#Mrih spoilers
bookishnewt · 11 months
The other gods are here!?!
Persephone is also here!
I am here for the potential Hades and Persephone drama that is to come
Hermes hitting on Homer
Of course Zeus has found the fraternities.
This is gonna be a wild series
One mortal dealing with college and all of Olympus.
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So, I Watched "My Roommate is Hades"
Here's some reactions from me as I watch the pilot episode. Maybe be a bit of rant/long post. Told and expressed in bullet points (list).
Trigger/Content Warning: nude/naked mention (vague), all-caps, cursed image, boomer, fire (fake, CGI)
Major Spoilers: My Roommate is Hades (MRIH) [Pilot Episode]
his name is Homer. like the Greek poet, Homer.
FUN FACT: Lehrer means "teacher" in German
Homer Lehrer -> Greek poet name and also surname means "teacher"? oh f*ck yeah
Matthessy? like... like Odessey? or am I just a nerd.
nice theme song ya got there - catchy
"yeah, that Hades" what other Hades would he be, your main audience are all queer as f*ck, we KNOW Greek Mythology
second time to college - good to note
first degree in chemical engineering but went nowhere? love me some "Thomas projects on his characters" content
Homer is a sweetheart, look at him in his little videos on campus, he's ready to learn, a curious poet man
over 10 years since he last went to school, m'kay
"oh sheesh" -> I laughed at his reaction to how long it's been since he was in school LMAO
yeah, some adjustment period, huh?
Homer's lighting is warm hue and Hades' lighting is cold/icy hue
"HEy-" ffs, Hades almost scared me, jfc
why does Homer look scared in Hades' POV but in his own POV, he just looks annoyed?
^hmm, interesting...
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^I'm laughing, omg-
"doughy mortal" my dude, you make him sound like a pastry
Homer says "mortal rights"
just love the interaction of Homer thinking doughy means he hasn't been working out or something & Hades is like "no, I mean you're soft" and goes on a mini tangent about how he'd die to the easy-feat crocodiles back in Ancient Greece
I have a feeling Hades is gonna talk about Ancient Greece a lot throughout this series - cause it's home
"again with the crocodiles" -> man has talked about crocodiles before, hasn't he?
Hades is an early sleeper, I guess??
^also, 3pm? my dude, that's the afternoon, no need to sleep that f*cking early
love how Hades can just whoosh into visibility from the shadows - excellent for stealing pizza from roommate
"I like my money" OKAY THEN, RICH BOI.
wait, wtf are you doing in college, you f*cking snobby pizza-hoarding mf?
Hades is just walking around with very little to no clothes on, and Homer just closes his eyes and takes off his glasses like "this f*cking dude" in annoyance
"In Ancient Greece, everyone was naked all of the time!" -> everyone in Ancient Greece was also very gay and queer, shut up
^"puppet shows-" WAIT WUT
"You keep bringing up the meaninglessness of mortals' lives." // "To be fair, you're pretty good at bringing it up yourselves."
"that's gen z" // "I'm a millennial, I can only be depressed-"
^gonna cry, omfg LMAO
Homer being surprised at Hades' confession that he doesn't want to be here either is something to note; perhaps they both don't want to be the situation they're in, for different reasons
^something to connect over?
Hades misses his doggo
ah yus: brother Zeus says "ya kinda weird bro" and then yeets him into mortal college
"f*cking community college-" I DIED, H A-
mm, love it when Gods get yeeted by their siblings into mortal bodies to learn a lesson - very delicious trope
"yes I did, Benjermin Franklin" // "what the f*ck-"
Bennie is my favourite, omg
never pause this video - oh god
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^suffer with me :3
"college is useless, death is inevitable" -> you would get along with gen z, wouldn't you?
"fate worse than immortality itself" -> using this every time I have a mild inconvenience
Homer has an existential crisis - relatable
"So, upon seeing the ghost of Benjermin Franklin, something broke inside my brain."
Homer being like "learning that Gods exist was a shocker, but hey - worse sh*t has happened" is my fav thing about him
^this is him upon learning the Afterlife is real
RIP Homer's Sanity, never had a chance, 2023 to Never
ah yus, Greek God eats grapes like he's posing for a statue made after him. classic Gods behaviour
FLORAL SHIRT - the flower motif continues
love how chill Hades is about the Afterlife/explaining it as if Homer didn't just have his entire worldview and reality break in half
5 rivers, Tartarus, Rive Styx - love all of this Greek Mythology knowledge
^the true gayness comes out when GREEK MYTHOLOGY
Hades doesn't know Beyonce - a true Greek tragedy
"is any of them, idk, nice?" // "eh-"
^that's not reassuring
Homer's Existential Crisis, Part II
scales of judgement, mm
...can we please give Homer a hug? he needs one.
