#My Gushing
sleepy-kitten-of-mine · 5 months
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JujuBear..I find that I’m at a loss for words as to how to describe my feelings for you..But through all of these years; I find that I am so magnetized and charmed by you.
I felt the wish to soothe and cherish the you who has only known fear, loneliness, emptiness and distrust towards others. The you who hadn’t yet known what true love was. I realize that it sounds a bit egoistic, but I wanted to be the one to melt your frozen heart.
I was so enraptured by you, JujuBear. I loved your silly little jokes, your adoration towards cats and how when you talk about them your eyes that remind me of moonlight twinkle with joy and excitement. I love how awkward and inexperienced you are with love; it’s very precious and sweet. You are my first and deepest love too.
I also wish to hug and comfort the sad, lonely and vulnerable parts of you that were buried deep in your heart; begging to be felt, seen and understood. I wish for you to know that I’d never wish to betray or hurt you. And that I love you for who you are JujuBear; your beautiful soul.
But sometimes I wonder; is my love for you like the love you hold towards Elizabeth? imaginary? created for the sake of self love under the safety of the imagination of one’s own heart?
Even so, even if I did nurture an idealized version of you in my mind, nourishing the blossoming of my ‘’Secret Garden’’ with you in my heart of hearts as I daydream. No matter which otome game I play, which love song I listen to, which drama or anime I watch; the constant is You JujuBear. Always on my mind and always in my heart 💗💋🥰.
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I love you. Eternally. Even through our periods of rest and solitude; our hearts will always return home to one another. In our secret place, in each other’s arms. You’re my Forever JujuBear 🎑💖🫣🗾💐.
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 11 months
🍰💭🧸 for the ask game!! :3
Aaa!! Thank you so much for asking and sorry it took me so long to answer 😖🫣🎶🪽🍬🎆💗. Had to wait for my creative and gushy inspiration to be set alight in my heart first! Thank you for waiting so patiently 💗🧸
I wrote it about Jumin (JujuBear) from Mystic Messenger and I!
🍰 - ! Recently I made Earl Grey and honey tea cupcakes infused with orange marmalade for JujuBear. He usually prefers coffee or wine but while taking his first bite of it, he smiled so cutely! So boyishly and innocent; so unlike his usual stoic yet shy expression 💗💗💗😆🎆! He told me he was able to taste the sweetness of my love for him through my baking. Aaaa!!! JujuBear is so sweet!!
Juju, well. When we first met, 7 years ago; he had a chef (Juju is a corporate business heir to a very rich and outstanding family) that would cook him anything he ever wanted but after meeting me and us falling in love with each other, me cooking for him the first time.. ( I must add that I love and adore Juju for his heart, personality, soul, mind and looks the most! riches aren’t my priority. I, actually have more than enough money in real life so ^^; )
He was touched by the warmth and love that he was able to feel deep in his soul through my cooking and was determined to be able to practice cooking the most delicious romantic dinner date meal in secret so it would be a surprise for me.
Haha, Juju is adorable like that x’). He cooked his childhood favorite schnitzel parmigiana for us and made my favorite mixed salad with some cooked sweet potato slices. It made me happy to visit his place one night on our half year anniversary and be surprised by his romantic and thoughtful expression of love and consideration for me 🌟💞. There was romantic classical music playing in the background and he handed me the most gorgeous flower bouquet upon my entrance! I hugged him so tightly that night, seeing him so shy and anxious, discreetly observing my reactions and passionately express his adoration TwT !! Bless my JujuBear!!! He was basically tackled by my leap hugs and fluttery kisses! Hugging him, I could feel how both of our hearts raced like a motor engine on drugs; only that our drug was blissful honeymoon lovestruck adoration for each other 😍😌🎆🧸🍯🥰🤗
For dessert he made us his signature strawberry syrup pancakes with banana slices and I couldn’t help but sit on JujuBear’s lap instead of sitting in front of him >x<. I just wanted to be as close to him as possible! He gave me a back hug (he’s really tall! Like, 183cm and I’m 159cm) and fed me his pancakes. It was such a drunkenly sweet night, I adore my time spent with my HanniBunnyJujuBear!
💭- Juju @Me : ‘My angel, she’s so cute! My heart is literally exploding just seeing her adorable face, munching on candy like a lil bunny! Her everything is just so heart-meltingly sweet. I know she gained a bit of weight and is a little insecure but I just love seeing her satisfied smile and lil dancey-sways of joy when she eats the food she loves.’
