#Mr Manik
pico-digital-studios · 2 months
What’s your favourite food?
Mr. Needlemouse: I- I'm back! Phew. Sorry, folks. Had to sketch myself a new body part after Miss Basketball Fanatic cooked it.
Nitro: We really did try to warn you that Cindy means business, dude.
Mr. NM: You didn't tell me she'd be wielding a gun full of cartoon-harming chemicals!
Pana: Welp, better luck next time, mate. Ah, yeah! While you were out, Ben and Blu showed up here.
BluBuni: Hi there!
OMT!Tails: Glad you could make it for this next question! Though, you guys aren't part of our group, so how come you showed up in our part of the Q&A?
Benjamin: Ah, right. I heard the current question didn't get labelled, so I felt it'd be a good pick for us to join in for this one.
OMT!Tails: Heh, very well, then.
OMT!Mina: Right, let's see... @btnfstudios asks "What's your favourite food?"
CR!Sonic: Heh, now that's a good one!
Mr. NM: Ah, finally! A question that's not at my expense! Well, as you can tell, I absolutely crave chilli dogs!
CU!Sonic: I figure it'd be the same for all us Sonics in the room.
Mini Sonic: Yep. CR!Sonic: I suppose so.
Pana: Ah, bummer. I'd say I'm more partial to a fresh cheese-and-ham toastie. It absolutely pays off getting the right heat to melt all that cheese, heh.
OMT!Mina: Heh, yeah. Pana taught me how to make some during the times I've stayed over at his world.
OMT!Tails: Well, I'm sure you guys know what I'm fond of, right?
EX!Alice: Mints?
OMT!Tails: Ah, no no no! That's something I have on rare occasions. I actually really love having grapes!
BK!Amy: Ah, so like Knuckles, right? Sweet!
OMT!Tails: Hehe, yeah. It rubbed off on me there.
Nitro: Heh, choc-chip cookies are my absolute favourite! It's always a fun snack before meals.
Smol Devy: Yep! April: Hehe, yep! Of course, my favourite food is absolutely burgers! ^w^
BK!Amy: Hehe, that's lovely, April! Of course, strawberry shortcake remains my favourite dessert!
Nine: You know, I've been starting to get fond of it as well. Thanks for letting me be a taste-tester, Amy.
BK!Amy: You're most welcome!
Benjamin: Well, I've loved having donuts and bananas as my favourite snack between meals! Me and Blu often go to a donut stall in town to get some.
BluBuni: We sure do! In terms of food I'm not so fond of, it's definitely carrots. I've never really been a huge fan, though I don't really publicly state that, so I'm polite about it and ask for alternatives if guys like Bugs are doing waiting.
EX!Alice: Good thought there, Blu. I'm a big fan of pasta-based meals myself, especially if meatballs are thrown in there.
D-Sides Mighty: You know, I'd say I'm a fan of regular hot dogs. Putting ketchup on there really livens the taste!
Kinoko: I mean, me? A Meat-eor Burger and a Milky Way Milkshake are my go-to after a hard day exploring the galaxy!
Trip: And as for me, I've started getting into having strawberries as a light snack. When I'm away from my friends, it always reminds me of my Amy and how sweet she was when we first met back at the water temple.
CR!Sonic: Heh, I mean, orange you glad I held back on arguing with that? I'm glad you've got a tie to your old home there, Trip.
Trip: Aww, thank you.
CU!Sonia: You know, dad got me into chilli dogs pretty quickly during my youth!
CR!Sonia: Heh, same! You see, other Sonia? This is why you and me are awesome girls!
CU!Sonia: Hehe, shucks!
CR!Manik: You know, me, Sonia and dad gave a shot at making our own chilli dogs with help from mom. We didn't nail the recipe the first time around, but we got better!
CR!Sonic: Family bonding done to a T, son!
Hog: Chilli dogs, huh? Is that a common courtesy our, erm, "non-bootleg" selves like to have?
Wacky: Yep.
Hog: I swear I gotta give one a shot someday.
Mini Sonic: Trust me, Hog! It'll be worth it!
OMT!Tails: Ah, yeah! That reminds me! Knuckles and Amy were planning a barbecue today in our back garden, and we were wondering if you guys would like to join in!
Mr. NM: I call dibs on a chilli dog!
BK!Amy: That's such a wonderful thought, Tails! Count me in!
OMT!Mina: And me!
Nitro: Heh, no way I'd turn down opportunities to hang out with my multiversal pals off the clock!
BluBuni: A barbecue? Yay! I'm looking forward to it!
Benjamin: Me too!
EX!Alice: Well, we'd better go and get ourselves set up. Thanks for the question, Brendan!
D-Sides Mighty: And NM? Please don't go hogging all the food before we even get a chance to have it.
Mr. NM: Aww, you guys are no fun. >:(
Hog: Wait, was that a pun or-?
D-Sides Mighty: Nah, it was proper speak.
Hog: Ah, right!
A little later, elsewhere... (extra scripting by @becdoesthings)
CLE: ... What did he call me after he left...?
Cindy reloaded a glock, intent on really putting him to rights.
Nitro: Okay, okay. We'll handle him should he try to mess up the barbecue later. Plus, he's less likely to call you... THAT again now that you did that to him.
CLE: ...Duly noted. I really hope he learns. Cuz I know people that don't learn shit.
Nitro: Me too. Then again, knowing Needlemouse's track record, it's not too likely.
CLE: Disappointed, but not surprised.
Nitro: Same.
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btranmuses · 2 years
Executive Intervention
a gay urban fantasy short story
The candles snuffed out, though Sabrina felt no air movement. All but a single flame remained against the sudden darkness, and in the mirror where she should be, stood a man. The meagre illumination from the candle couldn’t penetrate the blackness that shrouded his face, but still its reflection danced as two golden pinpricks where his eyes should be. She swore if she looked at them long enough, they would bear through the back of her skull, scraping clean every ounce of secret she harboured there.
A new City of Mist campaign, another short story! Introducing Liam An, fuccboi, manwhore, executive, mirror teleporter and psychic terroriser. The Group is facing a sudden business disruption threatening one of its subsidiaries, and Liam is here to intervene on behalf of the Board.
Liam thought the new guy was fine. Late thirties or early forties, if the grey temples were any indication. Those tanned fingers were ring-free, and he rocked the grey suit. To anyone else the man would look calm and collected, but not everyone could sense these things like Liam could. Tension radiated from the man like a full-bodied punch, with just a swirl of anxiety for spice; an almost valiant effort at composure.
By fine, Liam meant delectable.
Alani Chauhan, the CEO, finished her typing and looked up from her end of the conference table, to Liam's right. "Mr. Manik, please," she said, as all eyes landed on the new guy. "I'm ready. Let the Group know how Enstern is doing."
Lee Manik, in his grey tailored glory, nodded and moved to the other end of the table. The Glacial Holdings Group logo stopped spinning on the screen wall, turning into Enstern Corporation. The rest of the Board eyed him like hawks, and Liam too, though with a different flavour of hunger. It was, if anything, interesting to see how the new Director was managing the launch of a new supermarket chain.
The man went through his presentation on how Enstern was doing. Liam could sense disappointment rising from those expecting a trainwreck, but from many others, and himself, respect and delight. Enstern was… concerning when Lee assumed the role a few months back, but it looked quite healthy now: finances, resources, strategy, construction, paperwork all on track, and the marketing direction Liam approved with minor adjustments was in good shape.
Before Liam could tune out, though, Lee dropped a bombshell.
"Neopac, Enstern's major logistics partner, is unfortunately indicating their intention to withdraw from the partnership," Lee said with perfect composure, though his anxiety spiked bitter in Liam's mouth. "My team is trying their best to find out what motivated this decision, but progress is slow. Yes, Mr. An?"
Liam lowered his hand. "How about Harkinsons and Pearce?"
"They are still on board with the Enstern launch, but with Neopac's reputation, there is the risk that their withdrawal may have a knock-on effect on the others."
Liam shook his head. "Those two will be glad to take over Neopac's spot, believe me. As long as they commit, the launch will be fine, though I'd rather Neopac stay in line and minimise disruptions." He started composing a message on his phone to his secretary, but not before flashing a smile at Lee, and catching the man double-taking. Jackpot. "Leave them to me, I'll follow up."
