#My brain goes oh favorite character let's crush their hopes and dreams
willowways · 2 years
Head canon:
Ok so I think a lot of people are on board with the ‘darius finds the golden graveyard’ theory for season three but there is also the fact that a lot of BI citizens might blame the coven heads for the whole almost dying thing, and because the C.A.T.S mostly kept the rebellion secrete (except raine on the first go round ,but shhhh) I feel like most of them will have to go into hiding to prevent being arrested or executed.So image : Darius being deadly protective of the rebels (especially eber) trying to find hunter all while tring to process their grief over there mentor dying (probably for the first time) and trying to survive without getting caught by either the collector or the mob.
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Imagine you’re 7 years old and your mom shows you a clip from a movie coming out soon because it has creatures in it that look like dragons and the people are tall and blue and beautiful and you LOVE blue and they’re RIDING the dragon-birds and you really like fantasy stuff so you become obsessed with the clip and have her search for it almost every day and replay it and then she goes and sees the movie and you kinda forget about it for a couple weeks and then you, your dad, your mom and stepmom all got the movies and your stepmom and mom go see the cool movie with the dragony things and when you ask your mom later why you had to watch the princess and the frog with your dad instead she says she doesn’t think you’ll like the dragony blue alien movie and you can watch it in a couple years
and then a couple years later you do get to watch it and it’s the most beautiful amazing spectacular thing you’ve ever seen and you fall in love with EVERY aspect of the world and story and the gut twisting message of humans being the great evil because even at 8 you know as a whole the human race SUCKS and the music is brain chemistry resetting and the narration is crisp and on point! and your little mind in enraptured with the main character because he’s handsome and amazing and his LOVE INTEREST is unstoppable and SHE’S incredible and ferociously protective of HIM and you’ve never seen a woman go feral for the man she loves and save him so entirely and nearly every second makes you want to cry from emotions too big for your body, from rage at humans for killing your planet and the one on the screen and you wish for nothing more than to have seen it in theaters in 3d cause you’ve never seen 3d and if the movie is this shutteringly impactful on a tv than surely 3d must be like being there with the beautiful blue cat people and you hold some resentment towards your mother for not letting you see it when it came out because now you’ll never see it in 3d (whatever that looks like) then slowly it fades to the calm back of your mind and becomes your favorite movie that you never tell anyone about because you’ll get made fun of and the idea of people being mean to you about it is soul crushing and makes you want to cry because it’s like they’re picking away at your very being and over the next decade you see hushed cringy whispers of a second one being made but think nothing of it because eh fandom gotta do fandom stuff and there’s no official word of anyone and every now and then you read fanfictions for the only movie ship that has ever had a grip on you for longer than the run time of the movie and they’re wonderful and romantic and in some they have a baby and it’s so perfect and everything you know and hope must have happened to them in their little world of fantasy but a voice quiet and sure keeps murmuring “it’s not real, you’ll never know what actually happened to them and that fic with the sweet little son will never be canon” and you know that but still read some more and then you forget about it even more and it slides further into the darkness of memory and mind
and THEN, one day in 2021 after having the worst year of your life as of yet you see news that they ARE making another movie and you don’t let yourself believe it until you do your own research and digging and oh. my. god. it’s REAL! it’s happening they’re really really REALLY making another one and from that second on you LIVE for the next bit of content flickering out as you wait for the most anticipated thing you’ve ever had to look forward to and no one’s understanding how you try to explain how this means to you and you can’t comprehend there ACTUALLY being more content and story for these characters that you love so much and then oh my god! it’s revealed they have children! they have FOUR children, babies all their own just. like. you. read. about and dreamed could happen and every little piece of content that comes out you devour and you start to develop an idea of what might be happening and then the first movie from 13! years ago is being released again all remastered and magnificent and you HAVE to see it! this is literally never going to happen again and so you and your mom both buy tickets and see it and it’s perfect and wonderful and now all you want is the second movie but it’s months till that happens and my god your favorite characters are now both parents and you can already see they love their children more than air and you can’t wait to see them as a family because there is no trope you love more than parent/child and close family and they’re going to be the best parents and the human threat is back and worse and they’re colonizing these amazing people JUST LIKE THEY DO ON EARTH and the stakes are SO MUCH higher now because the children and you just KNOW the bad guy is gonna be after your ship’s babies and that amazing woman from before is a MAMA now and if she was that protective over her husband you can’t for the life of you imagine how horrifying and magnificent
she will be for her children and you get more clips and trailers and you get so many people excited for it and you share every piece of new media with them and you get more family pics from the movie and they’re all so beautiful and precious and you’re so happy, blissfully happy, and you still can’t conceptualize that this is real and it’s actually happening, it all feels like a spectacular fever dream and they actually have children and a life and you’ll get to see it and learn more about the incredible planet they live on and you’ll get to learn about their children and who they are and what they like and how they all work as a family because they’re so close and amazing and they make you so happy
and then the 2nd movie kills off that first born son that you hoped and dreamed they’d have and that you read fanfictions about what he might be like and his mother screams and his baby siblings hold and touch him and sob as his parents, that couple you fell in love with so much and want to be happy more than any other, lowers him to his rest and his mother sings the most heart wrenching and indescribably ethereal song in the world for him and their life and now every NEW fanfiction or piece of media you consume without that son in it feels empty but also more full than any before it because the story is ABSOLUTELY NOT OVER.
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maddiwrites · 3 years
The Hybrid (I)
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: The Pogues rekindle their friendship with their old childhood best friend and JJ’s first crush, Y/N. Old feelings resurface for JJ and Y/N, possibly leading to a summer neither one of them could ever forget. Due to past trauma, Y/N is reluctant to let anyone into her heart, but JJ never backs down from a challenge, even if he knows it will come back to haunt him in the end.
Note: Thank you for being patient with me as I slowly write this series. I had this idea a long time ago and I’m not finding motivation to write it but the inspiration comes and go. I smile with every comment that is left on my fics and I’m so grateful for this community. Thank you for letting me pursue my creative writing without judgement. Love you guys! (Also, yes. If you didn’t see my last note, I based YN’s family off of the Gilmore Girls characters. That’s who I picture as them.)
Word Count: 8k
 Masterlist   Prologue 
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You wake up to someone falling on your bed next to you with a dramatic sigh. Knowing exactly who it is, you choose to ignore her and try getting back to the dreamless sleep you were peacefully having before you woke up.
That is, until she sighs again. 
You flip onto your back and stare up at your ceiling fan that’s quickly spinning above you. “What, Rory?”
“How did it go with Andre and that boy?”
You look at her with one brow raised. “You woke me up to hear about Andre’s love life? That hardly sounds like you. You don’t care about high school drama or hookups.”
“You’re right,” Rory says. “But I thought I would ease you into what I actually need to tell you.”
You turn on right side and look at your sister confused. “What?”
She sighs. “The cafe’s basement flooded last night. Mom needs us there to help her clean up and take inventory on what’s salvageable.”
You turn back on you backside and close your eyes, exhaling a deep sigh. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Unfortunately not,” Rory says and pats you twice on your covered thigh as she sits up. “Come on. I made you pre-cafe coffee. It’s sitting in the kitchen.”
You throw your sheets off of you and trudge to the bathroom to brush your teeth and clean your face. It’s about 8 a.m. At least you were able to get about six hours of sleep. 
Last night, it was hard to let your brain rest to fall asleep. You kept tossing and turning, thinking about the blonde Pogue who walked you home. You missed how easy it was to talk to someone who you felt truly knew you. Your banter rolled off your tongue easily and you never had to worry about offending him because you knew him like the back of your hand. You knew what he could take and what he couldn't. 
Talking to him brought back childhood memories you had hidden deep in your mind. How JJ would constantly poke you until you ripped into a smile on days that were grey. How you used to steal John B’s bandanas until he was chasing you around his house to get them back. How you would draw a mustache and a unibrow on Pope’s face when he fell asleep by the water. 
Those days felt like they were decades ago. So far away, you didn’t know if you’d be able to reach for them again. If it was even possible to get back. 
You thought about texting him. Thanks for walking me back. We should all get together soon! You had written out. But then you deleted the whole message, telling yourself it was because you didn’t know if he even had the same number. But deep down, you were just afraid of the rejection. 
Its been about three years since the four of you had been together in one place. You don’t know what they’ve been through or if they’ve changed. They for sure as hell don’t know what you’ve been through. You don’t know if they're dynamic has changed. Clearly you and JJ can still joke with each other but what about John B and Pope? You heard about John B’s father disappearing at sea, most people believing he’s dead, but John B holding onto hope that’s he’s alive. You always thought about calling him to reach out and offer your condolences. But for the same reason you didn’t text JJ, you never called. It didn’t feel like your place. They had Kie for that now. A little part of you felt jealous of her, like she had replaced you and any memory of you. She seemed nice, but she wasn’t you.
“Ready?” Rory pops her head in to your room as you slip on a cropped plain white zip up jacket over your cropped black tank. 
“As I’ll ever be,” You say and snag the car keys out of her hands. “Don’t even think about it. I’m driving.”
Rory rolls her eyes. “I want to get there safely.”
“And I want to get there quickly.”
“Fine. But we’re taking my car. It actually has doors.”
For your sixteenth birthday, your grandparents gifted both you and Rory your own individual cars and even let you pick them out. Rory chose a black 2020 Honda Civic for it’s safety features and reputation for longevity as if she was planning on handing it down to her future kids. And you picked out a white 2020 Jeep Wrangler with a hard top that pops off along with the doors for a very open and thrilling ride. Everyone but you called it a death trap, but you found it to be the perfect summer car. 
You park Rory’s boring Honda Civic in the back of the cafe in a lot used specifically for employees. The cafe is already booming with teens and families, waiting for their morning coffees and fresh pastries. Kids your age are running around behind the counter with sweat dripping down their brow bone to get everyone’s orders out in a timely manner. 
In the back of the store, your mom walks up the steps from the basement with two large trash bags and immediately notices the two of you. “Oh good. You’re here. Rory, help the girls behind the counter. The dishwasher’s broken and poor Hailey is hand washing everything. Y/N, come with me downstairs.”
“Why does Rory get the fun job?” You grumble and follow your mom back downstairs after she tosses the two trash bags. 
“Because she’s actually nice to the customers.”
“Treat others how you would like to be treated. Isn’t that what everyone always says?” You smirk. You never agreed with the phrase ‘the customer is always right.’ It’s complete bullshit and being the employee shouldn’t mean letting yourself getting verbally abused by a ‘Karen’ on the other side of the counter. 
The basement is used for the cafe’s storage, lined with wooden shelves Steve put together that hold to go cups, back up espresso machines, boxes of coffee and food and ingredients, etc. Now all the boxes are dark and sopping, creating puddles on the concrete floor. 
“Oh my god. Mom. How did this happen?”
“Jenky water pipe busted in the middle of the night,” Steve walks down the stairs and passes your mom a knowing look. It didn’t surprise you that he was here. He’s the jack of all trades. Owns his own automotive shop, builds a lot of his own furniture, actually cooks a decent meal, and has the same outlook on customer service as you do. He was probably your mom’s first call. “Talked to the plumber. They can’t get here until at least noon.”
“Noon? We’ll be underwater by noon. I might as well turn all my employees into a swim team,” Your mom says.
Steve shakes his head. “I was able to hold the leak until he gets here. You should be fine.”
Steve was the first person that actually helped your mother out when's she moved to the Cut. Six months pregnant, she pushed her car into his automotive shop after it broke down on the side of the road. Their banter was similar to the one you and JJ have. He helped save your mom money by building yours and Rory’s cribs, changing table, and dressers. And ever since, the two of them had been connected by the hip, although they both refuse to admit it. You think the pair are just trying to deny the love they clearly share for each other. And you think the main reason for that is because of the incident four years ago with your mom’s ex boyfriend. No thanks to you.
 “Look at you constantly building your resume,” You smirk at him. 
Steve scoffs. “It’s more than what you’re doing.”
You roll your eyes. Steve is the closest thing you have to a father. He practically helped raise you with your mom. He’s the one you turn to whenever a fight with your mom goes too far, which isn't too often but it happens. He usually lets you stay at his house for the night to let you cool off. But he’ll never sugar coat his advice when it comes time for him to give it. Even if you don’t ask for it. He knows growing up with Rory has been challenging. She was clearly your mom’s favorite, or at least that’s what you thought. She has a 4.0 GPA with a realistic dream to get into Brown University and study journalism. She played by every rule, never got into trouble, and spent most of her free nights getting ahead of her school work or staying late at the cafe with an open book from the library across the street. She was an absolute angel to everyone else, making you look like her evil twin. 
You glare at him before turning to your mom with crossed arms. “What do you want me to do, Mom?”
“Actually honey. Can you go to Heywards and grab more coffee filters and napkins. The water soaked right through the plastic wrapping on our last box.”
You nod, leaving your mom and Steve to clean up the basement themselves. Before heading out, you sneak behind the counter and make yourself a quick coffee to go.
“Where you going?” Rory asks as she reaches behind you to grab a banana for her customer at the register.
“Heywards to grab a couple things for Mom.”
“Oh. Make sure to grab toilet paper while you’re out. I think we’re almost out of it.”
“Got it.” 
Heywards is only a short drive from your mom’s cafe. It’s the closest convenient store that isn’t crazy pricey. It’s where your mom gets all her supplies whenever she runs out of things before shipment gets there. 
You use to always come here when you were younger with the boys, each of you, even Pope, stealing a small bag of chips or a candy bar here and there. Little did any of you know, Mr. Heyward caught your thieving hands every time but never said anything. 
The bell above the door chimes when you walk into the store. You know this place as well as you know the cafe, finding the toilet paper and coffee filter immediately. 
When Mr. Heyward looks up from the counter, his smile grows. He can pick you out of a crowd anywhere, but he hasn’t seen you in a long time. Last time he saw you, you had braces and overgrown bushy brows. Now you had bushed hair and shaved legs. 
“Hi. Mr. Heyward,” You grin shyly at him. You don’t know how he’s going to react to see you, unsure of what Pope might have told him about you. 
“Little Miss Y/L/N? Is that you?” Heyward smiles widely, pulling your own lips into a wider smile. “I haven’t seen you for a long time.”
“Yeah, I’ve been busy with school and my mom’s cafe...” Both of those things were a lie. You just avoid the Cut to avoid the Pogues. 
“How’s the fam?” 
“They’re good,” You say as Heyward hands you your bags. “Mom says hello by the way. I’m actually taking these to her store now.”
“Well, don’t be a stranger. We miss your smiling face around her. Anette, too.” Heyward says, mentioning his wife. 
“Tell her I said hi.”
“Of course, darling.” 
Heyward and Anette always had a special place in their heart for you and Rory. They’re not one for gossip, but they knew a little bit about what your mom’s been through and have heard plenty of stories about your grandparents. They always thought, despite your mom’s background, that you and your sister were raised impressively. Anette always hoped that one day Pope and Rory would get together. Everyone always wanted their child to be with Rory. 
As your about to leave the store, the bell chimes again with another customer. Only it’s not another customer. It’s Pope and John B. They don’t see you at first, and you wonder if maybe you can sneak out without them seeing you. But something about that felt wrong. Especially because Heyward would more than likely mention to them that you were here. 
Pope sees you first and stops in his tracks. “Y/N?” 
“Hey, guys. Long time no see,” You smile at both of them. You bite down on your lip awkwardly when you meet John B’s stare. You don’t know if you should mention anything about his dad’s disappearance. But what would you say? Sorry? What good would that do?
“How’ve you been?” Pope gives you a small side hug, then John B. 
You shrug. “You know, living the dream.”
“How’s life as a Hybrid?” John B smirks. 
You roll your eyes playfully and groan. “Oh god. Never call me that again.”
You may be considered a Hybrid by everyone else, but you would never put yourself into that category. You grew up a Pogue, the same way everyone else did around you. The only thing tying you to the Kooks are your grandparents. 
“Why?” John B smirks. “I wish I was a Hybrid.”
You smirk back. “Maybe you will be one day. I hear you have a Kook of your own for arm candy.”
You saw a faint hint of blush on John B’s cheek at the mention of his girlfriend but you don’t mention it. “Sarah, yeah. She’s not like the other Kooks.”
“I would hope not. Her brother’s a dick.”
“Yeah,” They laugh. 
“We miss you, you know.” John B says. Pope looks at you, trying to read your expression. John B’s not wrong. They do all miss you, especially Pope. He felt like you were the only one who really understood him. Of course his other friends are great, but you actually took the time to try and understand his passions. Like forensic science. 
“I miss you guys too. It’s been a while.”
“Well, hey. We’re actually all getting together tonight at my place. Nothing big. Just a bonfire and a couple beers. You should stop by,” John B says.
“Yeah,” Pope says, immediately getting hopeful that you’ll show up. 
Your smile falters. The invite makes your heart swell and your lungs contract. It’s an invite you’ve been wanting for three years. And now that you have it, you don’t know what to say. It’d be different if it was just the four of you like old times. But now there’s Kie and Sarah and although you have nothing against them, you’re afraid they won’t accept you. The thought of your boys picking them over you terrifies you. 
“Okay. Yeah, sure. I’ll try to swing by later.” 
Pope smiles wide and looks at his friend to see his reaction. John B grins and nods, almost impressed that you had agreed. But he saw the twitch in your lips when the question was asked. 
“Great. I guess we’ll see you later then.” 
You nod. “Okay. Bye guys.”
You suck in a deep breath when the fresh air outside of Heyward’s store brushes over you. Your heart thumps wildly with both excitement and nerves when you’re finally able to collect your thoughts. You don’t know what you’ll do tonight, but the possibilities can change your entire summer.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You spent the rest of the day mopping up the cafe’s basement and rearranging the shelves. You smelled of sweat and coffee grounds by the time you were done and dreamt of the shower you would be taking when you got home. 
Rory drove you home after the two of you closed up the cafe for the day. Neither of you said much. Rory was exhausted from running around behind the counter and you were too busy thinking about whether you’d go back to the place you used to call your second home.
You took a longer shower than usual, still pondering what your night would be like. Your head was telling you to stay home but your heart pulled you in the direction of the Cut. You yearned to hear about what the future held for Pope, and listen to John B retell stories of when you were kids, and be able to stare into JJ’s bright blue eyes without him noticing. 
You changed into a pair of jean shorts and a plain red cropped tank. Rory walks into your room as your brushing out your hair and looks at you as if you lost your mind.
“Are you out of your mind? You can’t wear that,” She says.
You brows scrunch together in confusion. “What are you talking about? I wear shit like this all the time.”
“Not to the Country Club, you don’t.” That’s when it hits you. Today’s been so hectic, you forgot what day it was. “It’s Sunday.”
Sunday dinner at the Country Club is now a weekly commitment forced upon you by your grandparents. Each week, your mom, sister, and you are forced to spend one dinner with your grandma and grandpa. This is basically your mom’s payment back for sending you and Rory to Kook Academy. Only they actually pay for the dinner. It’s usually the longest two hours of your entire week. It’s hard to listen to your grandfather rant about Real Estate and your grandma slyly critique your mother in almost every aspect of her life. 
“Shit. I completely forgot,” You say.
“Well, you better change. We’re leaving in about five minutes,” Rory says then plucks a gold necklace from your dresser. “Oh and can I wear this tonight?”
You sigh. “Sure.”
You change into a baby blue wrap around dress and pin your wet hair into a half up half down due. It’s gonna have to work for the limited time you have to get ready. After applying a thin layer of makeup to look the least bit presentable, you meet your mom and sister by the front door.
“Finally,” Your mom says when she sees you. 
“Sorry. I didn’t realize it was Sunday.”
“It’s okay, honey. I just don’t think I can handle another late remark from Mom today.” She looks you up and down and grins. “You look great.”
Despite the many fiery fights you and your mom can have, she is also your best friend. It’s kind of like a love hate relationship. Steve says it’s because you’re exactly like your mom - almost like a sixteen year old version of her. 
You really hope that isn’t true. You’re not ready to have a kid in two years. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Your grandparents are already sitting at a round table in the corner of the country club by the two tall windows that reach up to the ceiling with a view looking out into the golf course. The best seat in the house for the richest a holes on the island. 
“Lorelai,” Your grandmother grins, but you can instantly tell it’s sarcastic. “Did you have to walk here?”
You speak up before your mom could. “Sorry Grandma. It’s my fault we’re late.”
Your grandparents are hard on your mom but easier on you and Rory, especially Rory.
“Well, you’re here now,” Your grandpa says. He’s usually the mediator between your mom and grandma. Although he’s usually sucks at it. “Sit. Sit.”
Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, JJ shuffles through his many coworkers with his apron in one hand and a piece of fried calamari from Miss Carol’s appetizer in the other. 
“JJ -” She scolds and slaps his hand away from going in for a second piece. 
“Good evening Miss Carol,” JJ smirks and makes his way to the area between the kitchen and dining room where most of the servers and bust boys hang out. Some of the boys slap him on the back or shove him by the shoulder, chuckling to themselves. “What’s going on boys? Busy crowd?”
“What are you doing here? You never work Sundays,” His friend, Mitch, says. 
