#My favorite theory is orange splits from logan
risingsidesakira · 1 year
Greetings wonderful Citizens, and you nerds!
My name is Rose, mainly they/them pronouns but I enjoy the occasional 'he' figuratively thrown in there as well :P I've been following Sanders Sides for ~5 years at the time of writing this (that's my best estimate at least) and it's meant a lot to me, but beyond a couple of reblogs on my main here and there and comments under AO3 fics, I've never really participated in the fandom much and don't really know anyone who's actively into the series. I'm hoping to remedy all of that with this little side blog!
Now, a couple Side-related things about me...
Current Favorite Side?
Logan for sure- Though, Roman might have recently become an additional favorite as well. Those two have SO many issues I love them so much...
and if you're wondering if that "them" right here refers to the Sides or their Issues™, you'll find that the answer is simply "yes" :P
Initial favorite side?
Early on it was Virgil, I believe! Followed by the microsoft nerd in second place, then on equal footing. I don't actually remember at what point that stuff changed and Logan became my fave🤔
What about the other sides?
Well, first of all how I feel about Janus changes every other day, lol.
Patton has been getting a lot more interesting! I used to not be a big fan because I'm not really one for the extremely bubbly characters - much like I used to not like Roman as much as the others, actually. But nowadays Patton himself is having some Issues™ and that is something I very much enjoy hehe
Virge used to be my favorite, but for some reason my brain doesn't latch onto him as much as it used to. Still love him! But, he's a bit more in the background when I think about the Sides nowadays.
Remus is a trash goblin. He can be really funny sometimes and I love some of his mannerisms, but alas I'm not the biggest fan beyond that- Well, not the biggest fan of him, but I'm still very glad that he's a part of the series. DWIT and WTIT are two of my favorite episodes, actually.
And as for the orange side... at the time of writing this, we don't know anything about orange other than his appearance in WTIT and a couple of theories. Personally, I really really want Logan himself to be orange. I think that would lead to a lot of interesting growth for him as a character and would really shake up the entire cast - along with bringing some more context to his general tendency towards being a little hot-headed on occasion.
Favorite ship?
I don't really do a lot of shipping. If I had to choose one it would be Logince - Logan and Roman both have SO MANY ISSUES that they're just burying or hiding and they just. They fit so well together, whether platonically or otherwise.
Any AUs?
As of writing this, I've not really delved much into the realm of AUs. At least not ones that aren't canon-adjacent.
But I am working on one within my brain-cage! It's likely gonna stay there, beyond some art if I feel like it, unless someone ends up messaging me about it. It also doesn't really have a name set in stone just yet, so as of right now I just refer to it as the Lost Sides AU. It moves the timeline around a bit, particularly on how early Creativity split, considers the sides to maybe be not entirely imaginary (magic stuff. still trying to work that part out properly), and gives Logan a hell of a lot more trauma, haha. I'm working on spotify playlists for the guys from this AU right now, too :V
Favourite types of fics to read?
ideally? hurt/comfort, platonic logince-centric, somewhat canon-adjacent universe, no nsfw, if orange is in it he's not a separate side but rather just another part of Logan
But I also just generally tend to enjoy Logan and/or Roman-centric canon-adjacent sfw hurt/comfort stuff. I'm a sucker for angst but prefer when it has a good ending eventually :v
Okay, that's all i can think of right now! Welcome to my blog lol
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squidsandthings · 2 years
Orange eyed Logan theories go!
The orange side is sleep and logan's got orange eyes cause he hasn't slept since learning new things about himself. This also explains why he's angy since he is tired and also cranky.
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rainbow-filmnerd · 3 years
TS Sides: Why Don't They Listen?
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So, how about that new Sanders (A)Sides video, folks? Probably the BEST THOMAS SANDERS VIDEO I'VE SEEN. I can go on and on about the production and filmmaking aspects of it, which are on top of some already solid acting and story telling. Just everything about that video was PERFECTION, and I'd write a whole analysis essay about it if I wanted to. But instead, I wanted to make this quick drawing. I also wanted to draw something before I get my wisdom teeth removed.
