#My old car’s tires probably ran over nails all the time and went HA BITCH YOU THOUGHT
shima-draws · 2 years
My car: Happy Friday time for an oil change ALSO you have two flat tires mwah 😘
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Supernatural- Something Wicked (1.18)
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im crying again this boy was a... ChiLd
Pairing: Slight Olive Winchester x Hunter Richmond, usual Olive Winchester sister oc
Summary: John sends the siblings on a hunt, the Winchester and Richmond rivalry rears its head, and the past comes back to haunt the Winchesters
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sickness, guns, probably a knife in there somewhere, etc
Word Count: 6995
“Something’s not right about this, Dean.” Sam scoffed.
“Yeah. You probably missed something, that’s what.” Dean snapped back.
“Dude, we ran LexisNexis, local police reports, newspapers.” Sam sighed.
“De, we couldn’t find a single red flag.” I piped up, glancing between the two.
“Are you sure you got the coordinates right?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, he double checked. Fitchburg, Wisconsin.”
“Dad wouldn’t have sent us coordinates if it wasn’t important, Sammy.” Dean was trying to stay calm.
Sam ran his hands through his head, frustrated. Jinx whined from his lap, sensing the tension.
“Well, I’m telling you that Olive and I looked and all we could find was a big steamy pile of nothing.” Sam snapped. “If Dad’s sending us hunting for something, I don’t know what.”
“Well maybe he’s gonna meet us there.” Dean offered with a shrug.
“Yeah. Cause he’s been so easy to find up to this point.” Sam snarled.
Dean lost his patience. “You’re a real smart ass, you know that?”
“Hey.” I snapped, glaring at them both. “Both of you calm down.”
Dean snorted. “She’s right. I’m sure there’s something in Fitchburg worth killing.”
“Yeah?” Sam turned. “What makes you so sure?”
“Cause I’m the oldest, which means I’m always right.”
“No it doesn’t.” Sam narrowed his eyes at him.
“It totally does.” Dean sassed back.
Dean glanced at Sam, then back to the road with a grin on his face. I leaned into his side with a huff. Jinx let out a sigh as we passed the sign for Fitchburg, population 20,501.
“What do you think’s here?” Sam asked, arms crossed over his chest.
Jinx tugged at the leash, and Sam tugged back with a sigh.
“I dunno.” I shrugged, wrapping my jacket tighter around myself. “But Dean’s right, there’s probably something worth our time.”
Sam rolled his eyes, and I licked my lips.
“What? Don’t understand the blind faith I have in him?” My arm began to throb.
Sam snorted, rolling his eyes again. “No, actually. I don’t.”
“Has Dean ever let us down?” I narrowed my eyes as I turned to look at him. “Has he ever betrayed us? Hurt us?” I scowled at him.
“Sam, just answer the question. Has Dean ever led us astray?”
Sam sighed and shook his head. Jinx let out a small yip, and I looked up.
“Hey!” Dean came running across the street with a grin, two coffee cups, and a bottle.
“Juice!” I smiled and plucked the bottle from his hand. “So, what’s going on?”
“Well…” Dean handed Sam a coffee. “The waitress thinks the local freemasons are up to something sneaky, but other than that, nobody’s heard about anything freaky going on.”
Sam said nothing, staring ahead. I followed his line of sight, only to see an empty playground. I blinked, confused.
“De, you got the time?”
Dean glanced at his watch. “Uh, ten after four. Why?”
Sam nodded to the playground. “What’s wrong with this picture?”
“School’s out, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. So where is everybody?”
“This place should be crawling with kids right now.”
Dean nodded. “C’mon.”
Sam and I followed as he approached the single woman sitting on a park bench, reading a magazine. Jinx sniffed a trail on the floor, then let out a tiny bark. The woman turned around and smiled at us.
“Sure is quiet out here.” He smiled his charming smile.
“Yeah, it’s a shame.” She sighed.
“And why’s that?”
“You know, kids getting sick. It’s a terrible thing.”
“How many?” I inched forward, leaning into Dean’s side.
He wrapped an arm around me as the woman spoke.
“Just give or six, but serious. Hospital serious. A lot of parents are getting pretty anxious. They think it’s catching.” She nodded her head at me. “I would make sure you keep your daughter safe.”
Sam made a bitch-face, lips curled up. Dean only tightened his hold on me. “Yeah, thank you.”
I sighed and watched as a little blond girl played by herself on the swings.
              ��                                      ***
“Dude.” Sam growled. “Dude, I am not using this ID.” He slapped it down by his side.
“Why not?” I asked, leaning forward and pulling my bag onto my shoulder.
“It says bikini inspector on it.”
I giggled. “They usually don’t even look that close, Sams. You’ll be alright.” I pressed a kiss to his cheek. “It’s all about confidence.”
“Alright, be careful. Anything weird, you call us. Keep a weapon on you at all times, don’t let anybody see it.” Dean pecked my cheek.
“Okay. Be safe. Love you guys.” I scratched Jinx behind the ear.
“Love you too, babes. We’ll swing by later to pick you up, alright?”
I nodded as I climbed out of the car and shut the door. “Bye!”
The boys drove off and I turned to face the school with a sigh. This was going to be, by far, one of the longest hunts so far.
I dropped into a chair at the back of the room with a sigh. I had pushed through chemistry and trig, although I understood nothing. English II was a dim lit room, and I took a nap. Advanced painting was a breeze, although the sleeve of my flannel now had a strip of red paint on it. Spanish was a bore, it came naturally to me, and the same could be said for the current mythology class. 
“Connors? Ms. Connors? Olive Connors?”
I blinked. We had blown through so many fake names since St. Louis I always forgot which one we were using.
“Here.” I didn’t look up from my journal.
I looked up, eyes wide. Hunter was on the other end of the room, staring at me. I narrowed my eyes. How’d they get here? There wasn’t anything to lead them here.
Why are you here? I mouthed, glaring.
We found it in our mom’s journal.
I sighed and sunk into my seat, flipping back to the start of my own journal.
This was going to be even worse than I had originally thought.
“In your mom’s journal? We can’t even find it in our dad’s. And I can’t find it in mine.” I spoke to Hunter through gritted teeth as we elbowed our way through the halls.
“I thought you had, like, the master journal. Haven’t you been putting all of your research together since you were nine?”
“Six. I started training when I was six. What’s your mom’s journal say?” I grabbed onto his arm as a group of freshmen pushed past us.
He wiggled his arm out of my grip and slipped his hand into mine. “Come on, we can’t be talking about this stuff in public.”
I rolled my eyes. “God, you sound like Sam.”
“Well, he’s right. For all we know, one of these kids is doing something.”
I rolled my eyes again, this time throwing my head back for effect. “Fine, come here.” I tugged him into the girls bathroom.
He opened his mouth to protest, and I elbowed him as a girl popped out of one of the stalls. She eyed us as she washed her hands, and then hurried out into the hall. Hunter glared at me.
“Nice, so now we could get suspended.”
I grinned. “No school means we get in on the hunt. Now show me your mom’s journal.”
He shouldered his bag and unzipped it, pulling out a yellow journal with a faded heart on the cover. He flicked it open, smoothing the pages out.
“Shtriga.” He handed it over.
My blood ran cold as I looked at the picture of a rotted handprint. I shivered, and I didn’t know why.
“I think our mom and you dad went after this together.” Hunter pointed at the journal.
I swallowed hard as I looked up at him.
On the other side of town, Sam and Dean prance around a girl’s room. She’s sick, in the hospital with her entire family. The boys need to find out what they’re up against.
“You got anything over there?” Sam asks Dean.
The eldest Winchester shakes his head, staring at his EMF meter. “Nah, nothing.”
“Yeah, me neither.” Sam sighs, moving to the window.
His eyes widen and he calls out to his older brother. Dean comes as called, confused. Sam lets out a breath as he stares at the windowsill.
“You were right. It’s not pneumonia.”
“It’s rotten. What the hell leaves a handprint like that?”
