#Musile Records
ntgospel · 4 months
Sarah Beatriz estreia novo projeto com canção emocionante
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/musica-gospel/sarah-beatriz-estreia-novo-projeto-com-cancao-emocionante
Sarah Beatriz estreia novo projeto com canção emocionante
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Embora tenha apenas 25 anos, a trajetória de Sarah Beatriz já é marcada por diversas músicas de sucesso. Não há como deixar de mencionar canções como “Todavia Me Alegrarei”, “O Medo Não Vai Me Parar”, ou até mesmo, “O Maior Vilão Sou Eu” – que juntas somam cerca de 200 milhões de views.
Ao longo dos anos, a cantora sempre sonhou em gravar um trabalho com um grande público e este desejo se tornou realidade em fevereiro deste ano, quando quatro mil pessoas se reuniram em São Paulo para participar deste momento único.
Recentemente, Sarah apresenta ao público a primeira canção de seu novo projeto, “Pentecostes”, que mesmo antes da estreia já vem repercutindo e promete ser mais um marco em sua história. “Durante a produção musical, eu já imaginava que ela seria uma das canções preferidas do pessoal, porém não tinha noção que tomaria tamanha proporção. No dia seguinte em que gravamos o DVD, eu já estava recebendo inúmeras mensagens perguntando quando estaria disponível”, comentou a cantora.
Como o próprio nome diz, a faixa nos remete à passagem de Atos 2, que relata o dia de Pentecostes, quando todos estavam reunidos no mesmo lugar e, de repente, veio do céu um som, como de um vento impetuoso, que encheu toda a casa e todos foram cheios do Espírito Santo. Vale lembrar que, embora não seja uma festa tão popular, Pentecostes representa uma celebração importante para muitas denominações cristãs ao redor do mundo e é comemorada 50 dias após a Páscoa – justamente na semana do lançamento de Sarah Beatriz.
Confira o lançamento de Sarah Beatriz:
Ouça também em sua plataforma de música favorita: https://musile.lnk.to/pentecostes-pre…
Momento Emocionante
O single foi composto pela jovem juntamente com o produtor musical – Inclusive, há algum tempo, ela recebe inúmeros pedidos para lançar mais composições autorais. A desempenho de Sarah, o coral de vozes que a acompanham e animação do público que esteve presente tornaram este momento ainda mais emocionante.
Parcerias Especiais
O DVD é composto por nove canções e conta com três participações especiais, que serão lançadas em breve: Bruna Karla, Mauro Henrique, que já foi vocalista da banda Oficina G3, e Eli Soares, vencedor do Grammy Latino em 2023 na categoria Melhor Álbum Cristão.
Vale lembrar que este não é o primeiro trabalho de Sarah em parceria com a gravadora Musile Records. Além do clipe “Canta”, a jovem gravou o primeiro projeto ao vivo em 2022 – que trouxe singles marcantes, como “Quero Voltar Pra Casa” e “Promessas”, com Samuel Messias. Em 2023, ela apresentou “Studio Session”, composto por três faixas: “Esse Vento Vai Passar”, “Tóxico Amor” e “Você Me Escolheu”.
Atualmente, Sarah Beatriz possui mais de oito milhões de seguidores e já ultrapassa a marca de 600 milhões de plays nos aplicativos de música. A cantora, no último ano, também vem espalhando a mensagem do evangelho em diversos programas de grande audiência da TV aberta, como Criança Esperança, Eliana, Caldeirão e Altas Horas.
“Pentecostes” teve a produção musical assinada por Hananiel Eduardo e a Direção de Vídeo por Flauzilino Jr. A canção já está disponível no canal da Musile Records no YouTube e nas principais plataformas de streaming. Não deixe de conferir!
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clickyourradio · 10 months
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🇩🇪 Macabre Demise - 🎶House by the Cemetery
Macabre Demise is pleased to announce the release of Grave(y)art Gallery, their fourth album. With the support of some guest musicians, including Franz Hoffman (ex. Extremely Rotten/ex. Carnal Disfigurement), Flo Musil (Theotoxin / Schirenc Plays Pungent Stench / Agrypnie), Tommi Kneer (Digest/Bitterness/Mental Phlegm), Alexander Petroczko (ex. Athiria ), Lukas Haidinger (Profanity/Distaste/Edonomos/Nervcell ...) and many more! The album was recorded in Deep Deep Pressure Studios with Lukas Haidinger. Listen to the new part, there's a lot of passion in it. let your ears be blown out. “Grave(y)art Gallery” will be out through RTM Productions.
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gospelceuhmusic · 2 years
Julia Vitória surpreende ao resgatar clássico dos anos 90
O primeiro single do novo projeto é a releitura de uma música muito conhecida nas igrejas pentecostais
Costumamos chamar de “clássico” tudo aquilo que nem mesmo o passar do tempo é capaz de diminuir a sua relevância e, quando falamos em música, podemos aplicar este adjetivo àquelas que ficam gravadas de tal forma em nossos corações que acabam nos acompanhando por muitos anos, quando não por uma vida ou, até mesmo, gerações.
A regravação de “clássicos” da música cristã tem sido um diferencial na carreira de Julia Vitória, basta observarmos a versão de “Além do Rio Azul” – gravada originalmente na década de 80 pelo grupo Voz da Verdade – que, ao ser lançada por ela em 2020 alcançou números inimagináveis, pois, somente nas plataformas de áudio, já soma mais de 50 milhões de streams.
