#tbh im torn between a few theories
squidsandthings · 2 years
Orange eyed Logan theories go!
The orange side is sleep and logan's got orange eyes cause he hasn't slept since learning new things about himself. This also explains why he's angy since he is tired and also cranky.
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sirius-archive · 3 years
Chaos Theory Ch. 17
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Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Reader, Harry Potter x Reader, Draco Malfoy x Reader, George Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: ......bruh. you guys are so patient :') thank you so much for sticking with me even though its taken me AGES to update. Thank you for sending me beautiful messages and commenting and pretty much helping me through my writers block :'( I don't deserve it tbh.
Summary: Harry has just admitted his feelings for you, Snape is teaching you Legilimency, Cedric invited you to spend Easter at his place w his parents!
The days that follow an argument are always painfully awkward, to say the least.
You feel like you’re dancing around the mouth of a gaping chasm, watching Harry from the other side. It’s like the summer holidays all over again; the furtive glances, the awkward, mumbled excuses, the sinking feeling that you were being talked about in secret. It’s worse now, though, because you can’t backtrack. You can’t ignore Harry’s feelings and you can’t forget about what he had confessed, what he had practically screamed from the top of the Owlery.
How would you recover from this?
The morning before you leave for the Easter Holidays, you get yourself ready for the day and trudge down to stairs to the Gryffindor common room. Fortunately, Harry isn’t there, but Ron and Hermione are and they look up at you with sad smiles as you draw closer.
“Morning guys,” you mumble, fidgeting with the hem of your skirt.
Ron and Hermione echo you before Hermione asks how you’re feeling.
“Horrible,” you admit, dropping into the seat beside Ron, “I feel so guilty and really really stupid. It was obvious Harry liked me but I just ignored it...I ran away from it...and Harry had been through so much and I was such a horrible friend and a horrible person!“
“(Y/N)!” Ron cuts off your spiraling thoughts by patting the top of your head. You sigh, burying your face in your hands as Ron continues, “Look, you’re not a horrible person. Sure this whole thing could have been handled better but that doesn’t make you a bad person, Just conflict averse.”
“You’re not making it any better, Ron,” Hermione chides, waspishly.
“I’m not, am I?”
“Look, (Y/N)—“
But before Hermione can continue, Harry approaches and you jump up from your seat.
“Harry!” You Yelp and then swallow, calming your pacing heart, “How-um-how did you sleep?”
Harry shrugs, “Ok.”
Silence pulses between the four of you, no one daring to speak. The only noise comes from other Gryffindors standing in groups, scattered through the common room. You fingers dig nervously into the skin of your wrist.
“Hey guys,” Neville greets cheerily, waving happily, “Want to come down to breakfast with me?”
“Sure!” You spurt without thinking and rush to his side. Your enthusiasm makes Neville blush and stammer out a timid ‘cool’ before you lead him out toward of the common room.
You keep yourself preoccupied with Neville the whole time you and your friends make the short trip to the Great Hall. Though you don’t actually participate in the conversation, you fill it with enough ‘okay’ and ‘oh’s and ‘right’ to trick Neville into thinking you’re listening. It’s hard to keep track of the conversation when it’s entirely one sided, but you can’t help your drifting thoughts.
Was it always going to be like this between you and Harry? Had you just sacrificed your friendship with him because of your tendency to flee from your problems? Ron had called it ‘conflict aversion’ and he was right; by ignoring all the signs, you were avoiding Harry’s feelings and distancing yourself from your friends. This whole time, you thought they were the ones drifting away when really it was you.
And now, you were going to do it again.
Instead of sitting with your friends, you elected to sit with Fred, George and Lee Jordan, doing your best to distract yourself from your feelings. After breakfast, you walked to Potions with Dean and Seamus and didn’t stop when Ron tried to get your attention.
“Hey Pavarti,” you tack on a fake smile and she smiles back at you, “Can I sit with you and Lavender today?”
Pavarti pulls out the stool next to her and Lavender leans across Pavarti, arching an eyebrow curiously.
“Not sitting with Ron, Hermione or Harry?”
“The last time I sat with them I got put next to Malfoy.”
The girls cringe in unison. You hide your smirk as you take your seat, dropping your book bag beside you. Lavender has always been nosy but you’ve learned how to deal with her.
“Get your textbooks out,” Snape snaps as he storms into the dungeons, “You’ll be taking notes today.”
“Great, two hours of writing down words I don’t understand,” Pavarti grumbles. Snape narrows his eyes on her and Pavarti drops her gaze.
“Do you have a problem, Miss Patil?”
“No, Professor.”
Snape huffs and whirls around, taking his seat at his desk. His dark, beady eyes meet yours and you look away, unable to take the intensity of his steely gaze. The last time you had seen him, you had accidentally pried into a corner of his mind that he had wanted to keep hidden.
Sighing, you pull out your text book, parchment and quill and get to work. It’s not exactly riveting, but you welcome the distraction, taking detailed notes and forcing yourself to memorise the importance of different potions.
You don’t know how long you’ve been writing for before Pavarti suddenly nudges you, hissing your name.
“Here,” she says, handing you a folded piece of parchment, “From Hermione.”
Curious, you thank Pavarti and take the parchment, unfolding the small, torn piece. The scribble, however, is bigger than Hermione’s tiny writing and a little neater than Ron’s chicken scratch which means...
It’s from Harry.
We should talk.
You glance at Snape. He hasn’t noticed you yet. You glance at the note again.
We should talk.
You know he’s right...and you do want to talk. You want to apologise for the way you treated him, of course you do, but you’re not going to apologise for loving Cedric. Besides, you can’t write down everything you want say in a tiny note, especially when Snape is a few metres away.
Tearing off a tiny piece of your parchment, you hastily write your reply.
Not like this. Let’s talk at lunch.
Dragging your hand under the table, you nudge Pavarti and hand her the note. You feel her shift beside you as she dutifully delivers it to Hermione. Twisting around slightly in your seat, you watch Hermione stealthy hand the note to Harry who scrambles to unfold it. He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and reads.
Not wanting to stare for too long, you turn around and face your book, pretending to read. Your peripherals pick up a familiar, blond-haired shape and you glance at Draco who is - much to your chagrin - staring at you. Again.
What is his problem?
Before you can mouth a curse word at him, Pavarti hands you Harry’s response. You tear your eyes away from Malfoy and read Harry’s note.
You’re right. Let’s talk tonight.
You bite your bottom lip. You’ve got a secret Legilimency lesson with Snape after dinner and then a Howler meeting after that. You scribble this onto the parchment, suggesting to talk at lunch instead, and send it through the human chain to Harry.
Harry’s response is quicker than you anticipated, and you find out why after you unfold his note.
Can’t. Got to meet with Bagman. What about tomorrow?
You swallow, tapping your quill against the note, sending tiny flecks of ink spraying across the parchment. Tomorrow, you leave for the Diggorys and you have a feeling that telling Harry that will make it worse. But you can’t lie to him either, what would be the point of that?
You tell him your plan for the Easter holidays, admitting to staying with the Diggorys, before handing the note to Pavarti.
