#Mixed Episide
darkobssessions · 2 years
Recognising Bipolar Looking Back
I feel dysphoric...it's like grieving the person I wasn't, coming to terms with how things have actually been, but not being any better off really. The problems persist, you just know more about it.
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hauntingblue · 5 months
Just got reminded that vivi says nami predicts the weather with her body and wouldn't that be a kind of observation haki or am I reaching
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executing · 1 year
i hope my new therapist likes me. alternatively, i hope he hates me. as long as he feels something abt me.
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inkpothot-blog · 2 years
Clinical Insanity
Where lies the line between insane and sane? Does the line lie between your mind and God? Does there lie enough space?
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shadowslocked · 7 months
As much as I agree that it would have been nice to see Charlie snap and rip and tear into somebody (particularly I wish she got a longer fight with Adam) I do not think her going after Valentino would be as good as people think
For starters the point of Charlie in Episode 4 is that she’s meant to make things worse because she doesn’t know the depth of Angels situation. She is breaking Angels boundaries by going to his place of work and talking to his boss, which even outside of the Valentino situation would be a major red flag since she’s doing it without his consent. However adding Valentino into the mix it becomes a worse problem because she, unintentionally, makes things worse for Angel with her meddling. A common problem where trying to interfere between an abuser and their victim will, in the end, only hurt the victim
The same thing goes for trying to confront the abuser on the victims behalf. Her attacking and threatening Valentino would not have made things better for Angel. Valentino would have just lashed out at Angel later or put him into dangerous situations during shoots. Because in the end, Angel’s soul belongs to him and at this time we don’t know if Charlie even has the power to break such deals. And even if she did have such power, her doing so without Angel’s permission would have also been a problem.
Story wise it would have been an incredibly terrible writing choice. Charlie coming in to play savior would have erased any agency Angel has over the situation, instead turning him into a prop to make her look good. He’d be less of a character for it, even if the story was rewritten to explore the aftermath of working for Valentino. Because Angels story about finding his own agency again and bettering himself is enhanced by the fact that it’s showing him breaking away from Valentino, hitting a high point where he stands up for himself, setting his own boundaries, at the club despite being aware of the consequences.
And even when Valentino hits back, Angel has his friends to fall back on. Husk and Cherri are there to be supportive, which is what Angel needs at that moment. In general, this is the best way to help victims of abuse. To be there for them and support them as much as you’re able to until they can break things off themselves. Trying to step in when they’re not ready might drive them further away, and even put them in more dangerous situations.
In the end, maybe the show will have somebody stepping in to be his savior. Given the way it has gone so far though, I do hope it comes about by Angel turning to his friends for help in leaving/breaking the contract. I think it would be a much more fitting way for the show to go, and tie in nicely to how Angel says in Episide 4 how he doesn’t need saving. Because Angel can handle himself, but he now has a support network he can turn to to back him up with just one word
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channeleven · 2 years
My Problem With Ed, Edd n’ Eddy’s Fifth Season
Okay, this isn't the first time I ever talked about the fifth season, but chances are it was a very rough take that I will only now put right. I used to be a big fan of Ed, Edd n' Eddy, well I still am, though I don't tune into old episodes. The show is over, the fandom is surprisingly well behaved, and I believe the show is superior to the shit people latch onto these days, for one thing it's not corporate, and no I'm not gonna explain what I mean by that.
But it's not all perfect, obviously. Nobody is reluctant to bring up any of the show's shortcomings, but there was one hangup I have with the show that persisted for so long. It seems like a petty thing to complain about, but the last season of Ed, Edd n' Eddy was so... not good, it actually convinced me that I just wasn't a fan of the show, when that is not the case.
To be fair, I'm not saying one season is better than the other, bad episodes are evenly spread out between seasons, and this wasn't necessarily out of Danny Antonucci's control, he went along with what seemed to be right, I mean aside from going digital, go drawn or go home. I really don't like the fifth season, and I feel it not happening would be inconsequential, and it seems I may not be alone with that, as most EEnE diehards actually liked my Tumblr post with the same opinion, and a common consensus is that it has some good episodes, some bad ones, or they're just happy to get more out of their favorite show.
I'm gonna go over why I don't like the fifth season of Ed, Edd n' Eddy, and why I believe it is expendable.
My Experience
I watched Cartoon Network during the early-2000s, so I was able to catch episodes of the fifth season when they were out. I have seen plenty of the older seasons' episides, I played Candy Machine Deluxe and Spin Stadium whenever I could, and I was basically ready for the long ride with the show.
