#NO ONE can know that my clothes have ever been inside of a suitcase
cornedbeefhashtags · 2 months
One thing about me is that I’ll spend 80% of my time in any given hotel room ironing. ​​
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luveline · 1 year
hey pookie bear❤️❤️ i was wondering if u could do james x reader but enemies to lovers/one bed troupe, i can’t find enemies to lovers with james very often and my mind is craving it. thank you ily❤️❤️
hey!! ily tysm for requesting!!! —you and co-worker!james share a hotel room for the night. fem!reader, 1.5k
James Potter is the most insufferable, arrogant, suffocating boy you've ever met in your entire life, so when you hear you'll be sharing a room with him tonight, you shut down. Total icy silence. If he wants conversation, he can ring one of his irritating mates. 
It feels borderline illegal to have your workplace make you share a room considering, but you're adults, and the trip was supposedly all inclusive. Not even the most luxurious per diem could make this worth it, though. 
James lays in the middle of the bed, arms behind his head, skin awash by lamplight and hair a dark halo against the crisp white linens. He grins at you and you despise how handsome he is. Handsome, and such a fucking prick of a man. 
"Won't you join me?" he teases. 
You've kept your vow to ignore him until that point. "Please don't lie on my side of the bed." 
He moves over, looking startlingly apologetic. You'd believe he was repentant, but he asks, "What's the point? You'll be in my arms sooner or later." 
You nibble the inside of your lip. He agitates you, he irks you, but you know James is a good guy. His irritating mates are the same. When you joined the office, he made sure they all remembered to celebrate your birthday though it'd only been a few weeks. When you fell up the icy steps on the way in one morning, James didn't take the piss. He helped you up into the doorway and frowned at your bloody knees and ripped tights like they physically pained him.  
"Do you want to shower first?" you ask. 
"I shower in the mornings. Thank you. But I can strip down now if you'd like." 
"James, please," you say, rubbing your eyes. You'd usually have something much more biting to say, but you're tired. At the last second, you summon the energy. "No one wants to see that." 
He glares at you like he's remembered he doesn't like you. 
He leans over the edge of the bed and pulls a book out of his suitcase where it lays in arm's reach. 
"I didn't know you could read," you add. 
"Points off for awfulness. Put your jammies on, shortcake, I wanna see what you packed." 
He's being a creep to annoy you. It's working. You grab your pyjamas and a change of underwear and leave his presence to the small bathroom for a quick shower. You take your time to dry off. It's too big a wish to have him be sleeping when you emerge, and sure enough, he's wide awake but changed into his own pyjamas, plaid bottoms and a white t-shirt. 
"Now I know you're obsessed with me," he says, raising his eyebrows over the pages of his book. 
You cross your arms self consciously over your near identical pyjamas, the bathroom door closing behind you. 
James waits for you to put your dirty clothes in your suitcase before piping up again. "You look adorable." 
"Fuck off, please." 
He snorts and kicks the sheets down the length of the bed. Stretching with a groan that makes your stomach hurt, he puts his novel tented down on the nightstand. His glasses are next. He looks different without them but no less handsome. If anything, the eagle shape of his nose is more pronounced without them, as is the little pink scar on his cheek, stark against his brown skin. 
"You're an awful roommate," he says decisively, "you use all the hot water, you leave the windows open, as now you're ogling me. I feel rather objectified." 
You avert your eyes guiltily. "You might want to take your temperature. You likely have a fever, considering how delusional you're acting."
"Ooh, burn." 
Face hot with spite, you push back the sheets on your side of the bed and turn off your lamp. After a second, James turns off his. 
"You're not brushing your teeth?" you ask. Your voice lacks a specific bite, fatigue kicking in. 
"Did while you were in the bathroom." 
"What'd you do with the toothpaste spit?" 
"Swallowed it." 
You laugh. It sounds much too friendly, and you hate it. "You're disgusting," you mutter. 
You slide down flat on your back and pull the sheets over your legs and stomach, more than aware of his nearness and the heat of his body already waiting for you under the thin quilt. He smells nice, this close. Like deodorant, mint, but something else that snags your attention. 
You hate him so much sometimes —he steals your pens constantly from your desk, he never offers you a cup of coffee even when he's making them for everyone else, and he's lazy. He doesn't do his third of the finances on time. He nudges his desk into yours to make your small figurines fall over and calls it 'earthquake training'. They're fucking plastic. James Potter drives you up the goddamn wall, and being close to someone like this couldn't be more awkward. You're stiff as a board. 
"I was only kidding earlier," James says. He's quiet, but so is the room. He might as well yell. "I wouldn't lay a finger on you if you didn't want me to." 
"You gave me a snakebite three days ago." 
"I thought you had a bug on you," he says furiously, having had this argument already. "That's not the point. If you want me to sleep on the floor, I'll do that. I have no intention of making you uncomfortable." 
"You've already failed, then." 
He sighs. "I can go sleep on the floor in Sirius and Remus' room." 
"They wouldn't have you in the bed?" you joke lightly. They have a close friendship. It's nice, even though you might pretend they're a throuple whenever single girls visit the office to ruin his chances. 
"Oh, they probably would." 
"It's fine. Don't… don't bother. It's not a big deal for me if it isn't for you. I know you wouldn't try anything." 
"Of course. You're a bitch, but I don't believe you're that kind." 
James laughs loudly, his chuckles shaking the mattress. You swear you can feel his eyes on your face, though the room is bathed in darkness and the strings of scarce red light blinking from the alarm clock. 
"Good. I'm not that kind of bitch," he agrees. 
"Well. Goodnight." 
"Yeah, goodnight, shortcake." 
You roll your eyes at his nickname. Whether your short or tall isn't his concern, James calls you shortcake because he's very tall, and he holds that against you often like a schoolyard tease, papers held out of reach, your figurines hidden in alcoves or on top of cabinets.
You turn onto your favoured side and try not to care that you're facing him. James falls asleep first, his breath slowing until a snore emerges, his weight dipping the cheap mattress. Combined with your own, you start to slide toward one another. 
Fucks sake, you think, edging back. 
Space reestablished between you, you close your eyes and try not to think about what he looks like when he sleeps. As you nod off, you feel the soft skin of a hand curling around your forearm. A quarter circle rubbed into your pulse. 
James wakes first, and he is Oh so thankful. He isn't a pervert, he swears, he has no idea why he's curled around you like this. Hugging your arm to his chest like a teddy, his face curved downward, his nose pressed to your forehead, he wakes and he panics hard. 
You aren't touching him back. Sunlight filters in through shitty translucent blinds and kisses your unassuming face, your lashes lightened, your lips pointed down in sleep. He worries something's upsetting you while you doze. He bites his tongue. 
It's none of his business. None of his business why you're having a restless morning. 
James twists and lets your arm fall naturally back onto the sheets, squinting in the sun at the alarm clock. It's barely five AM. You needn't wake for another two hours but you will, if you keep frowning. 
James holds his breath. Carefully, he settles back onto his side facing you and cups your face. It feels too intimate, too much. He pulls his hand away after half of a second, opting to take your hand again instead. 
He's seen you cry before. Bloody hands and knees, humiliated and cold, you'd sniffled on the steps leading into the office and asked him not to tell anyone. Remus and Sirius know everything there is to know about James. His genuine but waning dislike for you, his budding crush. And yet, after pretty much a lifetime telling them every secret he'd ever come into contact with, James didn't tell them about that. He gave you the packet of tissues from his pocket, and he told you a lie about falling in the exact same place a year before you started working with them. 
The expression you gave him then is the same you wear now as he rubs the palm of your hand with his index fingers. You're comforted. Your unseen unhappiness abates.
James falls asleep like that, drawing shapes into your hand. 
i love him i want him to be my office frenemy. ty for reading!! pls reblog if u enjoyed it means so much to me!
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mabelstone · 1 month
Imagine Being Loved by Me
hozier x f! reader
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part three of lullabies <3 | part two | masterlist
cw: 18+, nothing too serious but a bit teeeny bit of smut
word count: 3.2k
taglist: @princezty @somethinglikero @jimihendrixpopfigure
Three weeks have gone by since I walked in on Joe piledriving another woman in my bed.
Three weeks ago after a beautiful morning of jazz music, pancakes, and instant coffee, Andrew drove me back to my house to pick up my car. I sent him away with an earnest hug, putting on my bravest face as I let myself inside. No shit, there were rose petals on nearly every inch of floor board. I fought the urge to roll my eyes, instead, tiptoed upstairs into my room. Joe was asleep in bed, and I nearly tasted my breakfast for a second time that morning. Instantly, I felt nauseated, the type that makes you hot and dizzy and want to run away and never come back.
I pushed the feeling back down, determined to grab all my shit and forget this tainted cell of a house I once loved more than anything. Furiously, I began stuffing all of my clothes into a suitcase. Then in another bag, I took everything that belonged to me; sheets, towels, everything down to the last teabag. I was fuelled with rage, huffing and puffing my way around the house, lugging my bags out to my car. Oh, fuck. My keys.
Where are my car keys?
I searched the house like a mad woman, tearing apart the couches, looking in every cupboard and under every piece of furniture. Nothing. I called Andrew, asking if I'd had them at the bar, as if he'd know the answer if I didn't. "Ehm... just your house keys? I tink..."
"I tink you're no help," I mocked, hanging up with the briefest of smiles before I was playing detective again. I searched for nearly an hour before caving in and waking Joe.
I shook his shoulder roughly, standing back with my arms crossed once he finally stirred awake.
"Mmm..." He groaned, and I waited patiently with a scowl for him to realise it was me and not some broad off the street. "Oh, you're finally home."
"Where are my keys?" I deadpanned, fuse shorter than ever. I wasn't in the mood for the slightest conversation with him.
"I missed you so much, babe," he sighed, pulling my stiff body into a hug. I peeled myself away from him, repeating myself.
"Where are my keys, Joe? I left them in the fruit bowl, and now they are gone."
"Let's talk first before we make any hasty decisions," he coaxed, pulling me by my wrists onto the bed beside him. "I can't explain how sorry I am."
"Joe, please."
"I've been up all night crying, my heart is broken," he sighed emphatically, taking my hand into his. Oh, you're the heartbroken one? "I can't imagine a life without you."
"You weren't thinking that way when you were fucking the girl you met at my show."
"You hadn't had sex with me in weeks! I was getting desperate-"
"Just stop," I barked, throwing his hand off of me. "Give me my car keys so I can leave. This doesn't need to be any harder than you've already made it."
After minutes of brutally painful back and forth, he gave me the keys to his safe. I unlocked it to find my keys and an open jewellery box with a sparkling engagement ring. He was sitting on the bed, eyes filled with optimism, and I almost fell for it.
My phone buzzed and I saw a message from Andy.
You haven't crashed your car have you? X
I took my keys and closed the safe, turning on my heels out of the bedroom.
"Um, what the fuck?" Joe called out as he followed close behind me, roughly grabbing at my arm when I was halfway out the front door. "I just proposed to you, and you don't even have the decency to say no?"
"No," I replied, unlocking my car and tossing my bags into the boot.
"What? Babe, don't throw this away," he began to cry, clearly panicked.
"I haven't thrown anything away. You have." I shoved him away by his chest, just about ready to boil over with anger. "You have destroyed any shred of trust I had in you. It's over, Joe."
My tough act began to slip as my voice shook, climbing into my car and slamming the door shut before he could see how hard this really was on me. He screamed something inaudible at me as I drove away, and I watched him sob into his hands from the rearview mirror.
I cried the entire drive to my mums, ignoring the hundreds of calls I missed from him.
Andrew and I continued to spend time together. I spent many nights at my mums place while I tried to look for a house. I didn't have rental history as Joe wouldn't put me on the lease... because I didn't have rental history. "Babe, it'll just make everything harder," was once his excuse.
When my step dad would get unbearable, Andrew would invite me to spend the night. These nights would frequently begin with me sobbing about how broken hearted I was, and end with him and I snuggling on the couch to a movie. Innocent enough, sure. But after weeks of abstinence following six years of frequent sex, I was pent up. So pent up to the point where I would have to excuse myself for some time alone with his retractable shower head. Many of my thoughts of Andrew were so explicit, you'd think they were from the brain of a teenage boy who'd plough through two boxes of tissues a day. This of course left me feeling inexplicably guilty and beyond confused.
Tonight, we drank wine and sang cheesy duets together. We clumsily danced and laughed until we cried. He had the coordination of a newborn giraffe, and though I'd never admit it to him, I wasn't much better. He drunkenly rambled about how in a perfect world, he'd own a cottage in Wicklow and keep bees. I told him how I'd be a florist who sold my Irish friends' honey.
As if routine now, we'd share a blanket on the couch and watch a movie. Last night was Superbad, tonight was Inception. Andrew mindlessly carded his fingers through my hair, and with the comfort that brought me mixed with the wine, I was out to it within minutes.
His beard tickled the inside of my thigh as he continued to bite and suck at the sensitive skin, eyes boring holes into mine with a devilish grin.
"C'mon, Andy," I whined, throwing my head back in frustration. I closed my legs over his head, desperate to feel his mouth on me where I needed it viscerally.
"Patience, darlin'," he tsked at me, spreading my legs wide before him again. "Look so fuckin' gorgeous right now."
"Please, just touch me," I begged, reaching a new peak of arousal that was actually causing me pain. "Anything, just fucking touch me!"
He just chuckled, locking his arms around my thighs, pulling me closer to his face. He continued to place hot, wet opened mouthed kisses along my thighs, his beard scratching over my clit for a split second, and I swore I was on the brink of orgasm immediately. I grabbed a fistful of his hair, impatience taking full control of my autonomy.
He licked a languid stripe up my clit, causing me to let out a guttural moan, arching my back beneath him. He pushed me back down by my hips, one hand easily reaching my breast as he toyed with my nipple.
"Fuck, Andy," I cried, eyes screwing shut as every single nerve ending of mine came alive.
"Look at me," he ordered, the low rumble of his voice vibrating against my core. Without warning, my orgasm rippled through me, each nerve erupting like fireworks as I chanted his name.
I woke up panting, taking a moment to realise I was laying with Andrew on the couch. And processing the fact that I actually just orgasmed in my sleep.
"What's a'matter?" His voice was soft and concerned as he turned his head to face me.
"Weird dream," I laughed breathlessly, heart still pounding in my chest. This happened far too often. I almost wanted to spill my guts and confess everything he made me feel.
"Dreamin' of me, huh?" He grinned down at me, and I felt my cheeks burn.
A moment's silence.
"What?" Please tell me I wasn't moaning his name in my sleep.
"I'm jokin'," he laughed, averting his eyes back to the TV. "Unless you were."
I laughed along too, though in my head I was screaming. 'Unless you were,' what the fuck does that mean?
The credits rolled over the screen and like routine, we got off the couch and went to our separate rooms. Except this time, my heart didn't settle, and I didn't get much sleep.
We went about our days as usual, as if I didn’t fantasise about him every waking moment. I worried that I was catching feelings, and catching them far too fast for someone who'd only just gotten out of a 6 year relationship.