"With all due respect, I don't think Mr. An's involvement is necessary at this stage," Paul Thompson objected from opposite Liam at the table, to Ms. Chauhan's right. "Enstern has their own strategy resources, and surely Mr. An has other Glacial responsibilities to attend to."
"I appreciate your concerns, Mr. Thompson," Liam said, "but I disagree. Even though we have a variety of logistic partners, Neopac is involved with other orgs in the Group's portfolio. This is beyond Enstern's scale, and partner management is, indeed, one of my Glacial responsibilities."
"That sounds good, Liam," Ms. Chauhan said, "and the Board agrees with your track record. Please keep us updated next week. Back to you, Lee."
Paul sat back on his chair. No one needed Liam's abilities to know he was fuming, but Liam paid the man no mind. He was busy blasting the full wattage of his smile at the fresh but capable Director at the other end of the room, who, to his delight and satisfaction, stumbled over his words for a second and as the presentation resumed, his eyes kept returning to Liam.
The picture his secretary Elizabeth got of this Eddie character did not do the man justice. The lush brown hair matched the dim golden lights inside the Ornament restaurant in a very flattering way. Liam wondered what it would feel like to run his fingers through them.
The waiter finished pouring their wine, and disappeared with the menus. Eddie cleared his throat. "Sorry. Yeah, I was saying I'm a compliance officer at a logistics company, don't know if you've heard of them. Neopac?"
Yes, Elizabeth was overqualified. If he could Liam would have got her into the International Hall of Heroes to work as his handler, but he didn't have much sway there, not yet. He was stuck with Jamie instead.
Liam raised a practised eyebrow. "Can't say I have. What do they do?"
"Oh, we're working with a new major supermarket! They're going to open in a year, and it's getting really, really busy."
"No no no, the other one, their competitor, ha. BNC, but the consumer name is Bunnies. A much friendlier name I think, what even is an Enstern?"
Eddie was right, and Liam agreed with him. Thing was, the Board was too corporate to let go of that name, but water under bridge, et cetera. Instead, Liam smiled. "That sounds exciting indeed. Please, tell me more."
Three hours later, Liam was running his tongue over Eddie's bare neck, who he got pinned against a wall in an executive hotel suite downtown, panting with eyes glazed over. He took Eddie's stubbled jaw in one hand. The man was ready.
Liam bore his gaze deep, deep into those eyes, and asked without uttering a word.
Who is trying to get Neopac away from Glacial?
"Jake Cassidy," Eddie said breathlessly, then shuddered as if waking. "Wait, what did I just say? Oh my god did I say something stupid?"
Liam pressed his rage down his stomach and his thumb into Eddie's mouth, who shivered at once. He couldn't help but at least smiled; the man was just so responsive. He brushed his lips against Eddie's ear and murmured, "Don't you worry a thing."
Sabrina lit the last of the candles that crowded the bathroom sink. They looked ridiculous under the fluorescent light, but all of this was part of the ritual. She still did not like the idea of turning her back to the mirror, even if only for a second to turn off the light. But the night was long indeed, and she was only delaying the inevitable.
She turned off the light. The golden haze of the candles adorned her reflection, alone in the darkened room. She breathed quietly into the air:
"Mirror Man, Mirror Man. Come to my mirror, Mirror Man."
The candles snuffed out, though Sabrina felt no air movement. All but a single flame remained against the sudden darkness, and in the mirror where she should be, stood a man. The meagre illumination from the candle couldn't penetrate the blackness that shrouded his face, but still its reflection danced as two golden pinpricks where his eyes should be. She swore if she looked at them long enough, they would bear through the back of her skull, scraping clean every ounce of secret she harboured there; so instead Sabrina averted her gaze, down the black suit that fitted him well. Really well actually; the top button was undone, and that ch—
She cleared her throat. "Th-thank you for coming. I've, uh, modified all the reports, presentations, findings, and all paperwork about the deal. As far as internal BNC records go, the Bunnies work has always been awarded to Melinda Associates instead of Neopac."
The Man in the Mirror tilted his head slightly. A voice rumbled, "Who signed them?"
"A Jake Cassidy. He led an internal effort to pivot Neopac away from Enstern to BNC."
"For a big climb up the ladder, looks like. There's a faction in the company raising alarms on how entangled they have become with this company called Glacial. A holding company, from what I've seen. If Cassidy pulls this off, he will have majority support of the board."
The Man in the Mirror stayed still, and Sabrina didn't know what else to say. That was all she had to do on her end, right? Did she miss anything? But he reached out, his hand breaking through the mirror, rippling its surface like a pond harbouring unseen terrors in its depths. A terror she was in the presence of.
His fingers unfurled, palm up. It was a large hand, with thick fingers. Oh. Right. Sabrina placed a memory stick in his hand, and was surprised. She didn't know why she expected cold skin; it was actually warm, and soft. She added in a hurry, "All the documents I found, both original and, um, amended. They're all in this thing."
The Man in the Mirror turned the stick in his hand as if feeling for something, then withdrew it back into the mirror. Seconds later the hand resurfaced; wrapped around his fingers was the unmistakable glint of a silver necklace threading through a double ring, dangling before her.
Sabrina stared at the thing for what felt like a full minute. The Man in the Mirror kept his hand still as she carefully untangled the necklace from his fingers. By the time she managed to secure it at the back of her neck and again feel the ring's familiar coldness burning against her chest, she cried freely.
"You should not have pawned off something like this."
She nodded. There was no justification she did not already tell herself. There was no reason she found acceptable. She would have to live with her mistakes, and—
"Talk to her. She's miserable. Same time, same park."
She snapped her head up, but the light turned back on. The candle had gone out, and in the mirror was Sabrina again, her own face ruined with tears, but her eyes, for the first time in two long, long years, shone with the unfamiliar glint of hope, her heart tripping mad over the promise of a second chance.
Jake Cassidy didn't know these alleyways, but he had to try. His lungs burned and his legs wanted to give out, but he could not risk stopping.
"You play too many games, Jake. You crossed too many lines."
The voice rang from somewhere behind him, always behind him. Another street light blew out, and Jake yelped. Things moved just beyond the corner of his eyes, but he couldn't see anything clearly, not without slowing down.
"Help maintain a delicate balance of power in exchange for exoneration, Jake. The terms were clear. And yet you tried to take it for yourself. And spat on my mercy."
An explosive cacophony ruptured his ears, and Jake fell on his knees screaming. Street lights, windows, and trashed glassware shattered around him, and in the darkness glass shards rained and rained and kept raining, like a thousand fingers scratching at him for blood, for bone.
Jake all but slammed his head against the pavement, crying. "Please! I've lost my job! I'm sorry! Please, let me go, I swear I won't—"
Flashes of police sirens broke the silent darkness, and Jake felt his heart dropping to a pit.
Cold, cold lips brushed the tip of his ear, and the voice growled. "I am the Shard Reaper. I collect what is due, and no one. Crosses. Me."
"Neopac has clarified, calling the situation a misunderstanding," Lee said to the silent Board. "We've received official communication reaffirming their commitment to the Enstern project. Thank you very much for your assistance, Mr. An."
Liam returned the smile. Lee looked mighty fine in navy; in fact, Liam had yet to see the man in anything he didn't like. Paul was stewing resentment in his seat as he always did, but the CEO nodded, looking satisfied.
"Always a pleasure to assist the Group, Mr. Manik," Liam said with a smile, always a smile. "I have nothing but confidence in our future."
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franchiseavscompany · 3 months
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Shri Pankaj Khanna is the founder of KHANNA GEMS. Which was established in 1987. After a long struggle, KHANNA GEMS has become the world’s biggest gemstone brand. Mr. Pankaj Khanna completed his MBA. After that, he spent one year in Garwal, Himalayas to learn astrology which was his passion.
KHANNA GEMS is in the process of horizontally integrating the business. With AURA TESTING CENTRES, they are basically controlling the demand creation of gemstones which shall benefit the franchisees & also the company. KHANNA GEMS’ initiative of opening AURA TESTING CENTRES throughout the world is driven by their vision to bring scientific revolution to the spiritual Industry.
KHANNA GEMS was awarded as the Best Gemstones Brand in India twice in a row.
