#Muse: Alastor
fat-slobby-hunks · 2 months
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Being the newest and best ever Overlord of all existence there were a few things velvette had to worry about unfortunately legal disputes were one of them. since podcast fell smack in the middle of an overlap between her territory and the radio demons territory which meant she had to meet up with him once in awhile to negotiate new Souls brought in through it
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Alastor felt is eye twitch as the familiar aura of a fellow overlord drew near. "Oh charming... it's time for THAT." He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose as he switched off his microphone prematurely ending his broadcast. "I suppose it can't be help... it IS my territory in the dealings, It would be in my best interests to keep things running smoothyl." He thought running a hand through his hair as he got up and adjusted his tie.
Despite that fact he could care less about the social media wonder, he refused to look any less than his best at meetings such as this. He had a reputation to keep up and he'd be damned again if he'd give Velvette any ammo to use against him.
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hells-fvry · 3 months
@hazbinned cont. from (X)
Too far from being a preverbal deer caught in headlights for his liking, Alastor found that he couldn't move when that familiar voice called out to him. He hadn't even heard the spider approach, or his little pet, their footsteps starting as a muted pressure behind his eyes, only to grow to a deafening crash of waves against a rocky shore, the demon left defenseless as his body was further brutalized by splash after splash of his own foolish mistakes rippling out from their start.
He didn't speak, didn't move, didn't even breathe as Angel talked to what might as well have been a fixture hung on the wall. Eyes burning bright in the darkness of the hall around them, Al could feel his legs buckle as the spider walked closer, sharp claws gouging deep ruts into the wall as his body finally gave out, as if protesting to the abuse he was putting it through. He wasn't in control anymore, betrayed by his own ₣Ʉ₵₭ł₦₲ body, as if everything else wasn't already burning down around him-
Eyes drifting over the Angel's pig, a hand slowly reached out to the little thing as if it possesed a mind of it's own, the shaking digits held out in waiting for Nuggets to sniff before trying to offer a tentative scratch to his snout. "₲ꝋ ⱥⱳⱥɏ." Distorted and weak in transmission, the words came not from Alastor's mouth, but the microphone cane on the floor by his feet, it having been dropped when his body had first started to give way.
Despite his words, Al made no effort to move his hand away from Fat Nuggets, it being the only tell that it maybe wasn't truly what he wanted.
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shiningxfates · 5 days
 ➺ (I mean...you know who this will be for lol)
Send ➺ to find my muse badly wounded and bleeding after a battle. [x] || @belovedblossoms
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No no, this wasn't the time for this. How could he have been so careless? Panic set in, static fizzling throughout the room, eyes reflecting just that as he saw the Princess herself, in his doorway. Her initial words fell on deaf ears. No amount of words was going to change the fact that she just saw what really happened during their last extermination.
Quickly, the deer fumbled putting his jacket back on, trying to straighten it out, while his button up shirt was still not quite buttoned all the way, tinges of bright red could be seen on the skin under it. "Charlie, you know it's unbecoming to enter someone's room without knocking first." He composed himself a bit more, heading over to the female to inquire what she needed. "Did you need something, my dear?" There it was, composure back as he settled his arm to try and tighten his jacket so she couldn't see anything.
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"No need to be alarmed, I'm wearing a Mawashi under these robes."
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calamityincrimson · 11 hours
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Well, well, one glance at the surface and already there's some delicious drama going on! He should have brought some popcorn~!
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mymanymaturemuses · 3 months
I have learned some things about deer mating seasons and the little fact of 'unbred females will go back into heat for up to 36 hours every 28 days' has been sticking with me. Yes Alastor is male so if he has those deer seasons he'd be in rut rather than heat BUT he is very reluctant to actually satisfy his rut (plus he's both fictional and a demon so I can do what I want XD) so even once his season is over it could still come back the same as heats do.
Anyway where I'm going with this is Alastor trying to ignore it every time his rut flares up and getting increasingly annoyed with anyone around him who isn't supressing their urges, to the point of becoming a walking cock-block for anyone in the hotel.
Honestly despite his reservations he would really benefit from letting off some steam, as it were.
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notherpuppet · 11 days
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I wanted to see this frame with ears 🦌
Fawn & Buck ♥️
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fat-hedonistic-hogs · 9 months
Alastor thin as a rail steps on Charlie’s personal scale and it just reads
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Is he a ton? Two tons? A thousand? Heck he could be the biggest demon in all of hell for all they know. But only he and a certain king of hell know the true size of his waistline.