When I saw the episodes new, I'll admit, I did like some of them, even those that would go on to be criticized later on, but even as a kid, something about most of the episodes felt... off, and this had stuck with me ever since then, to the point I found myself avoiding reruns of episodes I didn't like.
So no, I'm not doing this just for some contrarian cred, even as a kid I didn't like the fifth season that much, and that hasn't changed frankly.
Last Season Curse
People have often used the term seasonal rot to note shows that gradually began to crumble in its later years, and yes, I know this point is used ad nauseum, but for ever common complaint lies a kernel of truth. For every final season, it often reflects a lessened budget, like with ChalkZone or Real Ghostbusters for instance, or a creative director change, like the Chris Savino seasons of Dexter's Laboratory and PowerPuff Girls, not counting the Games era of Ren and Stimpy because let's be real, they didn't need John Kricfalusi, well, after he made the charaters. It's not always gonna be bad, but if you've been watching the show for a while, you're bound to pick up on a few differences. Seasonal rot does not always mean a show's last season sucks, it means this is a sign that either the creatives were worn to the bone with it, or the networks wanted it off as soon as possible, with a creative change only occurring if the original one steps down.
Danny was with the show all the way to the end, and that was for the better, he was always around to direct the episodes, but the one time he didn't during this season, we got what is often considered to be the worst episode of the entire series, or at least one that lands somewhere in the top five.
Some of the spirit of the previous seasons has been kept intact, but it is mixed in with some very noticeable tweaks that take away from that experience, often trumping what made the show so popular in the first place, and falling into the same trap that most shows do with new writers going off of notecards or struggling with ideas or stripping character personalities away.
The Little Differences
Now what do I mean by spirit? I mean the slapstick comedy in an otherwise normal setting. Danny, or someone, has said they avoid the prospect of characters growing up to preserve the timelessness of the series, which makes sense. The summer setting may also play into the timelessness by ridding any prospect of time moving forward, this shit could happen in the span of a few days or so and none would know the difference.
So obviously I object to the school setting.
I'm not gonna go all Mario fan on this, but I do have my complaints. That timeless setting, by implying that summer is over and having the kids go to school, it sorta takes away from the timelessness the writers were going for. If the show got more seasons, maybe we would've seen the parents, then you realize The Eds are Coming and Mission Ed Possible did the latter to a degree, Rock a Bye Ed doesn't really count as it was some depiction of Jonny 2x4 for the sake of the plot.
It's such simple things that were unfortunately cast aside, and so close to the finish-line too. Now look, I know this may sound like I'm making a big deal, fine, but I dunno, what do these changes add to the show at large? Granted, it's not just throwing in new characters on a whim, I like how creative they got to avoid showing any new characters, but if anything this marks a contrast between this and earlier seasons because you rarely saw any other instances in the older episodes. Keep this in mind.
The football episode shows the best and worst of making use of a limited cast for so long. While the Lemonbrook football team are depicted by shadows, we see shots of a crowd barely shown in, with the Kankers singled out. It just looks awkward, but like, did we need a football episode in Ed, Edd n' Eddy? That episode sucked balls, I'm sorry.
Our Friends in Name Only
And of course I need to get into how the characters feel just as off. To its credit, the characters have more consistency than other characters from shows that slipped into its terminal days, either that or they were more subtle about it. About the only major change I noticed was Ed, who turned out to be far more annoying than he was in the past, either because he tends to speak louder or may have lost more braincells than we were led to believe.
The big problem with the characters, at least for me, is the writing. The stories they are put into either drive them to over the top extremes rarely or never seen in previous seasons, and of course those on the lower end suffer the worst. Nobody likes Sarah, and of course she pulls a devastating fast one in "The Ed is Falling" or whatever the sky is falling episode name was. It's a Sarah plot without anything more to make it stand out, basically the 55% people don't take away from episodes like that.
And I gotta ask, why are Sarah and Jimmy in the same grade as everyone else? Otherwise why have them go to school if you're gonna treat it like it's still summer? It's almost as if this makes no sense even by an over the top cartoon's standard.
All I can say about Kevin is that he is a contributing factor to Smile for the Ed being seen as one of the worst episodes in the show, and yeah, seeing it brand new as a kid, all I can say is you had one job. On the other hand, maybe this was Danny's way of messing with the network, showing them what would happen if you separate him from the show. If that's true, that is clever, but it may've worked far too well.
