viridescenttemple · 4 months
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larz-barz · 5 months
ik that i was gonna draw out that idea i had for the Suzuki siblings angst but it’s not looking right so ima write it instead-
Warning(s)/info: Abuse, crying, attempted murder, Aika is @uponthefantasy’s oc, Milo and Michio are 3 and 6 at the start then 12 and 15 after the timeskip
Tagging: @bottlecapsandotherthings @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @haruharuna @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @nimmie-nugget @kimetsu-chan @slayfics @night-mince0 @frostburn-shoto
i apologize in advance
Aika stared at her older brother in anger. “Haruki, leave her alone! She’s just a child!” She tries to help Milo stand after Haruki had roughly slammed her into the wall.
Michio helps his baby sister up and holds her protectively as their Aunt Aika stands in front of them, guarding both children from their uncle.
“Aika, move out of my way! She’s a demon and she deserves everything I do to her and more!” Haruki yells and Aika slaps him.
“She’s a yokai, not a demon! And even if she were a demon, she’s done nothing wrong at all! She deserves none of the things that you’ve done to her! I’m going to take both Milo and Michio with me right now!” Aika retorts as Haruki stumbles back from the slap.
Haruki pulls out a knife and swiftly grabs Milo and holds the knife to her neck and she has no visible reaction as she allows him to do this. “Do that and the disgrace will die right now. You can only take Michio.”
Aika tenses up. “Haruki. Put the knife down. Please.” She says seriously, slightly trembling.
Michio runs over and hits Haruki’s legs with his small fists. “Let Milo go!!” He yells and Haruki growls and cuts into Milo’s neck, causing her to scream and cry out in pain.
Aika immediately pulls Michio behind herself. “Please stop!!!”
He stops when he’s halfway through her neck and he shoves her aside as she goes unconscious.
Several weeks later, Milo finally wakes up, fully healed.
Michio sprints to hug her and he’s crying a lot. “Milo! Thank goodness you’re okay!” He cries out and Milo starts crying into his shoulder as she hugs him back, tightly.
After a few minutes, Michio breaks the hard news..
“M-Milo… I-I’m sorry… B-but… Aunt Aika is taking me to live with her today… I-I promise I’ll find you again one day. But until then… Here’s something for you to remember me by…” He sniffles as he grabs a bag that he’d left by Milo’s futon and she shakily takes it in her small hands.
Tears fill Michio’s eyes again as he watches Milo carefully pull the gift out, it’s a new purple bow.
She hugs him tightly as a silent thanks and he hugs her back, just as tightly. “I love you, little sis…”
“…I-I wove y-you too, b-b-big bwover…” Milo responds tearfully.
Aika gently knocks on the door to Milo’s bedroom. “Michio… It’s time to go…” She goes to hug Milo, crying.
“I-I’m so so so so so sorry, sweetheart… I-I wish you could come with us… I-I hope you understand why I have to leave you…” Aika strokes Milo’s head as she speaks and more tears pool up in her eyes when Milo nods.
Aika and Michio leave Haruki’s mansion in tears.
They may never see Milo again…
And they can’t take it…
They feel like if she were to die…
Milo’s blood would be on their hands…
~9 years later~
Milo smiles as she walks to the hashira meeting, excited to meet the newest hashira.
The 12 year old girl’s eyes widen in shock when she sees….
“M-Michi……” She whispers as tears fill her eyes.
She stops in her tracks as she stares at her older brother in disbelief.
Milo snaps out of her thoughts and sprints to Michio.
He gasps when he’s tackled to the pebbly ground by his little sister.
Michio immediately hugs her back and starts crying right along with her.
“I told you I’d find you one day, little sis….” He whispers to her as he rubs her back and cries into her shoulder.
The 2 siblings cried in each other’s arms for the first time in 9 long, agonizing years.
They’re beyond happy to be reunited with each other.
After being reunited, Milo and Michio wouldn’t stop clinging to each other.
They were just so happy to be able to see each other again.
Nothing can tear them apart now…
~the end~
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paninidanini · 1 year
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Say hi to Yumi Katagiri!
Yumi is my newest KNY OC! She is a 19 y/o girl, she is 4'11"¾ feet tall and uhh had two little siblings. Anyways, she is a shy and calm girl, a very loving and playful friend
Yumi was born with a condition that made her lungs smaller than the average, being weaker to cold climates and exercise, being something that had made her life more challenging with the addition of her partial blindness. Her partial blindness was not a problem during the day, but during the night it was a whole other thing, making it impossible to walk around without a source of light
Yumi's parents were killed by demons when she was 14, having to be both a mother and an exemplary older sister to her little siblings. She decided to become a demon slayer to be able to protect those who she love
Yumi was a student of the Water Breathing, yet her conditions made it all more challenging, feeling weak and useless during the training. With time she was able to develop a new skill, echolocation. She started to train way more at night to improve her skills and abilities
Yumi also was able to create her own Breathing, combining both the Water Breathing moves and the dances she have been teached ever since she was a little kid. Calling her invention Harmony Breathing, a combat style that is composed by delicate and elegant moves, her echolocation allowing her to identify the enemy's placement and movements, using each part of her body at the 100% with her flexibility and experience
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I'm gonna be drawing more of her bc I am obsessed over the "show don't tell" LMAO 😭
Most of those will be silly little sketches of her daily life, thoughs and backstory ofc!! Ty for reading ^_^
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 months
The Devil Within
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Mary's pov of meeting Silver (my oc) and how her feelings for the girl changed.
Tw: trauma, intrusive thoughts, mention of child death.
"Hellooo? Wakey wakey?" Julian snapped his fingers over the sleeping girl's face as she lay on the sofa. "Oi! Come on! I heard the Fresh Prince is appearing at the local disco! Actually he's probably drifted into obscurity by now."
They all stood in the drawing room, looking down at their newest dead housemate. Her violet glossed lips were perfectly sealed, not a flicker of a muscle as they attempted to wake her up.
When she'd first passed out beside Robin as the two had sat on the roof, they'd assumed it had been from overdue exhaustion after three days straight being awake. But nearly sixteen hours had passed since, and she showed no sign of waking, not so much as a murmur or shift as she slumbered.
"I tell you, she no wake up again until next full moonah." Robin tried to tell them; "It what happen last time."
"Poppycock! People's sleeping habits are not tied to the phases of the moon." Cap dismissed, skeptical. He tried poking Silver in the shoulder with his stick; "Now that's enough lazing about, young lady! Whatever game you're playing, it must cease immediately!"
The pink haired girl didn't so much as flinch at his booming voice.
Robin slapped his stick away; "Great job, that totally work!"
"If it's true then it's certainly extraordinary." Thomas said, seemingly convinced.
"She's like our very own Snow White. Did she happen to prick her finger before she died?"
"That's Sleeping Beauty, Kitty." Pat corrected. "Bless her. To get a whole month's worth of sleep in! You not seen anything like it before, Robin?"
The caveman closest to the girl, crouching next to where her head lay on the pillow, shook his head. One of his paws drifted over her brow.
"But then me also not see screaming woman fall out of window each night. Or dead man have separate body ghost." He made a point; "Lot of different ghost types. This one just sleepy moonah girl."
That last sentence came with an air of reverence as he brushed some hair off her face with his fingers.
Mary stood in the doorway, watching them all surround the young stranger. As soon as she'd laid eyes on that forbidden symbol on the girl's neck, when Robin had introduced her to them three nights ago, she'd ensured a safe distance between herself and this one who had been marked by the devil. No, worse than that it seemed, as she'd overheard the girl regail the others with the story of her life and how she died.