Para começar o seu novo projeto em parceria com a Musile Records não poderia ser diferente: Julia Vitória surpreende ao resgatar “Palavras”, composição que deu nome ao álbum lançado em 1999 por Lauriete - uma das cantoras mais conhecidas no segmento gospel - e que, ainda hoje, é muito cantada nas igrejas pentecostais.
“Eu gosto muito de incluir releituras que fazem parte do meu caminhar com Cristo no repertório e ‘Palavras’ faz parte da minha infância, todos os domingos eu ouvia a minha pastora cantar com sua doce voz”, lembra Julia.
Apesar de ter nascido e morar nos Estados Unidos, todos os trabalhos de Julia, até então, tinham sido gravados no Brasil e era um sonho da cantora produzir algo em sua terra natal, o que se tornou realidade neste projeto, que foi todo gravado em Woodridge, vila situada a aproximadamente 150 quilômetros de Nova Iorque.
Diferente de todos os outros, neste clipe, o cenário é a natureza, mas com um ar moderno, proporcionado, principalmente, pela cúpula branca onde a cantora se apresenta. Nota-se também, nesta gravação, a maturidade vocal de Julia, pois sua interpretação é muito consciente, com arranjos vocais de muito bom gosto e sem exageros.
Além de “Palavras”, o projeto – que tem a produção musical de Hananiel Eduardo e a direção de vídeo de Flauzilino Junior - traz outras cinco faixas, entre elas músicas inéditas e autorais, que serão disponibilizadas ao longo de 2023.
“Palavras” já está disponível no YouTube e nas principais plataformas. Não deixe de conferir!
Assista “Julia Vitória - Palavras”: https://youtu.be/5NEKcJ6k-XE
Fonte: Assessoria de Imprensa Musile Records
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btrzdnz · 7 years
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Minha Morada, Isadora Pompeo
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garadinervi · 4 years
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Henning Christiansen, Schafe Statt Geigen / 'Verena' Vogelzymphon, HOL 106, Holidays Records, 2017, Edition of 500. Cover art and drawings by Henning Christiansen
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palmerasenfuego · 3 years
partial reading log, 2021
Great Expectations, Kathy Acker
The Oresteia, Aeschylus
Inferno, Dante Alighieri(!)
Poetics, Aristotle
Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen(#)
Amiri Baraka poems
Nightwood, Djuna Barnes
Snow White, Donald Barthelme
Donald Barthelme stories
Mythologies, Roland Barthes
Samuel Beckett stories
The Secret Doctrine, Helena Blavatsky(#)
Bertolt Brecht essays
Lord Byron poems(!)
Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific, W.S. Cerve
Chariots of the Gods, Erich von Däniken
The Society of the Spectacle, Guy Debord(!)
Barbara Villiers, or, A History of Monetary Crimes, Alexander del Mar 
Relativity, Albert Einstein
Walt Disney: Hollywood’s Dark Prince, Marc Eliot(#)
The Epic of Gilgamesh (N.K. Sandars)
Black Skin, White Masks, Frantz Fanon
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, Richard Feynman
Escape from Freedom (selections), Erich Fromm
The Greek Myths, Robert Graves(*)
The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, David Ray Griffin
The Agony of Eros, Byung-Chul Han
A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking
Nathaniel Hawthorne stories(!)
Maria M., Gilbert Hernandez
How Should A Person Be, Sheila Heti(#)
A Delusion of Satan: The Full Story of the Salem Witch Trials, Frances Hill
I Ching(*)
Goodbye to Berlin, Christopher Isherwood
Kabbala: A Very Short Introduction, Dan Joseph
Dora Lives: The Authorized Story of Miki Dora, Drew Kampion
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record, Leslie Kean(#)
Gidget, Frederick Kohner
The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human intelligence, Ray Kurzweil(#)
The Death of Ahasuerus, Pär Lagerkvist
Barabbas,  Pär Lagerkvist
Malador, the Comte de Lautréamont
Steering the Craft: A 21st-Century Guide to Sailing the Sea of Story, Ursula K. Le Guin(#)
The Lichtenberg Figures, Ben Lerner(!)
Clarice Lispector stories
Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year History, David Livingstone(*)
Federico García Lorca poems(!)
The Prince, Niccolò Machievelli(!)
Doctor Faustus, Christopher Marlowe
Dark Money, Jane Mayer(#)
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (selections), Marshall McLuhan
The Archaic Revival, Terence McKenna(*)
Paradise Lost, John Milton(!)
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, Yukio Mishima
The Confusions of Young Törless, Robert Musil
In the Devil’s Snare: The Salem Witchcraft Crisis of 1692, Mary Beth Norton
Dept. of Speculation, Jenny Offill
Fake Accounts, Lauren Oyler(#)
The Gnostic Gospels, Elaine Pagels
ABC of Reading, Ezra Pound
Selected Poems, Ezra Pound
Bleeding Edge, Thomas Pynchon
Gravity’s Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon(!)
V., Thomas Pynchon
Vineland, Thomas Pynchon
Gargantua and Pantagruel, François Rabelais(#)
Mumbo Jumbo, Ishmael Reed
Portnoy’s Complaint, Philip Roth
120 Days of Sodom, The Marquis de Sade(*)
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley(!)
