#Muse; Don't Let Rumors Bother You
ruru0803 · 9 days
Unknown Territory: Five x Reader
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Chapter 3: Run Boy Run part 2
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Five Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Vanya Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Comic ChaCha
Comic Hazel
It was a nice day in the fall. The sun was shining, the wind wasn't too strong. People were walking around the carnival with smiles on their faces.
An older man smiled as he saw this and proceeded to set up is concession stand.
He was whistling a small tune as he did so, his favorite time of day was when he came to work. He liked to keep himself busy.
The whisting came to a stop when a broom snapped on the side of his stand, then started hearing a scream. He looked in the sky before jumping out of the way and the next thing he knew the body of the cleaners fell into his stand.
He quickly went and told the security guard what had happened though the security guard was skeptical when he said the man was pushed.
Until he saw the body. He pulls out his walkie and starts to yell into it.
"Excuse me, officer but I believe we can of assistance."
"Who the hell are you?"
The man asked as he turned to find the Umbrella Academy; Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus and Ben. This was their second mission and they felt more than ready to take on the task at hand.
"It's your Eiffel Tower, it's gone insane and must be stopped at all cost."
The man looked at the kids like they were crazy, he had no time for children and their made up games.
"Allow me to introduce my subordinate, Number Three."
Luther holds his hand out and gestures to Allison with it.
Allison turns to face the crowd of people that happened to be surrounding the Eiffel Tower.
"Citizens of Paris... I heard a rumor that the musee d'orsay is giving away many of its finest paintings. They're also serving Crepes."
The crowd of people ran past the children in the direction of the art museum. Luther praises Allison and now that the area was safely cleared out, the kids activated their belts that gave them the ability to fly. Reginald thought this would be the perfect time for the kids to test his new invention before he sold it off.
"Spread out and attack!"
The kids nearly dodged a beam that came from the tower. Above them was a helicopter with the umbrella symbol on it. There, Reginald Hargreeves and Vanya sat watching the action.
Reginald makes no move to acknowledge her.
"Why can't I play with the others?"
He didn't respond but she knew what he would say if he did. She frowned as she watched her siblings fly over the tower.
"Where's Number Five? I don't see him down there."
Five had been gone for days now. Ben, Klaus and Vanya had gone out to find him but he had vanished without a trace.
Today was not that day.
Vanya began leaving out his favorite sandwiches hoping that one day he'd come back.
"The future I presume..I can't be sure nor can I be bothered."
There was not an ounce of emotion on his face. Sometimes Vanya thought he was more machine than human.
"Why don't you go and play your violin?"
They had been there for a while. Arrived at 8:15 am, Almost shot out of the sky around 8:52 am and now at 9:04 am, Ben was using his testicles to try to tear down the Eiffel Tower but currently he was distracted trying to keep Klaus from falling into the gears below them.
"Any bright ideas now, fearless leader?"
Diego glares at Luther.
"You're slipping Klaus!"
"Don't let go! I'm trying to contact a dead engineer from the spirit world. He can tell us how to stop it!"
"Save your breath we're all gonna die!"
Diego yelled at the two annoying Luther.
"Why don't you shut up!"
He flew up and wounded his fist back and punched the tower with enough force to snap it in half. The others quickly flew a little bit away as the tower came crashing down.
"Show off!"
Diego pouts earning an eye roll in return. Luther punched through the control tower giving them a way in. Inside they find the person they were looking for.
"Just as I suspected— Zombie Robot Gustaye Eiffel!"
"Maudit Enfants!"
Ben stares at the man in shock.
"Alive after all these years!"
"Not for long!"
Diego quickly pulls out a knife and throws it before Luther can tell him not to. The knife collides into Eiffel's head forcing him off of his feet. His body lands on the different levers behind him.
Sparks start to shoot out of his head.
"Initier la séquence de lancement!!"
The kids jump out of the building trying to get away from it.
"What's happening?!"
Klaus yells and Luther answers.
"I think it's taking off."
"But why?"
Allison looks to him for answers once they finally get to safety. The kids turn to look at the Eiffel Tower, it starts to lift off the ground and towards the sky.
"That's because it's not a monument, children. It's a spaceship."
The kids turned to look at their dad who was now standing behind them.
"While you have lost the Eiffel Tower, you did save Paris and you know what that means?"
"The Key to the city." The governor states.
"Free ice cream for everyone, one scoop each." The ice cream parlor said.
The kids cheered each one running towards the ice cream stand well everyone besides Luther.
"What's wrong, Number One?"
"When I grow up...I want to go into space."
"And so you shall, Number One..."
He places a hand on Luther's shoulder.
"So you shall..."
Luther wakes up to his alarm he turns it off gets dressed and knocks his head into the light bulb hanging from the ceiling. He walks past Allison's room to look past the hall before turning back to knock on her door.
Allison continues packing her clothes away. Luther is silent for a moment, he wants to talk to her but he's afraid that she's still upset with him. She's the only one he really cares about wanting to appease.
"You know it's funny. I've had the same routine for the last four years. Now that I'm back down here, I'm not quite sure what to do with myself."
"I know the feeling."
Allison chuckled slightly but her eyes still weren't meeting his.
"Well, you must be eager to see Claire, huh?"
"I didn't think it was possible to miss a person this much. But I've got some things I need to do before I can see her."
Luther walks up to Allison believing it was okay because she didn't turn him away.
"You know someday, I'd really..."
She pauses her sentence as she looks up to meet his eyes for the first time today.
"Love for you to meet her."
"Yeah, you."
Allison chuckled again.
"Why not?"
"Well, does Claire even know about me?"
Luther asks timidly.
Allison eyebrows furrowed at his question.
"What are you talking about? Of course she knows about you."
"I know, it's just that, when you left, it felt like..."
Luther shrugs.
"All you wanted to do was forget this place ever existed, so..."
Allison crosses her arms and nods.
"This place, yes. But not you."
The two stood there in silence just staring at the other before Allison broke contact.
"When Claire was little, I used to read her books about the moon. I'd tell her her; her uncle was living up there."
Allison smiles as she looks back up at him.
"That he was... Protecting us from harm."
The two laugh together and Luther's eyes brighten.
"I mean, you were...her own personal superhero."
Luther nods with a smile feeling happy about the thought of Allison talking about him with her child. It made him feel good.
"You know, after all this time, I know she would love to meet you."
Luther paused for a second just staring at her not knowing what to say. So he settled on....
"Uh, Dad's monocle is still missing, so I can't just forget about that."
Allison let out a sigh at him mentioning Reginald again.
"Dad died because his heart gave out, Luther. Don't turn his death into a mission."
Luther frowned at her words not understanding why his siblings weren't on his side.
"Is that what you think this is?"
Allison searched her mind for the right words before placing her hand on his shoulder.
"I think there's a reason why you never left."
Allison searched his eyes for a moment before leaving the room.
Klaus lies on the couch with a twisted look of terror written all over his face. He starts to mumble something in his sleep as he shivered before waking up abruptly, he shivered in fear as his brother watched him from a few feet away.
"You know you talk in your sleep?"
Ben's eyes follow Klaus as he slides to the floor and starts to look around.
"There's no point."
Ben said softly.
"You're out of drugs."
"Shut your pie hole Ben."
After realizing he snapped he looked at Ben.
"Said with love."
He blows a kiss towards his brother.
"I got a crazy idea. Why not try starting your day with a glass of orange juice or some eggs?"
"I can't smoke eggs."
Klaus lights up a cigarette before walking around to look for something to sell. Ben sighs as he stares at a wall feeling concerned for his brother.
Pogo cleared his throat as he entered the room, Ben smiled at the sight of him while Klaus jumped in fright.
"My apologies, Master Klaus. I have a query for you."
His eyes brows raised in question before the chimp began to speak again.
"Some items from your father's office have gone missing. In particular, an ornate box with pearl inlay"
Ben turned to look at his brother with disappointment in his eyes.
"Really? You don't say."
"Any idea where it went?"
Klaus figured that Pogo wouldn't be asking if he didn't already know but did he want to be honest about it?.....nope.
"No, no, no. No idea. Sorry."
"Low blow."
"Would you shut up?"
The last sentence caused Pogo to get offended though he didn't show it as he thought the comment was directed towards him.
"Excuse me?"
Klaus instantly spoke up trying to correct himself and attempt to deflect more from the stolen items.
"The contents of that box are....priceless. Were they to find their way back to the office. Whoever took it would be absolved of any blame or consequences."
"Oh, well, lucky bastard."
Pogo said in a firm voice, he stared at Klaus for a few more minutes making him feel an inch of guilt in the pit of his stomach.
Five gripped onto the eyeball in his hand as he stood in the lobby of the lab. His gaze hardens as he looks around waiting for someone to address him.
A man walks out dressed in a lab coat. His brows furrowed at the sight of Five standing there.
"Uh, can I help you?"
Five turns around at the sound of the voice behind him. He took a second to look down at the eyeball before showing it to the man.
"I need to know who this belongs to."
"Where did you get that?"
"Why do you care?"
Five instantly got defensive and glared at the man, the scientist took a moment to study Five trying to figure out the best way to have him give up the information.
After realizing he probably had to say something Five answered.
"I...I found it... At a playground, actually."
He hoped the lie was believable enough for the man to tell him who it belonged to. Though the man in front of him seemed suspicious of that statement.
"Uh, must have just...popped out."
He finished the sentence with a smile hoping to look inviting like you usually did.
"I want to return it to its rightful owner."
The lady at the desk smiled at the gesture and made a comment. Five however was done with the small talk and wanted the information he came for.
"Yeah. Look up the name for me, will ya?"
The smile on the lady's face fell and the man in front of him spoke again.
"Uh, I'm sorry, but patient records are strictly confidential. That means I can't tell you—"
"Yeah, I know what it means."
Five started to feel a little frustrated at this point. The man caught on to the shift in attitude.
"Right well, I'll tell you what I can do. I will take the eye off your hands and return it to the owner. I'm sure he or she will be very grateful, so if I can just—"
"Yeah, you're not touching this eye."
The forced smile slipped off of Five's face the moment the man tried to reach for the eye. The man frowned and started to scold him as if he were a child.
"Now, you listen here, young man—"
Five glared at the man, he grabbed his coat and pulled him close in just seconds. He looked deep into his eyes, making sure the man was looking at his piercing eyes.
"No! You listen to me, asshole. I've come a long way for this, through some shit your pea brain couldn't even comprehend, so just give me the information I need, and I'll be on my merry way. And if you call me 'young man' one more time, I'm gonna put your head through that damn wall."
The lady got worried as she saw the twenty year old man get aggressive with the older one.
"Oh dear."
"Call security."
The lady instantly picks up the phone and starts dialing causing Five's glare on the man to harden. Five let's go of the man but not without giving him a harsh shove.
God he wished you were there.
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Tsubasa: 🐸New friends 💋 good/bad influence (COOL INFLUENCE) ♝ Found family (at least on Tsubasa's part - if you're a friend, you're family to them)
Anzu: 🐸New friends ▲ Besties (eventually, as far as she's concerned) 💃Partners in Crime (the crime is 'bothering shinobu')
Shinobu: ♫ Reluctant friends (from Shinobu, at least) 💋 good/bad influence (bad influence? good influence? who is to say really) ➣ One-sided crush (from Shinobu, she's gonna be very unhappy with herself about it) perhaps into € Mutual unknown longing (perhaps maybe maybe)
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Relationship dynamics meme - Accepting. So very much accepting. Please send this in if you'd like to write with me/already are writing with me so we can plot!
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Ooh so many great ideas! I'll respond to this by muse:
Tsubasa: Yes PLEASE have Tsubasa be Sonia's cool influence! I could see them becoming friends very quickly and easily, and Tsubasa teaches Sonia cool slang and not to sound like a 40 year old trapped in an 18 year old's body. Take Sonia to skating competitions! Or concerts! Or other cool teenage things! Let Sonia put temporary bright streaks or extensions in her hair and neon makeup! Give her a digital pet (that she will suck at taking care of but it's the thought that counts)!
She will be totally poggers in no time do people even say poggers or vibe or mood anymore but yeah Sonia still will because it's Sonia and no matter how hard someone tries, she's a dork. She's a dork around regular people because she's so sheltered. She's a dork in the upper classes because she's obsessed with horror/occult/serial killers/anime/dramas/gothic and romantic literature.
In Sonia's case, she can teach Tsubasa all about etiquette, or public speaking, or languages. Or horror movies. Is Tsubasa easily scared? For their sake, I hope they aren't.
Don't let Sonia cook for them either but that goes for any and all muses!
Anzu: Sonia will have no choice but to become besties with Anzu. One, she's just so nice and friendly and energetic! And two, Anzu will hear about how her bestest friend ever Shinobu met the Princess of Novoselic and didn't outright hate her and, if I'm right about this, that's good enough for Anzu.
These two tag each other in new IG filters and swoon over dramas, I bet. Anzu tries to take Sonia to do young, cool and hip teenage girl things, like meeting her favorite hosts at the host club, but Sonia is uncomfortable by the prospect of paying someone to talk to her/be her friend. If just for the fact her family has already done that in the past, or people tend to befriend her because they want what she represents or something she has, instead of who she is.
Anzu is also the Queen of the Stairs. That is: Sonia will learn to think twice about taking the stairs at Hope's Peak Academy - she'll never know who's lying at the bottom, clearly in pain from a certain gremlin who has pushed them and made it look like an accident (my money is on Hiyoko ending up there sooner rather than later).
But still, very good and agreeable friends, though Anzu always seems to be laser focused on...
Shinobu: Oh yes, if there's any reluctance in this friendship, it's on Shinobu's end. Sonia is already plenty entertained by their morbid outlook on their attire and the ball in general, so she'll be more than happy to befriend them. Despite all the rumors floating around Hope's Peak about how cruel Shinobu Yaguchi is towards...well, everyone. But especially girls who get too close to them and then get disappointed when they're rejected.
Fortunately for Shinobu, dating them isn't at the forefront of Sonia's mind, at least not at first. She's just happy to make a new friend! One that happens to be thoughtful, introspective, brooding, bitter but kind to at least one person/Anzu, tends to need a hug and a smile more than most...well, you can see where I'm going with this:
mutual/known longing is likely to happen in this case. I can see Sonia feeling at ease in their company, as they likely won't care about her title and is far more interested in Sonia's personality, or at least the concerning parts of it: her obsession with the disturbing and the fact she's not breaking out in tears every time Shinobu glares at her, or tells her she's annoying, or some other tactic that usually makes other girls crumble.
Sonia's not like other girls: she's got concerning hobbies, believes the best in everyone, and is an absolute idiot when it comes to recognizing someone is in love with her (Kazuichi aside).
They need all the help they can get, but don't tell Anzu that. She'll only be more determined to resolve this one-sided crush that could turn into mutual pining. They can both be the good/bad influence!
Also: can we say a prayer for Sonia's windows (from Shinobu) and Sonia's general privacy (from Anzu)? RIP to both. She won't see them intact again: not for long, at least.
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hausofredhq · 5 months
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✦ ・— Did you hear? GABRIELA MUÑOZ-RAMÍREZ is looking for someone. Well, you didn't hear it from me but + 1 wanted connections were added. Don't go spreading rumors, though.