A witch. She didn't even have the decency to try to hide it. With pride, the girl had admitted to trying to commune with demons beneath the full moon. In her possession had been idols of false deities. The child had admitted to having cast spells, practiced scrying and burned offerings of incense.
Even after having been smited by God Himself for such foul deeds, it had not been enough to make the girl repent. If anything, she seemed to embrace her heathen ways all the more.
"We can put her in my room." Kitty offered, cheerily, "It will be like we're having a sleepover every night and I'll be able to keep watch if she wakes. I'm sure she already thinks we're best friends!"
"Oh you shouldn't befriend the devil's mistress, darlin'. This might be some devious trap, I's bet." Mary finally spoke up, her concern for her young friend enough of a push.
"Trap for what?" Challanged Pat.
"Well...so we all let's our guard down, then put ourselves to bed, so the witch can rise ups and steal the light of our souls!....Or somethin', I dunno." She shrugged. How was she supposed to know the plans of Lucifer or his kin?
As usual, they all dismissed her worries with dubious looks.
"She don't look like she'd be capable of much harm, Mary." Said Thomas.
"Indeed. Except for assaulting my poor eyes with that stomach on the show and those ghastly piercings and tattoos." Fanny cringed.
Mary pouted to herself, hoping she'd at least have the older woman on her side.
"I still don'ts thinks she should be restin' within the walls, she wills open up the gateway to Hell, I be sure of it."
"Okay." Replied Robin.
"I...Oh. What?" She blinked.
The caveman slid his sturdy arms underneath the nineteen year old's slender frame and lifted her up with little strain.
"She not sleep in house. Me think she prefer where put her last." He explained, carrying the girl through the wall and into the evening air.
The others all followed, mostly out of curiosity as not a single one had believed the prehistoric man's claims about where she had lay for the previous month. Mary nibbled her fingernails and hung back, telling herself she didn't wish to visit the little heathen's bed, that it was enough the house was clean of her. But then she found herself trudging after the others. Better to know where the devil lay to keep her distance.
Close to the boarder of Barclay's footpath and near to a stream was a mound of blue cornflowers that grew in a particular spot bathed in sunlight from the hole in the treetops above. A pretty site that Mary had visited many times, where she and Annie used to sit and talk. And now Robin was laying the slumbering pagan down upon it.
Her gut twisted and she resisted the urge to curse him for defiling such a beautiful spot. But when she watched his face as he looked at that the girl, it silenced her. There was a gentle softness in his tired, old face that she'd not seen shine so bright in many a year, perhaps not since Kitty was a small thing.
"Now she truly is Snow White! I suppose that makes us the dwarves." Kitty was beaming; "I'm Happy! Pat is Doc, Captain is Grumpy-."
"Excuse you, Katherine, surely I'm Doc as I'm the leader and Patrick is Happy. Fanny can be Grumpy." The soldier interjected.
"How dare-."
"Shh!" Robin hushed them all before the Edwardian could escalate matters.
"I thought you said she couldn't be woken up?" Challanged Julian.
"Shh not for her, for me!" The caveman rolled his eyes; "No surprise if she heard arguing in big sleep."
"He's got a point, we don't want to risk disturbing her dreams." Pat nodded. "Come on, guys, let's head back in time for What I Could Wear Today."
"And leave her all alone? In the woods?" Kitty frowned.
As pretty as it was now, she couldn't imagine the forest being that cosy at night.
"She not alone. Moonah watch over her. Me visit often to make sure dead animals not chew on her face, but they seem to know to leave her alone." Explained Robin, looking at the concerned Georgian; "It get big boring, waiting for her to wake. Best to just carry on. But visit when want. Sure she appreciate."
Yes, of course she would, thought Mary. The devil demands his servants make their pilgrimage to praise him at their blood shrines.
Taking Kitty's arm, she lead the naive girl away, attempting to take her mind off the wench. Satan would be aware how hungry for female friendship the pampered but emotionally neglected she was. Perhaps this was why he had chosen this form. One that would also appeal to Robin's need to protect and bond with over the moon.
They all returned to the house and everything carried on as normal, their new resident partly forgotten about for the time being. But Mary couldn't fully stop thinking about her, in the corner of her mind, lying there on that bed, alone in the woods. Plotting, no doubt.
"Oh! Me almost forgot." Robin said as he entered her room later that night, "Before Moonah girl go sleepy, she ask if you want to walk with her when she wake."
Mary tensed up; "Walks?! Whys she wants that?" To tempt her to fly on a broom with her?!
The furry man shrugged; "To talk to you, maybe? You run away going AAAAH from her before and refuse to be in same room. She think you no like her."
It wasn't as if she'd been trying to hide it.
"The child doth make mockery of all that was accused of me which caused my death! I denied dancing at the devil's sacrament while she be booking tickets!"
Robin merely chuckled, angering her more; "Ey, time change, world change. If lady want to be witch and make spells and praise moonah, she can and no be burned for it. Why that not good?"
"Because..." Mary clenched her jaw, struggling to think of an answer; "It be wrongs, that because! Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."
"Well, she dead. So what problem?"
It wasn't enough. Witches were executed so that their souls could be cleansed in hellfire. That's why she remained in Purgatory, surely, because the Lord knew she was falsley convicted. But the girl confessed to what she was.
"I tells you, she be bedeviled and will doom us all."
Robin snorted; "Moonah girl not evil. Give her chance."
And open the door for Lucifer? Tosh and flaps.
"She may have charmed her way into yours and Kitty's affections so you be blind to what she is, but I sees it!" She seethed, "I sees the devil in her."
Robin merely looked at her for a moment. The shadows beneath his eyes seemed to grow heavier. Mary shifted, uncomfortably.
"What?!" She asked.
"Just...you sound lot like crowd at trial."
A chill ran down her spine. He didn't need to clarify what trial he was referring to. Never in her afterlife had she been so tempted to thump the boy over his scraggly mane.
"Get out, get out, get out, get out!" She ordered through gritted teeth until the savage fled.
How dare he?! It was not the same, not the same at all.
It was two weeks into the month when Mary knew she had to do something. One night, she had laid awake, tossing and turning on her bed. Something had to be done about the witch child, a bitter voice in her head whispered. A voice that was consumed by the unfairness of this girl's existence. That herself and so many like her were tortured and executed for being falsely accused of practices that silly wenches like her revelled in.
Facing her window on the moonless night, Mary had sank to her knees and prayed for guidance from her Lord of how to deal with this pretty little beast. How to prevent her from bringing down a curse once she awoke and attempted to bring her Craft into the land of the unliving.
Smoke ebbed from her fingertips. A crackle of embers beneath her black nails. Was that it? She wondered, gasping at the revelation.
Could she do it? Could she burn the...child?
No, not a child, she reminded herself. A demon in disguise. A trick of the fae. Not human. Witch. A real Witch.
Before she knew what was happening, she had left her room and was heading across the field and into the woods.
"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." She mumbled her mantra, the words coursing through her veins.
She came to the mound of cornflowers, their beauty dulled by the lack of moon and starlight this dismal night. The serene beauty of the spot had been lost for the moment, leaving a rather haunting and lonely image of a girl abandoned to sleep in the dirt.
Mary took a deep breath and stood over the girl. Closing her eyes, she channelled her anger and sense of injustice into her hands. Her nose wrinkled at the growing, noxious scent. The smell of her own charred flesh. Heat rushed to her fingers and she knew if she just concentrated hard enough, she could turn that energy to fuel and then flame.
