bonetrousledbones · 4 months
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kiliinstinct · 1 year
The Stone Prince - Prt 3
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Well, wouldja lookie here. An update! I meant for this to post before I moved, but life got in the way. So here it is now to hopefully tide y'all over before The Flame's Desire Update. Hopefully I can get The Colosseum Updated as well!
It wasn’t a prank. No matter how much Lucy begged for it to be.
What started as a raise to Lucy’s ire and disbelief soon derailed to utter bafflement with begrudging yet confused acceptance not far behind. The constant assurance from the others claiming that a practical joke to the degree of hiring a man feigning to be stone for a day was ludicrous. She knew it, of course, but was still desperately grasping at straws to explain the unexplainable. To have anything make the slightest inkling of sense. Only a day later, she caved to reality, not finding any logic behind her earlier assumptions.
The impossible had happened.
A stone man stepped out of time off his pedestal into the world of the living. He coughed dust from his lungs and stumbled about on very real legs of flesh and bone. And his appetite, to everyone's dismay, was voracious. Once he drank all the water he could, they fed him in small amounts despite his complaints for more. Mostly it was to stop him from choking on his food, but also to make sure he didn’t get sick from too much at once. Unfortunately, they underestimated the amount of times he’d end up whining for seconds. Even thirds. 
No, not whine: demand. 
If not for his inability to walk a straight line, Lucy or any of her peers would have gladly taken away the ability for him. (Gray had threatened it twice, with the same rock he’d brandished the day before that he kept close at hand.) 
He spoke as if they would respond to every beck and call, haughty commands that he thought left no room for arguments, expecting them to serve him at any given moment.
When they didn’t, he attempted to complete the task himself. More food? Explain the odd clothes in the nearest suitcase? Each time ended the same: A huffing so-called Prince struggling to rise, tripping over their luggage, boxed implements and tents. His own curiosity could not outweigh his frustrations as his tendency to drag himself to the doors to ‘inspect the grounds’ ended in failure. His incessant claims to nobility fried their nerves as his demands grew by the minute. A brat, Lucy had said - Gray and Levy muttering in annoyed agreement- and Freed, choosing not to add to the assessment vocally, merely nodded his quiet confirmation. 
And yet…
“Lucy, sit down, you can relax beside me.” He said once and patted the cushion he had claimed when Lucy’s confused pacing had made her dizzy. 
“I asked for the half-naked jester to move my things, not Lucy.” He had snapped another time when Lucy dragged a spare sleeping bag out for him. 
He scrunched his nose when she offered to prepare dinner. “Why are you making Lucy cook?” He pointed to the others, frowning, “Do it yourself. She’s not your chef!”
His entire character turned a 180 the moment recognition lit in his eyes and leaked into his voice. A bias that made Lucy uncomfortable, awkwardly so. And the entire group was quick to notice.  
It was a whirlwind. One that Lucy didn’t wish to ride. The earlier excitement of navigating new ruins had soured with the treatment of this so-called Prince; with his pushy demands and constant need for assistance. It sprouted a dreadful headache just behind her eyes. Fortunately, all he needed had been a day to recuperate. His strength returned, each step less clunky than the last, and his ability to move around reminded Lucy of a child with a never ending source of energy. He couldn’t sit still for longer than five minutes. And he, much to their chagrin, couldn't keep his curious fingers away from most of their things.
Even so, his stamina–apparently drained after disuse, sent him back to the floor again after less than thirty minutes of movement, which in his eyes was barely any time at all. It was becoming difficult to keep his mood level after his energy was spent so quickly and even more so keeping him away from the many implements and notes they’d brought along with them for the survey. 
When Levy decided to finally make her way into the decaying Library, Lucy dove on the opportunity to join her. Anything to get away from the mysterious man that kept ordering her to stick close to him.
“Erm, no offense, Lu,” Levy mumbled, fingers twitching as she wavered in and out of the doorway, “But it might be best if you stay behind until he’s a little less.. Um, clingy?” 
Her eyebrows moved, gesturing towards the formerly stone prince as he rushed to stand, ready to demand Lucy’s presence once more. “With his legs half as wobbly as they are, it’s safer for him not to go near any of the books or anything in there really. Especially if there's anything salvageable, don’t you think?”
Lucy’s heart sank, realizing the wisdom behind the statement, but still disappointed all the same. “Ugh, can’t we just…call someone to get him? Clearly, he needs a hospital or something.”
“Yes, I’m sure they’d love to hear, ‘please, get this man who's been asleep for 500 years to the nearest ICU. No, we’re not prank calling you, honest!’ I bet that would go over nicely.” 
Lucy snorted at Levy’s sarcasm, but the shorter girl was just as stubborn as she could be.She patted Lucy’s shoulder in support. “I know it's rough, but…maybe with him less likely to pass out from hunger, he’ll be willing to listen to you. It doesn’t hurt to try, right?”
“Ugh, but he’s so-” looking back at him, she flinched when he shouted another order at Gray, who snarled from his tent, ready to commit murder. Lucy quietly hoped he didn't have that rock nearby “-that.”
“Oye, Lucy! “ Natsu called, voice echoing. “Take me with you, I don’t want to smell this guy any longer then I  have to-”
Gray shouted from his tent, “I’m not the one who hasn’t BATHED in 500 years, you prick-”
“All right, all right,” Lucy hastily said, shoving Levy out the door, “At least take Freed with you while I deal with this.”
“I KNEW you’d understand!” Levy gushed, winking conspiratorially. “I’ll tell you everything when I get back.”
“Yeah, yeah- “
Lucy regretted her decision within the first ten minutes.
Not only was the ‘sleeping prince’ so abrasive to Gray that the half-naked man rushed out the doors - shouting about exploring the remnants of an aviary but without any tools in hand or a shirt much less -, but his obvious attachment to her meant she couldn’t move five feet without his immediate questions raining down on her.
Where are you going? Why are you pacing? Just what are you doing with those old books? How do any of these strange mechanisms work? Is it magic? Are you -  on and on the questions came until she’d all but given up on any work she could manage in the room. 
