#My First Online payday
homunculus-argument · 1 month
My usual problem of "and then some other shit happens" is that they keep piling up on top of each other. This morning, I was just about to start work when
mail comes in. I've received a letter from the tax office.
I open the letter and get a Fuck No Way That's Right kinda bill.
time to hit up my accountant and ask what the fuck do I do now
realise that I haven't delivered my accounting stuff for like four months either, gotta apologise to her about that too
e-mail doesn't go through, double-check the address, re-type my whole apology and explanation again
four consecutive e-mails do not go through
fuck I gotta call them, where's my phone
just as I was about to make a phone call, I receive a phone call
forgot I had a phone appointment with my doctor, turns out I do not have a natural physical resistance to poison damage, and my medication resistance is something else.
confident in my ability to execute two unrelated tasks at once, I take a sip of my tea while on the phone. Naturally I fuck it up and pour the lukewarm tea on my lap instead.
figuring that since I'm unhurt and only poured enough to soak my clothes, not my chair, I'll just sit with the wet tea on my lap until the phonecall is over, and hang them to dry on the balcony later.
phonecall done, I remove my clothes and go hang them up to dry.
spot my little ficus tree cutting on the balcony, decide to water it since it's so hot and I don't want the thing to die.
coming back inside after leaving my clothes on the balcony, my boyfriend sees me undressed and wants affection.
he also wants to show me a video that he came upon.
make myself more tea
coming back to my computer, remember the phonecall I was supposed to make.
call the accounting people and tell them I can't e-mail the person I worked with, and get informed that the person I had been working with quit unexpectedly, and the one currently running the whole business on her own will look into my shit once she's personally out of the hospital. She meant to call me earlier about What The Fuck I'm Doing but unfortunately hospital.
promise her to deliver my accounting things today since it's the least I can do to not make her day any worse than it already is.
save through my paypal activities, log onto my online bank, check my account and do some math to confirm that I should more or less be alright until my next payday. Move some more money to my bank card account for groceries, and log out.
remember that the reason why I logged into my bank in the first place was the accounting, and log back in to get that data.
send my records to my new current accountant with apologies for not doing that for four months despite of being supposed to do it monthly.
finally done with that, satisfied of actually Getting Things Done, I suddenly realise I've spent the past three hours on random sidequests, haven't even touched whatever it was that I was planning to do today, and top of that I've completely forgotten what it was that I meant to do.
waste another half an hour writing a meticulous account of how I spent my morning doing everything else than what I meant to.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Alright, I sent them in! This will be the last request, a concept of Jacket from Payday 2, perhaps? -🐈
Finally, Payday content! It gets a masterlist now! This is me heavily speculating as the most Jacket's personality is described as is "Sociopath"... which doesn't help much.
Yandere! Jacket Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Murder, Kidnapping, Isolation, Blood, Sociopathic tendencies mentioned (according to WebMD), Forced companionship/relationship.
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First off, Jacket is a sociopath.
According to online, he'd have low empathy, impulsive behavior, controls with threats, manipulative, doesn't learn from punishment, lies for personal gain, and tends to be violent.
Another curious detail about Jacket is he only communicates through tape recorder lines.
This isn't all cases I'm sure but this is what I found on WebMD.
He appears mute and would only communicate through tapes.
Which only makes him more unnerving.
I imagine when not on heists with the gang he's in his space of the hideout recording new lines and playing arcade games.
If you think about it he'd be terrifying if he was obsessively attached to you.
He'd have no remorse and little empathy towards the pain he causes you and those around you.
All he really cares about is having you.
Jacket most likely gets attached to another member of the gang.
This would allow you two to speak more often in the safe house.
Well... not entirely "speak" but you get my point.
Jacket may act like a team player to the gang but he can be selfish.
I imagine once he has his eyes on you he fixates intensely.
He's impulsive around you.
Jacket would stick around you during heists and down time.
During heists he tends to get more violent towards cops and works hard to protect you.
Something that scares you about Jacket is how into it he gets when he's violent.
You can't tell if he enjoys it or not but he certainly gets repetitive when you're nearly hurt.
It's more like he's venting pent up rage to you.
He doesn't care about the blood on his clothes.
Jacket may be touchy so when he hugs you he doesn't care if the blood stains you either.
Jacket most certainly controls others through violence and threats.
He's rough with hostages and sometimes threatening to you.
Although when you bring up your discomfort he tries to tone it back.
He isn't really sympathetic but he has some sort of care for you.
A care no one else really understands... including you.
Jacket may also be manipulative towards his obsession.
He mixes together tapes specifically to refer to you with.
Things that tell you to stay a little longer, that he knows best, that he can protect you.
All sorts of manipulative behavior.
It's both caring yet eerie to you because he makes eye contact while clicking his tape to speak.
Jacket also doesn't learn from his mistakes or just doesn't seem to care.
If he's caught being violent towards someone you know of being a bit too clingy, he'll pause but do it again later.
You can't correct him.
Jacket does what he wants.
His obsession tends to be manipulative and violent.
He's volatile.
While around you he can be softer, he can also come off as rough.
You can not tell me he wouldn't kidnap.
Jacket is a yandere who goes into extreme territory.
He has no guilt, he only thinks about himself.
He'll gladly zip tie your wrists to a chair in a dark room to keep you to himself.
He will even brutally harm those around you until he's covered in residue.
Even if you scold him of show fear, he doesn't care.
That's another of the many things that makes him terrifying.
He has no guilt, he thinks of just himself.
If he wants you, he'll have you.
You can fight him but it will not deter him.
No, instead Jacket will drop his bloody bat and crouch in front of you, just to touch your cheek.
When he is covered in the proof of his brutality and sees you restrained before him... Jacket feels complete.
This is exactly where he wants you to be... all his... the best treasure that no heist can beat.