“I should get paid for this,” Pavarti quips, her smile playful. You smile back apologetically.
“No, it’s fun. Funner than doing Potions work anyway.”
You wait anxiously for Harry’s reply. Was telling Harry about your trip to the Diggorys place a good idea? Would that make things more awkward? You glance over your shoulder, sneaking a peak at Harry. His face is inscrutable as he stares at your note. How did he get so good at hiding his feelings?
He was always good. You just knew him better back then.
Pavarti whispers your name and you blink, returning to yourself. She drops Harry’s response into your lap and you pick it up, carefully unfolding it. Before you can read it, though, thin fingers swoop in and collect it.
“Passing notes are we, Arden?”
Oh shit.
“It was me.”
Harry’s voice is loud and clear from over your shoulder and you hear the scrape of wooden legs against the concrete floor as he stands. Snape glares at him, upper lip curled into a horrible, twisted sneer.
“Of course it was you, Potter,” he spits, venomously, “It’s always you. Ten points from Gryffindor, and you’ll both get one weeks detention after the holidays.”
Detention?! For passing notes?
Malfoy and the Slytherins snicker gleefully
as Snape throws Harry’s note into the bin.
“What?!” Harry snaps, “That’s ridiculous!”
You whip around, shooting Harry a panicked look. Harry ignores you, glaring fiercely at Snape.
“Be grateful it’s not during the holidays,” Snape snarls, “And another five points from Gryffindor.”
Hermione grips Harry’s arm and ushers him back into his seat. You watch as Harry seethes, his eyes murderous, the energy surrounding him practically bursting with rage. Why is Harry so upset about getting detention? Really, it would be more of a surprise if Snape went an hour without dishing out detentions.
After class, you race to catch up to Harry, meeting him outside the dungeons.
“Sorry for getting you in trouble,” he mutters bitterly.
That’s why.
“No it’s fine Harry, seriously,” you smile, hoping that it makes Harry feel a little more better. It works. Harry’s shoulders relax and the corner of his mouth ticks a little.
“So...Um...” he scratches the back of his neck, “We do need to talk.”
“How about after my Howler meeting?” You ask hopefully.
Harry nods, “Okay. When do you finish?”
“Around ten.”
“Alright, I’ll wait in the common room for you.”
You smile again, “Sounds like a plan.”
“You’ve been practicing.”
You’re not sure whether Snape is impressed or if he’s making a simple statement, but it’s the longest sentence he’s said since your lesson started almost an hour ago.
And he’s right. You have been practicing on random students, dipping into their mind briefly and making sure not to dive too deep. You’re so brief that their thoughts project back as just random jumbles, nothing you can string together, but it’s enough for you to gain an understanding of Legilimency and how powerful of a tool it can be.
Snape steps toward you, “Practicing on fellow students without their consent is against the school policy.”
You nod, “I know but I’ve been careful. I try not to stay inside their minds enough to understand their thoughts or see their memories.”
Snape cocks an eyebrow as he stares at you for a moment. It’s as though he can’t decide whether to scold you or praise you.
“I won’t punish you this time,” he finally says in his low, menacing snarl, “But if you continue to practice on students there will be consequences.”
You frown, “So how am I supposed to practice?”
“With me,” he snips, “Or with your friends. Surely you would have told them by now.”
You haven’t told Ron or Harry...but Hermione knows. You nod and mumble an okay.
“You’re dismissed,” he says, flicking his wrist toward the door.
“Yes Professor.”
“And (Y/N)?” You stop and turn to Snape who stares at you with glinting dark eyes, “Don’t let me catch you passing notes in my class again.”
You nod again, wordlessly, before making your way out of Professor Snape’s office and toward the Howler newsroom.
It’s a short trek, and you don’t pass anyone aside from Peeves, who tries to startle you by bursting out of the wall and launching a ping-pong ball at your head. You manage to dodge just in time, rolling your eyes at his antics as his cackle rings through the hallway.
“Asshole,” you mutter.
Finally, you arrive at the Newsroom and Juniper Bishop greets you with a radiant smile.
“Hey (Y/N)!” She says, cheerily, “Long time no see, right?”
She squeezes you into a bone crushing hug and you nearly get a mouthful of her raspberry-scented hair.
“Yeah actually,” you smile politely at her when she finally releases you, “Have you been well?”
Juniper winces, “Sort of…I guess you heard about me and Rachel…”
“I did,” you say, injecting as much warmth and compassion into your voice as you can, “Are you okay?”
Juniper shrugs, “It was a mutual thing, though it’s kind of awkward now.”
You’re about to comment when Harper Shacklebolt strides to the front of the room, sticks her fingers in her mouth, and issues an ear-shattering, hair-raising, demon-summoning whistle.
Your hands fly to your ears as the high-pitched screech explodes across the room, forcing everyone else to scamper to their seats.
You find a spot beside Troy, who gives you a sunshine-warm smile and pats your back.
“Alright, shut up,” she shouts, and the last whispers of gossip stop abruptly, “We are now two months away from the third and final task. I want the Howler to reflect the anticipation that everyone will most likely be feeling as we draw closer and closer to June 24th. Which is why I want an exclusive interview with our four Triwizard champions! Start drafting and planning because our first issue will be released next Thursday.”
With a flick of her wand, a large curtain falls away from the chalkboard, revealing four photos of the champions.
Padma giggles and points at Cedric, “Did Harper find that photo in your diary, (Y/N)?”
Harper folds her arms across her chest and pierces Padma with a glare that could wither roses.
“Padma, If you spent half as much time actually working as you do gossiping about (Y/N), you might actually write something that isn’t utter garbage.”
Padmas face falls and she shrinks in her chair. You reach across and squeeze her hand under the table as Harper continues.
“This week, we’ll be focusing on Viktor Krum. Everyone needs to be on board with this - I need this to be the best series the Howler has published since its debut back in 74.”
With that, Harper turns her back and everyone gets to work.
Immediately, you lean across your desk and catch Padma’s gaze. Tears pool at the corner of her eyes and a pang of sympathy throbs in your chest.
“Don’t worry about what Harper says, Padma,” you coo, patting her hand gently, “At the end of the day, it’s just a school newsletter.”
Troy slides onto your desk and rests a hand on her shoulder, “Beaides, Harpers first article was about Filch! Not to mention she misspelled his name through the entire thing so everyone started calling him ‘Thilch’ for the rest of the school year.”
A smile slowly blooms on Padma’s lips, dimpling her rosy cheeks. She gazes at Troy with twinkling, obsidian eyes.
“Thanks guys,” Padma mumbles bashfully, “Though we should probably get started on this article before Harper snaps at me again.”
Padma reaches into her book bag to fish out her parchment and quills, glancing away from Troy shyly. Troy playfully bumps his shoulder against yours, shooting you a winning grin.
“Heard you were going to Diggory’s tomorrow...” he mutters with a wink, “Meeting the parents already?”
You roll your eyes, “I’ve already met his dad.”
“Yes but it’s the mum you want to impress,” Troy says, “You may not know this but Cedric is a huge mummy’s boy.”
