judgemark45 · 2 months
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The Nagato class battleship Mutsu at anchor in 1941.
This image shows off how much beam the battleship gained due to the fitting of extensive bulges.
Like her sister Nagato, Mustu underwent a comprehensive reconstruction during the 1930s. Mutsu's reconstruction lasted from 1933 to 1936.
During the reconstruction, Mutsu received a lengthened stern, adding about 24' (7.55m) to her length. This, in addition to a 1920s addition to her bow, increased the battleship's length from 708' to 738'. Large bulges, added to improve protection and increase buoyancy to offset additional weight, increased the beam of the battleship from 95' to 113.5'. This increased the displacement of the battleship from a full load displacement of 32,200 tons to 38,420 tons.
The increased beam did result in a slower top speed. Despite having her original powerplant (of 80,000shp) replaced with a more modern system (85,800shp), Mutsu saw her top speed decreased from 26.5 knots to a new maximum of 25 knots.
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swiftmitsu · 5 months
musty misu,,
Mi soup
Stummy mustu
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bouta have a 4am coffee to deal with this
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otagoshi · 11 months
Someone asked about your fantrolls relationships(the quadrants) but I saw that they also have dancestors sooo what's happen with them?
oh yes! I don't remember if I had already created them or not but the relationships would be as nexts:
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-Polius (fuchsia) and arexis (indigo) could be considered in a ex-relationship, but well…Polius still loves him but Arexis after the scratch of his game suffered from some changes, such as his disappearance in his game team and the fact that he doesn't remember much about his relationships and what happened when he play
-Polius is not very comfortable with the relationship between Lenard (violet) and Fitria (cobalt)
-Regnos(rust) has red feelings for Mustus(lime), but he always acts black, this makes him confused about his feelings (this is funny for Mustus)
-Zerens(teal) loved so much Kalgin(red candy) but his attitude changed too much during the game,this made her waver his red feelings
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-Lenard and Kalgin are had friction for Morails before the game but never got to that point
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-Fitria doesn't like Lenard and Polius fighting and she is the who mostly solves problems
-Kalgin don't likes Regnos and he is somewhat protective with Mustus
-You could say that Baraco(purple) has a minimal auspistce relationship with everyone as he is considered a "voice of reason", but he is not very interested in having a formal relationship
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xjulixred45x · 2 years
Tahomaru x Sibiling Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: mentions of depression (Nui), Daigo and Nui being neglectful parents, Fluff and Angst, Sick Reader, Tahomaru being the Best older brother, slight changes to the main story (for my heart's sake).
Fem and male Reader
It's My firts publication, so, sorry if it's a bit ooc.
+ Tahomaru didn't expect his father to want another child, as much as it wasn't necessary and because of his mother's already distant behavior, so when you were born it was a surprise, but a welcome surprise.
+or so he wanted to believe, the birth was very complicated, his mother was giving birth for more than a day and a half, but when they finally announced that you were born, he felt as if a burden that he didn't know he had had been lifted, he was relieved.
+ but his father rather seemed disappointed in more ways than one, not only had you had a difficult delivery, but you were an extremely weak baby, if you are a girl, it is even worse, it is the Sengoku era, no matter how powerful Daigo had, It wasn't in his plans to keep a daughter, if you're a boy, it's the same, he didn't need a weak boy when he already had Tahomaru, a healthy and strong boy.
+now...his rejection also has to do with the fact that you remind him of Hyakkymaru...but that's another topic
+ Anyway, despite being weak, Daigo decides that you will stay in the "family", both for Tahomaru and because he doesn't know what to do with you and he can't give you to the demons because you have nothing to offer, according to him.
+during your first days of life you are visited by doctors and maids every day in your room next to your mother's to be able to feed you, but they do not let him in immediately to ensure that you do not die upon contact with him, since he is a child at that time he does not understand it, but he really wants to meet you, you are his little sibiling, after all.
+ he is very anxious and happy when they finally tell him that they will let him see you, he practically jumps to your room and when he enters there you are, half sitting on a large futon in the middle of the floor, you look a lot like his mother, dark hair and eyes, you are super small, even as a baby, you would already be completing the first weeks of life and you still look pale and skinny. Being the first baby he sees, you are too adorable for him.
+I have a feeling that your name as well as that of your brothers would end with Maru, maybe Sakimaru being a girl and Tomaru being a boy, but it's just something self-indulgent.
+ your intentions with Tahomaru as children are quite limited by your fragile state, they don't take many years, maybe 4 or 3 years maximum. But that doesn't stop Tahomaru from wanting to spend his rare free-for-alls with you, be it playing games, drawing, or just trying to get you to say your first words.
"Come on! Ta-Ho-Maru! Try it!" -
"Close enough! Well done!"-
-Tahomaru ends up being your main source of inspiration and compliments, especially when you grow up and your limitations due to illness become more complicated, Daigo hardly speaks to you and Nui seems even distant with you than with Tahomaru, at least she recognized from time to time its existence, but you....it's like seeing a ghost.
- and it's heartbreaking for Tahomaru as you get older to see how you try to have even a minimum of attention from her, he had given up a long time ago, and it hurts him a lot to see when you finally decide to do the same, you don't even want to look at her anymore , at least he had a modicum of attention from his father, but you...were completely ignored by both of them.
+now, going to the most recurring things, Tahomaru continues to spend much of his free time with you, if he can't be in town for some reason, he will ask Mustu and Hyogo to keep you company, you get along with them By the way , just as they took on the task of protecting Tahomaru, they implicitly agreed to protect you as well.
