queenhawke · 5 months
allow me to be completely delusional here for a second. what if this:
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is brad and david having their own danarachel parking lot kiss moment but this time jo is the one who busts them instead of carol (once again i am completely delusional)
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thepolysworldau · 8 months
Does he like being called a good boy, since he’s like a big dog? :3
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Mini story idea / Headcannon
Arthur rises from the dead today and he and Merlin have to decide if they are going to challenge Charles III for the throne
(Headcanon Masterlist) (Full Masterlist)
This is such a fun idea and I'm going to make it fluffy cracky lol :D
I mean... I imagine if anyone were to, in the modern world, somehow break into Buckingham Palace/Windsor/wherever and claim to be the real King Arthur back to take his throne, they would immediately, and very quietly, be sectioned. Even if they had a convincing/genuine medieval sword/armour/etc, then... it's not like anyone would believe them?? Even if Arthur managed to get super up to date on the modern world, he'd still be no match for a bunch of security agents, soldiers, Beefeaters, etc, who would tackle him to the floor rather viciously if he got anywhere near any of the Royal Family.
Plus... Britain isn't split up the same way as it was before; England wasn't England back then, Wales wasn't Wales back then, etc. So what would Arthur actually be claiming? Camelot doesn't exist anymore, the world as he knew doesn't exist anymore. That's completely ignoring the fact that Parliament, the UN, NATO, the Geneva Convention, etc all exist now. Huge governing bodies/laws that sort of... supersede the throne? Like yeah, the monarchy has a lot of money and power, but it's not like they can declare war out of the blue, or have complete financial control over the country, or force people to work in their households. Even on the off chance Merlin and Arthur could somehow convince the general public that they were legit... what's next?? Certain countries would call England/Britain crazy and use it as an excuse to invade/takeover, they'd be overruled, not to speak of the fact that the Royal Family kind of has a cult following, and anyone who ousted them, no matter how deserving, would be loathed world-wide.
I feel like they don't even question it, they don't even consider mounting some sort of coup, because the world is just not the same and it wouldn't achieve anything. Instead, they go for The Old Guard/Six Underground sort of thing (if you haven't seen them, they're on Netflix, watch immediately, they're some of my fave movies ever), in that they keep it super low-key whilst they save the world. They go to war-torn territories and help out before disappearing, mysteriously enough with no one remembering quite what their names/faces were. They find the most evil motherucker they can, and they deal with them, with barely anyone the wiser. But between that, between saving the world, they just... exist. Merlin takes Arthur all over the world to show him his favourite places, food, monuments, hotels, people, sunsets. They grow veg in their garden and they have dogs and cats and birds and squirrels and foxes. Merlin talks Arthur through every single antique he has in his collection and they just... live, you know??
Arthur loved his kingdom, he loved his people, and he loved serving them, but his kingdom, his people, the need for his servitude, is all gone now. So he gets to just... be a person. Just a person, no more important than anyone else. I honestly believe that that's all he's ever wanted. The amount of love and respect Arthur had for his Kingdom... I think it crippled him, in the end, because he very rarely got to grow in the way he deserved to grow, and he very rarely got what he deserved. It's that horrible paradox of, if he weren't a King, he'd have made a wonderful King, but being a King, made he less aware of what needed to be done as King. If that makes any sense at all. Let me know😅
Anyway anon, I hope this entertained you and made sense lol!! :D
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kaiju-krew · 2 years
Since Mothra is technically older than Godzilla, does Godzilla ever call her mommy?
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coffeeretriever · 7 months
Kid, do you have someplace to go if your boss were to mysteriously die with no trace of how?
-An Admirer Of Science
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goaliecheese · 4 months
the “does rocco deserve rights” discourse is HOT this morning boys
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surprisefloof · 2 months
Me:*being busy talking to @stargazer-luna and minding my own business*
Dad: -----(name).
Me: *finishing up so I can answer.*
Dad, not even a second later: -----. _____(siblings name). **** (Other siblings name)
Me: *looks up after sending messages*
Dad: pass the cheese.
*Said cheese is barely three inches in front of him*
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whatsabriard · 1 year
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i. “Pick up your nightlife.” Silence hung a beat too long, Ken’s words just sitting in the air over the table. 
Jennifer tamped down her instinctive response, a smart remark about how little they needed the help, when Dana came to the rescue. 
“Maybe they don’t need their nightlife picked up.” Jennifer recalled their afternoon, and the way the island breeze caressed over their bare skin. She was limp as a rag, draped over Jonathan’s chest. He tapped a little melody against her spine, his fingers soothing as she recovered from their frantic lovemaking. 
Daylife or nightlife, they needed no help. 
ii. There was a dig in Ken’s words, Jonathan thought, but it seemed aimed at himself rather than Jonathan. 
When Jennifer glanced at him, after a moment of uncomfortable silence, her eyes were full of unexpressed emotions. Concern, irritation, and amusement. There was the slightest blush along her throat, so Jonathan knew she was thinking of their afternoon. 
Murder plot aside, he made sure they christened their room properly and he hadn’t heard Jennifer complaining at the time.
Quite frankly, if their nightlife picked up any more, they probably wouldn’t be able to survive it.
But what a way to go.
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tenapricots · 1 year
Alright stf I enjoy you considerably, but this confounds me. I do not understand how this scene, with this line of dialogue from Cedric, this facial expression, and this delivery was ever approved, because it just sounds…unintentionally problematic? This has been brought up before, but he just sounds like an evil slaveholder to me out of context (and maybe even in context) and I wish they had thought about connotations more. The show runners want us to like Cedric or at least be sympathetic toward him throughout the show, but this line just makes me go 😬
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trashcanknight · 7 months
📏 - nat at 5'2. argie ur gf is a smol
Height check!
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((He will pick her up and put her on his shoulders so she can see above the crowd at parades and stuff.))
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aladaylessecondblog · 5 months
Imagine if New Orleans was somehow a thing in Tamriel
(Am watching a show with a section about the dumb drunk behavior during Mardi Gras)
What I'm saying is imagine the ass-kicking if Haj-deek comes home from Mardi Gras with like a bunch of beads
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deathfavor · 1 year
kazutora really just been
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at attention smh. im trying to wRITE SIR
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envelopesofbadluck · 11 months
Does Limbo know of Bossman and vice versa?
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faggotwilliamwisp · 11 months
The next time I see someone be Incorrect about Gale I’ll kill them
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thevqid · 1 year
men will reiterate an opinion or observation from a woman’s perspective and u guys will flail ur arms and cry going “OH MY GOD HE GETS IT”
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paintedcrows · 19 days
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Did anyone tell Ford (bonus doodles: Family Movie Night, 70s Classics)
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