Wish they would bother someone else with this but GABRIELA MUÑOZ-RAMÍREZ ( christian serratos ) is looking for their SIBLING . Right? Ugh! They said they were about 35-45 and looked kind of like ANY LATINX/HALF-LATINX FC. I heard it was FAMILIAL. Here’s what they told me: gabriela's sibling has never been in fashion before. they are unaffiliated and have had to watch her climb the ladder. whether it's tense because of this, or your muse wants her help climbing too now, or whether they want to be a team, i have nothing specific in mind! we can make them super close or estranged or otherwise. i just love sibling/family connections and there is always a chance for drama to happen, especially considering gabriela is freshly married and told no one about it.  Between you and me, though, they should get back to work. This show isn’t going to stop just for them! And If you see them, YOU CAN let @rougeisms know. That’s all.
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“O-Oh, hey...”
Shiho sat up straight as she played with the sleeve of her long-sleeve shirt.
“Is there... something you want to talk about with me?”
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch- Part 11
The Darkling x Reader
I’m backkkkkkkkk besties 🥰🥰
The rest of the day was spent doused in the work the Darkling had given you earlier, so the time you would have spent otherwise mulling over his plans for the stag had to be pushed out of the way.
You had plenty of time left until the evening's dinner, where you would be formally announced as Deputy General to the Grisha of the Little Palace. You had already signed off on official letters to the camp commanders and First-Army leaders stating your position, but you doubted there would be any fuss from them.
Your own Grisha is who you had to be worried about. They didn't do well with change. Especially not when it came to a mysterious all-powerful Grisha coming and taking control of an army they'd never seen them be a part of before.
Nonetheless, this was happening whether they wanted it or not. Ravka needed to present a united front and adding another person to strengthen said front was essential. All you hoped for was a peaceful transition, no blood-baths. To hell if they whispered or rumored, you could handle that, you've been handling it.
You had a list of ever-changing priorities in your head, and on top of it was always Alina. You cared for your Grisha, no matter how much they hated you or how much you disliked them, and Alina wasn't any exception. You felt a pang of guilt flow through you at the thought of Aleksander using her against her better conscience but you shoved it away quickly. There was nothing you could do but talk to him and question him about the plan.
The plan. The stupid plan. You called it stupid because you didn't know anything about it and against your better judgment, it made you doubt his trust. Was it so bad, so cruel, that he couldn't tell me? Before you came to the Little Palace, you told yourself you wouldn't blindly trust anybody anymore. Aleksander had to be held to that standard too.
Your door was left slightly ajar, you were sick of the knocking at this point so when you heard a feminine voice call out your name you looked up instantly, ready to be hit with more reports.
'Ms.Y/L/N? I have been sent by the General to see if you wish to use any of my help' The red-haired Grisha looked at you with her bright blue eyes. Her white kefta pressed to perfection.
'You must be Genya' You stood up and welcomed her in.
'Sorry about the room, as you can see I don't have a proper desk yet' you laughed and watched her closely as she studied you. 'What do you do exactly? It's been years since I heard of a tailor and I've never had the pleasure to meet one.'
You noticed a look of surprise at your black kefta. If she had any questions, she most certainly didn't feel comfortable asking, he probably told her not to ask.
'I do all sorts of things, change the color of your hair, get rid of pesky scars, anything you don't like about yourself really..... well except your character, there's nothing anyone can do about that' She waved off and sat you down at your vanity, carefully pushing papers to one side.
'So? How about it?' She looked at you through the mirror and you pondered.
'Maybe the eye bags need to go?'
She nodded deeply, 'Definitely' you couldn't help but feel a little offended, but mostly amused.
'What do you propose then, Genya?'
'Hmmm, the eyebags for sure, put some color on your cheeks,-' She combed her hands through your hair and bit the inside of her cheek '-the hair needs something too, perhaps some shine?'
'Perhaps' You mused.
'I shall get to work then' she smiled.
After your pampering session with Genya and prying her open (more like soothing her) to talking about life at the Palaces and her life, you came to the conclusion that you would die for her. She was so kind and strong, no wonder she and Alina were always seen together, they were two peas in a pod. Her humor and wittiness, like yours, was refreshing, a breath of fresh air in the stiff and formal palace.
You didn't bother changing. The truth was you were tired already and a full day hadn't even passed of your new job. How did I do this for so many years? But still, you managed to put on your bravest smile and walk in the domed hall with your head held high and your black kefta on a show like a trophy.
Unlike the other time you and Aleksander dined together here, he was already sitting in his chair. Ivan was standing, ready to announce any war news and casualties. You could see Alina looking at you with a confused look on her face, but she still gave you a welcoming smile.
You sat down and cleared your throat in the deafening silence. Ivan began to speak but you heard none of it. Your head too full with thoughts on how this situation could go. You felt Aleksander move his hand to your thigh in a calming manner. You looked over to him and shot him a tight smile, before looking back to Ivan who was sitting down. Here goes nothing.
You stood up with Aleksander. The Grisha in the room couldn't understand what was going on, who was that person, wearing black nonetheless, sitting at the right side of the Darkling, on her own custom chair. The list of anomalies was never-ending.
He spoke first 'Today is a monumental day for the Second-Army, for all Grisha, for Ravka. Y/N Y/L/N has returned to the Little Palace and will be reprising her role of Deputy General, Second in Command of the Second Army.'
Nobody spoke but if looks could kill, I would be halfway into my grave by now.
'Ms. Y/L/N will play an essential part in our fight for freedom and justice. She is an outstanding leader, sometimes even better than I am, for she leads with compassion and understanding for all. She deserves nothing but the utmost respect and loyalty. If you for one second doubt her abilities, you might as well put cuffs around your own wrists, for disrespecting her is disrespect for me. I put my full faith in her.'
He turns to you and sits down, giving you all the attention.
'None of you will remember my reign as Deputy General, but I assure you I know what I am doing. The Little Palace and your lives are of most importance to me. I am here to protect and care for you, yes I will be giving commands, but rest be assured they are in your best interest.'
'I don't represent one order of Grisha, I represent and unite all of you-' You look towards the Etherialki '-I can summon the strongest of gales and light the Palace's fires-'
You turn your head toward the Materialki '-I can bend any metal, bleed fabric of its color-'
Your eyes meet Fedyor's '-I can soothe a heart and crush every bone in a body-'
You stand straighter '- and I can summon the shadows, call the darkness. With me at your side, I will make the Grisha kind loved once again, we will not be hunted or enslaved. Ravka's borders will be peaceful. I am putting my trust into each and every single one of you to help me achieve our utopia'
You sit back down and only then do you notice your shaking hands. You don't dare look up out of fear but a calming hand on your back almost forces you to. And you're glad because almost every Grisha in the room is looking, no, worshipping you. Their eyes glazed over and their mouths open in shock. Even Zoya looked astounded.
He leans in to whisper in your ear 'I'm so proud of you'
You ate amongst the other Grisha that night, feeling a sense of belonging and confidence pulsing through you. It went down way better than you'd expected. Nobody threw a fit or tried your life. And you were happy. The sleep you had that night was the best you'd had in years.
The next morning, and the morning after that, was taken up entirely by work. Aleksander went away and so you were left with the runt of the jobs. But you had made yourself extremely comfortable in his quarters. At first, you only came to make use of the war room, then you sat at his desk to drink your tea and concentrate on work, and ultimately fell asleep in his bed, enclosed by his scent and those forgiving black sheets.
There was so much work to do and only so many hours in the day, and Aleksander decided to make life that much harder by renewing the search for Morozova's stag. You couldn't keep up.
You were waiting on a certain somebody. You had instructed the oprichniki to bring her here right after she was done with Baghra, no later. And so you stood there, inspecting the war table when a gentle knock echoed throughout the room.
'Come in'
'Deputy General' She addressed you with a curt nod.
'Please Alina, call me Y/N' you looked at her from your place at the table, hands resting on the map. She looked slightly uncomfortable but way less scrawny than when you'd first seen her. Her hair was filler and her skin glowed. She looked healthy now. Aleksander must see this too.
'I can see using your powers has affected you in more ways than one.'
'Oh-yes umm.. my appetite's grown so much since I got here it's rather funny' She was growing more comfortable.
'That's completely normal if you're using your powers more often' You smiled and walked around to her. 'I thought we could have a cup of tea or two, and you could tell me all about yourself Alina, and the things that are troubling you. I don't want you to feel like you're all alone in this place.'
'Dep- Y/N I assure you I am most certainly fine. There’s no need t-’
'I was once like you… and I can sense a troubled soul with my eyes closed.'
She stared at you with her defensive walls up, not letting any emotion slip though the cracks behind her eyes.
‘Alina… I mean you no harm. I’m just worried. Isn’t it nice to have someone worry for Alina and not the sun-summoner for a change?’ You cracked a sad smile and walked over to the tea the servants had brought.
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Part 12
Taglist (tell me if u want to be added!!)
@theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @patdsinner33 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl @exo-1204 @houseofdupree @oberonpascal @eireduchess
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
Hey! I hope I'm not bothering you, I just found your blog and I love it sm, and I saw you sometimes do cherik fic recs. Do you have any Canon divergence aus/fix it, preferably after Cuba, that are 30k or longer and have a happy ending? If not thats okay! You don't have to answer this. Have a wonderful day!
Hi anon, thank you so much. I’m happy you both like my blog and my recs. You are certainly not bothering me, and feel free to send me an ask any time. I have plenty of recommendations for you. Some of them diverge a bit from your request because I couldn’t help but recommend them as well. I will put a note on those who diverge from your request. As always, I only recommend fics I have personally read and enjoyed and I sincerely you love them too.
-Canon divergence aus/fix it, post Cuba, 30k or longer, with a happy ending cherik fic recs-
Not Half As Blinding- keire_ke
Summary: Cuban beach AU. Charles discovers that death does, in fact, solve everything.
Lay down beside me (so still and so soft) – C-Gracewood
Summary: A different take on the events of the film.
Rumor Has It – blueink3
Summary: "Did I hear the doorbell earlier?"
"Yeah, but I'd steer clear if I were you. It seemed a little tense. I don't know what's going on, but there's a kid out there who looks freakily like the prof."
Nearly six months after Cuba, Charles' life is turned upside down for the second time. Though he's slowly learning to adapt to the first, he's not sure he can handle the second. Luckily for him, there are a few people out there more than willing to help.
Forward Momentum – AsYouWish
Summary: Six months after Cuba, Charles and Erik find themselves thrown fifty years into the future, where they meet their older selves, the Avengers, and a world that's very different from their own. Faced with the pieces of their broken relationship, an unparalleled adversary, and dealing with Tony Stark on a daily basis, Charles and Erik do their best to adapt while trying to find a way back home -- and to each other.
When an Unstoppable Force Meets an Immovable Optimist – ToriTC198
Summary: "You are always trying to save me, Charles." Erik mused aloud. "Ever since you dove into the ocean and dragged me out. Did it ever occur to you that I might not be worth saving?"
A genuine smile broke out on Charles' face as he brightly answered, "No, my friend, not once. I have every confidence you are well worth saving. But, I never truly believed I could save you. You are not the sort of man who someone saves. The choice to be a better man has always been yours to make and I hold no illusions that I can make that decision for you. I simply have faith that one day you will save yourself. I only hope I am still at your side to witness it."
What if Erik and Charles had been able to find a middle ground in the end?
Take the First Option – ShowMeAHero
Summary: When Erik becomes unbalanced, Emma presents him with three options: go back to Charles for three months and learn to deal with whatever he has going have going on, lose his Brotherhood, or let Emma control his mind.
He really only has one choice.
Virtue to Which We Aspire – varlovian
Summary: Nine months after Cuba, Charles is found by Erik's Brotherhood in the smoldering ruins of an abandoned CIA base, exhausted but alive. As the only known survivor of the CIA's vendetta against mutants, recovering Charles' memory of the incident—which he admits to having forgotten—just became paramount.
But the harder they push, the closer Charles gets to breaking point. When he finally cracks, the X-Men and the Brotherhood will learn the truth, but it comes with a price...
Some doors, once opened, cannot be closed.
Some minds, once broken, will never be the same again.
The Waking of the Red King – rustingroses
Summary: When Charles' heavy injuries on the Cuban beach conspire to leave him in a coma and living in fantasy of his own making, Erik, the man who once threatened to divide the mutant cause, finds himself desperately trying to hold everything together. First of the Red King trilogy.
Wake Up and Smell the Pancakes –  Ayra Sei Ethari
Summary: In one universe, Erik left Charles. In another, he stayed. So what happens when the two Eriks get switched? "At first, Erik thinks he's dreaming. Then he realizes that this is Charles. Who is not paralyzed. And kissing him.
Rage and Serenity – MagickMaker, TheFangedGoblin
Summary: After Charles is shot on the beach, he is rushed to the hospital and paralysis is prevented. Ridden with guilt, Erik finds that he cannot leave him. He helps him heal, and eventually, Charles learns to trust him again. But when they set out to rescue Emma from the CIA and accept her onto their team, tensions rise. Will love keep Erik and Charles together despite their differences?
No Yesterdays on the Road – pocky_slash
Summary: It's been two months since Cuba and things are settling down for Charles, Erik, and the beginnings of their mutant school. Right up until Charles disappears, that is. Faced with the possibility that a bitter Emma Frost has kidnapped Charles, Erik is forced to team up with Moira to hunt down the remainder of the Hellfire Club. From there, they hope to locate Frost and retrieve Charles, without killing each other along the way.
(Or: Erik and Moira Drive Across the Country and Talk About Their Feelings.)
What Can We Do Without You? – SwoopSwoop
Summary: Charles and the boys were holding onto a secret more dear to them than their own lives when Charles disappears into the night; Erik is betrayed and finds himself returning to Westchester in the hopes that the government was just trying to trick him. All the while the boys are stuck in the middle, left guarding the secret from the man they are most afraid of finding out who is weaselling his way back into their lives alarmingly easily.
Note: Includes Mpreg, but don’t let that discourage you from reading it because it’s a really great fix-it.
Survival Instinct – Lindstorm
Summary: It’s been months since Charles pulled Erik out of the ocean, and Erik is beginning to wonder how many more times he can choose Charles, and still keep his vow to kill Shaw. Cooperating with the CIA is straining Erik’s patience. When a fact-gathering mission goes wrong and Charles is kidnapped, Erik is left trying to hold their mutant band together while Raven and the rest of them fall apart. No one can foresee how the mutant Charles meets in captivity will challenge all his assumptions about his own power, and twist Charles’ telepathy out of his control. In the race to stop Shaw's nuclear ambitions from coming to fruition, Charles makes a crucial misstep. Erik’s decision between Shaw and Charles takes on unexpected ramifications when [spoiler deleted].
Needles (Series) – Skull_Bearer
Summary: AU where everyone's born Dominant or Submissive
Once a Dominant and Submissive pair is born, they are linked to each other, no matter how far apart they are. This link doesn't actually tell the Dom or the Sub each other's thoughts, but it does allow them to know how the other's doing and serves as a reassurance that there's someone meant for them out there.
Another one of the reasons that Erik hates Shaw so badly is because Shaw managed to break Erik's link to his Sub. Now Erik doesn't even know if his Sub's alive because breaking a link like that can kill a Submissive.
Meanwhile, Charles hates himself for not yet having telepathy strong enough to contact and help his Dom, especially after feeling the pain his Dom was forced to go through. He truly believes that his Dominant is dead. Hopes it, some nights when he remembers how his Dom was forced to suffer. It's better than to think of his Dom still being forced to bear that pain.