“Oh yeah, Big time. And she goes full Mama bear mode, too. She’s scary as fuck. Used to be a psychiatrist at Azkaban if you can believe it.”
You shudder at the thought. It had been terrible enough when Demontors plagued the school last year, hovering over everyone’s shoulder like a curse. You couldn’t imagine what it’d be like to work with them for longer than a year.
“Yikes. That’s...wow.”
“Yeah,” Troy crosses his arms, “She’s pretty gutsy and she’s the type of person you don’t want to cross.”
“Well that’s not nerve wracking or anything. Thanks dickhead.”
Before Troy can respond, Harper spears you with her infamous death glare. You exchange a look with Troy, who laughs, unfazed, before you both decide to get on with your work.
Grabbing your quill and parchment, you head toward Harpers desk where she scribbles frantically against the chalkboard. She hardly spares you a glance and you have to clear your throat to lure her attention away from her work.
“I suppose you want me to interview Krum, then?” You ask. Harper simply nods, continuing to ignore you. You roll your eyes at her and plant your hands on your hips, “What you said to Padma was uncalled for.”
Finally, Harper gives some indication that she can hear you, grunting dismissively.
“It was true.”
“No it wasn’t,” you argue, “Padma is a really good writer.”
Harper sighs and picks up a finger of chalk, scrawling a note in barely-legible chicken scratch, “You should know by now that I don’t settle for ‘really good.’ I settle for excellent.”
“Congratulations, you sound exactly like my father.”
Harper pauses, finally turning to stare at you, “Your father is a literary genius. To be included in the same sentence as him is the best compliment I’ve ever received.”
“Oh boy, you must not get many compliments.”
Harper flashes a smirk, but her eyes betray her amusement.
“I don’t have time for people who are too sensitive to receive criticism,” Harper shrugs, turning back to the chalkboard, “Besides, I was right. If she didn’t gossip so much and focused on her articles, they wouldn’t be so shoddy.”
You frown at the back of her head. Just as you’re about to snap at her, Colin Creevey darts in front of you, beaming up at you with rosy cheeks and a shy smile. Daisy ambles behind him, a scowl souring her face.
“Hey (Y/N),” Colin says, cheerily, “Daisy and I were wondering if you’d seen Noah anywhere.”
“The little creep has missed two meetings already,” Daisy grumbles, rolling her eyes, “And there’s no way I’m doing this assignment alone with crack kid here.”
Your brows furrow in thought as you try to think back to when you last saw Noah, “Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen him for a while...”
Daisy sighs and drops her camera on Harper’s desk, “The Creevey kid’s on his own. Harper can yell at me all she wants; I’m not a babysitter.”
With that, she turns on the thick heel of her combat boots and storms off, completely ignoring Colin as he races after her.
The meeting drags on for another hour, in which you and Padma draft up some questions and submit them to Harper for her approval. She manages not to scrunch up the paper and hurl it at you - which is usually a good sign - but you can tell Padma is still on edge and Harper is still stubbornly unapologetic.
Eventually, you manage to peel yourself away from the newsroom and amble back toward the common room with Dean, laughing and joking on your way back.
“I swear one day Padma is going to punch Harper in the mouth,” Dean smirks, shaking his head, “And I don’t want to be there when it happens.”
“Knowing Harper, she’d probably punch Padma back,” you muse and Dean snorts in agreement.
“Who do you think would win?” He asks, “You know, if they got in a fight?”
“Definitely Harper.”
“I think Padma would get a few good throws in.”
“Maybe but have you seen the guns on Harpers arms? She would have Padma pinned in three seconds tops.”
Dean concedes with a shrug, “Okay you’re right. Harper wins. Now...Harper vs McGonagall. No wands. Just good old fashioned fight.”
“Oooh tough,” you think for a moment, “But I think McGonagall. Definitely McGonagall.”
“Agreed. McGonagall would murder Harper in two seconds flat. But how would she go against Dumbledore?”
You paused on a large stone step, thinking for a moment, “No wands?”
Dean shakes his head, “No wands.”
“Then McGonagall.”
Dean huffs a laugh, “You seem to have a lot of faith in McGongall.”
“Who doesn’t?” You counter, proceeding up the staircase, “She’s a total badass.”
“I won’t argue with that,” Dean says before he spins around to face you, walking backwards, “Okay real talk though. Who would win: me or Seamus?”
“Seamus, definitely. Is that even a question?”
Dean clutches his chest in mock hurt, “You’ve officially been disfriended.”
“That’s not a word.”
“It is now!” He claims, before turning to the Fat Lady, “Flabberghasted.”
You follow Dean through the portrait hole and find Harry sitting in an armchair by the fire. He hasn’t noticed your return, his eyes distracted by the flames as they dance and flicked in the fireplace.
“Night, Arden,” Dean says, peeling your attention away from Harry, “And don’t forget the new word of the day is disfriended.”
Playfully rolling your eyes, you bid Dean a good night and you make your way over to Harry, clearing your throat to announce your arrival. Harry practically leaps from his seat when he sees you.
“Hi,” He murmurs
“Hey,” you smile softly, hoping it’ll hide your nerves, and nod at the fire, “You looked deep in thought.”
Harry shrugs, “I was just thinking about Sirius. I’m worried for him.”
“Me too. I wish he could live his life without having to hide. It’s the least he deserves.”
Harry nods wordlessly. Silence lapses between the two of you, spilling between the cracks dividing you.
You sigh, dropping into a couch and scrubbing your forehead in irritation, “I’m sorry about...everything. About leading you on.”
Harry chews his lip. It’s a little distracting.
“I know you are,” Harry says, as he takes the spot beside you, “And I know you didn’t do it deliberately. It just...hurts a little when the person you like doesn’t like you back. But I’ll get over it...it’s fine.”
“I shouldn’t have ignored your feelings, though. They’re valid. And, even though I’m not sorry for loving Cedric, I’m sorry for not being brave enough to talk to you properly.”
Harry tears his eyes away from the floor and for a moment your hit with a kaleidoscope of soft greens, a light show all for you. He reaches out, hesitating, hand hovering over your knee before he concedes. His hand is warm against your skin, a familiar, welcoming warmth.
“You’re the bravest person I know,” he stares and his conviction makes your heart soar, “Apart from Dumbledore.”
“Of course.”
You both laugh, like sharing a secret among friends, and it almost feels normal again, like when you were first years joking around the fire, before boyfriends and feelings and hormones.
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” Harry admits, his expression serious again, “You are one of the bestest friends I’ve ever had.”
“You too,” you rest your hand on his and squeeze, “So let’s move on. Let’s get past this.”
Harry nods in agreement. Maybe it won’t be exactly the same but at least it’ll be close.
It’s better than not having anything at all.
A/N prt 2
so i've been getting messages about whether I will write Reader losing her virginity to Cedric and, while I don't mind writing it, i know that there are some people who feel a bit eeky about reader being so young. (Honestly it is weird but you’d be surprised how many people want this)
So, I'm considering posting an extra chapter where Reader and Cedric do have sex on AO3 and everyone who is okay with reading it can head on over and read it. The chapter won't impact the story. However if the majority of people are okay with it then I'll post it on tumblr and AO3 and it will be mentioned in latr chapters. LMK what you think, please.