Dean stares over Sam’s shoulder, eyes widening when he sees the same handprint, rotted into the wood. His blood freezes at the same time as Olive’s, and his stomach drops. He knows this handprint. He’s seen it before.
Dean, aged eleven, stares at a photo of the same handprint. John comes out of the bedroom, loading his sawn off.
“Alright. You know the drill, Dean. Anybody calls, you don’t pick up. If it’s me, I’ll ring once, then call back. You got that?”
Dean nods. “Mhm. Only answer the phone unless it rings once first.” He butchers it on purpose.
He’s tired of hearing the same thing over and over. He knows what to do to take care of his siblings. Ever since Olive was dropped on their doorstep, Dean’s become a single father of two, fighting tooth and nail to keep his siblings safe. He loves his little brother and sister, but he wishes they could stay with Bobby, like the Richmonds. Everett is four, Sutton is two, and Hunter is the same age as Olive. They can’t take care of themselves, but John believes Dean can take care of his own family.
“Come on, dude, look alive.” John pats Dean’s chest. “This stuff is important.”
“I know, it’s just…” Dean sighs. “We’ve gone over it like a million times and you know I’m not stupid. I can take care of them.”
“I know you’re not stupid. I know you can.” John suppresses a prideful smile. “But it only takes one mistake, you got that?” He continues to pack his bag. “Alright, if I’m not back Sunday night…” John trails off.
“Call Pastor Jim.” Dean repeats the chant imprinted on his brain stem.
“Lock the doors, the windows, close the shades. Most important…”
“Watch out for Sammy and Ollie. I know.”
John and Dean look to the two younger children. Sammy, seven years old, is sprawled out on the couch, watching ThunderCats on the TV. Olive is about half a year old, small and fragile, tucked into a bouncy cradle. She’s wide awake, big brown eyes taking in everything in the room. Sam picks her up and holds her in his arms, eyes still on the TV. Sam loves her too, maybe a bit more than Dean does.
“Alright.” John takes Dean’s attention back. “If something tries to bust in?”
“Shoot first, ask questions later.”
John grabs his shoulders and leans down to be eye-level with him, a smile on his face. “That’s my man.”
Dean blinks himself back to reality, standing by the window and feeling ill. Sam stares at him, concerned.
“I know why Dad sent us here. He’s faced this thing before, with Irene Richmond. He wants us to finish the job.”
“Yeah, Ol. We’re running late, I know, we’re sorry.”
“No, it’s not that. Look, the Richmonds are here. I know what we’re dealing with.”
“A shtriga. I know.”
“Everett and Sutton already found a motel. We can get a room there.”
He sighed on the other end. “Yeah, okay. They picking you up? I mean, I’m assuming you’re with Hunter?”
I giggled, looking up at the boy next to me. “Yeah. Yeah, I am. Meet us at the motel? I’ll text Sammy the address.”
Another sigh. “Yeah, fine. See you soon, baby.”
I smiled. “See you, bubba.”
“So what the hell is a shtriga?” Sam asked as the boys climbed out of the car.
“It’s… kinda like a witch I think.”
“We don’t know much about them. It’s not in Dad’s journal, or mine.” I called from my spot on the Richmond’s car.
“Hey, beanie!” Dean grinned at me before turning back to Sam. “Dad hunted one in Fort Douglas, Wisconsin, about fifteen years ago. You were there. It was a couple of months after Olive was born. You don’t remember?”
I jumped off the car and met my brothers halfway, holding my arm out for a hug.
“No.” Sam shook his head before kissing my head. “I’ve never heard of a shtriga before.”
“I guess he caught wind of the stuff going on now and kicked us the coordinates.” Dean kissed my forehead.
“Dean, do you think this is the same one Dad hunted before?” I asked as he handed Jinx’s leash to me.
“Yeah, maybe.”
“But if Dad went after it, why is it still breathing air?” Sam narrowed his eyes.
“Cause it got away.” Dean grumbled.
“Got away?” Sam echoed.
Dean began to lose his patience, and I pulled Jinx up to my chest with a sigh. She let out a whine, and I watched as Dean’s jaw clenched.
“It happens, Sams.” I offered.
“Not very often.”
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you, Sam. Maybe Dad didn’t have his wheaties that morning.” Dean snarled.
“What else do you remember?”
“Nothing. I was a kid, alright?” Dean snapped back, defensive as he opened the door.
Sam looked at me as Dean rang the bell on the counter. I shrugged. Something about this case was deeply personal for him. I didn’t know why, or what, but I knew it was bothering him.
A ten year old boy came around from a back room, where you could see a younger boy watching TV.
“A king or two queens?” The boy asked, eyes on Jinx.
“Two queens.” Dean spoke, glancing over his shoulder at Sam.
The boy glanced back at Sam and snickered, mumbling something under his breath.
“What’d you say?” Dean fronted.
“Hey.” I hit his arm.
“Two queens, please. Pet-friendly, too.” I smiled at the boy.
Jinx looked at him with her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth. The boy smiled back.
“Can I pet her?”
“Yeah, sure! She’s really sweet. Her name’s Jinx.” I put her down on the floor as the boy rounded the counter.
A woman came around from the back room and smiled at us.
“Hi. Checking in?”
“Yeah.” Dean nodded, a polite smile on his face.
“Michael, do me a favor, go get your brother some dinner.” She spoke to the boy.
“Mom, I’m helping a guest!”
She gave him a look, and he grimaced. “Thanks for letting me pet her.” He got to his feet.
“Of course.”
He turned to his mother and raised his eyebrow at Dean. “Two queens.”
Dean faked a laugh. “Funny kid.”
“Yeah, he thinks so.” She sighed. “Will that be cash or credit?”
“You take MasterCard?” He asked, and she nodded. “Perfect. Here you go.” He handed her his card, staring at the back room.
I stood, lifting Jinx once more. She snuggled into my chest and I leaned against Dean. He kissed the top of my head, but kept staring off.
Sam, seven years old, places Olive in her high chair. She slams her fat little fists against the table, and Dean shushes her as he pours Sam a glass of milk.
“When’s Dad gonna get back?” Sam asks as he sits down.
Dean grabs a pot from the stove, careful not to burn himself. “Tomorrow.”
“When?” Sam pouts.
Dean sighs as he pours the noodles into a bowl. “I dunno, Sam. He usually comes in late though. Now eat your dinner.” He places the bowl in front of Sam.
“I’m sick of Spaghettios.”
“Well, you’re the one who wanted them.”
Olive hits the table again, this time beginning to cry. Dean shushes her again, plucking her out of her chair and holding her to his chest.
“I want Lucky Charms!” Sam whines.
Olive cries louder, and Dean bounces her up and down.
“There’s no more Lucky Charms, Sam.”
“I saw the box!” Sam crosses his arms over his chest.
“Okay, maybe there is but there’s only enough for one bowl and I haven’t had any yet.” Dean sighs, trying to calm a screaming Olive.
Sam gives Dean puppy eyes, and Dean breaks. He grabs Sam’s bowl, ready to dump it in the trash. Olive falls silent, making grabby hands for it. He smiles, putting the bowl down on the table. He grabs the cereal box and puts it down in front of Sam before sitting with Olive in his lap, spoon feeding her.
Sam reaches into the box and pulls out the toy, holding it out to Dean. “D’ya want the prize?”
“De.” I grabbed Dean’s elbow and shook him.
He blinked, and the woman held his card out to him, “Sir?”
Dean blinked again, taking the card and tucking it back into his wallet. “Thanks.”
I looked up at him with big eyes. He looked down at me with a sad smile and handed me the motel keys. Jinx licked his hand, and he patted her head.
“Come on, let’s go.”
“Well, you guys were right.” Sam chuckled, sitting at the table with his laptop open. “It wasn’t very easy to find, but you were right. Shtriga is a kind of witch. They’re Albanian, but legends trace them back to Ancient Rome.”
“Yeah. They feed off spiritus vitae.” Sutton nodded, feet kicked up on the table.
“Spiri-what?” Dean echoed.
“Spiritus vitae.” Sam repeated.
“It’s Latin, translates to breath of life. Kinda like your life force or essence.”
