#Mozart in the jungle x reader
free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Prompts for Manuel “Manu”, Tenoch’s character cameo from Mozart in the Jungle Part 2. But could also just be Tenoch AUs since Manu gets so little screen time lol. Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of these and write something, I’d love to read it! 💜 Thanks to @okay-hotshot for helping me with these!
16. Your friends said jokingly "You'll never play the violin again". You find a violin at a flea market being sold for $40 by a sad-looking Mexican man. Some years later here you are, playing the violin for a fundraiser campaign. The man who sold you the violin is in attendance, and a smile is brought to his face when he watches you perform.
17. Manu/Tenoch walks down the street with a violin case in his right hand and a small bouquet in his left.
18. You just bought a new car. You're really proud of it because you worked your ass off to save enough money to be able to buy it. One night, it drives off as if it had been stolen. But as you look, you see no visible driver. But something is left behind that points you towards who the culprit might be. (A ring, a bracelet, a wallet, anything.)
19. “Wait ma’am, nothing was stolen?”
“Nothing, yes.”
“And there was no obvious point of entry?”
“Not that I could find.”
“So how do you know there was a break in?”
“My place was a mess yesterday, then I wake up this morning and it’s the cleanest I’ve ever seen it!”
20. Manu/Tenoch, driving a stolen car, crashes into you, a woman driving another stolen car.
21. One day, your car is stolen. When you get it back weeks later, there are some unexpected modifications.
22. In the morning, you notice your car was broken into. To your relief, nothing was stolen. However, something was left behind.
23. You haven't actually been getting drinks from the guy across the bar from you, the bartender just fancies himself a master matchmaker. What's worse? He seems to be very good at it. What a strange way to meet Manu/Tenoch. But what’s even stranger is that you ended up falling in love and marrying him. Guess you’ll have to thank that bartender.
24. You wake up in some random bed - dazed and in a haze. Your friends are sleeping on the floor, and there's a stripper passed out, partially laying in a giant cake that they must have jumped out of. You went a little too hard during your bachelorette party in your excitement to marry Manu/Tenoch.
25. Short on money you decide on becoming a stripper. You excel at it, and Manu/Tenoch becomes a regular just to see you. He pays for private sessions, but he wants to engage in conversation with you and get to know you even while you’re giving him a lap dance or full body massage.
26. Your date is getting increasingly nervous as you throw back your third drink of the night. Their nerves might be due to them having roofied each of your drinks more heavily than the last. You smile glowingly and say, "I think the bar is watering down their drinks tonight, what do you think?" Unbeknownst to your shitty date, Manu/Tenoch is the owner of the bar/nightclub, but has taken over as the bartender for the night to protect you. When your date’s not looking, Manu/Tenoch has been swapping your drinks out, so you get normal drinks and the drugged drinks get tossed out. You and Manu/Tenoch just sit back and watch the show as your shitty date gets more and more confused. He’ll get thrown out eventually, but you and Manu/Tenoch are having fun first.
27. You are a bartender and it's a boring night. Manu/Tenoch comes over to you and says, "Buy me a drink and I'll tell you a hell of a story". Eh, why not? You have nothing else better to do.
28. You run a pawn shop and an older gentleman just came in to sell a Bergozi violin. A few hours later, you get a phone call from a man who asks about it. You haven’t even finished the paperwork to put the violin up for sale yet, so you wonder how he knows. He introduces himself as Manuel and claims he’s a sort of free range detective who’s been tasked with tracking down the violin. He later shows up in person and explains the situation. He promises to reimburse you for the money you gave the seller, but he also flirts with you and kisses your hand. He tells you that you can call him Manu and uses all sorts of moves to get you to melt and hand over the violin. He’s not blind and neither are you. The mutual attraction is palpable. But you’re still a businesswoman and instead of just taking his word for it, you want him to take you to this orchestra symphony concert that he’ll be attending. He smirks and agrees to your terms, telling you he’ll drop off a dress for you at 7 and pick you up at 9. If the dress and/or car is stolen? Shh, no they're not. But if they are? Don’t worry about it. Just enjoy your date night.
29. You and Manu go on a cute date which includes going for night drives in a stolen vehicle, catching a movie at a drive-in theater, making a quick getaway and evading arrest when the cops try to pull you over, then ditching the stolen car. You run away through the streets and alleys while holding hands. You top the night off by getting mystery tacos off the street and sharing your food. Both of you enjoy the local specialties and are able to hold your stomachs incredibly well, unlike Rodrigo. Manu then uses a Slim Jim to break into another car and you do the wires. He drives you home and kisses you goodnight, or you’re already living with him. Either you’re actually dating, or you’re already married and this is just how you do “date nights” as husband and wife. Up to you.
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michbelle · 7 months
'Just some lover'
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pairing:Rodrigo De Souza x Fem!Reader
warnings: none (I THINK) some angst, a melancholic and pathetic rodrigo and a LOT of inspiration from the AM song;))
wordcount: 1.3K
He was being a wank, and he knew that. He maybe didn't care, actually.
Did he?
Did he care when he saw you under the exit neon-like sign? No. Did he care when you open like an under discovered book your heart? No.
So, why, of all the phases you two been through. This hurted the most.
Maybe, He thought, The whiskey Dee Dee gave him (Under the name of 'Religious Purpouses') was making it's way thru his body, and none of this had a meaning.
He couldn't even love the exact same reflect he saw every morning on his bathroom's mirror, How could he love You?. He was scared.
This is fucked up, he thought. Still no news of you and your almond brown eyes were tattoed on his mind.
The way you held your giggle everytime he leaked some spanish words thru his speechs, your big and calloused hands from playing with such a passion.