@marauderskeeper @weaselby418 @acciorinn @hervench @steph-fowlie @lilulo-12 @seunlight@thebesteleganttrashyouseen @elsie2018@polkadotfairyposts @hylianhighlander @dracosdoves@siriuswitches @bernadineisreborn @lousimusician @smolldork @danidomm@xrosegoldwolfx @ashkuuuu @sly-vixen-up2nogood@tchalland @lucifersnipnips @notorious-fiction@peppermintspecks @sleep-i-ness @reducto-bitch @who-said @mhftrs @whimsicalangels1234 @kneekoteen @steve-thotgers @qrangr @valiantlynervouschaos @bennie-badeend @gryffinclxw @fallern618 @alyenaaa @dammit-scamander @kararanae23@myhopeisinfinite @blaised-zabini @poppykoke@swansong321
@dammit-scamander @expellimarvelous @writing-for-a-chance @dynamicxdamsel @oliviaharddyy @padfootersblog @geeky-sydney3 @randomoutsiders @heqrics @marshmallowwisp @sugajam-z @lowkeyweasley
@seriouslynogood @fullmoonremus @blackisforpink @laazullii @itssosopia @random-things-thing @deeveenee @lahoete @urlindah @miraclesoflove @odinsvn @imaginexmeintheuniverse @pancakefancake @xinyourdreamsx @fiantomartell @221bee-slytherin @ranhanabi777 @tomshollandz @alohamadison @rogerscreaming @amarauder @unknowingfuck @21bruhs @brahmi99 @heirofnightandday @yourssuccubus @sarahjeanscott @sofdgray @harrypotterfan1239 @youreverydayzebra @hood-and-horan @xomkailaxo @mrsbluesmize226 @trishizzlmynizzl @thestorybook-adventure @faithsamantha @expectoevans @emilianamason
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 40
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- you can send me questions and theories and comments. tbh they all make me SO SO SO SOOOO HAPPY! and make me want to write more! you can also tell me if there are things you WANT to happen. you never know, i may add it :P
- note for this chapter: sorry? it had to happen. its not that bad yea?
btw, i forgot to add a request that i filled last chapter so i just added the screenshot to the last chapter. so to whoever requested them to look at old pictures together, obviously it was in chapter 39 and it was for you :)
oh and no request for this chapter, probably next one! :(
Chapter 40 : His chapter
I was surprised to see her already awake when my alarm rang in the morning but I understood exactly why when I finally sat in bed after everything was ready. She was shaking one of her legs, looking nervously around the room and although I felt a bit bad for her, the whole scene was a bit funny too.
"Darling, come here."
Her eyes finally met mine and I sent her a smile, raising my eyebrows to incite her to get closer. She finally took the few steps that separated us and I pulled her between my legs, slipping my hands in the back pockets of her jeans as she looked down at me. She stared in my eyes and sighed and my gaze dropped to her lips when she licked them.
"A penny for your thoughts?" I asked in a low tone, tilting my chin up to look at her better.
"You've got all the money in the world, you could at least offer me a bit more I mean, a penny?"
Her lips curled and it made me laugh as I pulled her closer. Her hands slipped in my hair  and I let out a low sigh.
"I know it's not easy, and i'm gonna miss you every second of every minute of every hour of every day." I let out, making her roll her eyes with a small smile. "But hey, we'll facetime every night and i'll text you and send you pictures... okay?"
Slowly, she nodded and tilted her head as her hair fell around our faces, hiding us from the world. I was torn between being excited and happy for the trip or sad and nervous about leaving her behind and somehow, all these emotions made a weird mix, forming a lump in my throat.
"Do you promise..." she started so low I barely heard, letting her fingers brush down my cheek, jaw and neck before grabbing the collar of my shirt. "...to be faithful to me?"
I hadn't expected the question and I moved my upper body back a bit to see her better as my eyebrows raised. I could hear my heartbeats accelerate but I wasn't sure why. Was I hurt by her question, or did it make me mad that she could think that of me?
"I.. hate this question, but i'm gonna answer anyway." Her eyes finally met mine and I could read in them that she felt bad for asking, but that it was stronger than her. I felt my body relax a bit and sighed. "I promise. You're the only one for me, and i'm not going to cheat on you. Physically or emotionally."
Her lips curled more and it made me smile too. I tried to tell myself that she was insecure and that it's why she needed to hear these things a lot, but I couldn't help the feeling of annoyance creeping inside my stomach. i tried to ignore it, if only because I wanted our last moments together to be happy, and shrugged my shoulders slightly.
"Are you coming with me to the airport?"
Her eyes dropped to her hands now both playing with the collar of my shirt and she started nibbling her bottom lip. She looked vulnerable, sad, and slightly embarrassed but the first thing I ended up thinking as i looked at her was how much I loved her.
"I'd rather not." she finally admitted, shrugging a shoulder. "I know i'd be emotional and I don,t want to cry in front of everyone and your fans and paps if they end up being there. And I don't want to drive back home by myself, I know i'll be crying the whole time."
I waited for her eyes to finally meet mine but it didn't happen.
"Hey." I let out gently. "I understand."
Her gaze finally moved up to meet mine and she mouthed a 'thank you'. I had the feeling she was on the verge of tears and I finally got up, keeping my arms around her and bending down to kiss her lips.
"How long do we have left?" she asked in a whisper, her lips brushing against mine.
"Like, 15 minutes." I let out low too, walking slowly her way and forcing her to take a few steps back until her back leaned on the wall. "They're about to pick me up."
"And you've got everything ready?" she asked, tilting her chin up to send me a cheeky smile.
I smirked back and chuckled, bringing both of my hands to the button of her jeans while still staring in her eyes.
"Almost." I joked, bringing my lips back on hers to kiss her deeply as I moved her pants down.
She whimpered low against my lips and squirmed a bit, finally taking her jeans and panties off and pushing them away with one of her feet. I laughed against her mouth as she pulled on my shorts too, leaving them right under my ass and when she took my cock out, I groaned low, my lips leaving hers. I leaned my forehead against hers and stared at her as I grabbed one of her thighs to place it around my waist.
"13 minutes." she joked, making me smile again. "Please do it."
I felt the tip of my dick press against her pussy and I watched her lick her fingers and bring her hand between us. Quickly, she rubbed herself and grabbed my dick, jerking me off slowly with her wet hand and I felt my eyes flutter a bit at her touch. It made me realize I was going to miss this more than I thought I would. The sex was good with her and I always wanted more. Being without her for six weeks wasn't going to be easy. She placed two of her fingers on each side of my cock as I pushed it slowly inside her and it felt so good to be inside her again that I let out a moan, pushing her hard against the wall.
"You feel amazing."
My lips found hers and I kissed her gently, feeling her fingers slip softly in my hair. I groaned low in her mouth and when she mentioned '11 minutes' I chuckled through the kiss. I moved my cock out of her very slowly and pushed it back, feeling her body tense a bit but it only took me a few seconds to speed my thrusts, pressing her more against the wall every time. I leaned my forehead against hers again and watched hr lips part as she started panting lowl.