I couldn’t help it. I was infatuated. Infatuated was an understatement. I was completely and utterly enamoured by Andrew. I wanted to be in his presence every moment I could. I often told little white lies so I could spend the night, even though our we remained within a strictly friends only basis.
He was kinder than any man I’d ever met, insisting on having to open every door for me, sending me off to bed with a glass of water each night, and waking me with coffee just how I liked. He was gentle and tentative, always fast at identifying cues when I was upset.
But that’s all we were - just friends.
I began to crave his touch, desperate for any opportunity to feel his skin on mine. He’d often play me a new song he’d written, and I’d watch on with hearts for eyes as his skilled fingers worked his guitar effortlessly.
I saw it in his eyes too, sure he wanted me how I wanted him. I dreamt of climbing into his lap, kissing him until my lips were swollen or until he couldn’t take it anymore and we’d need to take off our clothes to satiate our desires.
But I couldn’t.
When it felt like we were moving in that direction, I’d turn ice cold. Though my heart was begging me to love him how he deserved, my brain knew this was probably just a rebound. And someone with a heart as golden as Andy's didn’t deserve the hell grief I’d cause him.
So I brushed off each pet name as if hearing them didn’t cause my stomach to do acrobats. I treated each night on the couch as if we were simply best friends who enjoyed each others' company. As though there was no other option than spooning on the couch where his scent became hardwired into my brain. I’d act as if I couldn’t feel his hard on pressing into the small of my back most nights. I’d pretend I’d have no idea what he was really doing when he’d have to excuse himself halfway through the movie to ‘make a call.’ It’s just how it worked for us.
And often, I wondered if it was torturing him as much as it was me.
We pulled up at the venue, Andrew of course opening my door for me, offering me his hand as I stepped out onto the kerb. I thanked him and we headed in together, turning a few heads as we did so. Not that this was unusual, he was 6’6” and painfully handsome, after all. He’d also given himself quite the name, rumours of a few producers attending tonight in hopes of setting him a deal.
“Remember me when you’re famous and touring the world without me,” I fake pouted, fluttering my eyelashes at him.
“Well obviously, nobody forgets their muse,” he bumped his shoulder into mine, that cheeky grin stretched across his face. “Besides, I owe you that much for giving me something to write about.”
I nearly choked on my drink, raising my eyebrows at him. “And what songs are written about me, hm?”
“The monster mash?” He kept a straight face, giving me that duh look at the same time.
“Oh, shut up, Andrew.” I laughed, acutely aware of the man who just sat beside me. “I’m being serious! It'd make me happy to know.”
“You’ll know when you hear ‘em, baby,” he grinned, throwing back his glass of champagne. Baby. My heart leapt from me, and in that moment I was grateful that he wouldn’t have noticed the deep blush splattered across my cheeks. He was too busy claiming another round of free drinks for us.
“Please tell me that’s your brother or something,” the man sat beside me spoke up, chocolate brown eyes so endearing, thick American accent on his lips.
"I sure hope not," I joked. His face fell, and I realise how that could've been misconstrued. "No- he's not my boyfriend either. We just sing together."
He put his hands together in prayer, looking up to the roof, mouthing, 'thank you, God.' I laughed at him, shaking my head. He had dark brown curls similar to Andy's, his were just more tame and much shorter. Full lips that twisted into a dopey smile, and if I weren't so confused with my emotions, I'd have jumped into a cab and gone home with him without a second thought. "I'm Will," he introduced himself, shaking my hand.
"Y/N," I blushed when he kissed my knuckles, wondering where the hell Andy had run off to. "Where are you from?" I attempted to avert the conversation, regaining ownership of my hand.
"Colorado," he smiled, signalling to the bartender that he wanted to order another round. "And you're a singer?"
"Uh... well I sing, yes," I giggled, the three prior glasses of bubbles gone to my head. "I wouldn't label myself a singer as such."
"Well aren't you just the cutest thing," he grinned, slipping his hand onto my thigh.
"I uh," I stammered, struggling to find the words. "That's very kind," my eyes searched the room for Andy. He towered over mostly everybody wherever we were, standing out like a sore thumb. But for some reason, he was nowhere to be found right when I needed him.
"I'm only in town for the night," he leaned in close to me, his breath hot in my ear, and his hand only getting warmer on my thigh. "Once you're done your little performance, why don't you come back to my hotel and give me an encore?"
Like the Gods had intervened, a familiar calloused hand was grabbing my arm. "C'mon, we gotta go backstage." I looked up to Andy, his expression rigid, bordering on disgust and anger.
"Oh, okay," I nodded, hopping up from my stool, Will's hand quickly retracted. "Uh, see you," I smiled awkwardly, Andrew's grip still around my arm.
"Here's your drink," he let me go, handing my glass to me.
"You saved me, Andy," I laughed, glancing back at the man who'd already moved onto his next victim. "Total wanker."
"Mhm," he hummed, not even looking at me as we made our way backstage.
"Everything alright?" I prodded, his expression unchanging. He didn't reply, instead opened the door to the green room for me. We weren't at our usual bar tonight. We'd been invited to perform at a decently size theatre that just so happened to be full of producers, offering free drinks for the performers. Maybe not the best combination.
The green room was alive with seven or so other musicians, all mingling amongst each other as they awaited their turns. There was a table lined with finger food, and a minibar with premixed drinks. Andrew had made a beeline straight for the snacks table. Typical.
"Um, hello?" I whisper shouted to him, trailing behind him like a lost puppy. "Is there a reason you're ignoring me? Is it because of that bloke? Because I-"
"Yes," was all he replied, taking his food to one of the couches with him.
"Okay," I was surprised with how forward he was, sitting down beside him, honestly perplexed by his rigidity. "...Why?"
"I didn't like the way he was talking to you," he shrugged, still avoiding my eye contact. "He was disrespectful."
"So... why are you icing me out, exactly?"
"I will say the wrong things, better to say nothin'."
This was unlike any way I'd seen him act before. Cold, annoyed... jealous? Surely not.
"Well, I'm sorry I- or he made you feel this way."
"Andrew Hozier-Byrne? You're on in two minutes," one of the stage hands announced, nursing his clipboard on his hip like a baby. "And we're still going ahead with the song change?"
Andy nodded, having a quick drink of water and tossing his rubbish away.
"Song change?" I questioned, following behind him. I made sure to watch every performance of his, even if it meant being amongst the audience when I wasn't also performing.
"Oh, yeah. When I went to get you a drink, I quickly changed my song. No biggie," he shrugged, tying his hair back into a bun, slipping his cap over the top. Jesus Christ, he looked fucking edible.
"What's the song?" I pressed further, still adamant despite the backstage timer ticking '30 seconds.'
"Haven't named it," he shrugged his guitar strap over his shoulders, giving me a wry smile. "It's about you, though."
I blushed deep, unable to form words. There was no space for talking anyway; he headed out onto the stage, leaving me dumbfounded as I watched on.
He awkwardly introduced himself, as he did each night.
And then followed my undoing.
I'd be the voice who urged Orpheus when her body was found.
I'd be the choiceless hope in grief that drove him underground.
I'd be the dreadful need in the devotee that made him turn around.
And I'd be the immediate forgiveness in Eurydice.
Imagine being loved by me.
Suddenly, there was not nearly enough air behind this curtain as I watched on, awestruck.
I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things I would do.
So I try to talk refined in fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you.
I'd be the last shred of truth lost in the myth of true love.
I'd be the sweet feeling of release mankind now dreams of.
That's found in the last witness before the wave hits, marvelling at God.
Before he feels alone one time and marries the sea.
Imagine being loved by me.
My knees felt weak, sure my ears were deceiving me. Imagine being loved by me. Oh, but I do.
Sure enough, producers from many labels were flagging him down from the minute his set finished, flooding the backstage where I was waiting for him.
I ended up having to go on straight after Andrew, thankfully. I couldn't think of any words to say, and the ones I could think of were highly inappropriate. Not that he would mind, clearly.
I hung around after my set, making eye contact with Andy here and there, waving him off when he looked like he might leave the conversations for me. I was happy for him. Ecstatic. And the craving for his touch only multiplied tenfold with his subtle admission that he felt the same.
tricked ya!! i am physically incapable of writing slow burn lol i hope u enjoy what i have for u in the next chapter xx it'll be very juicy (and hopefully longer)
i've also added a taglist as per a request, lmk if you wanna be added xo
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tired-biscuit · 6 months
thinking about big biceped and big boobed jock kiba staring at you with hungry eyes, licking over his fanged canines with his tongue. he's hovering above you on the bed on all fours, but his dick is so big you still feel the fat leaking tip brushing against your thigh and trailing his pre-cum along your soft heated skin. he can't wait to devour you. 🩷
18+ MDNI, fem!reader // cw: size kink
divider by @/benkeibear
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kiba thinks he’s one lucky son of a bitch when you come back home for winter break and he finally gets the chance to see you.
however, he thinks he’s even luckier the moment the clothes you’re wearing come sliding off.
your eyes are big as you lay in the bed that belongs to your childhood bedroom, completely naked and pinned underneath your boyfriend’s much, much bigger body. the soft glow of the festive fairy lights that decorate the window — and which you’ve excitedly put up only hours after arriving back home for the holidays and unpacking your suitcase — reflects inside them.
as a result, there are sparkles twinkling in your pupils.
kiba thinks they make you look like a dream.
with a voice that’s barely above a gruff drawl, he leans in closer to your ear, all until your naked chests are flushed together. “make sure to stay quiet when i push in, ‘kay? i don’t wanna give your old man a reason to beat my ass.”
the way he speaks, all hushed and borderline breathless from mere grinding and heavy petting that you’ve been indulging in ever since you’ve both excused yourselves from dinner that you were having with your parents and rushed upstairs to your bedroom, makes his yearning for you evident. consequently, it also quickens the speed of your pulse.
your heart feels like it’s hammering behind your teeth because of it as you slowly nod your head yes and meekly utter, “i’ll be quiet. i promise.”
“i mean it, though.” he glances at you, a faint blush warming his cheeks. “your dad scares the crap outta me.”
“i know, ki.” you pause before giggling. “it’s brave of you to be doing this right now… i’m really proud of you.”
kiba, currently kneeling while looking nice and snug between your legs, smiles at the compliment and the rather expectant look that sits on your lovely face.
he’s got both hands on either side of your head as a means to support his own weight while you get ready to enjoy each other at long last. thick fingers dig into the pillow you’re resting on, blunt nails sinking into the delicate bedding; that is until he moves one hand in order to stroke a line along the smooth curve of your cheek now.
it is warm underneath the tips of his calloused fingertips. he’s missed you so much that he can’t help but dip down to press a tender kiss onto it before he caresses it once more, gripping you by the chin right after.
the distance has been tough. the last time you’ve seen each other was well over three months ago, and while the occasional visits have succeeded in making the entire thing at least somewhat bearable, they always seem to end much too soon for your, and his, liking.
however, you’re both home now. furthermore, you have more than enough time to make up for the one you’ve lost while attending different universities. even with the risk of your parents possibly hearing you while they surely watch their favourite TV show in the living room downstairs.
but never mind that! all you should be focusing on right now is how good your boyfriend looks as he holds himself nice and steady above you; broad back slightly hunched, strong arms flexing, making the muscles in them ripple with drool-worthy tightness.
you’ve got a literal beast of a man caging you, bending you at the waist. all those years of sports have really paid off, huh? dating a jock does have its good sides.
and that beast seems to be awfully eager to finally have you underneath him again after months of nothing but dirty texting and even dirtier phone calls. you can see it in his brown eyes, in the way the corners of his lips keep kicking upwards, in the way his fingers reach down to stroke your hips so that you can align them properly with his own.
but you can also see it in how freaking hard he is; the weight of his cock prominent, the tip repeatedly leaving sticky splotches of shiny pre-cum on your hot skin whenever it touches your thigh, nearing your center inch by inch. in how his wide chest heaves when your hand wraps around the base of it then, urging him to push it inside you already.
fat cockhead nudging your sticky entrance, you look into each other’s eyes at the contact. he looks out of place inside your room. kiba is rugged; all male and tough and mean and dark, and the bed sheets he’s planning to screw you on are pink and girly. to make things even worse, there are numerous soft, cuddly plushies surrounding you on the bed, making the situation almost sinful.
he shoves the colourful squishmallow that’s getting in the way off the bed with an irked huff before he reaches between your bodies to push your puffy folds apart with the help of his fingers. he presses his thumb onto your clit, then and your back arches in response to the pleasant sensation, a deep sigh leaving your lips.
that sigh quickly turns into feeble moaning by the time he starts rubbing circles over your most tender spot and finally presses into you, ever so slowly filling you inch by inch with the dick you’ve been longing for for the last three months. your hole stretches to accommodate the entirety of his cock, tummy all of a sudden feeling full, the heat inside it spreading like a wildfire.
the pace he has to fuck you in in order to not make noise is excruciating — it’s so slow. a shiver still tumbles down your spine when his dark pubic hair tickles your clit, but you miss the way he tends to slam into you whenever you have the place all to yourselves.
he makes up for it by folding you in half and bending your legs until your knees are nearly touching your ears, though.
and that changes everything. he holds the back of your thigh with one hand, supports himself with the other. it’s almost scary — how big he is. he covers you from view entirely with his body, and at the same time makes you feel like you’re going to burst.
breaths mix together, hasty kisses get exchanged. his pace quickens just the tiniest bit.
“oh, fuck yeah... there we go.” he grunts quietly, baring his oddly sharp canine teeth with a clench of his jaw when he feels your walls start to squeeze around him. “attagirl… takin’ my cock so well even after not getting it for s’long.”
“shit, shit, shit… god—” you whimper in response, throwing your head back into the pillow. he’s so big that it feels like he’s inside your womb, no, your throat.
“shh. you need to be quiet… remember?” he hushes in-between ragged breaths as beads of salt form and glimmer on his brow. the pink, heavy duvet he’s covered up to the waist with in case someone would decide to walk in without knocking is already making him sweat profusely. it’s pure torture for someone as hot-blooded as him.
you could say the same. feeling the touch of a hand that isn’t your own for a change causes you to turn even more slippery between your legs than you already are despite the laggard pace you have to keep in order to refrain from making the bed frame squeak and the headboard slam against the wall.
his hand leaves the underside of your thigh as he drops lower to be closer to you. you gasp when he bites you just below your collarbone, a place that he’s positive won’t be visible when you put your shirt back on. his tongue laps over the now-aching spot, sucking on it lightly, making your toes curl against the small of his back and your fingers dig into his dark brown hair.
“ki—” you whine, unable to say his name at how he keeps on thrusting into you, keeps on reshaping your entire cunt somehow. the pace is slow, sure. but it’s deep.
so fucking deep.
“c’mon, baby; i thought i told you to zip it,” he hisses lowly, his big palm clamping over your mouth. he lifts his head just enough to look you in the eyes while he drags his thumb up and down the side of your face again, your jawline. “i know it feels good but you gotta keep it together. you promised me you would.”
are you capable of doing that, though? you’re so small, so delicate. and he’s so strong, so big and intimidating ��� dangerous, even. it feels like he could crush your entire skull with one hand if he wanted to.
instead, he licks his teeth and swallows the saliva that’s gathering inside his mouth before he whispers, “now tell me… did ya miss me?”
your pupils grow to the size of the dinner plates that your mother had put in front of you both earlier as you nod vehemently, letting out a muffled noise of approval behind his palm that he still has firmly clamped over your mouth.
