spilladabalia · 2 years
N.A.T.O. - Monsieur le Président
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lepartidelamort · 5 months
L’OTAN accuse la Russie de préparer des attaques terroristes partout en Europe
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Cette organisation veut imposer le sexe anal intermasculin à l’ensemble de la planète par l’usage de la force brute
L’OTAN prépare l’opinion à une grave escalade militaire contre la Russie.
Leur dernière idée est d’organiser des attentats un peu partout en Europe pour soutenir l’envoi de troupes en Ukraine.
Le Point :
Un « risque d’actes de sabotage » qui se serait « considérablement accru » et avec un « potentiel élevé de dommages ». Voici les termes de Thomas Haldenwang lors d’une conférence sur la sécurité en Allemagne le mois dernier et que cite The Financial Times dans un article paru ce dimanche 5 mai. Selon le chef des services de renseignement intérieurs allemands et d’autres services secrets européens, la Russie de Vladimir Poutine préparerait une vague de violentes opérations de sabotage sur tout le continent sans se soucier de faire des victimes parmi les civils. The Financial Times insiste sur le fait que les responsables des services de renseignement sont de plus en plus nombreux à parler d’une menace venue de Moscou et à appeler les gouvernements à la vigilance. « La Russie a déjà commencé à préparer plus activement des attentats à la bombe clandestins, des incendies criminels et des dommages aux infrastructures sur le sol européen, directement ou par l’intermédiaire de mandataires », explique le média britannique. Selon l’article, ces opérations de sabotage auraient donc déjà commencé. En Allemagne, deux ressortissants germano-russes soupçonnés d’avoir projeté d’attaquer des sites militaires et logistiques pour le compte de la Russie ont été arrêtés en avril. Au Royaume-Uni, le même mois, deux hommes ont été inculpés pour avoir déclenché un incendie dans un entrepôt contenant des cargaisons d’aide à l’Ukraine. Ces deux hommes sont accusés par les procureurs anglais de travailler pour le gouvernement russe. En Estonie, également, l’attaque de la voiture du ministre de l’Intérieur en février a été perpétrée par des membres du renseignement russe, selon le service de sécurité du pays. « La conclusion évidente est qu’il y a eu une intensification majeure de l’activité russe », déclare ainsi au Financial Times Keir Giles, consultant spécialiste de la Russie du think tank Chatham House. Il tempère néanmoins ses propos : « Il est impossible de dire si cela est dû au fait que les Russes y consacrent plus de ressources, s’ils sont plus négligents et se font prendre, ou si le contre-espionnage occidental est simplement devenu meilleur pour détecter et stopper ces activités. »
Yakovleff était sur télé OTAN pour vendre ça aux boomers.
Il a cité l’exemple d’AZF, une entreprise qui avait mystérieusement explosé le 21 septembre 2001, 10 jours après les attaques sous faux drapeau de la CIA contre le World Trade Center.
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Cette rhétorique apparaît au moment où Vladimir Poutine doit être inauguré président de la fédération de Russie.
D’ordinaire, les terroristes de Kiev utilisent ce genre d’évènements pour se livrer à des provocations sur le territoire russe. Et justement, le bruit court qu’ils préparent quelque chose de ce genre.
Les ambassadeurs de France et de Grande-Bretagne ont été avertis officiellement des conséquences d’une telle attaque avec des missiles français et anglais.
C’est le crapaud juif Lévy qui sert d’ambassadeur à Macron en Russie.
 En raison des déclarations de plus en plus belliqueuses des dirigeants français et des informations reçues sur l’implication croissante de la France dans le conflit autour de l’Ukraine, le 6 mai, l’ambassadeur de France en Russie @PierreLevyDiplo a été convoqué à @mfa_russia.
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La presse se vantait hier de l’implication de l’armée française dans les frappes contre la Russie.
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La Russie a manifestement décidé de changer de ton et de considérer ces frappes comme un acte de guerre – ce qu’elles sont.
Les Russes pourraient vouloir donner une leçon aux soldats de l’OTAN qui sont à l’origine de ces attaques.