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FUCK YES!! sorry but I absolutely called it! Lucifer is a silly guy!
Excessive ramble/theory tid bits ahead!~
How can you look at him and think he won't be a silly little guy? People saying he'd be a big intimidating scary king of hell? No way dude just look at him.
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And like the way he looks so upset in Ep1 when he lost his ability to create. That's not the face of a guy seeking revenge and filled with anger, that dude is just plain ol' depressed. The way he slowly just walks off screen...
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Lilith on the other hand? She is the definition of girlboss.
She's out here inspiring all the demons. Look at that power. She's in control. She's in charge.
While Lucifer's in his depressive state she's out here trying to lead all of hell. She's vengeful, (ik reds are quite a common colour in Hazbin Hotel) but the way it emanates in a glow behind her combined with her pose. It's just shows so much power and malice. You cannot convince me otherwise that she hasn't been pulling the strings since day 1.
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I'd even go as far as to say she was the one who had the idea to tell Lucifer to give Eve the apple. Just look at her stance as she stands back to see Lucifer going over to Eve, overlooking the plan. She knows what's up.
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(Also just a note but Eve looks so sad here. Girlie is trapped with Adam like she's in her own personal type of Hell. Btw I'd like to throw a theory out there that Eve and Lilith are sisters)
Ngl I do think Lucifer and Lilith split because of this whole power dynamic. Like Lucifer just couldn't keep up with Lilith's ideas or didn't believe in them. Like, Lucifer tells Charlie in Ep5 that Hell and it's people are terrible. This contradicts Lilith's whole thing of wanting to round up all the demons and potentially lead a fight. She THRIVES in Hell. For Lucifer, it's just constant punishment.
I feel like Charlie despite looking up to Lilith, is experiencing quite a bit of miscommunication. They both want to save the demons but in different ways. Charlie's way being through redemption but Lilith's maybe being through a war against Heaven.
Now it's just figuring out where the hell (pun not intended but enjoy) she's been for the past 7 years. (Honestly, I think she's just been off plotting with Eve.)
Another side note, but like the way Alastor just stares at this portrait in the pilot for such a weird prolonged amount of time is not helping my Lilith and Alastor theories calm down. Bro is the radio demon and is broadcasting everything back to Lilith.
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He 100% sold his soul to Lilith, tried breaking free, but couldn't.
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ahli-stuff · 2 months
Radioapple could be better
Back in the old days radioapple was my fan favorite crack ship . How the times change
Before we got our official depiction of Lucifer as we have now, I imagined him to be condescending, sly, manipulative character who would go on to be Alastor’s foil. Now, the only thing of that remains is that he is Alastor’s foil but the subversion of the sexy and powerful Lucifer of pop culture into sad-awkward dad Lucifer is amazing and I’ve grown really fond of it.
But for how popular it is now, there’s still a big itch that fan content for radioapple (or maybe just Lucifer) fails to scratch for me. This isn’t an issue I have that’s exclusive to Lucifer either, I nearly lost my mind about it in Tv series Lucifer(2016) too.
it’s the fact that there’s barely anyone seems to depict Lucifer’s sheer knowledge. If we are going by the finale, 10,000 years ago is when Lucifer first fell. He is at least 10,000 years old.
10,000 years to learn from the millions of stories (in passing and directly) who have fallen into hell. The wars, the disasters, the movements, the people!!! Age does not equate to wisdom, but you cannot live that long and fail to pick up a certain degree of separation from petty grievances of people who have lived only a fraction of the time you have. That’s doesn’t mean you’re immune to doing irrational things or having childish flaws, but those should coexist with the sheer weight of your knowledge. There should be a certain novelty that an immortal feels in being grounded around very young people who treat them like they are human. Because the knowledge and experience that comes with being immortal can be very dehumanizing, and that is especially so for a figure who has been maybe the most demonized in myth and religion ever.
Give me a Lucifer who knows thousands of different writings, religions, traditions, languages. Give me a Lucifer who contemplates the cruelty of some of the most infamous sinners in real life that have fallen into hell. Give me a Lucifer who becomes lost in ancient levels of nostalgia—his halcyon days with Lilith when humanity began to rear up and he was still hopeful.