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jasgirl-creations · 1 year
Scenario: a billionare femboy gets a hyper femaleish body so he can be the bride of their dreams for his childhood best friend, who is a timid, nerdy and otaku guy
We've been friends for so long. Since we were kids. I've always been in love with you, but I knew I wasn't your type. Sure, I was a femboy, cute and flirty with wide hips and a great butt, but I knew you liked hyper fem bodies. Your room was covered with posters and manga and figures of super busty anime and gaming girls, and your porn folders were bursting with big titty idols and porn stars. I knew I'd never make you fall in love with me unless I had giant breasts of my own. I studied so hard in high school and graduated college early. Unlike the dumb bimbo cheerleaders you drooled over I was cute AND smart! I attended university with a special scholarship at just 16, and transferred to a specialized medical science academy at 18. By that time we had grown out of touch. You were struggling to choose a school and focusing on online games and the latest anime, and had no time for "real girls". That was fine with me. I knew by the time I was done with my plan you'd still waiting for me. My grad project was a breakthrough. A revolutionary drug for breast enhancement. By the time I left the academy I had partnered with the world's largest pharma company, and my payday guaranteed I'd spend the rest of my life as a billionaire. My first investments were changes to my body. I was already a cute femboy, but I wanted to be your perfect feminine fantasy partner. Surgery gave me wider hips and a full fat ass and a beautiful feminine face with full plump lips. Of course my own drugs was responsible for my new breasts. I had designed a regimen of daily doses that would give a flat chested girl full perky D-Cups within a month. For myself I tripled that dose, and by the time I was ready to see you my new breasts had swollen larger than my own head! Now we're finally ready to be together! I proposed to you on the spot the first day I came back to town. I knocked on your front door and asked you to marry me! You didn't even recognize me! You hadn't changed at all, still the same cute nerdy boy I'd known in high school I convinced you to accept my proposal by dropping to my knees right at your front door and sucking you cock until you came in my mouth. It didn't take long at all! After that you were putty in my hands, and eagerly agreed to marry me. I bet you would have said yes even if I hadn't told you I was the high school best friend you hadn't seen in years! Its our wedding day and I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you. Tomorrow I start my new drug regime, tripling my current dose. I know you love big titties, and I wonder how big I can grow for you? Thanks to my wealth we'll be taken care of forever. Don't worry, I have everything planned out! You don't have to worry about anything except fucking your sexy new wife!
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psycho-lizard9 · 10 months
I wanted to make a little introduction post as my first post here since I know that there was quite a bit of a bot issue in the past, and possibly still is to this day, so I do want to say that I am not a bot XD
I will soon add photos to my profile, but I wanted to do this post first.
I used to be here before, I had several blogs but the most known one was probably my J-Rock blog posting mostly BUCK-TICK and Der Zibet. That old account was nyacchan-3. I also used to have a dream diary on here for those who remember. Some of you might also know me from AO3 as Nyacchan, but I have changed my name there to Nameless_Me. I might change this name again in the future and I might also change my Tumblr name cause I couldn’t really come up with anything so I picked a song title and added my fave number to it. For this new account I will be posting J-Rock again, but maybe also some random things now and then, like reblogging things I come across and like.
Also, since I left social media I left my Discord name on my AO3 profile, yet I forgot about that after a while. I recently got 3 friend invites on Discord from strangers, and since I had forgotten my name was out there I assumed they were bots and denied the requests. If it was you, I am sorry and feel free to now message me here instead.
As I said earlier, I deleted all my social media earlier this year as the constant fandom wars really got on my nerves. The Internet is not a fun place when all you see is people constantly bitching at each other. I wasn’t planning to come back until at least September 2025, but since Issay’s recent passing I have decided to come back early as the memories of him are most easily found on social media. I want to just scroll through places, come across random photos, gifs and videos of him and enjoy the amazing work he has left us with, to remember the amazing person he used to be.
I know I have been complaining a lot about fandoms and fans in the past but I want to let that go now. I left social media to calm down and to… try to become a better person. I don’t want to have anything to do with any drama, I am just here to have a good time and to share the love for my favorite artists.
Feel free to talk to me tho, especially if your interests are the following artists:
Der Zibet
Creature Creature
The Yellow Monkey
Sakurai Atsushi’s solo/side works
ISSAY’s solo/side works
MORRIE’s solo work
and/or Kazuya Yoshii’s solo works
Also feel free to contact me if you play any of the following games and would want to play online cause I don’t like randoms in online games XD:
Payday the Heist
Payday 2
(Also Payday 3 when it comes out cause I know I will be binging that)
Ghost Exile
Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan 2
Anyway, since I don’t want to immediately become inactive with posting, I will be posting faves lists from albums. Per album from my favorite artists I will be doing a top 5, top 3, fave song and least fave song. I plan to post these opinions of 1 album per day starting with Der Zibet, as I have been listening to Issay’s work almost non stop since he passed away. Listening to his voice isn’t as easy as it used to be, but I just want to enjoy his amazing voice and remember how much I loved him and always will love him. I don’t want to avoid his work.
Well, I’ll be right back with my opinions. It’s nice to be back and I hope we can all behave and get along now. I guarantee I won’t be causing any trouble :)
Extra: Feel free to message me here if you have any band related questions (of bands mentioned above)
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By: Ritchie Herron
Published: May 23, 2024
Today is a day I can't really ignore, because whether I want to mark it or not, my body reminds me regardless.
Six years ago, conflicted, but optimistic, i thought I was doing the right thing getting 'Sex Reassignment surgery'.
A Long Story 🧵
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I transitioned as an adult, I was 26. Me and my fully developed big brain thought this would be a good idea.
I had severe OCD and a myriad of mental health problems. I mean even then I be head tiltin'...This was me at age 25, pure giga chad
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Soon as i found out transition was an option, I went in full force, like a bat out of hell!
I had become obsessed with the idea that my body was being poisoned by testosterone, that every masculine trait needed to be annihilated, for i was a true and honest woman after all. 
As a child, I was soft, loving, quite literal and I loved to sing, dance and dress up, but i also loved my diggers!
Me at age 10 before I went to sing karaoke with my friends family. You cant see it but my friends shoulder is on the right, he was a year younger too! I was tiny!
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When I came out to my family, in isolation they all asked the same question when I told them I had something to tell them: "You're gay, aren't you?"
"No! I'm a real transsexual!" I said. Convinced I was the truest of the true. Genuinely born in the wrong body and all that noise. 
It was 2013 and I had found a supportive online community that helped me get on the right path to transition.
Facing a 15 month wait for the gender clinic. I found out I could start the blocker (And stop the 'poison'!) if i had two private diagnosis of transsexualism. 
So off I fucked to Scotland for a private diagnosis, as i waited to be enrolled for the gender clinic.
I was on a low income so I did the only thing i could, and got a payday loan. "Fuck debt, its this or death!" I reasoned.
Two days later I got the full diagnosis for £500. 
It took until April 2014 for the Gender Clinic to agree to give me the Goserelin Zoladex implant (testosterone blocker).
When I got it, I was so happy the poison was about to stop. At first, I looked a right state. I did the opposite of blend in. 
By January 2015, I was finally enrolled into the gender clinic and after a while, the blockers were showing some effect. Though, I wasn't committing to it at all.
I found myself desisting from the idea of estrogen/transition all together and just thought I'd live as just some androgynous looking guy.
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It all changed when i went to the gender clinic. The very first question I got asked by the psychiatrist was: "have you given any thought to gender reassignment surgery?"