- if you're a girl, maybe Tahomaru buys you from time to time hairpins or kimonos of the time, he thought for a while about giving you his mother's, but even those were too big for you, so all your kimonos are bought and / or are loaned by Mustu (I think she might have a very nice kimono or two that she would lend you from time to time).
+also makes sure that Daigo doesn't even think about putting you in an arranged marriage under any circumstances, not only because the vast majority of "suitors" would be much older than you, but because even if they were your age he wouldn't want to use you as "medium" for alliances, you are your own person and deserve to be treated as such, not as an object.
+ On the other hand, if you're a boy, he'd tell you a lot about the fights he has or his training, if you're good of healt enough, he'd teach you how to hold the sword! A wooden one, sure, your arms are too skinny to hold a real sword, but I'd be happy to teach you without Daigo knowing.
+ he would still be very careful with the girls who approach you, he wouldn't be rude but he would definitely be skeptical about it, although if you introduce him to some candidate that you especially like, he would try to make a good impression and see if she is sincere or not.
+if you have any ESPECIALLY bad disease outbreaks he would want to be constantly updated and would look for ways to spend more time with you, that and pamper you once you recover.
+ although it sounds strange, he admires you for how much you resist despite your constant sick state, you go through horrible outbreaks and still remain a ray of sunshine, you have a lot of internal strength that compensates for the little external strength.
+so he decided that YOU would be his inner strength and HE would be your outer strength, he would keep you safe and happy, you would not have to feel rejected and alone, not while he had something to say about it.
+ is your BIG BROTHER after all.
I really write a Lot jajaja
Thanks for reading!
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
2022/12/08 Un momento de un espectáculo de luz y sonido en el parque de la avenida. Contaba la importancia de las plantas marinas cerca de la playa para mantener limpio el Mediterráneo, aunque algunos lo consideran como suciedad.
A moment of a light and sound show in the avenue park. He recounted the importance of marine plants near the beach to keep the Mediterranean clean, although some consider it as dirt.
Google translation into Italian: Un momento dello spettacolo di luci e suoni nel parco del viale. Ha raccontato l'importanza delle piante marine vicino alla spiaggia per mantenere pulito il Mediterraneo, anche se alcuni lo considerano sporco.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Um momento de show de luz e som no parque da avenida. Ele contou a importância das plantas marinhas perto da praia para manter o Mediterrâneo limpo, embora alguns o considerem uma sujeira.
Google Translation into French: Un moment de spectacle son et lumière dans le parc de l'avenue. Il a raconté l'importance des plantes marines près de la plage pour garder la Méditerranée propre, bien que certains la considèrent comme de la saleté.
Google Translation into Arabic: لحظة من الصوت والضوء في حديقة الشارع. وتحدث عن أهمية النباتات البحرية القريبة من الشاطئ في الحفاظ على نظافة البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​رغم أن البعض يعتبرها قذرة.
Google Translation into German: Ein Moment der Ton- und Lichtshow im Park der Allee. Er erzählte von der Bedeutung von Meerespflanzen in Strandnähe, um das Mittelmeer sauber zu halten, obwohl einige es für Schmutz halten.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Një moment shfaqje zanore dhe drite në parkun e rrugës. Ai ndau rëndësinë e të pasurit alga deti pranë plazhit për të mbajtur detin Mesdhe të pastër, megjithëse disa e konsiderojnë atë të papastër.
Google Translation into Armenian: Ձայնային և լուսային շոու պահ պողոտայի այգում։ Նա կիսում էր լողափին մոտ ջրիմուռ ունենալու կարևորությունը՝ Միջերկրական ծովը մաքուր պահելու համար, թեև ոմանք այն համարում են կեղտոտ:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Момент на звуково и светлинно шоу в парка на алеята. Той сподели колко е важно морските водорасли да са близо до плажа, за да се поддържа Средиземно море чисто, въпреки че някои го смятат за мръсотия.
Google Translation into Czech: Okamžik zvukové a světelné show v parku na avenue. Sdílel, jak je důležité mít mořské řasy blízko pláže, aby bylo Středozemní moře čisté, ačkoli to někteří považují za špínu.
Google Translation into Slovak: Okamih zvukovej a svetelnej šou v parku avenue. Zdieľal dôležitosť toho, aby morské riasy boli blízko pláže, aby bolo Stredozemné more čisté, hoci niektorí to považujú za špinu.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Trenutek zvočne in svetlobne predstave v parku drevoreda. Strinjal se je s pomenom, da so morske alge blizu plaže, da bi Sredozemsko morje ostalo čisto, čeprav nekateri menijo, da so umazanija.
Google Translation into Estonian: Heli- ja valgusshow hetk avenüü pargis. Ta jagas, kui tähtis on, et merevetikad oleksid ranna lähedal, et Vahemeri oleks puhas, kuigi mõned arvavad, et see on mustus.
Google Translation into Suomi: Hetki ääni- ja valoesitystä kadun puistossa. Hän jakoi, että on tärkeää pitää merilevää lähellä rantaa, jotta Välimeri pysyy puhtaana, vaikka jotkut pitävät sitä likaisena.
Google Translation into Greek: Μια στιγμή παράστασης ήχου και φωτός στο πάρκο της λεωφόρου. Συμμερίστηκε τη σημασία του να υπάρχουν φύκια κοντά στην παραλία για να διατηρείται η Μεσόγειος Θάλασσα καθαρή, αν και ορισμένοι τη θεωρούν βρωμιά.
