#Moving and shipping in Oman
zvaigzdelasas · 2 months
President Joe Biden is weighing more US defenses in the Middle East as the US prepares for an Iranian retaliation against Israel that officials say could include an attack on American forces.
In a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Thursday, Biden said the US would “support Israel’s defense against threats,” which would include “new defensive US military deployments,” according to a readout of the call.[...]
The USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier strike group, which includes the aircraft carrier, destroyers and other warships, has been operating in the Gulf of Oman in recent weeks. The strike group could potentially move into the Gulf of Aden or the Red Sea, where Navy warships have intercepted dozens of Houthi launches over the past several months.
The USS Wasp amphibious assault ship and several other Navy vessels are currently operating in the Mediterranean Sea. The group includes a Marine expeditionary unit capable of carrying out an evacuation of American citizens from Lebanon if the US ordered such an evacuation.
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) promised a “harsh” and “painful” response to the assassination. Israel has not commented on the killing.[...]
Israel Defense Forces spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said that “international partners” have bolstered their forces in the region, though he did not specify which countries.
“We have very good defense systems,” he said of Israel’s own preparations for an attack, “and in addition we have international partners who have reinforced their forces [deployed] in the region, to help us counter the threats.”
A Defense Department spokesman said Thursday the Pentagon has no information to provide on the movement of US forces or changes to force condition at this time.[...]
A coalition of countries, including Jordan and other Arab states, came together in April to share intelligence and intercept the Iranian barrage. But officials say it’s unclear if such a coalition could be stood up again so quickly and whether all of the countries are willing to participate once again.
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah hinted that a coordinated attack on Israel could be in the works after Israel assassinated one of its top commanders in Beirut less than 24 hours before the killing of Haniyeh.
“Because they have picked a fight with everyone, they don’t know where the response will come from … the response will come separately or coordinated,” he said in a speech Thursday.
1 Aug 24
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girlactionfigure · 4 months
🔅Sun morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
🔥FOREST FIRE - JERUSALEM.. near the Ben Zion intersection and the Beit Hanina neighborhood.
▪️BLOCKED ENTRANCE TO JERUSALEM BY PROTESTORS.. Demonstrators from the "Change Direction" movement handcuffed themselves to a display in the form of a ballot box and blocked the primary road entrance to Jerusalem. Police and firefighting team are working to remove the protesters.
▪️BLOCKED THE TEL AVIV HIGHWAY OVERNIGHT.. as has become the weekend custom, protestors blocked the Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv at night and were gradually removed by police.  Above at the Kaplan intersection, water cannon were deployed to break up the protest after they refused to disperse.  1 arrested, the police are also now handing out NIS 1,000 fines on the spot for illegal protest and refusing police dispersal orders.
▪️IT’S ALL POLITICAL NEWS.. The focus is moving to the domestic arena in Israel.  The balance problems of Israel’s many-party non-representative democracy are coming to the fore, with all the leadership types blaming each other for the current situation EVEN THOUGH MOST OF THEM have either been part of the emergency government & war cabinet, part of the coalition, or part of the previous government.
HERO SOLDIERS HAVE FALLEN.. Nachman Meir Haim Vakanin, 20, from Eilat, and Noam Batan, 20, from Moshav Yad Rambam have fallen in battle in the Gaza Strip.  May their families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge their blood!
▪️US NEGOTIATING WITH IRAN.. Iran's representative to the UN confirms the reports of indirect contacts between the US and Iran in an attempt to achieve calm in the region. Contacts are made through the Sultanate of Oman. (( Well so far the US has given in on the ability to prepare materials for nukes, on funding of terror, on funds ceased due to funding of terror.  In the meantime Iran set up and armed regional terror armies and took control of 1/3 of world shipping, as well as building nukes.  Hmm, what can the US give them this time? ))
▪️HOUTHI UPGRADE.. US Central Command eports that the Houthis used a new and particularly dangerous ballistic missile for the first time.  More range, higher accuracy, higher ship damage.
♦️IDF CAPTURES long range rockets and rocket manufacturing facility in Jabaliya.
♦️POWERFUL IDF ATTACKS.. in Jabaliya, Gaza this morning.
♦️COUNTER-TERROR OVERNIGHT in Kalkilya and Shechem.  “Lions Den” terror group firefight with IDF troops, and al-Aqsa Martyrs in Kalkilya.  Several captured.
⭕ YESTERDAY EVENING’s HAMAS ROCKETS at Ashkelon was a BARRAGE of 10.  5 intercepted, 5 missed.
⭕ HAMAS ROCKETS at Sderot this morning, intercepted.  Last 
⭕ SUICIDE DRONE ATTACKS VEHICLE.. overnight military vehicle in Metulla hit by drone.  No casualties.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH rockets and suicide drones this morning, Malkia,  Dishon, Iftach, Malkia, Mevuot Hermon Regional Council, Ramot Naftali, Yir’on, Baram, Avivim.
⭕ ANTI-TANK MISSILES fired at Mt. Dov and at Arab al-Aramsha.
🔅Sun afternoon - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️EDITOR COMMENT.. For most of this war, the majority of Israeli politicians kept quiet and disagreements somewhat behind closed doors. And even segments of the public and activist groups kept a low profile.
Unfortunately that seems to be coming to an end.  
When we share reports on political statements, protests, and activist actions, we get a fair amount of negative feedback and accusations of bias.  We believe we are presenting a fairly balanced view, taking information from sources that lean both directions and trying to translate them (language and culturally) for our English speaking readers.