Démocratie Participative
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 month
Leia and Mace talking being an actual earnest assess your surroundings and figure to yourself what your relationship is and is not to the Republic is fun. one of the odd things is the republic being a government of governments so to speak. Land of Princes HRE/UN/N.A.T.O style. while the general vibe of the jedi I know what id argue for reform but even ignoring that the actual ASSESS your surroundings to figure out your own priorities is fun. Good Talk. Leia honest about Brother best yet dead!!!
Star Wars political systems are frankly a nightmare to work with. If I were insane, I'd write this whole story again with everything I've had to manually build out at the front of my mind and completely shift the political dynamics. And bureaucracy.
I am not insane.
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popculturelib · 6 months
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The Poisoned Pussy: An Espionage Novel (1969) by Rod Gray
My name is Eve Drum--The Lady From L.U.S.T.--the sexiest spy in the world. Anything you can do I can do better. They call me Oh Oh Sex, because sex is my favorite weapon, but I'm just as good at Karate, safe-cracking, knife throwing, scuba diving--you name it. Don't tangle with me: I have a license to kill and I don't care if I use my body--or a Beretta. Swing along as I go into action against a supervillain who wants to wreck N.A.T.O. and heat up the Cold War to the flash point. It will blow your mind.
The Lady from L.U.S.T. was a series of erotic spy stories about Eve Drum, aka Agent Oh Oh Sex, who worked for the League of Undercover Spies and Terrorists (L.U.S.T.). Rod Gray was a penname for DC Comics writer Gardner Fox, who created co-characters such as Barbara Gordon and the Flash.
The BPCL has other books in The Lady from L.U.S.T. series:
The Lady from L.U.S.T. (1967)
Lay Me Odds (1967)
The 69 Pleasures (1967)
South of the Bordello (1969)
The Copulation Explosion (1970)
Turned on to L.U.S.T. (1971)
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
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The Ballad of Riley Coleman (4)
There's this quote I've been hearing around the intranets, lately. Those millions of nodes for isolated, miniscule dissident groups, or punks, or just school friends wanting to skirt the limits between local security legislation and their safety.
That quote's from a man called Bai Jian. Everybody conflicts on the details. Anarchist, Marxist. Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen. Someone says he's a liberal democrat. Someone else tells them they're a worthless, donkey-shitting idiot, and pull up some time his intranet distri-packages contained some quote from Malatesta or Luxemburg or whatever.
All anyone knows is that it came out on one of the final reports out of China from a spy ring in some provincial committee, somewhere. Before Zhongnanhai, the Party brass, released new disciplinary rules and the Prowler intelligences to back them up across the Net. Before Yang Fenghe became General Secretary, and the Zuzhibu Oligarchy sprang into place.
"Liberty shall not pass unmourned from this Earth. Hope will never leave it."
The last day before my tour ended, before I was rotated back home, that girl and I met for the last time. All we shared was this bottle of cheap wine she'd gotten as a gift from an E.P.A. field worker, from their office Christmas parties a month ago. She asked me what I was gonna do next.
I told her I was gonna find a home. Some decent place to settle down.
She told me she was gonna quit. That she was never gonna stop moving again.
That stayed with me for a while.
How couldn't it?
I wasn't remembered for Ecumene. I wasn't remembered for the eye and the leg I lost. I wasn't remembered from that woman's testimony, even after she was photographed attending some party congress in Ankara. I've heard from her. In bits and snatches. But never direct contact. Intranet security's intranet security.
I was the "Whitehall Intern". That's what the press called me, or that grainy footage of me, when they started rolling out the clips and the controversy. The angry young bastard in the world's most horrendous button-up shirt, just throwing his papers into the air and storming out during this one I.M.O. conference in London. Went viral. Or it was. Before N.A.T.O.'s Internet Security Directive. Before the Western world shut down its riotous net.
I put in my resignation then and there. Started up a little intranet profile. Fled to Barcelona to meet a friend in Catalonia. Booted up a pirate radio station. Fled to Manila to escape the police.
