#Mystic Messenger yoosung Kim
my5tics · 8 months
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space-kitten-606 · 1 year
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Feral screeching intesifies
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 4 months
Kim Yoosung - "Coffee, Sugar, Instant Love!"
In which during one of his Coffee Club meets, a certain faux blonde meets a cute senior member who has been away for a while. Or; In which Kim Yoosung finds himself falling for his ambitious club member.
Reader is referred to as tall and pretty, so if you're a short or average height king who doesn't like being referred to as pretty then I'm sorry. —Benny🐰
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"Good morning everyone, I'm sorry for being away for so long, family stuff, ya'know."  
A sweet and gentle voice sounded from the club room's doorway; pulling a certain faux blonde's attention away from choosing a bag of coffee beans.
Yoosung glanced over his shoulder in curiosity; he didn't remember meeting anyone who sounded like that, but then again this person had said that they were away for a long time. The stranger, who he had just now really looked at, was... really pretty. Tall, shiny hair, soft looking skin, long and thick lashes that hung over sparkling eyes; and to top it all off a cute frilly apron hung loosely from their neck.
The faux blonde felt the apple's of his cheeks and the tips of his ears flush. Wow, he hadn't seen someone so pretty since... since... well there was that actor from that movie he saw last week, but they felt average in comparison now.
"Oh, [Name], you're back. How was your trip?"  
One of the other club members, a girl named Cho if Yoosung remembered correctly, asked the now named stranger; Cho's friend, Song-Mim or something, follows behind her and greets the man with a shy wave while twirling a lock of her black hair around her index finger.
[Name] turns to them after hanging his coat on one of the free wall hooks and offers a sweet smile. He reached behind himself and tied up the two long strips of fabric behind his back into a bow.
"Hello Cho, my trip was alright and my family are doing great as well. Hello to you too, Seong-Min. How has everyone been while I was gone; getting along I hope?"  
The tall man greeted them playfully as he walked around them and to one of the free counter spaces, which coincidentally was right next to the space Yoosung was working at.
The faux blonde shook his head, forcing himself to focus back on his own actions. He quickly grabbed a bag of Libera beans, one's he hadn't gotten around to using quite yet, making sure to grab the continental roast as that was one that he favored. Reaching for the shelf below, he grabbed a manual coffee grinder, an old Fox Run Classic that guaranteed a course and choppy grind, one of his favorite, before going back to his counter space.
"Oh? No one told me that we got newbies while I was gone. Why didn't you two say anything? What if he thinks I've been ignoring him?"  
Yoosung heard the tall man beside him loudly whisper to the two girls; glancing [Name]'s way quickly before focusing back on pouring his beans into the small metal bowl on top of the grinder.
The metallic clinks of the roasted beans on the bowl filled his mind and allowed the violet-eyed boy to tune out the conversation next to him. Resting one hand on the wood on top of the grinder, just under the bean bowl, to keep it steady and grabbed the knobbed handle with his other hand. He turned the handle at a moderate pace, making sure to keep an eye on the bowl's edges just incase any beans were to fall out and onto the counter. 
A warm hand on his shoulder pulled Yoosung's attention from the grinder and to his right where he was met with the kindly smiling [Name]. 
"Hello there, my name is [Surname] [Name], it's lovely to meet you."  
The tall man chirped as he took his hand off of the faux blonde's shoulder and held it out to him.
"Um... I'm, uh, Kim Yoosung"  
The violet eyed boy shyly mutters as he shook the man's hand and gave him a small bow; face reddening deeply as he observed the other from much closer up.
"Kim Yoosung, huh? How are you liking the Coffee Club so far? Everyones been treating you well I hope?"  
[Name] questioned; leaning his weight on his forearms and holding himself up on the countertop.
Yoosung nodded; turning his gaze back to his grinder and resuming turning the handle in an attempt to try and gather his scrambled thoughts caused by the gorgeous man leaning beside him.
"That's good, well I'll leave you to it; I've got to get my own brewing in."  
The pretty man remarked before he patted the faux blonde's back and walked over to the storage shelves across the room.
Taking his hands off his grinder once more, Yoosung lightly slapped his cherry red cheeks and squeezed his eyes shut. Holy crap, he never knew a person could be so pretty. Now that the violet-eyed boy thought about it... could it be that he liked boys as well?