Hades has teal/light blue fire- neat
Homer studied Greek Mythology in school? that's very gay of you, sir.
Afterlife has Purgatory and Cool Kids Club, confirmed
Hades not putting people in places cause grey areas and "too much paperwork" - relatable lmao
I just realized Hades is basically like "back in my day" with Ancient Greece
^is Hades a boomer-
Homer really said "um morals tho-" and Hades gets angy
Hades complaining about the weird deal between Zeus and Menelaus(?) is funny to me
wait, Hades complaining about Orpheus is funnier, omg-
I sense some "no one listens to me or heeds my advice" angst from Hades
"f*cking artists-" laughing, crying, TIME TO PERISH
"not even mortals listen to me" -> I WAS RIGHT
hmm, a wager? interesting...
this is gonna get so gay, oh dear lord
"little man" -> Homer is short, confirmed
Immediately recognized Hermes, the casting is brilliant
gay-ass Hermes, yep
Persephone is mentioned and then Hades is like "skjhfkajs- I mean, oh really? haha, how is she?"
Hermes being like "I have no f*cking clue" is funny to me LMAO
Hermes is a flirt, confirmed
^he literally winks/flirts with Homer lmao
Zeus heading a fraternity? most canon thing in canon
"if there's one thing I care about less than humanity, it's my family"
^LMAO Hades is an emo edgelord with a literal God Complex
"a living hell... in a bad way" -> why is that funny-
the best ending line, lmao
mm, outro
Some Overall Thoughts
Because this is the Pilot episode, and Thomas had admitted somewhere that he's not entirely sure how to do what he intends to do, I didn't expect perfection. I was right not to. This is still a very good pilot episode, even with the random things I noticed. It does sound a bit more scripted in an obvious way. Which can be a bit... just eh. We'll see how this goes.
The different lighting choices for Hades and Homer was a nice touch. I appreciate the blue/icy lighting for Hades, as he is portrayed as a cold character. I also appreciate the orangish-yellow/warm lighting for Homer, as he is portrayed as a kind and moral character. There's even some colour themes with them, evident in their student cards. Homer has that beige theme, and Hades has the light blue theme. Hades' fire is even teal/light blue, which is a nice little detail.
The generation jokes were funny (to me, at least), but I can recognize how they'd be kinda blah with other people. Hades seems to be a bit of a boomer (always talking about Ancient Greece in the back-in-my-day fashion), while Homer is a millennial (literally says so in one of his generation jokes). Even then, still funny to me.
^But still, can be a bit flat in the humour department.
I love everyone's distinct personalities already. We have our protagonist, Homer Lehrer, who just wants to go to college and make something of his life; Hades, a Greek God who's "out of touch" with the real world and thus has been sentenced to community college; Hermes, who's a flirty, flamboyant mf with no clue who tf sent the letters or where tf they came from (even though he's literally The Messenger); and we have everyone else, yet to be seen on screen.
The family banter already (between Hades and Hermes) is 100% my fav part about the Greek Deities. Them just bickering like mortal family members would. I love it!
Some lore/theories to think about! Who sent the letters that knocked all of the Greek Deities out and sentenced them to mortality and community college? Why did this happen? Where did the letters come from? How tf did Hermes send himself a letter and then blackout like his amass of siblings & family members? What's the deal with Persephone and Hades? Why won't she talk to him? What happened between them?
What is Homer's purpose of being there, sans him going back to college for self-fulfillment reasons?
How tf did Zeus head an entire faternity so fast?
Homer being roomies with Hades is the funniest sh*t about this entire series.
I do both love and feel weary about the sitcom vibes from this. Sitcoms are funny in their own corny, classic way. It's scripted in a sorta obvious way, but there is a good amount of natural flow to it.
Anyway: that's all my thoughts for now. Hope everyone enjoyed this lovely lil pilot. Feel free to share your own thoughts and theories!! I want to hear them.
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amazon-me-bitches · 11 months
Okay...I'm in
Hades grabbing Homer and pulling him close like that got me feeling some type of way, not gonna lie...
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fangirltothefullest · 11 months
My Roommate is Hades seems fun so far. Loving the combined name of Homer and Lehrer because of the implications of the poet Homer and Lehrer meaning teacher. Eager to see the other gods, also loving that persephone doesn't want to talk to Hades leaving way for the absolutely inevitable potential shipping that's going to happen.
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rj-anderson · 4 months
SPOILERS for Ep 8 of The Midnight Romance in Hagwon
Sorry to all the people who swooned over King the Land or whatever but this is what romance looks like. 💅🏻
Seriously, I cannot think when I've seen a romance plot that was so well written and acted that I felt like I was watching real people falling in love instead of paid actors following a script, but wow. Ep 7 was agonizing to watch with Hye Jin trying desperately to hang on to the past and pretend that kiss in the office didn't happen, but Ep 8 was everything I wanted while still managing to feel realistic and true to the characters.