She'd done it before, after all.
Never had she imagined she be using it for this such purpose. She opened her eyes to look at the girl's face. Pale, lips parted, eyelids and mouth painted the same shade of violet. Whore, a voice in her head echoed. Not her own but some of the gossiping women of her own village. The same ones that had laughed at her.
The same ones that had condemned her.
A slither of reluctance made her cringe. Was this right? Could she really do this? She blinked, truly looking at the body on the mound. Skinny thing. Almost to a point it raised some questions she'd yet to ask, if she was right to. Young, so young, more so than both Robin and Kitty. Still. Helpless.
Mary shook her head. No. Don't be tricked. The devil may come in the form of a helpless kitten but then reveal himself as a tiger.
Just get it over with. Scourge her from this place. To protect the others. To please the Lord. To redeem herself, maybe...
Her hands hovered above the girl, ready to come down, one on her head and another on her chest. Go for the brain and the heart. Cleanse them both with the flame.
Do it. Do it. Do it.
The girl screamed.
Mary's hands had not made contact. She recoiled back, startled, watching as the child began to convulse and cry out, as if she truly were being consumed upon the pyre.
"What? What be happening?!" Was she causing this? Was the devil trying to escape his vessel?
She stepped back, conflict aching in her chest as the girl continued to wail in distress, body juddering and arms flailing, as if fighting off some invisible assailant.
And then blood began to leak from her nose.
"What you do?"
Mary turned to see Robin behind her. She stuffed her hands beneath her apron.
"I dids not touch her, I swears!" She said, truthfully; "I dunnos what I dids but I approach and she began to scream!"
He moved past her and stood over the girl, reaching to grab her hand as it waved about wildly.
"Robin, in troth, I did not mean for this..." Yes, she had meant to do something far, far worse to the girl, but not....
The caveman raised a palm at her.
"It not you." He said, "Same thing last month. Came tonight to check if happen again."
Mary blinked. She wasn't to blame?
Robin pointed up at the navy sky; "It New Moonah tonight. Time when sky is most dark. Silver and Moonah connected, see? She give her peaceful rest most of time, but lose power when no moonah light to give."
He knelt beside the girl and stroked back her pink fringe as she wept in her sleep.
"Her nose bleed like this on night she die. It repeat, same as Fanny go jumpy out window."
But worse. Far worse, Mary could see that.
The girl's cries were near unbearable. The fear creased upon her pale face tugged at her heartstrings. This was the death that Robin had witnessed? He'd had no choice but to stand, useless, as this child's brain had burst and bled out inside her skull?
"I....I dids not know...." She hadn't even dared to think about it.
Robin shifted onto the mound and gently attempted to seize the girl's arms, allowing them to bat at him for a few slaps as he tugged her close until he was holding her against his chest. Mary watched, almost in awe, as he continued to shush her and stroke her hair. He no longer seemed to pay any mind as to why Mary had been out here or why her hands had been smouldering above her as she screamed.
His priority was the young woman. His moonah girl.
Silver continued to scream, tears and blood running down her face, but her fists no longer beat against Robin. Instead, her fingers, exposed above her velvet coverings, gripped at his furs for salvation.
"Shh, it okay, it okay. Me here, me got you." He whispered as he lay with her and held her close. His paw held her head beneath his chin.
And then he began to sing. That lullaby she always hears him croon whenever there's an eclipse.
"There be a light in the dark..."
Mary's arms then ached with the emptiness of space. The child-shaped hole. Twice, she had soothed a babe in her arms as they'd cried and wailed. First she, then he. She, taken by the angels before her second birthday. He, ripped from her arms before she was taken by the mob. When she listened to Silver's cries, she heard her own dead daughter crying from the fever that stole her away. She saw in Robin's face the desire to protect and comfort that she'd felt...
Guilt washed over her like a bucket of ice. Oh, God, oh Jesus....What had she almost done?!
There was no devil. No monster here.
No monster except her.
Robin seemed to remember her and turned his head; "You no need to stay. She be better by dawn. It not last long."
Already he seemed to have made a difference, the girl's convulsions having subsided, her screams now reduced quiet sobbing and sniffles against the wolf pelts of her companion. Her slender form looked even more diminutive next to the caveman, who was hardly tall himself. Just a kid who lost her life by an unfortunate bit of ill health.
Just a kid. A lost child alone in the woods...
"Mary? You 'kay?" Robin asked, noting her silence.
She nodded. If he knew what she had been intending, he'd never forgive her.
"Just....whats you said before. You be right. And Is will talk to the little'en myself when she doth wake." She promised.
For now, she turned away, not letting him see her tears, never letting anyone know of her shame. None save the Lord, who once she was back in her room, she would beg and plead for forgiveness, despite knowing she'd never grant it to herself.
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what are some oc projects you've been working on, if any? do you have a favorite oc or one that you've had since you were little?
I do actually have a Big Project that I want to get a bit more done on before I start actively posting about it, but I will say that the plan is for it to be a candygore webcomic. It's gonna be based on some OC designs I originally made to be cute charms/shirt prints but then I named them and next thing I knew I had a story that'll take a few years to tell. I'm very excited for it though, as I really wanna bring something new to the table for candygore, even if it is a very niche aesthetic!! I wouldn't say I've had OCs since I was "little" as as a kid I had my dolls and figurines so they weren't fully original, yknow? Plus I liked drawing little characters a lot and always gave em names and themes, I've always liked character design, but they rarely got development. However at around 14-15 I started making OCs which were. Varying Degrees Of Original (a fair few were Creepypastas lmao plus a ROTG OC. Willow I miss u bbygirl <3) But my TRUE favourites started to get created when I was around 18 and they've been able to be developed since then since I got access to digital art programs and therefore could make silly little doodles.
My NEWEST favourite is my self-indulgent Yakuza OC but I mostly ramble about him in Discord, but we got some older favourites:
The Three Amigos, aka Hettie Fontaine (a magic user who somehow ended up getting mixed up with demons), Demonette (her self-assigned best friend and demon who loves girls as much as she loves fire) and Mono Monreau (Demonette's goth half brother who has suddenly been dragged into the demonic half of his heritage). I love these three, they're so silly
Agatha Alletage, the Time Demon. She's mental and fucked up and beautiful and I love her so much. She fully owns the fact that she belongs in Hell and yet she's very polite and courteous and surprisingly kind, but unfortunately she also highly enjoys her work, which involves studying and experimenting with time....but her methods are involve more bloodshed than you'd like.
Florence Farina, the Cupcake Demon. A newer one who's almost a foil to Agatha, in that she's also a serial killer but doesn't even seem to ACKNOWLEDGE she's in Hell. She's a sopping wet cat of a woman who always looks like she's on the verge of snapping or bursting into tears, who knows. There's Many Things Wrong With Her and I love her. Would love to work on her more
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Hope you enjoyed the long-as-hell response that I am known and presumably loved for here at Tumblr dot com <3 Genuinely thank you for asking about my blorbos, I need to chat about them more and actual develop these ^u^ This don't even cover my fandom OCs lmao
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tlozypaka-tina · 6 months
What's the new Tina incarnation
Ehe, you'll get the hyper-abridged version and the somewhat coherent one after the read more.
Abridged version: Soppy wet cat that's a less-than-average duelist, a coward who avoided most endgame battles, has beef with a demon living in one of her friend's soul bc they killed her while possessing her crush another friend and is the embodiment of these images:
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Serious version (ft. tag censorship bc uh I don't want this leaving my circle even by accident):
Her name is Anita, my newest s.elf ins.ert oc in the y-g-o verse. Not as OP as other incarnations because she is in a sh.ou.nen this time, so I avoid making her too important.
