.
To confuse matters more, the ossuary has two types of construction – rough hewn crypts and the carefully built ossuaries and tombs. Both areas are completely contiguous, and yet seem to cut each other up at times. In all, the structure is a nightmare for any who would try to map it out.
This is of course because the planar topology of the Ossuary is a cube – however this is never apparent to those within it – the faces do not involve any changes in angles – the floors remain consistent and flat instead of switching by 90 degrees as one walks over the “angle” in the cube.
Exploring the cube will probably result in some weird maps… here’s a very simple map of just part of the crypts themselves that ends in the same room in two different locations, reached through two different doors.
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In time, any attempt to map the Ossuary from the inside will result in a map that crosses over itself and comes back from point A to point A with those two locations at wildly different parts of the map.
The Lost Ossuary works not only for classic fantasy gaming, but would be a perfect spot for a bit of adventure in a Call of Cthulhu campaign (non-Euclidean geometry), or for other games that deal in strange places and possible hyper-tech (Numenera, The Strange, or something happening just inside a rift in Rifts).
Once the adventure is over, however, it might be fun to show the party exactly what was causing all the chaos.
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Here I’ve taken the map and made it into an actual cube to show how the halls and chambers connect.
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I printed it on some fairly heavy paper stock (it would be significantly easier to assemble using cardstock, mind you) and trimmed it so that there were tabs that I could use to assemble it. A bit of glue or tape and it goes from 2 dimensional to 3.
And for those who prefer their maps without a grid – here is the Lost Ossuary again:
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legalpoet · 4 years
An Artist Endeavour
She died,
and no one cried.
Not once,
but twice
in selfless sacrifice.
To create her masterpiece,
but still was not appreciated in the least.
Although her most beloved legacy
was carved from her living soul.
That flow like the Nile
at a high price
from her very eyes.
Awash with bloody golden tears
frozen in time without fear.
The artist is undervalued!
Some say that it is the large cerebral cortex
that puts us at the top of the food chain.
But I beg to differ,
for the Oceans have active big brains.
Others say it is the use of tools
that make us more superior
in the survival game.
But I still beg to differ,
for other creature genetically grow the same.
I do claim,
it is “An Artist Endeavour”
that makes us animals human beings.
Which suppress
the beast,
and cause the climb
of the inverted evolutionary tree.
It was the intimate romance
between the potter and her clay
that developed a craft,
and forced use aboard the civilized raft.
Preparation for one’s interpretation
of an artistic rendition
born from a coming storm
is everything in this illusionary game.
The medium,
is only an inadequate mediator for the articulation
that acts as a container
for the priceless experience we sustain.
Watch the horizontal,
and angled lines.
The warm rays from the source
casting the beautiful shadows,
and patches of reflecting light
that dance on the subject
like theariatrical moving beams.
Intelligent illumination is essential,
to balance the presentation,
and following the rules of the ancient schools
to set the mood.
Carefully plant the painted spells.
Weave your colour potions mixed with passion
to harvest your subject’s soul,
and vanquish the stagnant cold.
As the gentle press brush consume
the spirit of the vision
penetrating the empty virgin cotton veil.
Extracting the essence from
from nameless comrades floating by
in the running stream of life.
Exciting the white fabric slate
with rhythmic eruptions
of titillate painted poetry.
Spreading a rich seductive rain
on the flat sterile desert plain.
A breathing form takes shape
in the chaos of the erotic storm.
For an artist does not
or create.
But is one of the actors
in an amorous ballet,
participating in the ritualistic orgy
of a lover’s play.
The sensual caress
of the voluptuous curves of the stone.
The tender massage
of the texture patterned medium.
Until the perfect piece is orgasm
into a climax of existence,
and is now complete.
Binding a small enchanted world into an instant
upon a canvas screen.
They are lovers you see,
helpless romantics,
and each ingredient must sincerely play it’s part
to secure full marks.
There it is!
A void euclidean shape
cut from a silent empty geometric plain.
The paint sings it’s ballad,
with each and every brush stroke,
waltzing with the choreograph
manifold of colour acrylic lines.
The water colours
curls about it’s bending on the pitted page
like growing fractal lines.
The oils dance
with a rainbow
in refracting sparkling angelic light.
The talking rock
crumbles and falls apart
leaving a godly image
that could be no other form
in the chaotic storm.
It is the purpose of the art
that make us different,
and also make us human.
To record our humanity
preserving our sensibilities
wrapped in dignity.
Historical indexing of our earthly mark
creating the art that record our part.
“Listen… to the silence”
while the rock screams!
Borrowing a single picture
from the continuous movie of human existence.
A small sliver from homosapians collective unconscious,
bound by a cyclic synergy of art,
and humanity reinforcing itself symbiotically.
It is this vanity
that spawned the same humanity,
and evolved one of many intelligent beast
to inquire why?
Think twice before taking a bite
of the forbidden fruit,
to reverse and return to paradise.
Art breed science
and forces the question of intelligence.
“Listen… to the silence”
while the canvas speaks!
Once the picture poisons,
there is no cure.
Be careful and precise,
less your audience gaze falls off the precipice
of your magical slice of life into the abyss.
See over there,
upon the single painted page
from the pantomime on centre stage,
and to the left.
The primary,
and just above
the face that acts as the secondary.
A dramatic performance of
and the intermarrying of straight and curved aids
is the painter’s baited page.
That springs the trap,
to secure the unfolding story line
reeling you in like a seduce victim
wrapped up in silken twine.
Forcing you to stay for awhile
in one frame of her paradise.
Leegal Poet
© Wayne Ferron : All rights reserved @copyright
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