He loved even when you cried, shouting him for some explanation, some comfort.
But still, Rodrigo wasn't able to give you any of that, and that was purely egoistic. He wanted you for him, but didn't want the sacrifice it came with.
He asked himself, if loving you made his selfworth easier. Could he read you like a new partiture? Could you pull his strings like an antique violin pleading for being touched? Could you made his symphony a less depressed? He always liked what he called his 'Sappy Lineguy', he always said that he looked like one, a little happy from a side and a little sad from the other.
Would you make him absolutely and completely happy? Could he?
Rodrigo thrown thru the window the 7th piece of paper of the night.
' Bach had some shitty problems while writing this, Dios Santo' he refused to let this partiture took him all in one.
The Orchestra needed the notes for next tuesday, and it was nothing more than a bored sunday.
' Entonces, If I change the 10th compass to a C minor, maybe. '
The maestro looked again to the notes in front of him, that Sol drawing, the elegant yet powerful sound. It reminded him of You.
' Fuck. ' 8th paper of the night, directly to the window.
At this point, his neighbours could open a library full of books made by the tons of thrown papers.
9:47 am: Rodrigo hadn't had any sleep, He is still thinking if your left eye mole is located next to the 17th eyelash or the 23rd, He is going mad.
11:53 am: The maestro, Now considering that maybe he is only an Alumno más (for how childish he is being, my god) should have been at the theatre an hour ago. Couldn't get up of the sofa.
13:18 pm: He received seven, now eight phone calls from Gloria, not even thinking of answering any. He is now hungry maybe going to cook-
' Maestro '
Rodrigo jumped in his seat, looked up and down and remembered he was alone so the voice had to come from outside, "You idiot" he thought.
' Maestro, Please '
Again, "Ok, Rodriguito, Tienes que tener cabeza, tu puedes mierda"
(Ok, little Rodrigo, You have to be intelligent, you can do it you fucker.)
Said to himself more than to the person on the other side of his apartment's door.
' Maestro, I don't know if you are inside, but at least say something ' he stayed silent, he knew the voice.
It was nothing less than the same exact voice of the 17th or 23rd eyelash, the same asked to play him like a submissive violin, the same that could make his 'Sappy Lineguy' into a 'Always Happy Lineguy'.
He was terrified.
' Erh, No, No querida, Nobody's here ' he imitated a depeer voice, convinced he could play it cool.
' Rodrigo I know it's you ' fuck fuck fuck.
Chingada madre, he was fucked up, no more Bach, no more Vivaldi, no more C minor or pretty Sol drawings.
It was You.
HIS you, the one You that left and also left him in pieces, taking in your bag, his heart.
His untunned heart.
He breathed, saying as muchs Aves Marías he could.
"One door, two people" thought, it was easy, right?
Left hand on the latch, a lot of prays playing in his head, a lot of memories of you two in the theatre, in México, in his Grandma's house, in the street, walking together.
A bit of an angle 45° to the right, the door clicked open.
The slow creck that came with it, warned him to close his eyes shut, his mind blank.
He waited, a minute long or more, for the impact that he was sure would be a shout, slap, and even considered a shoot.
Nothing came, nothing impacted but two nebulas.
Two galaxys edges battling georgously against each other into the most expensive and angelical symphony any human could ever heard. The earnest and superior mix of notes any human could ever taste.
Your lips.
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saw444kowo · 1 year
overwatch music headcannons! + small reader insert!
including hanzo and genji, mc cree, reaper, kiriko,mei and lucio since they're my all time favorites
please keep in mind that these are just MY opinion and i don't know the characters' backstories so this may not be accurate , it's ok if you disagree but don't be rude about it 💀 THIS IS JUST FOR FUN OK
word count: 977 :D
pre-post note: AAA that's it now i want to create playlists for each one of them and the best part is no one can stop me
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he doesn't have any particuliar taste he just doesn't like very loud music
he likes japanese bossa nova and listens to it when he parctices/medidates
he probably asked lucio why he has to pay for spotify premium and asked him to get him a cracked version of it because he refuses to pay for it (he actually has a lot of money but has a love/hate relationship with americans *staring at cassidy intenifies* but deep down it's really because he doesn't know how to properly use the app without lucio's help but he doesn't want to admit it because it makes him feel old)
I JUST KNOW MY BABYGIRL SECRETELY LIKES KPOP GIRL GROUPS LIKE TWICE AND NEWJEANS (kiriko secretely added newjeans music in his playlist)
listens to shiloh dysnasty, lofigirl lives when he needs to focus on signing his family's papers, he likes tyler the creator but only flowerboy and call me if you get lost because his others albums would be too "violent" for him (don't forget he's an old man 😔 /hj)
HE OBVIOUSLY LIKES CLASSICAL MUSIC like some mozart or chopin or even beethoven
he either has too many playlists or like only his liked songs one (but he doesn't now how to use spotify so he always asks you or lucio on how to do it)
he definitely likes lamp and even went to some of their concerts
oh and he plays shamisen too, his parents gave him and his brothers lessons since it's something very dear to them as music is a very big part of the shimadas' culture
"hi there sakura! do you want to listen to music together?" and then he'd pat the seat next to his for you to sit on
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since he's (kind of) a robot i feel like he listens mostly to breakcore and jungle dnb, it depends on his mood
he likes bossa nova too but is more into japanese rap
although he's more of an extrovert than his brother, he still needs his time alone, but he'll never mind your presence
"oh? hello there little mouse" as he notices you came in his room. he always sets a bare cushion on the floor for you to sit on. "do you want to listen to music together?"
i feel like he'd like 90's/2000's rap like mf doom, tupac and ice cube because lucio made him discover some of their songs ( i want them to have a thing together aa "but he's already with mercy" CRY ABOUT IT I DONT CARE no one can stop me from writing a genji x lucio fic MWAHAHAHA THIS IS GONNA BE SO RANDOM
though basically he's more of a sewerslvt/ my head hurts type of person (a/n: please listen to my head hurts if you like breakcore their music is so good)
when he feels lonely he asks you to come in his room to listen to some of your favorite music (he secretely made you a playlist)
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✨mc cree
as a proud cowboy i'm pretty sure he listens to country music (this man's old too /hj)
he probably listens to old bands like the beatles and metallica
that's it that's what he'd listen to
oh and maybe taylor swift because her music would remind him of the countryside he's born in
"hey there pretty!" (don't judge me i js feel like he would call you that don't ask me why) "come here i made you a pie!"