But the one character I feel that suffered the worst because of the writing, was Edd. Much like how the season convinced me I didn't like the show, this season convinced me I didn't like Edd. The biggest draw here is when Edd smugly leaves Eddy to suffer for what he did or was associated with, even being involved with most of Eddy's misfortunes, or at least the no neck chump business. If you want to quit, just do so Edd, you're supposed to be the smart one right?
You may think 'oh, you see though, it's his way of showing he has backbone, just like in Momma's Little Ed.' And I can understand where you're coming from, but Eddy deserved it at the end, more importantly because he targeted Edd directly.
Really, the best way to compare Edd in most season five episodes is Sorry, Wrong Ed, the similarities are astounding, namely Edd's I don't give a shit about a guy I'm possibly friends with. If this was to set up some big argument, like in Big Picture Show, it wouldn't work because what set him off there was Ed and Eddy screwing with him during the journey to Bro. If it was as you thought it was, the series proper would've ended with Edd joining the Cul De Sac kids, arguably darker than the fourth season finale, because at least there the trio was still in effect.
It feels like sometimes the writers had it out for Eddy. We had some more brutal takedowns by the Kankers, even his own friends would turn against him, something was definitely not right with this, but what do I know?
The Core Element
I'd like to touch upon the slapstick real quick, I'm sure someone is gonna bring that up as a consistent element to the show. Yes, the sight gags and slapstick are here, but compared to those in the older seasons, even these feel off. Sure, they do happen, but... best way I can put it is that the older seasons had some slight restraint, pulling it off when you'd least expect it or having a really good gag pulled. Somehow, the fifth season feels even more cartoony, with faces and gags done that I would have never expected to see in older episodes.
It doesn't feel like they were included because they suited the series they were part of. In this season, it felt like they were included for the sake of being included, but it's as if the writers forgot their own work, or the network demanded more of it that we go overboard most of the time.
Check out an old episode, then one of the fifth season episodes, and tell me if you see something similar.
Its own
Interestingly, it was here that the show transitioned to digital animation, so me going on about the little differences hones in on how alien this season feels compared to others. With the gag execution, the treatment of most characters and the common setting, you can remove this season from the show and, really, what harm would it do? Anything new that occurred had done so in this season anyhow.
But you may be thinking, well without the fifth season, we wouldn't get Big Picture Show. Okay, maybe you have a point, but by then Ed, Edd n' Eddy was still very popular so I'm sure we would've gotten the movie regardless of the fifth season occurring or not. Especially so, since the movie occurred in the Summer, when the older seasons did. The use of digital animation in it helps make the spectacle more believable and feel like a grand finale. For one thing it looks better than The Loud House Movie, possibly even the Casagrandes Movie.
The fifth season has similar animation to Big Picture Show, and that dulls the spectacle aspect just a tad. The fact the fifth season throws in a new setting placement and hints of other characters ruins the mystique the movie would offer, in terms of the Eds exploring the world outside of the Cul De Sac, seeing small hints of new people, especially Bro at the end. Now, of course the kids make peace at the end, so that is a good thing at least, but we could've come to that without the fifth season.
If anyone was gonna bring up releasing the movie earlier because there would be no new content between when the movie came out and the fifth season did, how about a compromise? They could waste less time on a, quite frankly divisive season and just produce the holiday specials and participate in CN Invaded, new content in small increments, building up to a grand finale. I won't say some traces of the fifth season's writing didn't get into this movie, but at most it feels like the spirit of the older seasons was kept. Hell, even the over the top gags make more sense as this was a TV film with higher ambition than the previous seasons.
And I'm sure someone is gonna say if we didn't have season five things would end on a very dour note thanks to Take This Ed and Shove It's ending. But let's be real, you can wonder about that. It's not tragic, just a sarcastic yearn for lost youth, by this point everyone was on good terms and just got old. People say the last episode of the fifth season was a good finale, but honestly it felt kinda forced, and it was as if Danny gave an exasperated sigh of relief that he was finished with it. It was like a wet fart basically, especially since, lol, that wasn't even the last episode, and I don't mean Big Picture Show, I mean the lost episode that came from the proposed sixth season, of course they were planning more, but something happened and we never got it. Maybe somewhere, it was because the fifth season was such a groaner that people feared what other seasons would entail.