I love Hye Jin's friendship with her lawyer bestie, and her bestie's wonderfully healthy and candid relationship with her husband (how often do we see a really good marriage in dramas, where it seems like they're best friends as well as lovers even after years together? It's so refreshing). I don't normally enjoy scenes where the characters get drunk and make fools of themselves (and there is way too much drinking in kdramas all around) but in this case it was clearly the only way Hye Jin was going to be able to open up and confess her true feelings for Joon Ho and her own complicated feelings about romance. I'm so glad we didn't get a drunken makeout session either, despite the obvious temptation ("Good job, Joon Ho" indeed). It made the real, sober kiss the next morning so much better.
I also love how Ms. Nam has grown so believably from a potential rival and backstabber into a genuinely trustworthy friend to both Hye Jin and Joon Ho, and hasn't shown even a speck of jealousy or pettiness over their romance. That too feels right and real, instead of her constantly needling Hye Jin and trying to undermine her for drama's sake. And she was so cute hugging her new iPad. <3
I know some viewers will never enjoy MRiH because it's so slow and subdued compared to other dramas, there's such a strong focus on the hagwon angle, and the foundation for the romance was so painstakingly built that for a while it felt like it might never happen, or that it would be weak and unsatisfying even when it did. But now we're finally there--
Well. I don't want to be premature, and goodness knows I've been let down before. But I think this show might end up making it into my top five kdramas ever.
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To Swear on the River Styx
First fic ever in this fandom, and it's a crackfic.
Taglist: @amazon-me-bitches @yourchemicallyimbalancedromance
Pairing: none, gen
Trigger/Content Warning: major spoilers, uncensored cussing, alcohol, drinking, sexual humour, crude humour, threats of violence, cringe
Description: Hades managed to break Homer's entire reality in half. Turns out a fellow college student tears Hades' reality in half, as well.
And Hermes really needs to stop flirting with everyone before Hades sends him to the Afterlife himself.
Extra: I wrote this in one day. I apologize in advance for any and all errors. It's unedited. Also, Lesches Dichter is my own original character. I claim all rights to them as I created them specifically.
[Masterlist] | ao3 link
[Read under the cut]
If you haven't had your mind broken at least once in college, then you haven't been to college long enough. 
One week. All it took was just one week, and Homer had his Existential Crisis for the term. Thanks to rooming with a literal deity- how the fuck did that happen- and said deity had little-to-no regard for mortals' minds. Hades; Lord of the Underworld, Greek God, one of the Big Three. 
One of the laziest, emo-tastic people Homer ever met. 
Speaking of Hades, he landed himself in a unique situation. He's stuck in a mortal body, in community college, and has to deal with godforsaken family. He's only seen one of them so far, and one is far more than enough. On top of that, he makes a wager- more like a deal, but whatever- with his mortal roommate. It's almost comical how it came to be. Homer wanting to be granted Elysium, a place for legendary heroes and mortals who managed to do cool shit. 'If I can show you one cool thing about mortals,' Hades remembers him saying, rolling his eyes at the memory. 'Then you will grant me passage to Elysium.' 
At such an absurd wager, Hades had even offered to escort the mortal there himself. If he wins, that is. He has high doubts that Homer could manage such a feat. Such a doughy mortal, the motherfucker. He'd hardly be able to handle a crocodile! Or even a boar! Do you know how easy those things are to defeat? Yeah, no way in all of the Underworld is Homer going to win this wager.  
Especially not with Hades' family running about the campus. 
Speaking of the Olympians-
Someone wrestles around with a group of frat boys, their laugh echoing from deep within their chest as they come out on top. Again. They're blonde, blue-eyed, and have a muscular build. They're generally tall with waves of hair tied back into a ponytail. Fitted in a tank top and ripped jeans, other frat boys are cheering them- him, if the cheers are right- on from around the field where they all fuck around. There's a plastic lawn table with red solo cups, most of which are either empty trash or filled with some sort of alcohol. A few of the guys not getting their asses handed to them are sipping away at their red cups. The mystery dude practically slams someone to the ground, and a loud set of cheers echo in response. 
Blonde, reckless, and worshipped by an entire fraternity? 
Oh fucking- that's Zeus, isn't it? 
Hades watches for moment longer, have been walking around campus to make sense of his dumb mortal classes and where they are, before he starts speed-walking as far away as he possibly can. In no way in the Afterlife does he want to get seen by his arrogant brother. That utter godly buffoon has enough shitass ego to last him an eternity. And Hades rather not deal with it, unless he absolutely has to in a can't-escape-this-mortal-badhell way. 
Isn't Hermes enough? Do I really need my entire fucking family to be here? 
Apparently, he does. As soon as he thinks he's far enough away from his accursed brother, he hears the unfortunate reality call after him. 