I said honestly, I wasn't sure, I dont think i ever had that type of dysphoria, besides i really want to see the therapist. 
They agreed to refer me to a gender therapist in March 2015. In total I would end up have 97 gender therapy sessions with them.
Gender therapy is not like normal therapy. It helped defeat my doubt, and also helped me defeat others who were doubtful. 
In July 2015, the Psychiatrist asked if i had given any further thought to the surgery.
I said I wasn't sure, and i'd like to find out more. Thats when i realised NONE of them had any technical knowledge about the surgery, what it does, etc. It suprised me. 
I got refered back to the place in Scotland, since I already went there for the pre-diagnosis.
I took my mother, she wasnt convinced.
The therapist told her, infront of her grown ass 28 year old son, if she didnt affirm, he'd kms. 
She told me the surgery would make myself feel better, and that regret was extremely low (I was worried about regretted it) and bleeding.
I have a huge fear of bleeding, I'm a wuss! yes... 
Once the surgery referal came through in late 2015, i panicked! Too quick i said!
"It'll be there for when your ready." The psychatrist said.
But all I really wanted was therapy. 
I said no several more times, I forgot exactly how many times they asked, but it was constant.
By 2016 early 2017, life was still chaos, but blending in felt easier, I wasn't getting noticed really and most people gendered me as a woman.
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I was happy enough as I was, but back at the gender clinic in 2017 I was delivered an ultimatum. Accept surgery referral or get discharged.
That would also mean an end to the therapy, and it was keeping me stable.
I bit the bullet and said no once more. 
My gender therapist, also somewhat co-dependant on me as a client for now 60 odd sessions, didnt want to let me go either. He reasoned that i did have dysphoria and surgery was probably the best option.
So i called the psychiatrist back and asked to be refered back for surgery. 
I've went over it in my head 1000's of times.
Why did I go along with it? Why didn't just stop it?
It just felt like a ride i couldnt get off, and it got faster and faster.
Everyone was routing for me. 
Day of surgery, may 23rd 2018.
After staying an extra 3 hours in theatre, i finally woke up around this time. 4:00pm ish.
I was still bleeding and had lost nearly 2000ml from the surgery and drains.
A friend helped snap this.
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I apologise for the haram photo, but this is what the area looked like a few weeks after.
I had Lichen Scoloris, which was ignored and is now inside the hole and around the entrance. I had a constricted urethra and both my scar lines on both sides split open, which would get infected.
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I won't share anymore, but i have a lot of photos that are far more grim.
It's what happened I really can't show you.
The depression, the pain, the insane pain oh my god. Not being able to pee, to feel anything.
Feeling betrayed 
SO I GO BACK TO MY GENDER THERAPIST THREE MONTHS LATER....and i say "Hey, I think i made a mistake, i think i regret this."
"No you dont." He said.
I went back every other week and told him, i regret it. He said no. 
One year of this back and forth. I was refered to a psychiatric team, that said i didnt have regret, I had Unstable Personality Disorder and severe Obsessive compulsive Disorder.
And then I was discharged in January 2020.
It was the worst time in my life, those years. I was very angry at myself, and everyone I talked to reassured me that I didnt have regret and if i did, it was my fault anyway.
But I resisted...And in 2022 I spoke out after desisting 
I'm 37 as of Saturday... and I'm facing life ahead of me as a castrated male. It's not easy territory, but if i want one thing to come out of this, it's to give others a chance, a warning about surgery.
But i wont stop anyone. Just don't try and stop me.
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If you would like to support my work, please consider liking/retweeting. I do it for free but will happily accept tips for sausage rolls.
Also consider checking out my substack where i write a lot of shit and youtube where i talk even more shit t.co/tQSunLfhVk tullipr.substack.com
I really needed to get that off my chest so thanks for reading. It's appreciated
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
Just to stress again, the latter is my speculation and my gut instinct. I make that opinion based on my judgment of the character integrity of this group that operate within Sistah Space (it is very, very low).
However, as before the only true beneficiary in this instance is Sistah Space, not the domestic violence victims, not the service users, just the charity.
I strongly take a personal issue with the ethics on points like this, as I interpret this as the charity ultimately failing its charitable objective.
In reality, the charity operates as If it were a for-profit capitalistic obsessive business. It is the kind of behaviour and attitude that I would expect to see from the likes of a payday loan company, but certainly not a not-for-profit charity, under any circumstances.
Let's move onto grant number four. Rolling in with grant number four for £22'500, this was awarded on 27th April 2020, again from @London_cf (20 days after being awarded £4'300 for products).
This time, Sistah Space submitted a grant application stating that the funds were to be used to purchase x4 laptops, x4 mobile phones, and x1 administrative assistant (clearly a reference to a salary). The grant application also stated that this would allow the charity to operate a 24 hour service.
First things first, if at least half of this grant was used for a salaried assistant, then I'd be inclined to believe that the salary details in the financial report would need a closer look into.
I would also be incredibly interested to know if there is anyone at Sistah Space, outside of this family and the small key group, who have ever received any sort of Training that would lead to any sort of qualification at any level. I have read a lot about training for Djanomi (Ngozi's daughter) but nobody else.
Additionally, it would be interesting to discover whether this salaried assistant is a family member; nepotism is a noticeable Theme throughout every single aspect of this charity and its operations.
I also cannot help but notice from multimedia that very often members of the charity are plodding around with macbooks. For the avoidance of any doubt, to any person that may be unfamiliar with the Apple brand, it is a product that leans on the higher end scale in terms of price to value. For data entry and administrative tasks I wouldn't expect to see macbooks for a charity that supposedly struggles so much it submits an endless stream of applications for grants.
Also - and this is important - pay attention and remember that in this grant the charity stated in the application the laptops and mobile phones would allow it to operate a 24 hour service with an online presence, we will be reflecting back on this later, a number of times. Moving onto grant number five, which was for £9'800 from @TNLComFund and this was awarded on 22nd May 2020. In the application for this grant, Sistah Space stated that it would allow the charity to transition to an online service for victims of domestic violence.
Now the way This is worded would suggest that the charity does not have an online service prior to making this application. Perhaps the National Lottery Fund could have had more due diligence in vetting the information in the application, but if they were to trust it on face value then This cost is on the upper scale but it's not unreasonable *if* (big if) the transition to establishing an online presence and service was being done on a custom basis and from scratch. Now this is when we will be doing some hopping about, if you have been reading this from The very beginning (quick hello to you, because I've been sat for hours typing this lol), then you may recall earlier when we discussed the original Sistah Space website which is still accessible via Izabela Jelonek's github (as a reminder, if you google search 'sistah space github' then you will find it). Sistah Space already had an online presence, on a website with a customised code (I'll reflect on this point later too, so keep that in mind). It has had the website since at least 2016 if not earlier (as we can see from various notices on it)
So this grant for £9'800 has absolutely nothing to show for it. Not a single thing. So what I would very much like to know is what was this money used for.