“Didn’t the doctor say the kid’s bodies were wearing out?” Dean settled onto his bed.
I yawned and curled up on the couch. Jinx jumped up with me, snuggling between my legs and Hunter’s head.
“It’s a thought.” Sutton shrugged. “You know, she takes your vitality, maybe your immunity goes to hell, pneumonia takes hold.”
“Anyways, shtrigas can feed off anyone, but they prefer-”
“Children.” Everett cut him off.
“Yeah. Probably because they have a stronger life force.” Sutton noted.
“And get this. Shtrigas are ‘invulnerable to all weapons devised by God and man’. So what do we do?”
“No, that’s not right.” Dean looked up. “She’s vulnerable when she feeds.”
“What?” I looked at him.
“If you catch her when she’s eating, you can blast her with consecrated wrought iron, uh… buckshots, or rounds, I think.”
“How do you remember that?” Sam tilted his head.
“Dad told me. I remember.”
“Oh.” Sam hummed. “Anything else Dad might’ve mentioned?”
“Nope, that’s it.” Dean shook his head.
Sutton and Everett looked between the boys, and then to me.. Hunter looked up at me, and I looked away.
“What?” Dean barked.
“Nothing.” Everett blinked.
“So, assuming we can kill the bitch while it eats, we still gotta find the thing. It’s not exactly gonna be a cakewalk. Shtrigas take on a human disguise when they’re not hunting.” Sutton broke the silence.
“What kinda disguise?” I asked.
“Historically, something innocuous.” Sam sighed. “Could be anything, but it’s usually a feeble old woman, which might be how the witches as old crones legend started.”
“Wait, hang on.” Hunter and I got up at the same time.
“Tack it up.” I plucked the map off the coffee table and handed it to Dean. “Check this out. Hunter and I marked down all the addresses of the victims. Now these are all the houses that have been hit so far.” I pointed to all the red circles.
“And what’s dead center?” Hunter pointed to the meddle.
“The hospital.” Sam realized.
“The hospital.” Dean repeated, eyes widening. “I saw a patient there, an old woman.”
“An old person, huh?”
“Yeah.” Dean nodded, and I tilted my head at him.
“In a hospital?” Sam let out a whistle and shook his head. “Better call the coast guard.”
Everett snorted, and Sutton giggled. I looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed. He rolled his eyes.
“Listen, smartasses. She had an inverted cross hanging on her wall.”
I smiled at Dean as the others looked up at him, wide-eyed and serious. Dean raised an eyebrow, and I rested my head against his arm, and he squeezed my shoulder.
“Let’s go.”
Hunter clapped a hand over my mouth, and I grabbed Dean’s wrist, yanking him back. Everett hushed Sutton, and Sam pushed us all back to hide behind the corner.
“Good night Dr. Hydecker.”
“See you tomorrow, Betty.”
“Try to get some sleep.”
Sam peeked his head around the corner and nodded, leading the way. Dean looked around, on edge. He took the lead, opening the door. He snuck in, drawing his gun. Everett and Sutton followed him in. Hunter pushed me in, and Sam was the last, closing the door behind us, softly. I padded over to Dean and hooked a finger onto his belt loop. He reached back and squeezed my hand before shuffling closer to the woman. She was in her wheelchair, facing the corner. I pulled at him, and he looked over his shoulder to face me.
Is she asleep? I mouthed at him.
He nodded. I think so.
“Who the hell are you?” The woman yelled, turning to Dean.
I jumped a foot in the air, and Dean instinctively snatched me mid-air, holding me against his hip. The Richmonds aimed their weapons at the woman, and Sam was in front of Dean and I in a split second, arms spread wide and shoulders squared to protect us.
“Who’s there? You trying to steal my stuff?” She groaned to herself. “They’re always stealing around here.”
Hunter turned and flicked the lights on, and I let out a silent breath when I saw the cataracts in her eyes.
“No, ma’am!” Sam sputtered. “Uh, we’re maintenance. We’re sorry, we thought you were sleeping.”
“Ah, nonsense.” The woman snorted. “I was sleeping with my peepers open.” She laughed before pointing to the inverted cross on the wall. “And fix that crucifix, would ya? I’ve asked four damn times already!”
Dean and I only stared, clinging to each other. Sam spun the cross around so that it was the right way as Dean tried to put me down. My legs were hooked around him, and they would not go down. I tightened my arm around his neck, and he sighed as we turned to leave the room.
“I was sleeping with my peepers open?” Sam let out a cackle, and Dean frowned at him.
“I almost smoked that old girl, I swear! It’s not funny!” Dean hissed back.
“Oh man, you should’ve seen your faces!” Sam snickered.
“It was horrifying, Sams!” I snapped back.
“Your legs wouldn’t work!” Sam laughed harder, beginning to wheeze.
“Oh, shove it.” I snarled as we entered the lobby.
“Alright, alright, laugh it off. Now we’re back to square one.” Dean sighed as he fished out the motel keys.
“Alright, I’m gonna hit the hay.” Everett saluted us before going straight for their room.
“See ya later.” Sutton waved, following her sister.
Hunter sighed, leaning down to kiss my cheek before following his sisters across the parking lot.
“Hang on.” Dean shoved the keys into my hand and turned to the boy from earlier, who was sitting on the curb. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“My brother’s sick.”
“The little guy?” Dean asked, face softening.
I sighed. Poor kid.
“Pneumonia. He’s in the hospital. It’s my fault.”
“Aw, come on.” Dean shook his head. “How is it your fault?”
“I should’ve made sure the window was latched. He wouldn't have gotten pneumonia if the window was latched.” He pouted.
Dean looked back at us, a sad look on his face. Sam and I looked back, identical frowns on our faces.
“Listen to me.” He turned back to Michael. “I can promise you that this is not your fault. Okay?”
“It’s my job to look after him.”
Dean’s shoulders dropped, and I sighed again.
You see yourself in him.
My chest clenched, and Sam grabbed me by the shoulders. The mom came hurrying out of the lobby.
“Michael, I want you to turn on the no vacancy sign while I’m gone. I’ve got Denis covering room service so don’t bother with any of the rooms.”
“I’m going with you.” Michael stood.
“Not now, Michael.”
“But I’ve gotta see Asher.” He begged.
“Hey, Michael.” Dean caught his attention. “Hey, I know how you feel, I’m a big brother too, but you gotta go easy on your Mom right now, okay?”
She dropped her handbag in her haste and cursed under her breath. I bolted out from under Sam’s arm and grabbed it.
“Thank you.” She wiped her hair out of her face.
“Listen, you’re in no condition to drive. Why don’t you let me give you a lift to the hospital?” Dean offered.
“No, I couldn’t possibly-”
“No, it’s really no trouble. Let him drive you.” I cut in, and Dean held his hand out for the keys.
“Thank you so much.” She smiled, then turned to Michael. “Be good.”
Dean turned to help her slide into the passenger seat and then turned back to us. He cupped my cheek before looking up at Sam.
“We’re gonna gank this thing. I want it dead, you hear me?”
Hunter let out a snore from his spot on the couch. I was next to him, half asleep. Sutton and Sam were researching, and Everett was calling around to see who knew what. My phone buzzed under my thigh, and I untangled myself from Hunter, making my way to Sam and Sutton.
“Hey.” Dean whispered on the other end.
“Hey, bubba. How’s the kid?”
“He’s not good. Where are you guys?”
“We’re at the library. We’re trying to find out as much as we can about the shtriga.”
“Whatcha got so far?”
“Well, bad news. We started with Fort Douglas, the hunt you said Dad was on.” I whacked Sam’s arm to get his attention.
“Um, same deal. I think Sammy said that before that there was Odgensville? Before that, North Haverbrook, and Brockway. Every fifteen to twenty years it hits a new town.” I sighed. “This thing is just getting started. In all these other places, dozens of kids before it moves on. The kids just stay in comas and then die.” I shuddered.
“How far back does this thing go?”
“Uh, Sammy, how far back?” I whispered, leaning over his shoulder.