Luke Maybank was behind on several bills - worse than it’s ever been. They already shut off their electricity and JJ wanted to make sure the water wouldn’t be next. 
But JJ shrugs nonchalantly. “Little extra dough can't hurt.”
“Well, you picked a good day,” Raymond walks up to the blonde, rolling his sleeves. “You got Kook Royalty and their Hybrid offsprings in your section.” 
“What?” JJ looks through the small square Plexiglas on the swinging door. He knows exactly where to look and immediately sees you sitting with King and Queen Kook, looking absolutely miserable, pushing around your food with your fork. 
“Damn, Maybank. Almost broke your neck - you turned so fast.”
“Shut up, Easterling. I was just seeing how crowded we were,” JJ lied. He really just wanted to see if you were here. And now that he sees you are, he’s a little nervous to do his own damn job.
Raymond Easterling chuckles. “Yeah, I know what you were looking at. But don’t get your hopes up. There’s a reason Kooks call that girl the Heart Sucker. Not even the high and powerful JJ Maybank could get a piece of that.”
The guys around JJ and Raymond chuckle and nod in agreement, hearing the stories of how you’d reject every single guy that’s ever asked you out. Sometimes you’d go on a few dates, trying to push yourself out of your comfort zone, but then things would quickly become too much, and you’d get overwhelmed. 
JJ didn’t like the way Raymond talked about you or how the others laughed at your expense. His hands clenched into fists, tempted to throw a punch in Ray’s cocky face.  The guy’s just being a jerk because he’s one of the guys that got rejected by you, he thought. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” JJ shakes his head and ties his apron around his waist to distract his hands.
“No?” Raymond challenges him. “You think I’m wrong? You think you could pull the infamous Hybrid over there?”
JJ glances back through the window. You’re looking at your grandma with a clearly forced grin. You’re twirling your hair between your fingers, a habit you picked up when you were little to do when you’re bored. JJ would find you doing that in school all the time. 
You’re gorgeous, he thought. It’s no wonder that almost every guy on this island has tried to make a pass on you, including JJ himself, but his remarks always come off as playful, afraid of actually telling you how he feels about you. His fantasies about you went further than just getting you between the sheets. He could picture getting married, having children, and growing old together. Years ago, the two of you would talk about your future. Neither one of you cared about money or fancy jobs. All you wanted was to be free - of this island, of each other’s families, of responsibilities placed on you from birth. You hold the same values as JJ, and he’s never met another person like you. 
But JJ has a hard exterior. No one other than his best friends know his true heart, and he wasn’t going to let someone like Raymond Easterling find out about his soft spot for you. He would never hear the end of it.
JJ looks at you one last time. You’re talking to Rory, your face in his direction. This time you’re smiling, probably discussing something other than your grandparent’s expectations of you. He’d kill to see that smile every single day.
What’s the worst that could happen? You reject him? Yeah, that might kill JJ inside, but maybe you’d still be his friend, or continue to be acquaintances like you are now. As long as he gets to see you, he’d be okay. There was always the future. But who knows? Maybe you’d say yes? He’ll never know unless he tries. Right?
JJ fakes the same cocky grin that Raymond wears. “I haven’t failed yet.”
The guys around him whistle and shake their heads with smiles. 
“All right, Maybank. Let’s make a bet. I’ll give you one hundred dollars to get Y/N Y/L/N in the sack by the fourth of July.”
JJ scoffs. “You like giving away free money?” He ignored his racing heart at the thought of being that intimate with you.
Raymond nods. “Okay. Let’s put your money where your mouth is. Get her to say ‘I love you’ by the end of the season and I’ll raise you an extra hundred and cover all your dishwasher shifts in September.”
JJ raises his brows with surprise. No one offers to take the dishwashing shift. Sometimes the boys are pulled back there when the kitchen is short staffed and it’s easily one of the worst jobs at the Club.
This bet was almost too good of an opportunity to pass up. “Deal.” JJ says.
The boys shake hands on it and the other guys whisper to each other about how intrigued they are to see this play out.
JJ wipes his sweaty palms against his apron and pushes the door open to approach your table, hoping he can hear you over his thudding heart. 
“Good evening folks. May I take those empty plates out of your way?”
You look up at the voice you know so well and a smile raises on your lips. JJ meets your eyes and he winks at you, splattering your heart in flutters. 
“Please.” Your grandmother pushes her plate away from her, stuffed with filet and red wine.
“JJ,” Your mom grins up at him. Growing up, your mom always had a soft spot for the blonde Pogue. She’s heard the stories about his father, mostly from Steve, who actually grew up with Luke Maybank, his cousin. As a child, he was sent to live with Luke Maybank and his single father. Lets just say, he’s not surprised by the way Luke turned out. “Look at you. You’re all grown up now. Last time I saw you, Y/N was still pushing your head in the sand for stealing her popsicle.”
“Yeah. I quickly learned no one should mess with Y/N and her food,” JJ says.
“Never stopped you though,” You smirk at him.
“Lorelai. Who is this?” Your grandma asks, disregarding the boy himself.
“Mom,” Lorelai gives her mom a warning look. “This is JJ Maybank. He went to school with Y/N and Rory.” Lorelai knew to play it safe with her wording. She didn’t know where you and JJ stood. It’s been so long since you’ve seen him and she knew better than to ask. 
“Nice to meet you,” JJ says politely. “I’d shake your hand but mine are kinda full.” He motions to the plates in his hand.
“That’s quite all right.” Your grandma’s smile is so forced, it makes you uncomfortable. 
“I won’t hold you up. Has your server been around with the dessert menu?” JJ looks at you. “We have chocolate cake tonight.”
Heat rushes up your neck. Not because of the cake itself but because JJ remembered your favorite dessert. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate sprinkles. It was safe to save you were a choco-holic. The boys use to make it for you every year for your birthday. It usually came out burnt, none of them ever remembering how to properly make it. But it was all you needed to feel like a very special girl. 
“Your favorite,” Rory elbows you.
Your grandma cringes. “Sounds like diabetes on a plate.”
“Mom,” Lorelai scolds. 
“What?” She asks, not understanding the concept of a filter.
Now heat rushes to your cheeks for an entire different reason. “He did. We’re not doing dessert tonight. Thank you, though.”
JJ nods but feels disappointed by the way your face flinched at your grandmother’s comment. 
“My pleasure,” He says like he was taught to do and excuses himself to drop the plates off in the back before he can say anything else that would probably get him fired.
Your mom looks at your with raised brows. “He’s cute, honey.”
“Lorelai, please. He’s the busboy,” Your grandma says.
“He’s a good kid, Mom.”
“If you’ll excuse me,” You stand up. “I have to use the restroom.”
Rory gives you a knowing grin as you walk away from the table. When you walk into the hallway between the dining area and the front lobby, you immediately feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Sometimes just the presence of your grandparents and their pompous judgements can be suffocating. You do your best to bite your tongue around them, excusing yourself when you feel yourself getting heated. 
JJ catches a glimpse of your light blue dress out of the corner of his eye when he rounds the corner to collect the plates off a different table. He looks over his shoulder at Raymond, who’s staring at the blonde watching you, and winks.
“Hey, Y/N,” JJ says, walking up to you.
You look up from your phone and immediately smile. “Hey. I was actually hoping I’d catch you out here.”
“Yeah,” You nervously tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. “I’m sorry about my grandmother. She can be...”
JJ shakes his head. “Hey. It’s okay. I work for Kooks almost every single day. I’m use to it.”
You sigh. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.”
“Don’t apologize for something you can’t control,” JJ says. “Besides, that’s probably the nicest she’s ever been to me.”
You hide your face in your hands. “Stop. You’re making it worse.”
JJ laughs and takes your wrists in his hands, slowly pulling them away from your face. Your eyes shoot up to his, immediately feeling a tingling feeling run through your skin, straight to your heart. 
“It’s okay. I promise,” He says softly. His voice is so sincere that you have no other option but to believe him. It almost makes your feel guiltier, wondering how much bullshit he’s been through with ungrateful Kooks that it’s so easy for him to forgive and forget.
“Okay,” Your voice is a whisper, taken off guard by how close he is to you and how he still hasn't let go of your hands. 
In that same moment, JJ realizes he’s still holding you and gently removes his hands. He coughs awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck, where sweat begins to bubble. Why is he so nervous?
“So um...” You say, suddenly feeling nervous too. “You going to John B’s tonight?”
JJ’s eyes shoot up in surprise. How did you know that? “Yeah. I’m heading over there after work.”
“I saw him and Pope at Heywards earlier today and they invited me over. I wasn’t sure if I should come or not.”
“Why wouldn’t you?”
Because it’s different now, you wanted to say. But you didn’t because you feel like the elephant in the room would only grow. And you didn’t want to admit you were nervous to meet Kie and Sarah outside of school. 
You shrug. “I don’t know.”
“You should definitely come. The boys miss you.”
You pretend like a little piece of your heart didn’t just break when JJ didn’t say ‘we.’ 
“What time do you get off of work?”
“Around 9ish.”
You nod. “I can pick you up if you’d like and we could go together?”
Your heart races after you suggest it. What if he says no? Why were you feeling this way? This is the same kid you use to make fun of for pouring milk into his bowl before his cereal. 
“Yeah. That’d be perfect.”
“Great!” Your phone pings with a text from Rory, telling you that your grandparents are wondering where you are. “Shit. I have to get back. I’ll see you at nine?”
“See you then,” JJ nods and turns back to the kitchen. When his eyes meet Raymond’s, he’s reminded of what he agreed to. Almost surprised how quickly he forgot about it. You were able to take his mind off of anything without even trying. He clears his throat to get rid of the giddy grin he was wearing after talking to you, wanting to look tough and casual in front of his coworker. “Easy.” He says to him. But that felt anything but easy. He could vomit with nerves.
“There’s still plenty of time for you to screw up, Maybank.”
JJ huffs. He’s not wrong. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
You drive up to the front of the country club and park in front of the main entrance. It’s 8:57. You’re early and will look eager. So you wait until 9:06 to text him that you’re here.
You changed into a pair of dark washed denim shorts, a yellow cropped tube top, a grey flannel, and navy converse. You changed your outfit about four times before deciding on your first one, not wanting to look too casual or too dressed up. 
For the last three years, you wondered when the four of you would get back together as a group. You wondered if it would ever happen. And now that two Kooks are involved, you feel more nervous than excited.
You jump when the passenger seat door opens, lost in the depth of your own head. JJ smiles, not seeing your reaction.”Cool ride,” he says and looks around the interior. 
“Thanks,” you say, pulling out into the road.
“I got you something,” JJ says.
You glance at him with furrowed brows. What could he have possibly gotten you since you saw him last? A book mark from the Country Club’s gift shop?
JJ reaches into his backpack and pulls out a plate with clear wrap around it. Your mouth drops when you see the chocolate cake on a plate in his hands, the smell immediately hitting your nose with pure delight.
“You saved me a piece?” You jump in your seat excitedly.
“Had to hide it good too or else Miss Carol would have had my ass handed to me,” JJ jokes and even pulls out two forks. He undoes the wrapping and cuts off a piece. He waits until you hit a stop sign and says, “Open up.”
You look at him and immediately open your mouth. He gently places the fork between your lips and you take the piece of cake off with your teeth. Like a baby.
Your eyes close with pure pleasure. “Oh my god. That’s amazing.”
“Miss Carol does know how to bake a mean cake,” JJ says and takes a bite of his own.
“Another one,” You say, glancing at the cake again. Like you said, choco-holic. “Please.” You say when JJ teases you by holding the fork away from you.
JJ laughs. “I like hearing you beg.”
You slap him in the arm with the back of your hand. “In your dreams, Maybank.”
“You got that right, Y/L/N.”
The two of you finish the cake with only a few bites each. Small but rich in chocolate that leaves you craving more. You were gonna have to meet this Miss Carol woman. 
After he puts the plate back in his bag, JJ reaches for the aux cord, but you quickly slap his hand away. “Hey. What do you think you’re doing?”
“You’re seriously gonna make me listen to this the entire way to John B’s?”
You scoff. “I’ll have you know Blink-182 is one of my favorite bands.”
“It’s also soccer moms’ favorite band,” JJ laughs at you.
You turn up the volume, blasting ‘All the Small Things’ and point to your ear. “Sorry. Can’t hear you!”
JJ rolls his eyes but laughs along with you, even bopping his head to the beat. You drive with the windows down, dancing and singing along to a bunch of throwback songs with JJ as if the two of you have been doing this forever. 
You pull up to John B’s and park behind his dad’s old van, better known as The Twinkie. When you turn down the music, JJ looks at you with a shake in his head. “Next time, I’m driving.”
“What was wrong with my driving?”
“We’re in the Outer Banks, Sparky, not NASCAR.”
You scoff and follow behind JJ who’s leading the way up John B’s driveway. As you get closer, you smell the smoky scent of a bonfire nearby and eventually hear John B’s laugh mixed in with a female’s. Your smile falters as nerves gather in the pit of your stomach. 
“What’s wrong?” JJ asks.
“Nothing,” You say, but JJ easily catches your lie and gives you a knowing look. “What if they don’t like me?”
“Who? Pope and John B? I’m pretty sure they like you more than me even after three years -”
“Not them, you idiot,” You shove him playfully by the shoulder as you two let yourselves inside. “Sarah and Kie.”
“Don’t you go to school with them?”
“Yeah, but we don’t talk,” You say quietly, not wanting them to hear you.
“What?” JJ shrugs. “Nothing. I just didn’t think you cared about what other people thought.”
“I don’t,” You say quickly. “But they're your best friends. It’s different.”
“You don’t need their approval. You technically were here first.”
“Yeah, but I’ve been replaced,” You try to say it as a joke and even throw a smirk in there. 
But JJ stops in his track and looks at you seriously. “No one can replace you. Not even if they tried.”
You open your mouth to respond, but you’re at a loss for words. It’s not a common occurrence that JJ gets all serious on you. Warmth covers you like a blanket and the longer he holds your stare, the weaker your knees become. 
“JJ! Is that you?” John B calls out from the backyard.
“Yeah,” JJ yells back. He opens the fridge in John B’s kitchen. “Want a beer?” He offers to you.
You shake your head. “No thanks.”
For the first time, you take in John B’s home. It looks the same as it did three years ago, only a lot messier. The pull out couch looks like its been used recently with blankets and sheets tossed about on it. Empty beer cans and cigarette butts are thrown messily on the coffee tables and the air smells faintly of old marijuana. 
JJ leads you out to the back where four people are gathered around a fire. Three out of the four immediately smile when the two of you approach them, but Kie’s eyes narrow and her head tilts with confusion.
Shit, you think. 
“You came!” Pope laughs and hops up from his beach chair and embraces you in a hug.
You laugh, not expecting the embrace, but welcoming it all the same. John B’s next, giving you a quick hug and shaking his head.
“I gotta say, I didn’t think you were going to come,” John B says.
“You can thank me for that later,” JJ says jokingly.
“Actually when I heard JJ was coming, I almost changed my mind and stayed home,” You joke and smirk JJ’s way.
“Just like old times,” Pope says, looking between you and the blonde. The banter felt like the yall never separated in the first place. 
“Hey, you know Sarah and Kie, right?” John B points to the girls. Sarah stands up to say hi, and eventually Kie follows her, not wanting to look rude, but stays off to the side, keeping her distance.
“Yeah,” You wave awkwardly. 
“Hey!” Sarah says sweetly. “I didn’t realize you guys use to all hang out.”
“Y/N grew up down the street,” JJ explains and sips at his beer. 
“You want a drink or something?” Pope asks you, not knowing JJ already did.
“No thank you,” You say again.
“You don’t drink?” Kie asks. It was the first thing she’s said to you.
“Not usually,” You say and hold her stare. You try to get a read on her, but she’s had to get a tell on. You can’t tell if she just doesn’t like you or just doesn’t know you. Either way, it makes you uneasy. 
“Here, I’ll go grab you a chair,” Pope says and walks to the side of the house to grab another beat up beach chair. 
As the night goes on, you feel the tension in your shoulders loosen and your body feel lighter. Most of the night was spent retelling childhood stories the four of you shared. Sarah would laugh at most of them, occasionally rolling her eyes at her boyfriend from the stupid shit he would do, although it sounds like he’s no different to you now. 
You talked about the time you and JJ stole a golf cart for a joy ride on Figure Eight, or when you and John B pranked Pope by putting a dead fish in his locker, or how you and John B learned how to play guitar from youtube tutorials. 
Midnight came around quickly and exhaustion was slowly taking over your body. It’s been a long day between the cafe flooding, dinner with your grandparents, and now this. 
JJ was the first to notice you slowly fading. 
“You okay?” He asks you quietly as everyone else is caught up in conversation. 
“Yeah,” You say, lazily grinning at him. 
“We can leave if you want,” He says.
“You’re not staying?” You ask. It sounded like everyone was planning to spend the night here. And as much as you wanted to, you just didn’t feel comfortable enough yet. 
JJ shrugs. “My dad’s out of town tonight. It’ll be nice to have the house to myself.” Before you can say anything, he stands and brushes his hands against his pants. “All right, losers. We’re out of here.”
“Aw, you’re leaving?” Sarah pouts.
“Yeah, I’m beat and Y/N’s my ride home,” JJ says.
You were glad he didn’t call you out for being tired. You didn’t want to look lame in front of everybody, especially Kie.
“Thanks for having me,” You say to everyone. It might have been John B’s house, but it was everyone’s night you intruded on.
John B stands up to hug you. “Don’t be a stranger, okay?”
You nod. “I won’t. I promise.”
Pope hugs you next. “Text me when you get back safe.”
“I will.”
“Bye!” Sarah waves and Kie exhales a ring of smoke from her blunt.
You wave at them before following JJ back to your car. 
“Nuh-uh-uh,” JJ says. You didn’t realize you both walked to the driver’s side.
“What? No.”
JJ nods and holds his hands out for your keys. “I’m not dying tonight.” 
“You’ve been drinking and smoking all night,” You say. You didn’t think JJ was drunk or even that high, but you were not going to let a teenager with an ounce of alcohol in his system get behind the wheel. “Next time. For now, hold on to the cupholder.”
JJ sighs dramatically and goes to the other side of the car and hops in the passenger seat. 
This time you keep the music quiet, listening to the hum of the radio instead of your phone. 
“Take a left,” JJ says.
“JJ, I know where you live. And it’s not left.”
“Don’t you trust me?” 
You snicker. “Not in the slightest.”
JJ rolls his eyes. “Just take the left.”
You hold your hands up in surrender and take the left turn. He directs you for a couple more miles until he has you park in front of a 24 hour diner. 
“What are we doing here?” You ask.
“I’m in the mood for a milkshake.”
“We just had cake!” You say.
“Come on, Sparky. Show me what that mouth can do,” JJ smirks. 
You go to hit him again but he takes off running to the front entrance and pulls the door open. You chase after him, almost running into his back at the front host stand where JJ safely smirks at you in triumph.
“Two please,” He says to the hostess. 
The old cranky woman leads you to a booth off to the side next to a window without a word. 
A couple minutes later, a waitress walks by and asks if you’re ready to order. 
“Yes. One chocolate milkshake and one black and white milkshake,” JJ orders for both of you, already knowing what flavor you’d want.
“And fries, please.” You say. The waitress nods, takes your menus, and walks off. JJ raises his brow at the extra order. “What?” You shrug. “Just showing you what my mouth can do.”
JJ scoffs. “What a tease.” 
You playfully kick his shin under the table.
“Did you have fun tonight?” JJ asks.
“Yeah,” You answer. “Felt like old times. The girls are nice too.”
You were about to only mention Sarah, but you didn’t want to cause any issues with Kie. Not yet at least. Maybe she just needed time to warm up to you.
“See? I told you they wouldn’t bite.”
A couple minutes later, the waitress comes back with your milkshakes and fries. 
“How’s John B doing? You know, with the whole Big John thing?” You ask delicately, unsure of how JJ would react to you pestering about John B’s business. “I didn’t want to ask and bring the mood down,” You explain yourself although you don’t need to.
JJ shrugs. “He’s in denial I think. Won’t sign a death certificate until he sees a body. He could be worse, though.”
“Yeah,” You say softly. You don’t know what you would do if you were in that situation. In a way you felt lucky that you never knew your dad at all. It would be harder to lose him, knowing who he was.
You take a fry and dip it into your milkshake before taking a bite. This makes JJ freeze and look at you like you have two heads. 
“What?” You say with your mouth full.
“I can’t believe you just did that.”
“Don’t knock it till you try it,” You say and give him a look to do it.
JJ reluctantly picks up the fry and dunks it into his milkshake. He looks at the fry questioningly before popping it into his mouth. Somehow the sweetness of the milkshake and the saltiness of the french fry complement each other beautifully and his widen in pleasant surprise. 
“Oh wow,” JJ says.
“Told you,” You smirk.
You spend the next hour catching up, trying to fit the last three years into an hour. JJ does most of the talking because you want to know more about what John B, Pope, and JJ have been up to. Your life was so boring and depressing, you didn’t want to bore JJ with the details.
You drive JJ home and talk for a few minutes more when you park. He seems to be procrastinating getting out of the car, but you don’t mind. You could talk to him all night, suddenly not feeling tired anymore.