“yeah? good, ‘cause i did too… missed ya a whole fuckin’ lot. and this pretty lil’ pussy of yours.” kiba grins, feeling blood rushing south at your answer, causing him to get even more hard than he already is — if that is even possible. he’s such a sucker whenever it comes to being desired, he just can’t help it.
“now stay quiet so that i can fuck your brains out, cutie.”
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janicho88 · 1 year
I Got You - Chapter 2
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Pairing- Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Female!Reader
Word count- 1862
Warnings- Language, mentions of domestic violence, injuries, and abuse, abusive boyfriend, hurt reader, protective Jake. If I missed something, please let me know.
A/N- Before we get any further into this, there will be a few differences from the movie. Ice was sick, but beat it, the aviators are there for a six-week training, not three. This one has been sitting in my WIP since last fall. First Jake story, I hope I can do him justice. The first few chapters will be a little heavy, but we will move past that.
Summary- When you have finally reached a breaking point, you call the one person you trust for help. He’s never seen you as more than a friend, but he is the person you know you’re safest with.  It’s been months since he has had so much as a text from you, but Jake Seresin would do anything for the Navy princess he met years ago.  The pilot knows she means more to him than he ever will to her, but he will do anything for her
Series Masterlist
You nod into Jake's chest as he’s holding you, but don’t move away.  He is right, you do need to get out of here, but right now you just want to stay in the arms of the man in front of you, where you know you are safe. 
 Jake carefully moves you down the hall to where he thinks the bedroom will be.  He finds it after opening the second door.  The room is a mess, there is glass on the floor from a broken mirror, clothes thrown about. Stepping back Jake carefully pulls out his phone and takes some pictures, not missing the blood on some of the broken glass.  Sitting you down on the bed he starts going through the dressers and closet for your things.  He’s not finding as many clothes as he expects to though. 
“Do you have more clothes in another room?”
“Princess, where is your suitcase?”
“He threw it away,” you mumble.
“Do you have any of your tote bags you used to carry?”
“There might be one or two that survived in the closet of the guest room.”
Jake shakes his head trying to hide his anger from you as he goes to look for something to put your belongings in.  He finds two of your shoulder totes, and goes through the kitchen for a few garbage bags.  He takes a deep breath to calm himself down before going back to you.  Done with the clothes, the bathroom is next then he moves you and your things out to the living room.   Looking around that room, Jake can’t imagine anything in this room is yours. Not even a single picture. There is a closet near the door, inside he finds two coats of yours.   
“Sweets, where is your purse, driver's license? Any of your, ya know important paperwork?”
“He took my license, I don’t have a purse anymore or credit cards.  There’s a desk in the other room that might have some things in it.  I’m not supposed to go through it.”  
Jake follows you to the spare room, fists clenching at his side.  A part of him is willing Josh to walk in just so he could give him a little taste of what that man has done to you.  After entering the room you point out the desk drawer the paperwork is mostly likely to be in.  Jake starts searching through that, while you move to the closet.  He finally finds your birth certificate, license, social security card and insurance card in the second drawer, under the asshole's own. A pained groan has him quickly turning around to face you.  As he makes his way over he notices you holding your left wrist in your right hand.
“Are you okay?”
You only nod in reply.  Taking a deep breath you turn to him, “Can you grab that out for me please?”
“Sure, what is it?”  He asks, grabbing out a small black garbage bag from the back of the closet. 
“Some things of mine Josh threw away.  I’d try and sneak them out of the garbage when he’d leave after tossing them,” you whisper.
Jake closes his eyes and takes another deep breath of his own before taking the bag out of the room.  He turns when you follow him out to the living room.  “I’m gonna run a load down to the truck real fast.  I’ll come right back up to get you and anything else.Will you grab some wet towels to clean your cuts up with?  Once we get you out of here, we can stop and take care of those.”
You hesitate, not wanting to be left alone, but finally nod knowing it will be the quickest way.
“Good girl.  Lock the door as soon as I leave, and I’ll let you know when I’m back.”
After Jake is out the door, you move to the bathroom as quickly as your sore body allows you.  You take the pack of bandaids and wet down a towel to clean up the blood you feel on your arm.  As you come back to the living room you hear Jake at the door telling you he’s back.  The man must have flown down the stairs.  All his Navy training coming in handy. 
Standing back from the door you let him in, he grabs the last two bags and looks at you.  “Is there anything else you want to take?”
After briefly glancing back you shake your head slightly.
“Don't you have any pictures of your family or any of your friends somewhere you want to grab?”
Another small shake of your head answers Jake. There were a few you saved in the bag Jake pulled out of the closet.  The last visit you were able to take to your parents house about six months ago, you snuck a few things back in your old room for safe keeping.
“Where is your car?”
Head down, you yet again give a shake.  You don’t want to get into that with him right now.  Josh had told you months ago that LA was too expensive for you both to have a car.  So he sold yours, and of course kept the money for himself. 
Jake gives you a small smile you don’t notice as you stare at the floor.  “Okay, then let’s get out of here princess.”
With his hand carefully on your lower back, he guides you out the door and down the steps. He helps you into the front seat of his truck before setting the rest of your meager belongings in the backseat.  From the corner of his eye, he notices you shivering and pulls one of his sweatshirts out of the backseat then helps you put it on.  Once he closes the door you take a deep breath, and Jake’s scent from the sweatshirt helps you to calm down a little.  After he gets himself in the driver’s seat, he takes off.  
The two of you are a couple of miles away when he pulls into a grocery store parking lot and gets out of the truck coming over to your door. 
“Okay, let’s take a look at those cuts.” 
He helps you unbuckle and turn to face him.  As he slowly pulls up the sleeve of your left arm, you can’t help but hiss.  
“Shit.” he swears under his breath.  
The wrist in his hand is swollen and a nasty shade of purple already.  Jake tries to gently touch it, and you about jerk it away from him.
“We need to get you to a hospital, to get that looked at.  Where is the closest one?”
“Can’t go there.”
“Y/N, I think it’s broken.”
“Can’t go there,” you repeat.
“You need to see a doctor.”
“He’ll find me there.”
That sentence freezes Jake in place.  “Darlin, have you had to go to the hospital before?”
Looking anyway from your friends’ face, you give a slight nod. 
“Son of a bitch,” he swears again.  “Okay, we won’t stop at the hospital here.  But we are stopping at one.”
Jake looks at the store, then back to you.  You can almost see the wheels turning in his head. He’s hesitant when he starts to speak again.  “Darlin’, do you think you’ll be alright if I run into that store real quick? I’ll even pull up and park up close.”
A part of you want to say no, but you don’t expect Josh to be out doing his shopping right now.  Especially since that’s your job when he drops you off at a different grocery store. You really can’t tell Jake no when he came all this way for you tonight.   “Yeah, sure.”
He gets in and moves the truck up closer, checking to see if you need anything before running into the store. While Jake is inside, you are constantly checking the parking lot around you.  It isn’t long before you see him running out of the store, two bags in his hand. Reaching the truck, he comes over to your door instead of getting behind the wheel. 
“I wasn't sure if you ate tonight, there are some bananas, crackers with peanut butter, and poptarts in this bag.”
“Thanks, but I don’t think I can stomach anything right now,” you almost feel bad telling him this after he was kind enough to think of getting you food.
“I can understand that, they're here if you change your mind.  This bag isn’t negotiable though.” After setting the first at your feet, he pulls a towel and a bag of something out of the second one. “Can you lift your sore wrist up for me?”  
Once you do, he places the towel on your thigh followed by what you realize is a bag of frozen peas. He covers the bag with half the towel and instructs you to put your arm back down.  Then he hands you another frozen bag of peas to hold on top of the sore wrist. 
“Since you won’t let me stop now, we need to try and slow the swelling.  I have two more frozen bags if you want to put them anywhere else.”
You notice, his eyes travel up to your face as he speaks.  More than likely you have some bruises there too.
 “I don’t think I can hold more than one in place right now.  Thanks Jake.”
Walking around to the driver’s side, he climbs back in the truck and heads for the highway. The drive starts out quietly, it’s probably twenty minutes later before he softly asks the first question.
“How long has this been going on?”
Sitting in the passenger seat you don’t respond.
“You said you’ve been to the hospital before, so this isn’t the first time.  A few weeks…”  He waits for any kind of response from you.   “A few months?”  Still nothing. “Longer?”
This time you slowly shake your head. 
Jake swears, and slams his hand against the steering wheel causing you to jump and hiss in pain.  It doesn’t escape him that you slide a little closer to the door. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.  I’m not upset with you, darling.  But I am pissed at him.  That is not how you treat a lady.  You deserve to be treated like the princess you are. I swear if I see him…”  Noticing you trying to make yourself smaller in the seat, Jake stops talking and slowly reaches his hand out to grab your knee.  The action once again has you pulling away.  It takes him a minute to figure out why, when he does, he pulls his hand back to his side.   “I’m not going to hit you, I promise you that.  I will never ever raise a hand to you.”
Slowly nodding you go back to looking out the window, wishing you could go back in time about two years.  Back before you ever met Josh. Maybe even further to when you met Jake during a visit to Annapolis with your dad. Maybe you could have done something to get out of the friend zone with him back then.  No use wishing for things you can't have now.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 3
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astroyongie · 14 days
Chan for angst game
You know we had to do it 🤣😂😂
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-> warnings: established relationship, angst, curse words
Everyone knew you loved Bangchan. You both were dating for over a year and half now and things have been doing terribly well. Perhaps even too well, to the point where people accused you of being too much into him. Although you did everything you could for your boyfriend, you didn't realized that he was taking from you that much.
That until, your boyfriend had received a work opportunity to go to Korea. You were excited for him and you wanted nothing more for Chan to be successful in his career and on the path that he had been working on his whole life. You had been supporting him so far, and seeing him succeeding was heartwarming.
But there was a problem.
Bangchan wanted you by his side. Rightfully so, but doing that meant you had to quit your own job, leave your family and friends behind. Leave the whole life you had behind. Everyone around you told you not to, and again, rightfully so. You guys hadn't been dating more long and you were barely 18. The thought alone of all the consequences and possibilities was enough to plunge you into an anxious spiral. 
“I don’t understand why you don’t want to come,” Bangchan spat, his angry frown focused in front of the suitcase he was filling. 
You were on top of the bed, legs crossed. Biting down on your finger, you tried your best to remain calm. It has been one week since you both had this conversation back to back. Arguments escalated and everyday you ended up crying and Bangchan, upset because he wouldn't understand why you, his precious girlfriend, wouldn't come with him. 
“I just can’t leave everything behind”
“Everything?” he asked, looking back at you. “What exactly are you leaving behind?”
You frowned. “My friends–”
“You don’t have any friends” the words came out dry, a tint of mockery on his bitter tongue as he cut you halfway. You felt yourself grimace. 
“That’s low, Chan” 
“Low, is you trying to ditch me to stay behind, with a family that mistreats you, with friends that hate you and with a job that doesn’t pay well.”
Your lips went shut at his accusations. You couldn’t believe that he was being so mean, so petty, for the simple fact that you couldn't-, no, wouldn't, come with him. The bedroom went extremely quiet, you soft tears rolling down your cheeks as you did the best to control your breathing. Chan kept tossing his clothing into the suitcase. You were already having a hard time dealing with the fact that your boyfriend would leave, but now you also had to deal with his stupid guilt tripping. 
"I wish you could see how much this is breaking me." He suddenly said as he closed his suitcase. You looked up at him. It was hard to discern between the truth and the lies rolling off his tongue.
“I can’t Chan..”
"Why" His voice was ice cold. A warning.
"Because I can't throw everything away just to leave with you-"
That’s when something snapped inside of Bangchan, who’s face flicked in anger. "Fuck Y/n, you are supposed to be by my side! Why can’t you ever do something for me?”
“I do everything for you!” you quickly spat back, not wanting to take any more of his words. Your eyes were stinging but you wouldn't give him the satisfaction of crying. Or at least, you tried. 
Bangchan took a step towards you, grabbing your forearm which made you stand up from the bed. “So what? you can’t abandon them but you can abandon me? Is that what you are saying? after all I did for you’”
You ripped your arm from his strong grasp, the fury behind his iris making your legs tremble. “If you want to leave, do it. But I am not leaving my life behind when there’s no guarantee that things will work in your favor" 
"Wow" He said, clapping his hands dramatically. "Thank you y/n, I always knew I could count on you"
The harsh words made your big fat tears escape your eyes, without permission. You looked away from him as he opened the door of his bedroom. 
“Just get the fuck out” he murmured. 
It was stupid really. The way he was so mad about this, when you guys could have eventually figured it out together. it was ridiculous, the way you had left his bedroom, his home, crying like the pathetic thing he saw you for. But perhaps fate did well. Perhaps, you and Bangchan were never meant to be to begin with. 
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harlowsbby · 1 year
Pranks & Kisses
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It was prank week on tour and of course Jack was dared to prank you he knew how badly you hated pranks but he wasn’t one to back down from a dare.
Jack was planning on acting like he was breaking up with you he’d purposely wake you up and record you reactions he just prayed and wished you’d still love him after.
It was currently 7am in London you were at the hotel with Jack and your seven month old baby boy Amer. You weren’t really a deep sleeper so when you heard the sound of a suitcase being thrown around you quickly woke up.
You yawned and stretched and rubbed your eyes and noticed Jack throwing his belongings in his suitcase.
“What are you doing?” You said and watched how he tossed a few of his shirts and pants in the suitcase. He didn’t say anything he just kept getting more of his stuff.
If looks could kill Jack would be a dead man he tried his best not to laugh because the look on your face was priceless. “What are you doing?” You asked him again and he finally answered.
Jack knew how being ignored was one of your biggest peeves so why he kept ignoring you was beyond you.
“I’m leaving.” He said and went into the bathroom to get his toothbrush. “Huh what? What do you mean you’re leaving.” He just shrugged his shoulders “I don’t want to be here anymore.”
You weren’t exactly sure what to say did he mean like the tour was over or what but the way he was throwing and slamming things must’ve meant something bigger happened.
“Are you okay?” You asked him and noticed Amer was up you sat him up and let him play with the bag of wet wipes that were on the bed.
“I need my space.” He spat and stood at the edge of the bed and organized his clothes. “Why would you need space? Are you joking or something.”
It’s a good thing Jack took those acting classes when he was filming white men can’t jump because he was doing an awful good job at keeping a straight face and staying in ‘character.’
“No I’m serious.” Jack walked over to his suitcase and started pulling clothes out. “Amer, stop it little man.” But Amer kept pulling clothes out of the suitcase. “Can you help me pack Amer and stop throwing clothes out.”
“Why are you taking like random hats? You don’t even wear hats like that.” You laughed “Why are you laughing? It’s not funny Y/N.” Y/N? He’s literally never called you by your first time the entire time the two of you have been together.