"I love you so fucking much."
I saw her eyes flutter open at my words and her grip tightened in my hair.
"You mean so much to me." I added just as low. "I love you so much, Olivia."
Her lips found mine again and the kiss was so rough that my thrusts became unsteady. She kept her hands in my hair when our lips parted and I felt myself getting closer and closer to my orgasm.
"I love you too Niall." she whimpered very low. "More than anything and anyone."
I felt myself get dizzy and she started moaning and shaking against me. I fucked her harder to reach my own orgasm and when I did, I felt the fingers of one of my hands curl against the wall behind her while the others sunk in the skin of her thigh that was still around my waist.
I spilled inside her, shutting my eyes tight as her hands slid on my neck and chest, I waited until my heartbeats came back to a normal speed and opened my eyes only to see her smile at me.
"I'm gonna think about this every single night."
My eyes roamed on her face and I smiled fondly at her.
"Me too."
I don't know how long we stared at each other but from seeing her face, I knew that telling her how much I loved her while we were having sex was a good idea. It was not even planned, I just felt it and decided to say it and I never thought the result would be so good. I heard my phone and sighed without moving. It's only when I heard it a second time that I moved away from her. I stared at her half-naked body as I moved my shorts back up and passed my hand in my hair. She quickly put her panties back on and I finally took my shirt off, handing it to her. Her lips curled and she grabbed it, tilting her head as she stared at me.
"I know that's your kind of cheesy." I explained, chuckling a bit. "I hope it doesn't smell too bad."
She brought it to her face and smiled, shaking her head.
"I sort of kept your hoodie from last night, too." she admitted, biting her bottom lip and making me laugh this time.
"It's all yours."
I grabbed my phone and read my text messages before looking up at her. She hadn't moved, she was still leaning against the wall, her head tilted lightly, looking at me, and I smiled more, moving my phone to snap a picture of her. Her eyes got bigger and her lips parted as I put my phone back in my pocket.
"Oh god you didn't take a picture of me did you?"
I laughed again and grabbed my backpack but when I turned around, she was trying to take my phone, probably to delete it.
"Love, stop!" I said with an other chuckle, grabbing her hand gently. "I promise I won't show it to anyone! It's only for me.. for all those nights without you."
Her traits softened and although I knew she didn't like it at all, she nodded slowly. I cupped her face with both my hands and kissed her deeply, ignoring the sound of my phone again.
"Six weeks is barely anything." I whispered against her mouth.
"An eternity without you." she murmured. "I'll miss you."
"Not as much as I'll miss you."
The ride to the airport and the process of getting aboard was long and painful and it's only when the plane took off that I finally seemed to relax. I leaned my head on the bench, feeling suddenly exhausted and closed my eyes for a while. I tried not to think about her and to focus on every place I wanted to see but it was not easy and I grabbed my phone to look at the last picture of her I had taken. Once again, she looked slightly vulnerable and it made me realize that she always turned me on when she looked like that. I ran my thumb on her over the screen of my phone and sighed, closing my eyes again for a few seconds. Did I make the right choice? Maybe I should have postponed that trip after all, right?
I jumped slightly when I received a message and opened the application on my phone only to see a selfie of my girlfriend making a grimace with the caption: 'Don't worry, i'm fine without you!' and it made me laugh. I saw she was typing and waiting until more words appeared, staring at my phone.
'Don't worry. Just have fun. I'll be there when you call. I'll be there when you come back. I love you.'
I smiled more and chuckled again, quickly typing an answer.
'You're perfect, I love you too.'
I quickly took a selfie of me blowing her a kiss and sent it to her. She answered me with a few emojis and I did the same before to switch to Louis' number. At first, I wanted to ask Harry but I realized that maybe I was a bit jealous of the relationship she had with him... or maybe I was scared that if they spent more time together, she'd forget about me and fall back for him. It was ridiculous and deep down, I knew it, but I didn't want to take the chance.
'Hey Tommo, would you and El mind checking on Liv while i'm gone?'
I was surprised to get his answer only a few seconds later and frowned a bit.
'I don't know about El but i'll entertain her, don't worry mate.'
'Is everything okay?'
'Don't worry about it, just enjoy your trip!'
I shrugged and sighed, closing the application and going back to my gallery. I started checking all the pictures of her and us on my phone and my heart twisted in my chest until I just turned my phone off and put it back in my pockets. My fingers brushed against the fabric of her panties that was hidden in the pocket of my shorts and this time, my heart literally skipped a beat. I wanted to put them in my bag but I forgot and it made me wonder if she knew I had kept them after making her cum with the vibrator I had bought for her. I knew I should have asked her before taking them but it was stronger than me and finally, I pushed them deeper in my pocket to make sure I wouldn't lose them.
I tried to sleep for a while but every single time I was about to fall asleep, an idea would pop in my head and i'd quickly grab my phone again to write a few lyrics or hum a few notes that I'd record. I always seemed to feel inspired by something and even if I had promised myself that I'd do nothing but enjoy this trip, I knew I had to write down all my ideas or i'd end up regretting it.
I was trying to get distracted from her and from the hole in my chest that her absence had seemed to dig but it was not easy. I said six weeks were going to go by very fast, she said it was going to feel like an eternity... and if I wanted to be honest, I was started to believe she may be right.
"Niall! Let's go!"
I tried to read the text message I had received as we walked through the crowded but small town. It was pouring, I was only wearing shorts and shoes, but I was still heavily sweating. I hadn't seem Olivia face to face in three weeks and although it was tough to be without her, I was starting to feel at ease with my decision. This trip was even more incredible than I thought even if I had to stay in crappy motels and eat cheap food. It was an experience I really had to live at least once in my life.
'I miss you too' I quickly typed with at least one mistake before hitting 'send'.
We walked in a motel and I let my backpack fall on the floor, shaking my head slightly as some water fell into my eyes and finally put my cap back on.
"Okay, let's go get a few drinks."
"Amazing idea." I replied, searching through my stuff to find a shirt. just as my phone went off again.  "Fuck, I forgot, I have a facetime date tonight."
One of my cousins chuckled but I ignored it and just grabbed my phone, typing an other message quickly to my girlfriend.
'We're going out. Rain check?'
I didn't wait for an answer but still decided to bring my phone with me. We ended up drinking a few beers and meeting new people. It was fun, I was getting tipsy, and I started a conversation with the pretty girl sitting next to me. It took me about an hour to realize she was flirting with me but when she laughed, putting her hand on my thigh, I tensed. She moved her thick dark hair behind her ear and tilted her head with a smile, making me smile back. I liked her accent and her eyes and I was about to tell her about it when my phone rang. I saw Liv's face on the screen and immediately sobered up. I had changed her picture for the one she had sent me when I was on the plane and the way she grimaced on it made my heart skip a beat.
"I'm sorry." I told the pretty girl whom's name I couldn't seem to remember. "I have to answer."
I got up and walked out of the bar, letting out a 'hello?' in my phone. I brought my shoulders up when I realized it was still raining as water slipped inside my shirt, freezing me immediately despite the warm weather and the amount of alcohol in my blood.
