#NMB Bank
nepalenergyforum · 9 months
Chepe Khola hydro project alleged to have trespassed into forested area
The 8.63-megawatt project encroached 2.62 hectares to build the pipeline and 6.8 hectares to build the transmission line, preliminary investigation shows. Nearly a year after its operation, the Division Forest Office in Lamjung has charged Ashutosh Energy, the Chepe Khola Small Hydropower Project promoter, for not obtaining permits to cut down trees on the construction site. The 8.63-megawatt…
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yagirlwrites · 5 months
(Not) My Baby (4)
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Synopsis: Y/N makes a decision with the help of her friends but Rafe isn't going to like it.
A/N: Not me posting this at 1am on a Thursday lmao! Y'all it's finally here! Part 4! I have been in such a massive slump and had huge writers block for many months. Honestly don't know how I wrote this tbh🤣 That being said I'm not super happy about my writing here but I'm posting it because y'all deserve to get it immediately, you've waited long enough! Hope you enjoy this part! Love you all❤️
Series Masterlist
My work is my own; it's not to be copied, transferred or translated. Reblogs, comments, feedback are always welcome and appreciated❤️
Happy reading! 🥰
(Not) My Baby (Part 4)
"So what are you gonna do?" Y/N sighed at her friend's question. She knew it was wishful thinking that they might finish breakfast before Stella brought up the issue. To be fair to her, she hadn't mentioned it all night and Y/N managed to actually get some sleep because of it.
But now it was time to face the music and deal with her problem. Fuck.
"What are we talking about?" Lena's voice came from the doorway, the girl looking like she had been through the wringer. The girls at the table almost giggled at her messy appearance, given her usual insistance on being put together at all times.
"Well, hello to you too. Couldn't be bothered sending a text that you'd be home late? Again?" Lena blushed at Stella's words, knowing she was right and she had messed up. Yet again.
Since her and Kelce started dating she had become more and more forgetful of their rule - always let each other know where you're staying the night. They had a few rules in their roomate agreement, this one being the most important one. Hell, she invented the rule herself. And yet, here she was, constantly breaking it.
She knew Stella wasn't really mad, but it still made her feel embarrased. How she let a guy distract her like that so often, she didn't understand.
"Yeah... Sorry." She let out a sheepish smile and Stella rolled her eyes, motioning her to join them at the table.
"While you were getting busy with your man, we have been in a crisis!" Lena's eyes widened, slightly concerned, slightly suspicious.
"Expand." Y/N's head met the table and let out a muffled groan. Lena looked at the girl in confusion.
"What happened??" Stella folded her hands, getting ready for a dramatic retelling. Y/N remained face planted on the table while Stella caught Lena up to the latest drama.
Many 'he did whats' and 'oh my god's' later, interrupted by both Stella's and Lena's laughter at the sandwich incident, Lena was finally in the know about the Rafe situation. And boy was she loving it.
"I fucking knew he was into you! I knew it-"
"Can you please not?" Y/N had gotten up from the table and planted herself on the couch mid-story, not wanting to deal with any of it so early in the morning. Or ever. Preferably she would deal with it never. She just wanted to go back to bed and sleep for several weeks. She was exhausted.
Lena and Stella gave eachother knowing looks but said nothing further about it. Instead they plopped down on the couch either side of her and Y/N knew the ordeal was far from over. They wouldn't let her keep ignoring it. Sometimes she hated having friends who knew her too well.
"So what are you gonna do?" This time it was Lena posing the dreaded question.
"I don't know." It was an honest answer. The only one she had. But she knew her friend would not be satisfied with it.
"Well what do you think?" Y/N closed her eyes, trying to mentally prepare for everything that was about to unfold.
"I don't know...." She sounded tired. And Stella felt a pang of hurt on her friend's behalf.
Lena, however was not going to accept that as an aswer. She was a doer, she always thought three moves ahead and prepared for everything. 'I don't know' was not in her vocabulary. Usually that was someting Y/N loved about her, but at this moment she resented it.
"Well lets figure it out." Lena started. "It is a good opportunity."
"I know that." Y/N begrudgingly admited.
"So what's holding you back?" Y/N looked at Lena as if she was stupid for posing the question. Lena was not bothered.
"Don't say it's cause you don't like him because I know that's not really the reason. You're pragmatic, you know this is a good chance to network. So I'll ask again. What's holding you back?"
While Lena was right about her being pragmatic, she just didn't understand how big of a factor her dislike for Rafe was in her dillema. Whereas Lena couldn't fathom why she'd let something silly like that get in the way of a good opportunity to make connections, she felt sick to her stomach at the thought. The mere idea of being on his arm while he flaunted her was making her flushed with anger. She knew she couldn't explain it to her friends though, so she didn't even try.