Here I've stayed. Here I'll remain, in the Marches of Asia, they call them. Good luck to the Home Office. Good luck to the boss. No matter how hard they want to search, they'll never find me here. They don't want to, and can't. They've got Edinburgh to fight over and Brussels to bicker with.
They call me Riley Coleman. That isn't the name on my records. Born in 2054, in the shithole that's Manchester, in the civil war-ridden shithole that's still internationally recognized as the United Kingdom. Accidental cyberpunk. Witness of the Chernobyl of the New World. Getting older and older, barely being able to afford my implants and my estrogen and everything else left to me in this world. Going mad from the revelation.
The world doesn't know what I look like, nor do they know the sound of my voice, but they know the feel of my text. As a true dugong pintura should be.
I only know a few things. But I remember much. All I can do is hope, pray, and fight.
Something's brewing down in this country, along the Marches of Asia.
"In this age, of famine, flood and fire."
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famouscenes3 · 21 days
Japan was "Occupied by the U.S." After Their Defeat in World War 2 and have Taken On Many Western Cultural Ways and They still Rely on America for Their Defense
We Rebuilt Their Factories Economic and Nutritional Systems until They became the Economic/Commercial Powerhouse They Are "Relying on The American Market"
Europe Rebuilt After World War 2 and Rely on America for Their Defense also through N.A.T.O.
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altecisbit · 2 months
it is clear from n.y.p.d s.o.d dispatchers on - 9/6/2024 my confidential "surveillance" records and the ABC MEDIA CAMPIAGNS and the leak of my phyciatrict records a direct result of the china crisis was related too the korean missile crisis 2017 and it wasn't I was considered a national security risk - 2017/24 -10/6/2024
Evonne Yong - lied #theworld said I leaked wich led to a strike of nuclear weapons in the pacific it is untrue 2019-21 - korean missile crisis the "host" was referring too - ABC leaks on intelligence led to missile strikes in the sea of japan the "china crisis" was not related to testing of nuclear weapons by kim jong un in the sea of japan - the "china crisis" was a leak by myself on N.A.T.O ORDERS I WAS TASKED TO WRITE U.S MILITARY AND A THRET OF A PREEMPTIVE STRIKE BY CHINA NO ACTION TAKEN SEE - AuKuS #china "treaty" as a leak by @ABCNewsreaders also contributed to the threats by china if ABC is referring to a nuclear weapon strike by #nthkorea at the time of the "china crisis" it is now thought to be plausible at the same time and is what tipped china's hand was the ABC journalist joe obrein on chinese spie - dr m.k wong and his clearance for stealing state secrets only the newsreader did not go along with plans of the Australian Federal Government to clear him and stated it if this is what ABC (evonne yong) was referring to a nuclear weapons test in the pacific and the sea of japan the two could certainly be connected - the "china crisis" and kim jong un #nthkorea - G.C - 22:30-11:00P.M A.E.D.T 24/8/2023 - A REPORT FOR GENERAL MARK MILLEY****#JCOS U.S MILITARY CONFIRM THE REPORT AS IS WHAT HAD TAKEN PLACE CLEARING MY NAME.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3475428129449967&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz dr m.k wong
@ABC_Australia leak footage on the C.I.A contract on kim jong un ABC blackmail al over family member I.C.W a leak of - "orders" for war against #nthkorea al leaks online the korean missile crisis - testing of a nuclear warhead in the sea of japan.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3800405080285602&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz a report for general mark milley****#jcos u.s military a report on the korean missile crisis - 2019-24 - (testing of nuclear weapons - 2017 and the "china crisis" a leak on N.A.T.O ORDERS BY @ABC_Australia - related to a conflict in the region and testing of nuclear weapons by kim jong un in 2017 - "china crisis" - 2017/19 the two not related although thought plausible at the time clearing @ABC_Australia of a intelligence leak wich led to the testing of a nuclear warhead) - n.y.p.d s.o.d and the release of a "surveillance record" in the course of my duties in the u.s military and the blackmail by @ABC_Australia of me and my family and the incidents from the leaks by @ABC_Australia and leaks from my command and the blackmail by @ABC_Australia and after the blackmail a leak on @ABC_Australia and the C.I.A contract on kim jong un nephew as aired by @ABC_Australia as I publicised due to the blackmail by @ABC_Australia let's hope it is the end of the matter - a report from general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military communications in the rear - specail ops and m.w.a.a/citywide1 - 23:13 P.M A.E.S.D.T 26/1/2024