Final Thoughts
I understand Ed, Edd n' Eddy is a heavily respected show, and I can certainly agree with it. But even as a kid, I didn't like the fifth season's episodes very much. It felt like the show in name only, and it made me feel like I wasn't a fan of the show anymore. It has in quality what it has in expendability, and had this never come out, beyond the holiday specials, I think it would've made Big Picture Show a hell of a lot more satisfying.
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abovetopsecretxxl · 2 months
🤣🤣🤡"A.Band.Of.Brothers."Episode 63 Osama and his Harem - The Joker aka the FinanzRoué aka the  FinanzRoulettier, Clownface, Two-Face - BI, Straw Man, Kingpin, Pinguin, Scarecrow, Luca Brasi, Dr. Mabuse meet Osama Bin Laden and Harem😍 the Succubus, Adi, Angie, Nasi, Vladi Ilyitsch, Beatrix Port and her Stasi Nymphos 🤣🤣Hommage a' Ehlers, Mucha, Porten, Lorch, Russ, GoMoPa4Kids,Sven Schmidt, Resch, Promny - AI Parody Harem Mix🤣🤣🤣🤡
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adamgant · 5 months
Friday Faves 5.3
Friday Faves 5.3 https://ift.tt/axI5249 Sharing faves from the week and around the web! Hi friends! How are ya? Happy Friday! I hope you had an amazing week. We’re fully into MAYhem around here, so we’ve been busy with dance competitions, school events, community events, and fun friend time. I’m also working my way through the High Performance Health certification (code is FITNESSISTA) and loving every minute. What are you up to this weekend? Liv and I are headed to another dance competition in Phoenix (P has a basketball game). Last weekend was such a blast – we got takeout each night after her day of dancing and quick changes, and watched multiple episodes of Friends. I can’t believe next weekend is Mother’s Day! If you’re looking for last-minute gift ideas, check out this post. It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party. This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below. Friday Faves 5.3 Read, watch, listen: Finally started this book and it’s exceeding my high expectations. Counting down the dayyyysssss. Don’t miss this week’s podcast episide with the author of Wheat Belly and Super Gut, Dr. William Davis MD, here. Why do I love this cover so much??? Fitness + good eats: This amazing coconut bliss bowl from Vitality Bowls: (even though it did make me lol that their “gluten-free granola” is a mix of sweetened rice puffs, corn puffs, and corn flakes) Healthy carrot cake cupcakes. If you haven’t tried Sculpt Society yet, I highly recommend it. The classes are well-structured, fun – dance cardio and barre-esque – and I LOVE the instructors. I don’t enjoy instructors who are too over the top, and they’re the perfect blend of motivating and chill. This link gets you a month free on the app. Fashion + beauty: I was in the market for an LBD that I can wear for some upcoming travel, casual yet still put-together work meetings, and life. I wanted something timeless that I could dress up or down, and came across this one. It was a bit of a splurge, but I know it’s something I’ll wear a ton. The quality is excellent, and it’s on sale here! Grabbed some goodies from Tarte including this juicy lip trio. So, tell me, friends: what are you loving this week? Please share something you’re enjoying in the comments section! What’s MAYhem aka Maycember looking like for you? xoxo Gina The post Friday Faves 5.3 appeared first on The Fitnessista. via The Fitnessista https://ift.tt/ZzFUNC0 May 03, 2024 at 06:01PM
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lesser-mook · 6 months
Angel Cop (sloppy, well-polished mess that deserved more time to get it done)
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I'll keep it simple (SPOILERS btw, Idgaf). Watch it because it's well animated, R-Rated Retro OVA. Articulate gore, tits, the works. All the shit that makes Ecchi genre look like a loser's genre. 
But I do not recommend it because it's good, at all, writing-wise. Mainly cause of pacing. 
This one's a mixed bag, the story itself is fine, the execution is literally blasted at you at SMG speed.
The plot has terrorism, communist global rule, conspiracy, a lot of themes that are a little too relevant to today's direction of the world,  destablization of country through misdirection, very eerie/scary parallels almost as if this anime in it's own way was it's own propaganda. Wouldn't be the first time. 
So that got my interest immediately.
But by itself, the OVA should've been a 13 episode series. Not 25 but less than 15.
OR? 6 episides but 50 min-an hour a piece. Like The Walking Dead.
Just like (Giant Robo The animation), this is also jam packed with good ideas crammed into a very very VERY tight window. So much lore that deserves more breathing room and respect.