“All right. I’ll let you get home before the sun rises,” He says and opens the door. He pauses when his feet hit the ground and he looks back at you. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
“I have to work at the shop, why?”
“Well, there’s a storm coming in. John B and I might go out to surf the surge before it hits. You still surf?”
You scoff. “Do I still surf?”
JJ holds his hands up in surrender. “Just checking. You think you can handle the surge?”
“Let’s not forget who the better surfer is, JJ.”
“I didn’t. It’s still me.”
“You wish.”
“So I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Now you have a point to prove. You have to show JJ that you’re still the better surfer. 
“I'll see you tomorrow,” You agree. 
“Great, it’s a date.” He winks and shuts the door before you can tell him otherwise. 
You giggle to yourself as JJ walks up the front yard and stay there until he you see he gets in safely. 
You pull out of the driveway, wishing he had asked you out on a real date. One that didn’t involve John B.
Tag list: @super-funky-bisexual​ @sunsetswithjj​ @moniamaybank​ @throwawayfish​ @poguestyle17​ @5am-cigarette​ @jjpouggues​ @fly-away-from-here​ @buckys2thicc​
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lettrespromises · 4 years
❝ dear reader,
why hello it is i, nikki, back at it again. this post was specifically written thanks to @sasukelore’s big brain, meaning that this one is for the boys with the booming system, top down, AC with the cooler system😔✊🏻. it’s my first attempt at writing smut (which means it’s a direct ticket to hell) so please bare with me, i hope you’ll like it! if you have any feedback, please feel free to send it to me! also, my requests are open for business hehe.
sincerely yours,
P.S: “plan à trois” has a double meaning— it means “threesome” in french but it also literally means “a plan involving three people” which is the core of the story, both literally and figuratively. ❞
Genre: Smut. (All three of the characters have been aged up.)
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of drugs (but no actual use of drugs), unprotected sex (please use a condom), nudity, spanking, choking, cunnilingus, blow-job, temperature play, threesome, dirty things.
Word count: 6.5k (she’s a big girl, don’t be shy.)
Letter object: One hotel. One gala. One mission. One person to take down. Three heroes. You and Shoto have to play the perfect fake couple to gain your enemy’s trust, the only thing is, Shoto has no clue how to behave as a couple. The unexpected help comes from Ground Zero who seems a bit too impatient and eager to show Shoto how to really treat a lady.
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Metaphorically speaking, the heroes are seen as the predators and the villains as the preys, it’s always been that way— an eternal game of hide and seek, which only ends in binary results, either victory or loss. The latest news concerning the hero world had put this little game to a halt: the hushed rise of the anti-quirks drugs were concerning. The enemy was everywhere and nowhere, it was all whispers, a thread of ‘who said what’, mere illusions replaced authentic clues. The rules of the game had been changed into a paradox where the villains became the predators and the heroes were deemed as the preys.
The rule of silence, which could have easily been personified as the ringleader of this dystopic scenario, was cruel— anyone could be suspected of being a link of the drug chain. But fret not, if you were suspected and voices started to echo around louder and louder, a little bit of hush money was the price to pay to reinstate the rule of silence. Anyone could be a culprit, even (or mostly) into the highest spheres of society. Those who are worshipped in an agnostic way, they were on top of the social food chain and, perhaps even, on top of the drug chain. These elites have been very vocal about their will to suppress the almighty authority pro-heroes possess— feeling threatened for their own sake and their own inferiority complex, they were willing to play dirty to be able to rule the country with an iron fist.
The corrupted elites still remained as elites and enjoyed their mondane occupations— galas being one of them. It was a dream opportunity for you as a pro-hero, a room crowded with highly potential culprits served on a silver plate with a cup of champagne to serve as the cherry on the cake.
Stealth missions were highly dangerous if you didn’t have a cover good enough, and treading on the playground of influential people could possibly cost you your career as a pro-hero, but if you managed to succeed, you were bound to bask in glory. Keeping a realistic cover is the number one check on the list entitled “how not to blow up your whole mission and be hated by the rest of the country.” Luckily enough, your agence had already done all the dirty work for you and sent you everything you needed— a flawlessly cut evening attire, a shockingly well-done fake ID and a full file regarding the background of your character, all down to the tiniest details. And I cannot emphasize enough “all” the details...
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me…” Amongst the myriad of details (and some of them were completely unnecessary, I mean, was your favorite fruit really important?), one of them was impossible to ignore. “Shoto Todoroki, really?” His name rolled off your tongue for a reason, you were supposed to play his pseudo fiancée for the night. Your thumb brushed the surface inked with his name, unconsciously wishing that if you were brushing hard enough, his name would disappear and so would your almost wilted high school crush on him.
Your silent complains were cut short, the sound of someone knocking on your door stirred you from the invasion of your thoughts. Then the knocking sound echoed once more. “Just a second!” Has anyone heard of the concept of patience? Waiting a few seconds for someone to open the door isn’t a inhuman task. Eventually (although it could’ve have been funny to let this mysterious person fume because you purposefully took too long), you opened the door to your hotel room and it just felt like you had welcomed a storm in. Much to your surprise, there were two surprise guests, two U.A alumnis just like you— Shoto and Ground Zero.
“Well, shit, were you planning on letting us fucking die in the hallways, woman?! What the fuck took you so goddamn long, ha?” When I mentioned a storm earlier on today, I meant Bakugou Katuski— his annoyance was transcripted upon his face through the frowning of his eyebrows and the wrinkle sitting between them. “It’s good to see you too Bakugou, glad to see you missed me after all this time.” His hands were shoved in his pockets, clearly not keen on listening to your sarcastic remarks nor wearing a tuxedo for the night. “Tch. Keep your smart ass talk to yourself, dumbass.”
You had indeed let a storm invade your hotel room. But unbeknownst to you, you had also welcomed a hypotizing breeze, the polar opposite of Bakugou, and apparently future fiancé for the night: Shoto Todoroki. His facial expression reflected nothing but pure serinity, a signature stoic face which radically clashed with Bakugo’s scowl. Todoroki was so discreet, almost blending his presence with the newfound silence. He was wearing an evening suit of his own, aquamarine was his color after all, it was a known fact since your high school years.
“Y/N, as you may be aware, I am here for the stealth mission. Bakugou is going to accompany us just in case something goes wrong. It was a last minute change, but considering the household names who are going to attend this gala, too much precaution is better than not enough.” Ohh, so that was the reason why the angry gremlin was here. Although, you wondered how Shoto felt about the two of you acting as a fake engaged couple, was he still serene about that? “Yeah, while you two fake lovebirds will be busy eating each other’s faces off, I’m gonna be around to check if there is any intell on these anti-quirk selling bastards.” Each of his word was accompanied by a hand gesture pivoting between you and Shoto and, of course, the same old look of annoyance plastered upon his face. You and Shoto, on the other one hand, appeared a bit surprised at the use of “fake lovebirds”, it just hasn’t sunk in yet... Denial, perhaps?
“Speaking of kissing and shit— you, half and half bastard, do you still have a fucking stick up your ass or do you know how to act in a relationship?!” His interrogation was accompanied with a daring glance thrown in Todoroki’s direction and an eyebrow lifted just to emphasize the characteristic of his question a bit more. A bold question which immediately found its answer from the mouth of Todoroki, needless to say, you felt this remark coming. “Bakugou, you’re the last person here who could pretend having the knowledge necessary to provide relationship advices.” You couldn’t help but let a laugh escape at Todoroki’s remark highlighted by its bluntness, although you quickly changed your mind once you felt Bakugou’s stare landing on you with such rage causing you to hush your laugh by biting your thumb.
“Ha?! What the fuck did you just say, half and half bastard? Use that fucking mouth for yours for good measure and let’s see if you can kiss Y/N correctly. I won’t let this mission be blown up by your stupid ass.” This time, there was a hint of amusement in Bakugou’s voice, it was hard to distinct if he asked that because he truly cared about the mission or if he just wanted to push Todoroki out of his comfort zone. But the ghost of a smirk drawn upon his face seemed to support the second hypothesis.
“Guys, just a second here. I understand why we have to take care of our cover but it’s not like Todoroki and I are going to kiss all night long.” Your gaze alterned between Todoroki and Bakugou, it became impossible to hold your gaze on a fix structure due to how flustered you felt, and soon enough, your cheeks were quick to adopt a rosy tone. “Y/N, are you scared of kissing me by any chance?” You secretly hated the obvious tone of concern in Todoroki’s voice, he was willing to do anything to make this mission a success but also make sure you were comfortable around him. “N-No! It’s just… I don’t mind it.” What a miracle, you finally managed to look at him in the eyes but the blush on your cheeks was as lively as ever. “Then damn, if you don’t mind it just fucking kiss already we don’t have all night, dumbass.” You could tell by Bakugou’s body language that he was growing more and more impatient by the second, his arms were crossed over his chest— he was getting pissed.
Todoroki captured your attention once more when his index brushed the surface of your skin right below your chin while his thumb was carefully set upon your jawline. His orbs shone by their gleam of reassureance, his eyes met yours, as a silent way to ask your for permission and you fluttered your lids shut as an answer. As if it was some kind of second nature to him, his other arm compassed your waist in order to bring you close to him. His lips finally touched yours. Each one of his actions was so soft, you could barely feel them yet, you felt like you were floating on a cloud. His lips were melting ever so perfectly with yours, as if your lips were the sole one which could fit is, you couldn’t help but to hum as the carefulness of his lips overwhelmed you. The kiss was shy, experimental, and yet so agonizing. He was temptingly and agonizingly slow, which only made you crave for more. However, given the lack of oxygen, you had no choice but to (relanctutly) break the kiss. You opened your eyes and basked in Todoroki’s beauty, still in awe at what just happ—… “Oi! Have you ever kissed anyone before, Icyhot? Fucking hell, what was that?!”
Of course this was bound to be expected— the angry gremlin in his natural behavior. You and Todoroki exchanged a look which held a thousand questions before you felt your wrist being caught by a much warmer palm, and eventually, you were yanked straight into Bakugou’s chest (not that you were complaining.) “Open your damn eyes and look, this how you fucking kiss a woman, dipshit.” The sound of his voice roaring against your eardrum made you flinch in the nicest way possible. Bakugou naturally made himself at ease all while maintaining his gaze upon Todoroki who was looking at him in return with a noticeable disdain in his eyes.
Bakugou was challenging him in a way, he perfectly knew that Todoroki was observing his every move, hence why he took the liberty to let his palm roam over the curve of your derrière as a way to taunt him. However, the taunt didn’t last too long not to make you feel uncomfortable. He quickly settled one of his hand on the small of your back (to maintain you as close to him as humanly possible) whilst his other hand was set upon your neck. He didn’t waste any more time and went straight to business.
Bakugou’s kiss was, as expected, a vivid contrast compared to Todoroki’s kiss. While Todoroki’s felt hesitant, caring, sweet… Bakugou’s kiss was rough around the edges and his sole purpose was to make your knees weak. Once he crashed his lips upon yours, he immediately swiped his tongue over the surface of your bottom lip, demanding immediate access to your mouth. You knew better than to upset Bakugou so you pleased and allowed his tongue to explore your mouth— your tongue was at his mercy for a few instants before finding a steady rhythm for you two. His presence was overwhelming— his smell, how close you were to him with nowhere to escape, his mouth, his tongue, everything caused you to rightfully let a moan escape into the kiss. At the sound of it, Todoroki’s eyes widened while Bakugou smirked into the kiss, he knew he made a point. You, in return, started to tug at his blonde hair— the rough atmosphere of the kiss affected your actions as well. Just prior to breaking the kiss, Bakugou’s teeth dug into your bottom lip and applied a few pressures while you were looking at him with pleading eyes to continue. Once he got what we wanted, he ended the kiss with a surprisingly soft peck upon your lips.
With his hand still settled on the small of your back, Bakugou turned to Todoroki’s direction and offered him his biggest smirk to show his secret victory. You were left breathless by the kiss, a series of uneven hot breaths crashed down onto Bakugou’s skin. 
If anyone were to walk in your hotel room, they would be able to feel and even touch the graduating tension in the air which almost felt agonizing. The tension was mostly radiating off of the two men, a silent battle for dominance had been declared through glances, holders of pure will to outbest the other. 
Todoroki observed the scene on his chair, and unbeknownst to him, Bakugou had indirectly offered him the best seat in the room to watch the manifestation of his talents. An almost inaudible sigh left Todoroki’s lips which translated into a sign of discontentment. “Y/N, come here.” The tone was strict, cold even, and you felt obligated to do as told. 
Detaching yourself from Bakugou’s embrace (you could tell he didn’t want to let you go judging from how his palm lingered on your back), you stepped away and made your way to Todoroki, a quizzical look noticeable in the reflect of your eyes. “What now?” You asked. Todoroki gestured to his lap and you knew what it meant, it was a speech without any word necessary. 
Paradoxically enough, Bakugou stared at the scenery in front of him in pure silence, and although it was very unlike him, he was mimicking Todoroki’s actions earlier on- he wanted to witness how Shoto was going to respond to his own deeds. 
You placed your hands over Todoroki’s shoulders to gain stability before sitting on his lap, it was a foreign feeling, but goodness, it was already addicting as hell and you were not interested in finding a cure. Both of Shoto’s hands crawled on the same spot where Bakugou’s hands used to linger just a few moments ago, you understood rather quickly that he was using his own methods against him. You were the center of Todoroki’s attention, his gaze graced your frame and he was loving the sound of your uneven breath, he wondered if he could make your respiration even more irregular.
He paid no mind to mind to the silent Bakugou who was already fuming in his corner as Shoto delivered a succession of pecks on the delicate flesh of your neck, and you tilted your head just enough to let him play on a wider surface. He traded the pecks for a few daring bites on certain areas, he needed to find your weak spot. “A-Ah... Shoto!” the sound of his name rolling off your tongue coated in such bliss was enough for him to curve his lips into a smirk. 
It was a brief moment of peace before he dug his teeth on the same spot and you failed to prevent any whimpers from coming out by biting your lower lip. He knew you were restricting yourself, prisoning these beautiful sounds of ecstasy, and he didn’t like any of it. He focused on your lower lip and rubbed the oh so soft surface with the pad of his thumb to prevent your from biting it, and thus, keeping your sounds of pleasure to yourself. 
“Don’t be shy, love. I’m pretty sure both Bakugou and I can agree on the fact that the little sounds you’re making are too divine to be hushed. Will you be a good girl and let us hear the sounds you’re making?” It was as if his voice was coated with honey, just his voice alone was enough to make you feel weak, and if you paid enough attention, you were pretty sure he purposefully blew a fit of cold air onto the skin of your neck. “Yes, please... I’ll be good, so good.” From that moment you knew you were at his mercy and he enjoyed every second of it. “You’re such a good girl for us.”
And so he continued, but it was rougher this time, a harsh contrast compared to his hesitant kiss from just a few moments ago. His teeth dug into the flesh of your skin harder this time, the sole purpose of leaving a mark on your crimson colored flesh was haunting his mind. To accomplish said purpose, Todoroki alternated between biting motions and a few swipes of his tongue on the newly bruised skin. The whimpers coming out of your mouth shamelessly only added fuel to his fire. He knew what he was doing, and you knew just how sensitive this particular area could get. 
Once he judged it was enough, he delivered a few pecks on the love bites, a way to kiss his art into your skin. “You’re so perfect, love, so perfect with my name written over your skin.” He whispered between kisses. Your head was thrown back, fingers grasping at the roots of his hair, your mouth agape- your whole body language testified of the addictive effect he had on you.
Such bliss couldn’t last for long, and quickly enough, another voice was being heard, a roar even. “Oi, oi, oi! Don’t even think for a single fucking second that you can have her all to yourself, half and half bastard.” It was almost a miracle that Bakugou had observed you in silence, but as expected, patience was nowhere near his forte. He had already crossed his limit long before you sat on Todoroki’s laps. Bakugou’s eyes were strictly focused on your frame, he was completely under your spell after observing how your chest would rise and fall unevenly to grasp any ounce of oxygen. 
Your knees felt weak already, you could only stare at Bakugou and silently ask him to continue, to make you feel even weaker, to make you experience pure bliss. You wanted to say his name, it was right on the tip of your tongue, but as you observed his figure reducing more and more the space between the two of you, you just admired him in silence. 
“Hah? What’re you looking at, brat? You want more? Is that it? You want fucking more? Say no more.” You should’ve known that the wicked smirk plastered upon his face was a pre-indicator of what was bound to happen. He lifted you off of Todoroki’s lap, the latter frowned a bit at the lack of your presence on him, and carried you to the bed before dropping you on the mattress. Todoroki was quick to follow from behind and stood right next to Bakugou, his hands already busy taking off his jacket and unbuttoning the first button of his evening shirt. “I’m sure that Bakugou and I can find a little agreement. After all, we can share, correct?” Todoroki’s rhetorical question found its answer once Bakugou let a discreet chuckle escape from his mouth after throwing his jacket God knows where and messily undoing his tie. “We’re gonna take real fucking good take care of you, baby girl.”
You were refraining yourself from already touching you, it took all the strength in the world not to give in to the most passionate temptations. But deep down, you already knew you were bound to be overwhelmed by pure bliss judging by how they were looking at you. You could only hum in response, unsure of how your voice would have sounded under the heavy influence of desire. 
Bakugou made the first move, after all, his poor soul felt left alone when Todoroki overwhelmed you with pecks and bites. He crawled over you, his knees were on each side of your waist, his hands however, assured total domination- his right hand clutched your wrists now pinned above your hand while his left palm settled by force on your throat, needless to say, the pressure was already applied on your windpipe. “You wanna’ play that game with me, hah?! Let Icyhot have all of you to himself and I got fucking nothing in return? Babygirl, I don’t watch, I fucking play.” It was too ferocious to be qualified as a whisper, and yet, when Bakugou pronounced the last bits of his sentence right in the shell of your ear, you felt like you were floating in pure bliss. “Answer me.” His grip on your throat felt a bit tighter. “P-Please... Ju-Just do whatever you want... With my body.” The lack of oxygen felt agonizing, you were deprived of fresh air and you were laying on the bed while Bakugou exuded pure confidence and domination, an aura so thick, you wished you could’ve touched it. “That’s my babygirl.” 
As Bakugou’s lips crashed onto yours, forcing its tongue into your mouth while maintaining the right amount of pressure on your throat to offer you a panorama of new sensations, Todoroki had already gotten rid of his shirt. If you paid close attention, you could see shy flames on his shoulders, he was absolutely adoring the scenery unfolding before him. Everything about you filled his senses, the sight of you giving in to Bakugou was nothing short of divine, the whimpers leaving your mouth in cascade whether the reason was the lack of air or the fierceness of Bakugou’s intentions was the sweetest melody he had ever heard. Everything was perfect. 
You felt the oxygen become one with your body again once Bakugou broke the kiss and allowed his hand to travel from your neck down to your chest, but his eyes were never leaving yours. He wanted to watch you come undone under his touch, he swore it to himself.
“I’ll take the bottom half. Icyhot, I don’t give a damn about what you do, just don’t fucking interrupt me.” His eyes were already set on the prize, your heat in all its glory. Shoto said nothing in response, you were the holder of all his undivided attention. As Bakugou took a firm grasp of your thighs, opening the way to his newfound purpose, Todoroki took over the top half of your body- he started by planting a succession of pecks from your lips down to your collarbone, passing by your neck, and each kiss was amplified by the cold air he was blowing on the surface of your skin. The contrast in temperature cause you to allow a few whimpers to escape, you already knew you craved for more, it was a way of manifesting it.
 “You won’t need that, will you, love?”  He said while pointing at your shirt, as his index was already hooking the fabric. It was a rhetorical question of course, you simply answered by humming. Your silent response was the only thing necessary for Shoto to send your shirt flying somewhere in the room. He continued his trail of kisses down to the valley of your breasts, the same cold air following him as he went.
Bakugou, on the other one hand, had already gotten rid off your skirt, but not before letting his palms explore the generous cheeks hidden underneath it, and eventually, leaving a slap right on this area which caused you to yelp in surprise. The pad of his thumb was already brushing against the surface of the fabric, oh what a pleasure it was when he felt the sensation of humidity coming through your underwear. A sensation so good, so addicting, so divine that it brought a sly grin to his face. “Already so wet for us, babygirl? You’re not wasting your damn time, hah?” Your skin was burning under his touch, you could already feel the chills running down your spine and he hadn’t even taken off your underwear yet. 
Todoroki took the strap of your bra between his thumb and index, and much to your suprise, he used the right amount of his quirk to burn the fabric and applied the same treatment to the other strap. Before you could even protest about the poor outcome of your bra, he planted his lips on your own to keep you quiet. Now, he focused his attention to your breasts and the bits of clothing left which prevented the upper half of your body from being fully exposed. He took the opportunity given by Bakugou who had gotten rid of your underwear which made you arch your back to unclip your bra. There was nothing stopping him now. He let his gaze fell on you, so full of adoration, while he leaned down and caught the last piece of fabric remaining of your bra between his teeth. His eyes held so much envy, so much desires which reciprocated in the reflect of your own orbs. 