And then Charles pulls Erik from the water
Time to Grow – zarah5
Summary: In which you'll find chess dates which aren't dates (or maybe Charles is wrong about that). -- Based on First Class, this turns (slightly) AU during the beach scene.
Note: This fic is less than 30k words but it’s such a fandom classic and just a great read if you love your fix-its.
Faults for Fixing – beren
Summary: Charles sees the events of the missile crisis and subsequent weeks when he uses Cerebro to touch the mind of a mutant with the power to see the near future. When he wakes up he is determined that he will not allow them to happen and he will not lose the people he loves.
Note: A bit less than 30k words long but another great read.
It’s like one of us woke up – kaydeefalls
Summary: "You came here for me," Charles said, meeting Shaw's gaze levelly. "So let's not waste any more time."
Canon!AU in which Charles and Erik do find Shaw in Russia.
Note: XMFC fix it, but the events in Cuba don’t happen. 
Afterlife – Anna (arctic_grey)
Summary: A year after Washington, Erik wakes up in excruciating pain as sudden awareness washes over him: Charles is dead. Erik has to adjust to yet another future: no extinction, just a world without Charles. But the death of his former friend leaves Erik weak and his powers drained. His quest for answers leads him back to Westchester, where Erik has to face his past with Charles and put together the puzzle pieces of what happened to the man he once cared for.
The Burdens We Long to Carry – arcapelago (arcanewinter)
Summary: When mutant-supporter and ally President Kennedy is assassinated and all pro-mutant progress is dismantled, Charles is no longer so confident that he's on the right side, and extends his hand to Erik after a year of animosity. They settle tentatively into their old partnership, but not everything is the same as it was--and not everything can be. When Hank develops a metal frame to move the lower half of Charles' body for him if he wants it, Erik offers the use of his mind and his ability in order to make it work. Both find out what they're willing to do for each other, and neither knows if it'll be enough to keep them together.
Other Futures Than These – midrashic
Summary: In which Cuba doesn't break them apart, but that doesn't mean that their futures are tied together. (Except that it does.)
A Days of Future Past AU where only one person can defeat the Sentinels and save the future: the man whose imprisonment and torture created them, and Charles Xavier's ex.
The Winter of Banked Fires – Yahtzee
Summary: Charles Xavier has returned from the dead -- but is lost within his own mind. Rogue has cast aside her own power and doesn't know where she fits in the world any longer. The production of synthetic Cure means mutantkind itself is newly at risk. And Magneto, turned human against his will, is in despair until the day he feels a familiar consciousness tugging at his own --
Set after X-3 (with much desperate fix-it applied), during XMFC, and every time in between.
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erzaguin · 3 years
Huntmira Week 2021 Day 4: Human AU
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“Hey you’re the new transfer student right? My name is Amity and as your class rep I’ll be giving you a tour of the school. Follow me and don’t fall behind. We have a schedule to keep and we are already running late.” said the cotton candy haired girl as she started walking briskly away. “Come on I wasn’t kidding I will leave you behind if you don’t hurry.” 
“Alright so you already know where the office is. If you get in any trouble this is where they’ll bring you. Down that hallway over there is the school library which you have access to at any time during school hours. Come on, we're already running behind schedule so we don’t have time to see it.” she stated as she continued walking forward at a fast pace.
“Now the school is essentially divided into four parts each of which is assigned to a different grade level. Essentially it is meant to give students more time in between classes so they can get whatever materials they need from their lockers. Speaking of which, this one is yours.” she noted as she came to a sudden stop. “The number and the combination are on the welcome packet you received at the front desk. As you may have assumed already this is the freshman hallway apart from electives all of your other classes will  be here. Any questions? No? Good. Let’s keep moving.” without so much as a pause she turned on her heels and started moving at the same brisk pace.
“The hallway to your left leads to the juniors hall and the sophomore hall was the first hallway to your left when you entered the school. As for the senior hall that would be the separate building at the back of the school. The cafeteria is right at the center of the school and it also doubles as a social area. And this is the gym.” she stated as they reached a large oval shaped building separated from the rest of the school. “Hopefully nobody notices we are late” grumbled Amity under her breath as she opened the door. 
As soon as the door opened a roar of cheers washed over the pair as they entered the building. The gymnasium was filled with the entirety of the student body who appeared to be completely enthralled by whatever the captain of the girl’s basketball team was saying. She along with the rest of the basketball team were standing at the center of the gym with the school principal standing a few feet to the side beaming with pride. 
Amity ignored them completely as she tried to make out where her friends were in the stands. Without saying a word she tugged on the transfer student’s sleeve to get them to follow her. 
“Hey Amity, you made it. Oh is this the new transfer student” whispered Willow as Amity took the empty seat behind her. “Yeah sorry we’re late I had to give them a quick tour before coming here.” grumbled Amity as she thought about how late they were. 
“Oh don’t mind Amity she can be a bit grumpy in the mornings . . . and afternoons. I’m Willow by the way” she said in a cheery voice. “I’m Gus! Your family just moved to Gravesfield right? said the young man sitting next to Willow. “You’re going to need someone to give you a run down of what you need to know abouts Gravesfield. But never fear Gus is here.” Boasted the youth before proceeding to give the transfer student a rundown. 
“The first thing to know is that Gravesfield athletes are mini celebrities in town. If there is one thing Gravesfield High is known for it would be our sports teams. And because there is only one high school everyone in town gets pretty into it.” explained Gus with excitement but before he could continue the school principal called for everyone's attention the gymnasium became quiet.
“Now that we have heard from our athletes who will be representing our school out in the field it is time to hear from our student council.”exclaimed principal Bump as a small group of students made their way to the center of the gymnasium. 
Rather than applauding the student body stayed quiet as the youths continued to make their way to the center. There were only three of them but their presence  alone commanded the attention of every individual in the gymnasium. 
“Oh boy” mumbled Amity too herself as she saw her two siblings take center stage along with their best friend hunter. 
The three stood in a line facing the other students with Hunter in the middle with Edrick to his left and Emira to his right. The tension in the gymnasium had started to increase when without raising his voice Edric said “Hey” giving the students a sly smile. Without any warning the entire gym burst into a cacophony of cheers. Which only intensified when Emira gave them a wink.
“They really are popular aren’t days,” noted Willow as she looked at Amity who was trying to shrink into herself from embarrassment. 
“This must be really weird for you to see huh?” shouted Gus  over the crowd to the transfer student. “ Yeah, if the athletes are celebrities then the members of the student council are royalty.” said Gus before pausing for dramatic effect.
“The twins are Edric and Emira Blight. Edric is the treasurer and Emira is the vice president. They are on the top of their class, always the leads in any school play, and probably the most charismatic people you’ll ever meet. Also if that name sounds familiar it’s because more than likely your parents bought your new home from their mom Odalia Blight. She is the most well known real estate agent in the area. Not only that but their family also owns a security company.You might have seen some homes with a sign that says “protected by Blight security." 
"Some? Don't you mean all? Every building in Gravesfield uses Blight security. And aren't you forgetting one very important Blight?" Added Willow as she nudged her head towards Amity.
"Oh right Amity is also a Blight and she has the top spot in the freshman class she's als…"  
"That's ok no need for my resume " Interrupted Amity with a face that shows equal amounts of annoyance and embarrassment. 
"Suit yourself " shrugged Gus. "Anyway the blond guy between the twins is the school president Hunter Wittebane. If he looks familiar it's because he's on all the promotional posters with his uncle Mayor Belos. He is the most influential man in Gravesfield and Hunter will definitely follow in his uncle's footsteps. He is the captain of all the boys sports teams as well as the debate club, book club, and history club. Honestly he’s a very intimidating guy if you think about it.” mused Gus. 
“You know there’s a lot of rumors of how he became school president during his freshman year. They don’t normally allow freshmen to run.” puzzled Willow not asking anyone in particular but was loud enough for other students to hear and joined in the conversation. 
“I heard his uncle threaten the school” said a girl sitting in the row under theirs. 
“I heard the twins charmed the school principal to let him run,” said the girl next to her. 
“I heard a rumor that people added his name to the ballot when they heard he was dating one of the twins.” said a boy from somewhere above them. 
“I heard he was dating both” shouted someone else from a distance. 
“Silence,” a commanding voice rang through the gymnasium as all the students fell quiet. Hunter had stepped up to the mic and was now scowling the students in front of him. 
“Thank you,” he said in an almost gloating tone with a smug smile on his face. 
“It's good to see that everyone is so excited about school.” whispered Emira giving Hunter a sly smile causing him to roll his eyes. 
“As you all know we are the current members of the student council. We are here to let you know elections will be coming up soon and we encourage anyone interested to go run for a position in the student council. Just know that we will also be running to keep our positions. Now if you excuse us we have work to do.” boasted Hunter before turning on his heels and making his way out of the gym.
The twins waved goodbye to the crowd causing the gymnasium to erupt into a fit of cheers which could be heard even after they had left the gymnasium. 
"Do you two always have to be so extra?" Mumbled Hunter as he walked down the hallway. 
"Oh don’t be like that Hunny" said Edric as he put an arm around Hunter and gave him a flirtatious smile.
"Yeah it's not our fault that the crowd loves us." chimed in Emira as she clinged to Hunter’s arm.
“Yeah right and don’t call me Hunny” scoffed Hunter who by now should be used to the twins' shenanigans but they always found new ways to annoy him. 
Both twins let go of Hunter at the same time and let out a gasp as they feigned being shocked. “But you used to love us calling you Hunny” Groaned Edric while pretending to cover some tears. 
“Our little Hunny is growing up. He's embarrassed of us now.” said Emira as she mimiqued her brother’s reaction.  
Hunter let out a long sigh as he looked at his best friends pretending to cry. Even knowing there were no tears there he just could not bear the thought of upsetting them. These two had been his best friends, his only real friends since pre school. Because his uncle was such a powerful and influential man many people tried approaching Hunter as a means of getting close to his uncle. He understood that the twins felt the same because of how often people approached them for their families business connections and wealth. Then there were those who were too scared to approach any of them because they found them intimidating or just out of reach. 
They had never cared about who his uncle was just as he did not care about their families business.  He just couldn’t imagine what his life would be like if they hadn't approached him on their first day of pre-school.
The twins had stopped pretending to cry once they saw the expression on Hunter’s face. “Hey you ok?” asked Emira, genuinely concerned as she approached Hunter.
“If it bothers you that much we’ll stop” sniffled Edric as real tears were threatening to break through. 
Hunter looked at the pair and could not help himself from smiling appone seeing their grief stricken faces. These were his favorite people in the world just as they were the most annoying.
 “I hate you guys.” said Hunter with a smirk. 
To this both twins lit up and latched on to either one of his arms as they continued walking down the hallway before saying in  unison “Aww we love you too Hunny.”  
“Stop calling me that” demanded Hunter as he let himself be pulled away by the two.
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stardustinthesky · 3 years
empty skies. farscape. aeryn sun. they say that blood washes away well. they lied.
muse-ic: empty skies by MYSTXRIVL feat. enjoii
read on ao3 or under the cut
They say that blood washes away well.
They lied.
She's seen death up close before, both on the giving and receiving end of it; watching explosions from inside the safety of her prowler, the weight of her pulse pistol and a steady hand, the familiarity of it all.
But not a knife.
A knife is messy and blood splatters all over the place, and it will ruin clothes and get into your hair—
I wanted this, she tells herself as she watches the blood swirl down the shower drain. I won the coin toss.
(except nobody really won anything.)
She could have stayed, but she wanted the choice, wanted to have the different options even if she didn't really know what to do with them. How do you go on with your life, with the man you love, when you're grieving him, and yet he's still here? When you can barely look at him and yet yearn for his touch?
So she does what she knows best when she's under attack and cornered: retreat and regroup.
(but it didn't work so well for her in the past, did it? She pushed him away and almost lost him; let him in and he died.
But he's very much alive and it would be easier if he wasn't John Crichton, but he is, and she loves John Crichton and that's always been the problem, hasn't it?)
Guarantee you won't die in my arms again.
She can't let that happen, again.
(so she leaves.)
She looks at her flat stomach, then the pulse pistol in her hand. How could she give birth to another life, when she takes so many of them? How could she ever be a good mother to her child?
She's not even sure who the father is.
There's a part of herself that hates the status quo. It would have been so easy to ask for a DNA test on the command carrier — John was the only non-Sebacean male, the only male period, she'd been with ever since she'd been deemed irreversibly contaminated — but not knowing had made it easier to leave.
(she thought that, the further she'd go, the pain would finally go away; but his absence only amplifies it.)
"I'm not really good with makeup," she tells Kevia, the other female Sebacean of the group.
Don't worry, I'll show you, and she does.
She uses too many products and colors, tries different things until it's just right. (but it isn't right.)
Look at you, you're so pretty, she says when she's finished. Her smile is radiant, so unlike her when they're on the job, maybe the most ruthless of them all.
Aeryn looks in the mirror and barely recognizes herself.
(and maybe that's for the best.)
There's Lechna, and under different circumstances, she would have liked him. They work well together, and he's always a comforting sight whenever they're on a job.
He makes his intentions clear; she makes hers clearer.
"What happened to you?" he asks one day. He knows the story behind her ex-Peacekeeper status, heard the rumors about Moya and its crew, only smirked when she mentioned being deemed irreversibly contaminated, You must have done something right for that.
"What do you mean?" The fellip nectar turns her stomach. She really shouldn't drink that, normally wouldn't ever since she found out about the pregnancy; but tonight, she longs for a night that feels so long ago, when things were simpler yet terribly frightening. When the only sounds where of the rain pelting on the roof above them and his breath against her ear.
"You don't spend that many cycles on the run and suddenly decide you'd rather join us?"
How do you explain that you watched the love of your life die, and yet they're very much alive? "I lost someone," and leaves it at that.
He doesn't ask for more, doesn't bother to learn more about her after that; his interest was never about the connection and was always about the sex. Releasing the tension would have been easier in the past, a good frell to get it over with, now she has Crichton's mark to bear, had for a long time, even if she's the only one to see it.
After Velorek, she'd promised to herself, never again.
What a frelling liar.
She'd like to say that weekens turn into a quarter of a cycle in the blink of an eye, but she'd be lying about that.
Solar days stretch as long on some rundown planet as they do on Moya. A contract requires planning and mostly waiting for the right occasion; she has a lot of time to think.
Doesn't make it easier, though.
She doesn't dream, but she wonders, sometimes, about finally coming back, seeing his face again. Would he be happy to see her? Would he want her back? She thought that, by leaving, she would have the choice. Now? She's not so sure.
Still, she imagines what her child would look like, dares hoping that they would be a hybrid, wishes for them to be John's.
Not knowing becomes a suffocating thought, but this is something she has brought upon herself; she wants to let fate decide and yet it doesn't come soon enough.
He's going to hate her for this; she has to admit that she won't blame him one bit.
She's planetside, during equinox time. The sun shines brightly, the air is warm, just enough to be uncomfortable. On the other side of the square, the doors of the Governing Hall open and the Prime Lukythian steps out to greet the masses gathered to honor their Great Leader.
Turning her face to the blue skies overhead, she longs for the coldness of rain. (the warmth of his touch.)
Maybe it's time to go home.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Idk if you do child readers or not but if you don't mind could I get Utsuro, Mikado and/or Nikei x child!reader? Sorry for bothering you-
I do! I got a real soft/funny idea for this--
"E-Excuse me, sir?"