Sending a rueful glance back towards the door, she yearned for the chance to explore.
"Traitor," she muttered under her breath, thinking of Gray’s quick departure, envious of those free to work while she remained grounded by a child stuck out of time. Coming here had been a dream come true. Now, she was reduced to a mere lookout and babysitter to someone who shouldn't even be here.
The realization rankled her, nerves firing in agitation as an oddly quiet Natsu leaned heavily against the lawn chair they’d brought with them, and began to fiddle with the thin fabric of his clothes. The light tearing of the aged silk pulled Lucy’s attention back to him and watched him frown at the hole in his sleeve, disconcerted by the apparent state of his clothes.
“I guess this is just further proof then,” he grumbled, voice a morose contradiction compared to his earlier imposing attitude. “I’ve….. really been asleep for a long time, haven’t I?”His rueful expression, eyes filled with a doubt that replaced his earlier confidence, sobered Lucy, who examined his clothes curiously. 
While a statue, his clothes had been pristine, immaculate. However, unlike him, they had begun to match their age, slowly deteriorating to loose threads that became stiff and brittle. Noticing the one tear, led to her catching a glimpse of more littering his pants and tunic, making him look bedraggled rather than a noble. 
“We’ll have to get you some clothes,” she answered, and swatted his hand away from playing with the new found hole in his sleeve. “Stop that! Do you want to make it worse?”
“Oi,” he squawked, imperious gaze flicking to hers in offense. “Who said you can touch- agh, you know what? Never mind. It doesn’t matter.”  His ire died as quickly as it came, eyes revealing an exhaustion beyond his apparent years.
Well, that…was not expected. 
Gnawing her lip, she met his gaze, stubbornly refusing to give an inch as she examined the cloth. “It’s finely crafted. Or was, I guess. But, unless you want to be naked before we can find replacements, you’re going to have to get used to being told no, buddy.”
“Tch.. that’s hardly the issue.” Glancing towards the nearest wall, he frowned deeply, examining the room, shoulders slouched. “Igneel would hate this.”
“You know who.” He stressed, rolling his eyes in annoyance.  Pausing, he caught himself and backpedaled. “Wait, no. No you don't. You’re not her.” 
Sighing, he held his legs up against himself and grumbled. “The King. My…my dad. This was his office. He would have never allowed it to get like this.”
Lucy didn’t stop to think before the words were already tumbling from her mouth, “I don’t think the dead have much control over-”
The gaze he cast her way cut her off, the words dying in her throat as the blatant mourning that watered the edges of his green eyes. “You don’t get it.” He whispered, but she caught it all the same. It was a voice that desperately choked back a deep, consuming sorrow.
Shame filled the depths of her stomach like rocks. Swallowing thickly, she bit her lip, wincing as she turned her gaze away. She couldn’t look him in the eye. Not after that.
No one deserved such insensitivity, especially not an out-of-time Prince mourning the loss of everyone he once knew. “Sorry, that was…I worded that poorly.” 
There were questions burning at the tip of her tongue. What sort of king had his father been? Did the people love them? What could have possibly put the castle into such a state that no history books covered its existence? How had he become stone in the first place? The reality that set upon Lucy’s shoulders made her almost delirious and dizzy, but she reigned in the urge to submerge him in too many questions. His predicament confused her enough as is. She couldn't imagine herself in his shoes, trying to figure it all out only to be bombarded with a multitude of questions.
“Tell me about….Lucy.” She opted for this instead. To serve as some form of distraction. A safe question that still could give her something. He glanced at her, cocking a brow in confusion. “Obviously, I look a bit like her, and it sounds like we shared the same last name, but I was never told my family had nobility.”
She hadn't expected the weakened Prince to answer her, not after her thoughtlessness. She half expected his snappy mood to return full force, but he took the distraction with ease. His lips pulled into a frown as he mulled over the question. “Her hair’s longer by a lot, but usually she had it up in a lot of braids and in some kinda thing the maids called a…snead?”
Lucy, mystified by his choice in words, decided he certainly didn’t mean the shaft or handle of a scythe. “You mean a snood?”
“Yeah, that. I saw her take it off once, complaining it gave her headaches. I couldn’t figure out how she didn’t accidentally sit on her hair when it was down. It was that long.” He shrugged, eyes glancing over her in one fell swoop, looking for other differences. 
“She visited a lot, being the daughter of a Duke and all. He came to call constantly, discussing business with my father. She was… uh…" Scratching the back of his head, his expression became uncertain, eyes clouded over from the memories, “I think we were… friends?”
“Isn’t that something you’d usually know?” she prompted, watching the myriad of emotions that flickered behind his narrowed eyes.
“It’s complicated," he grimaced. "Her dad wanted us to get married, but uh, we knew each other since we were kids, so it was strange.”
“Sounds perfectly normal for royalty and nobles.” But also awkward, she thought, considering they were discussing a girl that looked exactly like her, but she kept that to herself.
“Maybe, but he also tried to marry her off to every other lord in the area.”
Now it was her turn to grimace. “I may love history, but that’s the one thing that always bothered me. Please tell me he didn’t try to make her marry some old dude.”
He snorted, “Just their sons. Not that they are any better.”  She chose not to comment on his use of present tense. 
That was a relief. Somewhat. “So, was she interested in any of them?”
That question spurred an odd expression to stiffen his features.
He shifted restlessly, took another look around the room, and unexpectedly jumped to his shaky feet. When he almost fell into her, she sprang to her feet, balancing him from the side. Her voice raised in pitch , but he didn’t respond, just looked towards the exit as if the stale air was suffocating.
“You wanted to explore more, didn’t you?” he asked, the question tumbling from his lips once it became clear she wasn’t about to let him go off on his own. “How about we get some air? I’ll behave. Honest.”
Lucy wasn’t sure how much she could trust that statement, but found it hard to deny him. After all, he was right. She did want to see the rest of the grounds, and if Levy wouldn’t let her go with, then why not take him along on her own venture?