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nek0mars · 2 years
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brighteststar707 · 1 year
Hello dear Faye! Thanks so much for all the hard work you put in this blog! Idon't know if it's still free but I wanna try make a request for the event (also congratulations on reaching 300!), so what about Mixtape for Yoosung (maybe about how was for him meeting all the members, especially seven and zen, but I don't know if it's okay, if not, of course, feel free to skip!)
Love ya and thank you!
Thank you! I really love writing for these guys and it still surprises me that so many people enjoy reading what I have to say.
As for the request, I'm so happy I got to write for Yoosung for this event! His relationships with the different RFA members have always been interesting to me, so getting to write about them is a treat.
Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the fic!
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✧ Mixtape ~ Relationship towards their friends
It has always been a point of pride for Yoosung that he was there for the creation of the RFA. That, save for V and Rika herself, he was the first member. It was with him while handing out lunches that she worked out the idea, it was him who suggested the name. He had finally found his joy in volunteering, and the idea of hosting parties to raise funds on a large scale was exciting to him (and, let's face it, more glamorous than the work he had been doing before).
He has vivid memories of his first meetings with each of the members, and how the addition of each new person changed the dynamic of the group.
He still remembers being sceptical when Rika brought up her first idea for a new RFA member: a longtime childhood friend of V’s, apparently someone with money and influence.
She conveniently forgot to mention that this friend was none other than the Jumin Han. The same man whose face had stared up at him from one of his mother's finance magazines this morning. He only wished he had been warned beforehand. He felt very inadequate being introduced to Jumin in his hoodie and sneakers.
On the other hand, Jumin looked as if he had stepped straight off of that magazine cover, with his impeccable suit and not a hair out of place. V was already there, and they stood together in the back of the room, talking between themselves quietly, with a familiarity that Yoosung found baffling.
Despite Yoosung's halting introduction and obvious anxiety, Jumin was polite and kind. His language was strangely old-fashioned for someone his age. He asked Yoosung about his plans for the future and expressed his desire to do good through the RFA.
As time went on, Yoosung found himself becoming more comfortable around Jumin and their conversations carried on more smoothly. To his delight, Yoosung noticed that there were strange gaps in Jumin’s knowledge base. Things like fast food and public transport were mysteries to Jumin, and he would ask Yoosung to explain them to him, as if he had appeared from another world (and, as Rika reminded him, he might as well have).
At around the same time, Rika recruited a young, quiet redhead who introduced himself as Seven. If that name was strange to anyone else, they didn't let on. His eyes were wide behind chunky glasses and unlike Jumin, he didn’t offer much about himself save for his name. He was also strangely comfortable around V and Rika, though, as if they had known each other for a long time. This only confused Yoosung furhter, because neither V or Rika had ever mentioned him before.
He wasn't sure what to make of Seven. It was obvious that he was incredibly skilled (proven by the experimental RFA app they had started using to communicate). But he never flaunted this intelligence, as Jumin was sometimes prone to doing. Instead, he leaned heavily into his sense of humour, spamming the chat with memes and playing pranks on the other members. When he spoke to Yoosung, he kept his tone light, and he rarely discussed serious topics with anyone other than V and Rika.
They became fast friends. Since they were the closest in age, they bonded over pop culture and found out that they were fans of the same franchises. They shared jokes between themselves and eventually started meeting up to spend time together. Seven even offered to help Yoosung with schoolwork if he ever needed it.
Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something he was missing about Seven.
He had known of Zen for a while before Rika tried to recruit him. She had been a fan of his for some time and whenever they spent time together, he would hear about the latest show, the tickets she and V were trying to get. Finally, she convinced him to join them.
He didn’t want to like Zen, just on principle. Nobody should be, could be that perfect, right? There had to be something wrong with him somewhere, and he was determined to spot it. What he did not expect was to come out of the show speechless. Zen was an incredible singer and actor, and far too handsome for his own good. When Rika brought him backstage to greet him, he was humble and thankful for her praise. It simply wasn’t fair.
It was a surprise to have him become an official member of the RFA a little while later. Yoosung couldn’t imagine him being anywhere other than on a stage, and being in the same room as him was disorienting.
He did not expect to get along so well with Zen. They didn't have much in common, yet they enjoyed talking to each other about their lives. Zen encouraged him to keep working hard and to not go down the path he himself had gone on. He was also always one of the first people to protect Yoosung whenever he had a disagreement with somebody. He had a strong sense of justice and was quick to stand up for the people he cared about.
It was something Yoosung found admirable, even though he sometimes felt like he gained another older sibling to nag him.