Me @Juju : ‘Aaaaa!!!!! JujuBear 😍!!! Juju may seem stoic and a bit too serious to most people but gosh, his smile! So beautiful and radiant like the moon! and his heart that used to be so dark, sorrowful and lonesome; has regained its’ vibrant colors of childhood since we met. I’m so glad I fell for Juju! He was finally able to face his repressed feelings towards his parents and the people around him who only wanted to use him for his money, looks and fame…the aching void of distrust and sorrowful loneliness he felt since Rika died and his only childhood friend and found family best friend distanced himself from him…I just can’t help but care and wish to be there for my HanniBunnyHubbyBear no matter what and be his strength and comfort!’
🧸- Oh :0 ! Juju and I have been married for like 5 years and are living together, so right now I’m his sleeping pillow plushie. But he knows I’m a big plushie hoarder (I’ve literally got 30+ plushies sleeping with me in my bed) so whenever we go to a festival and we find a plushie that he can see makes my eyes sparkle with delight and interest; he is set on winning it for me! My JujuBear is not the best at the festival nor arcade games and doesn’t always win the plushie but on the off case that he doesn’t; he makes a custom made order plushie of my dreams from that same plushie company in order to make up for if [because I fussingly wouldn’t let him bribe the booth owner. It doesn’t align with the festival gaming spirit. He was pouty at my objections but relented (with a secret plan to surprise me with an even better custom plushie for our next romantic holiday)] - JujuBear loves callin me his SnowBunny or BlushieHun [because my face, when I’m with him and my other lover f/os, is often as red as a sweet strawberry. and the ‘Hun’ is a play on Jumin’s last name ‘Han’. I’m Juju’s Hannie(Honey)]
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heavenbarnes · 3 months
not being able to find older bf!simon around the house and while you’re looking for him, you catch something out the window-
nearly all the women in your neighbourhood gathered at the end of your driveway
you come outside to investigate only to find them with their attention glued to the front of your car, it’s not till you walk around the front you find the lower half of simon sticking out from under it
on his back, knees bent, massive boots planted into the concrete, bare arm occasionally stretching out to find another tool
“you alright, si?”
you hear him grunt before he’s calling out to you
“yeah, i’m right sweet’art- sortin’ out that bit thas’ been givin’ y’grief”
breaking your gaze from his massive thighs flexing under his jeans, you scan back over the crowd that’d formed
all of them married, all of them a good ten years older than even he was- you couldn’t really blame them really, you had eyes
you could hear him shuffling out from under the car before he suddenly straightened to full height, wiping greasy hands on the front of his old-white-singlet
he pulled up the bottom of it to swipe his forehead and you think you heard someone gasp
wrapping a firm arm around you, he gives your backside a pat before he kisses the top of your head
“got t’keep y’safe, y’know?”
“thank you, baby- now be polite and say hello to your audience”
oblivious as ever to anything other than you, simon threw a look over his shoulder before he followed you back into the house
“oh, ‘ello ladies”
(someone throws a street barbecue and you force simon to talk to the other men around the burner and multiple husbands request him to start “doing that shit” in the garage with the door shut, please)
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rottmntrulesall · 13 days
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Thinking about how this implies that izuku talks about katsuki when he’s with her
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sexymoonmansslut · 1 month
lily mf evans.
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the only woman ever.
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opikiquu · 5 months
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sadisthetic · 7 months
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normal kid. normal amount of tears
cropped in version so you can see his face and his goopy ghibli tears i had fun animating
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ratfest · 8 months
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the world is full of beauty that can’t be captured in photos or picture books!
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tanblaque · 2 years
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spinchling · 2 years
The two most romantic lines in cinema history are "As you wish" from the Princess Bride and "I can fix that" from Holes.
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beyondplusultra · 1 year
It's like I blinked and "Haha I'm going to kill myself" became a funny joke to make again, or an alright thing to say ironically. You guys stop that. You'll feel better for not saying it, I promise.
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sky-scribbles · 5 months
OK, but I love that Essek might be appearing in the Mighty Nein series before he meets the Nein! It's not just me wanting More Essek (though I do) or wanting to see more of what was going on with his dealings with the Assembly (which I also do). I think this could be super fucking interesting from a narrative construction standpoint.