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he doesn't specifically like your presence but he doesn't tell you to leave him alone either
"what do you want? fine you can stay but don't make too much noise"
that's it that's my hcs 🗿krkrkr that's not a lot i'm sorry
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✨kiriko and mei (+ d.va bonus)
i js know my girlies listen to kpop
they have a shared playlist with very various things
kiriko's music taste is prety much kpop (the ogs, blackpink, stray kids and txt, they probably stant them)
mei is more of a classical music person
dva likes krap but she's more of of a stay stan
"hi there! have a seat! kiriko and i have made tea!"
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everybody asks him for music advice
i think he's one of the real "i listen to everything" mfs, his listening goes from classical music to brakcore but also and mainly rap
mf doom, tyler the creator fan (esp the albums before igor)
the music he makes is either really calm like accousitc guitar covers or STRAIGHT CHAOS there really is no in between and i'm here for it
BRO IS A KENDRICK LAMAR FAN if the two of them were in the same universe i'm a hundred percent sure theY would have made music together
p sure he listens to travis scot ON BLAST so loud he always get yelled at by because it disturbs his meditation
when he feels lonely he invites you on the roof to play you soft songs on his guitar
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ily if you read through the whole thing <3 /p kith kith if consented 🎀
have a good day !
-kanahari/ @chainsaw-locket-444
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Chaconne (Agatha Harkness x Reader)
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Summary: You are an aspiring concert violinist who attends an audition for the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra, under the new direction of famous conductor Agatha Harkness
Word Count: 4.2K
A/N: Hello! This is an AU fic heavily inspired by one of my favorite tv shows Mozart In The Jungle. This is going to be at least 3 more chapters, and I already have the second part done so it should be uploaded by the weekend. Also, I added a link to the piece that is heavily mentioned throughout this fic. It’s not necessary to listen to it before reading (or at all haha), I just thought I’d add it in for anyone curious :) Hope y’all enjoy! Please let me know what you think, and my inbox is always open for any questions. Also: I do not own Mozart In The Jungle...Jeff Bezos please do not sue me. 
You rushed through the bustling streets of Manhattan, silently cursing yourself for not getting a cab. Not that it would’ve made much of a difference; rush hour in the city was horrendous no matter what form of transportation you chose. But at least you would have been sitting in an air conditioned car and not running through the crowded streets. You tightened your grip on your violin case as you hurried across the street, destination clear in your mind.
You had been finishing up your final private lesson of the day when you received a call from one of your old college friends. They informed you to drop everything you were doing, not literally because that would include your very expensive and very fragile violin, and hurry down to symphony hall because one of the first violinists in the Manhattan Symphony had sprained her wrist and they were holding open auditions.
A part of you knew the odds of being selected from hundreds of the best violinists in one of the most affluent cities for music was slim to none, but you also knew you had to take this chance. It’s what you had been working so hard towards during undergrad and grad school, and it would be nice to have a more...stable job. The Manhattan Symphony Orchestra was one of the greatest and well respected orchestras in the world, and you would kill to earn a chair.  
You ran faster than you had in months, and made a mental note to add more cardio to your basically nonexistent workout regime because wow, you were out of shape. Rounding the corner, you quickly dodged running into other pedestrians and could see symphony hall a block away. Despite the burning in your lungs begging you to stop running like a mad woman, you picked up the pace and sprinted to the building.
Ever since you started playing the violin you swore to anyone who would listen that you would play in the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra. Your siblings would always ask for concert tickets to see their favorite band, or sporting tickets, but you always begged your parents to take you to the symphony. While your siblings hated it and complained how long and boring it was (and the outrage that they weren’t allowed to bring food inside), you were enraptured by the entire experience.
You fell in love with the sounds of Dvorak, Beethoven, Brahms, and Tchaikovsky. Sitting in the concert hall you waited in anticipation to watch the musicians who had spent their entire lives preparing for that moment; to pour every ounce of their soul into their instruments. Ever since the moment you stepped inside your first concert hall at the young age of five, you knew this is where you wanted to spend the rest of your life.
Shaking those thoughts aside you hurried through the building to where the blind auditions were being held. You silently thanked whatever genius came up with the idea of a blind audition, because you were a mess after running over twelve blocks from your apartment. Following the signs on the walls, you found the warm up room, but was surprised to find everyone packing up.
There were over a dozen people of various ages, and you noticed one of them crying. A woman around your age noticed your disheveled appearance and sighed. “If you’re here for the blind auditions, they were cancelled.”
You felt your heart drop. “What? Did they already find someone?”
“No, because the new conductor is a total psycho,” Someone else said angrily. “She kept yelling about how we’re all wasting her time and she’d rather have her pet rabbit play New World Symphony.” He motioned to the girl who was sobbing. “And she told Megan her tone was so bad that she would personally throw her violin into a wood chipper so no one would have to suffer through her performing again.”