"Oh, my dear brother! Is that you, you introverted downer?" Zeus yells out, having noticed the grim aura from his fellow god. 
Out of reflex, Hades heads toward the nearest shadow and whooshes into invisibility to get away from him. He shadow-walks all the way back to his dorm, not caring if he doesn't find his classes for tomorrow. Mortal subjects are useless, anyway. Who needs math? 
Anything to get away from his brother. 
As soon as Hades pops back into the dorm, he scares the living shit out of his studying roommate. 
Homer jumps from his seat on his bed, almost knocking his highlighters onto the floor. He has a few notebooks out, pens and writing utensils, and a printed version of his class schedule all laid out in front of him. He seems to be preparing for the upcoming class week. 
"Right, that's something you do. I need to get used to that," he mutters to himself, though not unheard by Hades. 
Homer returns to colour-coding his different Gen-Eds as the resident Greek God simply ignores him and heads out to the joint living room. He watches Hades leave for a moment, raising an eyebrow at the silent departure. He dismisses it, taking it as Hades... well, being Hades. 
Mr. Emo-With-A-God-Complex sits and lounges around on the couch, trying to calm down from almost having to interact with his stupid family. In all honesty, he rather Hermes over Zeus. Don't tell them that. Zeus will go excuse-me-I-am-ZEUS-almighty-god-of-the-gods, and Hermes will take it as Hades actually liking him. Which he doesn't. Cause they're both absolutely aggravating on a good day. And most days aren't good, especially not with those two.
A knock on the door interrupts Hades' much-needed lazy time, and he groans audibly. He waits for Homer to answer it- he's a Greek God, why should he answer the door like a mortal commoner- but after a few seconds of nothing, no one answers. He gets up and heads to their shared room, very much annoyed, only to find Homer with some fancy contraption over his ears as he lightly bops his head to whatever sound it could be making. In reality, he's just wearing wireless earbuds. He's still sorting out his notebooks for specific classes. Hades rolls his eyes, walking off to the door. He answers it after the person knocks again, and he swings it open. He's about to curse whatever mortal dare interrupt him, stopping himself when he sees both Hermes and a random mortal student at the door. The mortal raises a judgmental eyebrow once they see Hades, but they stay silent as Hermes gasps. 
"Hades! You, answering the door? That's new," Hermes exclaims as if it's Greece's newest gossip. 
"What are you doing here, Hermes?" Hades is already considering whether or not to slam the door on him. 
"Oh, well, I thought I'd visit my favourite introvert. Plus, my roommate needed to find their cousin, or something." 
Upon hearing Hermes' voice, considering he's a god, Homer appears to the side of Hades. His earbuds are nowhere to be seen, but he does carry a notebook under his arm. A red pen is slotted behind his ear. Hermes' roommate looks to Homer, recognizing him immediately, and nods a hello. Homer sees the fellow mortal, apparently his cousin, and his face lights up. 
"Lessie! What are you doing here? Come in, come in," Homer says excitedly. 
His cousin makes a pointed nod at Hades. A silent question: what about him?
"Ignore him. He's a jackass at best," Homer answers, wearing a deadpan look. 
Hades sharply turns to Homer, "Excuse me, I am a god, you foolish mortal man-"
Hades' indignant sounds get ignored as Homer and his cousin wander off to the living space. Hermes snickers at his fellow Olympian as the two mortals start catching up. Hades turns back to Hermes with a glare.
Over on the couch, Homer sits next to his younger cousin. They wear a gemstone pendant, a blue lace agate on dark string. It's wrapped in a silver holder with a golden caduceus etched into the pretty stone. They wear a dark leather, spiked jacket with a dark blue shirt underneath. Their jeans are black and ripped, a chain hooked on one beltloop to another. A thin bracelet, made of beige and white thread, sits on their wrist. A bead with the capital letter 'H' is in the center of the bracelet. Rose gold-rimmed, circular glasses sit neatly on their nose. 
Homer notices the bracelet, and a thrilled gasp slips from him.
"Oh, you kept the friendship bracelet I made?" he says.
His cousin snorts at him.
"No, I threw it away. This is a copied clone of the weird-ass, coloured possession you made me. Totally not from when I was seven, and you insisted on making me a piece of jewelry," they speak in thick sarcasm. 
"Oh, ha ha, Lesches. It's nice to see you!"
"Nice to see you too, Homer."
"So, why are you here at Matthessy? I thought you were heading to Italy to study psychology."
"Ah, that... it kinda fell through last minute, so I had to look for somewhere else. Luckily, I just need to focus on my general education before my major classes need to be done."
"Aw, and you were looking forward to Italy. Well, that means we can hang out again!"
"Just glad I know someone here."
"Yeah, I know what you mean."
"So, why community college? Mom won't tell me shit nowadays."
"Aunt Karla still so private, huh?"
