queenimmadolla · 1 year
there will never be a better depiction for what it feels like to read a 🤚🏻 last name!reader fic thank you victorious lmao
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drmaddict · 8 months
Her Wolf
Summary: (Y/n) and Jason are a couple in secret. Everything is perfect. But (Y/n)s brother Eddie had to find out sometime.
Word count: 1.678
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How the two had come together was easy to answer.
Jason and (Y/n) had bumped into each other absolutely drunk at a party. Before (Y/n) knew it, she was in an empty bedroom with Jason over her and she was having the best night of her life. Jason was no saint by God. He had taken her like a wild animal and she had surrendered to it all too willingly.
In fact, it should have stayed that way. Jason Carver and (y/n) Munson. It wasn't going to work out anyway.
It's just that it didn't stay that way.
(Y/n) held back, though she couldn't get that night out of her mind. Secretly, she watched him. Tried to sense the beast that was hidden deep within this golden boy.
She didn't see it again until it pulled her into a cubbyhole. He was the wolf and she was Little Red Riding Hood.
Their meetings happend more often.
And if it had remained that way. If they met only because of Sex and lust, both would have understood it.
But at some point, the nature of the relationship changed. At some point, they went out to have coffee in a larger city. At some point, the wolf pulled his Little Red Riding Hood into the closet just to kiss her, suck in her scent, and be wished good luck for the game.
At some point, they slipped notes to each other. At some point, she was in his arms in the back seat of his Jeep, enjoying the warmth of togetherness.
It remained a secret. They both wanted it. What they had was untainted by the outside world. It was supposed to stay that way. But unfortunately, everything had an end at some point.
(Y/n) was lying on the sofa in the trailer. Wayne was at work and Eddie would be busy enough with Hellfire for a long time.
Jason, her wolf, was lying over her. He wasn't kissing her neck. He was biting it. She wasn't holding onto his back. She was scratching him open.
Pleasurable and hard, they gave themselves over to lust. Bathed in sin. Let themselves be devoured and devoured each other.
Jason's skillful didacticism was long gone. He moaned. He grunted. He growled.
She came. Tightened around him, draining even the last of his humanity.
Hard and rough, he bit the crook of her neck. Growled possessively and poured himself inside her.
Breathing heavily, they lay there. Slowly he withdrew his teeth and carefully kissed the bruised area. The imprint was deep. A whimper escaped him. Immediately he felt gentle fingers running through his hair. He pulled her protectively against him. Neither of them said anything.
She let him hold her. He let himself be caressed.
Jason firmly believed that he was wrong. That he shouldn't feel this way. Beating someone in a fight was one thing, but taking a woman so.... To take her so animalistically. He was no better than an animal, no matter how hard he tried to pull himself together in the rest of his life. No matter how perfect he tried to be. In the end, he was just an animal. But (Y/n) accept the animal. Her wolf, she called it. She took him as he was. Full of flaws. His little angel.
It was one of those days when it was hard for him to form words after the act. (Y/n) put him back together again. Gently and sweetly.
"Are you okay?" she asked softly.
Jason nodded, still shaken. "Yes." he whispered back. His voice was hoarse and still a little too low. "I'm sorry." He gently stroked the bite marks. He looked up into her smiling face. She shook her head. "I like it."
He grinned with tired eyes. "Freak." He said it with affection, not hate.
She nudged him in the shoulder with an equal grin. "Says the right guy."
"We should shower," she suggested, but he immediately wrapped his arms tighter around her.
"Not yet." He buried his face against the crook of her neck and took a deep breath. "How long do we have?"
"I don't know. These games can last hours."
And normaly (Y/n) would have been right about that. Except in normal circumstances, Dustin didn't fell over because of an allergic shock.
Jason was just scraping back together the last of his humanity, listening to (Y/n)s hum when a dull bang sounded. Jason turned around in surprise. (Y/n) immediately frantically pulled the small wool blanket over them.
Standing in front of them was a dim-witted Eddie Munson. His metal box lay forgotten beside him.
No one said anything until Eddie snapped out of his stupor. "You son of a-"
He had not been able to taken a step toward them, when (Y/n) stood up, the blanket wrapped around her.
"Take it easy." she determined.
"He - You... What?"
She turned him by the shoulder and pushed him toward the front door. "I'll get dressed now, and you practice how to speek."
With that, she slammed the front door and turned to Jason. He was still staring at her in shock.
"Jason?" she asked, when she realized he was lying there stiff as a board. He was shaking slightly.
"Jason. It's all right. He's not going to do anything."
Jason shook his head. He buried his face in his hands. "He'll tell everyone," he said, upset.
She stroked his silky strands. "Would it be so bad?"
He took a deep breath. "They'll be all over you. The rumors will get worse and worse, and eventually you'll leave me."
"Jason. Jason look at me." The blue eyes looked up at her sadly. "I'm not leaving because of any rumors or high school jokes." She took his face in her hands. "But your reputation might-"
He shook his head. "It's not real anyway." He stroked her neck. "Look at what I always do to you."
She sighed. "Let's get dressed and then I'll beat him into keeping his mouth shut." She kissed him on the forehead. Jason nodded and fished his gym pants off the floor.
(Y/n) came back in a shirt and shorts and yanked open the door. Immediately Eddie came into the room. "I'm against this! This stops right now!" he shouted and ran into the trailer like a startled chicken.
"Self-determination is not happening here?" asked (Y/n) sarcastically.
"No! You're my little sister!"
She slapped her hand to her forehead. "Eddie!" she ripened, annoyed.
"If you're just playing with her to-"
"Get a grip, Freak." Jason immediately spat.
"I've got better things to do, than pick girls based solely on how much it bothers you."
Eddie looked at him venomously. "If you hurt her, and I swear by all the gods I've ever heard of, you'll spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair."
Jason looked at him, unimpressed. They both crossed their arms in front of their chests.
"WE decide when this comes out! Got that Freak?!"
Eddie stretched out his hand to Jason. Jason gripped it exaggeratedly tight.
Eddie turned to her. "There's no fucking in the trailer and - What the hell did you do to her neck? What are you? An octopus?"
Jason turned away from him, annoyed, and reached for his shirt. The fresh, still slightly bloody scratches beamed at Eddie.
He looked back and forth between the two of them with gigantic eyes.
"I'm going to go bleach the images out of my brain," he said monotonously, and walked into his room.
They both looked after him. (Y/n) rolling her eyes. Jason amused. Annoying the freak like that was fun, too.
"That went pretty well, didn't it?" shrugged (Y/n).
Jason looked at her intently. "Is that my shirt?"
"I've been looking for that for weeks!"
"You're welcome to wear it."
"How generous."
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Eddie, as usual, gathered his sheep to go to school. The first was Gareth. He dropped into his seat, exhausted. He whimpered out.
"What's wrong Gareth?" asked Eddie cheerfully as he drove on.
Gareth just gave him a telling look. "What's wrong Gareth?" he mimicked him. He grunted something into his non-existent beard.
(Y/n) smirked. Eddie still thought she knew nothing about the two. After Jason left the night before, Eddie had taken off and did not come back until after midnight. She did not want to know what he had done to Gareth.
"Have you guys ever noticed that Jason's really been leaving us alone lately," Gareth muttered.
Eddie clung tighter to his steering wheel. "No. Why?"
Gareth shrugged. "I'm just saying. Last time he smacked me was probably three months ago or so."
He mused. "Right. At Bowers' party."
Eddie looked stubbornly down the street. She smirked a little to herself. He'd even left them alone when they were just having sex.
Gareth shrugged. "Probably just finally getting laid."
Eddie made a full stop, sending Gareth flying forward. Eddie catched him with one arm.
Eddie looked at (Y/n) nervously. She rolled her eyes. "Just Gareth.", she said firmly.
"She's fucking Carver!" shouted Eddie at Gareth, as if he were a kid telling Mom that the little sister had just stolen his toy.
Gareth turned to her in surprise.
"You guys were the ones in the bedroom at the party? Right? We had to turn the music up to drown your sounds out."
"That's the point you were holding on to now?" asked Eddie, upset.
"You didn't hear that. They were like two wild animals!"
"Lalalalalala!" sang Eddie loudly, and took off again.
Gareth turned back to (Y/n). "Thank you for your service to the community." She nodded, waving it of.
"I won't say anything, if you don't." She held out her hand to him. He took it.
"You don't sound any better.", she muttered. "Just so you know." Eddie looked at her, startled.
"Eyes on the road!" yelled Gareth, grabbing the steering wheel that Eddie had let go in shock.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
ST Gareth Emerson x Munson!Reader - Lessons - 🍋
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Warnings: fluff, smut, NSFW, MDNI, language, dirty talk, oral (f recieving), protected sex, virgin!reader, sub!reader, dom!Gareth
Summary: You convince Gareth to teach you play the drums, after your cousin, Eddie refuses to teach you guitar, much to his dismay.
“Eddie, please?” you whined, sitting beside your older cousin at the lunch table. He rolled his eyes at you, scoffing. 
“I said no.” he replied sternly. “I don’t trust you with my guitar. End of conversation.”
“But you said if I learned an instrument, I could join your band!” you whined. “I’m telling dad you lied.”
Eddie laughed, biting mashed potatoes off his fork. “Go ahead, Wayne likes me more than you anyways.”
You huffed, crossing your arms and pouting as the conversation changed to the plans for Hellfire’s next meeting. All of your conversations went like this. Eddie always hated you being around him and his friends, but he did it because he knew you had trouble making your own. That and his uncle forced him to. Your cousin was also wildly protective of you. On one hand, he didn’t trust anyone else in that damned school to treat you well, but on the other, he didn’t trust his friends. Even though he’d never admit it, Eddie loved you, and knew you were a reasonably attractive girl. He also knew that his entire friend group was wrapped around your pinkie finger. 
Your eyes wandered over to your right, the drummer of Corroded Coffin minding his own business, pushing peas around his lunch tray. “Garrreth....” you cooed, leaning into him, which perked Eddie’s interest. His eyes furrowed as he watched his friend blush over your attention, yet he kept quiet. “Could you give me some lessons?” you asked, flirtatiously, giggling at his reddened cheeks.
“What kind of lessons?” he asked, confused, and a bit taken aback by your sudden attention. 
“Nope.” Eddie shouted, intervening. “(Y/N), fuck off my sheep.” 
“Piss off, Ed, this is an AB conversation, so C your way out of it!” you retorted harshly, before turning back to the junior. Gareth, although he’d never admit to it, had always found it oddly endearing how you could go from cussing Eddie out, to conversing so kindly with someone else back to back. “I was hoping you could teach my how to play the drums. I’m gonna start my own band.” you smiled sweetly, momentarily turning back to stick your tongue out at your kin, hoping your comment would get under his skin. 
“Oh yeah?” he replied with a nervous grin. “I-I mean yeah! Of course I can.” Your cousin glared at you as the bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period, deciding not to say anything else at the time. 
“So...tonight?” you asked, rocking back and forth on your heels.
“Tonight?” he repeated. “Um, yeah, tonight!” you batted your lashes, turning away, adjusting your bag strap on your shoulder. 
“I’ll see you tonight, your place.” With that you left him, walking to your next class. 
“Um, what was that?” Eddie asked Gareth, gripping his shoulder tightly. “You plan on taking my baby cousin to your house? Alone?”
“It’s not like that,” the younger male protested. ”I’m just gonna teach her the basics.”
“Of what, sucking dick?” the senior pressed, narrowing his eyes. 
“Can I level with you?” Eddie seethed, giving Gareth his most intense stare. “That’s my baby cousin. She’s like my fucking sister, make sense?” The junior nodded sharply. “And you’re one of my best friends, I know you, yeah?” He nodded again. “So when she gives you those ‘fuck me’ eyes she always does to get her way and you give in, it doesn't reflect well on you.”