Give me an Alastor who, beyond his resentment and ego, is deathly curious how Lucifer works. As a kid who likely went to church every Sunday and listened to pastors caution against the devil so many times his ears may fall off, to meet the guy himself? To meet the entity whom the entirety of the god fearing south wanted to scare him to sleep with? To finally meet the dealmaker of dealmakers?
Give me a late night conversation between the two where they discuss the what alastor has heard about Lucifer topside, Lucifer’s genuine curiosity of Alastor’s morality as a human, and the overall smallness of their existences in the largeness of their myths.
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fat-slobby-hunks · 2 months
🍃 for alastor?
He'll be rewarded with a big 'ol feast for him afterwards~
"Hmm... I've never been one for modeling before. But if the prospect of food is on the table I suppose I can make an exception and indulge your interests just this once anon." Alastor chuckled before snapping his fingers removing his fancy suit in an instant revealing his nude form in all its glory.
"Would you prefer if I pose like this?" He said tilting his head inquisitively as he put both arms behind his head and turned to the side giving the anon a full sideways view of his gut. "Or perhaps you'd prefer a view from behind?" He grinned teasingly as he turned around presenting his flabby back rolls to the anon and his wide cellulite riddled rump with his fluffy tuft of a tail sticking out.
"Any pose in particular? Maybe you'd like to get a better look at me in detail?" He said taking ahold of his belly jiggling the soft paunch a bit before taking his rolls In each hand and hefting his entire gut up into the air revealing a slight stubbly layer of fat between his legs. "You're free to look anon but no touching." He said still keeping his grin wide as ever.
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hells-fvry · 3 months
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"It is lovely, my dear, thank you. Would you like to chose wear to hang it in my studio?" @nifftyandlcvely
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shiningxfates · 1 month
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Ah it looks like the time has arrived. "It's awfully rude to keep a guest waiting. Even for one as influential as yourself."
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serasfanfiction · 3 months
Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
The attacks did not stop at the one.
After the third attack, Lucifer decided it was time to take a more proactive approach. Knowing that Alastor, the infamous Radio Demon, was at the Hotel and more than willing to literally eat their attackers alive wasn't serving as enough of a deterrent.
It looked like they were going to need a bigger reminder about who all resided in the hotel.
Unfortunately, they didn't know who was behind the attacks. Lucifer had snagged someone during each of the attacks, and each time, the story was the same: the group had received a call to go roughen up the residents of the hotel, but no names were ever given.
It was smart. Annoying, but smart.
Frustrated, Lucifer tossed the last of this round of goons to Alastor (and if the action mimicked tossing a dog a treat, well, no one had called him on it, yet). The redhead hummed in pleasure at his work, the sound somehow soothing rather than grating through his radio filter.
The King of Hell watched him, considering. Their opponent knew Alastor was here. Was wary enough of him not to give them any names. The skill levels of the goons were getting better, but they were still no match, really, for either of them.
The only one he truly knew to any capacity was Alastor, and he doubted the redhead was behind this. Alastor wasn't about to undermine the hotel he was so very obviously invested in, even if it was only for his own 'entertainment.'
It was most likely it was another one of those Overlords. Lucifer had only met a couple of them. Hadn't really paid attention to the politics since the system was just starting to get off the ground. He knew Carmilla Carmine for all that he hadn't seen her in nearly two decades. Their connection had been deliberately buried until only Carmilla, Lilith, and himself knew about it anymore.
He had met Zestial, only the once, but that had been back when the spider Overlord was young and new to his position. That must have been... three or four hundred years ago?
Which meant that enlisting Alastor's help was his best bet, something he absolutely did not want to do. Lucifer had managed to avoid anything more than a gentleman's agreement the last time they'd done anything transactional because Alastor had wanted his chance at a pound of flesh more than he wanted to escalate the tensions between them.
Asking for his help with an investigation, something that was going to take potentially a large amount of time and energy, was going to be costly.
Lucifer grimaced. At this stage, he was going to have to try it keep any transactions as one-off as possible. One time deals with a clear give and take. No loop holes or vague details.
Alastor, who had returned back to his usual form, watched him, having picked up on the change in mood. He appeared to be in a good mood, having just had a rather large meal and all.
Well, no better time to do this.
Lucifer lightly touched down in front him, just out of arm's reach. The distance seemed to amuse the deer demon, further adding to the hypothesis that he was closer to an agreeable mood than usual.
"May I speak with you. In private?" Lucifer grit his teeth, but forced out a polite, "Please?"
