proyectnew24 · 8 months
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empanadasdehumita · 9 months
che ustedes dicen que se va a bancar los 4 años de presidencia?? con la presión que va a poner la gente, para mí o se va o le agarra un ataque y se muere
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soberaniasar · 3 months
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#separator#clear: both; text-align: center;#El INTA desarrolla un queso que ayuda a reducir el colesterol <p></p><div class= style=><a href#por porción. Es un desarrollo del INTA y de la empresa cordobesa Lácteos Capilla del Señor S. A.#en línea con la tendencia mundial hacia una alimentación más saludable.<p></p><p><br /></p><p>En la actualidad#existe una tendencia mundial hacia una alimentación más saludable por lo que los consumidores demandan cada vez más productos naturales y f#un equipo de especialistas del Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos (ITA) del INTA desarrolló la tecnología que incorpora los fitoesteroles#compuestos de origen vegetal#ayudan a reducir los niveles de colesterol total y del LDL#conocido como colesterol malo#en el consumidor”.</p><p><br /></p><p>Está demostrado que la ingesta diaria de 2 gramos de fitoesteroles libres#en el marco de una dieta equilibrada y de estilos de vida saludables#contribuyen a una reducción de entre el 7 y el 10 % de los niveles de colesterol. Estas cantidades se logran al consumir dos porciones de 3#los tocoferoles −antioxidantes−#también de origen vegetal#ejercen un efecto protector sobre los demás nutrientes del alimento a la vez que una porción aporta un 30 % de los requerimientos diarios d#en el sentido de que queríamos diferenciarnos del mercado. Creo que estuvo en nuestro ADN hacer productos más saludables#porque consumir un queso ya de por sí es saludable”.</p><p><br /></p><p>Y agregó que “así fue cómo empezamos haciendo la muzzarella light e#que están patentados y que aportan elementos para reducir el colesterol#como fue el Port Salut y la muzarella light con fitoesteroles#que son compuestos de origen vegetal que ayudan a reducir los niveles de colesterol total y del LDL#conocido como colesterol malo en el consumidor#a los que también le sumamos antioxidantes naturales”.</p><p><br /></p><p>Adriana Descalzo −investigadora del INTA y una de las especialist#que es un queso de pasta blanda de alta humedad#consumido habitualmente en distintos momentos del día y en diversas preparaciones culinarias#pudiendo utilizarse en preparaciones frías o calientes”.</p><p><br /></p><p>En la Argentina existen pocos alimentos con fitoesteroles y el#2 porciones de este queso funcional aportan los 2 gramos de fitoesteroles necesarios para ayudar a reducir los niveles de colesterol del or#además#la mitad de la dosis diaria recomendada de vitamina E en su forma activa#el alfa-tocoferol.</p><p><br /></p><p><b>Quesos certificados</b></p><p><br /></p><p>Este queso cuenta con una certificación IRAM de BPM Sel
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surferspider · 1 year
daily porter posting #024
porter has never tasted pizza. it's the only reason why earth-45013 still exists.
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elbiotipo · 2 months
Argentina pizza culture is interesting because it's a staple dinner for us, easy to make and cook. We buy pre-pizzas which are already made pizza bases and then you just put sauce and cheese on it, send it to the oven, and you're done. If you want actual pizzas with the base made from scratch you can do it yourself or go to a restaurant, and they sell flours for it too.
But there are some recognizable things about pizza in Argentina. The first is that homemade pizza sauce almost always carries onions, lots of them. In fact I call this the "pizza criolla" because it's the staple of Argentine pizza, it is not as common in restaurant or rotisería* pizza. Then you have the "pizza especial", which is just a normal pizza with ham slices and pickled peppers strips ('pickled' is relative term here, as you actually grab a fresh pepper, cut it, and put the strips on vinegar oil and salt). That's what makes it special. You can top it all off with shredded boiled egg.
As for cheese, we have muzzarella but for homemade pizza we often use "queso crema" which is NOT the cream cheese sold as a spreader. It's kind of muzzarella but more melty, almost like the spectrum between muzarella and cream cheese. It's a staple here too because we use it on all our foods. Interstingly I've heard it's actually the cheapest cheese, but I can't imagine living without it.