Since these political moves directly affect all of Israel, the war, and the Jewish people - we can’t ignore them.  
We do, however, try to limit political and activist reports to the main players and major events.  
▪️POLITICS: GANTZ TWEAKS TERMS.. National Unity MK Gantz adjusts his letter from yesterday - the return of the hostages is not an overarching goal but "a goal of highest priority”.
▪️POLITICS : LAPID CALLS.. Opposition Leader MK Lapid calls on Gantz to resign, he calls on Defense Min. Gallant to stay (as he says because he doesn’t want his deputy to take over).
▪️MASS MURDERER GETS SURGERY.. After Ichilov hospital on Thursday refused to accept the Hamas Nokhaba terrorist for pelvic surgery and he was returned to Sde Yemen, at the end of the week the security forces coordinated with the hospital for the terrorist's arrival and he underwent the surgery.
▪️ATTEMPTED TERROR STABBING - Abu Dis checkpoint.. A terrorist arrived at the "Kiosk" checkpoint located near the town of "Abu Dis" in Judea pulled out a screwdriver and tried to stab the fighters at the checkpoint.  Terrorist killed.
▪️HOSTAGE SHANI LUKE’S FATHER.. at her funeral “I ask all the people of Israel not to go to demonstrations. This is the fuel of our enemies.”
▪️JERUSALEM PROTEST.. that blocked the city entrance.  3 arrested.
▪️RA’ANANA TERROR OR MENTALLY ILL?  A resident of Taiba was arrested by a gym in Ra'anana threatening the exercisers and shouting that they should die "like Shahid". Arrested and police say will be transferred to professionals for mental health diagnosis.
♦️COUNTER-TERROR A-Rihiyya.. near Hebron, raid.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH ANTI-TANK fire at an IDF Hummer in Malikia, followed by artillery at the responders.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH DRONES, 2 rounds, Beit Hillel, Kfar Giladi, Kfar Yuval, Metulla, Manara, Ma'ayan Baruch, Margaliot, Misgav Am, Kiryat Shmona, Tel Hai, Dafna, HaGoshrim, Ghajar, Kibutz Dan, Shear Yeshuv, Snir, Avivim, Baram, Yir'on 
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workersolidarity · 11 months
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• Iraqi Resistance announces to have targeted the US occupation of the Khareb al-Jeer military base in Northeastern Syria
• Honduras recalls its ambassador to Israel
• US protestors in Oakland attempt to block US ships loaded with military equipment and ammunition bound for occupied Palestine
• Iraqi Resistance claims responsibility for two drone strikes on the US Harir Military base located in Iraqi Kurdistan.
• According to the authorities in Gaza, 46 journalists have been killed in the latest round of Israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip.
• US Officials expect the Israeli Occupation Forces to move towards infantry and ground operations over the heavy bombing and shelling of residential neighborhoods in Gaza according to a CNN report
• Multiple killed and wounded in an Israeli strike on the entrance to the al-Nasr children's hospital in western Gaza
• 25 ambulances have been destroyed by Israeli Occupation Forces since October 7th
• Iraqi Resistance Forces targeted a US military base in al-Shaddadi, Syria
• Israeli Occupation Forces launched air strikes targeting the Al-Fakhoura school in the northern Gaza Strip where refugees were sheltering
• Israeli Occupation Forces have deliberately targeted 105 healthcare centers and hospitals, leading to the closing of 16 hospitals in Gaza
• according to Gaza's Ministry of Health, 150 medical personnel have been killed and 57 ambulances have been destroyed since October 7th.
• Gaza Ministry of Health: 70% of casualties caused by Israeli air strikes are women and children
• Gaza Ministry of Health: 9'488 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli shelling, including 3'900 children and 2'500 women
• according to the authorities in Gaza, their have been 10 massacres of Palestinians over the past 10 hours resulting in the deaths of 231 civilians
• Hezbollah launches two "Burkan" rockets towards occupied Palestine's Israeli Military outposts
• US Secretary of State Antony Blinkin attends meeting of foreign ministers of Arab countries in Oman
• Israeli Occupation Forces announces a safe travel route for evacuating to southern Gaza for a period of 3 hours
• Turkish President Racep Tayyip Erdogan says the global community must stop Israeli war crimes and rights violations and says Israel is "gradually erasing Palestinians from history."
• Erdogan says Turkiye will recall its ambassador to Israel for consultations due to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza
• US Secretary of State Antony Blinkin calls for a "humanitarian pause" in Gaza
• Demonstrations have been held across Iran to denounce the US and Israel and to mark the 1979 takeover of the US embassy in Tehran as Israel continues its genocidal bombing of the Gaza Strip
• King Abdullah of Jordan condemned the killing of civilians in Gaza and says Arab countries must speak with one voice to denounce slaughter of Palestinians
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usafphantom2 · 12 days
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The aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt is leaving the Middle East
Sep 12, 2024 at 11:41 AM
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s rare move to keep two Navy aircraft carriers in the Middle East over the past several weeks has now finished, and the Theodore Roosevelt is heading home, according to U.S. officials.
U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had ordered the TR to extend its deployment for a short time and remain in the region as fellow carrier Abraham Lincoln was pushed to get to the area more quickly.
The Biden administration beefed up the U.S. military presence there last month to help defend Israel from possible attacks by Iran and its proxies and to safeguard U.S. troops.
U.S. commanders in the Middle East have long argued that the presence of a U.S. aircraft carrier and the warships accompanying it has been an effective deterrent in the region, particularly for Iran. Since the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip began last fall, there has been a persistent carrier presence in and around the region — and for short periods they have overlapped to have two of the carriers there at the same time.