The new conductor he was referring to was one of your favorites. Agatha Harkness. She was beloved throughout the music community and had many fans, but you had heard rumors of her hard work ethic and ability to make people cry in under a minute. You thought back to your undergrad violin lessons where one of your professors told you that your tone while playing Mendelssohn sounded like a dying donkey. Musicians were often times very blunt.
“That’s a bit harsh.”
“A bit?” The guy rolled his eyes. “This job isn’t worth it. I’m going to audition for the second violin chair in Iowa. It might not be as great of an orchestra but at least their conductor isn’t the devil incarnate.”
As the others continued to pack up, you still felt your gut twisting at what could have been. Feeling rejected, you left the room and saw the back entrance to the stage open. From a quick glance around it appeared the hallway was deserted, so you quickly ran through the door, violin case still in hand.
Time came to a stand still as you walked on stage and stared into the seemingly empty concert hall. You dreamt about this moment more times than you cared to admit. There was something so peaceful about being on stage. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and pictured a scene you had spent years dreaming about. Realizing the opportunity to play in this hall wouldn’t likely come again, you made the split decision to open your violin case.
Staring at your violin, you briefly wondered if this was a good idea. But, you silently argued that no one else was around, and besides, you did run half a mile to get here. It would be a waste to not play and appreciate the gorgeous acoustics. Plus you could feel your fingers aching to play something, anything, to let out the feelings of  disappointment from missing the auditions.
Gently pulling out your bow, you applied a generous amount of rosin before grabbing your violin. You took a few minutes to tune, and the moment your bow hit the strings you felt a shiver at how the sound bounced off the walls. You went through a condensed version of your normal warm up and played a few different scales before debating on what piece to play.
Although your friend had briefly explained the audition would be sight reading and then playing excerpts from Dvorak’s New World Symphony, the auditions were over and you wanted to play something else. It wasn’t the flashiest piece, or one of the better known violin concertos, but it felt right. Vitali’s Chaconne arranged by Charlier. You had originally learned the gorgeous piece during your junior year of undergrad for a concerto competition and it had quickly become a favorite.
Clearing your mind of everything but the music, you closed your eyes and began to play. Your bow swept across the string, producing the opening g-minor chord. The melodic sound rang through the empty hall and you felt your heart ache at how good this felt. It had been a while since you had the time to play this piece, but it was like it had been no time at all. Your fingers danced across the strings and you felt all the uneasiness leave your body.
While this wasn’t the most complex piece you had ever played, it required your full attention. The chaconne was structured as a simple sixteen bar phrase that was rephrased and dallied up with different techniques and melodies which made it easy enough to memorize, but hard enough that you needed to focus on the pattern your fingers made.
With every movement of your bow, every run you made up and down the fingerboard, you were letting out the pain and sadness you felt radiating through your body. It was hard to put into words how playing the violin made you feel, but the best explanation you had come up with was that it was your salvation. There was no sweeter medicine than performing. No matter how out of control life was, how bad things got, your solution was turning to music. It saved you.
As you neared the end of the piece, you felt your bow arm gently ache and you knew you had to have complete focus if you were going to hit the upcoming octave slides that led to the double stops of doom. Octaves were never a violinist’s favorite technique, and they were your own personal kryptonite. You had rather tiny hands, which made the stretch from your index to your pinky rather difficult on a good day. You changed the position of your hand to make the reach to hit the upper octave, but briefly winced when you realized you had fallen flat on the lower note.
You ended with a flourish of your bow on the final g-minor chord and let out the breath you had been holding in. You stood there for a moment, soaking in the afterglow of your performance and enjoying the quiet that radiated throughout the spacious room. Just as you went to clean off your violin and leave before you got kicked out, you heard the sound of slow clapping from within the hall. The hall was dimmed and you saw a figure sitting far up in the upper rows. The mystery figure continued clapping and they stood up and walked down the steps towards the stage. There in all her glory stood Agatha Harkness, the newest conductor of the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra.
“Not bad, but your octave slides could use some touching up,” Agatha offered as she stood at the bottom of the stage. “You tend to go flat on the lower notes.”
You felt your breath hitch as you saw the famous, and apparently very scary, conductor staring at you. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was still here.”
“Ah so you aren’t here for the auditions?” Agatha questioned, arching an eyebrow up at you. “What are you doing here then, breaking and entering? I’d hate to have to call security on you.”
“What? No, no I’m not...” You stammered, feeling your cheeks turn red. “I came for the auditions but I was told they were cancelled.”
Agatha laughed, and you noticed how it was more of a cackle. “They were. But believe me dear, I’m sure you would have done the same if you were in my shoes.”
“One of them said you threatened to throw their violin in a wood chipper. Isn’t that a little mean?” You pointed out.
“You did not have to listen to that imbecile butcher the opening of Mendelssohn,” Agatha argued, folding her hands across her chest. “Throwing her violin in a wood chipper would be the least I could do to ensure no one else suffers hearing that disgrace of a sound ever again.”
You stifled a giggle that threatened to escape. “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
Agatha waved her hand in the air. “Maybe. But you,” she pointed a finger at you, intrigue colored her features. “You were good. Vitali’s Chaconne is a personal favorite of mine. Everyone always chooses to play Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major, or Mendelssohn, or Brahms, or something big and flashy. I’ve always preferred a more subdued piece like Vitali. Violinists don’t take enough time to appreciate the beauty of a chaconne.”
