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Dragon Spell by Chris Achellios
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nebulousfishgills · 3 months
Listen, Otto realizing that he helped put a moron on the Iron Throne and then going through the five stages of grief before dipping is peak comedy, bro really fucked around and then found out.
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prokopetz · 2 months
Low-level Dungeons & Dragons adventure where a village is being extorted by a "fearsome lich" which ultimately turns out to be a regular, non-animated skeleton being puppeted with rods and strings by a group of very sneaky goblins.
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voltaical-art · 7 months
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do you guys ever think about how Wyll is introduced as an archetypal fantasy hero, but then it turns out he’s a warlock, who made a pact with a devil. Do you ever think about how Ansur is described as this fantastical dragon of myth, but then when you find him, he’s turned into an undead monstrosity. Do you think about how when Wyll does the right thing, he is punished to become more monstrous. Do you think about how as Wyll’s warlock powers grow, his spells get more horrific. Do you think about how Ansur was killed by his closest friend. Do think about how Wyll was cast out by the most important person in his life. do you guys ever think about Ansur and Wyll.
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white-weasel · 1 year
Funniest bit of the dnd movie is Xenk clearly being an NPC the DM introduced for lore and plot purposes who’s a competent fighter because of course he is, his reputation and backstory require it. But whoopsies the DM made him too powerful, the whole party likes him, and now they want him to come with to fight the BBEG which will completely and utterly fuck up the encounter balance
So instead of there being any actual plot reason he can’t join Xenk just says “I can’t. This is something only you can do.” And then walks off, never to interact with the party again because the DM just knows those little shits will find a way to use their OP creation against them
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sbeep · 4 months
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Prismatic Wall
9th-level abjuration
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Some of you didn’t seem to understand how magic works in the sense of how you can access it. I’ll explain again.
If you gain magical power from making a deal with a more powerful being, you are a warlock. Sneaky lawyer.
If you gain magical power through teachings and studies, you are a wizard/artificer. (Artificers usually gain power through experimentation.)
If you gain magical power by pledging yourself to a cause, being, or idea, you are a paladin. Pretentious bitch.
If you gain magical power by praising a higher deity (and not making a deal), you are a cleric. Heal someone.
If you have magical power and you didn’t do anything to gain it, you are a sorcerer. Fuck you. Seriously, fuck you. The rest of us had to work for our shit.
If you gain magical power by protecting nature and caring for plants and animals, you are a Druid. Fucking hippie.
If you gain magical power from your desire to entertain and also fuck, you are a bard. Stop trying to seduce my dad.
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hawke · 29 days
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Emmrich in Dragon Age: The Veilguard | High-Level Combat Parts 1-4 2024, dev. BioWare
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sparemoon · 1 year
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Barbie and ken meme but with DAO companions
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chikkenhawke · 10 months
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behold! peanutbutter.
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princessbellecerise · 14 days
Starry Nights
Summary ✩ Jace takes his little family on a night ride when they can’t sleep
Warnings ✩ None but I might have cried writing this
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“Go to bed,” Jacaerys tried.
“No!” Aemma giggled.
You chuckled quietly as you watched Jace frown at your two year old, once again unsuccessful in getting the tot to lay down.
He had been trying for the past thirty minutes, but Aemma was a stubborn child and she refused to go to sleep much to your husband’s frustration.
So far, Jacaerys had tried bribing her with the promise of sweets on the morrow, a bed time story, and now he gave in and was trying to teach her dragon commands so that she’d finally give in.
But nothing seemed to work.
Aemma was wide awake and hyper, clapping happily at little Moonknight who shared her crib.
Much to Jacaerys’ dismay, neither dragon nor baby seemed in the mood to sleep.
“I might have an idea,” You finally spoke up, feeling pity for your poor husband as you watched him.
You had been quietly lurking outside of the nursery, waiting to see if Jacaerys’ methods worked but it seemed like he needed your help. Not that your stubborn tot would really listen to you, either, but you hoped that what you had to say would please her enough to agree.
“Speak away. Please,” Jace said, exasperated as Aemma began to sing the alphabet to Moonknight. You smiled wildly as you crept in, cradling your small belly as you joined your husband and daughter.
“Hi darling,” You cooed as Aemma immediately stood up in her crib, reaching for you with eager hands while Moonknight screeched.
Taking your daughter into your arms, you propped her up on your hip and turned to Jacaerys.
“Why don’t we all go for a dragon ride?” You suggested. “The skies are beautiful tonight, and I think it will be good for all of us to burn energy before bed.”