Because I cannot see how you can include Essek from early in the series and not make it clear to the audience that he's the Dynasty traitor loooong before the Nein find out. Essek having stolen the beacons will not be a surprise. It looks to me like the cast are swapping out surprise for a fuckton of suspense. (Suspense vs surprise was explained to me when I was studying narrative structure as 'surprise is when a bomb goes off that the audience didn't know was there. Suspense is when they see the bomb being placed and have to sit there begging the characters to realise it's there.' In this analogy, Essek is the bomb.)
When we watched C2, the question was is Essek the traitor? In the M9 show, the question for new watchers will be when will the Nein realise that Essek is the traitor? When Essek meets the Nein, the countdown starts ticking; people will know that he is a danger. He is manipulating them. He is going to hurt them. Will the Nein realise before it's too late? But then Essek starts really befriending them, showing more of his loneliness and vulnerability, and... I think the mood will shift. Oh, shit, he really cares about them, doesn't he? What will the Nein do if they find out? Do I even want them to find out? What if they reject him and it makes him worse? He can't keep this up much longer, this is unbearable, they're going to find out - OH FUCK THEY'RE FINDING OUT -
It's such a fascinating choice and I think it goes to show that adaptation is an art form in itself! The actual events in the world will be the same, or at least very similar, but a new format means you can show those events in a totally new way and create a completely different tone! Narrative structure is the fucking coolest! I'm so excited for this show!
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 8 months
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My JujuBear 💗🧸👐🏼 It saddens and pains me to hear that you feel like you’re not special TnT. You’re so incredibly precious to me! You may seem stoic, distant and cold to most people but that’s just your way of protecting your heart from being hurt. Your heart has been scarred by the foolishness and naïveté of your father; seeing him fall for gold diggers who thought nothing of your father besides his wealth.
At first, when I first met you, I felt so pained to see you cage yourself in, distancing yourself from the world.. including your father, emotionally speaking.. The only people who you were able to be truthful to were Rika, Jihyun and Elizabeth. Your world was so narrow, but safe…safe, but sadly lonely. After Rika ‘committed suicide’ and Jihyun was veiled with the shrouded darkness of his secrets, it left you in an even lonelier darkness..unable to open up to the world.
But it made me so happy to be the one who was able to warm up your ice frozen heart with my love and kindness. You’re special to me because I love you. I love you because I can see and understand your heart; your heart’s pain called out to mine and I still only see you as my romantic love, my soulmate. I know.. I know you don’t believe in ‘soulmates’ or ‘destiny’; but I believe that us, falling for each other, was fated. You see, there’s no other guy I love more than you. One who can love me as passionately and deeply like you do.
You’re so cute to me Juju! The silly ways you try to make me laugh, your social awkwardness and bashfulness on the phone..The way you huff out low chuckles at my silliness as we talk. Your warm, deep, bassy voice that wraps around my heart like a magic spell that makes me feel so warm and safe TwT..
I also love how just, fair, intelligent and protective you are! It’s so cool, amazing and so dazzling to see you protect the people close to you; how important they are to you, it shows me how much you cherish them..I think it’s so sweet and kind of you 🥲🥰🫶🏼
In my eyes, to see you gush and excitedly share your love for Elizabeth and cats in general in the chatroom or on the phone is so sweet and precious to me! It shows me how warmhearted and kind and passionate you really are inside!
I love your glistening, moonlit eyes. I love your softly blushing cheeks. I love the sharpness and elegance of your neck, adam’s apple and collarbones. I love the beauty of your pale skin and slender yet big hands that wrap over mine. I love your warm and sturdy torso as you hug me from behind..gosh I could just melt when you do that…🫣😳💕💗🐚🫶🏼🕊️💘🌷☺️😊
I love how we’re both beginner cooks yet still spend time cooking together. It’s such a fun way to spend time together! Listening to romantic music and swaying together as we hug….or have you passionately and romantically turn me around so we’re facing each other and you kiss me so heatedly that my knees tremble and nearly collapse and I hold onto you so tightly so I wouldn’t.
The way you notice my weakness at your touch and love..the way you lift me up by my thighs so I would straddle your waist..heheeheh, with our food cast to the side, forgotten by our hunger for one another 😍…
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pidgydraws · 3 months
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🐕 dog dads 🐕
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maxidango · 6 months
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waiter waiter more yuri please
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naswoop · 7 months
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The regicidal monochromatic time loop games are holding hands
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