You got out to the bed and made your way over to him the two of you now standing next to one another. “I need my space Y/N alright.” “What do you mean by space though Jack? Why would you ever need space.”
You didn’t understand why in the world he needed any type of space maybe touring and stuff was too much but there was no way he needed space for Amer and You.
When he didn’t answer you that’s when you decided if he was going to leave then you were going with him. You weren’t sure what he thought this was but this wasn’t about to be no single parent type of deal.
You went inside the closet and took out your duffle bag along with Amer’s and tossed it on the bed. Jack had to cover him mouth to stop himself from smiling. “What are you doing?” He asked. “We’re going with you obviously.” Jack smacked his lips. “No you aren’t I’m going by myself.”
You grabbed Jack’s body wash and tossed it in his suitcase. “Y/N, this isn’t a joke I’m going by myself I’m being dead serious.” You rolled your eyes and slammed the cabinets in the bathroom.
You came out of the bathroom and put on a random shirt of Jack’s before walking over to your side of the room and getting some of Amer’s clothing and your personal T belongings.
“What are you doing Y/N I’m being serious now.”
“Like I said we’re going with you.” “Why would you go with me I’m leaving.” Jack said in a dumbfounded tone.
“So are we so let me know where are we going. Are we going back home to Louisville or what.” Jack so badly wanted to laugh because you were so annoyed but feisty at the same time.
“Can you put Amer’s diapers in your bag please.” You asked him but he just tossed the diapers to the floor. “You aren’t coming with me so no I can’t do that.” Was he being serious right now? You so badly wanted to just throw something at the back of his head.
After you finished packing you finally sat on the bed and just watched Jack finish packing. “Is this some type of damn joke or something?”
“No do you see me laughing Y/N? I miss having my own time I use to have so much me time and now I have none of that it’s always me plus you and the baby.” “Oh is that so?” The sarcasm practically dripping from your voice.
“You don’t get any me time when you have a damn baby and a girlfriend sorry to break it to you buddy.” “Man whatever I’m leaving.” He took his bag and placed it over his shoulders and took his phone and charger. You stood up as well and took your bag and picked up Amer before going to the front door.
That’s when Jack came back into the room and saw you weren’t there. He grinned at his phone camera he knew it was about time to end this prank or he’d be seriously single by the end of tonight. You came back into the room with his suitcase and he couldn’t take it anymore he burst out into a fit of giggles.
“Is this a freaking joke?” He bent over in laughter and that’s when you noticed the phone videoing the two of you. “Oh so it’s a damn prank isn’t it.”
“It’s a prank baby I’d never leave Amer and You.” Jack went to go in for a kiss but you dogged it. “Oh what you thought I was about to let you kiss me.” You laughed and grabbed your purse and Amer’s duffle bag. “I’m leaving I’ll be staying with Neelam still we leave London so maybe it’ll give you some time to sit and think that this prank week shit ain’t it.”
Jack’s mouth flew open as you stuck your tongue out and turned around and left the room. “Baby wait up wait for me.” Jack ran after you and smiled. He truly did love and cherish his life deeply and he was so thankful he had someone like you.
( something cute and funny inspired by the ace family youtube video sooo enjoy 💗 )
@hoodharlow @jackharloww
@jackmans-poison @a-moment-captured
@moody4world @mortirolo @nattinatalia
@heavyhitterheaux @pianoisland
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unsteadyimagines · 11 months
Reunion in Restraints (Aaron Hotchner x Reader)
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SUMMARY: Aaron finally comes home after a month away at work and is subjected to a particularly new bedroom fantasy of Y/N’s after opening his briefcase and discovering what is inside. Aaron quickly realises a man in uniform and some shiny metal is enough to please Y/N for what is a much needed reunion.
The rain cascading down the foggy windows relaxed my body as my eyes skimmed over my book page by page. Some hopeless romantic novel that successfully made my day seem shorter than usual, just like I wanted. A smile makes its way to my face when I remember Aaron’s words to me less than 24 hours ago, ‘I’m coming home.’ He had been working on a case interstate for a good month now - sadly not the longest I had ever gone without seeing him. I look up the clock in the dimly lit living room where I sat curled up on the couch, reading 10pm. 
Just as I start to wonder what might be keeping Aaron, I can hear the keys jingling in the door. Letting out a silent squeal, I abandon my book on the couch and make my way to the front door. I see Aaron’s tired eyes, yet he’s still smiling, obviously just as excited to see me as I am to see him. He drops his bags by the door once he’s inside and opens his arms wide. I giggle and wrap my small frame around his larger one, holding on tightly. 
“Mmm I missed you so much.” He mumbles from the crook of my neck, making me sigh in content. It had been so long since I had enveloped myself into his body, it felt nice. 
“I missed you too.” His warm embrace instantly made me feel safer. 
Moments like these I always cherish as much as I can. Aaron can be gone for weeks and on the occasion, months at a time. My heart starts beating faster as I feel his rough fingers run through my hair. We remain on our feet, still embracing each other in complete silence with the frequent quiet tick sound coming from the clock in the living room. 
Leaving Aaron’s arm way too soon for my liking, I look up at him and wrap my arms around his neck as he locks his around my waist. Rubbing his thumbs along my hip, I can’t help but smile. I was so happy to have him home safely. 
“You must be so tired, have a relaxing shower and I’ll unpack everything for you.” I suggest. He gazes at me appreciatively, nodding his head in agreement. 
“Thanks baby.” He presses his lips to mine for the first time in a month and I never want him to stop. I press my mouth harder against his, my heart picking up when his hands grip my hips even tighter than before, pulling me into his body so we’re quite literally chest to chest. I wanted so badly to continue and see where it would head, but I also know that Aaron was likely very tired from being on the job all month so I pull away and reach down to pick up one of his bags. 
Aaron grabs the other one and once we make it upstairs to our bedroom, we place them on the floor next to the bed. Aaron starts to undress before he walks to the bathroom, turning the shower on. Steam beings to slowly envelop the bathroom and a little of our bedroom. I hear him let out a deep sigh, evidently glad to be home and able to relax.
As I unpack his luggage, I separate his work and normal clothes to make a pile for the washing machine whilst putting other things away in the meantime. Once I put his suitcase into our storage closet, I notice his briefcase still sat on the floor. I wasn’t sure whether I needed to take anything out but I thought I would check just in case. I begin to open the dial using my birthdate as the combination and once I hear the pop sound, I open the briefcase. Upon it opening, I see his gun, badge and handcuffs. 
Turning around to look at the steamy bathroom, it doesn’t look like Aaron was going to be finished anytime soon, so I slowly turn back around and stare into the contents. Quietly grabbing the unlocked handcuffs, I run my fingers over the groove, goosebumps forming on my once warm arms at the rough texture. The more I start to run my fingers over each cuff the more my mind wanders. I can’t help but start to think of what it would be like for Aaron to cuff me. You would think after dating for 3 years we would have tried using handcuffs but I always assumed he wouldn’t be into it, considering he has to use them frequently for work - no one wants to exactly bring their work home with them. 
I get into a trance, imagining what it would be like, what it would feel like to have Aaron taking me roughly with my hands cuffed behind my back, him pulling the chain in-between the cuffs and dressed in his work uniform. Oh lord. Just the thought of Aaron in his uniform is enough for me to press my thighs tightly together but unfortunately my trance is broken once I hear the shower turn off. I quickly put the handcuffs back into his suitcase and place it in the corner of our room. 
I get into bed and watch Aaron as his towel hangs lowly on his hips, water droplets from his wet hair running down his smooth chest. I bite my lip as I take in his sight, wondering if he had any intention of anything tonight. Once he’s dry and in a pair of sweatpants, he climbs his way into bed next to me grabbing the duvet and enveloping us both. 
I start running my fingers through his hair and he lazily smiles, exhaustion now very evident on his face. 
“Mmm that feels nice.” He whispers sleepily. 
I shiver as I realise he’s placed the palm of his cold hand onto my stomach under my shirt, circling my belly. I can tell the chance of anything happening tonight was out the window, but I didn’t mind. I was just happy to have him next to me. 
Aaron moves the side of his body even closer to mine. I lay on my back as his chest is pressed against my side as he rests his head on his elbow, staring down at me. He slowly nudges his head into my neck, peppering kisses that make me giggle. Trying to pry his mouth away with my hands, I playfully push before grabbing his face and pressing his mouth to mine. Our kiss becomes more intense than before, his tongue forces its way into my mouth making me moan. I missed this so much I didn’t ever want to stop. 
A couple of minutes go by and we still have not come up for air yet, addicted to the all too familiar feeling. Aaron releases his lips from mine, not before biting my lip which makes me moan for the second time, and with how close our bodies are pressed together - I can feel how hard he is. I couldn’t help but lightly graze my leg over his erection, putting my leg in-between his. Making him groan from the contact, I laugh as I kiss his cheek and pull away. 
“I’m sorry baby, I’m so tired.” He chuckles, making me lightly shush him while giving him a light kiss. 
“I know, don’t worry about it.” I reassure him. 
“Besides if I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it right.” He jokes, making me laugh as I kiss him once more goodnight. 
I once again hear Aaron’s keys connecting with the front door, my excitement growing by the second. There was no case today but he still had to go to the office for an orientation for new BAU hopefuls. He walks through the front door still wearing his bulletproof vest over his business shirt and pants, my body burning up at the sight. 
“Well well well, look at you.” I smirk, slowly making my way towards him at the door. I can’t take my gaze away from him, in his uniform, in his vest. 
“Hey, I missed you today.” Aaron smiles, one hand pulling me into him by my waist while his other hands comes up to rest on my jaw, capturing my lips in a sweet kiss. My stomach begins tightening but Aaron starts to slowly pull away, making me groan in protest and shake my head, gripping his bulletproof vest before reattaching our lips.
He chuckles but nevertheless continues to engage in our kiss. A sigh escapes my mouth with growing content at his lips on mine. As our kiss becomes more intense, so do our bodies. I push the lower half of my body into Aaron’s which makes him groan and press me against him tighter. 
I feel the sleeves of my sweater slowly begin to slide down both my arms creating goosebumps in its wake before I feel it lightly hit the ground, pooling at our feet in a soft mess. He swiftly guides me upstairs to our bedroom, both of us giddy to continue.
As Aaron’s tongue enters my mouth, he releases me from his grip to begin taking his vest off. Before he can even undo the first strap, I pull away and place my hands on his chest in protest. 
“No, leave it on.” I demand. Looking into his eyes I see him smirking at me, once again pulling my lips to his. 
“So that’s how it’s going to be, is it?” He asks, his words mumbled against my mouth and surprise taking over his eyes. 
Slightly nodding at him, I run my hands down his coarse vest until I reach his belt buckle, the heaviness of the metal clasps sends shivers running down my spine. As I begin unbuckling, the clink of the metal hitting against each other is enough to make me push my body against his even more, making Aaron let out a grunt of pleasure. I reach my right arm around to his back pocket, feeling the indent of his cuffs against his pants. Pulling them out, I dangle them against my fingertip between us, looking up at Aaron. His eyes almost appear to dilate, desire taking over. He forcefully takes the cuffs off of me and at first my body sinks, fear taking over that I may have completely turned him off me and the idea. He throws the handcuffs onto the bed before turning his attention back to me and sinking his teeth into his lips.
“Sorry, I just thought maybe we could try-” I begin to apologise before I let out a painful gasp. Aaron’s left hand tightly grips my hair causing my head to immediately pull back as his other hand softly grazes my now flushed cheeks. 
“That’s how you want to be fucked, hmm? Like a slut?” He spits at me. I swear my legs could have given way, buckling at his words. My heart is hammering in my chest, I’m so incredibly turned on I don’t know how I’m going to survive the rest of the night. 
“Please fuck me, baby.” I plead, impatience consuming my face. Whines begin falling from my mouth when his hot breath blows across my exposed neck, his tongue roughly licking at the skin.
Satisfaction is written across Aaron’s face when he roughly turns me around, my ass now pressing against the tightness of his pants. I needed some relief, any relief, so I grind against him.
He pushes me onto the bed in one squick sweep, laying on the soft sheets and resting my arms against my panting stomach. I see the handcuffs are no longer next to me once I hear the jingle of them in Aarons hand before I feel the coldness of the metal now on my wrists. By now, my stomach is in knots - both excitement and nervousness taking over. My body jolts awake when I’m all of a sudden being lifted from the bed with Aaron’s hands gripping the chain connecting the cuffs. 
Spinning me around, he drops me to my knees in front of him. I look up at his face breathlessly, eager for what is to come. I feel myself start to grow wet at the sight of Aaron unzipping his pants, pulling out his erection and stroking himself a few times, hissing at the contact.
“Be a good girl and make me come.” He demands, his face deadpan. I love when he is like this - demanding. I open my mouth to take him, moaning once he hits the tip of my tongue. I first swirl my tongue around his sensitive tip, sucking before I envelop my hot mouth around his length, taking in everything I can. I can hear him panting aggressively which only encourages me to take more. As I look up at him through my lashes, his face completely consumed by pleasure makes me squeeze my thighs together. He opens his eyes and holds my stare, bringing both arms down to pull my hair back into a makeshift ponytail, muttering curses under his breath. 
“Fuck, you take me so well, baby. You’re doing so good.” He gasps, his fingers starting to pull my hair even tighter.
My scalp begins to burn in the best way possible as I stroke my tongue down his length. I notice my knees also starting to burn from the carpet, but that only encourages me to bob my head faster, desperate for his release. 
“You think you can take even more of me?” He questions, a slight mocking tone evident in his voice. I moan in reply, opening my mouth as wide as I possibly can. At this point, I don’t even move my head, just sit there with my mouth open as Aaron thrusts his hips forward, his cock now repeatedly hitting the back of my throat. The wet sound of my choking only turns him on even more, his groans becoming more animalistic by the second.
“Such a good girl, letting me fuck your throat. F-fuck you feel so good.” He grits. Tears are streaming down my face and my mouth begins to ache but there was no way I was tapping out until I feel him finish down my throat.
Aaron’s constant moans and curses become slurred, clearly on the brink of his climax. Moving my tongue rapidly around his length, he moves his hips in and out and I can see through his pants that his legs are shaking. He’s practically pulling at my hair when I feel his release in my mouth, humming in pleasure as he slowly takes his cock out of my sore mouth. 
Not giving me anytime to adjust, he pulls me back up to my feet and tosses me roughly onto the bed. Like Aaron, my legs tremble as I struggle to reposition myself on the bed with my hands still cuffed. Staring at me with dark eyes, Aaron’s left hand roughly takes hold of my cuffed wrists and brings them above my head, pushing them into the mattress. 
“You look so pretty like this for me baby, so helpless.” He smirks, butterflies erupting in my stomach. All I could do was writhe my body in protest as I waited impatiently for him to touch me. 
Very lightly, his thumb on his right hand grazes from the very top of my neck and feathers its way down my chest, to my stomach and stops rights above my clit, teasing me. A whine escapes my throat as my body heats up.
“Aaron, p-please touch me, I’ve been such a good girl.” I plead, the desperation more than evident in my voice. Knots form in my lower stomach as I feel Aaron’s thumbs very lightly hover over my clit before pressing down and circling. 