ABC Australia said "you are wondering why we are leaking from general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military u.s command ruby cornish said because the Australian Federal Government said we could
General Clayton - the f.b.i - federal bureau of investigation is going to take over from n.y.p.d s.o.d in general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military murders inquires - G.C - press release - 9/6/2024 - fn: in the hands of supreme court of U.S.A
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3799515393707904&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz world war three
General Clayton - as leaked our plans in the middle east - thanks @ABC_Australia who have started all the wars in recent times - world war three arab states #iran - gaza state of israel the - "exodus" - 9:11:13:8 - son of god ehaid - l.j.c - R.R.C.C - the end of the world - G.C - press release - 25/1/2024
General Clayton - on the u.k prime minister's arrival in kyiv I have decided to accelerate our plan in the "interests" of trade with our partners" and ultimately peace with china nth korea and iran - as the political focus has shifted as mostly the operations are and have been released in the past - whilst we maintain the upmost security now - G.C - press release - 2/2/2022.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3773513289641448&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz N.A.T.O - U.N.S.C - vladmir putin
General Clayton - poking the bear - sea of AzOV - indo china operations land sea air nth west passage operation b.d.g_divide - a report for general mark milley**** #jcos u.s military - G.C - press release - 22/12/2023.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3179757045683745&id=100009484426712 U.N.S.C GENEVA - G7 MORATORIUM ON KRYPTON S6 - CHINA RUSSIA G7 SEE "TRADE DEALS" AND COAL MINING AT COP 26 - GLASGOW -Australia see interim treaty #nthkorea- c/o general clayton (retired) 22/11/2021. on behalf of joe "hunter" s biden 46th president of the united states of america.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3773872756272168&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the "korean missile crisis"
https://www.facebook.com/100009484426712/posts/2721579954834792/ "treaties"
2012-24 the nostradamus prophecy - l.j.c
#capitalhill matt dooran - and andrea neirhoff berated by political correspondent - online - see world war three #canberra - p.m #qt - korean missile crisis - 2017/19-24 and the blackmail of my family by OURABC - n.y.p.d.s.o.d
Lord Jesus Christ - warned you 2012-24 - nostradamus prophecy see our end in black and white on Alex Clayton Facebook.com - l.j.c
General Clayton - the "end is nigh" if I lose all credibility we all die - general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military - "defence and trade" - Lord Jesus Christ I am trying to save us all I am constantly reminded of my sins it is going to lead to the end - nostradamus prophecy - 2012 the end of the world - the vatican - 2023 - "nine trumpets sounding" a evil exists in the world - G.C - press release - 21/5/2023.
G7 god is telling us a success in switzerland is required due to our need to survive - l.j.c
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3365880497071398&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz "thoughts and prayers" of son of god ehaid ,- l.j.c
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newsource21 · 3 months
Most of the Funding of the U.N. comes from America
Most of the Funding of N.A.T.O. also is from the U.S.
Europe relies on America for Her Defense
The Green New Deal is Designed to Weaken America Economically
This would Endanger the Entire World
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coolbonnieart · 6 months
Ok not pizza tower or lupin this time, but I wanna introduce my oc, Mr gunman
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Mr.gunman ( real name James hitch-man)
Was paralyzed from the waste down as a child, until his parents where offered him his legs in exchange for him joining the army.
they agreed and he was given highly advanced robotic legs, over time had to be upgraded to match his growth.
Around his 20, he was wanting and waiting to go home as promised, but...
The army sayed no, and that he's going to be a weapon for the US government.