You stared at her in disbelief. Almost no one had even heard of Vitali’s Chaconne, but she did and it was her favorite. “Thank you, Miss Harkness. I-“
“Ah ah ah,” Agatha waved a finger to silence you. “I’m not finished. You were good, but not great. Your octave slides were flat. Your bow hold is giving me a headache, you need to relax more. Your vibrato is too fast, we need to work on slowing it down. Didn’t your teacher ever tell you that? And don’t even get me started on your opening chord.” She eyed the younger woman before continuing. “But despite all that, you have promise.”
You were speechless. She wasn’t yelling at you? “You think I have promise?”
Agatha nodded. “Which is why I’m offering you a job.”
“I got the position?” You smiled. “I can’t believe it.”
Agatha’s eyebrows furrowed. “What? No, don’t be ridiculous. You’re not ready to play with the Manhattan Symphony.”
“But you said you were offering me a job,” you repeated the words of the older woman.
“And I am. As my personal assistant,” Agatha explained as if it was the most obvious answer.
“You want me to be your assistant?” You said in disbelief. “Miss Harkness I’m not so sure if I’m qualified-“
Agatha cut you off again. “If you’re serious about being a violinist, especially being a violinist in my orchestra, we need to work on your technique. Natural talent only gets you so far my dear.” She shrugged. “And I may have just fired my newest assistant for being entirely incompetent.”
“I don’t know what to say,” You admitted. This certainly isn’t how you expected your day to go.
“I’m not going to force you to work for me, dear,” Agatha drawled out. “You can walk right out that door and continue on with your presumably simple and boring life.”
“And if I stay?” You prompted, already knowing what you were going to choose.
Agatha slowly walked up the steps of the stage and approached you. “Well then I’ll have my work cut out for me. As will you, darling. I’ll be working you quite hard.” You blushed at her suggestive tone and she smirked at your reaction. “Blushing already? I’ve barely even started.”
You cleared you throat before nodding. “Alright. I’ll do it.”
“Then let’s get started.” Agatha smirked. “This is going to be fun. Now, let’s take it from the top.”
Working for Agatha was interesting. She was very hard to read, and you could never tell if she was mad at you or if she was just in a mood. You had spent the past few weeks helping her prepare for the first symphony rehearsal of the season. Granted you weren’t doing much to help, all she was asking you to do was make copies of parts and to organize folders for each section.
Today was different. You entered the mostly empty building with a drink holder containing two cups of coffee in one hand and your violin case in the other when the sound of Agatha’s heels came click-clacking down the hallway. From the moment she rounded the corner, you could tell she was in a foul mood.
She was mumbling something incoherent but she stopped when she spotted you. “You’re late.”
You chose to not comment on the fact you were an hour early and instead carefully set down your violin case to hand her one of the cups of coffee. “Bad morning?”
“Hayward is an asshole,” Agatha seethed. “I had the entire season planned out but he thinks I’m not appealing to our investors.”
Well that explained it. Tyler Hayward was CFO of the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra and was a Grade-A asshole. You only had a few interactions with the man but they had all been quite unpleasant. He was less than pleased to discover Agatha had fired the assistant he hired and chose to hire you without consulting him. Luckily Agatha had all but kicked him out of her office and told you to come to her if he gave you a hard time.
“How is Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9 not appealing to investors?” You asked in confusion. “Everyone loves The New World Symphony.”
“That’s not the problem. He thinks I’m playing it too safe with the soloists,” Agatha explained and you thought of the soloists selected thus far. You could see how they would be safe options, but who doesn’t love Joshua Bell?
“But it’s too late to get out of those contracts without losing money,” You pointed out. “Does Hayward not know that?”
“Oh believe me, Hayward always gets his way,” Agatha spat out, and you noticed she appeared to be growing angrier. “He’s still mad I was voted in as music director by the board instead of his choice for the position, so he’s punishing me. And now I have to deal with Maximoff.”
You made a mental note to address the first part about Hayward later when Agatha wasn’t as grumpy, but grinned at the mention of the famous pianist. “Maximoff as in the Wanda Maximoff? She’s-“
“A wild card and not the soloist I envisioned having,” Agatha finished for you, glaring at the mere thought of the woman as you both walked towards her office.
“But she’s an amazing pianist,” You argued, remembering the one time you had the opportunity to watch her perform live with the Royal Philharmonic. “The way she plays is beautiful, and magical, and-“
Agatha growled and glared at you, picking up the speed she was walking at. “And she has no control. She doesn’t listen to direction and thinks she’s always right. Her ego is her downfall.”
You arched an eyebrow. “Wow, that sounds absolutely nothing like you.”
Agatha let out a laugh but still sent you another glare. “Don’t push it, darling,” Agatha warned you as she unlocked the door to her office. “I am nothing like Wanda Maximoff.”
You rolled your eyes after she turned around. “Right. So I’ll take the Beethoven parts out to make room for Wanda’s piece?”
Agatha sighed and combed her fingers through her wildly curly hair. “Well I’d rather just tell the little Sokovian princess she’s not allowed anywhere near my orchestra. But since that would be frowned upon, yes put the Beethoven back. Her agent should be emailing us the parts later today.”
You set off to prepare the dreadful task of reorganizing each folder while Agatha studied different scores. She had her baton out and was mindlessly conducting as she went through the fourth movement of the Dvorak. Over the past few weeks you had started to fall in love with watching her conduct. There was something so mesmerizing by the way she could bring different pieces to life with the mere movement of her hands. You watched her right hand lightly grip the baton and noticed the position of her fingers lightly grasping the silver object while her blue eyes scanned the score.
She felt your staring and smirked as she continued conducting. “See something you like, dear?”
Blushing furiously you went back to your task of sorting music, but every once in a while you allowed yourself to take a break to watch Agatha conduct, and although she smirked whenever she noticed, she didn’t make any more comments. Eventually you finished the work and put the folders away while filing the Beethoven in the cabinet.