"I don't know. I just hate the idea of giving him what he wants and seeing his smug face-"
"You're getting something out of it too." Lena, annoyingly pointed out.
"Not as much as him." At Y/N's words, Lena finally grinned.
"There it is." Lena's words made Y/N look at her in confusion.
"What's holding you back. You think its an unfair deal. He's getting more out of it than you are." Lena explained.
Y/N's brow furrowed in thought. Stella was quiet the entire time, knowing not to interrupt the two girls when they're debating something. She learned long ago it was a bad idea. It was best to let them figure it out and not get involved.
Y/N realized Lena was right. She was feeling resentment because she felt like she would be giving him a lot more than she'd be getting in return and it made her real mad.
"Yeah... I guess so." Lena nodded.
"Good?" Y/N asked, exasperated.
"Yes, good. Now we know the problem. Now we can solve it." Lena said as if it was the simples thing in the world.
"Oh it's that simple?" Y/N's sarcasm was felt but ignored as Lena continued.
"So what do you want?" Y/N looked at her confused, again.
"What do I want?" She repeated.
"So what do you want that he can give you?" Lena asked again. Y/N frowned.
"Yes. He's getting the better end of the deal. So even the odds." She was explaining it as if it was obvious. Y/N didn't think so.
"I don't want anything from him."
"Don't be stubborn." Lena interrupted. "There's always something you can get from someone. It's just a matter of figuring out what you want."
"I don't want anything from him!" Y/N repeated, a bite in her voice.
"Now you're just being childish."
"Let's not get nasty." Stella finally piped up, seeing that this was not going in the right direction.
"How am I being childish?" Y/N bit out.
"You're letting your feelings cloud your judgement. Stop letting your dislike of him lead the converstation." Lena spoke evenly, making sure not to push Y/N further than she had. They could both be stubborn and they knew it. Lena didn't want to fight. She was just trying to help her friend. The problem was she wasn't always the best at showing it.
"Okay, lets take a step back." Stella interjected. Hands up in what she hoped was a calming gesture.
"I think what Lena is trying to say is that you might be holding yourself back from something that could benefit you because you're letting your feelings for Rafe get in the way of seeing the bigger picture."
"I don't have feelings for Rafe." She quipped back.
"You know what I meant, Peach." Stella's use of her nickname softened Y/N's features some. She was realizing Rafe was now causing her to fight with her friends. The thought infuriated her. No way.
Y/N sighed and closed her eyes, trying to clear her head. They were right. When it came to Rafe, he always managed to unhinge her and anger would lead her actions. But she was smarter than that. She wouldn't let him get in the way of her friendships. And she wasn't going to let him being a dick be the reason why she misses on a good opportunity. One that could do her a lot of good in the future.
That's when it hit her.
When she opened her eyes her friends were looking at her with bathed breaths, anxious for her next move.
"There is something." Lena smiled.
"But he'll never go for it." Y/N was doubting herself. It was crazy.
"Babe, he's in a position where he can't refuse you. He's got a lot to gain from this but he also has a hell of a lot more to lose if you say no." Lena reasoned.
"She's right. I'm pretty sure you could get a kindey out of him if you wanted to." Stella joked and the girls laughed.
"That's a bit much, Pumpkin." Stella beamed at her friends words.
"All we're saying is, he won't be able to refuse you. He's desperate. He needs you." Lena explained.
"Okay." The girls grinned, Stella jumping up in excitement.
"So what is it?!" Y/N smirked. Oh it was a good one and he was going to hate it so much. The thought made her giddy.
It had been days since the sandwich shop. Since he poured all his shame out to her and asked her to help him. Since he embarrased himself thoroughly and put his fate in her hands.
It has been days of radio silence. He was getting antsier every second, feeling like he might crawl out of his skin in suspence. Truth was, he had no idea what was going to happen. She really didn't like him and she could refuse to help him so easily, leaving him the deep deep hole he dug for himself. She didn't owe him anything. He wasn't great to her in the past and he regreted it. Had regreted it for a long time. He tried making things up with her for months but she was so unreceptive to his efforts, and then she pushed his buttons and he'd lose himself all over again.
And now he was at her mercy. She could embarrass him by telling the whole world about what he had done. Or she could just ignore him, letting him stew in his misery. Leaving him stranded and giving his father the perfect opportuinity to cut him off for good. Disown him even. He was losing his mind.