"Be glad you aren't her child."
"Heh, yeah... anyways, you know how I got that Chemical Engineering degree? But it went nowhere?"
"Well, I decided to come back to college to make something of myself! But-"
"-you had an existential crisis involving the harsh reality of Greek Gods and the Afterlife being real?"
"-did I know? 'Mer, I'm a psychology major. I kinda figured once I saw your roommate is the literal God of the Underworld. Rooming with Hades ain't gonna be without a few crises here and there." 
"I forgot how perceptive you were."
"Eh, works well in my targeted career."
As the mortal cousins continue to chat away, Hermes and Hades are bickering at the doorway. Or more like Hades is bickering, and Hermes is enjoying messing with his introverted ass. Hermes keeps sneaking glances at Homer, being a flirty fuck, and Hades is two seconds from throwing him out a window. 
"Stop eye-fucking my roommate for two fucking seconds, I swear to Olympus-"
"Aw, you're no fun. It's funny how confused he gets when he catches my eye! Besides, I thought you didn't care about mortals? Had a change of heart so soon?" 
"No, you're just fucking annoying."
"Really, what are you doing here?"
"Oh, that reminds me! A letter from-"
"Oh, great Me, please not another cursed letter-"
"No, not that kind of letter. I checked."
Hades raises a doubtful eyebrow at Hermes as he pulls out a deep red envelop, sealed with a wax-pressed butterfly weed. The wax is a shade lighter than the flower, but not by much. Hades takes it and turns it over. The other side has nothing but his name written in golden, cursive font. Nothing is signed. There're no clues to who could've sent it. Just like when he blacked out...
"You're sure it's not another letter to knock me out? Nothing of Zeus' shit he likes to pull?"
"Nothing from Zeus. It just showed up on the front of my door, addressed to you, and a little note saying the contents were meant for your eyes only. I tried opening it-"
"You're a bastard."
"-but it seems to be... magically sealed. Some sort of blood seal, if Hecate still knows her stuff." 
"Oh no, she's here too-"
"I literally said we're all here."
"Are you sure she's not the one who sent it?"
"I asked. She said no."
"That tells me nothing. She could be fucking lying-"
"Plus, she has no reason to fuck with you. In any sort of way." 
Hades gives Hermes a tired glare. Hermes smirks. Hades rolls his eyes, moving on.
"Are all the others cursed with a mortal roommate, or...?"
"Oh, it's everyone! Mine hates me for some reason."
"I wonder why."
"They keep threatening to hurt me. Such a jerk. And they're so freaky. Made me question some things I rather stay in denial about..."
Hades highly doubts that a mere mortal could traumatize a literal god, but it's also Hermes. 
"Is yours also oddly named after a poet from our time, or is it just me?"
"Yeah, no kidding. Mine's name is Lesches Dichter."
"Yeah, Homer is no different."
"Fucking mortals and their fucking stupid names."
Or it's just because Lesches and Homer are related, but hey, the gods are stupid. 
Back with the mortals, Lesches stands as they read the time on the dorm room clock. Homer stands with them, offering a hug goodbye. They two embrace briefly, happy to hang out again after all those years. Blame Aunt Karla. 
"Alright, I should go before Hermes decides to flirt with some poor innocent again."
"Okay, about that. Is it just me, or does he... is he just really flirty?"
"Oh, he does that with everyone. Mostly with guys, as far as I know, but you're not the only one."
"Did he ever try flirting with you?"
"Right up until I threatened to cut his baby dick off, yeah."
"Oh god, you didn't-"
"He wouldn't shut up! I had to say something. Plus, I got a cool appeasement gift from it," Lesches says as they gesture to their pendant. 
"Woah, that's neat. Is that... his symbol?"
"And his 'signature gemstone' or whatever. He gave me it in exchange to try to not traumatize him again."
Homer pauses. 
"Wha- what did you do?"
"Just on my nihilist high. Nothing too extreme."
"That could mean anything coming from you."
"Okay, okay. I might've, ya know, told him the reality of having a mortal body and how easily he could die and be forgotten and fade away-"
"Oh my god, Lessie!"
"You can't just... why? Why would you do that?"
"It's funny."
"To what? Traumatize a god?"
"Yes, and I won't pretend it's not."
"Don't quote memes to me right now. You could get killed, Lessie! The gods aren't kind people."
"Eh, they're not that bad as long you traumatize them before they traumatize you."
Homer sighs.
"Besides, Hermes isn't the only god I've met."
"Oh, good god-"
"Persephone is close by my dorm, and she's pretty neat. Didn't even need to traumatize her." 
Hades, of course, perks up at the mention of his wife. Or whatever is going on between them right now. Hermes rolls his eyes at the Olympian. He leans against the doorframe as Hades walks over to the mortals on the couch, feigning indifference and crossing his arms. His face clearly shows anything but, though. 
