#Multi-Client Campaigns
qwardivior · 5 months
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So here’s the first installment(?) of my Demon Busters au! So basically, people have been dying due to demon attacks at alarming rates and the Demon Busters need a way to get people to call them. In short, they run ad campaigns. Several characters in this au will be getting these ad campaigns but let’s start with Tanjirou!
—Lore Dump Incoming!!—
In this au Nezuko still turns into a demon (obviously) but the rest of his family lives! They own their family bakery ( like in Kimetsu Gakuen )and after a closure due to their daughter getting hurt in the demon attack, they reopen. However, Nezuko’s a demon and Tanjirou has to work there while still being a Demon buster. And let me tell you, it’s hard work. Because of this new development Tanjirou sadly has to put his education on the back burner and drop out of school (as many Busters his age have to do). But due to his work at his family bakery, he’s earned the title of “part time” Demon Buster, meaning he can’t be called out in missions as often as some of the others, which is a bummer since he’s a fan favorite among their clients.
Each Demon Buster is dispatched to a certain demographic based on their skill set. Since Tanjirou (and Nezuko) are more well adjusted, they get dispatched to help children, the elderly, and everyone in between. They’re really good at dealing with people and making those affected by a demon attack calm down.
Also, did I mention that the Demon Busters are still illegal? And that Tanjirou’s dad was a hashira?? Also why is Muzan a multi millionaire??
Thanks for sitting through this first lore dump! A quick note about this au is that it doesn’t really take itself that seriously and neither should you! It’s just a less serious version of canon with some expansions. Also feel free to add to the lore with me because if I see something I enjoy it might also end up in the au ! :)
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thegildedbee · 4 months
Eavesdrop/Nightmare: May 14 & 15 Prompts from @calaisreno
The mail he’d retrieved from 221B has now sat on Harry’s kitchen table for three days. He’d felt drained that first evening, and couldn’t get himself to care enough to summon the energy to look through it; he figured after a night’s sleep he’d be able to focus on it in the morning. Except that he hadn’t felt that he wanted to start the day with the mail, not knowing if it would then throw the rest of the day off-kilter: best to tackle it at the end of the day.
Except that the white envelopes had glared too brightly in the kitchen light that evening, making his eyes hurt, and when he turned down the lights, the pile seemed best left alone in the halftoned dimness.
When he had sat down today with a ham and cheese sandwich at lunch time, Harry had loomed over him, set down a rubbish bin, and pointed at the pile, her eyes narrowed.
 “It’s not going to sort itself, John,” she says, as she sits down opposite him. “Maybe sorting out the pile will get you sorted.”
He takes a bite of his sandwich and screws up his face. “Ha, ha, very funny, Harry.”
“Here, little brother. I bet I can coax you with one of these,” she says, pulling a chocolate orange from her pocket and detaching a slice. “For every handful you get through, I’ll give you a slice as a reward.”
“Omigod, Harry, I’m not five years old.”
She raises an eyebrow at him. “Prove it. Chin up, Johnny.”
John grimaces. “All right. But I want a chocolate slice up front, in addition to the one that comes after I get through a stack.”
She rolls her eyes. “Okay. Deal.” She picks up three envelopes and places a chocolate piece on top and hands them over, and gets back up. “I’m gonna make a cuppa – do you want one?” 
“Of course, thanks.”
John chews and sorts, and sorts and chews; most of the pieces of mail do end up being binned. He sets aside a few that are from former clients; two of them had cheques inside. He’s been separating out what are likely to be condolence cards, and looks askance at them when he’s done. 
Harry nods approvingly, handing him a chocolate orange slice. He sighs. She hands him a second slice, and he gives her a sheepish whisper of a smile. 
What’s left are various advertising circulars for neighborhood stores and local take-away menus. In some ways these make him sadder than the stack of condolence cards. He can’t bring himself to bin any of those items and pushes them aside, and idly pulls a multi-page brochure toward himself. It’s glossy and expensive, like part of an informational campaign for the latest flash Mercedes or BMW, and has a full-scale photo of a moto-cross athlete off in some canyon area, who has made a spectacular leap from an outcropping with his machine, hanging in mid-air.
"What’s that?” Harry asks.
John shrugs, “Some sort of impact absorbent material for athletes.”
“For athletes?” she teases. “Then how’d you get on their mailing list? Your rugby days are a bit beyond you, mate.”
“Ah, sod off, Harry. I dunno," he says, flipping through the pages and seeing all the images of lab equipment and white coats. "Maybe it was something Sherlock was into. Looks like geeky chemistry stuff.”
“That may be so, but it’s your name on the address, not his.”
“Maybe because I was his blogger. Who cares? It’s not relevant to anything,” he says dismissively, tossing it in the bin.
“Well, here’s the rest of the orange. I’ve got things to do, and places to be. I’ll see you later this evening, probably after dinner time, yeah?”
“Sure, no problem. See you later.”
John reaches for the chocolate, a ragged, pensive mood settling in. He looks down at the brochure lying on top of the other discards in the bin, and then slowly turns to look intently at the stack of condolence cards. Reluctantly, he goes back-and-forth once more, and then stills.
Bodies flying through the air. Bodies falling. Bodies crashing. The familiar stuff of his nightmares. But something tweaks inside his head, and he tries to refocus on whatever fleeting point has flickered on, then off, before he can catch hold of it.
Bodies flying through the air, wearing protective material. Bodies falling, buffered by protective material. Bodies crashing, withstanding the impact due to protective material.
No! he says emphatically to himself, as his mind suggests that maybe, just maybe, his flying detective might have been similarly outfitted. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Of course not. It’s absurd to think that. After all, he saw Sherlock’s body up close, felt for a pulse that wasn’t there.
He tries to calm his breathing, and to think logically, and not let his mind race along imaginary paths. No, of course not. Even if Sherlock had been wearing something like this, it doesn’t mean he survived the fall. And if he had, why would he have let everyone think him dead?
Just a magic trick, John.
John suddenly stands up and shakes his head in frustration. Is he finally going 'round the twist?
Surely, there would have been a sign. He looks down at the brochure, full of images of athletes doing extreme sports, and soldiers, and probably stunt people from motion pictures.
He walks over to the sitting room so that he can grab a sofa cushion, and then furiously punches it over and over and over again, hurls it across the room in disgust when he’s finished, and then collapses into the nearest chair.
Maybe he should he talk to someone? Who would he talk to? Mycroft? Um, no, he snorts. As if that fucker would ever give a straight answer. Plus he’d probably have him sectioned on the spot. Mrs. Hudson? What if there are other oddities to be accounted for? Even if she didn’t turn him away from her doorstep, looking at him pityingly, it probably wouldn’t do to discuss such things at Baker Street. Big brother was probably still eavesdropping, because, why not? Does a leopard change its spots?
And then the picture of Anderson showing up on his doorstep a few weeks back floats into his mind. It was a few weeks back, yeah? What had Anderson said? Something about Sherlock not being dead and his having picked up traces that showed that he’d been in Europe. At least John thinks that's what he said. The roaring in his ears before he smashed Anderson’s nose might have distorted whatever the tosser had been going on about. 
Disbelievingly, John thinks: Perhaps he should go to see Anderson? Maybe, John says to himself, shaking his head in doubt, a sour taste in his mouth. Surely not, he responds.
But what if what Anderson has to say isn't impossible; only improbable? John has no idea what to do. At this moment, for now, the only decision he's capable of making . . . is no decision at all.
........................................................ @calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @friday411 @peanitbear @original-welovethebeekeeper @helloliriels @a-victorian-girl @keirgreeneyes @starrla89 @naefelldaurk
@topsyturvy-turtely @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @jobooksncoffee @meetinginsamarra @solarmama-plantsareneat @bluebellofbakerstreet @dragonnan @safedistancefrombeingsmart @jolieblack
@msladysmith @ninasnakie @riversong912 @dapetty
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goodmiffy · 7 months
hope this doesnt come off as bad faith but what do you think of this quote??? i dont like it but ig i cant properly articulate my thoughts on why https://www(.)tumblr(.)com/librarycards/187079810359/librarycards-anti-prostitution-feminists-and
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I also don’t like it and don’t agree with it, it would take a lot of dissecting and articulating to really express why, but I’ll try my best with the main reasons.