Largest range govt lab IGI-GTL certified non-heated, Non-treated Gemstones only at KHANNA GEMS. Some of their products:
EMERALD(panna stone), YELLOW SAPPHIRE(pukhraj stone), RUBY(manik), BLUE SAPPHIRE(Neelam stone), HESSONITE(gomed), DIAMOND(heera), PEARL(moti), RED CORAL(moonga), WHITE SAPPHIRE(safed pukhraj), CAT’S EYE (lehsunia).
Monthly, even if only 100 people get their aura tested then the franchisee’s revenue from the aura scanning service shall be
3000 * 100 = 300000 RS.
Out of which 70% shall be his gross profit, I.e. Rupees 210000 from services.
Now, even if 20% of the people who have got their aura tested buy gemstones, then the revenue generated shall be
65000 RS. * 20 = 1300000
The weighted average margin is 25% which means the gross profit that can be generated from product sales is 325000 Rs.
So, the total gross profit that franchisees can expect is 53500 Rs.
The manager in the store should be a dynamic person, such a person’s base salary shall be
35000Rs. + incentive
So, the total employee cost = 51000 Rs.
The franchise should spend at least 205% of the expected revenue is advertising
40000 Rs.
Imputed rent cost
100000 Rs.
So, the approximate net profit after all expenses (including imputed rent)
PROFIT=344000 Rs.
The franchise can make even more money by getting commissions for arranging client consultations with the astrologer, Numerologists, etc. On their panel & also by getting a commission on getting orders of:
Aura testing equipment lease amount for 9 years: 600000 Rupees
HIGH-QUALITY GEMSTONES: As a partner investor likely have access to high-quality gemstones sourced by KHANNA GEMS.
TRAINING: KHANNA GAMS may provide expert guidance & training on gemstone selection, how to provide customer service etc.
MARKETING SUPPORT: KHANNA GEMS may offer marketing support. Get some online marketing support.
BRAND REPUATTION: When an investor invests in a franchise he gets an advantage of brand reputation.
Overall, partnering with KHANNA GEMS can offer a range of benefits that can help your business thrive in the gemstone market.
Contact Us
If you are interested in investing in the KHANNA GEMS franchise, you can contact FRANCHISE AVS through their official website www.franchiseavs.com, or email [email protected]. you can also reach them by phone at 9205434226.
Partnering with KHANNA GEMS is a profitable opportunity for investors looking to be a part of a well-established brand in India. With a secure investment, attractive profit margins, & support of the Franchise.
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Shri Venkateshwara University held a seminar to mark World Brain Tumor Day. 
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On World Brain Tumor Day, VIMS Multispeciality hospital & VGI Meerut, with the support of the Venkateshwara Group, organized a seminar on the topic Brain tumor can be detected, diagnosed and managed.
India’s renowned surgeon, Prof. Dr IB Raju, informed the reasons causing brain tumor & explained the symptoms & treatment for this life-threatening disease.  
We honored Dr. IB Raju and Dr. Ravi Mohan Sharma, a distinguished psychiatrist, for their outstanding contributions to mental health.
The Venkateshwara Group Founder President Dr Sudhir Giri, IAS Mr. Rajesh Kumar Tyagi, IAS & former Commissioner Mr. Balvinder Kumar & the Pro Chancellor Dr Rajeev Tyagi inaugurated the event by lighting a lamp to Goddess Saraswati.
Surgeon Dr IB Raju & psychiatrist Dr Ravi Mohan Sharma joined them to unveil the World Brain Tumor Day seminar.
The Venkateshwara Group Founder President Dr Sudhir Giri reiterated the Venkateshwara Group is committed to realize the PM’s dream of a Healthy India–Ayushman India.
In his address, Dr IB Raju emphasized that excessive radiation, over use of electromagnetic equipment’s & westernized lifestyle are the main reasons for brain tumor. If it’s detected in the early stages, then the patient’s life can be saved. Brain tumors are both cancerous & non-cancerous types.   
He advised youngsters to limit usage of mobile & avoid working on mobiles late in the night.
The Venkateshwara Group is doing a commendable work in providing quality education & health services. IAS & DM, Mr. Rajesh Kumar Tyagi.
Renowned Psychiatrist Dr Ravi Mohan Sharma asserted among the over 10 lakh brain tumor patients in the world Brain Tumor causes 50000 deaths annually.
The Pro Chancellor Dr Rajeev Tyagi announced VIMS is the Centre of Excellence for all kinds of mental illness.
Those present included the Chief Medical Superintendent Dr IB Raju, Academic Dean Dr Sanjeev Bhatt, Dr Ikram Elahi, Dr Manik Tyagi, Dr Shahid Mir, Dr Prachi Tyagi, & the Registrar Dr Piyush Pandey.
Dr Divya Girdhar, Dr Shivam Agarwal, Dr Rohan Tyagi, Dr Ravi Mohan, Dr Monika Deshwal, Dr Monika Dr Komal, Dr G Manisha, Dr Anukriti, Dr Snehlata, Dr Vivek Sachan were all present.
Also present were Dr Yogeshwar Sharma, Dr Anil Kr. Jaiswal, Mr SS Baghel, Arun Goswami, Maroof Chaudhary, Vishal Sharma, Saumik Banerjee Rinki Sharma, Sanjeev Rai & Mr Ram Gupta from PR.
The Meerut Campus Director Dr Pratap Singh was present & also present was the Media Incharge Mr. Vishwas Rana among others.
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thestudyias · 7 months
History optional classes in UPSC
Mastering the Past: A Guide to History Optional Classes for UPSC by The Study IAS
The UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) is a gateway to prestigious administrative positions in India. Choosing the right optional subject is crucial for success, and History, with its vast scope and rich tapestry of events, can be a compelling option for many aspirants. However, navigating the intricacies of historical study for UPSC requires a strong foundation and strategic guidance.
Why Choose The Study IAS for History Optional?
The Study IAS, under the expert tutelage of Mr. Manikant Singh, has established itself as a leading name in UPSC coaching, particularly for History Optional. Here's what sets us apart:
Unmatched Expertise: Mr. Singh, a renowned historian and UPSC mentor, possesses a deep understanding of the UPSC syllabus and its nuances.
Comprehensive Course Structure: Our meticulously designed course covers the entire UPSC History Optional syllabus, encompassing both Ancient and Modern Indian History, World History, and Indian Heritage & Culture.
Doubt Clearance Sessions: Dedicated doubt clearance sessions offer a platform to address your specific queries and gain further clarity on complex historical concepts
Test Series and Mock Exams: Regular test series and mock exams simulate the actual UPSC exam format.
Course Offerings at The Study IAS:
The Study IAS offers a range of History Optional Classes to cater to different learning styles and preferences:
Online History Lectures: Our online video lectures, delivered by Mr. Singh himself, offer the flexibility to learn from anywhere, anytime.
Live Online Classes: For those seeking a more interactive learning experience, we offer live online classes streamed through our learning app.
Offline Classes (Delhi Center): Our Delhi center provides a traditional classroom setting for students who thrive in a structured learning environment
History Optional, when approached strategically, can be a rewarding choice for your UPSC journey. With The Study IAS by your side, you'll gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to conquer the exam. We invite you to explore our History Optional Courses and embark on a voyage through the captivating world of history with us.
If you want to more about history optional classes for UPSC, then visit our website www,thestudyias.net
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insurabox · 9 months
Navigating Financial Success: Tips from the Best Financial Advisor in Kolkata
Financial success is not a matter of luck, but of planning and discipline. Whether you want to save for retirement, buy a house, or start a business, you need to have a clear vision of your goals and a realistic strategy to achieve them. But how do you create a financial plan that works for you? How do you manage your money effectively and avoid common pitfalls? How do you deal with unexpected challenges and opportunities?
To answer these questions, we spoke to Mr. Manikant, the best financial advisor in Kolkata, according to the Financial Times. Mr. Manikant has over 20 years of experience in helping individuals and businesses achieve their financial objectives. He shared with us some of his tips and insights on how to navigate financial success in today's complex and dynamic world.
Know your current financial situation
The first step to financial success is to know where you stand. You need to have a clear picture of your income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and net worth. This will help you assess your financial health and identify your strengths and weaknesses. You can use online tools or apps to track your income and expenses, or consult a professional financial advisor for a more comprehensive analysis.
Set SMART goals
The second step to financial success is to set SMART goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Your goals should be clear, quantifiable, realistic, aligned with your values, and have a deadline. For example, instead of saying "I want to save more money", you should say "I want to save Rs. 10,000 by the end of the year for a vacation". This will help you stay focused and motivated, and measure your progress.