“Oh fuck!” I exclaim, my body consumed with pleasure. My eyelids flutter involuntarily as Aaron leans over my body and caresses my neck with his lips, leaving hot, open kisses everywhere before whispering breathlessly in my ear. 
“Is this okay?” He questions, pressing my clit with his thumb even harder making sparks shoot its way up and down my body. I nod my head frantically and pull on the handcuffs, desperate for more. 
“More, please.” I beg when he removes his thumb, no longer able to keep myself composed. Aaron’s mouth makes it way down my heated body once again and I swear stars cloud my vision when I feel his arms wrap around my thighs before consuming my pussy with his eager mouth. His tongue swarms the entirety of me, flicking and sucking repeatedly. My stomach tightens at the sensation and my hips buck against his arms with barely any success. 
“Y-yes, fuck! Baby that feels s-so fucking good… oh.” I ramble, my brain turned to mush. I can’t think of anything other than the pleasure of Aaron’s mouth. Forgetting my hands are restrained above my head, I try to bring them down to the back of Aaron’s head only to instead be met with an ache running through both of my weak arms, yet the feeling of metal rubbing against my flush skin only adds to the pleasure.
Aaron must feel that I’m close to orgasm as he encouragingly coaxes it out of me.
“Be a good girl and cum for me, baby. Ride my mouth.” It takes less than a minute before my legs give way and Aaron has to hold them apart and my hips buck up towards his mouth in a desperate attempt to feel more of his tongue. Incoherent words escape my lips as I fall apart, my whole body feeling pleasure like never before.
Once I come down from my high, my legs are still slightly quivering and my chest is rapidly panting for air. Aaron lightly taps my thighs before getting up and standing by the bed. I see a smirk grow on his face, and I raise an eyebrow in question. 
“Hows your arms?” He chuckles, seeing they are still above my head. I lift them up and rest them against my stomach, the ache returning. Probably sensing that they are beginning to hurt, Aaron walks over to the other side of the bed to begin unlocking the handcuffs, but I move my arms to the other side of my body in protest. 
“You’re not done with me yet… are you?” I ask, mischief in my voice. Aaron lets out a breathy laugh, surprised that I wanted more. 
“Apparently not.” He shrugs. My brows furrow in confusion as he still tries to unlock the handcuffs, despite my protest. 
“What are you doi-“ I begin to ask but in one flash my arms are free only for Aaron to then cuff them behind my back, throwing the key on the ground. He climbs back onto the bed and flips me over so I’m now on all fours, my view now being our headboard. I feel a harsh slap on my ass as Aaron spreads my legs with his knee and grips the chain between the handcuffs with great strength, also keeping me balanced.
My heart is racing, liking the fact that I couldn’t see Aaron or what he was about to do. The element of surprise only added to my excitement. With one hand on the chain, he lowers his other hand to his cock and runs it up and down my pussy, teasing me. I whimper, eager for his cock. 
“You’re so wet, already dripping down my cock and I’m not even in you yet. You must have really missed me, didn’t you baby? Show me how much you missed me.” He mocks, tapping the head of his cock against my clit, making my legs jerk. 
“Please please please.” I plead, I needed him so bad tears began to well up in my eyes. Aaron must have heard enough of my begging as he slowly eased his cock into me, throwing his head back and groaning in pleasure. 
My eyes roll to the back of head and I thrust my hips back in an attempt to get Aaron even deeper. His rough hands are gripping both mine and the handcuffs so tightly I’m sure they would be a deep shade of red. I can only slightly see Aaron’s face in the corner of my eye, turning my head back as far as it could go and indulging in his facial expressions. Seeing him in his vest, using his handcuffs and fucking me hard turned me on beyond belief. How had we never tried this before?
“You’re s-so deep… you feel so good, oh-“ I whine. 
The room is filled with my moans, Aaron’s panting and our skin moving in unison.
“Shit, I’m close baby, fuck I love your pussy.” I can feel Aaron’s thrusts start to get harder which builds up inside me. I’m so close to the brink of orgasm until Aaron drops a hand under my thighs and rubs my clit, absolutely destroying me. 
“Fuck yes Aaron, I’m going to cum, right there! Right there.” I scream. My lower stomach tightens as I grip around Aaron’s cock, also feeling him cum inside me. With a few sloppy thrusts, he pulls out and sighs, exhausted. 
I stare mindlessly at the headboard, in a daze and post-orgasm high. My entire body aches and I wince as I feel Aaron unlock the handcuffs and remove them from my wrists. 
Turning over on the bed, I rub at my red, inflamed wrists but not regretting one single thing. Aaron lays down next to me, grabbing my wrists and delicately kissing each one. I grab his chin with my left hand and join my lips to his in a passionate kiss and caress his cheek with my right hand.
“Damn, you must have really missed me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so turned on before.” He chuckles, nestling his head into my neck. I giggle, eyeing the now discarded handcuffs and bulletproof vest on the bed. 
“What can I say? I love my man in uniform.” 
Tags: @emmalvei-blog​
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writer-by-the-sea · 1 year
Elliott coming back home to the farm, to his wife after the book tour? Can be nsfw, up to your preference
Stardew Valley Elliot Spoilers (Slight edit to make the book tour weeks and not 'one week' as it is in the game.) NSFW / No beta
Behind me drags a suitcase stuffed with my clothing and little souvenirs, chocolates for the other villagers and a handmade blanket for you. One that would replace our small ratty blanket on the couch that I spilled coffee all over one morning right before I left to go on tour.
It cannot be described how much I’ve missed you over the past few weeks. Sleeping alone, waking up alone, dining alone, traveling alone; it all makes you realize how much another person can stand strong in your life and how much you ache for them when they’re no longer near to help hold you up.
Soon I stand before our home, the cabin warm and inviting as it always has been. Even before the renovations, I dreamt that this could eventually be a place for me. Before you approached me, before you professed your love, before our first kiss, before our wedding… I knew I wanted a life here with you. Watching you walk along the beach for the first time, a smile on your face as you introduced yourself…
I was in love before you spoke.
And even now, standing here, I feel a wave of happiness crashing down on me as I know that you’re waiting inside. I feel nervous, a tingling in my toes as I finally make it up the steps and open the front door. Although I’ve written letters, I was never in one place long enough for you to reply. I didn’t know how you were feeling, if you missed me as much as I missed you, or if you were nearly as excited as I was to finally be home.
I don’t know why I ever had any doubt.
“Elliot!” Your arms were around me the moment I stepped through the door, your lips crashing down onto mine with the passion of a thousand oceans in one small kiss.
I dropped my luggage, no longer caring for the items inside as I gripped your thighs and hoisted you up. There was no time to waste, we had so much to catch up on.
Firstly, making love to you.
Carrying you in my arms, I made my way to the bedroom, dropping you onto the bed and soon following after. I was desperate for you, more than I knew I could be. My hands went to your waist, quickly yanking down your pants and under garments in one swift motion. Seeing you exposed like this… ready to have me, eager as you rip your shirt over your head and lay back onto the bed with your legs spread.
“Fuck,” I mumbled and undressed, taking my time to admire you as I dropped my jacket to the floor. “Darling, you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”
Once nude, I crawled over you, kissing you along your neck and down your chest, pausing to suck on your nipples as I lowered a hand to your entrance.
“My, my... Already prepped for me?” I whispered into your ear, your only answer being a small moan as I slipped my middle finger inside. “Well, aren’t you cute?”
“Please,” you gasped, your hips rolling forward. “I need you.”
As tempting as it was to tease you, to continue fingering you and slowly add more fingers; I couldn’t. My perfect spouse before me, prepared to take me, moaning and crying for me to fill them up–
I am not strong enough to deny you your pleasure.
I readied myself at your entrance, looking down at you for one moment; awaiting your permission to fuck you. You nodded, your hands sneaking around my back and pulling me down to reach my lips once more.
Feeling my cockhead ease into you is a feeling hard to describe. Like sparks are exploding all over my skin and up my spine. You feel so fucking good. Tight, wet, and hot around me as I begin fucking into you.
Your moans are loud in my ear, urging me to keep going and fill you up with my cum. I know I won’t last, it’s been so long and jerking off to your polaroids in cheap motels wasn’t enough. Your legs soon wrap around my hips, your nails scratching down my back as I allow myself to completely destroy you.
“I’m there!” You cried, and threw your head back, your thighs shaking as you reached your release. “Fuck me, Elliot! Cum in me! Fill me up!”
Anything you ask of me will be given.
I dropped my head into your neck, panting as I chased my own release. Pumping my hips into you, groaning as I’m so so so fucking close–
“Fuck!” I shout as I cum, my hips fucking with force, clenching my teeth as I empty my seed deep inside of you.
So damn perfect.
It’s hard to form words after making love to you. Although, that could certainly be considered ‘fucking’ instead. Perhaps later I could truly devote my time to you. I moved to lay beside you and pulled you into my arms, both of us panting and absolutely spent.
Soon you would doze off using my chest as your pillow….
And in the morning I would wake you up with all the love in the world.
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angelllbby222 · 26 days
Conflicted: Chapter 18🎀
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Maddy P.O.V:
“I don’t think I can. I’ll be leaving for Seattle soon.”
“Wait what? You didn’t tell me.” he wondered, holding the phone tight to his ear.
“Yeah. I kind of decided last minute.”
“But why?”
“Because of Izzy but mainly the fact that I miss home.”
“Are you sure I didn’t have something to do with it. I can’t help but feel like I did.”
“I’m just overwhelmed between this whole situation with you and Izzy.” I sighed, leaning my back against the wall.
“I didn’t mean to upset you but I felt like you should know about my feelings too.” he insisted.
“Axl, what about Izzy?”
“What about him? Isn’t he the same guy who cheated on you.” he snickered, rolling his eyes at the mention of the guy whom he felt used to be his best friend at one point.
“I’m not going to hurt him for you.”
“You already did.” he mentioned, thinking about the time we had slept together.
“I’m never doing that again.” I spat, slamming the phone down.
I sighed running my hands through my hair and went back to my room to find some clothes to wear.
It felt as if my suitcase grew a pair of eyes and burned its gaze right through me, upon entering my closet.
The bag was already open and a few clothes had been placed inside just incase, on an impulse decision I decided that I wanted to start packing.
My closet was a mess ever since I got here since I never had time to clean it because I was also busy with the guys and Duff.
I grabbed the jacket Izzy had left behind, the day he slept over and smelled his cologne, as I folded it up to put in a bag for him.
I still missed him despite the fact that we had a huge argument.
I did not feel the same way after speaking with Axl. It never gave me the butterflies in my tummy that Izzy would give me when he looked at me with those eyes of his.
… … …
“MADDY GET UP. WE’RE GONNA BE LATE.” I heard Duff scream, as I bolted upright in my bed, wondering what the hell was going on.
“You didn’t remember?!?”
“Remember what?” I croaked, rubbing my eyes from the light pouring in from the kitchen, as he held my bedroom door wide open.
“There’s a party at Slash’s. Everyone is invited. So hurry up and change.” he insisted, leaving my door open to grab some last minute items to stuff in his jean pocket.
Like condoms, cigarettes and the keys to his mustang.
I groaned getting up groggily and rushed to the bathroom to quickly freshen up, putting on a natural look with pink lipgloss before heading to my closet to pick out a dress.
Usually in Seattle I would just wear a sundress and call it a day but over here that wouldn’t go right.
Everyone here dressed like they were in Hollywood and so I settled on a slim fitting, silky baby pink dress with spaghetti straps.
And paired it with a silver necklace and matching diamond earrings that Duff had bought for me and my mom.
I grabbed Izzy’s jacket and wore it over my dress and grabbed the white strappy heels to complete my outfit.
“I’m not even gonna argue because you actually look pretty in that.” Duff said giving me a kiss on the forehead, and pushing me out the door.
“Is everyone going to be there.” I asked, indirectly wondering if Izzy was showing up, since he didn’t really enjoy parties as much as I thought.
“Yes Maddy. Izzy will be there too.” he grinned, raising his eyebrows at me.
I rolled my eyes laughing as we hopped into his car and headed to Slash’s new home in Laurel Canyon.
Izzy P.O.V
I sat smoking my cigarette endlessly, with a bottle of Jack as I put a hand through my hair wondering when the fuck this party was going to be over.
The only reason I came here was to congratulate Slash on his new house and the first thing I was met with was a bitchy Axl.
He was giving me strange remarks and looking at me weird even though he was fine a couple of days again.
I didn’t have any energy to entertain his behavior so I placed myself in a quiet area away from all the loud noise, girls and hard drugs.
Even the girls here were getting on my nerves.
They were so sleazy that it was a turn off but I guess that’s how Slash liked his women.
Everyone started cheering as I saw someone’s figure walk-in and bright blonde hair belonging to none other than Duff.
“Finally someone normal.” I huffed looking over where Steven was passed out with a bottle of tequila in his hand.
“Duff. Over here!” I shouted, ushering him over to me with my hand.
“Hey man. Sorry I took so long, Maddy was taking forever to get ready.” he complained rolling his eyes as he grabbed the Jack to take a big swig.
“She came?”
“Yeah. She’s right there.” he pointed, to a shy Maddy who was quietly standing by the counter where they were serving drinks, looking around to find someone familiar.
She looked so beautiful.
She had on this little pink, tight fitting dress, which was covered by my jacket and her pouty lips were covered in sparkly lipgloss, making me want to go over there and kiss her until it smeared all over her face.
“I can see you getting hard over my sister.” he repulsed, looking over to where I was staring at Maddy.
I laughed.
“Just go talk to her please. You guys are dying to make out with each other I can tell.” he remarked grabbing some shots from a passing tray and heading over to the herd of models that were perched on Slash’s lap.
“Hey Maddy.”
“Hi.” she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.
“You look really pretty…I see you wore my jacket.” I smirked, placing my hand on her waist to pull her into me.
Her lips pursed and sparkling eyes glowed as she turned to face me, making me speechless as I stared at her beautiful face.
“You wanna go up to Slash’s room?” I asked, caressing her cheek with my hand.
"O-Okay," she said, allowing me to take her hand in mine as I led us both up the stairs, the noisy talk of everyone in the party becoming quieter and quieter until we found ourselves alone in Slash's room.
I removed my jacket from her, locking the door behind us and pressed her against it as I assaulted her neck with wet kisses, groping all parts of her body, enjoying how she reacted to each touch.
“M’sorry that I was mean to you even after you apologized.” She whispered to me, her eyes huge and brows raised, as she pouted her lips.
"I promise to never hurt you again." I whispered, kissing her all over her face and chubby cheeks as she giggled.
“You look so sexy in this dress but I would love to see how you look without it.”
“I want that too.” she coyly smirked.
I took her and laid her on the bed, sliding her dress straps down to display her breasts, alternating between sucking them sloppily and tenderly massaging them with my thumb flicking up and down her nipples.
“I love it when you kiss my breasts.” she whimpered running her hand through my hair, softly tugging at the ends.
I moved down her body, dragging the rest of her dress along and dumping it on the ground, grabbing one of her legs to perch on my shoulder as I spit on her pussy, pressing it in to make her wetter, inserting my finger in and instantly feeling her clench around it.