Let's rewind back to the Trustee Annual Reports again for a moment, and within these reports there is typically a Statement of some sort to give a general idea of the charities future plans. Time and time again, this is dominated by the single subject of purchasing a London property. Sistah Space claims to have some money aside to purchase a property in London, after they spent even More effort once again harassing @hackneycouncil, with the assistance of @HackneyAbbott to lobby on their behalf, pushing for extremely favourable conditions that would be de facto exclusionary to every other domestic violence unit in the Hackney area.
My speculation is that Sistah Space has been ringfencing money from grants that have been awarded to the charity, on the grounds of purposefully misleading information to improve chances of securing more funding. I stress again that this is my speculation, based on what is available to my eyes but I very much suspect it is a very real possibility this is happening and the @ChtyCommission ought to be diving into the management and operations of Sistah Space to minimise, what in my opinion, is a recipe for disaster that will significantly damage confidence in both the Commission as the regulator, and confidence in charities in general with the public.
At this point I would also like to stress, in all the grants so far (remember we're doing them in chronological order on this thread), not once has there ever been mention of a property. Moving on to grant number six, and this is one that is highly relevant today. The sixth grant Sistah Space was awarded was for £32'948 on 11th August 2020. This grant was awarded by none other than our very own @DCMS, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. The purpose of this grant of course was to relieve pressure on public services (bless the NHS), and to ensure that charities and business has the financial resources to continue operating.
This grant in particular irks me up the wrong way, because it requires good faith on Part of the applicant that they are in genuine need of emergency funding to survive. Through a multitude of reasons and in light of the speed at which things were moving, we lost billions to fraud during the pandemic which we all, as taxpayers, have to make up the shortfall Now I am very much aware that this is not an isolated issue restricted to just one organisation, it was a widespread problem. However, I am reserving my right to treat them all with equal disdain and disgust; and I make no apology for that because this was committed by those Now I am very much aware that this is not an isolated issue restricted to just one organisation, it was a widespread problem.
However, I am reserving my right to treat them all with equal disdain and disgust; and I make no apology for that because this was committed by those A surplus (profit) that was larger than its liabilities (expenses). You would be forgiven for asking at this point why on earth Sistah Space was continuing to submit applications for grants:- I am asking the same question.
Some people may think that Sistah Space had a lot of Expenses to cover during the pandemic, but (for those that don't recall):
Sistah Space's premises was rent-free since December 2019; grants were provided for electronics, a new employee, food, hygiene products, skincare products, haircare products, etc.
So once again, I'm at A total loss as to what expenses this charity was supposedly having to deal with. Where did all this money go when so many freebies were provided?
Let's move onto grant number seven. This was for an award of £40'000 from Greater London Authority on 1st December 2020. This Grant does not have much information attached to it. Curiously, it is listed under a different name (Royal Dock) though the same charity registration number. I haven't fully explored this one yet, as it is an outlier, so I'm going to move on and not make any judgment here.
So, grant number eight. This time coming from @London_cf (yet again) for £12'000 awarded on 22nd December 2020. The application for this grant detailed how it would be used to purchase more essential products: food, hygiene products, skin care, hair care, etc.
Additionally Sistah Space stated that part of the grant would be used to cover the salary of another part-time domestic abuse advisor.
This will be the second time recruitment has been brought up in grant applications; as before, I am curious to know whether even just one of these Salaried positions is filled by anyone outside of the family or the key circle members. Still to this day the only advisors I have seen reference to other than Ngozi is Rosanne Lewis (of many names) and Djanomi (Ngozi's daughter, also of many names).
Next, we come onto my Personal favourite which I have been so annoyed by since I found out about it lol.
Grant number nine was awarded by @comicrelief (a charity that I very much like) and it was for the amount of a whopping £60'000 awarded on 8th September 2021.
This grant I am going to go into Quite a bit more detail because I want to demonstrate precisely how this was an utter and complete fraud and I hope that @ChtyCommission pays attention to this part if not anything else. I also hope that Comic Relief pay attention here, too.
Before I resume writing about This grant in particular, I need to bring up a lot of documents and tabs, because I will be tagging relevant persons due to the sizeable amount of money involved here. The details on this grant is so wild that I'm genuinely struggling where to even begin explaining it. Anyway, let's start with what the application to Comic Relief stated, as This application is one that we can see the submission by Sistah Space.
Sistah Space made a number of claims, and it splits into three areas:
(1) the charity claimed that its core user group is in the 40-86 age range and that part of the grant would be used to teach the To teach the people of an older age how to navigate around the internet, make use of online banking, etc.
(2) the charity claimed to Comic Relief that if it was awarded the grant for the sum of £60'000 then this would increase the outreach of Sistah Space by at least 60% However there is no citation to support such a claim; there are no details of any study commissioned by Sistah Space that even touched on the subject. Remember, Sistah Space utilises Survey Monkey (the free version) to conduct all its research thus far, and all of these are Still available online as you are reading this tweet. You can even complete the survey and submit your results, as they are all still live (despite being claimed on the website it ceased in 2020/2021).
I have looked long and hard for any evidence or even a mention of a study That focuses on outreach potential; at this point I am confident enough to state that it does not exist. I am also confident to state that this is a random number plucked out of thin air, as there is precedent for this to happen elsewhere. At the start of this thread I Explained how @CarolinePidgeon made the claim in the @LondonAssembly that Sistah Space saw a 300% increase in service demand. I also earlier wrote that this figure is present in a Trustee Annual Return.
During a @hackneycouncil virtual meeting on 27th January 2021, Ngozi Fulani attended this meeting and stated that Sistah Space has seen a 500% increase in service demand (that would mean a 200% jump in a single month).
Elsewhere in the Trustee Annual Reports, Sistah Space stated that its staff members halved and it's workload doubled. Given That Sistah Space has thus far opted to talk in percentiles, I shall translate: Sistah Space claimed that service demand increased 200%, and staff availability decreased 50%.
We have very different figures - 500%, 300%, 200% - all referencing service demand around the same Period, and coincidentally and strangely, they always seem to round off to perfectly whole figures. For that to happen on all three occasions, since we're on the topic of statistics, is nigh impossible.
But for a moment let's roll with it. Let's pretend that these figures Are correct and let's take the middle ground of 325%.
If you recall to earlier in this thread, I made a point on referencing the staggering increase in admin costs, which was a year on year increase of 4703% (note how I didn't land on a perfectly whole number lol).
