#My Inquisitiors
cairaleighexe · 2 years
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With a taste of your lips I'm on a ride
You're toxic I'm slippin, under
(Hanan Lavellan x Cassandra Pentaghast in a vampire x vampire hunter au)
[please don't repost without permission]
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ephenan · 2 months
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little embroidery of my inquisitior lavellan. probably a WIP, wanna add more to it :p
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catjellies22 · 1 month
could u draw my inquizzy… you figure out what to do with the arm
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i feel as if i drew them inaccurate in a way? hope u enjoy none the less my lovey 🥂🥂
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gith-zeri · 8 hours
Random Dragon Age thought.
We all know how ridiculously easy it is to kill an Elven Inquisitior's Clan and how the angst is never really addressed in the base game( a decade later and I'm still bitter).
But God, can you imagine the advisor who botched the war table mission has to feel? Especially if they're in a romance with Lavellan, like your lovers whole family is gone.
The family, depending on who Lavellan romances would've been their in-laws.
All dead by your actions, and your lover can't even have the time to grieve.
Fuck if the relationship dissolves after that, the advisors still have family to turn to. Josephine has Leliana and her whole family, Cullen has his siblings.
But Lavellan? Nothing
That is a lot of toxic angst potential.
I always romance Josie and can't bear to make her sad, so this idea is on the backburner.
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tatert07s · 1 year
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My red chili pepper’s reference sheet 🌶️🌶️
A knight-enchanter who carries around a heavy mace behind her back, that’s also a staff 🫣
(Alt-text provided)
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vroomian · 9 months
Falling into the modern girl in thedas rabbit hole again lol.
I want to do a human girl(?)/solas thing. She’s not important to the inquisition, and mostly works as a seamstress, and occasionally as a cook.
she’s highly aloof. I want her to be a foil to solas because she’s so distant from the other people. I personaly think that being stuck in a medieval level world would be unbearable, and I’d have trouble relating to the humans who live like that. I want her highly educated. She’s forgotten more than most people ever knew in the modern world. Putting her among people without even a third grade level education is…. So. She’s bored and she can’t really see the people around her as people and she’s trapped in filthy circumstances and have I mentioned that she’s bored???? It’s be hell to go from a world of constant stimulation to can’t do shit after sunset because it’s too dark.
Anyway she doesn’t really deal with anyone important until the journey to sky hold when she and solas fall together naturally as the quiet kids lol. She’s bored and in pain and can’t even find yarn to keep herself busy so she starts asking solas questions because hey even if he sees her little more than an animal, she sees him as a mildly interesting video game character so it’s like. A perfect match lol.
I also keep using she but I’m pretty sure she’s non binary in my head. Also a mage who learns to shapeshift because magics the one thing she doesn’t already know a lot about. She shifts gender and races and into animals. Anything she can. I think I’ll call her Mouse because she’s so quiet and no one actually knows her real name.
A scene: solas and mouse in skyhold are chilling together in scilence. He’s sketching her something and she’s knitting. Sometimes she sings to herself while she knits, because she’s so used to working to music that the silence gets oppressive sometimes. The song is definitely Follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie.
“Love of mine, some day you will die, but I’ll be close behind, I’ll follow you into the dark —“
But then she cuts herself off because solas has dropped his book, staring at her even paler than normal because: Oh.
This human is mortal. One day she’ll die. All that raw intelligence, all that quiet strength, all that deep contemplation would one day be no more than dust.
Solas leaves without saying anything to her. He has to fix this.
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quiddling · 11 months
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Andraste’s Chosen(?)
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dani-the-goblin · 6 months
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rimarzaarts · 1 year
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The style of DA: Absolution feels so right
Featuring, my inky and the ocs I made to add older subclasses to the inner circle. Also, for drama. And so I can have all my favorite romances in my brain's version of canon :P
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lazyroseart · 1 year
More Fiona... I think I have a problem...
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Oh yeah I decided to change Miraak's eyes btw.