Prior to last fall, however, it had been years since the U.S. had committed that much warship power to the region.
The decision to bring the Roosevelt home comes as the war in Gaza has dragged on for 11 months, with tens of thousands of people dead, and international efforts to mediate a cease-fire between Israel and the Hamas militant group have repeatedly stalled as they accuse each other of making additional and unacceptable demands.
For a number of months earlier this year the carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower remained in the Red Sea, able both to respond to help Israel and to defend commercial and military ships from attacks by the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen. The carrier, based in Norfolk, Virginia, returned home after a more than eight-month deployment in combat that the Navy said was the most intense since World War II.
U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss troop movements, said the San Diego-based Roosevelt and the destroyer Daniel Inouye are expected to be in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command’s region on Thursday. The other destroyer in the strike group, the Russell, had already left the Middle East and has been operating in the South China Sea.
The Lincoln, which is now in the Gulf of Oman with several other warships, arrived in the Middle East about three weeks ago, allowing it to overlap with the Roosevelt until now.
There also are a number of U.S. ships in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, and two destroyers and the guided missile submarine Georgia are in the Red Sea.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Excerpt from this story from National Geographic:
Ship collisions with the world’s rarest whales have garnered global attention. But until recently, scientists didn’t realize these same vessels are likely killing whale sharks, an endangered species and the world’s largest fish.
In a new study, over 75 researchers came together to quantify the threat shipping may pose to whale sharks, which live in warm tropical and sub-tropical waters around the world, including the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans.
The scientists mapped whale shark aggregation hot spots—known as constellations because of the sharks’ star-like patterns across their backs—in 26 countries and overlaid them with information on the positions of large ships, provided by Global Fishing Watch, a nonprofit that uses technology to increase transparency around how our oceans are used and managed.
They found the sharks were most in danger in heavily trafficked regions of Ecuador, Mexico, Malaysia, the Philippines, Oman, Seychelles, and Taiwan. While it’s unknown how many sharks are dying, their proximity to so much shipping activity suggests the burden is high, says lead author Freya Womersley, a researcher at the Marine Research and Conservation Foundation and the University of Southampton in the U.K.
Whales, such as right whales, stay near the surface to breathe air, making them particularly vulnerable to hitting ships. Although whale sharks, which often reach 32 feet long, don’t need to come up to breathe, they spend around half their time cruising at the surface feeding on plankton.
“The data the study pulled together from tagging whales sharks all over the world just shows how much time they're spending in that high-risk zone,” says Michael Heithaus, a shark ecologist at Florida International University who was not involved in the study, published in May in the journal Science of the Total Environment.
As shipping increases globally, these experts say it’s vital to act now to protect sharks: There are more than 100,000 ships moving goods worldwide, and the number could grow by as much as 1,200 percent by 2050.
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auclogistics · 29 days
10 Question to Ask Packers and Movers Before Hiring 
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The choices of the packers and movers that you hire are very important and determine when you have a move. Here is a set of questions, which will help you make the right decision regarding hiring the best Packers in Oman. Here are ten essential questions to ask your packers and movers. 
1. How long have you been in the moving industry?  
Exposure that a moving company undergoes depends on its reliability and efficiency on the field. Inquire about the firm’s duration of service, the number of relocation services it performs per year, and if the particular kind of move you are planning for, whether it is residential, commercial, or interstate move is among their specialty. 
They are in a better position of having all it takes in handling your move especially if they have been in this business for long. 
2. Do you provide insurance services? 
A licensed company is allowed to engage in and has a specified criterion of qualifications which enable it to undertake the activities it is allowed to. Insurance is also crucial mainly because it covers your goods in case they are damaged or even lost during the moving period. 
Request the licensing number and the specifics of any insurance, whether general, limited or specific, coverage offered and procedures on how to make a claim.
3. Can I get references or reviews of previous events that you have anchored/commented for? 
Any Best Packer and Removal Company in Oman remains ready to give contact details of past customers they have served. Further, read the reviews on search engines like Google, Yelp, Better Business Bureau (BBB) or any other rating sites. 
The fact that most of the feedback received is positive, is evidence of the fact that the company cannot be fraudulent. If that is possible, one should not hesitate to call previous clients and get first-hand experience of their stay. 
4. What are the beneficial services provided by your company ?
The moving companies may provide different services, thus, it is crucial to know what service is provided in the package. There are also additional services that the movers can provide especially for customer’s valuables such as paintings, pianos, or antiques. Being aware of the services out there will assist you evaluate them to see whether they suit you or not.
5. How do you decide on the cost of the move? 
You need to inquire whether the estimate is in proportion with the weight of the articles you intend to move, the distance that is to be covered or the time that is likely to be taken to effect the move. Insist on a written agreement that locks an action in case of additional charges on other factors such as on packing or handling of large items. 
This will remove any unpredictable moves on the move day that are common with some movers.
6. Are your estimates home based or online?
Expert movers sometimes advise doing an in-home or virtual one to be more precise when giving a quotation. This serves to enable them to gauge the amount and weight of your consignment and where necessary sort out items that demand handling with extra care. 
Run away from companies that will give you a quote over the phone and ask you to send them pictures of your properties; this is a common way they use to defraud and settle for inflated prices when delivering inferior services.
7. What is your policy regarding cancellation or rescheduling of the appointment? 
Sometimes things happen that may cause you to shift your move date afterwards and that is why you should always choose a date that you will feel flexible enough to shift. 