1. “work is being constantly re-inscribed as something so personally fulfilling you would pursue it for free”
This is working on the belief that having sex is or can be considered ‘work’, but the argument we make is that sex isn’t work, and work can’t be sex, because:
sex is by definition mutually involved and consensual, and that consent is freely given. that is a basic feminist understanding of what separates sex from rape. remember the idea that rape is not a ‘type of sex’ any more than drowning is a type of swimming. rape is antithetical to sex, because sex requires freely given consent. if the only reason you would agree to sex is through the offer of money, that consent isn’t freely given it is coerced. “B-but all labour is coercion through money- that’s the point” yes except coerced manual labour is coerced manual labour, coerced ‘sex’ is rape. anyone who claims these are the same thing, or that being penetrated to earn a living is the same as hauling pallets, is being completely disingenuous and has a vested interested in encouraging the idea that it’s the same thing (they want to convince women it’s the same so they will do it!). so essentially the reason i think sex cannot be ‘work’ is because sex cannot be coerced, and work is essentially coercion. ‘sex work’ is an oxymoron.
so no, we don’t all enjoy our jobs, we need to earn money to live and that’s why we work, sure. something being ‘work’ doesn’t necessitate wanting to do it for free, but sex absolutely does. that’s the principle of sexual consent.
reason 2: the false dichotomy being made between paid ‘sex work’ and unpaid labour. positioning these this way kind of implies they’re the only choices for women, “hey at least I’m being paid! the alternative is an unpaid internship which i can’t afford” but we would say well, both of those things are bad. neither is a good solution for women, neither empowers us or helps us enter and stay in the workforce. yes maybe it’s hypocritical that Equality Now, an anti-prostitution org advertises unpaid internships, however that is because it is a non profit, thus they rely heavily on volunteers and donations, and an internship is essentially a contracted period of volunteering. they might be a big organisation but it doesn’t mean they have money to spare, and that’s a sad reality for non-profits. it’s not the same as multi million dollar companies having internships. the same goes for the anti-slavery charity. it’s a fucking charity??
“The result of these unpaid and underpaid internships is that the women who are most able to build careers in the women’s sector – campaigning and setting policy agendas around prostitution – are women who can afford to do unpaid full-time work in New York and London. In this context, it is hardly a surprise that the anti-prostitution movement as a whole has a somewhat abstracted view of the relationship between work and money.”
yeah, it probably does mean that only women with some financial safety net can volunteer their time to work for these non-profits and charities full time. is that a bad thing? that’s the reality of most volunteer work, most people cant afford to not be paid to work. most who do volunteer do so part time, usually very few hours a week or even a month, and that’s very awesome of them, right? so women who have the capacity to volunteer full time (because that’s what an unpaid internship is in essence) choosing to do so, is just as fucking awesome, right? isn’t that good of them, so why are they being villainized (we know why). they could be doing anything with that time and they’re choosing to use it to help vulnerable women have more options in the workforce.
I don’t understand how that translates as an ‘abstracted’ view or lack of understanding of the relationship between work and money. it’s a very clear understanding, which is why they don’t want women to have to endure unwanted sex acts just to make a living. that’s why they advocate for better options for women. anti prostitution in those contexts doesn’t begin and end with making it illegal, in fact it doesn’t mean that at all. it is about creating opportunities for women in prostitution so they can leave, or criminalising soliciting rather than prostituting, to enforce the message that it’s wrong to buy and sell women, but women are not at fault for needing to resort to this to earn a living in a patriarchal misogynistic society. the work-money view is not ‘abstracted’ it is simple, everyone should be paid fairy for the work that they do. but to purchase ‘sex’ from a woman is to rent her body as though she is nothing but a sex object. and that is immoral. men who solicit are not employing women to work, they’re paying to use her for masturbation. if a landlord offered decreased rent in exchange for sex, most everyone would see the clear immorality and exploitation of that situation, but a woman agreeing to unwanted sex for pay because she needs that money to pay her rent, that’s different somehow? no, it’s still exploition. anti-prostitution is as much about men’s choices in exploiting women as it is supporting women in exiting the sex trade.
so i think fundamentally that quote has the intentions of anti-prostitution all backwards, they see it as prostituted womens’ livelihoods being taken away, but we’re advocating for a world where women do not need to be prostituted to earn a living and have opportunities for better, safer livelihoods. women should not need to endure unwanted ‘sex’ as a livelihood in the first place, and if there were more opportunity for women in the workforce, they wouldn’t need to. in essence they’re arguing that /of course they don’t enjoy it, but who enjoys their job? we do it because we have to get paid/ and i see that i totally do, but constant unwanted penetration is not a job, it is assault of the body and mind. it comes with constant misogynistic abuse and harassment and the risk of STDs, some of which are life threatening. it takes a physical and emotional toll that no other manual job can compare to, and if those women could earn a decent living doing something else, the vast majority would. and the first hand evidence from prostituted women supports that notion.
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Ultrawealthy Americans enjoy so many ways to avoid taxes that Gary Cohn, former President Donald Trump’s director of the National Economic Council, once wisecracked, “Only morons pay the estate tax.”
On Monday, a group of four Democratic senators urged Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to crack down on a host of specially-designed trusts and financial vehicles that allow the wealthiest individuals to shield their personal fortunes and pass down massive inheritances tax-free.
The letter, from Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Chris Van Hollen, and Sheldon Whitehouse, laid out a series of potential IRS regulations that would make trusts, particularly, less attractive as tax shelters for the 1%.
“Billionaires and multi-millionaires use trusts to shift wealth to their heirs tax-free, dodging federal estate and gift taxes,” the senators wrote. “And they are doing this in the open: Their wealth managers are bragging about how their tax dodging tricks will be more effective in the current economy.”
Only about 0.1% of Americans pay estate taxes, despite thousands of families having fortunes larger than the current $25.48 million exemption.
When President Joe Biden promised on the campaign trail to raise taxes on the richest Americans, it unleashed a race to set up the kinds of legal tax shelters that would protect their inheritable assets from the estate tax.
They feared Biden would lower the estate tax exemption — which Republicans under Trump had raised to its all-time high — and resuscitate proposed IRS rules that make it more difficult to use trusts to avoid taxes on substantial inheritances.
But Democrats dropped their plans to raise inheritance taxes early on in the Biden administration. And in their letter, the lawmakers argued there is far more the IRS can do to crack down on the “shell games” the ultrawealthy use to shield huge generational wealth transfers from taxation.
Popular schemes they highlighted include families using special vehicles, called family limited partnerships, to understate the values of their estates; placing assets that will rise in value, such as a stock portfolio, inside a tax-shielded trust before the price can rebound; and cycling stocks and other assets through a grantor trust to avoid inheritance taxes.
The current economy, where stocks have lost double digits in value, actually supercharges some of these tax shelters because they shield appreciation from taxation.
“As the richest Americans celebrate and take advantage of these favorable tax opportunities, middle-class families struggle with inflation and Republicans threaten austerity measures and the end of Social Security and Medicare,” the lawmakers wrote.
They argued that the Treasury Department could crack down on these tax-avoidance vehicles without action from Congress.
It can revoke a rule that currently exempts transfers between grantors and grantor trusts from taxes, and it can require grantor trusts to hold a minimum value so they would be less useful as a pass-through for avoiding taxes. And it can clarify and rein in the kinds of asset sales and valuation practices tax planners have abused to wedge their clients’ enormous estates into various tax-shielded trusts and partnerships.