“Good, you’re done,” Agatha said as she stood up. “Now it’s time for my favorite part of the day.”
You internally groaned and realized what she wanted. “Where you make one of the interns cry and go get lunch?”
“Close, dear. But no.” She motioned to your violin case. “Come.”
This was your least favorite part of the day. Now, you were used to receiving constructive criticism, and even just good old fashioned criticism. Over the years you had less than kind violin teachers, and you shuddered at the memory of Stefan throwing a chair across the room when you only had three pages of Mendelssohn fully memorized two months before your recital preview. He kept yelling in Russian that he would not be the first faculty member to have a student fail a preview. Or the time Jacqueline caused you to have a panic attack right before your sophomore year concerto competition because she didn’t ‘like your stage presence’ and went on some insane rant, and then yelled at you more while you were sobbing. Ah, the fond memories you had of college.
But there was something so intensely nerve wracking about performing in front of Agatha that it made all of those encounters seem like fun and games. You weren’t sure what it was about the woman, but there was just something about her presence that constantly had you on edge. What made it ten times worse was that Agatha seemed to be aware of the effect she had on you, and did whatever she could to make you blush.
You took a few moments to tune your violin and roll your shoulders back while Agatha made herself comfortable in the audience, but you both knew she wouldn’t stay out there for long.
“Now darling,” Agatha called out from her seat. “I want you to remember what we’ve been working on. The first impression you set when your bow hits the string needs to be dominating. I want to feel like you’re pinning me down on the stage. Make me want it.”
You stared at her incredulously and shook your head, trying not to visualize what she just said to you. “Right...pinning...dominating,” You murmured as you straightened your stance and took a deep breath. Setting your bow on the string, you made sure it was positioned at the frog.
“I can see you tensing from all the way out here,” Agatha said in a mocking tone. “Do I need to come up there and help you relax?”
You knew her coming anywhere near you would do the opposite to relax you. “Nope. Just stay where you are!”
“Oh, are you the one giving orders now, my dear?” Agatha teased as she slowly got out of her seat and made her way towards the stage. “I’m just trying to help. You need to relax your shoulders, otherwise you’re going to end up with a hunchback.”
“I like the Hunchback of Notre Dame,” You offered weakly as you watched her stalk her way up the stairs, her heels clicking up each step.
Agatha rolled her eyes. “Of course you do.” She closed the distance between you and put her hands on your shoulders. “You need to relax.” She examined you closer and arched an eyebrow. “And breathe, my dear. Unless you want to fall in my arms.” You had taken to staring at the floor of the stage until you felt her hand gently cup your chin, forcing you to gaze at her. “Am I that hideous to look at that?”
“Ha, you’re so funny,” You managed to get out before taking a deep breath, and once again tried to relax your shoulders.
Despite your best efforts, you still felt tense, and Agatha noticed it as well. Letting out a gentle huff she moved behind you and began to rub your upper back. “Jeez, have you ever had a massage? It seems like you need one.”
“That’s a bit above my current pay check,” You quipped and blushed when you heard her responding chuckle.
“If you’re asking for a raise, you’re going to have to do better than that,” Agatha replied, her breath tickling your ear and sending delightful shivers down your spine. “You need to let go, darling. This much tension in your shoulders will do too much damage to your posture.”
She hit a particularly hard knot and you couldn’t help but moan at the sensation. You thought you heard Agatha mumble something under her breath but you were so lost in the sensation you didn’t ask her what she said. Agatha continued rubbing your shoulders and you slowly felt yourself relax into her touch.
“That’s it,” Agatha murmured. “Good girl.” Your eyes shot open at the praise and you heard her lightly chuckle. “Relax, dear. I could do this all day.”
Your shoulders eventually loosened up and you couldn’t help but groan when Agatha took a step away from you. “Quit your whining and play that chord,” Agatha demanded as she turned away from you, clapping her hands loudly. “I want to be wowed.”
Taking a deep breath, you fixed your stance before setting your bow back on the string. You were hesitating, and Agatha knew it too.
“Any day now. It’s not like I have anything else to do,” Agatha’s words were sharp but you knew she meant it as encouragement.
You let go of any fears you had of what would come next as you positioned your fingers on the string and rolled your bow to produce the g-minor chord. Your left wrist was loose enough to slow down your vibrato and you went through the first section without any interruptions from Agatha. As you began the next phrase you remembered what Agatha had told you about making it bigger and better than before.
“Always leave them wanting more,” Agatha had instructed her. “Make each phrase slightly different. No one wants to suffer through ten minutes of the same few notes.”
You added more vibrato for this phrase and changed the dynamics so you were growing in sound until you heard her calling for you to stop.
“Stop! Stop, that’s enough,” Agatha yelled as she walked back towards you. “That was...better.”
“Dare I say you sound surprised?” You joked causing her to glare at you.
“Fishing for compliments, are we?” She questioned, but eventually relented. “You’re getting better.”
You grinned wildly at her praise. “That was the nicest thing you’ve said to me so far today.”
“Keeping score?” Agatha mused, a smile threatening to tug at her lips at your enthusiasm. “Like I said, you’re getting better, but there’s a lot of work to do. I want to hear those octave slides and not feel like my ears are bleeding from your intonation. Chop chop.”