Feeling a slight tug on his blazer, Utsuro blinked as he looked down to see who it was. And he saw you, a small child who seemed to be elementary school-aged. Though you looked as if you've been on the streets for quite some time.
"I just..w-wanna say thank you for helping me. I don't know how you..c-calmed those dogs down but...you saved me." You stammered.
This man did save your life after you were cornered by large rabid dogs. He just showed up and suddenly they were laying down, perfectly calm, even letting you pet them.
"...don't mention it." He responded in his usual cold way, waiting for you to be scared off by his lingering stare.
But you weren't.
"Where are you off to?"
"Not sure. I just wander this earth without purpose."
"I...feel the same way.." You remarked, letting go of his shirt. "Could I..?"
Utsuro was quite surprised by your request, and especially at the gratitude you expressed--which is something he's never received in all his childhood.
But as much as he wanted to be on his own, he saw you and realized...you were just like him: having nowhere to go and lacking purpose.
So he sighed, picking you up effortlessly. "Perhaps we can search for a purpose together." He decided, before leaving the alleyway. "The name's Utsuro..not that you would care but-"
"I'm [y/n]..th-thank you again, Utsu. But...can I call you Dad?"
The man paused for a moment, and during that split second-silence he felt genuinely touched...but he buried the feelings and shrugged. "If it makes you happy."
You grinned and clung to him as you continued on your way.
Unbeknownst to either of you, a certain journalist had witnessed everything unfold, taking notes.
"You better be serious about this Nikei. Don't guide us towards false hope with some ridiculous narrative--"
"I am serious! I saw him with my own two eyes!" Nikei slammed his notepad down onto the table. "He helped some kid who goes by [y/n] and...they're accompanying him now. I don't know where but..we'll have an easier chance of finding him. I don't care what happens to that street rat."
"Oh?" The wizard's mask formed a confused expression. "Why so hostile about an innocent child? Is it perhaps...you see yourself in them? Do they reflect the way you have grown up--"
"SHUT UP!!" Nikei's eyes were glowing red at this point. "That brat doesn't know the true power of his divine luck...and they aren't worthy of hoarding it all to themselves!"
"Ooooh..temper, temper.." Mikado tutted, joyful to know he struck a nerve. "Well, you should probably get to know this [y/n] before anything else. So go get a "scoop" on their connection to him. They're not a mere obstacle. Surely they know more about him than we do, no?"
".....you tried burning down two orphanages and suddenly you care about this kid's safety?"
"People change, Nikei. I see those extreme methods aren't necessary anymore. Now be on your best behavior out there. Don't wanna scare them off, you know."
The journalist gritted his teeth, despising the way Mikado treated him like a child. But he just collected his notepad and stormed off.
"So..if you just want something, you can get it instantly?"
"More or less..that's my divine luck." Utsuro shrugged, sitting back on the sofa. "But it's not as fun as one would think."
"How so?" Your curiosity was seemingly endless as you sat beside him. "I thought..it'd make you happier. I know I'd be happy."
Even though he had nothing but the clothes on his back, he managed to get a small flat for you two. It was temporary, but at least he had a reason to rest after so much wandering.
He just looked at you for a few moments. Indeed, he remembered how naive he was back then--thinking of his luck as a gift, when in fact it became a great curse.
"I used to think that too. But..do you wish to learn why I'm like this?"
You nodded. "Yeah."
And he proceeded to explain how he grew up with his divine luck, becoming apathetic after learning that there's no process to what he does--like if he wanted to drive, he already knew how to without taking any tests.
So nothing had any meaning to him anymore.
He left out his attempts to off himself, for obvious reasons, and went on to say how he goes around helping people..but it's merely to pass the time.
By the time he finished, you could only frown as you hugged him. "I'm sorry.." Was all you could say.
"Don't be." He put his arm around you. "I'm..gonna take a walk. Wanna come?"
"I'm okay. My legs aren't sore anymore but.."
"That's fine. I'm just going to the convenience store. Anything you want?"
After you told him your favorite snack, he got up and grabbed the key, departing for the store.
For some time you just watched television, though your mind kept wandering back to Utsuro and his story. At least you know understood why he was the way he was.
But your musings were interrupted by a door knock. 'Is he back already?' You got up and went to the door, only to open it and see a completely different man there, with black hair and dressed in a sandy-brown coat and hat.
"Why hello!" He greeted with a smile. "Is uh..your dad home?"
"What do you want?" You answered warily.
The man seemed taken aback by your coldness, though he forced his grin. "Well I'm a friend of his! Nikei Yomiuri! Y'know? Ultimate Journalist--"
"Never heard of you before."
Ouch. That was a stab to the heart.
"I-I'll just ignore that comment..and get the point." He sighed. "I've heard of his talent of luck and I'm hoping to get an interview. Rumor has it he's helped a lot of people in his life, including you! So if you can tell me where he is I--G-GAH!!!"
With a swift kick to the nards, you scowled at him as he crumpled to the ground almost immediately. "He said he had no friends..so you're lying. I'm not letting anyone use my dad's luck for themselves anymore! Get lost."
Nikei was mumbling a string of unintelligible curses, but he managed to get up and walk away, finally leaving you alone.
You huffed and closed the door, returning to the sofa. Only a few minutes later did you hear it unlock as you saw Utsuro return with some groceries.
"Hey, kid." After setting the bags on the table, he turned around just in time to see you hug him once more. "Hm? What is it this time?"
"Nothing..I just...I promise I won't be greedy with your luck. And I won't let anyone else be, too."
He blinked a few times, stunned. But he smiled just a tiny bit as he reached down to pat your head.
"..thank you."
Finally, there was something in this boring, dull world worth living for: And that was you.
"So..what have you learned?"
"Th-That goddamn..piece of shit...a-asshole has one hell of a kick! I swear to fucking god I'm gonna--!"
"Ahaha! If only I was there to see it. But it seems we have a true child of Utsuro on our hands."
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yemilnisu · 3 years
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Synopsis: as kageyama was looking for the milk he was craving for, he came across a lovely convenience store owned who other than you.
Pairing: kageyama x fem!reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1.3K
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nisu entries:
a short and kinda rushed fanfic for the birthday boy! happy birthday, kageyama tobio!🥛♥️ i apologize if it’s too short🥴
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Kageyama groaned in frustration as he noticed that the milk he was looking for was not in the fridge. With a glum look on his face, he walked out of the store and looked for a different store that may sell the milk he was craving.
He noticed an average-sized store and made his way there. He walked past this store a couple of times but never really visited it, being that the store he would regularly buy his necessities have everything he needs.
The setter had to admit that the interior was quite lovely, no wonder this was well-known between his schoolmates and a few people were inside.
Kageyama noticed a guy in front of the cashier and concluded that the fellow must be a regular customer since he was chatting with the female behind the counter. He didn't bother knowing who was who because that was not the reason he was there.
His dark blue eyes met a stock of milk carton he was looking for. He eagerly grabbed four of them and made a mental note that this store has plenty of them.
As he placed the items on the counter to pay for them. He met the sparkling eyes of the young lady in front of him. "You're Kageyama, right? Kageyama Tobio," she exclaimed. Flashing the sweetest smile the boy has ever seen.
He merely nodded before the girl starts rambling, "Oh, my gosh! Kageyama Tobio is in our shop! You're a member of Karasuno's boys' volleyball club, right? I've watched your matches! You guys were amazing! Oh, no. I'm so sorry for babbling!"
"No, no. It's fine," he chuckled. Normally, he would either try to stop the person from babbling or cut them off saying he needs to do other stuff but this time he wanted to hear it, he wanted to hear your rambles.
"I got a little excited," you giggled. "By the way, I'm Y/n. I don't know if you have heard of me but I'm from class 5," you stated as you gave him the plastic bag which contains the cartons of milk he purchased.
"Class 5? Then you must be smart," he mused, giving you the payment.
"Oh, no. I'm not," you wheezed. "Believe me, I don't even know how I got there," you confessed.
"I should probably get going," Kageyama stated as he glanced behind him. The next person in line was profusely glaring at him. He took a sip from the carton box and peered in your direction before leaving the store.
"Excuse me, do you know where Yachi is?" Hinata asked as a student from class 5 walked out of the room. "They don't know where's Yachi. I told you we'll start studying after practice or tomorrow," he complained. The guy in front of him didn't make any remark because his eyes were wandering everywhere like its looking for someone. "I told you she's not inside the classroom."
"Hmm," Kageyama hummed not paying attention to what the tangerine was saying.
"Oi!" Hinata smacked him in the head.
The setter tried to remain calm by shutting his eyes close and slowly turning his way to the middle blocker. "Do that again. I dare you," he smiled but his eyes say otherwise. The oblivious middle blocker did hit him again. "Why you, little!"
Hinata was quick on his feet and was able to dodge when Kageyama tried to hit him. He ran away as fast as he could from his scary teammate, running past the students that were in the hallway.
As Hinata swerved to the corner, Kageyama did too, he swerved to the side when a student walked out of the corner, but little did he know that there was another person that also walk out the corner. When he finally saw the girl, it was too late. They already collided with each other and fell on the floor.
Kageyama was on top of the girl and before making it awkward he quickly gets up. "I'm so sorry!" he apologized. He reached his hand out to help her stand up. "Y/n! I'm so sorry," and even a large amount of regret swallowing him when he found out who the person he bumped to.
"Ouch," you softly whimper.
"Bring her to the clinic, Kageyama!" Hinata shouted.
Kageyama being in a panic estate dragged you along the corridor and brought you to the clinic. The school's doctor checked you up and after knowing that you were alright, he scolds the first years, saying that it was dangerous to suddenly make you stand up after you just hit your head. Lucky for them the impact was not that strong so you were fine.
"No. You don't have to walk me home. Didn't the doctor said that I was fine, besides don't you have practice?" you said stopping the fellow in front of you from carrying your backpack.
"Yes, he did, but he also said to take primarily precaution," he acknowledged, successfully stealing the bag from your grasp. "I do, but it's not like Daichi-san will let me practice if I didn't walk you home," he sighed.
He remembered how Daichi wouldn't even let him take one step into the gym. He didn't know how the captain knew the incident, but he probably heard it from the other students since rumors can easily spread inside Karasuno, likewise the vice principal's wig incident.
Kageyama thought that maybe Hinata told Daichi but he quickly scratched the thought off since if the latter did he will also be walking you home because he was the one Kageyma was chasing.
"Oh, no. Did I get you in trouble? I'll go talk to Daichi-san, right now!" you affirmed. You were already making your way to the volleyball gym but you soon come to a halt, when Kageyama held your wrist and dragged you out of the school premises.
"Let's just get you home," he sternly said. You gave in and led the way to your house.
"So this is my house. If you hurry, I think you can still catch up to your practice," you advised.
"Y/n-chan~" a female voice called out then the door opened. "Oh, who's this friend of yours. Wait, you're the cute customer that would always go to the store to either buy milk or yogurt and would stay for a while," she divulged.
You took notice of Kageyama's cheeks, it had a hue of pink and you took this as he was embarrassed. "He's a friend of mine. Can you wait inside, thanks!" you shoved your sister back inside and slamming the door shut before she can complain.
"Sorry, that was my older sister. She can be quite talkative sometimes," you admitted. "Uh, I didn't know you would regularly come to the shop."
You thought that the time he went there was a one-time thing since his house and the store was a few blocks away. Also, the fact that there's a closer convenience store around their block.
"Uh, yeah. The, uh, the convenience store I would normally go to doesn't sell the milk I want," he stuttered. He didn't know why he felt a bit embarrassed telling you that he's practically obsessed with dairy products.
"Are you talking about the milk you bought that day?" you asked. You were talking about the day you met him at the store.
"Yeah," he shyly replied.
"I could just deliver one when were at school, so you don't have to walk all the way here. Just tell me when you want one," you offered.
"It's fine. You don't have to. Besides, this is my route every time I jog so it's not a bother plus I like visiting your store," he complimented. He found it weird how he could casually compliment you since he wasn't the type to give compliments daily.
"Aww! Thanks, I'm glad you liked the store. My mom let me and my sister design it. But seriously, I don't mind delivering some milk to you at school," you thought that maybe he was shy to make you deliver milk to him so you insisted once more because it was obvious how he likes those dairy products.
"If you insist, deliver one every day."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Approaching the lab, little 'key card' in hand, Brooklyn still opts to knock; even if she had permission to go into the lab whenever desired, she still didn't want to intrude. Knocking on the door, she calls out,
"Uncle Tony, are you in?" She asks, "I'd like to ask you something."
Soon opening the door, Brook smiling as she walks towards him. Rarely does she ask things, not since she asked if he and her dad were enjoying themselves, but, this question were for other reasons. Reasons due to her dad, granted, but not in the same way as last time.
Hands behind her back, she smiled at him, keeping some distance, in case he does think she's going to ask about his private life, and he gets annoyed like last time,
"Uncle Tony, if you don't mind me asking, do you have a projector of sorts? Or, is there any chance you could make me one?" Brooklyn inquires, "Dad suggested I ask for one to use in Astrid's and I performances, seeing that our other plan was just to set a ring of fire around us - he wasn't a big fan of that."
She shrugs, still not quite realising why he was so concerned. They were professionals after all, besides, a little fire was nothing compared to their usual missions anyway,
"Soo, instead of letting him have a aneurism next time we perform, I figured I'd at least take his suggestion and ask you anyway?"
| Muse Interaction Knock to the door of his lab had Tony turn his head quickly, since out of everyone team only so few of them actually bothered to knock on his door. Seeing Brooklyn come on in despite being the only one with a free pass to come and go as she wished. Unlike a few other Tony didn't have to worry about her getting into things, kid would if anything feel guilty if she had so much as misplaced a pen in the lab anyway. It was truly a wonder how she was an experiment made by Hydra at times.   "Uncle Tony, are you in?" She asks, "I'd like to ask you something."
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Pausing what he was currently in the middle of as he turned towards the door. “Come on in,” he calls out in turn since she was one of the only member of her family with manners Tony was far more willing to comply with her visits depending on the reason for her coming in of course that is. Though in part he had to worry over what this question may just end up being about seeing how the last time she had a question for him it was well highly influenced by some rumors online. Backed up or not those saying it online didn’t have that proof to be going out and stating it as fact anyway. Watching how she neatly held her hands behind her back and offered a smile, lowering any initial concern he may have held moments ago. As he eased to lean back in his chair now, arms crossing over his chest and a leg crossed over the other showing he was waiting for her to speak again. 
"Uncle Tony, if you don't mind me asking, do you have a projector of sorts? Or, is there any chance you could make me one?" Brooklyn inquires, "Dad suggested I ask for one to use in Astrid's and I performances, seeing that our other plan was just to set a ring of fire around us - he wasn't a big fan of that."
Tony couldn’t help but crack a smile at the reason behind her question. Steve wanted nothing to do with all that flashy stage work simply because of the slim risk that may come to his kid. Talk about being an overly cautious parent Tony thought shaking his head over it even as he tried not to laugh over the face the Super Soldier must have had when Brooklyn told him about setting up a ring of fire on the stage. Brooklyn had if anything dealt with far worst than what would just be a controlled fire anyway, on top of that it would be in a controlled environment as well so the chance of anything happening was pretty low overall, and if it did it wouldn’t even be that bad in the long run. Watching how she soon shrugged her own shoulders when she had delayed that bit of information his way. "Soo, instead of letting him have a aneurism next time we perform, I figured I'd at least take his suggestion and ask you anyway?" Course he had something she could use if not he could help set one up as well wouldn’t take much but then he had a better idea.