Even if The service demand increase figures were true (to be clear, they are not but let's pretend so otherwise), then it would still not correlate anywhere near a 4703% increase in admin expenses.
Furthermore, Sistah Space expressly stated that they had to suspend taking on new Cases and only work with the existing cases. That is put on record by Sistah Space to the @ChtyCommission and I am glad that I clocked it.
If the charity was not taking on new cases, in what world is it possible for service demand to increase and expenses to soar?
The issue With lies and dirty accounts, is that if you're going to attempt to try and pull it off, you have to have every single last detail and digit absolutely pristine otherwise it all falls in on itself. That is what is happening here, unfortunately.
Now let's move onto the Third point.
(3) Sistah Space has put a high price tag on the cost of a new website. Once again, the application is written to imply that a website is not suitable, but I will come onto this in a moment because this is an area I am in a position to understand well.
Now before I go further here, I want to explain that I have previously reached out to a very small number of people that were involved, in some way or another, in anything Sistah Space could reasonably claim an expense on. This includes the new Sistah Space website which is Currently live right now.
On the footer on this website, you will see that it is credited to the work of a business called Lex Designs London Ltd. My understanding is that this is a sole director limited company, and I spent some time watching some of her social media videos Where she showed herself working on the PC and the applications. The reason I watched them is because I am extremely familiar with a lot of the Adobe Creative Commons apps.
I sent a private message to @AlexElissaaa over instagram, briefly explaining why I was contacting And presenting the question if her business was commissioned to the tune of £60'000 or around that figure to build a website.
I explained to Alexandra that the reason I was asking was to source more information for a better understanding, and the business that put its name Against the work seemed like a sensible route to take.
Alexandra declined to comment, which is fine as it doesn't necessarily alter the detail I will go into next. In the world of website creation, for a custom built website with some fancy features to a personalised Specification, you're probably talking upwards of around £4'000 depending on the complexity of the work involved and amount of code required.
However Alexandra is a graphic artist - from what I have seen she is at an amateur level of digital art (I'm making that opinion on The basis of professional work). In videos Alexandra has posted, I can see that she uses AI (adobe illustrator) and PS (adobe photoshop). Both very common run of the mill applications for any graphic designer, as expected.
However, her knowledge is somewhat limited as she Relies on licenced templates. The idea is that you purchase the licence, you then download the template, open it up in the application and all the layers are pre-set where you can then edit the graphic to suit your need. There's nothing wrong with this, but it is typically A method employed by those who are at an amateur level which is rather common in those that are self-taught. (props for being self-taught in the first place though - I wanted to say something positive because it feels like I'm being negative when that's not the point).
Anyway, so we've established that Alexandra can tamper with graphic design to a satisfactory level, but I would not regard it at a high end professional level (keep going Alexandra, you'll eventually get there). However, Alexandra is most certainly not a coder. That I can Outright demonstrate by pointing any one of you in the direction of pulling up the page source code on the Sistah Space website, and you will see the assets (multimedia files, pictures, etc) are all stored on Square Space servers.
What is Square Space? Well, if you've seen TV adverts for 'Wix' where it shows you how you can easily build your own website utilising the *extremely* beginner-friendly templates, then Square Space is in effect the same thing. Similar to that of Wordpress templates, it is website creation for those with zero coding Experience or knowledge.
I just want to reiterate that there's not actually anything wrong with these platforms, they are fantastic options for those who are not positioned to write their own code, but hell will freeze over before anyone sells a Square Space website for £60k More so, just to reiterate my point, Lex Designs London's own website is built on the Wix platform.
If you are a website creator/coder however you fashion it, your website, particularly your landing page, is by far your biggest sales tool. It is your chance to brag with With every trick you know. Getting the right colour palette, balance of text and infographics, user interface, UX, platform responsiveness (mobile, laptop, tablet, etc). So much goes into that advertisement in of itself.
I can categorically tell you, nobody pitching custom Built websites would be seen alive with a freebie template. It just doesn't happen.😂
Now there is a cost for Square Space, for the hosting, however you can navigate to Square Space's website and see the prices for yourself. It is very cheap and very reasonable, especially If you are utilising a package that comes with e-commerce solutions (online payments) as that saves you the trouble of having to set up an account with a merchant bank and payment processing company, so on so forth.
Sistah Space's new website is in fact actually a technical Downgrade on what they had originally.
Though I will secede, that the new website is more aesthetically pleasing. But on technical input, the original website wins hands down. To put this into perspective, you could go onto Fiverr and easily find anyone who would do the The exact same job for $5. It is super quick, super easy, does not take a lot of time at all and that's why people price it so cheaply because it is easy money. Consequentially, it is also why so many offer template installation services.
So I'm rewinding back a little to This grant for £60'000.
Where did this money go and what has it been used for?
To get an answer to that question, we would really need the @ChtyCommission to do what any responsible regulator would do and investigate it.
I would have liked to been able to trust Sistah Space However, with all that I have chosen to share thus far, I believe I've explained in a concise and clear manner (as far as I reasonably could) why that option is untenable.
I also want to take a moment to express that I am not in favour of hurling abuse at anyone. I started My investigation into Sistah Space as a stranger, and I intend to complete it as a stranger.
BUT there is one thing I would *greatly* appreciate, is if you would take a moment to report concerns to the @ChtyCommission, because these concerns are valid and need addressed.
- JustPikachoo on Twitter
This may be the longest ask I have ever received.
Based on what I have seen so far, it's a matter for the charity commission to investigate.
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classicquid · 8 months
Short-Term Cash Loans: An Excellent Aid When Things Get Tough
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Short term cash loans direct lenders are an absolute must if you need money fast—say, within 24 hours—because your wallet is empty and you need to access it privately. You can obtain appropriate financing using short term cash loans without sacrificing any protection. The good news is that you can receive the money at your convenience without having to leave your house, as the financing is delivered directly to you.
Some lenders offer short term cash loans to clients with current, valid checking accounts as soon as 24 hours after the borrower submits the loan application. Online loans are preferable because all you have to do is fill out a brief application form on the lender's website and submit it. If your information is verified, the funds are transferred to your account promptly. You can skip having to fill out any onerous procedures by using this online technique.
In a matter of two or four weeks, you can receive a reimbursement in the range of £100 to £1000. When your next paycheck arrives, you will know when to make your repayment. Since the amount you borrow is secured against your paycheck, you must pay back the loan by the deadline. You don't give a damn about your poor credit history if you take out short term loans UK direct lender.
You have complete freedom to use the funds for any short term financial goal without fear of hindrance. Therefore, you don't lose out on applying for short term loans UK direct lender when you have some extra demands, including buying home appliances, paying grocery store bills, paying for your child's tuition or school, fixing your car, and many more.