As a character, she is the kind of person to do well in theory classes and written tests- but not so much in practice, which keeps the self-esteem quite low, leading to her choosing to stay back or go look for adult help in the more "end-game" battles. This, of course makes it so she never quite improves skill wise...
Accidentally ends up becoming an older sister (despite being just a few months older on average) figure to the core group, but is still childish enough to enable and partake in tomfoolery that isn't too dangerous.
Her d.eck's theme is centered about protection. She is too scared to put her life on the line for anything-- even her beloved friends-- unable to draw on it's full potential.
Until she literally can't run away from one of those world-ending situations her protag friend keeps getting tangled in. She fights a loosing battle knowingly, because otherwise someone else will, and she can't bear the thought of losing a friend to inaction. Not anymore. No more. No more fear, no more hesitation, even as your legs shake and you can't breathe properly- fight.
tl;dr: She is a coward, she loves her friends, she wants to help but doesn't trust herself, she can't live to the expectations of her deck, it took her being forced in a world ending situation to push past her cowardice and fight despite death staring right in the face, she lost, her death broke morale, she haunted the narrative, she came back, nothing will ever be the same, she is becoming braver, she loves her friends no matter where they are and go.
She crushes on the funky crystal lad. Doomed by the narrative from the get go because...gestures c'mon man I'm not blind that 3rd season is very 🌈.
A demon shakes her like a dog toy for their own amusement until graduation. Anita wants to swing at them but the demon isn't corporeal.
I'm having brainworms over her lately because it's not usual I deviate from typical heroic characterizations for my oc's or my sona's
I have a more "coherent" plot-point by plot-point breakdown but I gotta paste it on a drive doc.
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divinityoswin · 4 years
chocolate bar
Commission for: @ask-wbp-b @mushroomgrenade ❤
➵ my commissions are open!
summary: Snapshots of B’s relationship with Roger, told through chocolate.
wordcount: 2024
characters: Roger & B (OC)
Warnings: mild mentions of character death
It’s a day like any other, and yet somehow the captain of the Roger pirates is as exhilarated as ever.  True, B hadn’t exactly had the time to know Gol D. Roger (not Gold Roger, he had made very clear when introducing himself to her for the first time - it didn’t help that when she tried to say she knew already, her fingers glitched) but her knowledge of the future provides insight into the future King’s personality.
He is like a child, almost, in that joyful way he views the world.  Yet there’s something much older and wiser within him, something that calls for allies.  For every battle won, Roger celebrates their victory - and also their lives.  And they’d only won two battles since B had joined them.
A week has come and gone since Whitebeard gave her his blessing to go sail with Roger, and in that time she’s made friends with most of the crew.  Shanks and Rayleigh were the most welcoming at the time, the latter going as far as to give her a tour of the crew and introduce her to all her new shipmates personally.  Roger, of course, was warm too, but it was hard to talk to him, much less reach him, what with all the commotion happening all.  The damn.  Time.
B sits underneath the mast, relishing in the rare moment of serenity in the Oro Jackson with a cup of tea by her side and notepads on the other.  There is absolutely nothing that could ruin this moment.
“Hey, B!”
Nothing at all.
She refuses to look at the intruder - one because they had just interrupted a very relaxing moment, and two because they’d been getting a resounding headache overtime from the excessive partying.  
The intruder huffs, and from the corner of her eye she sees a pink sleeve with a hand resting on a hip.  Her gaze follows up, frowning, and wondering why that voice is so familiar - and then it hits her.
“Roger!” she exclaims.  He’s never singled her out like this before.  Not even when she begged Pops to let her go with him. “Oh, I thought you were an insect.”
Roger frowns. “What does that mean?”
“Annoying,” she says, poking her tongue out playfully.  
It’s almost surreal to her, that she can banter with Roger like this.  She expects him to shout out a quick “hey!” of defiance, but is caught off-guard when he throws his head back and laughs.  That hearty, deep rumble that somehow sounds like the ocean’s tides echoes throughout the deck, and although she’s used to it by now, the power it wielded was still unfathomable.  Roger’s laughter slowly turns into chuckles, until finally it stops, and he wipes at the corner of his eyes.
“You guys always say that, but you’re the ones following me!” Roger says. “Maybe I ain’t so annoying after all, hm?” He smirks and nudges B with his elbow.
The fact that he includes her in his crew already doesn’t slip past her.  She tilts her head, staring at her new captain with interest. “Did you need something?”
“Nope,” he replies, grinning. “Just checking up on you.  We haven’t had much of a chance to talk yet.”
“You’re always surrounded by adoring fans,” B says.
He feigns a sigh. “It’s tough being so famous.  Marines are always after my autograph.”
The pair glance at each other and hold back laughter - try to, that is.  It doesn’t take long for the two to erupt into giggles, before they begin guffawking and holding in their stomachs.  Roger is the first to recover.  B takes a little while longer, mostly because she couldn’t believe the absurdity of the situation.  When she finally stops, she looks up to him.
Roger is smiling, brighter than even the sun, and she feels as though they could conquer the world together.
Suddenly she understands why so many people were attracted to him.  His personality was like a magnet, drawing people in and sticking them to him.  He isn’t nearly the demon others made him out to be, yet at the same time that power is so terrifying that she understands why.
Mihawk was right.
“So,” Roger begins, “you feeling good about this ship?”
She looks around. “I mean.  It’s nice?  I’m not much of a shipwright, but I like the wood.”
“Tom’ll be glad to hear that!” Roger laughs. “But that’s not what I meant.”
Roger sits down next to her, his legs crossed and his hands resting on his thighs.  He looks to be deep in thought. “I meant - the crew.  You feeling alright?  It’s a whole new crew for you,” he says.
Ah.  Now that makes sense.  Her now-captain is worried for her wellbeing, making sure she’s getting along well with everyone.  Ensuring that his newest member didn’t feel left out.  A soft giggle passes over B’s lips at the prospect that anyone of Roger’s crew would be unwelcoming.  Even the teenage Buggy had been nothing but warm to her since her arrival on the ship (though, with Buggy he tried to be tough and scary - keyword being tried).  
“It’s a wonderful crew,” she says, “with a wonderful captain.”
Roger’s grin grows even wider, as if that were physically possible.  He shines brighter than the sun. “A wonderful captain, eh?  Now that’s a compliment from a gorgeous lady!”
B doesn’t bother hiding her blush.  Roger would somehow sense it, anyway - he always does have a sixth sense for that kind of thing.  So, instead, she leans against him playfully, feeling the salty ocean breeze across her face as she looks up.  Roger smells of berries and the sea itself, she muses. 
“I brought you a gift,” he says. “Just a small welcoming present.  Don’t feel the need to pay me back.”
In her hands sits a box, placed there by the future Pirate King himself.  It’s a light box, simple, plain - a tangled mess she assumes is supposed to be a bowtie is tied on the front.  
“Rayleigh did that,” Roger lies. 
Curious, she removes the bow and opens the box.  
Chocolates.  Dozens of them littered inside - it’s not exactly a pre-brought box, and she notices a couple of them are half-eaten, but the sentiment is enough for her.  Smiling, she picks up a piece (not one of the half-eaten ones, she doesn’t want to know whose fault that was) and plops it into her mouth.