“Earliest mention we could find was called Black River Falls, back in the 1890s.”
“Holy shit.” I hissed, staring at the microfiche screen.
“Hold on, De. We’re looking at a picture of a bunch of doctors standing around a kid’s bed. Sam, that’s Hydecker, right?”
“Yeah.” Sam nodded slowly.
“Okay, and?”
“And the picture is from 1893.”
“Are you guys sure?”
Dean hung up without a warning, and I sighed.
“We can’t leave him in that hospital alone, he’ll lose his cool.” I whispered.
Sam shook his head. “We can’t do anything.”
I growled under my breath and padded back to Hunter. He was awake now, rubbing at his eyes. I dropped back next to him with a sigh, and he yawned.
“What happened?”
“It’s the fucking doctor.” I hissed.
He huffed. “He’ll go after the older brother now.”
I nodded. “We have to stop this. Tonight.”
“We should’ve thought of this before.” Sam sighed. “A doctor is a perfect disguise. You’re trusted, you can control the whole thing.”
Dean wrestled with his jacket, angry. I yanked him by the wrist and helped him take the jacket off before he continued to pace, agitated. I folded the jacket in two and held it in my lap as I sat down on the bed with a sigh. Jinx settled at my feet with a whine. She could tell he was anxious.
“That son of a fucking bitch.” He snarled.
“I’m surprised you didn’t draw on him right there.” Everett snorted.
“Yeah well, first of all, I’m not gonna open fire in a fucking pediatrics ward.”
“Good call.” Sutton noted.
“Second, wouldn’t have done any good, because the cunt’s bullet proof unless he’s chowing down on something. And third, I wasn’t packing, which is probably a really good thing cause I would’ve burned a clip in him on principle alone.”
“You’re getting wise in your old age, Dean.” Sam teased.
Dean said nothing, and I stood, padding toward him softly.
“We know how to get it.”
“What do you mean?” Sam asked.
Dean’s eyes widened. “Shtrigas work through siblings, right?”
I nodded. “Yeah.”
“If last night it went after Asher…”
“It’ll go after Michael tonight.” Hunter finished.
“We gotta get him outta here.” Sam’s eyes widened.
“No, no. That could blow the whole deal.” Dean shook his head.
“What?” Sutton’s eyes bulged out of her head.
“You wanna use the kids as bait? Are you nuts?” Sam scowled.
“No! Forget it.” Everett shook her head.
“Out of the question.” Sutton made a face of disgust.
“It’s not out of the question, guys. It’s the only way! If this thing disappears it could be years before we get another chance.” Dean protested.
“Michael’s a kid. And we are not gonna dangle him in front of that thing like a worm on a hook.”
“Dad did not send me here to walk away.” Dean hissed.
“Send you here? He didn’t send you here! He sent us here!” Sam snapped.
“Hey!” I called, trying to get them to stop.
Jinx howled, sensing the obvious tension.
“This isn’t about you, Sam! I’m the one who screwed up, alright? It’s my fault! There’s no telling how many kids have died because of me!” Dean shouted.
“What?” Everett tilted her head.
“Dean, how is this your fault?” Sutton spoke softly.
“Dean…” Sam trailed off. “You’ve been hiding something from the get-go. Since when does Dad bail on a hunt? Since when does he let something get away? Now talk to us, man. Tell us what’s going on.”
“Dean.” I whispered. “Please.”
“Fort Douglas, Wisconsin. It was our third night in this crap room, and I was climbing the walls. Man, I needed some fucking air. I was only eleven. Olive wasn’t even a year old, and she was teething.” Dean breathed heavily.
I rubbed his back as he stopped pacing and dropped onto the bed. “It’s okay. Just tell us.”
Dean is eleven. He’s watching TV in the motel room. He’s losing it. It’s the third day that he’s been cooped up in the tiny space. He turns the TV off and peeks into the bedroom. Sam is asleep, laying on his stomach with one hand reaching into Olive’s crib. She’s sleeping on her back, covered in blankets, tiny fist wrapped around one of Sam’s small fingers. Dean smiles before leaving, locking the door behind him.
He goes to the arcade. It’s in the same motel. He’s only a few rooms away. They’re both sound asleep, and Olive sleeps for hours at a time. He’ll only be out for a little while. What’s the harm?
He plays until the owner tells him they’re closing for the night.
Dean, now calm, returns to their motel room. He sees an eerie light coming from the bedroom. He hears Olive whine, and then she screams, bursting into tears. Dean’s blood freezes, horrified. He pushes the door open, seeing the shtriga leaning over Sam, breathing his life in. Dean reaches for the rifle by the door. The shtriga hears him cock it and rears up, hissing at him.
Dean hesitates, terrified. John breaks down the front door, handgun raised. He shouts an order at Dean, who ducks and rolls. Olive screams louder as John shoots the shtriga. It jumps over Sam and through the window. Olive cries so hard that she begins to choke, and Dean is made in action, rushing to his feet and lifting her out of the crib, patting her back.
Her crying dies down as John cradles Sam close.
“Sammy? Sammy, Sammy. You okay?”
Sam blinks as he wakes up, confused. “Yeah Dad. What’s going on?”
“Are you alright?” John repeats, holding Sam close.
Olive coos as John turns to glare at Dean. “What happened?”
Dean hesitates, again scared. “I… I just went out.”
“What!” John roars, and Sam pulls away, confused.
Olive begins to cry again. John plucks her from Dean’s arms, and she lets out an ear-piercing wail. She reaches for Sam, who takes her from their angry father.
“Just for a second. Dad, I’m so sorry.” Dean whimpers.
“I told you not to leave this room! I told you not to let him out of your sight!”
My heart ached as Dean blinked away tears. I reached for his hand and he took it without a word, sniffling. Jinx jumped onto the bed and let out a whine, curling up by his side.
“Dad just… grabbed us and booked. Dropped us off at Pastor Jim’s, three hours away. Irene went after it, but by the time Dad got back to Fort Douglas, the shtriga disappeared. It was just gone, and it never surfaced until now. You know, Dad never spoke about it again, and I didn’t ask. But he… he looked at me different, you know.” He sniffed. “Which was worse. Not that I blame him. He gave me an order, and I didn’t listen. I could’ve gotten you both killed.”
“You were a kid.” Sam and I spoke at the same time, voices soft.
“Don’t.” Dean shook his head. “Don’t. Dad knew this was unfinished business for me. He sent me here to finish it.”
“But using Michael… I dunno, Dean. I mean, can’t I just hide under the covers? Ya know, we can be the bait?” Sutton asked.
“No, it won’t work.” Dean shook his head. “It’s gotta get close enough to feed, it’ll see us. Believe me, I don’t like it any more than you do. But it’s gotta be the kid.”
“Well, that went shitty.” Dean scowled as he laid back on the bed. “Now what?”
“Well what did you expect?” Everett sighed. “You can’t ask an adult to do something like that, much less a kid.”
There was a knock on the door, and Hunter stood to open it. Michael stood there, looking horrified. Jinx barked.
“If you kill it, will Asher get better?” He asked.
“Honestly?” Dean sighed. “We don’t know.”
“You said you were a big brother.”
Dean nodded, glancing back at me and Sam. “Yeah.”
“You take care of your little brother and sister? You’d do anything for them?”
Dean nodded again, without skipping a beat. “Yeah, I would.”
Michael sighed. “Me too. I’ll help.”
“Alright, got it?” Sutton asked Sam as she stuck her head in one room and then the other.
“Almost.” Sam called back.
“This camera has night vision on it, so we’ll be able to see clear as day.” Dean spoke to Michael, voice soft and tone gentle.
My heart melted. I loved Dean with all my heart.
“Are we good?” He looked at Sutton.
“A hair to the right.” She repeated Sam’s instructions.
I tapped the camera a bit, and Sutton put a hand up for me to stop. Hunter checked his handgun before tucking it into his pocket. I leaned against the wall as I did the same, watching Dean.
“What do I have to do?” Michael asked him.
Dean sat on his bed. “Just stay under the covers.”
“And what if it shows up?”