"Oh shit, Niall?"
Her voice calmed me immediately and I smiled. I wanted to be mad that I was taken, I wanted to be annoyed with the fact that I was living the trip of a lifetime and that I couldn't sleep with a girl I just met in a bar, but as soon as her voice reached my ears, it seemed to reach my heart too. It was cheesy but I like it and I tried to take a mental note of these words to use them later.
"Olivia, are you okay?"
"I'm so sorry, I wanted to text you but my fingers slipped." she explained. "I'm having a hard time with this new phone."
I frowned, trying to stay under the small roof of the bar as people walked in and out. My shirt was already soaked and my hair was no better but I just wanted to listen to her some more.
"I didn't want to bother you, I know you're having fun, we can talk tomorrow." she quickly said. "I love you, Nee, goodnight."
"No wait!"
I had talked a bit louder than I intended and I felt something stir in my stomach. I didn't know if it was just because I missed her, or because I felt guilty for the thoughts that ran in my head only a few minutes ago when i was with an other girl, but I suddenly wanted to take a plane back home to be with her.
"I shouldn't have canceled our date, i'm going back to the motel now, I'll call you as soon as I get there."
Without thinking, I walked out in the rain quickly, my phone still pressed on my ear. The weather wasn't as bad as a few hours before but my shoes were still drenched and it made a weird sound as I walked.
"No, Niall it's okay!" she argued with a small chuckle. "I'm fine, really, you can't spend all the time talking to me, you have to visit and have fun. I'm fine here without you, remember? Or do I have to send you an other picture?"
She started laughing and my heart jumped on my chest.
"Send me as many pictures as you want. I miss your face."
This time, she kept quiet for a few seconds and when she talked again, I could hear worry in her tone.
"Are you sure, Niall? Are you sure you want us to talk tonight?"
I stopped waking, just feeling the rain fall in my eyes, trying to stop my heart from beating so fast.
It took me about half an hour to get back to the hotel and as soon as I arrived, I texted my cousin to tell them I was gone and that i'd see them in the morning. I took a quick shower, not really enjoying the bathroom but it was better than being dirty, and finally sat in bed with my phone in hands. It took her a few seconds to answer and I realized she was on her laptop. She sent me a smile as soon as she saw me and licked her lips, bringing her shoulders closer to her face.
"Hey petal, how are you?"
Her eyebrows raised and her lips curled slightly more. Fuck, I wanted to kiss her.
"I'm the one who should ask you that." she pointed out. "Are you okay, Nee?"
My eyes roamed on her face and I noticed she was wearing my hoodie. The sleeves were pulled over her hands and I desperately wanted to cuddle her.
"Yea, was just missing you."
She was about to answer something when I saw someone in the corner of the screen, making me frown. I sat up better in bed and tried to see who it was, and it suddenly hit me: she was not at my house, and also not at her apartment.
"Where are you?"
As if on cue, Louis appeared and sat next to her, handing her a cup of tea. She took a quick sip and thanked him, sending him a smile. I watched them interact and my heart seemed to sink in my chest.
"I'm at Louis'." she finally let out as if it wasn't obvious already.
"Is that why you didn't want to talk?"
"I wanted to talk, Niall." she frowned slightly. "I just didn't want to bother you. We don't talk as much these days and it's okay, I know you're busy and you're having the time of your life, and I don't want you to think i'm smothering you or stopping you from living this plenty."
My anger and jealousy faltered and my traits softened as I nodded.
"Can you go back home? I'd like to talk with just you."
I knew I had no right to ask her that and I was also aware that I was the one who had asked Louis to check on her but it seemed like I was just realizing that the world was still turning there, in London, without me.
Olivia glanced at Louis who sent her a smile and started nibbling her bottom lip.
"We sort-of had something planned..."
"No it's okay Livi, I totally get it."
She finally looked back at me after a few seconds and quickly nodded, her lips curling into a big smile this time, making me believe she wanted to talk to me as much as I wanted to talk to her.
"Okay, let me call you back when i'm home."
She blew me a kiss and without giving me time to answer, she hung up. I stayed in bed, motionless, realizing that I was alone in the dark in an other country and somehow, I felt extremely pathetic at that moment. I thought about the girl I was flirting with, I thought about the fact that I wanted to kiss her and maybe more, and even if that thought had crossed my mind only for half a second, I felt like shit. It was not Olivia's fault that I was here, or that I hadn't had sex in three weeks. It was my decision and she didn't have to pay for that. I had never felt that guilty before when in a relationship and it's not like it was not normal to lust other people but for some reason, I was scared that if I could have these thoughts, perhaps she could too. She was not spending her time all alone locked in my room, waiting for me to come back, and for some weird reason, it was just hitting me now.
I don't know how long I waited but I decided to call back again, even if it meant that I would look desperate. In fact, I sort of was.
"Babe, i'm in the car." she pointed out. "I'm almost there."
She had put her phone near the dash and I could see her hands moving on the wheel. She was not looking at me but I was staring at her and even from that weird angle, she looked pretty.
"Do you know what I want to do to you?"
Her face changed and she glanced at me but I could swear I saw her cheeks turn a soft shade of red, making me smirk.
"I really want to fuck you, pet." I added low. "I want to make love to you. I want to feel your warm body beneath mine. I miss you so bad."
She chuckled. "Me or fucking me?"
"Can't it be both?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, a smirk still gracing my face.
"It can."
I watched her and kept silent as she parked the car and turned to look at me in the screen of her phone, her head slightly tilted and her hair falling on her right shoulder, exactly like the picture I had taken of her before I left.
"I miss you too, Niall." she whispered, making my heart twist. "I wish you were here."
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lysitheaioandeuropa · 6 years
All of the obscure asks!!!