And so..he ran away.
Now he's living a life the run from N.A.T.O's secret army, and stealing back from the meny country's who have stolen from others.
Doodles of the goober:
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Bouns: his name and some of his personality was inspired by this song
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 6 months
Life for Gaza: donati 42mila euro a Palestinian Medical Relief e Medici senza frontiere
Sono 42.000 gli euro raccolti con l’iniziativa “LIFE for GAZA”, il concerto di pace ideato per sostenere aiuti umanitari da destinare alle terre della Palestina che si è tenuto il 25 febbraio al Palapartenope di Napoli. La cifra, comunicata in un incontro al Caffè arabo di piazza Bellini, viene suddivisa in due parti: 31.000 euro sono stati inviati alla Palestinian Medical Relief Society; 11.000 euro a Medici senza Frontiere. Sul sito www.pergaza.it continua la campagna di donazioni per tutti coloro che vogliono esprimere la propria vicinanza ai morti e ai feriti del massacro che sta avvenendo in Medio Oriente.  Donati 42mila euro Alla conferenza, Omar Suleiman,  referente della comunità palestinese, e Luigi de Magistris in qualità di rappresentante del comitato dei garanti (che include anche l’attrice Laura Morante, il regista Mario Martone, l’attore Lino Musella, padre Alex Zanotelli, Nicola Quatrano e Francesco Romanetti), hanno illustrato anche due delle prossime iniziative di solidarietà destinate al popolo della Palestina. La prima si terrà proprio domani, sabato 23 marzo, con una biciclettata che partirà alle 10 dalla Bicycle House nella Galleria Principe di Napoli, si snoderà nelle vie del centro della città e verso il lungomare, e infine avrà ‘traguardo’ nei viali della ex base N.A.T.O. di Bagnoli. “Chi vorrà, potrà partecipare arrivando in sella alle sue due ruote oppure noleggiare a soli 10 euro una bicicletta. Il ricavato naturalmente andrà donato alle associazioni pacifiste”. Luogo simbolico e non casuale, l’ex NATO, scelto dagli organizzatori “come avamposto di un indispensabile e immediato cessate il fuoco e di una liberazione degli spazi civili e rottura del filo spinato senza l’impiego delle armi di guerra. La seconda, ancora nel piazzale della ex N.A.T.O. a Bagnoli, è in calendario invece il 6 luglio ed è un nuovo concerto dedicato alle vittime del genocidio ad opera del governo militare di Israele”.  Tra i primi musicisti ad aderire al concerto di luglio figura Mohammed Adbul Rahman Assaf, vincitore di “Arab Idol”. Come lui, di ora in ora, stanno già pervenendo i primi sì anche di cantautori e musicisti napoletani che non hanno potuto essere sul palco del Palapartenope a fine febbraio.  “Life for Gaza” – CESSATE IL FUOCO!!! Sensibilizziamo l’opinione pubblica, sosteniamo la causa del popolo palestinese e raccogliamo fondi da destinare a Medici Senza Frontiere e Palestinian Medical Relief Society che operano nei territori occupati dalle azioni di guerra. LIFE FOR GAZA – Napoli è un concerto/evento ideato da Omar Suleiman, Jamal Qaddorah e Luigi de Magistris, promosso dalla Comunità Palestinese Campania e da Assopace Palestina, con la direzione artistica e organizzativa di Claudio de Magistris. A febbraio si sono esibiti, fra gli altri, Fiorella Mannoia, Laura Morante, Daniele Sepe, Dario Sansone, Ascanio Celestini, Osanna, ‘E Zézi, Enzo Gragnaniello, Elisabetta Serio, Giovanni Block, Francesco Forni, Carlo Faiello, Eugenio Bennato, Franco Ricciardi, Lino Cannavacciuolo. C’è stata la live performance dei fumettisti della mostra Falastin Hurra e l’installazione video-fotografica “7 fotogiornalisti italiani per la Palestina” curata da Antonio Biasiucci. La comunicazione e la grafica sono a cura di Renato Mastrogiovanni, il coordinamento di Ginevra Gargiulo, Maria Teresa Lippiello, Jamil Qaddorah e Diego Abbate con il supporto e il sostegno di Kosmopolis, Teatro Palapartenope, Time 4 Stream, Dominique, Pibiesse e Brain User. Read the full article
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nicklloydnow · 1 year
