eurazba · 1 year
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This is essentially every nsfw Charmes fic right?
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jadenvargen · 2 years
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chthonicgodling · 3 months
I am actually trying to minimize the amount of detailed gushing about Elysium goings ons right now on here because there is fully SO MUCH I want to draw/am drawing - and in retrospect (I did not know I was going to draw All this when it was happening!!) it would have been sooooo evil and fun to spring The Disappearance on all of you in the form of these comics without having already live-blogged through it!! [IF YOU SOMEHOW MISSED THE FIRST COMIC PLEASE.. PLEASE] ok granted I have a lot of shit to say and they ARE truly making me crazy and I would have not been able to stifle myself completely but. hmm RIP that I’ve fully shared basically the entire sequence of events from Vanish to Reappear/Reconciliation to all of you; the exact same 10 or so people who make up the entire audience I care about fgkfkf. I’m still gonna draw all this! I just wish it was NEW to you and so I’m tryingggg to adjust accordingly for art hype and suspense , like, hence why I haven’t shared The Baby’s Situation Reveal yet—
aaaand anyway with that being said. here’s a small update ✨anyway✨
Tory and Maci have finally asked Loki to go to therapy like actually for real, convo ongoing presently. sidenote WELL fenixe Tory brought it up AGAIN so I guess we are just fuckin going for it and my opinion has officially made a full 180 from the initial opinion I had, if fenixe wants to derail me COMPLETELY who am I to stop her????? ✨let eel terrorize a therapist 2k24✨ woooOo ok anyway
At this moment Loki’s just trying to worm the fuck out of it. from pretending like he totally doesn’t remember Tory mentioning this when he returned from his vanish; to batting his best eyelashes and trying to ~*distract*~ them (“how am I supposed to [REDACTED] on your [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] when you’ve got me shuttled away into therapy sessions??🥺🥺”); to, when this did not work on Tory, pivoted into an interpreted rejection(manipulation?)— well FINE if you’re just trying to shoo me away then you can just LEAVE me there’s no need to bring “”””””””therapy”””””” into it just GO if that’s your intention—😠
“Loki,” says Tory, “ I want you to talk to someone so I can keep you.”
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Yknow. the last time tory said that was twoish years ago while balls deep I’m glad for once this is a sfw setting this time lmao— whereupon THAT became something Loki, quietly and privately and secretly and STILL TO THIS DAY,, latched onto and rotated around in his head and was kept up at night over for oh, the entire length of time that built up into where we are now. and it’s like, god fucking christ gOD when Tory says things it’s because he MEANS them, he’s (Loki voice, this is a real quote lmfao), disgustingly earnest, endearingly earnest, and so this is. this is SO.
also that’s STILL an insane thing to say what does it MEAAANNNN WHAT DOES IT MEEEEEEEANNNNN
well anyway I’m having a normal time watching Loki have a normal time. will he agree to speaking to Elysium’s therapist NPC Epione? absolutely not but also. well when Tory puts it like that—
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sunflowersred · 10 months
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⚠️ dead dove do not eat: please read the tags before the summary ⚠️
have a new fic 🥰 this is a project i’ve had in my head for a year now and i’m very excited to have something to show for it. i wanted to write something engaging and challenging and weird and pretty and sexy and nasty and i hope i have succeeded. so, if this is your kind of thing, please enjoy ♥️
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the-arthropod-queen · 10 months
Sometimes when I’m feeling down and don’t know why i ask myself “what do you want?” To find out what I’m missing
Then the answer is “$50 million, a nice dress, and to get cummed in” and we’re back to square one
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venusmages · 1 year
wyll is such a good boy and othos so mad shes gonna sit on his face about it
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eurazba · 2 years
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I curse @thosetrollkids for making my think about the Grandpa Douxie au, have a silly comic from the first time Merlin sees Ralph
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chthonicgodling · 6 months
running back to the metaphorical nsfwblog again (stands in the same spot) for one quick second to add a crucially important addendum to this post over there:
its my belief that, (as if I dont have executive control although I really don’t I’m just watching these morons swirl around) — mh weeeelllll it’s not that I think EeL is sub-leaning-switch like all the other sub-leaning-switches in here it’s that I really think he’s. fuckin. sub-pretending-to-dom it’s the pretending thats 🤌 key. happily and smugly thinking he’s being really cool and sneaky about it! 🙄took a decade for Maci to catch onto his nonsense and collar h
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levil0vesyou · 2 years
succumb & succ cum
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wackymaci · 7 months
**don’t reblog this lmao**
oh I. Forgot about this secwet blog OKAY well as I’m working on this whole Drama Update we cccan hAve.. ONE I think right nooow— like I said on Twitter. I. I’m so excited about this specific pic AND the context is vague enough to not even be a “spoiler” AND I’ve literaly already posted that this happened that I can. hand this to u now I thINK,,
SO TWT EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEAAK (cw for NSFWTXT lol lol lol)— ONE FULLY CANON CONVO snip illustrated —-
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1) yes this IS abt something specific! don’t worry about that right now!