Shoto threw your bra out of his mouth, and there you were- your body bare in all its glory. “Fuck, you’re so perfect...” He whispered right against your chest, causing you to let out a sigh you didn’t even know you were holding. He used his mother’s inherited side to trace the contour of your breasts, he knew he was going to earn a moan in return and he was so please to hear such a sinful melody at the clash of his cold fingers against your burning skin. His thumb and his index worked in harmony to twist the bud of your nipple and overwhelm it by Shoto’s cold touch while his tongue delivering hot saliva on your skin was already doing wonders on your other breast, a perfect balance between cold and hot which made your arousal erupt even more and someone was quick to notice...
“Oi, doll face, focus on me, not on this goddamn fucker. Don’t you feel so fucking good when I touch you like that, hah?” His burning jealousy amplified the voracity of his deeds. Every single one of his touch served the purpose of pleasuring you, but also outdo Todoroki’s touches. He needed to be the best at everything, including making you melt under his touch. You struggled to keep your eyes open, the desire to close your eyes and let your body attract all the attention while basking in pure bliss was too strong and yet, Bakugou’s voice roared into your mind, you couldn’t help but lay your eyes on him through half-closed lids. 
Once he knew he was the bearer of all your attention, he put his body and mind to work. Both of his hands planted your thighs on each side of his body, you felt too weak to move under his touch and did not dare resist the pressure. You whined in advance because you knew what was coming- and boy, did he look good with his face buried between your thighs. 
One long, sharp, vertical lick was all it took to let yet another moan escape your lips once more, and to Bakugou, it was the best reward. The heat of his tongue responded to the heat of your core, it was pure harmony. He licked the your core over and over again, tasting you, loving you, worshipping you even. One time he left lingering kisses to the side of your core, another time he was left licking motions all over your folds because your taste was the best thing he had ever felt. His motions echoed to your whines and moans, he was sure of hearing a sinful melody each time his tongue entered in contact with your skin.
“Keep making these noises for me, don’t be fucking shy.” His hot breath on the center of your heat embraced perfectly the succession of his actions, “Y-Yes... P-Please, I want... I need more.” Bakugou couldn’t help but let a low chuckle leave his lips, in response to your needy attitude, he left a harsh slap on the surface of your butt, to which you whined loudly in response. “Such a fucking filthy mouth you have there, hah?” He smiled to himself, knowing perfectly that what he was about to do was bound to leave you as a whimpering mess. Without any warning, he slid two of his fingers inside your core, and fuck, you were tight. His thumb was brushing against your sweet bundle of nerves which had already been cherished by Bakugou’s tongue earlier. 
You clutched the sheets of the bed to release some of the buildup pressure inside, it was as if a tornado, a volcano and a firework were exploding at the same time in your stomach, each of them resulting in a series of whimpers and moans at the overstimulation. Your lids were shut close already, yet, they kept fluttering over the invisible crimson touches left by both Todoroki and Bakugou.
Speaking over Todoroki, he was tasting you in such a different way as he started to get the grip of Bakugou’s mechanic. His mind kept roaming and roaming, he knew that just one mark on your neck was not quite enough and he needed to beat Bakugou at his own game- he positioned himself right over your right breast and blew a fit of fresh air, causing him to smile at himself for being the reason of such a reaction, and dug his teeth into your flesh. Motivated by the the way you kept tugging at his hair, he kept biting the same area over and over again until sucking your flesh just enough to create yet another love bite over your breast, such an intimate area, isn’t it? And now his whole name was written on it. 
“B-Bakugou... I can’t take it... Ahh! Anymore, please, please...” His fingers weren’t enough anymore, you were pleading his name, begging him to become one with you because you were unsure as to how you were going to keep the unleashed pressure within you ruin you. “So eager for my fucking cock, aren’t you?! You’re gonna count with me each inch entering your fucking cunt, got it?” You were willing to do anything at this point- Todoroki’s bites and his cold touch, Bakugou’s fingers and tongue, it made you fill dizzy but you knew, deep down, you were slowly approaching a pure state of bliss. “Yes... Yes I will.”
For his own purpose, Bakugou took his fingers off your core and flipped you on your stomach so you could be on all fours. You were giving him the view of worthy of a masterpiece: the crimson colored marks on your butt cheeks, the vivid rosy tone of your dripping core, oh he wanted all of you. “Love, don’t you forget that I’m here too, right? Open your pretty mouth for me.” You did as Todoroki preached, opening your mouth for him to stick his index in there. “Suck.” he commanded, to which you obliged by creating hollows in your cheeks and embrace his finger around your tongue, this feeling was beyond perfect, beyond the wildest fantasies his imagination had to offer. He could only let his subconsciousness roam about how his cock would feel around your perfectly pouted lips.
Bakugou’s hands gripped your hips tightly, his fingers turning white in the process while your flesh adopted a reddish tone in response. With the use of the pad of his thumb, he spread the pre-cum leaking all over his length, and so it began: the first inch. “One.”, it sounded more like an order than a statement, “...One.” you echoed, your response didn’t come quick enough to Bakugou’s liking, making you earn a harsh slap on your cheeks in return. Then another inch “Two.” , another faint sound coming from your lips “T-Two...”, yet another slap on your abused flesh. And so it went on, the process remained the same- another inch, another whisper escaping your mouth between sobs, another spank. 
On the other side of the bed, Todoroki was stroking his own length at the sight before him. You were on the brim of tears, and Bakugou didn’t show any mercy regarding your current state. “I’m sorry, her mouth is going to be full soon, she won’t have room to count out for you.” Bakugou grunted in response to Todoroki’s taunt. His strokes became gradually faster, like a crescendo if you will. His other hand, however, was placed right underneath your jaw to give you some support and your mouth was already open in anticipation for what was bound to happen. 
With his hand to keep your jaw steady, you welcomed Todoroki’s lenght into your mouth and he automatically let a groan as the tip of your tongue caressed his sensitive tip. You imagined how rewarding it must have felt for them to hear your own moans and whimpers because hearing Todoroki’s moan felt like a blessing to your eardrums.
Your tongue circled around his cock, your hand was pumping his length, and Todoroki wondered if this is what heaven looked and felt like. Your whimpers were hushed by the presence of his member in your mouth, but somehow, even these half silenced sounds of pleasure sounded even better to his ears. He felt his lids shut close under the miracle work of your tongue while his hand lingered in your hair to motivate you to keep going.
Bakugou, frustrated by this change of plans due to Todoroki’s own personal pleasure, slid the entirety of his phallus into you abruptly. The shock caused you to remove Shoto’s member from your mouth momentarily to catch your breath and release yet another whine before pleasuring Todoroki again. That came as a surprise to no one, not even Shoto himself, but Bakugou’s pace was rough and almost animalistic. 
The sound of his testicles clapping against your flesh testified of the pace and yet, it felt so enticing. Bakugou was not so vocal, but he did leave his fair share of grunts as he buried himself into you more and more until reaching your cervix. It was too much, your core was burning, hell your whole body was on fire. The tears that threatened to fall had put their threat to execution, you knew you were close, the overstimulation was getting the best of you leaving you in a whimpering, trembling mess. 
You continued to stroke Shoto’s length with your tongue, but his need to take control took over him. The same hand that rested in your hair suddenly took a firm grasp of your hair and he thrusted himself into your mouth and from there, his grunts became more repetitive. Truthfully, it was the only push he needed to bring him over the edge, the previous work of your tongue had put him under a spell. A spell he never wanted to wake up from. He knew what was coming, you felt it too but how the tip of his phallus was tickling your throat deeper and deeper. 
Shoto didn’t even notice the small flames making their apparition on the blades of his collarbone, meaning that it was finally time for him to cum. He set your mouth free and hinted his length towards your chest, letting the drips of cum color your skin, and allowed the most magical moan to leave his already parted lips in satisfaction. “Love, look what you fucking did to me. You’re so beautiful, so beautiful with my cum all over you.” Your first instinct was to fill your lungs with oxygen, something so common yet it was cruelly needed. You looked through your lashes at Shoto with pleading eyes while he looked at you with a glimpse of adoration in his. His digit was carefully wiping the excess of cum leaking down your chin to place it right into your mouth. He could only stare in awe at the sight of you tasting him. He felt so full, and fulfilled. He was finally at peace, soaking in pure bliss.  
The grasp Bakugou was holding over your hips became even harsher, which you though was impossible just a few seconds before. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He grunted, trying to keep his volume at bay by digging his teeth into his lower lip but it was all too much to be contained. He knew his climax was close, so close that he could picture it if he closed his eyes just for a second. Bakugou’s name fell on your lips like a forbidden prayer, his name had turned into the only thing you were able to say. “I-...Ah! Inside, inside, fuck, please...”, you felt a wave of pleasure taking over your body, a pleasure so intense, no word could have done it justice. Oh well, that was the sole indication he needed to hear before digging his nails into your sides, causing you to arch your back and bite the sheets, already preventing the cascade of whimpers from echoing in the room. “Fucking hell... Cum with me, now.”
 With one last thrust, Bakugou came within you, his face was facing the ceiling as he came undone with you. His cum slid within you and in return, your body thanked him by letting your own juice flow all over his length. 
Silence invaded the room. No more grunts, no more moans, no more cries. Pure silence inhabited by the uneven breaths of three protagonists who had just touched heaven by the tip of their fingers. Three victims of passion.
Bakugou pulled out of you, earning a whimper in return at the sudden feeling of vacuity. Your legs were shaking, and you secretly thanked every God for allowing you to stay relatively steady on all fours for this long and be able to endure the bestial-like pace of Bakugou. Needless to say, you were panting, you mouth was agape and you were crying for air. Your body immediately crashed onto the mattress, the soft feeling of the sheets enveloping your skin after reaching heaven made you feel as if you were floating on a cloud.
Bakugou and Todoroki shared a look, a small grin even, before crashing down onto the mattress next to you. You were unable to move, your mind was comparable to a wild blur as a result of your orgasm. A rush of words flew through your air but absolutely none of them was powerful and meaningful enough to qualify how you were feeling. At peace? No, not strong enough. Full? Nope, did not carry enough meaning. It was a unique feeling, worthy of all the praises in the world. 
Todoroki draped an arm over your waist and left a trail of kisses upon the flesh of your shoulder, a silent way to thank you for allowing him to experience heaven in a rush. Bakugou, on the other one hand, was facing your back and allowed his index to draw invisible patterns on the skin of your back. Paradoxically enough, the silence carried more words and emotions than an actual speech. Until...
“So... Um, about the mission?”
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princess-of-riviaa · 4 years
I Won’t Say I’m In Love
Request: How about a oneshot with him and reader reciting a scene from a future film project. Reader is secretly in love with Henry(but being insecure enough about herself and her looks that she never would deserve him). The scene reveals an intense love confession, that would end with more..amorous activities. With all those feels inside, reader do not have a problem to get in the right emotional set for the scene. Even Henry is baffled - anyone else he would complement for their skills - but she, his crush, made his heart flip… In the end of the scene readers tongue slips, embarrassed she tries to leave, but Henry wont let her… Amount of feels,fluff or smut is up to you… by @scorpionchild81
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Author’s Note: I chose one of my favorite scenes from The Tudors for this because it has very intense undertones and thought it would fit perfect for this oneshot.
Warning(s): roleplay, dry humping, Henry is a very eager boy
Word Count: 1,759
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“Do you…” You clear your throat, trying to get into character. “Do you play cards, Your Grace?”
Henry keeps his eyes on you as you read from his script. He’s clearly fighting a smile at how terrible you are at this, though he does his best to stay in character. You’d agreed to help him go over his lines but you hadn’t made any promises about being a skilled acting partner.
“Sometimes,” Henry replies, giving you a look that makes your heart race. It must be the way he’s meant to look at the other character in the scene because Henry has never looked at you with that dark glint in his eyes. It makes your toes curl.
Henry Cavill is your best friend. You’ve grown up together. He’s been by your side as you struggled through college and you cheered him on as he struggled to find a film that would make his acting career take off. But you’ve also been in love with him since you were old enough to understand what love is. You’d been more than willing to run lines with him, but hadn’t realized that it was a love scene until you did your initial read-through.
“What game shall we play?” you ask in a monotone voice as you read the next line.
Henry clears his throat. He drops the act as he says, “Margaret’s supposed to be… seducing me.”
You raise an eyebrow. “What game shall we play?” you moan out.
Henry laughs, though it’s more half-hearted than you expect it to be. Your eyes might be playing tricks on you but… is he blushing?
You clear your throat and say the line again, this time trying to say it right. The words bounce playfully off your tongue as you speak flirtatiously. “Better?” you ask.
Henry clears his throat and nods. “Y-yeah.”
God, this is so uncomfortable. You laid it on too thick. He’s probably regretting this idea now.
Henry scoots forward in his seat and rests his arms on his legs. You two are sitting across from each other with less than a foot of distance between you. It feels casually intimate, just how the scene is supposed to be. You ignore the way your heart begins to beat faster and heat rises up your neck.
“You choose,” Henry says, once again Charles Brandon.
You continue on in the scene, exchanging lines back and forth like it’s a casual conversation. Henry’s hand sneaks around your leg to the underside of your knee and tickles you. You gasp and shy away from his light touch. Another look at the script tells you that this isn’t part of the scene. What’s he doing?
You read your next line, “Don’t tease me, I don’t like it!”
Henry pauses for long enough that you look back at him. His eyes are serious and you know him well enough to sense the glimpse of pain in those beautiful blue orbs. “Will you like it when an old man tries to make love to you?”
Make love to you. You practically gasp at the way those words sound coming off his tongue, so sinful and teasing that you want to taste them. And damn if the way he’s looking at you doesn’t make something in your stomach tighten.
You force your gaze to return to the script, silently hoping that you’re not blushing as brightly as it feels like you are. “Y-your Grace goes too far already.”
“The Gospel says the truth will make you free.” You can hear the smile in his tone, teasing your character, pushing boundaries.
Your grip tightens around the paper in your hands. “Now you are blasphemous. M-my poor…” You clear your throat. Is it suddenly hot in here? “My poor ladies shouldn’t hear you.”
Henry stays silent, his gaze locked on you as you read the next lines in the script. Margaret’s serving ladies curtsy and exit, leaving her alone with Charles. Margaret moves to the door and closes it before stomping to Charles’ side.
You look back up at Henry. The distance between you suddenly feels nonexistent. Your heart is racing now, petrified that he’ll be able to read your thoughts written all over your face. He watches you with hesitant interest, but you can’t tell how much of that is Henry and how much of it is Charles.
“I want you to leave,” you say, not having to look down at the script as you read the next line.
“Do you?” The way he says it--it’s not even a question and you think yes, he can see right through me. He’s playing with me, trying to get me to the point of admitting everything--
You swallow. Your voice shakes as you say the next line. “Y-yes. Now.” The heat inside of you is making it impossible to breathe, to move, to do anything but look at him.
Henry inches towards you, a smile on his mouth as his eyes stay serious. His gaze is locked on yours as he murmurs, “Pity. I had a winning hand.”
You can practically feel his lips move as he speaks, you two are so close. You can’t breathe and you swear it feels like you’ll implode if he doesn’t touch you--
Your gaze falls to the script just long enough to see the next stage direction: Charles and Margaret kiss. Oh--
Thick, calloused fingers are gentle on your chin as he moves your face up. You move just an inch until your lips meet his. It’s barely a brush of your mouths but it’s enough to set you on fire. You’ve wanted this for so long, dreamed about it too many times to count, and now it’s finally happening. His mouth moves hesitantly against yours, testing the waters. Once again you can’t tell if it’s supposed to be Charles kissing Margaret, or Henry kissing you, but you’ll take it either way. You don’t know if you’re meant to deepen the kiss but you do. He loses all sense of hesitancy when you begin to kiss him back. His hand moves to the back of your neck, pulling you closer against him and you gasp as his other hand wraps around your back to pull you onto his lap. Your hands move to cup his face. You run your fingers along his stubbled jaw as he kisses you so deeply you feel it in every inch of your body. He breaks the kiss to start sucking on your neck.
“Oh, Henry!” you gasp out.
Both of you freeze.
Fucking shit.
You weren’t supposed to say that.
You weren’t supposed to kiss him back, yet somehow you’re on his lap. How the hell are you supposed to explain that? Oh sorry, I was just getting carried away with the scene. You’re not an actor; he won’t believe that in a million years.
You’re a goddamn idiot.
Henry pulls away from you first.
You can’t bring yourself to look him in the eye.
“Uh… that’s probably a good place to stop,” he says.
You force yourself to nod, wishing the ground would swallow you up. “Yeah, I think you’re right. We should definitely stop there.” Forgetting yourself for a split second, you look back at him--
The way he’s looking at you… His pupils are completely dilated, his mouth parted as his breathing comes in short, shallow clips. His face is flushed and he looks--god, he looks like he wants to kiss you again.
“Henry…” you breathe out.
His gaze bounces between your eyes and your mouth. “Or we could… not stop. I mean, I need all the practice I can get.”
Your focus zeroes in on his lips, already red and starting to swell. You bite your lip at the things running through your mind right now. “Practice makes perfect,” you agree.
And suddenly you’re kissing again. His hands squeeze your hips and move you against him. You gasp when you feel his erection straining against his jeans. Fuck, this is arousing him too. His mouth moves from your neck to your exposed chest; you’d opted to wear a low tank top today and are suddenly aware that that was the best decision you’ve ever made. Your body and brain are no longer in sync. Instead your body works its own agenda as your hips move against him, rubbing your clothed core against his erection. Henry’s grip tightens on your hips and the pain is delicious, burning your insides even more. Your touch is gentle on his chest, ghosting over his body like you’re afraid that you’ll make the wrong move and realize that this is all a beautiful dream--
Henry grabs your hand and moves it lower. Your fingers ghost over the muscles of his stomach before resting over his jeans. Warmth radiates from his bulging erection, burning through his jeans. His mouth finds yours again as you palm him over his jeans and you swallow every delicious moan you pull out of him. You know how to give an amazing handjob and use that knowledge to your advantage. It doesn’t take long for him to start bucking up against your hand.
“Fuck,” he breathes. “If you don’t stop--”
“Cum for me,” you whisper as you nibble on his ear. “I want to make you feel good.”
You squeeze the shaft of his cock again before rubbing your hand up and down his length a few more times.
His body tenses against you and his grip on your hips tighten even further as he moves close to the edge. Your teasing touches are unrelenting, drawing his orgasm out of him with skilled movements. He throws his head back as he grunts out. The sight of his parted mouth and closed eyes is something you’ll never let yourself forget. He’s angelic when he falls apart; it’s something you want to witness again and again and again. And the thought that you’re the cause of it--
His seed soaks through his underwear, wetting his jeans and dripping onto your hand. Even after he comes down from his high, he keeps his eyes closed, like he wants to bask in this feeling for as long as he can. “This is… a little embarrassing.”
“Funny,” you murmur, tracing the outline of his mouth with your fingers, “that’s not the word I was thinking of.”
His eyes finally open. “That was… just part of the scene, right?” He sounds hesitant, hopeful almost.
“Y-yeah,” you say, hoping the lie is believable. “That was all for the scene. Nothing more.”
Tag Squad:
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
Akatsuki Show Part 5
Kevin: Welcome baaaaccccckkkkk everyone today we are doing things different. We have decided to partner with Tobi Tea to host and fund these events. Now some of you may have heard of it and some of you may have not. But, either way it's gonna be a blast. Now as I said last time we are switching things up as in switching partners.
Kisame: I think the fuck not
Deidara: Tobi that weasel!
Sasori: I hate him
Hidan: Damn Tobi really do us like that.
Kakuzu: He's getting the money isn't he? Besides he said he'll give half to me.
Hidan: Oh how lucky for you
Kevin: If you guys look on the board you will see you and your new partner names.
Sasori: How did boss allow this
Deidara: I don't know
The board
Hidan is now with Kisame.
Deidara is now with Kakuzu
Sasori is now with Konan.
Pain is now with Itachi.
Hidan: Damn
Sasori: Hey what about Zetsu?
Kevin: He's Tobi's Co Host
Pain: That son of a bitch
Kakuzu: Never trust plants
Kevin: Now go and have fun guys.
Tobi: Yeah guys
Deidara: Don't talk to us Tobi
Tobi: :c
At the hideout with Hidan and Kisame.
Hidan: I can't believe Tobi would do this to us!
Kisame: I mean he is succeeding shouldn't we be proud?
Hidan: No we shouldn't that ass hat practically sold us!
Kisame: Well the past is past. How about some tea and donuts?
Hidan: Your even more of a stick in the mud then Kakuzu
Kisame: Am not
Hidan: Then watch Gravity Falls with me
Kisame: Fine
After binge watching the whole ass show.
Kisame: If Bill didn't let his pride and his want for vengeance get in the way he might have won. When he had them he could have just as easily killed them and took whatever it was he wanted from the uncles.
Hidan: I guess your right but, damnit Bill. The bad guys always lose or turn good or some plot armor shit
Kisame: I think it was an amazing show.
Hidan: Really?
Kisame: Yes the characters were all interesting even the villains and minor ones, the buildup to the end is neat, and it kinda teaches you something about life.