“Sure. If we go far enough, we might be able to find some spare clothes for you.” They may get lucky along the way and find a few of Gray's things scattered about the path. And if that didn't pan out she was certain they left behind extra items in the van. - but how would this embodiment of ‘blast from the past’ react to a horseless carriage?  She giggled at the thought.
At Natsu’s questioning stare, she waved him off. Glancing back towards the makeshift camp they’d made for themselves. Freed and Levy would be gone for hours and knowing Gray, he’d find other things to keep his interest before having to return. It was possible they’d return before the others knew of their venture. To be safe, Lucy moved to jot down a note, hastily leaving it tacked to the front of her own tent. There, now they won’t be confused if they return first! Lucy mentally cheered her own quick thinking and marched back to the doors, gesturing for the Prince to follow. 
If she noticed the knitted brow and curious stare he gave in response, she didn’t bring it up.
The trip was slow going.
With uneven floors tripping Natsu up every other shaky step, he caused Lucy to stumble with him as he clung to her like a cane. The two barely made good time. Down the decrepit halls they ambled.The dusty, moth-eaten paintings stole Lucy’s attention, gazing in wonder at the crumbling canvases while Natsu frowned, irritated by their poor state. He’d stop in his tracks for each one, muttering furiously about their original details lost to the ages, before moving on faster than Lucy was ready, only to curse when he toppled over his feet all over again. It was a repeating pattern and Lucy suspected, with a heavy pang in her chest, that anger was easier to express than the grief that dragged his shoulders down. 
They came across other passageways or doors leading to old, caved-in rooms and he’d peek his head around the corner or through the doorways with a crinkle of his nose, unimpressed by the scent of rotting wood and dust. Lucy tried to pick his brain, asked if he remembered the rooms and what they used to be. Each time he’d answer, but his replies were often distant and  hollow, unsure as he failed to grasp the foggy memories. 
She got the impression he wouldn’t have had much more to say either. His mind was weak on more than just his sleeping arrangements, as if memories fell from his mind in fractured pieces he couldn’t fit back together. Each new attempt to recall his past formed an irritated tick in his forehead and his scowl took a near-permanent residence on his face.
“You were asleep for a very long time,” Lucy consoled when he failed to remember what she could only assume was a drawing room for guests. “Maybe you just need some more time for it to come back to you?”
This didn’t mollify him as much as she hoped, but he nodded nonetheless, stubbornly pushing from her shoulders to traverse the entry hall on his own, hand causing a trail of dust as he steadied himself against the wall. She resisted the urge to chase him. Perhaps it was better to let him stand on his own until he no longer could.
“None of this looks right,” he grumbled, his mounting frustration evident. The Prince paused halfway through the hall to stare at a fallen chandelier resting lamely on its side. It was larger than he was tall, once pristine crystals yellowed with age, but the rusted metal still held onto a hint of its former opulence as hints of gold peeked through the decay.“Five hundred years…has it really been so long?” The whisper stuck in his throat as though the realization finally sank in now that the evidence lay crumbling before him. She wasn't sure if he meant for her to hear him.
“We didn’t lie about the current year,” she answered, almost offended. “But we all agreed that this place looks good considering its age. You’d think it wouldn’t be this sturdy anymore.”
“Guess that just shows how great the architects were in my time,” he boasted, a confident grin finally lighting up his once dark expression. Unfortunately, she noticed it didn’t reach his eyes.
Exhaling a sharp laugh, Lucy peeked out the large, creaky, double doors that barely hung on their single hinges, and spied the outer courtyard with a soft smile.
It was devoid of buildings , but she could see where each statue once belonged, where each bush had been carefully tended to. Just imagining what it looked like back in its heyday filled her with an enchanted awe. 
“Sure, we can go with that.” She answered his boast with a poor attempt to mask her condescension. His pride in his own home was endearing, she could admit, but she truly didn’t think the slow aging of the castle had anything to do with the architecture. 
He tsked, catching the tone, but held off on replying. He moved to join her instead, leaning over her to look into the yard. While he carefully stepped around the doors, Lucy thought she saw his body waver despite the strong, confident steps he took. A shimmer went over his form becoming translucent and fading in places. For a moment he looked as he truly should be, a ghost out of time traversing his fallen grounds. The millisecond she took to blink in surprise, the effect disappeared and he looked as fine as he could be. Perfectly normal, despite the odd circumstances. 
“I’ll say this much,” He stated, pulling her from her confused observation, “it smells way better out here.” He inhaled deeply, emphasizing his point.
“It’s a courtyard, it’s supposed to smell nice.” His light  expression darkened to a spoiled pout by her tacit reply. “It’s probably not supposed to smell like dried flowers, though,” She added. 
“Still way better than dust!” Her exclamation was met with a chuckle from him and their trek through the broken paths became far more relaxed than before.
With Natsu no longer barking orders and demanding assistance, his demeanor was slowly becoming more tolerable. At times, she noticed, he was oddly cute, but when he’d look at a broken statue, or back to the empty windows and heave a sigh, it left her feeling hollow, unsure where to even begin to help him.
From a distance, he still resembled the statue she’d come across. There was something so distinctly ancient about him despite barely looking older than herself. It was evident now as he explored the courtyard. He almost merged with the environment, part of it but still puzzlingly separated all at once.
The palpable grief in his eyes was a mirror she understood all too well, but couldn’t bring herself to voice.
Circumstances that made her feel caught up in a whirlwind, and the urge to share her own personal life was just as jarring. She stamped those feelings down and followed him through to the stone wall that towered above the grounds, separating the castle from the surrounding forest. 
“Now, this is definitely not right.” Natsu's voice broke through her reverie, brows knitting together in consternation. “Wouldn’t there still be signs of a city here or something?”
“Nature can be quick at retaking ground when people aren’t there to hold it off anymore.” She pointed out, but her answer left him unsatisfied. Though she tried to hide it, she couldn’t conceal her own bafflement. “But it is weird that it didn’t overtake the castle, too.”
“Augh, this is so confusing. I don’t like it!”