"You've talked to Persephone? A mere mortal, really?"
"Funny, she didn't mention you, Hades. Maybe don't be an ass?" 
Homer just sits there, frozen in his seat as Lesches sasses a Greek God as if Hades were scum. They hear a quiet "ooooh" from the doorway, probably from Hermes. 
Hades scoffs, "I am a Greek God, an Olympian-"
"And I don't care, Mr. Nihilist-With-Boomer-Humour. Go sulk about your whatever-the-fuck where someone actually wants you. Maybe learn to treat mortals better, and then your beloved won't ghost you anymore." 
Hades is stunned to silence by this mortal's utter insolence. 
"Anyway, I should be going. Hecate said something about needing some ingredients for a spell, and I rather be on her good side. See ya later, 'Mer. Let me know if ya need me to kick some jerk's ass."
Homer nods a goodbye as Lesches heads for the door, equally stunned by his cousin's actions. To be fair, this is pretty on-brand for them to do, but still. Hades is already a prick enough. He doesn't need anything else to aggravate him. 
Unfortunately, Hades is still very offended as he turns and nearly stomps over to Lesches in a rageful fit. 
"You should be tossed into Tartarus for your disrespect! I am a god and should be treated as such."
Lesches turns to Hades right before they walk through the door. Both Homer and Hermes respectively watch as the angry tension thickens in the air. 
"You're right," Lesches says with a smirk, bowing as if to mock the god before them. "I apologize. Perhaps I shall make it up to you by sharing valuable information you'll need to get being mortal over with."
Hades stops for a moment, not expecting the apology. He doesn't realize the pure sarcasm that drips from Lesches' tongue like sweet poison, and he hums in honest consideration. 
"Since you seem so eager, go on and share," Hades says. 
Lesches' eye sparkle with mischief that Homer recognizes. 
"Oh no-" he mutters under his breath.
"Oh, I know that look. I'm out, nuh uh. Not again," Hermes says before bolting off. 
Hades ignores the God of Swiftness as he stares at Lesches expectantly. Homer hides his face in his hands in preparation, scared for what his cousin is about to pull. 
"I've told this to Hermes, but I believe you'll benefit from it too. You have been trapped in a mortal body because someone, whoever it is, willed it to be. Once in this mortal body, mortal rules apply. Sure, you have some of your powers, but you're now a mortal like the rest of us. This means you can die like a mortal. No one cares about your life, Hades. We all go to the same place afterwards, so what's the point? What's the purpose? What's the use in anything when nothing we do matters in the end? You live like a mortal; you die like a mortal. You'll be forgotten like a mortal. You'll fade away, powerless and ignored, never to be praised or worshipped again. Remember Helios? No, no one knows him. He used to control the Sun, and now that's Apollo's job. Who will rule over the Underworld when you've faded away? My bet is on Persephone. She's kinder, more organized, better than you by a landslide. I wonder what us mortals will think then? Oh, great Persephone, great Goddess of the Underworld. Hades, who's that? Who's he? Sounds weird, sounds lost and forgotten. Let's focus back to everyone else, the real Gods of Olympus. How would you cope, knowing you were nothing but a lost ideal?" 
Hades, in every right, stands there frozen. He blinks and blinks, and blinks, unable to respond to that. How does one respond to that, anyway? When someone force-feeds you the harsh truth of your mortal reality? When reality comes slamming down upon you like a sledgehammer? What do you do then? What can you do? You just stand there, processing something indecipherably cruel to your mind, breaking in half again and again. There's nothing you can do, not really. Nothing, nothing at all. 
Homer exhales sharply from his seat on the couch, watching free-from-hands as everything goes down. One hand is over his mouth as he glances between the broken-down look on Hades and Lesches. He slowly stands up and walks over to the two of them, rubbing his face as he steps by Hades and next to his cousin. He leans by their ear, taking in his roommate's state. 
"I think you broke him," he whispers. 
"Maybe just a little," Lesches whispers back.
"What do we do?"
"Just leave him, I guess. That's what I did to Hermes."
"You gotta stop traumatizing Greek Gods."
"Ha, no."
"Les, he's frozen."
"'Mer, he's fine."
"He'll be fine later. Just walk around him until he moves, or something."
"Okay," Homer says as he sighs.
Lesches puts a calm hand on their cousin's shoulder, giving a warm smile. 
"I'll see you later, 'Mer. Good luck with your Greek-Wannabe, yeah?"
"Yeah, you too. Coffee shop this weekend?"
"Sounds like a plan. Bye, cousin."
"Bye, Lessie."
The cousins give one last hug before Lesches leaves. Homer steps around Hades as he heads back to their shared room, wanting to go back to class preparation.
As Lesches walks back to their own dorm, they pass by Hermes trying to flirt with an unsuspecting student. They roll their eyes as they grab him by the shirt, dragging him away as he says some sort of goodbye to his latest target.
