poppyseed799 · 9 months
MY LIFE IS OVER I saw some fan art of blaze rod aiden mcsm and remembered that he was my absolute blorbo back in the day then realized the caption referred to him as a bad boy and my icon is. bad boy joel. And I feel like I have just exploded.
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chuluoyi · 2 months
࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 11:07 P.M 」
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divorce scare apology fic🤞🏻 yes people, in the spirit of april 1, it’s gojo who is having dreams :)) and i promise you it’s straight up comfort fic~
a part of gojo's love entries
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you’ve known something is bugging satoru as he hasn’t been teasing the heck out of you for these past three days.
and you were proven true when tonight, on your marital bed, he said—
“so… i’ve been thinking…” he started, seemingly deep in thought, playing with your hair. “oh, more like it’s because of this one bad dream…”
“what are you on about?” you raised an eyebrow. okay, you knew something was up with him, but him being a bit skittish made you a bit worried.
“umm, yeah. so, the other day i had this dream about us in tokyo district court—”
“district court—?”
“—getting a divorce, yeah.”
your eyes rounded, and satoru could feel himself almost regretting his words seeing your stunned expression, so he added a band-aid—
“no, it was just a dream! i’m not divorcing you, okay?!”
however, your expression had soured, as you looked down, visibly heartbroken. alarmed, satoru immediately pulled you to his chest.
“oh, ooh— there, there,” he soothed you, stroking your hair. “sweets, no. never. okay? i’m just telling you, just like what you did the other day.”
you had a dream of him cheating on you once, but this was wholly different.
“you’re the worst,” you accused, and despite yourself, you felt an ache in your chest. “how could such thought even cross your mind— that you dream about it?”
“if i can pick my dream… i’ll pick the memory from our honeymoon— precisely when i ripped your black and pink lingerie off and made you scream my name, you know that.”
you huffed, burying your face in his chest. “hmph. explain.”
satoru smiled, finding you so incredibly precious. silly wifey.
he proceeded as he pat your back. “nothing really, i’m still bitter too! no way in hell! but then i started thinking… what would you do in 0.001% chance of us being divorced?”
you pulled away, growling. “…so there’s still a chance—!”
“noooo! that’s statistically impossible! aren’t we having a late night talk? we’re always talking about imaginary scenarios at night, aren’t we?!”
what was the point of this? it was only upsetting you with each second.
“how could you ask me that?” you glared at him resentfully. “if we’re divorced, then—” you grabbed his hand and placed it on your belly. “what about baby? do you not want to see him anymore?”
and in that moment it seemed like he just realized it too as he sheepishly scratched his head, mouth gaping. “ah—”
his response caused your hormones to stir, and combined by your disbelief, you spitefully threw his hand away and turned to your side, refusing to face him.
“if you dare to divorce me, i’ll move out japan at a moment’s notice,” you spat out, crossing your arms. “i won’t let you see my baby— and i’ll put a restraining order on you too, just so you see.”
“whoa, wait—”
“or i can also jump from yasohachi bridge and then become a curse—i’ll haunt you to your dying days!”
“—?! you can’t do that!”
“oh, i can also remarry! i’ll marry ichiji so fast and by the time the baby is born, your kid will have his name instead!”
“ichi— hey! that’s insulting! i would’ve forgiven if it was nanami, but ichiji?!”
“shut up! you’re— you’re annoying!”
in hindsight, this wasn’t something you should get this much worked up for. satoru was obviously just being his dense self and you knew it, but somehow the thought of him suddenly not by your side anymore hurt you— and perhaps your unstable hormones played a part too.
. . . but then his strong arms wrapped around you in that instant, enveloping you in his warm and reassuring embrace from behind. “hey… sweets, don’t be mad…”
“if you do, baby will also be—”
“you are making us mad.”
“okay, okay.” satoru sighed, his right palm reaching out to caress your five-month baby bump, and his voice was tinted with slight regret as he replied, “sorry…”
you melted a bit, but still gave him the cold shoulder, showing how cross you were that he brought it up in the first place.
and both of you stayed that way for a while, and you started to get sleepy, until you heard him muttering—
“still… whatever you do,” his voice sounded strained, and it made you awake again. “even when i’m not here… you can’t get yourself hurt, alright?”
“what does that mean?” you finally turned towards him, your eyes shone with slight panic. “what do you mean with you not being here?”
“nothing, sweetheart.” satoru grinned, pinching your cheek. “just saying—since i’m away often, don’t do anything reckless, you can get hurt.”
“don’t put it as if you’re going to go some place far away.” you didn’t know what you were spouting now, but you were tired and just didn’t want to pursue this conversation any longer.
you bit your lip, not looking at him. “or… i’ll get sad.”
seeing you so vulnerable and open like this made satoru realize that as much as he needed you to stay sane, you also needed him. the clarity stirred something within him, causing warmth to rapidly spread in his chest.
and he felt soft. so soft for you. and he adored you, more than anyone else in this wretched world.
“aw, look at my baby girl.” your husband cradled you close to him with a wide grin, patting you soothingly, his heart fluttering. “how can i leave you be a single mother? i’m here, yeah? always.”
and you believed him. otherwise, you were willing to risk it all just to get him home, by your side.
you smushed your face into his chest, ignoring your burning face. “hmph, being a single mother isn’t that bad. i can still drain your wealth.”
“huh?! wait, you just said you’ll be sad without me!”
and you thought, being in his embrace is the most comforting place of all.
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“by the way, i just realized…” satoru fixed his frown on you accusingly in the next morning. “how is your taste in men so bad? why ichiji as your first pick?”
“uh,” you were at a loss of words, totally not expecting this discussion on a brand new morning. “because… he’s kind? he’s easiest to sway—”
“so you’re saying… you can seduce him easily?!”
“…sort of? but you’re right, i should go for nanami. he’s way good-looking. or his apprentice… what’s his name again? ino takuma—”
“nanami? ino?! wait a minute…! y-you’re my wife… but you’re also thinking about which man is easier to seduce and which is more attractive?!”
“uh— you’re the one asking first!”
“still! so you do think about them! about weaker, lesser men who are not me!”
“nanami is not—!”
“hoh?! so it’s nanami, huh!?”
“don’t you dare to start anything, gojo satoru,” you hissed. “you said my taste in men is bad. so that includes you too.”
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gay-wh0re-slut · 9 days
rhea smut where rhea and reader get into a petty argument (that's not even serious they're both just stubborn) and they decide instead of arguing they take their anger/tension out on eachother by fucking? (this is really just an excuse for bottom rhea again...)
omg yes i can bc im a stubborn ass bitch too hahahaha
(((also sorry this has taken me so long to do but thank you for the request <3)))
Bath Time
rhea x fem!reader
content: rhea flashes her big blue eyes… oh SHES GETTING IT and by getting it i mean fingering, oral, slight edging, hot sexy times
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You hear the front door open, footsteps and two sets paws clacking on the hard wood floor, door closing and locking back. Sitting on the kitchen counter eating some cereal, Rhea finally comes into view, unhooking Barry and Luna from their leashes.
“Oh,” she said a little shocked, “good morning!”
“Morning, love,” you kicked your feet slightly. “How was the walk?”
“The weather was so nice, but because of the rain last night there were…some puddles,” she pointed at Barry.
You look to the terrier and see that his paws and legs were covered with dirt. Your mouth dropped but quickly closed once you looked at Luna, she was completely dry, typical.
“I tried to wipe him off as best I could before we came in but he just thought I was playing with him,” her big shoulders shrugged.
“Of course,” you giggled, “well it is your turn to give him a bath.”
It took her a second to process what you said as she was putting the leashes on the hooks by the garage door, “w-what?”
“I did it last time he got all gross, so it’s your turn,” you repeated.
“No no no no, I specifically remember him splashing the hell outta me because I had to take an extra long time getting the mud off of him from the last time it poured down and we let him out the back,” she walked towards you with her hands on her hips. Her booty shorts, big tshirt and little messy bun weren’t helping her look scary.
You took your last bite and put the bowl in the sink, “no that was the time before mine because I have snapchat memory proof of the last time he took a bath because I did it. He was doing surprisingly well so I decided to take a bubble picture, remember?”
She thought for a split second, “no, that was before the fiasco happened when I was doing it. I had to pee so bad that I asked you to watch him and then he got too excited to see me again that he jumped in the water!”
You could tell she was getting a little frustrated but you knew you were right. “Yes, I remember that, but I gave him a bath when you were at a show. I posted it on my instagram stories too, Dom even said ‘wow he’s acting right for once!’ So I for sure did it last time, so it’s definitely your turn,” you crossed your arms in satisfaction, thinking you finally won.
She bowed her head and squeezed the bridge of her nose, “I don’t remember that.”
“Well, it’s true,” you leaned your hands on the counter, kicking your feet again as you leaned into her gaze, hoping that she would give in anyway, even though you were definitely correct.
She finally looked at you, “don’t look at me like that,” she huffed.
You bit your lip ever so slightly, “like what? I’m not doing anything!” You knew exactly what you were doing.
She sighed as she looked at the ceiling. You knew it was hard for her to get mad at you because you never did anything wrong in her eyes. She looked back down at you and finally pushed her way between your legs, “baby,” she said in her gravelly voice.
“Noooo, don’t do that,” you stopped her almost immediately.
“Baby,” her hands grazed along your outer thighs as she looked up at you, “please, I’ll do… the dishes for the week or take out the trash or-”
“Stop it,” it was hard to tell her no because of the overwhelming power she had over you but you couldn’t let her win this time, “you know I’m right or you wouldn’t be doing this,” you avoided eye contact because if you did look at her eyes, it would be over.
“Oh c’mon,” her tattooed hands slowly moved up your torso under your shirt, “we can take a shower after.”
Still refusing to look at her, “I can take a shower by myself, thank you.”
“But it would be so much better if I was with you,” her nails were gently scratching at your back sending chills down your spine, “c’mon,” she whispered, “look at me.”
You crossed your arms and looked up at the ceiling dramatically with a big sigh, “no, because this happens every time, but I’m winning this one,” you huffed.
She left soft kisses on your arms, but you pulled away, only after letting her get a few in.
“You know it’s your turn or you wouldn’t be acting this way and you know it!”
Her soft growl came through, “why won’t you look at me?” completely ignoring what you have been saying.
“I can’t, Rhea,” you said annoyed, “and you know that.”
She let that sit in the air for a minute thinking of what to say next. Though you weren’t looking at her directly you could tell that she was seething and it made you feel satisfied. Even though it was a little toxic, you loved when she got upset because that either meant that she put you in your place or you got your way. You didn’t let this happen often though because then you knew that would be too much, but when it did, it was so fun.
Tricking you, one of her hands gently slid out from under your shirt and glided up your chest, to your shoulder, to the back of your neck, but then the mood quickly changed when she flung her hand around grabbed your face forcefully, pulling your head down to finally look at her.
“Let’s make a deal,” her eyes flashed dark, staring into yours.
Your heart pounded as she pulled you closer, unfolding your arms to brace yourself on the counter. You were about to speak but she started again.
“Whoever…finishes first, has to give him a bath,” an evil grin grew on her face.
“And what does that mean?” you asked knowing exactly what that meant.
“Don’t act like you don’t know,” her grip tightened slightly.
You pulled your head out of her grip by grabbing her wrist and squeezing it, causing her to loosen her fingers. You yanked her closer to you looking down at her, which you never got to do because she was a bit taller than you, and gave her an evil grin back, “You can’t even last a second under me.”
Her facial expression changed immediately when you pulled her closer to you, scared but intrigued. Her eyes widened at your dig, but quickly changed back to sinful, “I could say the same about you, princess,” she gave you a wicked grin as she yanked back her arm.