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lucy-sky · 5 years
Top 3 13,29,46,88 Please😘
13: Top 3 binge perfect tv shows
I think mini-series are perfect for binge-watching so it’ll be
Mozart in the Jungle
29: Top 3 guilty pleasures
peanut butter
singing to the music in your headphones in the elevator xD
46: Top 3 fanfictions you’ve read
Jason Dixon x Reader Multichapter
Paper Cup Writer
Steel & Velvet
88: Top 3 places to be in the world
St. Petersburg
Basically anywhere with my friends
Thank you! :)
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Prompts for Manuel “Manu”, Tenoch’s character cameo from Mozart in the Jungle. But could also just be Tenoch AUs since Manu gets so little screen time lol. Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of these and write something, I’d love to read it! 💜 Thanks to @okay-hotshot for helping me with these!
1. Soft! Dark Mob AU: You're the daughter of another mob boss. You and Manu/Tenoch know of each other, but have never truly gotten to know one another. You ask for his help when trying to get your father out of a sticky situation (your father got mixed into a bad business or is in debt) and that's when Manu/Tenoch mentions your father had come to him before and offered you up as collateral to pay off the rest of his debts. You're not blind and know that Manu/Tenoch is a handsome man and no way in hell are you gonna admit you might have fantasized about him once or twice. After telling you that your father had given his permission for him to take you as his bride so he may take over your father’s business, you ask him what would happen if you refuse. That's when his eyes go dark. Manu/Tenoch knows you don’t have enough money to pay him off, if you even have any money left to your name at all. He looks you up and down, asking you to strip. He says, “You can pay me with your body instead. You may not have money, but you have great assets.” He’ll draft up a contract and have you sign it to make your agreement official and legally binding. if you don’t want to give him your hand, you can give him your body instead. It’s your choice. You can be his wife or his whore.
2. Mob AU: You’re Manu’s/Tenoch’s lover or wife and he owns this high end bar/nightclub that’s like the epitome of luxury and decadence. But despite how much he spoils you, you don’t really wear expensive high end fashion or do anything special with your hair and makeup. You’re very underdressed and “plain Jane” for the venue but you just want to see him. The bouncer knows you so he lets you in, but then some rich people or superficial wannabes are being snobs and giving you trouble, trying to harass you and make you feel uncomfortable or inferior to them like you don’t belong there because of how “drab” you look. This makes Manu/Tenoch mad and protective. They shut up and become real sheepish real fast when Manu/Tenoch wraps you in his arms, kissing you passionately on the mouth and neck, grabbing your ass without breaking eye contact with the snobs, as if daring them to say something. They realize you’re the boss’s woman and try to leave the awkward situation. Manu/Tenoch later has his bouncers kick them out while he takes you up to his private suite above the nightclub to have some alone time so he can spoil you.
3. Street Racing AU: You’re Manu’s/Tenoch’s girl and his good luck charm for races. He never starts a race before getting his good luck kisses from you. Manu/Tenoch takes you for a not-so-legal joyride in the streets of Mexico City after he’s won yet another race, doing all sorts of maneuvers at speeds exceeding 100 MPH. Police start coming after him with their lights and siren on. “I think that police car is wanting us to stop.”
“They are just admiring my beautiful new car. Anyway we can’t pull over.” So he puts the car in reverse and drives backwards, running over the curb and swerving around police. He spins back around and drifts, violating all sorts of traffic laws and weaving between cars to evade the cops. He pulls all sorts of stunts and is such a pro that he loses the cops with ease. He keeps his hand on your thigh while driving to make sure you’re ok, since he knows high speeds can cause whiplash or motion sickness. You get such a thrill from it that it feels like you’re high, so you ride this high by having sex with Manu/Tenoch in his brand new sports car that he may or may not have stolen while your heart is still pounding. He’s there to hold you and give aftercare when the adrenaline wears off and you come back down.
4. Manu/Tenoch knows how to make an entrance. When you meet him for the first time, he pulls up in a fancy new car he may or may not have stolen. Upon introducing himself he says, “I’m either your best friend or your worst nightmare.” When he sees you, however, he’s like “Holaaaaaa 😏” and immediately turns up the charm and flirts, pulling down his color tinted sunglasses to get a good look at you. He kisses and holds your hand without breaking eye contact. “Amigo, are you going to introduce me to the lovely lady?” Rodrigo tries to cockblock him by getting you to leave like “You have lots of emails to write, don’t you? You should probably go do that.” But even after you’re gone, Manu/Tenoch isn’t one to give up easily. He’ll get your number one way or another and then go from there.
5. You’re the new bartender at Manu’s/Tenoch’s nightclub and you know of his reputation, how he’s a player who’s slept with practically every woman who’s worked for him. So you brush off his advances and flirtations to just focus on your job. You don’t want to be just another body to add to his count. You’re surprised at how much he lets you get away with. He’s fired dancers and other staff for less, so your coworkers tell you that you’re his “favorite”. He buys you drinks, but unbeknownst to him, you pretend to drink it from the bottle and spit it back in, never swallowing. Or you dump it when he’s not looking. He’s not discouraged so easily however. What started off as just wanting you in his bed becomes more as he gets to know you and works hard to befriend you. He protects you from drunk patrons who get too rowdy and try to harass you when you cut them off for the night. The “Look, Don’t Touch” rule doesn’t just apply to his dancing girls and strippers. If you get hurt, he personally patches you up. Even if it’s just a small cut above the eyebrow from broken glass. After this event, you finally let him give you a ride home. But nothing happens between you that first night - he just drops you off and waits until you get in the door before driving away. He takes his time with you, because he feels like he’s falling in love with you and doesn’t know how to deal with it since this has never happened before. He’s so used to no strings attached but you’re pulling his heartstrings like a puppet.