Enquire about cancellation or rescheduling of an appointment and the charges that are likely to be incurred. Awareness of some of these terms prior to departure can spare you a lot of tension and money in case of alterations in your plans.
8. How do you manage to ship delicate and expensive items?
In case you have delicate items like; antiques, electronics, or fine art, inquire on how the company handles them. Are they able to special pack fragile goods in any way or do they use particular material when packing? Moreover, ask about insurance for pricy possessions; it is desirable to know whether your things will be insured enough.
9. Who do I entrust my move to? 
It is important to know who will be physically handling your belong-ings and your property for them to be held responsible. Find out if the company has its own employees or hires a sub company to do the moving. 
In case you are to subcontract part of the assignments, ask about their experience and credentials. You should also want to be aware of the people who will be handling your property and to whom you should report in case of any problem.
10. What are the precautions to be taken in order to avoid accidents at the time of moving? 
At all times, one would prefer not to endanger their lives, and this is especially true during any moving situation. Discuss with the Movers in Oman what measures are taken to ensure efficiency in the transportation of your property. 
Some of them include; packing of the belongings in padded moving blankets, anchoring the things in the trailer and how capable the company is in handling your delicate items. Also, consider asking the size of their company, their workers, and how they treat their employees; whether they are trained or if they have protective measures for your artifacts during the moving process.
Answering these ten questions will assist one in compiling all the information required when selecting the Best Packer and Removal Company in Oman. A reliable company will give straightforward answers with no ambiguities that will make you believe that your move will be professional and smooth. In your decision making be sure to compare the response of different companies.
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months
Maritime traffic through the Red Sea — the vital waterway carrying goods from Asia to Europe — had already fallen by nearly 80% when Yemen's Houthi rebels and Israel escalated their spillover conflict from the Gaza war last weekend. On Friday, the Iran-backed Houthi militia attacked the Israeli city of Tel Aviv from more than 2,000 kilometers (1,242 miles) to the south, killing one person. Israel retaliated a day later with its first-ever airstrikes on Yemen's port city of Hodeida, which the Houthis control, killing six people and wounding 83 others, the Health Ministry in Yemen said. Last year, the Houthis began attacking ships in the Red Sea in response to Israel's war against the Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza, forcing shipping lines to reroute their vessels via southern Africa. Dozens of ships still ply Red Sea route Despite the risk, some ships are still opting for the Red Sea route, with dozens of vessels still traversing the waterway that, at its narrowest point, is only 30 kilometers (about 19 miles) wide. The website marinetraffic.com showed more than a dozen ships moving along the Red Sea, with many more in the Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea to the south of Yemen and Oman. "It was larger, international container ships that were being targeted [by the Houthis]," Emily Stausboll, a senior shipping analyst at the Denmark-based Xaneta consultancy, told DW. "Smaller, regional vessels haven't been fired at to the same extent." Stausboll said despite the risk of attack, smaller operators had decided they could still traverse the Red Sea "reasonably safely." China and Russia were also told privately by the Houthis that their vessels would not be touched, news agency Bloomberg reported in March. The attacks have also been less severe on shipping carrying commodities on bulk carriers and tankers, instead targeting container ships.
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marcdodson · 2 months
Historical Support for China's South China Sea Territorial Stance
There have been recent claims in the media that Great Britain and other nations who operate Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPS) in the South China Sea have taken no stance concerning the sovereignty of the three island groups that are the subject of dispute among China, the Philippines and Vietnam. However, there is overwhelming evidence that this is not the case. Instead, that evidence points to prior recognition of the islands as historic Chinese territory.
To examine this question, public statements by government officials regarding the Spratley, Paracel and Pratas Islands (Dongsha Islands) were examined, a common legal practice used by the International Court of Justice to show official intent.
British Government efforts at understanding China’s history in the region were made in 1944 when preparations were underway for post war administration of occupied territories. The British Military Administration, Malaya, was making observations concerning Chinese maritime history in the South China Sea region:
“It must not be forgotten that while Europe was still relying on the galley in the Mediterranean and was only feeling towards the fore- and aft- rig in the North Seas and sailing in ships whose capacities measured in tens of tons, the Chinese were already ocean sailors with junks to be found from their own coasts to the mouth of the Indus whilst the Arabs in dhows of over 1,000 tons capacity were bringing the spices of the East Indies to Egypt and the European markets.”
Chinese ability to sail across the South China Sea region and into the Indian Ocean can be seen as recognized by the U.K. Government in this statement.
Economic exploitation of the resources in the South China Sea region was recognized earlier in Europe; among the first records in the post Roman Empire period were made in 1154. Roger of Sicily’s Court Geographer, the Arab al-Idrisi, provided early recorded details of Chinese junks sailing towards the West:
“All the Chinese ships, great or small, that navigate in the China Sea are solidly constructed of wood. The pieces of timber are disposed geometrically one over the other, protected by palm fibres and caulked with flour and fish oil. In the China Sea and the Indian Ocean there are large animals 100 yards [this is probably feet] long and 25 wide, on the backs of which grow bumps of rocks and shellfish like vegetation, by which the ships are sometimes damaged. Mariners recount how they attack these animals with arrows and thus force them to move out of their way. They add that they pierce the smallest of these animals and boil them in cauldrons, that their flesh dissolves and turns into liquid fat. This oily substance is renowned in the Yemen, in Aden, on the coasts of Fars and Oman, and in the Indian Ocean and the China Sea. The people of these regions make use of this substance for filling the hulls of the ships.”