Afghanistan: A Cultural History, St John Simpson
Science and Human Behavior, B.F. Skinner
Illness as Metaphor, Susan Sontag
Tender Buttons, Gertrude Stein
The Art of War, Sun Tzu
America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, Antony C. Sutton
Cold Fusion: The Secret Energy Revolution, Antony C. Sutton
Dylan Thomas poems
Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact, Jacques Vallée
Candide, Voltaire
The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time, Jonathan Vankin & John Whalen
The Occult: A History, Colin Wilson(*)
The Prize, Daniel Yergin(*)
Chess Story, Stefan Zweig
key: * = in progress, ! = reread, # = abandoned
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burlveneer-music · 4 years
David Toop - Apparition Paintings - “Don’t ask me about genre or consistency. Who cares? Half the world is drowning; the other half is in flames.” (Room40)
From David Toop Maybe these titles, torn as they are from cinema screens and the pages of literature and philosophy, give a feeling of romantic or sexual love or some dark pool of nostalgia but that’s not it, or it could be if you want it for yourself but not for me, not now; for me it’s about the teeming proliferation of complex events in the world, their vivid, hyperreal intensity as this human life steps closer to its end and their sense of fading, like a mist that thins out to leave not a clear bright day but almost nothing of substance as all that beauty is crushed, burned, dug up, wiped out, to be replaced by banality, so it’s about a language of love and desire in which we speak openly to all the unknowns, the speculative, the ancestral, the forgotten, the different, the extinct, the unimaginably distant and vast, the incomprehensibly small and intimately close, the fast or the slow, as if as we spoke we were becalmed in a wooden galleon off the coast of Java, sleeping microscopically in soil of a thousand years hence, hearing the voice of a dead person from the rim of a vibrating cup, gliding backwards and weightless through the alleyways of a city unrecognisable yet heartbreaking in its poverty, speaking in conference with winged and amphibious beings, crouching in a cavern whose opening only reveals the spectre of many wonders now apprehended as memories of the skin, heard through cheekbones, nostrils, the crepitation as a neck turns, pains of the knee and thumb and some not yet fully understood sensation within the throat which suggests a way of comprehending that which is being lost of this magical place. All I desire is what already exists or once existed, now falling asleep outside the world. Don’t ask me about genre or consistency. Who cares? Half the world is drowning; the other half is in flames. Each story is an animal, a plant, something you drink, a surface you touch, a faint line, some memory emanating from a cardboard box. “’Things’ in themselves are only events that for a while are monotonous,” wrote Carlo Rovelli in The Order of Time. Maybe sounds are melting ‘things’, tired of the monotonous real. Apparition painting is the term used to describe a certain type of ancient Chinese painting of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. In these works, often associated with Chan (Zen) teachings, the ink used to depict the subject was exceptionally pale, the background lacking in any detail. As Yukio Lippit has written: “This combination results in remarkably self-dissembling images that somehow compromise their own visibility. Apparition painting appears to capture its subjects in mid-fade, as if managing to preserve only a dimly translucent afterimage of a bygone entity.”
Guitars, flutes, whistles, bass, bass recorder, drums, keyboards, other instruments, sounds and field recordings played and recorded by David Toop except for the following: Elaine Mitchener – voice, 1 Keiko Yamamoto – voice, 6, 12 Yifeat Ziv – voice, 8 Áine O’Dwyer – harp, 12 Rie Nakajima – objects, 3, 4, 5 Paul Burwell – original recording of bells, 9 Voice of Ornette Coleman, B2 (recorded by David Toop, 13 September 1995); voices of Yifeat Ziv and Elaine Mitchener recorded by Dave Hunt; voice of Keiko Yamamoto recorded by herself, Áine O’Dwyer harp recorded by herself. Bass recorder (A3), recording by Jon Leidecker at Tom’s Place, Berkeley, California, October 2018, using a Sound Devices 702T at 192 kHz.. Snail shell whistle and bamboo flute played into a well (A2, A5), recording by Renato Grieco at Ano Syros, Greece, July 2018. Thanks to Dave Hunt for mix assistance. titles from Marilyn Monroe/Arthur Miller, Nnedi Okorafor, William Faulkner, Douglas Sirk, Peter Sloterdijk, Dorothy Richardson, Antonio di Benedetto, Djuna Barnes, Robert Musil, Gloria Grahame/Fritz Lang All tracks composed by David Toop except for A6 and B6 Toop/Yamamoto, B2 Toop/Ziv. All tracks published by Quartz Publications, © 2020.
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Coming to terms with our past
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By Charles Turner
"There is nothing in this world as invisible as a monument," Robert Musil said in the 1920s. They were "impregnated with something that repels attention." Even the largest ones in city squares get noticed no more than nearby trees do. Tourists and weary shoppers are more likely to use their pedestals to sit on while eating their sandwiches than to look up at them and wonder who they represent.
Our indifference is a response, or non-response, to their anachronistic quality: while the figures on these monuments don't move, the city, its people and its advertisements, its shop windows and its traffic, is a kaleidoscope of constantly changing shapes and colours. It is these that the urban gaze is drawn to. Musil wondered whether the sculptors ought to try a bit harder, to keep up with the times by having their creations tap their fingers or wink instead of reducing these men of action to the status of "melancholics in mental hospitals".
You could say that the current discussion of notable public statues has rather blown a hole in Musil's thesis, not so much because these figures have suddenly become the object of a collective campaigning gaze, but because the daily urban experience of some people has for decades not been one of indifference at all, but of having felt traduced by walking past and being gazed at by these bronze reminders.
Against that - and this is our current dilemma - a majority may not have felt so traduced, not because they have been constantly looking up and thinking 'he's my man', but nor quite because of the indifference of which Musil speaks. At a more reflective level of indifference, these statues, erected at different times and for a variety of reasons, are part of the urban furniture, giving the city its historical depth just as its buildings do.  They are part of the accumulated historical record of how we came to be where we are.