Hidan: But, what gets o my damn nerves is Mabel. She says Dipper is selfish when all he has done is sacrifice for her. Like damn kid give him a break your worried about friends and he's worried about life as you know it.
Kisame: Yes she is a bit annoying. Who's your favorite chracter?
Hidan: Bill duh. He seems all nice and stuff but, before you know it it's too late. Notice what all is victims have in common? Desperation? All of them were so desperate to achieve something they would do anything to get it. He takes advantage of their weaknesses and exploits them. It's amazing he's so damn smart. And ya know what else is funny? Bill being a dream demon can only go into people's minds with the consent of people. He may be evil and shit but, without those people he wouldn't have gotten far. He brings out their flaws and weaknesses therefore they can't really blame him for it. I love him because he's such a complex character. (Not me making a whole speech on this nope)
Kisame: Wow your pretty smart to notice it too
Hidan: Heh thanks
Kisame: I get what your saying about Mabel but, she is a kid and kids are more likely to make more selfish choices then adults. But, when it come to character development she hasn't developed much like Dipper or Stanley. But, it's funny because when Bill brings it up about Dipper having to constantly having to sacrifice for Mabel that seems to be the main reason fans hate her. It's almost as if Bill is manipulating the audience watching as well.
Hidan: Woah that's some fourth wall breaking. Am I right author? Making us talk about Gravity Falls?
(I'm sorry back to the real story I just wanted to rant how good this show was)
Hidan: This wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be
Kisame: Yeah this was really fun
Hidan: Perhaps we can watch another one next later?
Kisame: Yeah
Leon walks in
Hidan yeets him out.
Kisame: Thank god
Kevin: They seem to be doing just fine. Let's check in on Deidara and Kakuzu.
Greg: Team Bill
Jorge: I don't care what anyone says Mabel hella annoying
Rianna: But, Kisame did say she was just a kid. I like the way Kisame thinks new favorite.
Sofia: Bill is amazing regardless
Jorge: But Dipper is big brain
Sofia: Not too big brain to be easily manipulated by a flying dorito. The whole damn family fell for it
Rianna: It's just human nature we are easy to manipulate.
Greg: He's a smart flying dorito
Deidara: ....
Kakuzu: ....
Deidara: So...
Kakuzu: What do we do? Sit here all day? And say so?
Deidara: I don't know what do you and Hidan usually do?
Kakuzu: Fight each other, argue, listen to drama.
Deidara: Your nothing like Sasori other then the argue part.
Kakuzu: I'm flattered
Deidara: You got any vide games?
Kakuzu: Yeah I have a gameboy
Deidara: Damn your a boomer
Kakuzu: -_- You wanna play or not
Several hours later
Deidara: Damn your good at this
Kakuzu: I play it when Hidan isn't bothering me it's been awhile so I'm a but rusty.
Deidara: I see
Leon struts in the room.
Leon: Hello darlings I am here to ask you some questions
Deidara: Dramatic much?
Leon: Hun you shouldn't talk
Deidara: What's that suppose to mean?
Leon ignores him.
Leon: So Kakuzu how do you like the new teammate switch?
Deidara: I exist too ya know
Leon: Oh I know I just wish you didn't
Deidara: Now your asking for it
Leon: What are you going to do? Blow me up like you did yourself?
Deidara starts to get up but, Kakuzu grabs him and pulls him back.
Kakuzu: Ignore him he's just trying trying rile you up
Deidara: Well it's working
Leon: Guess your nothing without your boy toy huh?
Deidara glares at him.
Kakuzu: Stop messing with him Leon and just ask the damn questions so you can go
Leon: Alright alright. Kakuzu what kind of relationship do you have with Hidan?
Kakuzu: We are only friends
Leon: Really because you seems to always be at each others necks
Kakuzu: Just take the answer
Leon: And I'm guessing you and Sasori are only friends too Deidara?
Deidara: Yes
Leon: Hmph of course why would I even ask he wouldn't be interested in someone like you
Deidara stiffens and looks away.
Kakuzu: Leon if you want to keep your arms attached I suggest not talking to him that way
Leon stiffens but, regains his posture.
Leon: Ok time for me to take my leave.
Leon walks away as fast as fuck.
Deidara: Thanks Kakuzu
Kakuzu: No problem kid
Deidara: Ok boomer
Kevin: Damn Leon is grinding and not in a god way
Tobi: How dare he talk to my senpai that way!
Zetsu: Next up we have Sasori and Konan
Tobi: Ew Sasori
Kevin: Damn Tobi
Tobi: Shut up Tom
Kevin: My name
Tobi: Tobi doesn't care
Jorge: I hate Leon
Rianna: For real
Greg: Damn even Rianna hates him.
Sofia: But, Kakuzu and Deidara are wholesome af
Greg: Mhm
Sasori: I hope Deidara is ok
Konan: Don't worry Kakuzu won't let hurt him or anyone else. He doesn't want to deal with you
Sasori: He better not
Konan: Stop worrying Sasori come and sit with me
Sasori sits down.
Konan: You know this a great opportunity to get to know you better.
Sasori: Yeah defiantly
Konan: So what kind of books do you like?
Sasori: Romance, Mystery, Psychological, and Thriller
Konan: Oh Sasori I never took you as the romance type. (Please don't look at this wrong she's only being nice. Like an older sister)
Sasori blushes a little.
Konan: So do you like tea?
Sasori: Who doesn't?
Konan giggles.
They talk for awhile.
Konan: So do you have a crush?
Sasori: No what is this a sleepover?
Konan: No just me being nosy
Sasori: What do you have one?
Konan: Yes
Sasori: Is it Kakuzu?
Konan: No he's too in love with money
Sasori: Deidara?
Konan: He's yours
Sasori rolls his eyes.
Sasori: Is it Itachi?
Konan: He's handsome but, he's too attached to Kisame.
Sasori: Me?
Konan: That's cute
Sasori: Ouch. Pain?
Konan nods and laughs.
Sasori: I knew it
Konan: Yeah
Sasori: So when are you gonna tell him?
Konan: When are you gonna tell Deidara?
Sasori: Touche
Leon: Hello lovebirds
They both jump.
Leon: So we talking about crushes? Wanna know my mine Konan?
Konan: Get out
Leon: Moody much
Sasori: Didn't you just interview Deidara and Kakuzu?
Leon: Yes and your bf is mad
Sasori: What did you do?
Leon: Nothing
Konan: L e a v e
Leon: Tough crowd
Tobi: Senpai won't see this right
Kevin: Nope
Tobi: Good because Sasori better back off Senpai is miiiinnnneee.
Kevin: Heh ok
Rianna: Sasori cute
Jorge: He's like 35
Sofia: Love is strange
Greg: Just like your taste in anime
Sofia: Stfu
Zetsu: Last but, not least we have Itachi and Pain.
Itachi and Pain have been sitting in silence for awhile until Leon came in.
Leon: Hello there boys care if I join you?
Pain: ...
Leon: Ok so what have you two been doing?
Itachi: Minding our own business
Leon: Feisty
Pain: What questions do you have for us?
Leon: So you two are single huh? Maybe we could I don't know go out?
Itachi: No
Pain: I'd rather go out with Hidan then you
Leon: Damn that was low
Pain: You were disrespectful to Konan
Leon: Not my fault she was being a cockblock
Itachi puts him in an genjutsu.
After dah genjutsu
Leon: Fuck you both Leon
Leon stomps off.
Pain: He was annoying
Itachi: Mhm
Itachi: Don't see how anyone could be mean to Konan
Pain: Yeah she's sweet I hope she's fine with Sasori
Itachi: Tch Sasori wouldn't hurt her
Pain: Yeah your right.
Goes back to silence.
Kevin: That was...interesting
Tobi: Leon can go suck a lemon
Zetsu: Amen
Jorge: Omg Konan is so wholesome
Sofia: Pain is ma boi
Rianna: I'm just glad Leon got what he deserved
Greg: Mhm
Kevin: And that's all folks
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claudiasjeancregg · 4 years
I hope this helps with the stress at least just a little bit <3 and I do understand wanting to write but not being able to, so if you want, write as much as you want with (specially 12!). So. Here we go! 14, 13, 12, 10, 1!
hey ariel thank you so much this literally made my entire day, i wrote a fucking essay so here goes.
1. favorite episode
EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN, institutional memory, the supremes, drought conditions, holy night, the inauguration episodes, the midterms, noël... all of them. just. ALL OF THEM
10. something you wish had happened
oh my god SO MANY THINGS!!! cj/toby kissing in the 7.21 scene would have saved my entire soul, or really just a kiss at any point. i just wanted them to ADDRESS THE CHEMISTRY IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?? just confirmation that they dated at one point, or hooked up occasionally... god. ANYTHING! more canon specific, i really wanted a scene of donna in therapy or talking to josh about the ptsd / trauma she undoubtedly faced after gaza. when they F I N A L L Y got together, i wish they had more of a conversation about why she quit! because she HAD GOOD REASON to do it, and i wish had talked about how he had treated her after gaza. also, seeing how cj and toby had dealt with rosslyn, and more conversations about cj getting the COS role over josh and how he forgave her for that. just. MORE FOUND FAMILY CONTENT GODDAMNIT i could watch entire episodes of the senior staff + donna just hanging out, i love them to death. LAST ONE I PROMISE- CJ HAVING FEMALE FRIENDSHIPS. or friendships, period. god, i would have died for some amy + cj content swapping stories and making sarcastic jokes, cj helping amy to adapt to the white house after being in a different environment her whole career. CJ AND ANDY! i mean i ship the ot3 and cjandy to death, but even as friends! donna and cj!! the assistants all being friends! just. let these tired women have friends, that’s all i want.
12. headcanon(s)
yeah, i’ve... basically covered these BUT i always have more!!
first off- BISEXUAL CJ. bi cj!!!! it’s canon in my heart. this next one is less of a headcanon and more of a dream, but the ot3! cj/toby/andy is my favorite thing in the world and i love the three of them.
i think cj and josh were a lot closer than we see, and i have many feelings about them sort of being siblings.
also, hc that cj and toby ended up together after the show BECAUSE I NEED IT.
um, donna went to therapy! i feel like the show largely ignored the fact that she was the only one in the car who survived!! and so did josh, especially after he realized a part of the way he treated her after gaza was bc of his guilt about sending her there in the first place, and then donna almost dying.
okay let’s see... 50% of my brain is thinking of tww headcanons at any given moment so-
huck and molly grow up with auntie cj, who wishes she could be more of a parent but is so, so, so thankful for what she gets. i didn't really think cj wanted to get pregnant and have kids, especially with danny, but the show really threw that in there at the last moment lol. the reason for this is NOT “she’s too focused on her career,” trust me. i actually think cj’s mom died from breast cancer when she was pretty young, about 13. it’s heartbreaking, and miserable, and cj doesn’t smile for a month after. her dad was at a complete loss as to how to help her, since he was still dealing with it too. so for about half a year they co-existed in the same house, barely speaking. cj’s passion for politics and journalism eventually led her to come out of her shell more, about a year later, but she didn’t come back to the joyful person she used to be until college. she’s deathly afraid of passing the cancer gene onto her kids, which is why in my brain, the ot3 always had plans for kids but andy was going to get pregnant. (i talk about cj’s thoughts on actual canon andy’s pregnancy so much in my fic, so i should probably shut up now.) also i really think cj works herself to the bone after becoming COS, especially after toby leaves. he was the only thing keeping her from self-destructing, making her sleep and eat and remember to function. i can’t get over allison janney’s acting, the way you FEEL cj’s exhaustion. she has... no self- preservational instincts when it comes to doing her job as well as she can, and that really hurts her mental health, and like. SANITY. charlie and margaret know this and this duo practically running the white house might be my favorite thing about season 7.  also HOW DID THIS TURN INTO ONLY CJ HEADCANONS i have so many other ones!)
QUEER ELLIE BARTLET how could i forget? my random desire for ellie/mallory has no canon basis but i’m obsessed with them. tbh, i’m obsessed with all f/f west wing ships.
josh definitely has anxiety, that’s kind of canon. donna helps him manage it but after she leaves, his panic attacks become a lot more frequent and he forgets to take care of himself. also, i think cj has anxiety too.
WAIT WAIT WAIT IS THIS A PLACE FOR ME TO TALK ABOUT DONNA AND TOBY?!! aleena has a soapbox and she can’t stop, i’m sorry. okay so donna and toby are my favorite unlikely tww friendship, and i’m going to limit this to a few sentences but i will talk about this whenever anyone gives me an opportunity to. BASICALLY donna is the only person who doesn’t take any of toby’s bullshit, (who isn’t in love with him) and he underestimates her at first, yeah, but he is one of the first people to realize donna’s potential. and they have some very good, very small moments where he really sees her strength and she sees that he’s more than the stubborn grump he pretends to be.
i have so many headcanons about josh and toby, and cj and toby, and josh and donna, and cj and donna, and TOBY AND DONNA. josh teasing toby about cj. toby making fun of donna for being in love with josh because he says she’s too good for him but he loves josh like a brother despite what he says. HE SHOWS HER BABY PICTURES AND SHE GUSHES OVER THEM i don't make the rules!!!! anyways that’s NOT all of my headcanons, i just don't want to make you guys read any more lmao. thank you so much for indulging me, i would be thrilled to talk about more of these or to hear more of your headcanons! (this goes for anyone btw) THAT WAS SO LONG AHH.
13. character you wish you could be / aspire to be
cj cregg
14. on-screen crush
yeah, i’m a simple bisexual. cj cregg.
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oh-phineas · 4 years
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Emma’s 2020 Questionnaire! 
Your Name: Emma Characters: Phineas Flynn, Tiana Truitt, Aquata Triton, Henry Charming, Evelyn Deavor Pick one of your characters and talk about their growth (we recommend choosing an older character, but it’s up to you!) What about their story has surprised you? What are you proud of? How have they changed from their original inception to now? I’m going to talk about Phineas because I’ve had him for the longest and I think he’s the one I’ve been able to spend the most time developing. So basically something I struggled with when I first picked up Phineas was how he deals with people he doesn’t like, because in the show I don’t think he really dislikes anyone. And I feel like this drama with Tony recently has finally helped me crack what Phineas’s deal is when it comes to conflict-- he doesn’t really feel down about it unless he feels like his character is being questioned, and that’s why with Wilbur he’s mostly like whatever while with Tony and Lock (in the past) Phineas has gotten petty and vindictive-- he doesn’t like the role he’s found himself in and he takes that personally if that makes sense. (Also Phineas just way prioritizes his job with Cornelius over getting back at Wilbur, even if he’ll make the occasional jab at Wilbur in Among Us or on Twitter). So that’s been really cool to explore. And I think he’s also gotten a little less finance-bro-y than I originally intended, but I think that side of him will definitely come out once he graduates and goes to uni. I think the thing I’m most proud of with him is kind of maintaining that balance between being totally likeable and fun while also pretty infuriating and obtuse, like he’s a sweet and well-meaning person who’s also really annoying and idk I think I do that balance well.
Pick another character (or the same character if you only have one) and talk a little about where you WANT them to go. What are your plans for them going into the new year? I’m really excited to see where Tiana goes! Ever since I picked her up, I’ve been focused on this goal of getting the restaurant to happen and now that I’ve done that, there are a lot of possibilities. I want to see Tiana burn out from the stress a little bit-- maybe take on more than she can handle because a big part of her arc has been learning to accept help and collaborate with people, and I got to do that a lot with planning Tiana’s Place, but I would also really like to see that continue because those tendencies don’t really go away. I also want LOVE for Tiana even though I keep saying she doesn’t have time for it-- I want her to get a stupid crush that distracts her from work lol I think it could be really fun. And I’m also really excited to keep developing all her friendships, I love all of her Swynlake native connections and PRINCESS HOUSE and other small business owners and now that she really feels like she has put down roots with her restaurant, I want to see her branching out more.
Pick a thread or a plot that you’re proud of and talk about why you loved it. In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 strengths and talk about why you think it’s one of your strengths. Ok sorry to keep talking about Tiana I promise I have other characters but I’m really proud of all of the different characters I incorporated into the Tiana’s Place opening. My goal was to make a real community effort to show that, no matter how much she wanted to do it on her own, she still has a whole group of people supporting her and who have a stake in it-- from Nuka and Ratigan in the beginning with the financial stuff to Clara and Toulouse and Laszlo with the music/art to Jun and Al for business advice to all the people who donated to the raffle. And the raffle was so fun and I hope people use that for plots!!
I also gotta shout out one more: writing the pirates AU Phineas and Ferb stuff was so much fun and really pushed me as a writer I think. I was a little uneasy going into pirates because action/movement/fights are not my strong suit and I knew there would be a lot of that. But the generated stuff was really helpful in kickstarting some ideas and Sid was so great to work with on that. I thought we got really creative and personally I had so much fun and I hope other people did too. 
In terms of strengths for my writing-- I think I’m good with flaws? Like even characters who are really sweet and nice (I’m looking at you Henry) I think I try to show the different sides of them and explore how you can be both really well-meaning and really misguided at the same time. And I think that’s good because it has the potential to cause conflict and drive forward more plots where there’s no clear ~bad guy~ just flawed people trying their best and that’s the most interesting stuff to me. Of course I also love big bads! I think macro plots are really important. I think my niche though is those petty little conflicts and I think I do a good job with them. 
I’m adding another too because you know what why not. I think I've gotten pretty creative recently?? Like I’ve done some really weird fun stuff this year-- Henry and Jake’s acapella audition is up there as one of my favorite threads, and I’m really excited about Tiana and Aurora’s fake date and Greg and Q doing Santa’s Workshop and I think Henry’s first open was one of my favorite opens I’ve done. Idk I think one of my insecurities about RP has always been that I worry I don’t bring enough ideas to the table with plotting and I think I’m getting better at letting my brain dream up weird cool stuff.
In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 areas of improvement.
Like I said, plotting is still something I struggle with-- I spent the majority of my early RP experience in a very gif-chat-heavy open-heavy fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants rp, so coming to BDRP even back during round 1 in 2017, plotting was a big surprise to me. And this is also something that I struggle with in my non-RP writing-- story arc and structure is something I have always wanted to improve. But I think I’m getting better at fleshing out ideas and not putting too much pressure on myself. And I think I’m also getting better at stepping out of my comfort zone and messaging people I don’t write with as often which is important because literally everyone here is so fun and talented! So I want to keep doing that. I know I can be a little shy sometimes (this sounds SO weird I never shut up lol but it’s how I feel) and I don’t want that to hold me back
In terms of actual writing stuff, I’d like to expand my vocabulary a bit more? I think I use certain words and phrasing so often that it annoys me and maybe it annoys no one else and my writing will be worse if I try to throw in unnecessary words but yeah. I think reading more will help with that. And in general I just really want to get better at thinking stuff through and building story arcs. 
Pick one of your plots, or even just a character, and come up with a list of 3-5 “mentor texts” where you can look for inspiration or research, then write a short (2-4 sentences) why you picked those texts. (They don’t have to be books, either!)
Ev is the one I feel like I need to do the most development on so here goes!
1. Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, specifically the character Nora
Messy nerd girls! Messy nerd girls! Please recommend me more things with messy nerd girls! Nora is basically Ev’s exterior, the person people know her as. She’s chaotic and fun and relatable, and also kind of a genius.
2. Macbeth, specifically the character Lady Macbeth
This is one I wanna dive into! I’ve seen a heavily abridged version of Macbeth and that’s about it but I have a copy sitting on my desk. I love a villain who likes to stay behind the scenes and pull the strings, and while Ev is in this for “moral reasons” (lol) she’s also in this for #power. I’m not used to playing manipulative villains-- I’m usually more of a henchperson type deal, so the ultimate 4-D chess gal would be some good inspo.
3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, specifically Professor Quirrell.
Ok I am really sorry to bring Harry Potter into this but I think something that’s important about Ev is that one of the things distracting from her villainy is her vague air of incompetency. We know she’s very smart and she has the whole nutty-professor thing going, but she’s kind of a mess and I want characters to underestimate her. I think Quirrell’s vibe of being nervous about everything is similar to Ev’s messy exterior and I would love a good end-of-the-book villain reveal.  And now, a wishlist! Jot down a few themes or stories or genres etc that you want to maybe pursue in the upcoming year! (i.e. a good ol’ fashion forbidden romance, maybe you want to dig deep into racial identity etc) This doesn’t have to necessarily be attached to any characters or stories you have now– it’s just meant to help you see for yourself what kind of stories call to your heart.
Oooh so many things. Generally more romance-- I always hesitate a little with shipping IDK WHY maybe it’s insecurity about jumping into what always feels like a bit plot to me lol. But I wanna take that plunge more-- especially with Tiana! But I’m pretty much open to stuff with anyone, especially really silly rom-com type stuff. I also think that my shipping niche is super complicated stuff with villains (the irony and craziness of the Henleigh situation is so FASCINATING and FUN and I want MORE OF THAT) so just saying a I’m-flirting-with-you-because-you’re-a-good-ally-to-have-on-my-side-oh-no-I’m-actually-falling-for-you thing with Ev could be really fun (LISTEN her entire tag is just shipping content. I scroll through so much of it so of course it gave me some ideas)
I’m also REALLY jazzed about the uni stuff going on right now. Like I’ve said before, I think college is a really interesting place and so much weird shit happens there because you have all these 18-22 year olds living in close quarters and they come up with weird ways to entertain themselves. The secret santa/RA stuff has me loling every day and I just love stuff like that. Like, I’d love to have shenanigans like people sneaking into dorms and staying up until 3 am in the library and all that stuff. I just love that stuff.