Lucy was compelled to agree. Looking for the busted gateway she and her peers had come through days before, she spied their van and other vehicles parked further down. There had been no direct road, though what once had been a road in ancient history still split the forest and kept the trees at bay just enough to drive down smoothly. Almost as if this Mystical Castle had purposefully made their trip easy. 
The most important equipment had already been brought inside, but left behind in the confines of Gray’s truck, Lucy knew exactly what to look for. Spying the silhouette of a forgotten duffle bag, still upright in the passenger seat, she pointed in triumph. 
“Yes! I knew it'd still be there!”  His penchant for forgetting clothes would be a win in her book this time around. He looked a similar height to Natsu, so there was bound to be something inside they could use. Gray would complain all night when he realized where his spare clothes went, but it's better than having Natsu near naked around their encampment.  “Follow me!”
Natsu’s questioning confusion went ignored as she darted through the gate, oblivious to the sudden temperature drop or the way all sounds from the castle courtyard dulled when she passed. She couldn’t hear the crunch of Natsu’s steps behind her or the birds that once sang from the overgrown bushes. There was the truck and only the chilling wind as Lucy approached, excitedly fishing her spare keys from the pocket of her pants. 
She knew he wouldn't understand what vehicles were and she expected the Prince to follow her lead, curiosity and amazement urging him to inspect the large machines with the same fervor that he inspected everything else. If she had the time to consider, she could have offered to show him how they work. That enough would occupy his mind for hours  and she wouldn't mind answering his assault of questions. But that could be saved for later. Swinging open the truck’s door, Lucy cheered as she retrieved the duffle bag, brandishing it over her head.
Only then did she notice the silence.
Gripping the bag tightly, Lucy bit her lip, a strange form of apprehension crawling along her skin that rose in the back of her throat.
She didn’t hear Natsu.
No demands for explanation. No snarky response to her exclamations, no ambling footsteps, nothing. A part of her expected to turn around and find him still stumbling after, slowed by his weakened limbs with a snarky retort waiting for her on his tongue, but even then, she couldn’t catch the shuffling through the waving grass. With a start it struck her also couldn’t sense the looming fortress she knew was behind her. 
As if nothing was there, but that couldn’t be right.
It wasn’t right.
Lucy swallowed.The strange sense of foreboding that took over a sour tang that left her mouth dry as she spun to view the gateway, hoping her paranoia was just that.
Of course it would be, she told herself. The spoiled Prince would be there waiting, leaned up haughtily against the gateway or on the ground after falling, stubbornly dragging himself back up to fall again. She’d help him up, apologize and- 
What greeted her wasn’t what she imagined.
The Castle still stood, picturesque in its faded brilliance and the gateway looked the same as ever.
Except for Natsu, struggling to stand by the entrance with a hand outstretched to reach her. His mouth was moving hurriedly, shouting something she couldn’t hear. In fact, she couldn’t catch the tones of his voice in any capacity. As if he’d been muted by a remote. But Lucy couldn’t keep her attention. Her feet took her back to the gate and Lucy noticed more and more the odd stance Natsu took, clawing desperately at the grass. His eyes were wide, filled with terror, his fingers still as stone as his feet scraped against the ground helpless in his attempt to pull himself back as his body worked against him.
This wasn’t right. Something was off. She sprinted back, the duffle bag forgotten by her feet once she grasped the fingers reaching towards her, just inches passed the gate. 
“Lucy! what's- what is this? What's happening?” Natsu finally reached her, his voice sounding far away despite their proximity, it wavered as he struggled and Lucy placed her fingers against his, recoiling when she felt the frozen chill of stone. 
“What’s happening to you?!”
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bonesandthebees · 26 days
CHAPTER 5 (3/3)
War games time let’s go.
SO right away it being immediately obvious this is a test for the heirs potentials and Q & Niki know that but Tommy is still being left in the dark about why he’s there. Probably because no one is still entirely sold on Tommy as an option and this exercise acts as a way to test him against the other heirs and see how he stacks up with no training and if it’s worth investing the effort into him.
I feel so bad for him in the scene though because the way I’m imagining him as looking like a lost puppy while the others understand exactly what’s going on </3
Quackity’s answer shows what values he has and also his lack of knowledge on war strategies; he has ties to Schlatt and they both put a lot of value on gold and deals but as they are in an era of peace and there is presumably no tensions on the horizon, war strategies while useful to have, are not a priority on his mind as he doesn’t have the mind for it and doesn’t see the urgency for learning them at the moment.
Niki’s option is the one I would see myself going for tbh. It showcases how cutthroat she is and how the others underestimated her, probably seeing her more as the sweet patient girl she often presents herself as but she holds the capacity for great violence if the situation calls for it. Her logic is the most sound I think out of all of them, even if she doesn’t prioritise minimising casualties like how Phil keeps emphasising.
Her resistance to Phil’s counters to her strategy and her refusal to bend to his suggestions shows why he is more leaning towards Tommy as a new possible option; he wants a puppet ruler more like Sam rather than someone stubborn like Niki. She is strong willed and while she and Wilbur are best friends and she would take his advice into account, if she thought she was right she wouldn’t be likely to bend to his words.
Meanwhile Tommy didn’t have a fucking clue what he was doing, the poor bastard. He was grasping at straws at what he could give for an answer and after Niki’s answer got a lot of pushback from Phil, he just gave the answer he most wanted to hear. Which gave Phil further confirmation about the benefits of investing in Tommy as an option, he can shape him however he wants and Tommy will lean on Wilbur as an authority figure with more training and education on these topics for advice, much like how Sam does with him.
Also this marks the start of a possible feud / grudge between Niki and Phil as he constantly pushes back on her and she resents him for it and possibly begins to resent Wilbur a bit as well since he will always obey his father. I know I have mentioned this in a previous ask but just reiterating it in this one so I have all of my chapter 5 thoughts in one place lol.
And this point is further hammered home by Wilbur folding and agreeing to go with Tommy to L’mannes because of course he does.