While our opinions about any of the people depicted vary, just as our political beliefs vary, the statue may draw our attention not to values but to matters of public significance. This is why Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, Churchill and Gandhi, Earl Haig and Martin Luther King can all be found within the same square mile in Westminster. They were put up because a particular group of people thought them worthy of praise, and some who put the statue of one figure here will disagree with those who put that of another there, just as the various poets in Westminster Abbey warrant their place regardless of the difference between them.
Edward Colston in Bristol was not part of such a mixed ensemble. The place he vacated was an exclusive one and few are going to campaign to have him put back.
A curious feature of his toppling is that comparisons have been made with the fall of the Saddam Hussein statues in Iraq and of the heroes of communism in Eastern Europe. Aside from the common imagery, the comparison makes no sense: in both Iraq and Eastern Europe an entire system of rule was brought down before the statues came down and the statues came down because they symbolised those regimes. This is what makes the museums of communist era sculptures in Budapest and Sofia so powerful: each artefact encapsulates the system.  The British political system by contrast has not collapsed. On the contrary, it is remarkable for its longevity, maintained not through a sacred written constitution, but through centuries of upgrading, stubborn failures to reform and the occasional revolution.
Yet precisely in line with the messiness of British political and economic history, the proposal to put Colston in a museum does make sense, especially if we say that he represent a social or cultural regime – rather than an all-encompassing one like communism – which, while it has not quite had its day, we may seek to put behind us.  In a museum the statue can be accompanied by textual and other visual material that places him in an informative history of slavery and its connection with the city of Bristol.   A similar fate might befall similar statues in other cities.
If however, as some campaigners would like, the sculpture of Colston is accompanied by those of Churchill and Gladstone and anyone who has ever benefited from slavery or expressed negative attitudes towards people of other races or ethnicities, then the museum may turn into something less useful - a more thematic and less historically nuanced museum of British racism.
It is worth recalling that both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union went in for this sort of thing - Nazi Germany with its museum of communism, the Soviet Union with its museums of religion. They wanted to say that communism, or religion, had been vanquished. They both turned out to be wrong.
After the communist monuments fell in eastern Europe, people were forced to arrive at a better sense of what in the nation's past needed to be reckoned with, and what in its traditions of thought and practice might provide it with the resources to confront the future. Poland and Hungary have shown how difficult that can be.
In 2020 the task for the UK is the ongoing one of working out where slavery and then racism figure in our history, and what weight they should be allowed or required to place on the present. Too much weight, and slavery can look both like an ineradicable burden and in extreme cases like a necessary condition for building a civilised society. Too little, and the past gets lost in an ahistorical appeal to basic principles of tolerance and pluralism.
Either way, or neither way, and as Eastern Europe since 1989 painfully reminds us, the best guides are professional historians open to nuance, not amateur ones with points to score. It is they who either put these blasted monuments up in the first place or are keenest to tear them down.
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sidneiart-blog · 5 years
Bom dia com Isadora Pompeo e Marcela Tais - Hey, Pai (Ao Vivo)
Bom dia com Isadora Pompeo e Marcela Tais – Hey, Pai (Ao Vivo)
Ao som do ukulele, Isadora Pompeo canta “Hey, Pai”, com participação especial de Marcela Tais. O single integra o álbum “Pra Te Contar os Meus Segredos”, que apresenta sucessos como “Oi, Jesus”, “Toca em Mim de Novo” e “Minha Morada”.
Isadora Pompeo e Marcela Tais – Hey, Pai (Ao Vivo)
Isadora ganhou destaque nas redes sociais apresentando covers gospel, como das canções “Me Perdoa, Pai” e “Me…
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ntgospel · 5 months
Mari Borges lança ''Tudo Ficou Bem'', um single sobre sua infância
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/musica-gospel/mari-borges-lanca-tudo-ficou-bem-um-single-sobre-sua-infancia
Mari Borges lança ''Tudo Ficou Bem'', um single sobre sua infância
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Diversas passagens bíblicas reforçam o poder da oração e da fé. O capítulo 21 do Evangelho de Mateus nos lembra do que disse Jesus: “E tudo o que pedirem em oração, crendo, vocês receberão”. No livro de 1 Samuel, por exemplo, é possível conhecer um pouco mais sobre Ana, uma mulher estéril que clamou por um milagre, Deus a ouviu e ela deu à luz a um filho, que se tornaria um profeta.
E, não apenas na Bíblia, conhecemos histórias em que as orações feitas, com fé, por uma mãe, são atendidas. Em seu novo single, “Tudo Ficou Bem”, Mari Borges fala sobre os momentos da infância em que ela percebia o quanto a sua mãe, Dona Cida, clamava pela vida dos quatro filhos e como Deus respondeu a cada pedido.
“Eu entrava no quarto e encontrava ela chorando e sussurrando, eu não entendia o que estava acontecendo, mas como uma criança, eu gostaria de dizer que tudo ficaria bem. Hoje, eu sei que ela estava ali confiando em Deus e entregando os seus filhos nas mãos do Senhor”, disse, em depoimento, Mari Borges.
Confira o lançamento de Mari Borges:
Ouça também em sua plataforma de música favorita: https://musile.lnk.to/mbtfb
Composição Tocante
Além da composição tocante, lançada na semana do Dia das Mães, o trabalho conta com um coral que abrilhantou ainda mais a música e uma declaração de Mari para sua mãe. “Fiquei muito emocionada do começo ao fim e chorei muito com essa surpresa, eu não esperava”, declarou Dona Cida.
A faixa “Tudo Ficou Bem” é a quarta do novo projeto de Mari Borges em parceria com a Musile Records. A primeira, “Jesus Cristo Basta”, teve a participação especial de Aline Barros. Posteriormente, ela apresentou “Deus de Milagres” – que viralizou nas redes sociais e ganhou destaque nos aplicativos de música – e “Um Milhão de Vezes”, composição autoral que traz uma linda mensagem sobre o perdão em Cristo.