It has been days and everyone around him could feel his sour mood. He was twitchy, easily irritable, incapable of focusing on anything and constantly fiddling with his phone. Constantly writing and deleting texts, to what they assumed was the same mystery person.
None of his friends knew what the hell was going on with him but none dared ask, knowing it would most likely end with him shutting them out further. He was moodier than usual, which they didn't think possible.
Kelce and Topper knew the only person who could ever affect him like that was his father. Or Y/N. Both in very different ways, of course, but in simmilar intensity.
His friends never knew what it was that him and Y/N had going on, never understood the odd relationship. They knew they'd get punched if they brought it up though, they learned it the hard way.
His father was a whole other story. They both knew, for the most part, how Ward Cameron treated his son. Having grown up with Rafe, they'd seen enough of their fraught dynamic to understand there were serious issues there. Their friend never confided in them fully though, preferring not to talk about his father at all. But every once in a while he'd get that glazed over look in his eyes, the dark cloud around him palpable. They knew then that something had happened involving his father.
This time was different though. He wasn't depressed, he wasn't angry from an argument with his dad. He also wasn't buzzing with nerves and excitement from a row with Y/N. It was unusal and unnerving and the entire appartment was enveloped in the odd energy.
So when Kelce had insisted he needed a night out Topper agreed. Kelce had demanded he needed to unwind and that after football practice he expected his two best friends to take him out for drinks and help him get his head straight. They agreed, Topper knowing Klece's plans had nothing to do with his own well being - and Rafe because Kelce rarely ever expressed that he was having issues, usually the most chill out of the group. It made him feel too guilty to reject him. Even though he'd rather do anything but go out tonight.
But there he was, waiting for Kelce to finish up his practice so they can go to the bar where he fully intended to excuse himself after an hour. The sun was just beginning to set as he fiddled with his phone in his hands, willing it to do something, snap him out of his misery. The orange and pinkish hues enveloped the sky as he heard someone approach him in the parking lot. He was leaning on his car as he looked behind him and nearly dropped his phone in shock.
There she was. She was standing right in front of him, the last rays of sun casting a halo around her. She took his breath away.
For a moment he stood there gaping at her, not quite able to process that she was actually here after days of no contact, after days of him wishing she'd call or text or even email him, give him anyhing to go by.
She cleared her throat, breaking the awkward silence. He snapped out of his daze and took an unconscious step forward. She eyed him warily. He looked rough. As if he hadn't slept.
A sliver of guilt crossed through her but she quickly crushed that down. This whole situation is his fault and she had every right to take even more time, than just a few days, to get back to him. She reminded herself to keep her head in the game, to not get distracted.
"Hey." She spoke first.
"Hey." He sounded breathy, unsure.
"Can we talk?" He nodded, nervous to what she was there to say. He wasn't sure how she found him but guessed she probably talked to Lena. Lena would know he was waiting for Kelce.
"I've thought about your proposition." He gulped, bracing himself for the worst.
"Yeah?" He wished she would just rip off the band-aid and reject him instead of dragging it out.
"I've realized you'd be getting a lot more out of it than me -"
"What do you want?" He interrupted her, cringing inwardly at the sharp glare he was met with. But he couldn't wait another second.
"For future notice, I want you to not interrupt me again." He almost rolled his eyes, almost.
"Noted. What do you want?" He sounded nervous and she almost smiled. Almost.
She looked to he right, taking her time to apreciate his vehicle, letting him stew for a few more agonizing moments while he waited for her answer.
He looked at her, impatient, ready to jump out of his skin, shake her, fall to his knees, beg her to just say it.
Her eyes met his again and she smiled. It was a beautiful sight, but he quickly realized the smile was one of mischief. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. She glanced back at his car. Then back to him. Then back to the car. Then back to him. She gave him a pointed look, raising her eyebrows.
He looked on in confusion and she rolled her eyes at his ignorance.
"The car." She finally spoke. His heart was hammering in his chest from the suspense.
She looked back at the car and he followed her eyes finally realizing what it was she was saying.
"No way." He spoke before he could even process his words. She nodded her head.
"Okay." She shrugged, swiflty turned around and started walking away. No look back, no explanation, no chance to barter. Panic rose in his chest.
"Wait!" She stopped in her tracks but didn't bother turning around. His mind was running a thousand miles an hour. This couldn't be what she was asking of him? Surely she wasn't that crazy? Surely she didn't expect him to give her his car.