Dean glanced up at us, and Michael did the same. Hunter winked at him and I sent him a smile.
“Hunter and Olive will be in your closet. The rest of us will be right in the next room. We’re gonna come in with guns. So, as soon as we do, you roll off the bed and crawl under it.”
“What if you shoot me?” Michael asked.
“We don’t shoot you.” Dean smiled softly. “We’re good shots. We’re not going to fire until you’re clear, okay?”
Michael nodded, hesitantly.
“Have you ever heard a gunshot before?”
“Like in the movies?”
Dean chuckled. “It’s gonna be a lot louder than in the movies. So I want you to stay under the bed, cover your ears, and do not come out until we say so. You understand?”
Michael nodded again, paling by the second.
“Michael, you sure you wanna do this?”
He said nothing, and Dean put a hand on his shoulder.
“You don’t have to, it’s okay. Nobody will be upset with you.”
“No, I’m okay.” He sat up tall. “Just don’t shoot me.”
“We’re not gonna let anything happen to you. I promise.” Dean whispered to him.
I rubbed my eyes as we sat on the floor of the closet, heads against the door. I watched through the wooden slits as a shadow moved outside the window. Hunter stood, pulling me up with him. The window slid open, and I clutched my gun tighter. I closed my eyes, knowing the others were preparing themselves to run in here.
The shtriga stood over Michael, and opened its mouth. Michael was horrified, but his eyes were shut tightly. The light of his energy began to light up the room, and Dean and the others burst down the door.
“Hey!” Sam shouted.
“Michael, down!” Dean ordered.
I kicked the door open as Michael rolled off and under the bed. Each of us took multiple shots, firing at the shtriga until it fell to the floor.
“Mike, you alright?” Dean called.
“Yeah.” His voice was meek, but he was okay.
“Just sit tight.” Dean ordered as he took a step toward the shtriga.
It was limp on the ground, and Dean let out a small sigh as he glanced back at Sam. It jumped up, and a growl left my mouth as I went at it, tossing my gun aside. It grabbed me by the throat and pushed me into Dean, slamming us both into the wall. I spit blood as it slammed the Richmonds to the ground.
“Ol! Dean!” Sam called as the shtriga forced him against the wall, drawing his energy out.
Danger. Sam. Dying. Sam. Sam!
Sam began to go grey. I let out another noise as Sutton stumbled for her gun. The shtriga looked up. Sutton shot it in the head, and Sam went limp, gasping for breath.
“Sams!” I ran to him, speaking through pointed teeth.
“You okay, little brother?” Dean asked Sam.
Sam nodded, holding two shaky thumbs up. I helped him to his feet. Dean and the Richmonds met us a foot away from the shtriga. We stared as the energy began to spill from its mouth. I took Dean’s gun from his hand and shot it. Dean took the gun back and shot it twice more. It fell in on itself as the rest of the energy escaped.
Michael peeked his head out, and Dean nodded.
“It’s okay, Michael. You can come on out.”
More blood fell from my mouth, and I spit it onto my flannel so it wouldn’t end up on the carpet. Michael shuffled to stand next to Everett, smiling tentatively. Dean pulled an arm around me and the other around Sam, winking at Michael.
I glanced at Hunter, and he nodded.
We got it.
“So, we’ll see you around?” I looked up at Hunter.
He nodded. “Probably.” He bent down and scratched Jinx’s ears. “Bye, sweet baby.”
“Hunt, come on, I wanna get going.” Everett called as she climbed into their car.
I nodded in her direction. “You should go.”
He sighed. “You know, you’re lucky to have Dean.”
I glanced over my shoulder at said boy and smiled. “Yeah.” I turned back to Hunter. “I really am.”
He chuckled. “Catch ya later, Ol.”
I popped to my toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Bye, Hunt.”
He winked as he climbed into the backseat. Everett started to move before he could even shut the door. I giggled, waving as they drove off.
“Hey, Joanna.” Dean greeted Michael’s mom with a grin. “How’s Asher doing?”
“Have you seen Michael?” She asked.
“Mom! Mom!” Michael came running from inside the building, hugging his mother.
“Hey, sweetie!”
“How’s Ash?” He asked with large, hopeful eyes.
“Good news.” She smiled. “Your brother’s gonna be just fine.”
“Really?” Michael gasped.
“Yes, really.” She smiled. “No one can explain it. It’s a miracle. They’re gonna keep him overnight for observation and then he’s coming home.”
“That’s great!” Dean grinned.
“How are the other kids?”
“Good! Real good. A bunch of them should be checking out in a few days. Dr. Travis says the ward’s going to be a ghost town.”
“Dr. Travis?” I asked. “What about Dr. Hydecker?”
“Oh, he wasn’t in today. Must’ve been sick or something.”
“Yeah.” Dean nodded. “Must’ve.”
“So, did anything happen while I was gone?” Joanna asked Michael.
“Nah.” He glanced at Dean. “Same old stuff.”
“Okay.” She smiled. “You can go see Ash.”
“Now?” His head popped up, excited.
He glanced at Dean again, and Dean nodded slightly.
“Only if you want to.” Joanna smiled at him.
Michael waved goodbye to us before running out to the car.
Joanna laughed. “I, uh, I’d better get going before he hotwires the car and drives himself. Goodbye.”
“Bye.” Sam waved as she hurried to the car.
Dean wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we turned back to the car.
“Ya know, it’s too bad.” Sam sighed.
“Oh, they’ll be fine.” Dean shook his head.
“That’s not what I meant. I meant Michael. He’ll always know there are things out there in the dark… he’ll never be the same, you know?” He sighed. “Sometimes I wish that…”
“What?” I looked up at him.
“I wish I could have that kind of innocence.”
We turned to lean on the car, watching as Joanna and Michael drove off. I leaned into Dean’s side, and Jinx whined, scratching at our feet.
“If it means anything, sometimes I wish you could too.”
Previous Ep: Hell House (1.17)
Next Ep: Provenance (1.19)
21 notes · View notes
No Exit- Part 3
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,685
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, angst, language, minor character death, blood, you know the usual,
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Please, if you want to be tagged for this series, let me know and I’ll add you! If you want to be tagged for my other fics, I’ll add you! I want to hear what you guys think about this. If you want something requested, send it in!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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After Dean found that clump of hair, he was the one to decide that this search was to be halted since it was getting pretty late. You were getting tired yourself and agreed to take the rest of the night off. Sam and Dean being the perfect gentlemen they are, offered the bed to you and Jo. You weren’t going to complain and took it.
There were two couches and even though Sam and Dean were tall as fuck, they would have to deal with the tiny couches for how they were behaving. Sam didn’t do anything wrong but if Dean would get punished, then so was his brother. It wasn’t fair but it seemed fair at the time.
It was now the morning and Dean was still sleeping on the couch, curled into an uncomfortable sleep position and immediately you felt bad. He was only doing what he thought was right by protecting you and Jo. You saw where he was coming from but Jo was her own person.
Yes, you were worried about her but she could make her own decisions. At 21-years-old, you were already deciding between which monster you’ll take, which type of gun you’ll have, what kind of wounds were worth stitching up, and what kind of alcohol would get you through the night.
Hunting wasn’t a walk in the park, that’s for sure. You were just glad that Jo had both Winchesters and you with her to defeat this monster. When you were new at hunting, hunting by yourself was a real eye opener. It made you see that hunting alone sucked. You had no source of backup and that is what hunting is all about. You needed people to have your back.
“So, what happened to your mom?” Jo asked suddenly, twirling her knife with more blueprints on the table.
“I already told you, a demon got to her.” You said, looking down.
“I know that but how? I’m sorry if I’m being nosy.” She said, shaking her head.
“No, it’s okay. The more I talk about it, the better it becomes. I came home one day and I found a man trying to kill her. I ran, I hid, until he found me. I fell down the stairs and he slit my mother’s throat right in front of me.” Your eyes became glossy as you remembered your tragic past.
“How old were you?” She asked in a whisper.
“8. I became a hunter right after that.” You said with a sigh, looking down.