Google Translation into Dutch: Een moment van klank- en lichtspel in het park van de laan. Hij deelde het belang van zeewier dicht bij het strand om de Middellandse Zee schoon te houden, hoewel sommigen het als vuil beschouwen.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Et øyeblikk med lyd- og lysshow i parken i alléen. Han delte viktigheten av å ha tang nær stranden for å holde Middelhavet rent, selv om noen anser det som skitt.
Google Translation into Polish: Chwila pokazu światła i dźwięku w parku przy alei. Podzielał znaczenie posiadania wodorostów blisko plaży, aby utrzymać czystość Morza Śródziemnego, chociaż niektórzy uważają to za brud.
Google Translation into Romanian: Un moment de spectacol de sunet și lumini în parcul bulevardului. El a împărtășit importanța de a avea alge marine aproape de plajă pentru a menține Marea Mediterană curată, deși unii o consideră murdărie.
Google Translation into Russian: Момент звукового и светового шоу в парке проспекта. Он поделился важностью выращивания водорослей рядом с пляжем для поддержания чистоты Средиземного моря, хотя некоторые считают его грязью.
Google Translation into Serbian: Тренутак звучне и светлосне представе у парку авеније. Поделио је важност близине морских алги како би се Средоземно море одржавало чистим, иако га неки сматрају прљавштином.
Google Translation into Swedish: En stunds ljud- och ljusshow i alléns park. Han delade vikten av att ha tång nära stranden för att hålla Medelhavet rent, även om vissa anser att det är smuts.
Google Translation into Turkish: Caddenin parkında bir an ses ve ışık gösterisi. Bazıları kirli olduğunu düşünse de Akdeniz'i temiz tutmak için sahile yakın deniz yosunu bulundurmanın önemini paylaştı.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Хвилинка звуково-світлового шоу в парку просп. Він поділився важливістю наявності морських водоростей поблизу пляжу, щоб зберегти Середземне море чистим, хоча деякі вважають це брудом.
Google Translation into Bengali: অ্যাভিনিউ পার্কে শব্দ এবং আলো শো একটি মুহূর্ত. তিনি ভূমধ্যসাগর পরিষ্কার রাখার জন্য সমুদ্র সৈকতের কাছাকাছি সামুদ্রিক শৈবাল থাকার গুরুত্ব ভাগ করে নেন, যদিও কেউ কেউ এটিকে ময়লা বলে মনে করেন।
Google Translation into Chinese: 一瞬间的声光秀出现在大道的公园里。 他分享了让海藻靠近海滩以保持地中海清洁的重要性,尽管有些人认为它很脏。
Google Translation into Korean: 에비뉴 공원에서 소리와 빛의 쇼가 펼쳐지는 순간. 그는 지중해를 깨끗하게 유지하기 위해 해변 가까이에 해초를 두는 것의 중요성을 공유했습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: רגע של מופע אור וקול בפארק השדרה. הוא היה שותף לחשיבות שיש אצות קרובות לחוף כדי לשמור על הים התיכון נקי, אם כי יש הרואים בכך לכלוך.
Google Translation into Hindi: एवेन्यू के पार्क में ध्वनि और प्रकाश शो का क्षण। उन्होंने भूमध्य सागर को साफ रखने के लिए समुद्री शैवाल को समुद्र तट के करीब रखने के महत्व को साझा किया, हालांकि कुछ लोग इसे गंदगी मानते हैं।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Momen pertunjukan suara dan cahaya di taman jalan raya. Dia berbagi tentang pentingnya rumput laut di dekat pantai untuk menjaga Laut Mediterania tetap bersih, meski ada yang menganggapnya kotor.
Google Translation into Japanese: 大通りの公園での音と光のショーのひととき。 彼は、地中海を汚れていると考える人もいますが、地中海をきれいに保つために海藻をビーチの近くに置くことの重要性を共有しました.
Google Translation into Malay: Pertunjukan bunyi dan cahaya seketika di taman jalan itu. Dia berkongsi kepentingan mempunyai rumpai laut berhampiran pantai untuk memastikan Laut Mediterranean bersih, walaupun ada yang menganggapnya kotoran.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਐਵੇਨਿਊ ਦੇ ਪਾਰਕ ਵਿੱਚ ਆਵਾਜ਼ ਅਤੇ ਰੌਸ਼ਨੀ ਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਪਲ। ਉਸਨੇ ਭੂਮੱਧ ਸਾਗਰ ਨੂੰ ਸਾਫ਼ ਰੱਖਣ ਲਈ ਬੀਚ ਦੇ ਨੇੜੇ ਸੀਵੀਡ ਹੋਣ ਦੀ ਮਹੱਤਤਾ ਨੂੰ ਸਾਂਝਾ ਕੀਤਾ, ਹਾਲਾਂਕਿ ਕੁਝ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਗੰਦਗੀ ਸਮਝਦੇ ਹਨ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: د سړک په پارک کې د غږ او رڼا نندارې یوه شیبه. هغه د مدیترانې بحر د پاک ساتلو لپاره ساحل ته نږدې د سمندري غلو درلودلو اهمیت شریک کړ ، که څه هم ځینې یې کثافات ګڼي.
Google Translation into Persian: یک لحظه نمایش صدا و نور در پارک خیابان. او اهمیت وجود جلبک دریایی در نزدیکی ساحل را برای تمیز نگه داشتن دریای مدیترانه به اشتراک گذاشت، اگرچه برخی آن را کثیف می دانند.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Isang sandali ng tunog at liwanag na palabas sa parke ng avenue. Ibinahagi niya ang kahalagahan ng pagkakaroon ng damong-dagat malapit sa dalampasigan upang mapanatiling malinis ang Dagat Mediteraneo, bagama't itinuturing ng ilan na dumi ito.