Does taking out a Short Term Loans improve my credit score?
Whether short term loans direct lenders are beneficial or bad for your credit rating is a topic that is frequently debated. On the surface, obtaining a loan and properly managing it—that is, making all of the repayments on time—should improve your credit score because it shows that you can handle your money and borrow responsibly.
However, a lot of other lenders (apart from short-term loans lenders) view the usage of short-term loans as an indication that you are not good with money and that you might be too risky to lend to.
We are aware that, even if a borrower has utilized payday loan or short-term loans in the past, mortgage lenders are especially wary of them. Before applying, you should consider the dangers associated with obtaining short term loans UK. If you plan to apply for a mortgage soon, you might want to consider your options first.
Applications for short term loans UK direct lender are typically sent directly to the lender; however you can expedite the process by utilizing our price comparison.
You may go straight to the lender's website and continue doing business with them after we compare all of the top lenders in the UK and determine which one is the cheapest for the loan you're searching for.
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paydayquid · 11 months
Quick Cash assistance from Direct Lenders for Short Term Loans
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Today, obtaining quick financial help without a debit card is not a difficult chore. Consumers in need have the option of applying for short term loans direct lenders and receiving sums of money ranging from £100 to £1000 without providing any kind of security as collateral. Furthermore, you have 2-4 weeks starting from the original clearance date to return this sum. Remember that compared to other loans, the interest rates are a little excessive.
To be eligible for a short term loans direct lenders, you must first complete the following requirements: You have worked for a reputable company for at least six months, your regular bank account is at least 90 days old, you are at least 18 years old, a citizen of the United Kingdom, and you make at least £500 a month in income.
For those who are coping with circumstances that affect credit negatively, such as defaults, arrears, foreclosure, missed payments, judgements from national courts, voluntarily entered into individual agreements, or insolvency. Now people may easily apply for same day loans UK and obtain the necessary funds without worrying about a credit check. The purpose of lenders is to give money to salaried people in the UK.
Applying for short term loans UK online is completely free. You must go to the lender's website and begin filling out a straightforward application form with all necessary information. Following approval of your request, the lender will deposit the money safely immediately into your bank account. With the help of same day loans UK, you can pay off a variety of obligations, including credit card debt, unpaid bank overdrafts, unpaid grocery bills, vacation expenses, and so on.
Do Same Day Loans UK represent my only choice?
No, and before taking on one of them, we advise you to take into account all other possible borrowing choices. You can cover an unexpected bill by using savings, borrowing from friends and family, or selling a high-value item you no longer need. If you've tried everything else, an installment loan, like the same day loans UK offered by Payday Quid, is also an alternative.
What could I do with a £2,000 Same Day Loans UK?
This kind of loan can be used for a variety of things, like replacing your automobile if it is no longer safe to drive it or paying for urgent house repairs like a new boiler. It's up to you how you utilize your payday loan, but you should only apply for one if it is absolutely required.
Depending on the lender, you may have up to 35 days to repay the money you borrowed through a short term loans UK direct lender. A loan of this size, however, might strain many people's finances because it must be repaid in one month plus interest. Instead, we advise taking into account an installment loan. If you choose Payday Quid, the lenders through our broker partner provide repayment terms between 3 and 36 months, allowing you to spread the cost of your borrowing over a longer period of time.
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thebroadwayjunkie · 9 months
Had a really nice interaction with my favorite Dollar General cashiers tonight.
I needed to get some cat food but my online banking app doesn't let me do transfers after a certain time at night, which passed while I was picking out the cat food in the store.
I check my balance, realize what happened, and try to transfer some money out of savings bc I don't have enough in my main. Transfer says it confirms but the money doesn't actually move, but I wasn't really paying attention. (Long day at work, pmdd kicking in, feeling like shit)
I go up to self checkout and my favorite cashiers are debating the qualities of the girl's new guy. The very gay manager cashier (he is also very fashionable and very pierced) concludes with a "men are dogs anyway" to which I voice my agreement. We commiserate about that and I few other things as I scan the food.
Go to pay, card declines. Try again, declines again. Manager sees me start to get confused before I realize what happened with the app. I explain, out of anxiety, and ask if he'd like me to put it back for him. He takes the bag and says not to worry and we talk about our cats for like a solid minute. Luckily no one else was in the store or I'd be mortified.
Then he takes the food up to the front and offers to buy it for me!!! I was super embarrassed at first and refused but he insisted and made me feel really comfortable about it. I literally have the money to buy this, but it's stuck in my other account til the morning (source of my embarrasment)
He refuses to hear another word, pays for it on the spot. I've never been in that position before but he was awesome and is the reason my cats get to have cat food tonight instead of having to wait til tomorrow. (Payday!!)
I'm just so grateful for this moment of kindness a near complete stranger showed me. We don't even know each other's names but he went out of his way to help another human out <3
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whereareroo · 3 days
WF UPDATE (6/13/24).
We just returned from a road trip. Did you miss me? The road trip included three “Special Assignments.”
During one of the Special Asssignments, I ended up at an indoor trampoline park in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Predictably, I didn’t stay for long. For a few minutes, I stood in a corner to make sure that Mrs. Grandmother and Grandkid #3 were comfortable with the place. Then, confident that my team could handle their two hour session, I went next door to the coffee shop to drink tea and read stuff online.
While I was standing in the corner, I was approached by a very thin man in his late 70s. He said: “You look like you’re having a terrible time.” I nodded. He went on, pointing to a 4 year old boy who was playing alone on a small trampoline: “I’m here to watch that little jerk. He’s my great grandson. I have 8 children, 11 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildren. My wife is a total waste of humanity. For more than 30 years, she hasn’t helped with anything. She doesn’t cook. She doesn’t clean the house. She hasn’t changed a diaper. She doesn’t help with any of the kids. It makes me so angry. I’m waiting for the witch to die. (He used a word that rhymes with witch.) I have life insurance on her. I’m waiting for my payday. I’m tired of being abused.” I decided that it was time to drink tea. That guy has such a sad life. He’s actually hoping that his wife dies soon. On the road, I hear an endless stream of sad stories.
Unlike the grumpy old man, during the road trip we hit two very happy milestones:
1. On June 4th, we celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary. It was a shotgun wedding. We had only been dating for 7 years. That means that we’ve been together for 48 years. The longevity of our marriage proves that there is a God, and that He has a sense of humor. For many reasons, Mrs. Wonderful is the perfect life partner for me. She thinks she got a good deal too. When we count our blessings, we take turns saying: “Where would I be without you?” Of course, we both also frequently say: “Where would you be without me?” Although life is a roller coaster, we are very thankful that our life has been filled with laughter and joy.