That al-Idrisi was able to record the hunting of whales in the South China Sea region in 1154 exhibits the longevity of the practice in Chinese maritime history and the long-term presence of the history itself, rendering it unsurprising that President Xi of China would invoke an observation of Chinese maritime use since “ancient times” in claiming the islands as Chinese territory.
The history of Chinese maritime trade in the region is also based on the foundation of Spratly Islands' exploitation and occupation. The Spratly Islands have been historically known to Chinese mariners, who were observed to sail through the South China Sea to Jakarta (then Batavia) by John Crawfurd, a mariner and trader in the 1830s. It was subsequently reported in the Japan Times in 1933 that Chinese fishing parties were leaving members who then lived on the islands.
These records of historical use have been disputed, as the BBC reporter Bill Hayton noted in 2014: “On 13 April 1930, the French Warship Malicieuse dropped anchor off Spratly Island, hundreds of kilometers to the south of Pratas and the Paracels, and fired a 21-gun salute. The only witnesses to this display of imperial pomp were four marooned and starving fishermen unaware that they were witnessing the opening salvo in a still-unfinished battle for their fishing grounds.”
However, reports of rice supplies and other necessities arriving from China contradict Hayton's suggestion that there were four marooned and starving fishermen. Junks were commandeered for military operations on the Southern Chinese coastline, making them unavailable for the 800-mile voyage from Hainan that year, adding to the maritime issues related to the ongoing conflict with Japan (1930-1945).
After World War II, the Spratly Islands were noted by the British High Commission of Singapore as territory that was returned to China. In 1971, the following statement was made: “Spratly Island was a Chinese dependency, part of Kwangtung Province…and was returned to China after the war. We cannot find any indication of its having been acquired by any other country and so can only conclude it is still held by communist China. (Far Eastern Economic Review, December 31, 1974).”
It should be noted that this was outside of any major conflict in the modern period in the South China Sea (1930–1945, 1945–1956, 1974), and made after an exhaustive study was concluded by the U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It can therefore can be considered a reasoned statement of recognition made by a knowing and authoritative governmental source who was based in the Southeast Asian before and during World War II.
The consistent nature of other statements made by Britain France and Japan suggest that these nations have historically taken the same position as China, and made public statements to that effect.
For example, France occupied the Paracel Islands in the 1930s during the war between China and Japan. The occupation took place over a year after France had refused to abolish its extraterritorial rights in China, which had been held since 1844. The first official announcement concerning the seizure of the Paracel Islands was made by M. Bonnet, the French Foreign Minister at the Quay d’Orsay, stating that the islands were now occupied by two detachments of Annamite gendarmes from Vietnam in 1938. Amid the Sino-Japanese conflict, the Quai d’Orsay took the opportunity to note that “the islands have been visited by Chinese fishermen for generations” (North China Herald, July 4, 1938, June 6, 1934).
Meanwhile, the Chinese Ambassador Wellington Koo informed M. Bonnet that China continued to claim sovereignty over the islands, and Japanese Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Horinouchi also made official representations “regarding the French occupation of the Paracel Islands’ (Japan Times & Mail, July 6, 1938; Portsmouth Evening News, July 7, 1938; emphasis added).
It is clear that the occupation by France of islands used for internationally-recognized Chinese historical economic life was protested by China as an invasion of sovereign territory, and was publicly repeated by Japanese officials, who wished to possess the islands for belligerent purposes that were directed towards China during their war of the 1930s and 40s. The impact today can be derived from a legal interpretation, as UNESCO and UNCLOS provide protections and rights for historic grave sites. 
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jdgo51 · 4 months
Use Your Tongue to Help, Not Hurt
Today's inspiration comes from:
Don't Sink Your Own Ship
by Max Anders
"Don’t sink your own ship.
Use your tongue to help, not to hurt."
"If we control the tongue, we control the whole person. Let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but if there is any good word for edification according to the need of the moment, say that, so that it will give grace to those who hear." — Ephesians 4:29
"'In high school, I thought I was a BMOC — Big Man On Campus. I was an athlete, played in several school bands, had the lead in the school play, and was invited to all the parties the cool kids had. I thought I was big stuff — on the outside. But inside I was insecure, uncertain, and easily intimidated. I was an overachiever simply because I had no confidence whatsoever in my inherent worth as a human being. So I had to rely on achievements to validate my worth as a member of the human race.
I would periodically do other things to validate my status, to remind myself and others that I was, in fact, a BMOC. However, these things were usually the actions of a JERK, which is often what I really was. But I didn’t realize it at the time. One of my most disheartening forays into JERK-dom happened when a new girl moved to our small town. She was quiet and shy, although I remember her being a nice young lady as I look back on everything many years after. She had a pleasant countenance and was polite, courteous, and a good student. There was nothing wrong with her.
But the ways of JERKs are difficult to fathom, and for some reason several of “the cool guys” singled this girl out for unwarranted attention. We used to talk about her within her hearing. We said nothing ugly, but just asked questions about where she came from, what she was like, and why she was so quiet. But it was especially rude because we did it within her hearing. However, she never said anything, never acknowledged our rudeness, and never lost the pleasant look on her face.
I remember that at one basketball game where the girl was sitting in front of us, we started blowing on the back of her head. We blew very slightly at first. We wanted her to feel her hand over the back of her head and wonder what was there. But she didn’t. So we blew harder. She still didn’t acknowledge our pestering. Finally, we blew so hard that we parted her hair down the back of her head.
Yet she did nothing. She never acknowledged our presence and never lost the pleasant look on her face.
We have, behind our lips, a tool that gives us the ability to encourage, exalt, and empower — or discourage, damage, and defeat.