Immediately, Aemma began shouting happily at the idea, bouncing in your arms but Jace looked at you with a concerned expression.
“My love, are you sure that is a wise idea?” He asked, placing a hand on your belly which had barely began to swell.
You were only two moons pregnant so it wasn’t very prominent, but Jace was still worried.
Always overprotective, he was, but you assured him that everything would be fine.
“The babe and I are strong, and besides. You haven’t taken us riding in a while either, husband.”
Between his wife and daughter, Jace knew that this wasn’t a fight that he’d win. Both of you gave him a pleading look that he couldn’t resist, though you were only teasing when you stuck your lip out.
“Pleaaassee? Kepa, please?” Aemma begged Jacaerys, and it took all but two seconds of looking at her little pouty face to agree.
“Fine. We will take flight but you have to promise to be careful,” He said, looking at Aemma and you. You rolled your eyes. “Hold on to your mother very tightly and remember—we must be very, very quiet. We don’t want the guards to try and stop us, alright?”
“Okay!” Aemma shouted. Immediately, she slapped a hand over her mouth and apologized, but Jace merely smiled and kissed the side of her head.
“It’s alright. Come on then,” He said.
You and him pretended to be on the lookout while Aemma trailed behind you, giggling excitedly and trying but failing to be quiet.
Her strained giggles echoed through Dragonstone, the castle silent and still at this time of night.
There weren’t many people around save for the guards on night watch and a few people stumbling around drunk. All of them gave you confused looks as you ‘snuck’ past them, Jace placing a finger over his lips to signal Aemma to be quiet.
“My Prince? Princess?”
Ser Lorent raised an eyebrow at your strange enterage, confused as to why you were sneaking around your own castle. You gave him a look and silently pointed to Aemma, mouthing ‘She can’t sleep,’ before grinning.
See Lorent seemed to get the message and he chuckled as Jacaerys suddenly grabbed Aemma, hoisting her up in his arms and shouting,
“Run! Run or else we’ll be caught!”
Laughing, they took off in a sprint and you followed them as the Kingsguard shook his head behind you. In no time, your giggling family of three made it to the Dragon caves, where Jace passed Aemma off to you to summon Vermax.
“Can I do it?” Not yet understanding the bond between a dragon and its rider, Aemma wished to do the honors but Jace shook his head.
“No, my love. One day you’ll be able to summon Moonknight on your own, but Vermax is my mount. He only responds to me,” Jace explained before continuing.
He shouted a few words in High Valyrian and you waited anxiously for the green dragon to appear. Usually, Vermax was restless at night as well, so it wasn’t a surprise when you saw him only a few seconds later, alert albeit not in a good mood.
“He’s always grumpy,” Aemma whispered in your ear as Jace soothed him.
You giggled.
“That’s because green dragons are known to be temperamental, my sweet,” You explained to her. “So we must be careful while mounting him, okay?”
Aemma rapidly nodded her head, showing that she understood the importance of approaching the dragon slowly and with respect. Honestly, you were quite proud of your little girl as she joined Jace quietly, her father lifting her in his arms so she could pet the beast.
Vermax chorted and sniffled at Aemma. For a moment, you held your breath as his eyes fixed on her, a mother’s worry never ending. Thankfully though, it ended up being a sweet interaction, Vermax nudging her with his snout before bending his neck.
“Come, my love. He’ll let us ride him,” Jace informed you, and you stepped forward.
Your husband was the first to mount and to ensure her safety, Aemma went behind him. She sat excitedly in the space in front of him, leaving only a small gap for you to squeeze into behind her.
With your back pressed against Jacaerys’ chest and your arms firmly around Aemma, all three of you buckled up. You made sure Aemma’s belt was especially tight before you nodded to Jace, signaling that you both were ready.
Once his girls were situated, Jace called out a command to Vermax and you were soon up in the air.
No matter how many times Jace had taken you flying, the feeling of soaring through the clouds on dragon back was always magical. There was nothing like feeling the raw wind in your face, tasting the sweet air of the heavens as you flew through them.
“Mũna! Kepa! Look!”
In front of you, Aemma was a ball of amazement as she pointed to the stars. Her little eyes were wide and ever curious as she took in the night sky, babbling about all the constellations that she recognized.
You could tell that Jace was proud as he chuckled behind you. After all, he was the one that taught your little girl about them, and it warmed your heart to see her so excited.