“I’d like to see you try,” you growled.
She took a deep breath, glaring back at you. In what seemed like half of a second, she pulled your hips towards her and picked you up off the counter. She flung you over her shoulder, fireman style, and carried you to the bedroom. You gently writhed and kicked as she walked through the house but she smacked your ass to calm you down…it didn’t help.
Once inside the room she closed the door to keep the dogs out, then turned around and slammed you on the bed. It literally took your breath away but you didn’t care. She ripped her shirt off and threw into oblivion as she crawled on top of you, immediately starting to kiss over your body. You loved when she touched you no matter what kind, but you knew you couldn’t let this go on for long.
So you let her go for a minute longer, letting her think that the small moans and sighs were a sign of you losing the bet. Taking a deep breath and gathering all your strength, you pushed her to the side of you and climbed on top of her. Blue eyes widened at the sudden change. “Don’t think you’re winning this one, Ripley,” you knew she could never back down from a challenge.
“Wanna bet?” she said right before flipping you back over to the first position.
You grunted in disappointment because obviously she was stronger than you. She went back to leaving a trail of gentle kisses on your exposed skin as her hands found the hem of your shirt, pulling it up slowly, teasing you.
It was working, and you hated it. You were going to win. But…you also loved it so you reveled in it for a little while, letting her cherish you before you ultimately took over. She carefully pulled your arms causing you to sit up, then quickly took your shirt off throwing it into the same oblivion. Landing one of her hands on your now bare shoulder as the other gripped your hair, pulling your head to one side exposing your neck. You swore you saw her eyes turn red as she dove into you, nipping and sucking at your skin.
Gentle moans and whimpers asking for more fell out of you with ease. The hand on your shoulder moved down to your breast, tightly squeezing it before moving to your chest to push you back down with a little force. You huffed as you landed, looking up at her. Her strong tattooed legs straddling your hips, her chest heaving quickly as she looked over you as if she was going to eat you alive. She raked a hand through her hair, licking her teeth. An evil smile grew on her face, you could’ve folded right then but you didn’t, you can’t let her win.
“You look so…helpless,” she whispered almost laughing.
Your brow furrowed at her as your eyes squinted in fake anger, knowing she didn’t actually mean it, she just wanted to get a rise out of you. She did this often when she wanted you to fight back. And you loved it.
“Aw, did that hit a nerve?”
“Never,” you said but caught her by surprise as you hooked a leg around the front of her torso and pushed her back as you sat up copying her pose above her. She looked genuinely shocked that you could do that.
“Where the fuck did you learn that?” her voice was shaky. You got her.
“Watching you,” you said nonchalantly. Finally you were in charge, but surprisingly, she didn’t stop you.
You genuinely didn’t think you would get this far though you had all that confidence, so you hesitated for a second before you decided on what to do next. You cupped her face, gently caressing it with your thumb which led to you gliding it over her lips. She voluntarily opened her mouth, giving you the idea to put it in, “close,” was all you needed to say and she followed orders. Her tongue swirled over your finger with her piercing clinking on your nail, followed by her giving it a good suck. Finally letting her go, she opened her mouth letting it fall out gently sliding off of her tongue.
Wiping your thumb in the process, you traced your hand down the center of her chest. Once it reached her tight sports bra, you caressed one of her breasts, toying with her piercing underneath. Now both hands were tugging at the elastic trying to get it off.
“Oh please,” she huffed as she sat up and took it off for you throwing it to the other clothing, “better?” as she laid back down.
“Someone’s eager to lose,” you cooed.
“Watch your mouth, princess. I’m just letting you get some licks in before I take over,” she rolled her eyes.
“As if you don’t like when I’m on top,” you squinted.
“Shut up,” was all she could say. You knew you were right, as much as she liked being the dominant one, she loved being taken care of once in a while.
You rolled your eyes in response as you dive down to her chest. You began leaving sloppy kisses all over her now bare skin. You traced your tongue up her chest to her neck, ending at her ear. You gave it a small bite, “now look who’s helpless,” you whispered. You gave a good bite on her neck causing her to whine loudly, grabbing at your hips for support.
You chuckled at her response. Going down once more, leaving a trail of kisses, nips and bites, you shimmied your hips further down her legs as you went. Listening to her small but deep moans could send you over the edge easily but you didn’t dare to venture that far.
As you snuck your way down her toned torso, you grabbed the waistband of her black booty shorts and dragged them down with you. She voluntarily lifted her hips letting you pull them off of her. You struggled a bit because of how tight they were but she didn’t seem to mind too much.
You hummed at the sight of her, “you’re so pretty.” The pace so far was intense and fast but as soon as those shorts hit the floor and you saw her sprawled in front of you, a switch went off in your hand to slow things down.
“You’d look prettier with your face between my legs,” she blurted out above you. Shocked at what she said but also a little pleased.
“Oh so eager,” you caressed your hands up her tattooed thighs slowly. Taking your sweet time, sometimes dragging your nails on her skin just to watch the goosebumps form. You got very close to her center more than a few times but didn’t want to give her that satisfaction just yet. You took one last trip around the skin of her legs before forcing them open. You situated yourself on your knees between her strong legs that could choke you out at any second, but that wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing, you thought.
“Please do something before I take over. You’re not gonna win at this pace,” she scoffed out of fake boredom.
“So you know I’m right!”
“N-no, that’s not what I said, I sai-”
“No I heard you, don’t worry though, I’m still gonna win no matter what,” you giggled as you finally dove down to pick up the pace again. Without any warm up or the chance for her to give you a snarky comment in response you swiped your tongue up her center.
“Fuck!” her back arched for a split second.
You let out a soft chuckle. Repositioning yourself on your stomach and slinking your arms under her beefy thighs for leverage, you continued to lap at her core. Her hands for their way to your head gripping at your hair. “You should really let me do this more often,” you kissed her thigh looking up at her writhing. The sight of her was so pleasing.
“Shut up!” she snarled but you loved it. She pushed you further into her, wanting more.
You were surprised that she was helping you win because you both knew this was a game but deep down, you knew how to play it better than her. You’ve studied for this, worked your way around her likes and dislikes. You wanted- no, needed to win just to prove that you were right.
As you were lapping her up and thinking of all the ways to get her to finish quicker, she suddenly yanked your hair up forcing you to crawl on top of her, “Ooww! What’re you doing?” you winced.
“Not letting you win,” she breathed before slamming her lips against yours to prevent you from talking back. Of course you easily fell into it. Unfortunately, she took the opportunity and whipped you back around onto the bed as she hopped on top of you. She pinned your arms above your head with one hand as she grazed the other hand up your stomach, between your breasts, finally locking it in place on your neck. “You know I’m going to win, so why don’t you just give up now, princess? Make it easier for both of us,” her eyes twinkled.
You huffed at her knowing that the pet name always got to you, “bite me.”
She was mad for a split second before her expression turned wicked, “whatever you say,” as she dove down to your neck and began to sink her teeth into you.
“Shit,” you whined as you tried to release yourself from her godly grip. You loved it too much, you needed her to stop but also… you didn’t.
She continued to nip and bite where she pleased until she was satisfied, “oops,” she said slyly looking at the marks she left.
She finally let go of your hands but didn’t let go of your throat. One of your hands found her wrist while the other landed on her thigh that was keeping you down. You tried to wriggle your way out from under her but she refused. Her free hand snuck its way under your waist band, teasing as if she would go farther as if she forgot about the game.
“You’re not gonna win at this rate,” you copied her from earlier.
“Don’t,” she tightened her grip on your neck, “mock me, babygirl. I’m just getting started,” she chuckled as she finally released your throat. She gave you an evil grin before she shuffled off of you and almost actually ripped your booty shorts and underwear off of you.
You bounced on the bed from the force, “damn!”
“Chill,” she huffed jokingly. Without hesitation she immediately shoved her hand between your thighs and began to circle your clit and hard.
You arched your back in response slamming your fists on the bed, “damn!” You said in a more needy tone than before. Whimpers fell out of you with ease, it was so hard for you to hold them back.
She continued her motion while diving onto your nipple with her skilled mouth, sucking and twirling her tongue just right. Your hands tangled themselves in her hair. Unfortunately, with this fast pace and extra stimulation, you’ve never been closer to finishing this fast before. As much as it pained you, you pushed her head away and sat up to face her. Her hand below stopped its motion.
“What? What’s wrong?!” she looked genuinely concerned.
“I can’t let you win,” as you pushed her down onto her back so that now your heads were at the foot of the bed.
“So I was close to winning,” she exclaimed
“Barely,” you lied. You crawled back down her tan body hoping to continue what you started before, and surprisingly she let you.
But this time you amped it up. As your tongue flicked about her center, with her writhing above you, you easily slipped your middle finger inside of her. A loud moan filled the room, satisfying you. You smiled into her core as you gently began to pump your finger in and out of her. Slowly increasing your pace as time went on, your tongue working its magic and her moans filling the room louder and louder, you knew she wouldn’t be able to last much longer.
Surprisingly, she didn’t stop you this time. You finalized your pace and kept it steady, swirling your tongue on her clit, you couldn’t wait to win.
“GOD… FUCK!” She screamed as she arched her back so hard she almost levitated off the bed. Her muscles were clenching around your finger, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head…you won.
You continued your motions until she finally came down from her high. You slowly removed your hand from her as you took one last long lick to clean her up. She shivered pulling your head up from below. You made eye contact with her as you sucked your finger clean, crawling back on top of her. You sat your happy self down on her hips watching her chest rise and fall, letting her catch her breath.
“I win,” you snarled with a wicked grin.
“Best two out of three,” she breathed.
You thought for a minute, “Bring it.”
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Belong 4
First | Previous | Next
Pairing: ot7 x reader
Genre: Fluff, hurt/ comfort , Omegaverse
Synopsis: The pack seems to be falling for you but Jungkook doesn't like it one bit. What happens when he learns you are his mate
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You avoid the boys by staying at home. You don't tell your mom so as to not bother her.
Instead you crash at your best friends house. Yun Suyeon was a beta with an alpha mom (you had bonded over 'are all alpha mom's the same?' ) and you had been friends for a long time.
Suyeon though finds it a bit strange but doesn't comment on it and commits on spending more time with you.
"Are you excited for the college fest." She asks.
"I dont know."
"You should. Why don't you try for the Coordination. I'm in hospitality. Lim Suho is one of the heads and Kang Taehee is another they need more people."
While normally you would probably not consider such an intensive position but it didn't seem like a bad idea to drown in work.
"Isn't it kinda too much work?"
"Yes but you get certificates and stuff." She replies. "That's why I've volunteered for the social media head."
"Fine. Where do I sign up."
"Wait let me send you the link." She said.
After you submitted the form. Suyeon's pack mom bought snacks for the both of you.
You thanked her.
"It's nice to see you too. Come hang out with our pup more often." She says.
You nod politely.
"Don't stay up too late." She says as she leaves.
Suyeon hugs you squealing in excitement.
"We are going to be the coolest kids on the block." She says.
She notes you have put on scent cleaners. But before she can say anything about it. Her phone rings her boyfriend asking to hang out. She informs him she's infact with her wifey and thus is not available.
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You dress nicely in the morning as today was the team meeting between the coordinaters.
There were four of you. Though you didn't know who the fourth was because their number wasn't saved on your phone but you were added to like 5 different groups.
After the classes were over you all had decided to meet at a coffee shop to discuss. Suho who the teachers had declared the main guy was the one who would bridge between the teachers and you all and you would look over and communicate with heads of all the other committees like decor, entertainment etc.
Suho was a beta and Taehee was an omega like you. The third member was Choi Yeonjun, an alpha.