2. June 9th was the 15th anniversary of my departure from the practice of law. I had always promised myself that I’d be done on my 50th birthday. I beat the mark by 2 months. I was a good lawyer, and I enjoyed my work. My unique practice was full of interesting people, interesting stories, and various legal/financial challenges. I can honestly say that I helped many people navigate difficult times. I started this blog soon after my departure from the workforce. The blog will celebrate its 15th birthday at the start of September. In addition to my thoughts on a wide variety of topics, the blog recounts all of the fun that we’ve had during the past 15 years. We’re so lucky that we were able to dive into the world when we were relatively young. As I type this, I’m sitting near a collection of momentos from some of our adventures. I see stuff from 4 long distance hikes and 9 long biking adventures. That’s only a small part of the story. If we were only leaving the workforce now, we probably wouldn’t attack some of those adventures. Please remember that life is short. Regardless of your circumstances, there are many ways to put adventure into your life. Promise yourself that you will make room for adventure in your life. Take the necessary time and make the necessary plans. Has anyone ever said that they had too much adventure in their life? No!
From my seat at the kitchen table, I can also see my pile of books for 2024. The first half of the year has been so busy. I’m WAY behind on my reading. Today is a “recovery day” and I have some free time. I’m going to grab a book. Talk to you tomorrow.
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Is River Valley Loans Legit?
Is river valley loans legit? Frankly, many Rivet Valley Loan borrowers always make complaints about how they manage their services. River Valley Loan according to customers there and numerous sources reported that they are not legitimate lenders. The River Valley system is programmed to illegally deduct what is expected of them from borrowers' accounts without their consent. According to some of the best comments on some sites, one victim said, "They wouldn't let me pay them, they wanted to keep going into my bank account every payday and stealing from me until they got close to $5,000 on a $1,200 loan. It's 4 weeks ago and after entering my bank account twice and paying $291 each time I still had to pay them $1,261 to get out of my bank account Where are these criminals from?” a victim of River Valley Loan online. A well-known site exposing the evil deeds of online lenders reported that people should stay away from River Valley Loan because they hurt their targets. Please stop all dealings with River Valley to save your life and hard-earned money. Working for money is tedious, so put money and the value of life first before exposing your data to "money seekers" online.
River Valley Credit Union
River Valley Credit Union offers a variety of products and services, including checking, savings, IRAs, credit cards, home loans, mortgages, auto loans, personal loans, online banking, and more. Founded in 1967, River Valley Bank has assets totaling $1 billion along with deposits totaling $1 billion, classifying it as a medium-sized bank. River Valley Bank, located in Wausau, Wisconsin, does not have the customer service of other banks. It is a conventional brick-and-mortar bank, which means easier access to service employees in a brick-and-mortar location, in addition to its online and mobile presence. With a rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars, River Valley Bank should be firmly in the running for your choice of bank. River Valley Bank has a full range of banking products, including savings accounts, checking accounts, money market accounts, CDs, IRAs, mortgage products, and credit cards. River Valley Bank has a fair savings rate, so you can find higher rates at other banks. The bank's standard checking account has a monthly fee of $5.00, which is acceptable compared to the national average. Why use checking and savings accounts with one bank? The fast transfer between the two accounts allows you to still get better interest rates on your savings account and still spend money on your checking account.
Quality of service
River Valley Bank is a traditional bank, with a total of 18 branches in Michigan and Wisconsin. It also provides access to mobile apps and web apps for a simple mobile banking experience. You don't have 24-hour customer service with real service people. You can get help during their customer service hours, which are 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. m. to 11 p.m. m. CONNECTICUT; Saturday, 9 am to 5 pm CONNECTICUT; Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT. River Valley Bank has received high praise from users for its online presence: River Valley Bank's mobile app has a score of 4.3 out of 5 (with 26 ratings on Apple and Android) compared to the national average of 3.8. You can use the River Valley Bank app to manage your accounts by checking monthly statements, transferring funds, and contacting support agents. River Valley Bank earns an excellent customer satisfaction rating because of relatively few complaints filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a government financial agency that protects consumers in the financial industry.
With a savings rate of 0.03%, River Valley Bank ranks below average compared to other US banks. River Valley Bank's one-year CD earns 0.35% and the five-year CD earns 1.51%, while the money market account with the highest yield has a rate of 0.05%. It has a fair savings rate, which means that other popular banks have higher rates. Think about other options to earn more from your deposits.
River Valley Bank generally has low fees compared to the average US bank. Their checking account has a monthly fee of $5.00, which makes it slightly worse for anyone looking for a hassle-free account. For those who frequently withdraw money, River Valley Bank is ideal as it offers no ATM fees.
How do you know that online loans are legit?
How can you identify a legit loan pool online? First of all, check your details i.e. your email and location (address) not physically online. Take the time to read reviews about them online before making a deal. Make sure you get proof that they are properly registered. BE CAREFUL, READ BETWEEN THE LINES FOR THE LEGIT PROOF!
What are some common types of online loan scams?
- Debt Consolidation Scam - loan fee scam - No credit check scam - Forgiveness of Private Student Loans
River Valley Loans Overview
River Valley Loans was first mentioned on PissedConsumer on July 7, 2022, and since then this brand has received 2 reviews. River Valley Loans ranks 489 out of 908 in the Loans and Mortgages category. The company's overall rating is 1.0 and consumers are the most dissatisfied. Recent recommendations regarding this company are as follows: "Don't deal with these thieves", "Never get a loan from this place". The price level of this organization, according to consumer reviews, is high.
Conclusion - Is River Valley Loans Legit?