The chocolate instantly melts inside, the sweet sensation - with a hint of salt from the ocean breeze - bringing pure bliss to her mouth.  B savoured the taste, having not tasted some since - when was the last time she had some?  Whitebeard didn’t usually have it on his ship, so there was a very real possibility it was before then.  She is at least grateful it’s milk chocolate too - not too sweet, and not too bitter.  She swallows, and grins.
“You know the best way to a girl’s heart is by chocolates, huh?” B says, munching down on another one.  
Roger shrugs. “If anyone tells you I only got you them so I could snitch them off you, they’re lying,” he says, but in a playful manner, so B assumes he’s joking around.  
“Oh?  And just who ate half of these already?”
“I told you, Rayleigh.”
“Mm-hmm,” Roger whistles, averting his eyes from B.  B sets the box of chocolates down and leans over to his field of vision.  He looks the other way, and B leans the other way.  Finally, he looks up, seemingly intently focused on the clouds, and B kicks him in the shin because he’s only looking where B cannot go, and he knows B is not tall enough for that, and - oh, dear God, B just kicked the future King of the Pirates.  The captain of the Roger Pirates.  Roger himself.
He’s hissing in pain, hopping on one leg and holding his other knee close to his chest as he rubs it.  For a moment, B’s confused - honestly, she didn’t hit him that hard, did she?  
But he’s glancing over at her expectantly every-so-often, pausing in-between moans of pain, as if he’s expecting her to do something.  Like nurse him.
B rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, good luck with that,” she says, and begins her walk towards the kitchen to get an ice pack.  Not for Roger, of course.  
* * *
They’d found themselves soaring high up into the sky, much higher than anything they’d ever seen before -  not even Reverse Mountain, according to those who were there back when they traversed up it - could compare to the sheer height of Skypiea.  The Oro Jackson had survived the knock-up stream (with, thankfully, no one hurt) and the citizens greeted them with curiosity and wonder.
Now, they’re scattered over Angel Beach, sipping on pumpkin smoothies and enjoying the brief period of relaxation that has been bestowed upon them.  The Roger Pirates almost feel right at home here.  Almost.
B sips on her smoothie - it’s okay, she thinks, she doesn’t dislike it.  But she doesn’t particularly love it either.  Pumpkin isn’t exactly a tropical drink.  It doesn’t fit the mood right.  Sighing, she leans back on the lounge chair until she was laying on her back, staring at the cloudless sky.  
If memory serves her correctly - which, honestly, had been somewhat of a struggle as time passed - this is the time that Roger carves his name into the Poneglyph.  Which means that their journey had reached somewhat of a halfway point.  That, eventually, Roger would… well.  The thought sours her mood completely, leaving her brooding away from the rest of the crew and glitching ever-so-slightly.  If the others notice, they don’t say a word - save for Shanks, who wants to know if B would like to watch him drop a crab down Buggy’s shorts.  She denies, and he runs off, looking mildly concerned for her.
A sigh passes through her lips.
“Beli for your thoughts?” The voice of her captain surprises her, almost causing her to drop her smoothie. “Wait - don’t tell me.  I don’t wanna hear spoilers.”
“I almost dropped my smoothie,” B says, turning to give Roger an unamused glance. 
“Ah, but you didn’t!” Roger replies, sipping on his own drink - a conasshu, one of the locals had called it.  He looks a bit ridiculous, with a hibiscus planted in his hair, his open shirt stitched together with a tropical flora pattern, and swimming shorts to top the look all off.  Even his sandals scream tourist. “Shanks told me you were looking a bit down - everyone did, really.”
There’s an awkward silence that passes between them.  B finishes off the last of her drink, the slurping sound seeming like thunder in her head.  Then, white noise.  Even when  Roger yells something to Buggy, distracting the poor boy for a brief moment.
Buggy yelps in pain.
Almost instantly, the silence is broken, broken by Roger’s laughter and his absolute joy in the scene in front of him, and B forgets about everything, and laughs too.
“By the way, present for you,” Roger says, handing over a piece of chocolate. “We found some on Jaya.  Thought you’d appreciate it.”
B takes it and frowns.
“Someone’s taken a bite out of it,” she says.
“Yeah, I told Rayleigh not to, but you know how he is.”  Roger grins, placing his hands on his hips and shining brighter than even the sun - a difficult thing to do this high up in the atmosphere. “Always stealing food, that damn first mate.”
“Rayleigh, huh,” B repeats.  She takes a bit out of the chocolate - it’s a bit too bitter for her tastes, but it’s fine.
Roger gasps. “Indirect kiss!”
“Oh, shut up.”
* * *
The bell rings.  Once, twice, thrice - then, there’s the muffled jeers, the cries of joy that are distant and oh-so-cruel.  
B sits by herself, alone at a bar, and downs another glass of whiskey.  She doesn’t know where the rest of the crew are now.  Maybe they’ve scattered all over the place.  Maybe some of them have settled down.
A half-melted, half-eaten chocolate, still wrapped in foil, sits in her pocket.
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mefiman · 3 years
My very own Dragon Ball Original Character, Accordion has his own design at last! Hooray!
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As I was drawing him out, I wanted to incorporate some noticable Namekian features while at the same time, retain his appearance "demon like". Profile below!
Name: Accordion
Gender: Male.
Age: Unknown. Estimation: Older than Ma Junior/Piccolo, Younger than Goku in human age.
Species: "Demon" Namekian.
Occupation: Former soldier and subordinate to King Piccolo/Piccolo Daimaō. Currently, subordinate to Ma Junior/Piccolo.
Alignment: Formerly Lawful Evil, Currently Neutral Good.
Before: Aloof, cares very little to nothing about other lives, ruthless, sadistic, blood thirsty, loyal to his Master/Sire.
After: Serves as a big brother figure to his current master/younger brother, protective over him, still unsociable most of the time, quiet, genuine hearted and independent thinker.
Katas: Grandfather (Deceased)
Kami: Good half of Sire separated (Now part of Ma Junior/Piccolo)
Piccolo Daimaō: Sire, Former Master (Deceased)
Other "Demon" Namekians: Older brothers (Deceased)
Piano: Younger brother (Deceased)
Tambourine: Younger brother (Deceased)
Cymbal: Younger brother (Deceased)
Drum: Younger Brother (Deceased)
Ma Junior/Piccolo: Reincarnation of Sire/Younger brother
Son Goku: Former enemy, Current Father in-law.
Chichi: Mother in-law
Son Gohan Jr: Brother in-law
Son Goten: Brother in-law
Clarinet/Son Rinet: Niece
Son Goshen: Nephew
Son Fuji: Niece
Yamcha: Mate
Wanta: Daughter
He was one of King Piccolo/Piccolo Daimaō’s stronger yet not much known minion/spawn. Born shortly before Piano when King Piccolo/Daimaō was freed from his long imprisonment, his main duty was to safeguard the elderly villain. He assisted his rejuvenated, youthful Sire/Master when they conquered the world, overthrowing the King of the World.
As Accordion fought alongside his master and witness him die in the hands of a young Son Goku, King Piccolo at his last moments, telepathically gave him the duty to watch over, take care of his newest spawn and survive to see his wish realized. Accordion was assumed to have perished along with the Daimaō but in reality, he laid low to oversee his deceased Master's heir's survival and training him to accomplish their Sire's wish: killing Goku. But after witnessing Piccolo change over the years from the first fight with Goku up to observing the initially perceived demon turned Namekian undergoing character development through his bond with Son Gohan, Accordion himself felt that there was more to his own life and the world than what he was told early on in his life. He soon got over his evil heart and ways as well as developing his own individual character and humanity while still serving his current master/younger brother. From there, he came to know Yamcha who had his relationship with Bulma/Bloomer ended. They help comfort each other and assist one another to move on and in doing so, tiny sparks fly between them...