You thought he was cute. You texted the same to Suyeon.
S: he's soobins bestie
S: should I arrange a double date
Y/n: noooo ... I'm just happy with eye candy
S: I mean let me know if you want a taste
You had met at the campus and Yeonjun offered to drive you all to the cafe.
But Suho had his bike and Taehee had to go home for a change in clothes as someone dropped their drink on her.
So it ended up being you and Yeonjun.
"So ... what made you decide to coordinate? You always hide behind your bestfriend." He said.
"Just like that what about you?" You say.
"I like meeting new people. This is the best way to make it happen."
Their is silence.
"Can I turn on the radio?" You ask.
He does it for you.
It's nice not having too speak and the music is decent until Namjoon's favourite song starts playing and you abruptly turn it off.
"Is something wrong?" He asks.
Luckily the cafe is in sight.
"No just like that.. the cafe is here." You say changing the topic.
He nodded and the others joined you shortly. You soent an hour discussing themes and writing down important information.
"Let's have dinner together. Bonding night." Taehee suggested.
"I'm sorry I have prior engagement but I will pat the next time. You guys have fun." Suho says.
"Don't tell me you guys are busy too?" Taehee pouts.
"No I'm free and quite hungry." Yeonjun says.
"Me too." You add.
"Perfect!" Taehee exclaims and you guys go to a barbecue place.
You have a good time. Yeonjun takes it upon himself to serve. Its very alpha of him but you don't mind.
Taehee is good company too.
After your meals are over. Yeonjun offers to drop the two of you. You spend the ride discussing ideas and themes. Taehee is very excited for a more fantasy based one. Yeonjun wants a more party theme.
"Why don't we do it Russet inspired?" You ask.
Russet was a popular fashion magazine.
"That's super vague." Taehee comments.
"Exactly bur we can include different elements under one thing. And maybe people can wear things they already own instead of buying so it's sustainable."
"I would have never thought that." Taehee says.
"Yeah and we could get sponsorship from a fashion house or Paqsal Inc. ....they do charity galas to support initiatives like recycling and other sustainability endeavors."
"Let me text it to Suho. Let's run our ideas through the teachers. But the art department is going to be excited." She says. "We need to be very specific for the things to match and not be all over the place though."
"I'm sure we can do that we have like more than two months." Yeonjun adds.
Taehee's home is closer so she leaves and their is silence in the car.
"So?" You both say in order to ease the awkwardness.
You both laugh.
"It was genuinely a great idea." Yeonjun says.
"Thanks.. yours was nice too and probably easier to execute." You reply.
"All good things are hard work." Yeonjun replies as your house appears.
"Maybe.. but what if they aren't so great because they were too hard."
He shoots a concerned look towards your way but bites his lips.
Choosing instead to offer you a smile.
"See you later."
"Good bye, goodnight. See you later."
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Taehyung had come out to throw trash when he saw you coming out of the unknown alpha's car. How he knew it was an alpha? Well no omega or beta liked that type of flashy car.
He wants to call you out but he can't since Namjoon has decided they should give you space. He thought it would be a better approach even Yoongi had conceded.
The pack house wasn't the best place to be right now. Jin had left to see his family. He had been very sad and even Hobi was very restless and short these days. Jungkook was still stubborn. Namjoon was was working himself to death and Jimin was stuck to either Taehyung or Jungkook. Continuously scenting.
Taehyung was worried Jimin was taking this very personally but he could do nothing to help except do whatever Jimin felt like that.
When he had talked about this to Namjoon, he asked Taehyung to take Jimin and visit their family packs.
So they had planned a trip. Taehyung had to guilt trip Jimin a bit but Jimin did need to be babied a bit and nobody did that better then their family packs.
But before Taehyung left he would give Jungkook a little something to think because that boy had done enough hiding after rejecting his mate when she helped him out.
If you were Taehyung's mate he would never hurt you like this or let you be away from him unless you needed to.
When he comes inside the house. Jin is at the window looking outside towards you. He can see the longing in Jin's eyes.
He let's his hyung be and looks at him. Staying with his family has turned Jin chubbier and his face is glowing except for the expression on his face. Taehyung decides to change it.
"Jin Hyung !!! When did you come?" Taehyung says.
Jin is startled almost falls on the sofa beside the window but before he can recover himself Taehyung octopus hugs him causing him to fall.
"I will break my back you brat." He says but Taehyung smells no real anger. Thus Taehyung pays no heed scenting his beta.
"Can't you ask me before scenting me?" He says only half serious. In reality Jin missed his packs scents.
"No, my beautiful beta." Taehyung says muffled against his skin.
Jin laughs. Alerting Jimin who came out searching for Taehyung.
Jimin was glad to see a laughing Jin tackled by Taehyung. Jimin too joined the pile.
Just in time Namjoon came to witness the happy site. He planted kisses on their head and was going to leave when Taehyung pulled him too.
Maybe things were a bit rough but it would be fine as long as they were together.
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On the day they were leaving, Jimin was careful to scent Jungkook. Taehyung had gotten their bags and tickets. He entered the room where he observed Jimin sitting on Jungkook's lap. A flash of irritation arose.
"Jiminie." Taehyung called out.
"Yes Tae." Jimin asked.
"Go get ready. We have to leave soon." Taehyung informs Jimin flashing the train tickets.
Jimin nodded rubbing his scent on Jungkook for the last time before he left yo get ready.
" You're angry." Jungkook said scrunching his nose.
Taehyung wanted to agree but he also didn't want to fight.
"Why are you so mad? Shouldn't you be happy about going home.. are you worried about alpha's on the train."
"I kind of hate that part." Taehyung confessed but that wasn't what he had been actually bothered about but that was a concern too it had been a while since it was just him and Jimin usually one of the hyungs would accompany them. When they were younger Jimin had built enough muscles to pass off as a non omega, these days Taehyung pretended to be the non omega. Even though it was inconvenient he did secretly enjoy being able to protect Jimin as much he liked being coddled by his soulmate.
Taehyung sighed and let Jungkook scent him.
"I saw Y/n yesterday." Taehyung confessed. "She was with another alpha. It made me kind of thingies." Jungkook stiffened but did not say anything.
Taehyung sighed. Jimin and Hoseok had come back. Hoseok was driving them to the station.
Before they left Taehyung stopped by quickly into Namjoon's room who had an off from work today.
Namjoon's scented him and it made Taehyung feel better and he could finally enjoy the time in which he would have Jimin to himself.
Jungkook is stirring a cup of coffee in the kitchen when Namjoon comes down. Now awake.
"Wanna go on a date?" He asks Jungkook.
Who stops functioning for five minutes. Namjoon uses those to make himself a cup of coffee.
Jungkook knew Namjoon liked you when in his rut he could remember smelling Namjoon on you, so he thought Namjoon might ignore him to sort his feelings out.
"Good!" Namjoon says smiling so brightly that his dimples start showing. He gives Kookie a kiss on his forehead mumbling something about outfits.
Namjoon comes out wearing all black hoping to match with Jungkook who had decided to go with the softer warmer colors in his wardrobe, Hobi who's sitting outside with Yoongi eating tangerines bursts out laughing when he sees them.
Namjoon smiles too when he realises what happened. Jungkook groans in embarrassment.
Jungkook starts the car as Namjoon sits in and puts on the safety belt.
"Where are we going, hyung?" Jungkook asks.
"I was thinking let's go to the beach, it's been a while."
Jungkook nodded and entered the location in the GPS. Namjoon played his 'driving' playlist.
The beach was fairly empty when they reached it.
They set up the little picnic basket and picnic mat they had bought near a tree.
After eating the sandwiches and drinking their beverages they lie next to each other staring at the sky. The breeze is lovely and the sound of wind comforting.
"I should have brought something to sketch." Jungkook tells Joon.
"Hmm." Namjoon acknowledges.
Jungkook cuddles closer to Namjoon. Its rare they have time together like this.
"Hyung... can I ask you something?" Jungkook asks and he hates to ruin the peaceful moment but his curiosity overcomes all.
"Of course kookie." Namjoon replies.
"Do you... you not like it that I've driven her away?"
Though he doesn't take your name Namjoon knows who he's talking about.
"I can't say I'm happy that our relationship is in strains but if I had to chose it will be you over Y/n. I know I may not say this often but I love you and I love our pack. This.. us. It means the world to me. Being pack alpha I want to be able to take care of all the packs needs and whatever the others may or may not feel about her she's your mate and I should apologise for bringing her to you in your rut but I won't because I couldn't see you suffering and as your hyung and your pack alpha I just couldn't bear to see you in distress or lacking."
"No you don't have to be sorry. I trust you hyung."
Namjoon ruffles Jungkook's hair.
"Why did you reject her, jungkook?"
"I didn't want her in the pack."
Namjoon nods.
"Remember when you joined the pack." Namjoon asks.
Jungkook nods. Ofcourse he does how does one not remember the best thing that happened to them.
"You know how most people avoid larger non familial packs. " Jungkook nods. " The reason we worked was all if us were in duos as friends before we decided to become a pack. Then we suffered in the transition. It isn't very easy to include more people in an already established dynamic. Then you came along like a Knight in shining armor. To be honest a part of me was jealous that even though I was a pack alpha I couldn't provide for my pack omega when a kid who didn't present did. But later I learnt that I couldn't be the sole provider and that it was ok not to be. Now I know this is something you lean and keep learning..Then came the part we decided to bring you to the pack. There were many concerns, your age, your presentation, uneven number of packmates. But you know who was the most willing to bring you in?" Namjoon prompted.
Jungkook shook his head no.
"It was Taehyung. He talked to me, convincing me. I even asked him if he was ok with no longer being a maknae. He was like Jiminie needs it hyung. And he was right but it also made me realise how cool our Tae is. Jimin is his soulmate and he didn't even care about jealousy or loosing Jimin. He just cared that Jimin be happy and healthy. I guess it did work out in the end that you could supplement each others need to be babied." Said Namjoon chuckling at the end.
"Taehyungie hyung told me he saw Y/n with someone."
"Aah." Namjoon drawled in understanding.
"I dont know how to feel about it." Jungkook said honestly.
"It's ok not to know. But if you think there's a possibility you want her then don't make her wait. "
"It's so tough." Jungkook whined.
Namjoon let out a small peal of laughter and pecked his baby alpha's nose.
"It's going to work out in the end and you have all of us to help .. anyway I'm hungry again let's go check out if there's foodtrucks that opened right now." Namjoon says standing up and giving Jungkook a hand.
In the middle of their journey back Namjoon groaned loudly.
"What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked sparing a sideway glance.
"I forgot to check out crabs." Namjoon exclaimed almost jumping of his seat.
Jungkook laughed.
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Yeah so this one doesn't have much fluff with you involved but we cleared the air ig aaaand we have a love rival. We will probably be seeing more members but hopefully it balances out.
Hope you enjoyed and let me know your thoughts.
I would like to take a moment to say that I'm grateful for the support and that's the only reason I'm continuing this au honestly it was meant to be a one shot maybe 1.5 shot lol and writing this it's easy to get stuck because I don't have any idea where I'm going with this. I mean I had plans with alpha reader and beta reader.
Anyway don't be shy to drop in and say hi.
Until next time 💜
Taglist : @jaiuneamesolitaiire ; @mintsugarmy ; @goooood-vibes ; @juju-227592 ; @singukieee ; @zae007live ; @rainbow-bunny-bts ; @fluffy-canada-pancakes ; @bleubirdinthesky ; @kyrah-williams ; @thedarkwinterrose ; @realswimshaddy ; @djodjom1 ; @thsrndkd ; @emu007
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cariantha · 1 year
Daddy Distress
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Warning: None Category: Fluff Word count: 1.3K Prompt: Based on this ask from @socalwriterbee. What would Ethan's reaction be to his son calling him by his name, instead of Daddy? Also for @choicesjunechallenge, I used the prompt: Father’s Day
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Ethan could hear their happy voices as he entered the penthouse. Dropping his laptop bag on the floor, he called out to his family. 