"Ya done traumatizing one of the Big Three?" Hermes makes small talk as Lesches lets go of his shirt.
They walk side by side.
"For now. Poor sap froze mid-lecture."
"Worse than me?"
"It's Hades, he's worse than everyone."
"Worse than Zeus, Lord of Dicking?"
"...no, but why do you have to call him that?"
"It's funny."
"Well, if you like funny, then why don't we-"
"I will cut your baby dick off with a pair of rusty, dulled scissors."
"Okay, then."
Hermes stays silent after that as they walk back to their dorm. 
The day ends with Hades having an existential crisis, Homer preparing for his classes, and with Hermes and Lesches walking in peace back to their dorm. Plenty of things go unanswered, however. Who sent that letter with the butterfly weed? Why is it addressed to Hades, and only for his eyes? What spell does Hecate need a mortal's help for? Why won't Persephone talk to Hades? What's with the Greek Gods being everywhere?
And most importantly: how the fuck is Homer going to win the wager with his reckless cousin running about at Matthessy?
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MRIH is Something, Huh?
I'm half-tempted to write a crackfic about Hades meeting a gen-z/zoomer. The zoomer is one the who gives Hades an existential crisis, just like he gave Homer.
Idk the boundaries for this series, so idk if I'll write it. Let me know if y'all find out if the cast & crew are okay with fanfics and such.
If it is okay for fanfics to be written, it will entirely be a crackfic with nothing but Hades and a random zoomer oc. No pairings, just random chaos.
ANYWAY: back to your regularly scheduled nonsense :D
(@thatsthat24 -> what are the boundaries for fanfics, etc. with My Roommate is Hades, if you don't mind me asking?)
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Hey, so, who was gonna tell me there's a second episode to My Roommate Is Hades??
This only spurs me to add a chapter to the fanfic I wrote about MRIH, add Hephaestus in the bunch, and continue with my unhinged & very self-indulgent OC (Lesches). I need to go back and review the Pilot episode, my notes on Lesches, what plot was...
WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME (/not mad) (/light-hearted)
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Pairing Name for Hades/Homer?
Okay, so I've seen people ask what we should call the Hades/Homer pairing. This pairing amuses me greatly. I have an idea for them, so here's that!
Pairing Name Ideas
Wager Duo
It's very short. I apologize for that.
Anyway: feel free to add your own! All I can think of is when they did that wager thing. So yeah.
Hopefully, we can find a good name for these two :D
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Newest Asides: Reaction Post [Part II]
Part II of the reaction post.
Trigger/Content Warning: wine mention
Beware of spoilers of the new Asides video (Virgil Reacts to...)
[Part I here]
==Actual Content, Part II==
his book is Crosswords for 365 Days by Will Shortz (prob published by New York Times)
^it's smaller text says A year of easy-to-hard puzzles
his tie. omg, his tie.
that is either a red and blue tie OR a dark-orange and blue tie
^either one fits
ANGER - Logan as anger? oh f*ck, the foreboding set in
"and people start acting funny when it comes to rules" -> why does this stick with me. why.
"Lo-gan" -> very nice, Roman
"here he goes again" -> this happens often, doesn't it?
HEY YEAH. Uno wtf
loving Logan's portrayal as Anger (fits him a little too well)
"poo-poo everything I suggest" -> feels a little too canon there, buddy (angst angst angst)
REMUS, MY RAT BASTARD (affectionate)
"that gave me an idea" // "no-"
^f*ckin ded
FEAR - Remus as Fear? hmm, I see, I see…
Remus as Fear is just a YUS from me, omg <3
his white hair streak/fluff, his greenish mustache, his green sweater vest, YUS I LOVE HIM
the bowtie, lmao
"snake, spider, or rat-" oh hey, my three fav Sides -> Snake Boi, Anxious Spider F*ck, and Rat Man
needs to check for snake, spider, or rat? why would he need to check as if they were out to get him or something? hmm?
^thoughts formulating, theories materializing
we are literally talking about sh*t rn
Roman looks so done with Remus - average sibling behaviour
loving the Janus-Remus interactions
"it's very gross- and terrifying" -> yep, that's. that's Fear. Yep.
"are we going to do that?" // "NO, nO-"
^mm, sibling interaction gives me life
oh wait, Remus also has no orange
It appears that the only two without orange on them are Remus & Patton. hmm.