“She doesn’t give me ‘fuck me’ eyes.” Gareth laughed, walking passed his superior, who followed him closely. 
“She so does. And you give in every Goddamn time.” The Hellfire president persisted. “Promise me you won’t fuck my cousin.”
“I promise I won’t fuck your cousin.” the drummer rolled his eyes.
“Sweat it, Goddamnit. Swear on your life that you won’t lest the curse of Vecna strike you down.” Eddie sneared as the pair walked into class. 
“I swear on my life, I won’t fuck your cousin, Eddie.”
You currently sat between Gareth’s legs, both of you on his stool, his sticks grasped firmly in your fingers, which were enveloped by his strong hands. He guided your movement as you created a very simple beat against the drumhead of his snare. He felt like starting with the snare would make things easier for you. You had long since begun to feel timid at the feeling of his body against yours, his torso laying against your back. 
“Do you wanna take a break?” his voice suddenly snapped you out of your trance, making you blink in confusion. 
“I’m sorry, I totally blanked out.” you apologized, twisting your back to look at him, blushing when you found his face to be much closer than you’d anticipated. 
“That’s okay,” he smiled. “Let’s take a break for a sec, you seem distracted.” You were, very much so. “Want a drink?
“Sure, thanks.” you replied, catching the cold can of Coke he tossed at you. 
“So, what do you think you’re having trouble with?” he asked, sitting in a nearby chair, letting you have the stool to yourself. After a moment, you began to miss his warm presence. “(Y/N)?”
“What?” you blushed, embarrassed. “I’m sorry, what’d you say?” Gareth narrowed his eyes, leaning forward toward you. 
“(Y/N), are you feeling okay?” he asked, pressing the back of his hand against your forehead. “Holy shit, you’re burning up.”
You swallowed hard, knowing full and well that you didn’t have a fever. He had a crush on you, you knew that, and you’d always enjoyed teasing him, but you never anticipated you’d be so flustered over Gareth Emerson of all people. “I-I’m fine.” you reassured him with a nervous smile, prompting him to suspiciously sit back down into his chair. “Do you mind if we get back to it?” you asked timidly.
Gareth pulled himself to a stand with a warm smile, coming behind you and sharing the stool with you again. Your breath hitched as you once again felt his body against yours. His hands trailed down your your arms until they reached your fingers, puppeting them to pick the sticks back up. He controlled your movements, guiding you through a simple pattern which, in turn made a very simple beat. “There,” he said with a proud smile, his breath hitting your ear and raising a crop of goose bumps on the back of your neck. “Your getting it now, I knew you could do it.”
Your cheeks burned at his praise as he decided to kick up the difficulty a notch, dragging a cymbal closer. “Alright, (Y/N),” he began, his hands finding yours again. “This is a cymbal, it’s gonna make a kind of ‘tsss’ sound. I gonna give you directions, and I want you to hit the snare and the cymbal based on what I say, okay?”
You nodded, nervous to mess up in front of him, why could couldn’t say. “Do three beats on the snare with your right hand, and one on the cymbal with your left, then repeat until I say to stop.” You hesitantly obeyed his instruction, creating a slow, sloppy copy of the tune in his head. Gareth laughed, his breath once again hitting your ear. “That’s perfect, (Y/N), now try it again, just a little faster this time.” You made a second attempt, this time doubling your tempo, which seemed to please him very much. “Doing so good, so proud of you.” 
Gareth’s praises sank down into the pit of your stomach, collecting in a deep need. Your breath felt heavy, and his even heavier at the base of your neck. You had zoned out, and without even realizing, you’d slowly let your pattern falter until you were no longer moving your hands. His hands neglected yours, now sitting idle between your legs as he tried to check up on you. “Hey, (Y/N), are you okay?” he asked, shaking you by the shoulders gently. Your eyes snapped wide with realization and you launched yourself out of his lap, knocking over instruments you’d just been using.
You shrieked, trying, and ultimately failing to catch them before they hit the ground, a loud racket reverberating between the walls of Gareth’s garage. “Holy shit, I’m so sorry!” you fretted, hands coming up to your face and covering it in humiliation. “I swear I’ll pay for any repairs!”
You knelt down, hastily picking up the snare, inspecting it for damages, your shoulders slumping when you found a few scratches on the glossy side. “Oh my God, it’s scratched, Gareth, I’m so sorry!”
You gently set the drum upright, hoisting the cymbal up next, relieved to not find and surface level damage. “This one looks alright, but if it’s not, just tell me and I swear to God I-I’ll-”
“(Y/N)! Please, stop talking!” You shuddered at his outburst, eyeing him like a lost kitten would a human. You instinctually stumbled back, holding your hands to your chest.
“I-I’m...I’m s-sorry..” you choked out as he took a step toward you. Slowly, Gareth reached out to you, trying to pull you closer to him, but you resisted harshly. 
“(Y/N), please, I’m not gonna hurt you.” he asked, his eyes pleading with you to calm down. You allowed him to pull you in, keeping a cautious demeanor. “I’m not mad.” he finally sighed. “I’m not gonna make you pay for any damages, and I’m not gonna yell at you. It was my fault anyways.”
You glanced up at him sharply. “N-No, it was all my fault!” you protested, but he simply shook his head. 
“It was all me. I shouldn’t have scared you like that. Was just worried is all.” he explained calmly. “What was wrong, by the way?”
Your eyes widened, pulling out of his arms, gaze downcast. “N-Nothing, I’m just distracted, I guess. I’m sorry.” Gareth cocked his brow at you, eyeing you suspiciously.
“You can tell me, I promise I won’t get mad.” He reassured. 
You sighed deeply, mummering under your breath. “I-I’m uncomfortable...”
The boy’s eyes stretched, brows furrowed. “Oh, shit, Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” he stammered, taking a few steps away from you. “God, you probably think I’m a total creep! I wasn’t trying to do anything like that, I swear!” he defended, horrified at the thought of crossing your boundaries, even if it was an accident. 
Your heart ached a bit. You had know he wasn’t trying to touch you inappropriately, but the way he said it almost made him sound disgusted at the thought. “I didn’t think you were, I’m sorry.” you mumbled, ashamed of the energy you’d created in the room. He stared at you from across the room, now a good six feet away, trying to give you space as your gaze was locked onto the concrete floor. “Would you though?” you finally asked, so quietly it was almost a whisper.
“What?” he asked, concern and confusion scribbled all over his face.  
You breathed deeply, mentally unready to say what you were about to say. “W-Would you...if given the chance...ever do that to me?” you asked cautiously, panicking when Gareth’s features contorted into a disturbed expression.
“No! I’d never do that to you, (Y/N), to anyone, actually!” he hollered, entirely freaked out. 
“I-I meant...I’m sorry, I’m just gonna go.” you muttered, ready to just be rid of his presence. You darted for the door and when you felt fingers tangle around your wrists. 
“Please don’t go,” he begged, pulling you back gently. “I’m sorry, explain, please.” Gareth was desperate to understand what you meant for many reasons. For one, you were his friend, and he cared for you, and wanted to know what you were feeling. And two, the thought of you running home and telling Eddie and your father that he’d touched you chilled him to the bone. His friendship with Eddie was strong, sure, but you were his baby cousin, and you had the ability to bring all of Hawkins to your knees if you so pleased, just with the bat of your eyelash, simply because of who you were related to. You stumbled back a bit in his grip, facing him again. “Please, I just want to understand.”
You fidgeted in place, playing with you fingers, eyes still glued to the floor. “Y-you didn’t make me uncomfortable...in a bad way...” you nervously explained. 
“What?” he asked, puzzled. 
“I-I was just wondering if...hypothetically, you would...try something, with permission?” Gareth’s eyes widened, finally grasping what you were talking about. 
“Are you...asking if I would have sex with you?” he questioned cautiously, taking a step closer to you. His cheeks burned when you nodded. “Oh, absolutely. In a fucking heartbeat.” You blushed, not expecting him to answer so frankly, but this was Gareth, after all. He was known for his honesty. “So, when I was sitting behind you earlier,” he began, tilting his head to try and force himself into your peripheral vision. “Was I turning you on?” You nodded, ashamed, and feeling like a child that had been caught stealing. “I wish you would’ve told me.”
You sighed in satisfaction as Gareth laid a trail of kisses down your throat and pasted your naked collar bone. His strong hands held you firmly against him as you straddled him against his stool. He growled a bit, chuckling against your soft skin, his other hand caressing your back and twisting the ends of your hair as his hips rocked against yours. You’d long since been stripped of your clothes, sitting in his lap in just a bra, panties and socks. He, on the other hand, was still fully dressed from the hips down. 
As elated as he was to have his lips on any part of you, he could feel his cock twitch in his jeans, and his erect was beginning to ache. Lust clouding his judge meant, he promptly stood up, scooping you into his arms, which startled you. Gareth carried you over to a nearby couch, which had once sat in his living room, but was now used for breaks in between band practices, before throwing you down on it. You giggled in excitement as he stalked closer to you, sinking down onto his knees when he got close enough. “Ya know,” he began, hiking your legs up and sliding your under where down. “I have always wondered what you taste like.”
“Gareth...” you muttered, suddenly shy at the prospect of receiving oral for the first time. 
“Indulge me?” he asked, waiting for your consent to continue, and smirking when you simply nodded. “You don’t seem very enthused.”
Your brows knitted together, feeling embarrassed that he was going to make you say it. “Y-You can taste me...Please taste me?” you tried relieved when he confirmed, his head sinking down into your unexplored territory. You felt static crawl on your skin as he licked the first fat stripe up your slit, trying to get a feel for where to concentrate his efforts. Using your reactions as a guide, he found your sweetest spot easily, zeroing in on your clit mercilessly. Your lewd music filled his garage, and Gareth thanked his lucky stars that his family wasn’t home as he continued to pleasure you. 
It wasn’t long until your body, unaccustomed to the pleasure became over loaded, ready to drop you into what would be the hardest orgasm of your life, this far. Gareth chuckled as your thighs tightened around his head, your body spasming. “Gonna cum all over my face, sweetheart? Go ahead and do it, baby.” he consented, his dirty words sending you over the edge. You cried out, tears slipping from your eyes as an intense wave of pleasure crashed against you. Gareth was on cloud nine, being suffocated between your heat and your strong, doughy thighs; the thought along was almost enough to make him jizz his pants before even getting you to touch him. 
The drummer hopped up as soon as you allowed him to, collapsing on the old couch and pulling your tired body against him, laying your head on his chest, and petting your hair softly. “Did so good, babe. So, So good for me.” he cooed, waiting for you to regain your composure, planting kisses into your locks every so often. You clung to him, emotion washing over you as you had come back down from your high. “Just let me know when your ready to continue, ‘kay, sweetheart?”
You nodded, nuzzling into him, panting and trying to catch your breath. “Can I touch you while I recover?” you asked so sweetly, wanting so deeply to give him the same treatment he had you, and feeling a tinge of guilt for being so selfish. He smiled warmly at you, unbuckling his belt, and unfastening his jeans, allowing a plain tent to pop out. He sighed a bit at the relief that the freedom brought him. “’Course, I’m yours to do whatever you want with, baby.”
You smiled tiredly as he pulled his cock from his boxers, letting you lazily pump it, spreading a pearl of pre as far as it would last on his bell. Gareth laid his head back on the back of the couch, watching you take your hand away, just to lick up you palm, and return it to his crotch. “So good at this.” he moaned, still playing with your hair as you began to put more effort into pleasing him. Finally, you felt ready to continue, having mentally prepared yourself to be deflowered. Still stroking, you looked him dead in the eyes, pressing a kiss to his unsuspecting lips. 