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“The answer is yes but I have a question does your old man know you are asking me now? or just know he asked you to see to it? because if he isn’t aware of this conversation I say we mess with him a little bit.” He went on to suggest getting up from his chair now as he started looking around for something that would fit what she was seeking out. “Nothing too out there just use it for your ring of fire so he thinks it’s real still but the whole time it’ll just be from” cutting himself off when finding one of his holoprojectors. “Oh, this should be all you need. Anyway like I was saying do you act as planned by just leaving out the bit on the fire being fake towards him so well he is out there losing his mind you can show him it wasn’t real after.”  Tony went on to say to try and sell her on the idea as he went to mess with the device in his hand setting it up as he was being completely serious on the suggestion of basically harassing Steve further on what prompted Brooklyn into his lab in the first place. Tossing it over to her once he was done getting it fixed up to display some fire even gesturing for her to try it out as he smiled more to himself. Hands to his head as he went to act as if he were the Blue and stared up the man himself right now offering a bad mock of Steve's voice even.
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“Oh no my child who has jumped out of a jet is surrounded by all these flames” lowering them as he went to chuckle a bit after. “Just harmless bit of stage slight of handedness. Yeah that more like a vegas stage magic term but I feel it works well here too it if means giving your old man a push to chill out over the worrying.” Tony went on to express, sure he loved to railed Steve up but it was still harmless overall. “Your dad can’t protect you from growing up after all and you should be able to show him you can handle things without him having an aneurism as you said so yourself.” Tony soon just smiled “I’m like forty percent kidding here, I just think your dad needs to loosen the reins just a bit” smiling a bit more as there was more to his suggestion "okay and I want to watch him freak out a bit only to pout and get all grumpy after seeing there was nothing to worry about and more so when knowing I was behind it."
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alias-b · 4 years
Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
California, 1992. Billy Hargrove and Camille Harper built their future in an endless, red hot summer. Everything changes with a splash of pale blue. Billy x OC! Camille Harper
A/N: The baby one shot I promised everyone! Occurs after my fic, "Without The Lights." Warning, I get into the not pretty side of pregnancy and Camille struggles with her illness. Sexual content. TW: graphic description of birth and postpartum depression. Mention of death and past torture. Cross posted here on AO3
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   She’d been late.
   Camille Harper was never late to anything.
   Then, she’d taken ill. Scents that used to thrill her in the morning like fresh coffee, fluffed pancakes, and scrambled eggs sent her scurrying into the bathroom.
   Billy looked up from his desk, covered in different lead pencils and scattering papers. Grotesque concept art for an upcoming horror film he’d been working on. Still pretty as a picture. Less of a baby in the face, but still just as sweet. Sprinkle of facial hair and lashes for days.
   “Ugh, so much for sleeping in Saturday.” Camille gargled mouthwash, spat, and wandered out. Brown hair grown out and piled up in a bun. Billy’s arm snaked around her hips, bringing her into his side. A temple pressed into her nightgown. “I don’t want to get you sick.”
   The back of his knuckle drew along her forehead. Cool metal of his wedding ring chilled.
   “No fever. You probably ate something last night, I told you the shrimp was a bad idea.”
   The very word ‘shrimp’ almost made her hurl again.
   “We’re not trying that place again.” Camille kissed the top of his head. Curls longer like a rockstar around his shoulders. “I have a new case to prepare for the office Monday.”
   “Boy or girl?” Billy set his pencil down and watched her plop into the couch.
   “Girl.” Camille frowned, rubbing her head. “She’s got a wall up, this one. Office likes me so her case is mine. Arthur thinks it’s a good match, but I’m actually nervous.”
   “Arthur this and that.” Came a scoff. “School buddies who ended up at the same office. Pshh.”
   “Arthur is taken now and quite happy.”
   “Who swept him off his perfect feet so he’ll quit bothering my wife?”
   “Lovely man named Stanley.” Camille laughed when Billy gave a double take. “Went drinking together while you played with latex masks last Thursday.”
   “It was crunch time. I’m sure your new case will be fine. Brilliant Dr. Harper. Blazing through all that schooling and study abroad. Almost in the clear.” Billy mused, switching his light off. “We’ll see if they like this new design I got. Tea?”
   “Yes, please.” Camille slid down the couch, pulled a fuzzy blanket into her body while Billy went into the kitchen. Cozy apartment they could afford. Walls covered in memories. Photos and degrees. She clicked the remote and settled on a light movie. Look Who’s Talking.
   A campy opening of sperm headed toward a dropped egg after a mini love scene with Kirstie Alley. Camille sighed, rubbing her head before something clicked the same moment hot water howled from the tea pot in the kitchen.
   “Oh, shit.” She shot up. Blinked. “No way.” They hadn't exactly been trying. But, they hadn't not been trying.
   “Getting your Travolta fix?” Billy set a mug down and Camille blinked at him.
   “Ah, yeah.” She shot up. “I just remembered...I was supposed to hit the drug store. We’re out of...everything.”
   “Everything? I’ll drive you to the store.” Billy chuckled.
   “No, it’s just around the corner, I need the walk. Fresh air. No shrimp.” Camille skidding around him to toss clothing on their bed. Dressing in jeans and a tee. “Keep working. Need anything?”
   “I’d kill for a Milky Way.” He shrugged, plopping back into his seat. Camille was hopping around to put some shoes on. Sun from outside caught his face and she pressed her lips, kissing his cheek.
   “I’ll bring you something sweet.”
   Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Camille nearly jogged down the steps from the fourth floor. Grabbed a basket when she got to the mini-mart and tossed randoms items they needed in. Billy’s candy included. Stopped in a section that made her cold.
   Pregnancy tests.
   “Jeez.” She mulled over boxes before snatching one.
   Ignored the idle way the clerk peered at her stomach when he rang it up. Christ. California sun and wind swept against her body. Usually it set her at ease, but a ball of nerves sank into her stomach when she took the elevator back up. Billy was on the couch now, looking up as she tossed the candy into his lap.
   “You okay?”
   “Feeling sick again.” Camille half lied and went into the bathroom. Locked the door. Stared at the clear plastic curtain as she peed on a stick. Washed her hands and pulled at her watch. It ticked slower to spite her.
   “Camille?” Billy knocked. “Something’s up.”
   “Ah, just a second,” she paced, “give me just another second.”
   “Let me help.”
   “Oh, believe me...you did.” She sat on the side of the tub. Stared at the colored tiles. So many to count. Billy exhaled on the other side of the door. Didn’t leave. “Billy, I’ll be fine.” Her own tone shook.
   Did she want this?
   Were they ready?
   How was she going to feel if it’s nothing?
   How was she going to feel it it’s blue?
   Camille didn’t have time to think through each possible dream because reality spoke for her.
   Blue. Crystal clear sky.
   “Camille.” Billy jimmied the lock until the door popped open. She looked up in tears.
   “...Is that?”
   “Blue.” She breathed with one fist curled to her chest. Burst into tears. Unable to tell if they were happy or sad. She just needed to cry. Billy swept toward her.
   “Hey, hey. I got you.” Billy kissed her cheeks until she was soothed. Held her there while she clung to his shoulders.
   “It’s blue.”
   “What’s...that mean?” Billy met her eyes. “You’re...”
   “Blue.” Camille said again. Licking her lips before they pressed. “I’m pregnant.”
   “We’re having a baby?” Billy blinked at her. She waited for him to panic. But, he smiled. So bright that it made her burn with jealousy to be confused about it. “We’re having a baby!”
   Billy grabbed his wife. Held her close to him. Settled Camille just a little, she tried to feed off his glow.
   “Ninety nine percent accuracy. We need to, ah, go to a doctor first.” She let Billy pull her up. Out into the living room.
   Why was she riddled with confusion and anxiety while he bubbled with excitement? He danced her around to no music like a true romantic.
   “Let’s not...say anything until we go. I’ll make an appointment. After my meeting Monday?”
   “Yeah, yeah.” He swept hair aside and smiled again, so youthful. Kissed her there in the sun. Meanwhile, she felt life being sucked into a swirling pit. Billy tugged Camille into the couch, nestled her into his chest. “Are...Are you happy?”
   “I’m… Blue “...something.”
** ** **
   It was real. Confirmation at the doctor and life turned in on itself. People were careful with her. Work tried to withhold cases she’d fought for.
   She had a woman’s condition. They treated Camille like it was fatal.
   “Jim? Are you still there?”
   A thud on the other end was followed by scrambling.
   “Camille?” Joyce had the phone now. “Jim, get up.”
   Camille laughed that time.
   “Your father’s fine, just shocked. Oh, Jim, stop being dramatic!” Came some bickering.
   “I’m going to be a grandpa!” There was more laughter on their end.
   “Can you two stop kissing in my ear already?” Camille twirled the cord and stretched her legs out into Billy’s lap. Let him massage her ankles. “We wanted to know...if you guys would come down for the birth. Should be early November, I’m due.”
   Billy started counting something on his fingers, earning a soft kick.
   “Max and El already freaked. Letting them follow me to UCLA was such a mistake.” Camille joked. Mike and Lucas in Washington. Will and Dustin following Nancy and Jonathan to New York. Steve, Heather, and Robin living blissfully in Chicago. Rumor had it Regan and Kali turned up there too.
   “You’re listening to the doctors, right?” Jim turned stern. Such a dad.
   “You know it,” Camille brought the phone away, “Billy, you want to pass me a beer?” He just snorted.
   “Hey, none of that.” Jim was in her ear. “We’ll fly over now.”
   “No need. We’re fine. We’ll figure things out when it gets closer, yeah? Telling work was mortifying enough. But, we got the leave figured out. Arthur’s been such a help. Don’t worry about anything.” Camille sighed when Billy’s hands worked up her legs. Had to slap him out of her skirt.
   “Congrats, Camille! Billy, you tell Susan?” Joyce stole the phone.
   “We heard her crying from over here. Same with Grace. She and Elliott choked him near to death. Billy also tells me that Miss Mayfield was set up with a certain middle school teacher, how the hell did that happen?”
   “Mr. Clarke can be quite charming,” Joyce chirped and a groan erupted from Jim, “passes Susan’s little boutique on the drive to the school every day. Started stopping in. Flirting in his way. I couldn’t tell you.”
   “Glad Rosemary’s former team was willing to do us some favors and help her out with that.” Camille was still squirming away from Billy’s advances. His lips on her neck. “Well, I should go. But, any and all advice is wanted.”
   “She already tore through all the mommy books in the library. Ignore her.” Billy stole the phone. “Hops. Can I call you Pops now?”
   “If I can call you, dead.” Jim smiled when Joyce swatted his chest.
   “I expect you to spoil my kid.”
   “Will do. Make sure Camille takes it easy.”
   “Oh, I will.” Billy said goodbyes and pushed his hips into Camille’s, a sigh followed.
   “Hate you.” She settled her arms around his neck. A long kiss followed.
   “Valentine’s Day.”
   “Hm?” She went for his neck and jaw. Immersed in him.
   “By my count, we made her Valentine’s Day. Wonder if it was the car or the counter or the couch or the bed?”
   “I hate you...and it could have been the floor too.” She chuckled into his skin. Kissed him fiercely. The phone rang again. Billy reached over to snatch it.
   “Hargrove.” He let Camille paw at him. Twirling his hair about. Worshiping him with starry eyes. Billy’s own eyes opened and he pushed up with Camille still attached to him. “Why are you calling, I’ve told you-?”
   Camille let him go immediately. Saw the cold way he went rigid.
   “What?” Billy sounded breathless. “I...”
   “Billy?” Camille touched his face when his eyes welled.
   “Fine, just don’t call here again.” The phone slammed and he was up. Pacing. Rubbing his eyes.
   “Billy, who was that?” Camille hurried after him. Tried to tug at his arms but he slipped off.
   “Just...give me a second.” He didn’t make it into their room. Collapsed to the floor and covered his face.
   “Billy!” She gathered her husband into her chest. He just sobbed. “Billy, who was that?”
   “...Neil. He's been trying to call.”
   “You didn’t tell me that.”
   “I didn’t want to freak you out. I kept hanging up. I was terrified you’d pick up and he’d...” Billy sniffled. Clung to her. Cried more. Camille petted curls helplessly. Kissed blond hair and soft cheeks all better. “He’s sick.”
   “He’s dying. Cancer. Not the kind you get better from.” Billy lifted. “Don’t know why I’m crying about it, I’ll be glad he’s… He asked to see me. How can he fuck up my life and then just…?”
   “Where is he?”
   “Colorado.” Billy wiped his eyes. “Fuck him.”
   “Do you...want to go?”
   Billy thought of Neil with his skin sunken and yellow. No longer handsome. Rasping at him from a mattress. Pissing himself. Dying alone in a cold bed like his father before him. He turned to Camille and cupped her stomach.
   “No, I don’t.” A long kiss into her abdomen. “I want to hold our baby. Take her to the park. Make her feel safe. I promise I’ll never...” He stopped. Blinked several times. I’ll never be like Neil. Nuzzled into Camille’s neck. “I love you.”
   “I love you too.” She let Billy’s broad body sink into her. Brought him to bed where they could wrap each other up. Feverish and dizzy until he pushed inside her. Melted their mouths. Gasped into her neck. Succumbed to the sweltering heat. He sought comfort and burrowed under her skin. Pushed fingers between thighs. Fucked her into the mattress while they reached peaks.
   Hours later, Camille heard Billy get up, thinking she’d fallen into slumber. Came to the door to listen.
   “Hey...” He said into the phone. Whispering. “No, you listen. I’m not… I don’t want to see you. I’ll just remember you healthy. Able enough to give hard lessons. I just...wanted to call and say Camille and I are having a baby… I think it’s a girl.”
   There was silence for a few beats.
   “We’re going to name her Sara and she won’t be learning hard lessons. She won’t be afraid of me like I...” Billy paused.
   Life flashed these vivid images of his childhood. His mother’s bracelet scattering across the pavement. That one moment Neil let him cling.
   “You ever think things could have been different for us, you know, after mom? I do. A lot. But, I can’t live in that… You beat the shit out of me. You hurt my wife. You hurt Susan and she’s still trying to move on. Max’s hair is all grown out and she won’t let anyone touch it. You won’t hurt my daughter. But, I’ll tell her about you. Tell her she had a grandfather who made bad choices and ended up…”
   “...Yeah, I think she’ll get the Hargrove jaw too.” Billy softened, lifted his eyes to the starlight beyond the window. Wondered if Neil was looking too. “I’ll tell her your name. Not much else. Hardest lesson I learned was realizing I’m not going to be like you. I’m sorry you wasted your life, I’m not going to. I’m going to be a good dad. I...just wanted to tell you that. That I'm in love still and I’m going to be a great father to my little girl. I’m going to keep her safe in this world. Goodbye, dad... We loved each other once.”
   Billy hung up. Curled into a ball to cry silently. Camille inched out until his head lifted. Arms came up to accept her there.
   “Shhh, I got you.” She tucked Billy’s head under her chin. “I’m so proud of you. You’re going to be an amazing daddy. I’m so lucky you’re mine. We’re going to be okay.”
   “God, I’m supposed to be holding you.” He chuckled at himself and Camille beamed.