“Hey guys, I’m home!”  
"Hi babe!"
It was a familiar greeting, one he heard almost every day, but not one he expected from his three year old son.
Sawyer broke out into uncontrollable laughter, tears rolling down her cheeks. Ethan couldn’t help cracking a smile too.
“What?!” Bending down he swooped his son into his arms and asked, “Babe? Why are you calling me babe?”
"Dat your name."
"Noooo, my name is Ethan."
A couple hours later it was time to put their toddler to bed.
"Time for bed, sweetie. Go get your cuddles from Daddy and say night-night. I'll go get your sippy cup."
Returning to the living room, Sawyer’s heart melted at the sight before her. Lying peacefully on her husband’s chest, their son nuzzled his chestnut waves into the crook of his father’s neck. Ethan’s large hand gently scratched the little one’s back while a much smaller hand absent-mindedly rubbed the grown man’s stubbled cheek.
As Sawyer came near, Ethan stood to pass him into his mother’s arms.
"Goodnight, buddy. I love you."
"Night, E-tan."
Sawyer giggled and Ethan rolled his eyes.
It was funny at first, how his mini-me addressed him by his first name. But after a couple days it was no longer amusing. Sawyer sensed the frustration when Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose as they exited their son’s room. 
"What's the matter?"
"I just miss being called ‘Dad.' He's growing up so fast, but he's still my baby boy, Sawyer. And…and it just reminds me of my situation growing up. I started referring to Louise by her first name when I decided she was no longer worthy of the title ‘Mother.’ I… I don’t want that to ever be the case with my child.”
Sawyer wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed him tight. "It won’t be, because you are an amazing dad. And I'm sorry, babe. I thought it was kind of cute and figured it was just a phase. I didn't realize it was bothering you this much, but I get it.”
“Thank you.”
“I'm home with him tomorrow. I'll try to talk to him and help him understand," she offered.
Peering through the open door, Ethan nodded, his bear cub already fast asleep.
Sliding a hand under his t-shirt and up his chest, "Come on, Daddy. Time for you to take your other baby to bed," Sawyer winked.
“Are you ready to make a present for Daddy's special day tomorrow?” Sawyer asked, spreading out the craft supplies.
"I want to draw picture."
"He'll love that," she said, passing the paper and crayons. "Hey, I have a question. Do you know why I call you 'sweetie' sometimes?"
He shook his head.
"It's because I think you are soooo cute and I love you soooo much," she leaned over and squished a big kiss to his baby soft cheek.
"I lub you, Mama."
"Aw, thank you,” she held her hand to her heart. “Do you know why I call Daddy 'babe' sometimes? It's because I think he's cute too and I love him a lot. Like this much..." she spread her arms open wide.
"I lub him too! Dis big," he mimicked his mom with outstretched arms.
"Did you know that when you call him ‘Daddy’ he feels all that love?"
"Uh huh. Mama? When E-tan come home and play with me?"
Sawyer chuckled in defeat. She tried and will have to try again later.
Shortly before bedtime Sawyer received a text from Ethan. A pileup on the freeway meant all hands on deck in the E.R. and that Daddy would be tied up at work for several more hours. The chaos in the E.R. a walk in the park compared to the bedlam Sawyer was about to experience putting her daddy’s boy to bed.
"Cuddle with Daddy!" he cried. "No! I want Daddy!"
"I know, sweetie. Daddy got stuck at work helping people with boo-boos.” Finally caving, “Do you want to come sleep with me until Daddy gets home?"
He nodded his head affirmatively, instantly calming down. 
As Sawyer tucked him into the middle of the king size bed, she kissed each cheek. "I promise when you wake up in the morning, you can cuddle with Daddy. It's his special day, remember?” With a conspiring tone, Sawyer shared the plan for the next day. “We'll sneak attack Daddy with kisses and then you can surprise him with your picture, okay?"
It was after midnight when Ethan finally arrived home. He peeked into his son's room, which was empty, so he continued on to the master bedroom where he found a picture worthy scene. Sawyer was asleep on her back. A small human clung to her tightly, as if its life depended on it, with one arm around her neck and a leg draped across her stomach.
After a quick shower, Ethan changed into his pajamas. He gently extricated his son out of bed and into his arms, trying not to wake him or his mother.
"Hi," Sawyer spoke softly, stirred awake from the movement. "I was going to put him back in his own bed once he fell asleep, but I must have dozed off.”
"It’s okay. I'll take him," Ethan held the slumbering babe against his shoulder, "I need my cuddles."
“He was really missing you tonight."
The next morning Sawyer woke early to make coffee and get breakfast started. Hearing the wrestling of sheets through the baby monitor, she went to coordinate with her co-conspirator.
"Gooood morrrrrning," Sawyer sang quietly as she knelt at the side of the Goldilocks-sized bed. As she tamed his bedhead, "What do you think? Is it time to attack the Tickle Monster?"
Sawyer led them down the hall. Holding a finger to her lips, she playfully reminded him to be quiet as they tiptoed into the large bedroom. After a helpful boost onto her side of the bed, they crawled like cats to Ethan's side, ready to pounce.
"Get ready," she whispered. 
Rolling Ethan onto his back, Sawyer straddled his waist and then held his hands at his sides.
"Huh," he responded groggily.
"Okay, now. It’s a slobber attack!" she declared.
The excited tot leaned over and placed wet smooches all over his dad’s face.
"Who dares to wake the Tickle Monster," a deep hoarse voice bellowed out. Breaking free from Sawyer's hold, Ethan sat up and locked the intruder in an embrace. "Looks like I have a prisoner," he said, tickling his son's ribs until high-pitched laughter filled the room.
As Ethan paused to let the captive catch his breath, Sawyer took advantage and leaned forward. Landing a quick but tender kiss to his lips, "Morning, babe. Happy Father's Day." 
Climbing off the bed, Sawyer grabbed the artwork that had been drawn the day before.
"Sweetie, do you want to give the Tickle Monster his present?"
Taking the piece of paper from his mom, the youngster handed it to Ethan and settled into his lap.
"Oh wow. What do we have here?"
A little finger pointed to each scribbled blob as an enthusiastic voice explained, "Dis is me. And dat Mama. And dis is you!"
"I love it. Thank you.” Ethan kissed the top of his head. “I love you, buddy.”
"I lub you, Daddy. Dis big," he stretched his arms out.
Ethan cradled his son into a hug and looked up at Sawyer. She was smiling ear to ear as she mouthed, "Daddy." Ethan responded with a smile of his own.
"All right boys, I'm going to finish making Daddy's special pancake breakfast" she turned to leave.
"Rookie?" Ethan called, causing her to look over her shoulder, "Thank you."
“Pancakes?” Wiggling free from his dad’s hold, their pride and joy slid down the side of the bed. "Wait for me, Ookie! I help."
Facepalming, Sawyer shook her head with a smile then looked back at her laughing husband. “Babe, I think we officially have a Threenager.” 
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @potionsprefect @jamespotterthefirst @annfg8 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @quixoticdreamer16 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @inlocusmads @txemrn @trappedinfanfiction @mvalentine @takemyopenheart @ofmischiefandmedicine @openheartforeverinmyheart @doriopenheart @coffeeheartaddict2 @genevievemd @starrystarrytrouble @hopelessromantic1352 @kyra75 @lsvdw-blog @rookiemartin
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ask-sibverse · 6 months
A fistfight, sharing a drink Killer Cross Reader
So this is absolutely hilarious as an idea and I've cracked up every time I see this. (@dreamseersystem was convinced this should be sharing drinks like three straws to one milkshake. I had other ideas). The ending feels vaguely crackficky just warning..
You honestly had no idea how Killer and Cross managed to get into a fight as often as they did. Seriously it was several times a week. Dust joked it was their foreplay, which ended up with Cross throwing a pillow at his face.
But that incident was two weeks ago. This was now. The fight between Killer and Cross had turned into a full on brawl, you half expected a cartoonish cloud of dust to surround them punching and kicking each other on the floor. Night's attention would be drawn soon, and then they'd both be scolded. Again.
Welp. Might as well try to stop them before it hits that point. You climbed over the couch and made your way over to the pair, ignoring how Dust and Axe were eating popcorn while watching. You looked for an opening- ah there. You smacked their skulls together before pinning Killer down with your knee and prying the two apart. "Seriously you two. Stop it or Nightmare is going to be angry again."
Killer snorted and Cross folded his arms and looked away. You rubbed the bridge of your nose. "Okay we seriously need to figure out how to get you two to at least tolerate each other. This is driving *me* crazy. You two need to talk things out somehow."
Dust laughed. "Might as well get out the universal tongue-loosener then. I got a few bottles of vodka in my room."
"noooo if we're getting drunk we gotta do it right! Go to a bar, get plastered on some good shit!" Killer insisted.
You sighed. "I'll come along then and make sure you two get home in one piece then."
Which is why a few hours later the three of you were in a bar in a surface AU. Killer was a few shots in already, Cross was still sipping his first drink, and you had ordered (virgin drink of choice.)
And the confessions started coming.
"Yer too uptight," Killer said. "I pick on you cuz you need to loosen up."
"At least I take important things seriously!" Cross shot back.
"I do too. I just dun show it. Life's too crazy and fucked up all the time to be serious always."
"Fuck you."
You watched them, waiting to see if they'd do something to get you all kicked out of the bar. They stared at each other for what felt like a tense eternity.
And then they started messily making out. Guess it really was foreplay.
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 11 months
~Minecraft incorrect quotes for the Main 6 cuz I love them~
(To anybody that understands this reference, here’s a cookie 🍪)
~Texas, California and DC walking up~
DC: Hey guys!
Florida: Ya want some mule bits?
Cali: Mule bits, please!
NY: (in the background) NOOO 😭 (x4)
Florida: What bit of the mule?~
Cali: Uhhh- the back :)
Florida: *walks into shop*
Texas: Ya really said- ya really said ya wanted the mules r*ctum Safe-Space you mother f*cker-
~inside the shop~
Florida: Do it.
Florida: Do it!
NY: *incoherent screams as he kills the mule*
~outside the shop~
DC, TX, CA: 👁️👄👁️💧…. *the cries of the innocent in the background*
Texas: What the f*ck?!
Florida: *walks out* Here’s your back, sir! *drops mule bits so Cali can pick them up*
Cali: What the fu-
Florida: *blocking off the entrance* We’re closed now.
Texas: *trying to hold it together* What- what part of the mules back is that 😏
*insert more sobbing in the background*
Texas: Tell you what- here’s what we do- this time we go and we save Empire (NY), alright? W-we are Child Protection Services.
Cali: I-i actually need food, im on one heart.
Texas: I don’t have any. *quite obviously has an apple in his hand*
Cali: Pfft-
~at the mule bits shop~
Texas: Ok- Florida, Florida-
Florida: Hello Texas~
Texas: Im so- W-What is this operation of yours then, eh? I can hear cries from behind you. I can hear CRIES, Florida! I can hear the CRIES of a distorted child!
Florida: Name a bit of the mule.
Texas: Oh- uh…. An*s :)
Florida: *walks into shop* New York?
Cali: Don’t make York do this!-
Texas: Wait Safe-Space- *gets some ladders* I have an idea.
~inside the shop~
Florida: Do it, New York.