- 🦈
yeah poor tommy during the entire war games scene 😭 he definitely had a lost puppy face on trying to figure out wtf was going on and why he was in a room with the two potential heirs, the consil, and the king himself
exactly exactly, Arestes has been at peace for quite a while now so Quackity has never even seen the war room being used. the last time it was used was before he arrived at the castle so he really doesn't feel like war strategies are as pertinent as things like making deals and trades. he understands the power of coin, not the power of force.
if phil wasn't so focused on finding a ruler that can be a puppet he would've admitted that niki's idea was the best of all three. he was really just saying the minimize casualties thing because he was trying to come up with an excuse for why her strategy wasn't solid but it really was the most logically sound. and her refusal to bend to phil's criticisms only cements his mindset that she isn't who they should prop up for the crown. she's too certain of herself and her decision making abilities. not in a way that she's arrogant or overly confident, but she isn't able to be manipulated like someone else (someone younger, less sure of themself) would be.
phil and niki have such an interesting dynamic in this fic. it hasn't come through as much yet, but phil holds a lot of respect for niki. he recognizes her potential and that's the problem. he doesn't want someone capable on the throne, he wants someone wilbur can use.
tbh it's not like wilbur really had much of a choice in the first place 😭
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buckys-dollface · 2 years
The Oracle [B.B.]
Pairing ● Bucky Barnes and Witch!reader
Summary ●The Avengers meet one of the newest recruits at one of Tony’s infamous parties. She isn't quite what they expected especially when she sees a vision of her and Bucky's future.
Warnings ● Anxious!reader, fluff, mentions of past trauma, puns, an assemble cast (it's like Friends but better), alcohol consumption, use of alcohol to calm one’s nerves, a typical meet-cute and soulmates trope because I am an actual whore for that
A/N ● Requests are open!
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When Wanda described the Avengers Tower to you, you never in a million years you would step foot in it. You also never thought in a million years you would become an Avenger. It’s funny how life works out that way in the most unexpected ways. Usually, when Tony throws parties, it would be for charitable events or celebrating a massive accomplishment he achieved. Tonight, on the other hand, he was celebrating all the new recruits, yourself included.
“Ya know this is a mistake.” You whispered to Wanda as you both stood in the elevator waiting to reach your floor. She huffed out a breath and playfully rolled her eyes.
“Now, why do you say that?” She insisted, her attention and focus being set on you.
“I don’t know. I just feel unqualified compared to people like Thor and fucking Captain America, who are now my colleagues, by the way.” You reminded her justly. You always underestimate yourself. It was a simple fact, and doubt dwelled in your soul as your nerves flared.
Wanda shook her has slightly. “Stop that, Y/N. Why do you do this?” Her tone filled with disdain.
“Do what?” You asked, your tone almost on the verge between combative and facetious.
“Doubt yourself. You’re worthy enough of being here and if you’re concerned you’re not, just ask Thor.” Wanda teased. You heard the faint ding! from the opening of the elevator doors as she strode out with ease. She gave you a wink and your face turned bright red in anger.
Is she fucking kidding me?
You were almost positive steam was blowing through your ears like a whistling teapot.
“Are you trying to be funny Maximoff?” A beat passes, with distant giggles being heard on the other end of hall.
“Get back here!” You screamed, as you marched behind her, in a rush fueled by frustration. Your vision tunneled as it focused on the the snarky redhead you wanted to catch in your clutches. Without noticing, you felt a strong hand halt you from moving any further, before you looked up you could sense his presence. Tony fucking Stark. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
God, good going.
“Woah, kid. You’re gonna blow a fuse.” He remarked, as you locked eyes with his. This wasn’t the first time you had met Mr. Stark. You had the fortunate opportunity to go out to lunch on SHIELD’s dime with him and Director Fury.
“So you’re an observer?”
“You can say I have a nack for seeing things others are too blind to notice.”
A grin was realized on his face as your emotions were settling down. A deep sigh was released. Like Banner, he didn’t want to be on the receiving end of your rage. “Oh, Mr. Stark!” You could feel your hands clutched to his chest. Immediately, you moved them, panic overseeing you.
“Tony, please.” You chuckled as you rubbed the back of your neck.
“I see why Wanda and Pietro recommended you. You look very nice this evening.” A small smile began to reside on your lips. You weren’t sure if he talking about your magical abilities or you being quick to anger, but you weren’t going to ask. You glanced down at your attire for the evening. You didn’t want to overdress for tonight but you wanted to look impressive. You wanted to be impressive.
Especially because it seemed at the most inopportune time, your powers were on the fritz. You weren't getting clear messages and it made your mind feel like it was filled with white noise. You tried to weed through the smoke and haze, sorting through many failed attempts grasping at straws for something. Anything.
“Thank you Mr. Star- Tony.” You stuttered as he lead the way to the common area.
“Don’t be nervous, alright. It’s not like you’re attending one of my galas. This is going to super lowkey celebration, before you and others have start putting in the hard work.” He advised as both of you stepped in the common area. You noticed an elongated bar, pool tables, chase lounges, and a picturesque view of Manhattan. It was exquisitely rich. That’s the only word you could think of, you admired all the partygoers. Most of them you recognized from TV and were astonished to see before you. Flashes of images passed through your visions and whispers filled your ears: “He is awaiting.”
"Yes sir." You nodded your head, almost a little dazed by the stimulation. It was jumbled, your thoughts and what was incoming and outgoing. You continued to follow Tony’s lead, your steps trailing weakly behind him.
"Hey Nat! Get one of our newest recruits one of your signature drinks." She nodded her head as she playfully rolled her eyes. Within a flash, Tony was gone, set to mingle with other Avengers, your eyes peered up at the intimidating red head assassin before you. You could yourself audibly gulp as you gathered the courage to speak to her.
"Uh- so your the bartender tonight, Agent Romanoff?" You offered, as she shook a cocktail and strained it over ice.
"Of sorts," Nat chuckled, you could see her pouring a few different choice fruit juices and rum. "So, what's your story? Wanda was telling me about you briefly."
“Well, I’m an oracle.” Nat squinted her eyes and tweaked her head. You heard a small huh leave her lips.