“I’m ready.”
Gareth held your  right leg over his shoulder, angling his protected appendage to easily glide right into you. You laid beneath him on the couch, and he hovered over you, one knee on the cushions, and the other leg straightened, standing against the cement. “Gonna go in easy, ‘kay? Tell me if it hurts.” me reassured, holding a gently eye contact with you. You consented with a nod, giving him the go ahead and push into you. 
You seethed, breathing sharply though your teeth as he stretched you out, inserting himself fully and holding his position to give you time to adjust. “You ok, babe?” he asked, concern written on his freckled features. You unscrewed your eye lids to gaze up at him, looking perfectly pitiful. 
“I-I’m fine,” you said, relieving him of the guilt that bubbled in his chest. You took a deep, calming breath, and felt ready to begin. “C-Can you move, just a little? Really slowly.”
“You’re wish is my command, princess.” he cooed, slowly pulling himself out almost entirely, leaning down to drip a mouthful of spit to slicken your ride. Gently, he reinserted himself, rocking his hips in shallow circles. Your breath hitched in your throat as you could already feel yourself coming undone, overwhelmed by the pleasure. Gareth sighed, finding the blissful look on your face so cute. He’d barely touched you yet and you already seemed to be half way there. 
Over time, his pace gradually increased, never enough at one time that you could notice, though. In perfect honesty, he was entirely sure you’d noticed that he’d quickened at all. Your features still displayed that same adorable look, and your whines were just as lewd as before. If he hadn’t known any better, he’d think your where faking, but the way your breath hitched in your throat, drool sliding down your chin could not be falsified. You were so dick dumb and he loved it. 
By now, Gareth could recognize how close he was coming to his orgasm, as when as roughly gauge you progress. Your velvety walls squeezing his cock was a tell tale sign of your impending climax, and he intended to match it, mind fogged with the thought of you both cumming together. He was already giving you as much effort as he could, but he could easily tell that it was enough. You’re eyes were glued to the back of your head, and brows permanently furrowed into a desperate art piece. ”Shit, baby, gonna fucking cum.” he warned, his little skull and crossbones neckless bouncing like a puppet on a string as he pounding into you. You responded in a string of whimpers, with a few syllables mixed in that he couldn’t recognize at this point.
Soon, his thrusts became sloppy, and less coordinated, finding that the way your gummy cave spasmed upon receiving him was proving to be too much. With a few final rocks of his pelvis, he whined out, desperate for your orgasm to match time with his as he spilled his seed into the condom he was wearing. Finally, seconds after, you felt your second coming crash against you, leaving you screaming his name and trembling like a leaf in the wind. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, slipping out of you, and wiping sweat form his brow. “I really tried to last, wanted us to cum together.” he complained, plopping down beside your glistening body, and pulling you into him. You looked at him with astonished doe eyes, feeling so ridiculously close to him in this moment. “Guess we’ll just have to try again next time.” he chuckled into your hair. 
“Will there be a next time?” you breathed out, now worried that your new dynamic with him would be friends with benefits and nothing more.
“You say that as if I could say no?” he replied, tiredly. “As if.”
“No,” you clarified, snuggling into his side. “I mean...what are we now?”
“To be perfectly honest with you,” he started, reaching to the table beside the couch, now behind him from his position, and finding a pack of cigarettes, before lighting one up and taking a drag. “Fuck buddies isn’t really my style. But I do genuinely like you.”
“So...?” you pressed, taking the cigarette from him and taking a puff of it yourself. 
He exhaled the smoke that he held in his cheeks. “Girlfriend and boyfriend?” he asked, glancing over at you. 
“I’d like that.” you agreed, nuzzling into him, letting your eyes close as exhaustion began to take you. As you drifted off, Gareth was left alone with his thoughts. 
Holy shit, I fucked Eddie’s cousin. 
Oh no, I fucked Eddie’s cousin.
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kaylawritesfics · 2 years
Hello! Idk if you are taking requests atm, but if you are, can I request some headcannons for a Munson!reader dating Robin? Including how Eddie would react to that relationship :)
Thank you so much! I love your work btw☺️💜
Dating Robin Buckley and Being Eddie’s Sister
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summary: what it’s like to date robin buckley while being a munson sibling
pairing: robin buckley x fem!reader (munson!reader)
warnings: swearing
note: hii thank you so much !! this is a little short sorry !! <33
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You and Robin met in school !! The two of you shared a biology class and she totally had a huge crush on you !! After building up her courage (and with a gentle nudge from Steve) she finally approached you and asked if you wanted to be partners !!
It took her a while to finally get the question out, rambling on about countless other things, but eventually she did. Of course, you said yes !!
She was so excited !! The highlight of her day is working on a stupid biology project with you.
Steve roasts the shit out of her for it but she doesn’t care. She’s just so excited to be able to spend time with you and get to know you !!
Likewise, your brother, Eddie, was also roasting the shit out of you every time he saw you putting on makeup or a nice outfit just to go “study with Robin”
You would definitely have to ask her out first or else you’d be waiting months for her to work up enough nerve to ask you.
Robin was incredibly nervous to meet Eddie. She really wanted it to go well, considering how close you and Eddie are.
Eddie definitely didn’t make it easy for her. Knowing how nervous she was, he made it his mission to fuck with her. Robin looked like she was going to piss her pants the entire time he was talking to her.
Eventually, they became pretty good friends.
Robin loves to have movie nights with you !! She’ll pick up a few movies from Family Video and all your favorite snacks !!
A requirement of being a Munson is being a huge music fan !! You and Eddie definitely tease Robin over her taste in music, recommending her some bands that you both really like !!
Eddie’s very protective over both of you !! He knows how hard it is to be different and he makes sure that nobody fucks with either of you just because you’re in a wlw relationship.
Robin is definitely still intimidated by Eddie. Not nearly as much as she was before, but it’s still there.
Robin would totally make you a mixtape for your birthday !! She would secretly as Eddie for a list of all your favorite songs.
You’d definitely get free ice cream the entire time Robin was working at Scoops.
Robin is also super protective of you !! You have either Robin or Eddie looking out for you at all times.
Robin loves just laying in bed with you, listening to whatever music you’re into at the moment. She finds it really relaxing and it’s a great way to unwind.
She loves you so much and is really thankful that you’re in her life !!
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lizzie-boo · 2 years
Together We Can Do Anything
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Steve Harrington x Munson!Reader 
Request: Heyyy! Could you do Eddie Munson x sister reader where she’s vecnas next victim? Maybe she’s dating Steve too please 
Requested by: Anon 
Words: 4,706
Summary: You’d been having headaches and nightmares for days, so when your boyfriend tells you those are signs of Vecna, an evil force preying on Hawkins residents, you chalk it up to coincidence. What happens when it turns out to be more than just a coincidence? And what exactly does this have to do with your brother hiding from the cops? 
A/N: The request asked for a sister reader but I never actually stated that it was a sister so it should be a gender-neutral story. I absolutely loved this request and I wrote way more for it than I thought I was going to. I definitely think that there is potential for a part 2 based off of what happens in Season 4 part 2 when that comes out. So if you would be interested in that let me know. Enjoy!
The headaches had started just over four days ago. At first, it had been a dull thump in the back of your head but as the days dragged on the pain increased. No matter how many aspirins you took, the pain never seemed to cease. It felt as if your skull was about to split from all the pressure building against it. The pain now resided not only in the back of your head but also behind your eyes and in your temples. It wasn’t even a match for the worst migraine you had ever experienced. The pain alone had you wondering just how much more of this you could take.
But no, the throbbing ache in your head wasn’t all of it. You had also been recently plagued by grueling nightmares. Your life had been filled with its fair share of trauma so far and the dreams you were having were a constant reminder. They were so vivid that it was as if they were happening all over again. As if you were there, right in the middle of it.
It was starting to drive you crazy, the pain and fear left you wanting to find some form of release. However, you knew there was nothing you could do that wouldn’t worry those closest to you. The last thing you wanted was to become a burden to those around you. Which is why you refused to tell your brother Eddie about what was happening when he would ask if you were alright.
It was the same reason that you had stopped spending the night at your boyfriend Steve’s house. The nightmares were your burden to carry and the last thing you wanted was to keep him up at night as well. Hence why you found yourself sitting in the living room of your uncle’s trailer trying to distract yourself so that you wouldn’t fall asleep. Because if you didn’t sleep then you couldn’t dream, and thus, you wouldn’t have nightmares. It seemed like a great idea to your sleep-addled brain.
You stared at the television screen as the movie credits began to roll. You weren’t sure what movie you had just watched, they had started to blur together after the second one of the night. The distraction had worked for a little but now it was becoming increasingly hard to fight off the tiredness. Your eyelids felt as if they were twice as heavy compared to the start of the night. Even your blinks seemed to last longer as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
Glancing at the door to the trailer you wonder if Eddie had come home. You tried to sift through the cloudy memories of the night to figure it out but you couldn’t focus over the searing pain in your head. It was as if the headache and lack of sleep were making your thoughts foggy. The harder you tried to remember the more your head protested, the ache becoming too much to handle. Closing your eyes in a last-ditch effort to ease the pain you end up falling asleep. Letting the nightmares take hold, a whimper, then a scream escapes you as you relive the worst moments of your life.
Maybe if you had been less tired you would have realized that Eddie hadn’t come home yet. Or that you hadn’t actually seen him in over two days. Yet, you had been too focused on the searing pain that clouded your thoughts to piece together that last time you had talked to him. Maybe with a bit more sleep, you would have realized that you hadn’t talked to your boyfriend the past two days either. If only you had realized because maybe then you would’ve known what was happening to you.
When you woke up the next morning, the headache seemed to be worse than before. A feat that you didn’t think humanly possible. Downing a couple of aspirin you decided to call Steve to see if he was working at Family Video today. You had to return your movies anyway and knowing he would be there to greet you would be a welcome distraction.
Your body felt sluggish as you made your way over to the phone hanging on the wall. All of your muscles ached, longing for just a bit more sleep. Picking up the phone you dialed Steve’s number without missing a beat. The number ingrained in your memory from countless nights spent on the phone talking about anything and everything.
On the third ring, the line is finally picked up, “Harrington residence,” his mom answers.
“Hi Mrs. Harrington, is Steve home?” you ask, trying to sound as polite and cheery as you can.
“Sorry dear he’s not home right now, must’ve left early this morning.”
“Oh, okay, thanks.” The line goes dead before you can even say goodbye.
You roll your eyes, unable to contain your dislike of Steve’s mother. She had never liked you very much, often pointing out how Nancy was a much better match for Steve. Steve was always quick to reassure you that his parent’s opinions didn’t matter, especially since he wasn’t fond of them himself. Right now though you didn’t have time to dwell on your hatred of his parents because what she had told you seemed odd. Steve never left for work early, especially not hours early.
Your thoughts began to race and all you could think was maybe he hadn’t come home last night. Now jumping to conclusions you began to worry about who he might have been with last night. Who he would be replacing you with next. The spiraling thoughts seemed to be never-ending and it felt as if your head was spinning.
The sound of a car door slamming outside is enough to pull you from the torrent of thoughts. Peaking out the window you see your boyfriend’s car parked in front of Max’s house. Seeing him leaning against the hood of the car fills you with relief, at least you know where someone is. Yanking the door open you rush down the front steps and run across the street. Barreling into Steve you wrap your arms around his neck almost knocking him over in the process.
His arms wrap around your waist pulling you closer as he moves a hand to hold the back of your head. “What’s wrong baby? Did something happen?”
“No, I just called your house and your mom said you were already gone and I guess I just jumped to conclusions,” you mumble into his chest.
“You thought I was cheating on you?” He pulls you away from his chest just far enough to look into your eyes. “I would never, and I mean never cheat on you.”