“Although the details of various trusts may differ, the result of wealthy individuals transferring millions in assets to heirs tax-free does not,” they continued. “The ultra-wealthy at the top of the socioeconomic ladder live by different rules than the rest of America.”
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govindhtech · 4 months
UNC5537: Extortion and Data Theft of Snowflake Customers
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Targeting Snowflake Customer Instances for Extortion and Data Theft, UNC5537 Overview. Mandiant has discovered a threat campaign that targets Snowflake client database instances with the goal of extortion and data theft. This campaign has been discovered through Google incident response engagements and threat intelligence collections. The multi-Cloud data warehousing software Snowflake can store and analyze massive amounts of structured and unstructured data.
Mandiant is tracking UNC5537, a financially motivated threat actor that stole several Snowflake customer details. UNC5537 is using stolen customer credentials to methodically compromise Snowflake client instances, post victim data for sale on cybercrime forums, and attempt to blackmail many of the victims.
Snowflake instance According to Mandiant’s analysis, there is no proof that a breach in Snowflake’s enterprise environment led to unauthorized access to consumer accounts. Rather, Mandiant was able to link all of the campaign-related incidents to hacked client credentials.
Threat intelligence about database records that were later found to have come from a victim’s Snowflake instance was obtained by Mandiant in April 2024. After informing the victim, Mandiant was hired by the victim to look into a possible data theft affecting their Snowflake instance. Mandiant discovered during this investigation that a threat actor had gained access to the company’s Snowflake instance by using credentials that had previously been obtained through info stealer malware.
Using these credentials that were taken, the threat actor gained access to the customer’s Snowflake instance and eventually stole important information. The account did not have multi-factor authentication (MFA) activated at the time of the intrusion.
Following further intelligence that revealed a wider campaign aimed at more Snowflake customer instances, Mandiant notified Snowflake and potential victims via their Victim Notification Programme on May 22, 2024.
Snowflakes Mandiant and Snowflake have notified about 165 possibly vulnerable organizations thus far. To guarantee the security of their accounts and data, these customers have been in direct contact with Snowflake’s Customer Support. Together with collaborating with pertinent law enforcement organizations, Mandiant and Snowflake have been undertaking a cooperative investigation into this continuing threat campaign. Snowflake released comprehensive detection and hardening guidelines for Snowflake clients on May 30, 2024.
Campaign Synopsis According to Google Cloud current investigations, UNC5537 used stolen customer credentials to gain access to Snowflake client instances for several different organizations. The main source of these credentials was many info stealer malware campaigns that compromised systems controlled by people other than Snowflake.
As a result, a sizable amount of customer data was exported from the corresponding Snowflake customer instances, giving the threat actor access to the impacted customer accounts. Subsequently, the threat actor started personally extorting several of the victims and is aggressively trying to sell the stolen consumer data on forums frequented by cybercriminals.
Mandiant Mandiant discovered that most of the login credentials utilized by UNC5537 came from infostealer infections that occurred in the past, some of which were from 2020. Three main causes have contributed to the multiple successful compromises that UNC5537’s threat campaign has produced:
Since multi-factor authentication was not enabled on the affected accounts, successful authentication just needed a working login and password. The credentials found in the output of the infostealer virus were not cycled or updated, and in certain cases, they remained valid years after they were stolen. There were no network allow lists set up on the affected Snowflake client instances to restrict access to reliable sources. Infostealer Mandiant found that the first infostealer malware penetration happened on contractor computers that were also used for personal purposes, such as downloading pirated software and playing games. This observation was made during multiple investigations related to Snowflake.
Customers that hire contractors to help them with Snowflake may use unmonitored laptops or personal computers, which worsen this initial entry vector. These devices pose a serious concern because they are frequently used to access the systems of several different organizations. A single contractor’s laptop can enable threat actors to access numerous organizations if it is infected with infostealer malware, frequently with administrator- and IT-level access.
Identifying The native web-based user interface (SnowFlake UI, also known as SnowSight) and/or command-line interface (CLI) tool (SnowSQL) on Windows Server 2022 were frequently used to get initial access to Snowflake customer instances. Using an attacker-named utility called “rapeflake,” which Mandiant records as FROSTBITE, Mandiant discovered more access.
Mandiant believes FROSTBITE is used to conduct reconnaissance against target Snowflake instances, despite the fact that Mandiant has not yet retrieved a complete sample of FROSTBITE. Mandiant saw the use of FROSTBITE in both Java and.NET versions. The Snowflake.NET driver communicates with the.NET version. The Snowflake JDBC driver is interfaced with by the Java version.
SQL recon actions by FROSTBITE have been discovered, including a listing of users, current roles, IP addresses, session IDs, and names of organizations. Mandiant also saw UNC5537 connect to many Snowflake instances and conduct queries using DBeaver Ultimate, a publicly accessible database management tool.
Finish the mission Mandiant saw UNC5537 staging and exfiltrating data by continuously running identical SQL statements on many client Snowflake systems. The following instructions for data staging and exfiltration were noted.
Generate (TEMP|TEMPORARY) STAGE UNC5537 used the CREATE STAGE command to generate temporary stages for data staging. The data files that are loaded and unloaded into database tables are stored in tables called stages. When a stage is created and designated as temporary, it is removed after the conclusion of the creator’s active Snowflake session.
UNC5537 Credit Since May 2024, Mandiant has been monitoring UNC5537, a threat actor with financial motivations, as a separate cluster. UNC5537 often extorts people for financial benefit, having targeted hundreds of organizations globally. Under numerous aliases, UNC5537 participates in cybercrime forums and Telegram channels. Mandiant has recognized individuals who are linked to other monitored groups. Mandiant interacts with one member in Turkey and rates the composition of UNC5537 as having a moderate degree of confidence among its members who are located in North America.
In order to gain access to victim Snowflake instances, Attacker Infrastructure UNC5537 mostly leveraged Mullvad or Private Internet Access (PIA) VPN IP addresses. Mandiant saw that VPS servers from Moldovan supplier ALEXHOST SRL (AS200019) were used for data exfiltration. It was discovered that UNC5537 was storing stolen victim data on other foreign VPS providers in addition to the cloud storage provider MEGA.
Prospects and Significance The campaign launched by UNC5537 against Snowflake client instances is not the product of a highly advanced or unique method, instrument, or process. The extensive reach of this campaign is a result of both the expanding infostealer market and the passing up of chances to further secure credentials:
UNC5537 most likely obtained credentials for Snowflake victim instances by gaining access to several infostealer log sources. There’s also a thriving black market for infostealerry, with huge lists of credentials that have been stolen available for purchase and distribution both inside and outside the dark web.
Infostealers Multi-factor authentication was not necessary for the impacted customer instances, and in many cases, the credentials had not been changed in up to four years. Additionally, access to trusted locations was not restricted using network allow lists.
This ad draws attention to the ramifications of a large number of credentials floating throughout the infostealer market and can be a sign of a targeted attack by threat actors on related SaaS services. Mandiant predicts that UNC5337 will carry on with similar intrusion pattern, soon focusing on more SaaS systems.
This campaign’s wide-ranging effects highlight the pressing necessity for credential monitoring, the ubiquitous application of MFA and secure authentication, traffic restriction to approved sites for royal jewels, and alerts regarding unusual access attempts. See Snowflake’s Hardening Guide for additional suggestions on how to fortify Snowflake environments.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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jonathanshaw4747 · 29 days
Why Canadian Companies Prefer Digital Marketing Agencies over In-house Teams
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In the ever-changing digital landscape of Canada, companies big and small have to make one very important decision: develop an in-house digital marketing team or hire the services of a dedicated agency. Far from being a routine operational issue, this choice has great implications for its competitive position, market relevance, and general growth trajectory. With the digital platform becoming increasingly complicated and the stakes of online visibility soaring high, a trend has definitely been witnessed across Canadian companies: that of choosing between the expertise and agility provided by digital marketing agencies over in-house teams.