After his arrival is when the chatrooms really started to become lively. Jumin would send pictures of his cat, Zen would complain and send pictures of his own. They would butt heads (which Yoosung and Seven found very entertaining), and V would try to step in to mediate. Seven would tease them and spin fantastical tales to explain his long absences from the chat.
They were really starting to feel like friends, and his life before them felt empty in comparison.
Jaehee was a late addition to the group. She remained quiet for a long time, talking in the chat only when she had to (or when Jumin summoned her to). The latest in a long line of Jumin’s personal assistants, Yoosung almost didn’t expect her to last.
However, she did. She even grew a bit more comfortable talking to Zen and Rika, though she still kept to herself. He enjoyed watching her become flustered whenever Zen talked to her, and the first time the three of them met up in person, it was all he could do to not laugh at how excited she was. Perhaps Seven was wrong about her being a robot after all.
That being said, her dedication to her work impressed Yoosung. Jumin could sometimes be borderline unreasonable in his requests, and he had not yet seen anyone as able to handle him as well as Jaehee (save for V, perhaps). He never said it out loud, but he admired her.
He didn’t really get to know her until they did their first party together. They shared the responsibility of decorating the party hall, and he was worried about spending a few hours working together. He didn't want to be a disappointment.
They got along better than he expected to, though. They discussed their favourite music while picking a playlist to put on, and talked about their school experiences while hanging garlands. He asked her the questions he had about working at C&R and she gave him advice about his future. The results of their work made him proud, and he was thankful to have had that time with Jaehee.
With her, the group felt complete. In hindsight, it filled him with awe that a student like him was part of this organization that was clearly destined for good things.
He was proud that he got to call these people his friends, and he was so thankful for their influence on his life.
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kymera-casterwill · 2 years
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favficbirthdays · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Yoosung Kim (12th March)
Mystic Messenger
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asterjennifer · 2 years
Hi! Could I ask for a headcanon of MC dreaming the RFA cheated on her with a curvier girl and them reassuring her? I have a petite body and I feel insecure >_<
🎀 Lovely, don't worry. I feel very much the same as you do^^
“Take it easy.” Would not only be his reaction but also his actions; Jumin is one of the last people who let's looks decept him. He would stroke over your hair after waking up from that dream of him finding a woman with a body like.. Sarah? She looks pretty, even if her personality wasn't.
Jumin would assure you by running his hands over your curves because.. you'll realize how pretty you are only if he makes you aware of the shape of your body. “Can you tell apart now?” He'll ask. “The mind is the true beauty; but there is nothing about you I don't find beautiful.”
She's going to be shocked you even think that way in the first place. By how many compliments she says out loud to you at a daily basis; but it's not like she's unable to understand. She gets why you feel that way and wouldn't brush it over. However, she would do whatever she could to assure you that you're pretty just like that.
“It really doesn't matter to me,” She smiles warm as she puts both hands on your shoulders in reassurance. “If anything, you're lucky. You don't deal with this horrible back pain.” It's half of a joke and you both get a giggle out of it. Then she will compliment you again^^
As someone who's famous also due to looks, it's no surprise for him to get where you're coming from; given he sees himself in you the moment your eyes glance over in doubt. Zen's not going to let you sit on this until you're brushing it off. So he pulls out his phone to open the photo gallery and show you all the pictures you've taken over your time together!
He tells you why each of them make you prettier than a model. You're natural; you're yourself and should never feel ashamed for the body you came in. It's what makes you standing out to most people after all; love that about yourself.
Yoosung's stunned after you wake up from that dream and tell him about your insecurities. He'll feel awful at first for not noticing the uncertain stares in the mirror on your part. But now that he knows; it makes a lot sense to many habits you had. He will apologize for not recognizing sooner and cuddle with you if possible.
His words are soft, he finds compliments only you suit. How your moving is enchanting to him, for example. It'll embarrass him. But that's how you know he means it; if it comes from the bottom of the heart we are often shy saying it out loud to the people we love.
He can't help but gaps; that really looks like an issue to you? It's funny because you soon realize he doesn't see the problem in what makes you insecure. He'll be confused and go; “Wait... You don't like your figure? But you're literally so pretty.” No need to be concerned for real since Seven thinks you're already amazing.
If you're still not fully convinced, he'll pull out one of your favorite shirts or dresses. He holds it up for you to look at and smile wide, telling you to put it on again. And once you do; he'll pull you in front of the mirror to show you just how beautiful he thinks you are!