His car. A black, 1967 Ford Mustang, complete with white stripes. A picture of sleek elegance and power, with the classic leather interior and and an upgraded motor, the rev of which caused goosebumps to rise on his skin every time he turned on the key. His pride and joy. The first thing he ever bought for himself. His father protested, of course he did. He would have preferred a more modern vehicle, something that showed status. Not an old muscle car. But Rafe was adamant and as soon as he turned eighteen and got access to his trust fund, he found Clarence and never looked back.
She was his most trusted companion, which is why it was hitting hard that Y/N wanted to take her from him. Couldn't she have picked anything else?
"You seriously want me to just give you my car?" His voice was incredulous. She turned around and calmly walked back to him, as if she had all the time in the world.
"Of course not. I'm not that cruel. Or crazy." She smirked while he looked at her in confusion. What was she getting at?
"I don't expect you to give it to me. Not forever anyway." He blinked at her, still confused.
"I want free use of your car for... In the name of fairness, let's say I'd get to keep it for as long as this charade lasts." His heart was slowing down some, glad she wasn't insisting on actually taking his car from him.
"So... when was it you told your family we were dating, again?" He gulped, redness on his neck and cheeks visible.
"Three months ago" he almost whispered. Her eye twitched but she forced herself to stay calm. The prick.
"And how long did you tell them we've been together?" He gupled again. This was more and more emabrrassing with every minute.
"Three months." She swallowed down her anger that was rising again at his bullshit.
"So let's say six months backlog... and however long this continues. That's how long I get to keep the car. That sound fair to you?"
He wanted to say no. To argue. To call her crazy and beg her to pick something, anything else. But by the look in her eyes he knew it would be pointless and only serve to further his embarrassement. She was determined. This is what she wants. And he has no choice but to give it to her. He has no fucking choice and she knows it.
"Fine. But-" she interrupts him before he can finish his sentence.
"Gas included." He nearly choked on his saliva at her words. She was pushing him to his limits. She wanted him to pay for her gas too, while she drove his car around flaunting it in his face. The redness on his face was now also from anger. She was enjoying this.
"Fine. Fine!" She smiled.
"But that's it!" He continued. "I agree to this and we have a deal? You'll do it? No second guessing, no going back on it. You'll do it?"
He was looking at her with such desparation it tugged at her heart. This really was important to him.
"Yeah. Yeah I'll do it." She nodded along with her words.
He felt like crying. It was as if a ton of weight was lifted off his shoulders. He was still upset about Clarence. Obviously he was. But mostly he was relieved and happy that he wouldn't have to be embarrassed in front of his family. That she was going to do it. She was going to help him. He wanted to hug her in thanks or yell at her for manipulating him. He wanted to pass out from all the stress - of the situation, of the past few days, of suspence.
"So when's this wedding?" She dreaded asking because if there's anything this situation had taught her is that Rafe always can and will piss her off more than she thought possible. Every single time.
He was nervous again. He sighed and Y/N knew she wasn't going to like the words that came out of his mouth.
"Two weeks." He finally said.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
Taglist: if anyone wants to be tagged in future work let me know; @r0und3bitch @lovelornanonymity @mentallynot-here @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @goldenjo @emeloyy @kanib45 @clinelyn @magnificantmermaid @hey-sunrisee @mannstarkey @harringtonstudios @totallynotkaibiased @popcrone818 @bookaholics-stuff @zzzina7 @fangirlwithlou @namelesssav @rafesxgold @cmac-writes @malfoytargaryen @alinaharlow @mveggieburger @theyluvmesblog @withbeautyandrage @sierrahhh @harrys-humble-housewife @piceous21 @vifuckingp @ditzyballerina @xoxo3m1ly @jessmaybank @whore-4-drewstarkey @palmwinemami @mew227 @dustbunniess @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @starkowswife
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webvacancy · 2 years
4 Contact Center Agents at NMB Bank PLC
4 Contact Center Agents at NMB Bank PLC
Job Overview 4 Contact Center Agents at NMB Bank PLC Dar es Salaam NMB Bank PLC Head Office Main Responsibilities: Deliver world class one-stop customer service via phone Handle all customer inquiries; provide prompt, accurate courteous service. Service recovery – turn a complaint / unhappy customer into a loyal satisfied customer with professional and empathetic service recovery. Follow up…
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geschiedenisish · 2 months
Zoals beloofd
Bronnen; Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons. Daarnaast voor mensen die treinen willen gaan spotten of net komen kijken.... Er zijn locomotieven, zoals de HLE18, waar je niet in kunt zitten. Daarnaast zijn er stuurrijtuigen/treinstellen/motorrijtuigen waarbij je wél in de eerste wagon kunt zitten. Als er niks bij staat hieronder is de trein een motorrijtuig en is er dus geen aparte locomotief-wagon nodig. De lijst hieronder gaat trouwens over ruituigen/wagons. Dat kunnen stuurrijtuigen zijn, maar het zijn sowieso altijd de rijtuigen/wagons in het midden van de trein. Je kunt dus echter ook een combinatie hebben zoals een "I6+I10" trein waarbij beide type wagons gecombineerd zijn. Mocht je dus ooit een trein met twee verschillende type wagons zien, dat is normaal, dat gebeurt soms in de treinwereld. ;)
Zie Wikipedia voor meer informatie, voor nu presenteer ik met trots het simpele lijstje NMBS treinen 101!