Expertise and Specialization
This has been one of the major reasons for the tectonic shift in the approach of Canadian enterprises. Digital marketing is not a monolithic discipline but a constellation of specialized areas, each with its own particular demands in expertise. From SEO virtuosos to social media savants, content marketing maestros to PPC prodigies, agencies house a cadre of specialists under one roof. Such an assemblage of talent allows businesses to tap into a wellspring of knowledge that would be prohibitively expensive and logistically challenging to cultivate internally.
What is more, the digital marketing field keeps on changing 24/7, since that is when algorithms, best practices, and consumer behaviors change at the speed of light. This places agencies in a much better place to be updated due to their focus and the heterogeneity of their client base. They undertake heavy continuous learning and serious means of professional development investment to ensure that their strategies remain at the cutting edge of industry changes. This means a commitment to staying current translates into better marketing solutions for their clients-more effectively and innovatively.
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Agency versus in-house: financial implications are huge and multi-dimensional. At face value, the retainers or project fees associated with agency services might appear huge. However, a close look will reveal that this is not true on the cost-efficiency level. By outsourcing an agency, a business may significantly reduce overheads like salaries, benefits, office space, and equipment, which are kept by full-time employees.
The next strong economic case lies in the fact that it can make that great sense of scalability and flexibility. It eases the opportunity to adjust marketing spend against seasonal demands, special campaign needs, or fluctuating economies without getting into the complexities of hiring or drastically reducing an internal team. That elasticity of resource allocation permits better budget efficiency and implores optimization of Marketing ROI.
Technology and Tools
The digital marketing arena is the haven for sophisticated tools and platforms-most of which come with heavy price tags, coupled with steep learning curves. Agencies, able to use economies of scale, invest in a wide array of premium software and technologies that would be financially unviable for most individual businesses to acquire. From advanced SEO tools to full-service social media management platforms, agencies arm their clients with the technological arsenal needed to drive marketing effectiveness.
Besides tools, agencies often have state-of-the-art analytics and reporting. These systems allow for the granular tracking of campaign performance, consumer behavior, and ROI. Insights gained from these advanced analytics become the powerhouse that drives businesses into making data-informed decisions and fine-tuning their marketing approaches with strategy precision.
Strategic Objectivity
One of the most overlooked benefits of hiring a digital marketing agency is the fresh perspective it brings to the challenges a brand faces. Sometimes a company's internal teams, despite being quite familiar with the brand, can suffer from tunnel vision or be stuck in paradigms. Agencies, drawing on diverse experience across industries and markets, have become a fertile source of new solutions and unconventional creative approaches, which for those within the organization can be virtually invisible.
This objectivity extends to performance appraisal as well. Large agencies are usually held to very tight KPIs through which they are accountable to deliver measurable results. The setup ensures a very transparent culture of business betterment, whereby the agencies fall under pressure to prove their strategies right and value-proposition-valid on a regular basis.
Time and Resource Management
For most Canadian businesses, more so for the SMEs, the job of dedicating or committing resources to build and maintain a fully-fledged in-house digital marketing team is surely going to distract them from their core business activities. By outsourcing such functions to an agency, this energy is freed for product development, customer service, and other mission-critical activities.
Furthermore, more often than not, agencies are in a much better position than in-house units to implement marketing initiatives. With the established processes, loads of already-vetted resources on standby, and a lot of previous work to its credit, an agency can consequently save time throughout the process from conceiving of the strategy to launching the campaign. This agility is paramount in the fast-paced digital landscape, where usually the early bird catches the worm.
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Many of these digital marketing agencies boast of having an extensive industry network, including influencers, media, and technology partners that can open various doors of opportunity to collaboration. Beta programs and early access to new marketing channels/features fall into this category. To Canadian businesses, this is quite an invaluable asset that networks with potential new customers.
Moreover, most agencies have good relations with key platforms, such as Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn, which provide them with the latest features, premium support, and, in some cases, almost privileged rates. More probably than not, such partnerships are passed on as tangible benefits to the clients to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of their digital marketing initiatives.
As a sustenance of risks
The regulatory requirements associated with digital marketing, encompassing privacy, advertising standards, and the specific policies of these diverse digital platforms, make hazardous minefields for businesses. This adds further pressure on digital marketing agencies because they possess specialized knowledge and experience in ensuring that their clients work in conformance with these regulations. This becomes even more crucial in instances involving Canada, where there are regulations like CASL, which is anti-spam law dictating strict requirements on electronic messaging.
Additionally, the agencies adapt by nature through adaptation to market changes. Their diversified client bases and regular activities with businesses in various industries enable them to identify and respond to the change in consumer behavior, change in technology, or economic conditions very fast. Adapting to the situation at hand helps hedge against potential risks associated with sudden changes in the market which could render several marketing strategies irrelevant.
Performance and Results
What's arguably most convincing in the move towards agency partnerships is the attention to accountability and measurement of performance. Most of the agencies operate on performance-based models with clear KPIs and reporting structures that generate tangible means through which firms realize their marketing return on investment. In other words, therefore, the approach is results-based, with continuous optimization of marketing to align with business objectives.
As such, agencies can contribute to performing competitive benchmarking. With many years of experience across industries and data, they can paint a view for a business regarding its relative standing in digital marketing performance from its competition and industry benchmarks. Such a comparative perspective may also help them zero in on opportunities for performance improvement and areas of differentiation.
The Future of Digital Marketing Partnerships in Canada
The trend of Canadian businesses partnering with specialized marketing agencies is showing no signs of abatement in the evolving digital marketing landscape. The recipe combining experience, the advantage of being cost-effective, technological advances, and strategic value when working with an agency makes compelling economic sense. And, of course, in-house teams will always have their role; it's actually quite important for big organizations. The passed "advantages to this kind of approach are flexibility and comprehensive capabilities available to organizations of any size.".
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The collaboration with a digital marketing agency is considered an investment in terms of growth strategy and competitiveness. Increasingly, this is a cost consideration that Canadian executives are factoring in as Canadian businesses strive to find their way through digital complexities—and as a result, a way to innovate the catalyst for success in the long term.
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theendwhereibegin · 1 year
I mean, as long as I restarted writing, I might as well make my first Pedro Pascal story a multi chapter one. Hope you enjoy. More to come, hopefully 🤞🏻
You can find Part 1 Here!
Universally meant, Earthly bound
Part 2
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All he could do was watch her work away at preparing her camera, lights, backdrops and props. 
She was unaware of the fact that he positively couldn't take his eyes away from her while she was trying to get everything in order so that the photo shoot could start. 
He couldn`t understand how this happened, but it all started that morning in Starbucks after she walked in with such confidence that he was a bit taken aback by it, and as his eyes scanned her head to toe, he couldn't help but notice a familiar face as his eyes stopped at her feet. She was wearing slippers, and while he was pretty sure that it wasn't her first choice of shoes, he knew that she wasn't bothered by it. She looked like she was on a mission. 
He blinks twice to try and shake the feeling off, but his focus at this point was on the memories of how he first saw her, while her coffee spilled on her and the tiny dog barking after she tripped while everyone looked at her shocked by what just happened. 
The worst of it, she fell face first into some sort of a wannabe fork and he could see the cut on her cheek. He wanted to help her, but choked and all he could get out was an "Are you okay?" to which she replied "Sure", being visibly frustrated about the fact that everyone was now looking at her. 
He wanted to help her up, but the second he extended his arm towards her, she just bolted out the door, and that was her gone.
He got his coffee and headed towards the photo studio as today was the day he needed to have some new photos taken for a new Disney+ campaign. All he knew was that the photographer that they chose was after looking through thousands of photos and that he knew they wouldn't have chosen just anyone for the job. All he had to go by was her name. 
Walking through the NYC streets, he couldn't get his mind off the Starbucks episode and the girl that was its main character, and before he knew it, he was arriving at his destination.