"Fearmus" // "Joyman" -> both these names are amazing
"Kill-Joyman" lmao
"yeah, that's accurate" -> NOT PATTON AGREEING
aw, now Joyman refrains and holds himself back, nooo
^mm, wonderful angst material tho
Joyman dramatizing Virgil/Other-Anxiety's arrival
I had to stop the dang vid to stim cause skfskafslfjal- no I am not normal about this
the anticipation, oh god why
"Anxiety~" // no one shows up
^lmao, Joyman must've had a "bruh" moment there
"-I can't do this" -> in the deepest voice ever, Virgil wtf
Everyone's reactions, lmao
"Speak for yourself, sweetie" -> f*cking love Janus
OTHER ANXIETY - poor Virgil, he looks so off with the orange
love how angry Virgil is over people thinking Anxiety would look like it's portrayed in the movie
everyone's reactions ksdfaskdf
Remus laughing at him - the Dukexiety content we needed
"sorry, you look stupid" -> Remus omg LMAO (they're besties, your honour)
"isn't that not how he always looks?" -> mm, classic Janus & Virgil hostility, my fav <3
Virgil shutting it down gives me the idea that all of them [the Sides], not only the twins (Creativity), can end Daydream Mode or whatever this is
"oh, buddy" -> reminds of when Virgil said he didn't like being called 'kiddo' so Patton was like "okay" and now calls him 'buddy'
loving all of their interactions with each other, just the Sides being a mess of a family
^hey, does this signify that c!Thomas has accepted them as parts of himself? just saying.
^^he doesn't have to like them to accept them, btw
the map behind Remus? yus, love that for his spot cause he's Creativity and thus can create worlds (the map fits that aspect) [this was a bit of stretch - leave me be]
"I was told there would be wine" -> ah makes sense, Janus was bribed
"…told I could kill Bing-Bong" -> yep checks out, Remus was also bribed
Headcanon: Patton bribed those two Dork Sides
love how those two were frickin bribed into this, lmao
"has the vibe shifted" -> idk why but this killed me (laughing)
"oh good, you reminded me of that scene" -> sad Patton; he plays Sadness so well (even when not Sadness - oh no)
"I always played Fear" -> not only have they done this before, but roles were pre-established and got switched because of the sequel (and Virgil playing Fear makes Biggo Sense, cause fear and anxiety kinda intertwine themselves [in a way])
^it seems like maybe Jan & Re don't usually play games with them like this, and maybe this is their first times as a group of six? Like, this is Jan's & Re's first time just hanging out with the other four?? cause of dialogue and how things are worded
"similar energies" -> why is so Remus GenZ-coded? (I say as a GenZ) (it's funny to me)
"no, he's right" -> besties besties besties (Jan & Re)
Roman Misunderstands Janus counter, anyone?
yep, floral-designed hoodie. the motif never ends
"Hi Bud" -> Pat's face is like :D
"Oh god, yes" -> he sounds so relieved to see Thomas, aw
"aesthetic-based casting" -> explains why Patton was Sadness and Janus was Disgust; but why Remus as Fear? and Ro as Joy?? hmm, must form some thoughts…
^wait, what does that mean for Logan? FOREBODING
maybe Ro was Joy cause he desperately wants control of a situation because with everything happening in canon, he's lost control of things and f*cked up and- angst angst angst
Virgil and Other Anxiety are so different, jfc
"Doctor Who is stupid" // "FALSEHOOD"
^and that's why he was Anger, yep, I see now
why does Logan express actual emotion but only ever through anger (and sass)? TIME TO THEORIZE
maybe because Logan was usually dismissed/not taken seriously whenever he expressed emotion, so now all he has is sass & anger & a cold-exterior mask to hide behind? (evident from earlier videos)
aww, Ro being kind to Vi and platonic Prinxiety being friends slkffslkfdlsafjkd
"is that really how some people would think Anxiety would like?" -> the Others' reactions - oh no, the silence
"they all wanna say yes" -> Remus, this is why you're my fav character
love how Remus is kinda chill/domestic this episode <3
Remus be forcing others to confront things they're trying to avoid, and that's my fav thing about him
can you tell I'm a Remus stan yet
"nope" -> yeah, that's Remus [lmao]
Remus and Virgil are such besties in this, and I LOVE IT
==More IRL Thomas==
mm, promo
stickers, I wish I could have ye
yay, famous outro
==End Card==
Sadton Tries To Pun but gets Pun-Blocked by Anger-Logan
"interrupting cow" -> he's so sad, noooo
Joyman horribly singing to musicals is not something I expected, but I love it anyway
"it has been THREE. HOURS. I will murder you with a butterknife!" OtherAnxiety-Virgil is a whole mood
Him calling Remus "buddy" is everything to me
^Janus sounds like a frickin wine mom, omg
"idk, I just let him play" -> explains so much about Jan & Re, dear frickin god
why does the wine look like Kool Aid-
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Well, That Was Fast
I just realized that MRIH is literally three days old. There's nothing but the pilot episode, and yet something possessed me to write a fanfic about aforementioned episode.
I am both proud of myself for being the first and also scared of myself because that was quick, wtf.
Anyway: hope everyone's enjoying the gay-ass sitcom that is MRIH.
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