He leans down, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead before placing another on your lips. For the first time in days, you begin to feel normal, the aching in your body no longer at the forefront of your mind. Instead, you relish in the bliss that always comes when you’re with Steve.
The moment doesn’t last long though. Soon enough Max comes running from behind her house, eyes wide with unshed tears. She yells at everyone to get back into the car and no one even asks why. You follow suit, concerned with what’s happening.
“Was it Vecna?” Lucas asks.
Max nods slightly and everyone seems to tense. It’s as if the air within the car stands still. Unsure of what they are talking about you break the tense silence, “Who’s Vecna?”
“A monster that is trying to kill Max,” Dustin tells you.
Max turns to look out the window trying to ignore the conversation. Lucas watches her for a minute before turning to punch Dustin in the arm.
“Can someone please explain what’s happening?”
Adjusting his grip on the steering wheel Steve takes over. “So Eddie met up with Chrissy in the woods the other night but Vecna got her. So now the cops think that he killed her which Dustin knew wasn’t true so he came to get me and Robin-”
You cut him off, “My brother is wanted for murder?” Your voice comes out louder than it should in the small space but you can’t help it. How could you have missed this all happening? Your own brother was running from the cops and you had just thought he was asleep in his room.
“Yes, but let me finish.” He reaches for your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Anyway, we tracked him down, got his side of the story, and well after a bit of investigating we found out that Vecna is behind the deaths of Fred and Chrissy. It started the same way for both of them, headaches, nightmares, nosebleeds, and then visions. So when we found that out Max told us she had all of those too, so now we need to protect her before Vecna gets to her.”
“Wait, who’s Fred?”
“He was Nancy’s friend,” Dustin tells you, pulling on the back of your seat so he can lean over your shoulder.
“So Nancy is helping with all of this too?” Your stomach twists and the doubt from earlier begins to creep back in. You know that what they had is long gone and that Steve only has feelings for you but sometimes you can’t help but wonder if maybe part of those feelings live on somewhere deep inside of him that even he doesn’t know about. That maybe one day the flame for her will reignite, filling him with a love for her that even you can’t extinguish.
“Yeah, her and Robin are sneaking into Pennhurst Asylum right now!” Dustin informs you, sounding a bit too excited about it for your liking.
“They’re trying to find anything that could help us figure out how to keep Max safe,” Lucas adds on.
“How long do you think she has?” you whisper to Steve, not wanting to upset the girl more.
“So far it seems like after the visions start it’s about a day, so she doesn’t have much longer,” he whispers back.
“Wait, the visions didn’t start at the same time as everything else?”
“They seem to start after everything else, right before he comes to collect his next victim.” Your stomach twists and you feel as if you’re going to be sick. It has to be a coincidence right? Headaches and nightmares are common, there was no way that you were on the list for some crazy interdimensional monster. Besides, you hadn’t had any weird visions or nosebleeds, so there was no reason to be scared. It was all just a major coincidence. At least that’s what you were going to tell yourself.
The car falls silent once more as Steve drives to the next destination on Max’s list. His thumb rubs against the back of your hand and you can’t tell if it’s him trying to calm you or calm himself. Staring out the window you contemplate whether or not you should tell your boyfriend about the similarities, just in case. It isn’t until the car jolts to a stop at the entrance to the cemetery that you decide it’s better to keep it to yourself. Steve already has enough to worry about with keeping Max and the rest of the kids safe, he doesn’t need your paranoia thrown in too.
It doesn’t take long for you to see Vecna in action. Watching Max’s body lift into the air has your heart beating faster than you ever thought possible. As her bag is dumped on the ground you grab her walkman. It feels oddly heavy in your hand and your fingers feel as if they can barely hold on. You fumble with the buttons, trying to open it in time for the boys to put the cassette tape in. Sliding your fingers over the buttons you search for the right one, feeling as if your hands are failing you. Finally, you press the button and it pops open, just in time for Lucas to shove the tape in.
The headphones are placed on her just before she floats out of reach and all you can do is stare helplessly hoping that it will work. Her hands twitch for a moment and it is enough for you to hold onto the hope that it will work. The commotion around you had turned to a faint buzzing that melded with the strong heartbeat echoing in your ears. It seemed as if the second ticked by in slow motion as you waited for any sign.
Then all at once, Max dropped down, Lucas pulling her to his chest. The sound of their voices finally reached you and it felt as if you could move again. As if your body was no longer stuck in quicksand. Dropping to your knees you inspected the girl in front of you, looking for any signs of injury. Once you determined she was safe you ushered the kids back to the car, not wanting to spend another second here.
As the car pulls away from the cemetery you lean your head against the cool glass looking out over the tombstones. That’s when you see it, looming in the distance between the two headstones you were all too familiar with, a grandfather clock. It takes a minute for the image to sink in and when it does you rub your eyes. With that everything goes back to normal outside but inside you are left with the lingering feeling of doubt.
It had to be the lack of sleep making you see things. At least that was what you were going to tell yourself because there was no way you were going to let yourself believe that you were next on the list of a crazed bloodthirsty monster. It was just the lack of sleep, after some rest, you would be back to normal. So you close your eyes, letting your head rest against the window as you fall asleep.  
It doesn’t take long for the nightmares to kick in full force. Once more you are plunged into your worst memory. Your cheeks feel wet from what you can only assume are tears and your throat is raw from your screams. Reliving the moment has you breaking down and feeling more vulnerable than ever before.
You let out a soft cry in your sleep and Steve quirks a brow in your direction before turning to look at the road once more. When you let out a whimper he checks the rear view mirror to find the equally concerned faces of the kids in the backseat. They all sit in silence unsure of if they should wake you. When a particularly rough scream escapes you all their hands shoot in your direction.
You jolt awake at the feeling of Dustin’s hands on your shoulders, Max’s on your arm, and Steve’s free hand holding your own. Blinking slowly you realize that the tears you shed in your dream were not at all fake. Brushing your cheeks with your free hand, you rid the trails lining your face.
You turn to look at Dustin, who was still holding tight to you. “Oops, sorry,” he tells you with a sheepish smile.
“Are you okay?” Lucas asks.
“Hmm, yeah. It was just a bad dream. Nothing major.”
“It wasn’t a Vecna dream was it?” the redhead asks.
You give her a soft smile before reaching back to grab her hand. “It was just a regular nightmare, no need to worry about me.”
She chews on her bottom lip for a moment before squeezing your hand. As if to say she is still worried but believes you.  “Just promise if you have any other symptoms you’ll tell us.”
“Of course, but let’s not worry about me, we need to focus on how to defeat this creep before he gets the chance to grab you again.”
The five of you rendezvous with Nancy and Robin at the Wheeler’s house. All pilling into the basement to decide on your next steps. You’re all sitting around the table arguing over what to do next when the radio beeps. All eyes turn, waiting for the message when Eddie’s voice comes through.
“Hey, so there’s a lot to explain but I’m by skull rock, please come find me soon. Over.” His voice sounds staticky over the receiver but you’ve never felt more relieved to hear your brother’s voice.
The full reality that he was on the run and wanted for murder hadn’t fully sunk in until just now when you finally heard the panic in his voice. Relief and dread had washed over you simultaneously and now they seemed to be battling it out. Trying to decide which way to sway your emotions. The mental back and forth is tiring and all you want is for all of this to be over. You want to go back to how life was before, before the pain, before the murders, before the constant concern for everyone who was important to you.
Finally, the relief is able to edge its way to victory when your eyes finally land on Eddie’s figure in the distance. You take off running, Dustin and Lucas close behind you. Wrapping your arms around your brother you try not to cry. After a minute you pull away just enough to land a solid punch on his shoulder.
He grabs his arm. “What was that for?” he asks.
“You scared the shit out of me, what did you go get yourself involved with?”
“How was I supposed to know that when I went to sell her some drugs she was gonna float and snap like a twig?” Eddie argues.
“You just should’ve.” Your hands land on your hips as you glare at him.
Finally reaching you Steve stops at your side letting his arm rest on your waist. He then reaches a hand out to Eddie and pulls him in for a half hug, trapping their arms between them. You take the opportunity of your brother’s close proximity to place another punch on his arm. His palm pushes into your forehead just enough so you stumble back a few steps but Steve tightens his hold to keep you upright.
“It’s gonna be fine, Henderson said they’ve been through this before,” Eddie reassures.
“Yeah babe, we’re gonna figure this out,” Steve tells you.
Laying your head on his shoulder you take a moment to just breathe. He places a kiss on your forehead and you can tell he is mentally preparing for the fight that is sure to go down soon. You can feel all of your muscles relax slightly as his warmth seeps in.
Gently you slide his arm off your waist, turning towards the trees behind you. Hesitantly you step towards the treeline. As you move closer you begin to make out a noise, with another step the noise becomes clear. A voice in the distance calls your name. Stepping over a small bush you make your way towards the voice, a voice that you now can distinguish as Mike Wheelers. He calls your name again causing you to speed up the pace.
He must have cut his trip to California short. This means that he is unaware of what is going on in Hawkins. He could be in danger you tell yourself as you break into a sprint.
As the words spring to mind, you hear the words you were dreading most. “Help!” he screams and you rush towards the sound of his voice. His cries for help draw nearer but you don’t slow down. Your lungs burn, struggling to fill with enough oxygen to keep up with your pace but you push on.
Your feet pound against the ground crushing sticks under your shoes as you go. Pushing a tree branch out of the way you make a sharp turn towards the direction of Mike’s voice. Dodging a tree you narrowly miss the roots sticking out. You push harder, using everything in you to run as fast as you can. The branches that you don’t move graze your arms and legs, littering your flesh with scrapes and cuts.
“Help.” He sounds pained you think to yourself as you grow closer to the young boy.
Making another sharp turn you continue in the direction of the voice, which now grows louder. Making your way around another tree you find a clearing and stop. His voice now sounds within reach as you make your way to the center. Turning to take in your surroundings you look for the familiar face.
Slowly the voice morphs from Mike’s familiar tone to the voice that you had only heard in your nightmares. Your blood runs cold as a large shape makes its way to the edge of the clearing. As it inches closer to the light you can feel the sharp pain in your head. As if your skull is being punctured by millions of tiny needles. Suddenly the fatigue hits you full force and you fall to your knees. No longer capable of holding your weight up. The grass is cold under your hands and for the first time, you notice the splotches of blood on the grass. Wiping under your nose confirms your suspicions, a nosebleed. The last symptom that you were missing. The one that allowed for you to hold out hope that maybe you weren’t being plagued by Vecna.
Finally stepping into the light you take in Vecna’s form. Leaning back to look up at the monster you can’t help but let the feeling of dread sink in. Your legs wobble and you fall back onto your butt, legs sliding out from under you on both sides. Vecna’s long strides close the gap between the two of you in seconds. You let the traces of adrenaline help to fuel you as you attempt to crawl backward. Anything to get away from him.
“Always such a burden, on your parents, your uncle, your brother, even your friends,” he taunts, poking at the sensitive subject.
“You never were the easy child,” your parents' voices echo. Both their voices begin to mix as they remind you of all the trouble you causes them when you were younger. Reminding you of how even now you’re causing Eddie and Uncle Wayne just as much trouble.
“No, stop!” you scream trying to drown out their voices.
Their taunts continue, growing louder with each one. All you want is to cover your ears and make it all go away. You wish you knew what to do to make it stop.
“You don’t mean it,” you scream at them as sobs rack your body.
Slowly Vecna reaches out for you and you feel a tendril begin to wrap around your throat. Then another round each leg and arm to hold you in place. You knew that on the outside you must have been floating like how you had found Max earlier.  However similar you were to Max at the moment there was one thing you weren’t sure of, if anyone would be able to find you in time to save you. You try your best to wiggle free from the grasp but you feel too weak. You felt completely tired as if at any moment you would pass out.