Google Translation into Thai: การแสดงแสงสีเสียงในสวนสาธารณะของอเวนิว เขาแบ่งปันความสำคัญของการมีสาหร่ายไว้ใกล้กับชายหาดเพื่อรักษาความสะอาดของทะเลเมดิเตอร์เรเนียน แม้ว่าบางคนจะมองว่าเป็นสิ่งสกปรกก็ตาม
Google Translation into Urdu: ایونیو کے پارک میں آواز اور روشنی کے شو کا ایک لمحہ۔ اس نے بحیرہ روم کو صاف رکھنے کے لیے ساحل کے قریب سمندری سوار رکھنے کی اہمیت کا اشتراک کیا، حالانکہ کچھ لوگ اسے گندگی سمجھتے ہیں۔
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funnysideolife · 8 months
gazal status | tum itna jo muskura rahe ho | jagjit singh status | jagji...
0 notes
thefirelookout · 9 months
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A portal opened up in the kitchen, really. It's not a very promising portal, quite the opposite, it's a hope-killer. It's a direct kitchen-to-bathroom connection, it's gross, it's necessary. The mold has to go, the drywall has to come off so that the moisture dries. It also means that we have to leave this house by May.
We've started watching Beef. It's always something. We nod when they say that. Yup, that checks out. It's always fucking something.
We don't have a bathroom basin anymore. It's just a gaping hole. The cabinet and the mirror are still right where they should be though, so I take my skincare thingies out, balance them on the shelf, take the dropper out, try my best not to feel the absence of a basin while putting the serums and creams on my face. We brush our teeth at the kitchen sink now, which is gross, but we quickly adjusted to it. Rohu says that I'm really embodying my research, living it. Being resilient, being grateful (Allah ja koren bhalor jonnei...), and trying to produce work in the midst of it all. This is fieldwork, this is archival research, this is lived experience. Doesn't matter if I fucked off to my mind palace (which was under seige, by the way) last summer, doesn't matter what happend end of last year, just gotta carry on. Yet, there is domestic sweetness. In the middle of work, when I really, really want to see Rohu, I tippy toe my way into the kitchen where she's doing the dishes. Looking cute the best I can, I ask her something completely unexpected, something like, "Why'd the Titans attack?" "You're asking me that right now?" "Yeah, right now. Why'd the Titans attack at all?" "Well, because..." a free, live video-essay follows. I get a full explanation: Ymir, Historia, Eren, Levi, all the Titans, which Titans are sentient and which are not. The neurodivergent urge to just talk about your very niche interest. "So this is an Israel-Palestine analogy?" "Yes, but a poorly done one." "But it's still an Israel-Palestine analogy though." "Yeah. Removing the humanity of the Titans. I can see that yes." I satisfy myself with that and tippy toe back to my desk. Another time I remember asking, "Accha Rohu, if I tell you to stop texting me, like, altogether, what will you do?" "Then I'll stop texting you Mustu." "No questions asked? Ki bolo!" "None whatsoever. You decided that it's good for you, so I'll oblige." "I'm finding that very hard to believe..." "Mustu, I'll stop texting you because I love you. Precisely because I love you. I'll understand that me texting you is hurting you, destroying you, I know how you are in these situations. So I'll love you all the same, but I'll stop texting." I give her my version. "If you tell me to stop texting you..." "Hmm?" "Then I'll try really hard. I'll try at least one last time. Can we meet in person, can we have a phone conversation? Anything. I just want to hear what I've done wrong, and how I can remedy that. I want to try and breathe life into us once more. Is it even love if you don't try? At least once? At least ek bar?" "Looks like you found the loophole." I stare. "You told me to stop texting you, but did you tell me to not email you, or call you, or show up at your door?" "No I guess!" "There you go. I didn't say I'll disappear!" Lots of crying after that, for something that didn't even happen. A "would you love me if I became a worm" situation.
I was accused of trying to fill a void. Where is the void? Is it in the bathroom? Is it in the kitchen? I don't see it. I was accused of being bored, confused. Boredom? Not with on-demand video essays. Confusion? "I'm not confused at all, are you confused?" "I'm not either. Does a white man now decide whether we are confused or not? Does he sit in his ivory tower and psychopathologize?"
"So yeah, not confused. We're solid." Rohu says that we should get ourselves a Void though. A black cat. Now that will be a void worth nurturing. With Nimki already in the house, it becomes a Halloween kitten combo.
"There you go, that'll be the void in our relationship."
0 notes
contosane · 1 year
Asami despertou com a luz do sol incomodando os olhos e se deu conta de que tinha ficado na casa de Hayato e dormido com ele. Era algo perigoso. Ela sabia! Ela não podia se dar ao luxo de fazer essas coisas sem tomar cuidado dobrado. Não que ela não quisesse filhos, mas prezava por sua vida e não queria, nunca, ser obrigada a abortar o próprio filho para sobreviver.
A Cura - Prequel de Mustu Ike (Conto disponível na Amazon)
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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Auf der Tafel
Der zweyköpffig Hermaphrodit gleicht einem Menschen. Der ist Todt.
Wann er, wegen geraubter Feuchtigkeit, leydet (groß Noht)
so er in finster Nacht sich decket, mustu ihm mehr Fewr geben (Welches)
So bald du thust, kompt ihm wider das Leben. All Krafft deß Steins im Fewr, all rohter Schwebel im Goldt steht.
