#Munitorum Armoured Containers
thesixthchaosgod · 1 year
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Painted some barrels!
Some said painting yellow is hard but for whatever reason the grey ones gave me much more trouble to look good. Primed them in Wraithbone then i used 2 coats of Averland Sunset and a extra tinned coat of Reikland Fleshshade and the yellow looked fine! The grey too 4 coats of Eshin Grey before i said you're gonna be Skavenblight Dinge instead and that did cover properly. Paints are weird mkay :)
Also an oil wash to grime them up like the containers had
the radioactive leakage is done with Moot Green with any white paint and then a layer or 2 of Vallejo green fluorescent paint.
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bommel-tabletop · 2 years
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good afternoon!
had time to continue working on the containers a bit, they got a drybrushin and I started putting decals onto them now
the decals are surprisingly time intensive (I'm applying them on both sides so it looks the same no matter how you turn it), but also quite neat to see it coming together after all the decals are on it's off for an inbetween varnish and then it's time to get dirty
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titanomancy · 3 months
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The algorithm is fickle, but sometimes Insta serves up some quality content.
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pictor-occidens · 1 year
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Completed the scatter terrain and crates from the Munitorum armoured container kit in a bid to get enough built for an entire table in November. They were a very quick and dirty build, but overall happy with how they turned out. I might come back and add some detail to the crates at a later date.
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hopeminiatures · 1 year
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Munitorum Armoured Containers
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spikeybits · 2 years
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Build your own Solarii with this awesome and quick tutorial from @bjarnidali Here are some quick tips from them: The nose and rear of the craft are made from a Stormraven Gunship, carefully cut in half. The images should make the placement fairly clear, but I will see if I can make a proper guide over this week. I converted my turret so it mounts a pair of Multilasers (not shown here), mostly to downgrade the firepower of the craft. I also skipped the rockets and missiles, as well as the Hurricane Bolters. After all, I was looking for a civilian craft profile. 😊 The middle section was made from a pair of Munitorum Armoured Containers, with most of the panels cut out of the sides and top. I did this to change the look of them, and add some sci-fi style. This bit isn't strictly necessary but helps hide the origin of those parts. The Container claws were made from platform supports, found in the Thatos Pattern: Platforms and Walkways kit. The backing steel behind the claws was made from walkway parts from that same kit. The last containers are from the two Munitorum kits, which I mount on the claws as transport goods. So, this is the ultra-short version of a build log. I will see about making a longer one, but hopefully, this will be enough to get people started on their own Solarii. . . . . #warhammer40k #warhammer #40k #ageofsigmar #miniature #miniaturewargaming #wargaming #warmongers #paintingwarhammer #miniaturepainting #art #tabletopgaming #hobby #spikeybits #paintingminis #new40k #aos #eisenhorn #blacklibrary #killteam #40kkillteam
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After several months lying half finished on my desk, I finally finished this Munitorum Armoured Container which will go with my Genestealer Cult: The Coronid Watchmen.
This container was on a bulk cargo hauler travelling to Segmentum Obscurus and after the hauler docked at Telestation Alpha in the Coronid Deeps for a re-supply, the Watchmen managed to slip this container along with several others off the ship and steal the goods within for their own nefarious purposes.
Once I got past the early stages of putting base colours down and doing the first shading washes, this was actually really fun to paint. I enjoyed trying the rust effects and am pretty happy with how they look, although I want to try and improve the vertical streaks a bit more.
Hope you folks like it, let me know what you think!
Happy Hobbying
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cam2d · 2 years
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Munitorum Armored Container; a bit of a palate cleanser.
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thesixthchaosgod · 1 year
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Trust the process!
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Some Munitorum Armoured Containers!
Quick, easy, done and dusted (or weathered and rusted? Idk). Quite happy with how old and dirty they're looking though, this also was another good learning experience with oil paints for me!
Also a sneaky fire warrior seems to have tagged a container! He could draw very well! (or he just used a decal hèhè, guess we shall never know)
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bommel-tabletop · 2 years
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Still couldn't replace my camera for the DOOM mini photoshoot, I got one picked out, just waiting for the price to come back down a bit after black Friday shenanigans
In the meantime I've started on my next project which was very airbrush heavy so far, an Oppressor (slightly upscaled) and Molly (which isn't on this pic cause I forgot) from Deep Rock Galactic, which is going to be a present for a pal and a bunch of shipping containers that I wanna use to finally learn a bit more about weathering
Hopefully gonna be able to update you all on the Camera thing soon!
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bommel-tabletop · 2 years
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good evening,
eagle eyed peeps will recognize these contianers from when I airbrushed the Oppressor and since then I finished base layers and gave them a heavy wash
now it's time for me to dip my toes into rusting and weathering, which is probably the things I have least experience in
got myself some pigments which I wanna try out, other than that I don't really have much of a plan, so if anyone got some snazzy tutorials or advice, feel free to drop em off!
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bommel-tabletop · 2 years
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Had time to varnish the barrels and containers yesterday, so I was able to give the barrels their final radioactive touch with some glowy goop
also added some into the radioactive hazard container for extra effect since I made a bit too much
now I can proceed to weather the containers and do some chipping and rusting
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bommel-tabletop · 2 years
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Good afternoon everyone,
the first container weathing should be done, I think I'll work through each of them one by one since it's nice having that "finished" feeling
still have to do the lamps before wrapping it up completely, might do all of em together at the very end though
feedback on this as usual appreciated!
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Started working on some more terrain for the Ash Wastes project. This will eventually be a raised walkway/gantry that will span between the platforms. Cutting out all of the armoured Munitorum container panels was tough work and I managed to slice my hand open doing it, but the end result is one I’m very pleased with. I got the idea from another hobbyist on Instagram (@bjarndali for anyone who wants to check him out).
Still need to add some more details such as pipes, ducts and stuff but I’m happy with it so far.
Happy Hobbying
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Just like the saying goes, you wait ages for a Munitorum Armoured Container to come along, and then two come along at once!
I finished the second container this week and this time I went for a darker colour scheme overall.
This particular container was on its way from Mordian and contained a cache of regimental armaments and supplies which were gratefully accepted by the skulking members of the Coronid Watchmen. The weapons found inside the container will be of great use to the Watchmen as they spread their influence across the Coronid Deeps...
I’ve really enjoyed painting terrain recently and I have a few more kits in the early stages of completion just now, mainly for Age of Sigmar.
Happy Hobbying
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