Create a budget and stick to it
The third step to financial success is to create a budget and stick to it. A budget is a plan that shows how much money you earn, spend, save, and invest each month. It helps you allocate your resources wisely and avoid overspending or undersaving. You can use the 50/30/20 rule as a guideline: spend 50% of your income on essential needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings and investments. You can also use online tools or apps to create and monitor your budget, or consult a professional financial advisor for a more personalized plan.
Build an emergency fund
The fourth step to financial success is to build an emergency fund. An emergency fund is a savings account that you can use to cover unexpected expenses or income loss, such as medical bills, car repairs, or job loss. It helps you avoid debt, stress, and financial hardship. You should aim to save at least three to six months' worth of your living expenses in your emergency fund. You can start by saving a small amount each month, and gradually increase it as your income grows.
Invest for the long term
The fifth step to financial success is to invest for the long term. Investing is the process of putting your money to work for you, by buying assets that generate income or appreciate in value over time, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate. Investing helps you grow your wealth, beat inflation, and achieve your financial goals. You should invest according to your risk tolerance, time horizon, and objectives. You can also diversify your portfolio to reduce your risk and increase your returns. You can use online tools or apps to learn about investing, or consult a professional financial advisor for a more tailored advice.
These are some of the tips from the best financial advisor in Kolkata on how to navigate financial success. By following these steps, you can create a financial plan that suits your needs and aspirations, and enjoy a more secure and fulfilling life.
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jaemeera · 1 year
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Chapter 145
Di sinilah Landon sekarang, di ruang dengan cahaya redup yang dipenuhi aroma alkohol dari minuman keras yang orang-orang pesan menyeruak di dalam ruangan itu. Ia terduduk di atas sofa yang cukup luas itu, sendirian. Setelah memesan satu botol wine sesaat setelah ia datang beberapa menit yang lalu, ia memilih sofa kosong itu untuk menikmati waktunya. Ruangan itu cukup ramai, orang dewasa, bahkan remaja seumurnya memenuhi ruangan itu.
Landon tatap botol berwarna ungu di atas meja di hadapannya. Entah keberanian darimana ia dapat memesan minuman yang belum pernah ia minum sekalipun dalam hidupnya. Ia juga tak tahu mengapa ia memilih tempat ini sebagai pelariannya setelah perdebatan dengan Tanner setengah jam yang lalu. Sejujurnya, suasana itu membuatnya merasa seperti telah menjadi dewasa. Who would have thought I could be here now.
Tangannya tergerak untuk buka botol yang sedari tadi hanya ia tatap, tampak ragu untuk membukanya. Sekali lagi ia yakinkan dirinya sebelum akhirnya ia menuangkan minuman itu ke dalam gelas kecil di sebelah botol. Tenang, Land, lo udah legal. Batinnya meyakinkan diri.
Landon taruh kembali botol di tangannya ke atas meja setelah gelas kecil itu penuh dengan minuman berwarna ungu. Tangannya berpindah, mengangkat gelas di atas meja, menatapnya sejenak lalu menenggaknya cepat. Wajah lelaki itu berubah kecut saat rasa pahit menyapa indera perasanya, “anjing! beneran gini rasanya?!” gumamnya sambil menaruh kembali gelas itu.
Ia sandarkan tubuhnya pada sofa, melihat sekitar sembari nikmati musik yang terputar di dalam ruangan, buat suasana hatinya sedikit lebih tenang dari sebelum ia tiba di sana. Maniknya menangkap seorang pria berjas yang tengah memangku seorang gadis dengan dress hitam di seberangnya, membuat ia berpikir apakah tidak apa-apa jika ia berada di sana. Rasanya seperti ia tengah berada di tempat yang salah, itu terasa ganjil. Namun Landon tak perduli, mungkin karena ini pertama kali, pikirnya.
Setelah memperhatikan sekitarnya, ia kembali mengangkat botol ungu tadi. Kali ini ia menenggaknya langsung, tidak menggunakan gelas kecil sebelumnya. Entah kenapa minum seperti ini membuatnya seperti seorang lelaki yang pergi ke club bar setiap malam minggu, bukan amatir seperti dirinya.
Tiga kali ia menenggak minuman beralkohol itu, buat Landon semakin terbiasa dengan rasa pahit bercampur asam yang menyapa lidahnya. Tak dapat Landon pungkiri, rasa pahit getir itu semakin lama semakin terasa nikmat, buat ia ingin menenggak minuman itu lagi dan lagi. Mungkin ini yang orang-orang bilang minuman alkohol dapat membuat kecanduan, kini Landon tahu bagaimana rasanya kecanduan itu.
Saat lelaki itu tengah asik dengan wine di tangannya, tiba-tiba seorang gadis berjalan menghampirinya. Landon tampak acuh, ia pikir gadis itu hanya hendak lewat, namun ternyata ia salah. Gadis itu kini ikut duduk di sofa tempatnya berada sekarang, buat Landon sontak menatap gadis itu dengan tatapan bingung dan awas.
“Hai,” sapa sang gadis berambut panjang di sebelahnya. Landon menoleh sekilas, ia lempar senyum tipis, sangat tipis hingga hampir tak terlihat. “Sendirian aja?” Gadis itu bertanya. Dari ekor mata, Landon dapat melihat gadis itu bergeser mendekat, buatnya menegakkan badan untuk berjaga-jaga.
“Santai aja, gue nggak gigit kok.” Ucap gadis itu dengan kekehan di ujung kalimatnya. Bisa Landon lihat barisan gigi yang terpampang rapi saat gadis itu tersenyum, juga lesung pipi yang muncul secara bersamaan. “Mabuk, ya? Why are you just silent, you don't even reply to my greeting.” Lagi, gadis itu kembali bersuara. Suaranya tampak lembut dengan tatapan yang ia buat sayu, menatap manik Landon dengan sedikit intens. Landon tak menanggapi, ia berusaha hindari tatapan itu dengan menatap lurus pada botol yang ia taruh di atas meja.
“Oh, come on. Jangan bikin gue mikir kalo lo bisu, Mr. Silent.” Ucap si gadis, lagi. “Jangan bikin gue ngusir lo dari sini.” Kali ini Landon angkat suara. Ia beri tatapan sekilas namun tajam.
“Owh, why so rude? Don't you think I'm too pretty to be rude?”
“Tch, narcissistic.” Gumam Landon pelan.
“Try to relax, don't you here to have something fun, right, Mr. Silent?”
“Stop calling me that.”
“So, what are you want to be called? Daddy?”
“Do I look like your damn Daddy?!”
Gadis itu tertawa, “You're funny, Mr. Silent.” Kemudian kembali ia kikis jarak antara dirinya dan Landon. Buat lelaki itu picingkan matanya tajam, what she want, shit. Setelahnya, Tangan gadis dengan dress merah tua itu mendarat di atas paha Landon, “Can I taste—”
Belum selesai kalimat yang diucapkan sang gadis barusan, Landon dengan cepat menepis kasar tangan si gadis dari pahanya. Ia berdiri dengan tatapan dingin dan tajam, “damn, you b—” kalimat itu terpotong, Landon menahannya saat ia sadar ia bisa saja menyakiti hati gadis itu jika saja ia mengatakannya.
Landon mengusap wajahnya kasar dengan hela napas yang terdengar berat. Ia ambil botol wine di atas mejanya, lalu melangkah pergi dari sana, tinggalkan gadis itu sendirian dengan tatapan bingung.
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Shri Venkateshwara University organized a seminar on the importance of balanced life in maintaining cardiac health.
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In celebration of World Heart Day, Shri Venkateshwara University and VIMS multispecialty hospital organized a seminar on the importance of balanced life in maintaining cardiac health.
Over a dozen renowned cardiologists from all over the country took part in the seminar.
The Group Chairman, Dr Sudhir Giri, Pro Chancellor, Dr Rajiv Tyagi, Chief Medical Superintendent, Dr IB Raju, & the Dean Academics Dr Sanjiv Bhatt inaugurated the seminar by lighting a lamp to Goddess Saraswati.
The Chief Speaker & renowned Cardiologist Dr VK Saxena, & Dr Ana Brown joined them to inaugurate the seminar on the role of balanced life in Cardiac Health.