"Hi, Mr. Pascal. I am Graham. Welcome to our humble studios. I will get Olivia here right away."
"Thank you, Graham. Please call me Pedro. I`ll wait my turn, don`t worry and don`t rush her either. I`ll be right here." he said while looking around the place.
It wasn't a big studio, but it wasn`t small either. Its walls were filled with photos taken by, he assumed, in-house photographers. Some of them are absolutely breathtakingly beautiful landscape photos, some are portraits, and he did see some familiar faces such as his good friends Sarah and Oscar. 
His thoughts were interrupted by Graham trying to get her attention. "Olivia!!!! Our client is here!" shouted Graham a bit too loud.
Pedro`s entire body turned towards the sound of the footsteps and he could swear he just saw the girl from this morning. From what he could understand from her shocked expression she looked mortified. She looked again towards him and ushered the girl she was with in the opposite direction, as she shouted back to Graham "One moment"
It was definitely the girl from Starbucks. Her coffee stained t-shirt and her Baby Yoda slippers were hard to forget, but mostly, her energy was hard to get over.
"Beautiful photos, huh Pedro?" asked Graham while they both waited on Olivia to come back. 
"Yes, they are. Mind asking you who took them? Is it one photographer`s work or multiple?" he asked while slowly walking through the lobby.
"It`s really just one, to be completely honest. This is all Olivia`s work. She`s an avid traveller so most of them are from all over the world, landmark buildings and landscapes. Sarah Paulson was her first ever gig after she joined our studio, but Ms Paulson loved her work so much she continued bringing in her friends as well. Then Oscar Isaac was next. Dear Lord we couldn`t shake him off. He kept coming back with his family. Olivia is pretty much the Isaac family photographer at this point." he said while chuckling, remembering Oscar barging in shortly after his wife gave birth the first time, out of breath, looking for Olivia in order to take the first photos of the baby. 
Olivia wasn`t in the studio that day, as she had been working for 3 weeks straight with no days off, and Graham told her to stay at home at least one day that week. 
The one day she was at home and Oscar happened. He had to call her and ask if she would be able to help Oscar. He remembers how she didn't even need to have an explanation as to why she was called in on her day off. All she heard was Oscar`s name, and he could already hear her getting ready to leave her house. 
"Mind if I use your bathroom? I need to find a solution for this hair. I can't tame it at all today, " Pedro said while pointing to his rebellious hairdo.
Graham pointed him in the direction in which Olivia went as well. Maybe she won't even come back out after she`s seen him. 
Maybe she doesn't even remember meeting him so abruptly in the coffee shop this morning. Her back was turned to him, so she most certainly didn't get a glimpse of his face, or maybe she did? His head was spinning with all these thoughts that`s until her voice broke the silence
"I hear you, and I will slay the hell out of this photo shoot because I can. All better?" she spoke amused while looking at her colleague.
The way her voice sounded, not too confident but with a hint of `I know how to do this and I will` made him smile in her direction. Everything became a blur after that. He was aware that they were having a full-blown conversation by now because all of a sudden, he was no longer in the lobby but in a narrow and long hallway. 
He learned since they started talking that her anxiety caused her to rant a lot. He also learned that she had no idea that he was the guy in Starbucks who made her trip and lose her balance. 
She was now gesticulating fiercely to make a point of how far from normal she thought she was. He heard her loud and clear when she called herself `nerdy, clumsy and awkward`, but he didn't see her that way. Sure, they haven't even properly met, but she struck him as a very calculated, loving, and caring person. Yes, she was a bit nerdy, but at the same time, so was he. Yes, she was a bit awkward as he could tell socializing wasn`t her thing, but at the same time, so was he. The only difference between them was that he was in the public`s eye and she wasn`t. 
He was unaware of the forces that had been working for years so that he and Olivia would meet, the same as she was unaware of the fact that even with the age difference between them, she was meant to be saved, grow up and be his. Nothing in their lives was happening by chance.
The fact that she stubbornly refused to die twice when any other person would have been, well dead, kind of gives away the fact that she had a higher purpose. Everyone considered her to be a sort of miracle as she managed to escape unscratched from a bad car accident when she was a kid. Years before that, she also managed to get out alive from the early 90's orphanage of hell in which kids were left to basically die of malnutrition, because the government didn't have enough resources to get every child looked after.  It was like her brain dictated to her that she needed to stay alive, that she needed to reach her adulthood because something would happen and someone would need her, and only her. She always had that sense, but so did he. It was like he was gravitating towards her without being in full control of what was happening.
All throughout the photo shoot, he couldn't stop laughing and smiling. They ended up working 2 extra hours because of that in order to redo photos in which he wasn't meant to be smiling, but he couldn't help it. 
As she told him they were done, a tinge of sadness was pulling at his heart. He didn't want to leave. He didn't want to leave her most of all, so he got up from his spot and started helping Olivia with putting everything back where it was supposed to be. That's when it all happened. 
Pedro saw her struggle with a chair that was caught up in the wires from the lights, so he naturally went to get it unstuck. He brushed past her and tried his best not to rip anything out while slowly getting the chair up from in between the wires. She was trying her best to help, but she managed to get herself tangled up and soon tripped once again for the second time today, in front of Pedro. 
At this point, the chair was long forgotten, and whilst she was waiting to hit the floor, two arms caught her before that. 
The moment that happened, a surge of static electricity went through both of them, making both stare at each other, wondering if the other felt it as well.
" I... I am sorry. At least this time, I caught you. " Pedro couldn't explain the shock his system just got just by breaking her fall. Did she feel it, too? By the look on her face, she must have.
"It's okay. Told you I was clumsy. The chances of me falling for a second time today were very high. Thank you for catching me, though." She was looking into his eyes, trying to understand what just happened. She steadied herself while going away from his grasp, trying to get herself back to normal.
The loss of connection made him shiver, but soon was replaced by a warm feeling as she looked back at him smiling, asking him if he's ready to go as she needed to close up .
" Let me grab my bag, and we'll be on our way. I am sorry it took longer than expected, but again, it was not my fault as you couldn't stop smiling in the photos you were supposed to be serious in." Olivia said while playfully pointing at him. " All your fault Pedro".
Hearing his name coming from her felt so familiar and intimate. Sure, he's had relationships before and was in love, but he never felt this familiarity so early into knowing someone. He never felt like it was meant to be at any point, let alone right from the start. He's always had to work to get to a point where being near a woman felt comfortable enough for him to feel that intimacy building up.
With Olivia, everything was different. She was different. 
And as they both parted ways he turned around to take one last glimpse at her walking away in her slippers and soon disappearing from his view.
He felt the need to run after her and ask if she was hungry and maybe if she would like to grab something with him, but he didn't, and what a hard decision that was for him. 
While in his apartment, the whole day kept running circles in his brain, and that`s when it hit him. He was supposed to catch her the first time around, in the coffee shop. He was supposed to break her fall. Otherwise, how can he explain the fact that he has a red mark on his right cheek, the same as hers?
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busstalks · 16 days
Best 10 Business Strategies for year 2024
In 2024 and beyond, businesses will have to change with the times and adjust their approach based on new and existing market realities. The following are the best 10 business approach that will help companies to prosper in coming year
1. Embrace Sustainability
The days when sustainability was discretionary are long gone. Businesses need to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) values into their business practices. In the same vein, brands can improve brand identity and appeal to environmental advocates by using renewable forms of energy or minimizing their carbon footprints.
Example: a fashion brand can rethink the materials to use organic cotton and recycled for their clothing lines. They can also run a take-back scheme, allowing customers to return old clothes for recycling (not only reducing waste but creating and supporting the circular economy).
2. Leverage AI
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AI is revolutionizing business operations. Using AI-fuelled solutions means that you can automate processes, bring in positive customer experiences, and get insights. AI chatbots: AI can be utilized in the form of a conversational entity to support and perform backend operations, as well.