Well, as of types of pizza, we have Napolitana (with fresh tomato slices Calabresa (with salami, this is my favorite), probably both completely unrelated to their italian locations, and of course the very Argentine fugazetta wthich is just cheese and onions. We do like onions it seems. The regular pizza is called just a "muzarella". There is also pizza jardinera (with greens like spinach or green onion) and with palmitos which are... palmitos. Palmitos are palm cores which are extremely expensive now so it's almost an extinct kind of pizza to me.
*rotiserías are small fast-food places open at night which sell things such as pizza, burgers and empanadas plus a couple more things. Way cheaper and better than any big fast food chain. It also shows that Argentines always eat dinner late, as most rotiserías don't even OPEN until 20 PM.
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sentada · 1 month
go-to sandwich
i like a big fat italian sandwich w fresh muzzarella n like a big chicken cutlet some nice hearty greens and you need acid... and it has to be shaggy and scoob sized i think a sandwich is supposed to be about going past your limits of hedonism
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argentinacareta · 5 months
Como puedo hacer para que nos enamoremos un montón, vayamos a un reci de babasonicos salimos a comer pizza y besarnos con sabor a muzzarella?
Es lo más romántico que me han dicho en este último tiempo
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richarlison-archive · 2 years
[Descrição do vídeo em português abaixo da descrição em inglês. English description below, followed by Portuguese description]
[VD: A video made by Esporte Interativo, in which Richarlison of Brasil's NT attempts to order pizza through the phone, with three reporters helping him. Richarlison speaks English with a noticeable Brazilian accent, but with comprehensible pronunciation. The video has Portuguese subtitles and goes as follows:
Richarlison: hi, my friend! [Reporter 1 immediately starts laughing, ducking out of the camera's view]
Attendant [through the phone]: hi, how can I help you?
Richarlison: hello, how are you?
Attendant: good, thank you
Richarlison: uh... can I have 4 pizzas please [Reporter 2 makes a "4" sign with his fingers at that, asking in Portuguese if he's downgrading their order] five, five [Reporter 2 gives a double thumbs up]
Attendant: collection or delivery?
Richarlison: yes
Attendant: collection or delivery?
[Richarlison stares at the reporters in confusion, darting his eyes around]
Reporter 1: ah, the address
Richarlison: ah, okay. [In Portuguese] hey what's the address here? [reporter 3 responds but it's not comprehensible] [he goes back to English] Twenty-one
Attendant: delivery, yes?
[Richarlison frowns, staring again at the reporters, they all stand in silence and confusion]
Richarlison, in Portuguese: I don't think she speaks English, bro [the reporters laugh]
Reporter 2, yelling into the phone: do you speak English?
Richarlison, in Portuguese: bro she's gonna hang up. [Silence from the phone, then it disconnects] See, see, I did well with the English, you saw, didn't you?
Reporter 2, in Portuguese: You did well, you did well [they high five]
Richarlison, in Portuguese: I did, didn't I?
Reporter 1, taking the phone, as a banner at the bottom of the screen says "fourth try" in Portuguese: hello, uh, we want to order five pizzas, please
Different attendant: delivery or collection? [Richarlison frowns]
Reporter 1: delivery
[there's a cut]
Reporter 2: Muzzarella
Richarlison, in Portuguese: it's not Muzzarella bro, it's [in English] cheese, cheese
Reporter 1: my friend is gonna, uh, order the pizzas
Someone from off-screen: calabresa [this is a Brazilian pizza flavor consisting of spicy Italian sausages with olives and a lot of onions]
Richarlison [staring at them for a second]: pepperoni [the reporters laugh, the attendant repeats "pepperoni"] yes, chicken
Reporter 2: potatoes!
Richarlison: potatoes [the reporters laugh]
Attendant: potatoes?
Richarlison: yeah! No potato?
Reporter 1, as the rest laugh: cheese, cheese
Richarlison: cheese
Attendant: how many pizzas do you want? [reporters make a five with their hands]
Richarlison: five. Muzzarella, and, and cheese, please
Attendant: five muzzarellas?
Richarlison: no, no, five muzzarellas no
Reporter 2, laughing, in Portuguese: you gotta be kidding me, right?