Then as if shining down on you like a beacon of hope, you heard it. It was a familiar tune but your brain couldn’t quite place it. Then as the verse began you knew it, a song that you often listened to when hanging out with the kids. They liked to play it often and while it wasn’t your go-to you had grown rather fond of it. The lyrics alone bring back plenty of good memories.
Turning your head to the left you could see a bright light and as your eyes adjusted you noticed your own body lifted into the air. It was eerily similar to the scene earlier in the cemetery except for this time you were an outsider looking in. You could see Steve and Eddie both helplessly grabbing at your hands, trying to pull you back down. Max was crouched near your feet, the walkman in her hand. Everyone surrounding you wore the same somber expression.
As you glanced out over the faces of your friends, the people you cared most for, the memories washed over you. It was like getting stuck in the rain on a warm summer’s day, unexpected but all-encompassing. It warmed you from the core out and you finally felt strong enough to fight back.
This time you were able to rip the tendrils off of you as if they were nothing. With your feet firmly planted back on the ground you ran towards the opening. Desperate to make your way back to the people you loved. You could hear Vecna scrambling behind you but you didn’t dare look back. You kept your eyes locked on Steve and Eddie telling yourself you would make it back to them again. You had to. You couldn’t leave them like this. So you ran harder than you thought possible. The sound of your feet hitting the ground mixes with the steady beats of your heart.
Arms outstretched you reached for the opening. Then all at once, it felt like you were falling. Your feet hit the ground first and as the rest of your body started to fall over seven sets of hands caught you.
Blinking to adjust to the bright light you take in the worried face of your brother. “Never, I mean never do that to me again,” he warns you before pulling you to his chest. “I don’t want to lose you too,” he whispers for only you to hear.
You throw your arms around him, not bothering to worry about the tears staining his dirty jacket. It takes you longer than you would like to admit to pull yourself together. Once you have calmed down enough you pull away from your brother. Steve gives you long enough to take a breath of fresh air before he has you wrapped in his arms.
He places chaste kisses across your face before capturing your lips in his which earns him a groan from everyone watching.
“You said earlier that it wasn’t Vecna, why did you lie to us? To me?” his voice cracks and you can feel the tears welling up once more.
“It started as just nightmares and a headache, I was hoping that it was just a coincidence. Besides I didn’t want to bother you with it in case it was nothing, you already had so much to deal with without my problems added on,” you tell him.
“You are never a bother and you’re never a burden.” He says it with such conviction you’re almost sure he knows what Vecna had told you earlier. You smile at him through the tears, feeling beyond grateful that he came into your life when he did.
Steve opens his mouth to continue talking when Max interrupts him. “You should have told us so we could’ve protected you.”
Pulling yourself away from Steve you move over to the red-haired girl kneeling in the grass. Sitting in front of her you grab her hands in yours. “I think we both learned a lot about ourselves in there with him. I think that we both know now how important it is to ask for help, which is why we’re in this together now.” You give her hands a squeeze and she surprises you by leaning in for a hug.
“Yeah, together we can stop this,” she tells you, a smile spreading across her face.
Standing up you pull her up with you, never letting her hand go. Steve then reaches for yours and Lucas for Max’s. Slowly everyone else stands with you reaching out for whoever’s hand is closest.
“We’re in this together,” Nancy confirms while grabbing Eddie and Steve’s hands, closing in the circle.
Standing there in the middle of the forest, holding hands, you feel confident in your ragtag group. If anyone is capable of defeating this monster and saving Hawkins it was going to be you guys. You were sure of it.
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skyfall8600 · 7 months
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Killer Queen
Chapter 3: Blood-stained
Series Masterlist
Warnings: murder, g on g making out, poison, needles, mentions of abuse
“She’s a motherfucking killer queen, a psychopath at 17
A beauty in a blood-stained dress
She’ll fill your heart with kerosene
And light you up ‘till you can’t breathe
If you cross her path you just might end up dead”
She looked down at her list, two names already crossed off, and she debated who would be unfortunate enough to be next. Of course, the decision came naturally once she was back at school, pretending to be shaken and crying over Justin on Chelsea’s shoulder.
The girl’s cheerleading uniform was somehow fresh and untainted with sweat despite just finishing cheer practice. Apparently girls like Chelsea, who are always perfect and put together, would rather be caught dead than be in a sweaty uniform. Her daddy made enough that buying another uniform…. Perhaps even enough to wear multiple everyday of the week was like nothing to them.
“Oh honey, I know it’s so hard— Justin was so hot and I can’t believe he’s gone!” Chelsea whispered into Y/n’s ear.
“I don’t know what he was doing in that house, he was suppose to meet me in the park so we could… you know.”
Chelsea‘s body stiffened slightly and Y/n knew that the little blonde cheerleader was blushing. Just like how she was on that dreadful night, overhearing what the boys had planned and did nothing to stop them.
There was a reason why Chelsea was so high up in the list; and it had a lot more to do with than her actions on that night. No. Chelsea Van Martin was an upright hypocrite bitch.
The rumour started back in grade school for a young Chelsea Van Martin…. Secret lesbian in hiding. Y/n didn’t have anything wrong with that, queer, gay, straight—as long as you were a decent human you were in a good books. But Chelsea was anything but good.
Chelsea’s torment of other students may have been a way to suppress her own confusion with her feelings, but her specific target of other girls who were different or liked the same sex as brutal.
“I’m sure there’s another boy that can tickle your fancy—“ Chelsea tried to say, playing it off in some weird attempt to cheer Y/n up.
“Urgh— that’s the thing. It’s always boy after boy and it’s like I’m never…. They never… god Chi-Chi, I can’t explain it.”
Chelsea nodded, “If it helps, I know how you feel. God, the amount of boys I’ve had to fake it for.”
The two girls erupted in soft giggles between, almost the perfect opportunity for Y/n to make her move.
The plan was simple, befriend Chelsea, make her question herself and slowly break her down. There at her lowest point, the little cheerleader would give her final bow.
Sifting her eyes, Y/n moved her hands to slide against Chelsea’s wrists. She saw the blonde inhale deeply, her eyes now shifting to look around them all alone under the bleachers.
“You shouldn’t have to fake it. You should find something you understands you, who’ll make you feel every pleasure possible… almost like your heart might explode on itself.” Y/n spoke gently, bringing one hand to rest on Chelsea’s now fast beating heart. “Exactly like that.”
The girl remained speechless but didn’t protest any movements.
“Plus, I doubt faking it sounds as hot as the real thing. Imagine the uncontrollable breaths coming from your mouth—“
“Stop it.” She snipped quickly but again didn’t move.
“I’ve seen how you look at me Chi-chi, where your eyes wonder and a blush creeps on.” She whispers closer to her ear now, their faces only inches apart. “I couldn’t have gone through shit without you…. We’ll just be two friends finding comfort in each other.”
“Just friends— I’m not a— a—“
“Neither am I.” Y/n reassure her, “But we both have something in common.”
“Like what?”
“Boys can’t satisfy us, and here we are so desperate for release we have to turn to a friend.”
Their lips almost brush over each other. “No one can find out—“
“Oh I know, I’m counting on no one ever finding out we were here. Under the bleachers. Together.”
And with that final word, Y/n was almost taken aback by how fiercely Chelsea crashed her lips into her. The longer they stayed in that position, the more demanding and reckless Chelsea became. Her hands gripping her body so tightly, Y/n was sure she’d have bruises along her body.
She couldn’t deny that it was probably the most intense and passionate make out of her life, but Y/n had a task to complete.
The filled syringe she had stashed in her back pocket was now in her hand. The GHB drug inside would provide Chelsea with a brief sense of confidence and relaxation before drowsing off in silent agony. The dosage high enough to ensure her heart imploded within minutes.
Y/n moved her mouth to nip along Chelsea’s neck. The girl too breathless to really know the differences between teeth nipping at her skin and the sharp pinch of a needle.
Mere minutes later, when Chelsea was all but rubbing her most private part on Y/n’s thigh. She muffled Chelsea’s burning screams with her mouth and felt as her body overheated.
The thud of her body hitting the ground was accompanied but a crack coming from her left shoulder.
Y/n stood there for a moment, wiping her mouth and spitting on the girls dead body. Catching her breath slowly she wrote a note, mimicking Chelsea’s handwriting as best as possible.
‘Only death gives me peace over what I have done. Ashamed of my attraction to females and more repulsed by my actions to other girls like me’
She placed the note scrunched up in the dead girls hand and made her way back to the trailer park. She wanted to feel bad, to feel anything other than rage but she couldn’t. She knew how Chelsea treated any person who was different, her previous self included. The worst she could recall was the use of small tweezers against Georgia Wilson’s stitches the one year she fell while riding her bike. Chelsea laughed and claimed that since Georgia was a lesbian she should’ve loved that Chelsea have her another slit to use.
It was repulsive… it was idiotic.
A beeping car horn came from behind her, tires screeching.
“What the fuck! Look where your driving you stupid—“
“Are you okay?” A male voice cut off her screaming. That voice—It caught her off guard but when an opportunity prevented itself she knew better than to not take it.
“So do you normally try to run over girls, Harrington?”
“Harri— you again.” He turned the engine off and forced himself to move as quick a as possible.
“Yeah. Me again, you know I’m starting to think you have a thing for trying to knock me over.”
Keep it playful.
His smile was sweet and almost made her forget everything. Almost.
“Scouts honour— I had no intention of running you over.” He joked, saluting two fingers to his head. “Besides, it’s a bit late for a pretty girl to be walking around the streets alone.”
She tried hard to not let his bad attempt at flirting affect her, however the blush creeping along her cheeks.
“Bold of you to assume I can’t take care of myself Harrington.”
His eyes widened ever so slightly but his smile remained.
“Of course, I apologise— however what sort of gentleman would I be if I didn’t at least offer to drive you home?”
“Especially after almost hitting me—“
“I did no such thing!” He laughed so dramatically, “Come on, won’t be my first stop of the night. Sit up in the front and ignore the sleeping brats in the back.”
She cocked her head to the side. Suddenly unsure of herself and the situation.
“Oh, I promised Dustin and Max I’d drive them home from the Wheeler’s house. Don’t exactly want them riding their bikes this late.”
She nodded and was surprised that her body moved without instruction to take his offer. “Thanks I guess, I um… live in the trailer park with Max so at least it’s not adding to your trip.”
She saw no judgement in his eyes, no disgust or rejection. He just continued to smile and hummed to himself when he sat behind the wheel, keeping the radio music down to a soft buzz as to not disturb the sleeping children in the back.
Perhaps this Steve was different to the one she remembered…
Her thoughts were cut short when Steve coughed out embarrassingly, “I actually didn’t catch your name…”
Her own smile vanished. “Y/n.” Was all she told him. And that was all he needed to know; if he couldn’t remember who she was prior to the change then perhaps he was no different than before.
————————————- ————————————- ————————————- ————————————-
Hi everyone! It’s been a while….. but I’ve got my passion and time back. If you’d like to be removed from tagging fully understandable. It’s been almost a full year….
Taglist: @loving-and-dreaming @sweetsweetjellybean @azaleapeachberry @cutiecusp @sheisjoeschateau @tinydonkeysforlife @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @gothvamp1973 @taeddybearkim @whoreforhowl
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hvreticz · 2 years
THE NEIGHBOR (early stage of roommate!steve x fem!reader)
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WARNINGS : lots of angst, season1!steve, mean!steve, shy!reader, munson!reader, steve is kind of a bully to reader, speaking of bad relationships with parents, abuse, slight possibility of a friend relationship, some fluff at the end.
words count : 2k
summary : steve get into a fight and his parents doesn’t want him home so what’s plan b ? going to stay the night at his neighbor house : your house. Problem ? you hate each other
you were peacefully watching tv in your house when you heard a loud noise on your door, the sound surprising you and make you jump. You looked at the door, your heart racing before turning around in the open kitchen and looked at the big clock on the wall showing it was almost midnight.