Texas: *breaks roof so he can see inside*
NY: NOOOO 😭 *screams as he kills the poor mule*
Texas: WHAT THE F*CK IS THIS?! This is the SWAT, b*tch! THIS IS THE SWAT-
Cali: *falls off roof and dies*
DC: So…. This is what you’ve been doing while New York was apparently being forced to kill a mule by Florida?
Louisiana, standing in front of a very intricately built XP farm: Yup :D (he’s so proud of himself 😭-)
His horse: *is f*cking suffocating in a wall*
NY: *bringing another dog home* Welcome to the pack buddy!
The other 32 dogs: 👁️👄👁️
Loui: Hey Texas?
Texas: Yea Lou?
Loui: So y’know how we went fishing earlier?
Texas: Yea?
*insert several cats hoarding Loui*
Loui: Well I just have to say, I think I put my fish to good use :D
DC: *getting attacked by phantoms at night*
DC: Damn Minecraft I get it already- Stop rubbing it in my face that I’m an insomniac-
California: *finishes building his house* Finally done….
Florida off in the distance with flint and steel: :)
*Florida and Loui building their house*
Florida: Should we put our beds together?
Loui: O’course sha.
Florida: No homo tho ;)
Loui: Yea no homo.
NY: *bridging over the lava in the nether*
Florida, irl: *comes up behind him and grabs him from behind like the little a$$hole he is*
NY: *screams and falls* GODDAMNIT FLORIDA-
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bubblepopsims · 6 months
Ruby sighed and shuffled more through the large photo album. More and more the memories seemed to come back, but yet they didn't seem as painful to relive them again. Her eye widened and a loud laugh followed. R: "Oh goddddd I FORGOT I CUT MY HAIR!" Josiah raised a brow in confusion only for his eyes to widen "YOU DID WAIT LET ME SEE!" but before Ruby could even pass it Josiah decided to rip the whole album from her immediately laughing at the sight.
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J: "the swooop - he managed to say through the tears that filled his eyes- THE FUCKING SWOOP.... DUDE.... ! holy hell... ahahah that was a time. looked like our old lesbian gym teacher." Ruby threw one of the pillows at him and huffed "shut the fuck up! the mop on my head had to go and guess what i trusted Hades to cut my hair okay ! he said it looked good." Josiah continued to laugh and shake his head only to stop and fully examine the pictures before him.
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his smile started to drop slowly while his eyes glanced up at Ruby. J: "Izzi was slowly becoming themselves before our very own eyes.. looking at these pictures, you can just see it... especially in their eyes." Ruby huffed again and let out a deep sigh "those fucking eyes... there were times I really thought Izzi was going to just rip me apart and drink my blood.. honestly, it was quite hot. - she laughed and shook her head- Izzi had a way of catching me off guard with just a look.. I don't know.. they always had this intense stare, like.. it wasn't really them staring back at me but it was.." Josiah hummed and looked back down only to chuckle "Why are we such idiots!" Josiah turned the book towards Ruby showing him exactly what he was talking about. R: "jesus..."
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R: "fucking graduation..... you know to this day i still don't remember what the hell happened that night.." Josiah blinked and thought for a moment only to scrunch up his face "i actually.... shit... i don't know either.. i just know a lot of tequila was involved and you were crying about how much you missed Izzi because they couldn't go out that night." Ruby nodded slowly trying to think hard on it but decided to just go with it. "yeah... i think that is kinda what happened at your guys graduation too right" J: "noooo we got Izzi high that night remember on the beach " Ruby laughed and pinched the bridge of her nose "oh my god yes and Izzi kept getting very paranoid.. that night we learned no weed for izzi... ahaha... god Izzi was so cute though... sadly we only took one picture that day." Josiah chuckled but shrugged "it's a good one though"
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chussyracing · 7 months
seriously pls have gossip nights the break is gonna be unbearable
noooo i was looking forward to the break for so long actually!! also my sources will be limited now since my gossiping comms said goodbye today because a new broadcaster bought f1 here. all i can give you is the fresh batch from today.
interesting bits of info/gossip i learned today:
all the pit stop infringements were ferrari crew members snatching on other teams not having correct gear on for the pit stop, particularly eyewear
jack doohan now has a beef with mick schumacher despite them being quite good friends otherwise because jack is not returning to f2 and he had a precontract ready with alpine wec before toto wolff negotiated a deal for mick (mike elliot is said to go there along with mick as another support or a sort of sacrifice)
charles definitely extended his contract and carlos is said to be close to getting his (although after his performance today hm)
Sauber should be getting a deal with Haas to keep the Ferrari link girl what 😭😭
Las Vegas organization was Messy with capital M: people only started coming to stands when the sessions were already halfway done, people without a ticket standing near a track often had a better view than the paying visitors, they had to call cops to throw out some people for fp2 and they lied to them about the session being cancelled but when they were leaving they heard the cars running on track, they wanted to go into some cafe or anything but they closed shops, cafes and one casino by the track and some pavement/bridge (?) collapsed so some people took very long to even get out of the track
in las vegas charles was almost 30 kms faster when overtaking perez, he could overtake perez the lap before but he didn't wanna show his cards just yet and saved battery for the overtake, he braked about 10 meters later than perez and pressed the brake pedal with higher power (I forgot the number)
rbr knew 5s penalty wouldn't hurt them at all and didn't return the position because they spoke to fia (those radios are just not broadcasted these days) and there was a risk max wouldn't get any penalty at all, that's why it took 8 laps to say anything
"we have 20 drivers with confirmed contract for next year- sorry I mean 19" so I hope that means logan extended too
some teams who can afford it have B-groups of workers that are not the key ones because after 12 time difference between las vegas and abu dhabi and the flight that takes more than 19 hours, they decided to let them rest, they said it's too much on the employees and if it goes like this with next year's calendar they might hire more workers or have them part time and get different group for different race weekends
even some drivers started speaking out on this, Daniel Ricciardo apparently said he didn't sign up for something like this, there might be changes to the calendar after all
both Merc and Alpha Tauri tested stuff for 2024 this weekend (floor for 2024 and the rbr rear suspension for alpha tauri and steering for mercedes)
carlos' crash in fp2 unfortunately helped red bulls because they changed the bump and red bull sharpened/rubbed/grounded (however you call it) their floor to be better prepared and they adjusted the ride height
max was only faster in turn exits in quali because the car drives like a straight line there while Charles needs to do corrections in turns and there are additional lateral movements, otherwise quali was charles'
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undergrounddweller89 · 9 months
hii, i wanted to say that i really love your writing and art. brings me joy to see chai x kale, my blorbos. do you have any headcannons about them?
🤔 well without any specific ones you'd like me to talk about my brain is trying to pick one but I guess I do have some but they're probably stuff I've already written heh ❤️ and thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
So like we all think about how Kale is the oldest so he's gotta always be 100 percent in charge right?
Well what if he let's Chai sometimes just decide their schedule for the day, doesn't matter what it is, he didn't have to plan it , sort it or work it out, he gets to come along for the ride and actually experience a few things.
Kale and his Sister plan days so that they can take time off to be with their significant others.
I bet there's some days Kale just loves making a fuss of Chai and Chai acts like his usual cocky self but adores it....just as much as Kale can be stubborn he likes that Chai always remembers his coffee and will even go off campus to get him a Cortado if the machines are broken.
No one but Chai knows Kale likes his coffee with lots of milk and three sugars, that's one he's been told to take to the grave with him, Chai thinks it's fucking cute but accepts these terms of knowing this oh so secret information xD
Let's see love making can vary from if I don't fuck you now I'll die, from Kale being above him and gently cupping Chai's cheek , his hand covering almost half his face with how big it is, and his heart races in the quiet moment , those moments he can't believe he's really in because it's so perfect it has to be a dream right, when ever Kale holds Chai's face like this , Chai always kisses Kale's palm and smiles up at him and says I love you.
Which has Kale leaning down to kiss him because how could he not love Chai.
They are super cuddly after sex like if kale gets up to go get a snack Chai is holding onto him like a koala and Kale loves it, he'll literally panic if Chai doesn't because he'll worry something is wrong.
One year Chai learned how to knit
(I can't knit for shit but if I could I would knit my loved ones so many scarfs they could make a rope bridge out of them xD)
Turns out Chai was really good at knitting and taught CNMN how to knit and Macaron even joined....they formed a little knitting club :3c Because I head cannonly say so pffft
But back to the point
So it was like Kale's birthday and Chai saw all the really expensive gifts Kale got and Chai was standing at the back as everyone gave their gift , probably like at some big party....because let's be honest who gets to plan what they really want the do on their own birthday and have to go along with the plans everyone else makes for them.
Kale noticed that Chai left at one point and made sure to send a message asking if he was alright and Chai just said he was tired.
Kale wasn't sure how much Chai had drunk that night so he really might be but he didn't stay too much past midnight and returned back to their home.
Chai woke up being poked in the face
"Hey...I know you got me something...I've been waiting all day for it gimme."
Kale held out his hand expectantly and Chai curls up and is like no...it's not as good as all those other ones.
Kale shakes his head
Pffft please they saw something shiny and assumed I wanted and or needed it, they didn't pick it because they love me they chose them because they love my name.
He pokes Chai's sides and Chai's like noooo you know I'm ticklish!
That's the point kid , now where's my birthday present, come on gimme you rascal!
Keeps playfully tickling his side's and Chai eventually rolls off the thin box he was laying on top of the bow crushed but Kale didn't care he was quick to rip off the packaging with a triumphant laugh only to go quiet as he held it in his hands.
A beautiful red scarf with the Vandelay logo at each end the white V's were lined in gold the red at each end fading into gray then black with tassley bits at the end which he immediately started playing with.
"Sorry I know it's not that-"
"I swear to god Chai if you tell me it's not good I will bite you hard you won't heal for a week."
Chai blushes at that and then watches him play with the end of the scarf.
"I noticed you start to play with your pens or other little things when you're bored or stressed so I added the tassley bits at the end."
Kale's still looking at it and smiling
"I personally want to throw every gift I've gotten in the fire tonight apart from this one, this is the only gift that matters to me but you know there's one other I would like tonight..."
"I think you know what it -wait a minute...."
He went to carefully place the scarf in a very safe place before coming back and kissing him
"I think you know what I want , am I too late to cash in on that access to Chai's body whenever I want on my birthday coupon?"
"I gave that to you three years ago."
"You never put an expiration date on it..."
Chai kissed him while still giggling and wrapping himself around Kale
"I suppose I didn't...but keep it , after all it doesn't say it has a one time use either."
That turned head cannony rambly xD there's probably more ideas but I think I put a fair bit here already.
If there's something specific you wanna ask go right ahead ❤️
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hotchfiles · 1 month
Since you liked my last fanfic idea I have another one for ya. (Also, feel free to use/take inspo from if you want. I like sharinfmg, not so much writing) This is a Foyet lives AU.
Foyet kills Haley and manages to find Jack, BUT he doesn't kill him. Instead, Foyet gives Jack a cut that would lead to permanent scaring across his face, from cheekbone to cheekbone going over the nose bridge. A scar meant to be a reminder for Hotch of his failure.
Foyet is then arrested and sent to jail, as the team manages to arrive at the same time as Hotch, stopping him from murdering Foyet. He is given life in prison because the death penalty would have been to kind for a man like him.
Fast forward a decade, and Jack is now 16 when the Scratch case takes place. Part of his school's soccer team and art club, and despite everything in his life, a normal teenager. Fully trying to be as normal as possible before his life is flipped on its head once again.
Unfortunately, it gets flipped on its head when a massive prison break happens, and Mr. Scratch and Foyet escape prison. His dad shoves himself into work full forces, and instead of spending one or two nights at the office, it turns into full weeks. One day while on the trail of Mr. Scratch, Hotch overexerts himself and falls into Peter Lewis hands.