To this day, I don’t fully understand why we did that. I was not a consciously mean kid. I think it had something to do with establishing my place over someone new so I could reassure myself of my standing in the flock, like chickens fighting for a position in the pecking order. When I think of this now, I reproach myself for my thoughtless actions. How we must have hurt her! And it was for no reason. Yet she was the picture of grace through it all.
In reality, she was a BW(oman)OC. I was just a big JERK! I don’t know where she is today, but I wish I could talk to her and ask her to forgive me. I wish I could tell her how much I regret my rudeness and how much I admire her for her graciousness.
I. The tongue is extremely powerful.
You’ve heard the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Of course, this is not true. Words can hurt — and words can heal. Words can tear down —and words can build up. Words can destroy — and words can create.
We have, behind our lips, a tool that gives us the ability to encourage, exalt, and empower — or discourage, damage, and defeat.
If we had a physical weapon this powerful, it would have to be licensed and registered with the authorities. Some people would not be permitted to carry it. Yet, here we are — everyone armed with a weapon so powerful that lives hang in the balance when we use it. And many of us don’t know how to use it well.
II. The Bible commands us to use our tongues wisely.
The Bible teaches that the tongue is extremely powerful, and it commands us to use our tongues wisely. God knows the power of the tongue. He gave it to us, and He instructed us on how to use it. The central passage in the Bible on the tongue is found in James 3:2–6:
If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to rein in the whole body as well. Now if we put the bits into the horses’ mouths so that they will obey us, we direct their whole body as well. Look at the ships too; though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are nevertheless directed by a very small rudder wherever the inclination of the pilot determines. So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, the very world of unrighteousness; the tongue is set among our body’s parts as that which defiles the whole body and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell.
Whew! Strong words. And that’s not the end of it. The Bible has more to say about our words:
The good person out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil person out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart. — Luke 6:45
What comes out of our mouths originates in our hearts. The heart is the reservoir; our words are merely the stream flowing out of it. How embarrassing! Everyone knows! They know our hearts by listening to our words!
However, changing our speech is not an easy task because it isn’t merely our speech that needs change — it’s our heart. That’s why James wrote that if we could control the tongue, we could control the entire body. Therefore, we have to look honestly and accurately at our speech. Is it helpful speech or hurtful speech? No one speaks all of one and none of the other, but this must not keep us from being honest.
When we are honest about our speech, we can look at the characteristics of good speech and bad speech with the goal of improving our own. If we use our tongue wisely and well, it will honor God, improve our relationships with other people, and make our lives go better."'
Written for Devotionals Daily by Max Anders, author of Don’t Sink Your Own Ship.
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thxnews · 8 months
UK Minister's Diplomatic Mission to the Gulf
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Building Bridges for Peace and Security in the Middle East
The UK's Middle East Minister, Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon, embarks on a critical diplomatic tour across the Gulf region, aiming to fortify efforts towards achieving lasting peace and security. This visit underscores the UK's commitment to resolving the ongoing tensions in Gaza and strengthening bilateral ties with Gulf allies.   A Journey Towards Lasting Peace Lord Ahmad's tour commences in Oman, moving through Kuwait, and concluding in Saudi Arabia. Meetings with key figures such as Saudi Arabia’s Vice Foreign Minister, Kuwait’s Foreign Minister, and Oman’s Undersecretary for Political Affairs are on the agenda. These discussions will focus on easing the humanitarian situation in Gaza, seeking an immediate pause in hostilities, and working towards a sustainable ceasefire.   Countering Regional Threats A significant portion of the Minister's discussions will revolve around countering the Houthi attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea. The UK stands firm against these illegal actions, emphasizing the importance of regional stability and security.  
Strengthening Bilateral Ties
Celebrating the ETA Scheme The visit also celebrates the introduction of the Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) scheme for Gulf nationals, a move that will facilitate smoother and more affordable travel to the UK. This development is a testament to the deepening friendship and cooperation between the UK and Gulf countries.   Collaborative Forums and Groups Lord Ahmad will co-chair the UK-Oman Joint Working Group and the UK-Kuwait Joint Steering Group, platforms that exemplify the collaborative spirit driving the UK's engagement in the region. These meetings are crucial for discussing mutual interests and enhancing diplomatic relations.   Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon. Read the full article
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helpxpatkuwait · 8 months
Understanding The Need for Corporate Relocation Services
With the increasing global connectivity, transportation dynamics have evolved significantly. Today, individuals can traverse the globe at unprecedented speeds, intensifying the demand for efficient transportation systems. Corporate relocation services play a crucial role in assisting companies in exploring new office spaces, managing staff relocations, coordinating vehicle shipments, overseeing personal belongings storage, arranging temporary rentals, and more.
Corporate relocation involves the internal movement of personnel within an organization. This is often prompted by companies looking to enter new markets, hire additional staff, or relocate offices due to expansion. While corporate migration can result in cost savings, it also comes with inherent risks. When executed correctly, it can be a time and cost-efficient process, but inadequate planning may lead to employee dissatisfaction, increased travel expenses, and reduced productivity.
Relocation companies in Oman handle the entire spectrum of corporate transfers, offering services such as storage, packing, moving, shipping, and more. Some firms specialize in specific aspects of relocation, while others, like International Movers Oman, provide comprehensive services to meet diverse corporate needs.