But At least with GR, it had a lot of time to say what it wanted to say.
Angel as a protagonist is the weakest part of the show. She has this moral compromise where she's willing to shoot kids if it means getting to the criminal, uncaring about the people around her until she suddenly cares, and she's never made to confront or develop from her flaws organically. She literally stays the same, and the only thing she shifts on is she "cares" about one character whom she had little to no connection with. Knew him for less than half-a day.
As for said character, HE'S more interesting than she is. Injured cop turned Cyborg, basically Robocop just better in everyway, he's the reason for the finale's outcome. MVP Raiden.
The other characters (Kuwata, Taki, Hacker, Peace *better lady character*) could've been so much more- enjoyable cast while it lasted. But they weren't there long enough for me to connect with them before shit went down, at least a backstory on them, nothing. 
Pacing was too damn fast. Thus good ideas get rushed.
Animation is fucking great, this is almost Akira/Roujin Z level shit.
The antagonist, has background but only in heresay, we see nothing of their backstory. And Lucifer is actually one of the most tenacious, badass, evil ass baddies I've seen in an OVA. She makes All For One look like a bitch sometimes ngl. 
Best way I can describe this is as Akira x Ghost In The Shell x Robocop: Jam packed full of potential. Should've been in a better fleshed out series.
It was too rushed, mainly the plot's pacing thus the characters by proxy, good & bad guys, because it was worth more and given a small window to present the material in the best way possible.
Yeah we got stellar animation because of the small window, but was that worth a sloppy execution? No. It wasn't. 
What this OVA read like: was a TL;DR of a more fleshed out show.
We don't even get to see what happens to Angel post-event, the show gets a vague af narration after an explosion, and then it just fucking ends. What? What about the rest of the sponsors??? Certainly the organization didn't end with just those 2 idiots? That's not how cabals work lmfao.
Just like that. So sloppy, like it was RACING for the end credits. What the fuck was the rush?
I have no issue with bitter-sweet endings, I'm one of those people that love The Mist' ending but this was just clunky from beginning to end.
And again, the namesake of the show, Angel, was the weakest character. She's actually a piece of shit sometimes, and she doesn't develop. 
Would've gotten a 5 or 6, just on animation, but the frames can do but so much when the subatance is hollow as shit. When I don't care because I WANT TO CARE but there's nothing to care about because the show doesn't care enough to explore anything-- fuck the animation at that point.
You want a better version of this? Just watch (Stand Alone Complex Season 2) or Psycho Pass S1+Movie 
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xmybipolarmindx · 5 years
Guest Post: Bipolar II - by Adrienne Morgan
Guest Post: Bipolar II - by Adrienne Morgan #KeepTalkingMh #MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #TheMoodyMom #GuestPost #MentalHealthBlog #Bipolar #BipolarDisorderAwareness #MentalIllness
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Photo by Kat J on Unsplash Guest Post: Bipolar II By Adrienne Morgan
I started feeling depressed around age 14. I thought it was normal teenage hormones. My behavior at this time changed drastically. I had always been a “good girl” but suddenly switched into a pot-smoking, beer-guzzling party girl. I was also sexually promiscuous. In those days, all of that was taboo.
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danikoshi · 3 years
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Burying this under reblogs later cuz uhhh ksbejagsh
#Personal ramble time#don't screenshot these and reblog only for the art#sorry my behaviour has been eratic today#I just haven't been doing so hot lately and I guess if the more the pendulum swings one way the more it swings the other#been dealing with alot of schoolwork and close deadline stuff cuz honestly this whole online school system we have is just#really confusing and frustrating that I've either been putting off doing them or not knowing I have certain projects in the first place#God I hate online school so much..#I also have my side Kumon workbooks which are daily and have also been draining my time#I've also been dealing with more personal issues especially regarding my art#Everything just feels so confusing and frustrating#Lately these past few days things have only gotten worse as my aunt has been tested positive for COVID and I've now been forced to#interact with my mom more#She's not a bad person overall but she can end up hurting me alot#I've received nothing but a bipolar mix of neutrality and coldness and critizism cuz she thinks it'll push me to doing my schoolwork more#The thing is I suck as stress management and its only been stressing me and making me push my work away#it came to a top when I just experienced a full depressive episide all day and just couldn't bring myself to write a single essay#because I simply had no motivation and forcing myself to will only make me feel infinately worse#I recognize that this work is important and I should do it but it gets frustrating and draining#especially when people push me into doing it#I guess its that teenage rebellion thing#When I was finishing my exams yesterday I thought everything was looking up until everything just came crashing down later#And its worse since its all partly my fault#Sometimes I just wish our emotions had an on and off switch we can toggle so we can just do everything at full efficiency#My mom has apologized for her behaviour tonight which... I appreciate but everything she said for the past few days has drained me#I just want these bad habits and irrational anxieties to just go away so I can just view work like my art#just another part of my life that I don't have to fear#I've also haven't had the time to draw digitally much but its not really like I had the motivation to anyway#I guess thats another thing that iffs me#Again I just wish our emotions were optional#Sorry this was so long and personal
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helluva-critic · 3 years
Okay so my personal opinions on episode 5.