Grande Repercussão
O atual trabalho tem tido uma grande repercussão nas redes sociais da cantora, onde é acompanhada por mais de seis milhões de seguidores. O público tem se surpreendido com as composições autorais do projeto, que sempre trazem mensagens tocantes de experiências com Deus.
“Tudo Ficou Bem” teve a produção musical assinada por Rui Samuel e Direção de Vídeo por Flauzilino Jr. O single já está disponível no canal do YouTube da Musile Records e nas principais plataformas de streaming.
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musickmorley0814 · 6 years
Four Short Essays
Melatonin The other night I was taking some melatonin to help with my sleep. I felt myself getting tired, but then I told myself that this had to have been because taking the melatonin had made me more attuned to a slight sleepiness that in other circumstances I would have ignored, and which consequently would not have made more optimistic about sleep, and which, in the absence of this healing optimism, would have left me awake. As a result of giving myself this explanation, I felt the power of the vitamin wear off, and I was more alert – or at least I told myself I was more alert.  I wondered: “If I know that the power of a drug depends on my belief in it, and nothing else, why cannot I continue to believe in it for the sake of my health?”
In other words, where is the rationalist to turn for non-addictive sleep medications? She places so much faith in the findings of the medical profession and its studies that she believes them when they turn themselves in as untrustworthy. If we believe in doctors, then their products will work and they will deserve our faith – and perhaps we will be better. For this reason, we ought to advocate a regime of faith (which “makes all things possible”) in medicine and a policy of scientific silence... But the trade off for a firm, and in a certain sense, healthy, belief in medicine is perhaps a crushing fatalism in other parts of life. -- So should I continue to take the medicine or not, believe or not believe, Church or no Church?!
These thoughts are as circular and tedious as the image of sheep jumping over fences, and neither the one nor the other can put me to sleep.
Christian Rock For the most part, good pop music today is capitalist in character – it is either about or provides the emotional backdrop for chasing money. It encourages, or helps us to acquiesce to, a life of unwilling acquisition. There was a time when American people could sing compellingly about the gospels and surely there are still some people who can who are not recorded - but for the most part it seems to me that that time has passed. When Christian music adopts the sonic form and moods of acquisitive music it runs against its own spirit.
The lyrics are often excerpts from the New Testament, which command a life of justice absolutely at odds with a life of running after money ("it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”) And they express a vision of humility and patience absolutely at odds with the soaring and desperate hopefulness of the sound, a hopefulness which is needed to distract us temporarily from the purposelessness of work. This sonic form’s primary use, in the context of daily life, is to reframe jobs in the service and retail sector as parts of a noble mission. EG. the relentless, violent optimism of Katy Perry’s background music or of Imagine Dragons. (Actually, I don’t think that this retail-store music can convince anyone for a very long time – but perhaps we put up with it as a kind of dull physical pain which detains us, for hours at a time, from the higher pain of thinking about work.)
In any case. The conflict between the two ends – between the end of the sound (embrace this life) and the lyrics (reject it) means that Christian rock sounds like how its practitioners look — it sounds like a strained smile.  
Therapists and Policemen I go to a gym and I visit a therapist because I do not live the kind of life in which my work tires me out in useful tasks and my friends can answer fully to my emotional needs. I worry that in participating in these institutions I further entrench the world I dislike – where our work is empty, anxious, and un-rigorous, and where we cease to rely on friends because we think that only paid professionals can be usefully confided in.
My fear about therapists is then similar to my fear about policemen — namely that, in allocating a kind of social work to paid professionals, we abdicate the responsibility to do that social work (but here “work” seems like the wrong word!) ourselves, and therefore become remote to one another. I want to live in a world without policemen or therapists, where we take care of each other all on our own. But the immediacy of need has meant that, at various times, I have had to call on both therapists and policemen. And surely both, however much one doesn’t like them in the abstract, have helped millions of people in their time of need.
The “time of need”. The immediacy of needs is behind so much that is haphazard and wrong in the world. If we were able to put off dealing with our problems a little longer, indefinitely perhaps, in order to straighten things out amongst ourselves, then things would be better.
False Confidence The apparent confidence of some of my essays is a false confidence which is more like a kind of drunkenness I’ve got from reading Robert Musil and Ludwig Wittgenstein. I’m wearing their styles like a child who puts on his father’s suit and begins to feel impressed with himself. — I had originally written the previous sentence with the words “his father’s trousers”, though the word “trousers” is foreign to me. In using it, I placed myself in the company of the British, who I subconsciously admit as intellectual superiors, and their aura of self-possession allowed me to continue this short essay. 
But in my current mood of extreme self-doubt I can’t see any way around this “dressing for success”. At the beginning of your career you might wear a suit and it will appear ridiculous beside your bright eyes and lack of experience. But you wear the same suit long enough and people begin to say that it becomes you. (We say: Clothing “becomes” us. There are such strong and complex intuitions contained in the creative application of this common word!)
There are good reason why programs exist solely to give homeless people good clothing – and the same thinking guiding them applies just as much to my writing.
--What is the specific character of Wittgenstein’s confidence? It is a certain version of a new kind of intellectual  bravado, present also in the writing of Bernard Williams, which, instead of dealing in certainties, operates instead by poking around at things. Pointing at the follies which we thought were solid and offering almost nothing in return. If at one time intellectual bravado was a demonstration of convictions and certainties, now it is a kind of laughing remoteness and a capacity to identify the haphazard.