Alastor considered him. "I assume it's about this latest round of nonsense?"
"Yes, but." Lucifer glanced behind him. Charlie and the rest of the residents were watching them from the doorway, always ready to step in if needed. He turned back to the redhead. "I would prefer to have this discussion in private. If you feel better with it, we can discuss it in your room."
It was probably a little telling, giving up the familiar ground again, but he felt it was still the most likely place to keep Alastor agreeable.
Alastor hummed, placing his hands behind his back as he began the short walk back to the hotel. Lucifer came up to walk beside him, keeping his distance but forced to stay a little closer for the sake of privacy.
The redhead's smile was knowing, aware of what he was doing. "Very well, your Magesty. Perhaps after we send everyone back on their way?"
It was a subtle way of asking how public Lucifer wanted anyone to know about their meeting. "Later tonight, after everyone has gone to bed."
People were likely going to see them working together at some point, but he'd rather postpone that mess as long as possible.
Alastor's smile took on a hint of teeth, eyes half lidded with the promise of seeing something amusing. "I look forward to our chat, then."
Oh, Lucifer bet he did.
Lucifer put it out of his mind, surrendering himself to Charlie's inspection. The wound to his hand was long gone and not even a concern any more, but it seemed his daughter was still shaken by the fact that her father was just as vulnerable to Angelic Steel as her girlfriend was.
He spent the majority of the rest of the day in her company, something that had brought her comfort after the last fight, only escaping her clutches when she and Vaggie decided to call it a night.
"Night, Dad! Remember to take it easy tonight," she called over to him as she headed out.
Lucifer and Vaggie shared a look. The latter, taking pity on the former, took hold of Charlie's arms and began leading her away. "Yes, yes, he got the message. You're smothering him."
Lucifer heard his daughter gasp and he caught a glimpse of a fretting expression on her face before she was led around the corner. "He needs fretting!" he thought he heard her exclaim before she was too far out of earshot.
The blond knew he had a dopey smile on his face, but he was just so happy to get to spend as much time with her as he had been getting lately. He just wanted to soak it all up before she got tired of him and no longer needed him anymore.
"You need anything else, sir?"
Lucifer twisted around to face the bar, remembering the drink in his hand. He'd felt like something non-alcoholic tonight (he needed all of his wits to survive tonight), and since a wider variety of drinks had been added to the menu, he'd thought he'd indulge. "Nah, but thanks, Husk. Don't stay up on my account. I'll clean my glass before I leave."
The winged cat grunted. He finished up the final glass he'd been cleaning, placing it with the others. "Don't have to tell me twice. Night, sir."
Lucifer waved him off. They really did need to work on the 'sir' part, but Husk was as stubborn as the rest of them.
The hotel began to settle as one hour passed, then the next. When he could no longer hear and movement, he downed the rest of his drink. It didn't taste as good at room temperature, but there was no need to waste it. A little twirl of his finger and a touch of magic, the glass was as good as new.
He placed the glass in its designated spot behind the counter. He took a deep, steading breathe, resisting the urge to put this off. Better to get it over with.
Red smoke swirled around him as he transported him straight out of the lobby and up to Alastor's room. He didn't want to take any chances that someone would see him coming and going. He reappeared as close to the entrance of the room as he could, as to not impolite intrude more than he already was. Normally, he wouldn't care, but, again. Playing nice.
He looked around until he spotted his quarry over by the fireplace, still fully dressed as normal and sipping who knew what.
"Ah, sire, I was beginning to wonder if you'd keep me waiting." Alastor gestured to the small table set out between his chair and a second chair to entertain guests. "You'll have to forgive me. Your tea has likely gone cold, but I expected you an hour ago." His smile wasn't sorry in the least.
Well, so much for being in an agreeable mood.
Lucifer crossed the room to the vacant chair. He dropped into it, ignoring the drink. He wouldn't have accepted anything from the cannibal at this stage in their acquaintance anyway. "I'd like some information on the current Overlords."
Alastor placed his cup on the saucer resting on his lap. "Ah! Straight to business. Good, man." The redhead looked his guest up and down. "And what have you to offer in exchange for this information?"
Lucifer settled into his seat, crossing one leg over the other, as he lounged to the side. His elbow came to rest on the arm rest. "You tell me what you want and I'll tell you if I'm willing to pay it."
Alastor's eyes took on a golden glow, pupils morphing into dials. "You'll uphold the bargain, even if I don't have all the information you want?"