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lost-karma-sushi · 1 year
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A solavellen wip that i need a break from :’)
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cairaleighexe · 1 year
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pass the yuri!
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spiretdoom · 1 year
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My Inquisitor's spawn children ❤️ Saren Rainier and Maria Rutherford
They are part of my friend and I's shared "next gen" universe for our Inquisitor Squared AU and she has her own Solavellan kid to go along with these two.
Saren (who unintentionally has the same name as ME Saren which was accidental I swear xD) is the eldest and born post-Inquisition followed by Maria who is born post-Trespasser, with both being raised by all three of their parents (I always pardon Blackwall cause the only way he dying is from old age in my books thank you). Saren really leans into the protective older brother role, gaining a lot of his father's more quieter traits whilst being quite blunt like his mother. Meanwhile Maria spent a little too much time with her Auntie Sera and has a far more fiery and expressive personality than her brother, always getting herself into mischief.
I haven't really seen any Blackwall spawn floating around which was a big motivator for me to make these guys and since my Inquisitor loves both her boys equally they both get babies 😔
And as a side note, to explain why they look more "human" despite being half elf, for our headcanon my friend and I are going with the concept that human genetics tend to overpower elvhen genetics, resulting in the lack of ear points as seen in game. It's highly based off of high-dragon-bait's post here ~
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waluigisgaybf · 7 months
Im literally so fucking antsy and impatient to finish and beat BG3 also just so that I can do a hard fresh reinstall of the game so that I can FINALLY fucking kiss Astarion and Halsin again and with the new animations 😭😭😭
cause I also have a few customization/texture mods the game for some reason wont run without them activated now, and at least one of them broke my shit even more than the normal bug that occurred from the kiss animations and I get literally NO animation- it just closes out the conversation after I ask for a kiss 😔
#and because now I know my character more I feel like I can better do a play Im happiest with and also fucking blast through it on easy mode#Im want to do an evil Durge run FOR FUCKING SURE at some point with my boy#but Im planning on replaying once more with the exact same character and for the most part main game plan- after I beat it this first time#AND THEN MY ASS IS GOING TO MAKE SO MANY FUCKING CUSTOM TAVS FOR DIFFERENT RUNS AND SO I CAN ROMANCE EVERYONE AT LEAST ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#Ive played SO MUCH FUCKING DRAGON AGE#like all 3 games so so so many fucking times over and over#with the same character mostly-#and then at least one run with a different character to do a different romance and maybe story#AND HAVE DONE ALMOST EVERY SINGLE ROMANCE IN DRAGON AGE#(aside from Cullen cause I FUCKING HATE HIM and then-#SOMEHOW HAVENT EVER ROMAMCED BULL YET BECAUSE LAST TIME I WAS PLAYING I COULDNT#FUCKING FIGURE OUT WHAT KIND OF INQUISITIOR I WANTED TO MAKE FOR HIM 😭😭😭😭😭#BUT ANYWAYS I GOT OFF TRACK-#IVE DONE ALL OF THAT AND REPLAYED THEM ALL SO MANY FUCKING TIMES#THAT IM SO FUCKING CONFIDENT I WILL AND I AM GOING TO#BE ABLE TO COMMIT THAT HARD TO BG3#GIVEN IT TAKES WAY FUCKING LONGER TO BEAT BG3 THAN ANY OF THE DA GAMES-#BUT STILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#bg3#personal#? kind of??#I think Im just going to tag anything thats not specifically about a plot or character (or art) thing I’ll just tag it as personal I guess 🤷#IM TRYING TO START TAGGING THINGS FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER#CAUSE IDK#I HALF ASS TF OUT OF THE ACTUAL CONTENT TAGS#BUT IM TRYING MAN#bg3 bugs#bg3 patch bugs
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roraimae · 1 year
Does anyone have some good songs about imposter syndrome? I feel one missing from one of my character playlists given how ingrained it is in that character.
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maleficare · 2 years
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tried to make my warden & inquisitior in a picrew! inquisitior isn't 100% accurate due to color limitations but ya! 😊
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