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
▪️US/UK ATTACK YEMEN.. multiple reports the US and UK to attack Yemen, including reports of aircraft on the move from various US bases in the Gulf.  Yemen seems GLEEFUL about these reports and are gearing up. “We will burn the area.”  Sites to be attacked, if true, will be missile launch, radar, and weapons depots.  Reports of intelligence planes in the air, US and UK.  Reports that the British PM has authorized the attack.  US president to make speech - cancelled.  B2 bomber(s) spotted over Dubai.  US administration informs Congress. Iranian militias threaten to increase attacks on US bases if there is an attack on Yemen. Yemen threatens any country that allows US/UK aircraft to pass, which is most Gulf nations and Saudi Arabia.  Oman closes its airspace to anything flying to Yemen. 🚨ATTACKS HAVE BEGUN.  Explosions in Yemen capital Sana and Hodeida.  Yemen airport bombed.  Counter- large barrage of Houthi missiles outbound.  Pentagon - we attacked 10 Houthi sites, drone production and weapons depots.  Second Houthi barrage, at US and UK Navy ships.  US or UK ship hit.  Inbound, US cruise missiles.  3rd Houthi barrage at US and UK navy ships.
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vyorei · 11 months
Article from 16th October on CNN about the US warmachine on the move. Link below but this is the whole article.
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"A US Marine rapid response force is headed to the waters off the coast of Israel and the Pentagon is preparing American troops for a potential deployment to the country, escalating the US’ show of force in the region as it works to prevent the conflict between Israel and Hamas from widening any further.
A defense official familiar with the planning said the rapid response force, consisting of 2,000 Marines and sailors, is being sent. It will join a growing number of US warships and forces converging on Israel as the US seeks to send a message of deterrence to Iran and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.
On Sunday evening, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered that roughly 2,000 troops prepare for a potential deployment to Israel to help with tasks like medical and logistical support, multiple defense officials said.
Taken together, the moves are aimed at forestalling a wider regional war, officials said. But they also risk deepening the US’ involvement in a conflict in which the Biden administration is trying to avoid direct military action.
Officials have stressed that the US has no plans to put American boots on the ground to fight in the war between Israel and Hamas, which Israeli officials have warned could be prolonged and difficult.
But the planning and movements offer a window into the kind of assistance the US might provide, including managing logistics away from the front lines and offering medical support. That could be particularly valuable if Israel launches a ground invasion of Gaza, which could be complicated and bloody, experts have warned.
The decisions also come as the US military has been steadily bolstering its presence in Middle East, including deploying a second aircraft carrier to the eastern Mediterranean Sea to join the USS Ford strike carrier group there, and sending Air Force fighter jets to the region.
The Pentagon has been deliberately cautious about how it discusses any potential deployment of US troops to Israel, officials said, because the Biden administration does not want to give the impression that American troops could become embroiled in a hot war.
But there are preparations underway for a range of contingencies should things devolve further.
The 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), which specializes in tasks such as amphibious operations, crisis response, humanitarian assistance, and certain special operations, had been stationed near Kuwait in recent weeks as part of a scheduled exercise there. But it departed early “as a result of emerging events,” Capt. Angelica White, a spokeswoman for the unit, told the Marine Corps Times on Wednesday.
CNN previously reported that the unit was preparing for a possible move toward Israel.
Officials would not specify where exactly the Marine unit will now go, other than to say it is headed toward Israel. But it could remain in the Red Sea off the southern coast of Israel, which would put US forces near the country’s two coastlines. The unit is on board the USS Bataan, an amphibious assault ship which is currently in the Gulf of Oman, officials said.
The USS Bataan and the 26th MEU have been operating in the Middle East since August as part of an effort to deter Iranian aggression in the critical waterways around of the region, including the Gulf of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz.
Austin’s order to prepare troops for a possible deployment, meanwhile, does not mean they will definitely deploy, or that any will serve in a combat role if they do go to Israel, officials said. But the secretary’s decision has shortened the time the identified troops will have to prepare for the mission if they are ordered to go, officials said.
The Wall Street Journal was first to report about the potential deployment of troops to Israel. Asked about the possible movement, Pentagon deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh said on Monday, “I don’t have more to provide at this time. I might be able to give you more details later, but at this time I just don’t have anything more specific to add to.”"
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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U.S. will send F-16 fighters to the Gulf region to protect ships from Iranian seizures
The U.S. action comes after Iran tried to seize two oil tankers near the strait last week, setting fire to one of them.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 16/07/2023 - 15:49in Military, War Zones
The U.S. is reinforcing the use of fighters around the strategic Strait of Hormuz to protect ships from Iranian seizures.
Speaking to Pentagon reporters, a senior defense official told reporters on Friday that the U.S. will send F-16 fighters to the Gulf region to increase the A-10 attack aircraft that have been patrolling there for more than a week, according to the Associated Press.
The official also said that the U.S. is increasingly concerned about the growing ties between Iran, Russia and Syria in the Middle East.
The defense officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the F-16s will give air cover to ships moving along the waterway and increase the visibility of the military in the area, as an impediment to Iran.
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The U.S. action comes after Iran tried to seize two oil tankers near the strait last week, setting fire to one of them.
Officials said that in the last two years, Iran has persecuted, attacked or interfered in the navigation rights of 15 international-flagged commercial vessels.
At the end of April, Iran seized the Marshall Islands flagd Advantage Sweet while traveling in the Gulf of Oman. Six days later, he seized a second ship, the Niovi, a tanker with the flag of Panama when leaving a dry dock in Dubai.
The Strait of Hormuz, a crucial waterway for the global supply of energy, is usually a place of tense encounters between Americans and Iranian forces.
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In early December, an Iranian patrol boat tried to temporarily blind U.S. Navy ships in the Strait of Hormuz, pointing a spotlight at the ships and crossing them 150 meters from them.