He hated to do it, but, "Yes."
The deer demon leaned forward. "This will be a binding deal, not an agreement."
Just as he thought. The blond responded, again, "Yes."
Alastor's body language shifted. Something sinister, never quite buried and never hidden well rising to the surface. Lucifer could almost see him considering his options, weighing each one in turn.
Finally, he settled on, "Your blood, taken at a time of my choosing."
Lucifer didn't wince, although he wanted to. He sighed, nodding. "One time. No ongoing feedings. We don't do it in public. If I need anything else from you after this, we can negotiate any terms at that time."
Alastor placed his cup and saucer on the table. "Also, you take on that delightful deer form of yours, and I get to feed until I'm full. No retaliation."
Lucifer narrowed his eyes at him, noting the word 'full.' "Can you actually get full? I know you're not a real windigo, but I can see the influences."
A red tipped claw waved the concern off. "Despite all appearances to the contrary, I am not a 'bottomless pit.'" Alastor did not actually use finger quotes around the phrase, which he seemed to find distasteful, but Lucifer heard them anyway. Someone had used this phrase against him in the past. "It simply takes a rather large meal to sate my appetite."
His grin widened with anticipation and a touch of excitement. "Whatever you seraphim are made of, your blood was exceptionally potent! I was very nearly full off of it all by itself."
Lucifer shuddered, even as he matched Alastor's grin with near manic one of his own. He certainly hoped it would be. Fallen or not, he was still one of his father's most powerful creations. "Your terms are acceptable."
Alastor held out his hand, the shadows that made up his magic unnaturally darkening the room. The stitches along his coat and smile cast a sickly green glow across his person. "I take it we have a deal?"
Lucifer felt his true form come over him. He didn't allow himself to hesitate. He reached out and took the Radio Demon's hand.
Shadows lit by green symbols spread out across the room and down into the hotel. The foundation creeked with the power of the binding being cast around the deal makers. If this had been the original building, it would have crumbled.
(Down in their rooms, the other residents shifted uneasily in their sleep. Husk, the only one still awake, stared at the ceiling in grim trepidation as evidence of his master's newest deal lit up his room.)
The magic faded away as they drew their hands away. Lucifer could feel the weight of the chain settle around his neck. Could see the other end of it wrapping around Alastor's hands, laying in wait for him to call in it.
It was not the most pleased he'd ever seen the Radio Demon, but it was close.
Alastor, sometimes capable of pretending to be meciful, let the chain disappear. He picked back up his drink, prompting, "You had some questions, your Majesty?"
Lucifer pressed his lips together briefly. He hated the way Alastor said his title on a good day. Knew he did it just to annoy him. Usually, he let it slide. Perhaps it was the new weight around his throat and the delight in every line of Alastor's body that made it grate this time.
He forced himself to relax.
"Tell me about the current Overlords. The territories they hold. What alliances they have."
Alastor leaned back in his own seat, making himself comfortable. "Well, if we're going to talk about anyone, we must start the esteemed, Zestial..." The radio host indeed proved to be knowledgeable in this area, providing concise and easy to follow information whenever Lucifer asked for clarification.
For instance: "Carmilla Carmine?" Lucifer had had ample practice with pretending he had never the Overlord. There was nothing in his tone to give it away. "She was the one that provided the weapons Angel and the others used, yes?"
"Yes." Alastor tilted his head to the side. "I must admit, I'm a little surprised you're not more concerned about how much Angel Steel there is laying around. It might be expensive, but it's certainly everywhere. Isn't it a danger to you and your daughter?"
It was only the fact that there wasn't any audible malice to the question, just the sense that the redhead was poking to see if Lucifer would be willing to share the information, that held his knee jerk response in check. This was, indeed, a Q&A for Lucifer to question and Alastor to answer. There was little reason to give anything away in this instance.
Ultimately, the blond settled on letting him have this, as the redhead had already seen him bleed.
Lucifer held up the hand that had been impaled. Alastor's eyes followed the movement, focusing in on the line of slightly lighter grey that was all that remained of the wound. It was darker than it had been just yesterday and would be darker still tomorrow. "Angelic Steel holds little threat to me or to Charlie." It might have, had she been a Nephilim born of the union between an ordinary angel and human, but as one born of a seraphim and the first woman? Not a chance. "It can hurt us, but it's little more of an inconvenience."