   “We’ve got each other.”
   Neil Hargrove died in his sleep late April of 1992. Alone in a cold bed.
** ** **
   Camille’s belly turned into a mini planet Billy couldn’t stop kissing. Dealt with some fiery stares when he made comments about her swelling breasts. It was true, tired all the same, she glowed. Billy fed her odd cravings. Made her feel as sexy as he could until she was climbing atop him. Riding him because she needed it now and bad. He liked that part.
   A million baby books later, Billy became an annoying infant factoid machine.
   "Did you know if-?"
   "Billy," Camille groaned into the couch, "I want Thai food again."
   "I swear to god, Camille, our kid is going to come out trying to order a pad see ew, extra spicy."
   "...Two orders please."
   Billy was weak. He ordered her three to last her.
   Elliott, now eleven years old, took to painting seashells and starfish along her belly when she was stuck on the couch. Billy’s excitement never stilled. Only illuminated. So willing to learn this all. They cleared spaced. Decorated a little nursery all under the sea themed. Camille was more riddled with anxiety. Always steadying her breath. Talking to the little life inside her. Constant gifts and advice from friends helped from time to time.
   “Billy!” Elliott jumped up when he came home. “Think I could work in movies like you?”
   Camille was giggling. Hard. Her shirt pulled over her stomach painted with the shark from Jaws.
   “Guess what we watched?”
   “It wasn’t even scary.” Elliott crossed his arms, ruffling waves of brunette hair. “That was kid stuff.”
   “Think so,” Billy swept him up, growling for effect. Baring teeth like a shark. Earned a giggle.
   “She cried again at a TV commercial.” Elliott whispered and Billy snickered.
   “I'm allowed to have emotions, you two. Roger is going to be here any minute.” Camille pushed up. “Who wants ice cream?”
   “Mint chip?” Elliott followed after her.
   “You know it, kid.” She braced one hand on her back and the other around his shoulders. Billy shook his head and dropped a bag on his desk. Water ran as Camille washed her belly off and Elliott pulled out a pint of ice cream with two spoons. “Your big brother doesn’t have our sophisticated taste in ice cream.”
   They shared a few bites over the counter. Camille groaned a little and pressed a spot on her stomach.
   “You’re doing that a lot, sissy.” The affectionate name he’d picked up when he was little never left. Camille felt a cramp well like a great wave.
   “Just my girl dancing around. Picking fights with my organs. She’s definitely going to be like her daddy. Want to feel?”
   Elliott smiled his toothiest grin and reached out. Let Camille press his hand to her side.
   “Spicy food and mint ice cream is all I want these days.”
   “My mom said she liked mac and cheese with tomatoes with me.” He gasped, feeling the baby. “She high-fived me!”
   “Billy kissed my stomach once and got a swift kick.” Camille snickered, scooping more ice cream to enjoy. Billy paced in, pecking her cheek before he stole a spoon and the strawberry pint in the freezer.
   “All mine.” He shrugged, eating. Camille hunched, moaning a few minutes later. “Camille, you sure you’re okay?”
   “It’s just minor...cramps. I’m fine. She’s not coming out for another two weeks.” Camille licked her spoon.
   “She’s been doing it all day. Like this...Oohh...” Elliott mirror a motion with his hand on his back and the other on his stomach. Billy raised his brow.
   “They’re far, far apart.” Camille turned to the ice cream and felt a pop. A gush of fluid like she’d peed herself. Billy’s spoon clattered.
   “Sissy?” Elliott took her hand because he was closest. “Cami, what’s happening?” Billy was at his wife’s side, holding her.
   “Her water broke.”
** ** **
   A million phone calls later and Camille was whimpering, pacing around a bed. Wobbling side to side. Bracing her hands to groan. She decided on a birthing center and midwife over a hospital. Place looked more like a hotel and had a hot tub for those births. Cozy space all for them.
   Billy held a lot of jokes back.
   “The baby book’s-”
   “Fuck the baby books!” Camille’s red face lifted. A demonic edge to her voice and even Billy backed up. “Photographic memory is worth shit!” He edged off. “Sorry, I’m...oh! I want drugs. I want my midwife! I want Thai food... It’s early!”
   “She’s on the way now. Jim and Joyce were on a plane an hour ago. Max is driving El here. Just breathe.”
   “Fuck my breathing!” She sounded truly possessed. Grabbing at Billy over the bed with some crazy burst of pregnancy strength. “I want drugs… What if she comes out hurt because it’s early. Or like me?”
   “She’s fine. Hey...” Billy pried her hand from his shirt and crossed around. “She’s going to be perfect.” He held her. Placed a kiss into hair. Camille’s face was blushed and beading with sweat. Limbs shook as she braced into the bed.
   “Camille!” A woman who could have bench pressed Billy hurried in. “Oh, poor girl. Keep breathing like I taught you.”
   “Ellen.” Camille winced. The girls were on a first name basis. Ellen was a former body builder and wrestler turned midwife. Lost some kids of her own and swore to help other girls keep their babies. “I can’t. I can’t.”
   “Might want to go get some ice chips, Bill.” She turned to him looking frantic and reeling it in. “Two cups.”
   “For her?”
   “For both of you. You’re in for a long night.”
   Billy scrambled. Passed the waiting room where Roger and Elliot sat for Grace and the rest of the family to arrive after driving the crying girl in.
   Hours of groaning and wailing. Women in other rooms joined in like a chorus of cries and soft birthing songs. Billy joked they were calling out to each other. Solidarity for the pain women were created to endure.
   “Camille, honey, you have to get up like this. Just like we practiced.”
   “I can’t,” she only moaned, shaking her head back and forth.
   “Daddy, she needs you. We’re almost there, I’ll be back in with assistance. She has to get into position.” Ellen continued, lighting a fire under Billy while he paced. The midwife jogged out into the hallway where more women vocalized together. Called out to ensure none felt alone in this.
   “Something’s wrong, she’s gonna come out like me.” The girl sounded delirious. Billy cupped Camille face, watched her eyes dart over his welling expression. “She’s gonna tear a part of me out and I can’t stop her.”
   “I want her to be like you.” Billy admitted.
   “Don’t say that.” A hand pulled for his shirt. Camille twitched with anger at him. “Don’t say that again!”
   “No, I hope she’s exactly like you and she’ll have parents who love her. We’ll teach her never to force a smile. That perfection is bullshit. I hope she’s like you, I have this entire time.”
   “The world’s going to swallow her.”
   “We won’t let that happen.” Billy smiled because he was so certain about that.
   “She’ll be in pain.”
   “And we’ll see her through that too. Pain happens. Means we're here sometimes. Means we're strong enough to fight through it and she won't be alone. You gotta get up, she needs you.”
   “Camille!” Another voice at the door.
   “Dad. Jim, you’re here.” She wheezed when Jim came to her with Joyce’s hand in his. Sprinkles of grey in his hair. Joyce pulled her brown locks back into a ponytail.
   “Hey, sweetheart, we’re all here for you.” She came around the bed. “Max and El want to come in, we got them to stay with the others. Just breathe, you’re almost there.”
   “How’re you holding up, punk?” Jim clapped Billy on the shoulder, earning a chuckle.
   “Just barely, Hops. Lots of ice chips.”
   “I swear by those, you might want more.”
   “She’s crushing my hand.” Billy lifted his near white palm. Camille’s digging fingers into his skin.
   “He did this to me,” Camille hissed. Another bout. Another groan that tore the room. Ellen was back at her side.
   “Camille, come up now, that’s my girl.”
   A growl ripped violently.
   Like a werewolf mid transformation.
   Camille huffed and got to her hands and knees. Thought to rip her flesh away and reveal fur and muscle hiding underneath. Teeth growing and sharp to stark points while her veins darkened.
   She could have torn through a forest. Howled at the moon. One last time.
   It glowed bright before her. Speckled with stars.
   She counted them to herself.
   “Hold on, here.” Ellen guided stirrups higher so she could grip them. Had her squatting on the bed. “Breathe.” The thin cotton of the gown was damp. Hanging from one shoulder. She growled and tore it open down the front. Veins pulsing and pushing. No drugs. Just a body built for agony. Miles of it. Nude and feral.
   Camille screamed at the moon this time. For gawking. Grabbed at Billy again while he helped brace her into position.
   She howled and other women howled back. A great echo into the unknown. Into the dark night. Wolves in a pack itching to run through wind and rustling trees. Feral bodies that were so often controlled by weaker beings. Free and shameless.
   Women were not always soft, they were hard edges of steel slicing skin to pieces. Teeth gnashing muscle and bone apart. Hot irons of a beating heart within a hollowed chest cavity. Camille led a brigade with her.
   “Big push now!” Came the command.
   Camille tossed her head back and roared. Succumbed to the flames and blood lust. Thought her bones would break and shift so she could become the beast. Bring the world to its knees.
   Ellen reached down, head lifting.
   “Camille, it’s time. Another big push for me.”
   Camille only braced herself. Bones chattering. Words echoed with encouragement from her family. From Billy as he held onto her. Ellen repeated herself from the right.
   “Ahhh!” Vocal cords vibrated and almost ripped apart. Teeth baring. A gasp when it reeled back. Sweat and blood dribbled down Camille’s quivering thighs.
   “Almost, sweetheart, almost. Keep pushing for us.”
   “I can’t, I can’t.” Came the chants. Jim thought to step forward as he watched her spine press out into skin, but Billy sprang into action.
   “You can do this.” He kissed her temple. “You can.”
   “I’m not ready, I can’t.” Camille cried so hard. Looked out at the sky.
   It was all blue.
   “Camille,” Billy murmured into her hair, “I love you. You can do this.”
   The stars glowed brighter beyond the window. She longed to reach out and catch one.
   “They’re singing to me.” She whispered more so to herself. Lips opening to howl and sing with them. The women echoing her calls. The stars waiting beyond the veil.
   She waited for fur to ripple her skin. For claws to grow long and sharp.
   “That’s it, Camille, push!” Ellen took one hand, guided it down to feel something warm and wet. Camille screamed and they helped her stay upright when something stronger and more youthful than her tore from a body built of steel and stardust. “Take your baby. She’s here. Cradle the head.”
   Camille was sobbing as she pulled a tiny mass to her bare chest. A fallen star she managed to grasp. It echoed her screams. More powerful and beet red. Slicked with blood and fluids.
   Unable to stay upright, she was guided back with Ellen and Billy’s help. Looked almost wild in the starlight. Bloodied and nude with her cub cradled close.
   The baby wailed over Camille until she quieted in a daze. It overcame her with so much ease. Felt like she was slipping into a warm bath. Endless pools. Unbothered by her nudity there in the wash of moon.
   “Look at her,” Billy gasped through tears. Kissed Camille’s cheek again. “I’m so proud of you, you did it. She’s beautiful.”
   She half expected him to say, my, my, what big eyes you have.
   “Congratulations, mommy and daddy.” Ellen was ushering her assistant around.
   Camille didn’t look down. Couldn’t. Not at this little pup that ripped from her. That howled with her at the moon. This beating heart she would nurture and teach to glow all neon and red. The baby felt its mother’s heart beating under her little head and made it her first lullaby. Camille felt for a moment, that she had no more life in her. No more fight to tear through the woods leading a pack of wailing women.
   “Let’s get her cleaned up.” Ellen pulled the whimpering infant away to tend to her. Camille sat sprawled there half naked with one leg hanging over the side. Her own fluids in a puddle beneath her. Warm and oddly comforting. Billy and the assistant worked to maneuver her into another mattress so the dirtied one could be rolled off.
   “Camille?” Billy cupped her face there against a plush pillow. Covered her body. “Hey.”
   “She’s just a little dazed.” Joyce was smoothing brown hair back. Hopper’s hand on her shoulder. “You did so good, honey.”
   Ellen pushed a peach bundle back into Camille’s arms without asking. Helped her cradle the head as she propped herself up into the pillows. Hazel eyes lowered to see her daughter at last.
   Bright, crystalline eyes. A full head of dark hair already. Blinking and still at her mother. Billy leaned into Camille’s shoulder with a tired grin. Fingers grazed his baby’s cheek. Lips lowered to feel the tufts of hair, to inhale the scent of new life. The urge to cry overshadowed her smile.
   “Sara Anne Hargrove, welcome to the world.” Billy said. “Halloween birthday, I’m jealous.” Glowing with vitality Camille didn’t feel as he spoke.
   She heard the other women crying out and mourned that she no longer had the strength to roar with them.
** ** **
   “She’s so tiny.” El glittered, cradling the baby with Jim’s help.
   “She makes that same squinty face Billy does, look.” Max joked. Both girls as tall as Camille. So grown up and out into this big world. Jim crossed to see Camille when Billy went into the hallway to sign some papers.
   “You okay, kid?” He tucked a strand of hair away. She stared beyond him at the moon.
   “I never asked you if it was okay. Her name.”
   “I think it’s perfect.” Jim smiled and Camille pressed her lips at him. “Joyce and I will stick around if that’s okay. Help you get situated.”
   “We’d appreciate that. Grace and Roger live a ways out.” Camille blinked, head back to see everyone fawning over the baby across the way.
   “You okay?” Jim felt a great distance pool within his kid.
   “I’m...” Blue. “A mother.”
** ** **
   Sara wouldn’t latch.
   It took extra help to get her to at the birthing center and Joyce assisted at home.
   “Give her a second.” Billy tried to help. Tried.
   “You want to do this?” Camille’s eyes snapped at him. He put his hands up in response.
   “I’ll start dinner.” He slunk away into the kitchen where Jim was. Max and El left because they had class the next day. Grace promised to come up as much as she could after kissing Billy a million times. Phone calls and cards poured.
   “Ah...” Camille wiggled in her seat. Perched on an extra pillow because everything below her waist was raw and padded. Her stomach went down slowly while her breasts ballooned. Sara suckled in her arms and Joyce only offered encouragement. “It hurts.”
   “They never tell you that in the books.” Joyce sighed. “Jonathan gave me all sorts of trouble too. You’ll get the hang of it.” Camille winced and settled her head back against the couch. Felt like she was just waiting for it to be over. Everyone gushed about this amazing connection they would share and here she was just floating.
   Maybe that was just something else to get the hang of.
** ** **
   Camille started to have dreams. Maternity leave only made her restless. She cried when Billy packed her files away into the closet. He’d gotten the first month to stay with her while she’d gotten three.
   And she wanted to go back.
   Billy didn’t dare ask why the urge to see these kids over her daughter quelled.
   So, Camille dreamed a lot on rare nights she got sleep.
   Barely ate.
   A white room with white sheets in a white bed. Camille in all white too. Doctors fussing as she bloodied the room with her mess. Her womanhood that was supposed to be kept in check. Sara crying. Screaming. Echoing.
   One doctor pulling his mask down. Smiling wider than a circus clown. Brenner.
   Camille tore up and screamed too until Billy started to shake her awake.
   Only one week in and she’s unraveling with dark circles and a broken in body.
   “Camille!” Billy just held her until she stopped.
   “No, no, I have to check on her.” She ripped away from him. Scrambled into the other room to hover over the crib. Sara sleeping soundly and undisturbed. A sigh.
   “Camille, come out, you’ll wake her.” Billy rubbed his eyes. She ignored him, felt around the window for a latch.
   “You left it unlocked.”
   “I told you to lock it last night.” Camille’s neck twisted with a heated expression. Eyes glinting like an animal.