Yes, I created this OC because one: I feel there is not enough love for Namekians or interest about King Piccolo/Piccolo Daimaō and his minions. Two: I want to ship Yamcha with a character since the poor dude’s obviously been treated as a sad joke by both canon and the fandom. In all seriousness, I don’t understand why Yamcha is considered the least favourite DB character, he was really cool in DB and half of DBZ. I honestly like Yamcha and I do believe that he deserved better than what shit rep the canon storyline gave him. Hence, Accordion being created to remedy that and I really wanted to make some gay love~ Accordion would love Yamcha for who he is, regardless his flaws and imperfections. After all, nobody's perfect, am I right?
P.S.: I'm shipping both Gohan and Piccolo together (HanP/Piccohan) since HanV/Vihan is definitely not my jam. That ship is definitely my NOTP in Dragon Ball. Don't come bashing me for this. If you don't like, just ignore, ok? Nuff said.
Accordion, Clarinet/Son Rinet, Son Goshen, Son Fuji and Wanta are mine while the rest of the mentioned characters belong to their respective owners.
I also ship him with Dabura since I don't mind Yamcha with Tien.
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My poor attempt to introduce us
Hello! I’m the host of the system, my name is Avery. This is a simple (ish) introduction post so maybe things can make a fragment of sense.
So we are a DID Traumagenic/Neurogenic system dubbed the “International” system! We’re open to asks about us and our experiences with plurality. We are very endo-inclusive and mogai-inclusive <3 Here’s a shit list of everyone and what we know:
First, some about me. I’m Avery (again), I’m 19 and genderfluid. I have a partner who has OSDD and we’ve been together for two years now. I’m also autistic, and I love gaming and anime. <3
Frequent Fronters:
Jonus - Co-host, Internal Helper - He/him - 18 - Very sarcastic, witty dude. Very emo, loves his music. A little bit of a hothead but that’s okay, he just loves his family. Biromantic Homosexual, questioning/experimenting poly, Toni is one of his partners, as well as someone in our partner system
Toni - Protector, s*xual alter - She/her - 18 - Silly, also a bit hot-headed. Identifies as demigirl. Loves music as well, and usually the one to welcome the new alters when we split. Polyamorous bisexual, Jonus and Mika are two of her partners (and two in our partner system). She’s also POC (one of the three in the system).
Mika - Caretaker, Trauma Holder, Nonhuman - Ve/vir - 20 - The second of us that we know of so far, things have been discovered and we don’t know what else there is hiding in our plain knowledge. Vir very quiet and tend to take care of things “behind the scenes”. Polyamorous pansexual, Toni and three others in our partner system are vir partners. Ve are also a demon.
Hoshiko - Fictive (Danganronpa OC source) - She/her - 16 - Very shy, but helpful. Tries her best to appease everyone. She’s very sweet and tries to doll the body up when I feel feminine. Bisexual.
Emily - Little, Internal Helper, Nonhuman - She/her - 6 - Emily is a very, very silly little girl, and very pure. She is slowly starting to learn the gender spectrum and pronouns with the help of Mika. She’s very wild and loves to draw, and loves to cuddle with our stuffies. She’s an elf.
Liam - Nonhuman - He/him - 13 - The only other one in our system with autism symptoms. He’s very quiet and hyperfixates specifically on Pokemon. We collect games because of him. Doesn’t seem to show any interest in dating or romance yet, but we haven’t talked to him about that yet. He’s a literal angel <3
Newest Alters
D’vonte - ??? - He/him - 20 - Toni’s older brother we recently found in headspace. We don’t know too much about him yet
Gadiel - Little - He/him - 7 - An alter who split off about two months ago. All we’ve really observed about him so far is he gets along very well with the rest of the system and loves to talk to other littles. He also seems to really like gaming.
Sage - ??? - She/her, they/them - ??? - An alter who split off earlier this week. We don’t know too much except she has memories not belonging to the body, and is transgender. We think she split off due to the stress of the c*r*n*virus
Silas - ??? - He/him - 17 - Very quiet, secluded alter who doesn’t like to front for long periods of time. Seems very confused about everything around him still, despite being here for a few months now.
Stella - Nonhuman - She/her, possibly Kit/Kitter/Kitself - 19 - Seems to be “scene” (Jonus often claims she’s “stuck in 2006″). Loves music and loves getting to know everyone. Just fronted for a long period the first time yesterday. Half-cat (neko girl?), and lesbian
Other Alters
Denver - ??? - He/him - 21 - Very, very shy; has only fronted maybe once or twice on his own, then would go back into hiding. We don’t know anything except he is Lisa’s twin brother
Lisa - Protector - She/her - 21 - Not shy, but really only fronts when Denver is comfortable. She’s sort of a “backup” protector if Toni can’t handle a situation on her own. Also don’t know much about her.
Kenna - ??? - She/her - 15 - Gothic, and very quiet. Only fronts if things are quiet and secluded here. She likes to read, and seems to be the only one who can wrangle Ocelia to calm down.
Ocelia - Persecutor, Nonhuman, Trauma Holder - She/her - 25 - Only fronts for short bursts. Doesn’t seem to want closure for her trauma (different than the other two trauma holders’ trauma), but seems very upset still. We’re still trying to help her, we have hope in her. Very loud, brash, doesn’t like anyone. Demon (about the typical “story” demon: red beady eyes, claws, etc), and biromantic asexual (but doesn’t seem interested as of now)
Margie - Little - She/her - 11 - Mute and doesn’t like to write as she finds it difficult, so likes to speak in emojis and pictures. Emily is trying her damnedest to help her. Very shy and timid, unlike the other two littles. Don’t know much about her as she doesn’t front often.
Titus - ??? - He/him - 16 - Transmale and super chill. Tends to front in short bursts (comes for about a week then disappears for a month, rinse and repeat). Good friends with Toni and Jonus.
Marigold - Trauma Holder - 14 - Skittish and very shy. She was the first of us to form and took most of the ab*se, and it’s caused her a serious fear of men. Because of that, she doesn’t front much. She claims to hallucinate sometimes while fronting, but we think it’s more very severe PTSD than anything else.
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might-guys-acorn · 5 years
Ask and you shall recieve my loves💕 Before I jump into some requests for today, a couple of you asked for information on my OC's! Heres some headcanons on my babies, I hope youll love them just as much as I do🥰 -🦎
P.S. its all gonna be the same art from before, I dont have access to anything to digitally draw them, and finished traditional art is gonna take some time💕
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Choharu Akimichi
Choji's big sister and #1 fan
Shes 2 years older than him, and has spent most of her life supporting him, even when her parents thought he was too soft to be a shinobi.
Theyre very close, and if he's at home, hes always on her bed just talking about everything thats going on at school and with his life.
Shes an excellent listener. She'll take in everything her friends have to say and give very level-headed advice.
She loves bubble tea. Like is obsessed with it. Its how she starts her morning, a large taro with extra boba
Crazy short. Shes like 4'11, and it drives her nuts because she's the oldest on her team, but everyone tends to underestimate and patronize her because of her height
She's very protective of her teammates and her friends, especially Iname. She'd known about her for a while, and when she first met her, she just wrapped her up in a hug. Would 11/10 do anything for that girl.
She knows the rookie 11 pretty well, simply because of her brother and all his stories. Shes spiritually adopted all of them as little siblings and is always there when they need advice or just someone to listen.