Now, if someone where to get their hands on Charlie's trident and attack her with it? Well. No one needed to know that.
Alastor made that humming noise he made when he was digesting a new tidbit of information. He picked up his narrative, going on to explain the alliance between himself and various other Overlords. From the way he spoke of her, Lucifer got the impression that Alastor actually liked this 'Rosie' character, while he just as clearly did not like the Vees, which was apparently the handle for a group of three separate Overlords.
He didn't realize he knew more Overlord names than he thought he did, until he recognized another name. "Valentino. He's the one that Angel has a contract with?"
Alastor nodded. "Yes. To my understanding, Valentino owns Angel's soul, but can only exert any control over him while in the studio. Seems a silly little loop hole, if you ask me."
The nonchalance, the so little care for Angel's clear suffering was a stark reminder that Alastor himself was an Overlord with his own souls. Lucifer frowned at him, a little of his contempt bleeding into his tone, as he accused, "A loop hole I'm sure you'd never allow your own souls, hm?"
Alastor laughed. "Ha ha! Oh no! Not at all. Any soul I own, it's total and complete." He smirked back in the face of Lucifer's disgust. "But I mostly deal with favors, more so than souls. I like to do little things for others, and later, at a time of my choosing, they do something for me." His expression grew thoughtful. "Why, cashing in a few of my favors is how I got that silly little advertisement for the hotel on the air. I'm sure you've gotten around to seeing it by now, yes?"
Lucifer felt his irritation simmering below the surface. Only allowed the sharpening of the claws he wanted to use to wipe that smug little grin off Alastor's face be the only indication of it. He pushed the conversation on, instead of letting the sinner have the point. "And do you hold territory?"
The Radio Demon held up his hands to bring attention the room as a whole. "Oh, nothing like that. My tower is more than enough, although I do get a bit possessive with the hotel itself, since I've invested so much time and energy into it." He pointed to the radio on the shelf behind him. "I don't really need more when I can reach anywhere with a radio on hand. My favors owed do a great deal of the work of covering any gaps in my coverage."
Lucifer remembered him mentioning he had a talk show. Now that it was brought up, he recalled seeing several of the old fashioned radios around the hotel. Charlie had one in her room and there was one in the main foyer. He had been thinking of adding one into his room, but hadn't gotten around to it.
Suddenly, he wasn't so sure that was a great idea. Perhaps he could sneak out the one in Charlie's room the next time he was in there?
He gestured for the other to continue. When Alastor finished, Lucifer took a moment to chew on the information he had been given. It was a good start, better than where he was at the beginning of the day. But it didn't really narrow anything down.
"Do you know of anyone in particular who might feel threatened by what the hotel is trying to accomplish?"
Alastor laughed, finding the question a bit absurd. "Any of us might find it threatening, my dear king. Our deals and our reputations are our most powerful tools. The possibility that souls can be redeemed means that those deals might be broken which threatens our power."
Lucifer supposed it was too easy, if there had been an simple response to that question. Alastor surprised him, though, when he added, "Really, I don't know why anyone is worried about the hotel, when supposedly you're a bigger threat yourself."
The blond frowned, attention sharpening. "What? Me? What do I have to do with any of that?"
Alastor's posture was as languid as it had been since he had settled in. Nothing on the surface seemed to have changed, but Lucifer could feel the weight of his gaze as he explained, "Oh, you know. That silly legend that's been hanging around."
Lucifer blinked at him, baffled. "What legend?"
"The one that says you can break deals."
Unbidden, a memory rose to the surface. Of himself standing above a sinner kneeling at the base of his throne. The sound of the shattering of their chain and the tinkling sound as the links hit the floor - once, twice - and then vanished. It had been the last time he'd ever interfered in the drama between sinners. Lucifer blinked, the memory vanishing like smoke.
He almost dismissed it. Almost let the truth die and remain a myth. Something about the way Alastor was watching him held him back. Whispered: this is important.
Telegraphing the movement, the Devil raised his free hand. Seeing he had the Radio Demon's full attention, he flicked the chain that represented their Deal, putting a little power into it to force the chain to materialize.
Alastor jolted, spine straightening and ears standing on end, half looking like he had received an electric shock.
Lucifer lowered his hand, letting the chain disappear. "I can't break deals I've made, if that's what you're worried about."