2) “😦 omg where’s Maci” no she’s right over there pulling the puppet strings of this entire operation. hello. duh. dw😏
3) (I’m actually going to edit something in this before I actually post it but that’s a ways away and I dont feel like reopening the file rn so if something looks different in the future Shh whatever )
4) the colors in this (all of these) are so atrocious and I’m SO delighted about it 😌😌😌
5) it’s still not an endgame throuple lmfao oh my gGGGODDDDD—
6) i really literally am exploding into one million billion pieces about this STILL. Bonus here’s Me
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letterfromajax · 2 years
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gnashin · 2 years
jesus christ my dick is ROCK solid what the fuck lkdfgdfhk
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eurazba · 2 years
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CPR x Misery x Reese’s puffs meme with the Washington siblings
“You good Han?”
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habeascorpseus · 2 years
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this is the bad place
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chthonicgodling · 9 days
it’s 1 am which is a good time to make a post on ~*the trusty nsfw blog*~ which is - as always - exactly right here on this very blog but you have to imagine we’re all taking one half step over to the side, to differentiate.
due to whatever algorithm I’ve accidentally broken, my fyp on tiktok has somehow shifted to constantly showing me a litany of videos fancy kink collars and they’re PRETTY and like, hilariously here in the Elysian Fields, kink capital of the underworld, ( I believe it’s common knowledge that) due to our stupid shenanigans Maci’s palace contains no less than three individuals who do wear “permanent” collars currently (Which. oops. how’d that happen.) this post isn’t about Chal and Ty though it’s ABOUT how WELL my fucking problem is I’ve been whining to myself that I should have designed the one stuck on EeL better cause I— really did not put any artistic thought into it, , and he’s certainly been wearing it just casually in all of those comic parts loooool so it’s just. THERE THAT WAY NOW.
But iiiiii have been desperately wanting to upgrade it Fancier???? into something more like. metally jewelry?? I dont know there’s just SO many different types again I did NOT look into it at all, Chal’s and Ty’s both work with their respective aesthetics but I can’t have three of the sameeeeee aaAHHHH BUT BUT BUT but because I’m neurotic I don’t want to backtrack retcon anything and so if it changes it’s gonna have to be a canon change and a Whole Thing™. which like. am I gonna get around to that?????? I don’t know 😭 maybe 😭😭 idk when the opportunity is gonna arise itself AUGH
and here comes my tiktok algorithm taunting and terrorizing me with endless possibilities now?!!!! I’m suffering???? I’m making the algorithm worse cause I keep bookmarking options that are cute if I DO manage to steamroll a canon moment??? what even ISSSSS MY LIFEEEEE THE ELYSIUMVERSE IS SOOO UNSERIOUSSSSSSS AAHHHHH well there’s my current plight. puppy collar remains until further notice because that’s what it is but. I could have done better and mMMAYBE I WILL IN MY WILDEST DREAMS AAHHH
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uptillion · 2 years
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Have a pingus meme
No, I do not take criticism
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