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gospelceuhmusic · 3 years
Julia Vitória lança nova versão de “Além do Rio Azul” com a participação de Lukas Agustinho
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  Quando Julia Vitória escolheu regravar “Além do Rio Azul”, não imaginava a proporção que esta decisão tomaria. A canção – que foi lançada primeiramente pela banda Voz da Verdade na década de 80 – com a interpretação da jovem, já soma mais de vinte milhões de visualizações no YouTube.
A relação dela com o grupo é antiga, pois Julia conheceu os integrantes da banda Voz da Verdade ainda pequena, em sua igreja local nos Estados Unidos e clássicos são muito comuns no seu dia a dia, por conta da denominação que frequenta.
“Além do Rio Azul” traz uma mensagem de esperança para os dias de hoje, levando o público a se lembrar que, assim como diz em Apocalipse 21, chegará um dia em que não haverá mais morte, nem pranto, nem clamor, nem dor.
Julia então decidiu incluir essa música em seu recente projeto acústico com a participação de Lukas Agustinho. O cantor é conhecido por participar de diversos hits como “A Benção” (Aline Barros), “Hosana” (Gabriela Rocha), e “Algo Novo” (Kemuel). “Poder gravar essa canção com ele foi algo sobrenatural, principalmente porque a composição tem uma mensagem linda, um consolo vindo direto do Espírito Santo e fico feliz em poder relembrar que Jesus é a nossa esperança”, celebra Julia.
Por sua vez, Lukas reforça que gravar ao lado de Julia era um sonho antigo e que isso é a realização de um sonho. “Que bom ter cantado com ela, pois a acompanho há algum tempo... Creio que essa versão também vai abençoar muitas vidas, assim como tem sido desde o começo”, conta.
Essa é a segunda faixa do novo projeto de Julia, que recentemente apresentou o hino “Em Fervente Oração” e já se prepara para os próximos lançamentos. “Além do Rio Azul” já está disponível nos aplicativos de música e no canal da Musile Records no YouTube.
Assista “Julia Vitória e Lukas Agustinho – Além do Rio Azul”: https://youtu.be/IbQhxoPr4ZI
 Fonte: Assessoria de Imprensa Musile Records
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btrzdnz · 7 years
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Minha Morada, Isadora Pompeo
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mitchbeck · 2 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - The Hartford Wolf Pack off-season is expected to be another roster transformation project that will make the 2022-23 edition of the New York Rangers AHL affiliate into a very different team. Six Wolf Pack players, Maxim Letunov, Kris Merkley, Anthony Greco, all forwards, and goaltenders Adam Húska, and Keith Kinkaid are all Unrestricted Free Agents (UFA). Three of those players, led by Húska, Letunov, and Merkley as per the CBA, are Group 6 free agents by way of not having played enough NHL games by age 25. Húska’s pending departure seems to be clear after Swedish goaltending prospect, Olof Lindbom, was signed to a two-year ELC deal for $925K-NHL/$70K-AHL. He played last year with Kristianstads IK (Sweden-Allsvenskan) where he posted underwhelming numbers. In 27 games, Lindblom registered a 3.27 GAA an under .500 record at 10-15-0, and a .900 save percentage. HARTFORD WOLF PACK RESTRICTED FREE AGENTS Restricted Free Agents (RFA) have to be made legitimate offers. Those Wolf Pack players include Tim Gettinger, Ty Ronning, Vitali Kravtsov, Justin Richards, and Austin Rueschoff. Goaltender, Tyler Wall, is very likely to be allowed to leave as a free agent. As is Jake Elmer and still in junior with Seattle (WHL) still in the playoffs, Matt Rempe. In the NHL the Rangers have their own share of UFA’s. Greg McKegg, Kevin Rooney, Ryan Strome, Andrew Copp, Ryan Reaves, and trade deadline acquisitions who have played well, Frank Vatrano, Tyler Motte, and Justin Braun. The Rangers also have Kaapo Kakko, Julien Gauthier, and Libor Hájek who played five games in Hartford on a conditioning stint, and enigmatic ex-Pack goaltender, Alexander Georgiev. Hartford GM Ryan Martin and Rangers GM/President Chris Drury are, no doubt, getting ready for an important entry draft and are also likely discussing what other moves the franchise could make including possible trade deals. COACHING, PLAYER MANAGEMENT MOVES Four ex-Springfield Falcons are playing in Dysin Mayo (Canada). Those players are Marek Langhamer (Czech Republic (Czechia), Matthias Plachta (Germany), and Denis Malgin (Switzerland (LNA). There will be no Russian squad to play after the IIHF took away the sites of Novosibirsk and Omsk for both this and the WJC tourney. New Canaan resident, Pierre McGuire, the former Hartford Whaler head coach plus long-time NBC and TSN hockey analyst, was relieved of his duties less than a year on the job in Ottawa as Senior VP of Player Development. The Bridgeport Islanders knocked off the Providence Bruins to advance against the Charlotte in the Atlantic Division semifinals before falling to the Checkers. Meanwhile, the Springfield Thunderbirds eliminated the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins in the other Semi-final. Joe Snively, the former Yale Bulldog with the Hershey Bears was recalled by Washington, Then Mathieu Olivier, son of ex-Knights Simon is sent to Milwaukee by Nashville. The Jacksonville Icemen, the ECHL affiliate of both the Wolf Pack and the Rangers, advanced to the ECHL South Division Final to play in-state rival the Florida Everblades (Nashville) in the Kelly Cup playoffs. They were swept by the Everblades, who shut them out twice in the series. EX-UCONN GOALIE SENT TO FLORIDA Florida did receive former UCONN goalie Tomáš Vomáčka, after he was reassigned for the series by Nashville from Milwaukee (AHL), but didn’t play or dress. Connor Jones, a former Quinnipiac University (QU) Bobcat, and ex-Bridgeport Sound Tiger announced his retirement from hockey while with Ft. Wayne (ECHL). Twin brother Kellen will continue to play on with