After finishing the episode it just felt like...way too much happened way too quickly in the end. It felt like they wanted to throw in as much cool stuff as possible without thinking about pacing, and I think this episode would've been better as a two parter.
..And am I supposed to feel bad for Stolas and worry about his well being and new threat to the show? Well I'm not, literally the first minute of this episode ruined everything that episode 2 set up and I still dislike him as much as I did in the pilot.
And as for that new villian? ..Eh. Pretty generic. I do like his voice and design, but I've seen this sort of character done so many times to the point I don't really care.
The animation felt like a mixed bag in this episode, I admit there was some really really amazingly animated scenes. I thought that scene where Moxxie discovers that rifle looked REALLY cool with that 3D perspective. On the other hand, there was some really choppy and stiff animation here and there.
TLDR: I would've preferred this episide being a two parter and letting the viewers breathe before having stuff escalate in the end, and I would've liked if this new villain didn't fall into this overused trope of "perfect at everything and better than our poor main character who's becoming suspicious of them. and then OH NO our main character was right they really were the bad guy!!"
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I was going through my notes about episide 1 and this is all I jotted down for the car ride between Jeffrey and Leah:
1. Who is the school’s insurance provider? Because they probably won’t be happy about this.
2. Jeffrey talks about having a flip phone like he thinks it increases his street cred to frequently get stranded.
3. Leah has the nostalgia of a 90s kid for mixed CDs.
4. This is not a love story.
And I mean... I still stand by it.
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sammywolfgirl · 4 years
I kept rereading your 1010 heros fic and I gotta ask,,,,is it more power rangers like or sailor moon like? because all I can think of is 1010 transforming like the sailor scouts and tbh magical girl / boy tropes are what I live for-
Uhhhh both? To be honest my main inspiration for the tone I’m trying to write in is powerpuff girls z
At least most of the time that’s my inspiration. Though I do plan to have some episide that feel more like the power rangers formula while others the magical girl formula.
I like having a healthy mix of both. ^_^
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srbachchan · 6 years
DAY 3681
Jalsa, Mumbai         Apr 21/22, 2018          Sat/Sun 1:53 AM 
this white page of purity .. this atmosphere of strength and purpose behind its cover .. this event of episodic prominence .. .. as are many others   .. lies vacant continue or tricrushin anycontrol( IRISHI SHANR A LOYT ,,N’Q NAH
 ID COMINH FOT A PRY..  that claims its presence
but not without reason ..
it has taken its toll on the body .. and rendered me in its toll of no of days untill the proper prayer come to live .. hair not necaessary, no morning walks with HIm , in the peak you would feet , a greater damageHoweve much like many episides of ;KHSNTS’.. WHO OR SUGGETED, WE BROUGHT THR =E FRIEND HE COMPOSES ,,
Wipoe t
Jalsa, Mumbai                  Apr 22,  2018                Sun 8:44 AM
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There is sincere need to rectify the conditions of mind when polluted by excessive medicinal contraptions. They are there to ease the ailment, to rectify condition, to bring an element of normalcy but, sadly they often convert a perfectly sane easy thinking mind into what can only be described as ..
So after the delights of tired troubled and under the stress mind and body, the  slumberette close by inviting and warm, protects further deterioration and comes to life for a fresh morning ..
GOOD MORNING ALL .. and may the forces that constructs each day for us and for the world, bring only love and affection to us ..
Promotional acts of desperate ferocity be constructed each hour now, for the film on release and the questioning to different agents of marketing and publicity occurs in rapid fashion. The operations are the same to each facility, to each campaign, to each different medium of communication, and it does get repetitive and mundane. But if looked upon as an exercise of a performer faced with such, it does become eventually and at the end, an examination. An examination on how competently one is able to weave this network of differentials in as adequate a manner as possible.