Obviously I was inspired by that one little hint of a character we have yet to see, the "Orange" Side. Since Roman, Janus, Remus, Patton, Logan and Virgil have a signature color from the rainbow, the only one missing is Orange, and many speculate he's also a Dark Side. I knew for a while that he'd be connected with Logan/Logic as an opposite, like with Janus and Patton and the Creativitwins (Remus and Roman have both "split" so this would explain why we have four Dark Sides and three Light Sides). The connection is unclear at the moment, but I've seen many theories.
It would be interesting if it was some type of Jekyll/Hyde deal, but I feel like Logan and "Orange" are separate. And the only hint of Orange is the eyes, so I thought of some shadowy figure, because... we don't know what he looks like (besides that he resembles Thomas and will likely be portrayed by him). I got slightly inspired by Kurogiri from My Hero Academia, because the cloudy shadow figure is so menacing and mysterious, and I feel like it works for Orange in this drawing.
There are quite a bit of things I like about this drawing. I feel like the right fist is way off, but I'm still practicing on those hands (I'm proud of the left tho). I also made Logan's glasses different for two reasons. 1) I didn't want to draw the glasses he wears in the series because I'm changning it up a bit for him and Patton (especially since it's for their current looks as opposed to their debut looks), and 2) I recall hearing that Thomas is gonna change Logan's glasses soon, but I'm guessing it'll be after Season 2. 🤷 But my favorite parts of this drawing? Logan's body and Orange's eyes. I wanted to make the eyes look like they're glowing too.
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mikes-on-prometheus · 5 years
Ok so stop me if I ever bother you with these prompts but: Non-serious fic with a tired dad deceit, hyper kid Remus, and danger kid Virgil (more fight than flight at that age). Bonus points for a also tired dad Patton with yet another hyper kid and a kid that is waaaay too curious for his own good. Maybe you could add in the theorized Orange as the punk older teen sibling
First off, I know this has been sitting in my inbox for well over two months now but you could never bother me with these!
Wordcount: about 1400
Warnings: Deceit, Remus, body horror (multiple eyes), mild violence, mild injury
Ah. Peace and quiet. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, his coffee was hot and just the way he liked it. Deceit loved mornings like this one. He could just relax and enjoy the common room of the ‘dark’ mindscape to himself.
This was the reason that mornings were his favorite time of day. That and the evenings, once Virgil and Remus were in bed. If they went to bed at all, that is.
He was only on his second cup of coffee when he heard a door slam open upstairs. Loudly. That was his peaceful morning over.
Remus came crashing down the stairs in his typical fashion, sounding more like a herd of elephants than a ten year old.
“Hi Mom, I’m hungry.” the little side screeched, immediately gong for the garbage to root through it for food. How he got into that habit, Deceit had no idea. He came with it already in place when he was yeeted into the dark side of Thomas’ mind.
“Remus, there is food literally on the counter next to you, get out of the trash!” Deceit scolded, pulling on Remus’ legs to pull him out of the bin. Then, as an afterthought he added “And I told you not to call me Mom!”
“But Roman calls Morality Dad! And he’s the only adult on the light side so why can’t you be Mom? You’re the one who takes care of us!”
He heaved a world weary sigh. Why couldn’t the kid just accept his request without questioning it. But oh well. Nothing he could do about it right now. Especially since Remus had found some food and was already scuttling off back upstairs again. Probably off to bother Virgil now. Chaos was about to become Even More ChaosTM. Great.
… Or not! Huh. the Mindsape stayed blessedly quiet instead of erupting into screaming as he had expected. Seemed like Remus just went to his own room.
Deceit wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth so he went back to enjoying his coffee. It seemed like his peaceful morning wasn’t quite over after all.
But eventually he finished his third cup and a bowl of cereal. Breakfast over, it was time to actually start the day so he got up again and cleaned his used dishes. Just for good measure he started up another pot of coffee. Maybe he could sneak a travel mug of it to the meeting he had with Morality.. Then he might be able to handle Remus and Roman together. Logic and Virgil were calm enough to not make the extra coffee necessary but the twins definitely did. 
Honestly - and Deceit can’t believe he’s actually being honest - Deceit hated these get togethers but he knew it was important to Remus because the kid missed his brother, even though he liked to deny it. Also, Virgil always seemed to enjoy Logic reading to him.