Klassiek motorstellen; MS66/MS75/MS80/MS86/MS96/MS08 en MSCR en M4
(Ik heb geen idee waarom specifiek de M4 nauwelijks verschilt van de MS-reeks.)
Naar mijn mening zijn dit de meeste typische NMBS-treinen. Bekend om hun "communistische stoelen" in de 2e klasse. Vanaf de buitenkanten kunnen ze sterk van elkaar verschillen, maar de meeste lijken vanaf voor ongeveer op de MSCR CityRail hieronder afgebeeld. De nummers verwijzen naar het bouwjaar. MSCR zijn hierbij oudere treinen die gemoderniseerd zijn. MS66 wordt sinds 2023 niet meer gebruikt, maar 2023 was vorige jaar dus daarom staat die er nog bij.
Voor meer informatie, zie zeker hier;
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De I6 is de enige NMBS-trein die nog steeds het "coupé systeem gebruikt" dat gebruikelijk was in de vroege 20ste eeuw. Zoals te zien op de foto heeft deze trein nog een locomotief nodig.
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Tja, wat moet ik erover zeggen? Gewon een klassiekertje. Heeft net zoals de I6 een locomotief nodig.
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Tja, kan aan mij liggen, maar ik zie het verschil met de I10 niet echt, behalve in de raampjes. (Heeft ook een locomotief nodig, net als de I6 en I10.)
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Idk, lijkt op de I10 en I11. Herkenbaar vanwege de gele voorkant en de banner met daarop de bestemming.
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De enige dubbeldekkers van de NMBS! Tevens bekend vanwege de "open bank ruimtes" (zie derde foto);
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@nederlandsespoorwegen Ik had beloofd je te taggen. Dit was erg leuk om in elkaar te flansen en de hoeveelheid typen wagons van de NMBS valt dus eigenlijk echt mee!
@nmbs-sncb-official I'll tag you as well, just so you know. ;)
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nepalinews · 2 months
In the latest financial update, twenty c... #agm #AgriculturalDevelopmentBankinterestrates #AgriculturalDevelopmentBankslowinterestratesinNepal #AnalysisofNMBBankshighestFDrateforBaisakh #Arun #Baisakh #bank #banking #banks #bestsite #bittyasantha #bond #Buffett #business #businessman #Card #Chartered #citizen #commercial #CommercialbanksBaisakhupdate #company #ComparisonofinterestratesamongNepalibanksforBaisakh #corporate #credit #cut #Economics #economy #EffectsofinterestrateadjustmentsonCitizensBankInternationalcustomers #Eid #Entertainment #Everest #EverestBankinterestrateincrease #exchange #Floorsheet #gold #growth #holiday #ILFC #ImpactofinterestratechangesonfixeddepositsinNepal #increases #IndividualfixeddepositsNepal #Institutionalfixeddepositsrates #interest #InterestraterevisionsNepal #investing #IPO #iporesult #kabeli #limted #LiveIndices #loan #loss #mastercard #Nepal #NepalStockExchangeNEPSELiveTradingData #Nepalibanksinterestrates #nepalibazar #NepalifiscalmonthBaisakh #NepalifiscalmonthBaisakhinterestratetrends #nepse #news #NICAsiaBankFDrates #NMB #NMBBankinterestratehike #oil #onlinenews #politics #PrabhuBanksinterestratedecreaseforindividualfixeddeposits #pravhu #profit #promoter #provision #public #RastriyaBanijyaBanksdecisiontomaintaininstitutionalfixeddepositrates #rate #rates #realstate #ReasonsforEverestBanksinterestratehikeinNepal #share #sharemarket #shareapp #shareholder #sharesansar #sharesansar.com #stand #Standard #stock #StrategicmaneuversbyNICAsiaBankininterestratereduction #tax #Telecom #TopGainers #TopLosers #Update #Valley #Value #visa #Warren
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newsytv · 1 year
The National Health Mission's (NHM) Janani Suraksha Yojana 2023 (JSY) safe motherhood initiative seeks to lower maternal and newborn mortality by encouraging institutional delivery among low-income expectant women. It is a completely centrally financed programme.
