#Moving on.
literalfuckingfreak · 7 months
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“you never felt the call of the divine, astarion?”
“oh, i tried them all. none of them answered.”
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stewyhosseini-bf · 2 years
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Vincent Price
promotional photo for The Tingler (1959)
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mewkwota · 10 months
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The script for DXC varies a lot from RoB and while you can't really beat the anime charm of the latter, there's things I like from this iteration's dialogues too. This one in particular is a favorite of mine, I think it's silly in a cute sorta way.
(I especially love the delivery in Richter's correction of his name.)
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hysokaz · 5 months
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hunta hunta
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connection between "the poets are just kids who didn't make it" -> "I went to sleep a poet and I woke up a fraud" -> "I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead"
also a branch off there that ties Hand of God with TMOTM but that's actually a lyric comp I'm planning to make soon more than an actual note
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powerlinetrail · 8 months
i eat so much fake chicken nuggets and patties i forget that real chicken is a real meat that people consume. when i say "chicken" i am 99% referring to vegan imitation chicken and it confuses me when people think im talking about the real thing
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365-partygirl · 3 months
the original demo of potb is making me so fucking angry i hate you jack antonoff.
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velvetwarfare · 4 months
if you’re going to try and call me out for curating my own safe space because I blocked someone, that’s a you problem, pal. I’m a lot more prone to blocking people when I get off vibes or don’t feel great now. I used to just let shit slide like that and put others’ comfort first and it never ended well, so I’ve been p attentive w making sure my blogs make me feel chill and happy and not catering to someone else’s comfort.
I’m not going to feel guilty for blocking and moving on nor do I owe anyone an explanation as to why I did so. I dislike vague posting. I dislike callouts. I will silently block and move on and that is okay.
be considerate on what you label as a ‘callout’.
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katsukissy · 11 months
what the fuck is going on
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nomsfaultau · 6 months
SBI SCP AU character playlists
Rose by The Oh Hellos (I mean I'm doing an entire animatic wip, it fits and I have essays to prove it. Anyway violence, the power of names/narratives, truth, hypocrisy, how sacrifice and love tie together.)
Sunken City by David Wirsig (Tubbo associations, mostly symbolic/vibes past the prison break. The euphoria of escaping and how the world beyond is confusing and unrecognizable. The idea of journeying with a friend to the ruins of what was once your life. 6th verse as finding a new home in found family. 'God free me from the burden of my thoughts')
Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives (Tubbo, and how Tommy tries to distance himself to protect them/is the only reason Tubbo stays in a group with people they abhor. Touch starvation, hands as dangerous, seeing himself as a monster/burden. Again. Did an animatic for this one.)
Wilbur (yes they're all by Will Wood for the bit):
Misanthrapologist by Will Wood (Philza, for their light/dark dynamic and untangling of Wilbur's loathing of society and himself. WHiT Constellations interlude. I imagine 'can't keep a straight face while I'm praying' as Phil trying to get Wil to meditate but they end up laughing + 'don't you revolve around someone else' as a chide to Philza post Anderson's death)
Love Me, Normally (If he were honest with himself. Wilbur is wracked with jealousy for humanity that he disguises as hatred. Die young mentality, insomnia, bridge 2 addressed to the void, 'Is it courageous or escapist to leave the quarantine when you’re contagious?' as a comment on the danger of anomalies and if they should be contained)
BlackBoxWarrior (An entire life spent running from the Foundation and their experiments + trauma, repressing the past, general void madness, 'a map to every victim of his love' as the scars the void has left)
The Blade:
Red Water Dreams by Aviators (The sea motif of the voices, being a vessel for The Blood God, finding blame in those who unleashed his apocalyptic revenge. The entire chorus fits so well. 'Vicious thoughts are stirring/And I hunger for their power')
Paralyzed by Aviators (He's just an Aviators boy, what can I say, it's the violence and upbeat tempos man. Really this is The Blood God's song. His challengers as a duty to cull, as he's forced to hunt down every last foe that laid a hand upon his vessel. The thrill of battle, impending doom, 'I will give you one fair chance' because he really does seek a good fight. The Blade is the one paralyzed, unable to do anything but watch as his body is used for destruction)
Turn Out the Lights by The Crane Wives (Because The Blade does actually handle The Blood God/voices pretty well. I feel this song captures the way he just sorta rolls his eyes and shrugs off the intrusive thoughts most of the time)
Rule #9 - Child of the Stars by Fish in a Birdcage (Wilbur as a wanderer, but works for any Collected for fostering their growth. Father vibes. Philza raising his children to be strong, independent people. A gentle expectation of greatness, because he picks out the exceptional among humanity)
Hot Tea by Half Alive (His sheer adoration of his Collected, also fun to swap the roles so that it is the god showing devotion. The pure warmth and sweetness matches Philza. In retrospect I need a song about protective violence but eh I set a 3 song limit.)