“Mmphh.” she moaned pushing herself forward to sink my finger in her pretty pink pussy to the hilt.
“Your so dirty y’know that. Letting your brother’s best friend touch you like this.” I grunted grinding into the bed, feeling turned on by her little whimpers and moans.
“I like being your dirty girl Izzy.” she moaned grabbing her breasts with her hands to push them together for me.
“Fuck.” I groaned taking off my shirt and pants throwing them somewhere across the room and getting completely naked along with her.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard and you’re gonna sit there like a good girl and take it. M’kay?” I cooed, gripping the back of her hair and tilting her head back, asking her to open up so I could spit in her mouth.
She stared up at me through her lashes, extending her tongue out as I dropped a glob of spit directly onto her tongue, watching her swirl it in her mouth before swallowing it and sticking her tongue back out to show me.
"Holy Fuck. You're so fucking sexy, baby. Where did you learn that from?" I asked, slapping my dick on her pussy a few times, hearing the slick sound of her juices coating my dick.
“Some girls in school.” she whispered looking at me with those innocent eyes.
"No one else can see you like this. You’re all fucking mine." I spat, gripping her waist and forcing her down onto my hardened cock.
“Y-Yes yes. M’ all yours daddy.” she whined, as her body bounced each time I slammed her up and down my cock.
I groaned hearing her call me daddy and fucked her harder, as my grip on her waist tightened definitely bound to leave marks, hearing the sound of skin slapping each time I bottomed out into her.
“I-Iz-zy c-cum in me p-please.” She pleaded with me, making grabby hands, to kiss my lips as I felt her orgasm approaching.
“F-fuuckk. Oh fuck look at that fucking pussy milking my cock.” I grunted watching her pussy suck every last drop of my cum into her.
I stroked her stomach thinking about what it would be like to have a mini Izzy but quickly forgot after I came down from my orgasm and rolled over catching my breath as I lied next to her with her flushed out face and fluttery eyes.
“I love you so much Izzy. Please never hurt me.” she mumbled as she fell asleep.
I promise I won’t.
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getblackout503 · 5 months
So this is the first chapter of the greyche spy au fanfic inspired by @jaycrakhead art, I started to create a story and they convinced me to act on it, so thanks jay, hope it’s good, upload schedule is finna be a mess, so jay make sure to bug me about when chapters are coming out, but anyways enjoy.
Buzz Buzz Buzz
Grey’s phone didn’t ring often, but when It did it usually meant one thing.
A mission
“Hello?” Grey asked even though she knew full well who it was.
“Agent 461, you will go undercover at a party in order to infiltrate and, be an inside man for agent 479, as he steals the information our client requests, do you understand the mission and risk?” The voice on the other end of the phone explained and asked.
“Yes sir, always”
“Very good, you’re transport and clothes will arrive shortly, the party will start at 2000, be safe and if he is there, there’s no shame in running kid”
“Understood yami sir” as Grey ended the call she made her way to the entrance of the hotel she stayed in ‘Agent 479? Why him again?’ Grey didn’t like working with him, not because he was a bad partner, far from it actually, he had to be the organization’s best agent, it’s just whenever she was with him, well she didn’t know how to explain it, but she just can’t pay attention with getting nervous and embarrassed around him, she had a problem she knows, but it’s not like she can act on her feelings, because last time she did, it ruined her.
“Become my women, you’re better than this” A tall man tells a younger Grey as he offers her his hand
“Yes, you deserve the best” Grey takes his hand not knowing what she had done.
Grey shakes her head out of remembering that horrible decision and, ever since she’s never trusted her emotions fully, but for her line of work, what seemed as a flaw is actually an advantage for her, spies shouldn’t let emotions interfere with their missions and, that’s why she is considered one of the top spies in the organization, only beaten by some of her superior officers, one of which being agent 479, he was known for being, clever, ruthless, and most importantly quick on his feet and not afraid to get his hands dirty, he was the definition of the word spy, and that made Grey feel bad about her emotions even more, because as of recent they’ve been getting in the ways of her missions.
Take her last mission as an example, she and agent 479 had to go undercover at a fancy party, in order to keep their identity a secret they had to keep their arms locked together for most of the party until they had an opportunity to split up, the entire time she couldn’t stop blushing, and everytime she tried to say something it never came out the way she wanted it to, it’s a miracle they didn’t fail the mission because of her, and she wonders why they keep partnering her up with him, but she believes one of her superior wine drinking officers has something to do with it, but she could talk to her later, because her ride had just arrived.
“Good morning, my lovely lady” a brown hair man said to Grey in a flirtatious tone
“Good morning to you too finral” Grey said to her co-worker as they like to call themselves.
“Let me guess, with him again?”
Grey nods
“Well better you than me” Finral jokes as he starts driving to their location.
“Can’t you talk to vanessa, I know she’s the one up to this” Grey asked as finral’s face turned red.
“N-No, I can’t last time we talked well, um”
“Okay, okay, I get it finral” Grey sighed knowing it was out of her hands, she just begged the mission went well.
As they arrived at their destination, Grey got out with a suitcase and, made her way inside the building to get ready for the party, if all went well she could get home and, even maybe get to hang out with Zora today, though he seems like a bad boy prankster, Grey soon found out he’s just a cinnamon roll, she even considered him as a brother and, she believes that (possibly) he views her as a sister, although she didn’t have much to go off of beside how protective he can get with her when someone tries flirting with her, but it’s a hunch, walking in she went to the changing room to start preparing for the party soon to come and, she soon received a message from the second phone in the suitcase, it being equipped with everything she’ll need for the mission, her dark blue dress, high heels (which she despise), perfume, make up, and her revolver and hunting knife, you know the typical items one would take to a party and, especially for her, but the message was from agent 479, it reading.
‘I’m ready when you are’
Grey took a deep breath and, looked herself in the mirror one more time, before setting out for her mission.
“Get in and out, simple”
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laurenairay · 8 months
babe if you did a goodbye kiss with petey that just ripped my heart i would be forever grateful
Goodbye Kiss – Elias Pettersson
Words: 619
This one broke me a little, so I hope you like it anon!
“Do you really have to go?”
Elias’s soft words made you pause, hands resting over your empty suitcase. You let out a shaky breath before turning to face him, a deep ache filling your chest at the sadness in his face.
“You know I do, Elias. We’ve talked about this over and over,” you sighed.
“I know. I know we have. But that doesn’t make it any easier to accept,” he murmured.
Your eyes stung with tears, and he wasted no time in stepping forward to take you into his arms, letting you tilt your head forward to rest on his chest.
The two of you had talked this over and over, that wasn’t a lie. But there wasn’t a compromise that you could reach. Your company was closing its Vancouver office, moving everyone back over to Ottawa, and you couldn’t give up your career. You wouldn’t give it up – you adored everything about your work and as much as you loved Elias, you loved your career too. Obviously Elias wasn’t going to leave Vancouver any time soon – and there was no way you were letting him request a trade to the Senators just because of you, not when he loved this team, this city so much.
So that had been the bottom line of it all. Neither of you was able to compromise. Neither of you was able to give up what you loved, even though you loved each other too. It was the worst kind of heartbreak – the ending of a relationship that neither of you wanted to end. It was sharp agony like you’d never known it before, making it even worse that you knew he was suffering just as much.
The last thing you ever wanted to do was to hurt him, and you’d felt so much guilt over the past few weeks that it was eating you up inside…but this was it. You were leaving in only a few hours, this suitcase being the last two pack, your absolute daily essentials. All of your other clothing and toiletries and jewellery had been packed already – this last suitcase would signify the true end of everything you’d been trying desperately not to think of.
Elias coming here with ‘do you really have to go?’ was the last thing you needed, even if it was all that you wanted in this moment.
“Can I help?”
“Do you really want to?” you choked out, lifting your head to look up at him.
“Not really. But if it means spending these last moments with you, I’ll do it,” Elias said softly.
You let out a quiet sob but nodded, stepping out of his arms to get back to your task with as much composure as you could manage. The two of you worked in silence, passing your favourite pyjamas, and slippers, and books, all of your necessities until you zipped the suitcase lid closed.
There. It was done. It was over.
“I’m really going to miss you, käraste,” Elias said, more sombre than you’d ever seen him.
“I’m going to miss you too. So much,” you said, voice cracking.
Elias’s eyes shone with tears but he cupped your face anyway, looking down at you for a moment as if he was taking in everything about you, before he leaned down to kiss you softly. You kissed him back, hands clutching at his shirt, and it didn’t take long for the kiss to turn desperate, both of you pouring everything you possibly could into the embrace until there was nothing left. It was only when you felt completely and utterly numb that you broke the kiss, looking up at him with a sad smile.
“Goodbye, Elias,” you said softly.
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 36. brb x oc
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a/n: SO MANY PEOPLE SHOWED U P AND LIKED AND SENT ME LOVELY MESSAGES AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA you guys are so sweet <333 tysm for liking my fic it means so much to me
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff FLUFFFFFFFFF
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 
@lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2 @emilybradshaw
Jolene sniffed around Bradley’s apartment with curiosity, her sock monkey lodged in her maw as she got used to the new surroundings. Thankfully, Jolene wasn’t a dog that got anxious in different spaces, amazingly, no one could really explain why but she got accustomed very quickly to wherever she had to stay.
Before Beatrice moved to her house she feared that Jolene wouldn’t like it since she lived with her parents in a house with a large backyard and a lot of space. Bea’s biggest fear was that she’d have to return Jolene to her parents because she didn’t get used to the new place, but on the first day she got to the house Jolene immediately lied on the backyard with her tummy up to enjoy the sunshine.
She had never been in an apartment and while Bradley’s apartment was large, Beatrice didn’t know how Jojo would get used to it. So far it seemed fine, the pitbull was just sniffing around and looking out the large windows with interest. Bradley assured Beatrice that it was fine, that she shouldn’t worry so much but he also knew Bea and she would worry about certain things.
Jolene was trained, so that was good, she only liked to sleep in random places like a couch or a chair or even under a coffee table, but she’d never lie down on a bed. Beatrice tried, but the dog liked having a space just for herself - and no dog beds weren’t enough for her - so she could sprawl without issues. 
Beatrice sighed, knowing that even if she worried, Jolene would be okay. She thinks. As for her, she was just annoyed. She couldn’t put weight on her ankle so she had to hop around or use Bradley so she could walk, she couldn’t stand up for too long or move too long or else her ankle would scream for mercy. She did take an ibuprofen when the pain got too severe, eventually subsiding into a gentle yet annoying throbbing.
Bradley, who by the love of God was the sweetest man she’s ever met, told her she could put her clothes in his closet since he had space for it. She questioned how much space and he said “A whole drawer and the other side of the closet.” with a charming smile. Beatrice told him it was fine, she could keep her things in the red suitcase she brought but he wasn’t buying it.
So, heaving out a deep sigh - but still smiling - Beatrice put her clothes inside the closet while sitting on his chair. She had to keep the foot elevated, so she used her suitcase to prop it up. At least she was doing something after all. Even if it wasn’t as ideal as she’d want.
She also called her parents, just to let them know what happened and they wouldn’t worry. “No, mama, I’m not in the hospital. I was yesterday–no, no I’m not sick, I twisted my ankle and I’m staying with Bradley.” Beatrice frowned with the phone pressed between her shoulder and her ear, “No, no, mama listen, listen, Bradley isn’t in the hospital. He’s not hurt, I twisted my ankle and I am staying with him until it heals because I won’t have to go up the stairs anywhere while I’m here.”
Beatrice sighs deeply, using her free hand to rub her forehead, “Mama, I’m not sick. No,I won’t have to undergo surgery– can I talk to dad? Please? Thanks, I love you.” she looked up when Bradley appeared on the door, leaning against the doorframe with a little smirk on his face, crossing his arms, “Papá? Yes, it’s me. Can you tell mom to please calm down because I’m not hurt severely, I just twisted my ankle?...no I’m fine, I just tore a few ligaments but it’s not bad enough to undergo surgery. Yes, yes I know. Yeah, I’m staying with Brad. Hmhm, yes, yes I know. No he said it’s fine, I asked him that too.” she smiles when she feels his lips touching her bare neck “I will, I promise, I love you too. Bye.” she finished the call with a heavy sigh, “Jesus.”
“Is your mom okay?”
“Yeah, she’ll be fine.” she says, tossing the phone on top of his desk, “She just gets paranoid whenever something like that happens. One time Leo broke his wrist while surfing and she had a breakdown thinking he was in the ICU…it was a whole thing, she gets really intense with stuff like that.” he hums against her neck, watching her place her folded clothes inside the drawer with a smile.
He liked this. A lot.
While not ideal he was glad she said yes. He wouldn’t mind it at all, they’d spend more time together and she’d have some of her things in his place. “I already put your shampoos and soaps in the bathroom.” he says, pecking the curve of her shoulder, “So you don’t have to worry about that.”
“Thanks Brad.” she smiles, giving him a kind look before going back to the final pieces of clothing, “I’m almost done here, too.” the clicking of claws against the floor meant that Jolene was coming, this time to sniff around his room curiously. The pitbull sniffed his bed, then the side tables, then entered his bathroom with the sock monkey still in her mouth looking around with interest before she walked back out.
Jolene, while confused by her new surroundings, seemed to be at ease the more she walked around, finally deciding that she’d take her spot on Bradley’s couch once she was done surveying the whole area. 
“Alright. I think that’s everything.” she says after shutting the drawer, opening her suitcase to check if there was anything else and thankfully there wasn’t. After that she just sighs, leaning back on the chair and glaring down at her foot, “I should’ve paid more attention.” she murmurs, “You know? Maybe I could’ve just bruised my knee at best, instead of tearing ligaments.”
Bradley looks at her bandaged ankle just as she was, standing to his full height behind her, “You can’t know what will hurt you or not.” he says above her head, smiling when she tilts it backwards to look up at him, “Considering everything, it could’ve been much worse.”
“You said that…”
“But think of it this way.” he walks around the chair to stand by her side, “Now you are going to be taken care of and pampered,” she smiles softly, dropping her gaze away from him with her cheeks turned red, “Matter of fact,” he scoops her up in his arms, making Bea squeak out in surprise and wrap her arms around his neck as he lifts her from the chair, using a foot to put it back to where it was against his desk. She giggles, hugging his neck to keep herself upright, “I feel like pampering you right now.”
Beatrice laughs even more, her cheeks hurting from smiling so much as she looks at him. “Yeah?” she asks, letting go of his neck when he lowers her on his bed. He nods, smiling before pressing his lips on her and holding himself over her body with his arms, Beatrice only laughed more, the sof smacking sounds of their kissing being the only sound they could hear in the room.
“Yeah.” he replies, kissing her one more time, “Because you deserve to be pampered.” he loved how her cheeks reddened so much, kissing them and feeling the warmth touch his own lips when he did so, “We are going to have lunch here, watch Rupaul’s Drag Race and then I’m going to cuddle the hell out of you.”
Beatrice’s eyes shone with adoration, but she nodded, “Okay.” was her soft reply, cupping his cheeks to kiss him one last time before he pushed himself off the bed and out of the room, giving her one last look and a smile until he disappeared from her view. She sighed dreamily, chewing the corner of her mouth and looking back at her bandaged foot propped up on his bed. Maybe it wasn’t all bad.