JSY, which was introduced in April 2005, is being used in all Indian states and union territories. The National Maternity Benefit Scheme (NMBS), which has been in place since June 1997, and the Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK), which was introduced in June 2011, were combined into one programme. Pregnant mothers who give birth in a medical facility are given financial support under the JSY programme.
By encouraging expectant mothers to give birth in medical facilities and consequently reducing home deliveries, the scheme's overall goal is to lower maternal and newborn mortality rates. The State Governments/UT Administrations are used to carry out the programme, which is implemented by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
The programme offers pregnant mothers financial support for having their babies in hospitals. Women from Below Poverty Line (BPL) families receive monetary support, which is sent straight into the recipients' bank accounts. Most states provide cash support in the amount of Rs. 1,400, though this amount may vary from state to state. The most that can be given in cash is Rs. 6,000.
Additionally, the programme offers pregnant women free transportation and companionship to the medical facility. Additionally, it promotes family planning by giving women having sterilisation an extra Rs. 200. Additionally, the programme offers pregnant women free needed medications and diagnostic services.
For the fiscal years 2021–2023, the Indian government has set out Rs. 15,000 crores for the Janani Suraksha Yojana's execution. The government has also taken a number of actions to ensure that the plan is implemented successfully. These include establishing a specific monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system, giving state governments technical support, and launching the Janani Suraksha Yojana Mobile App (JSYMA).
The scheme has had tremendous success. The institutional delivery rate increased from 38% in 2005-2006 to 78% in 2018-19, according to the National Health Mission.
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unjobstoday · 2 years
4 Contact Center Agents at NMB Bank PLC
4 Contact Center Agents at NMB Bank PLC
NMB Bank PLC is looking for 4 Contact Center Agents at NMB Bank PLC Dar es Salaam NMB Bank PLC Head Office Main Responsibilities: Deliver world class one-stop customer service via phone Handle all customer inquiries; provide prompt, accurate courteous service. Service recovery – turn a complaint / unhappy customer into a loyal satisfied customer with professional and empathetic service…
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marymuna · 2 years
Job Opening for a Head of Marketing, Communications, and Corporate Affairs at NMB Bank PLC
Job Opening for a Head of Marketing, Communications, and Corporate Affairs at NMB Bank PLC
Head; Marketing, Communication & Corporate Affairs NMB Bank PLC Dar es Salaam NMB Bank PLC Close to You Job Location : Head Office Job Purpose: Advising on the overall Bank’s Communications and Public Affairs policy in order to promote the Banks public image and develop an overall strategy and action plans for Corporate Communications, Public Affairs and Corporate Social…
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
329 of 2022
I give you money and send you into the grocery store to pick up 5 items. You can only pick one thing from the following departments..what is it?
Bell peppers
That dried Spanish ham
Some highlighters
Let’s say we’re heading out for a weekend getaway. You’re only allowed to bring 3 articles of clothing with you. So, what’s in your bag?
That’s not even doable, but ooohkay.
Underwear (do socks count, too?)
A hoodie, preferably black
Some cargo trousers with real pockets, because yes.
If I were to listen in on one of your conversations throughout the day, what 5 phrases or words would I be most likely to hear?
Mainly local expressions XD so:
Amai zeg
Godverdomme (obviously, this is The Word here)
Ma jonges toch
Mo how zeg
and probably lots of alsjeblieft XD
So, what 3 things do you find yourself doing every single day, and if you didn’t get to do, you probably wouldn’t be in the best mood?
Feeding my cats and playing with them
Hanging out with friends
Sweet, you just scored a whole afternoon to yourself. We’re talking a 3 hour block with nobody around. What 5 activities might we find you doing?
Using the computer
Listening to the music
Having fun with my cats
Probably cleaning the house because I prefer doing it when no one is around so nobody’s grumpy
(not gonna say “having some private time” like many people would think because it’s so lame omg XD probably would happen at some point anyway)
We’re going to the zoo. But, it looks like it could start storming, so it’ll have to be a quick visit. What 3 exhibits do we have to get to?
I’m not into such things, so let’s skip this.
You just scored tickets to the taping of any show that comes on TV of your choice. You can pick between 4, so what are you deciding between?
The Magnificent Century
Something like Dark Tourist or so
You’re hungry for ice cream. I’ll give you a triple dipper ice cream cone. What 3 flavors can I pile on for you?