Eventually, she pointed a star and said,
Thinking she was trying to get your attention, you asked, “Yes my love?” You looked to where she was pointing, thinking she was trying to tell you about a specific constellation but she shook head.
“No! It’s mũna! Mũna, Kepa and Aemma,” She explained excitedly, pointing to three specific stars.
They stood out against the night sky almost like a beacon. On the left was a medium sized star, nestled next to a large one in the middle and the smallest one to the right of that.
It took a moment to realize she was seeing your little family in the stars.
“Yes, my sweet. It’s us,” You laughed as Aemma clapped happily, holding her tight as warmth flooded your veins.
Neither you or Jace could stop smiling as Vermax finished his trek. By the time the dragon had circled over Dragonstone for the third time, you were sure that your cheeks were going to split from happiness.
Your heart felt full, ready to burst and Jace’s did as well. He grinned down at your daughter, victorious when she stilled in your arms.
“I think it worked,” You told Jacaerys, grinning as you cradled her sleeping body to your chest. You were careful not to wake her as you landed back in the dragon pit, bidding Vermax a goodnight whilst the dragon slunk back to his caves.
Then, the three of you then went back the way you came, nodding to Ser Lorent in victory as you entered Aemma’s chambers.
“Goodnight, issa vēzos se qēlossās,” Jace whispered as you laid her down. Immediately, she curled up with Moonknight and you could see light shining in your husband’s eyes, the love and the warmth as bright as the stars.
You kissed her forehead.
“Goodnight, my love,” You whispered as well.
Your daughter and her little dragon only snored in response.
Zaldrizes / Dragon
Lykiri / Calm
Issa vēzos se qēlossās / my sun and stars
tagging my jace nation babes 💓
@alyssa-dayne @benjinotes @eldrith @earth4angels @vee-mage
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darktripz · 2 years
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CTHYLLA - Madness Lie Beyond The Ancient Chamber
CTHYLLA - Stone Of Euclidean Chaos
CONIFEROUS MYST / DRAGON SPELL - Our Cathedral Within The Sky
DRAGON SPELL - Mountain Rehearsal 6/16/22
CONIFEROUS MYST - Knight of The Wyvern Covenant III
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deathberi · 4 months
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oakenshieldbaggins · 2 months
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@trombonechurchill asked: favourite spell in dungeons & dragons honor among thieves
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vebokki · 4 months
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number one truther of simon drools in his sleep and baz finds it terribly charming
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radiance1 · 2 months
Ghosts are Dragons.
Instead of being protective or caring for one another or caring about child ghosts.
They actively view each other as threats.
"Oh, nothing personal but you gotta die now."
"Oh yea I totally get that but you also have to die now."
Inspired by this glorious fic.
Dragons don't really hate each other, they just have to kill each other on sight no biggie. Even more when they feel like their hoard is in danger or a dragon is getting too close to said hoard.
Danny and Vlad.
Phantom and Plasmius.
I would like to say that they're seen as really weird entities by the ghost community. On one they manage to act civil with each other (I.E not trying to tear each other's cores out or something) and then on the other they're literally how dragons would expect them to be (Phantom and Plasmius).
Of course, a ghost's act of civility is not the same as a human's, so they're just viewed as... really fucking weird. In human form their instincts are kinda on the back burner but still there so they're somewhat antagonistic with each other.
In ghost form?
Bloody brawl.
Even worse if you try and fit into the idea of the Fenton family being apart of both their hoards. Most common link being Maddie but if you wanna get kinda cracky with it could be Jack too for a Vlad/Jack angle.
On one hand, Vlad wants Danny to be his kid. On the other it's like "Okay no hard feelings but you really need to die now."
Then imagine if this was a Nasty Burger explosion au and Danny falls into Vlad's custody. It's like, okay, cool, Vlad got what he wanted but wow does his dragon side want this kid dead and damn he has really good self-control and somewhat morals to not try and strike a grieving child.
Danny, on the other hand, is very, very sad and his dragon side also, very much, wants Vlad dead.
They get into some fights. Well. A lot of fights. Nothing big.
By dragon standards anyway.
Look! Two dragons! In one house! And they haven't torn out each other's cores and disabled on another! It's a miracle!!!
(Sidenote, I feel like Danielle wouldn't really be around in this au because, you know. Dragons kinda want each other dead and all that.)
So yea, in the eyes of ghosts those guys Phantom and Plasmius are really, very weird dragons. And so, extremely but confusingly civil.
In the eyes of humans, however... well.... kinda... paints a bad picture.
To one Bruce Wayne especially when they meet each other at a gala.
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