“But the most startling of all Louvain’s mementoes of war is the Catholic University Library, burned by the Kaiser’s soldiers and restored (largely by American contributions, including one from the New York City Police Department) in the 1920s. The Germans burned it yet again when they came by the same route in 1940. On its front stands a sculpture said to be of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I say, “said to be” because it is the only such statue I have seen in which Our Lady is wearing a warlike helmet and holding a sword, with which she is doing something unpleasant to a prone eagle, presumably representing Germany. It is not that I do not understand the sentiment behind this, which must mainly be anger. I do. I sympathize with it. I think many of my countrymen are far too complacent about the good fortune and the deep salt water which have so many times preserved us from this fate. It is not for me, an uninvaded Englishman, made safe by the sea, to preach contentment or submission to my continental European neighbors. We have made a shameful conquest of ourselves in many ways, but that is our fault. Their tranquil countryside and streets were invaded by legions of grey-clad conquerors, and by screeching rivers of grey steel. Their independence and freedom were stolen from them by cruel conquerors. A little further north, in lovely Delft, I was similarly struck by a stained-glass window celebrating the liberation of the city in 1945 (for in 1940 the Dutch were not spared invasion as had happened in 1914). In this depiction, the beaten German occupiers are portrayed as the devils of Hell, being thrust back down into their pit by the angels of democracy. I think our forebears in the Middle Ages, who tended to attribute their victories to God and his angels, and their personal preservation to one saint or another, or the Blessed Virgin herself, would greatly agree with such portrayals. There are non-religious ways of making the same point. One of my father’s 1939-45 war medals shows a British Lion trampling rather fastidiously on a German Eagle.
But can we really look on war in this way as a righteous struggle in which the angels are on our side? Might such a view not make us love war too much, and Christ a good deal too little? Has it not already done so? Hasn’t the special wickedness of various recent enemies made us begin to imagine that war can be not only necessary (as it sometimes must be), not only just (as it can rarely be) but actively good (as I believe it never is).
These guns were made to terrify by their power, and to destroy the defenses of peaceful small nations which desired only to be left alone. They were arrogance and greed solidified into steel. No wonder their infantry escorts marched stiffly and reverently, no wonder their crews, like devotees of a cruel idol, lay flat on their stomachs, many yards off, with special pads over their eyes, ears, and mouths, as they squeezed the electric triggers which fired them. I still get angry about the Germans in the First World War (this does not mean I am unmoved by their second attempt in 1939, but that conflict and its accompanying crimes have become the moral scripture of our times and there is less need to state a position). I am tormented by wondering if and how 1914 and the evils it unleashed could have been avoided altogether, and how much beauty and brilliance and true human progress might have been made without it. I see a modern Europe paradoxically dominated by Germany despite its two colossal military defeats. I note that Belgium, which fought so honorably (and paid such a tremendous price) for its neutrality, integrity, and independence in 1914 and again in 1940, no longer has any borders and no longer has its own currency. Far from being neutral, it hosts the headquarters of two huge alliances, the European Union and N.A.T.O., and belongs firmly to both. And across the whole mighty continent, now once again at war, the fading power of Christianity flickers and dies, and a new warlike and earthly replacement morality—in which virtue carries a gun —supplants it.”
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
In April, the White House said Biden would make a state visit to meet King Charles in lieu of his attendance at the coronation
But officials have now told DailyMail.com that invitation was not for an official state visit at all
Instead, Biden will meet Charles next month during a brief stop in London
In April, the White House was under pressure to explain why President Joe Biden would not be attending the coronation of King Charles III in London.