The Group Chairman, Dr Sudhir Giri, reiterated the heart is the most important organ of the body. Hence it’s our responsibility to keep it healthy through regular exercise/Yoga, balanced diet, & by not smoking.
Dr. Jaggi, a well-known cardiologist, confirmed that unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, poor diet, stress, diabetes, hypertension, and pollution cause heart attacks. Through a disciplined lifestyle & balanced diet, we can keep our hearts healthy for a long time.
Dr. VK Saxena, a Senior Cardiologist at VIMS & Primus Delhi believes that a balanced and healthy lifestyle can help prevent heart attacks.
Senior Physician Dr I B Raju opined through balanced diet, Yoga & meditation we can keep our hearts healthy.
The Academic Dean, Dr. Sanjiv Bhatt, was of the opinion that we should get our heart checked at regular intervals.
Renowned Physician Dr Manik Tyagi asserted in today’s stressful life we can keep our heart healthy through Yoga & meditation. Yoga & meditation helps us to distress and keeps the heart beats normal.
After the seminar, the Doctors carried out an awareness rally to educate people about a healthy heart. They stressed the importance of a disciplined lifestyle to keep the heart healthy.
The MBBS & Nursing students made colorful Rangoli & Posters to highlight the importance of a healthy heart. Later, the college management honored the winners by giving them certificates & a memento.
We honored esteemed cardiologists, Dr. GL Jaggi and Dr. VK Saxena, along with other physicians, by presenting them with shawls and a memento as a token of appreciation for their exceptional medical service.  
The Chief Advisor, Dr. VPS Arora, CEO Mr. Ajay Shrivastava, Hospital Manager Mr. M.A. Chaudhary, Deputy Medical Officer Dr. Manik Tyagi, Dr. Ikram Elahi, and Dr. Shahid Mir were present.
Gracing the occasion was the Meerut Campus Director, Dr Pratap Singh. Also present were Dr Awadhesh Sharma, Dr Waris Bilal, Dr B V Bora, Dr Rajesh Singh, Dr Divya Girdhar & Dr Yogeshwar Sharma.
Dr Ana Brown, Arun Goswami & the Media Incharge Mr. Vishwas Rana among others were also present.
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btranwrites · 1 year
Hall Business
a Liam An short
a gay urban fantasy short story
Things are well on the Glacial front, but the Hall comes calling. There is trouble afoot that needs the Reaper's attention. ...Jamie softened. "That's the only almost-common denominator, yes. Can you handle this?" "Of course," Liam stands up. "It's Marion Square. If the Reaper can't defend his origin, then he may as well hand in his badge."
"What is so difficult for you to grasp, Mr. An, about the fact that you simply cannot involve yourself in matters of other companies!"
Liam flicked off a reply on his phone, and laid it down on the desk. The screen lit up again immediately; Elizabeth pinged back a thumbs-up emoji and 'coming right in'. He smiled, and kept smiling as he returned his gaze to one fuming Paul Thompson standing arms-crossed before Liam's desk, the chair he offered the man untouched.
He wanted to kick back so bad. Hands behind his head, a spa mask on with a glass of wine, and just savour the rage that was flooding from this man. Cold and biting, like frost. Weak prickling heat, like stale pepper. The man was old, sixty-seven, sixty-eight maybe, and yet so loose with temper. So unpoised. All these years lived and yet still… unseasoned . An exotic mishmash.
"I do understand boundaries, Mr. Thompson," Liam said. "And I understand subsidiary autonomy. I also understand intra-portfolio cohesion for the Group, and surely you understand our role as Ms. Chauhan's advisory body is to provide timely counsel and executive intervention."
Paul all but bellowed. "Counsel which I was to provide! Strategy resources that I appointed, executive bodies that I maintained, and you simply cannot… butt in and seat yourself wherever and whenever you see fit!"
Like cinnamon. Ooh, maybe even star anise? "The Neopac situation impacts a significant portion of the Group portfolio, Mr. Thompson. And it was an extraordinary situation. Ms. Chauhan saw it fit for my involvement, and I am simply seeing my work through."
"Stand. Back." Paul jabbed his finger at the oak desk, each thud heavy, reverberating with anger. God, this was delicious. Paul continued, "Neopac is dealt with. This is my turf. You are intruding."
"This is Glacial, Paul," Liam grinned. "There are no turfs but the Group. We are on the same side."
It was just a touch of taunting, yet Paul caught it immediately. His face burned beet red, and—
A knock on the door; just in time. Liam called out immediately. "Please come in!"
Lee Manik opened the door, as fine as ever, this time in a burgundy blazer, and stepped in. He stopped short as he saw Paul in front of Liam's desk. "Oh, my apologies; I didn't mean to intrude. I–"
"Don't worry," Liam said, leaning back on his chair with eyes still fixed on Paul, smiling. "Mr. Thompson is just leaving."
Paul glared at him, fists curling into white-knuckled balls. But the other executive left, all but slamming the door.
Lee, precious Lee, looked back at Liam with a slight frown. "Is everything alright?"
"Everything is splendid!" Liam exclaimed. "We were just having a passionate discussion is all, don't you worry. Now," he gestured at the empty chair opposite him, "what gave me the pleasure of seeing you here?"
Lee took the seat. Just as Liam asked him to. His grin grew wider.
"I just wanted to say thank you for your help with Enstern," Lee said. "You showed up, joined a few meetings, made some phone calls, and somehow they changed their mind."
"Ah, I'm sure you already had almost everything under control! And I just stepped in right at the tail end of your work."
"It was quite a mess before you stepped in, Mr. An—"
"Please. Call me Liam."
"Yes. Um. Liam. Uh. Right. Enstern was struggling not in an insignificant way, with Neopac being a major partner for our operation. And mere weeks after your involvement, all the roadblocks simply vanish. Things turn out too well, too smoothly for all of this to be simple coincidence."
"Then we must appreciate these rare bouts of good luck more often!"
Now Lee smiled. "You are very charming." The man caught himself, eyes wide as Liam's grin stretched to its max. "I mean, you are very charismatic. Um."
He could watch Lee squirm for the next hour, but that would risk the man never speaking to him again. Liam said, "That is what I'm good for, Mr. Manik."
Lovely. "That is what I'm good for, Lee." And without missing a beat, Liam leaned in, just ever slightly, "a pleasure to serve you."
Lee, too, turned beet red. "Um. Right. Thank you. My pleasure. You have a good day now." The director excused himself and left, the door clicking close behind him.
Liam looked at the closed door, and the emptied chair before him, and sighed with content. This was going to be a long dance, and he would relish every drop.
"People are missing memories, Shard Reaper. We collect them totally confused, disoriented, like they were very, very drunk. They could not remember anything they did the night before, except being very, very certain that they were utterly terrified. Was it you?"
Liam flipped through the pages Jamie placed before him, frowning in the guest chair. It was a thin stack in the folio, but a stack with more sheets than he wanted to see. "No, and I do not know these people. Well," he flipped back over the pages. "I fucked this guy twice, and… this girl's husband, ex-husband now, and…" Liam kept flipping as Jamie audibly sighed. "And a few more of these, but I did not kidnap or terrorise them. That's only to incapacitate confirmed targets to be brought back to the Hall or police. Where was this?"
Jamie leaned a shoulder against the window, looking out. They weren't on the top floors of the International Hall of Heroes headquarters; high enough to see the streets of Neon City, but not enough to see the skyline. "The last one was at Marion Square."
Liam frowned, and went back to flipping through the pages.
His handler continued. "This happened all over the City, and their paths on the nights of attack all crossed alleyways…" Jamie sighed again, and sat down behind the desk before Liam. "Should I escalate this to the B-rank—"
"No, there's no need," Liam cut in. "This involves my domain. A lot of these people have at least one substance in them when they were attacked. Not all, but a majority."
Jamie softened. "That's the only almost-common denominator, yes. Can you handle this?"
"Of course," Liam stands up. "It's Marion Square. If the Reaper can't defend his origin, then he may as well hand in his badge."
Jamie leaned back in his chair, nodding. "Good. I would rather not involve the B's, they are stretched as it is. And absolutely not the tops."
"I wonder if you understand what that sentence reads like in a different context."
"What? What does it read like?"