Shikajime Nara
Goes by Ji. His name is too long, and with Iname as a teammate, Shika was off the table. Ji suits him just fine.
Also 2 years older than the rookie 11. He and Choharu have been friends for a long time.
Only child and distant cousin? Of Shikamaru
No one can really place how theyre related, its a long complicated answer. Same clan, but very convoluted relative ties.
Shikamaru is not his biggest fan. Ji is energetic, very muscular and honestly super corny. The Dad jokes are not Shika's vibe
Shika learns to love him a bit though, after spending more time with him because of Iname.
Kiba is his best friend. He's more laid back then Kiba, he very rarely gets angry, and he likes to pick on Kiba's nerves when possible. Its just so funny for him.
They match eachother with energy, though. Their sparring matches take forever because niether will back down
Despite his gymrat appearance, he's very smart, super caring and just generally likes having a good time. Hes the dad at the barbecue, flipping burgers in socks and sandals while laughing at his own stupid jokes.
Iname Yamanaka
My precious girl. She's Ino's first cousin, and only a year older
She's got some past demons, the big one being that when she was 5, she came home to her mother dead on the floor in a pool of blood.
Her father was away on a mission, and no one really knows what happened to her mom or why she was killed.
Because of this, she has a terrible fear of blood, and has to push past that day by day as a shinobi
She also has a very strained relationship with her father. He checked out for 2 years after her mother died, and she had to take care of herself.
Even with all this, though, she insists on being a ray of sunshine. She's super spunky, positive and just generally gives off good vibes.
She became friends with the 11 before anyone her own age, because of Ino, and she got very close to Shikamaru. She balances him out and pushes him when he needs it.
They became practically inseperable, and everyone thought they were dating, but they insisted that it was platonic. (I actually wrote their first kiss as an imagine on here a while ago. You can read it here)
She graduated a year early from the academy in order to support herself. Shes smarter than anyone expects, and she works (and plays) hard.
Heres some info on my newest OC. I came up with her last night while on the phone with @hiddenleafstoryteller 💕
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Absolute badass
She became an Anbu for Suna at 14 and left them at age 16. She felt as though she was losing herself in the brutality of her work, so she left and returned to the regular shinobi ranks
She can be stern when a situation calls for it, but usually shes laid back, snarky, and lighthearted
Grew up as Temari's best friend. Shes more laid back and humorous than Temari was, but their personalities melded well, even at a young age
Gaara completely ignored her when she was around, but after the Chunin exams he warmed up and she happily took him under her wing. Just another sibling for the Sand baby, and she cheered the loudest at his Kazekage ceremony
She thought Kankuro was incredibly annoying when they were young. He was always trying to play pranks of her and Temari, and honestly they werent even well thought out.
As time passed though, he matured and she found herself actually enjoying his company. They often bounced jokes off eachother, sometimes at others expense, and occasionally had moments of talking about more important, deeper parts of life
She didnt even imagine growing feelings towards him, and denied it completely when Temari asked, saying that love was unrealistic for a girl like her.
She finally came to terms with it when he came back poisoned after fighting with Sasori. She didnt sleep, eat, or think the entire time. Between Gaara gone, and Kankuro half dead, she was a shell of a person.
She never said anything to him though, there was no way he'd feel the same. The only person she ever talked to about her feelings was Temari
It mightve been weird for Temari at first, after all it was her brother that her best friend was falling for, but in general, Temari shipped it more than anyone.
The first confession wouldve come from Kankuro, she was too hard headed for it. This imagine from @hiddenleafstoryteller is officially canon in thier storyline.
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staycatcher · 5 years
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Welcome to my artwork section!! I’m the most carefree with these than everything else, I’ll honestly post it whenever I feel like it :•) 
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🗒 = sketch, 🗑 = scribble, 🖌 = lined/clean, 🎨 = painting/colored
(in order of date, newest to older!)  (updated as of 200811🌟)
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🗑Hyunsung Cuties cute Jisung & Hyunjin doodles for req
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Nothin’ here yet~
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🗒Archer! Minhho sketch of Minho from isac2019 for mutual’s birthday
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🗒Perfect Features “unfinished wip”, face study is more accurate
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🗒Resting Bitch Face shaded sketch for request
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🗑Natural Pout one of the surprise doodles I did for mutuals 190709
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🗑Thicc Lipped Jinnie one of the surprise doodles I did for mutuals 190709
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🗑Hyunsung Cuties cute Jisung & Hyunjin doodles for request
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🎨Fallen! Angel Han a shiny painting for his birthday
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🗑Happy Birthday a crappy sketch for a moot’s birthday
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🗑Coconut Head one of the surprise doodles I did for mutuals 190709
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🗑Sad Uwu one of the surprise doodles I did for mutuals 190709
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Hyunsung Cuties cute Jisung & Hyunjin doodles for request
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🗒Fav Sketch of the Day small neck up sketch/study 
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🗑Angel! Felix one of the surprise doodles I did for mutuals 190709
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🗒Demon! Seungmin sketchbook session
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🗑Cutest Lil Face lil baby doodle of his lil face
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🖌Fox! Jeonginnie cute sketch and lineart for the baby’s birthday!
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🗒Fashion Queen Kim Hyuna!~ full body sketch of the fashion queen :)
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🗑Mystical Wooyoungie Jung Wooyoung of Ateez!~ a neck up messy sketch cuz he’s so pretty
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🗑Dowoondle Yoon Dowoon of Day6!~ one of the surprise doodles I did for mutuals 190709
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🗑Scribbly Jongdae Kim Jongdae / Chen of Exo!~ Extremely scribbly full-body study, for req
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🗑A Year Apart My OC Pippin year and four months apart doodles
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❓How To Draw my guide to drawing with my own weird mindset
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years
1-J for whoever your newest OC is.
GeezAnon, you really know how to show a girl a good time. I guess I have to do Whisper the Abyssal Tiefling Sorceress, since you asked sonicely and I guess she is my newest character period. 
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sitstill with nothing to do?
Whisper tries so hard to be patient,she really does, because the person she’s pretending to be is infinitely patient.But she gets antsy and bored very quickly. Unless she’s waiting with a specificgoal in mind, it’s like a few minutes before she starts shifting in her seat orpacing, or falling asleep. If she’s got a reason she’s waiting though, she canusually sit there much, much longer.
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Very. Whether it’s a real laugh or afake one though is a toss-up.
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading,singing, thinking?)
Thinking, definitely. She startsremembering home and wondering how everyone there is doing. She probably endsup praying to her god to watch over them before finally drifting off.
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
Not easy at all. She’s been told thather god’s enemies are everywhere, so she never fully lets her guard down withanyone outside her sect. There’s people whose motives she understands, peoplewho she trusts to an extent, but only a handful she trusts completely.
5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Very easy. Especially since she’slooking for reasons not to trust you. 
6.  Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
Flexible. You can get away withanything if you know how.
 7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoythat feeling?
 Snow, probably. Great bodies ofwater. Castles and the like. It used to be a very painful feeling, and it isstill, to an extent, but after 8 years from home she welcomes it every now andagain.
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as achild?
 She was often told to stop botheringthe servants, and, when she got older, sneaking out of the castle. And she was toldto get back to her studies quite a lot (she hated sitting still, so getting herto study anything except her magic was almost painful for her—even her catechismsweren’t as important as actually doing something).
9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
Not often? Not unless she’s doing itfor a reason. Or if things are really going wrong. And her first swear word was probably “shit,” right after hearing her olderbrother say it.