***Come on man!! Mama always said, I’m Irish!
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Watch "A virtual reality journey of refugee, immigrant and 1st generation students | Amy Hoeven | TEDxCSU" on YouTube
I immigrated here and now I'm 45 years old and a success story all who immigrate and exodus out of domestic or international warzones as civilians caught in the danger and turmoil survive more free and liberated rather than enslaved or oppressed below poverty and in pestilence and famine...I don't know exactly which country I began in but all I know true and remember is I have crossed many international borders seeking new joy new life true freedom and liberty which is equality for all and justice to sustain that quality of life that is truly liberating and freeing and tolerating of differences in humankind's people and children...we are all unique but all need a place to belong and be included as a fellow human being! I found that here in united states of america and before in Germany and mexico and also in Russia as a child and as an adult now and also every other country in virtual ways via internet searches and social media apps....United nations and n.a.t.o. and other world government organizations I salute your service and advocacy for all world inhabitants especially me and diplomacy is the root of peace and liberty and freedom and justice which education gives path to and the journey is awesome through education...promote education knowledge is power for progress and change for better tomorrow's both for self and for others around the world for everyone female and male and children too! #unicef #immigrantsuccessstories #imanimmigrant #imaforeignnational #firstgenerationnaturalizedcitizen #youcanachieveyourdreams #educationisapathtosuccess #knowledgeispower #libertyfreedomandjusticeforequalitiy #allarebornequalwithhumanrights #humanrights #peaceonearth
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jenforyeshua · 1 year
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comicconradio · 2 years
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DC Studios recently released an action-packed first trailer for The Flash and it gave everyone a good look at the film that will reset the DC Universe. In the trailer we get to see the return of both Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton's respective Batmen, as well as the return of General Zod (Michael Shannon). We also get to see the introduction of our new live-action Supergirl (Sasha Calle) and how she fits into the movie. Fans have been reacting fairly well to the trailer, but I know you guys want to know what one of the biggest fanboys in the world has to say about it. During the latest episode of Fatman Beyond, Kevin Smith revealed his very expletive filled reaction to The Flash trailer. "Holy f**k. That [The] Flash trailer. I've watched that trailer, no lie, easily 200 times already. It is f*****g magic," Smith said. "I cannot wait, and Mark [Bernardin] I don't have to wait because, as I discussed on Hollywood Babylon with Ralph [Garmin]. As an owner of a movie theater that makes me a member of N.A.T.O. National Association of Theaters Owners, kids, nothing to do with the nuclear club. When you're an N.A.T.O. member, you can go to what used to be called ShoWest but is now called CinemaCon, and that's the first place they're gonna show the f*****g [The] Flash movie in April. Now, as Kevin Smith filmmaker, I would never be allowed into this f*****g thing unless I had something I was presenting at CinemaCon, but as Kevin Smith theater owner they cannot keep me out, man. So I'm gonna be in Vegas for Cinema Con. This little black duck right here. I'm gonna be Daffy [Duck] for seeing me some f*****g [The] Flash way early. I'm gonna come back to this show and spoil the f**k out of it."⚡️🍿🍿🍿 #comiccon #spoilermagazine #news #losangeles #podcast #magazine #art #instagram #galaxy #film #tv #hollywood #feature #movies #fandom #graphicdesign #nyc #spoiler #comicconradio #comicbooks #kevinsmith #theflash #dcuniverse #cinemacon (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpccBGHLV7u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alexsavescu · 2 years
Expoziția “România – N.A.T.O.” de la parteneriat la alianță prezentată publicului din Fălticeni
Expoziția “România – N.A.T.O.” de la parteneriat la alianță prezentată publicului din Fălticeni
În perioada 7-16 decembrie 2022, Biblioteca Municipală “Eugen Lovinescu” din Fălticeni găzduiește expoziția itinerantă “România – N.A.T.O.” de la parteneriat la alianță, a Muzeului Militar Național “Regele Ferdinand I”. În organizarea evenimentului sunt implicate Asociația Cultul Eroilor “Regina Maria”- Filiala Județului Suceava și Asociația Militarilor Veterani, Veterani cu dizabilități…
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