"All good, you're too straight." Liam said, standing up as he put on his mask, black with red eye caps. It flushed seamless with the rest of his skin-tight uniform, his body a mass of matte obsidian, accented only with the red of his claws and the stylised glass shard on his chest.
He grabbed for the files, and the red glowed into angry crimson fire. To Jamie's right, the innocuous mirror on the wall sunk into sudden darkness as he closed in, and when his burning touch connected they collapsed into a swirling obsidian void, a darkness that surrendered no reflection.
"Please have your watch on during missions, Liam."
The Shard Reaper turned his burning eyes back at his handler. "No promises," he said, his voice the sound of glass scraping concrete. Jamie sighed for the third time today, and the Reaper disappeared into the vortex.
The Reaper floated through an expanse, lightless except for cracks and fractures suspended in the space itself, gently swaying to an unknown current. Some of them hung in the void like wounds within which even deeper darkness festered. From others streamed in the weak light of various happenstances unfolding in front of reflections and shadows across Neon City, blurred as if behind a fogged up bathroom vanity. A barista drying cups in front of a decorative mirror. A day drinker throwing up next to a dumpster in front of an alleyway. An old couple feeding ducks next to a manmade pond. Two guys fucking in a darkened toilet stall. Business lady refreshing makeup. Secretary rehearsing a difficult conversation in a closet.
It was especially tough freshly after his coming into power: these images and sounds and smells he did not ask for assaulted him like torrential deluge, day and night until he could get the Mist to hold them back. Now they were like puppet shows behind stained glasses: the Mist obscured the details here in his demesne, the Glasslit Void, but he could still gauge the outlines where his attention landed. These days, what was a deluge was now more a pleasant trickling stream, screaming marches now more like gentle chatter from patrons in a restaurant.
His eyes and ears were everywhere in Neon City. If it reflected or rejected light, the Reaper was there. Sure, the higher ranked superheroes from the Hall handled the flashier cases, and he shared the underbelly of the City with other C-rankers. But that underbelly could be his domain. The City could be his domain; he just needed patience. It took him years to get to where he was at Glacial. Power demanded time.
It was not a good look for him, however, to have let whatever this… kidnapping thing happen right under his nose. Enstern, and admittedly a rather attractive director, was taking a bit too much of his headspace lately. He even let a few Man in the Mirror calls rang unanswered. But now that this was threatening Marion Square, he could not let it slide. No one touched a super's birthplace without expecting at least some reaction.
The Reaper landed in front of a black mirror. His touch rippled it into light, and Liam walked out of the Glasslit Void from the body-length mirror in his apartment's living room. The sun was setting, young dusk casting a gentle fire from expansive windows set next to the sofa set and high-definition TV. He put Jamie's files down on the white-marbled kitchen counter and poured himself a glass of water.
He had the view of the cityscape from here on the inside, while the Mist-obscured glass panes protected his privacy from outsiders with illusions of Liam being just another ordinary bachelor instead of a member of the Hall. The apartment was clean, modernist in its tactful colour palette of oak, dark juniper, and expensive Scandinavian décor.
Next was to get a skyline view with the outline of the landmark International Hall of Heroes tower in sight.
He peeled off the Reaper mask and set it down next to the files of victims. These people were… fine? They were missing, forgot a few things, and got a little scare, but they didn't have anything worse done to them. What was not acceptable was how this was done in his domain.
He tapped on his phone and dialled a contact. The line connected. Liam said, "Liz, has Enstern added any media coverage west of the City?"
Keyboards typed and mice clicked. After a beat, Elizabeth said, "there's a social media campaign targeting that region, yes."
Liam waited. Keyboards kept typing and mice kept clicking.
He sighed. "And nothing else, right. Let me guess, it's on Gamma as well."
"Liam, there's like two twenty-somethings on their social media team and they're juniors. The rest of them know nothing but Gamma."
"Yeah, tracks with them coming up with the name Enstern. A Gamma campaign for a region with major demographics using every other platform but Gamma."
"What do you suggest?"
Liam kept his gaze on the cityscape outside his balcony: a vista of pristine wood panelling, manicured decorative foliage, and meticulously spotless windows showcasing more expensive décor inside. "They need to know how to speak to ordinary working people. People with grunge and sweat and middle fingers to the establishment. Enstern looks very establishment right now, and Westside prefers something more to their level."
"Is this Hall business?"
"You know me too well, Liz. It is Hall business."
"Right. What are we doing?"
Whoever the perpetrators were, they expected the Reaper. But they didn't expect Liam.
"Drag night. The Trench, Marion Square."
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Masa Jabatan Diperpanjang, PJ Bupati Lihadnyana Akan Fokus Pada Pembangunan Infrastruktur
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BULELENG - Masa jabatan Penjabat (Pj) Bupati Buleleng, Ketut Lihadnyana yang habis pada tanggal 27 Agustus 2023 mendatang diperpanjang setahun lagi. Perpanjangan ini sesuai dengan SK Menteri Dalam Negeri (Mendagri) Nomor Tahun 2023 tentang perpanjangan masa jabatan Pj Bupati Buleleng, Provinsi Bali. Selanjutnya, Lihadnyana akan fokus pada pembangunan infrastruktur dan pengentasan kemiskinan. SK Mendagri tersebut diserahkan langsung oleh Gubernur Bali, Wayan Koster kepada Ketut Lihadnyana di Gedung Kesenian Gde Manik Singaraja, Sabtu (26/8/2023). Ditemui usai menerima SK, Lihadnyana menjelaskan pada tahun 2024 ia akan berfokus pada pembangunan infrastruktur. Prioritas ditujukan ke perbaikan jalan yang ada dan menjadi kewenangan kabupaten. Untuk melaksanakan prioritas tersebut, tentunya efisiensi belanja operasional akan dilakukan khususnya di perangkat daerah. “Misalnya untuk beli alat tulis kantor (ATK). Termasuk anggaran makan minum mungkin akan kita kurangi,” jelasnya. Saat ini, data jalan rusak telah dipegang oleh Pj Bupati yang juga Kepala Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (BKPSDM) Provinsi Bali ini. Seperti jalan di Desa Tajun, Kecamatan Kubutambahan. Dirinya langsung turun untuk melihat kondisi jalan yang sesungguhnya. Sehingga, tidak hanya menerima laporan dari staf ataupun jajaran Pemkab Buleleng. Di Desa Tajun khususnya di Banjar Dinas Bayad jalan yang rusak mencapai 3,2 kilometer. “Kalau ditotal seluruh Buleleng ternyata banyak, karena sudah lama tidak disentuh perbaikan. Maka sekarang kita fokuskan hal tersebut,” ujar Lihadnyana. Lebih lanjut, Lihadnyana mengatakan selain jalan, pihaknya ingin merevitalisasi gedung Mr. I Gusti Ketut Pudja yang terletak di Kawasan Pelabuhan Tua Buleleng. Dana akan dianggarkan pada anggaran perubahan tahun 2023 atau anggaran induk tahun 2024. Nantinya, di Gedung Mr. I Gusti Ketut Pudja akan dibuatkan panggung seperti di Gedung Kesenian Gde Manik. “Kita akan revitalisasi seperti yang dilaksanakan di Gedung Kesenian Gde Manik. Gedung Kesenian Gde Manik ini sudah 35 tahun tidak tersentuh perbaikan. Oleh karena itu, mari kita rawat bersama,” kata mantan Kepala Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa (PMD) Provinsi Bali ini. Sementara itu, Gubernur Bali Wayan Koster menyampaikan keyakinannya bahwa tugas sebagai Pj Bupati tidak akan menganggu tugas dari Ketut Lihadnyana sebagai Kepala BKPSDM Provinsi Bali. Ini sudah dibuktikan saat masa jabatan pertama selama setahun. Semua sudah diselesaikan secara digital. Sehingga, bisa dikelola dari mana saja. “Setiap saya butuh, saya akan panggil. Saya juga amati, sebagai Pj Bupati, kerjanya bagus dan sangat cepat,” ungkapnya.(adv/bpn) Read the full article
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priyank3107 · 1 year
DAY 399 - *Radhakishan Damani - A silent billionaire!!!* - A must read
Early Life:
RKD was born on 12 January 1954 in a Marvari family in Bikaner, Rajasthan.
His father, Shivkishan Damani was a stock broker. RKD completed his early schooling in Bikaner.
Later he went to Mumbai for completing his Bachelor of Commerce degree from Mumbai university.