The team manages to rescue him, but not before Hotch is put into a drug induced coma. When Jack gets the news he is upset but used to it at this point. Not accepting and hugs or pity, he follows the normal routine for when his dad is injured, he goes home and packs his stuff to stay with JJ. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't the only person in his house.
Foyet had heard that Peter Lewis had put Hotch in a coma, and not wanting to be upstaged by a knock-off scarecrow, Foyet was going to do Hotch a little favor and kill Peter for him. But as smart as Foyet was, he was no G-man and with him out of commission he went for the only logical next option, junior g-man Jack.
So Foyet kidnaps Jack, threatens him with the whole "If you don't listen to me, I will kill you and everyone around you" speech and the two head off on a road trip. Solving Peter Lewis's crime and essentially becoming a weird Uncle-Nephew version of Hannibal and Will.
During this murder road trip, Jack does manage to have a great time. His dad was an extreme helicopter parent despite never actually being around, so actually going to a mall by himself or honestly anywhere that wasn't groceries or school is an experience. Foyet even let's him interact with people more than once without doing a background check into their entire families. Sure, he murdered his mother, but his dad had been killing his social life and mental health for years sooooo.....
It will end with Peter Lewis getting shot in the head, but who truly pulled the trigger is still a mystery. The BAU all believed that it was Foyet, but somewhere deep down, they all acknowledge the idea that it could have been Jack.
Featuring fun lines such as:
Foyet: "Kid, I have been in your mother."
Jack: "Don't you mean your knife has?"
Foyet: "We don't do semantics here."
Foyet: "Just call me your Uncle George."
Jack: "Pass, I already have an Uncle that has been to jail."
Foyet: "Agent Reid doesn't count."
Jack: "I was talking about my dad's brother."
Foyet: "Shit, forgot about him. Huh, must not be important."
Jack: "I am not going to resuscitate you if you die on the floor."
Foyet: *coughing up his lungs* "If I die, who is going to pay for Waffle House tomorrow?"
Jack: "Crap, you're right. What will I do if I am not getting my waffles paid for by a serial killer? Oh noooo"
Foyet: *wheeze laughing on the floor* "You clearly got your humor from me, kid."
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no because why did i get out of breath laughing at WE DONT DO SEMANTICS HERE 💀💀💀 the way foyet WOULD say something like that he was such a sassy unsub
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kidge-planet · 1 year
We have time// kidge one shot
Keith had been on a mission since a few month with the blade and everything he was dreaming of was to be back in his appartement , to find back his confortable bed .. But the thing he had REALLY been wanting to see again was a person: His girlfriend , pidge. during the lasts months , they had been calling almost every nights.. But call weren't enough . He missed her . Since the first day actualy..
She was the only thing that was keeping him on earth . If she wasn't there , he would have probably been somewhere else , in space ... He didn't realy know where tho..
Ezor , Zethrid and Acxa were in the bridge of the ship . They were gossiping, and, when Keith entered the room they all stoped talking. The two only words that keith heard were "green paladin".
Keith frowned and walked toward them .
"What were you three talking about ?.."
Ezor was keeping herself from laughing .
"We were wondering when you would propose to the green paladin ?''
Zethrid cuted Acxa in her sentences.
At those words , keith couldn't help but blush .
He asked , not knowing what to answer.
" You know .. Get married ? Form a family ? You two are realy taking your time ..''
Ezor answered with a giggle.
" Pidge and I didn't took the time to think about that .. We are not in a hurry .. Pidge is 20 and im 23... Besides , you ask me that but you and Zethrid are not even married .''
''Well , you know Zethrid and I aren't into those kind of stuffs. We think that marriage is a love killer . ''
"Sooo... You want me to marry Pidge so it'll kill our love..?"
Keith frowned with confusion.
"Noooo noo! That's not what I meant ! What I wanted to say was that Zethrid and I are not marriage persons . Like , not into those stufs. Right Zethrid ,"
Zethrid silently noded . She had frustration in her eyes.. Like.. More then usually. Keith noticed but he had never been close to Zethrid , so he wasn't about to talk to her about that .. That's their business, after all.
"Even Acxa considered marriage with Veronica , right Acxa ?"
Ezor continued.
Acxa answered without quitting her eyes from her screen.
"NO?! But you told me yes the other day!!"
"I said yes so you stoped to annoy me."
"That's rude , I had planed it all.."
Ezor sat on her chaire , pouting .
"Anyways. The topic of marriage hadn't came yet . It will come , when it will. Now, warn the garrison of our arrival , Acxa . How long before our landing?"
"In 10 minutes and 58 secondes.. We could have arrive a few minutes after but anyways."
Ezor answered as she rolled her eyes.
"Good , I have ten minutes."
Keith smirked has he headed towards the door"
"Ten minutes for what ?!"
Ezor shooted at Keith.
"Non of your business"
He answered as the door closed behind him.
"He is probably going to get all pimped up for his girl."
Zethrid said with a smirk .
And she was right .
Keith got all prepared for the girl he loves.
After 12 minutes , their ship finaly landed and keith stood at the entrance .
When it opened , many people were standing in the other side . Keith politely greeted them but his head was somewhere else . In the many faces , he was trying to find the one he had been willing for what seemed to be years .
And then , he saw her . She was staring at him with a huge smile. He walked toward her and when he was in front of her , she raised her hand to greet him.
-Mr Kogane ! An honor to have you back here on earth .
You want to play that game , huh?
Keith thought.
-Always a pleasure to see you , Commander Holt.
He shook her hand .
Pidge tryed hard to keep herself from laughing but after a few tics , she couldn't help but burst into laughters.
She ran in his arms and huged him tightly.
"Heh, I missed you too, Katie."
He puted his arms around her and lifted her off of the ground causing her to laugh even more . After that , they shared a passionate kiss , letting all of their emotions on it. When they pulled away, they smiled at each other.
He was glad to see her again . It felt like he was gaining life again . It felt like when he left , he left a part of his self on earth and that he just founded it back . He just founded her back.
They headed in the garrison , talking about everything and nothing .
When they arrived inside Pidge's lab , she showed him everything that she had done in the last month. All of her prodjects . And all that in a passionate way that Keith couldn't help but admire. He listened to her carefully, not missing a piece of her voice that he loved .
Later , they were just calmly talking in her lab as Pidge was taping in her keyboard and as Keith was making coffee.
Without lying , he had been thinking about the talk that he had on the ship with his crew. Now , he was curious .
" Hey, Kat'?.."
He hesitate has he walked toward her desk with his coffee cup on his hand .
"What's up?"
She didn't bothered to look up from her screen.
"I huh...It might seem a bit sudden .. But I was wondering.. What are your thoughts about.. Wedding ?.."
She then looked up from her screen with a light blush.
"Ho , huh....Well , I think it is something I'd like.. Why do you ask?"
"I don't know.. I talked about that with the girls earlier and...I thought I might ask you about it . You know , some people are not into those kinds of stuffs.."
Pidge gave him a soft smile , he could feel his cheeks wrming up.
"Honey , I would love to get married.. In fact, you are the only person I would love to get married with."
And now , Keith's heart was melting..
"But we have time ! No preasure ! Now , can you get me my phone ? I left it charge , there."
She showed a place in the room where her phone was charging.
He giggled.
Be took off her glaces of her face and leaned to kiss her. BUT, has they kissed , the door of the lab opened . It was Matt.
" Hey Pidge , I was wondering if- ho"
Matt stared a momet , seeing that he had interupted a sweet moment between his sister and her boyfriend.
"Hoooo, sorry you two ! Next time , lock the door !"
Matt said with a smirk as he closed the door.
Keith and Pidge stared at the closed door for a moment .
"I huh... I'm going to get you your phonr , babe.."
He walked away with a soft smile in his face,
Knowing that she was the woman he was going to spend his life with.
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This story had been inspired by this amazing art of @uraraaaaaaan !!
Hope you liked it because it's almost 5 am and I stayed awake to write.
don't forget to reblog and to like !! See you yall !!
( also , I'm writing many others stuffs! Stay tuned;). )
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ashes-writing · 2 years
sweet emotion pt four | stranger things ; e.munson
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tag list babes || rules +fandoms || send me something? || main masterlist
CHAPTERS ; one || two || three can all be accessed by clicking.
AUTHORS NOTES; Okay so look, here's the thing. This one is not going to be a slow burn like... at all. It's kind of a medium burn? Do those exist? Anyway, this one was so much fun to write out and I might carry a little of it over into the next chapter I post. This was just something that came to me now and I absolutely knew I had to get it out before it drove me crazy.
Thank you all so so so so so much for interacting with me + my writing. I'll be honest, I did not expect anybody to read anything I posted. I went into this with nothing more than the mindset of "it's out of my head now, thank God." and every day I see people reblog/like/comment/ reblog with tags and y'all I... Emotions, okay? So many emotions. Thank you so much.
-- a movie night at Eddie's brings you just a little closer to the realization that you can't keep fighting the way you both feel. But what will be the outcome? ( part one of two )
PAIRING; Eddie Munson x Henderson!Fem reader
WARNINGS; mentions of the devils lettuce, swearing, an awkward changing situation (the ol' "Oh noooo they're changing in my room" trope y'all) and that's it.
These are the only people on my Stranger Things taglist. If you'd like to be on it, click the little link up top.
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“Munson, hey! Guess who actually came, buddy.” Jeff is staring out the window of the Munson living room as your car pulls in behind the one driven by Astrid. Astrid stands but Gareth grabs her hips and pulls her back down into his lap. “You’re not goin’ anywhere.” he mumbles against the shell of her ear. She turns to face him and presses a kiss to the bridge of his nose. “I have to, baby, c’mon. You do want your Dr. Peppers, right?”
Gareth’s eyes lit up and he nodded. Astrid kisses his forehead. “I thought so. I’m gonna go help the hellion, her brother and his friends get unloaded before the rain sets in real bad.”
You burst in the front door. “It’s cold, fuck!” your teeth are chattering and you’re shaking wet hair like a dog at Jeff because he happens to be standing at the window. Dustin, Lucas and Mike come in a minute or two later, their sleeping bags, the movies you’d stopped to rent at Family Video five minutes to closing and almost the entire aisle of junk food that the late night gas station in town had to offer.
Dustin’s immediate first action upon putting down his sleeping bag on the living room floor is to make a mad dash to the bathroom, which prompts you to laugh. “I told you, dustball. Those gas station burritos are only good for the shits.”
“For your information, I’m pissing, you little troll.” Dustin yells through the closed door. You take a sip out of a styrofoam cup branded with the gas station’s logo and Eddie’s brow raises. “Thirsty?” he teases gently. You’re standing in front of the little space heater in the corner of the room and you’re grumbling about being both cold and wet.
“What the hell took you guys so long anyway, huh?” Grant asks the question as he tries to grab a cellophane wrapped sno ball snack cake that you snatch and hiss at him over. He waves his hand and grabs something else instead and you gesture to the dining table in the room, the one that is currently loaded down with junk food and soda. “That did, big boy. That. Mama was a-starvinggg.” you laugh when you say it.
Eddie’s staring at you. You must have stopped by your house to change first, because you’re not wearing the jumper dress and the black shirt beneath it. Now you’re wearing a cropped off long sleeve Motley Crue shirt and a pair of black shorts with white banding around the legs and a pair of white over the knee socks that have black bands around the top. You’ve also thrown your hair up into this messy ponytail and taken off the little bit of makeup you do wear. 