Also I am really trying to do big bad stuff with Ev!! As I have mentioned... plotting and story arcs are a major thing I’m trying to work on, so it’s a lot to think about, but I would really just love to do all kinds of things-- I’d love to have her enable small-time villains, or manipulate people who are easily swayed, or to trick people. It’s a new area for me, but it’s something I’m excited about and I want to challenge myself.
OPTIONAL: Why do you RP?
Because I literally can’t stop apparently lol. No but the thing I love about RP is getting to collaborate on a story and getting surprised by people, getting to geek out about something that I can also participate in, and having NO RULES. I think there’s something really special about having an interest that I can’t monetize or market, that I can do for pure fun out of my love of creating and writing. And I love having a community of people on the ride with me. It’s so much fun and I’m so grateful for you guys!
I always end with a gif so here’s my favorite gif it legit makes me laugh out loud
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I was tagged by @peanutbutterandgrapejelly. Thank you for the tag, Peanut, this seems pretty loaded, but in a good way, so here goes!!
1. Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
Sue Heck! I don't think I let all of it out, but on the inside, I constantly feel like I'm extremely Sue Heck-y, :')
Amy Santiago, in a lot of regards, I'll say. Uh, cares a lot about her friends, ambitious, and would basically die/murder for organization, but also socially awkward and, uh, mostly percepted as a goody-two-shoes. Also, true nerd™.
Mindy Lahiri! (I mean, again, this seems more of a who I feel like I am, and not who I come across as, cause those two things tend to differ on a variety of levels?)
Sam Winchester (you know I had to) Basically, we're both INFJs. I'm not even close to his level, but my brain officially ran out of characters so uh, empathetic, constantly interpreted as "boring" and the "brains", patient, *yearns to settle down with someone they love*, believes in second chances. The whole nine, but toned down XD
2. Aesthetic:
I'd usually have a hard time with this one, but I recently did a long thing about my aesthetic, so! I'm going to say, soft pastel, beige, and shades of white!! A tinge of light academia, but mostly unassumingly modern, and faded rainbows as watermarks.
3. Favorite musical/play? If you've never seen a musical or play, one you'd be interested in seeing?
You got me ~ never seen any. (I mean, school plays don't count, right?) I honestly have a bunch of musicals I want to see, recommendations from friends online, but somehow it always slips my mind. But, off the top of my head, @spot-the-brooklyn-pirate wanted me to check this one out, and I am looking forward to actually doing it sometime: Book of Mormon.
4. What's the best compliment you've ever received?
Mostly, anyone who says I, in any way, made them happy, literally gives me the best compliment ever. And uh, my sister called me inspiring once, and it stuck. When I nagged her into elaborating, she said she thought I was functional in spite of all my flailings, and self-analytic, and it didn't make sense to me, but I still think about that.
And a few people, over the course of time, have named some of my fics as their favorites, and those stay with me for a very long time.
5. How many times have you been in love?
Hardly once. She's still one of the most important people in the world to me, but as somebody great once said, if you don't fight for it, it doesn't count. And we didn't.
6. Embarrassing story or fact about yourself which now makes you laugh?
By far the most embarrassing thing I've ever done, is written a fic on wattpad which revolved around my own life, except for the fact that it really, really didn't. Long story shortened, I was in sixth grade, and had a surface-level-y crush on this guy, and it seemed like a brilliant idea at the time. In the story, we're all in senior year, though the authoress forgot pretty much all the real things about school XD it's not just cringy, but also extremely sixth-grade-y written, and it astounds me to this day that it went on to have like 18,000 views? (I managed to block the entire shtick out, until a few months back, when I randomly remembered and rushed to unpublish the work. *facepalm* it even had all our real names)
7. Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
This one's so hard. Uh. Ratatouille, maybe?
8. Favorite flower/plant?
I regret having to confess that I probably don't have one :( but hey, my go-to answer for these ones is daisies, because they remind me of the lovely @daisy-jeon <3
9. What's your favorite holiday?
Holi :')
(I miss it being like the older times, though? Somehow it always clashes with my final exams these last few years, and Shelley is often not home, but it still really makes me happy, so just imagine how perfect it used to be, when I was a kid!!)
10. Name three things that made you smile/laugh this past week.
Rewatching The French Mistake!! A really great decision, haha!
The lovely comments an older fic of mine received, (about old Destiel, uwu) since a couple of big blogs happened to reblog it 🙈🙈🙈 and my activity started blowing up!!
A full-blown coffee high, which resulted in me being hilarious through a 98-message monologue to dish, eeeeee!!
11. What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
I'd been dreading this question the most, because I'm horrible at remembering good songs when I - need to be. Oofsies.
But I guess I could wing it with 'What About Us' by P!nk.
12. Name something that truly makes you peaceful even at your most stressful moments.
Writing about Character A of a ship going through said stressful moment, and Character B being the best possible responder to all of it. Projection's the key to functionality, kids.
13. What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
Would you, and will you, sound unfortunately like different questions to me, so I'm going to answer the one which is asked. I'd like to major in History, with a minor in English. (And to be crude for a bit, as my sister calls it, thus successfully be left solely employable as a teacher.)
14. This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
My black Avenger's logo t-shirt, with this pink hooded, kinda-down-past-my-hips, not-warm-at-all jacket and any one of my numerous, mwuahaha, grey shorts.
I never said I'd go out of the house in that outfit, did I?
15. What is a quote you live by?
I don't think there aren't any. I'm just here, faking it till I make it. Still, if I had to choose? Misha's "Be Kind to Yourself so You can be Happy enough to Be Kind to Others" is something I aspire to live by.
16. Name the funniest playlist name you have.
I'm sad that I don't have any funnily named ones now. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm hoping that it counts a teensy bit that I have like seven playlists just for background shtuff when I'm working, and they're all named *extremely* similarly, with variations of the word "study" basically, but all have exceptionally different vibes.
But I really am sorry, and I'm going to try and up my playlist-humor-game.
17. Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
'Time for tapwater'.
18. What is a message you'd give your younger self if given a chance?
Don't build your sense of self-worth over the people whose opinions you think matter. You don't have to get everybody to like you. (Oh, and probably don't switch between multiple first-person-pov's, even though you're just writing the most unrealistic self-indulgent fiction EVER.)
19. Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
Hands down, my sister. Shelley, didi, @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect, you're like the best part of my life, and you're probably going to be the longest part of it, too. Cause we might not have the best record for funny titles to call each other by, but we still nail the cheesy till the end of the line moments, ;)
20. What's a secret dream of yours?
I, uh. Want to run a completely-revolutionalizing-the-concept-of-education-style school ~ a boarding school actually, with my best friend dish. And as a means to acquire funds for it? We're going to do a whole lotta stand-up. :D
(Oh, and since i've already rambled for at least a thousand words, so what's the harm in a few more? At some point, probably on my birthday, I want to do a YouTube livestream, a pre-planned one of course, and everybody I've ever been frens with, on this dumb, wholesome hellsite???? They're all sent an invitation to join!! And there's nothing to do, really, we just talk and everyone's enjoying themselves, and I dunno, I had a dream about this once, and I've been so ridiculously smitten with the idea since!
Huh, maybe I could rally forces starting now, to make this possible by my eighteenth!!)
If anyone would like to play, these are really awesome questions! @3dg310rdsupreme @mystybloo @thotfordean @bcozwhythefuknot @theninthdutchessofhell @awkward-penguin-in-a-trenchcoat @quicksilver-ships @all-or-nothing-baby @screamatthescreen @telefunkies @elvenlicht @facepalmmylifeu @specialagentrin @noemithenephilim @but-for-the-gods-three-days
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thanksjro · 4 years
Eugenesis, Part Six Scene Six: Jolup Sinks Rewind’s Ship
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You sure as shit have, sugarplum.
It’s time to get the down-low on everyone’s favorite severely-depressed detective.
So, hey, remember waaaaay back in Part One, when Nightbeat used his deadname to sign a report accidentally? It��s okay if you don’t, because I sure did.
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God, that was ages ago, wasn’t it? Anyway, that string of numbers is his biocode, which I guess sort of functions as his social security number. So, if any of y’all wanna go ahead and steal his identity, I’m not gonna say anything.
Now, that’s a mighty low number for a Transformer. Strikingly low, even. Turns out that Nightbeat wasn’t biomorphically created, but rather cold constructed. Cold construction as a term didn’t exist within the canon when this was written- trust me, I checked. Sure, robots were built, as opposed to bursting from another’s torso like an over-microwaved hotdog, but they usually turned out like the Dinobots… that is to say, not exactly smart.
Cold construction was an experiment, trying to build Transformers outside of the messy lines of “genetics" and “family lineage”, and as it turns out, the first batch didn’t come out as expected. Or, at least, Nightbeat didn’t.
Hey there, friends. Just a head’s up, before I try to tackle this: I am, as far as I’m aware, neurotypical. With that in mind, let’s take a look at what may be an honest attempt at inclusion for a neurodivergent take on a character in a story published in 2001.  
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Now, some of these snippets look kind of harsh at face value, but let’s take a closer look. Everything harsh isn’t really Nightbeat putting himself down, but rather him quoting what others have said. Notice the use of quotation marks. Think back to Part One, how he was treated by his peers- they treat him like everyone else, they respect him, they trust his input. Hell, Rodimus himself wanted Nightbeat on the mission to go get Optimus from the past. Nobody who’s been in the story has tried to belittle Nightbeat for being wired differently. That’s fucking phenomenal treatment of a character like him in the early 2000’s.
I’m probably out of my depth here, but it seemed worthwhile to mention.
Anyway, back to the plot.
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Right, that.
Nightbeat gets pulled out of his inner monologue when Red Alert asks if he’s okay, since he’s been staring off into space for the last little while. They’re still waiting for Optimus to show up, and everyone’s starting to get antsy. It’s hot as hell over by this collapsing wormhole, which isn’t helping them settle either.
Something finally comes up over the horizon, but you and I both know that it wouldn’t be Eugenesis if things just got on smoothly, now would it? Quantax starts firing on the team of Transformers, while he gets nervous about the wormhole still being there. He decides that if it is, he’ll jump back to this exact point in time to show himself that it is. This is a stupid plan, for a lot of reasons. 
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Good idea, Quantax.
While he’s trying to come up with something better, someone lands a lucky shot and takes his ship down. Trailbreaker goes to see who it is, I guess because he isn’t aware of what happened the last time a Transformer went to go see Quantax.  
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Oh no, he’s been turned into The Transformers The Movie Prowl!
Before anyone can try and save Trailbreaker’s stupid ass, the Quintessential Flying Fucks show up. Nightbeat’s not having it- he orders his team to take them down.
The Quintessential Flying Fucks are here for the wormhole as well, but they’ll be taking out the Autobots beforehand. While everyone else handles the Fucks, Nightbeat chases after Quantax, who just bolted for the temple.
Nightbeat catches up and tackles him to the ground, only to get himself pummeled for his efforts. As the blows rain down, Nightbeat tries to reason with Quantax that the wormhole is dangerous and shouldn’t be tampered with. Not sure why he thinks this would ever work, but alright.
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Quantax, pal, do I have some friggin’ news for you.
Quantax pulls out of Nightbeat’s hold to hide in the shadows, only to jump out and slash him once he gets close enough.  
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I hope nothing bad happens to Muzzle here. I feel like Nightbeat really would snap if that orb got broken.
Trying to buy some time, Nightbeat tells Quantax about the futility of trying to change the past, the future, simply because it’s all already laid out, and has been from the beginning. Quantax doesn’t take the jab well, jumping out at Nightbeat again and stabbing him in the stomach, spilling his guts. Nightbeat uses the slump of his body to topple the both of them into the hole in the floor.
Outside the temple, Centurion’s wondering just how the fuck he’s still alive. Jolup’s got him by the throat, his legs have gone AWOL, and he honestly just wants to go home at this point. Jolup’s about to drop the poor guy in a conveniently-placed pool of lava, when Optimus finally shows up.
He, Thundercracker, and Astrotrain- who I’d legitimately forgotten was in this novel- are all pointing their weapons at Jolup, and demand he put the cinnamon roll down and back away slowly. It’s a sweet gesture. Too bad Centurion’s already dead, though.
With a grand, villainous flourish, he drops Centurion into the lava, where he promptly explodes, then flies off for the temple. Astrotrain pursues, as Optimus orders Thundercracker to find Nightbeat and get back to the eighties.
Sevax is in the middle of a scrape with Hound, about to be shot to death. Looks like it’s all over for this son of a gun.
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Or not. Man, there goes Rewind’s weird coworker ship. Too bad, he’d already written a huge chunk of his slowburn Ultra Magnus/Hound coffeeshop AU slashfic.
Jolup tells Sevax to slap a bandaid on it and get ready to go while he goes and grabs Ryknia.
Back inside the temple, Nightbeat is clinging to Quantax like his life depends on it- because it does. They’re both hanging off the edge of a hole that’s filled with molten lava. Quantax pulls himself up with his very strong arms, just in time to stand up and immediately be shot back into the pit. Nightbeat dares to dream a dream almost too beautiful- that Optimus is here to save him, like the romance novel protagonist he is!
No such luck. It’s just the Quintessential Flying Fucks. But how did they shoot Quantax? Didn’t he make that impossible? Good thing they dragged Trailbreaker along for the ride, and also good thing he’d managed to keep hold of his gun. Loopholes are fun.
The Fucks run for the wormhole, and all Nightbeat can think to do at this point is stand in front of it and hope for the best. Or maybe the least worst, in this case.
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But… but the lore!
Nightbeat gets them with the device as they go through the portal, thus wiping everything from their brains and assumedly dooming them to a short, brutal loop for the rest of time. Thus the plight of the Quintessential Flying Fucks draws to a flaccid and confusing close. I had a feeling this might happen. I was hoping it wouldn’t, though.
Thundercracker soars through the wormhole next, and Nightbeat manages to hit him with the mindpurge just as he crosses the barrier. He’s not even sure if it’s working anymore at this point.
Then Optimus gets there, and it’s time to take him back. They hold hands, click their heels three times, say “there’s no place like home”, and step into 1984. Optimus stares at the collection of almost-dead robots on the Ark, not really feeling the scene, as Nightbeat blathers on. He offers to let Optimus keep his memories of 2013, so he can try and prevent his own death. Optimus… well…
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And then he gives Nightbeat a gun and tells him to shoot him until he’s basically dead. Which he does, once the guy’s had the entirety of the last few days scrubbed out of his head. There’s an actual reason for this, though I won’t lie, I kinda freaked out a little when I first got to this part. In order for Aunty to reformat Optimus into his fresh new Earth bod, he needs to be injured enough for the scans to pick up. While this is happening, we also get an explanation for why the 1984 Decepticons got reformatted too- the mindpurge dropped and rolled under the counter while Nightbeat was busy murdering his celebrity crush, and wiped the entire history of the war out of the ship’s database. Now it didn’t see Autobots and Decepticons, but rather just a whole slew of injured robots. So if we want to end prejudice, what we need to do is mindwipe our cars and then shoot our dads in the chest. Gotcha.
And then Mount St. Hilary erupts. Time to go.
Back in 2013, Astrotrain’s been reduced to being transportation, as he always is, and the team’s watching the wormhole cook the atmosphere around it from a good fifty miles away. Fun fact, the curvature of the earth makes it so that we can’t see more than eight miles in any given direction from sea-level. Even though they’re holed up in a building right now and arguably above sea-level, I can’t help but wonder just how friggin’ big Cybertron must be for them to be able to see this right now.
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Genocide’s over! Time to break out the booze.
Nightbeat’s taking his sweet time, but it isn’t for a lack of trying. He’s been dodging the repair beams, trying not to kick dead people in the head as he scrambles for the portal. He gets there eventually, the wormhole now running so hot he literally bursts into flames and his eyes melt out of his head as he passes through.  
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There’s my macabre little man! Back to normal at last. All’s well that ends well!
The wormhole explodes as it shuts down behind him.
Hours after, things finally cool down enough for a rescue team to go try and find survivors.
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That’s the end of Part Six.
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Why Emotionally Abusive Dads In Disney Is A Serious Problem
So. Let’s get this outta the way immediately, I had and still have an emotionally abusive father myself and it took me a very long time to realize I was being abused. Why? Because I saw so many dads in movies I watched act exactly like him. Because to a kids brain, seeing these Emotionally abusive characters put in a positive light in the end made me think it was normal and okay. But it’s not. Not by a long shot. Because of this I let myself be victimized by my father over and over again, because I thought it was okay. And I just know that other kids with emotionally abusive fathers are growing up with this same skewed perception of morality because a movie said these abusive men are good parents. And before you go ‘What emotionally abusive parents?’
What these characters have in common?
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Dream Crushing. Telling their children they can’t pursue their dreams. Neglecting them. Solving arguments with shouting. Not thinking about what their child must be feeling. Destroying or attempting to destroy things their child loves/cares about.
These kind of characters are the reason I thought my emotional abuse was okay.
Now, the reason it was so potent in making me okay with my abuse was because a lot of the things these guys do hit close to home. 
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve feared for my well being when his temper rose to Triton levels. I can’t tell you how many times my dad’s treated me nicely when I’m doing what he wants like Moana’s father only to snap at me the second I try to be who I really am. I can’t tell you how many times my dad has been like Remi’s father, telling me that i’m crazy if I pursue my dreams as an artist, saying it’s useless, treating me like garbage because I kept doing what I love. I can’t tell you how many times he’s outright abandoned me the second I’m under scrutiny that he doesn’t want to deal with like Buck Cluck does to his son.
I’ll start with the first and most violent of abusive fathers I've listed; King Triton. He’s one of two men on this list that tried to (and succeeded) destroy(ing) something his child cares about, and by that I mean everything his daughter cares about short of murdering Flounder. Like... The scene in Ariel’s grotto ties by stomach in knots every single time I see it because it’s so familiar and so harsh and just... I can’t even put it into words. This scene makes so many emotions go through me, both because of the scene itself and the memories it brings to the forefront of my mind. I’m not going to say anymore because I’d rather not throw a pity party for myself. But this is absolutely the prime example of an emotionally abusive father in Disney, he spends most of the movie literally trying to control Ariel who shows many of the signs of an emotionally abused child. And this... This scene is just the icing on the already toxic relationship.
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Tritons not the only one trying to legitimately destroy something his kid cares about, when watching Moana I had serious flashbacks to the aformentioned scene. I already was going ‘great another emotionally abusive dad’ when I saw how the main conflict of the first half of the movie was literally Cheif Tui forbidding his daughter from being herself, something that a lot of emotionally abusive parents do to keep control of their children. But then, this happened. 
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He... He wants to burn the boats. He wants to burn the boats Moana had found and chucks the Heart Of Tafiti as far as he can, something of great importance to his daughter. This man is literally pulling a Triton, but in this case he doesn’t get the chance because he tossed the Heart where his mother’s walking stick had dropped. Think about that for a moment, if he hadn’t thrown it right there, He would have been too busy burning boats while his daughter was crying ‘NO!’ to be with his mother on her deathbed. That is how far Tui would go (Moana pun unintentional) to say ‘You can’t be who you are because I say so’ to his child. 
Django isn’t violent per-say, but he definitely is controlling and NOT a good father to Remi.
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This guy refuses to let anybody do anything even remotely different from him, Emile mentions at the beginning of the movie that Django would be upset if he saw Remi walking on his hind legs. Yes, you read that right, this guy would be very upset at his own son if he dared to do so much as to walk on his hind legs. That’s how controlling he is. 
And when Remi is found alive at first Django’s nothing but happy that his son is alive, but the second Remi reveals just how much he’s grown as a person away from his father’s suffocating watch Django’s on him again and being even more adamant then before on telling his Son who he can and can’t be.
He goes so far as to take him to a pest control storefront with Rat Carcasses in Mouse Traps hanging from the display to make his point of ‘Humans can only be bad because they hate us and you’re wrong.’ He shows his child dead bodies of other rats killed by humans. To make a point.
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Remi rightfully takes every opportunity to be away from his dad, and thankfully had a much better role model in Chef Gusteau who taught him how to create things in his own way and that his father was wrong about the world, and thank god for that, if Remi listened to his father Ratatouille wouldn’t be my third favorite Disney Movie.
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Ohhhh Buck Cluck. Where do I even begin. Well how bout with the fact that the Youtuber MysteriousMrEnter hates this guy so much he would ‘Urinate on his grave given the opportunity’ and is from one of the most despised Disney Movies of all time which is very bad/offensive like half the jokes are ‘ha ha this guys fat’ or ‘ha ha this girls ugly’ or ‘ha ha bullying and maiming’
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Well Buck’s definitely not the same as these other guys... And by that I mean he neglects his son and abandons him to avoid the embarrassment of having Chicken Little as his son. Oh, and he only ever acts like he loves him after he does good in baseball since Buck wants to re-live his glory days through his son and if he can’t do that his son is dead to him. He. Is. SO EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE. He neglects his son and makes his son feel absolutely worthless, he abandons him when he needs his dad the most, all for what? Because he doesn’t want to be associated with his own son??