He was a business mind person from his early days. In middle he left his commerce education and started a Ball Bearing business.
Joined broking business:
After the death of his father he left his business and joined broking business with his elder brother Gopikishan.
After spending some time in broking he realized that, to make big he has to take active part in stock market.
At the age of 32 he entered in stock market. Manu manik was his mentor in initial days. Rkd learned short selling from him.
Harshad Mehta entered in 90s. Who was the the super bull in those days. He used to manipulate the stocks.
In 90s RKD made handsome money by short selling.
Once RKD was short on the market & Harshad was long. RKD panicked coz the stocks were going up. Harshad was manipulating the scripts.
But fortunately Sucheta Dalal mam exposed the scam of Harshad and due to that entire market collapsed. RKD made huge money. It happened in 1992.
Once RKD told, he would have gone bankrupt if harshad had held the position for 7 more days. But luck favoured him.
Super investor:
He understood that, short selling is very risky & to create wealth he has to invest for long term.
Then RKD came across a great value investor Chandrakant Sampat. Sampat sir used to invest in undervalued, high quality and lesser known companies.
He inspired a lot by Sampat sir. Gave up on trading and shifted his focus on long term value investing.
He made handsome money in VST, Gillette, Colgate, Jubiliant foodwork, Nestle, HUL, 3M, Sundaram Finance, Hdfc Bank.
In 1995 he was the largest individual investor in a bank. He made killing there.
He bought VST industries at the price of 85, today its trading at 3400rs/share. He still holds this.
Super businessman:
After successful career in stock market he started his third inning as a businessman in 1999.
He was interested in a retail business. He bought a franchise of Apna Bazaar in 1999. He didn't like the model and closed it immediately.
Then he went to America to study the business model of worlds largest retail chain Walmart.
He really liked the model and decided to apply it into India more effectively.
So, in 2000 he founded Avenues super mart, the parent company of Dmart.
He launched first store in 2001 in Mumbai. Daily discounts, daily savings was their tagline.
Low interior cost. No store in a mall. Purchase in bulk increased their bargaining power.
Everyday low price. They were selling at much cheaper price than competitor.
Dmart became massive hit!!!
Low margin but high inventory turnover helped them to make superb return on capital.
Everybody wanted to sell their products in Dmart, so they started charging slotting fees.
They followed slow and steady store growth strategy. RKD focused on the profitability over growth.
Till 2011 they just has 25 stores. As they keep generating robust cash flows, they slowly expanded across the nation. Today thay have 325+ stores.
Mr. White and white:
Today he is the 8th riches person in India.
He rarely appears on media. He love staying low profile.
He always wear white shirt and white. Live simple.
Thats why street use to Call him Mr White and White.
One quote of Buffet precisely applicable for him,
*”I am a better investor because I am a businessman, and a better businessman because I am an investor."*
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pico-digital-studios · 3 months
Into, Across and Beyond!: Hypothetical Casting and Theme Songs
I was having a bit of a think about who might hypothetically voice the project's cast (yeah, I'm not truly hiring any VAs for the project), and with help from @becdoesthings and others, I've thought about these roles: (Any music themes picked out for the characters will be in brackets like this)
Blur Gang
William Corkery Jr. as OMT!Tails
Ryan Drummond/Jason Griffith as CR!Sonic
Linda Larkin (Jasmine; Aladdin) as OMT!Mina and EV!Sally
Jaleel White as Mini Sonic and Underground Sonic (alongside the other two cartoon Sonics)
MCStudioProductions / @mcgamejolter as Mr. Needlemouse
??? as EX!Alice
Pete Capella ('06 Silver) as D-Sides Mighty
Lisa Ortiz as Black Knight Amy
Drift & Miss (Sonic GT) as CU!Sonic
Natalia Wojcik (Annie, Little Einsteins) as CU!Sonia
Ashleigh Ball as Nine
Emma Watson (Hermione, Harry Potter) as CR!Sonia
Jake Lloyd (Anakin, Star Wars Episode I) as CR!Manik
Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) as Nitro/Chris Smith (Year 1 for every version of the character under 14, and Year 2+ for those aged 14 and over)
(Where Fire Lives from Natlan (Heosmin Remix); Nitro.DLL)
SFG1235 as Antho
??? as Ex-Prince Brian
Nominal Dingus as Hog
Sarah Grace Stiles (Spinel; Steven Universe) as Wacky
??? as Devy
??? as Smol Devy
Nicole Tompkins (Jack-O, Guilty Gear -Strive-) as Trip
Quill Society
Jason Griffith (Sonic (X to Unleashed)) as EV!Sonic and X!Sonic
Mae Whitman (Agent Xero; The Modifyers) as Tekno
??? as Amy Rouge
??? as Zonic
??? as CD Alt Ending Sonic
Lacey Chabert as E-21
Christopher Daniel Barnes (Miguel; Edge of Time) as Lost Memory Sonic
??? as Turbo
??? as Fiona
Alex Ness (Blaster-Tron; Skylanders) as Emperor Metallix
Roger Craig Smith as LEGO Sonic
@gemontumb as Tlels
Andi Lott as Carol Tea
??? as Sarah Henderson
??? as Barry
??? as Milly
Adam McArthur (Yuji Itadori; Jujutsu Kaiden) as Blitz!Tails
Martin Burke as Sonic.RAW
Lisa Ortiz as Superstars Amy
Bill Wise as OVA Knux
Martin Burke as OVA Sonic
??? as Rob O' the Hedge
??? as Water Sonic
??? as Fleetway Amy
??? as Stella the Cat
Ashleigh Ball (Applejack; My Little Pony FiM) as Bunnie Rabbot
??? as Nicky Parlouzer
Charles Martinet / Juno Songs as Somari
Abluemoon88 as Sara
Max "LandyRS" Henderson as Chaos Adventure Sonic
Mel Blanc as S1 Fang the Sniper
Kristin Fairlie (Bridgette; Total Dramarama) as Millie the Fox
One More Chance
Ike Amadi (The Darkness, Skylanders: Superchargers) as Sonic.OMT
One More Hero
@becdoesthings as Eggman Nega
??? as Shadow Emerl / Uma Arachnis
Stephanie Sheh as Zeena
Erica Mendez (Ryuko Matoi, Kill la Kill) as Surge
Christopher Pellegrini as Johnny
Prequel Points
Charlie Adler (both his Snively and Corroder roles) as Snively
Long John Baldry as Dr. Beeman and AOSTH Robotnik
More than One Universe
??? as Shalian
??? as Crossover Realm Corrupt
??? as Talrareth
??? as AVA!Corrupt
??? as Richard Ambersilve
@jordangaming101 as Sonath
??? as Curse
Into the Sonic-verse
??? as Dr. Finitevus
Phil Hayes as Scratch
Garry Chalk as Grounder
Ian James Corlett as Coconuts
Max "LandyRS" Henderson as Scourge
Suzy Finn as Rosy
Arion "MiiToons" Rashad as Walter Naugus
Maurice LaMarche as Sleet
Peter Wilds as Dingo
Matt Hoverman as Dark Oak
Kirk Thornton as Boom Shadow
Jacaris (Vs. Sonic.exe) as Fleetway Super Sonic
??? as Kit
Lee Majdoub as Agent Stone (who replaces Aaron Davis from Earth-199999)
??? as Superstars Fang
Many More Heroes / Cosmic Discoveries
??? as Gemerl / Anti-Miles
??? as Chaos Emerl / Speedy
??? as Crimtake
kkirby99 as most of the Hues of Metal
??? as Legends/Nexus Robotnik
Tails of Trials
??? as Dr. EggOmega
MaimyMayo as Original Sonic.exe
??? as Green Mountain Sonic/End
Into the SEGAVerse (and beyond)
??? as Kaiser Greedy
??? as Reala
Other stars
Roger Craig Smith as OMT!Sonic and Boom Sonic
Ryan Drummond as Superstars Sonic and SRB2 Sonic
Kate Higgins as EV!Tails
Corey Bringas as Superstars Tails
Connor Bringas as SRB2 Tails
Amy Palant as X!Tails
Travis Willingham as OMT!Knuckles and Boom Knuckles
Dave B. Mitchell as EV!Knuckles
Dan Green as Superstars Knuckles and X!Knuckles
Michael McGaharn as SRB2 Knuckles