Und der weiß Mercurius allein auß Silber hergeht.
Das Büro liegt auf der Nordseite des Wissenschaftsturmes. Von ihm aus blickt man auf den Gästeturm, den Bibliotheksturm und den Innenhof des Max-Planck-Institutes. Drei Gebäudeteile werden Turm genannt, man muss sich das wie in gotischen Städten, wie in Regensburg vorstellen, also dort, wo Türme anfangen, wenn ein Gebäude aus Stein ist und fünf Stockwerke hat, während die unmittelbare, also wirklich unmittelbare, Umgebung das nicht hat.
Der Wind kommt seit Freitag aus dieser Richtung, von Norden. Er drückt gegen die Fenster, das macht er selten. Wenn ich das schmale Fenster öffne, schließe ich die Tür zu meinem Büro. Es soll in meinem Büro frisch werden, ob es woanders frisch werden soll, das weiß ich nicht, dann müsste man auch woanders lüften. Es soll auch nicht ziehen, also soll, wenn das Fenster offen ist, die Tür verschlossen sein.
Seit Freitag fängt dann, an den Türangeln, jemand an zu singen. Erst wird Luft geholt, das dauert maximal fünzehn Sekunden, dann hebt der Gesang an. Steil zieht der Sound an, besser gesagt zieht er an, innerhalb von zwei Sekunden von 0 auf 100.
Das ist Carna/ Cardea, die da singt. Immer noch ist unentschieden, ob sie eine Nymphe oder eine Göttin ist. Mai wird ihr Monat sein, Anfang Juni ihr Fest und ihre Feier, dann gibt es Bohnen und Speck. Wenn der Weißdorn blüht, dann blüht auch sie. Aber jetzt singt sie schon einmal, denn solche Wesen sind immer nur entfernt, nie aber weg. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob sie singt, weil der Nordwind gegen die Fenster drückt und durch die Spalten des offenen Fensters drängt, oder aber, weil ich mit gleich drei Texten endlich zum Schluss kommen soll oder aber aus welchen Gründen auch immer. Sie wird ihre Gründe haben, ihre Abgründe auch. Ab einem gewissen Alter muss man lernen, den Leuten weder das eine noch das andere zuzuschieben. Wenn sie was davon sagen will, wird sie es schon tun, wenn nicht, dann nicht. Jetzt will sie singen, aber nur wenn ich lüfte.
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dontheidiot · 2 years
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muslumannotdefteri · 2 years
Yağmur - Nurullah Genç
Vareden'in adıyla insanlığa inen Nur
Bir gece yansıyınca kente Sibir dağından
Toprağı kirlerinden arındırır bir Yağmur
Kutlu bir zaferdir bu ebabil dudağından
Rahmet vadilerinden boşanır ab-ı hayat
En müstesna doğuşa hamiledir kainat
Yıllardır bozu bulanık suları yudumladım
Bir pelikan hüznüyle yürüdüm kumsalları
Yağmur, seni bekleyen bir taş da ben olsaydım
Hasretin alev alev içime bir an düştü
Değişti hayel köşküm, gözümde viran düştü
Sonsuzluk çiçeklerle donandı yüreğimde
Yağmalanmış ruhuma yeni bir devran düştü
İhtiyar cübbesinden kan süzülür Nebi'nin
Gökyüzü dalgalanır ipekten kanatlarla
Mehtabını düşlerken o mühür sahibinin
Sarsılır Ebu Kubeys kovulmuş feryatlarla
Evlerin arasına dikilir yesil yaprak
Yeryüzü avaredir, yapayalnız ve kurak
Zaman, ayaklarımda tükendi adım adım
Heyûla, bir ağ gibi ördü rüyalarımı
Çölde seni özleyen bir kuş da ben olsaydim
Yağmur, gülsenimize sensiz, baldiran düştü
Düşmanlik içimizde; dostluklar yaban düştü
Yenilgi, ilmek ilmek düğümlendi tarihe
Her sayfaya talihsiz binlerce kurban düştü
Bir güzide mektuptur, çağlarin ötesinden
Ulaşır intizarın yaldızlı sabahına
Yayılır o en büyük mustu, pazartesinden
Beyazlik dokunmuştur gecenin siyahina
Susuzluktan dudağı çatlayan gönüllerin
Sükutu yar, sevinci dualar kadar derin
Çaresiz bir takvimden yalnızlığa gün saydım
Bir cezir yaşadım ki, yaşanmamiş, mazide
Dokunduğun küçük bir nakış da ben olsaydim
Sensiz, kaldırımlara nice güzel can düştü
Yarılan göğsümüzden umutlar bican düştü
Yağmur, kaybettik bütün hazinesini ceddin
En son, avucumuzdan inci ve mercan düştü
Melekler sağnak sağnak gülümser maveradan
Gümüş ibrik taşıyan zümrüt gagalı kuşlar
Mutluluk nağmeleri işitirler Hiradan
Bir devrim korkusuyla halkalanır yokuşlar
Bir bebeğin secdeye uzanırken elleri
Paramparça, ateşler sahinin hayalleri
Keşke bir gölge kadar yakınında dursaydım
O mücella çehreni izleseydim ebedi
Sana sırılsıklam bir bakış da ben olsaydım
Sarardı yeşil yaprak; dal koptu; fidan düştü
Baykuşa çifte yalı; bülbüle zindan düştü
Katil sinekler deldi hicabın perdesini
İstiklal boşluğunda arılar nadan düştü
Dolaşan ben olsaydım Save'nin damarında
Tablosunu yapardim yıkılan her kulenin
Ebedi aşka giden esrarlı yollarında
Senden bir kıvılcımın, süreyya bir şulenin
Tarasaydım bengisu fışkıran kakülünü
On asırlık ocağın savururdum külünü
Bazen kendine aşık deli bir fırtınaydım
Fırtınalar önünde bazen bir kuru yaprak
Uğrunda koparılan bir baş da ben olsaydım