She also brought some of her drawing supplies, not her painting supplies since it’d be too much stuff. She could draw to pass the time too if it occurred to her, if the inspiration hit her. She had a feeling it would. 
How long has it been? Three months, well…two if she removed the time he was deployed but still, it was the best months of her life. He was a dream come true in all aspects, he was a wonderful boyfriend, he was caring, he was sweet and he was always making sure she’d be comfortable with whatever they were to do.
The…meeting with Eric a few days back genuinely rocked her but not how she thought it would. Yes she was surprised to see him again, but she didn’t feel…panicked. She always thought she’d be terrified when she saw him, because she thought she would never find someone else, that she’d be single and living with her dog away from society and that he’d make fun of her because it’d be obvious.
But no, she wasn’t even angry. She was just surprised and didn’t want to talk to him even though he did for some odd reason, even trying to follow her as she left him standing there looking like an idiot. She frowns, clicking her tongue against her teeth, trying to understand why after so long he showed up like that.
Oh,well, it doesn’t matter now. 
Coincidences happened, it was all a big coincidence and she’d never see him again. It didn't matter anymore, she was happy, she had a handsome man who loved her so much - and made sure to show it quite often- she had a job she liked, friends who liked her and she got herself her own place. She was in a good spot in her life, she thought with a smile, she really was.
“Ah!” she yelps, hissing through her teeth, “Oh God, it’s cold!”
“It’s an ice pack, baby, It will be cold.” he chuckles after lowering the gel ice pack on top of the towel above her bandaged foot, “You’ll just need it for twenty minutes. Doctor orders remember?”
Beatrice groans, clenching her eyes when the ice immediately makes her ankle throb with another wave of pain, “Twenty minutes is too long.” she complains without being able to help herself, “With how much medicine advanced you’d think there’d be easier ways to take care of wounds and bruises.” he smiles, going back to his desk to pick her phone and then lie down next to her, “I mean, we have robots that can do surgeries! But nothing that heals a sprained ankle faster?”
He leaned back against his headboard, propping her foot right on top of his leg, patting her thigh fondly, “You’ll live.” he chuckles, not being able to help himself and press a kiss to her jutted lower lip.
She hums against his mouth, still pouting a bit when he pulls back, “I know, it’s just because the weather is cold and I’m cold.” she murmurs, “You know my nonna used to grab a bunch of herbs from her garden, crush everything with pure alcohol and rub on wherever it was hurting. And it always worked.”
“Yeah.” She smiles, holding onto his arm as she gets comfortable and he places the laptop on a pillow that’d stay on both of their laps, Rupaul’s Drag Race already being played, “We all joke how our aunt Martha is a witch, but…you know, she must’ve learned it from somewhere. And my nonna also found out when my mom was pregnant too, before everyone.”
And she was right at every child too, even mentioning once they’d have six kids: three girls and three boys. No one questioned, they all thought it was some ancient Sicilian magic that she had ever since she was a child, since she could predict changes in weather and sometimes even talk to birds. 
Beatrice remembers seeing her nonna talking to a hummingbird, holding up a thimble with sugar water in the palm of her hand, the little bird sitting on her fingers as it drank from the tiny cup. “She used to believe in fairies and elves.” she says, resting her chin on his shoulder as they watch the final episode of season 13 “Like, if something went missing in her house it was because a gnome or an elf stole it, so she’d leave sugar cubes for them in exchange of her things back.”
For some reason he could see all of that through Beatrice. The way she spoke about her grandmother and the connection the two had, meant they had more in common than the rest of the family. He could understand that, after all, he and his mother were thick as thieves for a good part of his life, no one knew the things his mother did about him. 
“What was her name?” he asks,”Your nonna’s?”
Beatrice smiles, “Giorgia, we called her Gigi but she didn’t really like it.” she says, chuckling a bit “She preferred Gio the most.” she pulls back her phone and opens the gallery, then furrows her eyebrows, “I think-here! I have a picture of her.”
She shows the screen to Bradley, who immediately smiles seeing the picture was of an elderly woman with thick brown hair in an updo, thick rimmed glasses and red lipstick, holding a little girl in her arms. They were standing in front of a large garden, with orange trees and a giant cane corso dog in the background, with the little girl holding onto the older woman's white lace shirt, looking at the camera with big green eyes. 
It was obvious the little girl was Beatrice, why would she have a picture of her nonna holding any other baby that wasn’t her? But even if he wasn’t sure, it was the big green eyes that gave it away. She is beautiful now, but she was such a cute baby, her hair back then was much lighter but just as voluminous. “I was two in this picture.” she says, “That’s her garden and those were the orange trees she used to have.”
Bradley smiles, looking back at Beatrice to see her eyes soften the longer she looks, “You two look very alike.” she blinks, lifting her head towards him, “I think, especially here,” he rubs his knuckle over her brow bone “And here.” he touches her high cheekbones with the grin remaining when she blushes a soft red.
She smiles sweetly, looking back at the picture as if she’s trying to make the connection and see if it made sense, “I never…thought about that.” she lowers the phone, nuzzling his shoulder and wincing at a sudden throb coming from her ankle, but she feels a lot better than before, ‘Thank you, Roos.”
Bradley presses a kiss to the top of her head, “Anytime, angel.” she feels one of his arms slipping behind her to comb the long brown tresses, a movement that makes her relax immediately. It doesn’t take long for Beatrice to doze off while the two watch the finale of Rupaul’s Drag Race. 
He doesn’t move a lot when he feels she’s asleep, the medication undoubtedly made her feel a lot more drowsy than before. He watches the finale in silence, but he’s very happy to know Symone won as she was his favorite from the start, turning the pc off and putting it aside alongside her phone. Thankfully the towel soaked up the moisture from the ice pack and nothing dribbled from her ankle down his leg.
He gently picked it up, unwrapping the velcro compression bracer to check on it. It was still very red but it looked less swollen already. Bradley looks back at Beatrice again, seeing her face was hidden by the brown hair as she slept, one of her hands underneath her head while the other reached for his pillow in her sleep. As careful as he could, he stood up from the bed to toss the ice pack gel back in his freezer, looking back to where Jolene was currently lying on his couch.
Jolene’s tail thumps on the couch when Bradley gets closer, scratching her between the ears before he walks back into his bedroom. His apartment was already smelling like lavender again, every single corner. 
He picked a blanket from his closet, looking back at Beatrice who was still lying on her side, her good leg curled up to an almost fetal position, still holding onto his pillow but this time her face was buried on it. His chest felt warm with adoration the longer he looked, “She’s so cute.” he muttered to himself, draping the blanket on her first before he slipped under it, gently touching her head so she’d give him space to lie down.
Beatrice opened her bleary eyes, then buried her face on his neck, tucking her arms between the two of them like she’s been doing these past days. He questioned her once if it wasn’t uncomfortable and she said it was actually really nice, it made her feel like a bit of a cocoon when she did that. He didn’t mind it either, burying his nose on her hair, closing his eyes at the waft of her floral shampoo and conditioner, smiling to himself.
She hummed sleepily against him, muttering his name quietly and he could swear he could feel her smiling against his skin before he too couldn’t keep his eyes open. It was Sunday afternoon and it was cold, there wasn’t a reason for either of them to be awake right now.
Plus she was very warm and he didn’t want to let go of her so soon.
While he never dreams while napping, he caught glimpses of something when he was asleep. Figures and shapes without any reason, colors that reminded him of things and nothing at all, voices that sounded familiar but too far away for him to figure out who it’d be. It was all very confusing, but it didn’t last long in his head.
When he woke up, about three hours after they fell asleep, he blinked his eyes hard when he felt Beatrice’s body move against his, the mass of brown hair separating to show her sleepy face, “Hey.” he said softly, making her smile and nuzzling his neck again.
“I really like your voice, Roos.” she murmurs, voice slurred and a bit quiet “It’s so hot.”
Bradley blinks in surprise, waking up a bit faster at her sudden confession, “Yeah?” she nods against his neck, humming even more.
“It’s so…nice, it’s like honey.” she says, her eyes closed and her soft warm breath hitting the skin that isn’t covered by his shirt, “It’s deep and so attractive.” she giggles tiredly, “I could hear you for hours and never get tired.”
Rooster chuckles gently, wrapping his arms around her waist to bring her closer, pressing his lips to her ear, “For hours?” she nods, “What would I be saying to you for so long then?”
“Anything.” she says, “You could tell me the ingredients of a bottle of ketchup and I’d still love it.” finally she seems to be waking up more, fidgeting a bit in his arms and lifting her head, her cheeks stained red but her smile present, “And your accent too.”
She looked so good with her hair all mussed up, her own voice getting more attractive because of her slumber as she looks up at him. Bradley could only watch her watch him with her eyes heavy lidded and still waking up, “You keep looking at me like that and I’ll have to break doctor’s orders about strenuous activities.”
Beatrice just grins, “Not my fault.” she replies, her voice distorting in a yawn before she winces as she adjusts herself on the bed with her good leg, dropping her sprained ankle from where he propped by his side, “Ow.”
“You okay?”
“It just hurts.” she moans, wincing again, “I’ll be fine.”
Rooster smiles sweetly at her, “I know, gorgeous.” he kisses her temple, rubbing her cheek and her pouty lower lip  “ I’ll go get the ice pack,” she groans at that, covering her face with the blanket in hopes she’d hide herself, only for the pilot to pull it back and expose her face again, kissing the tip of her nose before he got up to slide his hands under her body so he could carry her bridal style out of the bedroom and into the living room.
Beatrice yawned one more time, rubbing her face with a hand as he set her down on the couch, thanking him with a kiss before he disappeared into the kitchen. Jolene propped her head on Bea’s lap, huffing happily as Rooster came back with the towel and the gel ice pack.
Much like before the second she felt the cold on her ankle the pain shot all over her body, making her toes curl and a quiet curse leave her lips, “Did you know,” she says in hopes it’d help distract her from the pain, “I never broke a bone?”
Bradley looks down at her as if she’s joking, then he blinks, “Wait, really?” she nods her head positively “Never? Never ever?” he drops down next to her on the couch,opposite of Jolene and placing her leg on top of his much like before on the bed, “How’s that possible?”
“Well,” she groans, “I was always a careful kid. I scraped myself a lot and had bruises, but I never broke anything. My nonna always said it was because I drank so much milk as a child it made my bones strong as iron.” Bradley huffs out a laugh, shaking his head as he looks at her wrapped ankle, “Did you?”
His eyebrows went up and then down, his eyes closed with an ‘oh yeah’ face, “Absolutely. I broke quite a few bones.” he starts gesturing to the parts of his body where he hurt himself, “I broke my arm once while driving my bike, my pinky finger at soccer, almost broke my nose at a fight too. I was a very adventurous kid.”
Beatrice stared at him with wide eyes, “God, that’s…a lot of bones, Brad.”
“Yeah, the doctors said I was an anomaly because my bones healed without giving me issues. Like,” he curls his pinky, “I bent this one in a way you’d think I could never do this again and yet here it is, as good as new.”
Beatrice frowns, taking his hand in hers to have a better look. She purses her lips a bit, looking back at him “God the worst that happened to me…was when I dislocated my shoulder in high school. I was late, the halls were wet…I slipped and fell. It hurt like a bitch.”
“Oh, yeah, I dislocated my shoulder once too and I put it back before I went home.” he says casually, earning his girlfriend’s worried gaze and he chuckles, “Yeah, didn’t have to go to the hospital or anything.”
“I don’t know if I should be worried or impressed.” he laughs louder at that, which Beatrice joins in in a quiet chuckle, “I’m serious, a dislocated shoulder sucks a lot.”
“I didn’t want my mom to worry.” he says quietly, looking at their joined hands with his eyebrows low, “More than she already did.” Beatrice’s soft whisper of his name made his sad smile grow fond as he looked at her, leaning down to kiss her forehead then her lips, humming into her mouth when she kept their lips together for a while longer. 
Beatrice pulls back and cups his cheeks, rubbing her thumbs over his cheekbones and smiling when his eyes closed and his shoulders relaxed, “Well, even if she worried,” he opens his eyes then, “She did because she loved you.” she saw his eyes glazed over, but his cheeks curved up in a smile, flexing under her touch “It’s how moms work.”
Bradley chuckles, “Yeah,it is.” he says, pulling her hands back to kiss her lips one more time, swallowing her light giggle but breaking the kiss before it deepened even more, “Man these weeks will be hard.” he whispers against her mouth, ‘For obvious reasons.”
“You are the one repeating it’s doctor’s orders.” she smiles, combing back his sandy locks, “It’s not like you can’t control yourself, right?”
She knew exactly what she was doing, with that little smile and the way her head tilted to the left. “...yeah…” he replies breathily, grinning before meeting her lips again, “It’s not like I can’t control myself.”
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modern-vellichor · 2 years
hello! love your writing. kinda miss our favorite russian assassin sooooo can i please request for an ultra angsty fic where reader and nat are on a stablished relationship but they went thru a messy breakup and reader leaves. nat and reader havent been in contact with each other for a long time but nat still loves reader, though not making an effort to find her whereabouts. one time the avengers go on a mission in some country that had civilians as collateral damage and nat finds out that one of the dead bodies in reader. break my heart, i dare u. here's a cookie, as a treat 🍪
-a/n; I'm only doing this because you asked so nicely -warnings; angst, death, cheating.
"Romanoff," Steve barked in Nat's ears. "Check that building over there."
Nat simply nodded. she entered the building and picked through rubble, concrete and bodies. Then she stopped, and her jaw went slack.
"Baby, please," Nat sighed. "I didn't mean it like that."
"How did you mean it then, Romanoff?"
Nat was fucked. You only ever called her that when you were furious.
"Please, sweetheart. I love you and only you, you know that!"
"Does Steve know that? What about Banner? Or Wanda?"
Natasha was speechless. Her jaw went slack and she watched you as you threw clothes into a suitcase.
"Fuck, Romanoff. I mean even Barnes looks at you like he's going to rip your clothes off any second! You're a fucking sex symbol and I can't even get you to hold my hand!"
It was true. Your relationship had started as nothing more than a bit of fun; hickeys and drinks, secret rendezvous and too high heels. But Natasha loved you too much to let you go and so she kept you around. Her little secret.
You were like a sin. It was like you disgusted her. She hid you away. And then you found out about Steve, and you let it slide. Then Banner. It was a lapse of judgement. You made excuses for Natasha. You lied to yourself, convinced yourself that she loved you.
But this was the last straw. Wanda was meant to be your friend. And now she was the other woman. Or were you the other woman. You didn't know anymore. Maybe you had always been the other woman.
"Fuck you, ROmanoff. I hope I never see you again."
"Baby, wait-" Natasha pleaded.
"I can't wait till I see your face and my brain thinks that its looking at a stranger."
With tears in your eyes you left the compound and Natasha never saw you again.
Natasha never looked for you. Every once and a while a dead body would pop up, a sex trafficker, or a drug lord. It would have your MO written all over it, but Natasha could never catch up with you. You were always three steps ahead. Natasha really did love you. She was in love with you and she didn't realise that until you had disappeared. Now all she could do was long for you back.