“I’m sorry. All I know is that my dad died on a hunt when I was 10 years old. I don’t know how he died but I wasn’t the same when he left.” Jo said, looking down.
“I’m sorry. It sucks that we get into this life without a say in it. If I could somehow have affected any of this, I would have chosen a different life for me… For Sam… For Dean. He doesn’t deserve any of this. I think one of the reasons he lashed out at you because he’s scared. I remember being on my first hunt. I was terrified and I thought I was going to die but Dean helped me through it.
“Even though he helped me, I knew he was scared. There are no rooms for mistakes when hunting and I think with you being so young and inexperienced, he got worried. He may not know you or your mom but he can’t lose another person in his life.” You finished with a sigh. Sirens were heard in the distance and that is what woke Dean up.
“Morning, princess.” Jo said, putting this conversation with you on hold.
“Where’s Sam?” Dean said, opening his eyes and looking around the room.
“Went to get coffee.” You answered for her. Dean slowly got up, grimacing and groaning at his sore muscles.
“Ugh. My back. How'd you sleep on that big soft bed?” Dean asked, looking at you and Jo.
“We didn’t. This case has me up all night.” She said. Dean looked at her, his eyes zeroing in on the knife in her hand. He got up and took his bag, placing it on the table. He took out a Bowie knife, handing it to her with the blade facing him.
“What’s this for?” Jo asked, looking at the knife.
“This will work a hell of a lot better than that little pig-sticker you're twirling around.” Dean said. Jo took the knife and inspected it, handing hers to Dean. He looked at it but stopped when he saw what was engraved on the side.
“William Anthony Harvelle.” Jo said, knowing what he was looking at.
“I’m sorry, my mistake.” Dean said, taking his knife back and giving her own back to her.
“What do you remember about your dad? I mean what is the first thing that pops into your head?” Jo asked, looking up at Dean. He shook his head, not wanting to get into this but he caught your eyes. You had hope in them and you had compassion in them. You reached your hand out and took his, sliding your fingers together to know what he wasn’t alone in this. Dean sighed and took a seat next to you, refusing to meet Jo’s eyes.
“I was maybe 6 or 7 and he took me shooting for the first time. Nothing serious, just some balls on a fence but I nailed every single one of those. Then he gave me this smile, like… I don’t know. I can’t explain it.” Dean said with a small smile, remembering the good times with John.
“He must have been proud.” Jo said with a smile. You tightened your hand on his and looked at him with admiration.
“I know I am.” You smiled. He looked at you and winked slightly before turning back to Jo.
“What about your dad?”
“I was 10 when he died, but I could remember him coming home from any kind of hunt. He’s burst through the front door, looking like a beaten up Superman or something like that. He’d sweep me up in his arms and with one smell, I would feel at home. It didn’t matter where I was or what happened that day. When he came home, it was the best feeling in the world.
“And my mom, who was always sour and pissed whenever he left, would have a smile on her face when she saw him. We were a family again. You want to know why I want to do this job? It’s for him. It’s my way of being close to him. Now tell me, what’s wrong with that?” Jo said, looking at Dean. Dean clenched his jaw and he nodded, understanding.
Suddenly, Sam bursted through the door to the apartment with wide eyes and no coffee.
“Sam, where’s the coffee?” You asked, taking in how worried and shocked he looked.
“There are cops outside. Another girl disappeared.” Sam said, sighing deeply.
“I’ll go check it out. You three stay here.” Dean said, getting up. He grabbed what he needed and he left the apartment, leaving you and Jo with Sam.
“What the hell happened?” You asked Sam, walking over to the window and peeking outside to see a ton of cop cars surrounding the building.
“I was on my way up and before I knew it, cops surrounded the building. I may have pestered one of the cops into telling me but another girl disappeared.” Sam said with a sigh.
“Okay but that still doesn’t explain why you don’t have the coffee.” You said, looking at him.
“Sorry.” Sam said with a shrug. You shook your head and sat back down with Jo at the table where the blue prints and notes for the case. Any kind of clue would be helpful at this point. Dean returned shortly after with a frown on his beautiful face.
“Her name was Teresa Ellis who lived in Apartment 2F. Her boyfriend reported her missing around dawn.” Dean informed.
“What about her apartment?” You asked.
“There were cracks all over the ceiling and the walls. Plus, some of that ectoplasm we saw earlier.”
“Well, judging the fact between this ectoplasm and the clumps of blonde hair, I would say this thing lives in the walls.” Sam said, fitting the pieces together.
“What are we doing wrong then?” Dean asked, frustrated.
“Maybe we’re looking in the wrong place.” Jo said, picking up a photograph. You leaned across the table to look at the picture.
“What do you mean?” Deana sked, walking over to the table.
“Well, here is a picture of what was here before this building. There’s nothing but an empty field but look at the kind of building beside it.” Jo said, showing you the photo before handing it to Dean who showed Sam.
“Wait a minute, the windows are barred. Wait another minute, we’re next to a fucking prison?” Dean said, handing the photo back. Jo immediately grabbed her phone and dialed someone. Probably Ash since he was a wizard at finding out things.
“If you think about it, it’s kind of cool. Don’t you remember that Asylum we went to with the psycho doctor? This isn’t much different.” You said while Jo talked to the mysterious person.
“Yeah, but Y/N, that was an asylum. This is a prison with murderers, rapists, hard ass criminals.” Dean said, leaning against one of the chairs at the table.
“Aw, is Dean a little scared of a little criminal?” You teased and he gave you a scowl.
“Alright, guys, I spoke with Ash and what was next to us is the Moyamensing prison. It was built in 1835 and it was torn down in 1963. Plus, they used the empty field next to them to execute people by hanging them.” Jo said, repeating what Ash told her.
“Alright, then we need a list of who was executed here.” Sam said.
“Ash is already on it.” Jo said with a nod.
“Alright, in the meantime, who wants some alcohol?” You asked with a grin.
The Queens:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog@inlovewithbja @spn67-sister@kdfrqqg@jarpadandjensenaremyheroes@roxyspearing@supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose@cobrakai1967@essie1876@wishedworld @justanotherdeangirl @crispychrissy@laqueus-ludovicus @nostalgic-uncertainty @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @potterhead1265 @starswirlblitz@untitled39887 @ta-n-ja@deans-fallen-angel-boy @scarletluvscas @notnaturalanahi@tahbehonest @stay-in–place @dreaminofdean @posiemax@donnaintx
Dean Beans:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie@spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spn-applepie-imagines@tahbehonest @carribear31 @tacklesackles @oreosatmidnight@not-naturalfangirl @missselinakitty @iam-a-cutiepie
Series Rewrite Junkies:
@helllonearth @amyisabellal @deanwnchstr @caseykitten6 @roxalya19 @quixoticcat @supernaturalblogging @notmoose45 @crowleysminion @mina22 @tahbehonest @spn-applepie-imagines @hadleymcallister2177 @destielsangels @spnhybrid @oreosatmidnight @valerieshubin
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theofficialcunt · 7 years
Simplicité - Chapter 3.5 {Biadore}
Y'all wanted a twist? I know its not Wednesday/Thursday, but I felt like the last chapter left too many unanswered questions. I didn’t mean for this to be a full on chapter but it was necessary to fill in some blanks! TW for smut and angst this chapter (gasp) which is probably why theres 3.1k words.
Summary: Bianca and Adore have a moment, Farrah and Courtney get into it, and we find out what exactly happened to Bianca’s mom.
After eating lunch quickly, Adore headed out to the car where Bianca whisked her away to downtown Chicago. They parked in an underground parking lot near Macy’s, where Bianca was apparently taking her.
“Where are we going?” Adore asked wearily.
“Can’t you read? Macy’s duh.” Bianca sassed, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“Uh, I don’t know about you but I can’t afford half of the shit in there.” Adore said nervously.
“Who said you were buying?” Bianca asked pointedly, removing her sunglasses. “After you.”
Adore looked at her with wide eyes as she led her into the big box store. This was apparently the first Macy’s location, and it was huge. There were people everywhere, lots of tourists and the employees were dressed in all black, walking around looking for customers to assist.