With a bit more specificity, say for example that an AI-powered recommendation engine recommends products to customers based on their browsing history and purchase patterns (as the use case of retail). This helps to increase the sales and improve the shopping experience.
3. Prioritize Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is of utmost important as more and more business transitions towards digital platforms. Businesses need to part with a more substantial amount of money on advanced protective measures so that they can keep sensitive data private and continue earning consumer trust. Regular security audits and training of employees can reduce these risks.
Example: A financial services firm may implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all online transactions, regularly control access to Internet-facing administrative interfaces and service ports as well as the encryption protocols to secure client data from cyberattacks.
4. Optimizing Remote and Hybrid Working Models
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Remote / hybrid is the new normal Remote teams force companies to implement effective motivation and management strategies. Collaboration tools and a balanced virtual culture can improve productivity and employee satisfaction.
- Illustration: a Tech company using Asana / Trello etc. for pm to keep remote teams from falling out of balance. They can also organise weekly team-building activities to keep a strong team spirit.
5. Focus on Customer Experience
Retention and growth of the sales follow-through can be tied to high quality customer experiences. Harness data analytics to deepen customer insights and personalize product offers making your marketing campaigns personal: a customer support that is responsive enough can drive a great level of returning customers.
Example – For any e-commerce business, you can take user experience feedback tools to know about how your customers are getting along and make necessary changes. Custom email campaigns and loyalty programs can also be positively associated with customer satisfaction and retention.
6. Digitalization Investment
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It is only the beginning of digital transformation which we all know, is key to global competitiveness. For streamlining, companies have to adopt the use advanced technologies such as Blockchain Technology and Internet of Things (IoT) in conjunction with cloud computing.
IoT example : real-time tracking and analytics to optimize supply chain management
7. Enhance Employee Skills
Develop Your Employees: Investing in employee development is key to succeeding as a business. The training is provided for the folks of various industries and so employees can increase their skills that are needed to work in a certain company. Employee performance can be enhanced by providing training programs in future technology skills and soft skills and job satisfaction.
Example: A marketing agency can host webinars or create courses to teach people the latest digital marketing trends and tools This can help to keep employees in the know which results in boosting their skills, making your campaigns successful.
8. Diversify Supply Chains
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The ongoing pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of global supply chains. …diversify its supply base and promote the manufacturing of drugs in Nigeria to eliminate total dependence on a single source. In return, this approach increases resilience and reduces exposure to the risks of supply chain interruption.
- E.g., a consumer electronics company can source components from many suppliers in various regions. In so doing, this alleviates avoidable supply chain interruptions during times of political tensions or when disasters hit.
9. Make Decisions Based on Data
A business database is an asset for businesses. By implementing data, they allow you to make decisions based on the data that your analytics tools are providing. For example, sales analysis lets you track trends and better tailor your goods to the market.
Example: A retail chain can use data analytics to find out when a customer buys, and it change their purchasing policies. This can also reduce overstock and stockouts while overall, increasing efficiency.
10. Foster Innovation
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Business Growth Innovation is Key A culture of creativity and experimentation should be established in companies. Funding R&D and teaming with startups can open many doors to both solve problems creatively but also tap into new markets.
Example: A software development firm could create an innovation lab where team members are freed to work on speculative projects. Moreover, work with start-ups on new technologies and solutions.
By adopting these strategies, businesses can navigate the turbulence for 2024 and roll up market — progressive.AI with an evolving dynamic market, being ahead of trends and updated is most likely will help you thrive in the business landscape.
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
If you can’t tell, I’ve been having way to much fun with the polls feature here on tumblr, so while I work on chapter 3 of Bean Sprout, I thought I’d let y’all pick which second series I start on my page for a different Yellowjacket girl! These fics will be multiple parts, but shorter than Bean Sprout will be for reference. Probably between 5-10 chapters each.
✰ Out of the Doghouse - 20’s Van x reader
After a lot of consideration with her therapist, Van has coke to the concussion that it’s time to work on getting over her fear of dogs. She starts volunteering in her free time at an animal shelter, gradually working up from small animals like reptiles, rodents and cats to smaller dogs and then the big dogs. It’s a lengthy process, but it helps that there’s a very sweet employee always checking in and keeping her company…
✰ The Love Letter Campaign - 1996 Shauna x reader
Sweet, brown-eyed Shauna's always got her nose in a book and a way with words. Just not the words that come from her mouth. So, when she finds herself in the predicament of crushing on the new girl in her English class, she resorts to writing everything she'd like to say down in her diary and on random slips of papers to namelessly hide in her crushes desk, hoping she'll gain the courage to say those words out loud hopefully before she graduates
✰ Stupid With Love - 1996 Misty x reader
Misty didn’t think much of it when her neighbor and primary babysitting client let her know that her niece would be moving in. However, upon meeting said niece, who would also be the new girl in her math class, Misty must face a whirlwind of new and unfamiliar feelings as she’s stuck swing the same face everywhere
✰ How to Mastermind a Girlfriend - 2021 Misty x reader
On a night out to a new club with her friends, Misty takes a liking to a strange woman who she finds quite interesting. After not being able to forget the interaction, she makes it her mission to try and find her again by any means necessary
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
WASHINGTON −The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected an appeal from ex-Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti over his 2020 conviction for scheming to extort up to $25 million from shoemaker Nike, one of three cases that put him behind bars.
Avenatti, the disgraced celebrity lawyer who rose to fame battling former President Donald Trump over a hush money payoff to Daniels, was sentenced to 2 ½ years in prison after his conviction on charges that included attempted extortion and honest-services fraud.
Avenatti had threatened to reveal what he claimed was evidence that Nike made improper payments to high school basketball players unless the company paid $1.5 million to one of his clients and $15 million to $25 million for him and an associate to conduct an investigation of Nike. 
The California attorney argued he had engaged in legal settlement discussions with Nike for his client, an Amateur Athletic Union basketball coach who had made the allegations against Nike. The company has denied any wrongdoing.
The worst he can be guilty of, Avenatti’s public defender told the Supreme Court, is abusing his fiduciary responsibility to his client by leveraging the client to get his own payment.
But the New York-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit last year said it’s not reasonable to believe that Avenatti was acting in his client’s interests, instead of his own, when he wanted Nike to pay him millions of dollars in exchange for not publicly going after the company.
The district judge overseeing the case said the evidence showed Avenatti hijacked his client’s claim “to pursue his own agenda, which was to obtain a multi-million windfall for himself.”
Avenatti also tried to argue that the criminal code used to charge him with honest-services fraud is unconstitutionally vague.
The Justice Department said the code meets the required standard of an ordinary person being able to understand the prohibited conduct and does not lead to arbitrary enforcement.
The federal mail and wire fraud statute says criminal activity includes “a scheme or artifice to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services.”
The Supreme Court ruled in 2010 that the law covers bribery and kickback schemes and is not unconstitutionally vague.
The conviction Avenatti unsuccessfully appealed is not the only legal trouble he’s faced since his high-profile days of representing Daniels in a lawsuit over what she said was a bid by Trump during his presidential campaign to prevent her from speaking about having sex with him.
In June of 2022, Avenatti was sentenced to four years in prison for stealing book proceeds from Daniels.
Six months later he was sentenced to another 14 years for cheating clients out of millions of dollars and failing to pay taxes.
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decoraciondigital · 2 months
Essential Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
Every entrepreneur has a concern in his mind about, how can I turn my small business into a multi-national company, but doesn’t have any idea where to start, in this blog, DDMS has brought “Essential Digital Marketing Strategies” which are necessary for small business & startups to gain maximum reach and ROI When someone opens their business for the first time, they usually don’t concentrate on attracting their customers or clients, they sometimes become dependent on offline marketing strategies like - newspaper ads, flyers, etc. Companies have a perception in their mind that if they provide quality products and high-standard services, they will eventually grow their customer base. 