Cindy Robinson as OMT!Amy, EV!Amy and Boom Amy
Jennifer Douillard as SRB2 Amy
Sarah Wulfeck as OMT!Cream
Michelle Ruff as EV!Cream
Kath Soucie (Sally's SatAM role) as OMT!Sally
Deem Bristow as OMT!Robotnik and SRB2 Robotnik
Arion "MiiToons" Rashad as most Eggmen in the multiverse, alongside Mr. Tinker
Max Mittleman (Arataki Itto, Genshin Impact) as several versions of Mighty
Issac Ryan Brown (Gus Porter, The Owl House) as several versions of Ray
Maurice Lamarche (Mortimer Mouse, House of Mouse) as most versions of Fang
Patrick Gilligan (Alex, Street Fighter 3) as all versions of Bark (who talk)
Lizzie Freeman (Yanfei, Genshin Impact) as all versions of Honey the Cat
Darkbox as Exeller and [REDACTED]
??? as XE!Sonic
Tom Hardy (Venom) as Xenomorphic
Clement von Franckenstein (Boss Cass, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger) as Grand Battle Kukku XV
ApocalypseTitan characters
Sarah Nicole Robles (Luz, The Owl House) as Kaede Titan/Detective Ghost
??? as Apocalypse Titan
??? as Max Cartwright
??? as Ms. Brenda Ciprianni
??? as Samuel Ciprianni
Mae Whitman (Amity, The Owl House) as Luna
??? as Olivia Kennedy
??? as Danny
Dee Bradley Baker (Fire Lord, Hero Factory) as Dr. Razereye
??? as Benny
??? as Abigail Razereye
My characters
??? as Lucia
??? as Karilvatch
??? as Amelia Walten
Benjamin L. Valic (Child Movie Sonic) as Evo Smith
Bella Ramsey (Hilda) as Rosie Smith
??? as Wade
??? as Mobiverse Tails
??? as Mobiverse Sonic
??? as Mobiverse Cream
Freedom Planet
Dawn M. Bennett as any version of Lilac
Aimee Smith as any version of Milla
??? as Carrie Mei
??? as Jett Capriasa
??? as Chiasa Sun
??? as Marshmallow
Undertale / Deltarune
ShyrennVA (Saying a Lot of Things) as Frisk (Glitchtale - Prepare Yourself)
wintermelon (Inverted Fate) as Chara
Sean Marquette (Mac, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends) as Asriel
Retrovisity as Kris (Deltarune)
FNF characters
Brady Noon (Raphael, TMNT: Mutant Mayhem) as Benjamin Miku
??? as Grace Dearest
??? as Pico N. Grounds
??? as ErrorSky
??? as IAB!Benjamin Fairest / IAB!Soft Benjamin
Bradley Pierce (Tails; Sonic SatAM) as Evan
@yuriharu567 as Holly
??? as Bently Forceloyed (Mr. Kitty - Glycerin)
??? as Isabella Fondsmith
Tracey Moore (Usagi Tsukino/Serena, Sailor Moon) as BluBuni
Funkinverse (only any that have spoken in my posts)
Jerry Jewell (Kusuo Saiki) as Agent Cam "Blueballs" Malicious
Laura Bailey (Injustice 2 Supergirl) as Gracie/SNS Girlfriend
Alex Hirsch (Bill Cipher) as Grimbo / The X
Greg Cipes (Omniverse Kevin Levin) as Kenji Tensei (Virtual-On - Sweet Tragedy of Dreams)
Ellen Wong (Knives Chau from Scott Pilgrim) as Aloe Mano (Virtual-On - High Ground (SoniNeko Mix))
??? as Nova the Hedgehog
??? as Daisy (The Wrath Soul)
Ben Schwartz as Movie Sonic
Colleen O'Shaughnessey as Movie Tails and Boom Tails
Idris Elba as Movie Knuckles
MCStudio as Max Chaos
Prime universe and Shatterverse
Deven Mack as Sonic Prime
Ian Hanlin as Shadow Prime, Big Prime and the Shatterverse Bigs
Ashleigh Ball as Tails Prime and the Shatterverse Tails's
Shannon Chan-Kent as Amy Prime and the Shatterverse Amys
Kazumi Evans as Rouge Prime and the Shatterverse Rouges
Brian Drummond as Eggman Prime and Mr. Dr. Eggman
Tara Strong (considered for Tekno and BluBuni, but her irl behaviour leaves a lot to be desired)
Mike Pollock (considered for most Eggman variants, but his controversial opinions on the Israeli-Arab Conflict made me scrap that plan)
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filmishine · 2 years
Manik Saha Meets Governor, Stakes Claim To Form Government In Tripura
In the recently held elections, the BJP won 32 seats of the 60-member Assembly Agartala: BJP leader Manik Saha on Monday evening met Governor Satyadeo Narain Arya to stake his claim to be the next chief minister of Tripura.  Earlier in the day, Mr Saha was elected as the leader of the BJP legislature party and the next chief minister of the northeastern state at a meeting of the BJP legislative…
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On the occasion of World Asthma Day, VIMS Multispeciality hospital, backed by the Venkateshwara Group, hosted free medical and health camps. 
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On World Asthma Day, VIMS Multispeciality hospital, with the support of Venkateshwara Group, organized free medical and Health Camps in half a dozen villages of the Meerut & Moradabad divisions.
In order to promulgate health services in the rural hinterland, we organized these camps under the Chalo Gaon Ki Aur mission.
In 6 free Medical and Health Camps held at various locations, 1062 patients were treated and prescribed medicines.
The locations include Khandawali in Meerut, Garhmukteshwar Toll Plaza, Badgaon in Baghpat, Chandpur in Bijnor, Gajraula in Amroha, and Nai Basti.
Apart from this, over a dozen patients suffering from acute asthma, TB, & lung infection were transferred to VIMS Multispeciality hospital for advanced treatment using VIMS ambulances.
The Venkateshwara Group Founder President Dr Sudhir Giri, Pro Chancellor Dr Rajeev Tyagi, CMS Dr. I B Raju and the Hospital Marketing Director Mr. MA Chaudhary inaugurated the health camps by cutting a ribbon.
The Venkateshwara Group Founder President Dr Sudhir Giri reiterated because of Ayushman Bharat, Arogya Bharat, Jan Aushadi Yojana & the PM’s health insurance schemes’ world class medical services are within the reach of the common man.
The Venkateshwara Group is committed to offer world class health/medical services to the thousands of patients that arrive at VIMS Multispeciality hospital every day.
The Pro Chancellor Dr Rajeev Tyagi affirmed the Venkateshwara Group will organize free medical and health camps round the year to provide quality medical services to the people of UP west.
Our dedicated doctors who made this possible included Dr Ikram Elahi, Dr Manik Tyagi, Dr Shivam Agarwal, Dr Rohan Tyagi, Dr Ravi Mohan, Dr Monika Deshwal, Dr Shahid Mir, & Dr Prachi Tyagi.
Dr Waris Bilal, Dr Jaskaran Singh, Dr Hemant, Dr Monika, Dr Komal, Dr G Manisha, & Dr Anukriti gave their valuable contribution.
We acknowledge the untiring efforts of nursing assistant Bilal Khan, Seema Chauhan, Mohit, Jyoti, Anuj and many others.
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762175 · 2 years
Tripura Assembly polls | Only double-engine BJP Govt can protect Tripura from 'triple trouble' of Congress, CPI(M) and Tipra Motha: Amit Shah
Union Home Minister Amit Shah with Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha during his visit to the Maa Tripura Sundari temple in Gomati district on February 12, 2023. | Photo Credit: PTI Union Home Minister Amit Shah on February 12 said Tripura is faced with the “triple trouble” of the Congress, the CPI(M) and the Tipra Motha in the ensuing Assembly elections. Mr. Shah also said that the Left, which…
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rnewspost · 2 years
Tripura Chief Minister To Opposition Leaders
Tripura Chief Minister To Opposition Leaders
Mr Saha alleged the Communists suppressed the people’s democratic rights. Agartala: Appealing Left leaders to join the BJP, Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha on Sunday said his party is like river Ganga and “taking a dip” in it will help them get rid of all sins. Addressing a public meeting as part of the Jan Vishwas rally in South Tripura’s Kakraban, Mr Saha said BJP is confident about winning…
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