Just typical tastes :P I doubt I’d ever be “hungry” for ice cream, I’m not a sweets person.
Somebody stole your purse/wallet –in order to get it back, you have to name 5 things you know are inside to claim it. So, what’s in there?
My ID card
Some cash
Three bank cards
Travel pass for De Lijn
And disability certificate for NMBS so I can have discounts on train rides
You are at a job fair, and asked what areas you are interested in pursuing a career in. Let’s pretend you have every talent and ability to be whatever you wanted, so what 4 careers would be fun for you?
Military radio operator
If you could go back and talk to the old you, when you were in high school, and inform yourself of 4 things, what would you say?
Adulting is hard.
But you can do it.
You’re going to go through some pain.
And I don’t know what else, really.
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danvastcareers · 2 years
Job post: Product Manager; Retail Liabilities 1 Position at NMB Bank Plc, https://danvast.com/product-manager-retail-liabilities-1-position-at-nmb-bank-plc-800
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tanzaniajobs · 2 years
NMB Bank Plc Vacancies, August 2022
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  NMB Bank Plc is one of the largest commercial banks in Tanzania, providing banking services to individuals, small to medium sized corporate clients, government services, large businesses and agriculture lending. NMB Bank was established under the National Microfinance Bank Limited Incorporation Act of 1997, following the break-up of the old National Bank of Commerce, by an Act of Parliament. Three new entities were created at the time, namely: (a) NBC Holdings Limited (b) National Bank of Commerce (1997) Limited and (c) National Microfinance Bank Limited. The bank has 226 branches, over 9,000 Agents (Wakala) and more than 700 ATMs across the country and is represented in all districts of Tanzania. NMB has over 4 million customers and employs over 3,400 staff. It is listed at the Dar Es Salaam Stock Exchange and its largest shareholders are the strategic partners Arise B.V with a 34.9% shareholding and the Government of Tanzania with a 31.8% shareholding. Euromoney awards for excellence selected NMB as the “Best Bank in Tanzania” for 8 years in a row from 2013-2020. The bank has been named The Safest Bank in Tanzania for the year 2020 by Global Finance Magazine. NEW VACANCIES AT NMB BANK PLC, AUGUST 2022 The bank is hiring for a new vacant position. Read full details from the PDF Document below: DOWNLOAD THE PDF DOCUMENT HERE Read the full article
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aeridessa · 2 years
Serba-Serbi QRIS
Zaman sekarang belanja lebih praktis kalo scan Quick Response Indonesian Standard (QRIS). Bahkan per november 2022, kita bakal bisa transaksi pakai QRIS di beberapa negara asean selain Indonesia. (sumber: kumparan,2022). Demi menggenjot transaksi QRIS, Bank Indonesia (BI) memperpanjang relaksasi masa berlaku Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) QRIS untuk kategori Usaha Mikro (UMI) sebesar 0%. Dari semula 30 Juni 2022 menjadi 31 Desember 2022 guna melanjutkan upaya perluasan ekosistem digital dan mendorong peningkatan transaksi khususnya UMKM (sumber: kontan.co.id). Karena itulah, kita harus menyambut kebijakan regulator ini secara positif. Lantaran kebijakan ini mampu menjadi akselerator pergerakan ekonomi masyarakat.
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Adapun Definisi , Fitur, Keuntungan, dan Cara Pembuatan QRIS?
Apa itu QRIS?
QRIS adalah Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard merupakan standar kode QR Nasional untuk memfasilitasi pembayaran kode QR di Indonesia yang diluncurkan oleh Bank Indonesia dan Asosiasi Sistem Pembayaran Indonesia (ASPI) pada 17 Agustus 2019.
Fitur QRIS?
Mempermudah Pembayaran Semua E-Wallet dengan QRIS
Saat ini, dengan QRIS, seluruh aplikasi pembayaran dari Penyelenggara manapun baik bank dan nonbank yang digunakan masyarakat, dapat digunakan di seluruh toko, pedagang, warung, parkir, tiket wisata, donasi (merchant) berlogo QRIS, meskipun penyedia QRIS di merchant berbeda dengan penyedia aplikasi yang digunakan masyarakat.
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Keuntungan Menggunakan QRIS bagi Merchant?
Penjualan berpotensi meningkat karena dapat menerima pembayaran berbasis QR apapun.
Meningkatkan branding.
Lebih praktis karena cukup menggunakan satu QRIS.
Mengurangi biaya pengelolaan kas.
Terhindar dari uang palsu.
Tidak perlu menyediakan uang kembalian.