“You’re of great power, milady!” A firm pat was felt on your back, it felt like it almost shot lighting through your spine. Your eyes widened as Thor embraced you in a bear hug.
Holy shit it’s the God of Thunder.
“Oh my God.” You muttered as you struggled to breathe.
“Why yes I am, I’m Thor.” He exclaimed as he released you. Your face was the definition of frazzled. You felt like you were on an episode of Punk’d and where the hell is Wanda when you need her?
“Oh I know.” You chuckled, your eyes never left Thor’s. You felt this strange aura over you, despite your anxiety over meeting a God and an assassin. And those are now your coworkers! You did you best to pinpoint it. You felt lost and insecurity overwhelm you, but vengeance and destruction tried to mask it over. The feeling overtook you almost as everything in the present escaped you. It took Thor to snap his fingers to help regain your focus to the here and now, “You are Wanda’s friend, yes?” You nodded quickly, “You can predict the future.” His eyes brightened.
“Nonsense.” Loki intruded. His tone very assertive and sure of himself.
Of course. You fucking knew it.
“If this Midgardan can predict the future, settle a bet. Who really becomes King of Asgard?” He gestured between Thor and himself and all you could do was huff as you chug the rest of your cocktail. “You got anything stronger than this, Nat?” She nodded her and went to work.
“Oh I do!” Thor offered as he pulled out a pint of Asgardian ale. “Just a sip, don’t need ya to get too fuzzy headed.” He advised you as he offered his bottle that was toted in a woven leather case. You were hesitate. Typically you wouldn’t turn to alcohol to relieve your issues but with your anxiety and how jumbled your mind was, you didn’t see another choice available at the moment. This was a one time thing, you reminded yourself.
“Too late.” You snickered as you took a swig, you wanted to take more but heeded his warning. You weren’t ready to find out the hard way of what Asgardian ale could do to you or how you would receive your visions.
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“Steve, I don’t want to do this.” Bucky whined as he entered Steve’s bedroom. Steve looked up and noticed his best friend’s droopy expression and couldn’t help but laugh.
“Why not?” He asked as he finished buttoning up his shirt.
“Because first of all, I’m not the smooth talker that dames went after in the 1940s still.” He insisted. It made Bucky nervous, the status of being an avenger was overwhelmingly a lot. He likes to hypothesize that before Hydra he could handle it, but afterwards? With the trauma, nightmares and insecurity? Not a chance. It weighed on his shoulders and was a constant reminder, especially during events like this.
“You’re still Bucky.” Steve stated, as he looked Bucky directly in the eye “And besides, it’s just a meet and greet for the new recruits. They will be way more nervous than you.”
Bucky shrugged and sighed at the statement. Of course, Stevie had to say that. He was his best pal after all.
“C’mon, please.” Steve begged. “Fine. Since you begged and pleaded for my presence, I’ll go, but it doesn’t mean I’ll like it.” He complied, his tone filled with aggravation.
“That’s the spirit!” Steve cheered as he patted his best friend on the back. Bucky rolled his eyes. He really deserved a freaking drink.
“Whatever Captain.”
Both boys arrived at Tony’s soirée, it wouldn’t be honestly to say they were both excited but it would be interesting to see and meet the new recruits. By the time, they had arrived you were definitely on the more calmer side, thanks to Thor’s Asgardian ale. Thor, Nat, Wanda and you were all sitting on the chase lounges discussing your abilities when both Steve and Bucky approached you.
“So you can foresee the future?” Nat asked, intrigued as her chin rested on the palm of her open hand. Her legs were crossed and she gazed at you with patient intent.
“Yeah, I can. Don’t tell the boss this, but I’ve been having a hard time honing in and pinpointing my visions better. I’m not sure exactly what’s going on.”
“Don’t tell the boss what?” Steve interjected, making his appearance known to the group.
“Oh, nothing Steve! One of your newest recruits is being a pessimist again. I’ve seen her in action. She’s super talented, trust me.”
“I do, Wanda.” A beat passes, as his focus shifted to you. You could swear you could hear yourself audibly gulp. Vomiting seems like a valid solution to the bubbling restlessness in your stomach but if you vomited on Captain America, you would might as well evaporate forever. “Hi, I’m Steve Rogers.” He extended his hand out towards you. You took it in good conscience as you attempted to hold it together.
“Nice to meet you Captain.” You replied meekly.
“Oh, and this is Sergeant Barnes. But you can call him Bucky.” Bucky trailed behind him and peered up at you. His eyes soften just briefly as he took in your form. You were breathtaking. Your face contorted as you tried to gather your thoughts. The brooding super soldier you once only read about and saw on TV screen didn’t seem as intimidating as he usually was.
You heard a voice, small in the back of your mind. Beckoning for your attention, “God you leave me breathless", whisper almost in your ear it seemed. A shiver was felt slithering down your spine.
“What’s that look for?” Bucky quipped as a smirk appeared on his face.
You made eye contact with his sea blue irises. “Oh nothing, just trying to read your mind, oh mysterious one.” You jested as you gleamed up at the brunette super-soldier. His slight smirk dissipated.
“Please don’t.” He mumbled as he stared down at his feet which seemed a lot more enjoyable at the moment. Anxiety swelled over him. You nodded understandingly, not wanting to scare Bucky off. You knew Bucky used to be under Hydra’s control and you didn’t want to feel like you were also contributing to the loss of his autonomy. 
“Ah Buck, she’s just messin." Steve paused for a brief moment as a flash on concern was seen on his face. "Right?”
“Right, Steve." You giggled at the concern. It made sense why Wanda picked you as a recruit. You had an alluring presence that was almost haunting. It was riveting for Bucky to wrap his mind around that someone like you existed so simply. He was just getting used to being back in the 21st century. Add magic?
It’s like The Hobbit come to life, and Bucky wasn’t sure if he was prepared with confirming that was possible.
“I’m sorry if I worried you, Bucky.” You whispered, your voice laced with sincerity. He chuckled at your apology. Bucky knew you didn't mean it and he needed to be more open-minded to that.