The redhead rolled the wrist his end of the chain was wrapped around, trying to work some feeling back into the suddenly numb limb. He still looked amused, but only by the skin of his teeth. "Come now, it's like you think I was accusing you of being dishonorable!" He visibly pulled his undaunted mask back into place. "I was merely asking if you could break other people's deals!"
Uh huh. Sure he was.
Still. With the same level of casualness, Lucifer straightened from his slouch. Dominant hand freed, he used it to reach out and pluck a different chain right out of thin air.
Alastor's eyes widened fully from the normal half-lidded state. One side of the chain was wrapped around the redhead's wrist, showing him the owner of the Deal. The other side trailed off under the door and out of the room.
If one were to follow it to its other end, they would have found themselves standing outside of Husk's door.
Lucifer watched Alastor, the latter's eyes glued to the former's grip on the chain. Anticipation was evident in Alastor's expression, but it was a little harder to parse out the other emotion in there.
But hope of what?
Lucifer tightened his grip, testing the strength (Alastor's strength) of the Deal. The links creaked and groaned under his own power and he found that it would be easy to break them.
Instead of breaking them, however, he released the chain instead.
Alastor's left ear twitched, expression growing rigid, as if he had forgotten he was being watched. Something related to disappointment, but not quite, crossed it before curiosity took it's place. "You didn't break it?"
"Husk is an adult and he made his own choices. Contrary to popular belief, I do appreciate consequences." Perhaps Lucifer would be willing to change his stance on the subject in the future - he was growing attached to the members of the hotel, besides Charlie and Vaggie, by default. He certainly would if Charlie ever asked him to. "Besides, I'm not in the market to make anymore of an enemy out of you tonight than you already are."
There was that familiar amusement again. "Oh? Does that mean I'm growing on you, sire?"
Lucifer shuddered, waving the idea away like the smell of it was something foul and putrid, which only seemed to amuse Alastor some more. "Er, no. Absolutely not. Father, you're so lucky Charlie likes you."
"Indeed." Alastor looked to the clock on top of his fireplace, which drew Lucifer's attention to it.
Egad, Lucifer thought to himself as he saw the time, when did it get so late?
"Did you have any other questions for me, sire?"
Lucifer was both closer to his goal and yet further away from it than when they started. It did indeed seem like an Overlord was responsible for the attacks, but it was unlikely that this line of inquiry would bear any more fruit.
He sighed. He didn't like what he was about to do, but it had to be done anyway. "No, I don't have any future questions at this time."
Both sides felt the redhead's side of the Deal closing, Alastor's end fulfilled. His hands flexed around the feel of the chain and then settled. Perfectly polite, he said, "Splendid! Fancy doing business with you. You don't mind if we call this a night, then?"
Lucifer didn't want to poke that bear, but he couldn't help but ask: "You're not going to cash in your deal tonight?"
The Radio Demon looked at him, knowing he was really asking it so that they could get it over with as soon as possible. "Nonsense! I've already eaten a hardy meal today." Alastor grinned from ear to ear, looking for all the world like he was talking about a 5 Star restaurant's menu and not about drinking someone's blood straight from the source. "I'd much rather reserve this meal to a time I could enjoy it to the fullest."
Lucifer grimaced. Cannibals. Either way, the desire to not have those teeth in this neck tonight won over the need to get this over with and he decided that he was not, in fact, going to look that gift horse in the mouth that night. "Whelp, good talk!" The little king sprung to his feet. To avoid turning his back on the creature that literally had license to take a bite out of him, he decided he was just going to portal out. "Uh, let me know when you want to, uh, do the thing."
As he portalled out, he heard Alastor drawl, tone heavy with dark promise, "I most certainly will."
Part 6
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zaebeecee · 29 days
This is not an anti post or a hate post but
It strikes me as very interesting that Alastor’s response to Angel’s sexual advances, ie laughing/dismissing them and then pretending they didn’t happen, is somehow proof that the two of them would be a bad ship?
But the fact that Husk’s response to those sexual advances, ie hating them so viscerally (and not in an “I’m secretly into it” kind of way) that they have three separate, full on fights spurred on by it in the same episode, is apparently not a ship problem?
Especially since “this is Angel’s front and he’s not actually that aggressively forward” is one of the main points of episode 4 so it shouldn’t be a problem for any ship at all, but is constantly dredged up when people bring up RadioDust, even though Alastor has the most neutral reaction to Angel’s advances in the entire primary cast?
I just don’t get it
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allastoredeer · 3 months
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