Who could knock at your house this late ?
You gulped thickly before getting up slowly, a second thud could be hear, followed by a few more. Was it someone who needed help ? or someone who was about to kidnap you ? or torture you ? Anxiety started to peek under your skin when you got to the door, your heart was beating so fast you swore the other person could almost hear it. You were about to scream to know who it was when you recognize a too much familiar voice.
“come ooooon ! open the door you- !!” said steve and you felt your blood boil in your body. You clenched your jaw and opened the door. Your eyes met his ; yours full of hate and his full of despair. “Thank god you’re there ! my parents just kick me out the house, mind if i enter ?” said the boy, fake smiling and you swore on god if you didn’t have education you would already have punched him in the face.
You were angry by the only sight of him, how dare he come like that asking for your hospitality?! “excuse me ?” you said, in complete shock and you saw steve’s mouth open “i said my parents kicked me out so maybe you could let me enter you little-” but before he could finish his sentence, you snapped the door close. Your brain being too controlled by your anger to feel anything else.
“OH MY GOD ! YOU DIDNT DO THAT !” said steve and making him angry made you feel better in a way. You have that power of pissing him off after the thing he did to nancy, jonathan and for every-time he bullied you, it made you feel happy of yourself. You decided to stay a little like that, hand on the doorknob until you hear steve’s getting away, you slowly opened the door again, going on the side. “You can enter.” you said, and you saw relieve in steve’s eyes but the guilt pit in your stomach grew bigger.
You were so out of reality you didn’t even realized steve’s face was covering in bruises and blood. He sat on your couch, where you were before him entering and he put his feet on the table, with his shoes covered in dust.
“don’t do that.” you said harshly and steve looked at you, smirking before putting his arms under his head “do what ?” he said while raising his eyebrows and you loudly sighed before kicking his feet from the table, sitting next to him with a reasonable distance between you.
steve loved to make you angry, it was his favorite free time activity. Everything he did was to piss you off, he loved to see your cheeks go red and the vein on your forehead grow more apparent before you close your eyes, trying to get your composure back and end up walking off the opposite way he was going. Every-time he saw you in the hallway, with your perfect style and your hands full of books, his first reaction was to run to you, put his arms around your shoulder and spit something obscene in your ear, looking at you getting all red and angry, making his body weight heavier into you before you pushed him off you.
but sometimes at night, when he thought about all the things he did to you in a day, his brain played tricks on him, and those thoughts were drifting to something more shameful, more rough, more mean, making him hard in his jeans every. single. time. and he always thought it was the universe way to punish him.
Steve snapped back to present time when you abruptly handed him a bag of frozen peas. “for your…” you said, gesturing to your face with your index before steve took the bag and put it on his face. “fuck, thanks.”
“don’t thank me, i’m not doing it for you.” you said before looking at him then at the ceiling “i dont want blood all over my couch, my parents would kill me, my dad would kill me. » You said the last part in a whisper, but steve had hear it and he looked at you.
You grew conscious of it and crossed your arms on your tummy before turning your head to him “oh please no, don’t you dare look at me like that steve…” you said, lowering your head, you could feel your heart tighten in your chest and you nervously played with the hem of your sweater “everybody’s eyes already look at me that way, i really don’t need any more eyes on me with that glimmer.” You stopped talking and realized steve didn’t speak once. You brows frowned.
Did he pass out ? you thought before looking back at him but no, he was very much awake and he was looking at you, no, fixating you. and you didn’t see pity in his eyes.
you saw understanding.
you saw understanding in steve’s eyes.
“yeah, well, that makes two of us.” steve said, his voice soft, for once, and the guilt grew bigger, it was sending shivers in your body now. you couldn’t do that, you couldn’t casually talk about you problems with steve harrington.
you couldn’t say anything, you were just looking in each other eyes and you thought you were about to cry. why were you so sensitive? you couldn’t allow yourself to be sensitive and vulnerable around him because you knew, he would make fun of it later.
“my father is a fucking coward.” blurted steve and you stayed silent, your heart bearing fast. “he did this to me” steve scoffed and you could see the pain in his eyes, reminding it of yours.
don’t cry.
don’t cry.
don’t cry.
you weren’t really listening to steve, you kept repeating that mantra in your head but it wasn’t working very well because you could feel your eyes starting to watering.
“my dad beats me too.” you said bluntly and the two of you stayed silent for a moment. steve was looking at you like he was looking for the bruises on your face, but they weren’t there, he was making it on purpose. “my mom knows it but i feel like she doesn’t care, like that’s normal for her.” you laughed dryly, a tear falling down your cheeks, you quickly swiped it away “But he’s smart. he beats me at places where it’s not possible to see it at school.”
Steve shifted a little on the couch, being closer to you but not close enough to invade your personal space. “Can i see them ?” you saw the worried look in his eyes and bit your lips, counting the pro’s and con’s before shaking your head in a yes motion, getting up. You didn’t know why, but even after all the things that happened with steve, him being the only person to really understand you made you feel more comfortable to show him. You sighed loudly, like you had to rassemble enough courage to do it and you were.
“just- promise me something.” you looked at steve and he nodded, listening to you “this will stay a secret between us okay ? and don’t you dare make fun of me, i’m already feeling enough ashamed of myself.” you crossed your arms again and steve sighed, you could see regret in his eyes “yeah, sure.” he took his hands and made a close motion to shut his lips before motioning to throw a key in the air “no one will know and i will not make fun of it.”
With that, you nodded before slowly rising your shirt on the right side, at the level of your ribs was a huge bruise, followed by several older ones that had started to disappear. You saw steve eyes stare in shock, his eyebrows furrowing before he leaned a little closer, his hands being a few inch separate from your body.
“well fuck. that’s…” you knew he wasn’t going to touch it, it was already hurting pretty badly. “you need to check a doctor or something, what if he broke a rib ?” you shake your head in a no motion before putting your sweater down “no ! i can’t do that ! they are going to ask where i did this and then they are going to tell my parents and it would just make things worse.”
Steve nodded. this was complicated, and more serious than his dad beating the shit out of him. He could always get away with it, saying he had a fight, he did this for years at school, and King Steve was born. It was his persona at school but once he went home, it was like entering hell. He looked around and took the bag of peas “want some ?” he said and you laughed, the bag was obviously warm now and you took it back from him before putting them in your fridge, tomorrow’s dinner : peas ! great.
For the hours steve spend at your house, the two of you started to ease with each other, and grew more comfortable, the pit in your stomach slowly getting away but also never really leaving. The two of you talked about a lot of things and you even received apologies from steve for all the bad things he did to you, nancy and Jonathan. You accepted them but said to him that he would have to apologies to your two friends too because you couldn’t accept these for them and he understood, saying he would do it as soon as possible.
“Why did your dad hit you?” you asked, not knowing actually why he did and steve sadly smiled “oh you know, he just wanted to gain a little of toxic masculinity back and what other way to have that than beating your child right ?” you felt sad for steve. Everyone knew his parents weren’t home a lot but no one knew he was getting abused by his dad. “but thanks for letting me in, and for the peas ! it doesn’t hurt anymore” he warmly smiled at you.
you smiled back and put an hand on his shoulder “You can stay here, if you want. you don’t have to go back there. my couch is pretty comfortable.” Steve nodded and squished your hand in his, his hands were warm. “thanks, it means a lot…i don’t know if i could be this sweet if you did all the things i did to you.”
You got up and went quickly in room before getting back in the living room with a pillow and a warm blanket, it was your favorite because it was super soft and warm, like a hug. “i said i accepted your apologies steve, now, i think we both need some rest, after all we start school in a few hours.” You looked at the clock in the kitchen while placing the pillow, 4 am could be seen in red. You saw steve crowl under the blanket and frowned “wait !” you said, rushing to your bedroom again before coming back with a big shirt and some pyjamas “it’s my brother’s but i’m sure i’ll fit in it.” you said, giving him the black sabbath shirt and the grey sweatpants before eclipsing in your room waiting for him to change.
When you came back, you smiled at him softly “see ! works like a charm !” you both laughed before yawning at the same time “okay i think it’s time for us to sleep” steve said and you nodded, going to your room before turning back.
“Goodnight steve” you said in a whisper tone.
“Goodnight” he replied, already half asleep.
and with that, you went to bed, the pit of guilt in your stomach transforming in something else
a/n : thanks for reading this. I know this is a though subject to write about but i want anyone to know that if you are getting through this that you are not alone.
never be afraid to ask for help, never. I know this is easier said than done but asking for help is better than doing nothing. Don’t be afraid of people helping you and don’t be afraid of the consequences for them, especially if you’re a child (even if you shouldn’t be here it’s an nsfw blog baes)
Here are some hotlines and websites i found online that can help you if you want to.
france hotlines : 119
usa hotlines : 1-800-422-4453
uk hotlines : 999 of 0808 800 5000
taglist : @creelteeth @simp4steve @steveharringtonanonblog @prettyboyeddiemunson @prettybabybaby @ameliora-j
173 notes · View notes
Charming | Jason Carver
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Summary: Can it be with Jason Carver we’re I’m like Eddies sister and Jason and I don’t get along at all we always bicker and tease one another, when I’m doing homework home alone he shows up looking for Eddie, and we get into one of our bickering fits when he purposely breaks my board game when he sees me start to cry he tries to help me pick it up when we accidentally touch hands and we both have a moment and kiss and it’s gets all sweet. Lol thanks :) A/N: I didn't really get the board game thing so I changed it a bit hope that's okay.
Warning: None
Requested: Yes.
Sitting in your room Friday afternoon attempting to cram all your homework into the two hour time limit that you had before you had to start you shift at the music store was alone nerve racking enough which is why when a abrupt, loud, and consistent banging on the front door only shortened your already dwindling patience. 
Getting up from your bed and stomping over to you door you swung it open, you were surprised but no less irritated to see the face of the last person you expected to see.
"Jason Carver," You stated raising a brow. "What fresh hell is this?" 
"It your brother here?" Jason asked as you started looking around the sky with a scared/curious look on your face. "What are you doing?"
"Looking for the flying pigs." You replied. "But your the only one here." 
"Hilarious, your brother. is he here?"
"Nope." You answered moving to pull the door closed, only to have it stopped by Jason's hands. Rolling your eyes really wanting to finish your work you glared at e the blonde. "Yes?" 
"Where is he?" He asked. 
"Don't know." 
"When will he be back?" 
"Don't know." 
"Is there anything you do know?" Jason asked glaring back at you.
"I know that you're getting on my last nerves." You replied. 
"You know what I think?" Jason asked talking a step into the trailer. 
"Nothing?" You replied looking at him in annoyance. 
"I think you know your 'freak' brother has been running around with Chrissy." He said talking a step forward as you take a step back. "And I think you know exactly where they are and your covering for them."  
"Wait a minute." You said holding your hands up. "That's what this is about? you're pissed your prefect, precious ex is getting it on with 'the freak?" You smiled fighting not to laugh in his face. 
"Chrissy isn't getting it on with anyone." He denied. "Especially your brother."
"Yeah your right I'm sure they're just playing D&D or something." You agreed sarcastically as his anger seemed to rise with every passing second. "Well as much fun as this was I am going to have to ask you to get the fuck out now." You said with a smile as your gesture to the still open door.
"Why? Are they here?" He asked stepping farther inside, looking around.
"I bet you're just trying to help them hide." He accused pushing past you before walking down the small hall that led to Eddie's room.