the legendary Komets. Former QU Bobcat Latvian Kārlis Čukste leaven Pelicans Lahti (Finland) for HC Oceláři Třinec (Czech Republic (Czechia)-CEL) for next season. He played for Latvia in the Olympics and is slated to be on their World Championship team. David Musil exits HC Oceláři Třinec  (Czech Republic (Czechia)-CEL) to HC Dynamo Pardubice. After three years as an assistant captain for Tölzer Löwen (Germany DEL-2), former Sound Tiger Tyler McNeeley signed with Rosenheim (Germany Division-3). CANADIAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ROSTER The Canadian World championship roster was released with a few familiar names on it. On defense will be ex-Pack and current New Jersey Devil, Ryan Graves. At forward, will be Cole Sillinger as will Pierre-Luc Dubois. Húska is suiting up for Slovakian Team and Hartford GM Ryan Martin will guide the US squad. There will be no Russian squad to play and the IIHF took away the sites of Novosibirsk and Omsk from them for this and the WJC tourney. Some familiar names are on other WC teams to play in Tampere and Helsinki, Finland. The US squad features ex-Pack, Vinni Lettieri, ex-Sound Tiger Kieffer Bellows, and goalies Jon Gillies (Salisbury Prep) and Strauss Mann (Greenwich/Brunswick Prep/CT Jr. Rangers-USPHL ) who was signed this off-season by San Jose after playing this year in Sweden and represented the US in the Olympics. MORE NAMES INVOLVED WITH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS The US team’s Equipment Manager is Hamden’s Chris Scoppetto (AHL Beast of New Haven) now with New Jersey. Italy's assistant coach is Larry Huras (Nighthawks). The Czech Republic (Czechia) team has ex-Pack Tomáš Kundrátek, Michael Spacek and ex-UCONN recruit, Matej Blümel. Latvia’s head coach is ex-New Haven Senator, Harijs Vitolins. Denmark has the soon-to-be-retiring ex-Sound Tiger, Franz Nielsen. Sweden, has ex-Pack goalie, Magnus Hellberg and forward Carl Klingberg. Germany, assistant coach is former Hartford Whaler, Tom Rowe. Switzerland has another ex-Pack who is nearing the end of his career, Andres Ambühl. MOVES APLENTY CONTINUE Lastly, Great Britain has goalie Jackson Whistle and Ben Lake, the former Pioneer from Sacred Heart University-AHA. UCONN recruit Brayden Smith has elected to go to the Penticton Knights (BCHL) next year to preserve his NCAA rights likely for two years. He was taken by the Vancouver Giants (WHL) under former Wolf Pack head coach and Giants associate coach, Keith McCambridge. They selected him in the 2020 bantam draft in the sixth round, 122nd overall. He was also drafted by the Weyburn (SK) Red Wings (SJHL) in 2020 in the third round 25th overall in their draft. If he plays one second of major junior pre-season, regular season, or post-season his NCAA eligibility is lost. That’s how the rules are now, but that could change in the future. Players eligible for the 2022 WHL Prospects Draft on May 19th next week are 2007-born players who reside in; Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon. The US States that are eligible are; Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. OHL DRAFT In the OHL Priority Draft, Birk Cassels was taken from the Ohio Jr. Blue Jackets U-15 AAA team (T1EHL) by the Ottawa 67’s at 290th overall in the 14th round. Cole Cassels played with nearby Cleveland and his nephews are ex-Pack Morgan Barron (Manitoba) and Justin (Laval). The prospects for the Q that can be drafted are currently playing in the territories served by the QMJHL: the provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Labrador, as well as the northeastern portion of the United States. The QMJHL Draft will take place a few days before the NHL Draft July 4-5 instead of June 17-18. Tyler Wood of the Selects Academy at South Kent Prep is in the top-tier of the Q draft prospects general list, not just the US portion of the draft that will take place after the main draft. AHL’ERS HEADING TO EUROPE After eight years in North America, Sven Bärtschi, of the Henderson Silver Knights returns to his hometown and signs a three-year deal with SC Bern (Switzerland-LNA). He is the third player, thus far from the AHL to head to Europe. Krystof Hrabik heads from San Jose signs with HC Plzeň (Pilsner) (the Czech Republic-(Czechia)-CEL) and heading back to Russia is goalie Alexei Melnichuk, a Russian native and so far, only Russians will likely do so, heads from the San Jose Barracuda, who finished dead last in the AHL to HC Sochi (Russia-KHL). NCAA NEWS Two players are heading to nearby AIC (AHA) in Springfield, MA. Hunter McCurdy of the Danbury Jr. Hat Tricks (NAHL) commits to the school for the fall. The 57th and 58th NCAA grad transfers are Brennan Boynton after playing just one game with NCAA semi-finalist at the Frozen Four Minnesota (Big 10) will skate for the Yellow Jackets next season. Ryan Sidorski goes from Union College (ECACHL) to North Dakota (NCHC). A seventh college player heads to Europe as Taylor Brierley goes from D-3 Wilkes University (UCHC) to HC Chambéry (France-Division-2). Then a 59th grad transfer of the college offseason Dylan St. Cyr heads to the Michigan St. Spartans (Big 10) heading back to his native Michigan to complete his collegiate career. He is from Northville, a Detroit suburb. St. Cyr did a regular transfer last year to QU from Notre Dame. He is the son of former New Haven Senator, Gerry St, Cyr. His mother is Manon Rheaume, the first female to play goal in an NHL game albeit exhibition who has a statue of herself in Quebec City on Jean Béliveau Way, near the Videotrom Centre home of the QMJHL Quebec Remparts. HARTFORD WOLF PACK HOME Read the full article
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Tempo di vacanze. Ritmi più lenti e giornate non più scandite da impegni lavorativi o scolastici. Tanto tempo libero che noi lettori potremo dedicare alla nostra passione. Non c'è dunque momento migliore per inziare una grande opera. E prendeteci in parola quando diciamo “grande”.