Sensizlik depremiyle hancı düştü; han düştü
Mazluma sürgün evi; zalime cihan düştü
Sana meftun ve hayran, sana ram olanlara
Bir bela tünelinde ağır imtihan düştü
Badiye yaylasında koklasaydım izini
Kefenimi biçseydi Ebva'da esen rüzgar
Seninle yıkasaydım acılar dehlizini
Ne kaderi suçlamak kalırdı ne intihar
Üstüne pırıl pırıl damladığın bir kaya
Bir hurma çekirdeği tercihimdir dünyaya
Suskunluğa dönüştü sokaklarda feryadım
Tereddüt oymak oymak kemirdi gururumu
Bahira'dan süzülen bir yaş da ben olsaydım
Haritanın en beyaz noktasına kan düştü
Kırıldı adaletin kılıcı; kalkan düştü
Mahkumlar yargılıyor; hakimler mahkum şimdi
Hakların temeline sanki bir volkan düştü
Firakınla kavrulur çölde kum taneleri
Ahuların içinde sevdan akkor gibidir
Erdemin, bereketin doldurur haneleri
Sensiz hayat toprağın sırtında ur gibidir
Şemsiyesi altında yürürsün bulutların
Sensiz, yükü zehirdir en güzel imbatların
Devlerin esrarını aynalara sorsaydım
Çözülürdü zihnimde buzlanmış düşünceler
Okşadığın bir parça kumaş da ben olsaydım
Sensiz, tutunduğumuz dallardan yılan düştü
İlkin karardı yollar, sonra heyelan düştü
Güvenilen dağlara kar yağdi birer birer
Sensizlik diyarından püsküllü yalan düştü
Yağmur, duysam içimin göklerinden sesini
Yağarsın; taşlar bile yemyeşil filizlenir
Yıldırımlar parçalar çirkefin gövdesini
Sel gider ve zulmetin çöplüğü temizlenir
Yağmur, bir gün kurtulup çağın kundaklarından
Alsam, ölümsüzlüğü billur dudaklarından
Madeni arzuların ardında seyre daldım
Küflü bir manzaranın çürüyen güllerini
Senin için görülen bir düş de ben olsaydim
Şehirler kabus dolu; köylere duman düştü
Tersine döndü her şey sanki; asuman düştü
Kırık bir kayık kaldı elimizde, hayali
Hazindir ki; dertleri asmaya umman düştü
Ay gibisin; güneşler parlıyor gözlerinde
Senin tutkunla mecnun geziyor güneş ve ay
Her damla bir yıldızı süslüyor göklerinde
Sümeyra'yı arıyor her damlada bir saray
Tohumlar ve iklimler senindir; mevsim senin
Mekanın fırçasında solmayan resim senin
Yağmur, birgün elimi ellerinde bulsaydım
Güzellik şahikası gülümserdi yüzüme
Senin visalinle bir gülmüş de ben olsaydım
Tavanı çöktü aşkın; duvarlar üryan düştü
Toplumun gündemine koyu bir isyan düştü
İniltiler geliyor doğudan ve batıdan
Sensizlikten bozulan dengeye ziyan düştü
Islaklığı sanadır ahımın, efgahımın
İçimde hicranınla tutuşuyor nağmeler
Sendendir eskimeyen cevheri efkarımın
Nazarın ok misali karanlıkları deler
Bu değirmen seninle dönüyor; ahenk senin
Renkleri birbirinden ayıran mihenk senin
Bir hüzün ülkesine gömülüp kaldı adım
Kapanıyor yüzüme aralanan kapılar
Sana hicret eden bir Kureyş de ben olsaydım
Yağmur, ayrılığıma seninle derman düştü
Beynimin merkezine ölümsüz ferman düştü
Silindi hayalimden bütün efsunu ömrün
Bir dönüm noktasında aklıma Rahman düştü
Nefesinle yeniden çizilecek desenler
Çehreler yepyeni bir degişim geçirecek
Aydınlığa nurunla kavuşacak mahzenler
Anneler çocuklara hep seni içirecek
Yağmur, seninle biter susuzluğu evrenin
Sana mü'mindir sema; sana muhtaçtır zemin
Damar damar seninle, hep seninle dolsaydım
Batılı yıkmak için kuşandığın kılıcın
Kabzasında bir dirhem gümüş de ben olsaydım
Kardeşler arasında heyhat, su-i zan düştü
Zedelendi sağduyu; körleşen iz'an düştü
Şarkısıyla yaşadık yıllar yılı baharın
İnsanlık bahçemize sensizlik hazan düştü
Yağmur, seni bekleyen bir taş da ben olsaydım
Çölde seni özleyen bir kuş da ben olsaydım
Dokunduğun küçük bir nakiş da ben olsaydım
Sana sırılsıklam bir bakiş da ben olsaydım
Uğrunda koparılan bir baş da ben olsaydım
Bahira'dan süzülen bir yaş da ben olsaydım
Okşadığın bir parça kumaş da ben olsaydım
Senin için görülen bir düş de ben olsaydım
Yeryüzünde seni bir görmüş de ben olsaydım
Sana hicret eden bir Kureyş de ben olsaydım
Damar damar seninle, hep seninle dolsaydım
Batılı yıkmak için kuşandığın kılıcın
Kabzasında bir dirhem gümüş de ben olsaydım
0 notes
2beautybrands · 4 years
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A #Mustus é uma marca #vegan que cuida não só da pele mas também do meio ambiente apostando na melhor forma de conseguir uma tez cuidada através de ingredientes provenientes unicamente da natureza. @2beautybrands #2beautybrands https://www.instagram.com/p/CGC6C2iHCCI/?igshid=15fd6c35fy78n
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kurikoma · 3 years
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xjulixred45x · 2 years
Tahomaru x Albino Reader
Type: Headcanons
Reader: neutral
Warnings: Sengoku era, criticism of appearance, Albinism and all that goes with it (poor eyesight, sensitive skin, photophobia, medium specific appearance, white hair and colourful/red eyes), Aged Tahomaru (20 onwards) Fluff.