Rushing behind him you watched as he pushed the door open so hard it slammed against the wall. "What the hell are you doing Carver?!" You asked as he looking around the empty room. 
Without a word he spins around to face you, backing out of the room he approaches you looking over your shoulder. Following his gaze you see him eyeing your room door, that you had closed before answering the door, shaking your head you took a few steps before your back was pressed against it. Of course Eddie and Chrissy weren't in there but the last person you did want in there was Jason Carver.
"What are they in there?" He asked as he approached your figure blocking the entrance. "Huh. Are you in there freak?" He shouted at the door. 
"No one is here but us Jason and you need to leave." You said placing your hand on his chest pushing him back. Grabbing your wrist pulling your hand from his chest, Jason continued to yell at the door of the empty room. 
You weren't even thinking, so much was going on as you pulled your hand from his grip, but you soon froze as you felt a pop and something hit your shoe.
Looking over at your wrist you didn't even fight it as Jason pushed you to the side. You felt your heart drop as you look at your bare wrist were the most precious thing in your life used to live. 
You don't care about Jason storming into your room as you quickly drop to your knees franticly searching the floor for the small chain adorned with various charms. 
It was a birthday present from a few years ago, Eddie and you uncle had saved up in order to buy it for you and each year they took turns adding an additional charm one with your birth stone from Wayne, a guitar from Eddie a different one each year. Your small family didn't have a lot of money but you all did thing like this in order to make each other happy, like when you and Wayne pulled money together to help Eddie get his guitar and you and Eddie surprised Wayne with a new A/C unit in his truck. 
Your shaking hands scooped up the bracelet as you cradled it in your hands you notice that two charms were missing. your breath quickened as your eye scanned the floor for the small metal trinkets. 
The small (Your favorite color) gem catches your eye, Jason finally finished searching your room turns to see you picking up it up before going back to searching. Taking a step forward Jason feels something hard under his feet, lifting his foot he spots a small metal guitar on a small broken loop. 
"Is this what your looking for?" Jason asked after picking up the charm. Your head snapped up in his direction, only then did he notice the tears streaming down your face and the slight shake  of your sobbing figure. 
Standing up your reach to take it from his hand, feeling a bit better now that you at least had all the pieces. 
"Look, I'm sorry." Jason says as you cling to the broken accessory. "I wasn't thinking, I didn't mean to take it that far."
"But you do." You replied before looking up at his with teary eyes. "You always do Jason." You finished referring to all the time were you two would tease or bicker until Jason in your opinion took it too far. 
"Hey last I check this wasn't exactly one sided." Jason countered you both knowing that more likely than not you were the one to start the disagreements, but this was not one of those times.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes as more tears fell from your eyes as you go back to looking at your bracelet in devastation.
"Okay, okay I'm really sorry." Jason repeated as he brought his hand up to hold your. "How about this, I'll fix it or I'll get it fixed or something." 
You remain silent looking up from your hands to meet Jason's blue eyes.
"It'll be as good as new." He continues as he began pulling the pieces from your hands and into his. "I promise." Once Jason had all the pieces in his hand you notice that he made no move to break away from your gaze, no move to back away in fact he was getting closer. 
Before you know it you felt his lips pressed against yours. Maybe it was all the emotion from the current situation or maybe it was years of the years of tension that had already been their, cause slowly but surly you allowed yourself to fall deeper and deeper into the kiss. 
You had no idea how long you and Jason had stood there basically making out, but the sound of a car door slamming pulled you back into reality as you pulled away. 
Both you and Jason stood there in stock for about half a second before he decided to speak. "Um, well yeah I'll get it this fixed." Jason reiterated pushing the charms and chain into the pocket of his letterman, turning and heading for the door.
As he exited the trailer Jason completely ignored Eddie and Chrissy, nearly knocking the couple over in his rush to get to his car. Walking through the still open door Eddie enter, his eyes almost immediately finding his little sister face still wet with tears. 
"Hey are you alight? Did he do something to you?" Eddie asked standing in front of you. 
Pulling yourself together you look to your brother and the blonde that stood a bit behind him. 
"Maybe next time you you should make sure your drama doesn't become someone else's problem." You said with what you hope was a decent glare before rushing to your room and slamming to door shut behind you. 
Looking absent mindedly around your room your zero in on your clock. 
"Shit, I've got to get to work." 
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inaramisview · 2 years
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favourite word :: e. munson
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f!sister!reader x brother!eddie munson
summary :: something bad happens in the upside down, something that can’t be taken back.
warnings :: poc friendly (reader and eddie are half-siblings), use of y/n, vulgar language, mentions of blood, death, SEASON FOUR VOLUME TWO SPOILERS!, sadness, crying, angst, very very detailed gore, mentions of demobats and vecna, the upside down, not proofread, really shit writing
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y/n helped dustin through the gate. “c’mon, dustin, you’re okay.” she reassured as their heads snapped towards the door as a loud screeching noise reached their ears.
dustin looked up at the girl as she looked at him. “we should go-“ “yup!”
the two grabbed their weapons as they ran outside the trailer, their vision being blocked by the dust particles. as their eyes adjusted to the change of lighting, their eyes met eddie’s frame. eddie’s fighting frame. bats were surrounding him in a tornado-like current, all swirling around him and screeching like hell.
eddie waved around his spear, hitting anything he could, leaving his torso bare and vulnerable. his shirt lifted up a little bit, revealing his stomach as his arms waved around in the air.
y/n’s world soon turned slow as a bat bit her brothers soft stomach, making him scream in agony. she ran as dustin screamed and looked away. “eddie!” she screamed, as more and more bats bit into his skin.
she ran like hell towards her brother as tears spilled down her cheeks. eddie screamed as he dropped to the ground, his ruby blood spilling and staining his prized hellfire shirt.
some bats flew towards y/n as she screamed, attracted by the noise. she hit her spear up, puncturing multiple bats at once as she kept her eyes on her big brother.
the bats that were flying around eddie slowly fell to the ground as dustin limped over to the body on the ground.
y/n dropped her weapon and ran to eddie, examining his wounds. “e-eds, we— we need to get you to a hospital” she cried as he attempted to pull the 20-year-old’s head up into her lap.
he winced at the sudden movements, his eyes shutting closed for a second. “i just need— i just need a minute, okay?” a brief apology left y/n’s mouth as she brushed eddie’s hair out of his face. “dustin! please!” she yelled at the boy who was still far behind (much thanks to his limp).
y/n sobbed as she saw her brother in such pain. “h-hey, yo-you’re gonna be ok— okay, eds, you’re gonna be o-okay.” eddie looked up at his younger sister with admiration.
eddie and y/n never were close, but they were siblings, so like any others, they had their good days and bad days.
y/n was still holding eddie when dustin reached them. he dropped to his knees, opposite y/n, as he reached his hand out for eddie’s.
“i-i didn’t run away this time…right..?” y/n shook her head as dustin cried. “p-please eddie,” dustin sobbed as his grip on eddie’s hand tightened. eddie looked at dustin, giving him a sincere smile before her looked back at the sky.
“p-please don’t..g-go eddie,” y/n choked out, “i-i need y—you, eddie.” her lip quivered as she cried, holding her brother a little bit tighter. “i—i need my brother.”
the siblings looked at eachother with teary eyes. “y-you’ve a..always hated that word..” eddie chuckled. “b—brother..” he repeated.
y/n always used to cringe at the word brother. of course, she loved hers dearly, but something about the word made her cringe. she’d always made her discomfort with the word clear, but it didn’t change the fact that she loved her brother.
“n-not anymore…’s my fa—favourite word now, eds.” dustin looked at the siblings, the tears now staining his face as new ones fell down.
“see that, d-dustin?..” dustin nodded, although unsure of what he was seeing. “i-im her f..favourite word..” he coughed as bloody came through his airway (is that how it works 💀), making it harder for him to breathe.
“ye—yes eddie, you’re her favourite word.” dustin stood up, not daring to watch the rest of the scene unfolding in front of him. he’d heard of these kinds of movies. he heard knows they don’t end well.
“y/n.” eddie whispered. “eds.” she matched his volume.
“look after those little sheep— for me? huh?”
she nodded, wiping his forehead and pressing a kiss to it. “e-eddie,”
“promise— promise me..” his voice croaky, yet so full of love. there were so many emotions in his voice, yet not one hint of remorse was found. “i-…i promise.”
his head reached to the side, to see dustin. with his hands on his hips, with his back towards eddie and y/n.
his free hand reached towards dustin, who stood a good ten feet away. “d—dustin..” his voice quiet, but loud enough to make dustin turn his head.
just as he turned, eddie’s body went limp, his head turning towards his sister, as his sweat glimmered in the moonlight.
“e-eddie?!” dustin called out, “eddie!”
eddie was gone. dustin’s idol was gone. y/n’a brother was gone.
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masterlist :: inaramisview
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69 notes · View notes
cluz1babe · 7 months
You are Eddie’s sister and you’re secretly dating Hopper. It’s secret because Hop, a police officer, can’t be caught dating the town drug dealer’s sister.
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l0velysmut · 3 months
family: “why are you just sitting in ur room smiling at ur phone?”
me who’s been reading smut about fictional characters for the past 6 hours:
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27K notes · View notes
poltoreveur · 6 months
I can’t fix him but I could fuck him.
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itshelia · 6 months
Taking anti-depressant pills?? Seeing a therapist??? Journaling???? No need babe, my fav writer just dropped another x reader fic.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Your Gareth fic is literally amazing! Well I mean your writing is but anyways! You don’t have to but I was wondering if you could do a pt.2 to lessons (the gareth fic) cause it was just so good and I really need Eddie’s reaction to hearing his cousin is now dating his best friend :-)
I got so many asks for this one so I just had to do it!
ST Gareth Emerson x Reader - Sneaky 🍋
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Warnings: Slight smut, NSFW, MDNI, aggression, angst, language
Summary: (Takes place after the events of 'Lessons'.) You and Gareth had begun to date after that date in his garage, and now struggle to keep your hands off each other in front of Eddie.
Gareth glanced at you with a small smile from across the game table, as if you were giving him luck for his dice throw. As the die flung from his hand, the group cheered, recognizing the face it displayed as a twenty. You congratulated him with a nudge of your foot beneath the table, letting your shoe travel up his leg. He never once broke eye contact with you, save for checking his result, and his grin never faltered.
Eddie's eyes narrowed, his left twitching in annoyance. He'd been suspicious of you both for the few weeks that had passed since your drumming lessons. Every time he'd tried to ask one of you, Gareth would laugh it off, as if it were some ridiculous joke, and you'd gag on air, pretending to be revolted by your secret boyfriend.
"Are you kidding, man? Only in my dreams."
"Bleh! Ew, as if! You act like I have no standards at all!"
In reality, you found Gareth anything but repulsive. In fact, you were having trouble being separate from him, even here, sitting opposite form him was hard. Of course, you didn't mind sitting beside Dustin, but you'd much rather be beside the drummer, possibly even close enough to slyly tease him under the table.
After the game had wrapped up, you stretched, rubbing sleep from your eye, before standing up and grabbing your purse. "I'm tired..." you complained with a yawn. You watched as Gareth raised his arm to drape around you, and quickly slipped out of his reach. You both blushed at the close call and he stuck his hands to his sides.
"C'mon, nerd," he chuckled coolly, in an attempt to pass the awkward moment. "I'll drive you home." You nodded, turning to leave with him, only for the strap of your purse to be caught, halting you.
"Not so fast," you cousin chuckled suspiciously. "Wayne wants me to drive you, he made dinner and wants us home ASAP." Eddie smirked, turning to your boyfriend as he let you go. "That means your on babysitting duty, Emerson." Gareth's smile dropped, glancing at the freshman (and middle schooler) beyond his shoulder.