The shirt keeps jumping up just slightly whenever you move and it’s distracting because he’s getting these random flashes of blinding red lace beneath the cropped shirt. The way you’re hugging yourself and hogging the heater while you guzzle down the largest size fountain drink they sell at the gas station prompts Jeff to nudge Eddie.
“Get your girl somethin warm, man.”
“She’s..” but Eddie’s stopped trying to tell people you’re not his girl lately. Nobody seems to be willing to listen anyway and deep down, he knows you are. That he’s already mentally claimed you for himself. Even if he hasn’t… actually done that yet.
Because he can’t, for the life of him, think of a good way to go about doing it and he’s at least halfway afraid that you don’t feel the same things he does.
Until earlier tonight, that is. The fact that you didn’t immediately tell Astrid you don’t love him or it’s not that serious is driving him crazy. Because there’s just so many ways that a lack of answer can be taken and he’s praying to anything that the reason you didn’t answer is because you do feel something, you do love him and it is that serious.
“Dude, she’s gonna freeze her ass off tonight.” Gareth muses from beside Eddie. Astrid nods in agreement, studying Eddie for a moment. “Someone could let her borrow a shirt..”
Eddie glances from Gareth to his girlfriend and then he rubs his chin.
“You did overhear her say all of that outside the Hideout earlier, man. And she was about to claw Bernadette’s eyes out for being gross, you’ve been wanting to tell the woman to leave you alone for weeks. If she didn’t feel something, trust me..” Astrid takes a deep breath, “She wouldn’t have bothered. At all. Because she’s not the kind of girl who plays games.”
You’re sitting on the kitchen counter eating a Tootsie pop and drinking that giant fountain drink. When Dustin comes out of the bathroom you hop down to rush over but Mike decides to make a break for it and go in instead, making you flip off the door. “Little shit!”
“You’re still obligated to love me because your mom kinda adopted me.” Will taunts before shutting the door to Eddie’s bathroom completely.
Wayne walks into the room, yawning. Ready to head off for another shift at the factory.
“Does she have any concept of cold, Eddo?” Wayne nudges his nephew while he nods at you. Eddie snickers and drags his hand through his hair as he shrugs. “You’re askin the wrong person.”
“It’s gonna get colder th’ later it gets. Get her a sweater or somethin, kid. Didn’t I teach ya anything?” Wayne chuckles as he says it. 
Eddie studies his uncle, because until recently, his uncle’s done nothing but warn him to be careful when it came to you. But more recently, he’s started to joke with you whenever you show up to tutor. The running joke is Wayne asking how many children you adopted - in other words how many strays you managed to lead back to your house in the time it took to get from your side of town to Forest Hills.
“Hey, shortstuff.. Adopt any new kids tonight?” Wayne asks you as he comes into the kitchen to pack himself a lunch. You take a sip of your drink and shake your head, smiling. “There was a turtle on the side of the road though, Dustin got ill but I stopped and carried it across. Kind of how I got soaked to the bone because the second I parked and ran out to get it, the bottom fell out.”
Wayne smiled and chuckled. “Yeah, hate when that happens. You got the turtle though, didn't you?”
You nod and sit the drink down, wandering over to the table. You pick up the frosted donuts and the cupcakes you’d grabbed earlier. “Hey, sir! Catch!” you toss the snacks to Eddie’s uncle and he chuckles, holding them up as he looks at Eddie. “Okay, alright. I like her, Eddo.” he laughs as he mouths it to his nephew.
And you smile so bright it seems to brighten the room. Eddie can’t help but do the same.
Dustin’s grabbed his snack of choice and he’s passing around drinks to everybody. 
Mike takes a sip of your drink and grimaces. “The fuck is in this?”
“Everything on tap at the soda fountain.” you answer. Mike gapes and Dustin palms his face, glancing at Eddie. Eddie shrugs. Dustin walks over and explains, “You’re taking care of her when she’s bouncing off the fuckin walls, right? Because I’ve done it all our lives. It’s your turn, man.. I mean.. Since you’re in love with her and all…” Dustin is teasing, he chuckles and gives Eddie’s arm a lazy punch.
Eddie nods and chuckles. “Can’t be that bad, right?” and he hears exactly what Dustin says about him being in love with you and this time, he doesn’t even bother denying it. Or saying that you’re just friends.
Because he can’t anymore. He’s tired of fighting the way he feels. So fucking tired.
“Oh. Oh man..” Lucas doubles over, holding his sides. “You poor, poor soul.”
Eddie scratches his head.
“Hey Eddie!” you call out as you rummage through the cabinets. 
“Yeah?” he asks, walking over. Standing behind you when he sees you climb up on the counter to look in a higher shelf on the cabinet, he’s got his arms out, hands on your hips to hold you steady.
“You ate my brownie mix?” you turn to look at him, pouting a little.
Eddie gives an apologetic shrug. “You know better than leave it here, woman!”
“Uh, hello. I specifically said that when we all gathered to watch movies, I was going to make us older people something.”
Eddie palms his face and groans. “Goddamn it. Sorry.”
You pout at him and step closer. “It’s okay. I mean, I was gonna use that weed I got from you to make brownies, but I guess you’ll never know the joy of eating your high now, hm?”
Eddie’s pouting now. And he’s also stepping closer. He notices you shivering and nods to your soaked clothes. “If you wanna wear one of my shirts or something…” he offers, trying to be as casual as he can while also trying not to think about how crazy the sight of you in his shirt will drive him.
He’ll be absolutely fucked for focusing on the movie and he knows it already. 
But he’s not about to let you freeze or get a cold either.
You swallow hard. Drag your finger over the horns on his Hellfire shirt as you look up at him. “You don’t.. You don’t mind?” you ask, biting your lip. “Because I’m freezing my tits off.”
“No, not at all. I’ll go grab it.” Eddie doesn’t want to step away from you, but he manages to make himself, wandering back into his bedroom. After digging around, he finds one of his first attempts at making the Hellfire shirt. The design is a little off center, the font was ridiculous, it just wasn’t a good looking shirt.
But it’s similar to his and it’s one he’s always kept because he’s attached to it.
,, But whether you like to admit it or not, you’re attached to her too.” the thought comes and he lets himself have it. Astrid’s been telling him for weeks now that you don’t act the way you do around him around anybody else.
That has to mean something, right?
And his gut. He’s always trusted his gut. His gut is telling him to at least try. Step up the flirting. Do… something.
Do it now before he doesn’t have another chance.
He walks over to you and holds out the shirt and you take it from his hands. You’ve settled in way too far on the old couch and Astrid laughs, shoving you up. When she does this, it catapults you right into Eddie. He grabs hold of you and laughs and all you can do is stare up at him, hypnotized yet again.
You finally realize that you’re still pressed up against him and he’s still got his hands on your hips and you swallow hard. “I’ll uh.. Go put this on before someone else gets in the bathroom.”
But Jeff was already in the bathroom. So you saunter down the hall and into Eddie’s bedroom.
You’re stripping out of your shorts and the shirt you’d worn to be comfy when you slept over and just as you’re down to your mismatched bra and panties, Eddie bursts in and quickly spins around to face the other way. “Shit!” he swears, trying to get back the breath that got knocked out of him at the sight of you standing in his room in nothing but a little red lace bra and some black cotton panties. “Fuck.” he mutters to himself because he can feel himself starting to get hard all over again.
“I’m decent.” you call out, skin burning hot. Eddie turns and the first thing he sees when he turns is you. Standing in the middle of his bedroom with messy hair and his t-shirt. And he’s so entranced by the sight that he forgets why he even came into his room in the first place until Jeff yells at him from the other room.
You step closer, intending to leave the room but you wind up body to body with Eddie. And before you can stop yourself, you’ve placed your hand against his chest. And stepped even closer, eliminating any space between your bodies.
His hand settles on your hip and he’s staring so intently at your mouth that it tingles. You lick your lips and he bites his. Jeff peeks in and Eddie’s never wanted to punch a wall in frustration more than he does in that moment in his entire life because he was thisclose to going for it. 
“Sorry, shit. I was gonna tell you we found it.”
Eddie nods.
Jeff backs out of the  door and as he walks past Dustin, he leans in to mumble, “They were about to kiss.”
Dustin grins. “Finally?”
“Finally.” Jeff chuckles, reaching out to swat at the younger boy’s curls.
“We should probably get in there, hm?” you question. A little disappointed because you were planning to just do it, just pull him down to your level and kiss him until you were dizzy and you couldn’t breathe.
Eddie nods and smiles. Shifts the way he’s standing because he’s hard enough to break. “After you, midget.” Eddie teases, making you stick your tongue out.
He slips an arm around you and the two of you wander out into the living room, settling in the only place left for you both to sit, on your sleeping bag in the floor. 
Dustin looks over at you both just as Eddie’s kind of lazily slipped an arm over you. You’re burning hot all over because he’s a snuggler, yes. But he’s been so much more of a snuggler since the end of the show tonight.
Dustin laughs at you and you flip him off in joking.
He shakes his head and nods to Eddie and oh god does that make you blush ten thousand times worse. Jeff starts the movie and you feel Eddie’s nose against your neck as he moves a little to try and get where he’s still close but he can still see the television over you.
And all you can think about as you lie there is how close you were to going for it and kissing him. How badly you still want to.
It’s probably going to be one very long night.
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combatfaerie · 1 year
Ficlet: My Little Monster
Title: My Little Monster
Word count: 1,178
Rating: T (probably Gen, to be honest, but to be safe...)
Pairing: Liv/Rhea (circa late May/early June 2022)
Prompt: "Two people reach for the last [can] of the same drink in a gas station fridge."
(With thanks to @sarahcakes613 for helping me figure out the read-more function!)
"Noooo! It's mine!"
Rhea's heavy rings made an ominous click against the energy drink can as she curled her fingers around it, turning so she blocked Liv. "Oops. Too late." She held the can up and grinned. "Besides, this one is orange. Shouldn't you be looking for one that changes your tongue some weird colour, like blue?"
Liv whirled on AJ Styles, who had been in Exasperated Uncle mode ever since they left the arena. "You know she's just taking it because she knows I want it!"
Pushing hair out of his face, AJ shrugged and headed for the coffee bar. "It's a free country, Liv. If she wants to drink the same flavour of toxic sludge...." He looked past her through the glass doors. "There's lots of other flavours. Just get a different one."
"But the orange is my favourite." Liv wasn't quite whining yet, but she was seriously considering it. The crowd at the house show had been flat and now they had a long drive ahead, and all she wanted was her favourite orange drink—the same one Rhea was tossing idly from hand to hand as she chatted with Damian Priest while he poured his slush.
"So either ask her for it or get the clerk to check if there's more in the back." AJ glanced back towards the counter, where the cashier was busy chatting with a friend. "You'd probably have better luck asking Rhea, from the looks of it."
Rhea must have heard her name, because she hurried over to the counter and paid for all her snacks, including Liv's coveted energy drink. "Mine now," Rhea declared, waggling her fingers in that infuriating little wave she did to dismiss people. Then the corner of her mouth twitched. "But I suppose I could share...."
AJ nudged Liv towards Rhea. "There you go! Problem solved!"
"But I'm riding with you!" Liv protested. Now that she was an honorary member of the Bullet Club, she was trying to learn as much from AJ and Finn as she could, and the long drives with them were invaluable. Finn wasn't with them that night because of a family matter, but AJ was still a fun road partner, if a bit curmudgeonly at times. "And all my bags are in your car."
AJ pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "Priest, please. Help me out here. Would you trade spots with Liv so she's not complaining about her drink for the next two hours?"
Damian glanced over at Rhea and grinned. "I don't know. Rip, you think you can put up with her for two hours?"
Rhea gave a small shrug. "I'll manage. Not like I haven't done it before. If there's another gas station on the way, I can always stop there and we can switch back."