Richarlison, in Portuguese: bro I just had to order the pizza, man, this guy is-
Reporter 2, in Portuguese: it's easier to win the premiere league than to do this. For real. End VD]
[Pra Todos Verem: uma matéria do Esporte Interativo em que desafiaram o Richarlison da seleção a pedir pizza em inglês. Ele fala com bastante sotaque, mas pronúncia ok. O vídeo tem legendas en português para as partes ditas em inglês. O Richarlison está no telefone com mais 3 repórteres atrás. Tudo o que está sendo dito é traduzido do inglês, menos quando eu avisar que tão falando em português. O diálogo é assim:
Richarlison: olá, meu amigo [uma das repórteres começa a rir]
Atendente: olá, como posso te ajudar?
Richarlison: olá, como você está?
Atendente: bem, obrigada
Richarlison: é, eu gostaria de pedir 4 pizzas, por favor
Repórter 2, em português: ué, caiu uma?
Richarlison: cinco, cinco [o repórter de antes faz dois joinhas]
Atendente: para coleta ou entrega?
Richarlison: sim
Atendente: para coleta ou entrega?
Repórter 1: ah, o endereço
Richarlison: ah, ok. [Em português, pro terceiro repórter] Qual o endereço daqui? [Repórter responde alguma coisa que não dá pra ouvir] [Richarlison volta a falar em inglês] Vinte e um
Atendente: entrega, certo?
Richarlison fica encarando os outros com cara de confuso. Daí ele fala, em português: ela não fala inglês, não [os repórteres riem]
Repórter 2, falando em inglês com a atendente: você fala inglês?
Richarlison, em português: Ela vai desligar, cara. [Ela desliga] Ó lá, ó lá. Eu tava bem no inglês, cê viu, né?
Repórter 2, em português: foi bem, foi bem
Richarlison, em português: foi bem, né? [eles dão um toquinho de mão]
Aparece um banner embaixo que diz "tentativa 4". A primeira repórter começa falando no telefone, em inglês: Oi, eu queria pedir cinco pizzas, por favor [Ela passa o telefone pro Richarlison]
Outro atendente: entrega ou coleta?
Repórter 1: entrega
Repórter 2, gritando pro microfone: Muzzarella
Richarlison, em português: não é muzzarella não, pô, é cheese, cheese
Repórter 1: o meu amigo vai pedir as pizzas
Repórter 2, gritando pro Richarlison: calabra!
Richarlison, depois de hesitar um pouco: pepperoni [todo mundo ri]
Atendente: pepperoni?
Richarlison: sim. Frango
Repórter 2: batatas!
Richarlison: batatas! Sim. Não tem batata?
Repórter 1: queijo, queijo
Richarlison: queijo, queijo
Atendente: quantas pizzas você gostaria? [os repórteres fazem sinal de "cinco" com os dedos]
Richarlison: cinco. Muzzarella e queijo
Atendente: cinco de Muzzarella?
Richarlison, meio em inglês e meio em português: não, não, cinco de Muzzarella não
Repórter 2, em português: aí tá me tirando, né, desculpa
Richarlison, em português: pra mim era só pedir a pizza, o cara tá-
Repórter 2, em português: mais fácil ganhar a Premiere League que pedir a pizza, pô. Falando sério. Fim da descrição]
accessible description courtesy of @tothetrashwhereibelong
richarlison ordering pizza
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Today in bits of Uruguayan culture: pizza
Ordering pizza in Uruguay is not as straightforward as you might think.
When you order *pizza*, you are ordering a bread version of the dish, without cheese. To get the cheese version, you need to order *muzzarella*.
Pizza (and mozzarella) are usually sold in portions (a square of about 20x30cm) or by the meter.
If you want a pizza as in the crunchy disk with cheese, you need to order a *pizzeta*.
A deep dish or Chicago style pizza is called "pizza rellena" or *pizza al tacho* and very few places make it.
*Pizza a caballo* is a popular combination of pizza being served over fainá (think a very distant relative of cornbread, made of chickpeas flour, salty).