Ecco a voi i giganti della fiction stampata, i colossi che troneggiano dagli scaffali di letteratura, autentici monumenti che celebrano l'arte del narrare. Ecco a voi una selezione di romanzi che infrangono il muro delle 1000 pagine. Non lasciatevi scoraggiare dalle dimensioni. Qui sotto trovate un ristretto gruppo di maestri capaci di travolgere i coraggiosi con fiumi di pagine straripanti emozioni, riflessioni, passioni... e di ripagarli ampiamente dell'audacia dimostrata.    E considerate due indubbi vantaggi: è facilissimo trovarli disponibili nelle nostre sedi e difficilmente ne finirete uno a metà vacanza. Sicuro non rischierete di trovarvi senza qualcosa da leggere. Cominciamo con qualche classicone senza tempo. Si, certo, anche chi non li ha letti conosce a grandi linee la trama ma tutte le trasposizioni, cinematografiche o televisive, per quanto ben fatte, non riescono ad egualiare la complessità, la ricchezza di particolari che trabocca dalle pagine di un libro. Subito una coppia di campioni francesi, Alexandre Dumas con Il Conte di Montecristo (1.238 p.) e Victor Hugo con I Miserabili (1.353 p.). Storie potentissime, assolutamente senza tempo. Poi la grande scuola russa. Ovviamente Guerra e pace (1.415 p.) di Lev Tolstoj e l'ultimo capolavoro di Fedor Dostoevskij, I fratelli Karamazov (2.038 p.) detentore del record di spessore nelle edizioni in tomo unico. Maneggiarlo assicura anche un discreto allenamento di bicipiti e tricipiti. Consigliati per entrambi, almeno all'inizio, carta e penna dove segnare nomi e gradi di parentela dei personaggi. Completano questa sorta di pantheon di semidei del romanzo classico, il Charles Dickens del Il Circolo Pickwick (1.054 p.) e Robert Musil che entra a pieno titolo nel gotha con L'uomo senza qualità (1.264 p.) librone straodinario che condensa come pochi altri lo spirito del 900 europeo.
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Bene, ma se volessimo qualcosa di più “contemporaneo” per appesantire la valigia, una scrittura meno datata, più moderna? Diversi autori attivi nelle ultime decadi hanno manifestato una certa inclinazione per il gigantismo. Primo tra tutti Ken Follet. Dai suoi due cicli principali possiamo attingere a piene mani. La Trilogia di Kingsbridge propone I pilastri della Terra (1.030 p.), Mondo senza fine (1.367 p.) e si conclude con il recente La colonna di fuoco (“solo” 907 p.). Anche per la Century Trilogy ci attestiamo su questi numeri impressionanti. La caduta dei giganti, L'inverno del mondo e I giorni dell'eternità fanno oltre 3000 pagine in tre. Altrettanto fine compositore di grandi narrazioni è un altro suddito britannico, Edward Rutherfurd autore di Sarum (1.076 p.) e di London (1.005 p.) che seguono le vicende delle due città inglesi, Salisbury e Londra...dall'epoca della conquista romana ai nostri giorni! La travagliata ed illuminante latitanza indo-afghana delle ex detenuto australiano Gregory David Roberts rivive nei suoi due monumentali Shantaram (1.177 p.) e L'ombra della montagna (1.085 p.). Ideali per accompagnare viaggi esotici. Ancora la povertà, la saggezza e la magia della terra indiana si dispiegano, è il caso di dirlo, nel mastodontico volume di Vikram Seth  Il ragazzo giusto (ben 1.618 p.)
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Per gli amanti del thriller fa al caso It (1.315 p.) del prolifico Stephen King. Sempre alta tensione ma ambientazione pre apocalisse ne Il quinto giorno (1.032 p.) del tedesco Franz Schatzing. Chiudiamo con due libri davvero contemporanei, quasi sperimentali. Parliamo di Contro il giorno (1.127 p.) di Thomas Pynchon e di Infinite Jest (1.280 p.) del compianto David Foster Wallace. Pressochè impossibile darne un breve sunto tanto le trame sono variegate, dense e digressive. Si tratta di vere e proprie esperienze che lasciano qualcosa a chi gira l'ultima pagina.
Buon viaggio!
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sarahazevedooficial · 4 years
Isadora Pompeo – História
#IsadoraPompeo #Historia #Processo ▸ Ouça “Isadora Pompeo – História”: https://ift.tt/3fQ1Aju ▸ Baixe “Isadora Pompeo – História”: https://ift.tt/3fMxPzV ▸ Baixe o playback “Isadora Pompeo – História”: https://ift.tt/2YZAU8T ▸ Ouça a playlist “Top Hits Musile Records”: https://ift.tt/2uqMsXa “História” é o primeiro single… Continue reading
O post Isadora Pompeo – História apareceu primeiro em Deus Cuida de Mim.
Isadora Pompeo – História publicado primeiro em http://deuscuidademim.top/
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