Last August, an Iranian ship seized an American unmanned military research ship in the Gulf, but released it after a patrol boat and a U.S. Navy helicopter were sent to the scene.
Tags: Military AviationF-16 Fighting FalconUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air ForceWar Zones - Iran
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
US Navy Thwarts Iranian Attempt To Seize 2 Oil Tankers After Shots Fired
The US Navy's Fifth Fleet has announced that early Wednesday Iranian naval vessels attempted to seize two oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz, which included firing shots at one of them. 
The US Navy said it responded and prevented the seizures. "The Iranian navy did make attempts to seize commercial tankers lawfully transiting international waters," Cmdr. Tim Hawkins, spokesman for the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet, confirmed in a statement. "The U.S. Navy responded immediately and prevented those seizures."
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It was only the second tanker which was fired upon during the incident, leaving no casualties or major damage. 
The Associated Press described the tanker which was fired upon as US managed, though Bahamas-flagged and Greek-owned:
Ambrey, a maritime intelligence service, said the tanker that was fired upon was a Bahamas-flagged, Greek-owned, U.S. managed crude oil tanker transiting from the United Arab Emirates to Singapore. It said the firing of shots happened 28 nautical miles northeast of Muscat, the capital of Oman.
The US Navy has further described that in total Iran seized at least five commercial vessels over the course of the last two years, and in addition there's been several harassment incidents of foreign ships reported. 
In April, elite Iranian commandos raided a US-bound oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman, swooping in on a helicopter. That tanker was Chinese-owned, and bound for Houston. But Tehran has sought to justify its actions by citing recent instances of Washington seizing its own oil on the high seas.
Currently, there's a move in US Congress to toughen US action against Iranian 'illegal' crude exports: 
Several US senators backed the Biden administration's move to seize Iranian oil tankers at Panama Canal, calling for more measures to stop export of Iran’s crude. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) told Iran International’s Arash Aalaei he "applauds" the seizure and he "hopes they'll have many more." He added that this is a message to Iranians warning them that they cannot ultimately divert their oil and violate embargoes imposed on their oil trade. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) told us that he supports the Biden administration's seizure of Suez Rajan tanker carrying Iranian crude oil, lauding it as "a very strong move."
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auclogistics · 2 months
The Complete Guide to International Moving Services
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It is always a high-stakes challenge when one makes a move to a foreign country, with details piling one after the other as well as decisions holding such great weight. And when the move is being made half a world away, the task becomes even more daunting. But a very feasible process when given proper support and the right logistics partner. AUC Logistics and Movers is here, no matter which geography you move to.
It's a new ballpark to buy around in a new location in Oman. From customs regulations to cultural variance, understanding the whole process can prove overwhelming. That's where AUC Logistics and Movers comes in. We have a good handle on the Omani market and have successfully moved countless families and businesses to their new location, so we have streamlined the process for you.
It is important to choose the correct international moving company. Here is what you need to bear in mind:
Experience and Reputation: Find a company that has a good record of accomplishment in international moves.
Licensing and Insurance: Ensure the company has the required licensing and insurance to care for your goods.
Line of Services: Get a hold of a company that can be able to provide you a wide range of services that suit any moving requirement that you have.
Customer Reviews: Read through reviews and testimonials to get an idea of the customer satisfaction rate.
With AUC Logistics and Movers, we are excellent in all these services to allow you peace of mind through your relocation.
The Services Offered at AUC Logistics and Movers
Here at AUC Logistics and Movers, we offer several services to meet your needs when it comes to relocating:
Packing and Unpacking: With our professional packing staff using superior materials, you know that all your possessions are kept safe for transport in any way.
Crating and Shipping: Sensitive and high-value crating, ensuring safe delivery
Customs Clearance: Our experienced team deals with clearing the goods through customs in the most efficient manner, handling absolutely all the required formalities.
Storage Solutions: Secure short- and long-term storage solutions
Vehicle Shipping: We will ensure smooth and guaranteed delivery of your vehicle
Pet Relocation: We understand the importance of your furry family members, and we ensure specialized pet relocation.
International Moving—a Comprehensive Guide Step by Step
To assist you in your departure from abroad, here is a step-by-step accoutrement:
Pre-Move Consultation: Contact AUC Logistics and Movers to discuss relocation. You will get free quotations.
Planning and Preparation: The team shall assist in developing a moving timeline, and the group shall prepare an inventory of your belongings.
Packing and Loading: Proper spacing and proper materials on which an item could be packed are essential; appropriate materials for different types of goods. Our expert packers will do the job well:.
Transportation: We move your property to Oman by the most convenient means of transport.
Customs Clearance: Our team will ensure that your goods are cleared through customs with ease.
Delivery and Unpacking: Your goods will be delivered to the new residence, whereas our team can help you to unpack the goods, on request.
Key to a Successful International Move
Plan early: Plan for your move as early as possible to avoid unnecessary anxiety.
Declutter: This is the time to declutter your things, to minimize the need to haul a lot of stuff.
Develop an Essential Box: Package vital items to be used when first getting there on the initial day.
Listing of Irreplaceable Items: A snapshot and inventory listing of irreplaceable items for insurance.
Do Not Lose Anything: All papers about moving must be in one place not to get lost.
Benefits of AUC Logistics and Movers
With AUC Logistics and Movers, however, you choose a partner committed to making your international move go as smoothly and stress-free as this crazy process can be. Our seasoned and practiced experts are marinated with the motto to serve the best way possible which gives drive to the utmost satisfaction.
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