Is River Valley loans legit? River Valley Loans seems legit but their services seem sneaky so make sure you are careful before dealing with them, most of the reviews about them are not positive. One of them was on WalletHub They took a chance on me and were wonderful and courteous people to deal with and would recommend AAA+ to anyone. Read the full article
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panickedpanromantic · 1 month
im gonna dump all my unorganized thought about games here because im freaky
under this is my largest yap session to date
fallout 4s power armor is 1000000 times than 3 or new vegas
it feels more like something that needs to be maintained
and the fusion cores give me a reason to not use it all the time
splatoon is so rooted into my psyche that i have dreams about it
been playing since i was like 5 and its all i ever think about
infinite games
but no games
unliminted bacon
but no games
if i were to live in a game id be stardew valley
no taxes
live on a farm
free cat
make millions in a year
life good
video games are possibly the perfect outlet for trans people
your telling me i can play a girl and no one will question it
sometimes games become my personality a bit too much
but honestly at the end of the day
im me
and thats all that matters
cyberpunk 2077 changed me as a person
watching someone struggle with the fact that their gonna die and theres not much they can do about is heavy
and also theres a terrorist rocker boy talking their eat out, telling them to do various crimes is great
i never found dark souls that difficult
i found it like opressive thematically
but its not hard
the difficulty is learning
guess im just better
so theres this game called a township tale
its a very unknown vr game, small community
and it is one of the reasons i could be trans comfortably
its a vrrpg
but everything is based around community
and every gameplay element is tactile
for example
in other rpgs to make a weapon you need the materials, maybe a workbench or experience, and bada bing bada boom you have a sword or something
but in ATT you have to mine the ores manually by going into pitch dark mines siphoning the ore from the earth (which in some servers theres a limited supply of) then you need to make a handle from wood by using a hammer and chisel then you need to turn the ore into ingots, then melt the ingots into a mold of whatever weapon or tool you want
then you have to heat it up and smash it with a hammer on an anvil
and then and only then can you connect the handle and blade together to make the weapon
i feel like this makes you more attached to your weapon or tool
i have an axe that took me an actual week to make
and i love that thing so much
also they can break
but the main kicker about this game is that there are very little tutorials
game teaches you how to do very basic things like connect things and make a bag
and thats it
only way to learn is to talk with your fellow townspeople
and the friendships you can make in this game are priceless
i hate using my voice to talk in online games so i use voicelines from payday 2's jacket hotline miami as a voice
imagine a robotic commercial woman voice being used to say very threatening things
at first i thought people would think its kinda cute or something
but then people were scared because of shit like this
imagine hearing something like that behind you and you turn around and its a small black woman with an axe handing you a flower
i started using it to repel toxic players (which are uncommon but still very possible)
long story short i love this game so much
i have 650 hours
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classicquid · 1 year
There Is Proof That Short Term Loans Direct Lenders Is Exactly What You Need Right?
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You are constantly looking for more money to deal with life's unexpected emergencies. Here, in addition to comprehending our clients' loan needs, we also assist them in locating an appropriate lender in the hopes of obtaining further funding. You quickly find your way to Classic Quid to apply for one of the best loan products based on your needs, so you don't travel too far. Short term loans direct lenders is a real option if you don't have a debit card in your wallet to utilize for borrowing money. It enables you to address all of your urgent demands at once, saving you time from having to look for more financing.
What Are Short Term Loans Direct Lenders and How Do They Operate?
Payday loans are short term loans direct lenders given to those with steady employment in consideration of their monthly income. The phrase "no debit card" refers to the absence of a requirement to use your debit card while applying for this product. It means that no loan application is turned down due to an inadequate debit card. Therefore, short term loans online enable anyone to apply for a loan online: Loans are profitable every hour of the day, every day of the week, without any hindrances.
Working Only Under These Conditions, Short Term Loans UK
There are a few requirements you should take into account before applying for a short term loans UK direct lender with us because lenders do have specific requirements that clients must complete. You must first be a citizen of the UK and be older than 18. Additionally, you must receive a steady monthly income of £500 after taxes. Additionally, you must have a debit card linked to a working bank account. If your loan application is granted, the funds will be deposited into your bank account and made available for withdrawal using your debit card.
Can I Obtain Short Term Loans UK Despite Having Poor Credit?
Yes! Even if your credit is less than ideal, Classic Quid loan partners are always on your side and ready to make you a mouthwatering offer with competitive rates. The money will be deposited as soon as 60 minutes after it has been accepted.
Do Loans Affect My Credit Score Negatively?
No! Your credit score won't be impacted because we use technology that uses a "soft" credit check. Try short term loans UK and stay competitive with us, a knowledgeable broker that can get you a competitive quote from a large number of direct lenders and assist you in obtaining up to £5,000 in as little as 60 minutes.
The first step you should take if you are having trouble making timely and full loan repayments is to notify your lender. They'll think of another fallback plan for you.
 Classic Quid is an experienced loan broker with the capability of immediately connecting you with a qualified short term loans online lender. You might receive funding in as little as 60 minutes after accepting the lender's offer.
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paydayquid · 11 months
A Simple Method to Get Cash with Short Term Loans UK
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Before payday loans were available, it is as simple as 1-2-3 to obtain short term loans UK. You may apply for these loans instantly online, and within minutes of doing so, you can have cash in your hands. The connected lenders help you generate quick income to meet all of your short-term and emergency financial demands.
You must fulfill the fundamental requirements listed below in order to be eligible for a short term loan:
- You must have worked for a company for the last six months.
- Your bank account must be open and operational and be older than 90 days.
- You must be at least 18 years old.
- During the job duration, your monthly salary should be at least £500.
You are under no obligations to apply for short term loans UK; you can do so based on your needs and circumstances. Short term loans UK direct lender provide cash together with perks like low interest rates and flexible repayment terms. Even if you have a poor credit history and situations like insufficient finances or no credit, getting cash help through the affiliated lender is simpler. This means that in order to be eligible for these credits, you must not have any adverse credit factors such as defaults, arrears, foreclosure, late payments, missing payments, CCJs, IVAs, or skipped payments.
If you have an urgent need, don't wait to apply for a short term loans direct lenders! By filling out a straightforward online application form with your personal information, you can quickly and conveniently give the lender your information. Money is approved and sanctioned for direct deposit into your bank account today or the following working day if the details are correct. This method avoids faxing and time-consuming, extensive documentation.
If I apply for a Same Day Loans UK without a guarantor, will my credit history be examined?
Yes, lenders will conduct a careful credit and affordability assessment and will base their decision on the results when evaluating your application. Your credit score is based on your financial history and is typically used to anticipate your behavior going forward so that businesses can assess your likelihood of repaying same day loans UK you get. If you're having trouble being approved for loans, looking into your credit history can help you figure out why.
How can my credit score increase?
There are a few fast steps you may do to raise your credit score if it is low. The first step in fixing the problem is to verify your credit score using free resources like Credit Karma, Clear Score, or Experian, and make sure that there are no errors that could be lowering it. Report any probable errors as quickly as you can to the three aforementioned authorities, as well as the businesses that submitted them. Additionally, if you haven't already, you can join the electoral roster, close shared bank accounts, and break off financial ties with people who have bad credit. Otherwise, you can demonstrate that you are a responsible borrower by taking out little short term loans UK direct lender and repaying them completely and on time.
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healthandwealthonline · 2 months
21 Ways To Earn $100 Every Day Online - Forbes
I’ve been a financial advisor and entrepreneur for many years, and I have had some big successes along the way. On days where I receive a big payday or one of my ideas works well, it’s hard not to be completely overwhelmed with pride.Still, none of my earlier successes compare to the first day I made $100 on the internet within a 24-hour period. Something about getting a $100 check from Google…
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