Transaksi tercatat otomatis dan bisa dilihat setiap saat.
Terpisahnya uang untuk usaha dan personal.
Memudahkan rekonsiliasi dan berpotensi mencegah tindak kecurangan dari pembukuan transaksi tunai.
Membangun informasi credit profile untuk memudahkan memperoleh kredit kedepan
Cara Pembuatan QRIS ?
Proses pendaftaran QRIS terbilang cukup mudah. Anda cukup membuka rekening pada bank-bank yang telah diberi izin oleh Bank Indonesia sebagai acquirer QRIS. Contoh bank berizin yang dapat mengakuisisi merchant QRIS adalah : BCA, BRI, Bank Sinarmas, Bank Bukopin, dsb.
Namun, jika opsi membuka rekening di bank tak cocok dengan Anda, Anda dapat dengan mudah mendaftar QRIS di layanan PJSP seperti Dana, ShopeePay, GoPay, dan sejenisnya. Sayangnya, proses pendaftaran QRIS seringkali dibuat bertele-tele & memakan waktu yang cukup lama. Normalnya, QRIS akan terbit dalam waktu 14 hari setelah Anda melakukan pengajuan permohonan. Waktu ini tentu saja bervariasi tergantung kebijakan dari acquirer QRIS masing-masing. Bisa lebih lama dari waktu yang ditentukan, bisa juga lebih cepat.
QRIS tercepat yang pernah saya terima adalah 5 hari, sedangkan yang terlama adalah 1 bulan semenjak saya mengisi formulir pendaftaran.
Cara Mendapatkan QRIS Hanya Dalam 5 Hari
Acquirer yang sanggup menerbitkan QRIS dalam 5 hari sangatlah sedikit jumlahnya, mengingat ada ratusan ribu merchant baru yang mendaftar teknologi ini setiap harinya. Tapi untuk benar-benar mendapatkan QRIS dalam durasi sesingkat itu bukanlah sesuatu yang nihil. Contohnya QRIS Bank Nobu hanya memerlukan waktu lima hari untuk bisa menggunakan teknologi yang sedang naik daun ini.
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QRIS yang saya dapatkan berupa QRIS statis dengan biaya MDR 0%. Riwayat transaksi yang tercatat dapat diakses secara realtime melalui aplikasi NMB.
Beruntungnya, saya menyediakan jasa untuk membantu proses pembuatan QRIS dari pihak acquirer bagi Anda yang sudah tidak sabar untuk mendapatkan QRIS hanya dalam lima hari. Berikut kontak yang bisa Anda hubungi jika ingin menghubungi saya :
Shopee : LinK Shopee
Selain Nobu QRIS, saya juga menyediakan jasa pembuatan QRIS Shopee yang dapat menerima transaksi koin shopee bahkan spaylater. bahkan terdapat berbagai macam cashback bagi pembeli yang scan menggunakan shopeepay.
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webvacancy · 2 years
Officer; Agent Onboarding and Optimization – Fixed term (2 years) (2 Position(s)) at NMB Bank Plc
Officer; Agent Onboarding and Optimization – Fixed term (2 years) (2 Position(s)) at NMB Bank Plc
Job Description Job Location : Head Office, Hq Job Purpose: To vet and approve agent’s applications during onboarding and follow-up on individual performance of the onboarded agents in line with procedures and regulations Main Responsibilities: Ensure all approved agents and within the assigned Zones and aggregators have been contracted and the contracts are retrievable and are up to…
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bongojobs1 · 2 years
10 Internship Opportunities at NMB Bank, Management Trainee
10 Internship Opportunities at NMB Bank, Management Trainee
10 Internship Opportunities at NMB Bank, Management Trainee Internship Dar es Salaam NMB Bank PLC Job Location : Head Office, Hq Job Purpose: A future of endless opportunity awaits you…. NMB Bank Plc is looking to hire graduates for its Management Trainee Program for the year 2022-2024. Who we are Harnessing the power of a vast network, deep rooted local presence, NMB Bank PLC. is the largest and…
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classicfinishestz · 2 years
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dailyjobse · 2 years
 Relationship Manager SME (RE-ADVERTISED) Job at NMB Bank
 Relationship Manager SME (RE-ADVERTISED) Job at NMB Bank
Job Location : Dar Es Salaam Zone, Zanzibar Job Purpose: Responsible for growing both Liabilities (Deposits) and Assets from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for Business banking; advising the business banking department on business strategy, assisting SME Business Bankers /Relationship Officers/Branch Managers in recruiting business customers to ensure SME business growth. Main…
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