Time Machine by Miracle Musical (Amnestic arc. Particularly with loneliness and the vehemence in 'look at what you've done now to me', as well as 'I'm leaving today, today' with his confused insistence that he leaves at the end of the week. The way Philza is dragged in and out of grief at the whims of the Foundation, left free floating and disorientated)
Soap by The Oh Hellos (Actual perfect Tubbo song. WHiT Croplands interlude. Themes of pacifism, how Tubbo is made of pieces, the separation between humans and anomalies and how the Hivemind can cross that barrier. Learning when to let go/hold on with the Tommy, Hive members, Willow. The 2nd chorus as Rhodes trying to convince Tubbo to leave Tommy in Jasper, with the response of 'I think that you’re worth (keeping around/holding onto)' to both Rhodes and Tommy's Never Love an Anchor. And imagining Tubbo saying the last stanza to Tommy makes me so soft)
Escapism by Rebecca Sugar (Dissociation. Grey chapter in general, specifically Pewter for being firm in convictions: 'shouldn't show a trace of doubt' and telling Rosalind the sacrifice won't hurt them, as well as trying to force a dissociative episode when their hand is sawed off)
Saint Bernard by Lincoln (ok this is a troll but also fits well for Cinnabar and Old Gauze. The guilt of failing one's morals. Technically Tubbo is in Indiana satanic and chained up, but I'll let it slide. The Saint Calvin verse is so good for the Rhodes-Tommy tension + Foundation destroying families. Also the way Tubbo blames their self-loathing on Rosalind, making the chorus apt for the Hivemind mess) (but also its funny to give Tubbo the classic edgy character song)
(Bonus) Dr. Blake:
Take Me to War by The Crane Wives (She sees herself as forced to be ruthless to survive against powerful anomalies. 'And I'll rankle the beasts with words' for her manipulation. Also epithets in the dehumanizing way the Foundation avoids names. Verse 3 is Tubbo 'corrupting' the guards when they saved humans from Philza)
Solaria, Kevin / End-World Normopathy by GHOST (Tommy, with religious themes and verse 5/Kevin understood as The Blood God. The cold cruelty of the Foundation, sentience as a failure/flaw in a tool (Tommy), Dr. Blake completely separating her personal and professional selves because to have humanity is only a weakness anomalies will exploit. 'Though you’ll never die, you’ve found that/All eyes are staring at your hands' is an absolutely perfect line for summoning sessions)
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Lando is not "babygirl" he is the baby you found in the trash or a little foundling that was buried under some leaves for warmth. Little feral trash forest baby.
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ashiyn · 1 year
did. did grian just call scar dad.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 10 months
For the record, Freddy is not singling Roxy out, she just feels singled out. Which led to her doing things specifically to spite him. Which led to him keeping a closer eye on her. Which led to more confrontions.
Do you see the loop here? Freddy wouldn't notice half the shit he does if she didn't start doing things in line of sight just to piss him off. Literally, if she wasn't doing that, this would be way less of a problem. She doesn't do it in the lead up to SB and earlier when she started turning her attention to more important things, but even still. Literally, she chose to make the situation worse on purpose.
She was under the assumption that he would fuck off like the Plex staff and management did, but he did not. She has never been more wrong in her life. But at the same time... how much does she have to do to break him...? She's curious who's gonna win out, but at some point, she starts breaking much bigger rules and has much, much more to worry about than breaking Freddy's will and so he's convinced his persistence has paid off. He has never been more wrong in his life.
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
The day you share one photo of yourself like just one that’s going to be a thirsty thirsty day… I’m not even fucking with you people are going to thirst. How would you scale yourself on the hottest meter?
this is the wildest ask i could get and its fueling my delusions of erotomania
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