But she would never search for you. That showed weakness. She was not weak. She was a machine. She was a warrior. She was probably better off without you. It broke her heart but she soldiered on.
She dropped to her knees in the entry hall. The building was collapsing around her. She pulled your head into her lap. You were covered in blood. She pressed two fingers to the inside of your wrist, there was no hope. You were ice cold. There was no life left in your eyes.
"Romanoff?" Steve called out on the comms.
Steve was met with nothing more than a broken sob.
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cobiehaven · 1 year
Under My Roof — Ji Changmin
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SYNOPSIS; you told changmin that you would do anything, and you mean anything, to have a place to stay for a couple of nights. although, you were a little taken aback by the things he requested from you.
PAIRING; changmin x reader
GENRE; drama, a bit suggestive.
TAGS/WARNINGS; changmin is lowkey a bad/fuck boy, reader just wants to live her life, story is lowkey played out like a japanese anime 😟, rude!changmin, pothead!changmin, both reader and changmin go to the same collage but it’s not really mentioned in the story, mention of sleeping together, mention of fake dating, mild language.
AUTHORS NOTE; i wrote this within like 30 mins so it’s short.
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“and fuck you too!” you yelled as you watched your landlord practically throw your stuff out of your shitty apartment into the dusty hallway, her disappearing around the corner after she was done with you. you couldn’t believe you had gotten kicked out of your apartment just because you got on the landlords bad side.
taking in a deep breath, you squatted down to pick up your stuff. as you were practically shoving your thrown out clothes into your suitcase, your attention was caught when your next door neighbor, opened his door.
“changmin..?” you squinted your eyes at him, your head tilting with curiosity. “uh, yeah?” he raised a brow at you, leaning on his doorframe as he stared at your hunched over figure. “you’re my neighbor?” you asked as he took a long wif of his cigarette and puffed it out into the dirty halls.
“you mean i was your neighbor? seems like you just got kicked out.”
“well- i mean- yeah.. i did… but why do you care?”
“i don’t, you were the one who brought it up.”
why did being around him always have to make you get the worst second hand embarrassment ever?
“i just came out here to see what all of the yelling was about but now that i know it was just you, i’m not as interested anymore,” he sighed and turned around, about to shut his door when his attention was caught by the sudden cling to his door handle. “wait!” he groaned and rolled his eyes.
“what is it?”
“can i please stay the night? you’re the only person i know around here and i don’t want to be sleeping on the streets.”
it was already 10:58 pm, there was no way he could just let a young girl out on the streets with no way to protect herself!
he looked you up and down. on second thought, maybe it might have been better to just tend to the streets. “i’ll pass,” he tried closing his door again but you pushed against him.
“what about your parents?"
“they live towns upon towns away, i couldn’t possibly be able to attend class with that amount of distance.”
“well that’s not my problem.”
“please.. i’ll do anything.”
as much as changmin hated girls who were persistent as hell and bothered him all of the time, there was no way he could pass up on a girl at his doorstep who was begging to stay the night and willing to do anything to do so.
“anything, you say?”
you nod frantically, unsure of what crude things he had in mind.
“thank you!”
you breathed out before practically barging in past him and dropping your stuff inside. the place reeked with smoke and other substances that didn’t smell anything like normal cigarettes, stains upon stains on his couches and crevices, empty and moldy dishes lying around that made you honestly want to pick up your stuff and actually sleep on the streets forever. but, he was kind enough to at least give you a roof so sleep under.
“so they’ll let you smoke as much weed as you want but they won’t let me paint the furniture white?” you raised a brow as you saw bags upon bags of substances stacked on his counter. he shrugged and put out his cigarette in the ash tray next to the door.
“so, where am i sleeping?” you asked, setting your things up neatly against the wall for now. “with me,” you nearly choked on your own spit.
“what?” he shrugged.
“you said you’d do anything to stay here, i say you let me have my way with you.”
“absolutely not.”
“then get out.”
“isn’t there anything else i can do for you? like, clean your house or pay most of the bill for you? i’d say both of those are pretty good options.”
you were both interrupted by an unexpected text chiming from changmin’s phone, him pushing past you to answer it. it took him a couple of minutes to read it, his expression contorting into a furrowed and stressed out one. “on second thought,” he set his phone down after hitting send on his phone. “i have something different i want you to do instead.”
“and that would be?”
“could you maybe, pretend to be my girlfriend?”
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© cobiehaven 2023
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Cabaret at TheKit Kat Club Experience !!
So, I saw Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club at the Playhouse theatre on November 15 (11/15/2023) with Nic Myers as Sally and Jake Shears as Emcee.
Below the cut is where spoilers start lol: honestly the whole thing is super secretive- from the stage to the venue itself. So if you ever plan on seeing it live or have the opportunity to do so, you have been warned!
When you walk into the theatre there’s this awesome:
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You will see before you descend the stairs; at the bottom of the stairs, they put a sticker on your phone :)
You’ll continue walking down the hall where the walls are white and covered with pictures all over of the actors past and present.
You probably pass some of the actors who are milling about, chatting, flirting, dancing playing instruments.
I was in the first row of the upper dress circle and god it’s tight up there. Definitely wish I’d payed a bit extra to be on the floor and to at least have room 😖
Also note; I don’t talk about Herr Schultz and Frauline Schneiderall that much in these notes, but that’s because their scenes are so sweet and straight forward. These two give you the Schneider and Schultz you’ve seen and you know you love; there’s nothing outlandish or left field that happens with these two like some of the choices with Sally and Emcee. The same can be said for Ernst and Cliff. Nothing wild has been changed with their characters. In fact, most of this will probably be me trying to decode the strange new take on the Emcee and The Kit Kat Club. Anyway! Here are my thoughts and stuff that stuck out to me!
(Also if you’ve seen this production with Eddie Redmayne or have listened to it and have a hypothesis— he makes this strange sound like he’s spitting? In a lot of the songs- I thought it maybe part of the orchestration, but I didn’t notice it with Jake Shears and chalked it up to Eddies character choices. So if you know what the sound is or can give me staging It would soothe my brain)
🍷 in Willkomenn, when the Emcee does his whole “comment ca va?, do you feel good” speil he paused after every time, as if to test what language the audience would respond to
🍷 He kept the “do you feel good- yeah I bet you do 😏” line even tho it wasn’t on the revival album🥹
🍷The way to tell Victor and Bobby apart is to lift their arm and stick your face in their armpits and take a big wiff. Bobby did not want his armpits sniffed and Emcee had to beg him
🍷 Bro I love Hermann; he was so stoic and dead inside- he just stood there and did the most basic version of what everyone was doing. He was also fully clothed lol
🍷When they sing the whisper verse, they were all posing in various positions and the Emcee crawled between their legs
Don’t Tell Mama:
🎀 When sally screams at the beginning, she was lying on her back throwing a tantrum
🎀 The Emcee is on stage for the final verse and he acts as Sally’s brother: when sally says the line, “if he squeals on me i squeal on him” they squeezed each others nipples
Perfectly Marvelous
💚When Cliff and Ernst are talking and Sally barges in, she’s wearing her coat, a beige and orange scarf, funky sunglasses and carrying a ton of luggage
💚at the end of Perfectly Marvelous, when Cliff says “besides I’ve only got one narrow bed,” the Emcee rises out of the circle in the center of the platform wearing the exact same thing as Sally: the coat the scarf and the glasses. Two Kit Kat Girls come up the same platform in a suitcase that looks just like the one Sally was carrying
💚 Nic Myers didn’t do an American accent
Two Ladies
👯‍♀️ The KitKatGirl who “makes thebed” puts on a hardware belt and does explicit things with a hammer while the other has a spatula. Or a whisk ,, The One That “Does The Cooking” goes behind Emcee and uses the whisk to “thrust” into him and when he says daily bread, she pulls out a baguette, she also fills out a whip lmao
👯‍♀️ During the instrumental break all the other Kit Kat Members come up through the stage wearing explicit things and doing explicit things to each other. The one that stood out the most to me was Helga jacking off to a copy of Mein Kampf— it was super chaotic and I don’t remember details
It Couldnt Please Me More:
🍍More often than not the sailor Kost was fucking was either Bobby or Hans- even referring to the former as such. Also, they refer to her as Fritzie explicitly so it’s cannon that Kost=Fritzie and not just an actress double casted.
🍍Before Kost runs into Schneider after letting Bobby out, Schultz is leaving Schneiders room and accidentally is trying to out her robe on instead of his jacket
Tomorrow Belongs to Me
* So Emcee comes on stage holding a box and is dressed in a robe and only a wig cap
* One by one, the member of the Kit Kat Klub put these dolls that are wearing brown suits with Blonde hair on the stage. They are standing militanty. very much providing Nazi imagery
* During the song, the figures go around the turn table while emcee is singing
* At the end of the song when he says the last line, he pulls out a blond wig and holds it in the spotlight
💸Money was the song I was most excited for because of the images I’d seen of the skeleton costume. I had a hard time figuring out why the skeleton, but it was cool nonetheless.
💸 the Emcee rises out of the middle of the floor, his clawed hands reaching out first.
💸 I watched Emcee legit drool on the stage (Groffsauce in Hamilton vibes) he was spitting those lines out so hard
💸 I don’t know how to interpret the staging of the song, the real star of the scene is the costumes, but I took it as the Emcee represented money? Everywhere he went the KitKat Girls followed, wailing and begging him and the surrounding audience for money.
TBTM (reprise )
* I mean. I feel like the staging for this song is always consistent and similar throughout all shows; the individuals singing with Cliff, Sally, Schultz and Sneider standing somberly. The emcee is usually eerily looking on and depending on the show is seemingly jubilant or looking wistful.
* In this, the Emcee rises out of the middle of the turn table wearing his outfit from money. He has a conductors stick and begins conducting them with a smile on his face.
* My sister said the Emcee is “If Art The Clown could talk” and Yeah, that’s pretty accurate. He goes form being the raunchy Emcee we’ve all come to love- I think the Emcee, no matter who plays him is kinda creepy, so the creepiness didn’t seem unusual- to an evil nazi
* But when we see him in money and onwards, he’s definitely giving Killer Clown- she was right, Art the Clown from Terrifier.
* The Art The Clown juxtaposition to when he appears bare faced during some songs was super interesting. It really feels like the idea of “The Nazi’s weren’t demons, they were people who did things we thought demons were only capable of,” and that’s what makes it terrifying. The clowning character is seen praising nazis and cheerfully conducting their songs- he really does seem like a force of evil that’s simply from hell. But then he talks off his makeup in the coming scenes and you’re reminding- he’s just a human who behaves like a demon and that’s terrifying-. Idk if I’m doing the best at explaining my analysis of this, but that’s what I was getting
💃🏾The kickline is lively and the members of the Club are trying to hype up the audience before getting into formation
💃🏾They were all wearing red party hats so when the emcee comes on in his red Pierrot clown get up, he has the longest, pointed and most menacing looking hat.
💃🏾he also has a gun? Thing? He shoots a Nazi flag out of it
💃🏾 The Members of the club form a hakenkreuz shape around Emcee and he hand the flag to Bobby and they march off.
Married (reprise)
🧱 the scene before Married Sneider and Schultz are talking about the engagement. Emcee is slinking around the stage and he has something in his hands wrapped in a napkin. His movements remind me of a mime, or as Chelsea says, Art The Clown, the facial expressions with overdramatized emotion and fluidity
🧱 he slinks between Schultz’s and Sneider with a smile on his face and suddenly there’s a loud ass crash that makes- I shit you not- the entire theatre jump. The lights black out. When they rise back on, there is white confetti floating downward, to represent the broken glass
If You Could See Her
🦍Usually, the gorilla in this is dressed up and it looks more cartoonish, but to, this was just a straight up gorilla- (A really good costume) with absolutely no elements of humanity. No clothes, no slightly upturned mouth, no walking on two legs and absolutely no understand what was going on.
🦍The Emcee would address the Gorilla as if she was human, but she would only respond in an animalistic way like scratching her ass, sniffing Emcees ass or flat out ignoring him and doing her own thing.
🦍 The Emcee seemed to be back at his usually self- joking and less like a demonic force - he’s clowning and making the audience laugh and there’s the Jewish line at the end of the song (which?? I was kind of disappointed by. It didn’t give me shivers and I felt it was a bit rushed.) also people laughed, but it could’ve been a “I laugh at funerals bc it’s awkward,” and not because they actually found the situation funny. My sister hypothesized simple confusion for people who had no idea what was going on. I will agree that some of the Emcees choices are strange if you don’t know the plot/ haven’t read up on this revival before hand.
I Don’t Care Much:
🎙️ Next time Emcee is on stage he is wearing a brown suit and a blonde wig, no makeup on his face- he very much resembles the dolls that were placed on stage during TBTM
🎙️I don’t care much occurs after Sally and Cliff have an argument as usual. But after Cliff leaves Sally is getting dressed. She is putting on the same jacket and pants the Emcee is wearing
🎙️during the song the emcee is doing some weird puppet thing behind her and she’s mirroring the moves she’s doing. it was an interesting choice during this song, but I think it’s been my least favorite change. It was like she was on strings and he was controlling her. I guess it provided a good visual for the notion that the Emcee isn’t a person, rather a representation of the deteriorating culture of the the city as a whole.
🎙️ This song is good at humanizing the Emcee, especially in Alan Cummings revival; smeared makeup, track marks, slurred worlds and stilted motions. It really paints a picture of a human at the end of their rope. In this version it just solidifies that the emcee is the city of Berlin and the evils that are taking over (Which, goes in direct opposition to my previous theory on his costumes providing human- demon Nazi images but whatever I dont have the brain power to think harder about it)
🎙️ After this song Cliff gets beat up by Ernst. After the tussle, the nazi thugs are actually the members of the Kit Kat club, they are wearing the same coat as Sally and the Emcee. They finish Cliff off and take his coat away
🍷I mean. Damn. There’s not much to say here. Outstanding performance. Like there are performances from different actors on YouTube so you could watch those to see the blocking because it’s pretty much the same.
🍷 Nic Myers did an amazing job, I got full body chills
🍷 one critique I’ve heard is that it’s over directed and this song is the perfect example of it. As an actor and a director, I understand both sides,; I don’t see much individuality between the actors on YouTube vs Nic Myers because the staging is so specific. I will say, through my opera glasses, the emotion painted in her face couldn’t be replicated and I think that’s really where the nuances will lie- in their faces.
📸 The Emcee is back on the stage, in the same position as Willkomenn- it’s like this weird pose with his arms and legs bent (you can watch the Willkomenn performance in gram nortons show,, that’s the pose I’m talking about ((I’ve heard people say it’s supposed to look like a hakenkreuz ))the only difference is now he’s in his brown outfit with his blonde hair. Super eerie.
📸 All the characters are standing on the turn table and the Kit Kat Members are on the outer circle of the turn table wearing the same beige suit the emcee has on. The other characters are all wearing brown and there’s an eerie sense of uniformity.
📸 Then there’s the long ass drum roll as they continue to turn before the lights blackout.
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