They would have to get moving relatively soon so technically he should be trying to get Virgil to eat something but the kid always got too anxious to eat before these meetings so Deceit had given up on it a while ago. He just made sure the kid had a snack once they got back.
Just as he finished the dishes he hears a door open. Audible but not a slam. Two sets of feet rushed down the hallway, telling him that Remus had apparently not retreated to his room but to Virgil’s. It sounded like he had bothered Virgil into waking up early.
Well, early for Virgil’s standards at least.
“Leave me alone! Stop it, Remus. Stop pushing me!” Deceit heard Virgil say just before both boys yelped. Then he saw Remus tumble down the stairs with a mighty crash. He landed in a heap at the foot of the stairs. As soon as the crash had faded into silence there was the tup tup tup of Virgil’s footsteps descending the stairs and using Remus’ tummy as a launch pad, ramming his little foot right into the soft flesh as he ran towards deceit.
“He was trying to push me down the stairs, Dee!” He tattled, looking up at him with all his eight eyes as he tried to climb up his body. Deceit hoisted him up, balancing the four year old on his hip.
“So you pushed him down the stairs instead, little spider? You’re all Fight and no Flight aren’t you? I would’ve thought you to be too little to do much of either.” He mused, walking over to the stairs to check on Remus. No injuries, just shock and a bit of windedness. “Have you learned your lesson about trying to go up against Fight or Flight yet?”
“Absolutely not! I’ll get him one of these days! Just ‘cuz he’s got his animal already doesn’t mean he’s stronger than me. He’s tiny!” Remus insisted, getting up only to point his finger at Virgil threateningly.
Deceit had the theory that Remus hadn’t developed his animal trait yet because he had spent spent half his life as a different side before that side split into Remus and Roman. It was… logical but that didn’t mean that Remus wasn’t salty about it.
“Of course, Remus. But that will have to wait until later because we will have to leave soon or we’ll be late to our meeting with the others.”
This got him a pout and a reluctant fine.
They crossed the passageway between light and dark a good hour later, after forcing Remus into clean clothes and smudging black eyeshadow under Virgil’s two main eyes to hide his little spider eyes. No need for the light sides to know what Virgil presented as after all. And no need to subject them to the abysmal smell of Remus’ week old clothing. Bad enough that he couldn’t force him to take a shower.
Patton was in the common room already and called Logan and Roman down when he saw the other three enter.
Roman and Logan came rushing down the stairs; Logan with a book and Roman with a wooden toy sword. The twins started wrestling the moment they were within reach of each other, very nearly bowling Logan over as well. He settled in with his back against the couch, next to Virgil who had curled up against the corner of the L-shaped couch.
Deceit and Patton settled on the couch to ‘catch up.’
“Soooo… How are things on your side of the mind?” Patton asked just like he always did.
“Oh, you know. Terrible. Remus definitely settled on an animal. He’s been absolutely bearable.”
“Oh. Okay. That’s good to hear. Maybe he’ll settle down a bit soon.”
Deceit only gave him an unimpressed look. Remus had and would never calm down. Even the thought of it was laughable.
“…. Right. Okay. So. Logan’s been reading Harry Potter ever since you mentioned it last time. He decided to read it to Anxiety today since he liked it so much and noticed that Anx seems to like listening to him read.”
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” he pointed out. Logic was quite excitedly reading to Virgil, the cover of his book visible to the two adults. And okay, fine, they were adorable. Virgil had curled up closer to Logic and seemed quite entranced by the nine year old`s voice and the story he was reading.
There was a moment’s peace before a wail split the air.
“Daaaad! Remus hit me!”
Patton sighed and got to his feet to check on Roman, getting him an ice pack to soothe the forming bruise on his shin. He returned with the ‘wounded’ half of Creativity, making him sit with them for a while. Remus joined them, bored on his own.
And this was… actually quite nice! The twins were quiet and sitting still and so were Logic and Anxiety. The only noise was Logic reading about Harry’s first adventure at Hogwarts. Deceit was almost tempted to fall asleep.
Then Remus started teasing Roman, Roman tackled Remus and they went right back to what they had been doing before.
Bye Bye, Quiet.
But oh well. It wasn’t like Deceit wasn’t used to things like this. Virgil being much smaller didn’t stop Remus from fighting him so the dark sides’ common room was rarely quiet.