what’s your favorite way to dress?uh, cozy/casual. I wear a lot of dresses bc I fucking hate real pants. yesterday i stepped a little out of my comfort zone and wore a fitted dress and heels, i felt super ugly and had an anxiety atttack LMAO but overall it was nice afterwards
if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?i’d be skinny lol
what movie/game/etc. helps you calm down?kingdom hearts (any) and horror movies for fun
what does your room smell like?currently the “flannel” bath & body works scent
do you like to organize?absolutely fucking love it, but like depression 
what kind of music would you listen to if you could only choose one?shit this is hard considering i like literally EVERYTHING. but probably reggeaton lmao
what song is your aesthetic?this is also hard? i’m not sure and it definitely depends on the day/my mood
what color do you think goes best with your personality?gray pastels. does that make sense? gray versions of colors are me. I had a bf tell me i only liked dead colors lmao
do you believe in auras?i sure as fuck do i wish i could see them
what do you wish you hated, but actually like?working out and eating healthy lmao
vague about your crush(es)i fucking love her voice
is there someone you have mixed feelings towards?lmfao yeah plenty
talk about an au or story you came up withIN MY AU, DRACO MALFOY DESERVES SO MUCH BETTER OKAY. HE RUNS AWAY TO LIVE WITH HIS MOTHER, THEY LEAVE LUCIUS BEHIND. DRACO IS FUCKING TRAUMATIZED AFTER EVERYTHING LUCIUS PUT HIM THROUGH AND MADE HIM DO, ITS EATS AWAY AT HIM, BUT HE HAS TO WORK THROUGH THE PTSD AND EVERYTHING HE DID WRONG. draco has the worlds greatest redemption arc after zuko. also someone made an au comic where he and harry end up together and it didnt even seem like fanfic it felt so natural. after reading that i feel like my AU needs to have draco reaching out to harry during his redemption arc. like he needs to talk to him he needs someone to turn to. harry at first talks to him in secret bc ron and hermione are assholes still. then he starts inviting him over and making him part of the group and everyone is reluctant at first but they warm up to him. harry and ron are still best friends, but hes so busy dating hermione that draco and harry end up connecting (as friends). ginny probably has issues with it bc she takes it personally (re: chamber of secrets), and maybe that is a driving wedge between them helping lead to their divorce on top of her quidditch playing schedule and harry’s auror job. draco and his wife werent really that great together to begin with anyway. so harry and draco bond over that as well, and well thats we get from my au to the other fanfic i read. i took this and ran lmfao i would love to actually have time to write this out well though. im lowkey talented but havent really had the chance to expand on that. i dont practice my writing or anything enough unfortunately. being an adult be like
do you like makeup?im not good at it, but yes
do you prefer space or the ocean?i doont fuck with either of them bitches. but i am a slut for learning about both. just dont send me there.
if you could pick any planet besides earth, where would you live?jupiter and venus both seem cool, but i would wanna travel to another galaxy
what form of government do you like the most? (capitalism, socialism, etc.)i’m not as informed as i would like to be to make a fully informed decision, but socialism and communism both seem so fucking GREAT in theory but not in practice lmao. fuck capitalism though
what animal would you keep as a pet, if you could?my dog!!!!!!!!! I LOVE SANDRA. also though a fox, or an elephant, AN OTTER. idk i like a lot of animals
what do you think our purpose is in the universe?BITCH!!! I DONT FUCKING KNOW!!! i dont think i have a purpose ultimately and im not sure whats keeping me alive tbh
do you believe in god(s)?i believe in a sort of higher universal power kind of. just not sure
is there a song you can’t handle listening to, even though you like it?anything by russ or j cole lmfao. i hate country. i skip a lot of songs that i cant tolerate tbh so cant give just one lol
what ex do you miss the most, if you have one?im not gonna answer this lmfao. the last two were pretty cool during, not so much after
do you like soft, fluffy blankets or rough/smooth blankets?soft fluffy, but i also love my feather down comforter
what is your favorite thing to learn about?anything! i love learning shit, i end up reading about shit for fun and always “fun facts” up my sleeve 
what country’s history do you find the most interesting?dude anything but ours. american history is really not that great ngl, unless we’re talking native american. 
what do you think about genderbent ____ (insert someone here)i know this was meant to be asked as an individual question but my thoughts on genderbent anything isnt wild tbh. genderbent twilight is fucking stupid though
what breakup was the hardest, if you had one?WOW LMFAO. all of them felt like i was going to die, and no im not being dramatic. i remember each one feeling like i was literally being torn apart, staying in bed for days and weeks on end and just sinking and sinking so low, emotional, mentally, so on and so forth. i dont deal with breakups well
do you have someone where you can’t decide if you like them romantically or just as a friend?not at all, im pretty sure about who i like and how, most of the time. i do try to keep an open mind though
what do you think about tumblr discourse?i dont lmao
what instrument do you wish you could master?I WANT TO LEARN TO PLAY THE FUCKING HARP
how easy is it for you to be honest?entirely way too easy which is why a lot of people hate me lmao
do you have any strange interests?just about all of them lmao. but i think books, anime, and video games are the main ones 
do you have any strange fears?i used to be really scared of the dark but i got over it (recently, lmao). when i was living alone i was irrationally afraid of home invasion lol. im now just scared of like losing my job and shit lol
what food do you binge on when you’re lazy?i dont really have a lot of “binge” food. if im lazy i just snack around, i try to cook and stuff but just depends. im more conscious about binging bc i dont want to feel guilty so if im lazy i might get fast food but something small if that makes sense
when you get angry, how do you show it?OKAY i have actually gotten a lot better at this!!!! i take a few breathes and honestly really sit there and think about it. i try not to lash out or act immediately bc if i do i’ll pop off. so i try to talk through it rationally and assess how i feel before i do anything crazy
do you have any impulsive movements? (twitches, ticks, flapping, etc.)muscle spamsms when i sleep sometimes
what do you listen to music on?everything tbh but mostly my phone
are you left brained or right brained?I would want to say left brained bc im super logical and whatnot, but right brained bc artistic or whatever. maybe i actually use more than 10% unlike everyone else or whatever 
earbuds or headphones?earbuds
do you like light blankets or heavy blankets? light
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tayegi · 7 years
im crying not only bc of your amazing writing, but bc i was scrolling thru my dashboard and i saw you answering all these asks about new rules and i’m so dump thinking that you set up new rules or sthg, i didn’t understand it so i read all those asks and fucking spoiled myself kmp, but on another note yOU FUCKING ROCK OMG NEW RULES IS SO AMAZING I LOVE IT 💘💘💘
Anonymous said:I'M LOVING NEW RULES SO MUCH just wanted to show my support. i love your writing in general don't get me wrong but new rules is messing with my heart and it's amazing
Anonymous said:Hi! I just read both parts for "New Rules" and I loved them! If this goes in the same direction as Dua Lipa sings (I guess it will) it sounds like it'll be very interesting. I love how everyone in the story is human, not just good or bad, you know? 90% of fics would've made Mijoo the stereotypical barbie bitch, but you didn't and I was pleasantly surprised! I also feel very identified with the OC. I really want her to open up and discover who JK really is, whoever that is. Keep up the good work!
jabaelashit said:Hey! i already wrote you a message on one of your posts but i just wanted to say that i am feeling so skabakks right now, I can't stop thinking about new rules and i'm torn between crying or crying but w angsty. I hope oc learns her worth and can understand she's just as amazing as mijoo, even better if we're talking about morals but oh well people fuck up:( I'm glad she forgave her but I hope she distances from her cause that gurl ain't having the same respect for the friendship as oc/1
jabaelashit said:and i also hope she gets to tell jimin her feelings not to like make him break stuff w mijoo, but to let him know she hadnt seen the note and to release some pressure and feelings cause oc bottles up so much and i just want to go and hug her and don't leave her until she understands shes fucking badass and cool and that the way she thinks is 👏👏👏 lu you've made me feel such a diverse amount of emotions i don't know what to do w myself anymore, your writing is amazing! love love loove you❣/2
Anonymous said:Hey!!:) idk if this is the right place to send compliments cause im really new to tumblr but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR FICS. Tbh I'd buy it if you published a physical compilation;)
Anonymous said:Wow for the longest time I was searching your old username; idek why cause I’ve known you changed your username and have been keeping up to date with you LMAO this is what being sick and delirious does to me. ANYWAYS! Hope you’re not too down with the crazy anons your story is great and I’m thankful for the dynamic characterizations you create! It makes it so much more interesting cause you create many characters with depth!!