“Hey, doll. It’s okay.” His fingers caressed your shoulder. You felt a shock flare into your nervous system. Flashes of visions came bright and bold like daydreams. They weren’t disheveled or rushed like before, it was clear and crisp much like watching a film before your eyes. You were seeing your future, with him.
“Here ya go doll, gotta protect that pretty little head.” The brunette super soldier, Bucky Barnes, was fastening a helmet to your head. You were perched up in the back of his motorcycle. Bucky always says you were meant to be on the back of his bike, arms laced around his waist , exploring the world. He knocked on it twice to make sure it was secure. Or that’s what he always told you, “Can’t have this flying anywhere. Don’t know what I would do.” He leaned down to kiss the tip of your nose. You hummed in adoration.
“Thank you, Mr. Barnes.” A grin spread across your lips. How could you have gotten so lucky?
“Of course, Mrs. Barnes.” You glanced down at the diamond ring on your left hand. It was gleaming in the Hawaii sun rays. It was breathtaking. You giggled, hearing your new last name filled you with pride and happiness. “God I don’t think I’m gonna get used to that.” You whispered.
“Oh really? Can’t believe my blushing bride has become my dazzling wife. You’re so perfect, sweetheart. Don’t think I can get enough of you.” Bucky captivated you in a sensual kiss that made it feel as if time stood still. He carressed your cheek and you felt light kisses being peppered on your face. You hummed
“You’re such a flirt, Mr. Barnes.”
“Only for you, Mrs. Barnes.”
Your knees buckled and as if on instinct Bucky went to brace you from your fall. You tucked your body into him. “Hey, hey. You alright, doll?”
“Oh. My. God.” You felt yourself panting, trying to regain your composure. “I can’t believe it.” You mumbled against his chest.
Your body tensed against his hold. You looked up into his crystalline blue eyes and wanted to dive right in. His eyebrow quirked up questioning the nonsense you were muttering, as if you were possessed you crashed your lips into his. Bucky's eyes widen in shock at your movements. He barely knew your name let alone who you were, but it didnt seem like he really care. Since he met you saw an ease, a comfort in you, and as terrifying as it was, he wanted to embrace it undoubtedly. He didn't understand why. You just seemed so tempting to not brush away.
After a few moments, which felt like an eternity, you came to your sense and pushed away. Your lips felt like they were tingling.
"I'm-I'm so sorry." You whispered, your body begun to shake. Before Bucky could muster a response, your eyes darted to his and to the crowded forming around you both, gawking and whispering. You dashed without a moment's notice, trying to save yourself the embarrassment.
Bucky stood there, motionless. He wanted to chase after you, but he remembered truly and beyond anything else, you didn't know you. He wanted to though. With a kiss like that, it sealed a thousand fates and ignored all the resenting notions in his mind telling him to let you go. He decided to chase the beautiful stranger to the ends of the earth.
He gave Steve a look, one only they would understand the language behind. "Alright, carry on now and that's an order." Immediately almost, it seemed everyone went on with their business.
Bucky gave Steve a nod of gratitude as he slipped out the back. He was going to find you.
You felt everything. Your abilites seemed almost super charged as your rushed out of Stark Tower in the rain. Bucky? Your soulmate? You had never had a vision of yourself before this impactful. It scared you. You were attempting to hail a cab when you heard him call out to you.
"Doll!" The rain was sputtering due to the high winds and his cheeks were rosy red from running to find you. You could hear him panting as his eyes gleamed once they met yours.
"Hi, Bucky. I'm so incredibly sorry." You were frantic as you words were tumbling out as your nerves were racing. “Don’t be.” He mumbled as he crashed his lips on to yours again. Bucky relished in the fact he was tasting you again. He thought for a moment he never would. It was a revelation in the highest degree.
Once you both broke for air, you questioned, “Why did you do that?”
“Because I’m trusting my gut for once, and my gut said to run after you so I’m listening.” He breathed against your lips. You chuckled, and Bucky quirked his eyebrow. “You’re not gonna believe this-“
“Try me.”
“I saw a vision, a vision of us, of our future.” You stated.
“You did?”
“Yeah, I’m a witch, an oracle, I foresee people’s future and give prophetic insight, among other things.” You explained. Bucky nodded along to you. “What did you see?” He needed to know, he couldn’t take the curiosity anymore, it was killing him.
“Are you sure you wanna know?” You were hesitant, you really liked Bucky but telling him everything you saw? Oh, that was going to screw it up.
“After you kissed me like that? Yeah I kinda wanna know, doll.” You giggled at his persistence, he was charming, that’s for sure.
“Well, it was a vision of our honeymoon,” Bucky’s eyes widen. You could see the raindrops rivet down his cheeks. His breath picked up. “Our honeymoon?”
“Yeah, I don’t want this was thing to intimidate you Bucky. I don’t want to feel like you have to be with me.” You insisted. But Bucky didn’t feel intimidated he relished in your happiness. He was ready to embrace the idea of you. “What else did you see?”
“Well we were in Hawaii for our honeymoon, and I was on the back on your motorcycle. We were flirting and making out before we started to explore. I couldn’t get over the fact of happy I was married to you and you felt the same way. Being called Mrs. Barnes made me feel all fluttery on top of seeing my wedding ring. It felt so real and I loved that. Even though I realize at this moment I really don’t know you that well at all, but I want to especially if that’s what I have to look forward to. And if that’s what you want to of course.” You explained, your gaze never leaving his.
“So that’s what our future is going to be like? You, as my beautiful bride, on the back of my Harley?” You nodded. “Well I suggest we should get a jump start on getting to know each other.” He took your hand in yours, and a wide smile spread across your lips.
“So are you free tomorrow night?”
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Tagged: @writing-for-marvel, @gutflorizt, @mugi-chwan95
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Had my last session with my Orlando therapist today. We talked a lot about change and leaving space for my emotions and just allowing myself to greet the future with an open heart. Believing in my ability to be a captivating human who will find and hold on to the people who will bring me as much joy as I can bring them. I'm excited by the possibility of it all.