"What?" he protested, thinking up an excuse for why he couldn't take the kids home. "That's bogus and you know it! I can't fit five people in my car, it's not even big enough to fu-!" Suddenly, Gareth's eyes snapped to your wide ones, promptly shutting his mouth. Eddie glared at him accusingly.
"Big enough to what? Fuuuuh?"
The junior's palms began to sweat as he searched the room for a lie. "Fuhhh....Fucking-" he mumbled, trying to buy himself some time. "Fucking get groceries!"
"Groceries?" the DM cocked his brow.
"Yeah." your boyfriend stammered, twiddling with the hem of his flannel. "I can't even go get groceries for me mom, 'cuz the backseat's too small."
"Uh-huh." Eddie nodded, dropping the conversation for now. "Whatever, just take the Sinclairs home and I'll take Wheeler and Henderson."
Gareth sighed, relieved as the tension had faded. You did as well, walking to your cousin's van and hopping into the passenger side.
You wiped chicken grease off your lips, setting your napkin down beside your plate, answering your father's question about your last math test. "Yeah, dad, I passed the test." you smirked, eyes wandering to Eddie beside you. "Unlike someone we know."
Your cousin slammed his fists against the table. "Shut the hell up, (Y/N)!" He turned to his uncle, desperately. "Wayne are you just gonna let this little shit talk to me like this?"
The older man let out a tired sigh, simply wanting a peaceful dinner with his kids. "Stop it, both of you." he commanded lowly. "You two can't get along for ten minutes, can you?"
Eddie muttered under his breath, crossing his arms and kicking away from the table. "Can't see how I can get along with someone I can't trust."
"And what is that supposed to mean." Wayne cocked a disrespected brow.
"I just mean that your darling little princess is fucking my friend behind both of our backs and lying about it!" the flunkie snarled at his own outburst, satisfied that you were at last, getting in trouble with your dad.
"(Y/N) Munson..." he muttered quietly. "Are you sneaking around with this boy? In my house?"
You could feel tears well in your eyes, your heart struck with betrayal. "No!" you lied. "Even if I was, why does it matter? Ed brings home three different girls a fucking week!"
"(Y/N), Ed is older than you," Wayne tried to reason. "He's a man, and men have certain needs-"
"And I don't?! And if he's such a fucking man, why can't he either graduate, or just fucking drop out and get a job?" you argued, all of your now standing, and the tension thick as butter.
"Hey, you little bitch, don't fucking talk shit about me like I'm not fucking here!" Eddie defended himself.
"Yes, I know you're here, Ed!" you screamed in his face, ignoring your father trying to pull you apart. "I'm always fucking aware of you being there, because your constantly hovering over me and ruining my life! I couldn't have a boyfriend even if I wanted to because you'd chase him away! You're friends are the only ones I have because everyone at school is fucking scared of you and don't want anything to do with me! Oh, but I forgot, I'm the bitch for stealing your friends, right?!"
There was a beat of silence after your rant, the only sound being your heavy breathing. Tears had long since began streaming down your face and you felt all your pent up aggression coming to a head as you stormed off to your bed room, slamming the door behind you. "I fucking hate this family!"
You flung yourself onto your bed, weeping as it creaked beneath your weight. In truth, you wanted very badly to confess your relationship with Gareth. Eddie trusted him enough, and you're dad would love him if given the chance, and he was so sweet to you. It deeply pained you to have to keep him a secret. You sometimes dreamed of having him over for dinner, or your father taking pictures of you both the night of prom, but those all required your family to be aware of the love you shared. 
Suddenly, your pity party was interrupted by a very soft tapping on your window. You lazily got up, parting the curtains to reveal a mop of chestnut curls and a warm smile. You opened the window, wet eyes widened. “Gareth, what the hell are you doing here?”
“I had to see you.” he answered, his hands perched on the window sill.  
“Are you crazy?” you sneered, worried to be by your still angry family.
“Crazy for you.” he snickered, climbing into your bed room. 
“No, no, no! You can’t be here, it’s too risky!” you exclaimed, trying to hold him back, with little luck. 
“Babe, relax, I’ll be quiet.” he grins, plopping down on your bed, cringing at the racket the springs made beneath him. “Starting now.” Your boyfriend watched you pace back and forth as you stressed, fingers tangled in your hair. As quietly as he could, he stood, stopping your in you tracks, but you failed to look at him. “Hey, are you okay?” Your gaze finally met his and he was enlightened to your bloodshot and glossy eyes, lashes stuck together and cheeks stained with tears. “Holy shit, have you been crying?”
“I got into a fight with Eddie...” you confessed, collapsing against his chest. 
“About me?” he asked knowingly, his heart overtaken by guilt. You hesitantly shook your head, responding without looking back up at him.
“Us. Me, mostly. He told my dad that I was ‘fucking you behind his back’ and he believed him.”
“But...” he began, struggling to find a wording that wouldn’t upset you further. “You are?”
“No,” you whispered sadly. “I’m not. The sex isn’t what I’m scared of them finding out about.” 
“What is it than?” Gareth muttered, his hands rubbing soothing stripes along your spine. 
You finally brought your stare back upwards, and he met you halfway, now both gazing lovingly, if not a tad concerned, into one another’s eyes. “I’m in love with you, Gareth.” You had said it with such certainty that it almost scared him. Throughout the few weeks you’d been together, you’d both always avoided the ‘L’ word, nervous to commit to the relationship too much, only for the initial puppy love to dissolve and leave nothing left. 
Gareth could feel static crawl along his skin and all the blood in his body seemed to congregate behind his face. “W-we agreed not to say that yet.” he mumbled, instantly regretting his reply when he noticed the fat tears bubbling up in your eyes again. 
“Y-yeah, s-sorry. Just forget I said-” you brushed it off, trying to break away from him. 
“But!” he corrected, pulling you back to him. “I-I love you too...” he stuttered, gaze averted. “I-In love, I mean. I-I don’t really know the difference.”
“You really mean that?” you whispered, eyes watering again, but this time from unbridled joy. 
“I do. At least I think I do. I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before.” he rambled timidly, scratching the back of his neck.
You sighed against Gareth’s lips as he softly shoved you against the wall, cursing under his breath when his actions caused a picture to fall down and clatter against the floor. You hushed him, giggling as he claimed your lips again, strong hands cradling your delicate face as if it’d break if he let go. “Fuck, I’m so lucky to have you.” he breathed against your throat as he laid kisses across it. “So pretty, so loving.”
You bit your lip to stifle a moan as he made quick work of finding your most sensitive spots, having mapped you out perfectly in the handful of times you’d been intimate. “Gareth...” you whispered, tangling your dainty fingers into his curls, fertilizing a growth in his jeans with the tugging of his locks. 
“Love it when you pull my hair.” he groaned quietly. “Better stop unless you want me to really get rough.” You gave him a submissive smile, yanking harshly at the back of his scalp, earning a shuddering whine from him. He playfully glared at you, gripping you by the hips and hoisting you up. “Oh, you’re gonna get it now!”
Beyond the safety of your room, Eddie and Wayne still sat at the table, having still not moved from your outburst earlier. “Son,” the older man began. “I know you haven’t had the easiest life, especially with everything that’s happened this year.” His voice trailed off as his gaze wandered over to his nephew, who stared absently at the ruminants of his cousin’s plate. “But neither has (Y/N). That little girl looks up to you, ya know.”
“I know, I know,” Eddie rolled his eyes, sighing heavily. “And I’m trying to protect her-”
“That ain’t what I said.” his uncle interrupted, placing a hand on his arm. “She don’t need your protection all the time, though. Sometimes, she just needs you to support her, be nice to her.” he lectured quietly. “I had to learn that the hard way.”
“It’s just so hard when she keeps shit from me, ya know?” Eddie argued, running his frustrated fingers though his long chocolate curls. Wayne nodded, standing up and walking to the fridge to rummage though it. 
He found a pair of beers, and set one down in front of Eddie, who immediately cracked it open. “Maybe she’s worried to disappoint you?”
You cousin rolled his eyes, scoffing. “Doubt that, she’s never been afraid to get on my last nerve.”
Wayne finally sighed, glugging a good portion of his beer before responding. “I won’t force you to apologize, but I think she’d appreciate it.” With that, he stood, a few of his joints cracking with age as he did. “I’m headed to bed, if you need me, holler.” As the old man shut his bedroom door behind him, Eddie was left alone under the soft yellow glow of the over head light, staring at your left overs. He sighed, standing up to clear the table. 
He pondered what his uncle had said, coming to the decision that it was a good idea to apologize. He recalled fond memories of your shared childhood as he scraped leftovers into plastic bowls to save for tomorrow. He chuckled to himself at a particular instance that had occurred when he was eight and you were five. 
Tears streamed down Eddie’s cheeks as he peeled the left leg of his jeans, blood of a skinned knee sticking the denim to his opened wound. He cried out for an adult, covered in mud and pitiful, having slipped in a creek near your home. Instead, you came running to his side from over the hill, soft, thin hair and ruffled dress flopping about as you did. You sat beside him, taking a pair of scissors to put his pants into shorts, before pouring water from a bottle to wash away the dirt from the muscle. He watched as you dirtied your dress, using it to dry his injury, before wrapping it in a cool, clean roll of gauze. 
After playing doctor, you helped your cousin hobble back up the hill into your house. Once inside, you turned on the tv and asked him to put your favorite movie into the VHS, as you didn’t know how. While he was distracted, you ran to the kitchen and retrieved a bag of pecan sandies, before pouring them out onto a plate, complete with a glass of milk to share. When you returned, the pair of you sat and watched the entirety of the tape, consuming the snack whole. 
From that moment on, the pair of you had always bonded over pecan sandies and milk. It was your tradition. You did it when your mother left, and when Eddie lost his parents, and when you got stood up at your middle school dance, and the first (and second) time that he flunked graduation. Most recently, you shared a plate when Eddie came home from the hospital after the ‘Earthquake’, and he was repeatedly awoken by nightmares of Chrissy dying in your living room.  He thought of all the times you’d been his backbone, even being his kid sister cousin as his eyes wandered to a bag of cookies in the open cabinet. You’d be eating pecan sandies over this argument, he decided. Maybe if he offered you this kindness, you’d open up to him with the truth about your feelings for Gareth?
Speaking of Gareth-
“Oh, fuck, Gareth,” you breathed, your head falling against the wall with a quiet thud as your secret boyfriend fucked into you, sandwiching you between himself and the wall opposite of your bedroom door. “I-I love you.”
“Love you too, princess.” he replied, breathlessly and muffled, red flannel between his teeth in order to keep him quiet. “So fucking pretty, gonna make me cum.”
Eddie smiled, filling with hope. Cookies, and large glass of milk in hand, he made his way to your bedroom door, knocking on hit loudly, calling out. “Hey, uh, (Y/N)...Can we talk?”
You and your boyfriend parted like oil and water, desperately trying to make yourselves decent as your cousin knocked again. “Shit, shit, shit!” Gareth whispered, and you shared his sentiment.
“C’mon, (Y/N), I know your not asleep.” your kin begged, twisting the nob slowly and pushing your door open. You , as well as the intruder in your room both held your breath, several feet apart, hair tousled, faces red and sweaty, and clothes disheveled. To top it off, your room reeked of sex. “I brought you some...cookies.” The sound of ceramic shattering against the ground rang out through the trailer, deafeningly loud as your cousin stood in your now open doorway. 
“You’ve got to be shitting me.”
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natti-ice · 3 months
18+ mdni
Me: “fuck, I need his cock”
Him: *is literally just words on tumblr*
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moonxnite · 6 months
y’all ever fantasize about a fictional character a little too hard to the point you’re convinced you should be admitted to a mental hospital?
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