   “She took awhile to sleep, I forgot,” he paused, “I’m sorry.”
   “They could come in and take her. In the dark. Just like that.” She seethed in a struggle to keep her voice low. Billy gently pulled her from the room and shut the door.
   “I’ll remember next time. Nothing can climb to the window.” He rubbed her shoulders. Only got pushed away as Camille checked the door. “Camille? Who...”
   “Brenner!” She burst and covered her mouth. “If she’s like me, they’ll come take her in the night. In the dark. They’ll take her away and make her a number. You'll die and I'll be rocking in some hospital.”
   “Brenner is dead. That won’t happen.” Billy realized her fears. Saw her eyes glimmer there. “That lab is dead, no one will come for her. She’s safe with us.” He sat her on the couch. Watched her quiver and hold herself. Head dropping. The baby monitor in their bedroom echoed a wheezy sound. “Come get back in bed, I got this one. You had her yesterday.” Billy sighed and tucked Camille in. Left.
   “Hey, you...some set of lungs you got.” Billy’s voice spoke through the haze of static. “There you go. I mastered the art of the diaper, I think I-no, no, don’t pee on, daddy. You weren’t done.”
   A giggle.
   “Yeah, I’m your daddy, Sara. Bet you have some freckles coming in. My mom says I had mine young too.”
   Camille pictured her husband at total peace. Seated in the rocking chair wagging his finger and smiling at their baby. Soothing her. It made her weep silently until she shoved a fistful of blankets into her mouth. Billy took to this life a duck to water.
   And she…
   She just fizzled and sunk. Dreamed of Brenner coming and Sara being torn away. Never knew what to say. What to do. Billy seemed to have it figured and that just made her feel behind and confused.
   “You are my sunshine...my only sunshine...” Billy sang and Camille covered her face. Blocked her ears because it was too much. He returned ten minutes later to hold her. Kissed her hair and uttered the sweetest I love you because he felt so fulfilled and lucky.
   Camille pretended to be asleep.
** ** **
   Breastfeeding hurt still.
   Second week. Camille never slept. Put on her brave face for family visits. But they saw it in her eyes. She sang to Sara and chatted with her. Changed her to perfection. Kissed her head. But, the connection. The emotions welled up like they were blocked in her throat.
   Her body healed and only felt lifeless. Like she was a puppet controlled by another. Strings twisted all along her limbs to make her flop along a stage. Little clumsy ballerina. Going through the motions. She only cringed when the baby cried.
   Sara needed her.
   And it made her shrink.
   She was mommy. Warm arms and shelter. A knowledge base that would mold their baby.
   That suffocated. Billy smiled and cooed and Camille looked away. He just seemed so happy. She felt wrong.
   Why didn’t that come for her too?
   “Camille, look, look.” Billy was lying on the couch, lifting Sara up as she giggled to no end. Little limbs flailing. She bubbled a raspberry and he chuckled.
   Camille stood there in the kitchen doorway and averted her eyes.
   “Come sit with us.” He pushed up, nestling Sara into his lap.
   “I’m going to ask if I can go back early. To work. They need me.”
   “Uh,” Billy tread carefully, standing, “it hasn't even been a month. We’re still figuring this out. Take the time. You earned it.”
   “I can work part time.” Camille said it without any emotion. Not blinking. Staring at his feet while Sara wiggling there into his chest and played with blond curls.
   “I don’t want to make this choice for you, but I think it’s a bad idea. We haven’t even figured out our hours when we go back. Babysitters. Camille, don’t push it-...why won’t you even look at her?”
   Billy said that without even thinking. Camille’s eyes glinted at him.
   “It’s like you want nothing to do with us anymore.”
   “That’s not true.”
   “Well, look at her then. Hold her. We made her and she’s perfect.”
   “Billy.” Camille backed up. Touched her palms to her ears. Didn’t know how to not hear this. “Stop it. I’m fine… Stop saying that word.”
   “Perfect, she doesn’t have to be-”
   “You know what I mean.” He eased. Camille vibrated there. Paranoid. Manic. Lost. Went around him and slammed a door. Sara jilted. Started to cry as he bounced her. “Hey, no, you’re fine. Mommy’s just upset. She’s tired. She’s just tired.”
   Camille slid down the door. Cried there because she scared her little girl. She made her baby cry. She was a bad mother. These thoughts chanted until she was covering her ears again. Got into bed and curled into the tiniest ball she could.
   Something strange happened as she shook and wept there. Her fist beating into her shoulder. Punishing herself for being bad until sleep crept. A bad mommy. Bad. Bad. Bad. The skin purpled with a bruise that next morning. Camille felt Billy stirring behind her.
   They slept apart.
   “Hey, I gotta go pick up some stuff. I’ll grab groceries.” He kissed her head. “Might be a few hours.”
   “Okay.” Camille rasped, eyes on the wall. On the rain trickling outside.
   “Camille, last night, I-”
   A whimper on cue from the monitor.
   “I got her. She’s hungry.” A robe pulled over her nightgown. Over the bruise. She couldn’t look at Billy as she left. Plucking Sara up, she went out to the couch to feed her. Her husband appeared dressed and eyed her carefully.
   “I’ll be back soon.” Billy reassured her. Hesitated at the door before he lifted his eyes. “Love you.”
   “...Love you.” Camille said quieter. Let the TV drone. Billy locked the door and didn’t make it to his Camaro. Instead pushed coins into a payphone.
   “Yeah? Hello?” A tired voice answered from a hotel room.
   “Jim.” Billy swallowed. “Hey, I...”
   “You alright, Billy?”
   “It’s Camille. I don’t...” Billy paused. “I’m headed out to run some errands. Can you come over? Sit with her a bit. I left the key under the mat.”
   “Billy, is everything okay?”
   A pause. Billy didn’t know how to tell Jim what he saw. But, Camille always responded to Jim’s love. She needed it right now. Billy felt useless.
   “I don’t know.” See for yourself.
   He hung up and got into his car. Wiped his eyes before he pulled out.
** ** **
   “Come on, we can do this.” Camille groaned. One breast out to feed the baby. “Please.” Sara wiggled in protest. She looked up at her mother. Smiled.
   Camille shattered.
   “Don’t do that.” She quivered.
   Don’t look at me with undying trust and love.
   Don’t look at me like I'm all you got because I’m failing you.
   “I’m sorry.” Camille offered at last. Felt like she’d been holding that in since she saw the strip turn blue. “I’m sorry, I can’t...I’m a bad mommy and I’m so sorry.” Tears hit Sara’s cheeks and blanket. A baby blanket Grace knitted with the baby’s name in it. Pale lavender. Camille sobbed and held her. “I don’t know why I feel like this and I’m so sorry.”
   She couldn’t stop. The baby just cooed at her. Grabbed for long locks of brown hair.
   Don’t cry, mommy.
   That was how Jim found them.
   Camille drained of life and sobbing over the baby she felt she'd let down. Skin discolored and bruised. Clothing loose and crumpled. One of her breasts out. Hyperventilating. Vibrating. Sara still contented in her arms. Looking around in wonder.
   “Camille, sweetheart,” Jim crossed and she hitched to breathe. Offered the baby to him. Desperate.
   “Take her. Take her away from me. I can’t. I can’t do this. I’m not right. I can’t keep her safe from men in suits with red ties. I'll just hurt her too. I’m a bad mother. I’m not...I don’t feel...” Camille shook and Jim took the bundle. “I can’t look at her because I can’t do this. I’m awful. I’m a horrible mother. I’m sorry!”
   Skin paled and eyes huge, Camille crushed in on herself.
   Hands covered her face. Crossed legs lifting so she could curl up again there.
   “Camille...” Jim eased. Realized how unwell she’d been. Clearly not sleeping or eating in the short time they’d been home. “She’s okay, Camille. You’re doing okay.”
   “I’m not, I’m not. She’ll be like me and they’ll take her away. They’ll stage a car accident or fry our brains and she’ll be out there and all alone. I made her cry, I didn’t mean to.” She kept thinking about Rosemary and Noah brushing her aside. Lying to her. Keeping her in a cage.
   “That won’t happen, no matter what she becomes.” Jim faced her, cradling the tiny baby against him. “Deep breath.” He managed to fix her nightgown back up with a free hand. “Hey, look at her, it’s okay. She's safe.”
   Camille wiped her eyes and stared at the floor.
   “Has it been like this since you got home?” He frowned. “We...We didn’t-”
   “It just feels all wrong, Jim. I don’t understand.” That raw voice squeaked. He brought her against him with his arm. Holding Sara there too.
   “She’s healthy and beautiful. And she’s happy. You did that.” Jim offered. Camille’s fingers dug into his jacket. “You’re not well. I’ve seen this before with my own family. We’re going to get you some help, okay? You need help and that’s okay.”
   Camille only nodded. One shaken hand reached out to touch her daughter. Finger running the curve of her little chin.
   “When’s Billy getting home?”
   “Couple hours tops.” She sniffled.
   “I want you to go lie down.”
   “She hasn’t eaten.” Camille persisted, head lifting.
   “We’ll try again in a bit. I’m going to make you something to eat and I want you to just close your eyes. I’ll take care of the baby.” Jim stood, ushering her with him. “Get into bed.”
   “What about Billy?” Camille let Jim cover her. “He...He seemed...”
   “I’ll explain it to him. Just rest.” Jim settled Sara into her crib. Turned the mobile on. He made some plain toast and got Camille to sit up and each both pieces. Brushed crumbs off her face. Tucked her into a warm bed.
   Then, he called Joyce.
** ** **
   Billy came home with his arms full of bags. Stopped there at the scene. Joyce playing with Sara on the couch. Jim just walked out of the kitchen.
   “Where’s Camille?” He dropped the groceries aside. Jim put a slow hand on his shoulder.
   “I got her fed and to sleep. We managed to help her feed Sara after the first hour...” Jim sighed. “Billy, Camille’s...”
   “I don’t know what’s happening to her. She doesn’t want to be around Sara or I.”
   “What’s happening to Camille is common. Happens to mothers everywhere. She needs to go talk to someone about it.” Jim cocked his head and helped the new father put his items away while Joyce stayed on the couch. “Postpartum depression. You read about that?”
   “Some in the baby books. Not much.”
   “Camille is feeling very...”
   “Blue.” Billy’s eyes went distant. He sucked his cheeks in. Set his jaw to sigh. “I ignored it. I got mad at her for...”
   “It’s not either of your faults. It happens. Camille has to go talk to someone before she hurts herself. She needs support. It’ll be okay. I promise.” That somehow relaxed Billy. Jim always knew what to do. What to say.
   “I hope,” Billy began, “I can be a dad like you.”
   Hopper smiled at that. Beamed and hugged Billy to his chest. The new daddy paced to see his baby on the couch.
   “She behaving for you?”
   “That she is.” Joyce smiled. “We got her. Camille’s in the bedroom.”
   “Thanks.” Billy kissed Sara’s head and went in. Clicking the door open. Camille stirred. Head lifting when he got behind her. “Hey.”
   “Hi.” She stiffened up as he brought her to his chest. “Jim tell you?”
   “Yeah.” Billy’s chin settled upon her crown.
   “I’m sorry.”
   “Don’t apologize, we’ll get through it. You, Sara, and I. We’re a team. Little pack of wolves.” Billy kissed her head. Let her finally breath him in and cling as she turned to burrow into his chest. “You two are everything to me. Nothing else is as important as us.”
   “I love you. I love her. I do.”
   “I know you do. And we love you. We’ll get you help, Camille. It’s okay.” Billy cuddled her closer. Thought of Hopper. “I promise.”
** ** **
   Camille woke before Billy that next morning. Went to feed Sara. Jim and Joyce left after another long talk with Billy when Camille fell back asleep.
   “Okay, Sara, it’s just you and me. We can do this.” She adjusted and sat in the rocking chair. Cupped her breast to offer it. Pain stung a little but… “There we go. Good girl. Yes.”
   Camille felt herself smile this morning. Billy made an appoint for her. She would be taking the full maternity leave.
   Sara wiggled and burped up as Camille bounced her. Hummed Billy’s song to her and flicked the mobile around. Her husband hadn’t emerged yet so she went into the kitchen. Made a turkey and cheese sandwich. Sliced it diagonally and fell into the couch to watch some TV. Billy stumbled in and stood there with bed head. Beautiful beyond belief.
   “Morning.” Camille took half the sandwich and offered the plate to him. Billy brightened. Sat next to her. They shared the food in silence. Watched TV until she got under his arm. Rain padded against the windows. Sounded peaceful. “Do you think she’ll like surfing or ballet?”
   Eyes flickered over his wife as she engaged herself at last. With ease.
   “I think she’ll be into pro wrestling.” Billy smiled fuller. Camille let herself feel it, pushing at his chest before she laughed. Still a pretty sound. Inhaled the scent of him before he brought her hand up to kiss the tender skin of her wrist.
   “She’s gonna do whatever she wants to do, I think.” Camille said then, kissing up his jaw to find soft lips. “And we’ll be there to support her... We’ll always be there, won’t we?”
   “We will and that’s enough. I promise.” Billy tucked hair aside for a feverish kiss, nuzzled down into her neck to murmur. “You doing alright?”
   Camille saw his lashes flutter. Traced her fingers over the freckles and thought about how she couldn’t wait to see them bloom like fresh petals upon their daughter.
   “Today? Yeah. I think so. We’ve got each other.” She breathed, pressing lips into wild curls. They held each other while the rain fell lighter. Realized Billy was right. Echoed his call. “That’s enough.”
   Sara roused for her parents. Squirmed as Camille picked her up to bring her into the living room so they could gush and admire her. Neon hearts that glowed brighter by the hour. Her lullaby and sunrise all at once.
   “I love you both,” Billy nudged his head into Camille’s temple, “so much. You know that?”
   “You’re a magnificent father. We're lucky, Sara and I.” Camille’s lips pressed and the curves of her expression blurred. Billy blinked several times. A smile pressed. She let Sara giggle in her lap and held one finger with a strong, little hand. Babbling some until Camille was laughing to encourage it. “She’s all blush and tangerine today.” Not blue.
   “She’s beautiful,” Billy sighed there with so much contentment as Camille let herself relax. “And she’s just like her mother.”
   Hazel eyes lifted to see him. Amazed by this wonder of a life they created. A miracle. Like a specific star they’d plucked down to cherish and nurture.
   “She’ll be messy and also so kind. Good. Angry when she needs to be. She’ll cry and not be shamed for it. Our baby will be shown so much love, the world couldn’t hope to swallow her.” Camille smiled again. Softer by the hour as she gazed at Sara there. “The best parts of us. Our love. Into one gorgeous creature. She’s us, Billy.”
   That hit the new mother hard. Made her voice quiver.
   "She's us."
   Camille felt a glimmer of it then as she understood it all. That connection threading red cords around her heart. Casting out to anchor others so close. Billy saw it resonate and felt it too. Held them both on the sofa as they curled up like a family. Their own pack. Camille would teach Sara to howl at the moon and tear through forests. To endure and pull herself back to her feet at every stumble. To lead and love as hard as she could. Like she was meant to.
   Billy only glittered at her. Camille’s burst of vitality and hope. They had each other and they would get through whatever would follow the horizon.
   “And it’s enough,” he repeated in peace, “I promise.”