I did get a chance to voice something I hadn't really worked through yet, and that was how much I'd changed already. Not in the last couple of years (though that has also been a whole heap and a half of growth), but the change between leaving for Boston the first time and coming home. I just hadn't seen it while I was in it, which is always the way, you know?
Like, Florida doesn't fit anymore, and a couple of my friends here have hypothesized that it has to do with how their lives changed while I was away so that I didn't move back into the same situation relationship-wise that I'd left from and that's what doesn't fit. That diagnosis hasn't ever felt right to me. Partially because like, I knew their lives had changed. I never expected to come back to the same place I'd left in that way. But also partially because my life had changed too, and I knew it, but because I had been with myself the whole time and still felt like me I underestimated how different I was going to be and feel in this place.
I only came back to Florida because I got homesick and I'd never been homesick before (because I'd never really felt like I had a home, what with its supposed defining attributes of it being a place of safety and support) so I confused that for feeling like I needed to be here. Like there was some magical root I could just plug myself back into and feel more tethered. Which I know is ludicrous, because I felt so untethered here for so long the first time around. The whole reason I left in the first place is because I didn't want to be here and suddenly I didn't have to be anymore. So I went to a place that was bigger, that felt like it could give me enough space to grow into and experiences I would enjoy as I did it. And it did.
And then I felt one (1) human emotion and I left. Because why? Because I got scared of how big I was becoming on the inside? Because I felt that any moment my friends would realize I wasn't cool or fun or whatever they thought I was? Because one other human being became interested in me and I couldn't handle the pressure of it? None of those are very good reasons at all by my estimation, but all together they did add up deep in my subconscious. Whenever anyone in Boston asked me why I would want to go back I would just say 'oh, you know, it's my home and I miss it too much.' Miss what? What even did I think I was homesick for? That hopelessness and depression from before? All the devils I already knew? On top of that, it was a very expensive decision that is now very expensive to reverse and I'm so mad at myself about all of it.
But I'm trying not to be. I'm trying to give myself grace for not remembering the sharpness of the old wounds as they began to heal over. Because the feelings I was having when I left Florida were real and the feelings I was having when I left Boston were real as well. They were reactions to trauma and anxiety and stress and all sorts of things that I'm trying not to let rule me anymore. They were things no one could fix but me and I was grasping at straws over how poorly equipped I was to do that, even with my therapist at the time. Now I know that she just wasn't the type of therapist I needed, that she gave me too much rope to hang myself with. Turns out I need shorter leads, someone who will do CBT and EMDR and whatever other round of acronyms you can find. Someone who can guide the discovery and help me put it into a context and a place and keep it from overrunning everything else about my life. We have worked so hard at that these last four years.
I'm not the same person I was when I left Boston. That person wasn't the same person I was when I got there. That person just wanted to find out who they could become if they were set free. At the end of it all, that person is still me. And wouldn't you know it? With the proper support, it turns out I can fly.
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kiliinstinct · 3 years
@saintartemis | @phoenix-before-the-flame | + anon
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All right, all right, if I didn't put this all together, I'd have to tell at least ONE of you, "sorry, I've already answered that!" And I didn't want to do that, so- consolidating!
First one- I HAVE started The Stone Prince: Ch: 3 - so I'll show the introduction for you.
It wasn’t a prank.
What started as a raise to Lucy’s ire and disbelief soon derailed to bafflement after the others assured her that practical jokes to the degree of hiring a man to feign being stone for a day was ludicrous. She knew it, of course, but grasping at straws to explain the unexplainable was all she had left. Now, a day later, she couldn’t find any logic behind her earlier assumptions.
There was no joke. The impossible had happened. A stone man became a living one overnight and his appetite was voracious. Once he’d drunk all the water he could handle, they fed him in small amounts. Mostly to prevent him from choking down his food, but also to ensure he didn’t become sicker from too much at once. Unfortunately, they underestimated the amount of times he’d end up whining for more meals.
No, not whine: demand. If not for his inability to walk a straight line, Lucy and the others would have taken away the ability for him. (Gray had threatened it twice, with the same rock he’d held the first morning.)
The Fix It Fic (That I still need to decide a title for)
There is a LOT I can say for this fic, but also so little as I haven't fully began writing it yet. (I should though...) The survey I held last year gave me a LOT of insights that helped me make quite a few decisions for what I want to happen in this fic. The main one being that it wont be a huge focus on romance. Sorry if that disappoints anyone. (No saying there wont be any at all, but since I want this fic to be a somewhat rewritten version of how I felt the last two seasons of FT should have gone, romance would be the last thing on most of the characters minds.) Now, Phoenix, I've shared SOME of this preview with you before -last year - but I guess it's fair I show it to everyone else too. It's a piece of the prologue that I had planned for this. Or.. some intermission part. I'm not entirely sure exactly when it will appear, only that it will.
Magic untethered from his being, connected to the book and chained itself to each book across the room. Dark energy seeped from one to the other, seeking ignored tomes and others hidden beneath wreckage of a destroyed building. The explosion had killed many, destroyed much and Zeref could sense the death that lingered in the air.
But not his books. It would take more than Demonic Curses to destroy what was his. These books could remain alive for centuries if left untouched, but human hands would soon arrive to clear the wreckage. In their attempts to rebuild what was lost and to start anew, they would find these books and lock them away. Now he couldn’t have that, could he?
“You all have a purpose. One that has been denied for too long.” He continued, a smile widening as darkness seeped into his eyes, blotting them from all light and color. The glow of dark magic grew brighter as books upon books began to move, falling in place beside him, titles thrumming to an unheard beat.
“Return to your master.” He ordered vibrations of magic causing all structures in the area to groan and crumble. “I never gave consent for you to die. No…”
And he laughed, hearing the voices of all his Black Books, shriek to the heavens as if to curse the Gods above them. Their fear and struggle for life: a mere joke.
“I’ll give it in due time” He promised, voice amused as the horrific screams echoed between his ears, “but not before I’ve had my use of you.”
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