Did it ever occur to you that you're like a piece of art to him? V isn't big on fashion per se, but he does know what is considered pretty and what not. He never liked the beauty standards anyway, especially when all you should pay attention to is the personality. Art is never consistent and every piece has its own value. Same goes for you.
So he's going to tell you not to worry. “Your body has no flaw, everything about you is perfect as it is.” He says the words filled with so much adoration it'll catch you off guard. “If you need reassurance then don't worry. I help you work on your confidence if you let me.”
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emtearzz · 4 months
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Hello everyone here are some mysme pfps for free use! <3 it was fun drawing these even if it took a bit,,
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micromys · 9 months
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Some of my favorite mysme moments on replay, pt 3
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katriaarts · 2 months
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youll never guess what i started a replay of
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my5tics · 5 months
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hes going to die in two seconds because he didnt have a humidifier
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space-kitten-606 · 2 months
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Everyone's looking so cute! I love it 💖
Also Rika in the bg is cracking me up lmao
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shizukais · 1 year
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swevenish · 1 month
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brighteststar707 · 2 years
Chichichi~ If you wouldn't mind it, I'd love to see what you come up with for "Neck Kisses" or "kisses under the stars" if you'd prefer, with Yoosung☆. 🐟
Hellooo! These are super cute, and I decided to combine them both, so I hope you enjoy! The sweet star boy deserves all the kisses <3
Yoosung - Neck kisses & Kisses under the stars
The sky is clear tonight, and if you were a bit further away from the city, you’d be able to see the stars clearly. As it is, you can only make out the brightest ones.
The night is cold, and you both take advantage of it. Yoosung is holding your hand inside his pocket, and you snuggle close to him every time you pause. Despite the temperature, the walk is worth it.
You’re on your way back from a celebration dinner with the RFA to congratulate Yoosung on his graduation. You love to see the support the rest of them give him, and how proud they all are. He hears it often from you, but you know how much it means to hear it from all your friends too. He has been beaming all night.
On the way back home, you got nostalgic and decided to take a detour through the park close to his old dorm. In the early stages of your relationship, you’d walk through it almost daily to get to his home. It has been the backdrop to a lot of fumbling hand holding, even more kisses, and a few picnic dates.
Looking at him here, lit only by moonlight, you can’t help but notice just how far he has come. The person in front of you is almost unrecognizable from the scared, lost boy you met a few years ago.
He no longer wears his hairpins (though you still keep them at the bottom of your jewellery box). He speaks with more confidence and his smiles come more easily. He managed to finally open up about the things that had been haunting him since Rika’s disappearance (and everything that came after), and learned coping skills to help him when things become too much.
He attributes everything he has learned to you, but you know that he’s selling himself short.
He leads you down your usual route, off the path and onto the grass. Away from all the streetlights, the stars are slightly easier to see. You both pause and peer up at the sky to see if you can make out anything more.
He takes the opportunity to warm up your free hand in his other pocket and you intertwine your fingers with his. Holding hands in this spot in the park brings back a lot of memories for you.
“I think we had one of our first dates here, remember? You packed us the best lunches in those little boxes!”
He laughs as the memory resurfaces. “I was so nervous that you wouldn’t like it, I kept watching your face the whole time we ate.”
You remember that part too. In between taking bites, he would watch you attentively. Remembering the awkwardness of your first dates, where you were both learning to navigate your new relationship, makes you giggle.
“I thought it was cute!”
He smiles sheepishly and squeezes your hands in his own. “I’m lucky you did. I was so awkward back then, trying to impress you.”
“I was always impressed by you, you didn’t even have to try.”
That succeeds in making him blush. It’s harder than it used to be to catch him off guard, but he still gets shy when you compliment him like this.
You rest your head against him, happy for his warmth. He used to worry about his height, but you love being able to rest your head against his shoulder and nuzzle your face into his neck when you hug him.
There’s a little smattering of freckles across his neck that you love to follow with kisses, especially when he least expects it and will guarantee a reaction.
You move your head slightly so you can reach his neck and press a gentle kiss just above his collarbone. He squirms a little, and stutters out a surprised “honey!”, but you hear the smile in his voice. He loves it when you’re bold with him.
You free your hands from his pockets and wrap them around his neck, fingers playing with the hair at his nape. He wastes no time pulling you closer so he can kiss you properly.
You might not be able to see the stars, but you don’t need to. You don’t need to look anywhere but at him tonight.
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