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a-pretty-nerd · 5 years
Country Roads (Poly!Bowers Gang x reader)
Request: "Hey.. it was my birthday today and it was not a really good day and I just wanna cry.. I feel so bad.. so could you write something about the bowers gang for me..? I don’t want to bother ect, I just need something that can warm my heart in that shitty day.. ❤️ " ~ @derrynews
A/N: I have a Loki request that I answered first, which I will get to, I promise. This just took a lil more priority because of the circumstances. But it will not go ignored! So! Don't be afraid to make requests ✌❤
P.s. - This is lowkey meme af but I also tried to make it sweet. So...sorry not sorry!
Warnings: None.
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That morning was long and hard, for everyone. You hadn't partied the night before, no one was hungover or sick. This Monday morning was just particularly hard on you and the rest of the gang. You woke up sore from sleeping weird the night before, and you were utterly exhausted.
Henry was in a general bad mood, which you all chalked up to his father. Patrick was too tired to function, which was not a common accurance. When Patrick gets tired, he tends to fall asleep wherever he is, be it in class, with the gang, or (rumor has it) in the middle of sex according to an ex-fling of his. Reggie was fine, for the most part but he wasn't feeling too hot himself and whenever someone else is upset or sad, so is Reggie. And Vic, vic had a headache.
So everyone felt like a pile of shit first period, and met up between first and second. Where you all looked at one another and grouned and complained. The bell wrang and you all shuffled off to your respected rooms. You and Henry, having economics together. You sat in your seats, respectively next to one another in the back. The teacher watched you with a glaring, beedy eyed gaze. That was not your assigned seat, and you had many arguments with her about the topic. But you won. You were sitting wherever the fuck you pleased and if that meant next to your friend/lover, (its all very complicated) then fuck her.
Henry stared blankly at the front of the class, no information going in or coming out that hollow head of his. You stretched the best you could, trying to shake the pain of your sore back and muscles. You hurt all over and the stinging from your eyes wouldn't go away. Henry's leg began to shake halfway through class.
"Hey. Lets get the fuck outta here." He grumbled to you.
"Its only second period, if we leave now security will nab us." You groaned back. Henry gave an unsafe huff. "Lets just wait till lunch."
"I can't wait that long."
"Yes you can." You argued. The rest of class was silent note taking for the most part. Henry and you flicked bits of torn notebooks at one another for fun. You got scolded. You stopped...until she looked away. Finally, you were let out and once again you met up at Henry's locker where you all grumbled to one another.
"We should just skip." Vic said as he rubbed his eyes.
"Thats what I fuckin' said, but Y/N said no." Henry whined. Everyone looked at you, almost disappointed. Though it was never said explicitly, and it didnt always go this way, but there was unspoken rule that you and Henry were the decision makers. And you had to green light most things.
"I didn't say, no. I just said security will catch us!"
"Fuck security." Reggie huffed.
"Fuck this school." Patrick mumbled. And so, you left school. Security did in fact see you, but they simply watched as you all piled into the Trans Am, and drove off.
For a while, the car went silent. No one had a destination, or a word to say. You sat in the back, between Vic and Patrick as usual. You layed your head back, and rested your eyes. The warm spring air covered your body like a blanket and the breeze prevented it from being too hot. All was perfect. Vic leaned his head over and rested it against yours. For just a moment, you were content and happy with your boys.
"Lets see whats on the radio." Reggie mused. A loud click, and the car was flooded with the beginning of an old song.
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
The song had just started. Normally, Henry would demand it be changed to the rock station or they play a cassette. But he didn't, he looked out the car window and just listened. Everyone listened.
And driving down the road I get a feeling
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday
Patrick sturred next to you, and at first mumbled then he raised an arm above and wrapped it around your shoulder to pull you in closer. He spoke, and began to sing in a muffled tone.
"Country roooooads, take me hoooome."
"To the plaaaaace, where I belooooooong!" Belch joined.
"West Virginiaaaaaaa, mountain mamaaaaa!" You joined.
"Take me hoooome, country rooooooads!" Vic. You all began to sing along, other than Henry. Who sat there in the front with his hand over his mouth to stiffle a smile. You all song along, Patrick singing horribly at the top of his lungs just for the hell of it, and everyone else joined. Screaming the lyrics hysterically and happily as the car drove until trees which flicked the light above your heads.
The song eventually ended, which caused and eruption of laughter and more shouting. Patrick squeezed you close with goofy smiles plastered on your faces until it all quieted down again.
"You fuckin' idiots, we're in Maine!" Henry shouted through a smile. It made you laugh harder.
"WESTER VIRGINIA! MOUNTAIN MAMAAAAA!" You all shouted at him. Its funny how a song so strange and old and ridiculous could change your whole day.
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strcped · 2 years
[ From @twisted-legacies. You FOOL! You don't give me this prompt and expect me not to ask about Divus and Harold's love life based on what I know from the novel and from the play. So. Ahem. *Housewife voice*: Gimme the details, sister. ]
Professor Crewel! I have a question about you and Professor Harold's relationship. I've. . . heard rumors among. . . the students, let's say. . . that you and Professor Harold only married because Professor Harold was once one of the best furriers in the world and Professor Harold from a rich bloodline you wanted money from. . . and you're. . . Not very nice to him behind closed doors. Is it true?! Please tell me it's not!
Come bother my muse about their crush/ships in my inbox! (Accepting)
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" rumours about the teachers. My my. There is not a single trained puppy amongst the litter. " Divus drew out his words yet there was a hint of anger behind it. A warning which even he knew would not be taken seriously at all. This was simply students coming up with baseless rumours for gossip. It all paled in comparison to the rumours they dealt with at the beginning and even to their marriage. Both arms were crossed.
" I met Harold when visiting a random tailor shop. He was simply an assistant back then. It took a while for him to take over and quickly improve to the renowned status he has today. I am more blessed to have married someone so talented...and he did not grow up rich. His family apparently were from the poorest section of the country. Not that the fact is anyone's business... Seriously? I am being accused of that treatment?! What baseless accusations. The worst thing I have done is accidentally put pepper in his food but I apologised for it. "
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Who is this girl? Shiho shook her head in response. “N-No... Teachers of Shujin don’t think highly of students with dyed hair.” Her mind immediately went to Ryuji - someone in Ann’s grade who dyed his hair blonde and never dyed it back to black.
A neon color would definitely be distracting.
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kawaiiwamine · 7 years
A♥️, 3♥️, 4♥️, 6♥️, 8♥️, 9♥️, 10♥️, Q♥️, K♥️, all of the clubs and diamonds, 2♠️, 3♠️, 5♠️, 6♠️, 7♠️, 8♠️, 9♠️, 10♠️, J♠️, Q♠️, K♠️ I'M KINDA SORRY FOR SENDING SO MANY BUT why choose if i don't really have to i'm craving that iwasweetie content,
👀 here we go
A♥️ - Who was the first person your muse ever fell in love with?
While Shuu had noticed people’s attractiveness before, the first person he ever actually crushed on was Kawara Ryuuji.
3♥️ - How would your muse react to a confession of love?
He’d be shocked, then either flatted or elated (depending on whether he reciprocates) but also a little dubious. He wouldn’t straight up call you a liar, but he would be a little bit like “Are you sure though?”
4♥️ - What are your muse’s thoughts on starting/raising a family?
Shuu likes the fantasy of Having A Family™ in the sense that it’s supposed to be a sign you have your life together. He definitely at least wants to get married. He’s not the kind of person who needs to have kids, but he’s not strictly opposed either. He’s incredibly nervous about the idea, but if you have enough confidence to make up for it and it’s important enough to you, you can probably convince him.
6♥️ - What sort of charity work has your muse done?
He has recurring donations for several charities of different kinds, enough to be a not insignificant part of his paycheck. He doesn’t live in an apartment as nice as he could technically afford and he doesn’t spend a lot on himself, so whatever is leftover after bills and savings is usually donated.
As for actual work, he’ll lend his time to just about anyone. Of course, health-related charities are closest to his heart.
8♥️ - How well does your muse perform in social situations?
Not always the best. He’s kind of an awkward ninny, and he knows it. He can actually have periods of confidence (and even... dare I say it... charisma) if he knows what he’s talking about really well. Otherwise, he’s not usually actively bad but if he starts tripping up, it will probably get worse before it gets better.
9♥️ - Has your muse ever had unrequited feelings for someone?
Oh, you betcha. Kawara Ryuuji being the most notable. Of course, Shuu never actually asked, so he assumes it was unrequited. But the sad thing is he probably wouldn’t have wanted his feelings to be returned because he wouldn’t want to be a homewrecker. Then again, that’s just what he would say now. Whether he would actually have that self-restraint in the moment is up for debate.
10♥️ - What was the last party or social event your muse went to?
A group of friends invited him with them to a party. It sounded like he was going to get laid but then everyone got fucked up on drugs and he got the hell out of dodge when they decided that throwing glassware at each other was the cool new sport.
Q♥️ - Who is someone special that your muse always thinks about?
Hitori, honestly. I know I’m HitoShuu trash but really, that guy just means so much to him.
K♥️ - Who does your muse look up to as a role model?
A♣️ - What’s your muse’s strongest talent?
He’s a smart cookie! He’s better at some subjects than others (math is his weakness, sorry Hitori) but if he puts enough effort in, he can pick things up pretty damn quick.
2♣️ - What topics of conversation does your muse enjoy the most?
If you start talking about microbiology you better be ready to be there all day because he will not stop.
3♣️ - How creative is your muse?
He doesn’t consider himself an artist at all. He’s not the kind of person “understands” art. And he doesn’t really have any artistic talent at all. But you do have to have some creativity to be an effective researcher, so don’t discredit him too much!
4♣️ - What does your muse have the most passion for?
He loves pretty much all sciences, but if I had to name just one field it would be toxicology.
5♣️ - What would your muse change about their current lifestyle?
He wants to be healthier, and he wants to try to be more in-tune with himself. Meaning that he wants to figure out what he wants because he’s not sure.
6♣️ - How do your muse’s “gut feelings” usually turn out?
He can be a little dense, so they’re not usually very helpful.
7♣️ - Has your muse ever felt “trapped”, either figuratively or literally?
The most trapped he’s ever felt was when he was in his bad depression. He was sure he’d never be able to get out of there.
Other than that, does bondage count?
8♣️ - What is your muse the most stubborn about?
That you’re a beautiful person who deserves to be happy.
9♣️ - What is your muse’s proudest accomplishment?
Well, he doesn’t like to brag, but getting hired for a job at a leading research facility at seven years old is a hell of an accomplishment.
10♣️ - When was the last time your muse took a vacation or trip?
You’re so funny.
J♣️ - Who does your muse trust the most?
Ding dong it’s Hitori again.
Q♣️ - Do other people consider your muse charming?
Some may consider his awkwardness to be endearing.
K♣️ - How important is integrity to your muse?
Extremely. Dishonesty is one thing that really bothers him.
A♦️ - What is the most important message your muse has ever received?
The one from the Hawk Party telling him they wanted to pull him out of school to work for them.
2♦️ - How important is money to your muse?
It’s nice to have, certainly, and he appreciates being able to splurge on himself once in a while. But he really just wants to be able to pay his bills.
3♦️ - How does your muse handle indecision?
He tries to think things through as logically and objectively as he can. He’ll even make a pro/con list if he has to.
4♦️ - Is your muse more of the patient or instant gratification type?
It depends. He’s usually pretty patient, unless it’s something like learning a new skill. Since he’s used to being so smart, he can get frustrated pretty quickly if he doesn’t pick something up quick enough. Intellectually he knows that he just needs to practice and that he can’t be a savant at everything he touches, but emotionally the feeling of being inept at something really upsets him.
5♦️ - How often does your muse change plans?
He prefers to put extra effort into a plan and then feel confident sticking with it than run on instinct and change shit up on the fly. But he’s not too much of a fool to know when changing plans is the right course of action.
6♦️ - Is your muse responsible with their money?
Yes, he takes it very seriously. He keeps careful track of all his bills and always sets a certain percentage into savings.
7♦️ - When was your muse the most down on their luck?
He considers his depression to be his low point obviously, but he would say that being born to real shitty parents and then almost getting blown up was a pretty unlucky way to start his life.
8♦️ - Has your muse ever received money or gifts from a mysterious benefactor?
He has found beans on his desk on Legumentine’s. A considerate gesture, or a secret admirer...? Who knows?
9♦️ - How much money does your muse spend on average?
I can’t find enough information to estimate a number for you unfortunately, but as far as luxuries go: he tends to spend little overall with small periods of splurging every so often. Not splurging as in buying a new car, but more like getting a few new shirts, or getting that cute skirt he saw in a window, or taking a trip to the bookstore.
 10♦️ - How financially successful is your muse?
Honestly? He’s not doing too bad. His apartment is small but nice, and as mentioned before he could actually probably afford an even better one if he cared to. And since he doesn’t spend a whole lot, he’s got a respectable amount in savings by now.
J♦️ - Who does your muse do the most business with?
Store-wise? Aside from the grocer, probably the bookstore.
Q♦️ - Has your muse ever been gossiped about or participated in gossip?
Shuu hates gossiping, but I’m sure he’s been the subject of it. Especially when he worked with Tohri, like are you kidding me? Every day with that nonsense. And who knows what kind of rumors the students come up with.
K♦️ - If your muse were to start their own business, what would it be?
Either a pharmacy or, considering he doesn’t bake nearly as often as he wishes he did, a cake shop.
2♠️ - How often does your muse wish to be left alone?
He is an introvert, so he’ll get tired and stressed if he goes too long without privacy. He’d like to get a good few hours to himself every day if possible. It still counts if he’s working.
3♠️ - Does your muse ever let anyone see them cry?
Shuu hates to cry in front of people, and even if it’s someone he trusts he’ll still feel bad about it. But he’s a sensitive baby, so...
5♠️ - Has your muse ever had to change their lifestyle in a major way?
The biggest change was when he lost his job at the Hawks. Once he was ready to start looking for a new job, he decided that it needed to be something he wouldn’t obsess over. He knew he needed to start having a life outside of work. That’s been one hell of a process.
6♠️ - Does your muse believe in fate/destiny?
He doesn’t really care either way. He’s just trying to get through the day.
7♠️ - What’s a hard truth that your muse has to learn/has learned?
Don’t assume that there’s alway going to be a “later”. Life hits you hard and fast.
8♠️ - What does your muse work the hardest for?
Figuring out how to be happy is his biggest challenge right now. Not that he’s always in the piss bucket and never has a day of levity in his life, but he’s still in the process of getting himself together, mentally.
9♠️ - Has your muse ever felt forced to change?
His parents instilled a lot of things in him. He might say it didn’t have an effect on him, but those are some of the most formative years of your life. His mother in particular definitely said and did a lot of things that shoved him into a mold (that he never would have fit in) of what he was supposed to be.
10♠️ - How does your muse cope with grief?
He doesn’t, not really. He bottles it up and hides it away when he’s around anyone else, and then has a breakdown when he’s alone. But he won’t want to be alone - chances are he’ll throw himself into work.
J♠️ - Who would your muse most likely end up in jail with?
He’d probably end up hanging out with the wrong crowd, feel pressured to stand by and get caught up as an accomplice.
Q♠️ - Does your muse manipulate others easily or are they easily manipulated?
If you know enough about him to know his buttons, it’s almost scary how pliable he is.
K♠️ - What is one thing your muse considers a grave injustice?
That more people don’t realize how biology is.
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