Note: Apparently in Japan Albinism is quite common, I don't think it was that way in the Sengoku era, but I had to do something related. The reader has a variant of Albinism (there are about 4) and would have the most common (type OCA4).
Albinism: The term albinism generally refers to oculocutaneous albinism, a group of inherited disorders in which there is little or no production of the pigment melanin. The type and amount of melanin the body produces determines the color of the skin, hair, and eyes.
Since you were born you have always been singled out for your peculiar physical appearance which you shared with your mother, almost white hair and light red eyes, obviously not all were words of displeasure, there were also people who saw your appearance as something fascinating within your strangeness , which made you feel better about yourself and your appearance.
Your father was one of Daigo's most loyal officers, so stopping by the palace from time to time was normal for your family. That's when you met Tahomaru, or well, something like that.
You hung out in the courtyards when your father had his meetings with Kagemistu, you wouldn't want his workmates to see you for fear of their reaction, so you stayed outside with an umbrella to better cover yourself from the sunlight.
Sometimes Tahomaru would see the three of you (your mother, your father and you) come in but he could hardly see you (and your mother) because you always cover yourself so much, even when it's hot!
-"I don't know how hot they are with all that?"- Tahomaru, probably Mustu and Hyogo.
On a particularly sunny afternoon you stay under a tree in the courtyard when your mother went to eat something, Tahomaru took the opportunity to talk to you and ask if you were okay.
You were surprised that he approached, normally you and your mother stayed in a quite distant part, but he recognized him as Daigo's son and you quickly got up (umbrella included) and greeted him, trying to avoid the sun hitting you. .
he ask you if you weren't hot with all the layers of clothing you had, even if you were hot it was better than burning your skin and letting your face show.
It was the first time that Tahomaru saw you up close and his jaw almost dropped, you thought it was because of your appearance and it was partly like that, he had never seen an albino person and it was something completely new.
He stayed a few seconds in silence staring at you, you were not completely surprised, it was normal for people who saw you up close for the first time. What surprised you was that he apologized for being rude.
It was a level of kindness rarely received, but definitely welcome.
You told him why you were there with your mother and he was shocked when he found out who your father was, you were nothing like him!
They talked for a while until your mother came back saying they had to go, the look of understanding on Tahomaru's face when he saw your mother without the umbrella was hilarious.
From there he goes through that part of the palace when he knows your father is with Daigo. They talk during that time and learn a bit more about her rare condition.
Once he even did the "How many fingers do I have?" stuff. When you told him you had bad eyesight, you nearly killed him after that.
At some point your family lives near the palace so your father is available at all times (or even in the palace itself) and that ends up being beneficial in more ways than one.
The extra layers of clothing now made sense, especially when once while riding a horse you dropped your parasol and when they came back your face was red. Your father almost killed him.
He learns to be more considerate of your condition, so he begins to invite you and talk inside or in his room (your mother enjoys the silence and fresh air) and they tell each other things that happen in their lives.
He may or may not talk to you about politics if you're interested, having a samurai father is likely to at least educate you to understand the importance of your father within the military and how to act accordingly. If so, he's delighted, he can talk more openly with you about the most rational decisions for the town.
As much as some people find your appearance unpleasant, Tahomaru sees it as something extraordinary. Especially in the snowy seasons, you look very ethereal surrounded by snow and without fear of being hurt by the sun, he may or may not join you to talk in the snow or snowball fights (if that existed then (?) And in general be his age for once.
On more than one occasion you have run into Nui while looking for Tahomaru's room, most of the time praying to a statue for a couple of minutes until Tahomaru finds you and drags you to his room.
You've asked him why before, but it seems that he doesn't even know it himself, so you prefer to keep quiet and just wait for him to feel comfortable to do it, whichever happens.
Sometimes Tahomaru finds it funny how bad your eyesight is sometimes, but that depends on the situation, because while it's funny when you can't read well because the handwriting is so clear and you end up pronouncing anything else, it's not very funny when you bump into poles or when you almost fell off a cliff because you didn't sense the distance well, so expect him to keep an eye on you at all times on walks outside (or hold your hand later).
Your mother finds Tahomaru's behavior towards you endearing, she jokes that that's how her and your father started a relationship, which used to cause you some shame until you became insensitive towards it, it seems that Tahomaru is still affected by it little bit .