6. Manu/Tenoch is the owner of a bar like Coyote Ugly. His business model "beautiful girls + booze = money.” The bartenders are sexy women who dance on the tabletops and drench themselves in water or booze. Sometimes they spray patrons with alcohol or hold them down on the bar to pour shots down their throats. This bar is almost like a rave meets a strip club. Water isn’t allowed to be ordered at the bar, and anyone who does so gets hosed down or a bucket of ice poured on them. Manu/Tenoch teaches his girls wild routines, which includes such antics as chugging alcohol, setting light to it, and then breathing fire. There’s only two rules: none of his girls are allowed to date the customers or bring their boyfriends into his bar. His girls are to appear available but never be available. Break those rules, you’re fired on the spot. You’re a shy newcomer who’s just moved to the city. You're looking for a job, so Manu/Tenoch gives you an “audition”. He looks you up and down and compliments your top, before tearing off the sleeves and bottom hem of it until it’s a crop tank top. He fixes your hair and says, “Let’s see your moves!” You’re very awkward and have no idea what you’re doing at first, but over time you find your rhythm and get comfortable with “performing” while bartending. But then uh oh what happens when you and Manu/Tenoch become attracted to each other and give into the sexual tension? It may be unprofessional to fool around with the boss after hours, but both of you are enjoying it too much to stop. Since you’re only sleeping together off the clock, it’s not exactly breaking the rules, is it?
7. You’re in the middle of an empty parking lot when Manu/Tenoch gets in a fight with Rodrigo, roughhousing him until he pulls a knife on him in front of you as he says, “Maybe we cut this guy open and see what’s inside!” only to immediately laugh with Rodrigo as they hug. He smiles wide at you, laughing at his own joke when he says, “I’m fucking with you! This guy is like my brother!” Manu/Tenoch and you are like a dynamic duo in crime - a ride or die Bonnie and Clyde. For example, he breaks into a car and unlocks it without setting off any alarms with a Slim Jim, and you’re the one to hot wire it. Manu/Tenoch is such a fucker sometimes and you often roll your eyes at his antics, but you can’t help but love him anyway.
8. It’s a cold night where Manu/Tenoch is walking you home and he takes off his jacket to drape it over your shoulders. Manu/Tenoch knows you live in a regular neighborhood and he doesn't want to draw too much attention to you with a sports car, especially a stolen one. He doesn't tease you for being a "good" girl or shy. To be respectful, he either walks you home and to your doorstep or just takes one of his regular inconspicuous cars to drop you off at home. He also doesn't want to make you a target or have people be suspicious of you. He knows if he drives something flashy in your neighborhood, people are going to accuse you of being a gold digger and he doesn't want that to happen to you.
9. Manu/Tenoch would fool around with other women though he loves you, and you know it’s nothing serious with these other women, you just like to play games with him where you also flirt with men or women (whichever you like) to see which of you snaps first and can’t hold it in anymore. He could have a woman in his lap and one on each arm while he’s chilling in a night club booth somewhere and you’re also doing the same. The flirty womanizer is just an act because that's how he was. Maybe that's just how he had to be in order to get his business and his connections. When he was younger, he definitely was a flirt but as he's gotten older he's lowkey tired of the act. He meets you, the shy girl, at another bar where you're a bartender. You're the one fixing him his drink and you're new to town so you don’t really know much about him, so that's when he opens up to you because you're just a stranger, you can't judge him yet. But then you see how he treats the other women bartenders and how he's actually really sweet with them, asking how their families are doing and tipping them generously. He’s sweet with you too and it surprises you, you're not quite sure what to believe when you learn more about his public persona. But then you learn from the other girls at the bar that Manu/Tenoch just puts up a front - he's a regular at the bar you work at and he's actually really soft when he can let his guard down.
10. To make it softer, what if the first night you meet him is yes, you're bartending, but you just had a bad breakup or you went on a bad date so you're feeling down. Manu/Tenoch is more perceptive than people give him credit for, so he asks what's got you down. He’s a little flirty, not with the intention to seduce you, but for you to crack a smile and lighten up a little bit. So you deflate and tell him about the asshole of a guy you dated and Manu/Tenoch tells you that he's seen, met, and worked with all kinds of men. He's older now and tells you that there are better men out there and that you deserve better, encouraging you not to completely block out love. That's how you two slowly open up, and at the end of the night, he gives you a generous tip and his number if you ever want to talk to him or need an escort at night so you're not walking alone defenseless.
11. You just got schooled in a street race and when your opponent opens their car door, you’re dumbfounded. The driver gets out and is revealed to be your past lover, Manu/Tenoch. Oh, so it's to be war then. You see how it is.
12. You’re a prolific F1 racer and have competed in multiple championship races, but you’ve just won the World Drivers’ Championship for the first time based on your Grand Prix points! At the post race interview they announce a surprise guest. You immediately start crying when you see it’s your husband, Manu/Tenoch, who you thought couldn’t make it due to prior commitments and scheduling conflicts.
13. You borrowed your best friend's customized car just to impress people in a car meet but you didn't know it was actually a street racing meet up and you accidentally end up in a race. The performance of your opponent's car is equal to your best friend's car. Regardless of the race’s outcome, Manu/Tenoch exits his car to shake your hand and congratulate you on your performance. You’re so high from anxiety and adrenaline, and he’s so handsome, that you impulsively invite him back to your hotel room in the spur of the moment. He accepts your offer.
14. All is silent in Manu’s/Tenoch’s room as he sits with his head back against the wall, late in the evening. When he listens closely, however, he can hear the sound of you playing a violin on the other side.
15. You walk into a bar. Finding it empty, you go behind the counter to pour yourself a drink. When out of the blue, the bar starts filling up with people, asking you, the bartender, for a drink. Surprisingly, you have experience in food and hospitality, so you manage well under the pressure even though you don’t technically work there. And that’s how you got your job at Manu’s/Tenoch’s bar.
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