“Welcome back, Bianca. What can we do for you today?” A tall blonde who closely resembled Britney Spears asked.
“Thanks Derrick. I need you to pull some professional stylist outfits. Nothing too white collar, but I don’t want anything sloppy either. Something that still has a grunge edge to it, if such a thing exists.” Bianca scoffed, elbowing Adore.
“You’d be surprised at what’s out there now.” Derrick laughed. “I’m sure I’ll be able to find something. Now grunge - professional isn’t really your style, I’m assuming these outfits are for your friend here?”
“Yes.” Bianca said, before Adore could even answer, “Size what - 4 in pants?”
“Size 6. I have child birthing hips.” Adore laughed.
Bianca facepalmed, but smirked as she shook her head. “You heard her. Size 6 for her wide hips.”
“May I suggest a different bra as well? You look like you have a great figure but sweetie, I’m pretty sure you’re wearing the wrong bra size.” Derrick smiled sympathetically. It was almost bitchy the way she looked at Adore, but she couldn’t be mad at her for telling the truth. Her bra was 4 years old, and was only $5 from Ross.
Bianca let her eyes fall to her chest, where she discovered that Derrick was right. Her breasts didn’t look right, it was almost as if she wasn’t even wearing a bra at all. There was no support.
Adore cleared her throat loudly, eyes locking with Bianca’s confused. “Uh, yeah I understand that my tits look like shit right now but can you stare at them another time?”
Bianca flushed red, muttering an apology before Derrick led them upstairs to the dressing rooms. It was going to be an interesting day.
Courtney was sitting back in the stylist chair, relaxing as she fussed with her makeup. It had been a slow day, Bianca had decided to clear her schedule to go help Adore out which left her with Farrah and Bob.
“Hello?” A small voice rang throughout the salon. It was quiet, everyone was on their phones or practicing hair on the doll heads.
“Who is it?” Courtney chirped, walking to the lobby from behind the partition.
“It’s me, Valentina!” Valentina flashes her brilliant white smile as she tip toed to the front desk. Her caramel hair was perfectly styled in sleek finger waves. She wore a green blazer, white button up shirt, a crisp black pencil skirt, and her suede black heels completed the look.
Valentina was Bianca’s distant cousin from Echo Park, California. She had moved to Chicago 4 years ago to go to college, and Bianca lovingly offered her a job as a receptionist. She sat down at the desk, checking emails and sorting paperwork. Her eyes scanned the documents on the desk for a few moments before she sighed.
“I’m bored.” Valentina shrugged, placing the papers face down on the desk in a neat pile. “What’s happening today? It’s so quiet.”
“Bianca took the new girl out for a makeover. Let me tell you, the bitch was rough when she first came in.” Bob laughed.
“New girl?” Valentina asked curiously. “Was this the one that moved here from the Los Angeles area?”
“Yeah basically.” Courtney shrugged unimpressed. “She was a mess though. We fixed her up, and now Bianca is out having fun with her new project.”
Suddenly, Farrah looked up from her phone annoyed. Courtney was being such a bitch, and honestly she was so sick of it. Adore wasn’t Bianca’s project, and she wasn’t that big of a mess.
“You know, bitter isn’t a good look on you.” Farrah snapped glaring at Courtney.
“Oh fuck.” Bob hissed, turning his head back towards his mannequin head as he tried to master the waterfall braid.
“Excuse me?” Courtney asked annoyed.
“You’ve been acting like a jealous girlfriend since the moment Adore walked into the building. It’s so tiring. Like, Bianca can have other friends you know. It’s not just about you.” Farrah said. “Besides, Bianca isn’t even your girlfriend!”
“I’m not jealous of Adore.” Courtney scoffed. “She was a complete mess only hours ago.”
Valentina sipped on her water bottle uncomfortably as she looked between the two blondes.
“Right. So you aren’t jealous at all that Bianca is taking Adore shopping at Macy’s, and that she’s not going to be spending as much time with you now that she has an assistant?”
Courtney gritted her teeth, not knowing what to say. It was no secret that she had feelings for Bianca, but how could she not? She watched her transformation over the years. She went from a nobody to a successful entrepreneur within only a few months, and still managed to stay humble. Courtney had let herself fall for her, and for a moment she even thought that Bianca had felt the same way about her.
Courtney sighed, shaking her head as she looked away from Farrah trying not to let herself cry. She had promised herself she was done crying over Bianca.
Farrah’s face softened, “Look, I don’t know what happened between you two but I’m sorry. Don’t take out your issues on the new girl though. She’s done nothing wrong.”
“The new girl isn’t even interested in Bianca.” Bob muttered matter of factly, placing a bobbi pin on the mannequin head - completing the braid. “At least for now. Shit y’all need to calm down, it’s her first fucking day. “
“Who is she interested in?” Valentina asked deviously. She made eye contact with Courtney before letting her eyes meet Bob’s.
“I’m not fueling your guys’s estrogen bitch fest.” Bob shook his head. “I’m sure y’all will figure it out though. You all are just a bunch of crazy lesbians who need pussy more then I need to sit on a dick. Which I didn’t think was possible, but since ya’ll can’t get any you just start drama instead.”
“I’m not a lesbian!” Valentina objected. “I have an amazing boyfriend, Valentín-”
“Which, frankly I think is bullshit. One of y’all changed your name for sure.” Bob cackled.
“He buys me my crystal gloves.” Valentina smiled, admiring her expensive custom made gloves. She ran her long manicured nails up and down them, feeling the swarovski crystals. Holographic stones were meticulously places all along the fingers and top of the hands. The gloves were definitely extra, but Valentina somehow made it work.
Courtney was pondering the conversation at hand. She was definitely going out of her way to be nasty to Adore, but was it really just a redirection of her feelings? Ever since that night, that fated night - she and Bianca had been on weird terms.
A loud knock sounded at the door. Courtney looked up at her rose gold clock hanging on the walk of her studio. It was late, she noticed. Almost midnight. She moved her soft blonde hair out of her face and tied her long sheer purple robe around her waist.
When she opened the door, Bianca stood there drunkenly holding a half empty bottle of wine. Mascara ran down her cheeks, and her eyes were swollen - puffy from crying too much. She was dressed in a sheer black dress with a leotard underneath - her long red hair styled in a messy curly bun on the top of her head.
“Courtney,” Bianca cried. “It happened.”
Courtney gasped and quickly wrapped her arms around her, pulling her close. She smelled like wine and cigarettes, more specifically her mom’s cigarettes.
Courtney ushered her in, making space for her on her small black ikea couch. She grabbed a wine glass, pouring the rest of Bianca’s wine in it before she took a sip. Bianca whined, tipping the bottle over and staring sadly when no wine spilled out.
“You’ve had enough wine, don’t you think?” Courtney murmured, taking a sip.
“My mom just died. Don’t you think I deserve to get completely shitfaced?” Bianca asked, sounding quite sober. Courtney frowned, staring down at her glass, before she sat down next to her.
“I know she was ready, and I knew it was coming. I thought I was prepared, but fuck. I wasn’t Court.” Bianca said, barely a whisper. “Hospice was so good to her, but she was too young.”
“I agree.” Courtney nodded. “48 is way too young for someone to pass. But she fought hard Bianca.” Courtney placed her hand gently on hers, squeezing softly.
“I’m all alone now Courtney.” Bianca sobbed, tears streaming down her face rapidly. “It’s not fucking fair! Why did she have to fucking leave me like this?”
“Hey, hey, shhhh.” Courtney soothed, wiping the tears away from her eyes gently. Bianca’s makeup was all but gone, revealing the young 24 year olds features. She looked so vulnerable with, her brown eyes darting around the room rapidly. They were darker than normal, almost like a black hole. It’s like Bianca was consuming herself from the inside out. Courtney could feel her dark empty eyes swallowing her whole too though. There was something so hauntingly beautiful about them, and she was hopelessly captivated.
“I’m just so fucking angry. Why did she have to get sick? Where am I going to live? Fuck!” Bianca stood up angrily, throwing the bottle and shattering it on the opposite wall.