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fawnyangel · 1 year
devouring this sandwich rn ,, toasted bread + ham + tomato + a bit of mayo n ketchup + muzzarella !! saw good .. nd as always accompanied by my trusty homemade lemonade
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insecateur · 1 year
I call this the bathroom hookup universe inspired me and I am too ashamed to send this off anon, yes I HC professor Rowans first name is Oskar
Friday night in Sandgem. Usually Professor Oskar Rowan would still be busy or would be winding down by reading stories from his personal secret stash. Lucas was out of town on vacation, and the silence of the lab was only occasionally by the soft sound of Kricketot.
Oskar was already bored out of his mind.
'Maybe I can talk to Charon' before remembering he broke off with him, joined a terrorist organization, and was now in jail. So he was probably not willing to talk.
'Maybe text Samuel or Magnolia' as his brain quickly shut down that idea, no he did not, and he has never thought about them.
Maybe talk to one of his previous flings who had all somehow gotten his phone number? Although most of them did not even live in his same time zone, they might be having gym duties, or school or tending a garden.
Maybe he could have something sweet and fruity for tonight.
Oskar arrived at the Ursaring Cave pretty soon, and sat down on the bar, asking for a Blue Margarita.
From across the bar he heard a voice "Alone on a Friday night?"
He turned to look. A young man with blue hair, a white flat cap and a V-Neck Liepard print shirt looked at him and gave a little smirk.
"Maybe I'm just here for business" Oskar said as the young man moved closer.
"What business would a renowned Pokemon professor have at a gay bar?" The twink said as he took a long, uninterrupted sip from his cocktail until he finished the drink, never taking his eyes off Oskar.
"Hmm… Let's see… I used to be a regular here a long time ago, I needed to make sure the quality was still good"
"Does it still hold up?" The young man said inching closer.
"Maybe I need help determining that" Oskar said as his hand brushed against the young man's.
"We should discuss this somewhere private Professor" He practically purred as he got up.
"My name is Proton. Care to come with me?"
anon thank you for this gift. proton should get to fuck that old man
(oskar is a good name! when i was brainstorming names for him i settled on sven bc nana (like nanakamado) can mean seven lol. never had any occasion to use it so far tho. i like knowing people's name headcanons, it's nice)
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comerrezaryamar · 2 years
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Los sabores de la nostalgia Hoy el almuerzo en casa es una suerte de menú infantil. Facundo siempre me ha contado que cuando era niño el platillo favorito de su hermana y suyo era un molde de puré de papa rematado con salchichas en forma de estrella y gratinado con muzzarella. Cada vez que lo cuenta le brillan los ojos, y sé que empieza a salivar. Y es que se trata de un plato sencillo, que seguramente era un feliz desvare para mi suegra en días atareados y que los niños disfrutaban como si no hubiera mañana. Ese es el valor de la nostalgia, que no necesita complejidades ni lujos para llevarnos lejos. Hoy le preparé su molde de papa con sachichas con algunas adiciones. Al puré le puse un poco de queso azul y tocineta crocante en trocitos. Pero al final del día, nada paga el brillo en sus ojos cuando el menú infantil llega a la mesa y su mente se va en automático cuarenta y tantos años atrás. • • • #food #foodforsoul #memories #recuerdos #menuinfantil #cocinadeinfancia (at Bogotá, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSkVrZJYOr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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obnibulado · 16 days
muzzarella wachín
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joseandresoliveras · 2 months
#pizzas #pizzacasera #pizzagourmet #pizzaderuculajamoncrudotomatecherryaceitunasnegras #vinblanco #chefencasa #chef #cocinerosargentinos #cocinero
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elbiotipo · 11 months
Opinión sobre la pizza con fruta?
O sea, tomate?
Nunca probé con ananá y la verdad no me llama la atención. Creo que alguna vez tendría qué solamente para decir que lo hice.
Antes las pizzerías de acá vendían pizza con salsa golf también (las SUPERESPECIALES) pero las probé un par de veces de chico y de ahí nunca más. Ahora las rotiserías de mi barrio te venden lo minímo e indispensable (muzzarella, especial, fugazetta, calabresa). Al menos que vayas a una pizzería un poco más cheta, pero hay que gastar.
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kind-moth · 7 months
en una semana me comí: un frasco grande de nutella, 500 gramos de muzzarella, un racimo de uvas, un sobre de gelatina
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