10.  What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does ithaunt them?
Whisper lies about everything, downto her name and her past and stuff she knows. And it never bothers her, because she’s doing it toprotect her family.
11.  How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretendthey understand, etc)?
It depends on what is most useful atthe time. If she really needs to know something, she’ll seek clarification andquestion someone until she’s (more) blue in the face. If she’s not interested,she’ll pretend to understand.
12.  How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’tquite reach?
 That’s what mage hand is for.
13.  What color do they think they look best in? Do they actuallylook best in that color?
Well, her skin is a deep indigo, soshe usually goes for cool colors, purples and greens, or stark white to offsether skin and match her hair. Once in a while she’ll go for a rich yellow, butonly if she’s trying to draw more attention to herself—she thinks she pulls itoff quite well.
14.  What animal do they fear most?
She’s not a fan of horses, but shecan tolerate them. I think she’s more freaked out by rats. There’s always somany of them, and they’re not afraid of running up and biting you. She probablyhad a few run ins with them in the castle dungeons. 
15.  How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of onthe spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
She used to just burst out withwhatever was on her mind, but she’s since she left home become a lot more circumspect. She’llthink about something before she speaks to make sure it doesn’t give too muchaway now.
16.  What makes their stomach turn?
Not much. She’s used to corpses andweird rituals as her normal.
17.  Are they easily embarrassed?
I think she laughs off most anything,but there are a few things that hit her.
18.  What embarrasses them?
She really doesn’t like it whenpeople draw attention to how she looks. She tries to be brazen about it, walkthrough the world like she doesn’t look any differently, but she does getslightly embarrassed still when people stare and point at her out on thestreet.
19.  What is their favorite number? 9.
20.  If they were asked to explain the difference betweenromantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
She wouldn’t. She’d turn thequestion around and make them answer.
21.  Why do they get up in the morning? 
Because she has a mission. Hergoddess isn’t going to resurrect herself!
22.  How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they becomepossessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
She’s not usually jealous of people?Like she doesn’t get close enough to people to be jealous of them spending timewith other people or something. But I think she would become aloof andreactionary—like she’s not feeling jealous, why would you ever think she wasfeeling jealous that’s not a thing.
23. How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what theywant, they become resentful, etc)? 
She didn’t want for a lot when shewas a child, but once she left, stealing really became a thing. So she’d tryand take it if she really wanted it that badly.
24.  Is sex something that they’re comfortable speakingabout? To whom? 
In general, she tries to pretend she’scomfortable with anything. It’s expected, after all, she looks demonic, so she’sthought to be up for anything, so she will talk about it like she knows 100%what’s up whenever it’s brought up. But in reality, she’s like a 17-year-oldboy who is trying to impress his friends. She’s never had sex and she has onlythe vaguest anatomical ideas of what sex is and why people want it.
25. What are their thoughts on marriage? 
That it’s a thing you do for dutyand to further your family line, and that she was too special to be forced intoit.  
26. What is their preferred mode of transportation? Sailing.
27. What causes them to feel dread?
 Dry desert places probably.
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasanttruth? 
The unpleasant truth.
29. Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
She mostly lives up to them, or shetries to. The “church” she was raised in as pretty screwed up ideals though compared to the rest of the world.
30.   Who do they most regret meeting? 
I think there are some towns she regrets going to, but no one in particular sheregrets meeting. Yet.
31.  Who are they the most glad to have met? 
Outside of her family and the otherpeople in the castle, probably Ignatius and the rest of the “circus” she joinedafter leaving her family.
32.  Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or ajoke? 
I don’t think so. She always changesit up, and they’re probably all fake.
33. Could they be considered lazy? 
 No, she’s pretty active. 
34.  How hard is it for them to shake a sense ofguilt? 
She doesn’t feel guilty very often.She’s basically been raised to think whatever she has to do in service of hergod is justified, so there’s not a lot that she regrets or feels guilty about.
35. How do they treat the things their friends come tothem excited about? Are they supportive?
Oh, definitely. She’d get superexcited about it too.
36. Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it tofall into their lap?
She does not seek romance out, shethinks she’s got more important stuff to concentrate on. But she did read a lotof like sweeping adventure novels as a child, so she does get crushes a lot,she just doesn’t act on them. And even if one fell into her lap, I don’t thinkshe’d let herself reciprocate.
37.  Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists ofnumbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, puttingthings to melodies, etc)?
She would probably have little songsshe sings under her breath.
38.  What memory do they revisit the most often? 
She has a lot she revisits. Basically,anything of her memories from home, spending time with her brothers before heryounger brother got sick, running around the catacombs with the servant’schildren, sneaking out of the castle with her brothers to explore the woods inthe middle of the night. The rites her family and their circle preformed. But the thing she revisits the most is leaving the castle. Her brother Eamon—herapparently human brother, whose eyes shine just a little strangely in directlight, grabbing her on the shoulders and telling her that he was going to makesure to bring her back as soon as the danger has passed.It’s been 8 years. She hasn’t seen him since.
39.  How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
She actually doesn’t want to ignore them. Flaws are a thingshe can exploit or play with should she need to. If she notices it, shedefinitely takes note.
40.  How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
 I don’t think she’s very cognizantof her personality flaws tbh.
41.  How do they feel about children?
She loves children. She doesn’t particularlywant one, but she thinks they’re wonderful. She’s just shy of interacting withthem, because of how she looks and she doesn’t want to draw the ire of theirparents.  
42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal? 
Very, very badly. It’s what she’sbeen raised for, what her entire family line has been working for. It’s herdestiny.
43.  If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how wouldthey do so?
She would either go into superdetail about who she’s attracted to and what she likes (even though she hasabsolutely no idea) or she would just shrug.  
A) Why are you excited about thischaracter?Because her point of view is so strange. She was raised in a cult, man, and she’strying to resurrect a god that is probably not a god anymore, if they ever werea god and not just some demon who is playing with a bunch of humans. Basically she’s primed to bring about an apocalypse by accident, and I am superexcited about it.
B) What inspired you to create them?
To be quite honest? Strix from Dice Camera Action.That whole thing with her aunt and that creepy cult in her basement, and theaunt hinting that Strix’s teiflingness is from deals they made with dark powerssounded super cool. So I just took that and ran with it.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where theyfit in their own story?
Her story built around her race/class build and theabove kernel, so she fits into her own story pretty well. Figuring out herpersonality was difficult though. And it does fluctuate.
D) Have they always had the same physicalappearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
She’s always looked the same in my head: indigo skin,white hair and eyes, black ram’s horns, sharp incisors, barbed tail.
E) Are they someone you would get along with?Would they get along with you?
She tries to get along with everyone, if only as adefense mechanism. She’s actually very sweet in my head, very sunny. At leastshe was when she was younger, and I think if I could get past her mistrust,then we could be pretty good friends.
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC(pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
Excitement. I can’t wait to see how her story rollsout.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
Her mistrust of everyone is going to be a hurdle, and I don’t like being at odds with the party. But it’sin her best interest to at least pretend to get along with them, so hopefullythat won’t be too much of a problem.
H) What trait do you admire most?
Her drive. She’s away from her family and the peopleshe cares about, in a world that distrusts her or at least looks at her strangely,and while it would be easy for her to just return home, she doesn’t feel likeshe can. She has a goal and an inner compass pointing the way (which isprobably a very Wrong Way to go, but still), and she’s going to get there.  
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canonuniverse?
I mean, I might import her into my books. We’ll seehow it goes and if I need a good patsy-slash-villain.
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canonfactors to allow them to create their character?
I mean I had to create afew, but I don’t think I had to exclude anything.
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