Bianca was going through the stages of grief quickly. Courtney was stunned into silence, frozen in place on the couch as Bianca stood there, fists clenched.
“I mean, did she even have any money set aside? Did she ever stop and think about making sure her kids were secure? She was just so fucking selfish!” Bianca ranted, pacing back and forth.
These were questions Courtney didn’t have the answer to. She sat there silently, staring at the firey redhead rant to no one in particular. Court let her keep going, watching her voice raise up and soften as she talked herself through her anger.
“Aren’t you going to fucking say anything Courtney?” Bianca exclaimed after some time, throwing her hands in the air.
Courtney wasn’t sure why, but suddenly the energy in the room shifted dramatically. A flicker of light flashed through Bianca’s eyes, as her frown suddenly flipped to a wicked grin.
“I-I don’t know what you want me to say.” Courtney stuttered nervously, aware of Bianca stalking dangerously closer to her. She ripped off her tall black louboutins and violently threw them across the apartment. She spread her legs apart, straddling the attractive blonde as she wrapped her legs around her. Courtney lost the will to speak, inhaling the intoxicating combination of Marlbros and red wine.
She had been developing feelings for Bianca for months, but had no idea it was mutual.
It probably wasn’t mutual, but Courtney didn’t want to think about that right now.
She wanted to be young and reckless.
Bianca traced her lips softly with her finger, breathing softly as she met her eyes.
“Are you just going to stare at me pussyface, or are you going to do something?” Bianca murmured, moving a golden lock of blonde hair behind her ear.
“Bianca, is this really what you-”
Courtney was cut off by Bianca’s soft dark red lips. Courtney moaned into the kiss as Bianca engulfed her, pressing herself closer to her as she sat on her lap. Bianca was seeping, she could feel her wetness on her lap as she grinded up against her.
Courtney groaned, feeling electric as she ripped her purple robe with one single pull. Courtney’s small breasts fell out, and she shrugged out of the robe as she attempted to gently unzip Bianca’s black dress.
“Just fucking rip it.” Bianca whispered huskily as she trailed kisses down to her neck. Courtney did as she was told, ripping the sheer fabric in half as she watched it fall to the floor. Bianca yanked her up, and Courtney stepped the rest of the way out of her destroyed purple robe.
Courtney was left in her light pink Victorias Secret thong. Bianca stared at her hungrily before she tore off her black leotard in one shot. Her tan breasts were perky and plump, her nipples erect from being so turned on. Unlike Courtney, she had no underwear on and stood there boldly letting Courtney gape at her perfectly proportioned body before she closed the distance again.
“Are you just gonna stare, or are you going to actually fucking do something?” Bianca asked, before slapping Courtney’s firm ass. Courtney welped, feeling a tingle travel down to her groin area.
Courtney pulled Bianca close to her, kissing her neck and moving down to her breasts. She gripped one in her hand as she swirled her tongue around her erect nipple. Bianca moaned loudly, squirming against her as they stood there in the middle of her studio. Courtney nibbled softly on the nipple, massaging the other breast lovingly as she switched off between sucking and biting.
“Oh fuck,” Bianca gasped, squirming violently before pushing her off. “Bed, now.” She ordered.
They moved to the queen sized bed a few feet away, where Bianca pushed Courtney onto the mattress. Hastily, Bianca tore off her thong throwing it with the rest of their ripped clothes. Courtney reached up, grabbing Bianca’s other breast with her mouth. Bianca moaned in surprise, as Courtney sucked on it softly. She gripped her nails into Bianca’s back as she pleasured her, causing Bianca to shake above her.
“That’s enough.” Bianca growled. Courtney felt her struggling above her, and then realized she was angrily popping off her fake nails. She then violently shoved 2 fingers inside of Courtney, surprising her. Courtney gasped, moaning as she circled around her clit and pumped in and out. Courtney was sticky sweet, she could hear Bianca’s fingers hitting her wet walls each time she pumped in and out. She was so turned on, Court thought. She bucked her hips up, Bianca added a third finger eliciting a long moan.
“That’s my girl.” Bianca smirked satisfied as Courtney arched her back against her. “Come for me, pussyface.”
Courtney did as she was told, legs shaking violently as she climaxed against Bianca. She sighed as she removed her fingers from her, leaving Courtney breathless. She was breathing heavily as Bianca licked each of her fingers.
“Too tired? Here, I’ll help.” Bianca suggested breathily. Before Courtney knew it, Bianca was straddling her face, gripping her headboard. Courtney gripped her thighs as she sat on her face, letting her tongue swirl around her mauve clitoris for the first time. She was soaking, and very ready as she quaked dangerously above her. Courtney dug deeper with her tongue, swirling long firm strokes against her walls. Bianca moaned dangerously loud, squeezing Courtneys head with her legs. Courtney slapped her ass in response, moving her legs apart again as she reentered. She nibbled softly on her clit, before sweetly licking her inside and out. She inserted a single finger to go in and out of her walls as she focused on her clit with her tongue, and Bianca bucked her hips against her.
“Come on baby.” Courtney pleaded as she made circles with her tongue. Bianca groaned, and Courtney felt hot liquid as she let her tongue go faster and faster. Bianca screamed her name, thrusting against her face as her perfect breasts bounced up and down. She arched her back and thrust herself one last time into Courtney before collapsing against the headboard. She gasped for air, and Courtney maneuvered expertly out from underneath her.
Bianca turned around, laying on her back and motioned for Courtney to come lay in her arms.’
The next morning when Courtney woke up, Bianca was already gone. Her torn clothes were gone as well. A note was left on the bed where she laid the night before.
“I’m sorry. Last night was a mistake.”
After that night, Bianca had pretended that it had never happened. In fact, the very next day when Courtney saw her she was acting completely normal. Like she hadn’t just fucked the shit out of her best friend.
Courtney was angry. Because now, she was blatantly flirting with Adore. They hadn’t even talked about that night since it had happened. Courtney hadn’t even told a soul, for fear it would make her and Bianca look bad. Who fucks someone the night they lose their mom? Apparently Courtney.
But how Bianca treated her - that wasn’t Adore’s fault.
“You guys are right.” Courtney sighed. “I owe Adore an apology.”
“I feel stupid.” Adore sighed as she walked out in the long black cardigan, sequin black tanktop, and nine west pants.
“Why? You look amazing.” Bianca asked incredulously, letting her eyes scan her lean body. “Derrick, this outfit for sure.”
“Great!” Derrick exclaimed, ushering Adore back into the dressing room. “I’ll be right back, I have to go take a 20 minute break or else my boss will write me up. I’m already overtime.”
Bianca nodded and sat in the dressing room in silence as Adore changed into the next outfit.
“Bianca?” Adore called.
“Yes?” Bianca asked impatiently,
“Can you help me get this bra off?” Adore asked.
Bianca felt heat rush to her cheeks.
“Uh sure.” Bianca said, standing up to go to her room.
She entered the dressing room and Adore was standing there with her arms behind her back trying to unhook the black lace bra. Bianca’s breath hitched in her throat as she saw how much better her breasts looked in this bra.
She closed the distance as she let her fingers rest on her back. Adore gasped, feeling the energy in the room shift. She couldn’t see Bianca’s face in the mirror since she towered over her. Bianca unhooked the bra with ease, and Adore let the bra slip from her shoulders. She held the cups against her breasts and met Bianca’s eyes in the mirror.
“Thanks.” Adore murmured, biting her lower lip.
“No problem.” Bianca whispered, eyes fixated on the lower lip in the mirror. She gulped, clearing her throat before stammering, “I, uh yeah, I’ll go so you can finish up.”
Adore nodded, frozen in place as she watched Bianca exit the dressing room, the overbearing energy leaving with her. Did she just have eye sex with her boss? And like it?
Maybe Farrah wasn’t the only girl she was interested in after all.
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katzirra · 8 years
I think you are great and ypu are doing a good job! No matter what the other people said you are awesome! Keep doing hard work! Slow progress is still progress! 🙌
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