Your father is the opposite extreme, it seems that he smells something rotten every time Tahomaru is around, it's not personal, he does that with all your suitors, but Tahomaru feels that he hates it, or at least he doesn't like it. You have to talk to him about it, since your father is usually just a bitter protector, nothing more.
Other than that, you can get along with both! Your mother already adores him and when they come she can get a little chat out of him before they come in, and when your father isn't giving him disgusted looks, he can talk to him about the strategies he's going to use in the next war although this only more motivated to want to go to war.
Your relationship with his mother is almost non-existent, not because she's mean to you, but because it's hard for you to keep the conversation from dying, at some point Tahomaru told you to just stop trying and it was.
Mustu and Hyogo, as always, stay out of the way and make sure to ensure your safety as well as Tahomaru's.
By the time a serious relationship begins, it doesn't take long for Daigo to suggest an arranged marriage, your father is one of his best soldiers and strategists, maybe if Tahomaru convinces him enough, he can accept it.
If so, he is quite happy, he prefers a thousand times to marry you than any unknown woman/man/Person, besides, you are the closest thing to the role of a wife/husband/spouse than he thinks, only with advantages such as your education, sense of humor, beauty, and the fact that he really loves you, with the whole package, vision problems, light sensitivity and beautiful appearance.
It won't change how he feels about you.
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bleauktopus · 4 years
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I headcanon that Tatsuma bought the sunglasses for Mutsu when they went on a sunny planet.
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aliciaphen · 2 years
hello! from now on, I intend to make a list of media I’ve consumed throughout this month, ranging from music to film to YouTube videos - who knows what’ll pop up. anyways, enjoy my monthly media mentions of may, hopefully the first of many <3 
Birds of Prey (2020)
ended up watching this again because it was about to be taken off of Netflix, rip
such a fun watch
Music: (my may 2022 Spotify playlist)
Minisode 2: Thursday’s Child - Tomorrow x Together (my luvs)
Opening Sequence: idk what it is, but the bridge and those HEAVY synths??? Amazing. It sounds like it should be the song featured in a trailer of some science fiction media.
Good Boy Gone Bad: if this came out in first gen, it would be a CLASSIC that younger gen boy groups would cover. I especially love Heuningkai and Yeonjun this era - its suits them particularly well. I love listening to this song, it makes me feel like I’m a character going through my evil, sinister era. I’ve added GBGB to my Super Cars playlist, where it will be played side by side with Blockbuster, its brother in arms. I also love the choreography, specifically when Kai is in centre after the bridge - I’m passing away. 
Trust Fund Baby: The boys’ vocals are amazing. I never get tired of hearing Soobin’s falsettos. I fucking love that it directly references LO$ER=LO♡ER. The instrumentals are lovely. 
Lonely Boy (The tattoo on my ring finger): I was already thinking of getting a tattoo on my ring finger but this sold me; I like the combination of acoustic and trap -very interesting. They’re doing such fun things with their vocals. Admittedly, I wasn’t sold on this song on first listen because of the autotune, but kept it on repeat and - Yeonjun’s second verse? Give him an award. 
Thursday’s Child Has Far To Go: I fucking love it. I’ve been living for the 70s synth in songs. Producer Beomgyu, we love you! This song makes me want to run and jump and scream!! Live!! 
Overall it’s so fun to see how the boys have grown and developed their sound to something more mature. Not only are they getting more confident as they gain more experience, but it’s so satisfying to see them get the recognition they deserve while playing with such fun concepts.
Fiona Apple’s entire discography:
Never in my life have I ever heard an artist capture the intense level of emotion that comes with living and loving. I’m absolutely in love with Fiona Apple’s sound - lately I’ve begun to really appreciate jazz, but Apple’s blend of different genres really stands out. And the way she can SING?? Miss ma’am I love you. 
Honourable mentions - I Want You To Love Me, Across the Universe, I Know, Heavy Balloon, Ladies, & Cosmonauts
The Cheetah Girls 2 Film Soundtrack:
Without a doubt Cheetah Girls 2 is the best film of the franchise. And they were not PLAYING when they made this soundtrack. It really still holds up. 
Honourable mentions - Strut, The Party’s Just Begun, Amigas Cheetahs, Step Up
Lip Gloss: (channel link)
She offers very valuable insight on topics related to the female experience, specifically from a black woman’s perspective. Her commentary on social issues is presented in a very digestible manner, without an overflow of buzzwords. She’s also super funny, authentic, and offers good advice for any other people struggling with similar issues.
Mutsu is a Japanese fashion designer who specializes in patchwork. I’ve watched a few of their videos, which aren’t just informative of the style of sewing, but are very calming as well. 
Killing Creativity by Meghan Hollis: (article link)
I’m currently taking an Introduction to Creative Studies course and this is one of the many articles assigned as a reading. 
It’s quite eye-opening in regards to how society is designed to lessen opportunities to foster creativity. 
It also offers advice on how to build up your creativity (which is a skill, btw).
The ForeSight Thinking Profiles: (article link)
Though I didn’t pay to find out my own thinking profile, this was another one of the articles assigned for us to read in our Creativity course. 
It’s essentially a quiz to discover your thinking process, where you are categorized into one of 15 types.
It offers insight to the varying processes of one’s thinking habits, including strengths and weaknesses, and what other thinking types you are most compatible with.
Alright, that’s all I have for listed for May’s media. I’ve also linked my Spotify playlist to my May 2022 playlist, where you can find more songs I’ve been into lately. Please check out the articles and Youtube channels I’ve linked, they’re pretty cool! 
- Alicia
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