There are many solutions out there, conventional marketing has its advantages but there is a more simpler and effective solution, Nowadays it is essential for businesses and brands to go for digital marketing, Ignoring digital marketing risks small businesses falling behind and being overtaken by competing companies. It is essential to make your online presence in today’s world.
Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses -
So how can a business start using ‘digital marketing strategies.’ How can you run ads that will generate more revenue for your company, what to post on your social media handles to gain reach and engagement, If you also have these types of questions in your mind then DDMS is here to help you out. The simplest and easiest way is to work with a digital Marketing Services Provider by doing this you’ll save time & also you don’t have to worry about anything, But things still have to be defined by you like what is campaign and what is your purpose to get the most out of it. Here are some tips to get you started, 
Identify your company’s main objective
You must know the main objective of your campaign before starting it, or the services that you going to start related to digital marketing, Always examine your results and techniques of digital marketing strategies for more website traffic, lead generation & brand recognition, obtaining more customer base, Etc. 
Competitor analysis and target audience 
If you want to expand your business the major thing you have to do is competitor analysis, it will give you an idea of who are you competing with what are their USPs, and What are they posting & also you’ll get to know hot make your product and service better, this information can be used effectively for greater insights into the tactics and strategies used by our competitors.
Build your online presence on social media
Social Media is an essential & effective ‘Digital Marketing Strategy,’ a business must have a social media profile defining about company’s product or services in an engaging way that the audience likes. Nowadays, customers who are willing to buy first open social media to see the company’s account, social media is a really important factor in growing your business because it gives you access to engage with your targeted audience, building your brand reputation & making customer relations in a really simple way. 
Post Videos or Reels
Single posts or carousel posts are not that popular digital marketing strategy on Instagram & Facebook in comparison to videos that we upload, videos get more reach and become more effective if they are engaging, videos can also be used by brands for conveying their message to their audience resulting in building a connection, It doesn’t matter whether they are informational, Promotional or Humorous video, the main purpose is that it should be relatable so that it gets likes and shares, It needs efforts to make, but it is well-worthy
Advantages of digital marketing for small businesses
These are some of the key benefits that small businesses can get after implementing these digital marketing strategies.
Cost-Effective: Digital marketing mostly costs less than conventional marketing, making it accessible for small businesses that are not willing to pay more for marketing.
Targeted Reach: It allows small businesses to target their specific audiences based on their Behaviour, Interests & demographics, Which leads them to the customers solely based on their niche. Cost-Effective: Digital marketing services mostly cost less than conventional marketing, making it accessible for small businesses that are not willing to pay more for marketing.
Targeted Reach: It allows small businesses to target their specific audiences based on their Behaviour, Interests & demographics, Which leads them to the customers solely based on their niche.
Measurable Results: Digital marketing provides detailed analytics and insights, Which help businesses track their performances and make decisions based on business insights.
Increased Visibility: Digital Marketing makes online presence through search engines and social media, helping businesses attract more customers and increase brand awareness.
Improved Engagement: Social media platforms and email marketing allow businesses to direct interaction with customers, resulting in customer relationships and loyalty.
Greater Flexibility: Digital marketing strategies can be adjusted easily based on performance and changing market conditions, offering agility and adaptability.
Global Reach: It enables businesses to reach their audience globally without the need for a physical presence of a company in multiple locations.
Enhanced Customer Insights: Businesses can gather valuable data about customer preferences and behaviors, helping to tailor products and services to better meet their needs.
Brand Building: Consistent and strategic digital marketing helps in establishing and strengthening a brand’s identity and credibility.
Increased Conversion Rates: Well-optimized digital marketing strategies can lead to higher conversion rates, turning prospects into customers more effectively.
Digital marketing can seem difficult, but the right strategies can make all the difference for small businesses. By focusing on clear goals, understanding your competition, and engaging effectively on social media, you can significantly boost your online presence and grow your business.
At DDMS (Decoracion Digital Marketing Services), we’re here to simplify the process. Our team offers tailored Digital Marketing Services to help you achieve your goals with ease. Let us handle the details so you can concentrate on what you do best—running your business.
Ready to elevate your digital marketing game? Contact DDMS today and let’s get started on your path to success!
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charlotteswebbbbb · 4 months
What's the vibe? #62
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MyTheresa are probably one of the only e-tailers to say they're making quite big leaps in profit. "The Munich-based luxury e-tailer’s net sales jumped 18 percent to €234 million ($253 million) in its fiscal third quarter that ended in March. It expects net sales for the year to grow as much as 13 percent to €869 million"
+ "Mytheresa’s steady rise in sales has been attributed to the retailer’s ability to differentiate its offering from competitors. In the third quarter, it released exclusive capsule collections with Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Loewe and Brunello Cucinelli. The company also focuses on wooing its top spending clients with special events — a recent example is a 24-hour event with Paris-based label Courrèges in Shanghai for top clients that included a brand exhibition, a meeting with the brand’s creative director Nicolas Di Felice and a private dinner."
Alongside that they're thinking of acquiring Yoox-Net-A-Porter. But we'll see.
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Cannes is on right now so here's my top films which I'm predicting will be big over the next year....Furiosa to start with, but it's a big budget film directed by so to be expected.
The Shrouds (dir David Cronenberg)
Kinds of Sadness (dir Yorgos Lanthimos)
The Substance (dir. Coralie Fargeat)
The Balconettes (dir Noemie Merlant)
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High fashion strategy of appealing to the young when you’re an old maison!
So Chanel has a Timothee Chamalet ad, directed by Martin Scorsese! Cinema!
Dior Ambassador Rosalía!
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Louis Vuitton doing a Federer + Nadal ad
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Weddings being more niche and unique than ever:
SSense launching their wedding campaign with the cutest couples has me thinking. Vogue wedding announcements are nice but this isn't similar. This is the unconventional and so are the designers in their edit - Chopova, Shushu/Tong and Anna Sui re-edits from the past.
^ From 2021
Weddings being a big business means that wedding dresses aren't necessarily applicable in every edit. They can be from ready-to-wear or custom. Younger generations are finding it easier to splurge on a designer dress more than ever, especially from a much more independent designer. They want the unique, something that someone else doesn't have.
I'm sure this is also applicable to wedding destinations also - putting this alongside maybe the rise of Luna Luna fake weddings, Usher getting married at Elvis chapel in Vegas, having custom photo booths and 7 outfits. (See New Yorker Gia Kuan)
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Anything else:
Losing it with Blackbird Spyplane this week....
Ending the piece with: "And remember that a ravenous desire for cool clothes is tight so long as you keep it “gourmand” mode and avoid slipping into “glutton” mode, where, in the throes of a boundless acquisitive frenzy, you keep shoving food down your face without even tasting it, without thinking about how it got on your plate — without ever stopping to consider whether you’re enjoying it or not."
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apcseo · 4 months
Unveiling the Significance of Advertising Agencies in Delhi, NCR
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Uncover the crucial role advertising agencies play in shaping brand communication and driving success in Delhi NCR.
In the bustling metropolis of Delhi National Capital Region (NCR), the role of advertising agencies stands as a pivotal force shaping the landscape of marketing and brand communication. These agencies serve as the creative nucleus, strategically driving campaigns, and executing ideas to catapult brands into the spotlight.
Advertising agencies are the powerhouse behind the successful promotion of products and services. They function as specialized entities, equipped with a diverse team comprising copywriters, graphic designers, marketing strategists, media planners, and creative directors. Their primary objective is to craft compelling campaigns that resonate with the target audience.
The importance of advertising agencies in Delhi NCR cannot be overstated. Here's why:
1. Strategic Planning: A key strength lies in their ability to strategize. Advertising agencies in Delhi NCR meticulously analyze client needs, market competition, and audience demographics to tailor campaigns that yield optimal results.