In our times and the times of old and days gone by, no such desperation was ever evident. An advertisement in a paper, mostly the fraternity paper, SCREEN, of the Indian Express Group was used for these announcements and that was it. Yes theatre owners would put up publicity placards of on coming films in their lobby, but other than that there were those traditional and now so forgotten, hand painted banners, that would adorn the street walls. And films ran for weeks and weeks and weeks !
Amar Akbar Anthony for example ran for 25 weeks in 25 theatres in one city, Mumbai !! That kind of phenomena does not happen these days. At most the first week end is what every business is looked upon to gauge the potential of a film. And by the second or third week its the end of its story. BUT .. the collections come in and numbers are maintained. The success at box office being measured by the cash that came in from different centres. In France apparently, and I did seek information on this, the success of a film is measured by the number of foot falls in a particular theatre. Interesting. But then that is the French for you !
A large number of the questions that appear at these sittings for our promotions, dwell only on the presence of the word BADUMBAA ! Why and how and when be the curious questioning. I explain to them that it was just an on the spot invention by me to express happiness, an exclamation, a whelp for joy, at an achievement a victory, an utterance that would phonetically express achieved success and a wild scream of victory ! Their curiosity does not fade away, it continues and we continue to give the same response. Indeed at one stage when the entire process of PR is over, we jointly scream BADUUMBAAA !
But surely, tell me how did the expression .. WOW .. derive its presence .. or YEAAHH .. when we appreciate a feeling a moment .. so similarly BADUMBA.
That was perhaps the best and fittest explanation to the word.
The sense of joy and productive acceptance coming from the expression, to the musical interpretation of the song, has been under the scanner by yours truly, for I do believe there could have been great improvement all over. But time constraints and limits of availability coerced the makers to accept what ever came their way, much to my disappointment. However, the need to better the last work shall ever remain and efforts in that direction continue. And not just in that one direction but in other directions too.
There be another musical introduction soon for the promotions of film. It be another song done by me, which in a very obtuse manner brings elements of the film scenario in it. It does take its roots from a moment of the film, and its tune form and construct are indeed from the past, a favourite of mine, yet its flavour in the fresh mix, is perhaps sounding apt for the situation the various visuals of our present presentation, present.
I believe its that moment of a soft lit room, an evening of solitude and peace, a companion or even the self, in thoughts of days and feelings gone by .. and the rendition of this song gently wafting through the air waves about .. a perfumed candle .. a bowl full of the sweet smelling ‘mogra’ .. the comfort of a slouch couch .. and nothing but the engineered breathing of the soul.
It should be brought out within a few days and I would be keen to know from all, what they thought of the effort. And I must confess here that there have been many recent nights, when it has been played at depressed volume in my study, in my room of dedicated books and desk and the utensils of connect, till the wee hours of the ‘koyal kook’, bringing on nostalgia and all that can possibly be associated with feelings !
Keeping these attempts in mind, I now build within the premises and in proximity, that room, which shall be utilised for the recordings of such gain and experiment, in a few months. There is still hope of its accomplishment, of further inventions and learnings to happen, of creating through the gadgetry available now and in this ever changing world to be able to bring some potential product for posterity .. not of works of my own but of the legendary archives that have been inherited by me ; my Father’s works.
It is late in my years to be of this activity, but if there is breath and breathe, if there is voice and will .. it must be in its continuity !
This ecosystem build must remain in purity and design that, which remains within the heart ..
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Amitabh Bachchan     
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cowzroc · 7 years
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Shorts Saturday: Hetalia
When I first started watching anime, @magicghoti told me I should watch Hetalia. And I got it mixed up with the word hentai. So I was like??? Ok, no thanks??? And noped out of it.
Fast forward a year, and I have now discovered the joy that is Hetalia. I text her. She goes YA I KNOW IT’S GREAT I TOLD YOU TO WATCH IT LIKE A YEAR AGO??! And I was like, oh. That’s what you meant.
So here I am now to prevent this travesty from befalling any of you. Because Hetalia is wonderful. Countries of the world are reimagined as guys who interact with each other hilariously stereotypically.
They’re approximately 5 min long episides, which is just enough time to throw in a ton of great jokes and fun dialogue. And if someone catches you watching it, you can just tell them you’re brushing up on your history.
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