Anonymous said:Can I please just have your writing talent? The OC is just so real, and that moment when she's deciding what to do with Mijoo, and what she actually says at the end.... I can't actually put my thoughts into words. I'm legit stunned by the sheer amount of emotions I felt reading the second chapter. I genuinely adore the banter between JK and OC, I personally prefer people to be more direct with what they want, so I already appreciate them, but also Jimin's convo with OC... (1/2)
Anonymous said:Jimin's convo with OC... Idk about these other anons going off on Mijoo, I was more thinking 'why didn't Jimin chase the note?' and then he would have had his answer then and there. But that might have just been me... And also, thinking back to it now, when JK said 'I need you' and OC repeated it back to him like super softly, like she was surprised oh god, okay, my heart is breaking even more for OC now, idk if I'm reading too much into it. I love you Lu, I hope you're well, and happy! (2/2)
Anonymous said:I love your fics so much!! The sass is real esp with jungkook 😂
Anonymous said:Anyways do ya thang hunny ✨ Keep wrecking me with your writings 💞✨💞✨💞✨💞✨💞✨😩
Anonymous said:Read part 1 of New Rules and was like yeah thisll be fun, I'll have a great time. Then I read part 2 and ended up shedding some real tears at the end?!?! LU WHAT THE...... But really though its so nice to read a fic where the OC values friendship. The idea that its always girls against girls makes me sad.. we should be sticking together!!
Anonymous said:so... surprise surprise, dis gon be about new rules 😂 but I really wanted to thank you for adding so much of the oc's inner dialogue, and making her such a character in the first place. a lot of fics do not portray ocs with more defeatist attitudes, but yours does and I was glad, because I could finally relate to a fic :) also, coming back to the inner dialogue thing, it was so in depth that i could really feel what the oc was feeling, what she was going through. it was amazing ❤️ thank you!
Anonymous said:Man this is one hell of a good fic i’m highly anticipating the next chapter!!! Even though it seems like traditional frat fuckboy x ‘i hate frat bois but ye i’d fuck u’ type of girl it still is in a way a little different i just can’t quite catch how but nonetheless it’s amazing!!! Keep up the good work babe
oceanjoon said:ok so ur newest fic new rules literally is so real n relatable !! like honestly i understand seeking physical comfort in people u dont care about wen u r feeling down/insecure to validate urself n it just rlly hit home
kyarybunny said:Lu. At this point I have so many compliments to give you I can't really form it all properly. But I really am enjoying New Rules and this plot you're breathing life into! It's a different facet of your writing and I love how you can interpret every character's actions in a few different ways. Thank you for continuing to write and I hope you enjoy writing as much as we do reading/analyzing.
Anonymous said:Istg when I read the new chapter of New Rules I clenched my fist like that Arthur meme when it came up to the part about mijoo and the note. Girl got me heated lol. As usual, your works do not disappoint! I love your wittiness and how it shines in your writing. The remarks and dialogue in all of your series really proves your talent. You’re truly a gem amongst fanfic writers 💕☺️📢
Anonymous said:i was happily reblogging a few things on my dash and ch1 of new rules just came and i started reading WHERE THE FUCK DID I GET MY ASS INTO???!!!???!?! IT'S FUCKING AMAZING i don't know why i didn't start reading before. don't you ever dare stop writting, you're such a good writter and i enjoy your works very very much
Anonymous said:new rules just keeps getting better and better 😻😻
Anonymous said:Wow.. Okay.. I do believe chapter 2 of New Rules has officially ruined me. My heart was actually beating so fast through out the whole chapter, and it's still racing now too. I've thought this multiple times while reading your fics, but you're writing really is incredible. Your characters and the way you describe their emotions is so unbelievably relatable that the reader can't help but be sucked in. I always find myself becoming invested in your characters! Thank you for all the adventures!
Anonymous said:I felt so bad for the OC this chapter ;.; If I were in her position, I'd probably do the same since causing a scene is yes, immature and not worth the energy. But, if i could be a character in New Rules I'd probably be the other best friend who'll be like "guurl, confront her ass it isnt an excuse just because she's your friend." All in all I see the OC as the kind of person who'll go out of their way to care for someone to the point of disregarding their own feelings, which is unhealthy :( (1)
Anonymous said:(2) but thats what makes her such a relatable character. I really, really like that in your OCs. This is probably the second OC i emotionally relate to, first is Copper Girl. But yeah I'm just distracting myself from assignments lol this series is amazing and just you are amazing Lu!!!! ily!!!!! PS. Jungkook is still agsjshskll he's cocky but with OC he's quite vulnerable. I wonder why? Is it just a front or does he have other intentions?
Anonymous said:alternative ending to new rules: mijoo and mc are over their respective boys, does not bother to get into any messy scenarios like that ever again, love each other and support each other and is forever the friendship that everyone envies anD I HATE THIS SITUATION SO MUCH GODDAMMIT LU!!! UR REALLY TRYING TO TEAR MY HEART APART!!
omg the amount of response ive gotten for new rules is unbelievable. I dont think ppl were even this into equilibrium. the last time u guys acted like this was during the golden boy trilogy and it really feels so good to have this again.
thank you all for your thoughtful messages and for giving this ridiculous little fic a chance. I love you all
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tartts · 7 years
so the only time i've been kissed was in a game of truth or dare when i was like 16 and drunk, and i only did it bc everybody thought i wouldn't anyways it's been like 4 years since that and i'm starting to wonder if i'm too closed to the idea of being in a relationship bc i always push boys away or it's bc im not attracted to boys....
the million dollar question tbh. i started to contemplate the idea of being aro maybe when i was 17 or 18? and it gradually made more sense to me. when i was younger, i would get crushes, and then once they came to fruition, as in dating or kissing or whatever, all feelings would promptly vanish. this led to me having quite a few relationships that were 1 week or 2 week long events. and the only time i had long, drawn out feelings were for like two guys that were ultimately unobtainable. one lived in a completely different country, the other was someone i only ever spent time with in person a few times. both sorted themselves out one way or another and honestly, i don’t know. i’m constantly torn between “hmmm am i really aro” or “wow yeah i’m aro as fuck” because i get in these moods(tm) about being alone for as long as i have been, what it means, what it could mean for my life in the long run, and then there’s just plain boredom and the need for some excitement every so often, which is how i’m currently feeling. like, in an abstract theory kind of way, a romantic relationship could be fun but i’m just not that person right now? i don’t really ever see myself in that situation? i can’t really open up to people either, i make a good pretense of it, sure, but actual vulnerability? hellllllll no.
so, what i’m trying to get at with that story is that there’s definitely the possibility that you may not be into boys, or it could just be not wanting a relationship. and i’m not sure if you meant “i may not be into boys” as “i may be a lesbian” or not either, but that’s always a possibility to explore (didn’t pan out for me, personally) it’s really tough to figure out and i’m still questioning myself and my motivations and it’s just sort of a journey that never really ends, but hopefully some things become clearer on the way
send me kiss stories
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