The rest of their visit continued similarly. Roman and Remus kept playing and fighting while Logan managed to get through a good portion of his book, unbothered or ignorant to the fact that Virgil had fallen asleep on his shoulder.
Taglist:  @3-has-charm @adreamisadishyourmommakes @analogical-mess @bubbliee0 @iris-sanders-athena @letthefandomsbegin @emthetimelady @ilovereadingandilovebreathing @stormcrawler75 @soulwillriseinperfectlight
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quinintheclouds · 4 years
Ok, so I've got two, but I can't do the emojis, so 1: What's your theory on the next dark side? 2: Favorite quote?
1. Hm... I have a lot of them. For one thing, I do still love my theory from a couple years ago that people are finally starting to agree with (I made it right after Roman said “you’re nothing compared to the others” and I actually first thought of it way back in the My Negative Thinking debate) that Virgil was Logan’s “dark side” counterpart. I remember thinking during the debate, “Wow, Anxiety really is what happens when Logic is corrupted, misdirected, or misused. It’s like how cognitive distortions occur because of irrational thinking and that’s the subconscious corruption of the Rational Mind we use to discuss psychology. It’s almost like Anxiety is a foil for Logan. I wonder if they’ll elaborate on that? Maybe they’re brothers or something.” And once Roman said “the others” in A.A. pt 2, I IMMEDIATELY went into analysis mode -- this meant A) there are other sides, B) they are considered negative, C) they are hidden from Thomas, D) The Sides know the others, and E) Virgil is/was one of them. 
From this I gathered there was a possibility of there being a dark side (note: they hadn’t said “dark sides” before but it’s easier to use to explain my thinking) that corresponded to each of the main 3. I already believed Virgil was Logan’s, and I got excited theorizing on the others (I actually totally called Deceit as Patton’s btw!! Not by that name but I’m very proud of that! I literally named him Denial in my theories. I knew it’d be about repression and denial, especially self-denial in order to protect yourself from seeing your Morality in a bad light when you don’t want to admit uncomfortable truths about yourself). 
Now this puts me in an interesting spot. We know there’s another Side, it’s heavily implied and essentially confirmed that they’re the Orange Side. I had the thought that Virgil could have been the Orange Side back when he was with the dark sides, and that’s why when he started showing up to Thomas he wore only black -- he was in a transitional period. Then “I actually dig the purple” would’ve been a mark of him feeling like he actually fits with the main 3 and is part of them now. He’s purple, no longer orange. (We also know the color themes aren’t always opposite the counterpart, since yellow and purple are opposites on the color wheel. Red and green lines up with Roman and Remus, but none of the others match up like that. Orange is opposite blue.)
BUT now we have confirmation that we haven’t met every Side, so that doesn’t really apply (it wan’t something I’d thought of till pretty recently so the orange part wasn’t really a full-fledged theory). Now I’m faced with some difficulty, because if I’m to believe my old theory that Virgil was Logan’s dark side, that doesn’t leave any light sides to have a dark counterpart. My thinking is that Virgil becoming a light side may have either prompted a dark version of him to form, him to have left behind or “split” in his own way from his previous self (I do think people are on to something about Virgil having represented something other than anxiety as well), or caused Logan to have a new one. I truly have no idea. Because even without Virgil existing in the series, if you asked me to predict Logan’s dark side, it’d be irrational logic taken to extremes, aka cognitive distortions, which cause and are caused by anxiety (I had guessed Virgil’s name to be Amos, because the amygdala is the part of the limbic system that regulates anxiety and fight/flight/freeze, and “Amy” is traditionally a feminine name), and we had an entire episode about Virgil aka Anxiety causing cognitive distortions by misusing faulty logic, and Logan aka Logic helping him out. So.... I’m unsure. I really have no clue. I’m excited to see though!!
2: Oh gosh, there are so many. Let me just write the first one that comes to mind, I guess? “Knowledge is an incomparably valuable multipurpose tool, that is instrumental in identifying and solving any problem. If you’re worried about getting hurt, then seek knowledge. It is our greatest weapon, and our greatest defense.” Also Logan’s whole speech about how everything’s okay and gonna be okay. Also pretty much every pun in the series. Also--
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