Every one of these abusive dads has a happy ending and is ‘redeemed’ because they help their kid somehow in the end. Every. Single. One. And the movie acts like the abuse didn’t happen in the first place or that them occasionally being nice makes the abuse okay. It’s already hard enough to get away from Emotional Abusers, it’s even harder when they’re not awful all the time to make you think you’re exaggerating what’s happening to you, and it’s even worse with movies reinforcing that you are exaggerate since these abusive dads are put in a positive light at the end. This entire hot-cold attitude is how Emotional Abusers keep their victims from leaving or getting help. (This push-pull/hot-cold technique is also the same technique used by cults to keep their members from leaving.)
We need to stop letting abused kids think their abuse is normal, we need to stop normalizing abuse.
But, to end on a positive note, here are two Disney Dad’s that gave me some hope and a glimpse of actually good and healthy Father-Child relationship. These dads were genuinely really great parents that were very good examples for their kids and poured all their love into them, and that would be Mufasa and Tiana’s father, James. I mean both of them are dead and have little screen time, but that’s what happens when you aren’t an antagonist I guess.
In the Lion King, there’s a moment that is set up exactly like the aforementioned ‘kid does something they were told not to do which makes emotionally abusive dad lash out at them and/or destroy something they really care about’ that was highlighted with Triton and Tui. Simba just endangered both himself and Nala, Mufasa is clearly upset about it and says he needs to teach his son a lesson. Simba looks like he expects to get the aforementioned treatment of anger and i’m assuming this is the first time he’s ever truly upset his dad. Except...
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Mufasa doesn’t shout at him. He doesn’t try to destroy anything. He isn’t upset because his child dared to defy him, he’s upset because his child put himself in danger, he was afraid for his well-being. Instead of shouting angrily, Mufasa takes this opportunity to take his ‘teach my son a lesson’ comment literally and teach Simba something. He teaches him what it truly means to be brave, they resolve their tension by the two being lovingly playful like a father and son should be, then Mufasa decides to teach him something else, about the past kings, and about how he’ll always be there for him. Instead of punishing his son harshly, he taught his son how to be better. That is a good dad.
James on the other hand doesn’t even have the hinting of the usual abusive dad trope to subvert it, James is just that- A really good, supportive dad.
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Like, there are SO MANY bad dads in Disney specifically that try to keep their kids from their dreams because they don’t approve or understand, here James is nothing but supportive of Tiana’s dream, in fact they share the same dream of opening up a restaurant they can call their own. James sees her talents and he nurtures them so she can pursue her own dream, he instills the value of hard work and good cooking into his daughter, but not by force like the other dads on this list, because as Mama Oddie says, ‘You’re your daddy’s daughter, what he had in him you’ve got in you!’ Tiana grew up to become the amazing woman she is in large part because she had such a supportive, nurturing father that pointed her in the right direction. 
So, in conclusion. We need more good examples like Mufasa and James, we need to stop pretending emotional abuse is okay, because it isn’t. Let’s set future generations good examples that they don’t get in their own homes.
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starlight! starlight!!! you're one of the few people I know who reads toby daye and pls I need to yell with someone about night and silence because IT WAS SO GOOD I'M DYING I HAD TO PUT THE BOOK DOWN AND WALK AWAY SEVERAL TIMES
@maelace​ asked:
Have you read the new October Daye book yet? Because oh my goodness I must know what you think!
So, some FAIRLY INCOHERENT thoughts about Night and Silence, which I keep calling Nights and Silences because my brain really likes them plurals I guess:
Seanan does such amazing work on all kinds of mental illness stuff, which I think I’ve discussed before re: Toby Daye and her ongoing upward mobility, but fuck the entire Tybalt plotline was so crushing.  That’s what it’s like, is the thing, to watch someone you love retreating from you and not be able to do anything about it because you don’t want to hurt them worse, and I cheered out loud when he came back, and asking Ginevra to come stand in as regent was such a bittersweet scene because on the one hand yes Tybalt my love take care of yourself, but on the other hand I just want him to be okay.  (FUCK Amandine, by the way)
I would die for Quentin, just kind of in general, but I’m specifically really delighted with the subplot of “Quentin thinks Toby could do better than this arrogant tomcat,” and I’m so proud of my best bisexual prince son for calling Tybalt and apparently just ripping into a King with all the worst swears Toby has ever taught him.  I can’t goddamn wait for the King of the Westlands to be this charming, kind-hearted knight-ling whose impeccable etiquette and noble bearing is deeply and profoundly at odds with the fact that he has really kind of absorbed Toby’s problem-solving techniques.  
Aside: there’s nothing I want more than for this series to go on long enough for the Court of the Westlands to be scandalized by their young king jumping up from his throne and hugging a grumpy changeling dressed in a blood-drenched leather coat without regard for his fine silk shirt.  Even more than that, picture the scene.  It’s the coronation of High King Quentin Sollys, attended by royalty and the highest celebrities of Faerie, Sir October Daye grinning fit to split her face with her husband Tybalt and her adopted nephew, the recently ascended King of Dreaming Cats, all looking ready to die from pride.  Quentin’s parents are both crying perfect beautiful tears, as Daoine Sidhe do, and he’s about to be crowned and presented to the people and it’s great and then--  The ceremony is already underway when the door opens again to admit the Luidaeg, as her most terrifyingly Firstborn self, scowling like a storm cloud and gowned like a hurricane, and everyone is fucking terrified for a moment as she sweeps up the aisle toward the dais.  And then she breaks into a smile and holds out her hands to the Crown Prince, and Quentin laughs and rushes into her arms as he cries “I thought you said couldn’t make it!”  And everyone has a moment of religious fear when the sea witch pets his hair fondly and straightens his shirt and then presses a kiss to his forehead and declares to the room at large “You will be a king like none that Faerie has seen in many centuries, because you have a heart as strong and fair and kind as any I have ever seen.”
No one’s sure if it’s a blessing or a prophecy or just a moment of deeply unforeseen maternal affection from the goddamn Luidaeg, but suddenly the sea witch comes to visit the High King on a semi-regular basis and Quentin is delighted and...well, she was right.
Speaking of people I love, I love Danny?  The best rock boy?  He just wants Toby to talk about her feelings, it’s so sweet, I hope they invite him to the wedding so I can read about an eight-foot suit-wearing granite troll sobbing into a handkerchief about how proud he is of Toby.
I ALSO LOVE MAY, God, give me her and Jazz getting married please.  Also I would love to know more about Jazz--maybe a book with the core mystery including Jazz’s flock of Ravenmays?
We all know I’m a fucking weak bitch for Tam Lin retellings.  Tam Lin being a lying piece of shit isn’t especially novel, but I LOVE the idea of Janet being the villain of the piece, however unintentionally?  I’m honestly enthralled.  Bitch...give me a novel...make the Luidaeg the main character and let me weep bitter tears for my beloved sea witch....
You know how I just had a whole bit about “Fuck Amandine” up there?  I stand by it.  Furthermore, FUCK JANET.  Every time she gets nasty with Toby I puff up like an angry cat.  
Incidentally, both Janet and Amandine had a (terrible) daughter they doted on, and when their daughter slipped away, they went out and got a replacement that they tried to force to be completely and entirely mortal, without regard for what their replacement wanted or what would be best for them--and ultimately, the person who took the most damage as a result of their selfishness was Toby both times.  Janet is, I guess, slightly better because she seems to at least care about Gillian, but she’s still...weirdly possessive?  She focuses a lot on how Gillian is hers, and hottest of hot takes, love and possession are not the same thing.
Sign me up for front row seats to all of Toby’s family losing their shit over how Janet treats her.  Sign me up for seats in the goddamn orchestra pit when, having started to realize that, actually, Toby did not bail on her, and that Toby is actually a great person who wants nothing more than to have a relationship on Gillian’s terms, and that Janet actively arranged events to drive Toby out of Gillian’s life and then convinced Gillian that Toby didn’t love her, Gillian fucking Comes For Janet’s Whole Life.
Again, the Luidaeg is dear to my heart beyond words, so honestly the fact that she saved Toby all the way back in An Artificial Night by breaking Michael’s Ride like Janet broke Maeve’s, right down to singing the ballad of Tam Lin to hold the magic in place...not to sound like a little old white lady, but that shit is breathtaking, yo. Talk to me forever about how Toby is the first family the Luidaeg has loved and been loved by in a long time, about how the Luidaeg used the same ancient magic that destroyed her life to save this woman who wasn’t yet her favorite niece from the man who used to be her beloved brother, about how the Luidaeg’s entire life is about taking the skins of tragedies and making something new.
Anyway, on to non-Tam Lin things.  Gillian...honey...you’ve been so lied to by so many people.  Toby is the only parent who ever gave Gillian a choice in which life she wanted to live, and it’s so sad.  All Gillian focuses on in the blood memories Toby sees is how much her car represents freedom and safety and...oh honey.  Oh baby girl.  If Janet and Cliff aren’t careful, now that Gillian knows that they manipulated the truth about Toby to completely take her away from Gillian, she’s going to straight up buck their rules and leave.  (I...want Gillian to live with the Luidaeg?  The only full Selkie in history to have the blessing of the sea witch, living with both feet in Faerie and getting coffee with her mother on weekends, turning the full count of Small Children Who Adore The Luidaeg from one to two.  Let the Luidaeg be Gillian’s weird aunt.)
LET TOBY HAVE HER DAUGHTER BACK.  On Gillian’s terms, because Toby wouldn’t want it any other way, but God, just let them have a relationship.  Let Gillian meet someone who doesn’t have Jocelyn’s blind hero worship or the Luidaeg’s ingrained sense of honor and who will tell her that her mom, A, did not voluntarily leave her, and, B, is legitimately rad as fuck.  And then let them start with awkward weekly coffee dates that turn into an awkward dinner at Toby’s house that turns into a slightly less awkward trip to the movies or something and so on and so forth until they’re close and Gillian understands how much Toby loves her and Toby understands that sometimes it’s okay to push for a relationship.  Because Toby’s willing to do the work, but she’s not willing to push for the relationship because she believes Gillian doesn’t want her around, but Gillian only thinks that way because she believes Toby abandoned her, and the only way that vicious loop is going to change is if Toby actually pushes the boundaries for long enough to explain.
It’s so adorable how Toby thinks Quentin’s gonna be her last squire.  My boy’s going to be gone for two months before Toby comes back to the house with a baker’s dozen children and a mulish expression.  Within a hundred pages she goes from “I’m never having another squire because I’m so unfit for this” to “I should reopen Home and run it myself” and I just.  I love her so much.  She’s so dumb.  She has such a good heart and she’s so dumb.  I’d die for her.  Every fifteen pages in any Toby Daye book I just end up crooning “You’re so stupid, I love you so much” to the pages while Toby fails to notice, again, what an incredible person she is.  I’ve loved watching her grow so much, I’m getting weepy here.
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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4. What’s the deal with the Blood Moon? Is it evil? Is it alive? Is it a “love potion” spell? Is it the reason Jarco didn’t work out? Is it why Tomstar is having problems? Is it a forceful urge to make two people physically impossible to stay away from each other in a non romantic sense!? IDFK!? Ever since Season 1’s episode of “Blood Moon Ball”, it was known as the BIG Starco episode what with the “Dance of Romance” trope and that beautifully haunting music by Brain H. Kim. From that episode on wards, we’ve been seeing the Blood Moon during major Starco moments, like it’s keeping an eye on them or something, like “Bon Bon the Birthday Clown” where Marco saw it while having his first kiss with Jackie and sensed Star might be in danger, “Face the Music” where it shined on a picture of Star and Marco in a heart for Stars Princess Song on Song Day where the whole world found out about her crush on Marco! And in “Booth Buddies” where they finally had their (controversial) kiss! Hell! It’s even in the f***ing theme song for crying out loud! But what.does.it.MEEEEEEEEEAN!? The anticipation stops here.
*Curse of the Blood Moon-Star and Marco have a midnight breakfast with their favorite cereal, Captain Blanche’s Sugar Seeds, just for funzies (although I think the candelabra was a bit too much for obvious reasons) and Star leaves two marshmallows in a bowl (so they won’t get lonely.Awwwwwwwwwwwww) and Marco can’t help but find it undeniably adorable as it’s getting harder for him to keep his feelings for Star inside. Poor baby.
He goes to talk about it with Eclipsa and she comforts him (nice to see him getting along with her now like it showed in “Butterfly Follies”), but says there’s nothing she can do to make the feelings go away :(. He then finds Janna,-WAIT! Janna’s there? Again!? Why!? I mean, I know she’s a fan favorite, but what’s her purpose!? What, like, is she too proud to admit it’s cuz she missed Marco or something!? Is it cuz she’s livin’ the dream of seeing all the creepy sh*t she loves so much!? WHAT!? She tries to use her hypnosis on Marco to make him forget about his feelings for Star, but not even her “powers” can work to help Marco. You know, in an underhanded sort of way, she’s kinda “helping people”. With that Quest Buy sloth she impersonated, Stu, from “Out of Business”, she said it was to “do him a favor” and with making Marco stop eating nachos, something he likes! Was for the good of his health. So I guess, she does have a purpose to be here? (shrugs). Marco decides it’s just best to admit his feelings for Star and how it’s killing him. Huh, I thought it was in “Booth Buddies”, but I guess they just needed to make it more evident.
Marco finds Star in her room and she’s with Tom. Her boyfriend. That she’s still dating from “Lake House Fever”. In a nice new outfit. Yeah, you could just feel the awkwardness in the room right now. And Janna’s eating it up like popcorn. Marco confesses his feelings anyway and Tom is soooooooooooo............okay with it!? He tells them it’s cuz he believes it was all done by the Blood Moon and explains how it’s power is to bind two souls together and how he failed to do that with Star and regrets it all cuz ever since then, all three of their relationships went to sh*t. He knows Star likes Marco too and it was evident when the two spoke in unison again like from “Blood Moon Ball”. This is why Tom was so cool with the possibility of Starco, he blamed it all on the moon!!! Star and Marco get freaked out by it cuz they didn’t know about it from last year. Guess this is why Tom didn’t bring up the Starco kiss to Star. Wait! Wait! Wait a minute! You mean to tell me Star didn’t know about the Blood Moons power!? She was there when it was announced! What!? Is she just stupid!? In order to fix all this, Tom says there’s a way.
They all go over to Toms place where they search his grandfather Relicors chambers on what to do about the Blood Moon and find out they can get rid of the spell by standing under its light for the next one!..............in 665 years! Plan B? Use the Severing Stone! The stone can help them erase the memory of their bounded souls and dance and all will go back to normal. It’s located in the very depths of the Underworld, so they go there with Relicor cuz he’s Toms grandpa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (Tom are you trying to sing the theme song after the “rainbows and puppies” part?) aaaaaaa and knows where to find it. They reach the bottom, but there’s a “secret test of character” challenge, run by a tower demon, where they have to pass through and then walk over the classically rickety old bridge to get to the stone itself. Marco goes on to point out all the obviousness of the whole thing being all genre savvy about it such as mocking what the demon would say, predicting the many failed attempts they’ll try and concluding it by saying it’s of course him and Star that are the “worthy ones” cuz they’re souls are bounded! (mic drop).
Okay, we’ll skip all that cuz it was too much for the (other) demon guy which was actually a fight to the death and he got annoyed. Yeah, we can’t have our two main characters die again people, C’mon! They pass the bridge, Janna fakes the other cliche of “almost falling” Blah, Blah, Blah, and they get to The Severing Stone! Before they could use it, Relicor admits he used it to erase the memory of the moment he fell in love with his wife a long time ago and had regretted it ever since (it was hinted in his chambers for those with an attention to detail cuz I noticed it. I think it’s obvious what might’ve happened to her). Star and Marco are positive they wanna go through with this since they believe it’s all the Blood Moons fault for cursing them, so they start dancing the waltz (and a callback to Toms, “That dance was meant for me!” quote for lols) and are magically transported to the memory of the Blood Moon from last year. Dressed up, demon audience watching, music playing, the whole Shebang! As they dance, they realize it’s all without Tom c*ckblocking it and how their dance is expanded and they really get into it, but then Star wonders “What if it wasn’t the Blood Moon”!? Cuz they don’t want their love to be magically induced by a magic moon and they loved their first dance together and they do like each other, but was it all from the moon or from themselves? 💔. Before they could think anything else of it, the whole thing ends and they become strictly platonic again. “Problem solved”? Oh yeah, and Janna severes her soul in half. Whatever. IDC.
So I took some time to process all this and at first I was pretty bummed out cuz of what just happened there and I know how all of you have commented on it and I don’t think there’s any need for me to express my feelings here. I mean, I know how some of you must’ve reacted like, “OMG! You mean to tell me that this whole time, Starco was all magically done! And we’ve been shipping a false relationship for the last four years!?” And that you’re also thinking, “Wait! Does this mean Jarco broke up for nothing!? And it’s the reason Star kept bringing up Marco for Tomstar!?” Yeah, I’m sure you’re all thinking that, but after a few days of letting it sink in and rewatching the episode, I’ve come to my own thoughts about it (sigh). I am all for Starco, the “Blood Moon Ball” is my favorite episode ever! It’s cuz of that dance, that beautiful Blood Moon Waltz track that I loved so much I put in my iPod! And the atmosphere of it with two young people dressed up all nice dancing around a bunch of demons. Also, I love red. Every time I look forward to the annual stargazing charts and see a blood moon coming up, I’ll always remember it as “that first Starco dance” with the music and the legend behind it and what not, but it’s sad that it turned out to be a set up for Star and Marcos future relationship problems! Then I thought, wait a minute! I missed something. Rewatching that episode, I realized, Star and Marco said they were gonna severe their souls from the stone by erasing their bounded souls and their first dance. NOT erasing their love for each other! Relicor said he severed the memory he fell in love with his wife, but Star and Marco only severed their memory of their bounded souls and first dance! I don’t think the Blood Moon was the moment they fell in love, they were probably just in the moment and didn’t want to look stupid under the light and just danced. From Season 1, before that episode, Marco was only into Jackie and Star with Oskar, so Tom must’ve assumed it was the moment they fell in love cuz he’s been repressing that idea for over a year now. Idk when the exact moment it was that Star and Marco fell in love, but I don’t think it was the Blood Moon moment. As Star said, “What if wasn’t the Blood Moon?”, cuz if it were, then it would’ve automatically worked instead of building it up for a year between them, unless it was a slow process, but usually love spells work instantly. However, if it was not, then why did Marco and Star sound “platonic” after the severing? I know they thought it was cuz of the Blood Moon they thought they were in love, but at the last minute, they thought otherwise. Were they just happy that they still remembered each other as friends or did they genuinely fall in love right at the last minute before the severing was done? So now Starco is back to being platonic again and Star will continue dating Tom while Marco starts something new with Kelly. I thought he would maybe go back to Jackie again, but I guess not. Since this episode is all done with, I guess the next anticipated episode will be “Beach Day”. Maybe we’ll know what obstacle Star and the gang overcame to make her so happy in that picture with Marco and who took the photo too! With all the trouble she’s goin’ through, I hope she solved all the problems to just finally get some well deserved R&R. Oh! And one last thing, whether or not the Blood Moon was a “love potion” thing, I’ll say this, just cuz Star and Marco don’t love each other anymore, doesn’t mean they can’t fall in love all over again 😉.
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angelkurenai · 7 years
Seal of approval - Bill Skarsgard x Reader
Title: Seal of approval
Pairing: Bill Skarsgard x Reader
Warnings: None
Imagine: YN is Stephen King youngest daughter,and also a very famous author on her own!Bill is a HUGE fan(*wink,wink) and one day she goes to set to see her dads work and Bill sees her for the first time,and he's just so adorkable that's painful,so dad King and the kids help him to talk to his crush .It could be him talking about it on an interview (they're dating now)
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- Flashback -
“Yeah, of course sweetheart. Just drop by on set, I'm sure it won't bother anybody.” the man paused for a moment hearing what the person was saying on the other line before smiling and nodding his head subtly without realizing they couldn't see him “Of course, I'm sure Andy wouldn't mind you sticking around. If anything he'd be very glad if you gave him a hand with directed when you're that good.”
He paused for another moment before continuing “Alright, yes. There are plenty of people here to greet you anyway and I'm sure once the kids find out you'll be here they are going to drop everything and be all over you in a matter of seconds. You will definitely not feel alone!”
And another small pause before he chuckled “Ok-” he glanced at Bill that was flipping through the pages of the script “Yeah yeah Pennywise will be just as happy, I know that.” he said, catching Bill's attention for a second “See you in a little while, sweetheart. Love you too.” he added in the end before hanging up.
“Everything ok?” he asked, trying to be as polite as possible because it wasn't really his business.
“Yeah just fine, sorting out some things is all.” Stephen shrugged “We'll be having visitors, that's all.”
“That's what Pennywise will be happy about?” Bill asked with a small smile and Stephen nodded his head with a chuckle.