2. Expertise and Creativity: These agencies house individuals with a deep understanding of market trends, consumer behavior, and innovative techniques. They fuse creativity with market insights to develop unique campaigns that capture attention and drive engagement.
3. Multi-Channel Approach: With the dynamic nature of advertising platforms, agencies adapt swiftly. They leverage various mediums such as digital, print, television, radio, and social media to ensure comprehensive brand visibility.
4. Brand Development: These agencies aid in shaping and reinforcing brand identities. They create cohesive narratives that establish brand recall and foster consumer loyalty, ultimately contributing to long-term success.
5. Measurable Results: Through data analytics and performance tracking, agencies provide clients with measurable results. This transparency enables adjustments and fine-tuning of strategies for maximum efficiency.
6. Local Insights and Global Reach: Operating in the diverse market of Delhi NCR, these agencies comprehend the local nuances while also having the expertise to extend campaigns globally, ensuring a wider reach.
In the bustling corporate landscape of Delhi NCR, the competition is fierce. Thus, having a proficient advertising agency by one's side becomes indispensable. These agencies act as partners, steering brands through the maze of marketing challenges, guiding them towards success.
For businesses in Delhi NCR aiming to establish a strong market presence and connect deeply with their audience, collaborating with an adept advertising agency serves as a catalyst. It not only amplifies brand visibility but also establishes an emotional connection, leading to brand loyalty and sustained growth.
In conclusion, advertising agencies in Delhi NCR are not just facilitators of marketing campaigns; they are architects of brand stories, orchestrators of creative endeavors, and catalysts for business growth in an ever-evolving market. Their significance remains pivotal, acting as the cornerstone for brands aiming to thrive amidst fierce competition and changing consumer landscapes.
This post was originally published on: Apppl Combine
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salesmarkglobal · 5 months
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B2B Customer Acquisition Strategy By Intent-driven Content Syndication
Use SalesMark Global's B2B customer acquisition strategy to unleash the power of precision. We link you with prospects who are actively looking for solutions with powerful data insights and personalised content, making sure your message is precisely received. We find prospects exhibiting buying signs by utilising intent data and advanced targeting strategies, which maximises engagement and conversion rates. What distinguishes us? Our patented technology, strategic alliances, and industry knowledge produce outstanding outcomes that quicken your sales funnel. Using intent-based content amplification and multi-touch campaigns, we maximise each touchpoint to produce high-quality leads. Put your faith in SalesMark Global to up your B2B client acquisition game.
To Learn More about Account Based Marketing Strategies Visit SalesMark Global
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eulaties · 2 years
fics that have an asterisk (*) in front of them are my personal favorites!
this list was last updated on 1/3/23.
NOTE: most of these contain the ship taishakuten/asura!
*on the long path • one-shot • taishakuten/asura
SUMMARY: “war is long and arduous, but in the midst of their campaign, taishakuten and asura have a few moments to themselves in the afterglow of victory.”
TAGS: unresolved pining, non-sexual intimacy, domestic fluff, taisha doing asura’s hair, set before everything goes wrong
*thus, the guiltless • one-shot • taishakuten/asura
SUMMARY: “the heart he possesses does a certain peculiar thing. taishakuten merely deals with it.”
TAGS: canon-compliant, unreliable narrator, dreams, yearning, prose, angst, ambiguous ending
*love of you is my most cherished thing • one-shot • taishakuten/asura
SUMMARY: “the night before he is to meet asura again, taishakuten sits down to write a letter long overdue.”
TAGS: canon-compliant, formatted like a letter, the pining is strong here, pure angst, T_T
*crane in reed • multi-chapter (24/24) • susanoo/orochi
SUMMARY: “four seasons pass. two gods, and their love story.”
TAGS: slow burn, dream-like existence, mutual pining, angst, domestic fluff, living together, in which you don’t know how much someone means to you until you lose them, grief & mourning, the plot twist crushed me, takamagahara-typical politics, this is a sacred space where we only acknowledge the existence of the may 2022 scrolls, oct 2022 event? whats that?
NOTES: this is an excellent fic, but you will have to use google translate if you want to read it (unless you already know how to read traditional chinese). totally worth it though!!!
to have, and to hold • one-shot • taishakuten/asura
SUMMARY: “taishakuten had always known that asura wanted him.”
TAGS: mind reading, slow burn, angst, open-ended ending
towards the light • one-shot • taishakuten/asura
SUMMARY: “tonight was the festival of lights, and taishakuten was well aware of the collective regret in the camp that they weren’t at home celebrating in the capital. it was the most cherished of holidays among celestials, and tonight zenken would be awash in light, with crystal lanterns and fairy lights in every window and tree.”
TAGS: fluff, holidays, taishura are actually happy here i promise, mutual pining, but not quite lovers yet
hell take us (heaven can wait) • one-shot • taishakuten/asura
SUMMARY: “taishakuten flew. oh, how he had flown, soaring to a height most celestials could only ever dream of reaching — and it was all for this. to cast himself down, down, down — falling into the depths of history, so that his asura could bask in the light that was so rightfully his. asura falling with him, however, was not included in his plans.”
TAGS: takes place in the finale, canon-divergent fix-it, happy ending
en-goose-ubi getting taishura together • one-shot • taishakuten/asura
SUMMARY: “when a client tells enmusubi that taishakuten and asura have lost all memories of ever being married, she decides to try her hand at fixing things.” OR: the answer to all our problems is always enmusubi.
TAGS: post-canon, fluff, humor, enmusubi best matchmaker fr
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leads-view · 7 months
Testing and Optimizing Your Email Templates: A/B Testing, Load Times, and Compatibility
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In an era where email marketing is more important than ever, a well-crafted email template is crucial in delivering your message effectively and driving conversions. However, to achieve the best results, simply creating an aesthetically pleasing or content-rich email template isn't enough — it needs to be optimized through thorough testing. In this blog, we will explore how to test and optimize your email templates through A/B testing, checking load times, and ensuring compatibility.
A/B Testing Your Email Templates
A/B testing, also known as split testing, involves creating two different versions of an email to see which performs better. Here's how you can implement it:
Identify a component of your email you wish to test. This could be the subject line, email copy, call-to-action, or design elements like colors and font size. Send one variant to a subset of your email list and the other variant to another subset. Ensure that variables such as sending time and day are the same to maintain testing accuracy. Analyze the results based on your key performance indicators, such as open rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate.
A/B testing offers insights into your audience preferences and helps to continuously improve and optimize your emails based on empirical evidence.
Checking Load Times
If your email takes too long to load, readers are likely to close it before even viewing its content. Here's how you can optimize load times: Image Optimization: Use compressed images with smaller file sizes. Services like TinyPNG can help reduce image sizes without compromising quality. Simplifying HTML: Excessive or messy HTML coding can also extend load times. Ensure your code is clean, minimalist, and efficient. Limiting Content: Although it’s important to provide valuable content, too much text or too many images can impact load times. Remember, the quicker an email loads, the more likely the recipient is to engage with its content.
Ensuring Compatibility
With a variety of email clients, devices, and screen sizes in use by your email list, ensuring compatibility is crucial. Here's how you can do it: Mobile Optimization: A large portion of emails are opened on mobile devices. Therefore, your template should be responsive, with content that resizes and reorders itself for smaller screens. Multi-client Compatibility: Test your template across different email clients (like Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, etc.) to ensure it displays properly. Tools like Litmus can help with this. Include a 'View in Web Browser' link: This allows users who experience issues viewing your email in their client to view it directly in their web browser. It's crucial that everyone on your email list can view and interact with your email correctly to deliver a consistent experience.
Successful email marketing relies heavily on the effectiveness of your email templates. By A/B testing your emails, optimizing load times, and ensuring compatibility across devices and email clients, you can dramatically improve the success of your email campaigns. Remember, persistently testing, learning, and optimizing is the key to success in any email marketing strategy.
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