#My Bipolar Mind: You&039;re not alone
xmybipolarmindx · 1 year
September 26th, 2023: Sickness & Insomnia
Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash Cold and Flu season is upon us, and my entire household is sick. I went home sick from work last Thursday and Friday around 2:30 p.m. because I had a bad cough and lost my voice, or I would have that sick crackly voice from coughing so much. I went to work yesterday and felt fine, but when I woke up today I had planned on going to work. I woke up at 7 a.m., like…
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xmybipolarmindx · 4 years
My Bipolar Mind: ORDER NOW Back On Amazon!
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My Bipolar Mind: ORDER NOW Back On Amazon!
Hey My Bipolar Mind readers:
As many of you many know, I had previously published my first book, “My Bipolar Mind: You’re not alone,” with my former publisher but had to take it down due to discrepancies.
I republished it on Amazon and am super excited to share it with you all with a new cover created by my friend Jessica Sayers
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xmybipolarmindx · 5 years
My B&N Event Went Well
My B&N Event Went Well #BarnesAndNobles #BookSigning #Author #SamanthaSteiner #MyBipolarMind #Books #WrtersLife
Author Signing for My Bipolar Mind: You’re Not Alone My B&N Event Went Well Barnes & Noble Signing Event
My Barnes & Noble signing event went really well. I had so many loved ones come out to show some and love support, and I met some new really amazing people within my community as well.
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xmybipolarmindx · 5 years
My Bipolar Mind: You're not alone is NOW AVAILABLE at The Barnes & Noble In Whitehall, PA
My Bipolar Mind: You're not alone is NOW AVAILABLE at The Barnes & Noble In Whitehall, PA #Books #MyBipolarMind #BarnesAndNoble #Author
My Bipolar Mind: You’re not alone is NOW AVAILABLE at The Barnes & Noble in Whitehall, PA
Just a quick note: To my surprise, I just recently learned that my book, My Bipolar Mind: You’re not alone, is now officially available at a local Barnes & Noble book store near me! I knew they sold it on their website, but not at the actual branch in Whitehall, PA! If you are from or are familiar…
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xmybipolarmindx · 5 years
Early Morning Thoughts: April 27th, 2019
Early Morning Thoughts: April 27th, 2019 #MentalHealth #Author #MyBipolarMind #BipolarDisorder #Insomnia #Anxiety #ChronicPain
Image Credit: Unsplash Early Morning Thoughts: April 27th, 2019 💭
Good Morning, Everyone!
It is a little after 5 in the morning and I have been up for some time now. I went to bed around 9 pm and woke up at 2 am. Shortly after I finally fell back to sleep, I woke up around 3 am with a muscle cramp in my leg, also known as a “Charlie Horse.” Those are always fun, right?And I have been…
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xmybipolarmindx · 5 years
Trying To Be Optimistic While Feeling Pessimistic
Trying To Be Optimistic While Feeling Pessimistic #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #BipolarDisorder #Triggers #Author #MyBipolarMind #Furbabies #Pets #SickNotWeak
Image Credit: Unsplash Trying To Be Optimistic While Feeling Pessimistic Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash
It is hard to really decipher how I am feeling. I’m up and down, high and low. If someone were to ask me how I was feeling, I would probably have to shrug my shoulders and then laugh and cry at the same time. I am trying to look at things from an optimistic viewpoint while…
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xmybipolarmindx · 6 years
My Bipolar Mind: A Blessing in Disguise (Link)
My Bipolar Mind: A Blessing in Disguise (Link)
My Bipolar Mind: A Blessing in Disguise (Link)
Hey Guys & Gals,
I wanted to share a link with you all to a guest post I did for the lovely Christy over at When Women Inspire. She was nice enough to invite me over to her site. The piece I did for her is called “My Bipolar Mind: A Blessing in Disguise.” Do you think it’s possible to be able to look at your own mental illness as a…
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xmybipolarmindx · 6 years
In A Fog This Morning
In A Fog This Morning #MentalHealthBlogger #MentalHealth #Bipolar #BipolarDisorder #Anxiety #KeepTalkingMH #SickNotWeak #Author #AmWriting #WritersLife #MyBipolarMind #EndTheStigma
Photo by Jesse Bowser on Unsplash
In A Fog This Morning
I can’t seem to get my brain to function right this morning. I feel like I am trapped inside a thick fog and can’t navigate my way around. Perhaps this has something to do with only getting two hours of sleep. I even took all my nighttime meds and was stillunable to stay dreamland. I think I finally knocked out around 6 a.m.…
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xmybipolarmindx · 6 years
Happy New Year! 2019... Here I Come!
Happy New Year! 2019… Here I Come!
Photo by Crazy nana on Unsplash
Happy New Year! 2019… Here I Come!
I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy new year! I wish each and every one of you guys and gals Peace, Love, and lots of Happiness in 2019.
The surprise release of my book, My Bipolar Mind: You’re not alonewas an amazing way to start off my 2019 just days before it even began. I have been feeling kind of…
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