“Oh trust me, you'll be more than happy. And without any spoilers, I'm just going to say we're talking about a great fan of yours and this story. But you'll see later, now onto work. You were saying?” he said with a smirk and focused back on the script he had in front of him as well.
“Oh alright yeah, uh about that scene...” and Bill continued to explain to the author how he wanted to go with it although part of his mind was still on the topic that had started with this mysterious phone call. He couldn't even tell who the person was in specific and part of him, great part of him that at the moment kept him from fully focusing on the scene, and it was a very giddy part of him that hoped it could be his daughter. You.
He wished, wanted it real bad, but at the same time feared it would be you because he didn't know how he'd react to all of it with how much of a fan of yours he was. He wanted to think he could act all cool and calm but at the same time his brain refused to think of any good scenarios. And then there was the part that thought it could be all his hopes getting high and in the end he'd be let down by it.
“Bill, hey Bill! Wait!” a voice called after the actor and once he heard it he turned around to face the group of kids running towards him.
“Hey guys, what's up?” he asked asked with a small smile, all of his attention leaving the script and going on them.
“Did you see her?! We've been trying to find her but only Sophia, Jackson and Wyatt have seen her so far. We asked Mr King but he had no idea.” Jack said with a small shrug and tight smile and Bill's frown deepened.
“See who? I was with him about an hour and a half ago but didn't see anybody.” he said, taking another sip of his coffee.
“Oh she came only half an hour ago but we had a scene and couldn't see her. We thought you might have.” Jaedenexplained.
“She? I'm sorry guys but I have no idea what you're talking about.” he shook his head.
“What? Did you not learn the news?” Jack was the first one to ask all excited.
“What news?” he asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Dude you live to much in the sewers you know that right?” Finn asked with a scoff and the boys snickered as Bill chuckled “You should get out a little, see the light of the sun and interact with people. You know, more normal ones that don't eat kids!”
“Careful now, you might float down there too Richie.” he said with narrowed eyes and a creepy smirk, his voice almost close to the one he used for Pennywise, and they all laughed.
“Oh my I really hope not, he's been one of my favorite characters ever since I was a kid.” another voice sounded behind Bill and he almost froze in his place as the gasps from the boys were heard.
“Holy freaking shit! I'm dreaming, someone pinch me. Someone pinch me!” Jack exclaimed, holding onto Finn's arm and shaking him violently.
“Ow!” he exclaimed and jumped when Finn gave him a hard pinch and glare “I wasn't talking seriously!” he huffed and Finn shrugged.
“You said it.” he mumbled.
Your giggle filled Bill's ears and he found it in himself to turn around and face the source of the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. He almost felt like all air go knocked out of his lungs and he coul barely hold on his coffee and script much less have his legs support him. Yet they did and that was a great surprise.
“Well it certainly is a great pleasure to meet you all as well.” you said with a soft smile, eyes moving between the kids as you took all of it in.
“Great great great pleasure to meet you as well!” Jack said with a wide grin, moving forwards first and the rest of the boys followed suit, pushing Bill backwards so they could all face you, circling you like the great fans they too were of you. Shaking one after the other's hands very excitedly because their enthusiasm was purely contagious.
“Don't mind him, he was casted as Eddie for a reason.” Finn shook his head “But it's really great to meet you in person! We've all read at least one or two of your books and are great fans!” he extended a hand and you shook it with a soft smile.
“This really is so sweet and nice to hear! I'm so happy about it, my father has talked to me a lot about you and it feels like I know all of you! I've always wanted to visit you on set but I just got a little too busy.” you said with a sheepish shrug.
“It's better late than never.” Jaeden said with a smile and shrug “Besides we've all been asking him to invite you over on set for quite some time he must have gotten tired of us.”
“I definitely agree, but it's alright. I don't think any other kid can ever give all the trouble I've given to him as a child. Good thing for him is that I finally grew up and turned out to be more mature than he is at times!” you chuckled “Also, I've been dying to meet you all to be honest. I've seen some of your work and it is all so so amazing! I really need to give a congratulations to all of you for all the great work I've seen so far and above all-” no words left your lips as you looked at the older actor who only seemed like a deer caught on headlights.
“And you're Pennywise, right?” you breathed out and he almost jumped, feelings his throat close when your eyes locked with his and even more so when you smiled at him “Bill Skarsgard-” boy did he love the sound of his name coming out of your lips so so much “It's such a great pleasure to meet you in person, I've been a great fan of yours for so long!”
“Oh he-he- hello? I'm- wow- you are- really? I was- never thought- have never thought-” and as expected he didn't do all that well with forming the right words because everything in his mind was a mess.
“Don't mind him, he's not usually this awkward. Not when trying to kill us.” Jaeden said with a shrug and you chuckled.
“But to translate his words: Hello, it's great to meet you as well. I'm Bill but you obviously already know that and I am at a total loss because of that. Oh and because I am a huge fanboy of course!” Finn said in a different voice tone and shrugged and the boys giggled as Bill shot them a small glare.
“S-sorry about that.” he finally managed to say with a small smile and you just shook your head with a smile.
“It's absolutely fine, I know how it feels.” you shrugged.
“Oh no you don't! You seriously don't!” Jack didn't miss a second to pipe in and you grinned, raising an eyebrow as you still looked at Bill who seemed to be even more nervous than he was before.
“I really have to agree with him.” Jaeden said casually “We all are fans but Bill takes it to the next level.”
“It's because he's a huge fan, if you know what I mean.” Finn nudged you with a smirk and you grinned, your eyebrowsshot up.
“Wink wink.” Jack added and they all snickered.
“But it's kinda weird you know?” Finn said casually “You'll have to go to your dad and say 'Hey dad, I may or may not begoing out on a date tonight with that creepy clown from your book. No big deal, right?”' yeah not easy.” he shrugged with his hands in his pockets and you raised an eyebrow, glancing at Bill whose eyes were wide in pure shock.
“Date?” you smirked and they chuckled.
“Oh what he hasn't asked you out yet? Oops. Sorry.” Finn pretended it in a quite poor and fake way that he was actually sorry.
“Spoiler alert!” Jack exclaimed before they all laughed “You're welcome by the way!” he said to Bill, patting him as high as he could reach on the back of the older actor.
“We'll see you later, (Y/n), hopefully I guess. If Bill lets us have some time with you.” Jaeden said with a smile and the other boys laughed “We have a scene now and we should get going!” he glanced at one of the crew members motioning for them to follow him.
“Try not to stutter too much and remember to breath! You'll be just fine!” Jack tried to make him feel cool and relaxed but all the teasing was not making things easier.
“And if you need any more tips we are always here!” Finn gave him a thumbs up before the boys ran off.
“Well-” you chuckled after a small awkward pause followed “They really take teasing to a hole other level huh?”
“Yeah s-sorry about that, it- well, it usually doesn't happen and... I probably shouldn't have let out on how much I admire you and your work either.” he laughed nervously, looking down at his feet.
“And I guess I shouldn't have let my father know how really excited I was about you getting casted as Pennywise.” you mumbled, more shyly than him and he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow shocked but pleasantly stunned “I mean I definitely wanted to see his work come to life, that was always my favorite thing about his books being a movie, but this time it was more special. This... is different, it's-” you paused, biting your lip “Well, I told you you're not the only fan here.”
“That's- You mean-” he blinked, just when he thought he could talk properly he went back at it “I made it special?” he caught himself whispering in awe and with a soft chuckle you nodded your head.
Well he would certainly not be able to form a proper sentence after that.
- End of Flashback -
“It feels-” Bill chuckled, glancing at his hands “It feels like it was just yesterday, you know? When we auditioned, when I- I talked with Stephen King for the character, when we got the make up done for the first time, when filming with the kids began and when-” he smiled to himself at the memory “When (Y/n) first came on set, yeah above everything else that-that this movie, being part of this movie, has allowed me to experience I know meeting (Y/n) is- is- it's the best thing that I got to experience in my life. She was the best thing to happen to me, without any doubt.”
“As Stephen King's youngest daughter, one to take after her father in the writing career as well, and one to be a great fan of his work as she has admitted numerous times it wasn't that surprising to see her that often on the set of IT. However, your younger costars revealed that there were some pretty awkward moments unlike any other time?” the interviewer asked and Bill nodded his head.
“Well, maybe because her father's character was trying, and- and probably failing miserably too, to flirt with her.” Bill confessed with a chuckle “Sometimes I forgot I even had the make up on but she didn't seem to mind it that much. I- I know now, she has confessed it to me, that she- she found it uhm adorkable. She always uses that expression with me.” he said with a grin.
“Uh yes, I was going to comment on that next! The two of you are actually together now, am I right?” he asked and Bill grinned.
“Yes, yes we are. And we've never been better and happier!” he said softly and with complete honesty and adoration.
“The kids have said a few things here and there, mostly to tease you, but we only know so far that she was there to help you with the role more than her father himself. We haven't gotten to hear any parts on how your relationship started. Could you- could you tell us about it if you want to?”
“Well, uh yeah. We- we started spending more time ever since that first day and- and since I managed to be able to form a proper sentence around her with stuttering or forgetting how to breath.” he laughed, running a hand through his hair “But uhm yes, truth is she helped much more than I had realized I could- I could go with the character. To know him and-and to hear what someone that has known the story for so many years would- would want to see in him. And when we weren't talking about it, we'd- we'd usually do our thing which again was talking for hours to no end about everything that interested us.”
“With her father coming so often on set, I'm- I'm pretty sure he could have noticed something right? And that would be on heck of a situation to explain!”
Bill laughed, nodding his head “The funny this is- I think he noticed that I uh had a crush on her from day one when for (Y/n), well, it took her a couple weeks to be honest. But uh truth is if it wasn't for her father, and for the kids although I won't dare admit it to them cause they- they just live to tease the life out of me, I don't think her and I would be here today. I mean almost everybody knew I loved her work and- and admired her a lot but I think, or at least hope, I did a good job at hiding my- my feelings, I can now say.”
“So you really owe it to them then?”
“Absolutely! Each time I- I got so intimidated by my own thoughts and feelings that it didn't matter how many times we'd talked to each other. So, I-” he chuckled “I think her father had had enough at some point and just joined in with all the kids and gave me that final push to do something about it. And- and I think it was really important because it got me to, kind of, get over every worry and just get to know my now girlfriend and- and yeah after some time end up here.”
“So in other words you pretty much have her father's approval?”
“Oh yes, yes getting his seal of approval to the whole Pennywise issue was very important to me but-” he grinned “But getting his seal of approval to date his little girl and possibly be with her for the rest of our lives is- that's the greatest thing of all!”
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In My Veins
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Title: In My Veins Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 1,019 (+ lyrics)
REQUESTED BY @jasnxtoddssideblog
►► In My Veins - Andrew Belle
A/N: So, I might went a little overboard with this one. ummmmm, hope you guys like it.
request open, send a song/lyrics/sentence + character of your choice and I’ll write a drabble that revolves around it.
Nothing goes as planned Everything will break People say goodbye
The sound of forceful know brought Peter back from his thoughts. “Peter, are you ready?” Aunt May asked from the other side of the door. Peter sighed, he’s nowhere nearly ready. His suit was still laid by the edge of his bed waiting for him. Peter fumbled with his dress shirt. “Yeah, in a minute,” Peter shouted back, painfully putting a button on its hole.
He watched as the cars came into a parking spot. Everyone came. Everyone, including those who know you for short amount of time. Sadly this is the day of your funeral. Minutes later people who dressed in black started to huddle around the casket. They lay down roses after roses on top of your casket. It was Peter’s turn, but he couldn’t bring himself to walk a step closer to your casket as a tears clouded his eyes.
Oh, you’re in my veins And I cannot get you out
Peter sighed sadly as he sat down the paperbag on the kitchen counter. He has accidentally bought two things from your favorite bakery; one for him and one for you. He only noticed what he did when he’s halfway through his apartment. Peter’s figure slumped as he took out one croissant for himself, he could eat them both but the thought just makes him sad. Peter took a bite of his croissant as he eyed the other on his kitchen counter. His eyes softened, “I’m so sorry.”
Oh, all that you rely on And all that you can save Will leave you in the morning And find you in the day
“Y/N?” Peter asked himself, his brows were furrowed together. He could recognize that laugh from anywhere. It was your laugh. He thought he was just hallucinating, but then he heard it again. A laugh so beautiful that made him fall in love in the first place. “Y/N?” Peter shouted, louder this time. Then he heard it again, the laugh sounds louder as he quickly runs towards the laughter. His heart starts to light up with joy when he saw you, he blinked his eyes again and again. “Y/N?” He asked, still in awe that he found you. Is this a dream?
A smile formed on your beautiful face, your eyes light up as you saw him. “Peter!” You shouted, running towards him and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug.
“H-How? You were dead, Y/N.” Peter asked, his mouth went agape taking everything, four white walls surrounding him.
Your smile turned into a frown. “I’m dead, Peter.”
His heart dropped. You were dead and it was all his fault.
“It’s not your fault.” You sighed, reassuring him. “You have to continue your life without me, Peter. Move on and live your life,” You softly said, kneeling down beside him you placed your hand on his shoulder. “The world has so much to offer than grieving about your dead girlfriend.”
“I don’t know how to live without you.”
“You know how, babe. You lived your life without me before meeting me.” You chuckled, sending a wink towards him causing Peter’s cheek to turned red.
“Y-yeah, but-” Peter tried to argue, but you shut him up.
“I will always be with you, love. I will be amongst the stars,” You pulled him closer to you. Your eyes met, never leaving his, “I love you, spidey-boy.”
Peter’s heart still racing too fast when his conscious brought him back. He still could hear your laugh as you called him spidey-boy. But, his surrounding isn’t so bright anymore, in fact, it was too dark. “You okay, kid?” Steve asked, holding out his hands for Peter to take. Peter, nodded his head. “Good.”
It happened way to fast, none of them would see it coming, but in the back of their mind, they know it could happen at any time and to anyone. Peter just didn’t know that it would be you.
You saw it in the corner of your eyes that one of the aliens is charging at Peter while his back was turned, your head whipped so fast you feel the world spinning. “Peter, watch out!” You shouted, running towards him pushing him to the side.
It happened almost like in slow motion, Peter was just in time to snapped his head to where your voice came from when he was pushed to the side and hitting the cold rocky surface. His eyes went wide in horror when he saw you taking the hit for him. A spear went right through you. He watched your body hit the surface beside him, but not before you cast a purple shadow towards the alien causing the alien’s body went limp and hit the surface the same time as your body. He rushed towards you, his eyes went wide as the blood started to seep out from your suit into his pale hands.
“Y/N?” He called, his whispered voice sounded very hoarse. “Y/N, please stay awake.” He said again, his hands trembled as he put more pressure on your bleeding abdomen.
“It’s okay, Peter,” You said, putting your hand on top of his. Your brain feels hazy as you started to close your eyes. “Y/N, please open your eyes! Stay with me. I love you!” You heard his scream as you tried to open your eyes, but it was too heavy.
You let out your last breath, finally gaining some strength to open your eyes one more time. Peter’s face was red and his eyes were glinting with tears, you reached your hand towards his cheeks, wiping the tears away but only to cover it with your blood. “I’m sorry, Peter. I love you too,” Your voice was faint and weak. Panic filled Peter’s gut. “No-no-no.”
Peter let out a heavy breath, as he shook away the painful memories in his head, “Move on.” He whispered to himself, walking away but not before casting one last look towards where he stood before. He’s almost sure he saw you waving at him and mouthing goodbye before vanishing in a purple shadow.
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
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jujyfru1t · 6 years
hello my name is *yells about Furuba*
I dunno what I’m doing but I have Feelings so let me rant about them, by me.
Some of y'all may not know that Fruits Basket is my favorite series on the planet– well you do now. That comes with a caveat of favorite manga, not favorite anime (that honor goes to either Noragami or Chihayafuru, with Madoka Magica as an honorable mention). I do also love the anime dearly! But comparing them is like apples and oranges, horses of different colors, etc etc, not least because the anime was made before the manga was barely halfway through. futile hope springs eternal for a full remake. So most of my feels rant will be manga-centric although the general feels apply to the anime, and uh there may be spoilers idk it’s been out for a long time???
The first volume came out in the US five days after my *deep breath* 15th birthday. I got it for the next year’s bday present from my big sis, aaaand that was when the gates of otaku/manga hell swallowed me up (I was somehow unaware that Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh were also Japanese pop culture, go figure.) I have no memory of how I found the anime– my anime-bittorrent-whateverthefuck knowledge was nonexistent but I don��t think it was airing live. I got the box set for some Christmas but that would’ve been after I was a massive fan so *shrug*
Anyway I watched the dub first and holy hell if I wasn’t planning to marry Yuki Sohma before then I definitely was after that, thanks Eric Vale. (I still have huge love for the dub cast fight me). Yun-chan was my first 2D crush and tbqh I’m still in love with him. Also I stg he’s the whole reason why pretty boys are a Big Thing of mine. And wait omg Shigure’s first appearance?! Like, that’s probably why dudes with glasses are also My Thing wow I just blew my own mind but moving on
Fun fact I couldn’t choose between Kyoru or Yukiru bc they were both cute (present me@young me: u will realize eventually grasshopper) but I was 100% cool with Kyoru happening because of course then I could be with Yuki. Cue me dabbling in a few paragraphs of self-insert fic.
uh lemme cut this it’s becoming a novel
Random things (this whole thing is random wtf):
I was blessed enough to get my hands on the entire Tokyopop run, plus the fanbooks!!! before they shut down. I’ve been warring with myself for ages over whether to start collecting the Yen Press specials but. my resolve is weakening. I also have all of Takaya-sensei’s other stuff yeet (Phantom Dreams, Those with Wings, Songs to Make You Smile) except for Twinkle Stars which I’m def gonna get and OBVIOUSLY THE INSTANT FURUBA ANOTHER COMES OUT IM GRAB meanwhile if I remember to check out the scans
been a while since I reread it(it’ll be my third one~) but off the top of my head some favorite arcs etc are: obviously the major one at the end of vol 6. The Red Cap. Hatori and Kana (RIP ME) The Summerhouse (Jason the bear jfc). Akito’s reveal. Kyoko and Katsuya’s entire thing obviously (EXTRA RIP ME I’m crying just thinking about it). “The plum on your back” scenes. Kyo and Kyoko. THAT FIRST NEW YEAR’S WHEN YUKI AND KYO RACE BACK TO THE MAIN HOUSE BECAUSEtheir girlfriend MY DAUGHTER IS SAD AND LONELY AND THEY MAKE WISHES ON THE ROOF heck me upppp– also literally all roof scenes (karate kid Tohrutm) BUT THAT ONE HHGBNCCSV!!! Also my fav episode along with the AU-ish final 2.
Furuba fandom is my biggest fleet of ships by far which is hilarious bc I have a lot of fandoms and a lot of ships and you can see them bc i’m a derp but since nobody looks at that and nobody will read this (?) I’ma talk about them here. I DO WANT I WANT YO
but seriously I support
literally all the canon ships except HanaxShishou, pardon me Takaya-sensei but why. Wtaf.
a metric fuckton of non-canon ships bc of COURSE I DO
my low-key ships include
MomijixKagura. pairing the spares if you will XD
RinxTohru. yes I have bi Tohru headcanons mmkay
Future!Kisa/Tohru (blame this fic)
YukixHana. all symmetrical-like (but wow i forgot i highkey shipped it for a while until…)
GurexAaya. like, come on. Also poly Mabudachi Trio
MomijixTohru. they’re super hecking cute ok, edging into high-key
my high-key ships include
HanaxUo. ok this??? is a big OTP, and 99% why I’m hella salty over HanaxShishou (at least KurenoxUo had an actual subplot!!). They are Tohru’s adoptive moms and I will forever protec (and yet. HanaxTohru and girls OT3 are also Good Ships but tbh super low-key) also I MADE SOMEONE SHIP IT
YukixTohru. see the start of this post way up there somewhere
KyoxYuki. my first rivalshiptm
HaruxYuki. “He was my first love” one cannot simply– have a character say this and not expect fans to ship. Also bi Haru is canon. lotta bi folks up in here imo
But my flagship, my OTP to end all OTPs and my polyship to end all polyships in any fandom is the SS Yukyoru. KyoxTohruxYuki.
I’ve had polyship predilections for 6-7 years now, though it’s more recent I’ve started polyshipping every love triangle i encounter bc I‘m so done with them… there wasn’t really any lightning-bolt moment when I realized I shipped them much more together rather than apart. but like, I ship all three permutations so at some point my brain went HERE’S AN IDEA which tbh is how a lot of my polyships happen, i mainly have OT3s (if I ship 2 outta 3 there’s a good chance ima poly it)
but anyway! there’s absolutely no way to convey how much I adore this ship and IT’S A HUGE EMPTY YACHT I NEED CREW MEMBERS PLZ
I am building it up one fic at a time and if you’ve made it this far and have any interest at all plz read my shit and general Furuba screaming is appreciated as well of course!!! (also look at the most beautiful piece of fanart ever)
More fic! have my mixed bag of bookmarks (Sure For The Axis is my absolute fav, 2nd is Little Prayer) u can also find my Yukyoru stuff on AO3 ehehe~ and oh look HanaxUo!
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