"Excellent. It's settled then." AJ grabbed his coffee cup, wincing a bit at the heat, and plucked a few random snacks from the front display before setting everything on the counter. He hated stopping when they were on the road, but so far no one had recognized them. "Priest, put your stuff down. My treat."
Damian raised his eyebrows and gave Rhea a fist bump. "Score." After setting his slush down, he grabbed a few extra items. "Gimme the keys and I'll go get our bags switched over. I know we could leave it until we get to the hotel, but just in case something happens and we get separated, there's no way I'm fitting into any of Liv's clothes."
"That's too bad," Rhea teased. "You look good in mesh."
Rolling his eyes, AJ shoved the keys at Damian. "Sure, sure. Let's just hurry it up, okay? I want to talk to my kids before they go to bed, and it looks like there's a storm rolling in, so we need to get on the road again."
"I'll go help," Rhea offered, swinging her bag back and forth. "Don't forget your candy, Liv."
Liv glared at Rhea's back before grabbing a few bags of Skittles. "I'm surprised she left any of these," she muttered as AJ paid for his haul.
"It's only a drink, Liv. She's just trying to get under your skin." Then AJ paused, stepping out of the way to give her room to set her candy down. "Are you going to be okay riding with her? I'm sure there's another gas station on the way—"
"Heading west?" the clerk asked. It was the first time she had deigned to speak to any of them. "Next station is over an hour away."
Sighing, Liv ran back to the refrigerators and grabbed another energy drink for good measure. "I'll be fine, AJ. Go ahead. I'll be right out." By the time she had paid and left the store, the others had already finished swapping her and Damian's bags, and Damian was comically adjusting AJ's passenger seat to accommodate his much longer legs. "Thank you, Damian."
The tall man gave her a hint of a smile. "It's all good. Won't hurt me to sit under the learning tree of the old man for a couple hours."
"Old man?" AJ set his coffee cup in the holder and set the bag of snacks on the passenger seat. "I'm only five years older than you, Priest!"
"You're from a whole different decade, man. Another generation." Damian grinned at the girls as he opened the passenger door. "Drive safe, ladies. Call if you need us."
"Old man!" AJ was still muttering as he got in the driver's seat and started the engine.
Rhea lounged in the driver's seat for a moment, waving at AJ as he pulled out of the gas station parking lot. Then she handed the energy drink over to Liv. "You're welcome," she grinned. "I had to stash the others behind the milk jugs so AJ wouldn't see them."
Liv quickly opened it and took a gulp before setting it in the cup holder. "You know, we could just tell people we're together. It's not like they'd care."
"I know. But I like messing with them. Besides, you know what Vince is like with kayfabe." When she was sure AJ and Damian were far enough down the road, she leaned across the console and kissed Liv, grimacing a bit as she pulled back. "At least it tastes better than the blue."
Liv giggled as she nestled back in her seat. "Does that mean I don't have to share?"
"Not that. Maybe the Skittles, though." Rhea glanced over at Liv's bag as they pulled out of the gas station. Damian knew about them and could keep AJ distracted to a certain degree, but if they fell too far behind, she knew AJ would call to check in. "What flavour did you get?"
"Your favourite, of course." Liv ripped open a bag and poured some out into her palm, holding it out for Rhea.
Traffic was light, so Rhea dipped her head quickly and ate up the candies, letting her tongue linger across Liv's palm. "A close second."
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I NEED YOUR GLAMROCK FOXY/MICHEAL. Maybe the reader is tasked with fixing him up? ;) (Even better if he’s not a robot~)
Oh no, y’all want me to write romantically or sexually suggestive content? I’m gonna be bad at it. I’m ace and deeply traumatized. You sure?
Eh. Why not? He has to stay a robot though, because this request requires fixing him up. This takes place after Into the Breach.
Foxy Fix Up
“Don’t lay a damn finger on me!”
The animatronic fox glared at you from within the chain link box misbehaving endos were normally kept in. This was not worth your 13 dollars an hour pay… Why’d they recapture this animatronic after they went rogue? Well, you knew why: money. Still, it was all such a bad idea. At this point, you’d rather build a whole new Foxy, but noooo they wanted this one.
“Come on, Foxy.” You crossed your arms, “Whatever…modifications you made to yourself down there aren’t up to code—“
“Well…” He climbed on the metal fencing, hanging from the top of the box and meeting your eyes, “That’s kind of the bloody point!”
“God, you don’t even sound like a pirate anymore. Why are you speaking like you’re fucking British?” You pinched the bridge of your nose at learning of yet another thing to deal with in this frankensteined animatronic, “Do I have to get out the shocker?”
“What for? I ain’t scared of your stupid taser! I been through far worse!” Micheal couldn’t help but laugh at the threat, “Best give up… My upgrades are permanent, anyway…”
“We need to be able to get you back in Kid’s Cove.” You argued, “You can’t just have wires with claws and shit on them around the children!”
“Why not? All the bots are dangerous enough to kill already.” He replied flatly, “I won’t harm any child… You bastards didn’t need to shock me into having morals.”
“Look, just let me check on your internal systems so I can fix your accent setting, then maybe—“
“No.” He shooed her away with a hand, now hanging from the top of the box by grapple wires as if lying in a hammock, “Go call your corrupt greedy bosses and tell them if they want me back, they have to accept my terms.”
You sighed and decided to call your bosses and explain the situation at least. The answer you got did not make you happy. You left the animatronic in the cage with a huff, only to return early the next morning to carry out your plan.
You took advantage of his battery forcing him into sleep mode and did what you could in the chamber, which was very little. His internal mechanics didn’t even match the blueprints anymore. Almost his entire endo was gone. How the hell did he do this to himself?! Well, this was as good as it was going to get.
“Alright, captain.” You grumbled sarcastically into the microphone outside the chamber once you were done, “Wake up. You’re going to the cove.”
The robot fox awoke from sleep mode with a start, immediately becoming hostile at the sight of large metal claws and scooping mechanisms above him. That asshole mechanic waned his battery on purpose to get him in here! That little shit!
“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO—“ The bot tackled the door to the chamber, before pausing, “What…did you just say?”
“You’re clear to return to the cove.” You repeated tiredly, “I couldn’t even figure out what the hell you did to yourself in there. None of my bosses could either. Yet, they still want you for some damn reason, so here we are…”
Micheal couldn’t believe that mechanic actually got him out with the children again so fast. It was like they were calling his bluff on being willing to step back into this colorful neon purgatory again.
“Oh? But I thought I be dangerous?” He asked coyly, “Can’t have the wee ones seein this monster, I wagered?”
“Wait, you were talking in the Queen’s English last night.” You squinted, “Why are you suddenly speaking like a pirate now? Your voice box is totally fine. How are you switching accents?”
“I don’t know what ye talkin’ bout, matey…” The fox grinned at your irritation, “Now… What be the catch to me freedom?”
“I coded the internal controlled shock back into your system while you were in sleep mode, you’re in new plating, and I am in charge of supervising your metal ass so you don’t kill anyone.” You hissed as you opened the chamber, “Now come on…”
Ah, so that’s it… They got stuck with watching him because they couldn’t turn him back into his old state? Oh… This would be fun…
He held back a curse as he reentered the place he used to be so glad to have escaped from. It was so deceptively bright and vibrant, just how he remembered. It made him sick. He was nearly bombarded at the cove if not for security bots controlling the crowds. Of course, Foxy the Pirate was always the most popular.
Well, time to deal with this bullshit again— Wait, was that who he thought it was…?
You kept a close eye on the fox as his ears perked and seemed to single out a figure in the crowd. Immediately alarm bells went off in your mind as a child managed to duck between the wall of staffbots, scampering over.
“Hey, kiddo.” You forced a customer service smile, but took notice of many bandages on the child’s face and became concerned, “Oh… What happened to your head?”
The girl didn’t answer, more focused on getting past you to see the pirate fox.
“We aren’t open yet.” You explained sweetly, “You’ll be able to come visit in a few minutes, but you wouldn’t want to upset Captain Foxy by breaking the rules on his ship, right?”
“That’s not his name.”
“W-what?” You frowned.
“Foxy isn’t his name.” The child repeated, dipping under your legs and hugging the leg of the animatronic, “Mikey! You’re okay!”
“What are you doing here?!” Micheal mirrored the mechanic’s confusion, “They were supposed to get you back to your mum and—“
“There’s the accent again!” You hissed under your breath, too tired to do anything but watch.
The brown haired girl picked at one of the bandages on her face nervously, “T-they…aren’t here anymore…R-remember?”
The fox sighed… He bent down to use one of his wires to gently move some hair out of her eyes, “Then…who’s taking care of you?”
“P-people here…” She looked noticeably uncomfortable, “T-they found Gregory and I and… I-I guess we just…live here now…?”
He cursed under his breath, twitching from the shock it earned him.
“I’m… Er, I be fine, lass…” He forced the pirate accent out as he noticed people staring, “Come find me again when we open, aye?”
“Okay… B-bonnie isn’t here, though… I-I think they…” She sniffled.
As the girl ran back into the crowd, you gawked at what just happened. You had no idea the two missing children found in the plex with Freddy and the scrapped Bonnie and Foxy got taken in by the higher ups. They just had to live here with no supervision besides the bots now? That was kinda fucked up… But… Where did Bonnie end up? Why did this kid call Foxy Mikey? You suddenly went from hating this job, to wanting a lot of answers.
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mallahanmoxie · 11 months
here you go ISTJ by the dreamies first listen rank but this is a TRUE first listen with my thoughts AS I listen
broken melodies -- the my youth print!!!!! I LOVE when the dreamies do this sound it's SO hopeful coming of age. oh I love it how is this only the second song in the album???
poison -- oh my god the vibe?? YEAHHHHH JISUNGGG OKAY CHORUSS fuck insert calamardo dancing gif* fck they ATE this the HARMONIES IN THE BACKGROUND JAEMIN?????? TELL EM HAECHAN
SOS -- let's go intro?? oh my god they're keeping that weird metallic sound oh my god are we spies is this the vibe are we spying JENOOOOO????? JISUNG???? this fucks severely I fear AND THE SWITCH UP AT THE END BRO??? BROOOOO???
Like we just met -- FUCK YEAH MY BALLAD IS HERE LETS GOOO this is what taylor swift meant timeless to be like FUCK this is such a first dance song broooo YES SING IT OH QUIET OHHH FINAL CHORUS WHAT A SWEET ENDING????????? this is the fucking sweetest song ever
skateboard -- okayy vocals at the beginning?? WHERE WAS THIS IN HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL???? Troy and the basketball theme would've bodied
ISTJ -- okay we're going all in YEHA VOCALS ohhh why is the dangerous so nostalgic to me this is like glitch mode brother THE BRIDGEEEEEE?????? GREAT fuckign opener nobody like them
yogurt shake -- I love the rap sections and the little twinkling is that like. a xylophone?? ohhhh slow section!!!!!!! Go off vocal line!!!!!!
blue wave -- is this the funky music elements show?? the little I suppose it's a kazoo/recorder?? That little white flute you know the one. this really fits the ocean vibe btw this is a SEA landscape the haechan/renjun harmony????? okayy (I think it's renjun)
starry night -- ohh soft HEY CHORUS a little boring for such a surprisingly active album the signing supreme always and I like the upbeat feeling oh noooo don't break it down a bitch can only sway so much
pretzel ❤️ -- okay the rap spoken bits are not my soup but THE SINGING???? SING IT VOCAL LINEE LETS GO CHENLEEEE I wil admit the *pause* pretzel is sticky OH BRIDGE YESH SING okay the nanas ate (by nana himself?????) I can't hate it when they sing it together 😩
*this one
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